Literacy Information and Computer Journal (LICEJ), Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2011

Unemployed Graduates’ Mental Health and the Place of Entrepreneurship Education in Achieving Nigeria’s Vision 20:2020

1M. B. I. Omoniyi and 2E.O. Osakinle 1Adekunle Ajasin University, 2University of Ado Ekiti, Nigeria

Abstract a country ignores the all round development of her youths only at her own developmental peril. The total number of approved universities in With increased globalization people seem to have Nigeria has since risen to 97 made up of 27 Federal, seen the need to increase wealth creation especially 32 State Government and 38 privately-owned within the developing nations such as ours. It has universities and more licences are being granted. also become evident that neither the government nor These universities are churning out graduates in the formal sector can supply the necessary their thousands, graduates who are sound in the creation without the sustained effort and partnership theories of their disciplines but poor in the practice. between all sectors of the economy including the Majority of the graduates find it difficult to get higher institutions. every year. The focus of this study was The challenge posed by globalization requires to examine the psychological impact of that Nigeria mobilizes and harnesses the technical on the mental health of Nigeria and entrepreneurial expertise of its, people to graduates and the place of entrepreneurship facilitate its own . In view of education as a panacea. this, the Federal government has come up with a Five research hypotheses were raised to guide vision that – “by 2020 Nigeria will be one of the 20 the study. A self constructed 25 items questionnaire largest economies in the world, able to consolidate was employed to elicit information from the 167 its leadership in Africa and establish itself as a subjects for the study. The face and content validities significant player in the global economic and of the instrument were ensured while it’s reliability political arena”. It seems to be quite obvious was ascertained through a test-re-test method with a therefore, that Nigeria just cannot afford to stand reliability coefficient of 0.75. The data collected still. The country simply has to move forward. were subjected to appropriate descriptive (means Accordingly, a new way must be found to galvanize and standard deviation) and inferential (t-test) the entire populace especially the youths and statistics. The results revealed that: the perceived unemployed graduates in order to transform the level of stress among both male and female economy from its present peripheral, neo-colonial, unemployed graduates is not significantly different. dependent status to a modern, self-propelled and The result further indicated that irrespective of how highly productive economy, ready to supply the long graduates have remained unemployed and their needs of her people and properly situate the country levels of education, the perceived level of stress are within the global political economy. not significantly different. A situation in which Nigerians as a people are The place of entrepreneurship education to assist languishing in the labyrinths of pauperization, under graduates and graduates to acquire relevant ignorance and squalor in the mist of plenty should entrepreneurial skills that will make them self not be allowed to continue at this time and age. employed and have positive mental health was seems to be one of the stressed as a way to reduce restiveness in our nation major economic factors facing Nigeria. In the survey and the achievement of the 20:2020 visions. carried out by the World Bank [16], it was estimated that about 40 million Nigerians were unemployed. 1. Introduction They also observed that one out of every five adults was employed, just as only one out of 10 university Universities are among other things, supposed to graduates was gainfully employed. In the latest be the highest grounds for the requisite report titled “Analyzing Employment and Growth human capital for national development. They are For better Economic Policy” published in 2010, the supposed to produce graduates, worthy in character World Bank Stated that “Notwithstanding strong and in learning who are to provide the intellectual as growth in Nigeria’s non – oil economy, well as the skilled bases for societal progress and unemployment did not fall between 1999 and 2006. development. In the contemporary global order, in On the contrary, youth unemployment markedly which skill acquisition and innovations are the increased during the same period”. engine of socio-economic growth and development,

Copyright © 2011, Infonomics Society 470 Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal (LICEJ), Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2011

