Tour of Dr.PG.K.Murthy , Dean , Faculty of Management , GTU and Director , Parul Institute of Management and Research to and Austria from 23rd May to 9th June 2014 .

23rd May 2014 “: Visit to Embassy of Slovenia in New Delhi ::

Dr. P G.K.Murthy visited Embassy of Slovenia in India and met Her Excellency . Mrs. Darja Bavdaz‐ Kuret , Ambassador and Ms.Mojca Hrovatic , Minister Pleniptentiasry ‐ Economic Affairs . Dr. Murthy briefed them about his visit to University of to participate in Intensive Programme by Ministry of Education , Science and Sport, Republic of Slovenia co‐ funded by European Social Fund .

Dr. Murthy explained salient features of Global Country Study Report of MBA Course of Gujarat Technological University . He presented copy of the study of Slovenia conducted by the students of of Parul Institute of Management and Research to Her Excellency . Mrs. Darja Bavdaz‐ Kuret , Ambassador , Republic of Slovenia , New Delhi . He explained them about the socio , economic and cultural aspects State of Gujarat and city of Baroda . He invited Her Excellency . Mrs. Darja Bavdaz‐ Kuret to visit Gujarat and city of Baroda and also participate in International Conference being organized by GTU jointly with Parul group on 5th and 6th Dec 2014 . Her Excellency . Mrs. Darja Bavdaz‐ Kuret had responded positively about visiting Gujarat subject to her schedule .

Ms. Mojca Hrovatic , Minister Pleniptentiasry ‐ Economic Affairs , Embassy of Slovenia , New Delhi explained about Slovenia as a tourist destination and salient features of industry of Slovenia . She lauded role of IT industry and auto ancillary industry in Slovenia . She handed over booklets containing lot of information about Slovenia .

The meeting ended with reciprocation of hearty thanks .

24th May 2014 : Departure to Vienna by Emirates flight via Dubai . Reached Vienna at 7.30pm and reached Maribor around 11.30pm .

25th May 14 (Sunday ) : Walking Tour of City of Maribor

Mr. Klemen Vovsek , a student of and is working with izzirent group led the team of nine consisting of my self , Prof. Samir Rahodia and 7 students of Parul Institute of Management on walking tour of City of Maribor in the afternoon of 25th May 2014 .

Franciscan Church : Originally a monastery dating from the 12th century, this red‐bricked cathedral was built in its place with a two‐towered, three nave basilica between 1892 and 1900, according to a design by Viennese architect Richard Jordan and was dedicated to 'St. Mary Mother of Mercy'.

Dhrava River : It is a deep river flowing though the city of Maribor . The river has contributed significantly to economic prosperity of Maribor through shipping for international trade and also for agriculture . We have seen swans floating in the river .

Former Jesuit complex, which was transformed into a military warehouse after the Jesuit order was abolished.

Plague column : In the middle of the is the Plague column, commemorating all the Maribor inhabitants that died of plague. We passed through the Town Hall passage and the adjoining Rotovž Square from the Main to the Slomšek Square.

Oldest Wine tTree in the World : One of the main tourist attractions of Maribor is the Old Vine, a Guinness Book‐certified oldest grape vine in the world. The Old Vine is more than 450 years old and still bears fruits, which are pompously harvested each year and produced into wine

Castle Square (Grajski trg) is the third of Maribor main squares. It is named after the Town Castle, which was built in the 15th century. It hosts the Maribor Regional Museum. Its main exhibitions include the costume collection with the largest collection of clothes in Slovenia, dating from the 18th century onwards.

With very friendly approach and easy way of expl/anatio/ns , Mr. Klemen Vovsek impressed all of us nd we departed atround 6 pm for coffee and snacks at McDonald restaurant .

Most impressive part of Maribor is that there are cycle tracks along with roads and no nuisance of horns.

