Sheffield Dis-Trict Trades Dircc"'Tory. 713 COWKEEPERS & MILK DEALERS

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Sheffield Dis-Trict Trades Dircc Sheffield Dis-trict Trades Dircc"'tory. 713 COWKEEPERS & MILK DEALERS. Eyre J ames, 26 Oanal street, S Lingard Charles, 71 Duncombe st. S Marked * are Milk IJealerB only. Eyre Mrs Sarah, 32 Ellis street, S Linley Charles, N etherthorpe, Killa~ Alcock Samuel, 36 Pea croft,Sheffield Eyre William, 52 Hethel road, R marsh, Ohpsterfield Allsopp Frank, Temple Normanton, 0 Fisher Samuel, 51 Thorpe road, S Littlewood William, Gluman Gate, C Bailey Mrs Eliz. Burns ter. Tinsley, R Flint Mrs Mary, 105 Carlisle rd. S Maples Sam!. 2, Ct. 7, Portobello st. S Bailey John, 310 Dunlop street, At- Fogg J oseph, IONew street, Barnsley Marshall George, 39 Ohester street, S tercliffe, Sheffield Foulstone J no, 1 Park st. Wombw!lll, B Marshall Thomas, 179 Orookes, S Bailey Thos, 33 Myrtle rd. Heelpy, S .Fowler Richard, 35 Frederick street, Mason Thomas, Newbold, Ohesterfield * Ball Joseph, 10 Station road, 0 Attercliffe, Sheffield l\lcakin William, 23 Brewery street, 0 '" Ball Samuel, 32 Station road, 0 Frith Georgo, 103 Carlton road, At- Ivl:egson John, Barlbrough, Chesterfield * Beatson Thomas, 124-6 Oorby st. S tercliffe, Sheffield Merrills George, 156 Oarlton road, Beaumont Georgo, Wath, Rothorham Garner Robt. Up. Whiteley wood, S Attprcliffe, Sheffield Beaumont Wm. 2. Ot. 7, Headford st. S Gill Robert, 86 Crookes, Sheffield Metcalfe J no. H. 131 Up. Hanover st. S Beckett John, 4 Western street, B Goodison George, Stannington, S Middleton Mrs Ann, 72 Pea croft, S ,. Berry Thomas, York street, B Goodlad George, 70 Stafford street, S IvIiddleton J ames, 9 Bethel street, S * .Betney Mrs Martha, 5 Pawson pI. S Green Oharles, Stannington, Sheffield Millington Samuel, Barlow, 0 Binder Robert, Piper lane, Sheffield Green 1YIrs U nCl. E. 69 VieBt street, S Milner Mrs Sarah, 325 Langsett rd. S Bingham Reuben, 37 Harold st. S Hague Mrs Ann, 37 Langsett road, S l\1itchell Joseph, \Vorsbro' common, B Birley Thomas, 134 Abbcydalo rd. S Ha~ue l\lrs Eliz. 148 Bemard st. S l\1itehell Thomas, Tinsley, Sheffield Bishop Moses, 103 Oromwell st. N., S llall George, 15 St. Helen's street, C l\l:oore Thomas, Wadsley bridge, S Boler Ivlrs Mary A. Tinsley, S Hall John, 14 Percy street, Sheffield Moore William, 32 Harrington pI. S Booker Wm. Hazel road, Daru311, S HardwickThos 6 Oakesgrn. Attrclffe.S Morris James, 3 River lane, Sheffield * Booth J. & 00. 12 Oharlotte street, llarrison Robert, Wath, Rotherham Morton Thomas, 93 Robert street, S 193 Glossop road, 131 Queenstreet, Haslam John, 53 South st. Park, S N eedham George, 32 Rowland road, S 95 New George street, Moor, and 1 Haslam J oseph, 117 Hill street, S N eedham Thomas, Tinsley, Sheffield Spital hill, Sheffield Hastings John, 66 Reg1nald street, S Nicholson John, Bradley street, S Boothroyd Manoah, Portland st. S Hawksworth George, 21 Bridge st. B Norman John, Barlbrough, 0 • * Boulding Robert, 5 Ellesmere rd. S RibbertWilliam, Court, Arundelln. S North Samuel, 5 Moss street, Sheffield Boyas John, W oodhouse Mill, "'.Vood­ Hicks Miss Ellen, 65 New George st. S Oldfield Hy. 38 Alma st. Attercliffe, S house, Sheffield Hinchliffe Edward, 12 Bard street, S Outram Fredk. 81 Fentonville st. S Bradford Henry H. 2il High street, Hinchliffe Wm. 11 St. Stephen's rel. S Outram Miss IT. Egerton st. ·West, S Attercliffe, Sheffield Hirst Henry J. Greenland, DarnaD, S Parke J oseph, 4 Abercrombie st. 0 Bramwell Wm. 86 Morpcth street, S Hodkin Christopher, Church lane, C Parkin Thomas, 6 Birley street, S Braster Jph. 240 Main rd. DarmLll, S Hodkin J oseph, Oarver street, S Parkins Walter, Eastgate, W orksop . Brown John, 17 Oastlereagh street, B Hodkin William, 27 PortBr street, S Parkinson George, 78 Bard street, S Brumby William, :Manor Lake farm, Hollingworth Thomas, 47 Allen st. S Parkinson William, Swinton, R ParkhilllaIlc, Sheffield Holmes Henry, 1, C,. 