Nigeria’s growth performance seems not to have whole seem to have lacked implementations. Instead, responded to the employment aspirations of its the current monetization, increased use of population as a whole, especially the younger technology, alterations of labour and reforms generation. With the spate of factory closures and international trade barriers have rendered more which has worsened the youth unemployment people jobless unabatedly. situation in Nigeria, it cannot be overstated that other The enormous unemployed youth in the Nigeria developing countries like Ghana, Indonesia and labour market may not only have been caused by the Malaysia have left Nigeria behind in terms of expansion of the educational system but also by lack productivity, income generation and economic of effective and good governance. Today, Nigeria development. In a cargo economy where virtually has about 97 universities, which produce manpower everything is imported, the youth unemployment rate for the labour market. There seems also to be a will continue to soar and social vices like: arm misconception between the social motive of robbery, prostitution, substance abuse and government in increasing the population’s access to kidnapping will be the order of the day. education and the perception of the population that, Many researchers have shown that the adverse their educational qualifications can only be used to outcomes of globalization are not only economic but secure white-collar . On the part of the also psychological (Stokes [13], Ying [17]). government, political office holders seem to have Numerous authors contend that there are neither been planning for youth employment nor psychological consequences of unemployment in been answerable for government behaviours. They terms of adverse outcomes, both to the individual seem not have been responsive to the people from and to the family, which cannot be credited which their authority is derived. exclusively to economic deficiency (Schmidt [12], Winefield [15]). In particular, studies of the 2. Statement of the Problem psychological impact of unemployment in school leavers have found that the unemployed show poorer The employment difficulties facing graduates in psychological well-being on a range of measures Nigeria have negative consequences not just for the than do the employed (Chase-Lansdale Mofitt, affected young people but for society as a whole. Lohman. et al. [4], Tiggermann & Winefield [14]). Persistent youth unemployment wastes human O’ Higgins (2001) concluded that the longer the resources that could contribute to economic progress unemployment period, the greater the cost to the in the short-run, widespread unhappiness (of which person and to the society, in terms of physiological rising suicide rates are a symptom) and social and psychological damage and negative effect on discontent among the youth, and may leave long- marriage and family. The majority of authors term scares on the working adults of the next concurred that sustained unemployment imposes generation. In extreme cases, alienated youth, significant economic, personal and social costs that especially if they are many, can cause social include: loss of current output, social exclusion, the disruption in society, as in the case of Sierra Leon, loss of freedom, skill loss, psychological harm, ill Liberia and other war-torn countries. health and reduced life expectancy, loss of Cursory observations reveal that, in Nigeria apart motivation, the undermining of human relations and from the National Directorate of Employment (NDE) family life, loss of social value and responsibility. offices, which are located only in big cities, there are (Anderson [2]; Larsen [7]). no /employment offices where applicants can Moreover, when Tiggemann and Winefield [14] register their names and areas of specialization in examined the effects of unemployment on the mood, order to secure employment after graduation. The self-esteem, locus of control and depressive affect of government seems not to have provided the citizens 761 Australian school-leavers they found that the with an acceptable level of public services in this unemployed were generally less well-adjusted than area. This has led to flocks of youths who roam their employed counterparts. More specifically, all about the streets looking for means of keeping body unemployed participants reported greater negative and soul together. mood and had higher depression scores, while the According to Agbekodon [1] the need to avert the unemployed female school-leavers also displayed negative effects of unemployment should have lower self-esteem. tackling of unemployment problems featured very In Nigeria, there seems to have been very little promptly in developing countries like ours. organized institutional attention paid to unemployment. There has been no retraining 3. Purpose of the Study programme for employees that have been laid off, and severance pay, relocation allowances and other The purpose of this research work is to contribute extended benefits have always been withheld. At the to knowledge and provide empirical evidence on the National Policy level in Nigeria, discussions on state of mental health of Nigerian unemployed strategies to increase the number of employment as a graduates. It also aimed to provide a possible way to

Copyright © 2011, Infonomics Society 471 Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal (LICEJ), Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2011

