Inside: l Razom holds second annual meeting – page 4 l The second anniversary of MH17’s downing – page 6 l U.S. elections and Ukrainian American issues – page 7

ThePublished U by thekrainian Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal W non-profit associationeekly Vol. LXXXIV No. 30 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 $2.00 Bellingcat: Russia used ‘fake evidence’ Ukrainian American radiologist tapped to point finger at in downing of MH17 as ’s deputy minister of health by Tom Balmforth moved from its base in the days before RFE/RL MH17 was shot down. By contrast, the report says that key – The Russian Defense images in the Bellingcat investigation – Ministry published doctored, misdated sat- such as photographs widely circulated by ellite imagery to support its suggestion that Paris Match of a Buk missile system being Ukraine was responsible for downing a transported through eastern Ukraine – passenger jet over eastern Ukraine in 2014, were found to be “genuine.” the independent investigation group “For me the question is now: How are Bellingcat alleges in a new report. international governments going to The report provides an overview of respond to Russia creating fake evidence in Bellingcat’s exhaustive open-source investi- the inquiry into the murder of 298 peo- gation into the downing of Malaysia Airlines ple?” Mr. Higgins said in an interview with Flight 17 (MH17), which killed all 298 pas- RFE/RL’s Russian Service. sengers and crew aboard the airliner bound Bellingcat says the airliner was shot from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. down by a Buk missile with the number It was published two days before the 332, which it says was transported from a second anniversary of the July 17, 2014, military base in Russia’s Kursk region to an incident, which drew the world’s stunned area near the Ukrainian border by the 2nd attention to the war between Ukrainian Battalion of Russia’s 53rd Anti-Aircraft forces and Russia-backed separatists and Brigade. Mykola Swarnyk added its victims to the conflict’s toll – now It says that the launch site was south of Dr. Ulana Suprun more than 9,300 civilians and combatants. the separatist-held town of Snizhne, and Dutch investigators said in 2015 that the that the missile system was spirited back by Mark Raczkiewycz After meeting with the physician, Mr. airliner was shot down with a Russian- toward the Russian border. Poroshenko equated the “health care situa- made Buk surface-to-air missile and identi- Russia has denied any direct involve- KYIV – Dr. Ulana Suprun, a trained radi- tion” with “national security” in a statement fied a 320-square-mile area from which it ment in the war in eastern Ukraine, despite ologist of Ukrainian descent from Michigan, published on the presidential website. was fired – most of it held by the separat- what Kyiv and NATO say is ample evidence is slated to be confirmed as Ukraine’s depu- One reason is that Ukraine’s population ists – but did not place blame. that it has sent large numbers of troops ty health minister on July 22. According to declines by 82,000 to 110,000 each year, Britain-based Bellingcat says evidence it and weapons across the border to support the Detroit native, Prime Minister according to statistics cited by Dr. Suprun. If has collected shows that the Russian army the separatists. Volodymyr Groysman offered her the job the trend continues, Ukraine’s population supplied the missile-launcher that brought The conflict broke out in April 2014, earlier this month, after which she held a will shrink to 35 million by 2050 reverting down MH17 and moved it toward the shortly after Russia used military force and publicized meeting with President Petro to levels not seen since 1950. Ukraine has Ukrainian border before the shootdown. Poroshenko on July 12 who also supported The jet crashed in a separatist-held part of (Continued on page 19) the high-level appointment. (Continued on page 17) the Donetsk region. Russian officials and state media have made strenuous efforts to lay the blame on Kyiv, at various times suggesting that the jet was shot down by a Ukrainian fighter or Canadian Minister Chrystia Freeland lauds by a Buk missile-launcher in the hands of Ukrainian forces. The Bellingcat report, however, says that trade deal with her ancestral homeland images published by the Russian Defense by Christopher Guly On July 11, Ms. Freeland and Ukrainian countries, “and by addressing other trade Ministry in July 2014 to make the case that Special to The Ukrainian Weekly First Vice Prime Minister and Economic barriers, the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Kyiv was to blame were found to have been Development and Trade Minister Stepan Agreement will benefit Canadians and digitally altered. OTTAWA – The Canada-Ukraine Free Kubiv signed CUFTA in Kyiv in the presence Ukrainians alike.” The group invited an expert on open Trade Agreement (CUFTA) represents an of President Petro Poroshenko and Prime According to Mr. Trudeau, CUFTA will source intelligence, Jeffrey Lewis, to use “endorsement” of the Ukrainian economy Minister Volodymyr Groysman of Ukraine, “bolster” the Canadian and Ukrainian econ- forensic analysis software called Tungstene and efforts by the Ukrainian government and Canada’s Justin Trudeau, who was on omies, “spur innovation” and “contribute to to evaluate the reliability of images central and people to strengthen it and build pros- his first official visit to Ukraine as prime a stable, secure, prosperous economic to its investigation, Bellingcat founder Eliot perity, according to the Ukrainian Canadian minister. future for the people of Ukraine.” Higgins told RFE/RL. Cabinet minister who signed the pact on Mr. Trudeau’s predecessor, Stephen Both countries’ parliaments must first “The satellite imagery from the Russian Canada’s behalf. Harper, announced in July 2015, during ratify the agreement, but Minister Freeland MOD [Ministry of Defense] was heavily “This agreement is about Canada then-Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy believes that will happen “quickly,” without edited, including the addition of clouds and strengthening and deepening its historical- Yatsenyuk’s visit to Canada that a bilateral giving any precise timeline. However, she Buk missile launchers to some images,” Mr. ly close friendship with Ukraine, and of trade deal had been reached following five said CUFTA has support from opposition Higgins said. supporting Ukraine at a crucial moment” in years of negotiations. members of the House of Commons, and A news release accompanying the its history, said Canadian International A year later in Kyiv, Prime Minister that Prime Minister Groysman and Bellingcat report said that some of the sat- Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland in a tele- Trudeau told reporters that “this milestone Ukrainian Parliament Chair Andriy Parubiy ellite imagery was “so heavily manipulated phone interview from Lviv last week. agreement will improve market access and were committed to ensuring that it passed that it lacks any credibility as evidence.” “We really understand, as do the create more predictable conditions for the Verkhovna Rada too. As presented by the Russian Defense Ukrainians, that a very important front on trade.” Once CUFTA is in force, Ukraine will Ministry, the images suggested that a which Ukraine is fighting today is the eco- He said that by removing tariffs on Ukrainian Buk missile launcher had been nomic front,” she noted. almost all goods traded between the two (Continued on page 9) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 No. 30


