The Eurofighter Typhoon of 2045 2013 • Eurofighter World Editorial 2013 • Eurofighter World 3

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The Eurofighter Typhoon of 2045 2013 • Eurofighter World Editorial 2013 • Eurofighter World 3 PROGRAMME NEWS & FEATURES • JUNE 2013 RED FLAG SUCCESS ASTA - THE TRAINING MATRIX TYPHOON HAS IT - BY A NOSE THE EUROFIGHTER TYPHOON OF 2045 2013 • EUROFIGHTER WORLD EDITORIAL 2013 • EUROFIGHTER WORLD 3 CONTENTS Dear Friends and Request for Proposal for the development of Colleagues of the E-Scan radar. Under a specific Eurofighter Typhoon, Collaboration Agreement for this development and integration programme, significant invest- 06 Air Shows 2013: 2012 has been a suc- ments have been made to date and critical de- Paris, Le Bourget 03 Editorial cessful year for our sign reviews are underway to support the first Aero India, Eurofighter Typhoon system to be tested in 2013. In a great effort, IDEX, Lima 04 Management News Welcome to Eurofighter programme.WORLD! Since en- we managed to deliver our proposal to NETMA try into service, we delivered more than 355 in November 2012. 05 In Memoriam Bernhard Zellner aircraftOur hope to is, our in thiscustomers magazine, and you the will Sultanate find much of in developments there. We were delighted to be Omanto interest ordered you. The12 aircraftidea behind thus this becoming publication the Phasewell received 1 of in theour United ongoing Arab EmiratesEnhancement (UAE) 06 Air Show Le Bourget 2013, Aero India, Malaysian Magic 7this to Airgive Forceyou a glimpsemember. of what’sWe all going can onbe invery the Programmeand Malaysia (P1E)where isour another senior peopleimpressive and proudworld of Eurofighter,this and it is what a pleasure the major of the develop- whole achievement.government representativesWe delivered the metinitial with capabili- top 08 Eurofighter News Eurofighterments are –community and, importantly, to send whereour gratitude we are tycustomer P1E (a) delegationsto our customers from atboth the countries end of 2012 for andheading sincere for greetingsin the future. to the These Government are exciting and andwhat we proved are committed to be very encouragingto deliver the talks. full capa-While 10 Red Flag, Alaska 10 UK Typhoon tested on Red Flag Airtimes Force for usof Oman– there which is a realis a feelingfascinating that coun-some bilitywe can’t P1E comment(b) at the onend the of 2013.likely outcomeIn between, of tryof the in thekey Middle deliverables East. that underpin the matu- Eurofighterthose talks, Typhoon,we can say configured that there with is widespread the latest 12 6th Squadron take Paveway to Typhoon Multi-Role Success ration of the Eurofighter Typhoon are now being Phaserecognition 1 Enhancement of the value software of having package, access has to 2013realised will begin– and with the an excitement intensive Air within Show sea-the successfullyshared capability demonstrated within theits precision Gulf Coalition poten- 13 Luftwaffe Accepts 100th Eurofighter son:programme Aero India is palpable. 2013 in Bangalore, IDEX 2013 cyCountries in the air-to-surface – the GCC. environment through a inOf course,Abu it’sDhabi one thingand us sayingLIMA that2013 but it’sin seriesWe will of also Direct address Hits awith couple Precision of major Guided mile- 14 Tenth Anniversary for IWSSC Langkawi/Malaysia.another when some of These the most international respected aero- mili- Munitionsstones for theusing Eurofighter the Litening programme III Laser– for spacetary aviation and journalists defence in theevents world are provideechoing Designatorinstance, the Pod. 10th The anniversary first version of ofthe the IWSSC new 15 Eurojet delivers 1000th EJ200 anthose excellent thoughts platform – and that’sfor us why to furtheryou will pro-find softwareService Centre package and is theunder delivery installation of the on100th the motetwo major the Eurofighter guest-spot Typhoonfeatures andby leadingits excellent avia- fleetEurofighter of Eurofighter Typhoon toTyphoon’s the Luftwaffe. five Air Forces 18 Interview: Lieutenant Colonel Stephan Mohler, German Air Force multi-role/swingtion journalists – onerole offering capabilities a view to on new recent po- (Germany,Finally, let usItaly, turn Spain, to the UK one and thing Saudi that, Arabia) above tentialexercise customersdeployments, within including these Red regions. Flag in andall else, in makesthe process the Eurofighter of transforming Programme whatthe Eurofighter World is published by Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH, 19 Arctic Fighter: A different kind of Cold War ... EDITORIALNevada, and the other giving a broader overview Typhoonit is – ourinto employees.a potent multi-role One of combatthose wasair- PR & Communications Justof our a briefprogramme review andof two how major he sees Air Showsit evolving. last craft.Bernhard Future Zellner, enhancement who tragically programmes died suddenly will Am Söldnermoos 17, 85399 Hallbergmoos Tel: +49 (0) 811-80 1587 20 AESA Radar: Typhoon has it – by a Nose yearPlease which give arethem still both fresh a goodin our read minds. – and We ourex- integrateand unexpectedly even more in April weapon this yearsystems at the and