Incorporating the parishes of :

LOCAL AREA FORUM   Kingswood DATE: 5 July 2017  Ludgershall TIME: 6.30 pm  Waddesdon Cricket  Club, Waddesdon  Cricket Field,  Waddesdon VENUE: ,  Westcott  Woodham  Wotton Underwood HP18 0JH


Item Time Page No 1 Confirmation of Chairman and Appointment of Vice- 18:30 Chairman

2 Apologies for Absence / Changes in Membership

3 Welcome to the Waddesdon LAF and New Terms of 18:35 3 - 6 Reference To note the revised Terms of Reference.

4 Declarations of Interest To disclose any Personal or Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

5 Action Notes 7 - 12 To confirm the notes of the meeting held on 1 March 2017 as an accurate record and to be signed by the Chairman.

6 Question Time 18:40 There will be a 20 minute period for public questions. Members of the public are encouraged to submit their questions in advance of the meeting to facilitate a full answer on the day of the meeting. Questions sent in advance will be dealt with first and verbal questions after.

7 Petitions 19:00 None received.

8 Developer Funding and Improving Collaborative 19:05 Working Mr A MacDougall, Senior Infrastructure Coordinator to brief the LAF on developer funding and improving collaborative working.

9 Local Priorities Update 19:15 Simon Garwood, Area Manager.

10 Date of Next and Future Meetings

Visit for councillor information and email alerts for meetings, and decisions affecting your local area.

The next meeting will be held on 27 September 2017.

Items for Information 13 – 44  Transport for Buckinghamshire Report  Buckinghamshire County Council Update  District Council Update

**VILLAGE ACTIVITY PROJECT LAUNCH** 19:30 Opportunity for LAF Members to meet with providers to decide on activities for their parishes.


County Councillors and District Councillors:

Paul Irwin, Buckinghamshire County Council (Chairman) Kevin Hewson, Aylesbury Vale District Council (Vice-Chairman) Janet Blake, Buckinghamshire County Council Cameron Branston, Aylesbury Vale District Council Angela Macpherson, Buckinghamshire County Council

Parish and Town Councils:

Ashendon Dorton Edgcott Fleet Marston Grendon Underwood Kingswood Ludgershall Marsh Gibbon Nether Winchendon Quainton Upper Winchendon Waddesdon Westcott Woodham Wotton Underwood

Partner Agencies : , Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service, Aylesbury Vale District Council, Buckinghamshire County Council

Member Services Contact : Kristi Bhania, Tel 01296 531024, Email [email protected] If you would like to attend a meeting, but need extra help to do so, for example because of a disability, please contact us as early as possible, so that we can try to put the right support in place.