From assurance to deterrence: Journalist killed by car bomb be fully investigated and any perpetrators brought to justice. We extend our sympa- KYIV – Pavel Sheremet, an award-win- thies to his partner Olena Prytula, his fami- The Russia question and NATO’s summit ning journalist whose reporting challenged ly, his colleagues at Ukrayinska Pravda, and the authorities in Belarus, Russia and deployed along its coast the modern anti- his many friends and defenders of freedom by Aleksandr Golts Ukraine over the past two decades, was ship missile system Bastion, which boasts a of media and speech in Ukraine. (U.S. Eurasia Daily Monitor killed on July 20 when the car he was driv- range of up to 300 kilometers, as well as Embassy Kyiv) Be careful what you wish for, because it high-tech S-400 air defense systems, with a ing was destroyed by a bomb in downtown just might come true. In the past, this range of up to 400 kilometers. At briefings Kyiv. Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy OSCE condemns murder of Sheremet author had often heard Russian diplomats in Warsaw, on July 7, attended by this Lutsenko called Mr. Sheremet’s death a complain that the West fails to pay proper author, NATO officials specifically stated “murder,” saying the blast was caused by an VIENNA – OSCE media freedom repre- attention to Moscow and that Russia’s posi- that such A2/AD bubbles are already in “explosive device” and that all evidence - tion is being ignored. But the North Atlantic place in Crimea, Kaliningrad Oblast and points to an assassination. Colleagues said demned the murder of journalist Pavel Treaty Organization’s recently concluded Kamchatka (in the Far East). Russia has they believed it was linked to his work. Sheremet,sentative Dunjaa journalist Mijatović with onRadio July Vesti 20 con and summit in Warsaw certainly gave no fur- also established a virtual no-fly zone over Belarusian-born Mr. Sheremet, 44, a jour- the Ukrayinska Pravda who was killed in a ther credence for such complaints. parts of Syria. In addition to covering a sig- nalist at news website Ukrayinska Pravda, car explosion. “This killing and its circum- Although Russian representatives did nificant portion of the sea and airspace in was driving to the offices of Radio Vesti to stances must be swiftly and thoroughly not take part in the summit, Russia was the Baltic and Black Sea regions, Russian do a regular morning show when the bomb investigated, and the perpetrators brought present in almost every speech and each air defenses and anti-ship weapons could went off at about 7:45 a.m., officials said. adopted document. Among the 139 para- prevent the movement of strategic reserves The Internal Affairs Ministry said the explo- President Petro Poroshenko’s strong con- graphs of the Warsaw Summit Final from the United States. The most likely sives were planted underneath the car and demnationto justice,” of Ms.the act Mijatović and immediate said, noting action Communiqué, almost half were directly or response to such Russian actions will be the blast was set off by “possibly a remote- to investigate. “We have lost a prominent indirectly devoted to Russia. In particular, U.S. deployments of long-range cruise mis- controlled or delayed-action” detonator. and dedicated journalist and my sincere the communiqué emphasizes: “Russia’s siles, ships and aircraft. This, in turn, may The ministry said Mr. Sheremet’s killers condolences go out to Sheremet’s family, aggressive actions, including provocative lead to a new arms race. had acted “skillfully.” President Petro friends and colleagues.” Mr. Sheremet, orig- military activities in the periphery of NATO In his speeches during the summit, NATO Poroshenko said in televised comments inally of Belarus and recipient of the 2002 Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg repeat- territory and its demonstrated willingness that he believes the killing was carried out OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Prize for to attain political goals by the threat and edly stated that the Cold War should remain “with one aim in mind: to destabilize the Journalism and Democracy, worked as a use of force, are a source of regional insta- “history” (, July 8). But, if the situation in the country, possibly ahead of journalist in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia bility, fundamentally challenge the Alliance, developing present situation is not a new further events.” He said he has requested have damaged Euro-Atlantic security, and cold war, what is it? A prominent Russian during his career. “This morning’s grue- threaten our longstanding goal of a Europe expert and head of the Carnegie Moscow assistance from the FBI in the murder some incident reminds us all that the safety whole, free and at peace” (, July 9). Center, Dmitri Trenin (who spoke at the investigation in order to ensure “maximum situation for journalists in Ukraine must be The most important word at the July 8-9 expert forum attended by this author on July transparency.” Alyona Horbatko, a spokes- addressed effectively and timely,” Ms. summit was “deterrence.” This notion was 9), also believes that the term “cold war” woman for the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, con- clearly expressed by former U.S. Secretary does not convey the current situation accu- firmed to RFE/RL that the FBI would assist Organization for Security and Cooperation of State (1997-2001) Madeleine Albright, rately. He pointed out that, unlike the con- its Ukrainian counterparts in the case. inMijatović Europe said.recalled The the representative 2001 murder ofof the while speaking at the Warsaw Summit frontation between the Soviet Union and the (Christopher Miller of RFE/RL) prominent Ukrainian journalist Heorhii Experts’ Forum, on July 8: “Now, the task is West, “now it is a very unbalanced competi- Gongadze, the founder of Ukrayinska U.S. Embassy on Sheremet’s death to transition from reassurance to deter- tion. You have the West, which is superior to Pravda, and reiterated her call for the rence – so that Russia sees that its actions Russia in almost any respect, except nuclear. KYIV – The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine authorities to fully investigate that crime. have long-term consequences, and under- …In this situation, the weaker side has the issued a statement on July 20 about the (OSCE) stands that neither our resolve nor our capacity to take much higher risks then the death that day of journalist Pavel Sheremet. capabilities should ever be questioned” stronger one. The weaker side is putting a The text reads: “We are shocked and sad- New commander has Ukrainian roots (, July 8). premium on acting swiftly to prevent the dened at the news of the death of promi- OTTAWA – Lt.-Gen. Paul Wynnyk was Next year, four multinational battalion- other side from having time to react. Unlike nent journalist Pavel Sheremet, who was appointed as commander of the Canadian size combat groups, numbering up to 1,000 in the Cold War, in which each side had an killed in an unprecedented car explosion in troops each, will be deployed in Central and agenda for the other side, in this war there is Army on July 14, at a ceremony on Kyiv this morning. Pavel led a life of pur- Parliament Hill in Ottawa. The command- Eastern Europe. Canada, Germany, the no agenda.” Therefore, he said, the most pose and integrity in multiple countries. United Kingdom and the United States will important goal today is the de-escalation of er’s late father, Walter Wynnyk, who served We respect him as a fearless practitioner serve as framework nations for this pres- military tensions between Russia and during World War II with the Royal and supporter of freedom of speech, the ence in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and NATO – a serious discussion about the new Canadian Corps of Signals, was born to Revolution of Dignity and a brighter future Poland, respectively. In addition, U.S. rules of peaceful co-existence is needed. Ukrainian immigrants in Stry, Alberta. Lt.- President Barack Obama promised that an The parties should talk not about coopera- for Ukraine. We welcome the statements by Gen. Wynnyk was commissioned into the “additional U.S. armored brigade will rotate tion but about managing confrontation, he the police and prosecutor general that the through Europe, including an additional argued. But neither side seems ready. circumstances surrounding his murder will (Continued on page 12) 4,000 U.S. troops” ( July 9). While meeting with Russian journalists Romania, meanwhile, put forward an (including this author) on July 7, Mr. initiative to establish a multinational Stoltenberg agreed that military confi- framework brigade for the Black Sea region dence-building measures and the preven- he krainian eekly FOUNDED 1933 (, June 14). The leaders of the gath- tion of possible incidents in the sea and in T U W ered NATO countries also agreed at the the air should be the subject of dialogue An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., summit to strengthen their naval forces in between Russia and NATO. But he stressed a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. the Baltic and Black seas (specific details in that leaving aside the question of the Yearly subscription rate: $90; for UNA members — $80. this regard will be announced in autumn). annexation of Crimea and Russian actions Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. At least the broad outlines of all these deci- in southeastern Ukraine is impossible. The (ISSN — 0273-9348) sions were known long before the Warsaw Kremlin is not going to resolve these prob- meeting. And Moscow proactively declared lems, however. “Today we have no positive The Weekly: UNA: its countermeasures well in advance: specifi- agenda,” stated Russia’s ambassador to Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 cally, it announced the deployment of three NATO, Alexander Grushko (Kommersant, divisions and a tank army in the western July 7). Presumably, the upcoming NATO- Postmaster, send address changes to: direction as well as the redeployment of Russia Council meeting will be limited to The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz two brigades to Russia’s western border terse exchanges, just like the previous one. 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas (see Eurasia Daily Monitor, May 18). Western leaders frequently referred to P.O. Box 280 But now, it seems that the Russian- the Warsaw summit as a pivot point, sug- Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail: [email protected] Western confrontation may be turning its gesting that it demonstrates some kind of The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: attention to a new area of focus. Notably, “new reality.” Yet, on closer examination, the Warsaw communiqué stresses: “We this “new reality” looks much like the old will not accept to be constrained by any one – the reality that Europe and the rest of The Ukrainian Weekly, July 24, 2016, No. 30, Vol. LXXXIV potential adversary as regards the freedom the world assumed ended with the collapse Copyright © 2016 The Ukrainian Weekly of movement of Allied forces by land, air or of the Soviet Union a quarter century ago. sea to and within any part of Alliance terri- Clearly, though, this Cold War-like reality tory. Alliance capabilities, training and exer- has returned. And the Kremlin has only ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA cises contribute to our ability to operate itself to blame for it. freely. We remain ready to rapidly reinforce Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 and advertising manager fax: (973) 644-9510 any ally that comes under threat, when The article above is reprinted from e-mail: [email protected] needed, to counter all contingencies.” Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from Subscription Department (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 Indeed, Russia is actively creating anti- its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, e-mail: [email protected] access/area denial (A2/AD) bubbles: it has No. 30 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 3 Young politicians of Ukraine create NEWS ANALYSIS new Democratic Alliance party Russia and the West engage in mutual deterrence by Pavel Felgenhauer It seems the only apparently positive out- Eurasia Daily Monitor come of the NATO-Russian Council meeting, according to Mr. Grushko, was the confirma- After the North Atlantic Treaty tion of Moscow’s tentative agreement to Organization’s (NATO) summit in Warsaw implement additional transparency mea- last week (July 8-9), the NATO-Russian sures regarding flights over the Baltic Sea – Council met in Brussels on July 13 at the the initiative of Finnish President Sauli ambassadorial level. The meeting did not Niinistö for military jets to fly with lead to much progress. Both the alliance’s “switched-on transponders,” that is, devices Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the that automatically transmit the identity of Russian ambassador at NATO headquar- an aircraft, its position and altitude in ters, Alexander Grushko, agreed at separate response to a radio-frequency interrogation. press conferences that the discussions During a visit to Finland on July 1, President were “frank” but disagreements persisted. Vladimir Putin supported the proposal. According to Mr. Grushko, NATO’s deci- According to Mr. Grushko, “we are ready sion to deploy an additional four reinforced to fly with activated transponders in some army battalions of around 1,000 soldiers regions of the Baltic Sea, and this could be a each in Poland, Estonia, Latvia and first step on the way to de-escalating the Lithuania are “ungrounded, excessive, standoff with NATO.” The problem of tran- Ukraine Crisis Media Center counter-productive and confrontational; sponders, continued Mr. Grushko, “is a National Deputy Sergii Leshchenko speaks on June 30 about the platform of the new [they] undermine security and return us to complicated technical issue,” involving mili- Democratic Alliance party. the days of the Cold War” (Interfax, July 13). tary and civilian air traffic control systems, Meanwhile, the West insists it was but Moscow is ready to comply if all other Ukraine Crisis Media Center chance to become a European institution Russia’s enhanced military activity and nations, NATO and non-NATO, do the same. that will develop in the coming decades aggressive actions in Ukraine that compelled Mr. Grushko proposed gathering military KYIV – Representatives of Euro- rather than a pre-election project,” noted NATO to reinforce its Eastern flank in the experts to discuss and work out a solution: Optimists inter-faction group and civic plat- National Deputy Svitlana Zalischuk first place. Moreover, the alliance argues that “we will see how NATO responds” (RIA form Nova Krayina on June 30 announced (Poroshenko Bloc faction). four battalions cannot be considered a seri- Novosti, July 13). they had established a new political party. According to Mr. Hatsko, “The party is ous force that could possibly threaten The technical problems are indeed for- “A new platform is launched on the basis of nationwide. We will fight for voters all over Russia. Indeed, according to the Kremlin- midable: According to the commander of the party Democratic Alliance. It will involve, the country – in the east, in the center, in connected Internet news portal Vzglad, “sev- the Russian Aerospace Forces (Vosdushno- so to say, new forces: social activists, people the south, and in the west,” he stressed. eral thousand NATO soldiers would be easi- Kosmicheskiye Sily), Gen. Viktor Bondarev, who were on the Maidan, who sacrificed their Victoria Ptashnyk, an independent nation- ly overrun if Russia began an attack, but and other air force specialists, Russian mili- time and energy to participate in the new pol- al deputy, said that the future concept will be Moscow does not intend to invade; this is tary aircraft are not equipped with tran- icy. These people are united around the ideals based on three documents: a manifesto U.S.-led propaganda” (Vzglad, July 13). sponders, so it is problematic to “switch for which we were standing on the Maidan – “Reforms must be true”; policy documents Nonetheless, Ambassador Grushko has them on,” even in response to Mr. Putin’s a new, honest and non-corrupt government,” prepared by the Nestorivska group; and the said National Deputy Sergii Leshchenko vision of the civic platform Nova Krayina. She alleged that NATO is building a bridgehead direct order (see Eurasia Daily Monitor, July (Petro Poroshenko Bloc faction), at a briefing said that new concept is expected to be in Poland and the Baltic states to put pres- 7). Most likely, Moscow supports Mr. at Ukraine Crisis Media Center. approved in autumn. She also explained that sure on Russia, while the United States’ bal- Niinistö’s initiative to help keep Finland According to Vasyl Hatsko, a leader of the current national deputies are not affili- listic missile defense bases in Poland and and its neighbor Sweden away from NATO. the Democratic Alliance, the party will be ated with any party faction or are affiliated Romania “undermine strategic stability” Stopping further NATO enlargement is a based on three principal pillars: transpar- with factions but not with political parties. (TASS, July 13). NATO countries “must prime task. The military-to-military expert ent party financing, collective leadership That is why their affiliation with the new freeze military deployments near Russia’s discussions about transponders (if they do and intra-party competition. “We offer party will have no consequences. borders and withdraw all units already begin) will be prolonged and complicated, domestic competition and a democratic The activists also noted that if a new deployed” as a prerequisite of “normalizing and likely lead nowhere. Moscow will dem- system of decision-making – a collective party is established by Mikheil Saakashvili relations,” he stated. Otherwise, Moscow onstrate its “peace-loving” intentions and leadership. Everyone can find their place and his team, that party and the will deploy additional forces in response, do its best to portray NATO as intransigent. and fulfill themselves,” he said. Democratic Alliance would probably unite leaving Poland, Estonia, Latvia and In Warsaw, NATO agreed to deter Russia “We do not have a monopoly on sur- Lithuania less secure than before (Interfax, militarily, while engaging in dialogue to names and decision-making. So we have a (Continued on page 7) July 13). avoid a new Cold War. Moscow’s attitude is The Russian ambassador to NATO reject- similar: to deter the West, while engaging ed calls by Western diplomats to modify in dialogue, preferably not with NATO per the Organization for Security and se, but with separate member-countries to Cooperation in Europe’s (OSCE) Vienna try to split the alliance and promote the Ukrainian cyber-police officers document on military transparency in new “joint security architecture.” Pro- Europe to allow Western observers access Kremlin observers believe time is on begin fulfilling their mission to massive Russian military snap exercises. Russia’s side. Moscow must be patient: Since these exercises are sudden, there is Western unity will crack, elections in to find good people for this job. They had to OSCE no prior warning and no foreign observers Germany and France will install Moscow- pass a difficult competitive selection, and are invited. According to Mr. Grushko, “the friendly governments, while a victorious KHARKIV, Ukraine – July 18 was the first the training was delivered not only by local, present level of military confrontation president Donald Trump will undermine working day for 84 cyber-police officers, but also by international experts. And we makes modification of the Vienna docu- NATO unity and Ukraine will ultimately fall trained by the Project Coordinator in are grateful to our partners, the OSCE for ment senseless.” Mr. Grushko continued: into the Kremlin’s lap (Vzglad, July 13). Ukraine of the Organization for Security making this happen.” and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on the Jeffrey Erlich, senior project officer of “NATO must first stop deployments and During the Warsaw summit, Polish grounds of Kharkiv National University of the OSCE Project Coordinator, said: “As begin a withdrawal. The Cold War has Foreign Affairs Minister Witold Internal Affairs. Twenty special agents and Ukraine moves into the new economy, proven arms control and confidence mea- Waszczykowski told journalists that within 64 inspectors make up one-third of the per- crimes affecting e-governance, e-banking, sures are effective only when combined NATO “there is growing understanding” of sonnel of the new Cyber Police Department, e-commerce and other highly technological with a universal vision of an undivided the need to take in Ukraine. The latter coun- which was created within the National areas are shadowing this progress. This is a Europe with a joint security architecture” try’s president, Petro Poroshenko, signed a Police of Ukraine as part of the wider law threat to people’s human rights, it hurts (RIA Novosti, July 13). decree creating a high-level government enforcement reforms in the country. their economic well-being, some perpetra- It would seem Moscow is demanding an commission to integrate Ukraine into the The OSCE Project Coordinator helped to tors may even threaten national and inter- unconditional withdrawal and a de facto alliance (, July 9). Of course, Mr. organize the selection process by facilitat- national security.” dismantling of NATO, to be replaced with a Stoltenberg insisted accepting Ukraine into ing the integrity testing of over 500 candi- The OSCE Project Coordinator has been new “security architecture” within which NATO could only happen sometime later, but dates in 2015, developing the 760-hour building the capacity of Ukrainian law Russia would have a decisive voice. Mr. underscored that it was for Ukraine and training curricula and materials, and sup- enforcers in their responses to cybercrime Grushko lambasted the alliance’s plans to NATO to decide – without any third-party porting four months of training for the since 2011. The Project Coordinator has follow up a Romanian initiative to create a involvement (Interfax, July 9). Poland and selected officers. helped to equip a training room with mod- permanent Black Sea maritime deterrent Ukraine signed a protocol in Warsaw, creat- “Cyber security is an important area of ern equipment in two police education force: It would be destabilizing, while ing a joint working group on arms trade efforts for the National Police of Ukraine,” establishments and headquarters, and Russia will do all in its power to counter (RIA Novosti, July 9). said Khatia Dekanoidze, chief of the coun- trained police staff with the support of any attempt to shift the military balance in try’s National Police. “It took us a lot of time international practitioners. the region (RIA Novosti, July 13). (Continued on page 18) 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 No. 30 Razom holds its second annual meeting by Nonna Tsiganok and Nastia Rab NEW YORK – Razom, a non-profit orga- nization established in 2014 to support the people of Ukraine, held its second annual meeting on Saturday, June 25, in New York City. More than 140 guests attended #Razom2years and learned about the organization’s progress and six initiatives: Razom IT, Razom Culture, Razom Think with, Reformers without Borders, Razom Aid with Toy Drive, and Razom Partners. “I was so impressed to see so many new faces in the room,” said Razom board member Dora Chomiak. “Clearly this shows that, even though the headlines may be off the front pages, the drive that brought Razom volunteers together in 2014 is still relevant today.” The schedule of the day was jam- packed, but the energy in the room never Vadym Guliuk subsided. Given that Razom’s initiatives Participants of the Razom annual meeting held in the main hall of the Ukrainian National Home in New York City. span different fields, people learned about many projects, and were able to provide styles. Still, many of these pieces had roots Danylenko and included music perfor- online. During the annual meeting, the their feedback, lend their expertise and in traditional Ukrainian culture in some mances by the Roman Bardun Trio, Letters board members welcomed the chance to enlist as volunteers. Midway through the way. to Nepal and pianist Alex Pryrodny, and a update volunteers on projects and to meet event, everyone split up into discussions at Waldemart Klyuzko’s light installations fashion show by Ms. Lysa. in person. the six initiative breakout tables. The event illuminated kaleidoscope patterns of tradi- The Razom annual meeting was made Razom is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organi- also featured a team-building exercise led tional Ukrainian embroidery. Ira Lysa’s ele- possible by the many hours of work donat- zation dedicated to building a prosperous by Dianna Derhak, a breakthrough coach, gant dresses included vyshyvanka-inspired ed by its volunteers and by the generous Ukraine by increasing civic engagement workshop and retreat facilitator. red roses. Sashko Danylenko’s cartoon support of Self Reliance New York Federal and by amplifying the voices of Ukrainian Throughout the afternoon, the artistry characters looked to be straight out of Credit Union, the Veselka Restaurant and citizens around the world. Razom was in the room reflected the eclectic mix of Ukrainian fairy tales. East Village Meat Market. established in 2014 to support the people the individuals present with art installa- After having dinner in smaller groups The board members of Razom have of Ukraine in their continued quest for tions throughout the hall, cartoon projec- around the East Village, the guests been meeting at least twice a month democracy, justice and human rights. To tions on the wall, a fashion presentation regrouped for a Razom Culture program throughout the year. Since members live in learn more, readers may visit and musical sets spanning many different that started with a video installation by Mr. different cities, these meetings are held