8, Summer st. S Parsons William, Eckin~on, C Bullock Mrs Hannh.Sharrow Yale rd.S Holmes llugh, 19 llill street, S Payling Amos, 370 Attercliffe corn. S Bunting Joseph, 11 Brightside bank, S Holmes Jacob, 1, Ct. 5, Bernard In. S Pf>3rSOn William, 21 Kilton street, & Butler Mrs Margaret, 152 St. Philip's Holmes John T. 297 Clough bank, S Court 3, Spitallano, Sheffield . road, Sheffield Horton Renjamin, 25 Daisy walk, S Peck William, 64 Greystock street, S Buxton William, Barlbrough, 0 Horton Robert, 17 ",Vheeldon st. S Pilkington Thomas, Vicar lane, 0 Buxton William, Masbro', 0 Howe Mrs Dinah, 19 Pearl street, S Pollard Joseph, 170 Woodside lane, S Carter William, llolmes601d, 0 Hoyles George, 19 Jamaica street, S Porter Edward, Ct. 3, Spital lane, S Cartwright John, 22 Bridge street, Humphrey John, 44 Soho street, S Potipher Thomas R. 95 Portland st. S Attercliffe, Sheffield Humphrey Samuel, 10 William st. S Priestley Hy. 1, Ot. fj, Chester st. S Chapman IvIartin, 20 Canada street, S Hurst Wm. R. 122 Upper Allen st. S Reed William, 103 Pomona street, S Cheetham Henry, 21 Ellis street, S Hutchinson John, Eckington, 0 Rhodes J ames, Carsick hill, Sheffield Clough George, Ridgway, Troway, 0 Hyde Mrs Eliz. 275 Arundel street, S Roberts Herbert, Cherry Tree yd. S Cocker :rvIrs :rvIary, Drummond st. R Ibbotson George, 66 Oommon side, S Robinson John, 12 Sidney street, S Coldwell Wltr. :Florence st. Darnall, S Illingworth Robt. 128 & 132 Wicker,S Robinson John, Hanging Water, Ran- Coles William, 22 Brunswick st. C lngall Thomas, 16 Broadfield, S moor, Sheffield Coliey Miss Elizabeth, 18 Regent Bt. S Isgar John, Marcus street, Sheffield Robinson Ricbd. Mauger]JaY, N orton, S Cooper Richard,Temple N ormanton, 0 J ackson John C. 24 Dover street, S Robinson Thomas, Whittington, C Cooper 'Vm. 58 Wellmeadow st. S J aggers Saml.HangingWater,Ra.nmr.S Robinson Wm. Whittington hill, 0 Copestake Mrs Ann, 121 Harwood st.S J enkinson Arthur, Tinsley, Sheffield Robinson William, 141 Milton st. S Copestake William, 110 Lord Bt. S J ohnson J ospph, 362 Brighti'nde In. S Rose George, 65 N eville street, S Copley Charles, 57 Westgate, R Jones Oh arIes, Yard, Summer lane, B Rowbottom Rowland, Piper lane, S Cornthw..ite Wm. jun. ] 31 Hill Bt. S Kelsall Andrew, Abbeydale road, S Rushworth George, Dodworth, B Cotterill John, 227 Crookes, Sheffield Kenworthy J oseph, 240 Orookes, S Sellers William, 1, Ot. 3, Sorby 8t. S Crawshaw Francis, Longley bridge, Keyworth William, 58 Malinda st. S Settle Mrs Elizabeth, Swinton, R Wadsley bridge, Sheffield Keyworth ·William, 50 Hollis croft, Shelley John, 21 RaIlcar street, S Crassley Joseph, 79 Carlton road, At- Bnd 4, Ct. Smithfield, Sheffield Shephord Jas. 1, Ot. 8, Summer st. S tercliffe, Sheffield Kirk Robert, 10 Bevis street, S Siddall John, 9 Rhodes street, S Dakin Francis, 16 Joiner street, S Kirkham Joseph, Woodhouse, S SiddaIl William, 34 Monmouth st. S Dawson Mrs Ann, Shire green, S Kirkland Wm. 38 Holywell street, C Siddle George, 80 Charles street, S Dawson Henry, 129 Crookes, Sheffield Knowles Thomas, Eckiu{!ton, 0 Simpson Hy. 2, Ot. 4, Shepherd st. S Dockery Michael, 46 Weigh lane, S Laing Jas. 25 Clifton st. Attercliffe, S Sims Mrs Eliz. New Whittington, C Dodson Mrs Eliz. Reeley grn.Heeley,S Lake ·William, 172 Gre:wos street, S Skain Dennis, Tinsley, Sheffield Drabble Enoch, Stannington, S Lawton Cbas. 281 \Vestern bank, S Slack :Martin, 64 .Farfield road, S Dungworth J ph. Brincliffe Edge rd. S Leak Simon, 55 Thomas street, S Smith Benj. Derbyshire In. NortoD, S Elliott William, 366 Langsett road, S Lemmons Thomas, 278 South road, S Smith John, 2, Ct. 2, Matthew Bt. S Empson Charles, Ohambers lane, S Lethwaite J ph. N etherton rd. "'.Vorksop Smith John, Swinton, Rotherham Eydes Wm. 1, Court 3, Andrew In. S Lewis J Ohll, Church street, l\Iexbro' Spooner George, 32 Providence rd. S.
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