124 Sources Spring 2013 Sources Listings Organizations are listed alphabetically with acronyms first. Browse the Listings section for ideas, but remember the Subject Index (page 6) is your best tool for finding contacts on any topic

British Columbia Arbitration & Mediation Institute: A Phone: (604) 736-6614 E-mail: [email protected] ADR Institute of Canada, Glen Bell, President Inc. ADR Institute of Alberta 234 Eglinton Ave. E., Ste. 405, Phone: (780) 433-4881 Acupuncture Foundation of Toronto, ON M4P 1K5 E-mail: [email protected] Canada Institute The ADR Institute of Canada (ADRIC) is James Bancroft, President the leading professional organization for ar- 2131 Lawrence Ave. E., Ste. 204, bitrators and mediators country-wide, with ADR Institute of Saskatchewan Inc.: Scarborough, ON M1R 5G4 affiliates in British Columbia, Alberta, Sas- Toll free: 1-866-596-7275 The AFCI/IFAC is a non-profit national katchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Québec and E-mail: [email protected] organization founded in 1995 to design and the Atlantic provinces. ADRIC sets stand- Scott Siemens, President provide continuing education in acupunc- ards and grants its senior designations to its ADR Institute of Manitoba, Inc.: ture to physicians, dentists, physiotherapists, chiropractors, naturopathic doctors, occupa- most experienced members: Chartered Me- Phone: 1-877-489-7452 diators (C.Med) and Chartered Arbitrators E-mail: [email protected] tional therapists, baccalaureate registered (C.Arb). ADRIC is a key source for lawyers nurses and acupuncturists who are licensed looking for neutrals and for organizations, Paul McMullan, President to practise their health professions in the ju- associations or government bodies that re- Institut de médiation et d’arbitrage du risdiction in which they are presently en- quire neutrals to resolve disputes between Québec: gaged in practice. organizations and their clients or customers. E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.afcinstitute.com ADRIC administers disputes under the Na- Téléphone: (514) 282-3327 Télécopieur: E-mail: [email protected] tional Arbitration Rules of the ADR Institute (514) 282-2214 of Canada. Experts in every area of media- Courrier électronique: [email protected] HEAD OFFICE: tion and/or arbitration return calls promptly. Thierry Bériault, Président Ronda Kellington, Managing Director Website: www.adrcanada.ca ADR Atlantic Institute: Phone: (416) 752-3988 FAX: (416) 752-4398 Phone: (416) 487-4733 E-mail: [email protected] FAX: (416) 487-4429 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Accent on Feet Linda Rapson, M.D., CAFCI Executive President James Musgrave, President 4430 Bathurst St., Ste. 503, Mary Anne Harnick, Executive Director Phone: (416) 968-1366 TOEronto, ON M3H 3S3 FAX: (416) 968-1367 AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS Advanced Hi-Tech foot care service. Spe- E-mail: [email protected] ACROSS CANADA: cializing in bunions, heel pain and prescrip- ADR Institute of Ontario, Inc.: tion orthotics. World-renowned celebrity African, Caribbean and Phone: (416) 487-4447 shoe collection. Most widely quoted podia- E-mail: [email protected] trist. Pacific Group of States Anne E. Grant, President Website: www.accentonfeet.com 37-39, rue de Vermont, CH-1202, Mary Anne Harnick, Executive Director Hartley Miltchin, D.P.M. (Doctor of Geneva, Switzerland Podiatric Medicine) The African, Caribbean and Pacific Group Phone: (416) 635-8637 of States (ACP) is an organization created by Toll free: 1-866-535-8637 the Georgetown Agreement in 1975. It is FAX: (416) 635-8678 composed of African, Caribbean and Pacific States signatories to the Georgetown Agree- Spring 2013 Sources 125 ment or the Partnership Agreement between African Development Bank Agency for Prohibition of the ACP and the European Union, officially called the “ACP-EC Partnership Agree- 15, ave du Ghana, P.O. Box 323-1002, Nuclear Weapons in Latin ment” or the “Cotonou Agreement”. Tunis-Belvedère, Tunisia, The African Development Bank (AfDB) America and Caribbean Objectives Group’s mission is to help reduce poverty, Schiller 326 – 5º floor, Col. Chapultepec The ACP Group’s main objectives are: improve living conditions for Africans and Morales, Mexico City, 11570 México, • sustainable development of its member- mobilize resources for the continent’s eco- The Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear states and their gradual integration into nomic and social development. With this Weapons in Latin America and the Carib- the global economy, which entails mak- objective in mind, the institution aims at as- bean (OPANAL) is an intergovernmental ing poverty reduction a matter of priority sisting African countries individually and agency created by the Treaty of Tlatelolco and establishing a new, fairer, and more collectively – in their efforts to achieve sus- to ensure that the obligations of the Treaty equitable world order; tainable economic development and social be met. OPANAL is responsible for convok- • coordination of the activities of the ACP progress. Combating poverty is at the heart ing regular and special general conferences Group in the framework of the implemen- of the continent’s efforts to attain sustain- and consultation meetings related to the es- tation of ACP-EC Partnership Agree- able economic growth. To this end, the tablished purposes, means, and procedures ments; Bank seeks to stimulate and mobilize inter- of the Treaty. OPANAL also supervises the • consolidation of unity and solidarity nal and external resources to promote in- adherence to the Control System and the among ACP states, as well as understand- vestments as well as provide its regional obligations stemming from the Treaty of ing among their peoples; member countries with technical and finan- Tlatelolco. cial assistance. • establishment and consolidation of peace Website: www.opanal.org Le Groupe de la Banque africaine de and stability in a free and democratic so- Phone: 52-55 5255-2914 développement (BAD) s’est donné comme ciety. E-mail: [email protected] Composition priorités la lutte contre la pauvreté, The ACP Group consists of 79 member- l’amélioration des conditions de vie des states, all of them, save Cuba, signatories to populations africaines et la mobilisation de the Cotonou Agreement which binds them ressources pour le progrès économique et to the European Union: 48 countries from social de ses pays membres régionaux. Le Sub-Saharan Africa, 16 from the Caribbean but essentiel de la BAD est de contribuer au and 15 from the Pacific. développement économique et au progrès List of ACP countries: Angola – Antigua social des pays africains, pris individuel- and Barbuda – Belize – Cape Verde – lement et collectivement. Dans ce cadre, le Comoros – Bahamas – Barbados – Benin – défi majeur de la banque est la réduction de Botswana – Burkina Faso – Burundi – la pauvreté en Afrique. A cet effet, elle Air Canada Pilots Cameroon – Central African Republic – cherche à stimuler et à mobiliser les Association Chad – Congo (Brazzaville) – Congo (Kin- ressources intérieures et extérieures, à promouvoir l’investissement, ainsi qu’à 6299 Airport Rd., Ste. 205, shasa) – Cook Islands – Cote d’Ivoire – Mississauga, ON L4V 1N3 Cuba – Djibouti – Dominica – Dominican fournir une assistance technique et financière à ses pays membres régionaux. The Air Canada Pilots Association is the Republic – Eritrea – Ethiopia – Fiji – Ga- largest professional pilot group in Canada, bon – Gambia – Ghana – Grenada – Repub- Website: www.afdb.org representing the more than 3,000 pilots who lic of Guinea – Guinea-Bissau – Equatorial fly millions of passengers across Canada Guinea – Guyana – Haiti – Jamaica – Kenya Phone: +216-71-333-511 E-mail: [email protected] and around the world for Air Canada and – Kiribati – Lesotho – Liberia – Madagas- Air Canada rouge. car – Malawi – Mali – Marshall Islands – Mauritania – Mauritius – Micronesia – Mo- African Union Website: www.acpa.ca zambique – Namibia – Nauru – Niger – Ni- P.O. Box 3243, Roosvelt St. (Old Airport Phone for all below: (905) 678-9008 or geria – Niue – Palau – Papua New Guinea – Area), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Toll free: 1-800-634-0944 Rwanda – St. Kitts and Nevis – St. Lucia – The African Union (abbreviated AU in FAX: (905) 678-9016 St. Vincent and the Grenadines – Solomon English, and UA in its other official lan- Captain Craig Blandford, President Islands – Samoa – Sao Tome and Principe guages) is an intergovernmental organiza- – Senegal – Seychelles – Sierra Leone – tion consisting of 53 African states. Paul Howard, Director of Somalia – South Africa – Sudan – Suriname Established on 9 July 2002, the AU was Communications – Swaziland – Tanzania – Timor Leste – formed as a successor to the Organisation of Ext. 4011 LISTINGS Togo – Tonga – Trinidad and Tobago – African Unity (OAU). The most important E-mail: [email protected] Tuvalu – Uganda – Vanuatu – Zambia – decisions of the AU are made by the Assem- Zimbabwe. bly of the African Union, a twice-yearly Website: www.acpsec.org meeting of the heads of state and govern- ment of its member states. The AU’s secre- Phone: 4122-748 1490 tariat, the African Union Commission, is E-mail: [email protected] based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Website: www.africa-union.org Phone: 251-11-551-77 00 E-mail: [email protected] 126 Sources Spring 2013 The Alberta Teachers’ Anthology Film Archives Archive of Popular Association 32 Second Ave., American Music New York, NY 10003, USA 11010 142nd St. N.W., Los Angeles, CA, USA Anthology Film Archives is an interna- Edmonton, AB T5N 2R1 The UCLA Music Library’s Archive of tional centre for the preservation, study and The Alberta Teachers’ Association, as the Popular American Music is a research col- exhibition of film and video with a particu- professional organization of teachers, pro- lection covering the history of popular mu- lar focus on American independent and motes and advances public education, safe- sic in the United States from 1790 to the avant-garde cinema and its precursors found guards standards of professional practice present. The collection, fully accessible at in classic European, Soviet and Japanese and serves as the advocate for its 35,000 the item level through the UCLA Library film. members. The association also conducts Orion2 catalog, is one of the largest in the Anthology Film Archives evolved from educational research, lobbies government to country, numbering almost 450,000 pieces roots and visions that go back to the early promote excellent education policies and of sheet music, anthologies and arrange- Sixties, when Jonas Mekas, the director of handles collective bargaining and griev- ments for band and orchestra. The collec- the Film-Makers Cinematheque, a show- ances. tion also includes 62,500 recordings on disc, case for avant-garde films, dreamed of es- tape and cylinder. Website: www.teachers.ab.ca tablishing a permanent home where the Particular strengths within UCLA Music growing number of new independent/avant- Toll free in Alberta: 1-800-232-7208 Library’s twentieth-century holdings in- garde films could be shown on a regular clude music for the theatre, motion pictures, Carol Henderson, President basis. radio and television, as well as general Phone: (780) 447-9457 This dream became a reality in 1969 when popular music, country, rhythm and blues, FAX: (780) 455-6481 Jerome Hill, P. Adams Sitney, Peter and rock songs. E-mail: [email protected] Kubelka, Stan Brakhage and Jonas Mekas The Digital Archive of Popular American drew up plans to create a museum dedicated Jonathan Teghtmeyer, Associate Music is an initiative designed to provide to the vision of the art of cinema as guided Coordinator, Communications access to digital versions of the sheet music by the avant-garde sensibility. A Film Selec- Phone: (780) 447-9477 and performances of the songs now in the tion committee – James Broughton, Ken FAX: (780) 455-6481 public domain. E-mail: [email protected] Kelman, Peter Kubelka, Jonas Mekas and P. Adams Sitney – was formed to establish a Website: Laura Harris, Media Liaison definitive collection of films (The Essential http://digital.library.ucla.edu/apam/ Phone: (780) 447-9476 Cinema Repertory) and form the structure FAX: (780) 455-6481 E-mail: [email protected] of the new institution. E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.anthologyfilmarchives.org Alchera Press Phone: 212-505-5181 2 Campbell Dr., Ste. 777, E-mail: [email protected] Uxbridge, ON L9P 0A3 Small press book publisher, publishing the Appleton & Associates works of Canadian author Lisa Llamrei. International Lawyers Website: www.alcherapress.com The Arthritis Society is the primary source www.lisallamrei.com 77 Bloor St. W., Ste. 1800, Toronto, ON M5S 1M2 of information and education for people liv- American Museum of Our lawyers specialize in international ing with arthritis in Canada. The mission of law, specifically: NAFTA, WTO, Canada- The Society is to search for the underlying Natural History EU Trade, international arbitration, inter- causes and subsequent cures for arthritis, provincial trade, and international business and to promote the best possible care and Central Park West and 79th St., New York, treatment for people with arthritis. NY 10024-5192, USA disputes. Listed in Who’s Who of Public In- The American Museum of Natural History ternational Law and ranked among TOP La Société de l’arthrite est la principale (AMNH), located in New York, comprises U.S. Lawyers for International Commercial source d’information et de services 25 interconnected buildings that house 46 Arbitration. Author of books on NAFTA éducatifs pour les personnes arthritiques au permanent exhibition halls, research labora- and International Trade. Canada. Elle a pour mission d’encourager tories and its renowned library. Website: www.appletonlaw.com la recherche sur les causes sous-jacentes de The collections contain over 32 million l’arthrite et de favoriser la découverte de Barry Appleton, Managing Partner specimens, of which only a small fraction moyens pour guérir cette maladie. Elle Phone: (416) 966-8800 can be displayed at any given time. The s’attache également à promouvoir l’accès FAX: (416) 966-8801 museum has a scientific staff of more than aux meilleurs soins et traitements possibles E-mail: [email protected] 200, and sponsors over 100 special field pour les personnes arthritiques. expeditions each year. Washington, DC Office: Website: www.arthritis.ca Website: www.amnh.org 800 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Suite 888, Website: www.arthrite.ca Washington, DC 20006 Facebook: www.facebook.com/ ArthritisSociety Twitter: http://twitter.com/arthritissoc Toll free across Canada: 1-800-321-1433 E-mail: [email protected] Spring 2013 Sources 127

NATIONAL OFFICE: New Brunswick/Newfoundland & At present, we work with more than 80 Steven McNair, President and CEO Labrador/Nova Scotia/Prince Edward implementing partners across the globe that 393 University Ave., Ste. 1700, Island: are active in areas such as human rights, Toronto, ON M5G 1E6 Susan Tilley-Russell, Executive Director freedom of information, democratization, Melanie Nolan, Communications the media, women, health and environment. Tracy Folkes Hanson, Vice-President, Co-ordinator, Atlantic Region Website: www.article19.org Marketing, Communications and 3770 Kempt Rd., Ste. 210, Stakeholder Relations Halifax, NS B3K 4X8 Phone: +44 20 7278 9292 Phone: (416) 979-7228, ext. 3391 Phone: (902) 429-7025, ext. 222 E-mail: [email protected] FAX: (416) 979-8366 FAX: (902) 423-6479 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Asian Civilisations Museum Douglas Emerson, National Manager, 1 Empress Place, Singapore 179555, Marketing and Communications Article 19 The Asian Civilisations Museum (ACM) Phone: (416) 979-7228, ext. 3348 6–8 Amwell St., London EC1R 1UQ, UK is the first museum in the region to present FAX: (416) 979-8366 ARTICLE 19, a human rights pioneer, a broad yet integrated perspective of pan- E-mail: [email protected] defends and promotes freedom of expres- Asian cultures and civilisations. As one of PROVINCIAL DIVISIONS: sion and freedom of information all over the the National Museums of Singapore under the National Heritage Board, we seek to British Columbia & Yukon: world. Censorship Kills. It starves and it re- promote a better appreciation of the rich Nancy Roper, Executive Director cultures that make up Singapore’s multi-eth- Michael Leland, Communications presses. It denies people access to informa- tion essential to their life. nic society. Manager While Singapore’s forefathers came to set- 1645 West 7th Ave., Ste. 101, Established in 1987, ARTICLE 19 fights for all hostages of censorship, defends dis- tle in Singapore from many parts of Asia Vancouver, BC V6J 1S4 within the last 200 years, the cultures Phone: (604) 714-5554 senting voices that have been muzzled, and campaigns against laws and practices that brought to Singapore by these different peo- FAX: (604) 714-5555 ple are far more ancient. This aspect of Sin- E-mail: [email protected] silence. We take our name from article 19 of the gapore’s history is the focus of the ACM. Alberta & Northwest Territories: Universal Declaration of Human Rights The Museum’s collection therefore centres Shirley Philips, Executive Director which states: on the material cultures of the different Trish Weatherup, Communications “Everyone has the right to freedom of groups originating from China, Southeast Manager opinion and expression; this right includes Asia, South Asia and West Asia. 1301 8th St. S.W., Ste. 200, freedom to hold opinions without interfer- Website: www.acm.org.sg Calgary, AB T2R 1B7 ence and to seek, receive, and impart infor- Phone: (403) 228-2571, ext. 2225 mation and ideas through any media and Asian Development Bank FAX: (403) 229-4232 regardless of frontiers.” E-mail: [email protected] ARTICLE 19 monitors, researches, pub- 6 ADB Ave., Saskatchewan/Manitoba: lishes, lobbies, campaigns, sets standards Mandaluyong City 1550, Philippines Carol Hiscock, Executive Director and litigates on behalf of freedom of expres- ADB is an international development fi- Debbie Keele, Communications sion wherever it is threatened. nance institution whose mission is to help Co-ordinator We provide expertise on international hu- its developing member countries reduce 386 Broadway, Ste. 105, man rights standards and for legislation that poverty and improve the quality of life of Winnipeg, MB R3C 3R6 protects the right to speak and right to know their people. Phone: (204) 942-4892, ext. 226 in countries emerging from conflict, war Website: www.adb.org and genocide or repression. FAX: (204) 942-4894 Phone: +632-632-4444 E-mail: [email protected] We campaign to safeguard media plural- ism, independence and diversity of views. E-mail: [email protected] Ontario: We promote the right to know of poorer Joanne Simons, Executive Director communities and advocate for the imple- Asian-African Legal Penny Tantakis, Senior Communications mentation of freedom of information legis- Consultative Organization Manager lation to ensure transparency and strengthen 393 University Ave., Ste. 1700, citizens’ participation. New Delhi, India Toronto, ON M5G 1E6 We champion freedom of expression, in- The Asian-African Legal Consultative Or- LISTINGS Phone: (416) 979-7228, ext. 3309 cluding freedom of information, as a funda- ganization (AALCO) is an international FAX: (416) 979-8366 mental human right that is also central to the governmental organization formed in 1956, E-mail: [email protected] protection of other rights. Freedom of ex- initially to serve as an advisory board to Québec: pression allows people to demand the right member states on matters of international Mark Bordeleau, Executive Director to health, to a clean environment, to law. It was an outgrowth of the Bandung Audrey Lalande, Communications and memory and to justice. It makes electoral Conference, held in Indonesia during April Media Relations Manager democracy meaningful and builds public 1955, which led to the establishment of the 380 Saint-Antoine St. W., Ste. 3280, trust in administration. It strengthens Asian Legal Consultative Committee Montréal, QC H2Y 3X7 mechanisms to hold governments account- (ALCC). In April 1958, it changed its name Phone: (514) 846-8840, ext. 227 able for their promises, obligations and ac- to the Asian-African Legal Consultative FAX: (514) 846-8999 tions. It provides external checks on state Committee (AALCC) to reflect the growth E-mail: [email protected] accountability, and thus prevents corruption of its membership beyond the African side which thrives on secrecy and closed envi- of the UAR. Since 2001, it has been known ronments. by its current name, the AALCO, reflecting the growth of its international status; cur- rently an Intergovernmental organization having received a standing UN invitation to 128 Sources Spring 2013 participate as an observer in the sessions Association of Day Care Susan Lee, Manager, Administrative and and the work of the General Assembly and Association Services maintaining a permanent office at Head- Operators of Ontario Phone: (416) 595-0006, ext. 25 quarters. (ADCO) FAX: (416) 595-0030 Website: www.aalco.int 6 Davidson St., St. Affiliate Organizations: Phone: 91-11-26152051 Catharines, ON L2R 2V4 • ANDSOOHA – Public Health Nursing E-mail: [email protected] The Association of Daycare Operators of Management Ontario (ADCO) is the industry association • Association of Ontario Public Health Association of Canadian for childcare owner/operators. Member cen- Business Administrators tres may be commercial or not-for-profit • Association of Public Health Epidemi- Pension Management enterprises. ADCO receives no government ologists of Ontario funding. Its members strive to enhance the The Association of Canadian Pension • Association of Supervisors of Public quality and range of licensed child care Management is the informed voice of Ca- Health Inspectors of Ontario nadian retirement income plan sponsors, choices available to families. ADCO pub- • Health Promotion Ontario* Ontario As- administrators and their allied service pro- lishes Childcare Today magazine. sociation of Public Health Dentistry viders. ACPM is a non-profit organization Website: www.adco-o.on.ca • Public Health whose objective is to advocate for an effec- tive and sustainable Canadian retirement Kim Yeaman and Wendy Marshall, income system. The membership represents Co-Presidents AMCTO – Association of over 400 retirement income plans consist- Toll free: 1-800-567-7075 Municipal Managers, Clerks ing of more than 3 million plan members, E-mail: [email protected] with assets under management in excess of Andrea Hannen, Corporate Strategy and and Treasurers of Ontario $330 billion. Communications 2680 Skymark Ave., Ste. 610, Website: www.acpm-acarr.com E-mail: [email protected] Mississauga, ON L4W 5L6 OWNERS-OPERATORS: AMCTO is the largest voluntary profes- Ric Marrero, Director of Marketing, sional association and the leading profes- Communications and Membership Barrie–Simcoe County: sional development organization for the Address: 1255 Bay St., Ste. 304 Karen Eilersen municipal sector in Ontario. AMCTO’s Cer- Toronto, ON M5R 2A9 Phone: (705) 733-2052 tified Municipal Officer (CMO) designation Phone: 416-964-1260 Peel Region (Mississauga–Brampton): is the foremost professional certification for FAX: 416-964-0567 Greg Humphreys municipal administrative staff. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (905) 880-8429 Website: www.amcto.com Association of Caribbean South Western Ontario–Kitchener: Phone: (905) 602-4294 Erla McCaig FAX: (905) 602-4295 States Phone: (519) 578-3578 E-mail: [email protected] 5-7 Sweet Briar Rd., St. Clair, Craig Wellington, Director, Corporate P.O. Box 660, Port of Spain, Services Trinidad & Tobado Ext. 224 The Convention Establishing the Associa- E-mail: [email protected] tion of Caribbean States (ACS) was signed on 24 July 1994 in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, with the aim of promoting con- Australian Museum sultation, cooperation and concerted action 6 College St. (opposite Hyde Park),, among all the countries of the Caribbean, Sydney, NSW 2010, Australia, comprising 25 member states and three as- Association of Local The Australian Museum has an interna- sociate members. Eight other non-inde- tional reputation in the fields of natural his- pendent Caribbean countries are eligible for Public Health Agencies tory and indigenous research, community associate membership. programs and exhibitions. The Museum was The member states are Antigua and 2 Carlton St., Ste. 1306, established in 1827 and is Australia’s first Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Co- Toronto, ON M5B 1J3 museum, with unique and extensive collec- lombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Do- alPHa provides a forum for member pub- tions of natural science and cultural arte- minican Republic, El Salvador, Grenada, lic health units and their boards to improve facts. Ontarians’ health. alPHa collaborates with Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Ja- Website: www.austmus.gov.au maica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, St. government and health organizations in Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and building a strong, effective and efficient the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and public health system. Member representa- Tobago and Venezuela. The Associate tives include board of health members, Members are: Aruba, France (on behalf of medical officers of health, and senior pub- French Guiana, Guadeloupe and Mar- lic health managers. tinique), the Netherlands Antilles, and Turks Website: www.alphaweb.org and Caicos. Linda Stewart, Executive Director Website: www.acs-aec.org Phone: (416) 595-0006, ext. 22 Phone: 868-622 9575 E-mail: [email protected] Spring 2013 Sources 129 BFI – British Film Institute Bat Conservation B The BFI (British Film Institute) promotes International understanding and appreciation of Britain’s P.O. Box 162603, rich film and television heritage and culture. Austin, TX 78716, USA Established in 1933, the BFI runs a range of An organization devoted to bats. BCI’s activities and services. mission is to teach people the value of bats, BFI Southbank (previously the National to protect and conserve critical bat habitats, Film Theatre) screens over 1,000 films a B and to advance scientific knowledge year, from rare silent comedies to cult mov- through research. All this supporting a win- ies and archive television screenings. The win beneficial solution that will benefit both venue hosts previews and gala screenings as bats and people. BC Human Resources well as events and on-stage interviews with filmmakers, actors, producers, critics and Website: www.batcon.org Management Association writers. The BFI publishes a wide range of Phone: (512) 327-9721 1111 West Hastings St., Ste. 1101, books on film and television, including criti- E-mail: [email protected] Vancouver, BC V6E 2J3 cism, theory and history as well as popular BC Human Resources Management Asso- companions to individual film titles. Bayshore Home Health ciation (BC HRMA), the largest HR asso- The Times London Film Festival is Eu- ciation in Western Canada, offers rope’s largest public film event and runs for 2155 Dunwin Dr., Suite 10, professional learning and networking op- two weeks every autumn, showcasing the Mississauga, ON L5L 4M1 portunities including workshops, symposia, best in contemporary cinema from around Bayshore Home Health is Canada’s larg- events, and an annual conference and show- the world at venues across London. The BFI est provider of home and community health case. BC HRMA, committed to providing also runs the annual London Lesbian and care services, with more than 50 home care leadership in HR excellence, has grown to Gay Film Festival each spring. Both festi- offices, 20 community care infusion clinics include 5,500 members encompassing vals tour extensively across the UK. and two dialysis centres. It provides a wide CEOs, directors of HR, consultants, educa- The National Archive (www.bfi.org.uk/ range of nursing, personal care and home tors, students, HR generalists and small nftva) is the largest archive of moving im- support services, as well as nurse/caregiver business owners. age material in the world. Started in 1935, staffing services. the collection includes over 275,000 films, Website: www.bayshore.ca Website: www.bchrma.org 210,000 TV programmes, seven million www.hrvoice.org photographs and 15,000 posters. Archived Phone: (905) 822-8075 Phone: (604) 684-7228 material is accessible via curated exhibi- FAX: (905) 822-8397 Toll free: 1-800-665-1961 tions and screenings in cinemas. Jean Ann Lowry, Media Contact FAX: (604) 684-3225 The BFI releases a range of films on video Ext. 248 E-mail: [email protected] and DVD including classic, world, silent E-mail: [email protected] and documentary cinema and archive televi- Simon Evans, CHRP, CEO Mary Mamak, Media Contact sion. E-mail: [email protected] Ext. 339 The BFI National Library offers access to E-mail: [email protected] the world’s largest collection of information on film and television. Its holdings include over 46,000 books, 5,000 periodical titles and over two million newspaper cuttings. BFI runs programmes for about 30,000 learners of all ages at BFI Southbank, as well as providing resources in print and online to support film education across the UK. We are a national advocate for film in the education sector, working particularly in BC Nurses’ Union the last 5 years with the literacy curriculum Beer Canada 4060 Regent St., Vancouver, BC V5C 6P5 at primary level. In www.screenonline. org.uk we have the definitive online guide 45 O’Connor St., Ste. 650, The British Columbia Nurses’ Union rep- Ottawa, ON K1P 1A4 resents more than 40,000 nurses and allied to British film and television. LISTINGS BFI publishes the monthly film magazine Beer Canada (formerly the Brewers Asso- health workers who provide care in hospi- ciation of Canada) has been the national tals, long-term care and the community. Sight & Sound. With a focus on quality cin- ema, the magazine features commentary voice of beer for 70 years, and represents 26 BCNU is active in campaigns to address the Canadian brewing companies that account nursing shortage, improve working condi- and analysis, in-depth reviews and full cred- its for all new releases. for 90% of beer made in Canada and a cat- tions and workplace health and safety, and egory that supports 163,200 Canadian jobs, promote a universal and comprehensive Website: www.bfi.org.uk $14 billion in real gross domestic product public medicare system. E-mail: +44 (0)20 7928 3232 and $5.8 billion in tax revenues for federal, Website: www.bcnu.org provincial and municipal levels of govern- ment. Over the past three decades, Beer Debra McPherson, President Canada and its members have invested in Phone: (604) 209-4253 programs and partnerships aimed at promot- E-mail: [email protected] ing responsible drinking and reducing the Sharon Costello, Coordinator, harmful use of alcohol. Communications and Campaigns Website: www.beercanada.com Phone: 604-868-4261 E-mail: [email protected] 130 Sources Spring 2013

Main phone: (613) 232-9601 Julie Bowles, Manager, Business Toronto FAX: (613) 232-2283 Development Stephen W. Bowman, Managing Partner E-mail: [email protected] Grace Bautista, Manager of Nursing and – Toronto Luke Harford, President Patient Care 3400 One First Canadian Place, P.O. Box Phone: (613) 232-9601 130, Toronto, ON M5X 1A4 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (416) 863-1200 Dr. Stan Benda (PhD – Law) FAX: (416) 863-1716 Edwin Gregory, Director, Policy and Barrister & Solicitor / Research Edmonton Phone: (613) 232-9601 Adjunct Professor / Enzo J. Barichello, Managing Partner – E-mail: [email protected] Edmonton Certified Licensing 1000 ATCO Centre, 10035 105th St., Professional / Trade-mark Edmonton, AB T5J 3T2 Bees for Development Phone: (780) 421-8133 P.O. Box 105, Agent FAX: (780) 421-7951 Monmouth NP25 9AA, UK 169 – 260 Adelaide St. E., Ottawa An information service working at the Toronto, ON M5A 1N1 Edward S. Goldenberg, Contact centre of an international network of peo- Ph.D. in law regarding the labeling of ge- 1900 World Exchange Plaza, ple and organizations involved with apicul- netically engineered crops. Canadian legal 45 O’Connor St., Ottawa, ON K1P 1A4 ture in developing countries. Beekeeping is delegate to negotiations under the Interna- Phone: (613) 683-2300 an effective way for poor people to tional Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources, FAX: (613) 683-2323 strengthen their livelihoods, and Bees for and the legal advisor to Agriculture Canada Development works to provide information regarding the Cartagena and Convention on Dubai to assist them. Biological Diversity. Some 18 years of ex- Timothy N. Ross, Managing Partner, Dubai Website: www.planbee.org.uk perience in agricultural biotechnology, tech- nology transfer/licensing from universities Level 13, East Wing, The Gate, Phone: +44 (0) 1600713648 and government to private industry. Dubai International Financial Centre E-mail: [email protected] P.O. Box 482016, Dubai, United Arab Website: www.iplawyeron.com Emirates Phone: (416) 366-3538 Phone: +971 4 454 0800 FAX: (416) 366-4532 FAX: +971 4 454 0899 Cell: (416) 728-4558 Doha E-mail: [email protected] George Vlavianos, Contact – Doha Doha Office: 1443, 14th Flr. Bennett Jones Alfardan Towers, Al Funduq St., P.O. Box 207162, Doha, Qatar 1020 McNicoll Ave., Bennett Jones SLP is a Canadian business Beijing Toronto, ON M1W 2J6 law firm with Canadian offices in Calgary, Margaret Cornish, Beijing – Chief Bellwood Health Services is a centre of Toronto, Edmonton and Ottawa, and repre- Representative excellence in the treatment of alcohol, drug sented internationally in Dubai, Abu Dhabi Representative Office, and sexual addictions, problem gambling, and Beijing. Our ranks are filled with lead- Rm. 09, Level 14, China World Office eating disorders and PTSD/Trauma. Sup- ers in the fields of mergers and acquisitions, Tower 1, port is available for families and employers energy, corporate finance and banking, 1 Jianguomenwai Ave., Chaoyang dealing with addiction-related issues. bankruptcy and restructuring, technology District, Beijing, 100004, China Bellwood provides services for individuals and intellectual property, tax, commercial Phone: +86 10 6535 0123 and families across Canada and is accred- litigation, climate change, competition and FAX: +86 10 6535 0122 ited by Accreditation Canada. trade law and public policy. We also have one of the largest public policy groups in a Washington D.C. Website: www.bellwood.ca Canadian law firm. Melanie L. Aitken, Chief Representative Phone for all below: (416) 495-0926 Website: www.bennettjones.com Representative Office Toll free (24 hours): 1-800-387-6198 1717 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Suite 1025 FAX: (416) 495-7943 For media inquiries, please contact: Washington D.C., 20006 U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected] Andrew Lang, Senior Media Relations Phone: (202) 559-9050 Advisor M. Linda Bell, CEO FAX: (202) 559-9150 Phone: (416) 777-4862 Laura Bhoi, President E-mail: [email protected] Bermuda National Gallery Janet Lansche, Vice-President of Finance Hugh L. MacKinnon, Chairman and The Bermuda National Gallery opened in and Administration Chief Executive Officer 1992 with a core collection of historic Eu- Susan McGrail, Clinical Director Phone: (416) 777-4810 ropean paintings, now known as The E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Mark Weiss, Medical Director Watlington Collection, bequeathed to Ber- Firm Contact Information: muda by Hereward T. Watlington. The Gal- Dr. Janice M. Hambley, Clinical lery has since developed as the Island’s arts Psychologist Calgary Perry Spitznagel, Q.C., Managing museum and is an educational resource as Mani Alcaide, Manager of Intake and Partner – Calgary well as an entertainment venue. Both loan Assessment 4500 Bankers Hall East, 855 2nd St. S.W., exhibitions and special events reflect Ber- muda’s varied artistic heritage and Penny Lawson, Manager, Family Calgary, AB T2P 4K7 multicultural community. Services and Special Programs Phone: (403) 298-3100 FAX: (403) 265-7219 The Gallery has maintained a standard of Michael Hartmann, Manager, excellence in its drive to advance and pro- Continuing Care and Volunteer Services Spring 2013 Sources 131 mote the arts in Bermuda. Each year the the United States and other countries around He has worked with 8 heads of government, Gallery features three major temporary ex- the world. 35 cabinet ministers, G7 and UN delega- hibitions as well as occasional smaller in- Janet is the Past Chair of the Canadian tions, the WTO, NATO, as well as CEOs stallations. Shows are created through loans Bar Association – Ontario’s Immigration and diplomats around the world. His clients from generous local collectors of historic and Citizenship Section, an Executive are on five continents. and/or contemporary international art, Member of the Canadian Bar Association He was the first North American to obtain through collaborations with other local art – Ontario’s Corporate Counsel Section, and a post-graduate degree in Risk, Crisis and organizations or museums, through jointly recently concluded her term as Vice-Chair Disaster Management, and has studied dis- curated shows with international museums of the American Immigration Lawyers As- pute resolution at Harvard University and or by bringing international travelling exhi- sociation, Canada chapter. She currently Osgoode Hall Law School. Allan conducts bitions to the Island. holds the position of Director on the Cana- research and lectures one day per week. He Website: dian Employment Relocation Council teaches intensive courses at a number of www.bermudanationalgallery.com Board of Directors. leading universities. Website: www.bomzalawgroup.com “La formation en français est disponible pour la clientèle de haut-responsables dans The Bishop Strachan School Janet L. Bomza, Senior Lawyer la région d’Ottawa ainsi que du grand Phone: (416) 598-8849 298 Lonsdale Rd., Montréal.” Toronto, ON M4V 1X2 FAX: (416) 598-0331 The Bishop Strachan School (BSS) is E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.allanbonner.com Canada’s oldest day and boarding school for E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Allan Bonner, M.A., M.Sc., LL.M, girls. Founded in 1867, BSS has been a M.Sc.Pl. (Cand.) groundbreaking leader in girls education, Phone: (416) 961-3620 offering a vibrant culture of powerful learn- Toll free: 1-877-484-1667 ing and bringing together academic rigour E-mail: [email protected] and creative pursuits, art and science, knowledge and imagination. BSS welcomes Brain Tumour Foundation 900 students every year from JK to Grade 12, including 75 boarders from all over the of Canada world. 620 Colborne St., Ste. 301, Phone: (416) 483-4325 Allan Bonner London, ON N6B 3R9 FAX: (416) 481-5632 Founded in 1982, Brain Tumour Founda- Communications tion of Canada is a national not-for-profit Website: www.bss.on.ca organization dedicated to reaching every Management Inc. person in Canada affected by a brain tumour through support, education, information and Dispute Resolution–Media–Presentation research. Free resources include patient Dr. Bonner is regularly asked to comment handbooks, support groups and telephone on current issues, and has recently been in- assistance. terviewed by BBC News, The National, Power and Politics, The New York Times, Website: www.braintumour.ca Power Play, CNBC Europe, NBC Nightly Phone: (519) 642-7755 News, Global News, L’Agence France Toll free: 1-800-265-5106 Presse, National Public Radio, New York 1, FAX: (519) 642-7192 Bomza Law Group – CBS, PBS, and Radio New Zealand. E-mail: [email protected] As a former political aide to the world’s Susan Marshall, Executive Director Immigration Lawyers longest-serving big city Mayor, Allan has Ext. 222 45 St. Clair Ave. W., Ste. 1000, been a contributor to Marketing Magazine, E-mail: [email protected] Toronto, ON M4V 1K9 Law Times, Bout de Papier, Internal Com- Janet L. Bomza, B.A., LL.B. munications Focus, Canadian Corporate Megan Winkler, Marketing and Barrister & Solicitor Counsel, The Globe and Mail, The Ottawa Communications Specialist Certified Specialist, Citizenship and Im- Citizen, The Calgary Herald and The Na- Ext. 232 migration Law tional Post. His regular commentaries can E-mail: [email protected]