26th May 2014 ,

As a part of Intensive Programme by Ministry of Education , Science and Sport, Republic of Slovenia co‐funded by European Social Fund , I , along with two professors from MDI , Professor and vice president of Petroleum University , one professor from China and one professor from USA apart from Prof.Sameer Rahodia of PIM , was invited by University of Maribor to engage the participants being students in Masters Programs of various Universities of Slovenia on the theme of “ Global Trends “ and sub‐theme of “ Foreign Investments by Indian Companies “ . I was introduced by Dr. Samo Bobek , Dean , Faculty of Economics and Business , University of Maribor to the participants . I dealt with the subject under four topics viz.,1.. Liberalization in India since 1991.2. Regulations in India for Indian Companies to invest outside India : 3.Major Corporate groups who invested outside India and Study of Investments of Tata , Aditya Birla , Piramgal Groups in Europe and USA. And 4.Performance of Indian MNC subsidiaries of Tata Group , Aditya Birla Group , Piramal Group in Europe and USA.

27th May 2014 :

Meeting with Dr. Samo Bobek in his Dean’s Office : Dr.Samo Bobek appreciated various initiatives of Gujarat Technological University like appointing foreign co‐supervisors , organizing Research Week etc., in case of Ph D Program . He also felt happy that Gujarat Technological University jointly with Parul Group of Institutes organized two International Conferences in Jan 2012 and Jan 2013 in which he and his faculty participated actively . He agreed that his faculty will be a co‐organizer of 3rd International Conference in later part of 2014 . He lauded vision , dynamism and commitment of Dr. Akshia Aggarwal , Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of GTU in making the University truly International University . Dr.Sam Bobek appreciated active interest taken by Parul Group of Management Institutes in organizing International Conferences , Faculty Development Progrms , International Faculty and Student Exchange Programs under dynamic leadership of Dr. Devanshu Patel . He recalled his first visit to Parul campus and the meetings with Dr. J K Patel , Chairman of Parul Group of Institutes on 6th Jan 2012 . He showered lot of praise about infrastructure facilities at Parul campus . He said that his faculty looks forward to Student and Faculty exchange programs and will be working with us in working out modalities .

28th May 2014 :

I have discussed the following topics forming part of course on ‘ Management Control System’.

1. Strategic Planning 2. Budget Preparation 3. Analysing Financial Performance Reports

I provided the case of Tata Motors to the participants and they analyzed and presented their view points . The participants reflected high degree of analytical talent and presentation skills

29th May 2014 :

I have discussed the following topics forming part of course on ‘ Management Control System’.

1. Performance Measurement 2. Management Compensation 3. Service Organizations

Case Study “ Harlan Foundation”. Students were divided into different group[s . Each group studied the case for 45 mts . Then , each team presented their view point . The participants reflected a high degree of analytical talent and presentation skills .

30th May 2014 : Management discipline in 21st Century requires a professional to appreciate socio , political , cultural , economic scenario in different countries . Understanding history and cultural heritage of a country is a prerequisite for developing business relationships including tourism with that country . Hence , visits to caves ,castles , monuments in Slovenia is apart of study of Slovenia . My self with families of Prof. Nand Dhameja and Prof.Gita Bazaz of Management Development Institute made a tour of Pstonkja caves , Predjama Castle , Piran on at 7.30 am on 30th May 2014 .

Pstonkja caves : A two million years old and 21 km long system of subterranean caves is one of the most easily accessible network of underground caves in the world. We rode by train for about 14kms . It was a great experience in travelling through caves with a temperature around 10 0 Celsius and we felt that we were surrounded by caves. It was followed by a guided walk through a series of cave halls with drop stones, pillars and translucent curtains that create unforgettable impressions. The underworld system is a home of the mysterious, unique and rare amphibian Proteus Anguinus, or human fish as it is popularly called here. We could see flowing river and also falling drops of rain water from top . Many statue formations some look like animals like camels , horses etc., were very nice to watch .

Predjama Castle. From Pstonja caves , we travelled to Predjama Castle . The castle is more than 700 years old and it has perched proudly on its 123‐metre cliff: powerful, defiant and impregnable – the perfect hideout for the bold, headstrong and rebellious knight Erazem of Predjama, a “robber baron” who is the subject of a romantic and beautiful legend. This legend is recalled today by Erazem’s Tunnel, along which the bravest visitors may still ascend. A view of the renovated castle rooms and their furnishings gave us an idea of how people once lived and worked in the castle – and how well the castle has been preserved.