Maryan Khomych The Board Members of Razom (from left) Olya Yarychkivska, secretary; Dora Chomiak; Natalia Shyrba, director of operations; Lyuba Shipovich, president; Vadym Guliuk Anastasiia Rybytska, vice-president; Iryna Mazur; Mariya Soroka, chief marketing The Roman Bardun Trio performs original jazz arrangements based on traditional officer. (Not pictured is board member Bohdan Polovko.) The artwork in the back- Ukrainian folk melodies. From left: Roman Bardun (piano), Noel Mason (bass) and ground was created by Waldemart Klyuzko, who is standing in the second row. Steven Crammer (drums). The Ukrainian Weekly’s new correspondent in Kyiv PARSIPPANY, N.J. – Mark Raczkiewycz, a multimedia magazine published by the volunteer in 2002-2005 in Ivano- veteran journalist based in Kyiv, this week papal agency Catholic Near East Welfare Frankivsk, Ukraine. became The Ukrainian Weekly’s principal Association (CNEWA). Mr. Raczkiewycz replaces Zenon free-lance correspondent in Kyiv. His journalism experience includes Zawada, who was The Weekly’s main A Ukrainian American, Mr. Raczkiewycz war zone reporting, and bylines for the free-lance correspondent in Kyiv since has 10 years of journalism experience in Associated Press (sports); Financial July 2014. Eastern Europe. Most recently he was the Times, Bloomberg News, Irish Times Mr. Zawada joined The Weekly staff at editor-at-large of the English-language (business news); Jane’s Intelligence (risk the time the paper had a full-time Kyiv weekly Kyiv Post, where he wrote more analysis); as well as other news publica- Press Bureau; he was the bureau chief in than 500 articles and was the co-winner tions, among them The Ukrainian Weekly February 2005-December 2007 and of the 2014 Missouri Honor Medal “for (in 2011). again in September 2008-June 2011. In superior journalism throughout the pub- Mr. Raczkiewycz is a native Chicagoan December 2011 he rejoined The Weekly lication’s history.” who was born and raised in the city’s as Kyiv correspondent, serving in that In June of this year he received an hon- Ukrainian Village neighborhood. He is a capacity until July 2014, when he became orable mention for best feature at the graduate of St. Norbert College in a free-lancer. Catholic Press Awards in St. Louis, Mo., Wisconsin, majoring in international Since October 2012, Mr. Zawada has for an article about the Ukrainian families business and language area studies in been a political analyst and editor at displaced by war that appeared in One, a Russian. He served as a U.S. Peace Corps Concorde Capital. Mark Raczkiewycz No. 30 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 5

THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FORUM UNA booth popular with festival-goers

Yuriy Symczyk Yuriy Symczyk KERHONKSON, N.Y. – The Ukrainian National Association’s booth at the Ukrainian Cultural Festival held at the Soyuzivka Heritage Center proved to be very popular with visitors. On Saturday, July 9, the booth was manned by staffers of the UNA Home Office (from left): Yuriy Symczyk, Oksana Stanko and Nina Bilchuk – all insurance profes- sionals. They were assisted at times by UNA Advisors Nicholas Fil and Luba Walchuk. Mr. Symczyk, the UNA’s deputy national secretary and fraternal coordinator, reported brisk traffic at the booth, as people came by for the latest infor- mation about the UNA – including its newly released magazine Guide to Life, as well as UNA goody bags and copies of the latest issues of its two newspapers, Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly. A major hit was the free face-painting for children that was the work of artist Athena Zhe, who is seen here at work on one young visitor, while another young Nataliya Symczyk guest shows off her new look.

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FOR THE RECORD The Ukrainian Weekly The GOP platform On the second anniversary As the Republican Party’s National Convention got under way this week in Ohio, there was deeply disturbing news about the party’s platform. As reported on July 18 of the downing of MH17 in The Washington Post by Josh Rogin, “The Trump campaign worked behind the scenes last week to make sure the new Republican platform won’t call for giving President of Ukraine friends of the MH17 victims. In October 2015, we welcomed the find- weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian and rebel forces, contradicting the view of President Petro Poroshenko issued a ings of the Dutch Safety Board in its final almost all Republican foreign policy leaders in Washington.” At the meeting of the statement on July 17 in Kyiv. national security platform committee, Mr. Rogin reported, a member “proposed a report on the cause of the MH17 crash. This platform amendment that would call for maintaining or increasing sanctions against Ukraine remembers every victim of the report validated that MH17 was shot down Russia, increasing aid for Ukraine and ‘providing lethal defensive weapons’ to the MH17 tragedy. Terrorism is inadmissible in by a surface-to-air missile. Our own assess- Ukrainian military.” Trump staffers intervened, got the matter tabled and then suc- any form and perpetrators of this tragedy ment has not changed – the missile was ceeded in scaling back the language to call for “appropriate assistance” instead of must be punished. fired from territory controlled by Russian- “lethal defensive weapons.” Civil aircraft Malaysian Boeing 777 was backed separatist forces in eastern Ukraine. As a result, the adopted platform now reads: “We support maintaining and, if shot down by Russian terrorists who used The United States continues to work warranted, increasing sanctions, together with our allies, against Russia unless and weaponry produced and supplied by with the Joint Investigation Team and law until Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity are fully restored. We also sup- Russia. A lot has been already done to bring enforcement authorities. We have full confi- port providing appropriate assistance to the armed forces of Ukraine and greater the criminals to justice. The Dutch Security dence that these professionals are conduct- coordination with NATO defense planning.” Council has conducted a comprehensive ing an impartial, credible, and comprehen- Readers will no doubt recall that Donald J. Trump, who is now the official GOP technical investigation into the causes of sive investigation that will form the basis of nominee for president, has expressed admiration for Russian President Vladimir the disaster. Criminal investigation of the an independent prosecution to bring the Putin, has said he would get along with him, and has opined that the war in Ukraine crime is now being completed under the perpetrators of this tragedy to justice. is “really a problem that affects Europe a lot more than it affects us.” His campaign auspices of the Office of the Prosecutor of chairman, Paul Manafort, was a lobbyist for Viktor Yanukovych, the Russian-backed the Netherlands. European Union ex-president of Ukraine; and he has other advisors who want to cozy up to Russia. Abusing the veto, Russia has blocked the Declaration by the High Representative Add to this Mr. Trump’s latest assertion that the U.S. would not automatically defend U.N. Security Council decision to establish Federica Mogherini on behalf of the its NATO allies in keeping with Article 5 obligations (when asked about the Baltic the international tribunal on the investiga- European Union, released on July 17. states, he said he would first consider an ally’s contributions to the alliance), and you tion of the MH17 tragedy, which is an indi- have a troublesome scenario. rect and logical proof of its involvement in The EU and its member states recall the Two longtime supporters of Ukraine – from opposite sides of the aisle – voiced the crime. However, jointly with our part- tragedy of flight MH17, which occurred on their deep concern about the GOP’s reversal. ners, we are doing everything necessary to 17 July 2014, and renew their sympathy to Sen. Rob Portman, Republican from Ohio, stated: “It is deeply troubling that spe- bring those guilty to justice. all those who have lost their loved ones. We cific language in the Republican Party platform calling for defensive lethal aid to Just as every Ukrainian, I share the pain all remember what happened two years Ukraine was removed in favor of watered-down language that means little. Russian of those who lost their beloved ones in the ago with sorrow and sadness. aggression in Ukraine and throughout the region represents a grave threat to the MH17 tragedy. And I will keep on fighting UNSC [United Nations Security Council] safety and security of our allies and to the values we hold dear both as Americans for every criminal responsible for this trag- Resolution 2166 demands that those and as Republicans. Failing to condemn Russia’s actions makes us complicit. Both edy to face a deserved and inevitable pun- directly or indirectly responsible for the parties have an obligation to stand up for freedom and democracy around the globe, ishment. downing of MH17 must be held account- and stand up to brutal dictators who are determined to undermine those ideals.” able and are brought to justice. The EU reit- Rep. Bill Pascrell, Democrat from our home state of New Jersey, said: “Donald U.S. Department of State erates its full support to the work of the Trump’s continued impacts on the Republican Party seem to know no bounds. I am Joint Investigation Team and the ongoing Press statement by Mark C. Toner, deputy shocked to learn his campaign worked behind the scenes to water down language efforts by the countries involved to come to supporting Ukraine’s fight against Russian and rebel forces in their party platform.” spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State, released in Washington on July 16. an effective prosecution. States that are in a He added, “It is time we stand up in support of the people of Ukraine who are fight- position to assist with the investigation and ing for their freedom.” Two years ago today, Malaysia Airlines prosecution of those responsible must fully Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a former candidate for the Republican nomination for Flight 17 was shot down over eastern cooperate with the ongoing criminal inves- president, has urged his party to reject Mr. Trump’s foreign policy ideas. The Post’s Ukraine, taking the lives of 298 innocent tigation. Mr. Rogin wrote on July 19: “Kasich’s most impassioned indirect attack was directed people from 11 countries. Our sympathy at Trump’s views on Russia, Ukraine and Vladimir Putin. He criticized the idea that and thoughts remain with the families and the United States should disregard Russian bad behavior and work with Russia (Continued on page 14) more.” He quoted Mr. Kasich as saying: “As long as I’m breathing air, I’m for arming the Ukrainians who want to fight for freedom.” To be sure, the administration of President Barack Obama also has declined to offer Ukraine the lethal defensive weapons it has sought. Furthermore, the presi- Quotable notes dent’s position goes against the bilateral support repeatedly expressed in Congress, “Donald Trump’s continued impacts on the Republican Party seem to know no as well as the advice of experts in his own administration. bounds. I am shocked to learn his campaign worked behind the scenes to water Still, the GOP platform and the Trump-Putin relationship are disquieting. Are the down language supporting Ukraine’s fight against Russian and rebel forces in their Republicans really abandoning Ukraine, as a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, party platform. As someone whose top aide has long and deep reported ties to pro- Jeffrey Gedmin, suggests? Russian politicians in Ukraine, and who had made cavalier compliments for brutal A note to readers: We write these words as the Republican convention enters its strongmen like President Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump’s rhetoric and actions shows last day. Next week, we’ll be staying tuned for the Democratic Party’s turn. he would be dangerous for protecting human rights and democracy across the globe. Instead of rolling back support for our allies in Ukraine that would strengthen Russia’s hand, it is vital the U.S. act to prevent Ukraine from descending further into chaos. It is time we stand up in support of the people of Ukraine who are fighting for July Turning the pages back... their freedom.” – U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-N.J.) commenting on reports about the Trump cam- Five years ago, on July 21, 2011, the National Aeronautic and paign’s reversal of the GOP’s anti-Russia stance on Ukraine. The comment was shared 21 Space Administration (NASA) announced it would be ending its by the congressman’s office on July 18. space shuttle program, following the landing of the Atlantis 2011 space shuttle (STS-135) – marking the last of the 135 space shut- “The United States must stand shoulder to shoulder with our ally Ukraine. We can- tle missions. not allow Russia’s aggression to go unchecked. There is overwhelming bipartisan Leonid Kadenyuk, a payload specialist with the National Space support in Congress for sending military aid to help Ukraine, and the fact that the Agency of Ukraine, who was the only Ukrainian citizen to fly into space on a U.S. space Obama administration continues to refuse to do so is outrageous. It is deeply trou- shuttle, expressed regret at the end of the 30-year-old program. bling that specific language in the Republican Party platform calling for defensive “I am sorry that this period is ending. These shuttles could have done a lot more inter- lethal aid to Ukraine was removed in favor of watered-down language that means lit- esting and valuable work in exploring space,” he told RFE/RL from his home in Kyiv. tle. Russian aggression in Ukraine and throughout the region represents a grave Mr. Kadenyuk made his space flight on NASA’s Columbia space shuttle in 1997, and said threat to the safety and security of our allies and to the values we hold dear both as the preparation for that flight itself was “the most interesting period of my life.” During the Americans and as Republicans. Failing to condemn Russia’s actions makes us com- mission, Mr. Kadenyuk conducted experiments designed to study how a weightless envi- plicit. Both parties have an obligation to stand up for freedom and democracy around ronment affects plant growth and biomass. While on Columbia, Mr. Kadenyuk orbited the the globe, and stand up to brutal dictators who are determined to undermine those earth 252 times, logging a total of 15 days, 16 hours and 34 minutes in space. ideals. I will continue to lead this fight in Congress and stand by our ally.” Mr. Kadenyuk was a former pilot who was selected for the Soviet cosmonaut team in 1976. However, he made his first and only flight into space only after Ukraine became – U.S. Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) in a statement released by his office on July 20. The independent and the U.S. government decided to support a joint space mission. He noted release also noted that when the senator was notified of the changes in the Republican that no Ukrainian citizen would be able to follow him into space, and blamed the Ukrainian Party platform, “he immediately and publicly objected to them in interviews with news media.” (Continued on page 12) No. 30 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 7