better mental health through entrepreneurship Items measures symptomatology such as education for self employment to achieve the hopelessness and devaluation of life. The anxiety nation’s vision 20:2020. scale (14 items) measures symptomalogy such as situational anxiety, skeletal muscle effect and 4. Hypotheses autonomic arousal while the stress scale (14 items) measures symptomatology such as difficulty in Five hypotheses were generated to guide the study. relaxing, nervous arousal, being easily upset, irritated The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of and impatient. The items in this questionnaire were significance. adapted from the depression, anxiety stress scale of Lovibond and Lovibond [8], Goldberg’s [5] version Ho1: The perceived level of stress among of General Health Questionnaire and Holmes & Rahe unemployed Nigerian graduates will not be [6] stress scale. Mumford, Minihas, Akhata & significant. Mubbashar [9] concurred to the use of questionnaire consisting of psychological sympotomatology as Ho2: The employment status of Nigerian graduates helpful in ascertaining psychological problems. will have no significant relationship with their stress There was no clinical diagnosis made by the somatic symptomatology. researcher. All items in the questionnaire focused on cognitive symptoms and mood states. Participants Ho3: Sex of unemployed graduates will have no were requested to indicate how true the items on significant relationship with their stress somatic depression and anxiety relate to them i.e Almost symptomatology. always true, often true, seldom true and almost never true. The responses were scored: Almost always true Ho4: Academic qualification of unemployed = 4, often true=3, seldom true=2 and almost never graduates will have no significant relationship with true = 1. their stress somatic symptomatology. On the stress scale, respondents were to shade the appropriate degree of intensity of their experiences Ho5: The length of time graduates have stayed of the complaints. They were to shade either No unemployed will have no relationship with their complain, slight complain, moderate complain, stress somatic symptomatology. severe complain. The responses were scored: No complain = 0, slight complain = 1, mild complain = 2 5. Method moderate complain = 3, severe complain = 4 and very severe complain = 5. The responses were 5.1. Participants analysed using standard deviation, means and t-test.

167 subjects participated in this explorative 5.2.3. Validity and Reliability Of Instrument.The research. All participants were volunteers living in Self report questionnaire (SQR) for this study was Major cities in Nigeria who visited the National given experts in clinical and counseling Directorate of Employment offices in search of jobs. who made useful suggestions. Based on their They described their current job status as either suggestions, some of the items were removed while unemployed (N=147) or underemployed (N = 20). some were reconstructed. The final copy of the items The participants comprised of male and female was agreed to have construct validity. graduates from Nigeria higher educational The reliability of the instrument was carried out institutions. The participants’ ages ranged from 20 – using the test – retest method. The instrument was 35 years. Participants were mostly single. administered on 40 subjects in the population but outside the sample. After about 2 weeks, the 5.2. Instruments instrument was again re- administered on the same set of subjects. The scores obtained in the two sets of

administration was correlated using Person Product 5.2.1.Demographic Questionnaire. Subject were Moment Correlation test. A correlation coefficient of asked questions regarding their age, gender, marital 0.75 was obtained for the instrument while the sub- status, work status, level of education and how long sectional reliability coefficient of 0.72, 0.75, .79 they have been unemployed. were obtained for depression, anxiety and stress

respectively. 5.2.2.The Self Report Questionnaire. A self report questionnaire (SRQ) was used to obtain information from respondents in this study. The self report 5.3. Procedure Questionnaire (SRQ) is a collection of three self report dimensions intended to compute harmful The researcher personally distributed the emotional states of depression, anxiety and stress. questionnaire to the various National Directorate of Employment (NDE). The self report questionnaire

Copyright © 2011, Infonomics Society 472 Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal (LICEJ), Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2011