Koper and Piran :

Koper is the biggest town on the Slovenian coast, known for its promenade, numerous ancient squares and the largest Slovenian cathedral.

Piran maintained the clustered medieval structure narrow winding streets, houses huddled close together, rising in cascades, the contact with the sea, numerous squares and churches. Tartini Square is the gem found in the very centre of Piran. It was named after the famous violinist and composer Giuseppe Tartini, who made the town world‐famous. His statue is located in the centre of the square. The city is surrounded by a circular wall. Piran is a member of the European Walled Cities Association. The city of Piran is a national historical monument. People earn their living mainly by tourism. Numerous events take place all year round in the open and in magnificent buildings named after famous people from Piran. The Church of. St. George, the patron saint of Piran, rises above the town. From its lookout tower we had a wonderful view of Piran and its surroundings and all the way across the sea to the Croatian and Italian Coast.

From this tour , I realized greatness of kings and people of Slovenia in terms of creation and preservation of great monuments and of Governments of modern era in developing them as centres of great tourist destinations of the world .

31st May 2014 : Visit to Faculty of Economics and Business of University of Maribor :

After clearing of important pending emails , I though that I must explore Faculty of Economics and Business by visiting their faculty lounges , classrooms and library . Faculty loungers and rooms allotted to faculty members are of rich ambience and faculty members are provided with all requisite facilities of internet , computer , working desks , visitors lobby etc. No wonder that faculty are at very much ease at work .

Visit to Library : Library is reflection of faculty of any University . I visited library of the faculty and tempted by richness of library to be there for nearly 4 hours i.e till closing hour . The library has very rich and varied collection of titles and have innumerable reference books , reports of international bodies like IMF , World Bank , UNESCO etc. Faculty members have published large number of research projects ,monographs etc.

1st June 2014 : Visit to Celje :

My self , Dr. Nand Dhameja and Mrs. Dhameja thought that we must explore Slovenia by travel by rail and road through public transport to have the feel of public transport system . We also thought to visit to such a place which is historical and we can go from Maribor in the morning and return to Maribor by evening . On careful viewing websites of Slovenia , we decided to go to Celje . We reached railway station of Maribor which is about 20 mts gentle walk from Hotel Piramada where we were staying . We bought a return ticket and boarded train around 10 am . After reaching Celje in about 75 mts by a very comfortable journey in train , we took a taxi to to Podsreda Castle .

The castle is important example of Romanesque architecture in Slovenia. It was built in the first half of the 12th century, high upon a hill overlooking the township of Podsreda (where Tito spent some of his childhood). The castle stands as a fine example of solid Slovenian medieval no‐nonsense craftsmanship. Over the years the castle has seen many owners. Though neglected after the Second World War, the castle has since undergone extensive renovation work, starting in 1983. During the renovation numerous forgotten and neglected features where rediscovered, among them some Romanesque double windows, the chiselled frames of windows and doors and the remains of paintings.

2nd June 2014 : Submission of Documents and Meetings with Dr. Samo Bobek at Faculty of Economics and Business Visit to Ptuj ;

We had submitted necessary documentation of our Intensive Programme by Ministry of Education , Science and Sport, Republic of Slovenia co‐funded by European Social Fund . We could do some desk work in well furnished and well equipped visiting professor’s chambers . Then , I had detailed meeting with Dr.. Samo Bobek about the way we go ahead with International Conference and Faculty and Student exchange programs . He shared with me that Management Development Institute , Gurgoan will be organizing International conference jointly with Faculty of Economics , University of Maribor in Maribor . Indian Institute of Public Administration , new Delhi will be having Course in Management being organized jointly with Faculty of Economics and Business , University of Maribor at Maribor . These are notable international collaborative assignments of Faculty of Economics and Business , University of Maribor at Maribor for which Dr.Samo Bobek is key architect . I hoped that GTU and Parul group of Institutes will be collaborating with Faculty of Economics and Business , University of Maribor at Maribor . The meeting concluded around 12 noon .