age ca- of [email protected] periencedthanks to bothstrong Jamie political Hunter support and Timin pabilitiesjust 49. It isto a reminderthe aircraft to us suchall of howas Stormfragile 21 Partnership through Industry – The Eurofighter Way... FarnboroughRobinson for whenagreeing UK Primeto let Ministerus carry Davidtheir Shadow,life can be Brimstone – and how and we the must Meteor treasure missile. each Editorial Team Theodor Benien Cameronstories in camethis issue. to see the Eurofighter pavilion day we are given. Our thoughts and prayers Simon Shrouder 22 ASTA: If you thought the Matrix was good – You should take a look at ASTA onEurofighter the opening is continuing day. He tomet make with its Eurofighter presence Inare order with toBernhard’s make 2013 family another and successful all those yearwho Martina Schmidmeir EDITORIAL Chloe Bielby seniorfelt on themanagement world’s aviation as well stage as currentand 2013 and looks fu- forknew Eurofighter him. Typhoon, we all need to work 24 Typhoon: The best is yet to come turelike building export oncustomers. the success German we saw Chancellorin 2012 - in veryEnjoy hard this andissue deliver of Eurofighter our personal WORLD contribu- and Contributers Alenia Aermacchi Angelaparticular Merkel the confirmationopened the Berlin of an Air order Show for (ILA 12 tions.thank youI count for taking on your an interestpersonal in commitmentus. BAE Systems 28 The Intelligent Option for Future-Proofed Airpower 2012)aircraft and from took somethe Sultanate time to walk of aroundOman ourin and strong support. Cassidian Deutschland aircraftDecember. which was on display in the We appreciate it. EUROJET Turbo GmbH Stefan Mohler, German Air Force 30 Programme Status: Facts & Figures BundeswehrAs you can read Exhibition in this issue,Hall. we were pleased Enjoy the issue. Royal Air Force to be able to showcase our capabilities at Aero Jamie Hunter Tim Robinson 31 Be a part of the Eurofighter Social Media Mix 2013India 2013will be where another we remain year of an great interested challenges party for all of us. For instance, the E-Scan radar Photography which is advancing well due to the outstanding Eurofighter GmbH Eurofighter Partner Companies commitments of all parties involved. You all re- Geoffrey Lee, Planefocus member that in July 2012, NETMA, on behalf of Enzo Casolini Dietmar Fenners, Cassidian the four core partner nations, issued a CEO Eurofighter MOD/Crown Copyright 2012 Title: Katsuhiko TOKUNAGA/DACT German Air Force Eurofighter Typhoon Jamie Hunter from JG 74 Neuburg Gaz West Photo: Goeffrey Lee Design & Production Alberto Gutierrez Enzo Casolini Werbeagentur GmbH CEO Eurofighter Former CEO Eurofighter GmbH Printed by ESTA Druck GmbH Eurofighter World on the Internet Follow us on: If you would like to request additional copies of Eurofighter World, please contact the PR & Communications Department at Eurofighter GmbH [email protected] 4 2013 • EUROFIGHTER WORLD MANAGEMENT NEWS MANAGEMENT NEWS 2013 • EUROFIGHTER WORLD 5 CHANGES IN EUROFIGHTER’S TOP BIENVENIDO ALBERTO ! MANAGEMENT NEW CEO AND NEW CHAIRMAN OF Typhoon even more successful in the world THE SUPERVISORY BOARD market. EFW: Can you tell us a little bit about your The shareholder representatives of the Commenting on his appointment, Alberto During the four years that I have been with career experiences before you took up this IN MEMORIAM Eurofighter consortium have appointed Gutierrez said: “This new job is a great chal- the programme, I had the pleasure of work- position? Alberto Gutierrez as the Chief Executive lenge for me at the peak in my career. My ing with some of the most talented and ded- Alberto: I guess you can say that aerospace Officer (CEO) of Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug key priorities will focus on competitiveness, icated individuals you could wish to meet. In is in my blood. I began my professional career GmbH and Maurizio De Mitri, who is cur- campaigns and capabilities in order to make saying goodbye, I am now handing the in 1985 at the CASA plant in Getafe. I then rently Senior Vice President Military Aircraft Eurofighter Typhoon even more successful reigns over to the new Chief Executive held a number of positions as a programmes Bernhard Zellner Sector at Alenia Aermacchi, as the Chairman in the world market. Starting from a Officer, Alberto Gutierrez. Alberto brings and productions manager before becoming of the Supervisory Board with effect from 1 European partnership, we need to move with him both a huge amount of experience Eurofighter Production Director from 2000 to Chief Operating June 2013. Eurofighter Typhoon forward into a more and the sort of energy and enthusiasm that 2004. While in that position I had responsibili- Officer Capabilities Alberto Gutierrez will succeed Enzo global partnership and invite new customer can only come with a real passion for his ty for the supply chain of the Eurofighter right Casolini who has led the European consor- nations to join this leading-edge pro- job. I know he will be a great success and I wing, the final assembly in Getafe and the de- Eurofighter WORLD is sad to have to tium since 1 May 2009.
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