was administered by the research assistants engaged  Developing personal attributes and skills that by the researcher in the NDE offices as they come to form the basis of an entrepreneurial mindset and register as job seekers. Full written approval was behaviour (creativity, sense of initiatives, risk given by the director of NDE where subjects were taking, autonomy, self confidence, leadership and sampled. team spirit)  Raising the awareness of students about self- 6. Results and Discussion employment and entrepreneurship as possible options; The results of the research are presented in table  Working on concrete enterprise projects and 1 (see Appendix). The findings revealed that the activities. calculated t-value of 2.620, exceeded the table value  Providing specific business skills and knowledge 1.96 at 0.05 level of significance. It also shows that of how to start a company and run it successfully. the calculated mean of 65.8 is significantly higher than the theoretical mean of 62. Entrepreneurship education offer students the Therefore the null hypothesis which states that tools to think creativity, be an effective problem the perceived level of stress among unemployed solver, analyze a business idea objectively, and Nigerian graduates will not be significant is not communicate, network, lead and evaluate any given accepted. The situation here is a flock of youth project. It also helps students to feel more confident moving around under stress. about setting up their own business. The table showed that males perceive more stress Entrepreneurial mindsets, knowledge and than the females (mean = 42.53 and 39.50 abilities will be of benefit to young people in all respectively). In the same vein, the unemployed walks of life. perceived more stress than the few under-employed Historically, entrepreneurship has been who filled the questionnaires: m = 45.62 for associated with small business and viewed as a less unemployed and m = 40.14 for underemployed. The attractive career option for dynamic university results also showed that irrespective of academic graduates. A shift in attitudes among students can be qualification the stress mean scores for the fostered by introducing and promoting the dynamic unemployed graduates were slightly high: innovative and ambitious face of entrepreneurship. ph.D/Masters = 40.33, BA/HND =42.29, NCE/Equivalent 41.04. It was also observed that 8. Entrepreneurship in Nigeria Higher irrespective of the years of being unemployed, the Institutions stress mean scores for all categories of unemployed graduates were also slightly high i.e. 0 – 2 years = The important role of 39.92, 3 – 5 years = 43.74, 6 – 8 years = 37.14 and 9 institutions in promoting entrepreneurial attitudes years - above = 40.58. and behaviours seems to be now widely recognized. Patton and Noller (2009) observed that leaving In its practical approach to redress the seemingly school and engaging in a job was associated with unrealistic educational curricula of the university increased positive mental health and psychological educational system to solve the economic problems well-being whereas leaving school and becoming in Nigeria, the Federal Government feels the need to jobless was associated with depression, crime promote the collaborative efforts of all asundry in oriented behaviours and general deterioration of Nigeria universities. Realizing the important role of mental health. the higher educational system as an instrument of It therefore becomes imperative for Nigeria creating wealth, business opportunities, economic higher education institutions to build well functional development and global market competitiveness, the entrepreneurship education into their so Federal Government through the National University that their products can become gainfully self Commission (NUC), directed all higher institutions employed after graduation. to include entrepreneurship in the curricular. NUC is

the major accreditation body that enforces uniform 7. Concept of Entrepreneurship standard and sets admissions capacity for every university in the country. Entrepreneurship refers to an individual’s ability Cursory observations revealed that a great to turn ideas into action. It includes creativity, number of the universities have not complied with innovation and risk taking as well as the ability to this directive and those that have complied do not plan and manage project in order to achieve really train the students as they ought to do but objectives. Entrepreneurship education is aimed at engage in occasional practical sessional programmes promoting creativity, innovations and self- for the undergraduates. employment and may include the following Integration of entrepreneurship into the curricula elements: needs to be the vision for all higher education

Copyright © 2011, Infonomics Society 473 Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal (LICEJ), Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2011

