Summary of Vendors Participating in Medicare PHR Choice This chart shows you basic information about the Personal Health Record vendors and their products offered as part of Medicare PHR Choice. Because the PHRs vary, Medicare recommends you visit each of the vendor websites to see their tool and features before you make your choice. The beginning of this summary compares various features followed by additional features of each PHR tool. For more information on Medicare PHR Choice and to sign-up, visit on the web.

PHR Vendor Health Trio Passport MD PHR(s) Offered Basic Basic Premium Concierge Annual

Cost Free Free Free $9.95/year $59.95/year Free

Displays text in claims in Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes understandable language Can enter your own health information Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Ability to authorize family or providers Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes to view record Has links to Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes information Has print capability Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Can import pharmacy data Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes

Can import laboratory data Yes No No No No Yes

Can view radiology images No No No No No Yes Can communicate with providers No No Yes Yes Yes Yes (e.g. email) Has graphic displays of clinical Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes information Can communicate with medical Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes devices Has authorizations and consent for No No Yes Yes Yes Yes treatment forms Has personal support available to help No No No No No Yes populate PHR Can view tool in other languages No No No No No No

Updated February 16, 2010 Other Important Features

Google Health Trio Passport MD Google Health Basic Basic Premium Concierge Annual Drug interaction Creates a continuity of Ability to send PHR to Basic features listed Basic and Premium Premium customer service checker care record with most your physicians from one column to left, features listed in two for all members important information plus: columns to left, plus: Search for doctors to share with Integrations with Google and in your providers, such as Ability to interact with Ability to upload Ability to send your Health & Microsoft area personal and PHR on Web-enabled documents to your PHR from HealthVault insurance information, cell phone or mobile PHR advance directives, device to your medical Safety Deposit Box illnesses and Ability to send your contacts on their conditions Integration with PHR to your medical specific registration Medication Reminders Google Health and contacts from a Web- forms, minimizing the Medication Profile Microsoft HealthVault enabled phone or need for you to fill out Doctor Connector mobile device medical clipboards Health Calendar and Ability to print an Wellness Tracker Health Tracker NMC911 emergency access card Education Center Social & Family History tracking Health Savings Calculators

Wallet Card Wallet Card

Healthwise MediConnect Record Knowledgebase – get Retrieval Services latest articles on (Fees for MediConnect to health conditions retrieve, digitize and upload) $29.95* per basic record request $39.95* per X-ray, CAT scan or MRI *Plus provider fees. See website for more detail. Web Link and Customer Support http://www.myphrchoi http://www.nomoreclip http://www.nomoreclip http://www.nomoreclip m/health m/medicare support@NoMoreClip support@NoMoreClip support@NoMoreClip [email protected] port/health 1-866-674-5911 1-877-814-9909 877-643-3463 877-643-3463

Narrative Description of Features Offered by Vendors in Medicare PHR Choice

There are four vendors participating in Medicare PHR Choice: Google, Health Trio, No More, and Passport MD.

Google. Google offers one PHR product in Medicare PHR Choice: Google Health. The cost is Free. Of the comparative features among all Medicare PHR Choice vendors, Google Health features include: Displays test in claims in understandable language – yes. Can enter your own health information – yes. Ability to authorize family or providers to view record – yes. Has links to health education information – yes. Has print capability – yes. Can import pharmacy data – yes. Can import laboratory data – yes. Can view radiology images – no. Can communicate with providers (such as e-mail) – no. Has graphic displays of clinical information – yes. Can communicate with medical devices – yes. Has authorizations and consent for treatment forms – no. Has personal support available to help populate PHR – no. Can view tool in other languages – no. Google Health also offers the following important features: Drug interaction checker, and Search for doctors and hospitals in your area. Web links for Google Health is and customer support information is available at .

Health Trio. Health Trio offers one PHR product in Medicare PHR Choice: Health Trio Basic. The cost is Free. The cost is Free. Of the comparative features among all Medicare PHR Choice vendors, Health Trio Basic features include: Displays test in claims in understandable language – yes. Can enter your own health information – yes. Ability to authorize family or providers to view record – yes. Has links to health education information – yes. Has print capability – yes. Can import pharmacy data – no. Can import laboratory data – no. Can view radiology images – no. Can communicate with providers (such as e-mail) – no. Has graphic displays of clinical information – yes. Can communicate with medical devices – no. Has authorizations and consent for treatment forms – no. Has personal support available to help populate PHR – no. Can view tool in other languages – no. Health Trio Basic also offers the following important features: Creates a continuity of care record with most important information to share with providers, such as personal and insurance information, advance directives, illnesses and conditions. Medication profile. Health calendar and health tracker. Social and family history. Wallet card. Health wise Knowledge base – get latest articles on health conditions. Web links for Health Trio Basic is and customer support information is available at http://[email protected] or by calling 1-877-814-9909.