COMMENTARY From a Canadian Angle U.S. elections and Ukrainian American issues by Oksana Bashuk Hepburn

by Askold S. Lozynskyj the left, that NATO expansion to Eastern Europe has precipitated Russian aggres- With the upcoming elections in the sion. However, the facts bear out that in United States, particularly presidential and April 2008, at NATO’s Bucharest summit, congressional, Ukrainian American voters Ukraine and Georgia were to have received 125 years of Ukrainians in Canada should be raising issues of concern with the their NATO Membership Action Plan, but Nothing, absolutely nothing, convinces Ukrainian National Federation or the candidates. The purpose is to both inform did not because of German and French me more of the future of Ukrainians in Ukrainian Canadian Professional and the candidates about those issues and to let opposition. This did not deter Russia. In Canada than Lemon Bucket Orkestra’s Business Federation barely reach 1,000 each. the Ukrainian American electorate know the August 2008 Russia invaded Georgia, and “Counting Sheep,” a guerrilla folk opera In addition to the dramatic loss of mem- candidates’ positions. It seems to me that the in 2014 it invaded Ukraine. Yet Ukraine and staged in Toronto. bers, the Ukrainian community has been following issues should be of importance to Georgia are no closer to NATO membership The performance was phenomenal – losing its numerical position as a percent- the Ukrainian American voter. now than they were in 2008. Fortunately, and filled to capacity. The interactive cast age of Canadians. Personal and sectoral sanctions have had Russia has not invaded other East and audience sang, danced, battled, shout- Following World War II it was the fifth a significant effect on the Russian economy, European countries that have been afford- ed, threw bricks and wept. The mostly non- largest ethnic group in Canada after the but have not compelled Russia to withdraw. ed NATO membership. Given these histori- Ukrainian audience lived through the life Anglo-Celtic, French, German and Poles One of the reasons for this tepid success has cal facts, it appears that NATO membership cycle of Ukraine’s Revolution of Dignity in (many of the latter were in fact ethnic been that the economic woes have affected has proven to be a deterrent rather than a the 99-minute performance. Ukrainians from western Ukraine under the Russian population but not the oli- spur to Russian aggression. Ukraine, Believe it or not, real borsch was served Poland’s domain since 1919). Now, garchs. In particular, Vladimir Putin’s family Georgia and perhaps Moldova (which has a la the soup kitchens on Kyiv’s Maidan. Ukrainians lag far behind significant immi- and inner circle have been shielded by suffered from Russian aggression in the Then, the dining tables were overturned grations from India, Asia and elsewhere. Transdniester) should be afforded an expe- appropriating for themselves Russian and stashed into barricades. In dead Canada’s immigration policies do not dited MAP to NATO. The latest NATO sum- wealth and reserves. There is no ambiguity silence, the audience saw the carnage and support more Ukrainians for Canada. The mit in Warsaw was not scheduled to con- that Mr. Putin has been the main architect of became a cortege following the dead heroes preferred immigrants are those with this aggression and is calling all the shots. sider this option. – killed by the Russia-directed Berkut snip- $500,000 capital or those who have knowl- Existing sanctions should be extended, Since Russia invaded Ukraine in ers – down into the crypt. Then there was a edge of either official language. Most expanded and better enforced until the February 2014, the United Nations Security resurrection! But you must see the perfor- Ukrainians wishing to enter Canada neither complete withdrawal of Russian troops and Council has met more than 30 times on this mance for more. have such funds nor meet the English/ arms from all Ukrainian territory, including matter. The debate in every instance has “Counting Sheep” is being performed French language requirement. Crimea and the Donbas. Further, specific been pro-Ukraine, yet the U.N. has been next at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in This may be a discriminatory practice, personal sanctions, including the freezing of unable to act responsibly because of the Scotland. Get it for your city. according to the Canadian Charter of assets, should be targeted against Mr. Putin, Russian veto. Russia is one of five perma- If Mark and Marychka Marczyk – the Human Rights. It needs to be challenged in his family and his inner circle. nent members of the Security Council. power and talent behind countingsheep. the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Russia spends significantly on disinfor- Whenever any of the five members are com can accomplish some of the best the- Indeed, the entire matter of Ukrainians as a mation and propaganda. Peter Pomerantsev, themselves in violation of the U.N. Charter ater in Toronto, consider the potential of all founding people of Western Canada needs a Russian journalist and the son of former (e.g. through aggression, human rights vio- Ukrainian Torontonians – some 200,000. a solid study and far-reaching recommen- Soviet dissidents, has written a book on this lations, etc) they should be denied the Or the 1.3 million in Canada; 10 million in dations to the government of Canada. Our subject titled “Nothing is True and opportunity to cast a veto on whatever the community deserves such forward think- Everything is Possible.” While Russian dis- U.N. General Assembly decides. the diaspora worldwide; and the over 40 million in Ukraine. ing. Without a new government policy information may be unpersuasive to the These and perhaps other issues, such as acknowledging our rights – enshrined in informed individual, its frequency and the struggle against corruption, should be The human capacity is there; the leader- ship must lead. the Canadian Charter of Human Rights – widespread promulgation does have a sig- the focus of U.S. attention to Ukraine in the community will stagnate. This is a huge nificant effect on global public opinion. The both the short and long term. As it approaches its next congress mark- ing the 75th anniversary of its existence, leadership challenge. United States should address the specific I have been advised that the Ukrainian So is the need to increase membership. issue of countering Russian disinformation. Congress Committee of America, as the the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) needs to set guidelines for member organi- To date, there is little evidence that this is Too little has been done in this regard. central representative coordinating body of being addressed successfully by any mem- Since Russia invaded Ukraine in Ukrainian Americans is spearheading an zations to take Canadians of Ukrainian descent into the future. ber organization – church or secular. February 2014, Ukraine has suffered more effort in this regard. However, in order for Another challenge is the commonly than 10,000 casualties, both military and this effort to be effective, it requires the The UCC’s issues divide quite neatly: those dealing with the future of Ukrainians expressed view that “nobody wants to lead.” civilian. The United States has been of active participation of the Ukrainian Paul Grod has served as UCC president much assistance in the economic and American community. Given the danger in Canada and those designed to assist Ukraine. This piece deals with the former. since 2007. Knowledgeable individuals in humanitarian spheres. However, despite Russia poses to other East European coun- the UCC say he will stand for office again congressional authorization, the president tries as well, the same level of interest Although the UCC leadership claims to represent all Canadians of Ukrainian during the fall congress in Regina. As good has not been forthcoming in supplying extends to the East European community as one individual might be, the lack of new lethal weapons to Ukraine through NATO. in the United States. Former U.S. House of descent, some surveys indicate that only some 200,000 are part of the UCC umbrella blood in an organization is not always Goggles, blankets and vests are important, Representatives Speaker Tip O’Neill so con- healthy. No change means that the same but they are simply inadequate against cisely stated many years ago: “All politics is structure. This means that most Canadians claiming Ukrainian roots are not formally leader and his/her team occupy positions tanks, rockets and artillery shells. Defensive local.” Simply put, congressional and even of power to the exclusion of others. engaged. anti-tank and anti-aerial weapons are what presidential elections with the focus on Allowing the sitting president yet another The Ukrainian Churches comprise the Ukraine needs, as well as targeting systems electoral votes and winning swing states, term signals a trend towards exclusivity by largest memberships: the Ukrainian Greek- for taking down Russian launching plat- such as Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, the insider group, leaving others out of the Catholic Church leads with some 160,000 forms. Ukraine’s president has stated that make all politics essentially local. decision-making and leadership process. At members, while the Ukrainian Orthodox this is not strictly a Ukrainian war, since Elected officials listen to the voice of the the same time, the argument that there is Church claims some 50,000. The Ukrainian Russia has threatened not only Ukraine, but UCCA office in Washington or New York no one available to replace the incumbent Catholic Women’s League of Canada is the NATO – and not only with conventional because they perceive it to represent local hardly speaks to the vibrancy of the com- largest secular organization with over 4,000 arms but nuclear as well. Ukraine is willing Ukrainian American communities and vot- munity. A declared vacancy allows good members. Most memberships are smaller. to serve as the first line of defense and pro- ers. Let’s make our voice heard during the people to come forward. When it was There are about 1,500 in the Ukrainian tect Europe from Russian aggression, but election campaign. An active electorate can thought that theater with a Ukrainian Youth Association and 1,400 in Plast needs the tools to do so. be influential. An informed elected official theme was a non-starter for Canadian and Ukrainian Scouting Organization. Formerly It has been suggested, particularly on can be helpful. other audiences, the remarkable “Counting numerically strong organizations like the Sheep” stormed on stage. A similar “storm” League of Ukrainians in Canada and the is needed to re-energize the Ukrainian Kolomiets, Mr. Leshchenko, Mustafa community in Canada with new people and Young politicians... Nayyem, Vladislav Olenchenko, Ms. Oksana Bashuk Hepburn may be con- new ideas to mark the 125th anniversary Ptashnyk, Masksym Cherkasenko and Zoya (Continued from page 3) tacted at [email protected]. of Ukrainian settlement here. Buynytska. Svitlana Zalishchuk and Mr. to form a coalition in the Verkhovna Rada Hatsko were named as co-chairs. rather than compete with each other. According to the party’s Facebook page, * * * the congress declared that the The first party congress of the DemAlliance is “an open platform of unity Opinions in The Ukrainian Weekly Democratic Alliance, held on July 9, for the new type of politicians, whose pur- Opinions expressed by columnists, commentators and approved a new charter and policy docu- pose is to modernize Ukraine and develop ments, and tapped new leaders for the tran- in into a modern European state integrat- letter-writers are their own and do not necessarily reflect sitional term until the fall. Ms. Zalishchuk ed into the global economic and cultural the opinions of either The Weekly editorial staff or its and Mr. Hatsko were named as co-chairs of communities.” The party sees itself as a the party. Among the board members are platform for united democratic forces ori- publisher, the Ukrainian National Association. Oleg Derevianko, Andrii Dligach, Svitlana ented on reform. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 No. 30 No. 30 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 9 UCC congratulates Trudeau on historic visit to Ukraine UCC Koszarny (chair, UCC Ukraine Advisory Council); Jaroslaw Balan (chair, UCC Canada OTTAWA – The Ukrainian Canadian Ukraine Committee); Marc Shwec (chair, Congress (UCC) on July 13 congratulated Euromaidan Canada); Alexandra Chyczij Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada (Ukrainian Canadian Bar Association); on his historic visit to Ukraine, which took Cassian Soltykevych (president, Ukrainian place on July 10-12, and welcomed the Canadian Students Union); Gerald Luciuk announcement of additional Canadian sup- (chair, Saskatchewan-Ukraine Advisory port for Ukraine. Committee); Oksana Bondarchuk (presi- Prime Minister Trudeau was accompa- dent, UCC Manitoba Provincial Council) and nied by Canada’s Minister of International Orest Gawdyda (president, UCC Regina). Trade Chrystia Freeland, Member of On July 11, Prime Minister Trudeau, Parliament Borys Wrzesnewskyj (chair of accompanied by Minister Freeland, Mr. the Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Wrzesnewskyj and the UCC delegation visit- Friendship Group) and a delegation of com- ed the Babyn Yar Monument, the Park of munity leaders from the UCC led by UCC Eternal Glory and the Holodomor Monument National President Paul Grod. and Holodomor Commemoration Museum. The UCC delegation comprised: Renata The prime minister was then officially Roman (UCC national vice-president); UCC welcomed by Ukraine’s President Petro Zenon Potichnyj (president, Canada- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Minister Chrystia Freeland and Member of Parliament Ukraine Chamber of Commerce); Olena Borys Wrzesnewskyj with the Ukrainian Canadian Congress delegation in Kyiv. (Continued on page 16)

Meanwhile, Borsch Ventures, a Canadian Business Forum [in Toronto] and from facing that existential military challenge Canadian... initiative based in Kyiv that invests in Canadian businesses in Ukraine at events and working on an economic transforma- Ukrainian start-ups in the agriculture sec- surrounding the signing of the free trade tion at the same time is a really tall order (Continued from page 1) tor, is helping to expand the scope of one of agreement is that there is a real belief that and it’s important to recognize that.” those companies, eFarmer, which has Ukraine presents some terrific opportuni- drop tariffs on 86 percent of Canadian Optimism about Ukraine imports, with the rest to be phased out or designed a mobile app that uses GPS tech- ties and that reforms the Ukrainian govern- subject to tariff reductions over the next nology to help farmers track the location of ment is working on – which very much Still, the 47-year-old, Alberta-born seven years. Ukrainian tariffs will be elimi- their tractors and optimize the passes they include a serious anti-corruption drive – daughter of two lawyers remains optimistic nated on all Canadian industrial products – make on a field. are significant and meaningful,” she about her ancestral homeland. from automobiles and medical-testing Borsch and Washington, D.C.-based explained. “This is a great place for people Signing CUFTA on Canada’s behalf had a equipment, to industrial machinery, chemi- International Finance Corp. have invested and businesses looking for a highly educat- deep connection for Ms. Freeland, who was cals and plastics. $500,000 (about $388,000 U.S.) to help cre- ed workforce.” appointed international trade minister in Other Canadian exports that will be ate eFarmer 360°, a software application She said that President Poroshenko and November 2015, when Mr. Trudeau’s duty-free include fish and seafood, and a that will address “business management Prime Minister Groysman raised the issue Liberal Party won the federal election and range of agricultural products, such as needs of farmers and credit risk assess- of corruption and the government’s efforts formed a majority government. cranberries and cherries from British ment requirements of banks,” according to to crack down on it in meetings they had She explained that, “as a very proud Columbia, processed foods from Ontario the same Global Affairs backgrounder. with her and Prime Minister Trudeau. The Ukrainian Canadian,” affixing her signature and Quebec, potatoes from Prince Edward Finally, Canadore College in the northeast- subject was also raised when the official to the trade pact had “particular emotional Island, Prairie grains and pulses, apples ern Ontario city of North Bay signed an MOU Canadian delegation met with representa- resonance” and was a “great moment” for from Nova Scotia’s Annapolis Valley, beef with Ukraine’s National Aviation University tives from Ukrainian civil society organiza- her – and her family. and pork, pet food and animal feed, soy- that will facilitate student and faculty tions. Ms. Freeland’s late mother, Halyna beans and canola oil, and maple syrup. exchanges, along with the sharing of curricu- “Civil society in Ukraine is very strong Chomiak Freeland, was born in a displaced Meanwhile, Canada will eliminate tariffs la and exploring common areas of research. and is playing an important and essential persons camp in Germany when her on almost all (99.9 percent) Ukrainian Ms. Freeland said there is increasing role, and is one of the real drivers, of that Ukrainian Catholic parents – Mykhailo imports. interest in collaboration between Ukraine anti-corruption effort,” Minister Freeland Chomiak and Alexandra (Loban) Chomiak – Ukrainian products to have duty-free and Canada in information technology – a said. There is definitely a lot of work in that fled their home in western Ukraine before access to Canada include all industrial prod- space in which Google and Snapchat sphere, she said, adding, “The good news is World War II when “they knew the Soviets ucts, fish and seafood, sunflower oil, sugar acquired Ukrainian tech companies last year. that both the government and people of would invade,” Ms. Freeland told the and sweets, baked goods, vodka, clothing, Ukraine’s services sector holds some Ukraine really recognize that this is an Toronto Star last year. ceramics, iron and steel, and minerals. promise too, added the minister, who noted issue that needs to be addressed.” She said her maternal grandparents’ that Toronto-based Fairfax Financial She also underscored that Ukraine’s experience had a “very big effect” on her, Strengthened economic partnership Holdings Ltd. purchased Dublin-based QBE reform initiative is being conducted against and that “they were also committed to the Ms. Freeland noted that the Canada- Management Ltd.’s insurance operations in the backdrop of a war in the eastern part of idea, like most in the [Ukrainian] diaspora, Ukraine Business Forum, co-presented last Ukraine in 2015. the country. that Ukraine would one day be indepen- “When we look at what Ukraine is manag- dent and that the community had a respon- month in Toronto by Global Affairs Canada Concern about corruption (the federal government department of ing to do, it’s important to appreciate the cost sibility to the country they had been forced which she is a part) along with Mr. Kubiv’s Ms. Freeland acknowledged that corrup- in human lives, economic production and the to flee… to keep that flame alive.” ministry, highlighted the need to collabo- tion is a concern for some Canadians. hryvnia while maintaining a very significant As Canada’s top trade official – and one rate on bilateral trade and investment. “What I heard at the Canada-Ukraine military build-up,” Ms. Freeland said. “To be who speaks Ukrainian, along with Russian, “We believe, and Ukrainians agree with Italian, French and English fluently – Ms. us, that it’s important to start working Freeland carried a torch to Ukraine last together now, and that the trade agreement week that she hopes will bring greater eco- is one piece of a strengthened economic nomic independence and stability to a relationship,” she said. “It opens the door, nation ravaged by war and under constant but you have to have businesses ready and threat from its Russian neighbor. excited about walking through it.” During her visit, she also noticed a Several already are, as evidenced by change in the country where she once lived three smaller agreements finalized in Kyiv and studied, at the University of Kyiv as a on the same day Minister Freeland put her Harvard exchange student, and where she signature on the bilateral trade deal. began her journalistic career as a stringer The Berlin-based transportation arm of for the Financial Times, The Washington Canadian planes-and-trains maker Post and The Economist in the late 1980s. Bombardier Inc. signed a memorandum of “Ukraine is more united and more understanding (MOU) with state-run determined than at any time I’ve seen it,” Ukrainian Railways – Europe’s largest rail- said Ms. Freeland, who first traveled to the cargo operator – to collaborate on a joint country in 1980. “There has been a big venture to make locomotives that can not transformation over the past three years – only be procured in Ukraine, but potentially a uniting of Ukrainian society. The elsewhere in Eastern Europe and Central Ukrainian people are taking responsibility Asia as well, according to a Global Affairs for themselves and their country.” Adam Scotti/Prime Minister’s Office Canada backgrounder. It said the strategic She said the 2014 popular uprising on A historic moment: Canadian International Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland, a Kyiv’s Maidan “was called the Revolution of partnership has the support of Ukraine’s Ukrainian Canadian, has just signed the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement with Dignity for a reason, because it was about Infrastructure Ministry and involves pro- Ukraine’s First Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and ducing locomotives in Ukraine’s Lviv region Trade Stepan Kubiv. Looking on are Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada, and people taking charge of their own lives. And to help “revive the transportation and man- President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman of Ukraine. you can really see that and people are ufacturing industries” there. The signing took place in Kyiv on July 11. aware of that.” 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 No. 30