Janet L. Bomza is the founder and senior be heard on the Internet radio network, LISTINGS lawyer of the Bomza Law Group, a full- PSRN.com, and read in Virginia-based Win- Breast Cancer Society of service Canadian, American and Global ning Campaigns, the largest circulation po- immigration law firm, located in Toronto, litical magazine in the world. His critically Canada Canada. Having practised exclusively in the acclaimed books Media Relations and Do- 420 East St. N., Sarnia, ON N7T 6Y5 field of immigration law for over seventeen ing and Saying the Right Thing are highly A volunteer-driven, non-profit organiza- years, Janet is certified by the Law Society sought after by educational institutions and tion established in 1991 to fund Canadian of Upper Canada as a Specialist in Citizen- communications professionals. research into improving the prevention, de- ship and Immigration Law and is consid- Allan’s other books are: Political Col- tection and treatment of breast cancer and ered an expert on Canadian immigration umns, Behind the Scenes with Powerful Peo- to ultimately finding a cure for the disease and cross-border matters. ple and Tough Love at the Table, Power, women fear most. Funding for research Specializing in corporate immigration is- Culture and Diversity in Negotiations, Me- projects is provided to several translational sues, Janet provides Canadian, NAFTA-re- diation & Conflict Resolution. breast cancer research units across Canada, lated and Global immigration advice to Dr. Allan Bonner has helped approxi- most notably, London Health Sciences, multi-national companies, small businesses mately 25,000 senior executives, over Sunnybrook Hospital, Tom Baker Cancer and professionals seeking to relocate skilled twenty years, to deal with some of the most Centre -Calgary and QE II Foundation - individuals and key employees to Canada, controversial and public issues of our time. Halifax. 132 Sources Spring 2013

Website: www.bcsc.ca building opened to the public, replacing the Phone: (519) 336-0746 old British Museum Reading Room, the Toll free: 1-800-567-8767 British Museum was unique in that it C FAX: (519) 336-5725 housed both a national museum of antiqui- ties and a national library in the same build- Marsha Davidson, Executive Director ing. E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.britishmuseum.org Dawn Hamilton, Fund Development Co-ordinator British Museum of Erotic E-mail: [email protected] Art The British Library The British Museum of Erotic Art was 505 – 555 Richmond St. W., Toronto, ON M5V 3B1 St. Pancras, 96 Euston Road, London founded in mid 2006 as a web-based mu- seum and art gallery dedicated to erotic art. CATIE is Canada’s source for up-to-date, NW1 2DB, UK, unbiased information about HIV and hepa- The British Library (BL) is the national The Museum aims to show an exciting blend of contemporary, vintage and classic titis C. We connect people living with HIV library of the . It is based or hepatitis C, at-risk communities, in London and is one of the world’s largest works with a strong emphasis on contempo- rary art. healthcare providers and community or- research libraries, holding over 150 million ganizations with knowledge, resources and items in all known languages and formats: The Museum hosts regular online exhibi- tions featuring work by some of the world’s expertise to reduce transmission and im- books, journals, newspapers, magazines, prove quality of life. For more details, sound and music recordings, patents, best erotic artists and emerging talent. Website: please visit www.catie.ca or call 1-800-263- databases, maps, stamps, prints, drawings 1638. and much more. Its book collection is sec- www.britishmuseumoferoticart.com ond only to the American Library of Con- Website: www.catie.ca gress. The Library’s collections include Phone: (416) 203-7122 around 25 million books, along with sub- Toll free: 1-800-263-1638 stantial additional collections of manu- FAX: (416) 203-8284 scripts and historical items dating back as E-mail: [email protected] far as 300 BC. As a legal deposit library, the BL receives Laurie Edmiston, Executive Director copies of all books produced in the United E-mail: [email protected] Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, in- Jim Pollock, Director, Communications cluding all foreign books distributed in the and Social Marketing UK. It also purchases many items which are Dr. Vivien Brown, MDCM, Ext. 268 only published outside Britain and Ireland. E-mail: [email protected] The British Library adds some 3 million CCFP, FCFP, NCMP items every year. CSTD The Library is a non-departmental public 2200 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON M4S 2C6 body sponsored by the Department for Cul- Family Physician of the Year (2012-To- 720 Spadina Ave., Ste. 315, ture, Media and Sport. ronto) by the Ontario College of Family Toronto, ON M5S 2T9 Physicians and Vice-President Medical Af- CSTD is Canada’s professional associa- Website: http://portico.bl.uk/ fairs, Medisys Health Group, Dr Brown is a tion representing more than 2,500 noted national and international speaker. workplace learning professionals. Estab- The British Museum She is frequently asked to comment in the lished in 1946 as the Ontario Society for Great Russell Street, media about challenging health issues as Training and Development, the Association London WC1B 3DG, UK well as to distill complex medical informa- advocates for training in Canada, establishes The British Museum is a museum of hu- tion in relevant terms to the story at hand for and maintains professional standards, and man history and culture situated in London. any audience. serves its membership by providing certifi- Its collections, which number more than 7 Website: www.medisys.ca cation, educational programs, conferences and publications. million objects, are amongst the largest and Dr. Vivien Brown, MDCM, CCFP, most comprehensive in the world and origi- FCFP, NCMP, Vice-president, Medical Website: www.cstd.ca nate from all continents, illustrating and Affairs, Medisys Health Group Valerie Hickey, M.Ed., President documenting the story of human culture E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (416) 367-5900 from its beginning to the present. Website: www.medisys.ca FAX: (416) 367-1642 The British Museum was established in E-mail: [email protected] 1700, largely based on the collections of the Website: physician and scientist Sir Hans Sloane. The www.linkedin.com/pub/dir/Dr/Brown museum first opened to the public on 15 Marjorie Wallens, MJW January 1759 in Montagu House in Communications Bloomsbury, on the site of the current mu- Phone: 416-961-5924 seum building. Its expansion over the fol- E-mail: lowing two and a half centuries has resulted [email protected] in the creation of several branch institutions, the first being the British Museum of Natu- ral History in South Kensington in 1887. Until 1997, when the current British Library Spring 2013 Sources 133

Dr. Mark Samaha Phone: (514) 731-2525 E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Oakley Smith Phone: (416) 465-5795 E-mail: [email protected] 350 rue Albert St., P.O. Box/CP 1047, Dr. Phil Solomon Ottawa, ON K1P 5V8 Canadian Academy of Facial Phone: (905) 764-7799 The Canada Council for the Arts is Cana- E-mail: [email protected] da’s national arts funder. Its grants to artists Plastic and Reconstructive Dr. Mark Taylor and arts organizations contribute to a vibrant Surgery Phone: (902) 473-5752 arts scene in Canada. Its awards celebrate E-mail: [email protected] creativity by recognizing exceptional Cana- The Canadian Academy of Facial Plastic dians in the arts, humanities and sciences. and Reconstructive Surgery (CAFPRS) is a Dr. Joseph Wong The Canadian Commission for UNESCO national, non-profit medical society incor- Phone: (416) 754-0722 operates under the general authority of the porated under the federal laws of Canada. E-mail: [email protected] Canada Council. Our highly specialized surgeons are certi- Dr. Kristina Zakhary fied by the Royal College of Physicians and Website: www.canadacouncil.ca Phone: (403) 450-3759 Surgeons of Canada. We treat patients for E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (613) 566-4414 cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, post- Toll free: 1-800-263-5588 traumatic and post-ablative reconstructive FAX: (613) 566-4407 surgery, as well as cosmetic and Canadian Academy of Mirleille Allaire, Public Relations Officer reconstructive rhinoplasty, eyelid and face- Periodontology Ext. 4523 lifting, chin augmentation, facial implants, 1815 Alta Vista Dr., Ste. 201, E-mail: neck rejuvenation, protruding ears, Botox Ottawa, ON K1G 3Y6 [email protected] injections, chemical peels, injectable fillers The CAP is the national voluntary organi- and lip enhancement. zation for periodontists, dentists who are Heather McAfee, Public Relations certified specialists in the diagnosis and Officer Website: www.cafprs.com treatment of diseases of the soft tissue and Ext. 4166 Dr. Peter Adamson bone in the mouth. The mission of the CAP E-mail: Phone: (416) 323-3900 is to promote the practice of periodontics [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] and to advance the periodontal health of Dr. Cam Bakala Canadians. Phone: (250) 868-8056 Website: www.cap-acp.ca E-mail: [email protected] Claire D’Amour, Executive Dr. Peter Brownrigg Administrator Phone: (613) 724-1214 Phone: (613) 523-9800 E-mail: [email protected] FAX: (613) 523-1968 Dr. Kris Conrad E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (416) 961-2053 Canada Safety Council E-mail: [email protected] Canadian Association of the 1020 Thomas Spratt Pl., Dr. David Ellis Ottawa, ON K1G 5L5 Phone: (416) 229-1050 Deaf National, non-profit, public service or- E-mail: [email protected] 251 Bank St., Ste. 303, ganization dedicated to the prevention of Ottawa, ON K2P 1X3 Dr. Nabil Fanous The CAD is Canada’s national advocacy accidents and health hazards in the traffic, Phone: (514) 935-9906 workplace, home and recreational environ- organization of deaf consumers. It works to E-mail: protect and promote the rights, concerns, ments. Membership includes industry, la- [email protected] bour and professions. Develops on and off and interests of deaf Canadians. It is not a the job safety programs. Disseminates acci- Dr. Andres Gantous service agency. Concerns include access to LISTINGS dent prevention information. Sponsors eight Phone: (416) 530-6659 television and telephone, illiteracy, educa- national safety campaigns annually. Pub- E-mail: tion, human rights, sign language, etc. lishes a magazine and newsletters. [email protected] James D. Roots, Executive Director Phone: (613) 739-1535 Dr. Corey Moore Phone: (613) 565-2882 FAX: (613) 739-1566 Phone: (519) 646-6383 (This is a TTY number and cannot always E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] be reached directly by voice phone. Jack Smith, President Dr. Robert Mounsey If you receive a tapping sound when you Phone: (416) 438-8110 call please hang up and call theBell Relay E-mail: [email protected] Service 1-800-855-0511 instead.) Dr. Richard Rival Phone: (905) 898-2444 E-mail: [email protected] 134 Sources Spring 2013 Canadian Association of Leacy O’Callaghan O’Brien, Director of Advocacy, Publications and Events Home & Property Phone/Tél: (613) 234-0012, ext. 230 Inspectors of BC – FAX/Téléc: (613) 234-1097 CAHPI(BC) E-mail/Courriel: [email protected] 5-3304 Appaloosa Rd., Kelowna, BC V1V 2W5 CAHPI(BC) is a self-regulating Associa- tion of Professional Home and Property In- Canadian Athletic spectors. We are committed to protecting BC consumers through our stringent mem- Therapists Association bership requirements, mandatory ongoing (CATA) / L’Association training programs, and our detailed CAHPI(BC) Standards of Practice and Canadian Association of canadienne des thérapeutes Code of Ethics. CAHPI(BC) was instru- du sport (ACTS) mental in seeking provincial regulation of Professional Speakers the industry. #308 – 400 5th Ave SW, 1370 Don Mills Rd., Ste. 300, Calgary, AB T2P 0L6 Website: www.cahpi.bc.ca Toronto, ON M3B 3N7 CATA – Progressive not-for-profit organi- Helene Barton, Executive Director Need an expert? Call CAPS first! zation dedicated to the promotion/delivery Phone: (250) 491-3979 Our members are Canada’s top speakers, of the highest quality care to active individu- FAX: (250) 491-2285 trainers, consultants and facilitators from als through injury prevention, emergency E-mail: [email protected] across the country. We are specialists in a services and rehabilitative techniques. wide range of topics and are responsive to A leader within the Sport Medicine com- media. We’re professionals, so we give a munity of Canada, CATA creates a healthier great interview! When you need an expert environment that encompasses the needs of in a hurry, call our association office and the the active community through to the high right person will get back to you immedi- performance athlete. ately. Never be without a top-notch com- L’Association canadienne des thérapeutes mentator again! du sport (ACTS) est un organisme à but Website: www.canadianspeakers.org non-lucratif d’avant-garde, qui, par des programmes de prévention des blessures, Shari Bricks, Executive Director des services d’urgence et des techniques Phone: (416) 847-3355 de réadaptation, s’engage à promouvoir et Canadian Association of FAX: (416) 441-0591 à offrir des services de première qualité E-mail: [email protected] Medical Radiation aux individus actifs. Technologists / Association Canadian Association of Website: www.athletictherapy.org canadienne des technologues Sexual Assault Centres / Sandy Jespersen, Executive Director Phone: 416-549-1682 en radiation médicale Association canadienne des FAX: 416-549-1619 85 Albert St., 10th Fl., centres contre les agressions E-mail: Ottawa, ON K1P 6A4 [email protected] The national professional certifying body à caractère sexuel for members in radiological technology, ra- 77 East 20th Ave., diation therapy, nuclear medicine and mag- Vancouver, BC V5V 1L7 netic resonance imaging. Shares in Pan-Canadian group of sexual assault cen- accrediting provincial training programs. tres working to implement legal, social and Provides continuing education and member- attitudinal changes necessary to prevent and ship benefits. Administers Code of Ethics eradicate rape and sexual assault. The intent and provides a forum for maintaining stand- of CASAC is to act as a force for social ards/policies on training/application of diag- change regarding violence against women at nostic/therapeutic procedures. the individual, institutional and political The Canadian Bar Organisme national d’agrément de 10 000 level. technologues pratiquant dans la radiologie, Association / L’Association Website: www.casac.ca de la radiothérapie, de la médecine du Barreau canadien Lee Lakeman, Spokesperson nucléaire et de l’imagerie par résonance 865 Carling Ave./865, ave Carling, Phone: (604) 876-2622 magnétique. Participe à l’agrément des pro- Ste./bur 500, Ottawa, ON K1S 5S8 FAX: (604) 876-8450 grammes provinciaux de formation. Offre Represents over 37,000 jurists across E-mail: [email protected] des programmes de perfectionnement Canada. Offers national perspective on le- professionnel. Gère le code de déontologie gal issues, federal legislation and trends in et fournit une tribune à l’élaboration des law. Provides explanations, analysis and normes de formation, d’application de diag- commentary on all areas of law from prac- nostic et d’intervention thérapeutique. tising lawyers, academics and in-house Website: www.camrt.ca counsel. CBA is dedicated to improvement in the law, the administration of justice, law- yer education and advocacy in the public interest. Spring 2013 Sources 135

Représente plus de 37 000 juristes à For information on CCA, its members See www.ccmw.com for board members travers le Canada. Elle propose un point and its activities in Canada, contact: and regional contacts. de vue national sur des questions Donna Balkan, Communications Website: www.ccmw.com juridiques, la législation fédérale et les Manager tendances en droit. Elle fournit des E-mail: Head Office: explications, des analyses et des [email protected] Phone/FAX: (613) 383-2847 observations d’avocats, d’universitaires et Phone: (613) 238-6711, ext. 206 E-mail: [email protected] de membres de contentieux dans tous les For information on CCA’s international Alia Hogben, Executive Director secteurs du droit. L’ABC se voue à development programs and activities, P.O. Box 154, Gananoque, ON K7G 2T7 l’amélioration du droit, de contact: Phone: (613) 383-2847 l’administration de la justice, de la David Shanks, Manager, Publications and E-mail: [email protected] formation des juristes et de la défense des Media Relations, International intérêts publics. Razia Jaffer, President Development 173 Rocky Ridge Cove N.W., Website: www.cba.org E-mail: Calgary, AB T3G 4L1 Christine Sopora, Project Officer/ [email protected] Phone: (403) 243-7995 Chargée de projets, Communications Phone: (613) 238-6711, ext. 207 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (613) 237-2925, ext. 156 Visit CCA’s website at: Nuzhat Jafri, Media Relations Toll free: 1-800-267-8860 www.coopscanada.coop 260 Heath St. W., Ste. 1703, FAX: (613) 237-0185 Follow us on Twitter at: www.twitter.com/ Toronto, ON M5P 3L6 E-mail: [email protected] CoopsCanada Phone: (416) 487-8037 E-mail: [email protected]

20 Bay St., WaterPark Place, 11th Floor, Toronto, ON M5J 2N8 The Canadian Beverage Association rep- Canadian College of Canadian Dermatology resents beverage manufacturers, distribu- Naturopathic Medicine tors, franchise houses and industry suppliers Association / Association that manufacture and distribute more than 1255 Sheppard Ave. E., canadienne de dermatologie 60 brands of juices/juice drinks, bottled Toronto, ON M2K 1E2 1385 Bank St., Ste. 425, waters, sports drinks, carbonated soft Offers a four-year, full-time professional Ottawa, ON K1H 8N4 drinks, energy drinks and other non-alco- program in naturopathic medicine. CCNM The CDA is a national non-profit medical holic beverages. educates, develops and trains naturopathic specialty organization whose membership is The Association is the link for govern- doctors (NDs) through excellence in health comprised of Canadian and international ment, community stakeholders and the me- education, clinical services and research dermatologists. It publishes the Journal of dia on issues relating to non-alcoholic that integrate mind, body and spirit. Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery six times beverages in Canada. Naturopathic doctors are primary healthcare professionals who integrate per year, holds an annual four-day scientific Website: www.canadianbeverage.ca standard medical diagnostics with a broad conference in June, runs a Sun Protection Jim Goetz, President range of natural therapies, including Asian Program, a Skin Health Program, and a Der- Phone: (416) 362-2424 medicine, botanical medicine, homeopathic matology for Non-Dermatologists (D4nD) FAX: (416) 362-3229 medicine, clinical nutrition, physical medi- education program, and in 1989 it estab- E-mail: [email protected] cine and lifestyle counselling. lished and continues to organize the annual Sun Awareness Week (June 2 to June 8, Website: www.ccnm.edu 2014). Canadian Co-operative Catherine Kenwell, Director, Marketing L’ACD est une société nationale sans but and Communications lucratif de spécialité médicale qui réunit Association LISTINGS College phone: (416) 498-1255, ext. 243 275 Bank St., Ste. 400, des dermatologues du Canada et d’autres Clinic phone: (416) 498-9763 Ottawa, ON K2P 2L6 pays. L’Association publie une revue six E-mail: [email protected] The Canadian Co-operative Association fois l’an, le Journal of CutaneousMedicine (CCA) is a national association for co-op- and Surgery, tient chaque année en juin un eratives in Canada, representing more than Canadian Council of congrès scientifique de quatre jours, dirige ten million co-operative and credit union Muslim Women (CCMW) un Programme de protection solaire, un members. CCA members come from many Programme de santé de la peau et un sectors of the economy, including finance, CCMWTO 200 Bay St. P.O. Box 64056, programme de formation à l’intention des insurance, agri-food and supply, wholesale Toronto, ON M5J 2T6 médecins non dermatologues. En 1989, and retail, housing, health and the service The Canadian Council of Muslim Women l’ACD a créé la Semaine de prudence au sector. In addition to its activities in Canada, (CCMW) is a national non-profit volunteer soleil qu’elle continue d’organiser chaque CCA works to reduce poverty in Africa, organization with chapters across the coun- année depuis (la prochaine SPS aura lieu Asia and the Americas through its interna- try. The Council was established to assist du 2 au 8 juin 2014). tional development program. Muslim women in participating effectively Website: www.dermatology.ca For recent news releases, go to http:// in Canadian society and to promote mutual www.dermatologue.ca understanding with women of other faiths. www.coopscanada.coop/en/info_resources/ Blog: www.blog.dermatology.ca Newsroom. Our goals: Equity, equality, empowerment. 136 Sources Spring 2013

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ groupements nationaux de producteurs Secretary: CdnDermatology spécialisés. Par l’entremise de ses membres, Sheila Crook Twitter: www.twitter.com/ la Fédération représente plus de 200 000 Business: (705) 743-1211 cdndermatology agriculteurs canadiens, d’un océan à l’autre. Home: (705) 743-2323 E-mail: [email protected] YouTube: www.youtube.com/ Website: www.cfa-fca.ca canadiandermatology Phone: (613) 236-3633 Immediate Past National President: FAX: (613) 236-5749 Sue Calhoun Phone: 613-738-1748 Business: (506) 533-6887 Toll free: 1-800-267-DERM (3376) Janice Hall, Director of Communications Home: (506) 877-2343 FAX: 613-738-4695 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Chantal Courchesne, Executive Director Brigid Rivoire, Executive Director PROVINCIAL PRESIDENTS: E-mail: [email protected] Media Contact: B.C. & Yukon: Jennifer Scott, Director, Laurent Pellerin, President Char Schultz Communications Phone: (819) 233-2568 Business: (778) 476-0088 Phone: 613-738-1748 x 222 Ron Bonnett, 1st Vice-President E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (705) 987-3402 Alberta: Laura Craig, Coordinator, Garnet Etsell, 2nd Vice-President Barb Francis Communications Phone: (778) 808-5691 Business: (403) 804-4567 Phone: 613-738-1748 x 229 Home: (403) 287-6702 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Saskatchewan: Canadian Encyclopedia Susan Fowler The full text of The Canadian Encyclope- Home: (306) 343-6308 dia and its related resources has been made E-mail: [email protected] available online by the Historica Foundation Manitoba: as a public service since 1999. Since its pub- Colleen Allan lication in book form in 1985, The Canadian Home: (204) 338-0862 Encyclopedia has provided the most com- The Canadian Federation E-mail: [email protected] prehensive, objective and accurate source of information on Canada for students, readers of Business and Professional Ontario: and scholars across Canada and throughout Women / Teresa Habs the world. As a first source for information Home: (705) 737-9755 on all Canadian topics, The Canadian En- La Fédération canadienne E-mail: [email protected] cyclopedia has continued to grow through des femmes de carrières Quebec: several iterations in print and on CD-ROM, commerciales et Julie Leclerc culminating in this online version published Business: (418) 671-1941 by the Historica Foundation. professionnelles Home: (418) 679-5427 More than 5,000 scholars and specialists Women Working for Working Women... E-mail: [email protected] from every discipline and from every region Un travail de femmes pour aider les, New Brunswick: of Canada have generously contributed their femmes au travail, BPW Canada is a non- expertise. The resulting compendium pro- Sharon Hale sectarian, non-profit and non-partisan wom- Business: (506) 877-0580 vides the most detailed portrait of the nation en’s organization. Our mandate is to and its complex identity ever attempted. Home: (506) 854-4331 improve economic, social, political and em- E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.canadianencyclopedia.ca ployment conditions for women in Canada. We are part of the International Federation Canadian Federation of of Business and Professional Women, which has a General Consultative Status Agriculture / La Fédération with the United Nations Economic and So- canadienne de l’agriculture cial Council (ECOSOC). 21 Florence St., Ottawa, ON K2P 0W6 Website: www.bpwcanada.com Founded in 1935 to provide Canada’s National President: farmers with a single voice in Ottawa, the Cara Cote Canadian Federation of Agriculture is the Business: (519) 858-5125 Canadian Federation of country’s largest farmers’ organization. Its Home: (519) 473-3505 Students (CFS) / Fédération members include provincial general farm organizations as well as national commod- 1st Vice-President: canadienne des étudiantes et ity organizations from every province. Valerie Clarke étudiants (FCÉÉ) Through its members, CFA represents over Business: (416) 229-2001, ext. 237 200,000 Canadian farmers. Home: (647) 274-5548 338 Somerset St. W., E-mail: Ottawa, ON K2P 0J9 Fondée en 1935 a fin de donner une voix [email protected] The Canadian Federation of Students is unifiée aux agriculteurs canadiens, la Young BPW Vice-President Canada’s largest student organization. Fédération canadienne de l’agriculture est le Founded over 30 years ago, the Federation plus important organisme agricole au pays. Cara Lauscher Business: (306) 612-2845 unites more than one-half million college On trouve, parmi ses membres, des and university students in all ten provinces. organismes agricoles provinciaux et des E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cfs-fcee.ca Spring 2013 Sources 137

Phone/Tél: (613) 232-7394 FAX/Téléc: (613) 232-0276 E-mail/Courriel: [email protected] PROVINCIAL OFFICES: British Columbia: Phone/Tél: (604) 733-1880 FAX/Téléc: (604) 733-1852 Web: www.cfs.bc.ca Prairies: 5399 Eglinton Ave. W., Ste. 116, The Canadian Initiative Phone/Tél: (204) 783-0787 Toronto, ON M9C 5K6 FAX/Téléc: (204) 783-6001 With over 600 corporate members nation- wide, representing many of Canada’s best- on Workplace Violence Ontario: known brands, the Canadian Franchise 1 First Canadian Place, Ste. 350, Phone/Tél: (416) 925-3825 Association is the national voice of Toronto, ON M5X 1C1 FAX/Téléc: (416) 925-6774 franchising in Canada and works with all A social research firm providing educa- Web: www.cfsontario.ca levels of government to develop industry- tional programming, organizational consul- Maritimes: made solutions. CFA promotes excellence tation and individual coaching on issues Phone/Tél: (902) 425-4237 in franchising and educates Canadians relating to all aspects of workplace behav- FAX/Téléc: (902) 425-4256 about franchising, specific franchise oppor- iour. The CIWV provides seasoned speak- tunities and proper due diligence through its ers, consultants and commentators on topics Newfoundland and Labrador: many events, programs, publications and that include: occupational conflict, stress, Phone/Tél: (709) 737-3204 websites (www.cfa.ca/lookforafranchise.ca). workplace violence, and the impact of cor- FAX/Téléc: (709) 737-2371 porate culture on employee behaviour. Web: www.cfs-nl.ca Website: www.cfa.ca Website: www.LookforaFranchise.ca Website: www.workplaceviolence.ca Canadian Foundation for Phone: (416) 695-2896 Glenn French, President FAX: (416) 695-1950 Phone: (416) 760-8505 the Americas (FOCAL) E-mail: [email protected] FAX: (416) 760-8980 The Canadian Foundation for the Ameri- Lorraine McLachlan, President and E-mail: [email protected] cas (FOCAL) is no longer in operation. CEO Twenty years of influence on hemispheric Ext. 222 policy: 1990-2011 E-mail: [email protected] FOCAL was created as an independent, non-governmental think-tank meant to en- hance co-operation and dialogue, create Canadian Industrial new linkages, and strengthen existing ties Transportation Association / between countries of the hemisphere through policy analysis and discussion. Association canadienne de Through its work over the years, FOCAL transport industriel Established in 1919, CIP is the national had much success in providing policy analy- voice of Canada’s planning profession and sis, dialogue and debate to aid policy-mak- 580 Terry Fox Dr., Ste. 405, has been dedicated to the advancement of ers, academics, development practitioners Ottawa, ON K2L 4C2 responsible planning in our communities and the general public, in Canada and the CITA is “The National Voice of The Ship- and throughout Canada. Members’ exper- region, and fostering greater understanding per.” Established in 1916, CITA monitors tise includes such areas as urban, rural and of hemispheric issues of importance to transportation legislation and regulations regional planning; community, economic, Canada. and their effects on freight service and pric- social and environmental planning; and land FOCAL built a reputation of credibility ing by air, marine, rail and truck. CITA lob- use, resources, facilities and services plan- through its consistent production of quality bies on behalf of buyers of freight services ning. and is a source of information on freight work, numerous achievements and project Website: www.cip-icu.ca successes, and leaves behind a strong and transportation. impressive legacy of lasting change. Website: www.cita-acti.ca NATIONAL OFFICE: This website is intended to be an archive 141 Laurier Ave. W., Ste. 1112, Robert Ballantyne, President LISTINGS documenting FOCAL’s many accomplish- Ottawa, ON K1P 5J3 Phone: (613) 599-8993 (613) 237-PLAN (7526) ments, events, publications and insights into FAX: (613) 599-1295 hemispheric affairs throughout its existence. Toll free: 1-800-207-2138 E-mail: [email protected] FAX: (613) 237-7045 Website: www.focal.ca Cindy Hick, Vice-President E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (613) 599-6671 Mr. Steven Brasier, CAE, Executive FAX: (613) 599-1295 Director / Directeur général E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Christine Helm, Manager, Member Services and Administration / Gestionnaire des services aux membres et à l’administration E-mail: [email protected] 138 Sources Spring 2013

Mr. Andrew Sacret, MCIP, RPP, Dr. Mark Seasons, FCIP, RPP, Alberta Lung Association: Director, Policy and Public Affairs / Representative, ACUPP (Association of Leigh Allard, President Directeur, Politiques et affaires publiques Canadian University Planning Programs) / Phone: (780) 488-6819 E-mail: [email protected] Représentant d’APUCU (Association des Lung Association of Saskatchewan: Ms. Jacklyn Nielsen, Administrative programmes universitaires Canadiens en Brian Graham, President and CEO; Assistant, Outreach and Policy / Adjointe urbanisme) Chair of Chronic Respiratory Disease à l’administration, Affaires nationales et Phone: (519) 888-4567, ext. 35922 Group for the Canadian Lung Association internationales E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (306) 343-9640 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Robert Lehman, FCIP, RPP, Fellow Manitoba Lung Association: Ms. Chantal Leduc, Administrative Representative (non-voting) / Margaret Bernhardt-Lowdon, Assistant, Member Services / Adjointe à Représentant des fellows (non-votant) Executive Director; Chair of Tobacco l’administration, services aux membres Phone: (705) 627-5878 Issues for the Canadian Lung Association E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (204) 774-5501 Ms. Stephanie Dorval, Receptionist / Ontario Lung Association: Réceptionniste George Habib, President and CEO E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (416) 864-9911 CIP NATIONAL COUNCIL: Association Pulmonaire du Québec: Mr. Michael Gordon, MCIP, RPP, Dominique Massie, Directrice générale President / Président Phone: (514) 287-7400 Phone: (604) 873-7665 New Brunswick Lung Association: E-mail: [email protected] Canadian Lung Association Barb MacKinnon, President and CEO; Mr. Robert Lehman, FCIP, RPP, Chair of Environmental Issues for the Vice President / Vice président 1750 Courtwood Cres., Ste. 300, Canadian Lung Association Phone: (705) 627-5878 Ottawa, ON K2C 2B5 Phone: (506) 455-8961 E-mail: [email protected] Six million Canadians are suffering from lung disease. For over 100 years, the Lung Lung Association of Nova Scotia: Ms. Kate Greene, MCIP, LPP, Atlantic Association has worked to improve the res- Louis Brill, President and CEO Planners Institute / piratory health of Canadians through edu- Phone: (902) 443-8141, ext. 22 Institut des urbanistes de I’Atlantique cation, advocacy, prevention and research. PEI Lung Association: Phone: (902) 444-7706 The Lung Association is a not-for-profit vol- Joanne Ings, Executive Director E-mail: [email protected] unteer-based organization. Ten provincial Phone: (902) 892-5957 Mrs. Valdene Lawson, MCIP, Manitoba Lung Associations provide lung health pro- grams to help Canadians breathe easier. Newfoundland and Labrador Lung Professional Planners Institute Association: Phone: (204) 986-5161 Six millions de Canadien(ne)s sont Greg Noel, Executive Director E-mail: [email protected] attients de maladie pulmonaire. Depuis plus Phone: (709) 726-4664 de 100 ans, l’Association pulmonaire s’est M. Claude Beaulac, MICU, OUQ, Medical Societies: Ordre des urbanistes du Québec appliquée à améliorer l’état de la santé respiratoire des Canadiens par la prévention, Janet Sutherland, Executive Director Phone: (514) 849-1177, ext. 23 Canadian Thoracic Society E-mail: [email protected] la recherche, l’éducation et les services. L’Association est un organisme sans but Phone: (613) 569-6411, ext. 264 Ms. Andrea Bourrie, MCIP, RPP, lucratif. Il existe également dix associations Canadian Respiratory Health Ontario Professional Planners Institute / provincales qui offrent des programmes de Professionals Institut des planificateurs professionnels soutien aux Canadiens afin de mieux Phone: (613) 569-6411, ext. 264 de l’Ontario respirer pour mieux vivre. Phone: (416) 616-5502 Canadian Nuclear Society E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.lung.ca www.poumon.ca 700 University Ave., 4th Fl., E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Bill Delainey, MCIP, PPS, Toronto, ON M5G 1X6 Courriel: [email protected] Saskatchewan Professional Planners The Canadian Nuclear Society is a not- Institute NATIONAL OFFICE, CANADIAN for-profit organization representing the ex- Phone: (306) 261-9612 LUNG ASSOCIATION: perts involved in Canadian nuclear science, E-mail: [email protected] Media Inquiries: engineering and its applications, from nu- Ms. Beth Sanders, MCIP, RPP, Alberta Janis Hass, Director of Marketing and clear medicine to nuclear power. The CNS Professional Planners Institute Communications is dedicated to the exchange of objective, Phone: (780) 886-0354 Phone: (613) 569-6411, ext. 252 factual information on all aspects of nuclear E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] technology. Ms. Joan Chess-Woollacott, MCIP, RPP, Amy Henderson, Manager of Health Website: www.cns-snc.ca Planning Institute of British Columbia Communications Phone: (416) 977-7620 Phone: (250) 612-0252 Phone: (613) 569-6411, ext. 265 FAX: (416) 977-8131 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Miss Jamie Unwin, Student Debra Lynkowski, President and CEO Jeremy Whitlock, Nuclear Engineer Representative / Représentante des PROVINCIAL LUNG ASSOCIATIONS: Phone: (613) 584-8811, ext. 4265 étudiants E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] British Columbia Lung Association: Scott McDonald, Executive Director Phone: (604) 731-5864 Spring 2013 Sources 139 Canadian Podiatric Dr. Brad Sonnema, President, Alberta The Canadian Safe School 209 White Oak Square, 12222 137 Ave., Medical Association / Edmonton, AB T5L 4X5 Network (CSSN) L’Association médicale Phone: (780) 482-5565 111 Peter St., Ste. 608, podiatrique canadienne FAX: (780) 482-5521 Toronto, ON M5V 2H1 Alicia Snider, President, Manitoba A not-for-profit registered charitable or- 2063 – 61 Broadway Blvd., Snider Podiatry Clinic, 3704 Roblin ganization focused on reducing youth vio- Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2C1 Blvd., Winnipeg, MB R3R 0E1 lence in our schools and communities. The Canadian Podiatric Medical Associa- Phone: (204) 889-1120 CSSN conducts research, develops teacher tion is a national non-profit medical associa- resources and provides social comment on tion working on behalf of its 350+ members Canadian Psychiatric youth violence. – Canada’s premier foot specialists. The Website: www.canadiansafeschools.com national voice for podiatrists in Canada, we Association / Association des are dedicated to enhancing the profession psychiatres du Canada Stuart Auty, President and increasing awareness among Canadians Phone: (416) 977-1050 about the importance of good foot health 141 Laurier Ave. W., Ste. 701, E-mail: [email protected] care. Ottawa, ON K1P 5J3 National voluntary professional organiza- Website: www.podiatrycanada.org tion for psychiatrists promoting the highest Toll free: 1-888-220-3338 level of quality patient care. Liaison for the Dr. Joseph Stern, President profession to governments, universities, Burrard Medical Bldg., Ste. 470, medical associations, and related organiza- 1144 Burrard St., tions. Publishes the Canadian Journal of Vancouver, BC V6Z 2A5 Psychiatry 12 times yearly. Publishes Cana- Phone: (604) 687-3668 dian Psychiatry Aujourd’hui 4 times per FAX: (604) 687-3604 year. Canadian Snowbird Dr. Mario Turanovic, Past President Website: www.cpa-apc.org Association / Ste. 128, 17010 – 90 Ave., Head Office: Association canadienne Edmonton, AB T5T 1L6 Phone: (613) 234-2815 Phone: (780) 452-1444 FAX: (613) 234-9857 des « snowbirds » FAX: (780) 452-3939 Glenn Brimacombe, Executive Director 180 Lesmill Rd., Toronto, ON M3B 2T5 COMMITMENT, SERVICE AND AD- Dr. Brad Sonnema, Treasurer Hélène Côté, Senior Communications VOCACY FOR TRAVELLERS 209 White Oak Square, 12222 137 Ave., Specialist The Canadian Snowbird Association is a Edmonton, AB T5L 4X5 Ext. 232 national not-for-profit 70,000-member ad- Phone: (780) 482-5565 E-mail: [email protected] FAX: (780) 482-5521 vocacy organization dedicated to actively defending and improving the rights and Dr. Richard Bochinski, Secretary Canadian Publishers’ privileges of travelling Canadians. Ste. 128, 17010 – 90 Ave., ENGAGEMENT, SERVICE ET Edmonton, AB T5T 1L6 Council PROMOTION DES DROITS POUR Phone: (780) 452-1444 250 Merton St., Ste. 203, VOYAGEURS FAX: (780) 452-3939 Toronto, ON M4S 1B1 L’Association canadienne des « snowbirds Jayne Jeneroux, Executive Director A trade association of English-language » est un organisme national de revendica- 2063 – 61 Broadway Blvd., publishers which represents the domestic tion à but non lucratif dont le mandat est de Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2C1 and international interests of member com- défendre et d’améliorer les droits et Phone: (780) 922-7609 panies. Members publish books and other privilèges des voyageurs canadiens. Toll free: 1-888-220-3338 media for general interest fiction/non-fic- Website: www.snowbirds.org FAX: (780) 922-7669 tion, school, post-secondary and profes- sional/reference markets including law and Phone (English): (416) 391-9000 REGIONAL CONTACTS: medicine. Members represent approxi- Toll free: 1-800-265-3200 Dr. Bruce Ramsden, President, Ontario mately 75% of total annual sales to the Ca- Tél (Français): (416) 391-9090

