Monitoring Group for Shared Management Pilot – Junior High School & Primary School Minutes of meeting Tuesday 7 November 2006, 6.30pm.

Attendance: Mark Lawson ML Head Teacher, Mid Yell Junior High School & Cullivoe Primary School John Nicholson JN Yell Councillor Anne Smiles AS Community Council Member & Parent - Mid Yell Junior High School Annette Gear AG Primary Teacher - Mid Yell Junior High School Steve Watkins SW Janitor – Mid Yell Junior High School Wilma Henderson WH Staff member - Cullivoe Primary School Fiona Nicholson Minute Taker

Apologies: Clare Stiles CS Community member, School Board - Mid Yell Junior High School Neil Thomson NT Parent member, School Board - Mid Yell Junior High School Helen Budge HB Head of Schools Jerry Edwards JE Quality Improvement Officer for Cluster Marina Thompson MT Parent member, School Board – Cullivoe Primary School

JN – Welcomed everyone to the meeting.

ML – Introduced Wilma Henderson to the group as the Cullivoe Primary School staff representative. He also advised that Marina Thompson would be joining the group as a parent representative for Cullivoe Primary School but sent her apologies on this occasion.

The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and deemed to be a fair representation of proceedings.

AG - Asked if per the previous minute had the pupils been asked to attend the meetings.

ML – had asked two secondary four pupils who were not members of the pupil council to attend and they had agreed but this still has to be approved by the pupil council.

JN – asked Mark if he could give a review of the shared management pilot from his own prospective.

ML – still positive, working with all staff and having a good and flexible arrangement with shared / visiting staff which is especially useful at this time of year for the pupils extra curricular activity programme. The sharing of resources and knowledge is better with a shared management and partaking in joint projects and events with all the schools in Yell is easier to manage. There is also a positive effect on time that staff are out of schools requiring supply cover he can often attend for both schools during his management time which does not effect any pupil contact time. There is a down side of not being at the school when things are happening. If it is a planned event it is possible to alter schedule to accommodate this. There has also been a pressure during this week as there has been several meetings to attend in the evenings for both schools which has been very time consuming and would need to be managed a little better.

Page 1 of 3 Monitoring Group for Shared Management Pilot – Mid Yell Junior High School & Cullivoe Primary School Minutes of meeting Tuesday 7 November 2006, 6.30pm. AG said that the school staff should get a copy of the Monitoring Group meetings or at least have access to them. She also said that it would be good to have a note of what time ML spends working on; Mid Yell school only tasks, Cullivoe only tasks and joint task.

ML – agreed that a copy of the minutes should be posted on the staff notice board. (FM to action) The apportionment of time would be a time consuming thing in itself to do, however it may be a good idea to do it for one week to show an example of the time spent on tasks. At present it was mainly based around which school he was at i.e. when in Cullivoe, only Cullivoe associated tasks were done.

AG – thought that a shared head had more time out of the school than a single school head would, the management team of the school then needs to be very involved in everything that is done at the school.

ML – agreed and noted that the Mid Yell Junior High School management team were very involved in the running of the school and hoped that the good communication that they currently have is continued.

JN asked everyone in the group if they have received any feedback from the community in relation to there role in the Monitoring Group.

WH felt that the Cullivoe Primary School was managing very well, the children seem happy and she has not heard any negative comments from parents.

SW reiterated AG’s point that the Mid Yell Junior High School staff would like information on the Monitoring Group meetings.

JN noted that it was positive to see that people were interested in the meeting.

ML added that he was concerned about the period in the lead up to Christmas as he wanted to attend all of the important events in both the schools which was going to be a challenge.

AG said that it was also a positive point that ML could try to ensure that events do not clash as there are parents who have children at both schools too.

The meeting was concluded, JN thanked everyone for their attendance and added that it had been a positive meeting.

The next meeting was schedule for Monday 15th January at 6.30pm.

Page 2 of 3 Monitoring Group for Shared Management Pilot – Mid Yell Junior High School & Cullivoe Primary School Minutes of meeting Tuesday 7 November 2006, 6.30pm. Contact List Mark Lawson Home address : Hjarta, Cullivoe, Yell Work : Mid Yell Junior High School & Cullivoe Primary School Telephone : 01957 702252 (Mid Yell) Telephone : 01957 744215 (Cullivoe) Mobile : 07919076082 Email : John Nicholson Home address : Scarfataing, Work : S.I.C Town Hall, Telephone : 01595 744511 Telephone : 01595 880693 Email : [email protected] Clare Stiles Home address : Burnside, , Yell Telephone : 01957 722371 Email : [email protected] Neil Thomson Home address : Hamar, , East Yell Telephone : 01957 702320 Email : [email protected] Anne Smiles Home address : 9 Sunnyside, Mid Yell Telephone : 01957 702055 Email : [email protected] Helen Budge Home address : Bigton Farm, Bigton Work : Hayfield House, Hayfield Lane, Lerwick Telephone : 01595 744064 Mobile : 07766421076 Email : [email protected] Annette Gear Home address : Vaegapiddi, , Yell Telephone : 01957 766213 Email : [email protected] Steve Watkins Home address : 21 Linkshouse, Mid Yell Work : Mid Yell Junior High School Telephone : 01595 702355 (home) Mobile : 07990528906 Jerry Edwards QIO for North Isles. Work : Hayfield House, Hayfield Lane, Lerwick Telephone : 01595 7444752 Email : [email protected] Marina Thomason Home address : Virdalea, Cullivoe, Yell Telephone : 01957 744246 Wilma Henderson Home address : Linnadale, Cullivoe, Yell Work : Cullivoe Primary School Work telephone : 01957 744215 Home telephone : 01957 744213 Fiona Nicholson Home address : Newhouse, Midbrake, Cullivoe, Yell Work address : Mid Yell Junior High School, Yell Work telephone : 01957 702252 Mobile : 07879491249 Email : [email protected]

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