Visit to Ptuj : My self , Dr. Nand Dhameja and Mrs. Dhameja went to railway station in Maribor and left for another historical place Ptuj by train . The journey was rail cum bus by a single ticket . Ticket conductor in train led us to bus and we got down at Ptuj .

History of Ptuj is rich and the city has numerous monuments to prove it. Its history reaches back to the Stone Age, but the city experienced its greatest flowering in the Roman period. The name originates in the times of Emperor Trajan, who granted the settlement city status and named it Colonia Ulpia Traiana Poetovio. In 69 A.D., Emperor Vespasian was elected in Ptuj, and the first written mention of the city of Ptuj is from the same year. Roman Poetovio developed into an important military, commercial, customs, and administrative center. It was later burned by the Huns and occupied by the Avars and the Slavs. In the period of the Slav prince Pribina, it was incorporated into the Frankish state. Later, it became the property of the Salzburg archdiocese and experienced the Hungarian attacks. The city recovered and when city rights were granted, it was able to build a wall around the city. The first city statutes from 1376 provided the legal regulation of the city and contributed to its economic power. .Today, this important economic center of the lower Podravje region is a city of fairs, a city of excursions into unspoiled nature, a city with a rich culinary offer, and a city of wine cellars and thermal springs.

3rd June 2014 : Visit to Ljubljana , Capital city of Slovenia :

Myself with Dr. Samo Bobek left Maribor at 7.15am to Ljubljana , the capital city of Slovenia . During journey , Dr. Samo Bobek explained various international initiatives taken by his faculty during past two decade and his visits to different countries . He shared his experiences during his initial visits to India and other Asian countries . I enjoyed picturesque scenery on both sides of the road . We reached Slovenian Chambers of Commerce and Industry by 8.50 am ( 10mts before scheduled time ), Dr. Samo Bobek , after dropping me , he left for his other visits in Ljubljana .

1.Meeting at Slovenian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) : The chambers invited me to share my ideas on “ Doing Business by MNCs in India “ at Morning Coffee INDIA Round Table . I was received by Ms.Natasa Turk , Area Director , International Relations Department of SCCI. Apart from Ms. Natasa Turk , members from industry present were Ms.Katarina Kuznik , First Secretary , Department for Bilateral Economic Cooperation , Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Republic of Slovenia : Mr.Nenand Protega , Executive Director , DOUL : and Mr. Saso Perc , International Accounts Manager , PRONET . After self introduction of all , I explained favourable climate for foreign businesses in India . There were interesting questions like 1. Impact of change of Government at Centre 2. Taxation policies 3. Accounting systems 4.Scope for air domes in sports , agriculture etc. I briefly explained Gujarat Technological University and Parul group of institutes , VCCI and its exhibition in Nov 2014 and Federation of Gujarat Industries . I handed over brochures and letters from these institutions to Ms. Natasa Turk . Members present reacted positively to this initiative and showed keen interest to explore more trade ties with India in general and Gujarat in particular . Meeting ended at 10.45am with hearty vote of thanks to chair.

2.Meeting at Slovenia Tourist Board/SPIRIT Slovenia (11 am to 12.35pm) : I was heartily welcomed by Mr. Bojan Meden MBA , Head of Sales Promotion Spirit Slovenia Public Agency for Entrepreneurship , Innovation , Development , Investment and Tourism and his team when I entered their office at 11am . Apart from couple of executives of the Board , Mr. Miran Krajnc of CONDOR TRAVEL and Mr. Viljam Kvalic of KOMPAS were present in the meeting . Initially , I made presentation about Indians as outbound tourists to foreign countries and their favorite destinations . Three of them were very keen to know more of India and tastes of Indians . Mr. Viljam Kvalic was interested to know food preferences of Indians from different parts of India and how to select right travel agents to work with them. Mr. Miran Krajnc desired to know of how to make Slovenia more popular among Indian outbound tourists and to know most effective method of reaching target groups . The meeting was very fruitful and ended with thanks to chair .