5799 Yonge St., Ste. 706, nadian domestic market. Sans frais: 1-800-265-5132 LISTINGS Toronto, ON M2M 3V3 Website: www.pubcouncil.ca FAX/Téléc: (416) 441-7007 Phone: (416) 226-4120 Phone: (416) 322-7011 Michael MacKenzie, Executive Director Dr. Howard Green, President, British FAX: (416) 322-6999 Phone: (416) 441-7005 Columbia E-mail: #306-2626 Croydon Drive, External Relations: [email protected] Surrey, BC V3S 0S8 Jacqueline Hushion, Executive Director Phone: (604) 681-2837 Ext. 222 E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Olivier Parent, President, Quebec 1650 Rue Jules-Verne Bureau 203, Trade and Higher Education Groups: Quebec, QC G2G 2R5 Colleen O’Neill, Executive Director Phone: (418) 877-9999 Ext. 226 E-mail: [email protected] 140 Sources Spring 2013 Canadian Society for Nova Scotia: Vahid Omidvar, Ph.D., Trade Policy Dr. Steven Morris Analyst/Analyste en politiques Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Phone: (902) 473-7054 commerciales 2334 Heska Rd., Pickering, ON L1V 2P9 FAX: (902) 473-8773 Ext. 2 Established in 1972 with 160 active mem- New Brunswick: E-mail: [email protected] ber plastic surgeons specializing in cosmetic Dr. Mihkel Oja surgery. All members are certified by and Phone: (506) 459-8126 are fellows of the Royal College of Physi- FAX: (506) 459-1774 cians and Surgeons of Canada (FRCSC) or 2012 Annual Meeting – September 14 & the American College of Surgeons (FACS) 15 – Chateau Frontenac, Quebec City in the specialty of plastic surgery. Our man- date is to promote and develop modern sur- gical techniques; to provide interchange of ideas and knowledge among qualified plas- tic surgeons; to advance education in the Canadian Union of field; to maintain the highest standards in the practice of plastic surgery. Public Employees / Website: www.csaps.ca Syndicat canadien Phone: (905) 831-7750 de la fonction publique Toll free: 1-800-263-4429 Canadian Sugar Institute National Office: FAX: (905) 831-7248 1375 St. Laurent Blvd., E-mail: [email protected] / Institut canadien du Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z7 C.S.A.P.S. EXECUTIVE: CUPE is the largest union in Canada, rep- sucre resenting more than 600,000 women and Dr. Gregory Waslen, President men who work for municipal governments, 1030 10th Ave. S.W., The Canadian Sugar Institute (CSI) is a national trade association representing Ca- school boards, universities and colleges, Calgary, AB T2R 1M4 hospitals, nursing homes and homes for the Phone: (403) 228-1313 nadian sugar manufacturers. CSI liaises with government on legislation, trade poli- aged, public utilities, social services and FAX: (403) 228-1314 child care centres, transit authorities and air- E-mail: [email protected] cies and international agreements. CSI’s Nutrition Information Service provides lines, emergency services and police forces, Dr. Sandy Pritchard, Vice-President comprehensive nutrition communications, and others in the broader public sector. 66 Avenue Rd., Toronto, ON M5R 3N8 based on current research on sugar and CUPE is a leading advocate in defence of Phone: (418) 922-4513 health, and produces a variety of free edu- workers’ rights, public services, social jus- FAX: (418) 922-7942 cational materials in English and French. tice and environmental sustainability. E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cupe.ca L’Institut canadien du sucre (ICS) est une PROVINCIAL CONTACTS: association manufacturière d’envergure National Officers: Paul Moist, National President British Columbia: nationale qui représente les fabricants de Dr. Nicholas Carr sucre du Canada. L’ICS discute avec le Charles Fleury, National Secretary- 3578 West 41st., gouvernement de mesures législatives, de Treasurer politique commerciale et d’accords Vancouver, BC V6N 3E6 Communications Branch – National internationaux. Son service d’information Phone: (604) 733-9711 Office (Ottawa): sur la nutrition fournit des communications FAX: (604) 733-7464 Phone: (613) 237-1590 en nutrition complète, basées sur des E-mail: [email protected] FAX: (613) 237-5508 recherches récentes sur le sucre et la santé, E-mail: [email protected] Saskatchewan: et il produit des ressources éducatives Dr. Robert Tokaryk gratuites en anglais et en français. Heather Fraser, Director of Phone: (306) 665-8886 Communications Website: www.sugar.ca www.sucre.ca FAX: (306) 934-0775 Ext. 337 After hours: (613) 850-7372 Manitoba: Waterpark Place, 10 Bay St., Ste. 620, E-mail: [email protected] Toronto, ON M5J 2R8 Dr. Ken Murray Greg Taylor Phone/téléphone: (416) 368-8091 Phone: (204) 944-9982 Ext. 393 After hours: (613) 818-0067 FAX/télécopieur: (416) 368-6426 FAX: (204) 956-0595 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail/courrier-é: [email protected] Ontario: Pierre Ducasse Sandra Marsden, President/Présidente Dr. Sandy Pritchard Ext. 334 After hours: (613) 852-1494 66 Avenue Rd., Toronto, ON M5R 3N8 Tristin Brisbois, Ph.D., Manager, E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (416) 922-4513 Nutrition and Scientific Affairs Colleen Reynolds FAX: (416) 922-7942 Ext. 4 Ext. 365 After hours: (613) 203-2253 E-mail: [email protected] Quebec: E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Felix-André Têtu Chiara DiAngelo, MPH, RD, COMMUNICATIONS 945 Marguerite Bourgeois, Co-ordinator, Nutrition Communications/ REPRESENTATIVES: Québec, QC G1S 3X6 Coordinnatrice des communications en Phone: (418) 681-1000 nutrition B.C. Regional: FAX: (418) 681-0032 Ext. 3 Phone: (604) 291-1940 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] FAX: (604) 291-1194 Dan Gawthrop Ext. 258 After hours: (604) 999-6132 E-mail: [email protected] Spring 2013 Sources 141

Richard Overgaard in the democratic process of decision mak- Ext. 262 After hours: (778) 836-9910 ing; and to cooperate with women through- E-mail: [email protected] out the world to create the mutual respect Alberta Regional: and understanding necessary for the peace- Phone: (780) 484-7644 ful resolution of international conflict. Cur- FAX: (780) 489-2202 rent projects include leadership programs for young women, and work on UN SC Lou Arab Resolution 1325. Ext. 228 After hours: (780) 271-2722 VOW is a member of the Climate Action E-mail: [email protected] Canadian Urban Transit Network and sponsors work on this concern Saskatchewan Regional: Association / as well as on nuclear weapons abolition. Phone: (306) 382-8262 VOW is a member of the Canadian Peace FAX: (306) 382-8188 Association canadienne Initiative, and the International Peace Bu- reau. Beth Smillie du transport urbain Ext. 29 After hours: (306) 229-4908 Head Office: Website: www.vowpeace.org E-mail: [email protected] 55 York St., Ste. 1401, Phone: 416-603-7915 Manitoba Regional: Toronto, ON M5J 1R7 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (204) 942-0343 The Canadian Urban Transit Association FAX: (204) 956-7071 (CUTA) is the collective voice of public transit in Canada. CUTA’s mission is to Liam Martin strengthen public transit’s contribution to Ext. 212 After hours: (204) 930-0842 the quality of life, environment, health, mo- E-mail: [email protected] bility and economic development of Cana- Ontario Regional: dian communities, and to help members Phone: (416) 292-3999 fulfill their mandates. FAX: (416) 292-2839 CUTA represents the public transit com- 110 – 225 Select Ave., Stella Yeadon munity in Canada and engages in a multi- Toronto, ON M1X 0B5 Ext. 277 After hours: (416) 559-9300 tude of activities in support of its mission canfitpro is the largest provider of educa- E-mail: [email protected] and goals. These include conferences, train- tion in the Canadian fitness industry. ing, public affairs, awards, exhibitions, tech- Founded in 1993, canfitpro delivers acces- Robert Lamoureux nical services, research, statistics and sible, quality education, certifications, con- Ext. 217 After hours: (416) 993-1063 government relations. ferences, trade shows and membership E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cutaactu.ca services. canfitpro’s over 100,000 members Ontario Division: include some of the world’s finest fitness Head Office: Phone: (416) 299-9739 professionals, health club operators, indus- Phone: (416) 365-9800 try suppliers and fitness consumers. Kevin Wilson FAX: (416) 365-1295 Ext. 278 After hours: (416) 821-6641 Website: www.canfitpro.com E-mail: [email protected] Grace Elasmar, Manager, Marketing and Communications Toll free: 1-800-667-5622 Quebec Regional (SCFP): Ext. 118 FAX: (416) 493-1756 Phone: (514) 384-9681 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] FAX: (514) 384-9680 Michael Roschlau, Ph.D., President and Erin Andersen, Marketing and Robert Bellerose CEO Membership Development Manager Ext. 2239 After hours: (514) 247-9266 Ext. 104 Phone: (416) 493-3515, ext. 228 E-mail: [email protected] Ottawa Office: Atiya Jacquesson, Marketing and Public Sébastien Goulet 440 Laurier Ave. W., Ste. 200, Ottawa, Relations Administrator Ext. 2226 After hours: (438) 882-3756 ON K1R 7X6 Phone: (416) 493-3515, ext. 322 E-mail: [email protected] Patrick Leclerc, Director, Marketing and Maritimes Regional (N.B. and P.E.I.): Public Affairs Caribbean Community Phone: (506) 857-2816 Phone: (613) 788-7982 Caribbean Community (CARICOM) FAX: (506) 859-9513 FAX: (613) 248-7965 Secretariat, Turkeyen, Georgetown, LISTINGS Danielle Savoie Guyana, After hours: (506) 381-1966 Canadian Voice of Women To provide dynamic leadership and serv- E-mail: [email protected] ice, in partnership with community institu- for Peace tions and groups, toward the attainment of Atlantic Regional (N.S. and Nfld.): 7 Labatt Avenue, Suite 201Ci, a viable, internationally competitive and Phone: (902) 455-4180 Toronto, ON M5A 1Z1 sustainable Community, with improved FAX: (902) 455-5915 Established in 1960, Canadian Voice of quality of life for all. John McCracken Women for Peace (VOW) is a non-partisan Website: www.caricom.org After hours: (902) 880-8057 Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) E-mail: [email protected] comprised of a network of diverse women Phone: 592-222-0001/75 with consultative status at the United Na- E-mail: [email protected] tions ECOSOC. For over 50 years, VOW has provided a means for women to exercise responsibility for the promotion of world peace and justice, through education of themselves and others to take an equal part 142 Sources Spring 2013 Central American conférences et colloques, concerts, specta- cles de danse, activités pédagogiques – de Integration System niveau international, activités dont un grand Central American Integration System nombre circule ensuite, tant en France qu’à (Spanish: Sistema de la Integración l’étranger. Centroamericana; SICA) is an intergovern- Website: www.centrepompidou.fr/ mental organization of Central American states. It has a standing invitation to partici- pate as observer in the sessions and the work Catholic Missions In of the United Nations General Assembly Canada and maintain permanent offices at UN Headquarters. Four countries, Guatemala, 1155 Yonge St., Ste. 201, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, are Toronto, ON M4T 1W2 going through a process of political, cultural Catholic Missions In Canada works to ex- and migratory integration and have formed tend the blessings of the Catholic faith the CA4 (The Central America Four) union, through the financial support of missionar- which has introduced common internal bor- Centre for Suicide ies throughout Canada. We support Cana- ders. The CA4 is joined by Costa Rica in Prevention dian Catholic missionaries, catechetical matters of economic integration and re- 105 12 Ave. S.E., Ste. 320, programs, ministry among our First Nations gional friendship. peoples, church building/repair, religious Calgary, AB T2G 1A1 education of children and youth, leadership Website: http://www.sica.int/ The Centre for Suicide Prevention collects and distributes information on suicide and formation of lay people, and seminarian Phone: (504) 228-2243 suicidal behaviour, and provides training on education for ministry in our mission dio- E-mail: [email protected] ceses. Suicide Prevention, Intervention, Awareness and Bereavement. Website: www.cmic.info Centre Pompidou The Centre provides statistics, contact Phone: (416) 934-3424 Place Georges Pompidou, Paris, France, names and research data from over 45,000 Toll free: 1-866-YES CMIC (937-2642) In a unique location under one roof, the documents. The database is searchable by FAX: (416) 934-3425 Centre Pompidou houses one of the most over 1,000 subject terms, and is also avail- able online. Father Philip J. Kennedy, President important museums in the world, featuring E-mail: [email protected] the leading collection of modern and con- Website: www.suicideinfo.ca temporary art in Europe, a vast public ref- Kathleen Ancker, Director of National Phone: (403) 245-3900 erence library with facilities for over 2,000 Development FAX: (403) 245-0299 readers, general documentation on 20th E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] century art, a cinema and performance halls, Don Smith, Director of Finance and a music research institute, educational activ- Brenda Ann Taylor, Communications Administration ity areas, bookshops, a restaurant and a café. Director E-mail: [email protected] Unswerving in its interdisciplinary vocation Robert Olson, Library Mara Grunau, Education Director Patria C. Rivera, Editor, Catholic and its core mission – to spread knowledge Missions In Canada Magazine about all creative works from the 20th cen- E-mail: [email protected] tury and those heralding the new millen- nium – each year the Centre Pompidou Michael C. Chettleburgh holds thirty or so public exhibitions plus in- Center for Socialist History ternational events – cinema and documen- – Astwood Strategy P.O. Box 626, tary screenings, conferences and Alameda, CA 94501, USA symposiums, concerts, dance and educa- Corporation A non-profit corporation founded to pro- tional activities – many of which go on to 10660 Yonge St., Box 30608, mote research and publication in the field of other venues in both France and abroad. Richmond Hill, ON L4C 3C9 the history of socialism. We strongly believe Le Centre Pompidou réunit en un lieu Leading North American speaker, strate- that (to paraphrase) socialists who don’t unique l’un des plus importants musées au gist and thought leader on street gangs, or- know their own history are doomed to re- monde possédant la première collection ganized crime, corrections and related peat all the old mistakes. And the history of d’art moderne et contemporain en Europe, criminal justice matters. Author of Young socialism shows that they do. The socialist une grande bibliothèque de lecture publique Thugs: Inside the Dangerous World of Ca- movement is an amnesiac: socialists know disposant de plus de 2 000 places de travail, nadian Street Gangs (2007) and the little about where they are coming from, no une documentation générale sur l’art du upcoming Gladiator School: Life Inside wonder they hardly know where they are XXe siècle, des salles de cinéma et de spec- Canadian Prisons (2014), published by going. The fact is that little work or publi- tacles, un institut de recherche musicale, des HarperCollins Canada. Founder and CEO cation goes on in the field by socialists; espaces d’activités éducatives, librairies, un of Astwood Strategy Corporation (estab- most is by non-socialists or anti-socialists. restaurant et un café. lished 1992), Editor/Publisher of the They too can serve; but socialists’ concern Fidèle à sa vocation interdisciplinaire, et Astwood Gang Journal, Publisher/Editor of with their own history is not of an academic à sa mission principale – donner à connaître Lessons from a Gang Cop, by Tony “Pac- character. A living movement has to know l’ensemble des productions de la création Man” Moreno. Extensive international ex- the lessons of the past. du XXe siècle et les prémisses de celle du perience with print and broadcast media Website: http://csh.gn.apc.org/ XXIe – le Centre Pompidou propose with over 800 media credits since 2007. annuellement au public dans son bâtiment Websites: www.astwood.ca Phone: (510) 601-6460 une trentaine d’expositions ainsi que de E-mail: [email protected] www.gangsummit.com nombreuses manifestations – cycles de www.gangjournal.com cinéma de fiction, de documentaires, www.kidsnotcons.com Spring 2013 Sources 143

Michael C. Chettleburgh Those who prepare the reviews are mostly sets requirements to enter the profession, Phone: (905) 884-1938 health care professionals who volunteer to establishes practice standards, enforces FAX: (905) 884-8272 work in one of the many Cochrane Review standards of practice and conduct, and ad- E-mail: [email protected] Groups, with editorial teams overseeing the ministers a Quality Assurance program. preparation and maintenance of the reviews, Website: www.cno.org as well as application of the rigorous qual- ity standards for which Cochrane Reviews Phone: (416) 928-0900 have become known. FAX: (416) 928-9841 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cochrane.org Deborah Jones, Manager, Collective Security Treaty Communications E-mail: [email protected] Organization Christian Labour Moscow, Russia, College of Respiratory On October 7, 2002, the Presidents of Ar- Therapists of Ontario Association of Canada menia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan signed a charter in 180 Dundas St. W., Ste. 2103, 2335 Argentia Road, Chisinau, founding the Collective Security Toronto, ON M5G 1Z8 Mississauga, ON L5N 5N3 Treaty Organization (CSTO) (Russian The College of Respiratory Therapists is CLAC is an independent Canadian labour ODKB) (The Tashkent Treaty). Nikolai the regulatory body for the profession of union representing thousands of workers in Bordyuzha was appointed secretary general Respiratory Therapy in Ontario. Our mis- a wide range of industry sectors, construc- of the new organization. On 23 June 2006, sion is to protect the public interest, and tion, health care, retail, service, transporta- Uzbekistan became a full participant in the improve their health and well-being by set- tion, manufacturing and mining. CLAC is CSTO and its membership was formally ting entry to practice requirements, practice a Union that Works for YOU! ratified by its parliament on 28 March 2008. standards, quality assurance, and continuing Website: www.clac.ca The CSTO is an observer organization at the competency through self-regulation. Alex Pannu LL.B., Director of Public United Nations General Assembly. Website: www.crto.on.ca Affairs The charter reaffirmed the desire of all participating states to abstain from the use Phone: (416) 591-7800 Toll free: 1-800-331-2522 FAX: (416) 591-7890 E-mail: [email protected] or threat of force. Signatories would not be able to join other military alliances or other Kevin Taylor, RRT, Registrar groups of states, while aggression against Ext. 21 ClimateFast one signatory would be perceived as an ag- E-mail: [email protected] Toronto, ON gression against all. To this end, the CSTO Melanie Jones-Drost, Deputy Registrar ClimateFast is a group of dedicated cli- holds yearly military command exercises Ext. 24 mate activists, deeply concerned about for the CSTO nations to have an opportu- E-mail: [email protected] worsening climate change. Our aim is to nity to improve inter-organization coopera- draw the public’s attention to the crisis, and tion. The largest-scale CSTO military Janice Carson-Golden, Communications by fasting and public pledges to press our exercises held to date were the “Rubezh Co-ordinator politicians into action NOW to confront this 2008” exercises hosted in Armenia where a Ext. 27 greatest threat to our children’s future. combined total of 4,000 troops from all 7 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.climatefast.ca constituent CSTO member countries con- ducted operative, strategic and tactical train- Commonwealth Secretariat E-mail: [email protected] ing with an emphasis towards furthering Marlborough House, Pall Mall, efficiency of the collective security element London SW1Y 5HX, UK, The Cochrane of the CSTO partnership. The Commonwealth is an association of Collaboration/The The CSTO employs a “rotating presi- 53 independent states consulting and co- dency” system in which the country leading operating in the common interests of their Cochrane Library the CSTO alternates every year. peoples and in the promotion of interna- Cochrane Collaboration Secretariat, Website: www.dkb.gov.ru tional understanding Summertown Pavilion, 18-24 Middle Way, Phone: (495) 625-7620 Website: www.thecommonwealth.org Oxford OX2 7LG, UK, E-mail: [email protected] LISTINGS The Cochrane Collaboration is an interna- Phone: 44 (0)20 7747 6500 tional not-for-profit and independent or- E-mail: [email protected] ganization dedicated to making up-to-date, accurate information about the effects of Community of Portuguese- health care readily available worldwide. It produces and disseminates systematic re- speaking Countries views of health care interventions and pro- Rua de Sao Caetano, 32, motes the search for evidence in the form 1200-829 Lisboa, Portugal of clinical trials and other studies of inter- A Comunidade dos Países de Língua ventions. The Cochrane Collaboration was 101 Davenport Rd., Portuguesa – CPLP é o foro multilateral founded in 1993 and named after the Brit- Toronto, ON M5R 3P1 privilegiado para o aprofundamento da ish epidemiologist, Archie Cochrane. The College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) amizade mútua e da cooperaçao entre os The major product of the Collaboration is is the governing body for 160,000 Regis- seus membros. Criada em 17 de Julho de the Cochrane Database of Systematic Re- tered Nurses (RNs), Registered Practical 1996, a CPLP goza de personalidade views which is published quarterly as part Nurses (RPNs) and Nurse Practitioners jurídica e é dotada de autonomia financeira. of The Cochrane Library. (NPs) in Ontario, Canada. The College A Organizaçao tem como objectivos gerais: regulates nursing in the public interest and 144 Sources Spring 2013