No More No More Clipboard offers three PHR products in Medicare PHR Choice: Basic, Premium, and Concierge. The cost varies for each PHR product. The features for each PHR product follows. No More Basic PHR. The cost for Basic is Free. Of the comparative features among all Medicare PHR Choice vendors, No More Clipboard Basic features include: Displays test in claims in understandable language – yes. Can enter your own health information – yes. Ability to authorize family or providers to view record – yes. Has links to health education information – yes. Has print capability – yes. Can import pharmacy data – yes. Can import laboratory data – no. Can view radiology images – no. Can communicate with providers (such as e-mail) – yes. Has graphic displays of clinical information – yes. Can communicate with medical devices – yes. Has authorizations and consent for treatment forms – yes. Has personal support available to help populate PHR – no. Can view tool in other languages – no. No More Clipboard Basic also offers the following important features: Ability to send PHR to your physicians from no More Ability to interact with PHR on web-enabled cell phone or mobile device. Integration with Google Health and Microsoft Health Vault. Ability to print a No More Clipboard 911 emergency access card. Health data tracking. Web links for No More Clipboard Basic is and customer support information is available by e-mail at [email protected].

No More Premium PHR. The cost for Premium is $9.95 per year. Of the comparative features among all Medicare PHR Choice vendors, No More Clipboard Premium features include: Displays test in claims in understandable language – yes. Can enter your own health information – yes. Ability to authorize family or providers to view record – yes. Has links to health education information – yes. Has print capability – yes. Can import pharmacy data – yes. Can import laboratory data – no. Can view radiology images – no. Can communicate with providers (such as e-mail) – yes. Has graphic displays of clinical information – yes. Can communicate with medical devices – yes. Has authorizations and consent for treatment forms – yes. Has personal support available to help populate PHR – no. Can view tool in other languages – no. No More Clipboard Premium also offers the following important features: Ability to send PHR to your physicians from no More Ability to interact with PHR on web-enabled cell phone or mobile device. Integration with Google Health and Microsoft Health Vault. Ability to print a No More Clipboard 911 emergency access card. Health data tracking. Ability to upload documents to your PHR. Ability to send your PHR to your medical contacts from a web-enabled phone or mobile device. Web links for No More Clipboard Basic is and customer support information is available by e-mail at [email protected] or by calling 1-877-643-3463.

No More Concierge PHR. The cost for Concierge is $59.95 per year. Of the comparative features among all Medicare PHR Choice vendors, No More Clipboard Concierge features include: Displays test in claims in understandable language – yes. Can enter your own health information – yes. Ability to authorize family or providers to view record – yes. Has links to health education information – yes. Has print capability – yes. Can import pharmacy data – yes. Can import laboratory data – no. Can view radiology images – no. Can communicate with providers (such as e-mail) – yes. Has graphic displays of clinical information – yes. Can communicate with medical devices – yes. Has authorizations and consent for treatment forms – yes. Has personal support available to help populate PHR – no. Can view tool in other languages – no. No More Clipboard Premium also offers the following important features: Ability to send PHR to your physicians from no More Ability to interact with PHR on web-enabled cell phone or mobile device. Integration with Google Health and Microsoft Health Vault. Ability to print a No More Clipboard 911 emergency access card. Health data tracking. Ability to upload documents to your PHR. Ability to send your PHR to your medical contacts from a web-enabled phone or mobile device. Ability to send your PHR from No More to your medical contacts on their specific registration forms, minimizing the need for you to fill out medical clipboards. Web links for No More Clipboard Basic is and customer support information is available by e-mail at [email protected] or by calling 1-877-643-3463.

Passport MD. Passport MD offers one PHR product in Medicare PHR Choice: Passport MD Annual. The cost is Free. The cost is Free. Of the comparative features among all Medicare PHR Choice vendors, Passport MD Annual features include: Displays test in claims in understandable language – yes. Can enter your own health information – yes. Ability to authorize family or providers to view record – yes. Has links to health education information – yes. Has print capability – yes. Can import pharmacy data – yes. Can import laboratory data – yes. Can view radiology images – yes. Can communicate with providers (such as e-mail) – yes. Has graphic displays of clinical information – yes. Can communicate with medical devices – yes. Has authorizations and consent for treatment forms – yes. Has personal support available to help populate PHR – yes. Can view tool in other languages – no. Passport MD Annual also offers the following important features: Premium customer service for all members. Integrations with Google Health and Microsoft Health Vault. Safety Deposit Box. Medication reminders. Doctor connector. Wellness tracker. Education center. Health savings calculators. Wallet card. Medi-Connect Record retrieval services. Fees for Medi-Connect to retrieve, digitize, and upload are $29.95 per basic record request or $39.95 per x-ray, CAT scan or MRI. Provider fees will be in addition to the fees listed. See website for more detail.

Web links for Passport MD Annual is and customer support information is available by e-mail at [email protected] or by calling 1-866-674-5911.