Ksju Ksju Kami Photography Andrii Skakodub Wounded soldiers Ihor Petruk and Andriy Muzychenko of Ukraine with members of The Kyiv Committee of Chicago was presented with a flag of Kyiv; in exchange, a the U.S. military. flag of Chicago was presented to the city of Kyiv. Kyiv Committee honors the armed forces and welcomes a heavyweight champion mayor

by the Rev. Myron Panchuk Father Mykola Buryadnyk, pastor of St. Joseph Ukrainian Catholic Church, has been CHICAGO – The Kyiv Committee of Sister assisting wounded soldiers from the onset Cities International, under the leadership of of the Russian war in Ukraine by helping to Chair Vera Eliashevsky, has embarked upon place qualifying candidates in rehab centers one of its busiest summers ever. The year in Chicago. Through the efforts of Father 2016 not only coincides with the 25th anni- Mykola and his parish, financial assistance versary of Ukraine’s independence, but also is also being provided for the family mem- with the 25th anniversary of the founding bers of deceased and missing soldiers and of a sister cities relationship between Kyiv to those internally displaced by the Russian and Chicago. invasion of the Donbas. The Heritage Two recent Kyiv Committee events merit Foundation of 1st Security Savings Bank special recognition: the Armed Forces donated $10,000 for the needs of this event. Memorial Day Weekend Run and the visit Three soldiers from Ukraine, Volodymyr of Mayor Vitali Klitschko. Hera, Ihor Petruk and Andriy Muzychenko, The Kyiv Committee was chosen as an are undergoing physical rehabilitation in official participating charity of the Soldier the Chicagoland area. Special T-shirts Field 10-Mile Run held on Saturday, May 28. emblazoned with the words “God Help Sponsored by Fleet Feet Sports, this year’s Ukraine” and “God Bless America” were run encouraged Ukrainian Americans to printed for the run and are still available for create their own team, Friends of Ukraine, purchase through the Kyiv Committee and take part as runners and volunteers. Facebook page or email via ekinnham- As noted by Lev Holubec, business chair [email protected]. Proceeds of of the Kyiv Committee, “Our goal was to the commemorative T-shirt sales will be raise awareness of Ukraine’s continued fully allocated to assist the needs of the Andrii Skakodub fight for its independence and honor the aforementioned rehabilitating soldiers. Mayors Rahm Emanuel and Vitali Klitschko signed a reaffirmation of the sister city U.S.-Ukraine military relationship. It also Kyiv Mayor Klitschko, a world heavy- agreement between Chicago and Kyiv on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the allowed us to launch this new concept, weight boxing champion, visited Chicago to relationship and agreed on future partnership opportunities between their cities. which we will develop over the foreseeable attend a roundtable hosted by Mayor Rahm future with an ultimate goal to launch a Emanuel on Wednesday, June 1, that dis- A community meeting at the Ukrainian their sister Lybid back at the turn of the similar race in Kyiv to honor the sacrifices cussed the power and limitations of global Cultural Center moderated by Marta Farion sixth century. Lisa Sambor, a Chicago-born of Ukrainian armed forces.” cities and their capacity to address global commenced with the Hromovytsia Dance artist, presented the mayor of Kyiv a ceramic More than 50 runners and volunteers challenges. This roundtable was in conjunc- Ensemble ceremoniously greeting Mayor sunflower in honor of his visit. assembled for this Friends of Ukraine inau- tion with the second annual Chicago Forum Klitschko with a traditional korovai. The two Mayor Klitschko met with the board of gural, including Larysa Gerasko, the consul on Global Cities hosted by the Chicago cities exchanged their city flags in commem- directors of Selfreliance Ukrainian general of Ukraine in Chicago, and her Council on Global Affairs. Mayors Emanuel oration of the 25th anniversary of the Kyiv- American Federal Credit Union and mem- entire consular staff. and Klitschko leveraged this opportunity to Chicago sister city relationship. Mayor bers of the Heritage Foundation of 1st The Soldier Field Run celebrates the ser- co-sign a document reaffirming Chicago Klitschko was presented with a Friends of Security Savings Bank. He also visited with vice and supports the needs of the U.S. and Kyiv’s sister city relationship. Ukraine T-shirt and in return presented an Michael Polsky, president and chief execu- Armed Forces. The race takes place on Consul General Gerasko and Ms. autographed copy of “Kyiv – My Love Book” tive officer of Invenergy and the AJC— Memorial Day weekend, appropriate to Eliashevsky were responsible for organiz- depicting beautiful photographs of scenic Global Jewish Advocacy. express gratitude to soldiers who have ing an intense schedule for Mayor Klitschko and historic locations. These charming land- A highlight of the Kyiv mayor’s tour of given their lives for freedom and democra- that included visits to the Ukrainian scapes are favorites of Mayor Klitschko, who Chicago was a visit to St. Nicholas Cathedral cy. This year, financial help was extended to National Museum and the Ukrainian relayed the legend of the founding of Kyiv by School. School Principal Anna Cirilli, Vice- wounded soldiers from Ukraine. Institute of Modern Art. three brothers: Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv and Principal Lisa Swytnyk and Kyiv Committee Chair of Education Motria Melnyk welcomed Mayor Klitschko at the entryway to the school. They escorted him inside and led the mayor to the school auditorium, where the entire student body was assembled to sing the national anthems of the U.S. and Ukraine and perform a delightful program of Ukrainian and American song and verse. Mayor Klitschko shared with the school- children the importance of focusing on edu- cation, learning multiple languages and developing a dream then working relent- lessly to pursue and realize. The school is an official exchange school with Harmonia School in Kyiv. Mayor Klitschko was a guest on NPR’s “Worldview” hosted by Jerome McDonald, where he stressed Ukraine’s geopolitical significance and the importance of continu- ing to support its European trajectory. “We Andrii Skakodub do not want to go back to the Soviet Union,” Students, teachers and staff of St. Nicholas Cathedral School welcome Mayor Vitali Klitschko. Mayor Klitschko stated. No. 30 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 11

Christine Syzonenko Christine Syzonenko Behind the scenes: Ukrainian Cultural Festival 2016

KERHONKSON, N.Y. – The 10th annual Ukrainian Cultural Festival at the Soyuzivka Heritage Center was yet another successful mega-event, as documented in last week’s issue with a story and full-color centerfold of photos. Working behind the scenes were scores of people who contributed to that success. Seen here, beginning with the top row from left: a dancer chats with her friends before the show; a trio of dancers ready for their performances; bartenders on the Tiki deck; Ukrainian National Foundation officers Roma Lisovich and Stefan Kaczaraj compare notes; Anya Bohachevsky Lonkevych supervises a dancer who is unloading costumes; the Razom for Ukraine group at the festival; a worker uncovers the stage, which had been cov- ered with a tarp in case of rain; some of the wait staff during the Friday evening fund-raising gala; members of the group Udech take a break between performances. Soyuzivka/Facebook Christine Syzonenko

Christine Syzonenko Nestor Muzychka Christine Syzonenko

Christine Syzonenko Christine Syzonenko 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 No. 30

