The Political and : Presenting the POP group in Mars 2010.

References to politics and political powers turns up in many ways in – in understanding reforms as well as governing and organising education, in knowledge organization and differentiation, in alternative designs of courses and lessons, as well as in teaching and classroom interaction. The political in education can be conceptualised in many ways, in terms of power relations, asymmetries, hierarchies, gender regimes, class, gender, ethnicity, social inclusion and exclusion, or as curriculum codes and cultural reproduction. Given this multiplicity, more synthesized understandings of the interrelation between politics and education is important, as well as urgent.

Research areas in POP:  The political in education – governance and organization  Curriculum theory  Comparative studies – internationalization and globalization  Profession theory and professionalization  Classroom interaction and teaching processes  Educational geographies

Background and research position: In the research programme “the Political and Pedagogy” (POP) – where Pedagogy refers toe th scientific discipline “Pedagogik” ‐ a basic theme is an ambition to capture and analyse political aspects of educational phenomena. “The political” (e.g Mouffe, 2005) and the working of distinctions and categorizations (e.g. Hacking, 2002) is part and parcel of “the pedagogical” as expressed in educational power relations within educational settings and manifested in particular social, economical and cultural embodiments. Educational policy‐making practices is but one way in dealing with the political. Analyses of the political in education must be extended to the political rationalities and powers in different fields – e.g. in governance and governmentality (e.g. Rose, 1989), in professionalization (Fournier, 1999), in control over assets (Olin Wright, 1997), in knowledge politics (Foucault, 1977), and in the construction of educational systems (Lenzen & Luhmann, 1997) and analyses of organization (Czarniawska & Sevon, 1996). This interest in the political in education is related to more specific traditions in , such as curriculum theory (Englund, 2000; Lundgren, 1979; Pinar, 2006), comparative education and the politics of comparative studies in education (Novóa & Y 2003; Steiner‐Khamsi, 2004) and in analyses of pedagogical devices and the politics of framing and classification in pedagogy (Bernstein, 2000) and classroom discourses (Lindblad & Sahlström, 2000; Mehan 1992). This in turn is now developed into future studies on migration (Sassen; 2002); educational classification and differentiation (Popkewitz, 2008) and educational geographies (Edwards & Usher, 2000), transnational governance (Djelic & Sahlin Andersson, 2006) and globalization (Popkewitz & Rizvi, 2009).

Research organisation, research cooperation and projects: Current research in the POP research programme is mostly carried out in externally funded research projects and in doctoral dissertation work. Integrative in the programme are bi‐weekly POP seminars 2

and collegia. Research cooperation is organised in terms of national and international networks and international projects. The POP group is convening the research networks: (1) Swedish network for studies on the political in education, (2) the Nordic Network on Studies and the Political in Education. The POP‐group is also participating in (3) the EERA network on Education Policy Analysis and the Political in Education, and (4) the Politics in Education Association (related to the AERA).

International research projects are: Professional Knowledge in Education and Health Care (PROFKNOW is a seven country study coordinated by the POP group), the Learner’s Perspective Study (The LPS is a fifteen country study on classroom interaction), and the now by POP initiated Contextualizing teaching and learning: International and comparative studies on classroom interaction.

Related to the LPS is the research project Classroom interaction‐teaching‐learning based on micro‐ ethnographic analyses of video‐ and audio‐recordings of classroom interaction from 1968 up to 2003 and the ongoing development of the Laboratory for Classroom Interaction and Teaching. Here, we find a number of video and audio recordings of classroom interaction as shown in the table below:

Years Principal Grade Audio Video Research project Short investigator (hours) (hours) 1967‐68 Karl‐Gustaf 6 ≈ 600 ≈ 150 Didactic Process Analyses, the DPA‐project DPA Stukat (National Board of Education) 1972‐73 Joachim 8 20 ‐ The School Class as a Social System (National SSS Israel Board of Education) 1993‐95 Sverker 7‐9 148 152 Longitudinella Studier av Mikropolitiska Strategier MIKRO Lindblad och Ungdomars Skolkarriärer (HSFR) 1998 Sverker 6 35 35 Classroom interaction and learning in a multi‐ KLMU Lindblad cultural society 2000‐04 Sverker F‐2 ‐ 200 and school in cooperation FISK Lindblad http://www.ped.uu.se/fisk (National Agency for Education) 2002‐ Sverker 8 ‐ 100 Swedish School Culture in Comparative KULT ongoing Lindblad Perspective. http://www.ped.uu.se/kult (Riksbankens jubileumsfond) 1999‐ David 8 ‐ > 500 Learner Perspective Study – 15 countries LPS ongoing Clarke http://www.edfac.unimelb.edu.au/DSME/ICCR/

