The Kentucky High School Athlete, March 1972 Kentucky High School Athletic Association

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The Kentucky High School Athlete, March 1972 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Eastern Kentucky University Encompass The Athlete Kentucky High School Athletic Association 3-1-1972 The Kentucky High School Athlete, March 1972 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Kentucky High School Athletic Association, "The Kentucky High School Athlete, March 1972" (1972). The Athlete. Book 178. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Athlete by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. (Left to Right) Front Row: Tilton Hancock, Steve Hillock, Jack Wood, Brad Simpson. Second Row: Mgr. Kevin Rankin, Bill McDaniel, Jeff Fitch, Arnie Guy, Randy Cotton. Third Row: Rick LeMaster, Eddie Davis, Terry Eustice, Vaughn Cordle, Coach Ron Becker. Official Orean of tlie KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION MARCH 1972 — Modern Ides ofMarch The gym lighls gleam like a beacon beam And a million motors hum In a good will flight on a Friday night: For basketball beckons, "Cornel" A sharp-shooting mite is king tonight. The Madness of March is running. The winged feet fly, the ball sails high And field goal hunters are gunning. The colors clash as silk suits flash And race on a shimmering floor. Repressions die, and partisans vie In a goal acclaiming roar. On Championship Trail toward a holy grail. All fans are birds of a feather. It's fiesta night and cares lie light When the air is full of leather. Since time began, the instincts of man Prove cave and current men kin. On tournament night the sage and the wight Are relatives under the skin. It's festival time,—sans reason or rhyme But with nationwide appeal. In a world of hate, our ship of state Rides high on an even keel. With war nerves tense, the final defense Is the courage, strength and will In a million lives where freedom thrives And liberty lingers still. Let commies clash and empires crash 'Neath the wreck of a victory archl Let our boys tread where hate is dead, In this happy Madness of March! —H. V. Porter. The Kentucky High School Athlete Official Organ of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association VOL. XXXIV—NO. 8 MARCH, 1972 $1.00 Per Year The "Frantic Fan" conduct himself or herself in a way so that the "privilege" is not rescinded. Dear- Frantic: 2. Your team does not belong to the communi- If someone were to ask you what represents the ty. It belongs to the school, and that school has greatest peril to the survival of high school sports, voluntarily agreed to abide by a certain set of you might say specialization, overemphasis, offi- rules, so that all athletes may compete under the cials, coaches, administrators. But you would be same standards. If these rules offend any special wrong. interest groups or individuals to the point where they cannot For the greatest peril to the continuation of in- conduct themselves in a rational manner, then, by all terscholastic athletics is none of those reasons. It means, these persons should direct all their energies toward is you, my friend, you, the frantic fan. some other level of athletics, but not the high Specialization and overemphasis can, and is, be- school level. 3. Accept the ing curbed, officials trained, coaches and adminis- fact that all high school athletes makes mistakes. trators guided, but you, Mr. Fan, you answer to no They are not perfect, and never will be. There is compensation one, that is, until a program has been though, for these one; no same ruined, students penalized, young images shat- mistakes make high school athletics excit- ing and unpredictable. tered, all because you didn't control yourself. 4. Remember that your coach is Perhaps it's not all your fault, perhaps you have also a teacher. He is a teacher first, never been exposed to proper spectator decorum. and coach second, and any time you join the At any rate, a few definitive guidelines may serve misguided souls in tr>"- ing to reverse this order, to protect the program and at the same time ena- your program is in the first stages of collapse. ble you to better enjoy whatever contest you are Remember, no coach, player viewing. or administrator wants to see a program fail. In most cases, High school athletics were not developed as a failure can be attributed to the unrelenting, sounding board for your immaturity, not devel- merciless pressure of vou, the fan, who played little oped as a vehicle on which you may "let off or no part in the "building of the program. Small steam," rid yourself of "frustrations." etc. This is wonder that the high school coaching field has fine in