Meeting with Second Secretary and Counselor of Indian Embassy in Ljubljana (1.30 pm to 4.30 pm ): Myself and Dr.Samo Bobek were invited for lunch on meeting by officials of Indian Embassy in Slovenia at Ljubljana . Taj Mahal restaurant which is very famous for Indian cuisine , located near central market of Ljubljana was initial meeting point . From Indian Embassy , Mr..R K Upadhyay , Second Secretary and Mr. Mr. Robert Shetkintong were hosts for us. They shared information of various initiatives that Indian Embassy taken to strengthen trade and culture relations between India and Slovenia. They are working closely with various Universities in Slovenia . Indian Ambassador visited Faculty of Economics , University of Maribor in recent past . Indian Embassy is organizing Indian Film Shows throughout Slovenia through network Indo Slovenian Cultural Associations . They also organize MDPs and EDPs for Indian officers in collaboration with Universities in Slovenia . Post lunch , we moved to Indian Embassy which is hardly 10mts drive from the restaurant . Mr. Upadhyay and Mr. Roberts shared information of various Slovenian companies are highly specialized and preferred manufacturers of components for automobile industry in Germany . They also informed us steps taken by them to have Trade Delegations from India to Slovenia . I have explained to them the close ties with University of Maribor and various International Student and Faculty Exchange Programs undertaken by GTU and Parul group of Institutes . I handed over letters and brochures of GTU and Parul to them . The meeting ended with thanks to chair .

4th June 2014 :

: Meeting with Dean , Faculty of Civil Engineering and Head of Department of Architecture ; (11am to 12.50 pm )

Mr.Gregor Bozic , Assistant in International Students department of Faculty of Economics and Business led me to Faculty of Civil Engineering . Walking together for about 0.5 km through streets and by lanes of Maribor chatting about Maribor was a good learning experience . We reached Faculty of Civil Engineering. I was introduced by Mr.Gregor Bozic to Prof.dr. Miroslav Premrov , Dean , Faculty of Civil Engineering and then left us for discussions . Prof.dr. Miroslav Premrov introduced me to dr.Vesna Žegarac Leskovar , Head of Department of Architecture . I made presentation of GTU and showed them video of Parul Campus . I explained to them about special features of Ph D program of GTU . They explained about various contributions in area of eco friendly and energy saving timber and glass architecture made by their faculty and about International symposium that they are organizing in Oct 2014 . Both of them are serious researchers and have innumerable publications to their credit . They were very receptive and were willing to collaborate with us . Around 12.50 pm , we dispersed with profound thanks to each other . I left for next meeting at 1 pm scheduled with Rector (Vice Chancellor ) of University of Maribor .

Meeting with Rector of University of Maribor (1pm to 2.15pm).: I was led by Mr. Uros Kline to the office of Rector of the University . After customary introduction to Prof.dr.Danijel Rebolj , Rector of the University , I presented him a letter from Dr. Akshai Aggarwakl , Vice Chncellor of Gujarat Technological University and brochures of GTU and of Parul Group of Institutes . I explained to him about various programs of GTU and special features of MBA course specially about GCSR and about Ph D program and various initiatives taken by Dr. Samo Bobek , Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business in strengthening co‐operation between UOM and GTU and Parul . Prof.dr.Danijel Rebolj expressed his willingness to collaborate further with GTU and Parul group of Intuitions . He stressed upon the need to have eco friendly industrial development and organic argriculture . He preferred to have sustained economic development and in this regard University of Maribor will be joining hands with Gujarat Technological University . . The meeting ended with hearty thanks .

: Meeting with two Senior Professors of Faculty of Economics and Business who co‐supervisors of GTU (2.30 to 4.30pm ) : I left Rector’s office at 2.15pm to reach office of Dean , Faculty of Economics and Business to meet two Senior Professors of the faculty who are co supervisors of Ph D program of GTU . I met first Prof.dr. Zan Jan Oplotnik , Professor of Finance and is co‐ supervisor for Mr.. Dipak Gaywala and Prof. Divyang Joshi . . Prof.dr. Zan Jan Oplotnik expressed his happiness with unique feature of PH D Program of having co‐supervisors and organizing Research Weeks . He was positive of attending Research Week in 2015 if he is invited well in advance . I could get Mr.. Divyang Joshi on Skype and I introduced him to Prof.dr. Zan Jan Oplotnik . Then , both Mr.. Divyang Joshi and Prof.dr. Zan Jan Oplotnik discussed of research work of Mr. Divyang Joshi and they planned for further interactions . I explained to him forthcoming International Conference on SMEs being organized by GTU and Parul . Then , we departed with a warmth feeling for each other .