right to defend itself. Parts of Ukraine, as we important symbol that the United States region. “On average, every attack lasts for at NEWSBRIEFS know, are illegally occupied. So our aim with continues to stand with the people of least 30 minutes and can last for up to two this bill is rooted in America’s non-recogni- Ukraine and lead the international commu- hours. That’s how it was yesterday,” Col. (Continued from page 2) tion policies during the 50-year Soviet occu- nity in support for the peace, security and Lysenko said. Separatist leaders have Canadian Military Engineers in 1986. He pation of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. This freedom that they deserve.” The letter accused Ukrainian troops of intensifying has held numerous command appoint- bill links any sanctions relief to Russia fulfill- expressed the commitment of the Congress shelling on separatist-held territory. (RFE/ ments and most recently served as com- ing its obligations under the Minsk to work with President Obama on contin- RL, based on reporting by Reuters and AFP) mander of the Canadian Forces Intelligence Agreement, as well as making Crimea- ued support for Ukraine. The letter was Russia to deploy anti-missile defense Command and as deputy commander of the related sanctions permanent so long as the sent before President Obama traveled to Canadian Army. His decorations include the Russian occupation there continues. It also Warsaw for the NATO summit on July 7-9. MOSCOW – Russia plans to deploy the Meritorious Service Medal and the Afghan tightens sanctions enforcement with a new (Office of Rep. Brendan Boyle) advanced S-400 missile-defense system in Baryal Medal (First Class). (Ukrainian anti-evasion framework and requires regu- USAF secretary’s meetings in Kyiv the occupied Ukrainian region of Crimea. Canadian Congress) lar reports on banks illegally controlling The deputy commander of the Russian Ukrainian assets – particularly Russian KYIV – U.S. Secretary of the Air Force Army’s 18th Air Defense Regiment, based in Yovanovitch confirmed as ambassador banks in Crimea. Additionally, this bill tries Deborah Lee James departed Kyiv on July Feodosia, told Russian media on July 15 that WASHINGTON – Marie L. Yovanovitch of to drive new private-sector investment to 15 following meetings with Ukraine the state-of-the-art system should be Connecticut, a career member of the Senior Ukraine, clamps down on Russia buying defense department leaders in which they deployed by August. It is unclear whether Foreign Service, class of minister-counselor, defense equipment or services from our discussed support and cooperation they will replace or augment the S-300 sys- was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on July 14 NATO allies, targets human rights abuses in between the U.S. and Ukrainian air forces. tems currently deployed there. The S-400 is to be the new ambassador extraordinary and Russian-occupied areas, and calls for a strat- Following her meetings, Secretary James capable of tracking some 300 targets and plenipotentiary of the United States of egy to push back against Russian propagan- said, “I had very informative conversations engaging three dozen simultaneously. It has America to Ukraine. Ambassador Marie da.” Rep. Engle added, “We need to send a with Acting Minister of Defense Rusnak a range of several hundred kilometers. Yovanovitch replaces Geoffrey Pyatt, who message to the people of Ukraine that we and Lt.-Gen. Drozdov on where we should Russia annexed the Ukrainian Black Sea pen- was confirmed as the new U.S. ambassador stand with them, and to Putin that his focus cooperation between our air forces. insula in March 2014, a move widely reject- to Greece. The nominations were passed by aggression and bullying won’t go unan- The support that the Ukrainian air force ed by the international community. The voice vote before Congress left Washington swered.” (Office of Rep. Eliot L. Engel) provides to U.N. and NATO missions around Crimean port of Sevastopol is the home base for a seven-week recess. Ms. Yovanovitch the world contributes to global security of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet. (RFE/RL, based Congressmen urge Obama to visit Ukraine previously served as U.S. ambassador to and helps promote international stability.” on reporting by RIA-Novosti and AFP) On July 14, Secretary James met with Armenia and Kyrgyzstan and was deputy WASHINGTON – Rep. Brendan F. Boyle Acting Minister of Defense Ivan Rusnak; Russia accuses OSCE monitor of spying chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv in (R-Pa.) and the House Ukraine Caucus co- 2001-2004. (U.S.-Ukraine Business Council) Commander of the Air Force, Ukrainian KYIV – Russia’s main security agency, chairs, Reps. Marcy Kaptur, Sander Levin Armed Forces Lt.-Gen. Serhiy Drozdov; and Michael Fitzpatrick, led a letter to the FSB, has said it detained a Ukrainian Committee OKs STAND for Ukraine bill Director of the Department of Military employed by international ceasefire moni- President Barack Obama urging him to visit Policy, Strategic Planning and International WASHINGTON – Rep. Eliot L. Engel, rank- tors, accusing him of spying on Kremlin- Ukraine prior to the end of his term. Fifteen Cooperation, Gen.-Maj. Anatolii Petrenko; ing member of the House Committee on members of the U.S. House of backed separatists in Ukraine’s war-torn and Acting First Deputy Chief of the east. The Federal Security Service said on Foreign Affairs, on July 14 welcomed approv- Representatives joined in on signing the General Staff Gen.-Maj. Victor Nazarov. In July 18 that the man, Artem Shestakov, al by the committee of his comprehensive June 23 letter. This bipartisan effort under- addition, the USAF secretary visited the worked as an interpreter for the Special legislation to address the ongoing crisis in scores that a visit by the president to Antonov Aeronautics Company facility. Monitoring Mission to Ukraine with the Ukraine. The STAND for Ukraine Act Ukraine would highlight and enhance the Secretary James’ visit to Ukraine is part of a Organization for Security and Cooperation (H.R.5094), which he and Rep. Adam strategic partnership between the two regional tour to advance security coopera- in Europe (OSCE). The FSB charged that, Kinzinger (R-Ill.) introduced in April along countries, as well as enhance the strong tion of the United States and discuss the while working in separatist-controlled ter- with a bipartisan group of 15 members, clar- cooperation needed to implement reforms war on terror and other security concerns. ritory in the eastern Luhansk region, Mr. ifies the U.S. position on Russia’s illegal occu- in Ukraine. “During President Obama’s “Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and occu- Shestakov had collected intelligence infor- pation of Crimea, tightens sanctions on term, the Ukrainian people have endured pation and attempted annexation of Crimea mation for the Security Service of Ukraine Russia and drives new innovations to pro- tumultuous times from the Maidan remain a great concern to all of us and (SBU). “Specifically, he divulged data on the vide support for Ukraine. Rep. Engel on July Revolution, the annexation of Crimea by threatens our shared vision of a Europe movement of military equipment and man- 14 delivered the following statement in sup- Russia and the invasion of Eastern that is whole, free, and at peace. Our goal is power, the locations of military units and port of his legislation: “The legislation Ukraine,” said Rep. Boyle. “A visit by to deepen the relationship between our air their commanders’ telephone numbers to underscores America’s support for Ukraine’s President Obama would represent an forces and assist Ukraine in becoming fully Kyiv,” the FSB said. The agency said that it NATO interoperable by 2020,” Secretary detained Shestakov on Russian territory, James said. (U.S. Embassy Kyiv) though it didn’t specify where or when. Seven Ukrainian soldiers killed in east including passing on information about KYIV – Ukraine said seven government PavelАnd it Dryomov, said he ahad separatist confessed Cossack to spying, leader TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL Walter Honcharyk (973) 292-9800 x3040 soldiers have been killed in the past 24 in Luhansk who it claimed was killed by or e-mail [email protected] hours in clashes with pro-Russia separatists Ukrainian security services on December in the country’s east, making July the deadli- 12. The agency said it later released est month for the Ukrainian military in Shestakov, and sent him back to Ukraine, SERVICES PROFESSIONALS nearly a year. Ukrainian military spokesman because his activities did not undermine Andriy Lysenko said another 14 soldiers Russia’s security. Oleksandr Tkachuk, the were also wounded. It is the highest daily SBU’s chief of staff, told RFE/RL that the death toll since Ukraine reported seven of claims are “complete nonsense,” and he its soldiers killed on May 24. The surge of said the fact that Mr. Shestakov was violence recently comes in spite of an released “indirectly confirms his inno- 18-month-old peace deal known as the cence.” Alexandra Taylor, an OSCE spokes- Minsk agreement, which imposed a cease- woman, would not confirm Mr. Shestakov fire in eastern Ukraine. Col. Lysenko said the was in fact the monitor in question, but pro-Russia separatists had been firing high- said that the FSB report made it clear he caliber mortars at government positions. He was the person detained. She said Mr. said hot spots included the separatist-con- Shestakov was likely detained in the past trolled town of Horlivka and the outskirts of three days while on leave. (Christopher СТЕФАН ВЕЛЬГАШ separatist-controlled eastern Luhansk Miller of RFE/RL) Ліцензований Продавець FOR SALE Страхування Життя STEPHAN J. WELHASCH July 29, 1958, after the U.S. Congress Licensed Life Insurance Agent Turning... passed legislation and President Dwight D. Lviv – 3-room apartment (plus Ukrainian National Assn., Inc. Eisenhower formally inaugurated the space kitchen and bath) for sale in center (Continued from page 6) 548 Snyder Ave., Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 organization. Many observers suggested close to Ivan Franko National Tel.: 908-508-1728 • Fax: (973) 292-0900 government, which, in his view, was using that the establishment of NASA was a sign University. Measures 65 square e-mail: [email protected] “4 to 5 percent” of Ukraine’s space industry that the U.S. was committed to winning the meters. Parking space in courtyard, potential. “space race” against the Soviets. This was basement space (8.0 square Since the beginning of the first space OPPORTUNITIES also in response to early U.S. failed attempt meters) for owner’s use. Tel. in Lviv: shuttle launch on April 12, 1981, 355 indi- at the Vanguard satellite program. By the Bohdan, +38(067)701 8654 viduals from 16 countries have flown 852 time Neil Armstrong landed on the moon Earn extra income! times aboard the U.S. shuttles. Five of the on July 20, 1969, NASA declared that the shuttles have traveled more than 542 mil- space race was over. The Ukrainian Weekly is looking Run your advertisement here, lion miles and hosted more than 2,000 for advertising sales agents. experiments. Other NASA shuttles included Sources: “Astronaut from Ukraine sad to in The Ukrainian Weekly’s For additional information contact Endeavor, Discovery and Challenger, which see end of U.S. space shuttle program,” (RFE/ CLASSIFIEDS section. Walter Honcharyk, Advertising Manager, exploded during its maiden launch in 1986. RL), The Ukrainian Weekly, August 5, 2011. The Ukrainian Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext 3040. NASA was established 68 years ago, on ( No. 30 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 13 Ukrainians ‘inhabit’ Lenin’s shadow on site of toppled statue in Kyiv by Christopher Miller effort to break free from the country’s RFE/RL Soviet past. It includes renaming dozens of Ділимося сумною вісткою, cities, squares, and roads, and removing KYIV – Andriy Turchenko was a boy of 7 communist symbols, like the hammer and що 1 липня 2016 року or 8 when his father brought him to the sickle, from buildings and landmarks. з волі Всевишнього на 79-му році життя statue of Vladimir Lenin on Kyiv’s Taras Kateryna Filyuk, the guest curator відійшов у вічність наш найдорожчий Shevchenko Boulevard in the 1990s, a few behind “Inhabiting Shadows” and “Social ЧОЛОВІК, ТАТО, ДІДО, БРАТ і ВУЙКО years after the Soviet collapse, to teach him Contract,” tells RFE/RL that the idea behind about the Bolshevik leader’s legacy. the Lenin plinth exhibition was to create св. п. “He was feeling nostalgic,” Mr. Turchenko something that would contribute to the recalls. public dialogue about decommunization. д-р РОДІОН ПАЛАЖІЙ This week, Mr. Turchenko returned with Public reaction to “Inhabiting Shadows” his own son, Oleksandr, 5, for an updated has been mostly positive, Ms. Filyuk says. ДЕРМАТОЛОГ history lesson – and a selfie on the spot She recalls one older woman who remem- where Lenin long stood. The statue is gone, bered taking her oath as a member of the нар. 20 березня 1938 року pulled down by protesters during Ukraine’s Pioneers – a Communist Party youth group Euro-Maidan revolution in 2013, and the – in front of the monument over 60 years Родіон служив в американській армії, осягнув ранґу Майора. plinth it occupied for 67 years is empty. ago. The woman told her that standing Був лікарем-дерматологом 45 років в Пармі, Огайо. But thanks to a temporary art installa- there today “was a nice way to say good- tion that put a staircase in place to allow bye” to the former Soviet leader. ПАРАСТАС відбувся в четвер, 7 липня 2016 року. people to ascend to the pedestal, But some have complained that the ПОХОРОННІ ВІДПРАВИ відбулися 8 липня 2016 року Ukrainians are getting a chance to stand in exhibit doesn’t fit in with its surroundings. в Українській католицькій катедрі св. Йосафата. Lenin’s shoes, so to speak. “Aesthetically, it doesn’t look nice,” Ms. Filyuk Похований на цвинтарі церкви св. Андрея в Пармі, Огайо. “I told Sasha,” Mr. Turchenko says, using says. “But that’s absolutely not the point.” a diminutive of his son’s name, “Lenin’s While tearing Lenin down took minutes У глибокому смутку: absence means Ukraine is free.” – and a winch – replacing Lenin has дружина – ОРИСЯ з Волчуків They snapped a photo of themselves to become a contentious issue that remains доні – МАРТА ПАЛАЖІЙ RHEA, чоловік MARK celebrate that freedom. unresolved. More than two years later, і діти Катя і Матвій Родіон Titled “Inhabiting Shadows,” the exhibit there has been no public consensus about by Mexican artist Cynthia Gutierrez what should occupy the plinth. – АНЯ ПАЛАЖІЙ О’NEAL, чоловік CLEDE “intends to provoke a discussion and reflec- It was briefly occupied by a golden toilet сестра – ДІОНІЗІЯ БРОЧИНСЬКА tion about imposed memory, system fail- in February 2014, a nod to rumors that сестрінки – СТЕФЦЯ JENNY, чоловік JASON з родиною ure, emptiness, identity, and occupying Viktor Yanukovych, the former president – КЛЯВДІЯ TRAMELL, чоловік ROSS з родиною space,” according to the artist’s description. who fled Kyiv the same month, had шваґер – МИКОЛА ГОЛІЯН, дружина ДЗВІНКА Organized by the Izolyatsia Center for installed one at his gauche riverside estate сестрінок – ОЛЕСИК ГОЛІЯН, дружина ДАРІЯ з родиною Cultural Initiatives, an art collective that outside the capital. родини – БАСЛЯДИНСЬКІ, МАТВІЇШИН і ФЕДИНСЬКІ relocated from war-torn Donetsk to Kyiv Earlier in July, before Gutierrez’s steps та родина в Канаді й Україні. after fighting broke out in 2014, “Inhabiting went up, someone topped the column with Shadows” was part of a larger exhibition a small statue of the Virgin Mary. But like Вічна Йому пам’ять! called “Social Contract,” which aims to spur Lenin, it also came crashing down. discussion about public symbols. (“Social The urban planning and culture depart- Contract” is on display at the Izolyatsia ments in the Kyiv city government have Center in Kyiv through August 24.) struggled to come up with something per- Вічная Пам’ять Марко! Anti-government and pro-European manent that would please everyone. protesters dragged down the Lenin monu- “If there were a hero recognized by all ment and smashed it to pieces with sledge- parts of Ukrainian society, I think his figure hammers on December 8, 2013, during the would be standing there already,” says Maidan protests that drove a Russian-allied Filyuk, who sees no point in rushing to fill president from power the following the space. “It should remain empty. It’s February. For many Ukrainians, Lenin’s fall already a strong symbol – an empty pedes- was a symbol of Kyiv’s rejection of tal,” she adds. Moscow’s long-standing influence over Mr. Turchenko, the father who took a Ukraine and affirmation of its citizens’ right selfie with his son, suggests using the ped- to self-determination. estal for rotating exhibits. “So it can be It set in motion what would come to be changed as we change,” he says. known as the “Leninopad,” or “Felling of the Lenins.” At least 1,221 Lenin monuments Copyright 2016, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted around Ukraine have since been demol- with the permission of Radio Free Europe/ Marko Tkach, a passionate husband, father and brother, was called ished, according to, which Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, home by the Lord Jesus on Thursday, June 9th, 2016. Marko was 45. tracks their removal. Washington DC 20036; (to Marko, a life loving, social and patriotic man, fought a œ erce and The demolition of Lenin monuments is a read the full story, see courageous 20 month battle against glioblastoma (an aggressive brain microcosm of Ukraine’s controversial poli- content/ukraine-lenin-installation-site-top- tumor). cy of “decommunization” – a post-Maidan pled-monument/27854301.html). Marko was born and raised in Philadelphia, attending Immaculate Conception Grade School, Father Judge High School, Temple University and LaSalle University (where he earned his MBA). Most recently, Marko was employed as an Associate Director of Accounting with Mathematica Stephan Chorney Inc. in Princeton, NJ. Marko was passionately involved in family life, the Born July 28, 1923. Died May 25, 2016 Ukrainian community, Philadelphia sports and working on and racing his Dodge Charger. The Executive Committee Marko is survived by his wife Raissa, sons Andrew (7) and Roman (6), of the Ukrainian National Association twin brother Adrian (Erica), nephew Nicholas, niece Nina and extended regrets to announce to the Members of the General Assembly, family and relatives in America, Brazil and Ukraine. He is predeceased by to members of Branch 401 in Toronto, ON, and to the UNA his parents Rosa (Velechko) and Walter Tkach. membership at large that Stephan Chorney, Secretary of Branch 401 for 38 years, died on Wednesday, May 25, 2016, at age 92. Family, friends and colleagues paid their respects to Marko on Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic The Executive Committee and the entire UNA membership express Church. Marko was laid to rest at Lawnview Cemetery, Rockledge, PA. their sincerest sympathy to his wife, Soœ e, his children, grandchildren Donations in Marko’s memory may be made to the Ukrainian-American and great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Friday, May 27, Youth Association, 700 Cedar Rd., Jenkintown, PA. 19046. 2016, in Toronto. Contributions to a fund for Andrew and Roman can be made through Mr. Chorney will always be remembered as a most dedicated UNA’er. Eternal memory. Rest in Peace Marko!!! 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 No. 30

