Congressional Record—House H3092

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Congressional Record—House H3092 H3092 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 13, 2001 Weldon (FL) Wicker Wu chairman and ranking minority member of of the international community be- Weller Wilson Wynn the Committee on International Relations. cause of its support for international Wexler Wolf Young (AK) After general debate the bill shall be consid- Whitfield Woolsey Young (FL) terrorism. The Government of Sudan ered for amendment under the five-minute has supported acts of international ter- NAYS—6 rule. Each section of the bill shall be consid- rorism and allows the use of its terri- ered as read. During consideration of the bill Brady (TX) Hostettler Royce tory for terrorist groups. The govern- Flake Paul Schaffer for amendment, the Chairman of the Com- mittee of the Whole may accord priority in ment there has been a safe haven for NOT VOTING—8 recognition on the basis of whether the major terrorist figures. To preserve the Abercrombie Fossella Tanner Member offering an amendment has caused safety of our Nation and to help with Becerra John Weldon (PA) it to be printed in the portion of the Con- the safety and the security of the Ferguson Johnson, E. B. gressional Record designated for that pur- world, the international community, b 1222 pose in clause 8 of rule XVIII. Amendments we must continue to send the message so printed shall be considered as read. At the that support for terrorist activities is Mr. BRADY of Texas changed his conclusion of consideration of the bill for vote from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ amendment the Committee shall rise and re- simply unacceptable. The underlying legislation, the Mr. NADLER and Mr. RUSH changed port the bill to the House with such amend- Sudan Peace Act, condemns the pros- their vote from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ ments as may have been adopted. The pre- ecution of the war by the National Is- So the bill was passed. vious question shall be considered as ordered lamic Front government and the asso- The result of the vote was announced on the bill and amendments thereto to final passage without intervening motion except ciated human rights abuses. The legis- as above recorded. one motion to recommit with or without in- lation also acknowledges the role that A motion to reconsider was laid on structions. oil has played in the war, expresses the table. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- this Congress’ support for an inter- f tleman from Florida (Mr. DIAZ- nationally sanctioned peace process, AUTHORIZING THE CLERK TO BALART) is recognized for 1 hour. and urges the President to make pre- MAKE CORRECTIONS IN EN- Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Mr. Speaker, for viously appropriated funds available to GROSSMENT OF H.R. 1157, PA- purposes of debate only, I yield the cus- the National Democratic Alliance. Ad- CIFIC SALMON RECOVERY ACT tomary 30 minutes to the gentleman ditionally, the legislation requires from Ohio (Mr. HALL), pending which I businesses engaged in commercial ac- Mr. GILCHREST. Mr. Speaker, I ask yield myself such time as I may con- tivity in Sudan to publicly disclose the unanimous consent that the Clerk be sume. During consideration of this res- extent of their activities before raising authorized to make technical correc- olution, all time yielded is for the pur- money in American capital markets. tions in the engrossment of H.R. 1157, pose of debate only. The underlying legislation has broad including corrections in spelling, punc- (Mr. DIAZ-BALART asked and was bipartisan support. The Bush adminis- tuation, section numbering and cross- given permission to revise and extend tration has made Sudan a priority by referencing, and the insertion of appro- his remarks.) announcing its intent to dispatch a priate headings. Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Mr. Speaker, special envoy; and I believe that now it The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. House Resolution 162 is an open rule is our turn, Congress’ turn, to make SIMPSON). Is there objection to the re- providing for the consideration of H.R. Sudan a priority by passing this impor- quest of the gentleman from Maryland? 2052, the Sudan Peace Act. The rule tant piece of legislation. There was no objection. provides for 1 hour of general debate, I would like to thank the gentleman from Colorado (Mr. TANCREDO) and all f evenly divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking minority mem- those who have worked so hard to GENERAL LEAVE ber of the Committee on International bring this important piece of legisla- Mr. GILCHREST. Mr. Speaker, I ask Relations. This is a completely fair tion to the floor. I urge my colleagues unanimous consent that all Members rule. In fact, as I stated before, it is an in the strongest possible terms to sup- may have 5 legislative days within open rule allowing all Members the op- port both this open rule and the under- which to revise and extend their re- portunity to present amendments and, lying legislation. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of marks, and to include extraneous ma- obviously, to debate this very impor- my time. terial in the RECORD on H.R. 1157, the tant issue. Mr. HALL of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I bill just passed. The current situation in Sudan, Mr. yield myself such time as I may con- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Speaker, is extremely grave. More than sume, and I want to thank the gen- objection to the request of the gen- 2 million men, women, and children tleman from Florida (Mr. DIAZ- tleman from Maryland? have perished due to war-related BALART) for yielding me the customary There was no objection. causes; and more than 3 million men, time. f women, and children have been forced This is an open rule. It will allow for from their homes. Thousands of chil- consideration of the Sudan Peace Act. PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION dren have been abducted and forcibly As my colleague has described, this OF H.R. 2052, SUDAN PEACE ACT converted to practices that they reject, rule will provide 1 hour of general de- Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Mr. Speaker, by and slavery has become an institution bate to be equally divided and con- direction of the Committee on Rules, I of the so-called National Islamic trolled by the chairman and ranking call up House Resolution 162 and ask Front. Many of these same men, minority member of the Committee on for its immediate consideration. women, and children have suffered International Relations. The rule per- The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- harsh beatings and torture. mits amendments under the 5-minute lows: In the face of this horrific tragedy, rule. This is the normal amending H. RES. 162 the Government of Sudan has contin- process in the House. ually blocked the efforts to provide aid Resolved, That at any time after the adop- Mr. Speaker, at a recent hearing of tion of this resolution the Speaker may, pur- to the people who need it most. Famine the Committee on International Rela- suant to clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the has been a constant, and the World tions, Secretary of State Colin Powell House resolved into the Committee of the Food Program has record that 3 mil- described Sudan as one of the world’s Whole House on the state of the Union for lion Sudanese will require emergency greatest tragedies. Sudan is a nation of consideration of the bill (H.R. 2052) to facili- food aid this year alone. The situation about 35 million people. It is on the tate famine relief efforts and a comprehen- is clearly intolerable, and we should do northeast coast of Africa, south of sive solution to the war in Sudan. The first what we can to provide relief to the Egypt and north of Kenya. It is blessed reading of the bill shall be dispensed with. millions of displaced people in Sudan. Points of order against consideration of the with rich natural resources. However, bill for failure to comply with clause 4(a) of In addition to the human rights an 18-year-old civil war and a very op- rule XIII are waived. General debate shall be abuses in their own region, the Govern- pressive government have conspired to confined to the bill and shall not exceed one ment of Sudan has also, rightfully so, create widespread hunger, famine, and hour equally divided and controlled by the been considered a rogue state by much suffering. VerDate 13-JUN-2001 01:08 Jun 14, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JN7.020 pfrm01 PsN: H13PT1 June 13, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3093 b 1230 amendment would block businesses These are the people who help to Mr. Speaker, I have been to Sudan that develop oil or gas in Sudan from propagate slavery, those who persecute three times. There are Members of this raising capital or trading securities in the religious movement, and other reli- Congress who have been there more, the United States. Threatening Su- gious human rights abuses. We are such as my colleague and friend, the dan’s oil development should provide going to stop providing a financial life- gentleman from Virginia (Mr. WOLF). an immediate incentive to bring all line to the Sudanese regime. My last trip was in May of 1998. Dur- warring parties to the negotiating The U.S. must also help ensure that ing that trip, I witnessed a level of table. This concept was recommended the humanitarian assistance sent to human misery as great as any I have by the U.S. Commission on Inter- Sudan is not being manipulated and is ever seen.
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