• A concertaçao político-diplomática entre seus estados membros, nomeadamente para o reforço da sua presença no cenário internacional; • A cooperaçao em todos os domínios, in- clusive os da educaçao, saúde, ciência e tecnologia, defesa, agricultura, administraçao pública, comunicaçoes, justiça, segurança pública, cultura, desporto e comunicaçao social; Connexions Information Consumer Health • A materializaçao de projectos de promoçao e difusao da língua portuguesa. Sharing Services Products Canada / A CPLP é regida pelos seguintes princípios: 812A Bloor St. W., Ste. 201, • Igualdade soberana dos Estados Toronto, ON M6G 1L9 Produits de santé membros; Connexions compiles and disseminates consommateurs du • Nao-ingerência nos assuntos internos de information about social and economic al- cada estado; ternatives. Established in 1975 as an inde- Canada • Respeito pela sua identidade nacional; pendent non-profit research organization and information clearinghouse, Connexions 1111 Prince of Wales Dr., Ste. 406, • Reciprocidade de tratamento; compiles and publishes a variety of resource Ottawa, ON K2C 3T2 • Primado da paz, da democracia, do materials in print and electronic formats, Consumer Health Products Canada is the estado de direito, dos direitos humanos e including a directory of advocacy groups national association representing manufac- da justiça social; and non-governmental organizations. De- turers, marketers and distributors of con- • Respeito pela sua integridade territorial; mocratization, civil liberties, alternatives to sumer health products (over-the-counter • Promoçao do desenvolvimento; “free market” economics and grassroots ac- medications and natural health products). • Promoçao da cooperaçao mutuamente tivism are areas of special, emphasis. The Association works with health profes- vantajosa. Connexions a pour mission d’établir des sionals, governments and health-oriented liens entre les individus et les organisations organizations to support the growth of evi- Website: http://www.cplp.org qui alors oeuvrent ensemble pour le dence-based self-care. CHP Canada con- Phone: 351 21 392 85 60 changement social tout en échangeant idées ducts economic, market and consumer et informations au niveau public. research, and manages the Meth Watch Pro- Community of Sahelo- Connexions En Ligne affiche des ressources gram. et organisations visant à promouvoir la Produits de santé consommateurs du Saharan States démocratisation, la justice économique, la Canada est l’association nationale CEN-SAD was established in February responsabilité envers l’environnement, les représentant l’industrie des médicaments en 1998 by six countries, but since then its libertés civiles ainsi que la création et la pro- vente libre et les produits de santé naturelle. membership has grown to 28. One of its tection des communautés. L’Association collabore avec les pro- main goals is to achieve economic unity Website: www.connexions.org fessionnels de la santé, les gouvernements through the implementation of the free www.connexions.org/CxLibrary/ et autres organismes pour l’avancement des movement of people and goods in order to CxSubjectIndex.htm autosoins de qualité. Le PSC Canada make the area occupied by member states a effectue des études économiques et free trade area. At the international level, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ commerciales et des enquêtes auprès des CEN-SAD gained observer status at the UN ConnexionsOnline consommateurs et gère également le pro- General Assembly in 2001 and concluded Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/b/ gramme Surveillance meth. association and cooperation accords with 112116433903807123040/ Website: www.chpcanada.ca the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), as well as with UN spe- Ulli Diemer, Co-ordinator Twitter: CHP_Can Phone: (416) 964-5735 cialized agencies and institutions such as Phone: (613) 723-0777 UNDP, WHO, UNESCO, FAO, and the Per- FAX: (613) 723-0779 manent Interstate Committee for drought E-mail: [email protected] control in the Sahel. All CEN-SAD member countries are also Gerry Harrington, Director of Public participating in other African economic un- Affairs/Directeur des affaires publiques ions, that have the aim to create a common Phone: (613) 723-0777, ext. 227 African Economic Community. The envi- Cellular: (613) 863-3716 sioned Free Trade Area of CEN-SAD would E-mail: be hard to practically implement, because it [email protected] is overlapping with the envisioned Customs Mary McEwen, Director of Unions of ECOWAS, ECCAS and Communications and Member Services COMESA and other trade blocs more ad- David Skinner, President vanced in their integration. Website: http://www.cen-sad.org/ E-mail: [email protected] Spring 2013 Sources 145 CorpWatch individuals. The Council has 47 member countries. 1611 Telegraph Ave., Ste. 720, Oakland, CA 94612, USA Aims CorpWatch provides news, analysis, re- • to protect human rights, pluralist democ- search tools and action resources to respond racy and the rule of law; to corporate activity around the globe, and • to promote awareness and encourage the also talks with people who are directly af- development of Europe’s cultural identity fected by corporate abuses as well as with and diversity; others fighting for corporate accountability, • to find common solutions to the chal- Randall Craig, Social Media human rights, social and environmental jus- lenges facing European society: such as and Networking Expert tice. discrimination against minorities, xeno- Website: www.corpwatch.org phobia, intolerance, bioethics and clon- 108 Dundas St. W., Ste. 201, ing, terrorism, trafficking in human Toronto, ON M5G 1C3 Phone: (510) 271-8080 beings, organized crime and corruption, Randall is an expert on Social Media cybercrime, violence against children; Strategy, Social Media Risks, and Network- • to consolidate democratic stability in Eu- ing, and has helped over 100 major organi- rope by backing political, legislative and zations since 1994. constitutional reform. Author of seven books, including Social The current Council of Europe’s political Media for Business, the Online PR and So- mandate was defined by the third Summit cial Media series, and The Everything of Heads of State and Government, held in Guide to Starting an Online Business. Pro- Warsaw in May 2005. filed in all national media, he blogs for the Huffington Post, and serves on the national Melanie Novis – Corporate How it works board of the Canadian Association of Pro- Speech Consultants The main component parts of the Council fessional Speakers. 300+ articles online for of Europe are: story ideas; contact him for review copies 19 Madison Ave., Toronto, ON M5R 2S2 of his books. Melanie Novis, president of Corporate • the Committee of Ministers, the Organi- Speech Consultants, author of Canadian sation’s decision-making body, com- Website: www.108ideaspace.com Public Speaking and award-winning in- posed of the 47 Foreign Ministers or their www.RandallCraig.com structor at the University of Toronto, is an Strasbourg-based deputies (ambassadors/ Randall M. Craig, CFA, M.B.A., CMC, international professional speech and com- permanent representatives); Consultant, Author, Speaker munication coach who specializes in assist- • the Parliamentary Assembly, driving Phone: (416) 256-7773, ext. 101 ing executives and professionals to develop force for European co-operation, group- FAX: (416) 256-7763 a competitive business edge by becoming ing 636 members (318 representatives E-mail: [email protected] confident, effective speakers and leaders. and 318 substitutes) from the 47 national Clients include Fortune 500 companies, parliaments: financial institutions, professional organiza- • the Congress of Local and Regional Au- tions, government and entrepreneurs. thorities, the voice of Europe’s regions Melanie trained all the speakers from and municipalities, composed of a Cham- VANOC, organizers of the Winter Olym- ber of Local Authorities and a Chamber pics. of Regions; Customized programs and seminars in- • the 1,800-strong secretariat recruited clude: from member states, headed by a Secre- • Professional Presentation and Communi- tary General, elected by the Parliamen- 44 Eccles St., Ste. 200, cation Skills tary Assembly. Ottawa, ON K1R 6S4 • Executive Coaching Cuso International is a non-profit, interna- Website: www.coe.int tional development agency. Each year, we • Effective Management Communication Phone: 33 (0)3 88 41 20 00 place hundreds of Canadian and American • The Business Pitch E-mail: [email protected] volunteers who collaborate on development • Media Interviews projects in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and the Pacific. • Leadership Presence Eryl Court LISTINGS Since 1961, we have placed over 15,000 Website: 109 Wilton St., Toronto, ON M5A 4A3 volunteers. Cuso is a strategic alliance part- www.corporatespeechconsultants.com I am a peace activist and researcher, in- ner of VSO, a worldwide federation of Vol- Melanie Novis, President volved in the peace movement locally & untary Service Overseas organizations. globally for more than 40 years. It is my Phone: (416) 483-5866 Website: cusointernational.org E-mail: life’s work. I am keen to link up with other [email protected] peace activists and groups working to Media Spokesperson: achieve a world in one peace. Qualified in Sean Kelly, Head of Communications and Political Science. Executive member – vari- Media Council of Europe ous groups. Phone: (902) 850-2510 Avenue de l’Europe, 67075 Strasbourg Phone: (416) 368-3270 Cellular: (902) 293-7790 Cedex, France, E-mail: [email protected] Founded in 1949, the Council of Europe E-mail: [email protected] seeks to develop throughout Europe com- mon and democratic principles based on the European Convention on Human Rights and other reference texts on the protection of 146 Sources Spring 2013 Ann Douglas, Author D 3108 Frances Stewart Rd., E Peterborough, ON K9H 7J8 Deutsches Historisches Author of 28 books, including The Mother East African Community of All Pregnancy Books, The Mother of All Museum Baby Books, The Mother of All Toddler Arusha International Conference Centre, 5th Fl., Kilimanjaro Wing, P.O. Box 1096, Unter den Linden 2, Books and The Mother of All Parenting Arusha, Tanzania, 10117 Berlin, Germany Books. Latest books are Sleep Solutions for The East African Community (EAC) is the The Deutsches Historisches Museum Your Baby, Toddler, and Preschooler and regional intergovernmental organization of (DHM, German Historical Museum) was Mealtime Solutions for Your Baby, Toddler, the Republics of Kenya, Uganda, the United founded in 1987 by the chancellor of Ger- and Preschooler. Frequently featured in the Republic of Tanzania, Republic of Burundi many, Helmut Kohl, and the mayor of Ber- media. Expect practical tips, lively anec- and Republic of Rwanda with its headquar- lin, Eberhard Diepgen, on the occasion of dotes and real world advice. ters in Arusha, Tanzania. the 750th anniversary of the founding of Website: www.having-a-baby.com The Treaty for Establishment of the East Berlin. It is situated in the Zeughaus, the Ann Douglas African Community was signed on 30th oldest structure on the Unter den Linden Phone: (705) 742-3265 November 1999 and entered into force on avenue in central Berlin. FAX: (705) 742-9672 7th July 2000 following its ratification by In 2004 an extension to the DHM, de- E-mail: [email protected] the Original 3 Partner States – Kenya, signed by I. M. Pei, was completed. In 2006 or [email protected] Uganda and Tanzania. The Republic of the restoration of the Zeughaus building, Rwanda and the Republic of Burundi ac- founded in 1695, was completed and the ceded to the EAC Treaty on 18th June 2007 DHM Museum opened with an exhibition and became full Members of the Commu- of German History in Images and Testimo- nity with effect from 1st July 2007. nials from Two Millenia. The EAC aims at widening and deepening The DHM hosts the “LeMO: Lebendiges co-operation among the Partner States in, virtuelles Museum Online” website. among others, political, economic and so- In seinem Programm vom 24. Juni 1987 cial fields for their mutual benefit. To this verpflichtete sich das Deutsche Historische extent the EAC countries established a Cus- Museum der “Aufklärung und toms Union in 2005 and are working to- Verständigung über die gemeinsame Drake International wards the establishment of a Common Geschichte von Deutschen und Europäern”. 320 Bay St., Ste. 1700, Market by 2010, subsequently a Monetary Kurz nach seiner Gründung 1987 hatte das Toronto, ON M5H 4A6 Union by 2012 and ultimately a Political DHM mit dem Sammlungsaufbau Drake’s operating philosophy is based on Federation of the East African States. begonnen. Einen ersten Querschnitt durch the principle that organizations achieve the Website: www.eac.int den rasch angewachsenen Fonds von highest level of performance when they are Erwerbungen präsentierte seit Dezember staffed with the right people, working with Phone: 255 27 2504253/8 1994 die Dauerausstellung “Bilder und the right skills, knowledge and behaviours, E-mail: [email protected] Zeugnisse der deutschen Geschichte” mit using the best processes and technology- mehr als 2000 Exponaten. Den Besuchern driven solutions, over an extended period of Economic Community of bot sich so ein Überblick über die Zeugnisse time. Central African States deutscher Geschichte im europäischen Our unique suite of talent management Umfeld. Wechselausstellungen zur Kultur- solutions can be customized for any organi- ECCAS aims to achieve collective au- und Zeitgeschichte begleiteten das zation to generate Exponential Impact™ by tonomy, raise the standard of living of its Programm. improving performance, productivity, re- populations and maintain economic stabil- Website: www.dhm.de cruiting, retention, organizational culture ity through harmonious cooperation. Its ul- and leadership while improving the bottom timate goal is to establish a Central African line. Common Market. Ulli Diemer Members of the Drake International Website: www.ceeac-eccas.org Group of Companies are innovators in the Comment and analysis from a libertarian Phone: +241-44-47-31 perspective on topics such as censorship and field of talent management, performance freedom of speech, political correctness, improvement, consultative management, double standards, identity politics, post- staffing and technology solutions. Economic Community of modernism, media bias, atheism, secular- Website: www.drakeintl.com West African States ism, and archives and preservation of 101, Yakubu Gowon Cres., Asokoro people’s history. Phone: (416) 216-1000 FAX: (416) 216-1109 District, P.M.B. 401, Abuja, Nigeria Website: www.diemer.ca The Economic Community of West Afri- Tony Scala, Vice-President, Marketing can States (ECOWAS) is a regional group www.facebook.com/people/Ulli-Diemer/ and Public Relations of fifteen countries, founded in 1975. Its 100002915750963 Phone: (416) 216-1153 mission is to promote economic integration E-mail: [email protected] Ulli Diemer in “all fields of economic activity, particu- Phone: 416-964-5735 larly industry, transport, telecommunica- E-mail: [email protected] tions, energy, agriculture, natural resources, Website: www.diemer.ca commerce, monetary and financial ques- tions, social and cultural matters .....” The Institutions of the Economic Commu- nity of West African States are as follows: Spring 2013 Sources 147 • The Commission Electronic Intifada sure the highest standards of engineering • The Community Parliament education, professional qualifications and Palestinian portal for information about • The Community Court of Justice ethical conduct; promotes greater public the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its depic- understanding of engineering and its contri- • ECOWAS Bank for Investment and De- tion in the media. News, commentary, bution to society; and acts as the national velopment (EBID) analysis and reference materials about the and international voice of the associations/ Website: www.ecowas.int Israeli-Palestinian conflict from a Palestin- ordre. On their behalf, Engineers Canada ian perspective. Phone: 234 9 31 47 647-9 accredits undergraduate engineering pro- E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://electronicintifada.net/ grams, conducts research and develops na- tional guidelines. FAX: 1-646-403-3965 Engineers Canada is the business name of E-mail: [email protected] Economic Cooperation the Canadian Council of Professional En- Organization gineers. No. 1, Golobu Alley, Kamranieh, Website: www.engineerscanada.ca P.O. Box 14155- 6176, Tehran, Iran Phone: (613) 232-2474 Economic Cooperation Organization FAX: (613) 230-5759 (ECO) is an intergovernmental regional or- ganization established in 1985 by Iran, Pa- Marc Bourgeois, Director, kistan and Turkey for the purpose of Communications and Public Affairs promoting economic, technical and cultural E-mail: cooperation among the member states. Embassy Row [email protected] ECO is the successor organization of Re- gional Cooperation for Development (RCD) 812A Bloor St. W., Ste. 201, Environment Canada – which remained in existence since 1964 up Toronto, ON M6G 1L9 Weather to 1979. Embassy Row, published by Sources as In 1992, the Organization was expanded part of the Parliamentary Names & Num- In addition to providing Canadians with to include seven new members, namely: Is- bers directory, lists all embassies and high up-to-date information on past, present and lamic Republic of Afghanistan, Republic of commissions to Canada, and all Canadian future weather conditions, Environment Azerbaijan, Republic of Kazakhstan, embassies, high commissions and consu- Canada offers multiple data access services Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Tajikistan, lates abroad. Each entry provides the name to specialized users that require information Turkmenistan and Republic of Uzbekistan. of the ambassador, the embassy’s press at regular intervals and in an unprocessed The date of the Organization’s expansion to contact(s) and the embassy’s mailing ad- form. its present strength, 28th November, is be- dress, phone and fax numbers, e-mail ad- dress and website. Where a country does not Website: ing observed as the ECO Day. www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/canada_e.html Current Membership: Islamic State of Af- maintain an embassy in Canada, the em- ghanistan, Azerbaijan Republic, Islamic bassy responsible for relations with Canada Republic of Iran, Republic of Kazakhstan, (usually the embassy to the United Nations European Union Kyrgyz Republic, Islamic Republic of Pa- or the embassy to the United States) is B-1048, Brussels, Belgium, kistan, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of listed. Embassy Row is a section of the Par- The European Union (EU) is an economic Turkey, Turkmenistan and Republic of liamentary Names & Numbers print direc- and political union of 27 member states, lo- Uzbekistan. tory, and is also part of Parliamentary cated primarily in Europe. It was established Names & Numbers online, at www. by the Treaty of Maastricht on 1 November Website: www.ecosecretariat.org sources.com/pnn/. Single-user subscrip- 1993 upon the foundations of the pre-exist- Phone: 98-21 22831733-4 tions are $75 a year, and include both the ing European Economic Community. With E-mail: [email protected] print directory and online access. Multi-user almost 500 million citizens, the EU com- subscriptions are also available. Embassy bined generates an estimated 30% share Electricity Distributors Row is also available as a mailing list. (US$16.8 trillion in 2007) of the nominal Website: www.sources.com/Embassy/ gross world product. Association Embs.htm The EU has developed a single market 3700 Steeles Ave. W., Ste. 1100, through a standardized system of laws Phone: (416) 964-7799 Vaughan, ON L4L 8K8 which apply in all member states, guaran- The Electricity Distributors Association teeing the freedom of movement of people, (EDA) is the voice of Ontario’s local elec- goods, services and capital. It maintains a LISTINGS tricity distributors, the publicly and pri- common trade policy, agricultural and fish- vately owned companies that safely and eries policies, and a regional development reliably deliver electricity to over four mil- policy. Sixteen member states have adopted lion Ontario homes, businesses and public a common currency, the euro. It has devel- institutions. The EDA provides members oped a role in foreign policy, representing with advocacy and representation in the leg- its members in the World Trade Organisa- islative and regulatory environment. tion, at G8 summits, and at the United Na- Engineers Canada / tions. Twenty-one EU countries are Christine Hallas, Manager, members of NATO. The EU has developed Communications and Media Relations Ingénieurs Canada a role in justice and home affairs, including Phone: (905) 265-5322 180 Elgin St., Ste. 1100, the abolition of passport controls between FAX: (905) 265-5301 Ottawa, ON K2P 2K3 many member states under the Schengen E-mail: [email protected] Engineers Canada is the national organi- Agreement, which incorporates also non- zation of the 12 provincial and territorial EU states. associations/ordre that regulate the practice The EU operates through a hybrid system of engineering in Canada. Engineers of intergovernmentalism and Canada delivers national programs that en- 148 Sources Spring 2013 supranationalism. In certain areas it depends the eligibility requirements, the deadline for represents naturists in over 30 countries, the upon agreement between the member states. applications and the value of the award. FCN gives an international voice to Cana- However, it also has supranational bodies, Complete contact information (mailing ad- dian nudists/naturists. able to make decisions without unanimity dress, phone, fax) is provided. Fame & For- Website: www.fcn.ca/ between all national governments. Impor- tune is available on the Sources website. tant institutions and bodies of the EU in- Phone/FAX: (416) 410-6833 Website: www.sources.com/Fandf/ E-mail: [email protected] clude the European Commission, the index.htm European Parliament, the Council of the Karen Grant, FCN President European Union, the European Council, the Phone: (416) 964-7799 Phone: (905) 806-5583 European Court of Justice and the European E-mail: [email protected] Central Bank. EU citizens elect the Parlia- ment every five years. Entrevue francophone: The EU traces its origins to the European Michel Vaïs, Media Relations FQN Coal and Steel Community formed among Tél: (514) 278-5764 six countries in 1951 and the Treaty of Téléc: (514) 278-5521 Rome in 1957. Since then the union has Courriel: [email protected] grown in size through the accession of new International Naturist Federation: countries, and new policy areas have been Eduard-Nittnerstrasse 14/6, A-4063, added to the remit of the EU institutions. Family Service Toronto Hörsching, Austria Website: http://europa.eu/ 355 Church St., Toronto, ON M5B 1Z8 Phone: +43 (0) 7221 72480 FST is a non-profit social service agency FAX: +43 (0) 7221 72358 offering a wide range of counselling and World Wide Web: www.inf-fni.org F support programs in 12 locations across the City of Toronto. Since 1914, FST has been FIFA – International assisting individuals, families and commu- nities through counselling, community de- Federation of Association velopment, advocacy and public education Football / FIFA – Fédération programs. Internationale de Football Website: www.familyservicetoronto.org Phone: (416) 595-9230 Association FAX: (416) 595-0242 Service Access: Feldstein Family Law P.O. Box 8044, Zurich, Switzerland (416) 595-9618 Group The Fédération Internationale de Football Media Inquiries: 20 Crown Steel Dr., Ste. 8, Association (French for International Fed- Brian Porter, Director, Marketing and Markham, ON L3R 9X9 eration of Association Football), commonly Communications We practise exclusively in family law and known by its acronym, FIFA, is the interna- Phone: (416) 595-9230, ext. 225 have been voted the “Top Choice Award for tional governing body of association foot- E-mail: Family Law Toronto” 2007-2012. We’re of- ball. [email protected] The Fédération Internationale de Football ten interviewed for our expert knowledge Association (FIFA) is an association gov- Margaret Hancock, Executive Director (The Globe and Mail, Global Television, erned by Swiss law founded in 1904 and Phone: (416) 595-9230, ext. 236 Prime TV, CHCH Hamilton, Newstalk 610 based in Zurich. It has 208 member associa- E-mail: CKTB, AM 640 Talk Radio, Mix 99.9, The tions and its goal, enshrined in its Statutes, [email protected] Verdict, 680 News, The Toronto Sun, ET is the constant improvement of football. Lisa Manuel, Director, Changing Lives Canada, CTV NewsNet, Canada AM, Law FIFA employs some 310 people from over Programs (including Counselling, Seniors Times, 570 News Radio, Maclean’s Maga- 35 nations and is composed of a Congress and Caregivers Support Services; Violence zine, Canadian Press, Toronto Star, (legislative body), Executive Committee Against Women) NewsTalk1010, Hamilton Spectator, Law- (executive body), General Secretariat (ad- Phone: (416) 755-5565, ext. 422 yers Weekly, Rogers Cable, and CityTV) ministrative body) and committees (assist- E-mail: Website: http://www.separation.ca/ ing the Executive Committee). [email protected] about/in-the-media Website: www.fifa.com Phone: 41-(0)43 222 7777 Laurel Rothman, National Co-ordinator, Andrew Feldstein, President Campaign 2000 Phone: (905) 415-1635, ext. 255 Phone: (416) 595-9230, ext. 228 FAX: (905) 415-0785 E-mail: E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Filmmuseum Federation of Canadian Het Filmmuseum, P.O. Box 74782, 1070 Naturists (FCN) BT Amsterdam, Netherlands, P.O. Box 186, Stn. D, The Filmmuseum is Holland’s museum Etobicoke, ON M9A 4X2 for cinematography. The museum’s collec- Fame & Fortune Established in 1985, this national non- tion of films covers the whole of the history 812A Bloor St. W., Ste. 201, profit organization promotes naturism/nud- of cinema from the very first silent films, Toronto, ON M6G 1L9 ism in Canada and informs/represents the dating from the late 19th century, up to the Fame & Fortune, published by Sources, interests of Canadian naturist/nudist indi- latest contemporary digital productions. features awards, fellowships and scholar- viduals, families, clubs, resorts and organi- This internationally renowned collection, ships available to Canadian journalists. For zations. Affiliated with the Austria-based to which many Dutch and foreign titles are each award, information is provided about International Naturist Federation, which regularly added, is the source of inspiration Spring 2013 Sources 149 for the museum’s film programmes, exhibi- to eliminate the causes of hunger and food tions and events. Every year, there are ma- insecurity in Canada. jor thematic programmes examining the Website: www.foodbankscanada.ca history of film and contemporary cinemato- graphic developments. In addition, the mu- Phone: (416) 203-9241 seum organizes open-air screenings, Marzena Gersho, Director, festivals, theatrical family shows and Communications and National Programs retrospectives. Ext. 228 The Filmmuseum houses the largest film FAX: (416) 203-9244 131 Bloor St. W., Ste. 200/238, library in the Netherlands. The museum also E-mail: [email protected] Toronto, ON M5S 1R8 acts as distributor of classics and contempo- Friends of Canadian Broadcasting is an rary, independent films. independent media watchdog supported by The museum has a collection that includes Food and Agriculture 360,000 Canadians who share a commit- 46,000 film titles, 35,000 posters and Organization of the United ment to expanding the quality and quantity 450,000 photographs. The collection looks of Canadian radio, television and online back to Dutch film and cinema culture from Nations programming. Friends relies entirely upon the earliest days of film (1895) and com- One United Nations Plaza, Rm. 1125, donations from its supporters to finance prises an extensive international collection New York, NY, USA public policy initiatives, public opinion alongside a large number of Dutch films. The Food and Agriculture Organization of leadership and research activities. Friends is The main aim is to preserve our film her- the United Nations leads international ef- not affiliated with any broadcaster or politi- itage from decay. One of the most important forts to defeat hunger. Serving both devel- cal party. oped and developing countries, FAO acts as tasks of the Filmmuseum is to conserve and Website: www.friends.ca restore the collection. Seven million metres a neutral forum where all nations meet as of nitrate film from the first half of the 20th equals to negotiate agreements and debate Ian Morrison, Spokesperson century need permanent attention: this ex- policy. FAO is also a source of knowledge Phone: (416) 923-8201 tremely flammable material is falling apart and information. We help developing coun- FAX: (416) 923-8248 and has to be copied to preserve it so it can tries and countries in transition to modern- E-mail: [email protected] be screened again. “Ordinary” celluloid also ize and improve agriculture, forestry and demands special care as part of it is in dan- fisheries practices and ensure good nutrition J. Paul Getty Museum ger of fading and suffering from the vinegar for all. Since our founding in 1945, we have focused special attention on developing ru- 1200 Getty Center Dr., Los Angeles, CA syndrome, the “ghost of acidification”. The 90049, USA Filmmuseum has received several interna- ral areas, home to 70 percent of the world’s poor and hungry people. The J. Paul Getty Museum seeks to further tional awards for its restorations. knowledge of the visual arts and to nurture The Filmmuseum screens classics, chil- Website: www.fao.org critical seeing by collecting, preserving, ex- dren’s films, historical documentaries, un- hibiting and interpreting works of art of the derground productions and new films from Phone: (212) 963-6036 E-mail: [email protected] highest quality. To fulfill its mission, the all over the world. These films can often Museum continues to develop its collection only be seen in the Filmmuseum. The mu- La Francophonie through purchase and gifts, complementing seum also organizes exhibitions, lectures, its impact through special exhibitions, pub- debates and shows in which films are com- Cabinet du Secrétaire général, lications, educational programs developed bined with theatre, music and other media. 28, rue de Bourgogne, 75007 Paris for a wide range of audiences, and a related In the summer, there are open air screenings The primary mission of the organization performing arts program. The Museum on the terrace in Vondelpark. Once every is the promotion of the French language as strives to provide its visitors with access to two years, there is the Filmmuseum Bien- an international language and the promotion the most innovative research in the visual nial, a festival when recently restored ma- of worldwide cultural and linguistic diver- arts while they enjoy a unique experience in jor works from the collection can be seen. sity in the era of economic globalization. In viewing works of art at our Getty Center and Website: www.filmmuseum.nl this regard, countries that are members of Getty Villa sites. While benefiting from the the Francophonie have contributed largely broader context of the Getty Trust, the Mu- Phone: 31 (20) 5891400 to the adoption by UNESCO of the Conven- E-mail: [email protected] seum also extends the reach of its mission tion on the Protection and Promotion of the via the Internet and through the regular ex- Diversity of Cultural Expressions change of works of art, staff and expertise. Forte d’une population de plus de 803 The J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty millions et de 200 millions de locuteurs de Center in Los Angeles houses European LISTINGS français de par le monde, l’Organisation paintings, drawings, sculpture, illuminated internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) a manuscripts, decorative arts, and European pour mission de donner corps à une and American photographs. solidarité active entre les 70 États et The J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty gouvernements qui la composent (56 Villa in Malibu opened on January 28, 2006, Food Banks Canada membres et 14 observateurs) – soit plus du after the completion of a major renovation project. As a museum and educational 2150 Lake Shore Blvd. W., tiers des États membres des Nations unies. center dedicated to the study of the arts and Toronto, ON M8V 1A3 La Francophonie est le dispositif cultures of ancient Greece, Rome and Food Banks Canada is the national chari- institutionnel qui organise les relations Etruria, the Getty Villa serves a varied audi- table organization representing the food politiques et de coopération entre les États ence through exhibitions, conservation, bank community. Its members and their re- et gouvernements de l’OIF, ayant en partage scholarship, research and public programs. spective agencies serve approximately 85% l’usage de la langue française et le respect The Villa houses approximately 44,000 of Canadians accessing emergency food des valeurs universelles. works of art from the Museum’s extensive programs nationwide. Food Banks Canada Website: www.francophonie.org collection of Greek, Roman and Etruscan conducts research, engages in public educa- Phone: (33) 1 44 11 12 50 antiquities, of which over 1,200 are on view. tion and advocates for public policy change 150 Sources Spring 2013 With two locations, the Getty Villa in stone, glass and titanium on a 32,500- History & Policy Malibu and the Getty Center in Los Ange- square-metre site along the Nervión River in les, the J. Paul Getty Museum serves a wide the old industrial heart of the city. Institute of Historical Research, University variety of audiences through its expanded Eleven thousand square metres of exhibi- of London, Senate House, Malet Street, range of exhibitions and programming in tion space are distributed over nineteen gal- London WC1E 7HU, UK, the visual arts. leries. Ten of these galleries have a classic History & Policy: Website: www.getty.edu/museum/ orthogonal plan and can be identified from • Demonstrates the relevance of history to the exterior by their stone finishes. Nine contemporary policymaking. other irregularly shaped galleries present a • Puts historians in touch with those dis- remarkable contrast and can be identified cussing and deciding public policy today. G from the outside by their swirling forms and titanium cladding. • Increases the influence of historical re- Global Music Archive search over current policy. Website: www.guggenheim.org/ • Advises historians wanting to engage Blair School of Music, Music Library, guggenheim-foundation/architecture/ more effectively with policymakers and Vanderbilt University, 2400 Blakemore bilbao Ave., Nashville, TN 37212, USA media. The Global Music Archive is a multi-me- Website: www.historyandpolicy.org dia reference archive and resource centre for Phone: +44 (0)20 7862 876 traditional and popular song, music and H E-mail: [email protected] dance of Africa and the Americas. It is a public facility that promotes education in The Hermitage African and American traditional and popu- The State Hermitage occupies six mag- lar music through its own activities and by nificent buildings situated along the em- supporting the activities of others. The ar- bankment of the River Neva, right in the chive is housed within the Anne Potter heart of St. Petersburg. The leading role in Wilson Music Library in Vanderbilt Univer- this unique architectural ensemble is played sity’s Blair School of Music. It includes by the Winter Palace, the residence of the public rooms for the study of materials, and Russian tsars that was built to the design of audio and video listening and viewing fa- Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli in 1754-62. cilities. This ensemble, formed in the 18th and 19th Hospital Employees’ Union The GMA’s primary mission is to provide centuries, is extended by the eastern wing 5000 North Fraser Way, access to sound recordings and images of of the General Staff building, the Burnaby, BC V5J 5M3 indigenous music from communities in Af- Menshikov Palace and the recently con- HEU, the B.C. Health Services Division of rica and the Americas. Founded in 2003 by structed Repository. Put together throughout CUPE and B.C.’s largest health care union, Gregory Barz, Associate Professor of Mu- two centuries and a half, the Hermitage col- represents 43,000 health workers in acute sicology (Ethnomusicology) at Vanderbilt lections of works of art (over 3,000,000 care, long-term care and community serv- University and the Anne Potter Wilson Mu- items) present the development of world ices. HEU is active on health policy issues; sic Library, the GMA recently launched its culture and art from the Stone Age to the women’s rights; pay equity; labour issues; first database in a series of databases, the 20th century. health and safety; and in national campaigns Digital Collection of East African Record- Website: www.hermitagemuseum.org/ in defence of Medicare. ings which consists of over 2,000 discrete Website: www.heu.org musical performances recorded by an East African ethnomusicologist, Centurio Hiroshima Day Coalition HEAD OFFICE: Balikoowa. P.O. Box 92097, 2900 Warden Ave., Phone: (604) 438-5000 The Global Music Archive (GMA) at Toronto, ON M1W 3Y8 FAX: (604) 739-1510 Vanderbilt University is a collaboration be- Coalition of community and peace groups E-mail: [email protected] tween the Blair School of Music and the commemorating the anniversary of the Bonnie Pearson, Chief Spokesperson, University Libraries. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Naga- Secretary–Business Manager saki while promoting nuclear disarmament. Website: www.globalmusicarchive.org Mike Old, Director of Communications Phone: (615) 322-5227 Website: www.hiroshimadaycoalition.ca After hours: (604) 828-6771 Phone: (416) 832-8413 Guggenheim Museum FAX: (416) 498-5914 Bilbao E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Setsuko Thurlow, Atomic Bomb Bilbao, Spain, Survivor Almost from the moment it opened in Areas of expertise: Peace, Peace 1997, Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum Bil- Education, Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear bao, with its distinctive titanium curves and DisarmamentPhone: 416-863-1209 soaring glass atrium, was hailed as one of E-mail: [email protected] the most important buildings of the 20th century. Gehry’s use of cutting-edge com- Dr. Barbara Birkett, Physicians for puter-aided design technology enabled him Global Survival to translate poetic forms into reality. The Areas of expertise: Peace, Peace resulting architecture is sculptural and ex- Education, Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear pressionistic, with spaces unlike any others Warfare, Nuclear Disarmament for the presentation of art. The museum is Phone: 416-863-1209 seamlessly integrated into the urban context, E-mail: [email protected] unfolding its interconnecting shapes of Spring 2013 Sources 151

ill Museum and Cabinet War Rooms in Canadians, international students, visitors to Whitehall, the historic ship HMS Belfast, Canada, expatriates, snowbirds, and high- I moored in the Pool of London, Imperial risk travellers. Ingle’s clients receive objec- War Museum Duxford near Cambridge, and tive advice on travel insurance and tips on Imperial War Museum North in Trafford. how to prepare for the unexpected while Website: www.iwm.org.uk travelling. Ingle operates in over 16 differ- ent languages worldwide. Improbable Research The Ingle Network: www.ingleinternational.com P.O. Box 380853, Cambridge, MA 02238, USA Corporate website: What is Improbable Research? www.ingle-international.com IVF CANADA Fertility Improbable research is research that Consumer website: www.ingletravel.com Centre makes people laugh and then think. E-mail: [email protected] Improbable Research is the name of our Robin Ingle, Chairman The leader in the field of Assisted Repro- organization. We collect (and sometimes Phone: (416) 730-0372 ductive Technologies (ARTs) since 1983 conduct) improbable research. We publish Toll free: 1-866-364-6453 and one of the most patient-focused and ac- a magazine called the Annals of Improbable FAX: (416) 730-1878 cessible private surgical facilities in Canada. Research, and we administer the Ig Nobel E-mail: [email protected] Unique in its approach and treatment of in- Prizes. fertility in both males and females, offering We hope to spur people’s curiosity, and to Kathleen O’Hagan, Copywriter & Editor the latest in reproductive technology to as- raise the question: How do you decide Phone: (416) 644-2082, ext. 308 sist patients to achieve pregnancy. what’s important and what’s not, and what’s Toll free: 1-866-785-3163, ext. 308 FAX: (416) 730-1878 Website: www.ivfcanada.com real and what’s not, in science and every- where else? E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.improbable.com IVF CANADA Fertility Centre Institute of Space and 2347 Kennedy Road, Phone: (617) 491-443 Atmospheric Studies Toronto, ON M1T 3T8 E-mail: [email protected] University of Saskatchewan, Phone: (416) 754-1010 Saskatoon, SK Toll Free: 1-855-754-1010 Independent Jewish Voices Observations, theory and models are used FAX: (416) 321-1239 We represent Jews in Canada from diverse to investigate the earth’s troposphere, mid- IVF CANADA Fertility Centre backgrounds, occupations and affiliations dle atmosphere, ionosphere and 175 Willowdale Ave., Ste. 100, who have in common a strong commitment magnetosphere. Topics: solar and atmos- Scarborough, ON M2N 4Y9 to social justice and universal human rights. pheric processes of climate and weather, Phone: (416) 229- 2662 We believe that individuals and groups dynamics, chemistry, aurorae, space Toll Free: 1-855-754-1010 within all communities should feel free to weather and solar activity. Strong links with FAX: (416) 229-6669 express their views on any issue of public Canadian Space Agency (Odin-OSIRIS, concern without incurring accusations of THEMIS, CGSM); international research ibiblio.org disloyalty. (CAWSES, CANDAC, SuperDARN, We have therefore resolved to promote the AMISR). Chapel Hill, NC, USA expression of alternative Jewish voices, par- The public’s library and digital archive. ticularly in respect of the grave situation in Website: www.usask.ca/physics/isas/ Home to one of the largest “collections of the Middle East, which threatens the future Dr. Jean-Pierre St.-Maurice, Chair collections” on the Internet, ibiblio.org is a of both Israelis and Palestinians as well as Phone: (306) 966-2906 conservancy of freely available information, the stability of the whole region. FAX: (306) 966-6428 including software, music, literature, art, E-mail: [email protected] history, science, politics, and cultural stud- Website: http://ijvcanada.org/ ies. ibiblio.org is a collaboration of the Larry Haiven Dr. Alan Manson, Executive Secretary Center for the Public Domain and the Uni- Cellular: (902) 240-2782 Phone: (306) 966-6449 E-mail: [email protected] versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Sid Shniad Website: www.ibiblio.org Phone: (604) 591-3099 LISTINGS Cellular: (604) 314-5589 Inter-American E-mail: [email protected] Development Bank Imperial War Museum 1300 New York Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20577, USA Lambeth Road, London SE1 6HZ, UK The IDB provides solutions to develop- The Imperial War Museum is unique in its ment challenges in 26 countries of Latin coverage of conflicts, especially those in- America and the Caribbean, partnering with volving Britain and the Commonwealth, governments, companies and civil society from the First World War to the present day. organizations. It seeks to provide for, and to encourage, the The IDB lends money and provides study and understanding of the history of Ingle International/Imagine grants. It also offers research, advice and modern war and wartime experience. It is Financial technical assistance to improve key areas proud to be regarded as one of the essential like education, poverty reduction and agri- sights of London. 460 Richmond St. W., Ste. 100, culture. Our clients range from central gov- The Museum spans a huge range of activi- Toronto, ON M5V 1Y1 ernments to city authorities and small ties not only at its main London location but Ingle International is a global company businesses. also at its four further branches: the Church- offering solutions for worldwide travellers: 152 Sources Spring 2013

The Bank also seeks to take a lead role on Website: www.iamaw.ca in Brussels, and regional offices and repre- cross-border issues like trade, infrastructure Frank Saptel, Communications sentatives throughout Europe, CIS, North- and energy. Representative/Représentant des ern Africa and the Middle East. ICMPD Website: www.iadb.org communications holds UN observer status. The purpose of Phone/Tél: (416) 386-1789 ICMPD is to promote innovative, compre- Phone: (202) 623-1000 hensive and sustainable migration policies E-mail: [email protected] Cellular/Cellulaire: (416) 579-0481 FAX/Téléc: (416) 386-0210 and to function as a service exchange E-mail/Courriel: [email protected] mechanism for governments and organiza- International Association of tions. Primary Contact/Contact principal: ICMPD’s working philosophy is based Athletics Federations Bill Trbovich, Director of upon the conviction that the complexities of The International Association of Athletics Communications, Canada/Directeur des migration challenges can only be met by Federations (IAAF) is the international gov- communications au Canada working in partnership with governments, erning body for the sport of athletics. It was Phone/Tél: (416) 386-1789 research institutes, international organiza- founded in 1912 during a war, at its first Cellular/Cellulaire: (416) 735-9765 tions, and civil society and its organizations. congress in Stockholm, Sweden, by repre- FAX/Téléc: (416) 386-0210 This approach is reflected in ICMPD’s sentatives from 17 national athletics federa- E-mail/Courriel: [email protected] working method and structural set-up, tions, as the International Amateur Athletics based on three interlinked pillars: Federation. Since the 22nd Olympics in International Atomic • Intergovernmental dialogues: with the October 1993 it has been headquartered in Energy Agency aim to foster governmental discussion Monaco. and enhance inter-state dialogue in the Website: www.iaaf.org P.O. Box 100, Wagramer Strasse 5, current debate on international migration, A-1400, Vienna, Austria ICMPD acts as Secretariat to the con- Phone: 377-93-10-88-88 The IAEA is the world’s centre of coop- sultative Budapest Process (50 European E-mail: [email protected] eration in the nuclear field. It was set up as and Eurasian states), and to the Dialogue the world’s “Atoms for Peace” organization on Mediterranean Transit Migration, in 1957 within the United Nations family. which brings together European as well The Agency works with its member states as Mediterranean Arab states. and multiple partners worldwide to promote • Capacity building: with the aim to con- safe, secure and peaceful nuclear technolo- tribute to good migration governance and gies. to strengthen national and regional ca- The IAEA Secretariat is headquartered at pacities in order to deal with the current the Vienna International Centre in Vienna, challenges in various fields of migration, Austria. Operational liaison and regional ICMPD develops and organizes training offices are located in Geneva, Switzerland; International Association of and capacity building programmes, fa- New York, USA; Toronto, Canada; and To- cilitates international and interagency co- Machinists and Aerospace kyo, Japan. The IAEA runs or supports re- operation, and supports governmental search centres and scientific laboratories in Workers (CLC) / and administrative bodies in their institu- Vienna and Seibersdorf, Austria; Monaco; tion building efforts and legal reform in Association internationale and Trieste, Italy. areas such as asylum, visa, human traf- The IAEA Secretariat is a team of 2,200 des Machinistes et des ficking and integrated border manage- multi-disciplinary professional and support ment. Travailleurs de staff from more than 90 countries. l’aérospatiale (CTC) • Research and documentation: with the Website: www.iaea.org aim to facilitate co-operation and synergy Canadian Office/Bureau canadien: Phone: +431 2600-0 within and beyond the research commu- 15 Gervais Dr., Ste. 707, E-mail: [email protected] nity and to respond to an increased de- Toronto, ON M3C 1Y8 mand for a more policy relevant research, The IAM is a trade union representing International Centre for ICMPD conducts policy-oriented, em- some 40,000 Canadian workers in air trans- pirical research with a comparative, inter- port and a wide range of manufacturing in- Migration Policy disciplinary and international approach. cluding aircraft, autoparts, aerospace, Development The ICMPD library offers one of the larg- autobuses, electronics, light and heavy ma- est collections of migration-specific lit- chinery, tools and appliances. The IAM also Gonzagagasse 1, 5th Fl., erature in Austria. represents a growing number of workers in 1010 Vienna, Austria Together with profound understanding of the health care and hospitality sectors as The International Centre for Migration our partners’ working environment, ICMPD well as office, technical and other white col- Policy Development (ICMPD) was founded provides cutting-edge expertise, sound and lar workers. The total North American in 1993, upon the initiative of Austria and policy-oriented research, proficiency in es- membership of the IAM is 600,000. Switzerland. The organization was created tablishing information exchange mecha- L’AIM est un syndicat qui représente to serve as a support mechanism for infor- nisms, strong program development and environ 40 000 travailleurs canadiens dans mal consultations, and to provide expertise implementation skills, and wide-ranging in- le transport aérien ainsi que dans les and efficient services in the newly emerg- ternational networking capacities. ing landscape of multilateral co-operation secteurs manufacturier incluant l’avion- Website: www.icmpd.org nerie, pièces pour automobiles, aérospatiale, on migration and asylum issues. autobus, électroniques, machinerie légère et ICMPD today is an international organi- Phone: 43/1/504-46-77-0 lourde, outils et appareils ménagers. zation with eleven Member States (Austria, E-mail: [email protected] L’AIM représente aussi des employés de Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hun- bureau, techniques ainsi que des travailleurs gary, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, collets blancs. Le nombre total de l’AIM en Sweden and Switzerland), sixty staff mem- Amérique du Nord est de 600 000 membres. bers at its Vienna Headquarters, a mission Spring 2013 Sources 153 International Civil Aviation reached consensus on definitions of geno- Website: www.crisisgroup.org cide, crimes against humanity and war Organization crimes. The Nuremberg and Tokyo trials International Dark-Sky 999 University Street, addressed war crimes, crimes against peace, Montreal, QC H3C 5H7 and crimes against humanity committed Association The International Civil Aviation Organiza- during the Second World War. 3225 N. First Ave., tion, a UN Specialized Agency, is the glo- In the 1990s after the end of the Cold War, Tucson, AZ 85719, USA bal forum for civil aviation. tribunals like the International Criminal Tri- Concerned with stopping the adverse en- ICAO works to achieve its vision of safe, bunal for the former Yugoslavia and for vironmental impact of light pollution and secure and sustainable development of civil Rwanda were the result of consensus that space debris. impunity is unacceptable. However, because aviation through cooperation amongst its Website: www.darksky.org member states. they were established to try crimes commit- ted only within a specific time-frame and Phone: (520) 293-3198 Website: www.icao.int during a specific conflict, there was general E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (514) 954-8219 agreement that an independent, permanent E-mail: [email protected] criminal court was needed. International Development On 17 July 1998, the international com- International Court of munity reached an historic milestone when Law Organization 120 States adopted the Rome Statute, the Viale Vaticano, 106, 00165 Rome, Italy Justice legal basis for establishing the permanent IDLO is an international intergovernmen- The Hague, Netherlands International Criminal Court. tal organization dedicated to promoting the The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is The Rome Statute entered into force on 1 rule of law and good governance in devel- the principal judicial organ of the United July 2002 after ratification by 60 countries. oping countries, countries in economic tran- Nations (UN). It was established in June Website: www.icc-cpi.int sition and in those emerging from armed 1945 by the Charter of the United Nations conflict. and began work in April 1946. Phone: 31 (0)70 515 8515 We pursue our mandate on the belief that The seat of the Court is at the Peace Pal- E-mail: [email protected] the establishment of the rule of law is an ace in The Hague (Netherlands). Of the six essential pre-condition for economic and principal organs of the United Nations, it is International Criminal social development. The rule of law pro- the only one not located in New York Police Organization vides the framework for achieving human (United States of America). security. It defines the role of the state and The Court’s role is to settle, in accordance (INTERPOL) the relationship between the state and its with international law, legal disputes sub- General Secretariat, 200, quai Charles de citizens. It provides the rules for economic mitted to it by States and to give advisory Gaulle, 69006 Lyon, France activity and the framework for guaranteeing opinions on legal questions referred to it by INTERPOL is the world’s largest interna- of human rights. Without the rule of law, the authorized United Nations organs and spe- tional police organization, with 187 mem- universal potential for self-improvement cialized agencies. ber countries. Created in 1923, it facilitates and development cannot be realized. With- The Court is composed of 15 judges, who cross-border police cooperation, and sup- out the rule of law violent conflict can be- are elected for terms of office of nine years ports and assists all organizations, authori- come the norm. by the United Nations General Assembly ties and services whose mission is to prevent IDLO provides training opportunities for and the Security Council. It is assisted by a or combat international crime. legal professionals in developing countries, Registry, its administrative organ. Its official INTERPOL aims to facilitate international and technical assistance in support of legal languages are English and French. police cooperation even where diplomatic and judicial reform. IDLO seeks to establish sustainable impact in all of its work. It pro- Website: www.icj-cij.org relations do not exist between particular countries. Action is taken within the limits vides resources, tools and skills; not solu- International Criminal of existing laws in different countries and in tions. Improved laws and regulations and the spirit of the Universal Declaration of their more systematic application, improved Court Human Rights. INTERPOL’s constitution legal skills and strengthened institutions of prohibits “any intervention or activities of a justice are the legacy of our work. P.O. Box 19519, 2500 CM, The Hague, Since its establishment, IDLO has worked Netherlands political, military, religious or racial charac- ter.” with over 18,000 legal professionals in 175 The International Criminal Court (ICC), countries and supports 44 legally estab- governed by the Rome Statute, is the first Website: www.interpol.int lished IDLO Alumni Associations around LISTINGS permanent, treaty-based, international E-mail: [email protected] the world, which contribute to the overall criminal court established to help end im- impact and long-term sustainability of the punity for the perpetrators of the most seri- International Crisis Group Organization’s work. ous crimes of concern to the international Our Headquarters are based in Rome, community. 149 Ave. Louise, Level 24, B-1050 Italy, and we have two Regional Offices: in The ICC is an independent international Brussels, Belgium Cairo, Egypt, covering Arabic-speaking organization, and is not part of the United The International Crisis Group is an inde- countries, and in Sydney, Australia, cover- Nations system. Its seat is at The Hague in pendent, non-profit, non-governmental or- ing the Asia Pacific region. IDLO currently the Netherlands. Although the Court’s ex- ganization committed to preventing and operates Project Offices in Afghanistan, In- penses are funded primarily by States Par- resolving deadly conflict. The International donesia and Kyrgyzstan. ties, it also receives voluntary contributions Crisis Group is now generally recognized as In 2001, the United Nations General As- from governments, international organiza- the world’s leading independent, non-parti- sembly granted IDLO Permanent Observer tions, individuals, corporations and other san source of analysis and advice to govern- Status which has permitted IDLO to estab- entities. ments, and to intergovernmental bodies like lish a permanent liaison office at UN Head- The international community has long as- the United Nations, European Union and quarters in New York. pired to the creation of a permanent inter- World Bank, on the prevention and resolu- national court, and, in the 20th century, it tion of deadly conflict. 154 Sources Spring 2013