ПОДЯКА На куполи Катедри св. Йосафата: $100.- Стефан та Ірена Зенчак; З волі Всевишнього, 11 лютого 2016 pоку відійшов до свого Творця $50. – Орест і Марія Небеш; після довголітньої недуги, наш найдорожчий По $25. – Мирон і Марія Антонів; Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kravec і незабутній Чоловік, Батько, та Дідо $20. – Богдан Самокишин На Пластову Оселю Писаний Камінь дарували: св. п. По $1,000. – д-р Ігор і Марта Воєвідка; Корнило і Тетяна Раковські; Марко і Катерина Раковські; Христина Гірняк Раковська; Ярема Раковський По $500. – Константин і Таня Воєвідка; Ксеня Кузьмич; По $200. – інж. Адріян і проф. Марта Галяревич; д-р філософії По $150. – д-р Данило і Уляна Кузьмич з Ніною; Юрій і Ляриса Кузьмич з Надею; д-р Нестор і Аніза Шуст; Люба Чолган; д-р Олександер і Дарія професор історії та політології Якубович $125. – Арета і Надя Ґолембйовські; Глибоку вдячність висловлюємо всечеснішим отцю каноніку Андрію По $100. – д-р Володимир і Лідія Базарко; д-р Марко і Маруся Бей; д-р Гановському та нашому двоюрідному братові, отцю Маркові Гірняку, за Юрій і Оксана Годованець; Олександер і Дарія Голіян; Орест і Наталя всі їхні Святі Літургії, молитви та слова розради впродовж затяжної важ- Голубець; д-р Андрій і Христина Жура; Мирон і Ореста Задойні; д-р Ігор кої недуги покійного; а отцю каноніку Гановському ми безмірно вдячні і Арета Захарій; Рома і Нестор Кассараба; д-р Юрій і Дарія Кульчицькі; за часті відвідини в лікарні та постійну, теплу душпастирську опіку. Док- Марта Леґецкіс з родиною; Віра і Френк Моллс; Лярісса Музичка; д-р тору Тарасові Маглаю та Dr. Allen Kline безмежно вдячні ми за довголіт- Евген і Ліда Небеш; д-р Юрій і Мирослава Оришкевич; д-р Родіон і Ори- ній зразковий, дбайливий медичний догляд. Нашим дорогим друзям, ся Палажій; Юрій і Арета Полянські; проф. Юрій і Віра Попель; Тарас і які своїми відвідинами, розмовами, та гумором вносили сенс нормаль- Лярисса Попель; Роман і Христина Раковські та Стефанія Балагутрак; ності в нашу буденність – щире спасибі. д-р Мирослав і Зорянна Смородські; Тарас і Кетерина Шмаґала; Ігор і За похоронні відправи складаємо щиру подяку отцю мітрату Михайлу Марія Федьків; суддя Богдан і Мирослава Футей; Марко і Дарія Якубо- Ревтюкові, отцю каноніку Андрію Гановському, отцю Богдану Барицько- вич; д-р Олександер і д-р Марта Якубович; му, отцю Маркові Гірняку, як рівнож дякові катедри святого Йосафата, По $50. – Олег і Ніля Бендюк; Олександер і Христина Брожина; Ілля п. Ярославу Завадівському. Зокрема сердечно дякуємо отцю каноніку і д-р Дарія Войтина; Юрій Галяревич; Марта Ковч; Стів і Тетяна Кос- Гановському за ласкаві прощальні слова під час похорону. мос; Данило і д-р Романа Кульчицькі; Данило і Адріанна Лісовські; д-р Олександра і д-р Дейвид Ниршл; д-р Богдан і Христина Піхурко; Ро- Також дуже дякуємо пластунці сен. п. Дарії Ковч-Якубович за прощан- ман і Ляриса Попадюк; Матей і Ксеня Раковські; Роман і Мирослава ня від Пласту; як і нашому двоюрідному братові, професору Юрієві По- Стефанюк; Оленка і Тарас Топорович; Андрій і Христина Фединські; пелю, за теплі родинні спогади після парастасу. Дякуємо сердечно судді Петро Фединський Богдану Футею, професору Андрію Фединському, та нашій двоюрідній $40. – Богдан і Фуня Лішнянські сестрі Ксені Кузьмич за їхні особисті спогади під час тризни, якими під- $30. – д-р Юрій і Наталка Оришкевич креслили вони погідну та товариську вдачу покійного Яреми. По $25. – Марк і Надя Драбяк; д-р Назар і Оля Калівошко; Ольга Ка- Належно також скласти особливу подяку Ukrainian American Veterans лушка; Лев і Аретка Кульчицькі; Любомира Лобур; д-р Марк і д-р Мар- Post 24 за численну участь в похоронних обрядах та за останню по- та Рей; Іван і Анна Слободян; Роман Федьків; інж. Василь і Олена Хмі- честь, яку віддали побратимові, як також за зворушливі ритуальні вій- ляк; Роман і Андрея Якубович ськові прощання та почесть на цвинтарі. На УКУ: Всім нашим дорогим рідним і приятелям – а тим більше тим, які при- По $1,000. –д-р Ігор і Марта Воєвідка; д-р Борис Раковський; Христи- їхали з далеких сторін – сердечно дякуємо, що враз з нами відпрова- на Гірняк Раковська дили св.п. Ярему в його останню путь та були з нами в цих тяжких для $500. – Константин і Таня Воєвідка нас хвилинах. Дякуємо за молитви, піддержку, співчуття та участь в по- $400. – інж. Роман та Іванна Боднарук з родиною хоронних обрядах; за чудові квіти, якими вкрили могилу та прикрасили По $250. – Ксеня Кузьмич; д-р Юрій і Марта Сай катедру святого Йосафата; за Святі Літургії за вічний упокій благородної $200. – інж. Ігор і Віра Вальницькі з родиною душі бл. п. Яреми. Дякуємо сердечно Фундації УКУ за Святу Літургію від- $150. – Люба Чолган служену в університетській каплиці. Невимовно вдячні ми нашим ро- По $100. – д-р Зенон і Мирослава Голубець; д-р Діонізій та Оксана Де- дичам та друзям за їхню щедрість на добродійні громадські цілі, якою мянчук; д-р Дзвінка Кришталович; д-р Богдан та Ільзе Купчак; д-рТарас вшанували нашого дорогого бл. п. Ярему. Шмаґала та Helen Jarem, J.D.; інж. Юрій та Ірена Хухра Квітами прощали покійного: BBDO; д-р Ігор і Марта Воєвідка з ро- По $50. – Андрій та Рената Гарматій; Родина Кармазин; д-р Тарас та диною; Родина Галяревичів; інж. Микола і Дзвінка Голіян; Holiday Inn Ореста Лісовські; Котя Маланчук – Independence; Родина Комарянських; Родина Кузьмичів; д-р Богдан По $25. – Роксоляна Кармазин і дир. Петро Дорошенко з донею Клав- і Дарія Небеш з родиною; Андрій, Лярісса, і Коля Попель; проф. Юрій дією; Василь і Віра Ліщинецькі; Джері і Марія Флинн і Віра Попель з родиною; д-р Ігор і Ксеня Раковські з родиною; Роман і На Український Музей Архів: Христя Раковські з родиною; Ukrainian American Veterans Post 24 under $50. – Петро і Дарія Басалик Commander Bohdan Samokyszyn; Ліда Цісарук; маестро Ярема і Ляриса $25. – Оксана Краус Цісарук; The Schwelgin Family; Тарас і д-р Христина Яцишин з родиною На НТШ Фонд Допомоги – Стипендийний фонд студентів із зони АТО: На Святі Літургії пожертвували: Дарія Антонишин; Марія Антонів; $100. – Юрій і Леся Раковські Маруся Ягольницька-Діна; Родина Горбань; Ольга Демянчук; Матвій та На Український Музей в Ню-Йорку: Надя Дейчаківська Надя Заперник з донями та Віра Палка; Любомир і Людміла Коритко; Ярослава Кришталович; Юля Лаврів; Марія і Адемар Раковські; Карл За Вашу доброзичливість, дружбу, та щедрість щира Вам подяка та і Маруся Шіммельбуш; Христя і Роберт Фаррелл; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald низький уклін. Xай всемогучий Господь винагородить Вас обильними Hilfer; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koch ласками та довголіттям. Григоріанський цикл Святих Літургій постарали о. Марко і п. дружина Христина їмость Анна Марія Гірняк діти Марко і Катерина з Данилом, Софією та Миколою Корнило і Тетяна з Ніною та Лукою

The memory of those who perished is a reminder to us The leadership of the Russian Federation bears direct On the second... all that peace is precious and life sacrosanct. responsibility for this horrible act of international terror- ism. In an attempt to hide its responsibility, the Russian (Continued from page 6) Ukrainian Canadian Congress Federation used its veto at the United Nations Security OSCE Special Monitoring Mission Council to block the establishment of an International Press release issued by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress Tribunal to investigate the MH-17 terrorist act. Statement by the chief monitor of the Special Monitoring on July 17 in Ottawa. Recently, Bellingcat released its latest report, “MH17 - Mission to Ukraine of the Organization for Security and The Open Source Investigation, Two Years Later,” bringing Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Ambassador Ertugrul The Ukrainian community in Canada joins Ukrainians together two years of research by Bellingcat into the fate of Apakan, delivered on July 17 in Kyiv. around the world in mourning the victims of Flight MH-17, which was shot down two years ago by Russian-backed Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on July 17, 2014. We take this moment to again offer our sincere condo- terrorists. The ongoing Russia-led war in eastern Ukraine, which lences to those who lost loved ones when Flight MH17 was On July 17, 2014, Malaysian Airlines Flight MH-17 was has resulted in the deaths of over 9,000 people and 1.5 mil- downed two years ago in eastern Ukraine, with the loss of flying over Russian-occupied territory in eastern Ukraine, lion internally displaced people, is well documented in all 298 lives on board. when it was shot down by Russian-backed terrorists with a many publications such as “Hiding in Plain Sight: Putin’s This tragic event affected many around the world, Russian-made and Russian-supplied Buk missile system. War in Ukraine.” including SMM monitors, some of who were on the ground All 298 people on board the flight were killed. The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) calls on the inter- immediately following the crash. We recall that their The Ukrainian Canadian community expresses its deep- national community to ensure that the perpetrators of this involvement in the initial recovery efforts and in facilitating est condolences to the families and friends of the victims of heinous crime are brought to justice. The UCC calls on a localized ceasefire to allow access for emergency and this terrible crime, including the family of Canadian Andrei Canada and her allies to declare the so-called Donetsk and recovery teams is a time of deep sorrow, but also of pride Anghel. We join them in grief and solemn remembrance. Luhansk “people’s republics” terrorist organizations and des- to have been able to assist in those dark hours. May the Memory of the Victims Be Eternal. ignate the Russian Federation a state sponsor of terrorism. No. 30 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 15

COMMUNITY CHRONICLE Counselors prepare for camp season with CPR courses sponsored by UMANA

by Maria Hrycelak and campers in the United States and Canada to receive training in these basic life support skills. CHICAGO – Over 30 camp counselors in Chicago, Participants have included counselors from Plast Philadelphia and Whippany, N.J., completed cardio- Ukrainian Scouting organization, the Ukrainian pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid classes American Youth Association, Ukrainian Democratic this spring in preparation for the upcoming 2016 Youth Association, several sports camps and a dance camping season. camp in over eight cities in North America. A grant from the UMANA (Ukrainian Medical Organizations that offer CPR and/or first aid class- Association of North America) Foundation enabled es should consider applying to the UMANA camp counselors from the Plast Ukrainian Scouting Foundation for a grant to help offset course expenses. Organization to learn skills in preparation for unfore- For information call 773-278-6262 or e-mail founda- seen accidents and health related events. By perform- [email protected]. ing simple procedures and following certain guide- Donations enable such worthwhile educational lines, it is possible to save lives through basic treat- endeavors. To donate, readers may visit www.razoo. ment until professional medical help arrives. com and search UMANA Foundation or they may UMANA Foundation’s CPR project began in 2009. send checks to: UMANA Foundation 2247 W. Chicago Grants totaling $40,820 have allowed 420 counselors Ave., Chicago, IL 60622. UMANA Foundation

CPR/first aid courses in (clockwise from top): Whippany, N.J., Chicago and Philadelphia. UAV at ceremonies 25th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence honoring heroes being commemorated in southwest Florida NORTH PORT, Fla. – North Port city commissioners clothing, and Ukrainian American Veterans, who wore on July 7 honored Ukrainian Independence Day by pro- their summer uniforms. claiming August 24, 2016, as the “25th Anniversary of Prof. Bodnaruk accepted the proclamation and Ukrainian Independence.” thanked the commissioners for recognizing this impor- The proclamation was read by Mayor Jacqueline Moore tant date in the history of the Ukrainian people, who in the presence of other commissioners and 30 members fought aggressors over the centuries to achieve and of the Ukrainian community. Prof. Vira Bodnaruk, presi- maintain their independence. dent of the United Ukrainian American Organizations of The Ukrainian American community of North Port Southwest Florida, accepted the proclamation and and vicinity will officially celebrate Ukraine’s 25th anni- thanked the commissioners for this recognition. versary of independence on August 24 with a flag-rais- On July 12, the Board of County Commissioners of ing ceremony at North Port City Hall, the singing of the Sarasota County presented a proclamation, read by American and Ukrainian anthems, followed by a celebra- Commissioner Christine Robinson, designating August tory breakfast at St. Andrew’s Ukrainian Religious and 24, 2016, to be “Ukrainian Independence Day.” Present Cultural Center. All arrangements are being made by the at the ceremony were members of the Ukrainian United Ukrainian American Organizations of Southwest American community, who were attired in embroidered Florida.

