Last updated: February 2014

Designated river name River SAC (unit 6 of the SSSI)

Brief summary of river designation Designation details and current condition (Teme SSSI) Designation details and current condition (Clun SAC)

Status Plan done, implementation underway

Catchment Clun (, )

Catchment area (km²) 272 Photograph © Natural Length (km) of designated river 4.7

Water Framework Directive ecological status Current WFD status of the river

Documentation  Restoration strategy  Flood risk assessment  Technical report  Feasibility/scoping studies  Geomorphological assessment/fluvial audit  Project newsletters  Historic restoration plans  Other (please state) Middle Clun and tributaries restoration plan

Catchment partners Environment Agency, Natural England, AONB Partnership

Clun river projects View projects proposed or completed, and case studies through the RRC’s UK projects map for the Clun and Teme. In addition, see the page for the Clun SAC Freshwater Pearl Mussel project here.

Next steps Continue implementation, project delivery

More information Natural England and the Environment Agency are jointly preparing a nutrient management plan for the Clun catchment. The AONB are running a SITA funded project to help conserve freshwater pearl mussels in the Clun. The national programme of river restoration planning & implementation on river SSSIs in England is led by:

with information & resources hosted by

Available documentation is dependent upon the current status, and approach planned for each river.