“Crucible of Civilization”

!e R"e of Archaic

Rise of the

What constitutes a community?

Urban — voluntary or by force Community through Govt and Social Structure: Elite = Wanax and Basileus — meeting place for Aristos, court for Basileus — free males, “the people” — meeting place for Demos Development: — attraction of cities/ organized govt — weakening of the Revolution (c. 700 BCE) Class System


How were the Olympic Games a reflection of the Greek social and political system? What Greek ideals were symbolically displayed in the Olympic Games? Most ancient societies were patriarchal societies based on birth. How did the Greek Olympic Games demonstrate a different kind of social system? What is tyranny?Age of How do tyrants come to power? What do tyrants need to stay in power?

Athens: The Age of Tyrants

Attica: Rule of the Aristocracy Debt and greed

Murder vs. Homicide est’d Harsh penalties Debtor Law = (594 BCE) Widespread discontent

Repeal of Draconian laws (except homicide)

POLIS and Obligation

Athens: The Age of Tyrants

What did do in order to take and consolidate power? How did he gain Athenian support? What were some of the symbols of Athenian prosperity under the rule of Pisistratus? Describe the Eastern Mediterranean marketplace and Athenian art. Why are they so significant? Does Athenian prosperity at this time provide a justification for tyrannical rule? Why or why not? The Age of Tyrants Road to Revolution (514-510 BCE) (son of Peisistratos) as

Return of Aristocracy (510-508 BCE) Rival Aristocrats: (pro ) (pro demos and Assembly)

The Athenian Revolution Rules of : Heroism means victory at any cost. Power belongs to him that can seize it. (510 BCE) Stronghold atop Targets = Group 1: You are the followers of the Tyrant Isagorus. How do you plan to maintain your authority? Group 2: You are the Demos of Athens. Will you allow your city to become a subject state of Sparta? — 508 BCE Significance? Return

Athenian Revolution

How did dramatically change the Athenian political system? What was the ? How does Athenian democracy compare to modern governments? What made the Athenian democracy effective? What are some of its possible shortcomings? Spartan Model

Conquest of and Argos

Expectations Sandals and Tunic Diet Infanticide Educational System ( ) Barrack Life = Herds and Inspirers, Survival of the fittest Graduation =

Benefits? Women Wedding ceremony & child rearing Sayings of Spartan Women