professional sports, as you are paying a the highest turnover of any coaching level. premium price to vent your emotions on athletes 5. Make an attempt that are paid a premium salary to put up with to learn the rules of the game and then your antics. leave the officials alone. Unending time and effort is However, your token payment to an inter- spent in the training of these officials so that scholastic contest, often less than a dollar, entitles a contest many proceed smoothly. Historically, the you to one thing—the privilege of watching the spectator who constantly criti- cizes more talented students of two schools exhibit game officials is ignorant of the rules under which the is what they have learned in the athletic classroom. game played. 6. Finally, keep in that For the athletic field, court or diamond is mere- mind you are a guest of the school, and that while ly an extension of the classroom, and if it were winning certainly an admirable goal, victory any different there would be little reason for in- is hollow if it come's at the of morals, terscholastic athletics to survive. expense ethics and just plain com- sense. You would not think of entering a math, history mon beloved or english classroom, flask on hip, and berate, A president once said that the world would forget often curse and physically abuse the math, history soon his words, but remember the actions of his soldiers. or english teacher. Yet, all too frequently you As the years pass, the think nothing of harassing players and coaches in score of a contest be- comes relatively unimportant, their classroom, the athletic classroom. sometimes forgot- ten. However, High school administrators have always given your conduct will remain ingrained forever in the of you the benefit of the doubt, Mr. Fan, sometimes minds those who were most af- fected. because you were a player's parent, or an influ- Will they be proud or ashamed? ential citizen. However, you should be on notice The choice is yours!! that administrators can no longer tolerate your — I. C. M. in the Pennsylvania childish, immature behavior, whether .you are a PA'THELETE recent graduate, a parent or a resident of the community in which the school is located. If, indeed, you are sincerely interested in the New K.H.S.A.A. Building continuation of interscholastic athletics, then keep a few basic points in mind. On February 2 the staff of the K.H.S.A.A. moved to the 1. There is no such thing as a "right" to partici- new Association building located at 560 pate in interscholastic athletics. Math, history, East Cooper Drive, Lexington. Administrators and english, physical education and certain other sub- coaches of member schools are invited to visit the jects are mandated by the proper authorities, and new facilities at the first opportunity. The need each student has a "right" to be properly exposed for a larger building and more parking space has to them. been evident for a long period of time, and this Not so with interscholastic athletics—they are a problem now appears to be solved. The new build- "privilege"—and the player or spectator who ing is one of which all member school representa- takes advantage of this "privilege" is expected to tives may be proud. Page Two THE KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE FOR MARCH 1972 VOL. XXXIV — NO. 8 MARCH, 1972 March 21 (7:00 P. M.)—Paducah Tilghman H. S. March 22 (7:00 P. M.)—Murray Middle School, Published monthly, except June and July, by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association Russellville H. S., Madisonville H. S., Owensboro Office of Pubhcation, Lexington, Ky. 40501 H. S., Ohio County H. S., Glasgow H. S., Met- Second class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky calfe Countv H. S., Elizabethtown H. S., Frank- Editor THEO. A. SANFORD fort City Hall, S., .Assistant Editor J. B. MANSFIELD Mavsville H. Henry Clay Assistant Editor BILLY V. WISE H. S., Garrard County H. S., Somerset H. S., Assistant Editor JEAN BATSEL Clay County H. S.. Whitesburg H. S., Pikevilie Lexington. Ky. H. S., Rowan H. S. BOARD OF CONTROL County President Morton Combs (1968-1972). Carr Creek March 23 (7:00 P. M.)—Ashland Com. College Vice-President James T. Dotson (1968-1972), Pikevilie Directors—J. C. Cantrell (1970-1974). Valley Station; William C. Doan (1971-1975). Cvnthiana; Arthur Hawkins (1972-1975). Mt. Sterling: Lee T. Mills (1969-1973), Frank- tort; Frank B. Simpson (1972-1975) Louisville; Richard ANNUAL MEETING SPEAKER Vincent (1969-1973). Sturgis; W. P. Wheeler (1971-1975). Owensboro; Roy L. Winchester (1970-19741, Bethlehem. Subscription Rate $1.00 per year c-^tom. ike (^i^HttHisiienet * Lyfjitre REPORTS NOW DUE 1.
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