The project School results and lived curricula in late modernity is based on curriculum theory traditions and notions of educational systems focusing on the performative turn in education and on the meaning of school results for students and , corresponding to the studies on teachers’ work and life under restructuring ine th PROFKNOW study. The governance and organization of education are studied and analyzed in Transforming incentives in Swedish , and in Dynamic evaluations? The Gothenburg case where the political in evaluation is scrutinized. The project Successful education settings as action nets is a four‐year field study of the organizing and re‐ organizing in a handful of settings during a major reform at the upper level.


Research achievements and publications:

The POP research programme is now emphasizing research communication and publication. A selection of publications is presented after the general references below. Here we put forwards a few recent achievements:

 A more differentiated understanding of welfare state restructuring in relation to political trajectories in different national contexts, compared to previous too simplistic and homogenized ways of comprehending educational implications of e.g. deregulation and marketization. (Goodson & Lindblad, in press)  A development of the teaching professionalization concept with a focus of power/knowledge problematics and boundary work (Foss Lindblad & Lindblad, 2009) in relation to institutional restructuring. This is combined with cross‐professional and international comparisons of teaching and nursing (Houtsonen & Wärvik, 2009) concerning relations between work organization and professional positions (Houtsonen et al, in print).  Contributions to the falsification of the thesis of the persistence of recitation in classroom discourses and development of conceptual frameworks for analyses of complex classroom interaction (Harling, Reichenberg & Erlandson, 2009) related to analyses of social systems.  Analyses concerning in relation to contraction (Askling, Foss Lindblad & Wärvik, 2007) and transnational governance of higher education (Lindblad & Foss Lindblad, 2009) as part of changing governance of higher education.

General references: Bernstein, B. (2000) Pedagogy, Symbolic Control and Identity. London: Taylor and Francis Czarniawska, B., & Sevón, G. (1996) Translating organizational change, Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter. Edwards, R. & Usher, R. (2000): Space, Curriculum and Learning. Information Age Publishing Englund, T. (2000): Rethinking democracy and education ‐ towards an education of deliberative citizens. Journal of Curriculum Studies 32(2) 305‐313. Foucault, M. (1977): Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Penitentiary, London: Tavistock, 1977. Fournier, V. (1999):The Appeal to “Professionalism” as a Disciplinary Mechanism, Social Review 47(2): 280–307. Hacking, I. (2002): Historical Ontology. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Press. Lenzen, D. & Luhmann, N. (1997): Bildung und Weiterbildung im Erziehungssystem: Lebenslauf und Humanontogenese als medium und Form. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp. Lundgren, U. P. (1979): Att organisera omvärlden. Stockholm: Liber. (240 s.) Mouffe, C. (2005) On the Political. London: Routledge Nóvoa, A., & Yariv‐Mashal, T. (2003). Comparative research in education: A mode of governance or a historical journey? Comparative Education, 39(4), 423–438. Olin Wright, E. (2009): Understanding Class: Towards an integrated analytical approach. New Left Review, Vol 60, Nov‐Dec 2009. Pinar, W. F. (2006): What is curriculum theory? Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum 2004 Popkewitz, T. (2008). Cosmopolitanism and the age of school: reform Science, education, and making society by making the child. New York: Routledge. (150 s) Popkewitz, T.S. & Rizvi, F. (Eds): Globalization and the study of Education. Malden: Wiley‐Blackwell Rose, N. (1989). Governing the Soul. New York: Routledge, Chapman & Hall. Sassen, S. (2002). Countergeographies of Globalization: The Feminization of Survival. Paper presented at the conference on “Gender Budgets, Financial Markets, Financing for Development, in Berlin February 2002. Steiner‐ Khamsi, G. (Ed.) (2004): The Global Politics of Educational Borrowing & Lending. New York: Teachers College Press, pp. 201 ‐ 220 4