IDLO is funded by voluntary contribu- Website: www.ifad.org tions from its 18 member states and from Phone: (212) 963-0546 governments, multilateral organizations, E-mail: [email protected]@un.org private foundations, international businesses and individuals. International Hydrographic Website: www.idlo.int Organization Phone: 39 06 40403200 E-mail: [email protected] 4, quai Antoine 1er, B.P. 445, MC 98011, Monaco The International Hydrographic Organiza- International Image International Forum on tion is an intergovernmental consultative Globalization and technical organization that was estab- Institute Inc. 1009 General Kennedy Ave., Ste. 2, lished in 1921 to support the safety in navi- 34 Rachelle Ct., Vaughan, ON L4L 1A6 San Francisco, CA 94129, USA gation and the protection of the marine Karen Brunger, BHEc, AICI CIP, is a re- An alliance of activists, scholars, econo- environment. cipient of the Award of Excellence and past- mists, researchers and writers formed to The object of the Organization is to bring President of the Association of Image stimulate new thinking, joint activity and about: Consultants International. Author and inter- public education in response to economic • The coordination of the activities of na- national speaker, her systems are in over 70 globalization. tional hydrographic offices; countries. A professional spokesperson and media-trained, Karen is a regular guest ex- Website: www.ifg.org • The greatest possible uniformity in nau- tical charts and documents; pert for the media. Phone: (415) 561-7650 • The adoption of reliable and efficient Website: www.imageinstitute.com E-mail: [email protected] methods of carrying out and exploiting Phone: (905) 303-8636 hydrographic surveys; FAX: (289) 304-0558 International Fund for • The development of the sciences in the Agricultural Development field of hydrography and the techniques Karen Brunger, President employed in descriptive oceanography. E-mail: Two United Nations Plaza, Rm. 1128/ The official representative of each mem- [email protected] 1129, New York, NY, USA ber government within the IHO is normally IFAD is a specialized agency of the United the national Hydrographer, or Director of International Institute for Nations established as an international fi- Hydrography, and these persons, together nancial institution in 1977 as the outcome Democracy and Electoral with their technical staff, meet at 5-yearly of a conference organized in response to the intervals in Monaco for an International Assistance food crises of the early 1970s that primarily Hydrographic Conference. The Conference affected the Sahelian countries of Africa. Strömsborg, SE-103 34, reviews the progress achieved by the Or- The conference resolved that “an Interna- Stockholm, Sweden ganization and adopts the programs to be tional Fund for Agricultural Development The International Institute for Democracy pursued during the ensuing 5-year period. A should be established immediately to fi- and Electoral Assistance (International Directing Committee of three senior nance agricultural development projects pri- IDEA) is an intergovernmental organization hydrographers is elected to administer the marily for food production in the that supports sustainable democracy world- work of the bureau during that time. developing countries.” One of the most im- wide. Its objective is to strengthen demo- This Directing Committee, together with portant insights emerging from the confer- cratic institutions and processes. a small international staff of technical ex- ence was that the causes of food insecurity International IDEA acts as a catalyst for perts in hydrography and nautical cartogra- and famine were not so much failures in democracy building by providing knowl- phy, coordinates the technical programmes food production, but structural problems re- edge resources, expertise and a platform for and provides advice and assistance to mem- lating to poverty and to the fact that the debate on democracy issues. It works to- ber states. All member states have an equal majority of the developing world’s poor gether with policymakers, donor govern- voice in arriving at agreed solutions to prob- populations were concentrated in rural ar- ments, UN organizations and agencies, lems of standardization and in programming eas. regional organizations and others engaged the work of the bureau, whilst any member IFAD’s mission is to enable poor rural in democracy building. may initiate new proposals for IHO consid- people to overcome poverty. International IDEA’s areas of expertise in- eration and adoption. Between Conferences IFAD is dedicated to eradicating rural clude: constitution-building processes, elec- such matters are normally accomplished by poverty in developing countries. Seventy- toral processes, political parties, democracy correspondence. five per cent of the world’s poorest people and gender, and democracy assessments. – 1.05 billion women, children and men – Website: www.iho-ohi.net The Institute offers: live in rural areas and depend on agriculture Phone: 377 93 10 81 00 • Knowledge resources, in the form of ex- and related activities for their livelihoods. pert networks, databases, handbooks and Working with rural poor people, govern- websites; ments, donors, non-governmental organiza- • Policy proposals to provoke debate and tions and many other partners, IFAD action on democracy; focuses on country-specific solutions, • Assistance with democratic reform in re- which can involve increasing rural poor sponse to specific national requests. peoples’ access to financial services, mar- kets, technology, land and other natural re- Website: www.idea.int sources. Phone: 46 8 698 3700 E-mail: [email protected] Spring 2013 Sources 155 International Labour Website: www.laborrights.org of migration and works closely with govern- Organization Phone: (202) 347-4100 mental, intergovernmental and non-govern- E-mail: [email protected] mental partners. 220 East 42nd St., Ste. 3101, With 125 member states, a further 18 New York, NY, USA International Maritime states holding observer status, and offices in The International Labour Organization over 100 countries, IOM is dedicated to pro- (ILO) is devoted to advancing opportunities Organization moting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing for women and men to obtain decent and Shipping is perhaps the most international services and advice to governments and productive work in conditions of freedom, of the world’s industries, serving more than migrants. equity, security and human dignity. Its main 90 percent of global trade by carrying huge IOM works to help ensure the orderly and aims are to promote rights at work, encour- quantities of cargo cost effectively, cleanly humane management of migration, to pro- age decent employment opportunities, en- and safely. mote international cooperation on migration hance social protection and strengthen The ownership and management chain issues, to assist in the search for practical dialogue in handling work-related issues. surrounding any ship can embrace many solutions to migration problems and to pro- In promoting social justice and interna- countries and ships spend their economic vide humanitarian assistance to migrants in tionally recognized human and labour life moving between different jurisdictions, need, including refugees and internally dis- rights, the organization continues to pursue often far from the country of registry. There placed people. its founding mission that labour peace is is, therefore, a need for international stand- The IOM Constitution recognizes the link essential to prosperity. Today, the ILO helps ards to regulate shipping – which can be between migration and economic, social advance the creation of decent jobs and the adopted and accepted by all. The first mari- and cultural development, as well as to the kinds of economic and working conditions time treaties date back to the 19th century. right of freedom of movement. that give working people and business peo- Later, the Titanic disaster of 1912 spawned IOM works in the four broad areas of mi- ple a stake in lasting peace, prosperity and the first international safety of life at sea – gration management: progress. SOLAS – convention, still the most impor- The ILO was founded in 1919, in the wake tant treaty addressing maritime safety. • Migration and development of a destructive war, to pursue a vision based The Convention establishing the Interna- • Facilitating migration on the premise that universal, lasting peace tional Maritime Organization (IMO) was • Regulating migration can be established only if it is based upon adopted in Geneva in 1948 and IMO first • Forced migration. decent treatment of working people. The met in 1959. IMO’s main task has been to ILO became the first specialized agency of IOM activities that cut across these areas develop and maintain a comprehensive include the promotion of international mi- the UN in 1946. regulatory framework for shipping, and its Work is central to people’s well-being. In gration law, policy debate and guidance, remit today includes safety, environmental protection of migrants’ rights, migration addition to providing income, work can concerns, legal matters, technical coopera- pave the way for broader social and eco- health and the gender dimension of migra- tion, maritime security and the efficiency of tion. nomic advancement, strengthening indi- shipping. viduals, their families and communities. A specialized agency of the United Na- Website: www.iom.int Such progress, however, hinges on work tions with 168 member states and three as- Phone: 41-22-717 9111 that is decent. Decent work sums up the as- sociate members, IMO is based in the E-mail: [email protected] pirations of people in their working lives. United Kingdom with around 300 interna- The ILO is the only “tripartite” United tional staff. Nations agency in that it brings together International Personnel representatives of governments, employers Website: www.imo.org Management Association – and workers to jointly shape policies and Phone: 44 (0)20 7735 7611 programs. This unique arrangement gives E-mail: [email protected] Canada (IPMA–Canada) the ILO an edge in incorporating “real National Office: world” knowledge about employment and International Monetary 20 Edwards Place, work. Mount Pearl, NL A1N 3V5 The ILO is the global body responsible for Fund IPMA Canada is a National Association of drawing up and overseeing international la- 700 19th St. N.W., Human Resource Practitioners across eight bour standards. Working with its member Washington, DC, USA Chapters in Canada and globally connected states, the ILO seeks to ensure that labour The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is through IPMA-HR in Washington, DC and standards are respected in practice as well an organization of 185 countries, working to 28 countries throughout the world. We pro- as principle. foster global monetary cooperation, secure mote excellence in the practice of human LISTINGS Website: www.ilo.org financial stability, facilitate international resource management through professional trade, promote high employment and sus- certification, speaker’s events, courses, International Labor Rights tainable economic growth, and reduce pov- workshops, national and international con- erty around the world. ferences, awards programs, newsletters and Forum other information services to human re- Website: www.imf.org source practitioners across Canada. 2001 S St. N.W., Ste. 420, Phone: (202) 623-7000 Washington, DC 20009, USA Website: www.ipma-aigp.com E-mail: [email protected] An organization dedicated to achieving E-mail: [email protected] just and humane working conditions for workers worldwide. It is committed to over- International Organization Glenn Saunders, IPMA-CP, Executive coming child labour, forced labour and for Migration Director, Canada other abusive practices. It promotes the en- forcement of labour rights through public 17, Route des Morillons, CH-1211, education and mobilization, research, litiga- Geneva 19, Switzerland tion, and collaboration with labour, govern- Established in 1951, IOM is the leading ment and business groups. intergovernmental organization in the field 156 Sources Spring 2013 International Phone: (49)(40)35607-0 But without cultural artifacts, civilization E-mail: [email protected] has no memory and no mechanism to learn Telecommunication Union from its successes and failures. And para- ITU is the leading United Nations agency International Union for the doxically, with the explosion of the Internet, for information and communication tech- we live in what Danny Hillis has referred to nology issues, and the global focal point for Conservation of Nature and as our “digital dark age.” governments and the private sector in devel- Natural Resources The Internet Archive is working to prevent oping networks and services. For nearly 145 the Internet – a new medium with major his- Rue Mauverney 28, Gland 1196, torical significance – and other “born-dig- years, ITU has coordinated the shared glo- Switzerland bal use of the radio spectrum, promoted in- ital” materials from disappearing into the IUCN, the International Union for Conser- past. Collaborating with institutions includ- ternational cooperation in assigning satellite vation of Nature, helps the world find prag- orbits, worked to improve telecommunica- ing the Library of Congress and the matic solutions to our most pressing Smithsonian, we are working to preserve a tion infrastructure in the developing world, environment and development challenges. It established the worldwide standards that record for generations to come. supports scientific research, manages field Open and free access to literature and foster seamless interconnection of a vast projects all over the world and brings gov- range of communications systems and ad- other writings has long been considered es- ernments, non-government organizations, sential to education and to the maintenance dressed the global challenges of our times, United Nations agencies, companies and such as mitigating climate change and of an open society. Public and philanthropic local communities together to develop and enterprises have supported it through the strengthening cybersecurity. implement policy, laws and best practice. ITU also organizes worldwide and re- ages. IUCN is the world’s oldest and largest glo- The Internet Archive is opening its collec- gional exhibitions and forums, such as ITU bal environmental network – a democratic TELECOM WORLD, bringing together the tions to researchers, historians and scholars. membership union with more than 1,000 The Archive has no vested interest in the most influential representatives of govern- government and NGO member organiza- ment and the telecommunications and ICT discoveries of the users of its collections, tions, and almost 11,000 volunteer scientists nor is it a grant-making organization. industry to exchange ideas, knowledge and in more than 160 countries. technology for the benefit of the global At present, the size of our Web collection IUCN’s work is supported by over 1,000 is such that using it requires programming community, and in particular the developing professional staff in 60 offices and hundreds world. skills. However, we are hopeful about the of partners in public, NGO and private sec- development of tools and methods that will From broadband Internet to latest-genera- tors around the world. The Union’s head- tion wireless technologies, from aeronauti- give the general public easy and meaning- quarters are located in Gland, near Geneva, ful access to our collective history. In addi- cal and maritime navigation to radio in Switzerland. astronomy and satellite-based meteorology, tion to developing our own collections, we from convergence in fixed-mobile phone, Website: www.iucn.org are working to promote the formation of Internet access, data, voice and TV broad- E-mail: [email protected]. other Internet libraries in the United States casting to next-generation networks, ITU is and elsewhere. committed to connecting the world. Website: www.archive.org ITU is based in Geneva, Switzerland, and Internet Archive its membership includes 191 member states The Internet Archive is a 501(c)(3) non- Phone: (415) 561-6767 and more than 700 sector members and as- profit that was founded to build an Internet E-mail: [email protected] sociates. library, with the purpose of offering perma- nent access for researchers, historians and Website: www.itu.int scholars to historical collections that exist in Phone: +41 22 730 5111 digital format. Founded in 1996 and located E-mail: [email protected] in the Presidio of San Francisco, the Archive has been receiving data donations from International Tribunal for Alexa Internet and others. In late 1999, the organization started to grow to include more the Law of the Sea well-rounded collections. Now the Internet Am Internationalen Seegerichtshof 1, Archive includes texts, audio, moving im- Intrepid 24/7 22609 Hamburg, Germany ages, and software as well as archived web 460 Richmond St. W., Suite 100, The International Tribunal for the Law of pages in our collections. Toronto, ON M5V 1Y1 the Sea is an independent judicial body es- Like a paper library, we provide free ac- Intrepid 24/7 provides worldwide medical, tablished by the Convention to adjudicate cess to researchers, historians, scholars and security, and travel assistance services to disputes arising out of the interpretation and the general public. individuals, groups, and organizations. Mul- application of the Convention. The Tribunal Libraries exist to preserve society’s cul- tilingual assistance professionals provide is composed of 21 independent members, tural artifacts and to provide access to them. members with support over the phone, on elected from among persons enjoying the If libraries are to continue to foster educa- the web, through mobile apps, or on the highest reputation for fairness and integrity tion and scholarship in this era of digital ground in the event of a medical or security and of recognized competence in the field technology, it’s essential for them to extend emergency anywhere in the world. of the law of the sea. those functions into the digital world. Pursuant to the provisions of its Statute, Many early movies were recycled to re- Website: www.intrepid247.com the Tribunal has formed the following cover the silver in the film. The Library of Robin Ingle, Chairman Chambers: the Chamber of Summary Pro- Alexandria – an ancient centre of learning Phone: 416-730-0372 cedure, the Chamber for Fisheries Disputes, containing a copy of every book in the Phone: 1-866-364-6453 the Chamber for Marine Environment Dis- world – was eventually burned to the FAX: 416-730-1878 putes and the Chamber for Maritime De- ground. Even now, at the turn of the 21st E-mail: [email protected] limitation Disputes. century, no comprehensive archives of tel- evision or radio programs exist. Website: www.itlos.org Spring 2013 Sources 157

Jina Park, Research Analyst Square, Dublin 2, with network-connected Phone: 416-644-2082, ext. 325 workstations in Dublin, Cork, Mayo and Phone: 1-866-785-3163, ext. 325 Donegal. It includes public rooms for ac- FAX: 416-730-1878 cessing and studying materials; specialist E-mail: [email protected] rooms for digitizing, conserving, catalogu- ing and storing materials; and an audio and video recording studio. Website: www.itma.ie Phone: 353 (0)1 661 9699 The Kidney Foundation of E-mail: [email protected] Canada Reflections on Islam Ontario Branch, 1599 Hurontario St., Ste. 201, Mississauga, ON L5G 4S1 P.O. Box 763, Stn. Don Mills, The national, volunteer organization aims The Investment Funds Toronto, ON M3C 4G5 to improve health and quality of life of kid- A non-profit organization to present Islam ney disease patients. It provides information Institute of Canada (IFIC) and its cultures on TV and Radio. Issues of about kidney health, diseases and treat- interest to the public from the Islamic 11 King St. W., 4th Fl., ments; funds research; provides services for Shari’ah Laws: Worship: prayer, kidney patients; advocates for quality health Toronto, ON M5H 4C7 almsgiving, fasting, pilgrimage, etc. Family IFIC is the voice of Canada’s investment care, and promotes organ donation. There Matters: marriage, divorce, inheritance, etc. are Branches across the country. funds industry. IFIC brings together 150 or- Social Issues: education, helping the poor, ganizations, including fund managers and economics, interfaith relations, etc. Website: www.kidney.ca/ontario distributors, to foster a strong, stable invest- Phone: (905) 278-3003 ment sector where investors can realize their Ezz E. Gad, Producer Toll free: 1-800-387-4474 financial goals. We are proud to have served Phone: (416) 260-7544 FAX: (905) 271-4990 Canada’s mutual fund industry and its inves- FAX: (416) 260-0417 tors for more than 50 years. Wendy Kudeba, Director of Marketing and Communications Website: www.ific.ca K Ext. 4980 Media Spokesperson: E-mail: [email protected] Sara Clodman, Senior Manager, Public Kawartha Turtle Trauma Affairs Phone: (416) 309-2317 Centre Suzanne Kleinberg E-mail: [email protected] Helping turtles in trouble. 176-18 Clark Avenue West, Seven of the eight turtle species in Ontario Thornhill, ON L4J 8H1 Irish Traditional Music are classified as “at risk.” Most turtle Suzanne is a career coach and published populations are declining. The Kawartha author providing consulting services to cor- Archive Turtle Trauma Centre helps save Ontario’s porations, not-for-profit organizations and 73 Merrion Sq., Dublin 2, Ireland native turtles. individuals. Her company, Potential to Soar, The Irish Traditional Music Archive – Globally turtles and tortoises are facing is a unique career and talent coaching serv- Taisce Cheol Dúchais Éireann – is a na- challenges from illegal collection for food ice wherein she guides teens, new gradu- tional reference archive and resource centre and pet trades, habitat loss, increased pre- ates, seasoned professionals and for the traditional song, instrumental music dation, pollution, and growing networks of corporations through private coaching, cus- and dance of Ireland. It is a public not-for- roads. tomized workshops and psychometric as- profit facility which is open, free of charge, Since June of 2002 the Kawartha Turtle sessment tools. to anyone with an interest in the contempo- Trauma Centre has been saving injured na- Website: www.potentialtosoar.com rary and historical artforms of Irish tradi- tive turtles and releasing them back into tional music. The Archive promotes public their natural habitat. The Centre is located Suzanne Kleinberg, Author/Career education in Irish traditional music through in Peterborough, Ontario, and is a registered Counsellor its own activities and through partnerships Canadian Charity. E-mail: [email protected] with others. Seeing a turtle basking on a log has always Established in 1987, the Archive is the first been a pleasant part of visiting Ontario Kunsthistorisches Museum LISTINGS body to be exclusively concerned with the wetlands. These species, something we Maria Theresien-Platz, A-1010 making of a comprehensive multi-media once took for granted, are in trouble and Vienna, Austria collection of materials – sound recordings, need our help. The Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna books and serials, sheet music and ballad Website: www.kawarthaturtle.org numbers among the most important Euro- sheets, photographs, videos and DVDs, etc. pean museum buildings put up during the – for the appreciation and study of Irish tra- Phone: (705) 292-0691 19th century. ditional music. The monumental structure, built at the be- The Archive now holds the largest such hest of Emperor Franz Joseph I as part of collection in existence, with coverage of the his expansion of the city in 1858, was in- island of Ireland, of areas of Irish settlement tended to both unite and appropriately rep- abroad (especially in Britain, North resent the artistic treasures that had been America and Australia), and of non-Irish collected by the Habsburgs over the centu- performers of Irish traditional music. A rep- ries. resentative collection of the traditional mu- Das Wiener Kunsthistorische Museum sic of other countries is also being made. zählt zu den größten und bedeutendsten The Archive is situated at 73 Merrion Museen der Welt. In den reichen 158 Sources Spring 2013

Sammlungen befinden sich Objekte aus processes on the economies of the region. and other developmental disorders. A recog- sieben Jahrtausenden, von der Zeit des • Assess processes linked to international nized pioneer of special education in On- Alten Ägypten bis zum Ende des 18. business, commercial, economic and fi- tario, she is Director of Merle L. Levine Jahrhunderts. Besondere Schwerpunkte nancial negotiations and the implications Academy Inc., specializing in remedial edu- liegen in der Kunst der Renaissance und des of such processes for regional develop- cation, and founder of the Langbord Fam- Barock. ment and integration. ily Foundation. Der hohe Rang der Sammlungen und ihre • Support member states, whenever neces- Website: www.merlelevineacademy.com Vielfalt sind zum Großteil das Resultat der sary, with respect to their participation in Vorlieben und Interessen von Persön- Merle Langbord Levine, B.A., M.Ed. – the relevant deliberations and negotia- Expert Educator, Special Education lichkeiten aus dem Haus Habsburg, unter tions. ihnen Kaiser Rudolf II. (reg. 1576-1612) Advocate, Speaker und Erzherzog Leopold Wilhelm (1614- Website: www.sela.org Phone: 416-661-4141 1662). Phone: 58-212-955-71-11 FAX: 416-661-4143 1891 fand die feierliche Eröffnung des E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: neu erbauten Museums an der Wiener [email protected] Ringstraße statt. Damit waren erstmals die Latin American Parliament Video: http://merlelevineacademy.com/ kaiserlichen Sammlungen unter einem html/videos.html Dach vereint. Der prachtvolle Monumen- Panama City, Panama, talbau von Gottfried Semper und Carl von The Latin American Parliament Hasenauer bildet seit damals den würdigen (Parlatino) is a regional, permanent and uni- Rahmen für die von den Habsburgern über cameral organism, integrated from the na- Jahrhunderte zusammengetragenen tional Parliaments of Latin America, elected Kunstschätze. democratically by means of universal suf- frage in countries that ratified the corre- Website: www.khm.at sponding Treaty of Institutionalization on November 16, 1987 in Lima, Peru, and those Parliaments whose states adhered to L the treaty at a later time, in accordance with Livingston International the procedures indicated in the statute. The Inc. admission of other members is the exclusive Latin American Economic 405 The West Mall, prerogative of the Assembly. Its headquar- Toronto, ON M9C 5K7 System ters are located in Panama City, Panama. SELA, Secretaría Permanente, Av Livingston International is North Ameri- Website: www.parlatino.org Francisco de Miranda, Torre Europa, ca’s customs and compliance expert. Over Piso 4, Urb. Campo Alegre, Caracas 1060, Phone: (517) 512-8500 30,000 companies trust us with their cus- Venezuela toms brokerage, international trade, consult- The Latin American and Caribbean Eco- League of Arab States ing, freight and logistics needs. By nomic System (SELA) is a regional inter- continually investing in our people and A regional organization of Arab states in governmental organization that groups 26 technologies, we give businesses the edge Southwest Asia, and North and Northeast Latin American and Caribbean countries. Its they demand to today’s highly competitive Africa. The Arab League currently has 22 headquarters are in Caracas, Venezuela. marketplace. Livingston has approximately members and four observers. The main goal SELA was established on 17 October 1975 2700 employees at some 100 key border of the league is to “draw closer the relations by the Panama Convention and its current points, seaports, airports and other strategic between member States and co-ordinate membership includes Argentina, Bahamas, locations across Canada and the United collaboration between them, to safeguard Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colom- States. their independence and sovereignty, and to bia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Gua- Website: www.livingstonintl.com consider in a general way the affairs and in- temala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, terests of the Arab countries.” Operating Subsidiaries and Divisions: Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Suriname, Website: www.arableagueonline.org CANADA: Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay and Ven- Livingston International Inc. ezuela. Livingston Customs Brokerage Objectives Livingston Consulting • Provide the Latin American and Carib- Livingston Freight bean region with a system of consultation Livingston Managed Services and coordination for the adoption of com- Registrar of Imported Vehicles mon positions and strategies on economic UNITED STATES: issues in international bodies and forums Livingston International, Inc. and before third countries and groups of Livingston International Trade Services, countries and Merle Langbord Levine, Inc. • Foster cooperation and integration among Livingston Customs Brokerage the countries of Latin America and the Learning Challenges and Livingston Consulting Caribbean. Remedial Education Expert Livingston Freight Main Activities Livingston Managed Services Merle L. Levine Academy, Inc., 318 – SmartBorder ® Extra-regional relations: 4630 Dufferin St., Toronto, ON M3H 5S4 • Seal business and cooperation proposals Dawneen MacKenzie, Vice-President, Merle Langbord Levine is an expert on Corporate Communication for Latin America and the Caribbean. learning challenges affecting academic Phone: (416) 626-2800, ext. 3109 • Conduct systematic analyses of the im- achievement: learning disabilities, Toll free: 1-800-387-7582 pact of global economic decisions and attentional problems (ADD/ADHD), ASD FAX: (416) 626-1178 Spring 2013 Sources 159

E-mail: [email protected] Ext. 2235 Laura Naumann, Director of Student Loving More Enrolment Services M PO Box 4358, Boulder, CO 80303 Ext. 2366 A place to explore polyamory, to connect Catherine Campbell, Manager, The Mackenzie Institute with others of like mind, to explore the pos- Marketing Services P.O. Box 338, Adelaide Postal Stn., sibilities of honest multi-partnered relation- Ext. 2485 Toronto, ON M5C 2J4 ships and to learn how to make The Mackenzie Institute is an independent polyamorous relating work. Lubicon Lake Nation organization established in 1986 to provide We are a national organization and re- Little Buffalo, AB research and commentary about organized source for people who wish to live outside violence and political instability. This in- traditional monogamy responsibly and with Website: www.lubiconlakenation.ca cludes such fields as terrorism, warfare, or- integrity. We call it polyamory or Loving ganized crime, radical ideologies and civil More. Our goal is to support relationships Lutheran Church – Canada unrest. The Institute publishes Newsletters based on love, commitment, growth, respect 3074 Portage Ave., and Occasional Papers, and assists research- for diversity, honesty, and personal respon- ers and the news media. sibility, to help distribute books relevant to Winnipeg, MB R3K 0Y2 polyamory, to host conferences and work- Lutheran Church–Canada is a conserva- Website: www.mackenzieinstitute.com shops, and to act as a national clearinghouse tive, confessional Lutheran body compris- Phone: (416) 686-4063 and public forum for the polyamorous ing 324 congregations, the second largest After hours: (416) 346-8552 movement. Lutheran body in Canada. The church is E-mail: active overseas in mission and humanitarian [email protected] Website: http://www.lovemore.com endeavours. The official publication is The Phone: 303-543-7540 Canadian Lutheran. The Lutheran church is E-mail: a result of Martin Luther’s Protestant Ref- [email protected] ormation begun in 1517. Website: www.lutheranchurch.ca National Office: Phone: (204) 895-3433 FAX: (204) 832-3018 E-mail: [email protected] Richard Martin Rev. Dr. Robert Bugbee, President 1324 Perrot Blvd., Notre-Dame-de-l’Ile- Rev. Dr. Leonardo Neitzel, Mission and Perrot, QC J7V 7P2 Social Ministry Richard Martin is founder and president of Loyalist College of Mathew Block, Communications Alcera Consulting Inc. He brings his mili- Applied Arts and Manager tary and business leadership experience to Dwayne Cleave, Treasurer bear for executives and organizations seek- ing to exploit change, maximize opportunity Technology East District (Ontario, Quebec, and minimize risk. P.O. Box 4200, Wallbridge-Loyalist Rd., Maritimes): Richard Martin est président et fondateur Belleville, ON K8N 5B9 Rev. Paul Zabel d’Alcera Conseil de gestion inc. Il met à Loyalist offers two- and three-year diplo- Phone: (519) 578-6500 profit son expérience de leadership mas, one-year certificates and a four-year Central District (NW Ontario, Manitoba, militaire et d’affaires pour le bénéfice des degree in the schools of Business and Man- Saskatchewan): cadres et organisations qui cherchent à agement Studies, Health and Human Stud- Rev. Thomas Prachar, President exploiter le changement, maximiser les ies, Biosciences, Architecture and Building Phone: (306) 586-4434 opportunités et minimiser les risques. Sciences, Justice Studies, Media Studies, Alberta–British Columbia District: Website: www.alcera.ca and Skills Training. Unique programs in- Rev. Donald Schiemann, President clude Photojournalism, Animation, 3D Richard Martin Phone: (780) 474-0063 Video Production, Business Sales and Mar- Phone: (514) 453-3993 keting, Broadcast Engineering Technology, Concordia University College of Alberta, FAX: (514) 453-4701 LISTINGS Biosciences, and a collaborative Bachelor Edmonton: E-mail: [email protected] of Science in Nursing with Brock Univer- Rev. Dr. Gerald Krispin, President sity. Loyalist has 3,000 full-time students. Phone: (780) 479-8481 Marxists Internet Archive Faculty retain strong industry contacts. Concordia Lutheran Theological Large archive of the writings of Marx and Website: www.loyalistcollege.com Seminary, St. Catharines, Ontario: Engels and of others in the Marxist tradi- Dr. Thomas Winger, Acting President tion. Searchable. Phone: (613) 969-1913 Phone: (905) 688-2362 Website: www.marxists.org Maureen Piercy, President Concordia Lutheran Seminary, E-mail: [email protected] Ext. 2200 Edmonton: Bill Walsh, Vice-President, Enrolment Dr. Norman Thrienen, Acting President Management and Student Services Phone: (780) 474-1468 Ext. 2355 Dianne Spencer, Executive Director, College Advancement and External Relations 160 Sources Spring 2013

utilisateur sont également disponibles ainsi qu’une version base de donées avec fonction fusion et publipostage et autres fonctions avancées. Website: www.sources.com/mnn www.sources.com/MNN/ MNNHomeFR.htm Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ McMillan LLP / McMillan Media Names & Numbers SourcesDirectory S.E.N.C.R.L., s.r.l. 812A Bloor St. W., Ste. 201, Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/b/ Toronto, ON M6G 1L9 107627225790987242205/ 181 Bay St., Ste. 4400, Published by Sources, Media Names & 107627225790987242205/ Toronto, ON M5J 2T3 Numbers is a comprehensive Canadian me- McMillan is a Canadian business law firm Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/S0urces dia directory – in the form of a searchable offering high-quality legal expertise to cli- database as well as a print directory/media Phone: (416) 964-7799 ents in Canada, the United States and list – including television and radio net- FAX: (416) 964-8763 around the world. The firm’s strengths are works, stations, digital and specialty broad- in competition/antitrust, corporate restruc- casters, programs, cable TV; daily, weekly, Memorial University of turing and insolvency, and financial serv- and community newspapers; ethnic publica- ices. McMillan offers services through its Newfoundland tions and broadcasters; student and campus offices in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Ot- media; consumer and trade magazines, aca- St. John’s, NL A1C 5S7 tawa, Montréal and Hong Kong. demic/scholarly journals, newsletters, direc- Memorial University is the only university Le cabinet d’avocats canadien McMillan tories, electronic publications, wire in Newfoundland and Labrador, with almost représente des clients qui sont actifs dans services, press galleries, and media associa- 19,000 students in six faculties and seven les grands secteurs de l’économie. Le tions from across Canada. Media Names & schools. The faculty complement numbers cabinet possède une solide réputation dans Numbers is indexed geographically and can 1,000, many of whom are available as ex- les domaines de la concurrence/antitrust, be searched by subject, owner/publisher, pert commentators on a variety of topics. de la restructuration et l’insolvabilité ainsi language, and media type. Call (709) 864-8665 or the appropriate of- que la prestation de services financiers. Media Names & Numbers is available in fice listed below. McMillan offre des services complets à print, online, and as a database or mailing l’échelle nationale à partir de ses bureaux Website: www.mun.ca list. A single-user subscription costs de Vancouver, de Calgary, de Toronto, de $109.95 + GST/HST, and includes a copy Paula Dyke, Associate Director, Ottawa, de Montréal et de Hong Kong. of the 408-page print edition as well as ac- Communications Website: www.mcmillan.ca cess to the frequently updated online ver- Phone: (709) 864-8665 Cellular: (709) 685-3824 Phone: (416) 865-7000 sion. Multi-user subscriptions are also available, as well as a database version with FAX: (709) 864-8699 FAX: (416) 865-7048 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] mail-merge and other additional capabili- ties. Meaghan Whelan, Communications National Director, Marketing/Business Co-ordinator, Office of the VP Research Development: Médias : noms et contacts est l’annuaire complet des médias canadiens, disponible Phone: (709) 864-4073 Catherine Meaney, National Director, Cellular: (709) 687-9243 Marketing/Business Development sous forme de base de données avec option recherche, mais également en version FAX: (709) 864-4612 Phone: (416) 865-7229 E-mail: [email protected] FAX: (416) 865-7048 papier, comprenant une liste des médias. E-mail: [email protected] L’annuaire est constitué de contacts de : Naomi Osborne, Communications réseaux et stations radio et TV, émissions Co-ordinator, Fisheries and Marine Media Contact – National: numériques et spéciales, programmes, cable Institute Allison Cary, Manager, Marketing and TV; journaux quotidiens, hebdomadaires et Phone: (709) 778-0677 Communications communautaires; publications et émissions FAX: (709) 778-0678 Phone: (416) 865-7027 ethniques; médias de campus et d’étudiant; E-mail: [email protected] FAX: (416) 865-7048 magazines de consommateurs et de com- Mandy Cook, Editor/Gazette, Marketing E-mail: [email protected] merce, revues académiques et scolaires, bul- and Communications letins, répertoires, publications Media Contact – Montréal: Phone: (709) 864-2142 électroniques, agences de transmission, trib- Julie Goldsman, Marketing Manager Cellular: (709) 687-9433 unes de la presse, associations médias à Phone: (514) 987-5013 FAX: (709) 864-8699 travers le Canada. Médias : noms et contacts FAX: (514) 987-1213 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] est indexé par lieu géographique et il est également possible d’y effectuer une recher- Rebecca Cohoe, Communications che par sujet, propriétaire/éditeur, langue, et Co-ordinator, The Leslie Harris Centre, type de média. Memorial University’s hub for public Médias : noms et contacts est disponible policy and regional development issues en format papier, en version en ligne ainsi Phone: (709) 864-3739 que sous forme de base de donées ou liste FAX: (709) 864-3734 de diffusion. L’abonnement utilisateur E-mail: [email protected] unique coûte $ 109,95 + taxes (GST/HST) Dave Sorensen, Manager et comprend une version papier de 376 (Communications) pages ainsi qu’une version en ligne mise à Phone: (709) 864-2143 jour régulièrement. Des abonnements multi- Cellular: (709) 685-7134 Spring 2013 Sources 161 FAX: (709) 864-8699 Metaphysics Research (Afterlife and Museo Nacional del Prado E-mail: [email protected] Spirituality) Donna Smith-Moncrieffe, Director Calle Ruiz de Alarcón 23, Jennifer Batten, Alumni Affairs and Madrid 28014, Spain Development, Communications Phone: (416) 919-8448 E-mail: [email protected] The Museo del Prado is a museum and art Co-ordinator (Temporary) gallery located in Madrid, the capital of Phone: (709) 864-2479 Spain. It features one of the world’s finest Cellular: (709) 727-2178 Metropolitan Museum of collections of European art, from the 12th FAX: (709) 864-2008 Art century to the early 19th century, based on E-mail: [email protected] 1000 Fifth Ave., the former Spanish Royal Collection. Pam Gill, Communications Co-ordinator, New York, NY 10028, USA Founded as a museum of paintings and Grenfell Campus The Metropolitan Museum of Art is an art sculpture, it also contains important collec- Phone: (709) 637-6200, ext. 6134 museum located in New York City. It has a tions of more than 5,000 drawings, 2,000 Cellular: (709) 632-0936 permanent collection containing more than prints, 1,000 coins and medals, and almost FAX: (709) 637-6201 two million works of art, divided into nine- 2,000 decorative objects and works of art. E-mail: [email protected] teen curatorial departments. The main Sculpture is represented by more than 700 works and by a smaller number of sculptural Vacant, Communications Co-ordinator, building, often referred to simply as “the fragments. It is one of the most visited sites Student Affairs and Services Met,” is one of the world’s largest art gal- in Madrid. Phone: (709) 864-4873 leries, and has a much smaller second loca- With about 1,300 paintings on display in Cellular: (709) 727-6231 tion in Upper Manhattan, at “The Cloisters,” the museum, the museum’s world class sta- FAX: (709) 864-2320 which features medieval art. Represented in the permanent collection tus is secured. The Prado has easily the Jill Hunt, Communications Co-ordinator, are works of art from classical antiquity and world’s finest collection of Spanish paint- Student Recruitment Ancient Egypt, paintings and sculptures ing, with large numbers of the finest works Phone: (709) 864-8613 from nearly all the European masters, and of Diego Velázquez and Francisco Goya, as Cellular: (709) 697-4754 an extensive collection of American and well El Greco, Bartolomé Estéban Murillo, FAX: (709) 864-7624 . The Met also maintains exten- Jusepe de Ribera, Francisco de Zurbarán, E-mail: [email protected] sive holdings of African, Asian, Oceanic, and most other leading Spanish old masters. For other contact information regarding Byzantine and Islamic art. The museum is There are also large groups of important more departments, please contact: also home to encyclopedic collections of works by the Dutch painter Hieronymus Kelly Hickey musical instruments, costumes and accesso- Bosch (a personal favourite of King Philip Phone: (709) 864-8660 ries, and antique weapons and armor from II of Spain), Titian, Peter Paul Rubens, E-mail: [email protected] around the world. A number of notable in- Raphael, and Joachim Patiner. Fine exam- teriors, ranging from 1st century Rome ples of the works of Andrea Mantegna, Merchant Navy through modern American design, are per- Botticelli, Caravaggio, Guido Reni, manently installed in the Met’s galleries. Albrecht Dürer, Rembrandt, Orazio Commemorative Theme Gentileschi, Artemisia Gentileschi, Website: www.metmuseum.org Veronese, Hans Baldung Grien, Fra Project Angelico, Antonello da Messina, Van der Ottawa, ON MoMA Museum of Modern Weyden, Nicolas Poussin, Claude Gellée, During the Second World War, a total of Thomas Gainsborough, Thomas Lawrence, 25,343 merchant ships, with 164,783,921 Art and many other notable artists are also on tons of cargo on-board, sailed from North 11 West 53 St., display in the museum. America to Britain. However, the true cost New York, NY 10019, USA Website: http://museoprado.mcu.es/es/ of the war at sea was in human lives lost in The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) is defence of freedom – the Canadian Mer- an art museum located in New York City. It chant Navy alone lost one seafarer in eight, has been singularly important in developing Museum of Sex out of the 12,000 that faithfully served their and collecting modernist art, and is often 233 Fifth Ave. (at 27th St.) country. identified as the most influential museum of New York NY modern art in the world. The museum’s col- When the Museum of Sex first emerged Metaphysics Research / lection offers an unparalleled overview of on New York City’s Fifth Avenue on Octo- modern and contemporary art, including ber 5, 2002, it was without precedent in the métaphysique recherche works of architecture and design, drawings,