Prof. dr. Vojko Potocan , Professor of Department of Organization and Informatics met me . Prof. dr. Vojko Potocan is the co‐supervisor of Wgcdr . V K Agrawal and many others whose research is in area of HR. Prof. dr. Vojko Potocan explained his current research works and visiting professorships in various Universities of Europe . Prof. dr. Vojko Potocan appreciated unique features of Ph D program of GTU . He recollected work of Wg.Cdr . V K Agrawal . Then , I could call Wg.Cdr . V K Agrawal on Skype and introduced him to Prof. dr. Vojko Potocan. They discussed research work of Wg.Cdr . V K Agrawal . Both of them shared their views on the topic of work‐life balance . Prof. dr. Vojko Potocan expressed his desire to visit India and participate in the programs of GTU . The meeting ended with mutual thanks .

5th June 2014 :: Travel from Maribor to Vienna )7.15 am to 10.30 am ):

It was time say good bye to Maribor . After checking out the hotel , I left Maribor in a Taxi at 7.15am to Vienna . I reached Ibis Hotel in Vienna at 10.30am and put the luggage in cloak room , then left for Austrian Advantage Chambers of Commerce and Industry . Reached the Chambers at 10.55 am and was in conference room by 11.00 am.

Meeting with Regional Director , Austrian Advantage Chambers of Commerce and Industry . (11am to 1 pm )

As I reached conference room at 11am , I was recognized and received with warm welcome by MAG. Philipp Winkler and we had customary introduction and exchange of visiting cards . Within couple of minutes , Mr. Hans‐Jörg Hörtnagl , Regional Director, South & South East Asia entered the conference room . We had hearty exchange of greetings and we settled down to the agenda of the meeting . MAG. Philipp Winkler made a presentation of Advantage Austria Mission and about Austrian Trade and Industry . He explained the structure of the chambers which has Federal Economic Chambers as apex body with 4,10,000 members. In Austria , wage and salaries are regulated by Chambers of Commerce and Chambers of Labour . Mr. Hans‐Jörg Hörtnagl briefly explained bilateral trade between Austria and India . FDI by Austrian companies is about 268 Million Euros . Austrian companies pay focus on highly specialized products and services like signaling equipments , psychological testing machines for Railways , renewable energy , environmental technologies , etc. Both Mr. Hans‐Jörg Hörtnagl and Mr. Philipp Winkler are optimistic that trade between Austria and India will further increase and FDI from Austria into India will further go up . They asked me to make my presentations . I handed over letter and brochures of GTU , Parul group of Institutes , Vadodara Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Federation of Gujarat Industries . I made my presentation on “ Doing Business by MNCs in India “. I showed videos of FGI , VCCI and Parul campus which both of them observed with great attention . Mr. Hans‐Jörg Hörtnagl promised me that they would be in touch with us through their representative office in India and share information with all their members . The meeting ended at 1 pm with reciprocities of hearty vote of thanks .

Meeting at Indian Embassy in Austria . 3pm to 4 pm :

I reached Indian Embassy in Austria at Vienna which hardly 2kms away from Austrian Chambers of Commerce and Industry by 2.30pm . I was received with warmth feeling by Mr.Koriyan Antony Joy . I went through some of best publications about India . Meanwhile Mr. T K Mishra , Second Secretary met me . I made presentations of Parul group of Institutions and Gujarat Technological University . He was highly impressed with various initiatives of GTU . He appreciated that Parul group has entered into MOUs with many leading Universities in Europe . He was apprised of forth coming International Conference being organized by GTU and Parul group of Management Institutes jointly with Faculty of Economics and Business , University of Maribor . He briefed about Austria and Vienna and world scenario in trade and commerce . I conveyed profound thanks to Mr. T K Mishra and left the embassy around 4pm to the hotel .