References from POP research publications: Askling, B. ; Foss Lindblad, R. ; Wärvik, G‐B. (red.) (2007). Expansion och kontraktion. Utmaningar för högskolesystemet och utbildningsforskare. (Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie 9:2007). Stockholm Bergviken‐Rensfeldt, A. & Riomar, S. (2010). Gendered distance education spaces: "Keeping women in place?". In Booth, S., Goodman, S. & Kirkup, G. (eds). Gender Differences in Learning and Working with Technology: Social Constructs and Cultural Contexts. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global. Foss Lindblad, R. & Lander, R. (red.) (2009). Att säkra det osäkra. Reflektion och makt i skolans utvärdering. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Foss Lindblad, R. ; Lindblad, S. (2009). The Politics of Professionalizing Talk on Teaching: Boundary Work and Reconfigurations of Teaching and Teachers. In Simons, M., Olsen, M. & Peters, M.P. (Eds): Re‐Reading Education Policies: A Handbook Studying the Policy Agenda of the 21st Century.. s. 786‐806. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. Goodson, I. & Lindblad, S. (Eds). (2010). Teachers’ Professional Work and Life under Restructuring in Europe. Rotterdam: Sense. (in print). Granath, G. (2008). Mer disciplin löser inte skolans problem. Magasin 360. Om forskning och utveckling i skolan och förskolan. (1) s. 6‐6. Hansen, M. ; Lander, R. (2009). Om statens verktyg för skoljämförelser: Vem vill dansa SALSA?. Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige. 14 (1) s. 1‐21. Hansen, M. ; Lindblad, S. & Samuelsson, K. (2009). Organising school careers by means of information systems: On differentiating students in a school for everybody. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), 28‐30 September 2009, Vienna, Austria. Harling, M. ; Reichenberg Carlström, O. ;, Erlandson P. (2009). Classroom Interaction in Sweden – A Historical Comparison. Paper presented at the European Education Research Association Conference in Vienna, September 2009. Henning Loeb, I. ; Lumsden Wass, K. ; Hill, M. (2009). Successful educational settings as action nets. Case studies from individual programs at upper secondary education and basic education for adults. ECER Wien 2009. Houtsonen, J., Lindblad, S., Sohlberg, P., Dupont, M. & Czaplicka, M. (2010): World‐Wide Restructuring in Education and National Refractions: Finnish, Irish and Swedish Teachers’ Perceptions of Current Changes. Accepted for publication in Current Sociology. Houtsonen, J. & Wärvik, G‐B. (eds). (2009). European Nurses’ Life and Work under Restructuring. Rotterdam and Taipei: SensePublishers. Knutsson, B. (2009). The Intellectual History of Development ‐ Towards a Widening Potential Repertoire. Perspectives. (13) s. 1‐45. Lindblad, S. ; Foss Lindblad, R. (2009). Transnational governance of higher education: On globalization and international university ranking lists. In Popkewitz, T.,S. & Rizvi, F. (Eds): Lindblad, S., & Popkewitz, T.S. (2004). Educational restructuring: International perspectives on traveling policies. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. Nyvaller, M. (2009). The need of new clothes for old bodies – from the discourse of problems and weaknesses to a discourse of solutions and strengths. Presented at The 37th Annual congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA), Trondheim, Norway 5th – 7th of March 2009. Reichenberg, M. (2009). Vocational students talk about texts in small groups. In L1 – Educational Studies in Language and Literature. 9 (1) s. 63‐89. Romhed, R. (2006). A race to the bottom : Betygsinflationens oregerliga marknadslogik. Ord & bild (Tema Skolan). s. 164‐167. Runesdotter, C. (2009). Folkhögskolan och folkbildningsreformen 1991 i backspegeln. B. Gustavsson; G. Andersdotter; L. Sjöman (Red.), Folkhögskolans praktiker i förändring.. s. 273‐291. Lund: Studentlitteratur