museum world. LISTINGS Metaphysics Research is a firm that con- painting, sculpture, photography, prints, il- With its inaugural award-winning exhibi- ducts scientific studies to enhance under- lustrated books, film and electronic media. tion, NYCSEX: How New York Trans- standing of the afterlife and humankind’s MoMA’s library and archives hold over formed Sex in America, the Museum of Sex true nature of reality. Our studies and pres- 300,000 books, artist books, and periodi- founded by Daniel Gluck demonstrated its entations respond to the following ques- cals, as well as individual files on more than commitment to being an institution unlike tions: 70,000 artists. The archives contain primary any other, one wholly dedicated to the ex- 1. Can psychic mediums really talk to the source material related to the history of ploration of the history, evolution and cul- dead? modern and contemporary art. tural significance of human sexuality. Website: www.moma.org 2. Does our consciousness survive death (Is In the development of NYCSEX: How there life after death?) New York Transformed Sex in America, the Museum created a board of advisors com- 3. What are the implications for society now prised of leading experts, activists, academ- that medical doctors, psychiatrists and ics and artists. The Museum’s advisory lawyers have found evidence of the after- board has guided curators and guest cura- life via near death experiences, out of tors towards research resources, pertinent body experiences, and other studies? collections and exhibition relevant artists. Website: www.medium7.com 162 Sources Spring 2013 Advisors such as Steven Heller, Annie Museum of the History of National Archives of the Sprinkle and June M. Reinisch, Director Emeritus for The Kinsey Institute for Re- Science United States search in Sex, Gender and Reproduction, as Broad St., Oxford OX1 3AZ, UK The National Archives and Records well as institutional collaborations with The Museum of the History of Science Administration, 8601 Adelphi Rd., New York University’s Center for the Study houses an unrivalled collection of historic College Park, MD 20740-6001, USA of Gender and Sexuality, New York Histori- scientific instruments in the world’s oldest As the nation’s record keeper, it is our vi- cal Society and the Lesbian Herstory Ar- surviving purpose-built museum building, sion that all Americans will understand the chives, have contributed to making the the Old Ashmolean on Broad Street, Ox- vital role records play in a democracy, and Museum of Sex one of the most dynamic ford. By virtue of the collection and the their own personal stake in the National Ar- and innovative institutions in the world. building, the Museum occupies a special chives. Our holdings and diverse programs In the past six years the Museum of Sex position both in the study of the history of will be available to more people than ever has generated 12 exhibitions and 5 virtual science and in the development of western before through modern technology and dy- installations, each in keeping with the Mu- culture and collecting. namic partnerships. The stories of our na- seum’s mission of advocating open dis- The present collection of the Museum pre- tion and our people are told in the records course surrounding sex and sexuality as serves the material relics of past science. As and artifacts cared for in NARA facilities well as striving to present to the public the a department of the University of Oxford, around the country. We want all Americans best in current scholarship unhindered by the Museum has a role both in making these to be inspired to explore the records of their self-censorship. With each new exhibition, relics available for study by historians who country. lecture series, event and publication, the are willing to look beyond the traditional The National Archives and Records Ad- Museum of Sex is committed to addressing confines of books and manuscripts as well ministration serves American democracy by a wide range of topics, while simultane- as in presenting them to the visiting public. safeguarding and preserving the records of ously highlighting material and artifacts The objects represented – of which there are our government, ensuring that the people from different continents, cultures, time pe- approximately 10,000 – cover almost all as- can discover, use and learn from this docu- riods and media. pects of the history of science, from antiq- mentary heritage. We ensure continuing ac- The Museum’s permanent collection of uity to the early twentieth century. Particular cess to the essential documentation of the over 15,000 artifacts is comprised of works strengths include the collections of astro- rights of American citizens and the actions of art, photography, clothing and costumes, labes, sundials, quadrants, early mathemati- of their government. We support democracy, technological inventions and historical cal instruments generally (including those promote civic education, and facilitate his- ephemera. Additionally, the museum houses used for surveying, drawing, calculating, torical understanding of our national expe- both a research library as well as an exten- astronomy and navigation) and optical in- rience. sive multimedia library, which includes struments (including microscopes, tel- Website: www.archives.gov 8mm, Super 8mm, 16mm, BETA, VHS and escopes and cameras), together with DVDs. From fine art to historical ephemera apparatus associated with chemistry, natu- Toll free: 1-866-272-6272 to film, the Museum of Sex preserves an ral philosophy and medicine. In addition, E-mail: [email protected] ever-growing collection of sexually related the Museum possesses a unique reference objects that would otherwise be destroyed library for the study of the history of scien- and discarded due to their sexual content. tific instruments that includes manuscripts, Design has played a pivotal role in both incunabula, prints, printed ephemera and exhibition development and execution, with early photographic material. world-renowned design firms such as Pen- Website: www.mhs.ox.ac.uk tagram Design Inc., Casson Mann and 2x4 helping to transform the galleries and his- toric building over the last six years. The museum’s building, built in the area of New N York formerly known as the “Tenderloin”, National Association of a district of NYC made notorious by the NATO North Atlantic Treaty 19th century for its bordellos, dance halls, Organization Professional Cancer theaters and saloons, serves as a New York Blvd. Leopold III, City landmarked site. 1110 Brussels, Belgium Coaches In a short time, the Museum has received The North Atlantic Treaty Organization attention from academic institutions, major Stoney Creek, ON L8J 1P6 (NATO) is an alliance of 26 countries from publications, media outlets, and celebrities The NAPCC is a federally registered non- North America and Europe committed to such as Howard Stern, Jay Leno and Chris profit. We offer professionally trained can- fulfilling the goals of the North Atlantic Rock- positioning the Museum of Sex cer coaches in your community. Free group Treaty signed on 4 April 1949. In accord- within the realm of academia and pop cul- coaching provides education and guidance ance with the Treaty, the fundamental role ture alike. The Museum has been featured in integrative cancer care to patients who are of NATO is to safeguard the freedom and in numerous publications including The DYING from NEGLECT. Encourage recov- security of its member countries by politi- New York Times, The New Yorker, Esquire ery. Avoid secondary and recurrent cancers cal and military means. NATO is playing an and Time and on television broadcasts rang- with our support. Live in prevention, rather increasingly important role in crisis man- ing from CNN to IFC to NBC’s Law & Or- than treatment. agement and peacekeeping. der Criminal Intent. Award-winning Website: www.cancerwipeout.org advertising campaigns in print and televi- Website: www.nato.int E-mail: [email protected] sion media have sealed the museum’s arrival E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 905-560-8344 as a cultural touchstone. Phone: 1-855-560-8344 Website: www.museumofsex.com Spring 2013 Sources 163 National Film and Sound www.nationalmediamuseum.org.uk jazz musician. Our website offers virtual exhibitions, be- Archive National Museum of hind-the-scenes glimpses into our collec- G.P.O. Box 2002, tions and an overview of Museum programs Canberra ACT 2601, Australia American History and activities. Using the website, you can The National Film and Sound Archive is National Mall, 14th St. and Constitution plan your visit to the Museum or go on a the national audiovisual archive, playing a Ave. N.W.,, Washington, DC, USA tour from your home. The Smithsonian’s key role in documenting and interpreting the The Smithsonian’s National Museum of History Explorer, the Museum’s new edu- Australian experience and actively contrib- American History dedicates its collections cation website, offers free, standards-based, uting to the development of Australia’s au- and scholarship to inspiring a broader un- innovative resources for teaching and learn- diovisual industry. We collect, store, derstanding of our nation and its many peo- ing American history. We even have our preserve and make available screen and ples. We create opportunities for learning, own blog, Oh Say Can You See, where you sound material relevant to Australia’s cul- stimulate imaginations, and present chal- can stay updated on what’s happening at the ture. Through our skills and services we lenging ideas about our country’s past. Museum. complement documentary heritage collec- The Museum collects and preserves more Website: www.americanhistory.si.edu tions. We are leaders in the preservation, than 3 million artifacts – all true national presentation and development of screen and treasures. We take care of everything from National Museum of the sound culture in Australia. the original Star-Spangled Banner and Our mission: To preserve Australia’s au- Abraham Lincoln’s top hat to Dizzy American Indian diovisual culture for all to enjoy. Gillespie’s angled trumpet and Dorothy’s The Smithsonian’s National Museum of ruby slippers from The Wizard of Oz. Our Website: www.nfsa.gov.au the American Indian is a museum dedicated collections form a fascinating mosaic of to the life, languages, literature, history and Phone: 61 2 6248 2000 American life and comprise the greatest sin- arts of the native peoples of the Western E-mail: [email protected] gle collection of American history. Hemisphere. It was established in 1989 Our exhibitions explore major themes in through an Act of Congress. Operating un- National Media Museum American history and culture, from the War der the auspices of the Smithsonian Institu- of Independence to the present day. The Bradford, West Yorkshire BD1 1NQ, UK tion, it has three facilities: the National Price of Freedom: Americans at War sur- The National Media Museum is part of the Museum of the American Indian on the Na- veys the history of U.S. military conflicts NMSI Museums Group (National Museum tional Mall in Washington, DC, which and examines ways in which wars have of Science and Industry) which also in- opened on September 21, 2004 on Fourth been defining episodes in American history. cludes the Science Museum (based in Lon- Street and Independence Avenue South- America on the Move immerses visitors in don and at Wroughton in Wiltshire) and the west; the George Gustav Heye Center, a per- the sights, sounds and sensations of trans- National Railway Museum (based in York manent museum in New York City; and the portation in the United States from 1870 to and at Shildon in County Durham). Cultural Resources Center, a research and the present. Familiar favourites back on We exist to engage, inspire and educate by collections facility in Suitland, Maryland. view include The American Presidency: A promoting an understanding and apprecia- Glorious Burden, Within These Walls and Website: www.AmericanIndian.si.edu tion of photography, film, television, radio First Ladies at the Smithsonian. New arti- and the web; using our collection and fact walls and special cases mean that a knowledge to deliver a cultural program ac- National Music Museum larger selection of our objects are on dis- cessibly and authoritatively. The University of South Dakota, play, creating a new way of experiencing The National Media Museum covers 414 East Clark St., history. A schedule of temporary and trav- seven floors of a city centre building in Vermillion, SD 57069, USA elling exhibitions will offer visitors some- Bradford. It offers the following: Founded in 1973 on the campus of the thing new on almost every visit. • Permanent interactive galleries about University of South Dakota in Vermillion, The Museum hosts a full roster of public the National Music Museum (NMM) & photography, television and animation as programs, from demonstrations, lectures well as the Magic Factory which explains Center for Study of the History of Musical and tours to storytelling and festivals. Mu- Instruments is one of the great institutions the basic principles behind those sub- sic programs offer performances by cham- jects. of its kind in the world. Its renowned col- ber music ensembles, a jazz orchestra, lections, which include more than 14,500 • Three cinemas including an IMAX show- gospel choirs, folk and blues artists, Native American, European and non-Western in- ing the latest 3D films and two other au- American singers, dancers, and more. In struments from virtually all cultures and his- ditoria – Pictureville and Cubby Broccoli Spark!Lab, the Lemelson Center’s newest torical periods, are the most inclusive – which show films you won’t normally LISTINGS hands-on science and invention space, visi- anywhere. see in your local multiplex. tors can experiment with dry ice, invent new The NMM is fully accredited by the • Two special exhibition galleries – where uses for paper bags and discover the story American Association of Museums in we stage a rolling program of exhibitions behind inventions like the boxed cake mix, Washington, D.C., and is recognized as “A – sometimes drawn from our collections, among other activities. The brand new Nina Landmark of American Music” by the Na- sometimes toured in from elsewhere. and Ivan Selin Welcome Center allows for tional Music Council. • The BBC’s Bradford radio, TV and expanded visitor information services with The NMM was founded as a partnership online studio – a real, working exhibit increased one-on-one contact. between the University of South Dakota, within the Museum. The Museum’s Archives Center houses a which provides staff and facilities for pres- remarkable array of American history in • A number of areas where learning activi- ervation, teaching and research, and the documents, photographs and other works. ties – tours and talks – take place. Board of Trustees of the NMM, a non- These include the Warshaw Collection of profit, 501(c)(3) corporation that is respon- • A research and collections centre where Business Americana, advertising histories much of our extensive collection is held sible for acquisitions, public exhibiting and of major U.S. corporations, and the Duke programming. The Board of Trustees is to- and where you can visit for research and Ellington Collection sheet music, corre- study. tally dependent upon support from NMM spondence and photographs related to the members, individuals, corporations, foun- Website: life and career of the great composer and dations and governmental units. 164 Sources Spring 2013

Website: www.usd.edu/smm/ [email protected] [email protected] Phone: (605) 677-5306 British Columbia: Andrew Holland, Communications E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (250) 479-3191 Manager Toll free: 1-888-404-8428 Phone: (506) 450-6010 National Print Museum FAX: (250) 479-0546 E-mail: [email protected] Garrison Chapel, Beggars Bush Barracks, Linda Hannah, Regional Vice-President Haddington Rd., Dublin 4, Ireland E-mail: The National Print Museum collects, [email protected] Naturist Society documents, preserves, exhibits, interprets Lesley Marian Neilson, Communications 627 Bay Shore Dr., and makes accessible the material evidence Manager Oshkosh, WI 54901, USA of printing craft and fosters associated skills Phone: Ext. 245 The mission of The Naturist Society is to of the craft in Ireland. E-mail: promote a culture of body acceptance Website: www.nationalprintmuseum.ie [email protected] through clothing-optional recreation, using the tools of education and community Alberta: outreach. Natural History Museum Phone: (403) 262-1253 The Naturist Society celebrates the nude Cromwell Rd., London SW7 5BD, UK Toll free: 1-877-262-1253 human form as inherently wholesome and The Natural History Museum is an inter- FAX: (403) 515-6987 natural. TNS promotes attitudes of tolerance national leader in the scientific study of the Bob Demulder, Regional Vice-President and respect toward the body, and rejects the natural world. E-mail: exploitation of the body for commercial or Our science mission is to: [email protected] sexual purposes. • Explore the diversity of the natural world Saskatchewan: The Naturist Society views clothing-op- and the processes that generate this diver- Phone: (306) 347-0447 tional recreation as essential to body accept- sity. Toll free: 1-866-622-7275 ance. Through clothing-optional recreation, • Use the knowledge gained to promote re- FAX: (306) 347-2345 participants, be they individuals, couples or families, learn to appreciate the diversity of sponsible interaction with the natural Carmen Leibel, Regional Vice-President world. body types, gain a better understanding and E-mail: acceptance of their own bodies, and reap the Our mission is delivered in part by the col- [email protected] lections of over 70 million specimens that social, psychological and physical benefits we look after, and by the generation of new Sharon Rodenbush, Development and of a healthy and natural way of life. knowledge through research. Communications Officer The Naturist Society believes the interests E-mail: of naturists are advanced through education Website: www.nhm.ac.uk [email protected] and community outreach. TNS recognizes it is part of a larger community and wel- Nature Conservancy of Manitoba: comes the challenge of spreading the natur- Phone: (204) 942-6156 ist message. Canada FAX: (204) 942-1016 Website: www.naturistsociety.com 36 Eglinton Ave. W., Ste. 400, Jeff Polakoff, Regional Vice President Toronto, ON M4R 1A1 E-mail: Toll free: 1-800-886-7230 NCC is a national, non-profit group that [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] takes a collaborative, science-based ap- Ontario: proach to land conservation and the preser- Toll free: 1-877-343-3532 Non-Smokers’ Rights vation of Canada’s biological diversity. FAX: (519) 826-9206 Since 1962, NCC and its partners have pro- Association tected more than 2.6 million acres of eco- James Duncan, Regional Vice President 720 Spadina Ave., Ste. 221, logically significant land nationwide. E-mail: Toronto, ON M5S 2T9 [email protected] Website: www.natureconservancy.ca The NSRA is an award-winning national Quebec: health advocacy organization internation- NATIONAL OFFICE: Phone: (514) 876-1606 ally recognized for its role in fighting for Phone: (416) 932-3202 Toll free: 1-877-876-5444 public policy changes on tobacco. The Toll free: 1-800-465-0029 FAX: (514) 876-7901 NSRA has sparked precedent-setting law FAX: (416) 932-3208 reform initiatives and earned a solid reputa- Nathalie Zinger, Regional Vice-President Jane Gilbert, Chief Communications tion for financial analysis of the tobacco in- E-mail: Officer dustry, especially of tobacco taxation. [email protected] Phone: (416) 932-3202, ext. 295 NSRA campaigns have led to precedents for E-mail: [email protected] Elizabeth Sbaglia, Communications tobacco advertising, cigarette package Manager warnings, non-smokers’ rights and for regu- Crystal Folkins, National Media Phone: Ext. 240 lation of the tobacco industry. Relations Manager E-mail: Website: www.nsra-adnf.ca Phone: (416) 932-3202, ext. 241 [email protected] E-mail: Toronto Office: [email protected] Atlantic: Lorraine Fry, Executive Director Phone: (506) 450-6010 Christine Beevis-Trickett, Manager, Phone: (416) 928-2900 Toll free: 1-877-231-4400 Editorial Services FAX: (416) 928-1860 FAX: (506) 450-6013 Phone: (403) 817-2107 Residence: (416) 964-6279 E-mail: Linda Stephenson, Regional Vice- Cellular: (416) 451-4285 President E-mail: Spring 2013 Sources 165

E-mail: [email protected] We foster acceptance of sexual and gender FAX: (519) 753-6408 Ottawa Office: diversity by supporting education and re- E-mail: [email protected] 130 Albert St., Ste. 1903, search about our heritage and experience Ottawa, ON K1P 5G4 worldwide. ONE is dedicated to collecting, Ontario Association of Non- preserving, documenting, studying and Melodie Tilson, Director of Policy communicating our history, our challenges Profit Homes and Services Phone: (613) 230-4211, ext. 3 and our aspirations. for Seniors (OANHSS) FAX: (613) 230-9454 ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives E-mail: [email protected] is the oldest Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and 7050 Weston Rd., Ste. 700, Transgendered (LGBT) organization in the Woodbridge, ON L4L 8G7 Montreal Office: OANHSS is a provincial association that 833, rue Roy est, Montréal, QC H2L 1E4 United States and it holds the largest collec- tion of LGBT materials in the world. ONE has represented non-profit providers of François Damphousse, Director originated from the earliest national gay long-term care, services and housing for Phone: (514) 843-3250 publication, ONE, and then operated as an seniors for over 90 years. Members operate FAX: (514) 843-3562 Institute that was able to confer the first aca- over 27,000 long-term care beds and over E-mail: [email protected] demic certificates in gay studies. Finally, 5,000 seniors’ housing units. OANHSS is since the 1990s, ONE has functioned as a committed to supporting the common goals world class research centre located near the of its members to provide quality programs University of Southern California for the and services to meet the needs of Ontario’s study of all things relevant in scholarship seniors. relating to gender studies. Website: www.oanhss.org Website: www.onearchives.org Donna A. Rubin, Chief Executive Officer Phone: (213) 741-0094 Phone: (905) 851-8821, ext. 230 FAX: (905) 851-0744 460 Richmond St. W., Ste. 100, E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Toronto, ON M5V 1Y1 Novus Health is a Canadian leader in cor- Oeko-Institut porate wellness solutions. With offices in Postfach 50 02 40, 79028 Freiburg, Toronto and Montreal, we help millions of Germany, Canadians navigate the complexity of our German institute dealing with environ- health care system and achieve better health, mental issues including transportation and using innovative Web platforms and tel- climate change. ephone assistance. Our clients include sev- Eine der europaweit führenden, unab- eral top insurers and organizations across hängigen Forschungs- und Beratungsein- Canada. richtungen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft. Es Ontario Bar Association Website (English): www.novushealth.com beschäftigt über 100 MitarbeiterInnen, Website (French): www.novussante.com darunter 70 WissenschaftlerInnen, an den 20 Toronto St., Ste. 300, Toronto, ON M5C 2B8 Robin Ingle, Chairman drei Standorten Freiburg, Darmstadt und Berlin. OBA is a voluntary professional associa- Phone: (416) 730-0372 tion representing more than 15,000 Ontario Phone: 1866-364-6453 Website: www.oeko.de lawyers, judges and law students. As the FAX: (416) 730-1878 Phone: 49-761/45295-0 voice of the legal profession, OBA is the E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] only legal association that represents law- Marc Giguère, VP, Business yers from every practice area (called Sec- Development tions) across the province. Our members Phone: (514) 394-0340 Ontario Association of can provide expertise and commentary on Phone: 1-877-578-8488 every practice area, case law, legislation or FAX: 1-866-884-8629 Medical Radiation issue facing the profession and the public. E-mail: [email protected] Sciences Website: www.oba.org Srini Varadarajan, Communications Jonathan Clancy, Manager of Public P.O. Box 1054, Brantford, ON N3T 5S7 Manager Affairs Phone: (416) 640-7867 ext. 327 OAMRS is the authoritative provincial Phone: 1-866-789-0850 ext. 327 voice and resource for the professionals of Catherine Brennan, Public Affairs LISTINGS FAX: (416) 730-1878 Medical Radiation Sciences. Medical Ra- Phone: (416) 869-1047, ext. 348 Toll E-mail: [email protected] diation Practitioners are highly skilled free: 1-800-668-8900, ext. 348 healthcare professionals who administer FAX: (416) 869-1390 ionizing radiation, ultrasound, and magnetic E-mail: [email protected] O energies which require a high standard of patient care with education in the most rap- The Ontario Genealogical idly changing and challenging environment ONE National Gay & in health care. Currently the recognized dis- Society Lesbian Archives ciplines include Radiological Technology, 40 Orchard View Blvd., Ste. 102, Nuclear Medicine Technology, Radiation Toronto, ON M4R 1B9 909 West Adams Blvd., Therapy, Medical Ultrasound, and Magnetic A membership organization, encouraging, Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA Resonance Imaging. bringing together and assisting those inter- The ONE National Gay & Lesbian Ar- ested in the pursuit of family history. 33 chives honours the past, celebrates the Website: www.oamrs.org branches across the province meet monthly. present, and enriches the future of all les- Greg Toffner, President and CEO Publishes the basic reference Genealogy in bian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Phone: (519) 753-6037 Ontario. Reference library, free to the pub- Toll free (Ontario only): 1-800-387-4674 166 Sources Spring 2013 lic, in Canadiana Department, North York Orillia: Central Library, 5120 Yonge St., Toronto, 210 Memorial Ave., Unit 126A, ON M2N 5N9. Orillia, ON L3V 7V1 Website: www.ogs.on.ca Phone: (705) 327-0404 FAX: (705) 327-0511 SOCIETY OFFICE: Phone: (416) 489-0734 Ottawa: FAX: (416) 489-9803 1400 Clyde Ave., Ste. 211, E-mail: [email protected] Nepean, ON K2G 3J2 Phone: (613) 226-3733 Nancy Trimble, President Ontario Nurses’ Association FAX: (613) 723-0947 Shirley Sturdevant, Vice-President 85 Grenville St., Ste. 400, Sudbury: Steve Clendenan, Vice-President, Toronto, ON M5S 3A2 764 Notre Dame Ave., Unit 3, Finance The Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) is Sudbury, ON P3A 2T4 Bob Crawford, Secretary the union representing 59,000 registered Phone: (705) 560-2610 Don Hinchley, Past President nurses and allied health professionals and FAX: (705) 560-1411 Sarah Newitt, Executive Director more than 13,000 nursing student affiliates providing care in hospitals, long-term care Thunder Bay: facilities, public health, the community, Woodgate Office Centre, 1139 Alloy Dr., clinics and industry. Ste. 200, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6M8 ONA leaders are available to provide ex- Phone: (807) 344-9115 pertise and commentary on health-care is- FAX: (807) 344-8850 sues facing both their profession, labour and Timmins: the health-care industry. Canadian Mental Health Association Website: www.ona.org Bldg., 330 Second Ave., Ste. 203, Timmins, ON P4N 8A4 Facebook: www.Facebook.com/ Ontario Motor Vehicle Phone: (705) 264-2294 OntarioNurses Industry Council FAX: (705) 268-4355 Twitter: www.Twitter.com/ Windsor: 789 Don Mills Rd., Ste. 800, OntarioNurses Toronto, ON M3C 1T5 3155 Howard Ave., Ste. 220, OMVIC enforces the Motor Vehicle Deal- YouTube: ONA is on YouTube Windsor, ON N8X 3Y9 ers Act on behalf of the Ministry of Con- Phone: (416) 964-8833 Phone: (519) 966-6350 sumer Services. OMVIC’s mandate is to Toll free: 1-800-387-5580 FAX: (519) 972-0814 maintain a fair and informed marketplace by FAX: (416) 964-8891 ensuring registration of motor vehicle deal- E-mail: [email protected] ers and sales people, regularly inspecting Linda Haslam-Stroud, RN, President dealerships, maintaining a complaint line for consumers and conducting investiga- Michael Balagus, Chief Executive tions and prosecutions. Officer/Chief Administrative Officer Websites: www.omvic.on.ca MEDIA RELATIONS: or www.buywithconfidence.ca Sheree Bond Terry O’Keefe, Manager of Phone: (416) 964-8833, ext. 2430 Ontario Professional Communications, Media Relations and Cellular: (416) 986-8240 Education E-mail: [email protected] Foresters Association Phone: (416) 512-3525 Melanie Levenson 5 Wesleyan St., Ste. 201, E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (416) 964-8833, ext. 2369 Georgetown, ON L7G 2E2 Amy Thrasher, Communications Cellular: (416) 801-8958 The Ontario Professional Foresters Asso- Assistant E-mail: [email protected] ciation, incorporated in 1957, is a non-profit organization with approximately 1,000 Phone: (416) 512-3335 REGIONAL OFFICES: E-mail: [email protected] members across Ontario. The Association Hamilton: regulates the practice of professional for- Carl Compton, Executive Director and 2 King St. W., Unit 2R, estry and actively contributes to the Registrar Dundas, ON L9H 6Z1 sustainability of Ontario’s forests by assur- Phone: (416) 226-6150 Phone: (905) 628-0805 ing high professional standards of practice E-mail: [email protected] FAX: (905) 628-2557 in forestry. Only members may legally prac- Mary Jane South, Deputy Registrar Kingston: tise Professional Forestry in Ontario. Phone: (416) 226-3088 4 Cataraqui St., Ste. 201, Website: www.opfa.ca E-mail: [email protected] Kingston, ON K7K 1Z7 Tony Jennings, RPF, Executive Director Laura Halbert, Director, Compliance Phone: (613) 545-1110 and Registrar Phone: (416) 226-2104 FAX: (613) 531-9043 Phone: (905) 877-3679 E-mail: [email protected] London: FAX: (905) 877-6766 Carey Smith, Director, Investigations 1069 Wellington Rd. S., Ste. 109, E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (416) 512-3527 London, ON N6E 2H6 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (519) 438-2153 FAX: (519) 433-2050 Spring 2013 Sources 167

Artists Ben White and Eileen Simpson have initiated this project following a series of projects which involved researching and gathering music that has fallen out of copy- right. Much of this music, although legally in the public domain, is tied to physical media (for example, gramophone records) and locked away in archives or private col- lections which are not widely accessible. Ontario Secondary School Ontario Water Works The Open Music Archive aims to digitize as Teachers’ Federation much of this music as possible in order to Association free it from the constraints of a physical col- 60 Mobile Dr., Toronto, ON M4A 2P3 lection. OSSTF/FEESO welcomes media inquir- 1092 Islington Ave., Ste. 200, The project aims to share the existing re- ies on both educational and social issues. Toronto, ON M8Z 4R9 source and to build a larger archive in open Founded in 1919, it represents 60,000 mem- The Ontario Water Works Association is collaboration with others. The archive aims bers across Ontario. They include public Ontario’s leading resource on safe drinking to distribute this music freely, form a site of high school teachers, occasional teachers, water. The OWWA is your connection to exchange of knowledge and material, and educational assistants, early childhood edu- more than 1,700 water supply professionals, be a vehicle for future collaborations and cators, continuing education teachers and including: research scientists, engineers, distributed projects. instructors, psychologists, secretaries, water utility managers and technicians, speech-language pathologists, social work- groundwater specialists, equipment manu- Website: www.openmusicarchive.org ers, plant support personnel, attendance facturers and suppliers, and industry regu- E-mail: [email protected] counsellors, university support staff, and lators. many others in education. The federation is Website: www.owwa.ca internationally known for leadership in edu- cational research, curriculum development Phone: (416) 231-1555 and political action. Toll free: 1-866-975-0575 FAX: (416) 231-1556 Website: www.osstf.on.ca E-mail: [email protected] FOR MEDIA INQUIRIES: Glenn Powell, Director of Phone: (416) 751-8300 in Toronto Communications 1 Concorde Gate, Ste. 608, Toll free: 1-800-267-7867 Phone: (905) 827-4508 Toronto, ON M3C 3N6 FAX: (416) 751-7079 Cellular: (905) 464-6200 Ophea is a not-for-profit organization that Paul Elliott, President FAX: (905) 827-6483 champions healthy, active living in schools Harvey Bischof, Vice-President E-mail: [email protected] and communities through quality programs Cindy Dubué, Vice-President Bill Balfour, Executive Director and services, partnerships and advocacy. Earl Burt, Treasurer Phone: (905) 530-2200 Ophea is led by the vision that all children Jo Dean, Executive Officer FAX: (905) 530-2135 and youth value and enjoy that lifelong ben- Sue Doughty-Smith, Executive Officer E-mail: [email protected] efits of healthy, active living. Rob Gascho, Executive Officer Website: www.ophea.net Pierre Côté, General Secretary Open Music Archive E-mail: [email protected] Professional Services: P.O. Box 39962, Chris Markham, Executive Director Lori Foote, Associate General Secretary London EC2A 3WG, UK Phone: (416) 426-7120 Domenic Bellissimo, Department Head, The Open Music Archive is situated within FAX: (416) 426-7373 Political Action and Communication the current discourse surrounding notions of authorship, ownership and distribution, re- Melanie Slade Morrison, Marketing and Suzette Clark, Department Head, animated by a porting of Free/Libre and Communications Manager Educational Services Open Source software models to wider Phone: (416) 426-7034 Protective Services: creative contexts. The Open Music Archive E-mail: [email protected] Dale Leckie, Associate General Secretary concerns itself with the public domain and creative works which are not owned by any LISTINGS Brad Bennett, Department Head, one individual and are held in common by Negotiations and Contract Maintenance society as a whole. Under copyright law, a music recording has two automatically assigned property rights: A musical composition has a prop- erty right and a recording has a separate and independent property right. These property Klapparstigur 7, Reykjavik 101, rights are limited by term. In the UK, the OrangeWebsite is an Icelandic web host- term of copyright in a literary, dramatic, ing service provider. Most of our clients are musical or artistic work is limited to the life foreign journalists, bloggers, leakers and of the author plus 70 years, while the term publishers. With our modern freedom of of copyright in a sound recording is limited speech legislation, low online censorship to 50 years from the date of recording. The and high level of privacy we can provide our archive attempts to gather recordings and clients a safe haven to host their sites. information about recordings whose propri- Website: www.orangewebsite.com etary interests have expired and make them hostingiceland.net accessible to a wider public. 168 Sources Spring 2013 E-mail: [email protected] Organization of American assisting them to maximize the benefits CEO States from their collective space, by facilitating Henri K. Johannes their intelligent integration with the global Phone: +3548466244 17th St. & Constitution Ave. N.W., economy, by contributing to policy and pro- E-mail: [email protected] Washington, DC 20006, USA gram formulation and execution in respect The Organization of American States of regional and international issues, and by (OAS) brings together the nations of the facilitation of bilateral and multilateral co- Organisation for Economic Western Hemisphere to strengthen coopera- operation. Cooperation and tion on democratic values, defend common The Organization’s Objectives, as set out interests and debate the major issues facing in the Treaty of Basseterre: Development the region and the world. The OAS is the • To promote co-operation among the 2, rue André Pascal, region’s principal multilateral forum for Member States at the regional and inter- F-75775 Paris Cedex 16, France strengthening democracy, promoting human national level; OECD brings together the governments of rights, and confronting shared problems • To promote unity and solidarity among countries committed to democracy and the such as poverty, terrorism, illegal drugs and the Member States and to defend their market economy from around the world to: corruption. It plays a leading role in carry- sovereignty, territorial integrity and inde- • Support sustainable economic growth ing out mandates established by the hemi- pendence; • Boost employment sphere’s leaders through the Summits of the • To assist the Member States in the reali- • Raise living standards Americas. zation of their obligations and responsi- With four official languages – English, • Maintain financial stability bilities to the international community Spanish, Portuguese and French – the OAS with due regard to the role of interna- • Assist other countries’ economic devel- reflects the rich diversity of the hemi- opment tional law as a standard of conduct in sphere’s peoples and cultures. It is made up their relationships; • Contribute to growth in world trade of 35 member states: the independent na- The Organisation provides a setting where tions of North, Central and South America • To seek to achieve the fullest possible governments compare policy experiences, and the Caribbean. The government of level of harmonization of foreign policy seek answers to common problems, identify Cuba, a member state, has been suspended among the Member States; to seek to good practice and coordinate domestic and from participation since 1962; thus only 34 adopt, as far as possible, common posi- international policies. countries participate actively. Nations from tions on international issues and to estab- For more than 40 years, OECD has been other parts of the world participate as per- lish and to maintain wherever possible, one of the world’s largest and most reliable manent observers, which allows them to arrangements for joint overseas represen- sources of comparable statistics and eco- closely follow the issues that are critical to tation and/or common services; nomic and social data. As well as collecting the Americas. • To promote economic integration among data, OECD monitors trends, analyzes and The member countries set major policies the Member States; forecasts economic developments and re- and goals through the General Assembly, • To pursue these purposes through its re- searches social changes or evolving patterns which gathers the hemisphere’s ministers of spective institutions by discussion of in trade, environment, agriculture, technol- foreign affairs once a year in regular ses- questions of common concern and by ogy, taxation and more. sion. Ongoing actions are guided by the Per- agreement and common action. Website: www.oecd.org manent Council, made up of ambassadors Website: www.oecs.org appointed by the member states. Phone: 33 Phone: (758) 452-2537 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.oas.org E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (202) 458-3000 Organization for Security E-mail: [email protected] Organization of the Islamic and Co-operation in Europe Organization of Eastern Conference OSCE Secretariat, Wallnerstrasse 6, The Organization of the Islamic Confer- 1010 Vienna, Austria Caribbean States ence (OIC) is the second largest inter-gov- With 56 States drawn from Europe, Cen- Morne Fortune, P.O. Box 179, ernmental organization after the United tral Asia and America, the OSCE is the Castries, Saint Lucia Nations which has membership of 57 states world’s largest regional security organiza- The Organization of Eastern Caribbean spread over four continents. The Organiza- tion, bringing comprehensive and co-opera- States (OECS) came into being on June tion is the collective voice of the Muslim tive security to a region that stretches from 18th, 1981, when seven Eastern Caribbean world and ensuring to safeguard and protect Vancouver to Vladivostok. It offers a forum countries signed a treaty agreeing to coop- the interests of the Muslim world in the for political negotiations and decision-mak- erate with each other and promote unity and spirit of promoting international peace and ing in the fields of early warning, conflict solidarity among the members. The Treaty harmony among various people of the prevention, crisis management and post- became known as the Treaty of Basseterre, world. The Organization was established conflict rehabilitation, and puts the political so named in honour of the capital city of St. upon a decision of the historical summit will of the participating States into practice Kitts and Nevis where it was signed. which took place in Rabat, Kingdom of through its unique network of field mis- The OECS is now a nine-member group- Morocco, on 12th Rajab 1389 Hijra (25 sions. ing comprising Antigua and Barbuda, Com- September 1969) as a result of criminal ar- Website: www.osce.org monwealth of Dominica, Grenada, son of Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jeru- Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia salem. Phone: 43 1 514 36 6000 and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. In 1970 the first-ever meeting of the Is- Anguilla and the British Virgin Islands are lamic Conference of Foreign Ministers associate members of the OECS. (ICFM) was held in Jeddah, which decided Our mission is to be a major regional in- to establish a permanent secretariat in stitution contributing to the sustainable de- Jeddah headed by the Organization’s secre- velopment of the OECS member states by tary general. Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu is Spring 2013 Sources 169 the 9th Secretary General, who assumed the Palestinian Centre for Debbie Papadakis, BCH, CI office in January 2005 after being elected by the 31st ICFM. Human Rights 355 Keele St., Toronto, ON M6P 2K6 Debbie Papadakis, founder, Hypno The present Charter of the Organization Omar El Mukhtar St., Near Amal Hotel, Healing Institute. Psychotherapist, Board- was adopted by the Eleventh Islamic Sum- P.O. Box 1328, Gaza City 29, Palestine Certified Hypnotherapist/Speaker/Trainer. mit held in Dakar on 13-14 March 2008 The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights Featured: Oprah’s “O” Magazine, “O’s which laid down the objectives and princi- (PCHR) is a non-government organization Big Book of Happiness” , Elle Canada, ples of the Organization and fundamental (NGO) based in Gaza City. The Centre is a Zoomer, CNN.com, SliceTV’s NewlyWed purposes to strengthen the solidarity and non-profit company, dedicated to protecting NearlyDead, WNetwork’s Remedy Me cooperation among the Member States. human rights, promoting the rule of law and Positive LivingTV. Awarded IMDHA/2012 Over the last 38 years, the membership has upholding democratic principles in the Oc- Life Diplomate in Hypnotherapy, NGH/ grown from its founding members of 30 to cupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). It holds 2012 Order of Braid, NATH/2007 Out- 57 states. The Organization has the singular Special Consultative Status with the Eco- standing Transpersonal Contribution. honour to galvanize the Ummah into a uni- nomic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the Panelist IMDHA/2006 “Most Powerful fied body and have actively represented United Nations. It is an affiliate of the Inter- Women in Hypnosis”. Muslims by espousing all causes close to national Commission of Jurists-Geneva, the the hearts of over 1.5 billion Muslims of the International Federation for Human Rights Website: www.hypno-healing.com world. The Organization has consultative (FIDH)-Paris, Euro-Mediterranean Human Hypno Healing Institute Inc., Clinic and and cooperative relations with the UN and Rights Network-Copenhagen, Arab Organi- Educational Institute: other inter-governmental organizations to zation for Human Rights-Cairo, and Inter- Debbie Papadakis protect the vital interests of Muslims and to national Legal Assistance Consortium Phone: (416) 760-8996 work for the settlement of conflicts and dis- (ILAC)–Stockholm. It is a recipient of the Toll free: 1-888-758-3223 putes involving Member States. In safe- 1996 French Republic Award on Human FAX: (416) 760-9240 guarding the true values of Islam and Rights and the 2002 Bruno Kreisky Award E-mail: [email protected] Muslims, the Organization has taken vari- for Outstanding Achievements in the Area ous steps to remove misperceptions and has of Human Rights. The Centre was estab- strongly advocated elimination of discrimi- lished in 1995 by a group of Palestinian law- nation against Muslims in all forms and yers and human rights activists in order to: manifestations. • Protect human rights and promote the Website: www.oic-oci.org rule of law in accordance with interna- Phone: 966 2 65 15 222 tional standards. • Create and develop democratic institu- tions and an active civil society, while promoting democratic culture within Pal- P estinian society. Parliamentary Names & Pacific Islands Forum • Support all the efforts aimed at enabling Numbers the Palestinian people to exercise their in- Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, alienable rights in regard to self-determi- 812A Bloor St. W., Ste. 201, Private Mail Bag, Suva, Fiji nation and independence in accordance Toronto, ON M6G 1L9 The Pacific Islands Forum, formerly the with international law and UN resolu- Parliamentary Names & Numbers is your South Pacific Forum until a name change in tions. guide to governments in Canada. It’s an in- October 2000, was founded in August 1971 The work of the Centre is conducted valuable resource, available in print and and comprises 16 independent and self-gov- through documentation and investigation of online, for anyone who needs information erning states in the Pacific. The Forum is the human rights violations, provision of legal about Canada’s politicians, senior bureau- region’s premier political and economic aid and counselling for both individuals and crats, and the government sector generally, policy organization. Forum Leaders meet groups, and preparation of research articles federally and provincially. annually to develop collective responses to relevant to such issues as the human rights PNN lists duties, senior staff and contact regional issues. situation and the rule of law. The Centre also numbers for Members of Parliament, Sena- The Forum’s membership has increased provides comments on Palestinian Draft tors, Provincial Legislators, Federal and from the original seven founding members Laws and urges the adoption of legislation Provincial Ministries, Agencies and Crown (Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Nauru, New that incorporates international human rights Corporations, Parliamentary Committees, Zealand, Tonga and Western Samoa – now Embassies to Canada, Canadian Embassies standards and basic democratic principles. LISTINGS Samoa) to also include the Federated States To achieve its goals, the Centre has recruited Abroad, Federal Lobbyists and more. of Micronesia, Kiribati, Niue, Republic of a committed staff of well-known human It’s packed with information and com- the Marshall Islands, Palau, Papua New rights lawyers and activists. pletely indexed by name, subject and riding, Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu and so you can find who or what you need fast. Vanuatu. New Caledonia and French Poly- Website: www.pchrgaza.ps With complete phone and fax numbers, e- nesia, previously Forum Observers, were Phone: 972 8 2824-776 mail, mailing addresses, and websites, PNN granted Associate Membership in 2006. E-mail: [email protected] enables you to contact federal and provin- Current Forum Observers include Tokelau cial governments in a number of ways. (2005), Wallis and Futuna (2006), the Com- A single subscription to Parliamentary monwealth (2006) and the Asia Develop- Names & Numbers is only $75 plus GST/ ment Bank (2006), with Timor Leste as HST. A subscription includes two print di- Special Observer (2002). rectories plus access to the continuously Website: www.forumsec.org.fj updated online version. Multiple-access subscriptions and bulk orders are also of- Phone: (679) 3312-600 fered. The information in Parliamentary E-mail: [email protected] Names & Numbers is also available as a database. 170 Sources Spring 2013