6th June 2014 : Visit to Museums in Vienna :

Vienna is a city of full of life and history, has cultivated itself through many eras and embodies the very definition of culture . Vienna has many many monuments and museums which reflect its rich culture and heritage . Visit to their historical monuments provides some understanding of Austria . Metro rail system in Vienna is known as U Bahn: also known as Subway, Underground or Metro. The U Bahn usually runs under the ground, some stations however are above the ground. There are5 U‐Bahn Lines in Vienna: U1, U2 , U3 , U4 and U6 . We can recognize the station by the big blue sign that has a white U on it.. There are escalators or steps leading you to an underground station. The U ‐ Bahn is by far the fastest way to get around the city. The trains usually run every 4 minutes . The best way to explore Vienna is to use U Bahn.

I bought 48hour Wien rail ticket for €12.40 with which I could travel by rail any where in Wien for 48 hours to explore Vienna . We find guide maps at every railway station . It is very easy to understand routes and identify train routes from the maps. I took Ui train from Pratersten to Karlsplaz near to Museums .

Leopold Museum : The Leopold Museum is a unique treasure‐trove of Viennese art nouveau, the Vienna Workshop and of the Expressionist period.As the most‐visited museum in the most fashionable cultural place in the city, the MuseumsQuartier, it houses the most important and largest Egon Schiele collection in the world as well as masterpieces by the founder of the Vienna Secession movement, Gustav Klimt. In addition, the Leopold Museum is also showing exhibits of the Vienna Workshop from Josef Hofmann to Koloman Moser , which are considered to be unique artworks of international design history. Some snapshots of Museum are exemplary in art form .

Vienna’s Museum of Natural History :

The museum is marvelous place which traces the history of the earth . The breathtaking variety of nature can be practically experienced due to 20 million objects: From insects to gemstones and minerals and pterodactyls, the Habsburgs united everything under the roof of this museum near the Imperial Palace. Numerous taxidermy specimens of animals that are either extinct or threatened with extinction make the collection all the more valuable. 1,100 rocks that have "fallen from the sky" can be seen there. And with the aid of simulator, a powerful meteorite impact can be shown on a screen in 3D.. Due to paucity of time < ihad hurriedly go through the museum . One needs to spend minimum 10 hours to see all spices with all attention . It has great treasure of knowledge for children and scientists alike to explore . Some snapshots of the museum .

7th June 2014 and 8th June 2014 :

I could spend time on back office . Thanks to technology of Wifi and laptop , I could check mail boxes and reply to all important emails . I could speak to all members of natural family and family at Parul and GTU through Skype . I could interact with some of the dignitaries that I met during my visit . Myself and Dr. Dhameja and Mrs. Dhamejja reached Vienna International Airport around 3pm . After completing all formalities , we boarded the flight to Dubai . Reached Dubai around 6.30am on 8th June 14 . After attending to morning routines , I took a round of Dubai International Airport . I could see tourists from almost continents of the world . Airport has large number of duty free shops in which one can find top most global brands . I got into flight at 1.30pm and reached Mumbai Chatrapati Shivaji International Airport by 5.30pm and reached Mumbai Central Railway station by 7.30pm to join my wife Mrs. Maheshwari to travel by Baroda express and reached Baroda by 6am on 9th June 2014 .

The visit was highly fruitful as I could meet many leading academicians and top dignitaries of most important institutions of Slovenia and couple of institutions in Vienna and able to secure positive responses for proposals from GTU , Parul Group , VCCI and FGI . I could mingle with students and faculty members of University of Maribor . The tour was professionally highly fruitful and personally very pleasant. Thanks to Dr. Samo Bobek and his team who made all arrangements for stay , food and travel in an exemplary manner and to Dr.Devansu Patel and Dr.Parul Patel and management of Parul Trust who extended necessary support and Dr.Akshai Aggarwal , Honorable Vice Chancellor who has always been great source of motivation and guidance . I am very much thankful to my faculty colleagues in particular Mrs. Amita garg and Mr. Dipak Gaywala who took additional responsibility of my duties during my absence.