BY ISTVAN S. GAL 1. Introduction and background. In the present paper we shall deal with functions/ which map an abstract set X into a Y. We assume that certain topological structures are given on the set X so that we can speak of the limting values of / as the independent variable £ approaches x and we can also define the continuity of / at some of the points xdX. These topological structures on X will be such that for a noncountable set of points xdX the limiting values of / as £—>x and the continuity of / at x can be interpreted in at least two different ways. For example if X is the real line one an speak about the limiting values of / as £ approaches x from the left and from the right, and of limj^.I_o/(£) and lim{_I+o/(£), and of the left and right continuity of / at x. The exact definition of these topological structures on X is given later. We shall prove two general theorems for such functions: One of these concern the equality of the limits lim/(£) as £ approaches the same point £ under different conditions. Two cases can be distinguished according as lim/(£) is uniquely determined for each of these topological structures or not. The other theorem states that except for a negligible of X the / is continuous with respect to both or neither of the defined on X. These theorems include many old and new results as special cases from the theory of functions of one and of several real variables. For better under- standing it is perhaps more suitable to discuss first some of the known results and to state the new ones afterwards. For real valued functions of one real variable some precise results of this type have been known for a long time. The common source of one group of these results is the following theorem due to W. H. Young [1]: The set of those points x for which lim sup{^x_0/(£)^lim sup£,I+o/(£) is countable. The uses of this theorem can be illustrated by mentioning a few immediate consequences. Here it is convenient to use the expression "nearly everywhere" to abbreviate the phrase "with the possible exception of at most enumerably many points." If f is upper semicontinuous from the left or from the right nearly everywhere in an interval I then f is upper semicontinuous nearly everywhere in I. If f is left or right upper semicontinuous and also left or right lower semi- Presented to the Society December 27, 1956; received by the editors July 30, 1956. 321

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continuous nearly everywhere in I then f is continuous nearly everywhere in I. The direction of approach of the one sided semicontinuity may vary from point to point. An analogue of the first result can be obtained by interchang- ing the words upper by lower. The second corollary implies immediately the result that monotonic functions are continuous nearly everywhere. Another less immediate consequence of Young's theorem is the result on the continuity of regular functions [2; 3]. We may as well state the result for a slightly wider of functions: We say that/ is nearly regular in 7 if the one sided limits lim{,x_0/(f) and Iim{x if given any e>0 and any neighborhood Nx of x there is a ^CNx such that |/(f) —y\ ^D+

(f)— 0(x))/(f —x) for every point (x, f) with xj^f. Blumberg [6] was the first to realize that these properties are independent of the special nature of the function / and they hold for arbitrary functions of two real variables. His result was improved and extended by Miss Schmeiser [7] and Jarnik [8]. One of our main results gives a generalization of these theorems to ab- stract topological spaces. 2. Preliminary definitions and lemmas. Let us assume that X is a fixed noncountable point set whose elements we shall denote by x, x0 and f. There are various ways to describe topological structures on X such that the phrase

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"£ tends to x" or the equivalent symbol "£—->x"becomes meaningful for the points £dX and for some points x(E-X\ Perhaps it is more suitable for our purposes to use the concept of a to describe convergence on X. li the reader has a preference for nets he may replace the words "filter" by the words "" in the statements of the theorems and in the proofs; there are only a few points in the proofs where the reasoning must be slightly modified. For the definitions and the equivalence of such concepts he can con- sult the articles of McShane [9; 10] and Bartle [ll]. An extensive bibliog- raphy can be found in [12]. For the sake of completeness and also to avoid confusion we state the definition of a filter: A filter J in the set X is a nonvoid family of of X such that (1) if Fid5 and FiQF2 then F2d$, (2) if Fi, FidSthen FiC\F2d'S, (3) if Fd% then F is not empty. A collection (B of nonvoid subsets of X is called a filter if Bi, B2,d® implies the existence of a BG