Parlementaires : noms et contacts est dis- Website: Website: www.personalimpact.ca ponible pour les abonnés. L’abonnement www.trainingbusinesspros.com/ Kimberly Law, AICI CIP, Founder/ comprend deux numéros de la version media-room.html Certified Image Consultant papier par an ainsi qu’un accès illimité à la Paul Tobey Phone: (604) 298-7228 version en ligne. Des abonnements multi- 20 Blithfield Avenue, E-mail: [email protected] utilisateur sont également disponibles ainsi Toronto ON M2K 1Y1 qu’une version base de données avec Phone: 416-229-4710 Cecile Peterkin, Career fonction fusion et publipostage et autres E-mail: fonctions avancées. [email protected] Coach, Corporate Mentor, Utiliser Sources’ Recherche Intelligent Website: www.trainingbusinesspros.com/ Author and Professional pour trouver des experts par Circonscription media-room.html électorale, par Nom ou par Thème ou uti- Speaker liser un des indexes pour chercher par 781-B Spadina Rd., échelon dans le gouvernement, par province Permanent Court of Toronto, ON M5P 2X5 ou par type d’organisation (ministère, Arbitration Cosmic Coaching Centre provides Corpo- agence, groupe de lobby, ambassade). Vous Peace Palace, Carnegieplein 2, 2517 KJ rate and Individual Career Coaching Solu- pouvez également utiliser le index sujet qui The Hague, Netherlands tions to Mid-level Professionals and vous permettra de trouver des organisations The PCA is an intergovernmental organi- Executives. Our network of professionals au niveau fédéral ou provincial en effectuant zation with over 100 Member States. Estab- has been in the business for over 30 years une recherche par thème. lished in 1899 to facilitate arbitration and providing career planning, career and lead- Website: www.sources.com/pnn/ other forms of dispute resolution between ership coaching, business mentoring and www.sources.com/PNN/ states, the PCA has developed into a mod- effective resume writing that can guarantee PNNHomeFr.htm ern, multi-faceted arbitral institution that is great results. Facebook: www.facebook.com/ now perfectly situated at the juncture be- Websites: SourcesDirectory tween public and private international law www.cosmiccoachingcentre.com to meet the rapidly evolving dispute resolu- www.promentoringinc.com Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/b/ tion needs of the international community. 107627225790987242205/ Today the PCA provides services for the Cecile Peterkin, Career Coach, Corporate 107627225790987242205/ resolution of disputes involving various Mentor, Author and Professional Speaker Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/S0urces combinations of states, state entities, inter- Phone: (416) 782-5001 governmental organizations, and private Toll free: 1-866-486-4112 Phone: (416) 964-7799 parties. E-mail: FAX: (416) 964-8763 The PCA’s Secretariat, the International [email protected] Bureau, headed by its Secretary-General, Partners in Population and provides full registry services and legal and The Preservation Institute Development administrative support to tribunals and com- 2140 Shattuck Ave., Ste. 2122, missions. Its caseload reflects the breadth of Berkeley, CA 94709, USA Partners in Population and Development PCA involvement in international dispute (PPD) is the only organization in the world Today, most people recognize that mod- resolution, encompassing territorial, treaty, ernization and growth can harm the natural fully dedicated to the promotion of South- and human rights disputes between states, South partnerships. environment. The Preservation Institute be- as well as commercial and investment dis- lieves that modernization also damages the Website: www.partners-popdev.org/ putes, including disputes arising under bi- social environment – that many of our so- Phone: +88-02-9881882 lateral and multilateral investment treaties. cial problems are side-effects of moderniza- E-mail: [email protected] The PCA can assist in the selection of ar- tion and economic growth. To preserve the bitrators, and may be called upon to desig- natural environment and the social environ- Paul Tobey nate or act as appointing authority. ment, we must modernize selectively. Fac- The PCA is also a centre for scholarship tory mass production is an efficient way of 20 Blithfield Avenue, and publication, and a forum for legal dis- producing most goods that used to be made Toronto, ON M2K 1Y1 course. by hand. But we are in danger of using the Author, speaker and CEO of Training Website: www.pca-cpa.org same centralized, standardized methods for Business Pros, Paul Tobey is considered to every aspect of life, from housing to retail be the leading internet marketing and pres- Phone: 31 70 302 4165 E-mail: [email protected] shopping to child care. entation marketing trainer in North Website: www.preservenet.com America. He provides small business own- E-mail: [email protected] ers, marketing executives and entrepreneurs Personal Impact with an incredible amount of business intel- ligence in an accelerated learning approach International providing high value in a captivating envi- 283 Davie St., Ste. 1303, ronment. Over the past five years Training Vancouver, BC V6B 5T6 Business Pros has delivered training to over Kimberly Law: Internationally recognized 30,000 people. Its most popular offerings image & etiquette industry leader; Image include: Marketing & Mastery, Advanced subject expert/ media spokesperson; Pub- Internet Marketing, Train the Trainer and lished author; and the first Certified Image Agents of Change. Paul Tobey’s book Professional (AICI CIP) in Western Canada. 40 Sheppard Ave. W., Ste. 101, “Suggestology”, illustrates How to get what Corporate trainer/ consultant who shows Toronto, ON M2N 6K9 you want by asking the right questions. women and men how to look and act their Through the Professional Engineers Act, very best, always! Served as AICI’s Interna- PEO governs over 80,000 licence and cer- tional President 2011-2013. tificate holders and regulates professional engineering in Ontario to serve and protect Spring 2013 Sources 171 the public. Professional engineering safe- E-mail: [email protected] emissions and climate change, and are edu- guards life, health, property, economic in- Areas of expertise: non-weaponization of cating in classrooms around the world. terests, the public welfare and the space; Canadian and international laws Website: www.ran.org environment. Professional engineers can be and policies on outer space; nuclear identified by the P.Eng. after their names. disarmament. Phone: (415) 398-4404 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.peo.on.ca David Smith, Manager, Communications Recreation Vehicle Dealers Phone: (416) 840-1068 R Toll free: 1-800-339-3716, ext. 1068 Association of Canada FAX: (416) 224-9525 REpower Systems Inc. 6411 Buswell St., Ste. 204, Toll free FAX: 1-800-268-0496 1250 René-Lévesque Blvd. W., Suite Richmond, BC V6Y 2G5 E-mail: [email protected] 3610, Montreal, QC H3B 4W8 The voice of the Canadian recreation ve- REpower Systems Inc. is the Canadian hicle industry, representing dealers, rental Project Gutenberg branch of the German turbine manufacturer agents, parts and service facilities, distribu- REpower Systems SE, one of the leading tors, suppliers, manufacturers and the final Project Gutenberg Literary Archive turbine manufacturers in the wind energy users. A non-profit association to promote Foundation, 809 North 1500 West, sector. REpower Systems Inc. has offices in professionalism in the RV industry. Major Salt Lake City, UT 84116, USA Montreal and downtown Toronto with more RVDA concerns include education, com- Founded in 1971 by Michael Hart with the than 100 employees. Globally, the company munication, shows, use, safety, laws and aim of putting most of the world’s great lit- counts more than 3,000. lobbying government and industry groups. erature online, Project Gutenberg now has thousands of books available electronically. Website: www.repower-systems.ca Website: www.rvda.ca Website: www.gutenberg.org Phone: 514-935-4595 NATIONAL OFFICE: FAX: 514-935-4568 Phone: (604) 718-6325 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Eleonore Hamm, President Phone: (604) 204-0559 Radiation Safety Institute of FAX: (604) 204-0154 Canada E-mail: [email protected] 165 Avenue Rd., Ste. 300, PROVINCIAL OFFICES: Toronto, ON M5R 3S4 RVDA of British Columbia: With “Good science in plain language,”® Joan Jackson, Executive Director the Radiation Safety Institute provides im- 201 – 17700 56th Ave., partial, professional advice, public educa- Surrey, BC V3S 1C7 Project Ploughshares tion, training and technical services on Phone: (604) 575-3868 57 Erb St. W., Waterloo, ON N2L 6C2 radiation exposure in the workplace, the FAX: (604) 575-3869 Canadian ecumenical agency of The Ca- environment and in homes and schools. Ac- E-mail: [email protected] nadian Council of Churches that carries out cording to UN officials, Canada’s Radiation RVDA of Alberta: research, analysis, dialogue and public dis- Safety Institute is the only independent or- Dan Merkowsky, Executive cussion of peace and security issues in ganization of its kind in any country. Vice-President Canada and internationally. Issues include: Website: www.RadiationSafety.ca 10561 172 St. N.W., defence policy, military exports, arms trade, Edmonton, AB T5S 1P1 disarmament, peacebuilding, human secu- National Office, Toronto: Phone: (780) 455-8562 rity. Regular publications: The Plough- George Polak, Manager, Marketing and Toll free: 1-888-858-8787 shares Monitor (quarterly), Armed Conflicts Communications FAX: (780) 453-3927 Report (annual). Phone: (416) 650-9090, ext. 28 FAX: (416) 650-9920 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ploughshares.ca E-mail: [email protected] RVDA of Saskatchewan: Phone: (519) 888-6541 Spokesperson: Sheila Galvin, Association Manager FAX: (519) 888-0018 Dr. Fergal Nolan, President and CEO 342 Armstrong Way, Saskatoon, SK S7N 3N1 John Siebert, Executive Director National Laboratories, Saskatoon:

Ext. 7702 Phone: (306) 955-7832 LISTINGS Phone: (306) 975-0566 FAX: (306) 955-7952 E-mail: [email protected] Areas FAX: (306) 975-0494 of expertise: peace and security in the E-mail: [email protected] Horn of Africa; armed violence reduction RVDA of Manitoba: and development; religion and conflict; Rainforest Action Network Geoff Powell, Executive Director Canadian defence and foreign policy. 221 Pine St., 5th Fl., 386 Broadway, Ste. 503, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA Kenneth Epps, Senior Program Associate Winnipeg, MB R3C 3R6 RAN seeks to protect the Earth’s rainfor- Ext. 7701 Phone: (204) 975-8219 ests through education, grassroots organiz- E-mail: [email protected] Areas FAX: (204) 947-9767 ing and non-violent direct action. They do of expertise: small arms and light E-mail: [email protected] so using campaigns to expose the wrong- weapons; the international arms trade; doings of governments and corporations Ontario RVDA: Canadian military industry and exports; and mobilize the international environmen- Larry R. Boyd, Executive Vice-President armed violence reduction and tal and human rights community to join in 110 Freelton Rd., Freelton, ON L0R 1K0 development. the action via the Internet. They are cur- Phone: (905) 659-8800 Cesar Jaramillo, Program Associate rently working on a variety of issues includ- Toll free: 1-888-331-8885 Ext. 7708 ing global finance, old growth, and FAX: (905) 659-9900 E-mail: [email protected] 172 Sources Spring 2013

RVDA of Quebec: Ext. 216 Websites: www.michaelriordon.net Danielle Godbout, Executive Director E-mail: [email protected] http:// 4372, ave Pierre-de-Coubertin, bur 100, naturesciencepower.wordpress.com Montréal, QC H1V 1A6 Ricketts, Harris LLP Blog: http:// Phone: (514) 338-1471 naturesciencepower.wordpress.com }Toll free: 1-866-338-1471 181 University Ave., Ste. 816, FAX: (514) 335-6250 Toronto, ON M5H 2X7 Blog: http:// E-mail: [email protected] Joel Miller is a partner at Ricketts, Harris mywaytofight.wordpress.com LLP and chair of the firm’s Family Law E-mail: [email protected] Atlantic RVDA: Group. He taught Family Law at the Bar John Sutherland, Executive Director Admission course, speaks at national con- P.O. Box 9410, Stn. A, ferences, comments on radio and television, Halifax, NS B3K 5S3 has been on the Advisory Board of Divorce Phone: (902) 425-2445 Magazine, and a director of the Toronto FAX: (902) 425-2441 Collaborative Family Law Association. He E-mail: has been appointed a Dispute Resolution [email protected] Officer for the Superior Court of Ontario in Toronto. 20 Adelaide St. E., Ste. 1104, Website: www.familylawcentre.com Toronto, ON M5C 2T6 Joel Miller Janice Rubin, B.A., LL.B., and Christine Phone: (416) 364-6211 Thomlinson, LL.B., are founding partners FAX: (416) 364-1697 of Rubin Thomlinson LLP, specializing in E-mail: [email protected] employment law and human rights issues. They are frequently asked to comment in the media, speak on challenging legal issues Registered Nurses’ as well as to distill complex information in relevant terms to the story at hand for any Association of Ontario audience. 158 Pearl St., Toronto, ON M5H 1L3 Website: www.rubinthomlinson.com The Registered Nurses’ Association of Janice Rubin, B.A., LL.B. Ontario (RNAO) is the professional associa- Phone: (416) 847-1814, ext. 109 tion representing registered nurses wherever FAX: (416) 847-1815 they practise in Ontario. Since 1925, RNAO Michael Riordon E-mail: [email protected] has advocated for healthy public policy, pro- Canadian writer and documentary-maker moted excellence in nursing practice, in- Christine M. Thomlinson, B.A., LL.B. Michael Riordon writes/directs/produces creased nurses’ contribution to shaping the Phone: (416) 847-1814, ext. 107 books and articles, audio, video and film health-care system, and influenced deci- FAX: (416) 847-1815 documentaries, plays for radio and stage. sions that affect nurses and the public they E-mail: A primary goal of his work is to recover serve. [email protected] voices and stories of people who have been Website: www.rnao.ca silenced or marginalized, written out of the Jason Beeho, B. Arts Sc. (Hons.) LL.B. Phone: (416) 847-1814, ext. 112 Communications Department: official version: First Nations (aboriginal) youth, Mozambican farmers, inmates in FAX: (416) 847-1815 Phone: (416) 599-1925 E-mail: [email protected] Toll free: 1-800-268-7199 Canadian prisons, traditional healers in Fiji, FAX: (416) 599-1926 queer folk across Canada, Guatemalan la- Patrizia Piccolo, B.A., LL.B bour activists. His fourth book, An Unau- Phone: (416) 847-1814, ext. 118 Marion Zych, Director of thorized Biography of the World, explores FAX: (416) 847-1815 Communications similar recovery projects in several coun- E-mail: [email protected] Ext. 209 tries. After hours: (647) 406-5605 His latest book, Our Way to Fight, ex- E-mail: [email protected] plores the lives, actions and risks of grass- Kimberley Kearsey, Managing Editor/ roots peace and human rights activists in Communications Project Manager Israel-Palestine. It is published by Pluto Ext. 233 Press (international edition), Between the E-mail: [email protected] Lines (Canadian edition) and Lawrence Hill Books/Chicago Review Press (US edition). Melissa Di Costanzo, Communications Michael Riordon also leads courses, Officer/Writer workshops and seminars for community or- Ext. 250 Tricia Ryan, M.B.A., ganizations, trade unions, schools, colleges E-mail: [email protected] and universities. Topics include practical Author, Speaker, Small Daniel Punch, Editorial Assistant uses of oral history, finding/creating spaces Business Coach Ext. 211 for marginalized voices to be heard, and E-mail: [email protected] accessible techniques for producing audio/ 2289 Lake Shore Blvd. W., TH131, Toronto, ON M8V 3Y2 Neil Halper, Web and Social Media podcast documentaries. Michael Riordon has been interviewed on Tricia Ryan is author of Hungry to Suc- Assistant ceed, a marketing resource book full of Ext. 274 a variety of radio and TV programs, includ- ing Morningside and The Current. ideas to help small business owners take E-mail: [email protected] their business to the next level. A unique Maggie Sicilia, Administrative Assistant/ approach that mixes smart marketing prac- Communications tices with tasty culinary advice. Tricia is Spring 2013 Sources 173 founder of The Marketing Chefs, an educa- Robb Travers, Department of Website: www.snclavalin.com tional consulting group that provides tradi- Psychology, Wilfrid Laurier University, Phone: (514) 390-8000 tional marketing mixes, new media blends Waterloo, ON; Department of Public and online strategies. Custom courses in- Health Sciences, University of Toronto, clude: distance learning, one-on-one coach- Toronto ON ing, seminars and workshops. An expert Miriam Rossi, Physician, Faculty of with 25 years “hands on” marketing experi- Medicine, University of Toronto; ence, contact her for an interview, articles, Adolescent Medicine, Hospital for Sick or a review copy of her book. Children, Toronto, ON Website: www.themarketingchefs.com Michael Sand, Senior Associate Director, Tricia Ryan, M.B.A, Author, Speaker, General Medicine Clinical Research, 90 Allstate Pkwy., Ste. 300, Small Business Coach Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharma., Inc., Markham, ON L3R 6H3 Phone: (416) 259-6611 Ridgefield, CT For over a century, Saint Elizabeth has been a trusted name in Canadian health care FAX: (416) 259-3628 Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, Registered and a leader in responding to client, family E-mail: [email protected] Nurse, Ph.D., Daphne Cockwell School of and system needs. Our team of more than 6,500 nurses, rehab therapists, personal sup- S port workers and crisis intervention staff deliver over five million health care visits SIECCAN, The Sex annually. Information and Education Website: www.saintelizabeth.com Phone: (905) 940-9655 Council of Canada FAX: (905) 940-9934 850 Coxwell Ave., Toronto, ON M4C 5R1 E-mail: SIECCAN’s members are organizations [email protected] and individuals involved in human sexual- SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. Shirlee Sharkey, President and CEO ity education, counselling and research in 455 René-Lévesque Blvd. W., Ext. 6383 Canada. SIECCAN publishes The Cana- Montréal, QC H2Z 1Z3 E-mail: [email protected] dian Journal of Human Sexuality and the SNC-Lavalin is one of the leading engi- Ron Currie, Vice-President, SIECCAN Newsletter, provides consulta- neering and construction groups in the Communications and Marketing tion, research support and information serv- world and a major player in the ownership Ext. 6465 ices for sexual health professionals, and of infrastructure, and in the provision of E-mail: [email protected] develops and disseminates educational re- operations and maintenance services. sources used widely in the field. SNC-Lavalin has offices across Canada Neil Barran, Senior Vice-President Website: www.sieccan.org and in over 40 other countries around the Ext. 6440 world, and is currently active in some 100 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] countries. Scott Fortnum, Chief Development EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: SNC-Lavalin provides engineering, pro- Officer, Saint Elizabeth Foundation Michael Barrett, Ph.D., Professor curement, construction, project manage- Ext. 6436 Emeritus, Department of Cell and ment and project financing services, and has E-mail: Systems Biology, University of Toronto, a proven track record of successful projects [email protected] Toronto, ON in sectors such as infrastructure, environ- Phone: (416) 466-5304 ment, hydrocarbons and chemicals, power, St. Leonard’s Society of FAX: (416) 778-0785 mining and metallurgy, operations and maintenance, infrastructure concession in- Canada BOARD OF DIRECTORS: vestments, agrifood, industrial, and pharma- 211 Bronson Ave., Ste. 208, Alice Balter, Certified Canadian Family ceuticals and biotechnology. Ottawa, ON K1R 6H5 Educator; Sexuality Educator, Toronto, SNC-Lavalin est l’un des plus importants St. Leonard’s Society of Canada is a mem- ON groupes d’ingénierie et de construction au bership-based, charitable organization dedi- Ann Barrett, Sexual Health Educator, monde, et un acteur majeur en matière de cated to community safety. Toronto, ON propriété d’infrastructures et de services The mission of SLSC is to promote a hu- LISTINGS d’exploitation et d’entretien. SNC-Lavalin a mane and informed justice policy and re- Meredith Chivers, Department of des bureaux dans tout le Canada et dans plus sponsible leadership to foster safe Psychology, Queens University, Kingston, de 40 autres pays, et est présente actuel- communities. ON lement dans une centaine de pays. Website: www.stleonards.ca Stephen Holzapfel, Physician and SNC-Lavalin offre des services d’in- Director, Sexual Medicine Counselling génierie, d’approvisionnement, de construc- Facebook: www.facebook.com/ Unit at Women’s College Hospital; tion, ainsi que de gestion et de financement SLSCanada Department of Family and Community de projet, et a démontré sa capacité à mener Phone: (613) 233-5170 Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, à bien des projets dans divers secteurs, soit Toll free: 1-888-560-9760 ON : infrastructures et bâtiment, environnement, FAX: (613) 233-5122 hydrocarbures et produits chimiques, William Martin, Lawyer, Toronto, ON E-mail: [email protected] énergie, mines et métallurgie, opérations et LaRon Nelson, Lawrence S. Bloomberg maintenance, investissements dans des con- Elizabeth White, Executive Director Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, cessions d’infrastructure, agroalimentaire, Phone: (613) 233-5170 Toronto, ON industrie, et produits pharmaceutiques et FAX: (613) 233-5122 bio-technologie. E-mail: [email protected] 174 Sources Spring 2013

Francophone Contact: joint efforts to maintain and ensure peace, Michel Gagnon, Directeur général, Satov Consultants Inc. security and stability in the region, moving Maison “Cross Roads” de la Société 250 The Esplanade, Suite 200, towards the establishment of a new, demo- St-Léonard (Montréal), QC Toronto, ON M5A 1J2 cratic, just and rational political and eco- Tél.: (514) 932-7188 Need a meaty quote or information on a nomic international order. Téléc.: (514) 932-6668 business story? Satov’s staff of 16 profes- Proceeding from the Spirit of Shanghai Courriel: sionals have deep expertise in banking, con- the SCO pursues its internal policy based on [email protected] sumer goods, financial services, health care, the principles of mutual trust, mutual ben- high-tech, IT, media, pharmaceuticals, retail efit, equal rights, consultations, respect for and telecom. We work with Canada’s larg- the diversity of cultures and aspiration to- est companies and high-growth, emerging wards common development; its external businesses. So we know strategy, opera- policy is conducted in accordance with the tions, finance, management, marketing and principles of non-alignment, non-targeting sales inside out. We return calls quickly and and openness. use everyday language, not jargon. The Heads of State Council (HSC) is the highest decision-making body in the SCO. Website: www.satovconsultants.com It meets once every year to take decisions Saskatchewan Institute of Mark Satov and give instructions on all important issues Phone: 416-777-9000 of SCO activity. The Heads of Government Applied Science and Council (HGC) meets once every year to Technology Senckenbergische discuss a strategy for multilateral coopera- tion and priority directions within the Or- 119 4th Ave. S., Ste. 400, Naturforschungsinstitut und ganization’s framework, to solve some Saskatoon, SK S7K 5X2 Naturmuseum important and pressing issues of coopera- Our expertise is grounded in academic tion in economic and other areas, as well as excellence and real-life experience. Recog- Senckenberganlage 25, to adopt the Organization’s annual budget. nized nationally and internationally, we’re 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Saskatchewan’s primary public institution The Senckenberg Museum is one of the Website: www.sectsco.org for skills training and technical education. largest Natural History Museums in Ger- Phone: 86-10-65329807 Through program and course registrations, many and exhibits the recent biodiversity of E-mail: [email protected] SIAST serves 26,000 distinct students with life and evolution of organisms as well as programs that touch every sector of the the change of planet earth over millions of economy. We operate four urban campuses years. New scientific findings in all areas of and provide extensive distance and e-learn- biology, paleontology and geology are on ing options. display. Website: www.goSIAST.com Das Senckenbergmuseum ist eines der großen Naturkundemuseen in Deutschland Toll free: 1-866-go-SIAST und zeigt die heutige Vielfalt des Lebens Patricia Gillies, Executive Director of (Biodiversität) und die Entwicklung der Public Affairs Lebewesen (Evolution) sowie die Ver- Simon Fraser University Phone: (306) 659-3782 wandlung unserer Erde über Jahrmillionen E-mail: [email protected] hinweg. Neue Forschungsergebnisse aus Public Affairs & Media Relations, allen Bereichen der Biologie, Paläontologie Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 Colleen Gallant, Manager of und Geologie werden vorgestellt. Crime, demographic trends, health, eco- Communications nomics, environment, carbon taxes, fisher- Phone: (306) 659-3857 Website: www.senckenberg.de ies, earth sciences, energy, Asia-Pacific E-mail: [email protected] business – just a few of the topics that fac- Eileen Janz, Acting Senior Marketing and Shanghai Cooperation ulty members at Canada’s top comprehen- Communications Consultant Organization sive university can explain. If you’re Phone: (306) 775-7713 looking for expertise to give your story Chaoyang District, Liangmaqiao Rd. 41, E-mail: [email protected] added punch, chances are we’ve got an ex- Beijing, 100600, PRC, pert quickly able to help. Clayton Cunningham, Marketing and The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Communications Consultant (SCO) is a permanent intergovernmental Website: www.sfu.ca/pamr Phone: (306) 765-1653 international organization whose creation Facebook: www.facebook.com/ E-mail: [email protected] was proclaimed on 15 June 2001 in Shang- simonfraseruniversity hai (China) by the Republic of Kazakhstan, Tess Hodgins, Marketing and Twitter: www.twitter.com/sfupamr Communications Consultant the People’s Republic of China, the Kyrgyz Phone: (306) 659-4041 Republic, the Russian Federation, the Re- PUBLIC AFFAIRS & MEDIA E-mail: [email protected] public of Tajikistan and the Republic of RELATIONS: Uzbekistan. Its prototype is the Shanghai Adam Lehmann, Marketing and Don MacLachlan, Director Five mechanism. Phone: (778) 782-3929 Communications Consultant The main goals of the SCO are strength- Phone: (306) 691-8513 FAX: (778) 782-3039 ening mutual confidence and good-neigh- E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] bourly relations among the member countries; promoting effective cooperation Scott McLean, PR Director, SFU in politics, trade and economy, science and Vancouver technology, culture as well as education, Phone: (778) 782-5151 energy, transportation, tourism, environ- E-mail: [email protected] mental protection and other fields; making Spring 2013 Sources 175

Fiona Burrows, Assistant Director, Health Sciences: tion databases available on the Web. Community Relations Dr. John O’Neil, Dean of Health The Museum includes a state-of-the-art Phone: (778) 782-3928 Sciences collections storage facility in Suitland, E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (778) 782-5361 Maryland; a marine science research facil- Marianne Meadahl, Assistant Director E-mail: [email protected] ity in Ft. Pierce, Florida; and field stations Phone: (778) 782-4323 (Mon) Phone: Science: as far away as Belize, Alaska and Kenya. (778) 782-9017 (Tues-Fri) Dr. Claire Cupples, Dean of Science Research activities are organized into seven E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (778) 782-3771 departments, and a number of affiliated U.S. E-mail: [email protected] government agencies on-site contribute to Julie Ovenell-Carter, Assistant Director the Museum’s strength, including the De- Phone: (778) 782-9406 SFU International/Student Services: partment of the Interior (U.S. Geological E-mail: [email protected] Tim Rahilly, Associate Vice-President Survey Biological Resources Division), the Carol Thorbes, Information Officer Phone: (778) 782-3583 Department of Agriculture (Systematic En- Phone: (778) 782-3035 E-mail: [email protected] tomology Laboratory), the Department of E-mail: [email protected] Commerce (National Marine Fisheries Smithsonian Institution Service Systematics Laboratory), and the Dixon Tam, Information Officer Department of Defense (Walter Reed Phone: (778) 782-8742 National Museum of Biosystematics Unit). E-mail: [email protected] Natural History Through its research, collections, educa- UNIVERSITY OFFICERS: Washington, DC, USA tion and exhibition programs, NMNH Andrew Petter, President The National Museum of Natural History serves as one of the world’s great repositor- Phone: (778) 782-4641 (NMNH) is part of the Smithsonian Institu- ies of scientific and cultural heritage as well E-mail: [email protected] tion, the world’s preeminent museum and as a source of tremendous pride for all Research: research complex. The Museum is dedi- Americans. Dr. Mario Pinto, Vice-President, cated to inspiring curiosity, discovery and Website: www.mnh.si.edu Research learning about the natural world through its Phone: (778) 782-4152 unparalleled research, collections, exhibi- Society of Rural Physicians E-mail: [email protected] tions, and education outreach programs. of Canada Applied Sciences: Opened in 1910, the green-domed museum Dr. Nimal Rajapakse, Dean of Applied on the National Mall was among the first P.O. Box 893, Shawville, QC J0X 2Y0 Sciences Smithsonian buildings constructed exclu- An independent voluntary association of Phone: (778) 782-4936 sively to house the national collections and rural physicians from across Canada, advo- E-mail: [email protected] research facilities. cating for sustainable conditions for rural Whether looking at the history and cul- health-care workers, equitable access to Arts and Social Sciences: tures of Africa, describing our earliest Mam- health care for rural Canadians, and a Na- Dr. John Craig, Dean of Arts and Social malian ancestor or primate diversity around tional Rural Health Strategy. Sciences the world, examining ancient life forms in- Publication: The Canadian Journal of Ru- Phone: (778) 782-4415 cluding the ever popular dinosaurs, or ex- ral Medicine. E-mail: [email protected] ploring the beauty of rare gemstones such Dr. Abraham de Klerk, President as uniquely coloured diamonds, the Muse- Business Administration: 7129 Mark Lane, Victoria, BC V9E 2A1 um’s temporary and permanent exhibitions Dr. Daniel Shapiro, Dean of Business Phone: (867) 777-8108 serve to educate, enlighten and entertain Phone: (778) 782-4183 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] millions of visitors each year. The main building on the National Mall contains 1.5 Dr. John Wootton, Past President Communication, Arts and Technology: million square feet of space overall and P.O. Box 700, Shawville, QC J0X 2Y0 Cheryl Geisler, Dean of Communication, 325,000 square feet of exhibition and pub- Phone: (819) 647-2924 Arts and Technology (FCAT) lic space; altogether the Museum is the size E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (778) 782-8792 of 18 football fields, and houses over 1,000 E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Garth Campbell, Member-at-Large employees. With a growing network of in- P.O. Box 1208, Beausejour, MB R0E 0C0 Continuing Studies: teractive websites, the Museum is trans- Phone: (204) 268-2288 Helen Wussow, Dean of Continuing forming itself into a hub for national and E-mail: [email protected] Studies international electronic education, accessi- Phone: (778) 782-5138 ble to anyone with access to the Internet. Dr. Gabe Woollam, Treasurer LISTINGS E-mail: [email protected] At the centre of the Museum’s exhibition P.O. Box 7000, Happy Valley Goose Bay, NL A0P 1C0 Education: and research programs are its expertly docu- mented collections: more than 126 million Phone: (709) 897-2000 Kris Magnusson, Dean of Education E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (778) 782-3148 natural science specimens and cultural arti- E-mail: [email protected] facts. Just to name a few of our museum Dr. Darlene Kitty, Member-at-Large holdings, the collections include 30 million P.O. Box 663, Chisasibi, QC J0M 1E0 Environment: insects carefully pinned into tiny boxes; 4½ Phone: (819) 855-2844 John Pierce, Dean of Environment million plants pressed onto sheets of paper E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (778) 782-8759 in the Museum’s herbarium; 7 million fish Lee Teperman E-mail: [email protected] in liquid-filled jars; and 2 million cultural P.O. Box 893, 269 Main St., Shawville, artifacts, including 400,000 photographs Graduate Studies: QC J0X 2Y0 housed in the National Anthropological Ar- Dr. Wade Parkhouse, Dean of Graduate Phone: (819) 647-7054 chives. Over 3½ million specimens are out Studies Toll free: 1-877-276-1949 on loan each year; over 15,000 visitor days Phone: (778) 782-4255/8582 FAX: (819) 647-2485 are spent in the collections; and there are E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] almost 600,000 additional visits to collec- 176 Sources Spring 2013