institutions as part of their wider mission. Provision to encourage mutual learning and to give an inter- should be accessible for Arts and Humanities university perspective to programmes, courses and students as it is for Business/ and activities. Science/ students. A range of courses, rather than settling on a 10. Challenges of Entrepreneurship particular model of delivery should be offered. In the Education early stages of promoting entrepreneurship education, it may be better to have a diverse range of A basic principle is that Entrepreneurship provision: options that students can take extra- education should spread horizontally in the curricular activities, business plan competitions and curriculum, across different fields of study. In this other activities that have added advantage of respect one major challenge is the division of higher bringing the local business community into the education institution into different faculties and educational environment. New undergraduates may schools. be encouraged to seek greater entrepreneurship This may work against the kind of cross-cutting awareness/understanding ideas, opportunities, that favours multidisciplinary teams and projects. motivation, confidence to act and new social Faculties and departments are very often working networks and the ‘near’ graduate and post graduate quite separately, with many obstacles for students may be encouraged to exploit opportunities for who want to move and for teachers interested in entrepreneurship. Therefore, within a variety of establishing cross-disciplinary courses. This courses that higher education institution can offer, curriculum structure can often be an impediment. including some inter-disciplinary ones, such aspects The current funding in Nigerian higher as: generating ideas and recognizing opportunities, institutions of learning is in clear mismatch to the creating new ventures/organizations and growing demand for entrepreneurship studies. With the young ventures should be covered. Other areas such current inadequate funding, adding the financial as: innovation , corporate burden of entrepreneurship education successfully entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship; may be difficult if not impossible. entrepreneurial management; entrepreneurial There are currently few lecturers and professors and , and corporate successions of entrepreneurship in Nigeria and many of them may be included. have not been trained from the start in the field. As a consequence they may be unaware of the right 9. Delivering Entrepreneurship approach to entrepreneurship teaching. Education It is hoped that subsequent policy makers in Nigeria will uphold this vision of entrepreneurship In delivering entrepreneurship education, the education otherwise changing political office purpose of the course/ programme should be holders, with their changing priorities and orientation precisely defined being linked to the delivery of the could pose a major challenge. This could be expected outcome to indicate a balance between worsened by the bureaucratic culture inside the theoretical and practical aspects. It is advisable that institutions and organizational inertia, inappropriate teaching should make use of interactive and institutional polices practices, cultures and structures. pragmatic methods; active self-learning, action- In the few universities where entrepreneurship oriented pedagogy, group work, learning through education is taught there are no established systems projects, student centered methods, learning by direct for evaluating the programmes’ results. Courses are experience; methods of self development and self- taught just as academic courses by educators who assessment. Moreover, delivery should be through have no link with business life. Moreover, there is mechanisms that maintain the motivation of students this lack of desire to change the way in which at high level. teaching has always been delivered through the There should be a collaborative approach with lecture method. real business practice and industry. Therefore, a close relationship should be in place with the local 11. Recommendation and Conclusion entrepreneurial environment and educators as part of relevant network. The importance of young In order to improve the mental health of Nigerian entrepreneurs should not be overlooked (for instance, graduates and achieve the 20:2020 vision, Nigeria alumni who have started a company) and needs to stimulate the entrepreneurial mindsets of experienced business people contributes to the young people, encourage innovative business start- learning design. Practical experience with enterprises ups and foster a culture that is friendlier to and working on concrete enterprise project should be entrepreneurship and to the growth of small and embedded in the programme. Exchange of ideas and medium size enterprises (SMES). experiences between teachers and students from different universities should be sought and promoted

Copyright © 2011, Infonomics Society 474 Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal (LICEJ), Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2011

Currently, the teaching of entrepreneurship is not entrepreneurs. In this respect, the development and yet sufficiently integrated in all Nigerian higher delivery of entrepreneurship is significantly affected education institutions curricula. This should be by the internal organizational structure of the integrated with all urgency and the National institution. Irrespective of the individual objectives University Commission (NUC) should accredit and of a university or college, having more effective validate this department like all other university internal organization structures is recommended. courses. In conclusion, graduate unemployment seem to The purpose of the course/programme should be have risen because the Nigerian economy is not precisely defined, as should its expected outcome(s). expanding at a rate commensurate with the output of While the creation of graduate start-ups is therefore a university graduates. Graduate unemployment desirable outcome, it should not be forgotten that therefore should be recognized as a major socio- entrepreneurship is also (and equally) about economic challenge by all stakeholders. The successfully managing innovation and growth. In introduction of Enterprises Education (EE) into existing business and entrepreneurship programmes educational system should include all levels of very often only the start-up aspect is considered, education. To achieve sound entrepreneurship while the skills and knowledge needed to manage the training, there must be a combination of classroom growth phase of a small business are neglected. In expertise and skill acquisition practice. Beyond this sense, there is in general terms a need for a shift introduction of entrepreneurship into university in the focus of entrepreneurship education curriculum, attention should be directed to both programmes and courses across all Nigeria vocational and entrepreneurial skills as complements universities to embrace all aspects of the programme. rather than substitutes. It is expected that Nigeria A perceived lack of relevant experience and a lack of institutions of higher learning will take their rightful self-confidence are two often cited reasons for new place in midwifing production of graduate graduates not engaging in entrepreneurship soon entrepreneurs with good mental health who are after graduation. 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