Suzanne Kingsmill, Managing Editor, Litigation including Anti-trust, Appeals, relevant their approach to the issue, along Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine Civil Liberties, Public Interest, Financial with their phone numbers and other contact 24 Nesbitt Dr., Toronto, ON M4W 2G3 Services, Franchising information. Sources includes listings for Phone: (416) 961-7775 Jean-Marc LeClerc universities and research institutes, non- E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 416-977-6857 profit associations and NGOs, government Dr. Mary Johnston, Rural and Remote E-mail: [email protected] and public sector bodies, businesses, and 2012 Co-Chair individuals including academics, public 2350 Blind Bay Rd., speakers and consultants. Blind Bay, BC V0E 1H1 The subject index and the search menus Phone: (250) 517-9538 are being translated into French, Spanish E-mail: [email protected] and German to make Sources a more inter- national resource. Dr. John Soles, Rural and Remote 2012 Co-Chair Sources est un annuaire pour journalistes, P.O. Box 1971, Clearwater, BC V0E 1N0 écrivains, rédacteurs de presse, chercheurs. Phone: (250) 674-3319 812A Bloor St. W., Ste. 201, Utilisez Sources pour trouver experts, con- E-mail: [email protected] Toronto, ON M6G 1L9 Sources specializes in collecting, indexing tacts médias, porte-parole, scientifiques, Sotos LLP and disseminating information to help jour- lobbyistes, officiels, intervenants, nalists, editors and researchers quickly professeurs d’université, chercheurs, 180 Dundas Street West, Suite 1200, reach articulate experts and spokespersons publicistes, PDG, directeurs exécutifs, rela- Toronto, ON M5G 1Z8 who can provide background information tions médias, interlocuteurs, invités pour Our nearly 20 lawyers are widely recog- and comment on a wide range of topics. émissions télévisées, représentants des rela- nized as authorities, with lawyers at other Publications and services include Sources, tions publiques, sources canadiennes, idées firms consistently ranking us Canada’s pre- SOURCES SELECT® Online, Parliamen- d’histoires, études, bases de donnés, miere franchise law firm. Franchising cov- tary Names & Numbers, Media Names & universités, collèges, associations, ers everything from contracts to real estate, Numbers, The Sources HotLink, and The entreprises, gouvernement, organismes de finance, IP, employment, taxes and litigation Sources Calendar. Sources also provides recherche, groupes de lobby, organisations including class actions, and our lawyers can mailing lists, publishing and research serv- non-gouvernementales (ONG), au Canada answer questions in any of these areas. We ices, and consultations on publishing et dans le monde. respond quickly to queries, explaining com- projects. plex legal issues in everyday language. The aims and objectives of Sources are: SOURCES (Fuentes) es el medio Website: www.sotosllp.com interactivo que conecta a los periodistas, 1. To improve the public’s understanding of editores, autores e investigadores, con las Franchising, Business Agreements, the widest possible range of subjects. Fuentes de información que necesitan para Finance, Commercial 2. To accomplish this primarily by provid- hacer efectivamente su trabajo. John Sotos ing, especially to the largest and best list El directorio que Ofrece SOURCES, es Phone: 416-977-9806 of Canadian newsmedia personnel, the una guía completa de un alto contenido E-mail: [email protected] user-friendliest access to the widest pos- profesional, el cual le permite al usuario Litigation, Dispute Resolution sible range of sources on the maximum encontrar de manera rápida y objetiva la Allan Dick number of subjects. encontrar que necesitan para poder Phone: 416-977-7180 3. To encourage and assist the maximum argumentar o soportar su trabajo de E-mail: [email protected] number and diversity of Canadian organi- investigación. Class Actions, Litigation, Competition zations and individuals to effectively El directorio de SOURCES es utilizado Law share their expertise and voice their views por un gran numero de reporteros y de David Sterns to and through the media, and in other investigadores que necesitan encontrar Phone: 416-977-5229 ways. fuentes citables e información confiable E-mail: [email protected] 4. To educate these organizations and indi- para sus noticias o investigación. La pagina viduals that communication must be Web Sources.com recibe más de 600.000 Employment, HR, Terminations, Labour open, persuasive and repetitive to be as visitas por mes. Louis Sokolov effective as possible. Los miembros de SOURCES pueden Phone: 416-977-2413 For information about how to become distribuir sus notas de prensa de manera E-mail: [email protected] listed in Sources, call 416-964-7799 or visit gratuita a través de este servicio que ofrece Real Estate, Tax, Business Succession, www.sources.com/Profile.htm. SOURCES, y al mismo tiempo anunciar sus Estates The Sources website www.sources.com is eventos públicos de manera gratuita en el Louis Alexopolous built around a controlled-vocabulary subject calendario de eventos de SOURCES. Los Phone: 416-977-5024 index comprising more than 23,000 topics. miembros que son autores o editores pueden E-mail: [email protected] This subject index is underpinned by an “In- incluir sus libros y DVD en el estante en línea de SOURCES, el cual es consultado Franchising, Retail, Dist., M&A, Corp telligent Search” system which helps report- por una cantidad significativa de Structuring ers focus their searches by suggesting investigadores que utilizan nuestra pagina Peter Viitre additional subjects related to their search Web a diario. Phone: 416-977-7754 terms. For example, a search for ‘cancer’ E-mail: [email protected] will suggest terms such as ‘chemotherapy’, Websites: www.sources.com ‘melanoma’, ‘oncology’, ‘radiation www.sources.com/HomeFr.htm Franchising, Licenses, IP, Fin Workouts, therapy’, ‘tobacco diseases’ and ‘tumours’, Commercial as well as topics that actually contain the Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ John Yiokaris word ‘cancer’. SourcesDirectory Phone: 416-977-3998 Each topic reference links in turn to ex- Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/b/ E-mail: [email protected] perts and spokespersons on that topic, with 107627225790987242205/ profiles describing their expertise and where 107627225790987242205/ Spring 2013 Sources 177 Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/S0urces Southern African Ulli Diemer, Publisher Development Community Phone: (416) 964-7799 FAX: (416) 964-8763 Gaborone, Botswana, See masthead for other personnel. The Southern African Development Com- munity (SADC) has been in existence since 1980, when it was formed as a loose alliance Sources News Releases of nine majority-ruled States in Southern Sources specializes in getting the news Africa known as the Southern African De- media to call you when they need an expert velopment Coordination Conference The Straight Goods or spokesperson to interview. Sources can (SADCC), with the main aim of coordinat- P.O. Box 2000, Golden also help you reach the media with your ing development projects in order to lessen Lake, ON K0J 1X0 message when your organization or com- economic dependence on the then apartheid Over ten years Straight Goods News has pany has news releases to send out. South Africa. The founding member states worked to become a trusted, progressive Sources offers multiple methods for are: Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Canadian online news source. It evolved reaching the media with your news releases. Mozambique, Swaziland, United Republic from one news website – StraightGoods.ca You can post your news releases directly of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. – to a family of them including: on the Sources News Releases page. This is SADCC was formed in Lusaka, Zambia HarperIndex.ca, an excellent way of reaching the journalists, on April 1, 1980, following the adoption of PublicValues.ca, editors and public relations professionsals the Lusaka Declaration – Southern Africa: Valeurspubliques.ca. who use the Sources site every day AND in Towards Economic Liberation. Website: www.straightgoods.ca addition your release goes out via RSS feed The transformation of the organization to media organizations and news aggregator from a Coordinating Conference into a De- websites which subscribe to the feed. velopment Community (SADC) took place Organizations with a current Sources on August 17, 1992 in Windhoek, Namibia T membership may post releases at no cost when the Declaration and Treaty was signed using the online form. (The release must be at the Summit of Heads of State and Gov- The Gallery about your own organization or company; ernment thereby giving the organization a 20 John Islip St., Millbank, the privilege of posting releases at no cost legal character. London SW1P 4RG, UK is not transferable to your clients or friends. The SADC vision is one of a common fu- Tate is the United Kingdom’s national See terms.) Organizations not listed with ture within a regional community that will museum of British and Modern Art, and is Sources can post their releases at a cost of ensure economic well-being; improvement a network of four art galleries in : $99 per release. Call 416-964-7799 to ar- of standards of living and quality of life; (opened in 1897 and renamed range payment by credit card. freedom and social justice; peace and secu- in 2000), (1988), Tate St Ives Website: www.sources.com/News.htm rity for the peoples of Southern Africa. This (1993) and (2000), with a www.sources.com/Releases/ shared vision is anchored on the common complementary website, Tate Online NRTopicIndex.htm values and principles and the historical and (1998). It is a non-departmental public Phone: 416-964-7799 cultural affinities that exist amongst the peo- body. ples of Southern Africa. Tate is used as the operating name for the South Asian Association for Website: www.sadc.int corporate body which was established by the Museums and Galleries Act 1992 as The Phone: +267 395 1863 Regional Cooperation Board of Trustees of the Tate Gallery. E-mail: [email protected] SAARC Secretariat, P.O. Box 4222, The gallery was founded in 1897 as the Tridevi Marg, Kathmandu, Nepal, National Gallery of British Art. When its The South Asian Association for Regional role was changed to include Modern Art it Cooperation (SAARC) was established was renamed the Tate Gallery after Henry when its Charter was formally adopted on Tate, who had laid the foundations for the December 8, 1985 by the Heads of State or collection. The Tate Gallery was housed in Government of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, a building at Millbank, London. In 2000, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Tate Gallery split its collection into four SAARC provides a platform for the peo- museums: Tate Britain (housed in the origi- ples of South Asia to work together in a nal building) displays the collection of Brit- spirit of friendship, trust and understanding. Speakers Gold ish art from 1500 to the present day; Tate LISTINGS It aims to accelerate the process of eco- 1463 Davenport Rd., Ste. 205, Modern, which is also in London, houses nomic and social development in member Toronto, ON M6H 2H6 the Tate’s collection of British and Interna- states. Speakers Gold, the Five Star bureau, rep- tional Modern and Contemporary Art from Website: www.saarc-sec.org resents some of the world’s top speaking 1900 to the present day. Tate Liverpool in talent. We take your request very seriously Liverpool has the same purpose as Tate Phone: 977 1 4221785 and match you with the right speaker within Modern but on a smaller scale, and Tate St E-mail: [email protected] your budget. We purposely have a small ros- Ives displays Modern and Contemporary ter and represent only the best. Art by artists who have connections with the Call today to discuss your meeting/con- area. All four museums share the Tate Col- vention needs. lection. One of the Tate’s most publicized art events is the annual , which Websites: www.speakersgold.com takes place at Tate Britain. www.6figurespeaker.com Website: www.tate.org.uk Cathleen Fillmore Phone: (416) 532-9886 FAX: (416) 530-9888 E-mail: [email protected] 178 Sources Spring 2013

Insurance Law: Mark B. Harrington Phone: (416) 777-5358 E-mail: [email protected] Labour and Employment Law: Irv Kleiner Phone: (416) 777-5403 E-mail: [email protected] P.O. Box 9066, 1795 Ernest Ave., Torkin Manes LLP Thomas A. Stefanik London, ON N6E 2V0 Phone: (416) 777-5430 Threads of Life is a Canadian charity 151 Yonge St., Ste. 1500, E-mail: [email protected] dedicated to supporting families along their Toronto, ON M5C 2W7 Medical Malpractice: journey of healing who have suffered from Torkin Manes LLP is a full service, mid- Duncan Embury a workplace fatality, life-altering injury or sized law firm ranked in the Top Ten re- Phone: (416) 777-5429 who are living with an occupational disease. gional firms in Ontario. Our clients include E-mail: [email protected] We provide families and friends with one- public and private corporations, profes- on-one peer support and other services. sional practices, health care institutions, Barbara A. MacFarlane Charitable organization business #87524 not-for-profit organizations, and individu- Phone: (416) 360-4730 8908 RR0001. als. Many of our lawyers are highly ranked E-mail: [email protected] in their fields and frequently speak at con- Real Estate Law: Website: www.threadsoflife.ca ferences. www.stepsforlife.ca Sidney H. Troister Website: www.torkinmanes.com Phone: (416) 777-5432 Shirley Hickman, Executive Director E-mail: [email protected] Toll free: 1-888-567-9450 Phone: (416) 863-1188 E-mail: [email protected] FAX: (416) 863-0305 Leonard D. Rodness Phone: (416) 777-5409 Susan Haldane, Program Manager, Corporate/Commercial/Banking Law: E-mail: [email protected] Marketing and Communications Allan S. Bronstein Toll free: 1-888-567-9450 Phone: (416) 777-5369 Sexual Harrassment/Abuse and Assault: E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Loretta P. Merritt Phone: (416) 777-5404 John McCabe, Program Manager, Jeffrey I. Cohen E-mail: [email protected] Partnerships and Fundraising Phone: (416) 777-5422 Toll free: 1-888-567-9450 E-mail: [email protected] Tax, Trusts and Estates: E-mail: [email protected] Marc Weisman Bankruptcy and Insolvency: Phone: (416) 777-5455 Barry A. Cohen E-mail: [email protected] Tokyo National Museum Phone: (416) 777-5434 E-mail: [email protected] Risa Awerbuck Tokyo, Japan Phone: (416) 777-5425 Established 1872, the Tokyo National S. Fay Sulley E-mail: [email protected] Museum (To-kyo- Kokuritsu Hakubut- Phone: (416) 777-5419 sukan) is the oldest and largest museum in E-mail: [email protected] Transport Action Canada Japan. The museum collects, houses and Charities and Not-for-Profits: preserves a comprehensive collection of art Linda J. Godel National Office: works and archaeological objects of Asia, Phone: (416) 643-8809 211 Bronson Ave., Ste. 303, focusing on Japan. The museum holds over E-mail: [email protected] Ottawa, ON K1R 6H5 110,000 objects, which include 87 Japanese Transport Action Canada (formerly Trans- National Treasure holdings and 610 Impor- Civil/Commercial Litigation: port 2000) is a registered charity and volun- tant Cultural Property holdings (as of July, Ron D. Manes teer based non-partisan organization that 2005). The museum also conducts research Phone: (416) 777-5433 includes consumer groups and individuals and organizes educational events related to E-mail: [email protected] advocating improved rail, air, bus, marine its collection. Valerie A. Edwards and urban transportation throughout The museum’s collections focus on an- Phone: (416) 777-5406 Canada. Activities: research, advocacy, in- cient Japanese art and Asian art along the E-mail: [email protected] formation, bi-monthly newsletter Transport Silk Road. There is also a large collection Action, counselling users and communities of Greco-Buddhist art. Family Law: on transportation issues, and briefing all lev- All information is provided in Japanese, Daniel S. Melamed els of government. Chinese, English, French, German, Korean Phone: (416) 777-5416 E-mail: [email protected] Transport Action Canada (anciennement and Spanish. Transport 2000) est un organisme de Website: www.tnm.go.jp Lorne H. Wolfson bienfaisance enregistré, bénévole et non Phone: (416) 777-5414 partisan, qui rassemble des groupes de E-mail: [email protected] consommateurs et des individus pour Health Law and Health Discipline: promouvoir les transports ferroviaires, Neil M. Abramson aériens, maritimes, collectifs urbains et Phone: (416) 777-5454 collectifs routiers. Nos activités: recherches, E-mail: [email protected] défense des droits, renseignements, bulletin bi-mensuel Transport Action, conseils pour David M. Golden usagers et collectivités en matière de trans- Phone: (416) 777-5408 ports et soumissions aux divers niveaux E-mail: [email protected] gouvernementaux. Spring 2013 Sources 179 Website: www.transport-action.ca Union of South American NATIONAL OFFICE: Nations Phone: (613) 594-3290 U FAX: (613) 594-3271 The Union of South American Nations E-mail: [email protected] UNESCO – United Nations (Dutch: Unie van Zuid-Amerikaanse Naties Educational, Scientific and – UZAN, Portuguese: Uniao de Naçoes Sul- Bert Titcomb, Administrative Manager Americanas – UNASUL, Spanish: Unión de Phone: (613) 594-3290 Cultural Organization Naciones Suramericanas – UNASUR) is an David Jeanes, National President Two United Nations Plaza, Room 900, intergovernmental union integrating two Phone: (613) 725-9484 New York, NY, USA existing Customs unions: Mercosur and the Anton Turrittin, Secretary The United Nations Educational, Scien- Andean Community, as part of a continuing Phone: (416) 653-4002 tific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) process of South American integration. It is was founded on 16 November 1945. For this modelled on the European Union. Klaus Beltzner, Treasurer specialized United Nations agency, it is not The UNASUR Constitutive Treaty was Phone: (613) 692-2462 enough to build classrooms in devastated signed on May 23, 2008, at the Third Sum- Jim Goss, Media Relations countries or to publish scientific break- mit of Heads of State, held in Brasília, Bra- Phone: (416) 534-4008 throughs. Education, Social and Natural zil. According to the Constitutive Treaty, the Science, Culture and Communication are Union’s headquarters will be located in Justin Bur, Vice-President East Quito, Ecuador. The South American Parlia- Phone: (514) 572-4477 the means to a far more ambitious goal: to build peace in the minds of men. ment will be located in Cochabamba, Bo- Peter Lacey, Vice-President West Today, UNESCO functions as a laboratory livia, while its bank, the Bank of the South Phone: (204) 233-0252 of ideas and a standard-setter to forge uni- (Dutch: Bank van het Zuiden, Portuguese: REGIONAL OFFICES: versal agreements on emerging ethical is- Banco do Sul, Spanish: Banco del Sur), will sues. The Organization also serves as a be located in Caracas, Venezuela. The Un- Atlantic: clearinghouse – for the dissemination and ion’s former designation, the South Ameri- Harold Nicholson sharing of information and knowledge – can Community of Nations (Dutch: Phone: (506) 375-6929 while helping member states to build their Zuid-Amerikaanse Statengemeenschap, Québec: human and institutional capacities in diverse Portuguese: Comunidade Sul-Americana de Normand Parisien fields. In short, UNESCO promotes interna- Naçoes, and Spanish: Comunidad de Transport 2000 Québec tional co-operation among its 193 member Naciones Sudamericanas), abbreviated as 300, rue du Saint-Sacrement, bur G34, states and six associate members in the CSN, was dropped at the First South Ameri- Montréal, QC H2Y 1X4 fields of education, science, culture and can Energy Summit on April 16, 2007. Phone: (514) 932-8008 communication. Website: www.comunidadandina.org/ FAX: (514) 932-2024 UNESCO is working to create the condi- ingles/sudamerican.htm tions for genuine dialogue based upon re- Ontario: E-mail: spect for shared values and the dignity of Natalie Litwin [email protected] Phone: (416) 498-0612 each civilization and culture. This role is critical, particularly in the face Prairie Region: of terrorism, which constitutes an attack United Nations Catherine Verrall against humanity. The world urgently re- New York, NY, USA Phone: (306) 569-7699 quires global visions of sustainable develop- The United Nations is central to global British Columbia: ment based upon observance of human efforts to solve problems that challenge hu- Matthew Buchanan rights, mutual respect and the alleviation of manity. Cooperating in this effort are more Phone: (604) 761-6144 poverty, all of which lie at the heart of than 30 affiliated organizations, known to- UNESCO’s mission and activities. gether as the UN system. Day in and day Transportation Association Through its strategies and activities, out, the UN and its family of organizations UNESCO is actively pursuing the Millen- work to promote respect for human rights, of Canada nium Development Goals, especially those protect the environment, fight disease and 2323 St. Laurent Blvd., aiming to: reduce poverty. Ottawa, ON K1G 4J8 • halve the proportion of people living in L’ONU est au cour de l’action entreprise A non-profit, neutral forum with 525 cor- extreme poverty in developing countries au niveau mondial pour résoudre les

porate members from the public and private by 2015; problèmes auxquels l’humanité se trouve LISTINGS sectors. Nationally, TAC’s primary focus is • achieve universal primary education in all confrontée. Plus de 30 organisations on roads and their linkages with other com- countries by 2015; apparentées, que l’on regroupe sous le ponents of the transportation system. In ur- • eliminate gender disparity in primary and terme « système des Nations Unies », ban areas, the association is concerned with secondary education by 2005; collaborent à cette tâche. the movement of people, goods and services and land use patterns. • help countries implement a national strat- Website: www.un.org egy for sustainable development by 2005 Website: www.tac-atc.ca to reverse current trends in the loss of Erica Andersen environmental resources by 2015. Phone: (613) 736-1350 Website: http://portal.unesco.org FAX: (613) 736-1395 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (212) 963-5995 E-mail: [email protected] 180 Sources Spring 2013 United Nations Human of ozone depleting substances (ODSs) and It sets the rules for international mail ex- the Stockholm Convention for the elimina- changes and makes recommendations to Rights Council tion of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). stimulate growth in mail volumes and to The Human Rights Council is an inter- Website: www.unido.org improve the quality of service for custom- governmental body within the UN system ers. made up of 47 States responsible for Phone: (212) 963-6890/6891 As a non-political organization, it does strengthening the promotion and protection E-mail: [email protected] not interfere in matters that fall within the of human rights around the globe. The domestic domain of national postal serv- Council was created by the UN General United States Holocaust ices. For example, Posts set their own post- Assembly on 15 March 2006 with the main Memorial Museum age rates, decide which and how many purpose of addressing situations of human postage stamps to issue, and how to man- rights violations and making recommenda- 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place S.W., age their postal operations and staff. tions on them. Washington, DC 20024-2126, USA The UPU has for objective to develop so- A living memorial to the Holocaust, the cial, cultural and commercial communica- Website: www2.ohchr.org/english/ United States Holocaust Memorial Museum tion between people through the efficient bodies/hrcouncil/ stimulates leaders and citizens to confront operation of the postal service. As an inter- Phone: +41 22 917 90 00 hatred, prevent genocide, promote human governmental institution, the UPU is called E-mail: [email protected] dignity and strengthen democracy. A pub- upon to play an important leadership role in lic-private partnership, federal support guar- promoting the continued revitalization of United Nations Industrial antees the Museum’s permanence, and postal services. donors nationwide make possible its educa- Website: http://www.upu.int/ Development Organization tional activities and global outreach. (UNIDO) Located among our national monuments Phone: +41 31 350 31 11 to freedom on the National Mall, the Mu- E-mail: [email protected] One United Nations Plaza, Rm. 1110, seum provides a powerful lesson in the fra- New York, NY, USA gility of freedom, the myth of progress, the The United Nations Industrial Develop- need for vigilance in preserving democratic ment Organization (UNIDO) helps develop- values. With unique power and authenticity, ing countries and economies in transition in the Museum teaches millions of people each their fight against marginalization year about the dangers of unchecked hatred UNIDO mobilizes knowledge, skills, in- and the need to prevent genocide. And we formation and technology to promote pro- encourage them to act, cultivating a sense of ductive employment, a competitive moral responsibility among our citizens so Moncton, NB E1A 3E9 economy and a sound environment. Further- that they will respond to the monumental Canada’s largest entirely French-speaking more, the Organization enhances coopera- challenges that confront our world. Today university outside Québec. Student tion at global, regional, national and sectoral we face an alarming rise in Holocaust de- enrollment of 6,000 students. Campuses in levels. nial and antisemitism – even in the very Moncton, Edmundston and Shippagan. UNIDO was established in 1966 and be- lands where the Holocaust happened – as La plus grande université canadienne came a specialized agency of the United well as genocide and threats of genocide in entièrement de langue française à l’extérieur Nations in 1985. As a specialized agency, other parts of the world. All of this when we du Québec. 6 000 étudiants. Trois campus : UNIDO has its own constitution, its own are soon approaching a time when Holo- Moncton, Edmundston et Shippagan. member states, its own policymaking or- caust survivors and other eyewitnesses will gans, its own executive head (Director-Gen- no longer be alive. Website: www.umoncton.ca eral Dr. Kandeh K. Yumkella) and its own The Museum works closely with many Thérèse Thériault, Directrice des regular budget. Moreover, UNIDO disposes key segments of society who will affect the communications of voluntary contributions to finance devel- future of our nation. Professionals from the Téléphone: (506) 858-4129 opmental activities. fields of law enforcement, the judiciary and Télécopieur: (506) 858-4379 UNIDO holds a special place in the United the military, as well as diplomacy, medicine, Courriel: Nations system as it is the only organization education and religion, study the Holocaust, [email protected] promoting the creation of wealth and tack- with emphasis on the role of their particular ling poverty alleviation through manufac- professions and the implications for their turing. The Organization focuses on three own responsibilities. These programs inten- V interrelated thematic priorities: sify their sense of commitment to the core • Poverty Reduction through Productive values of their fields and their roles in the Activities protection of individuals and society. The Victoria and Albert • Trade Capacity-Building Website: www.ushmm.org Museum • Energy and Environment V&A South Kensington, Cromwell Road, To improve standards of living through Universal Postal Union London SW7 2RL, UK, industries that are both internationally The Victoria and Albert Museum (often competitive and environmentally sustain- Established in 1874, the Universal Postal abbreviated as the V&A) in London is the able, the Organization has created the larg- Union (UPU) with its Headquarters in world’s largest museum of decorative arts est portfolio of projects related to trade Berne (Switzerland) is the primary forum and design, housing a permanent collection capacity building in the United Nations sys- for cooperation between postal-sector play- of over 4.5 million objects. Named after tem. The main focus is on promoting growth ers and helps to ensure a truly universal net- Prince Albert and Queen Victoria, it was in the small and medium enterprise sector – work of up-to-date products and services. founded in 1852, and has since grown to the key generator of wealth in most devel- With 191 member countries, this special- now cover some 12.5 acres (0.05 km2) and oping countries. UNIDO plays a leading ized agency of the United Nations fulfills an 145 galleries. Its collection spans 5,000 role in, among others, the implementation advisory, mediating and liaison role, and years of art, from ancient times to the of the Montreal Protocol for the elimination renders technical assistance where needed. present day, in virtually every medium, Spring 2013 Sources 181 from the cultures of Europe, North America, National Headquarters: better government and stronger democra- Asia and North Africa. The museum is a 2827 Riverside Dr., cies. All governments can benefit from in- non-departmental public body sponsored by Ottawa, ON K1V 0C4 creased scrutiny by the world community, the Department for Culture, Media and Registered charity. Since 1918, The War as well as their own people. We believe this Sport. Amps has met the needs of war amputees. scrutiny requires information. Historically The holdings of ceramics, glass, textiles, Today, the Association continues to serve that information has been costly – in terms costumes, silver, ironwork, jewellery, furni- them, and all Canadian amputees, including of human life and human rights. But with ture, medieval objects, sculpture, prints and children. The Child Amputee (CHAMP) technological advances – the Internet, and printmaking, drawings and photographs are Program provides financial assistance for cryptography – the risks of conveying im- among the largest and most comprehensive artificial limbs, regional seminars and peer portant information can be lowered. in the world. The museum possesses the support. The War Amps is able to operate its Wikileaks opens leaked documents up to world’s largest collection of post-classical many programs solely through donations stronger scrutiny than any media organiza- sculpture; the holdings of Italian Renais- from the public to the Key Tag and Address tion or intelligence agency can provide. sance items are the largest outside Italy. The Label Service. The Association does not re- Wikileaks provides a forum for the entire departments of Asia include art from South ceive government grants. Through CHAMP, global community to relentlessly examine Asia, China, Japan, Korea and the Islamic The War Amps tradition of “amputees help- any document for its credibility, plausibil- world. The East Asian collections are ing amputees” will continue long into the ity, veracity and validity. Communities can among the best in Europe, with particular future. interpret leaked documents and explain strengths in ceramics and metalwork, while Danita Chisholm, Executive Director of their relevance to the public. If a document the Islamic collection, alongside the Musée Communications comes from the Chinese government, the du Louvre and Metropolitan Museum of Phone: (613) 731-2952 entire Chinese dissident community and Art, New York, is amongst the largest in the Toll free: 1 877 60MEDIA diaspora can freely scrutinize and discuss it; world. if a document arrives from Iran, the entire Bénédicte Bertrand, directrice, Division Website: www.vam.ac.uk Farsi community can analyze it and put it des communications in context. Tél.: (514) 398-0494 (Montréal) We believe that it is not only the people of Sans frais: 1 800 265-0494 one country who keep their government W honest, but also the people of other coun- tries who are watching that government. That is why the time has come for an anony- mous global avenue for disseminating docu- ments the public should see. Whistleblowers can submit documents anonymously and untraceably. Users can publicly discuss documents and analyze their credibility and veracity. Lorraine Weygman Wikileaks incorporates advanced crypto- The War Amps Lorraine enables you to assess and iden- graphic technologies to ensure anonymity and untraceability. Those who provide National Headquarters: tify what’s stopping you from achieving the results you want by keeping it simple – cre- leaked information may face severe risks, 2827 Riverside Dr., whether of political repercussions, legal Ottawa, ON K1V 0C4 ating innovative, sustainable, breakthrough solutions. She’s an inspiring, skilled, engag- sanctions or physical violence. Accordingly, Phone: (613) 731-3821 sophisticated cryptographic and postal tech- Toll free: 1 800 465-2677 ing, globally accomplished consultant, facilitator and speaker, who hosted a live niques are used to minimize the risks that FAX: (613) 731-3234 anonymous sources face. Email: [email protected] talk show on AM740 and has published over 100 articles. Wikileaks information is distributed Website: waramps.ca across many jurisdictions, organizations and Charitable Registration no.: Website: www.weygman.com individuals. Once a document is leaked it is 13196 9628 RR0001 Lorraine Weygman, M.Ed., CHRP essentially impossible to censor. Key Tag Service: Phone: (416) 630-6423 Website: http://wikileaks.org/wiki/ 1 Maybrook Dr., FAX: (416) 630-5317 Wikileaks http://en.rsf.org/ Scarborough, ON M1V 5K9 E-mail: [email protected] wikileaks.html Phone: (416) 412-0600 LISTINGS Toll free: 1 800 250-3030 Wikileaks Phone: (202) 657-6222 Toll-free FAX: 1 800 219-8988 E-mail: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Wikileaks has developed an uncensorable Wikipedia for untraceable mass document Paul T. Willis, B.A., LL.B., Les Amputés de guerre – Québec: leaking and analysis. Our primary interest Service des plaques porte-clés is in exposing oppressive regimes in Asia, A.Mus. 606, rue Cathcart, bur 530, the former Soviet bloc, Sub-Saharan Africa 120 Carlton St., Ste. 308, Montréal, QC H3B 1K9 and the Middle East, but we are of assist- Toronto, ON M5A 4K2 Tél.: (514) 398-0759 ance to people of nations who wish to re- Toronto lawyer in general practice 30 Sans frais: 1 800 265-0494 veal unethical behaviour in their years (real estate, family, same-sex issues, Téléc.: (514) 398-0699 governments and corporations. We aim for corporate/commercial, wills/estates, and Sans frais: 1 877 600-6212 maximum political impact. We have re- mediation). Music teacher, concert master C. élec.: [email protected] ceived over millions of documents so far and past president of Counterpoint Commu- Web: amputesdeguerre.ca from dissident communities and anony- nity Orchestra. Past president of Dixon Hall Numéro d’enregistrement d’organisme de mous sources. (community centre for Regent Park), Work- bienfaisance: 13196 9628 RR0001 We believe that transparency in govern- er’s Education Association of Canada and ment activities leads to reduced corruption, 182 Sources Spring 2013

Toronto Lambda (Gay and Lesbian) Busi- of international trade, the enhancement of vention in 1967 with a mandate from its ness Council. Customs enforcement and compliance ac- member states to promote the protection of Website: www.paulwillis-law.com tivities, anti-counterfeiting and piracy initia- IP throughout the world through coopera- tives, public-private partnerships, integrity tion among states and in collaboration with Paul T. Willis, Barrister and Solicitor promotion, and sustainable global Customs other international organizations. Its head- Phone: (416) 926-9806 capacity-building programs. The WCO also quarters are in Geneva, Switzerland. FAX: (416) 926-9737 maintains the international Harmonized Website: www.wipo.int After hours: (416) 926-9806 System goods nomenclature, and adminis- E-mail: [email protected] ters the technical aspects of the WTO Phone: +41-22 338 9111 Agreements on Customs Valuation and Women Living Under Rules of Origin. World Meterological Muslim Law Website: www.wcoomd.org Organization P.O. Box 28455, London N19 5JT, UK, Phone: +32 (0)2 209 94 42 7bis, ave de la Paix, CP 2300, WLUML is an international solidarity net- E-mail: [email protected] CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland work that provides information and support The WMO is a specialized agency of the for those women whose lives have been World Digital Library United Nations. It is the UN system’s au- shaped by the customs and/or laws of Islam. thoritative voice on the state and behaviour The World Digital Library (WDL) makes It extends to more than 70 countries and of the Earth’s atmosphere, its interaction available on the Internet, free of charge and links all women who see themselves to have with the oceans, the climate it produces and in multilingual format, significant primary been influenced by the Islamic world. the resulting distribution of water resources. materials from countries and cultures WMO has a membership of 188 member Website: www.wluml.org around the world. states and territories. It originated from the The principal objectives of the WDL are E-mail: [email protected] International Meteorological Organization to: (IMO), which was founded in 1873. Estab- World Bank • Promote international and intercultural lished in 1950, WMO became the special- understanding; 1818 H St. N.W.,, Washington, DC, USA ized agency of the United Nations in 1951 • Expand the volume and variety of cul- The World Bank is a vital source of finan- for meteorology (weather and climate), op- tural content on the Internet; cial and technical assistance to developing erational hydrology and related geophysical countries around the world. We are not a • Provide resources for educators, scholars, sciences. bank in the common sense. We are made up and general audiences; As weather, climate and the water cycle of two unique development institutions • Build capacity in partner institutions to know no national boundaries, international owned by 185 member countries – the In- narrow the digital divide within and be- cooperation at a global scale is essential for ternational Bank for Reconstruction and tween countries. the development of meteorology and opera- tional hydrology as well as to reap the ben- Development (IBRD) and the International Website: www.wdl.org Development Association (IDA). efits from their application. WMO provides Each institution plays a different but col- the framework for such international coop- laborative role to advance the vision of an World Health Organization eration. inclusive and sustainable globalization. The Two United Nations Plaza, Rm. 970, New Since its establishment, WMO has played IBRD focuses on middle income and cred- York, NY, USA a unique and powerful role in contributing itworthy poor countries, while IDA focuses WHO is the directing and coordinating to the safety and welfare of humanity. Un- on the poorest countries in the world. To- authority for health within the United Na- der WMO leadership and within the frame- gether we provide low-interest loans, inter- tions system. It is responsible for providing work of WMO programs, National est-free credits and grants to developing leadership on global health matters, shaping Meteorological and Hydrological Services countries for a wide array of purposes that the health research agenda, setting norms contribute substantially to the protection of include investments in education, health, and standards, articulating evidence-based life and property against natural disasters, to public administration, infrastructure, finan- policy options, providing technical support safeguarding the environment and to en- cial and private sector development, agricul- to countries and monitoring and assessing hancing the economic and social well-being ture, and environmental and natural health trends. of all sectors of society in areas such as food resource management. In the 21st century, health is a shared re- security, water resources and transport. sponsibility, involving equitable access to WMO promotes cooperation in the estab- Website: www.worldbank.org essential care and collective defence against lishment of networks for making meteoro- Phone: (202) 473-1000 transnational threats. logical, climatological, hydrological and geophysical observations, as well as the ex- Website: www.who.int change, processing and standardization of World Customs related data, and assists technology transfer, Organization World Intellectual Property training and research. It also fosters collabo- Rue du Marché, 30, Organization ration between the National Meteorological B-1210 Brussels, Belgium and Hydrological Services of its members Geneva, Switzerland, The World Customs Organization (WCO) and furthers the application of meteorology The World Intellectual Property Organiza- is the only intergovernmental organization to public weather services, agriculture, avia- tion (WIPO) is a specialized agency of the exclusively focused on Customs matters. tion, shipping, the environment, water is- United Nations. It is dedicated to develop- With its worldwide membership, the WCO sues and the mitigation of the impacts of ing a balanced and accessible international is now recognized as the voice of the global natural disasters. intellectual property (IP) system, which re- Customs community. It is particularly noted WMO facilitates the free and unrestricted wards creativity, stimulates innovation and for its work in areas covering the develop- exchange of data and information, products contributes to economic development while ment of global standards, the simplification and services in real- or near-real-time on safeguarding the public interest. and harmonization of Customs procedures, matters relating to safety and security of WIPO was established by the WIPO Con- trade supply chain security, the facilitation society, economic welfare and the protec- Spring 2013 Sources 183 tion of the environment. It contributes to The Organization encourages the imple- policy formulation in these areas at national mentation of the Global Code of Ethics for and international levels. Tourism, with a view to ensuring that mem- Z In the specific case of weather-, climate- ber countries, tourist destinations and busi- and water-related hazards, which account nesses maximize the positive economic, Zatoun for nearly 90% of all natural disasters, social and cultural effects of tourism and 9251-8 Yonge St., Ste. 142, WMO’s programmes provide vital informa- fully reap its benefits, while minimizing its Richmond Hill, ON L4C 9T3 tion for the advance warnings that save lives negative social and environmental impacts. Zatoun is an NGO which brings fair trade and reduce damage to property and the en- Its membership includes 161 countries olive oil from occupied Palestine. It high- vironment. WMO also contributes to reduc- and territories and more than 370 affiliate lights the plight of Palestinian farmers and ing the impacts of human-induced disasters, members representing the private sector, the destruction of their livelihood. Olive oil such as those associated with chemical and educational institutions, tourism associa- is a basic food which reminds us of our nuclear accidents, forest fire and volcanic tions and local tourism authorities. common humanity and the need for justice ash. Studies have shown that, apart from the Direct actions that strengthen and support and peace. “Zatoun” is the Arabic for “ol- incalculable benefit to human well-being, the efforts of National Tourism Administra- ive.” Zatoun is available through a network every dollar invested in meteorological and tions are carried out by UNWTO’s regional of social activists, grassroots organizations, hydrological services produces an eco- representatives (Africa, the Americas, East student and faith-based groups as well as nomic return many times greater, often ten Asia and the Pacific, Europe, the Middle unions. times or more. East and South Asia) based at the Headquar- WMO plays a leading role in international ters in Madrid. Website: www.zatoun.com efforts to monitor and protect the environ- UNWTO is committed to the United Na- Robert Massoud, President ment through its programmes. In collabora- tions Millennium Development Goals, Phone: (905) 884-0124 tion with other UN agencies and the geared toward reducing poverty and foster- E-mail: [email protected] National Meteorological and Hydrological ing sustainable development. Services, WMO supports the implementa- Website: www.unwto.org tion of a number of environmental conven- tions and is instrumental in providing advice Phone: 34 91 567 81 00 and assessments to governments on related E-mail: [email protected] matters. These activities contribute towards ensuring the sustainable development and well-being of nations. Y Website: www.wmo.int Phone: 41(0) 22 730 81 11 Joshua Zuchter, E-mail: [email protected] International Life Coach World Rainforest Movement and Business Coach 4243C Dundas St. W., Ste. 153, 1C The Fosseway Business Centre, Toronto, ON M8X 1Y3 Stratford Rd., Joshua Zuchter, described as part entrepre- Moreton-in-Marsh, GL 56 9NQ, UK neur and part sage, is sought after for his The WRM is an international network of Yonge Street Mission expertise in understanding the human mind, citizens involved in efforts to defend the 306 Gerrard St. E., human behaviour and relationship dyna- world’s rainforests. The group works to se- Toronto, ON M5A 2G7 mics. cure the lands and livelihoods of forest peo- Toronto’s Yonge Street Mission has Joshua has inspired thousands using the ples and fights commercial logging, dams, worked with people living with poverty for revolutionary tools and techniques he has mining, plantations and other interferences more than 115 years. Our goals are to an- developed related to the mind, body, spirit that threaten the survival of these people and swer immediate needs while also transform- connection and modern application of east- their habitat. ing lives. YSM experts can speak on issues ern spiritual philosophies. Joshua coaches Website: www.wrm.org.uy relating to child poverty, street-involved individuals, entrepreneurs, executives and youth, refugee families, immigration, single families. Phone: +44 1608 652 895 parents, seniors and the hard-to-house. E-mail: [email protected] He has also written many articles provid-

Website: www.ysm.ca ing lively anecdotes, practical tips and “real- LISTINGS world” advice. World Tourism Phone: (416) 929-9614 Organization FAX: (416) 929-7204 Website: www.joshuazuchter.com E-mail: [email protected] Joshua Zuchter, Life and Business Capitán Haya 42, 28020 Madrid, Spain Jon Unger Brandt, Director of Coach, Human Dynamics Specialist The World Tourism Organization Development Phone: (416) 388-1135 (UNWTO/OMT) is a specialized agency of Phone: (416) 575-1598 E-mail: [email protected] the United Nations and the leading interna- E-mail: [email protected] tional organization in the field of tourism. It serves as a global forum for tourism Julia Silvestri, Corporate Relations and policy issues and a practical source of tour- Marketing ism know-how. Phone: (416) 929-9614, ext. 4281 UNWTO plays a central and decisive role E-mail: [email protected] in promoting the development of responsi- Kathleen Magladry, Manager, Donor ble, sustainable and universally accessible Communications tourism, paying particular attention to the Phone: (416) 929-9614, ext. 4258 interests of developing countries. E-mail: [email protected] 184 Sources Spring 2013

Barrie Zwicker 91 Raglan Ave., Toronto, ON M6C 2K7 Author, producer and social and political activist Barrie Zwicker has specialized in media criticism since 1970. Since the events of 9/11 he has become a leader in the “9/ 11Truth movement.” Millions of people around the world (as proven by reputable international polling firms) question or dis- believe outright the official conspiracy theory about 9/11. Zwicker has combined media criticism and criticism of the official 9/11 conspiracy theory in his book Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-Up of 9/11, which won Gold in the Current Events cat- egory of the 2007 Independent Publishers Awards. Prior to 1970 Zwicker was an award-winning newspaper writer for the Globe and Mail, Toronto Star and The De- troit News, among others. His commentary “Facing the Fourth Estate” was aired weekly on 18 CBC stations. He taught jour- nalism for seven years at Ryerson Univer- sity and worked for 15 years at Vision TV, finishing with his own weekly program, “Media File.” In March 2002 he produced the 44-minute video The Great Deception and in the Fall of 2004 the DVD The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw. Website: www.towersofdeception.com Home/writing studio voice: (416) 651-5588 E-mail: [email protected]