ELLENVILLE, N.Y. – During the long Independence Day weekend, the Organization for Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine (ODFFU) held its annual ceremo- ny honoring heroes – all those Ukrainians who fought and died to gain Ukraine’s independence. The organiz- ers of this year’s event were Stepan Kaczurak, president of ODFFU, and Jurij Mykytyn, president of the Ukrainian American Youth Association; the keynote speaker was a former president of the Ukrainian World Congress, Yuri Shymko. Various community leaders were invited to participate and place wreaths from their organizations at the heroes’ monuments at the UAYA resort in Ellenville, N.Y. Mr. Kaczurak asked Petro Polnyj, New York state commander of the Ukrainian American Veterans to par- ticipate with a UAV color guard. UAV Posts 17, 19 and 27 sent their members for this detail. Seen above at the ceremonies are Ukrainian American Veterans Mr. Polnyj, Nikolas Jakowiw, Walter Kovbasniuk, Wasyl Szozda and Drew Winchester Zenko Halkowycz The delegation of Ukrainian Americans of southwest Florida at the Sarasota Board of County Commissioners. – Zenko Halkowycz 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 No. 30

UCC congratulates... (Continued from page 9) Poroshenko, with whom he held a bilateral meet- ing and press conference. Prime Minister Trudeau, President Poroshenko and Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman of Ukraine participated in the signing of the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement by Minister Freeland and Ukraine’s First Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Trade Stepan Kubiv. Mr. Trudeau also met with Prime Minister Groysman and Verkhovna Rada Chair Andriy Parubiy. Prime Minister Trudeau stated, “My first offi- cial visit to Ukraine has confirmed to me that Canada and Ukraine not only share deep histori- cal ties, but that we are united in our desire for a better future. This free trade agreement, and indeed everything we have accomplished during this visit, will allow Canadians and Ukrainians to prosper together.” Following his meeting with the Canadian prime minister, President Poroshenko stated, “Canada is not just a special partner, but also a true friend that will not leave Ukraine in a diffi- cult situation.” Prime Minister Trudeau also visited the Maidan, where he laid flowers honoring the Heavenly Brigade, and led a roundtable discussion with Ukrainian civil society and reform leaders. During his visit, Prime Minister Trudeau announced that Canada would: provide $13 mil- lion in humanitarian assistance to support the humanitarian needs of the conflict-affected popu- lation in eastern Ukraine; deploy additional Canadian monitors to the Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe; and deploy additional Canadian police to Ukraine, focusing on training and institutional development, to consolidate and support the next phases of Ukraine’s police reform. On July 12, Prime Minister Trudeau, Minister Freeland, MP Wrzesnewskyj and the UCC delega- tion visited the International Peacekeeping and Security Center in Yavoriv, Lviv region, where they met with Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel who are providing training to Ukrainian forces as part of Operation UNIFIER. Addressing the CAF personnel, Mr. Trudeau stated, “The reason we’re here supporting Ukraine is not just because Ukraine is a good friend to Canada and the Ukrainian people are good friends to us. It’s because the values, the principles that they’re fighting for are the values and principles that we stand for and that we fight for.” UCC National President Grod commented: “Prime Minister Trudeau’s visit to Ukraine opens a new chapter in Canada-Ukraine relations, root- ed in a historically special relationship based on cultural, political and people to people connec- tions. Looking forward, this bond will grow even stronger with mutually beneficial economic rela- tions. This visit is particularly timely as it under- scores Canada’s unwavering support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity at a time when the people of Ukraine are bravely defending their country against Russia’s invasion and ongoing military aggression. Our visit recon- firms that Ukraine will always be able to count on the people and government of Canada.” No. 30 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 17

geographically at their local clinic based on Ukrainian American... whose shift it is. “There’s no appointments for patients, no emergency rooms in hospi- (Continued from page 1) tals, no walk-in clinics… Patients don’t feel the world’s second highest death rate, like they could go to someone when they’re according the Central Intelligence Agency’s ill,” she said. World Factbook. More than 14 people per Backed by what she sees as the political 1,000 population die yearly. will of the president and the prime minis- Thus, the quality of care is the medical ter, Dr. Suprun is confident the Verkhovna system’s main inadequacy, according to the Rada will pass the needed bills to enable 53-year-old physician. the reforms she’s envisioned. Coupled with “We’re doing this for future generations. an electronic public procurement system It’s going to be hard, nobody is saying this and plans to introduce electronic docu- is going to be easy,” Dr. Suprun told The mentation at the Health Ministry, this Ukrainian Weekly on July 19. should also mitigate kickback schemes Although Ukraine spends about the from which so many corrupt health offi- same per person on health care as a per- cials have benefited in the past, according centage of gross domestic product as its to the physician. European counterparts, it spends far less in “However, there’s still a lot of vested monetary terms. Despite having more than interests and one way of changing it is to 3.5 physicians and nine hospital beds per take power away from the state at the top 1,000 people – much higher than the U.S., and spreading it around to the regions and Great Britain and Canada – average life to other agencies who might do things bet- expectancy at birth in Ukraine is 66.1 years ter,” Dr. Suprun said. for men and 76 years for women, lower She added that she’ll rely on ministerial than European averages. orders to make the changes that don’t Other deficiencies include the state not require parliamentary votes. having the fiscal means to fulfill the Dr. Suprun and her spouse moved to nation’s Soviet legacy promise of providing Ukraine in the fall of 2013. They came to all medical services free of charge. Kyiv on November 29, 2013, the same day “Money doesn’t follow the patient, medi- that riot police brutally beat a group of uni- cal institutions get money for the number versity students in the capital’s central of beds they have, not for the number of Independence Square, or the Maidan. Both patients doctors and nurses treat, so medi- ended up volunteering during the ensuing cal workers get a base salary if they treat Maidan Revolution, with Dr. Suprun even- one or 1,000 patients,” Dr. Suprun said, tually becoming director of humanitarian who took Ukrainian citizenship last year initiatives for the Ukrainian World together with her husband, Marko Suprun, Congress in March 2014. As Russia’s a native of Canada. unprovoked war against Ukraine escalated, Clinical protocols, sets of procedures Dr. Suprun used her medical background to that are evidence-based and written by start training soldiers in May 2014 to physicians and professional associations, administer tactical medicine on the battle- are outdated and medical schools still use field. Her group, Patriot Defence, also start- books from the 1980s. ed distributing first aid kits to soldiers “And we all know that medicine has based on NATO standards. drastically changed since the 1980s. “Even if you have the best hospitals and Protocols that are done are enshrined in best evacuation vehicles, if you didn’t save law rather than changed every year based the soldier’s life in the first five minutes on how medicine is advancing,” Dr. Suprun after there was significant bleeding or a explained. problem with their airways, they would die In addition to updating protocols, Dr. before they ever made it to the doctor,” she Suprun wants better treatment of doctors, said. who are paid a monthly salary of only Her organization then began training about $110. This encourages corruption Ukrainian instructors in tactical medicine. and bribe giving, she added. The idea is for The group has since trained 26,000 money to follow the patient, where the best Ukrainian soldiers, distributed over 21,000 doctors make more money because satis- first aid kits, and taught about 4,400 cadets fied patients keep coming back. at military academies in tactical medicine. Dr. Suprun will also push for giving more Next, the group started to train combat “power, freedom and choices” to the medics to keep soldiers alive long enough regions so that they could make decisions to reach the hospital. To increase survival on their own. rates, hospital doctors were also trained in “We understand that in the U.S., medi- trauma care. cine in New York is different than in Ulana and Marko Suprun had always Michigan,” she said. “Same thing in Ukraine. dreamed of living in Ukraine after getting Medicine is different in Odesa than it is in married in 1991, the same year that the Kyiv and Rivne. When you have a very top- former Soviet republic gained indepen- heavy centralized ministry that tries to dence. control these many different things, it “I was born in a Ukrainian family; we doesn’t make for a very reactive system.” spoke Ukrainian at home. We went to a Other factors that adversely affect the Ukrainian school, went to a Ukrainian quality of care are ineffective public health church. My friends were Ukrainian; I policies. Preventive medicine programs, belonged to Ukrainian organizations,” she such as those whose goal is to lower peo- said. “As I went through life, I felt closer to ple’s blood pressure or to ensure that being a Ukrainian than as being an immunizations are almost 100 percent American.” across the board, are absent. She feels that everything she’s done in Evidence of this came as recently as life up to now has led her to Ukraine. October, when the Zakarpattia Oblast, the “I feel I’m at the right place at the right country’s westernmost region, suffered a time. The experience that I have has led me polio outbreak, prompting the World Health here. Marko and I had planned on moving Organization to urge parents to have all to Ukraine at various times… and what children under the age of 10 vaccinated. we’ve done over the last 2.5 years, I don’t Dr. Suprun also would like to encourage know if we could’ve been doing that had patients to have their own doctors as we already been living in Ukraine (earlier),” opposed to being randomly assigned one Dr. Suprun said.

Visit our archive online: 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 No. 30 Ukrainian players exceed expectations at Wimbledon 2016 PARSIPPANY, N.J. – Elina Svitolina (seeded in 17th In men’s doubles, Denys Molchanov and Konstantin 3-6, 1-6 against Christina McHale of the U.S.A. and Jelena place) lost 2-6, 6-3, 4-6 against Yaroslava Shvedova of Kravchuk of Russia lost 6-7 (4), 2-6 in the second round Ostapenko of Latvia; and Nadiia Kichenok and Tsurenko Kazakhstan in the second round of women’s singles at the against of South Africa and Rajeev Ram of lost 1-6, 1-6 against and Makoto Ninomiya Wimbledon tennis tournament in London on June 27 the U.S.A., and Dolgopolov and Stakhovsky lost 3-6, 1-6 in of Japan. through July 10. In the first round, Lesia Tsurenko lost the Round of 64 against Dusan Lajovic and Viktor Troicki In mixed doubles, Savchuk and Fabrice Martin of against Evgeniya Rodina of Russia 6-3, 5-7; Kateryna of Serbia. France lost 2-6, 4-6 in the first round against Chris Kozlova lost 2-6, 1-6 against Agnieszka Radwanska of In women’s doubles, Kateryna Kozlova and Mandy Guccione of Australia and Svitolina, and in the second Poland; and Kateryna Bondarenko lost 2-6, 6-7 (3-7) Minella of Luxembourg lost 1-6, 3-6 against Chin-Wei round Svitlona-Guccione lost 5-7, 3-6 to Robert Farah of against Coco Vanderweghe of the U.S.A. In the third-round Chan of Taipei and Xinyun Han of China in the first round. Colombia and Anna-Lena Gronefeld of Germany. qualifier, Maryna Zanevska lost 7-6(5), 6-7(3), 2-6 against Svitolina and of Japan won 7-5, 6-3 against Dayana Yastremska lost 4-6, 3-6 in the girls’ singles Maria Sakkari of Greece. Polona Hercog of Serbia and Mirjana Lucic-Baroni of final against Anastasia Potapova of Russia. Katarina In men’s singles, lost 2-6, 7-6 (8-6), Croatia in the first round, and lost 6-3, 3-6, 1-6 against Zavatska lost 4-6, 3-6 in the third round against Potapova, 4-6 against Marin Cilic of Croatia in the second round, Daria Gavrilova of Australia and Daria Kasatkina of Russia and Anastasia Zarytska lost 1-6, 3-6 in the second round lost against Julien Benneteau of France in the second round. In the first round, Bondarenko and against Varvara Gracheva of Russia. In girls’ doubles, 4-6, 2-6, 6-7 (8-10) in the first round, and Alexandr Olga Savchuk lost 6-4, 4-6, 3-6 against Alize Cornet of Zarytska and Nina Kruijer of the Netherlands lost 4-6, 2-6 Dolgopolov lost 6-7 (6-8), 4-6, 1-6 against Daniel Evans of France and Zenia Knoll of Switzerland, Lyudmyla against Anastasia Detiuc of Moldova and Oana Gavrila of Great Britain in the second round. Kichenok and Varvara Lepchenko of the U.S.A. lost 6-3, Romania in the first round.

Women rule the professional Ukrainian An imposing tough draw was overcome move to Kyiv at age 17. She ended 2015 a rally car, riding a wave or controlling a joy- tennis world these days with a whopping by the belief one can win any tournament confident player. stick, there is never a dull moment with 40 ladies listed in the current WTA rank- with a self-confident attitude and a strong Although Lucie Safarova of the Czech Dolgopolov, ranked No. 33 in the world as ings list. The men’s side totals four noted game. Republic bested Tsurenko in the semifinals of late July. Ukrainians with hold- 6-2, 7-6(4), Tsurenko’s comeback gained Lucky loser reaches semifinals Kudla good on grass ing strong (No. 37) and Sergiy Stakhovsky more traction when she attained a career- free-falling down the rankings to No. 85. Lesia Tsurenko’s life changed in a matter best No. 33 WTA ranking as of late-Novem- Prior to the 2015 grass season, Denis Ilya Marchenko of Ukraine (No. 84) and of hours on August 23, 2015. She lost her ber 2015. This year, as of July 18, Lesia Kudla (who plays for the U.S.A.) changed Ukrainian American Denis Kudla (No. 100) Connecticut Open qualifying round match Tsurenko was ranked No. 42 on the WTA coaches, going from four years with the make it a total of four. Elina Svitolina (No. to Yulia Putintseva of Kazakhstan in Tour. USTA to a personal coach in Billy Heiser. 20) continues to open eyes, while the duo straight sets, unable to manage the humid This was an investment in himself, a calcu- Dolgopolov a crazy good player of Lesia Tsurenko (No. 42) and Kateryna weather conditions. While contemplating lated risk. The move meant paychecks to Bondarenko (No. 56) is trending upward whether to travel to New York for the U.S. One of the most charismatic tennis play- earn and expense checks to write. with their recent tournament play. Open she received a telephone call. ers on the men’s circuit these days is Grass being his favorite surface, Kudla Kateryna Kozlova (No. 96) rounds out Top seed Simona Halep of Romania Ukrainian Alexandr Dolgopolov. His style of does not sport the physique of a player one Ukrainians in the top 100. withdrew from the tournament, opening a play is rather undefined, because he plays would expect to excel on grass. He does not slot for the highest seed in qualifying not with a very carefree attitude. An opponent own a rocket serve or the rebound off the Tsurenko on the comeback trail advancing to the main draw. Tsurenko never knows what to expect during a ground that one needs on low-bouncing Lesia Tsurenko’s love affair with tennis could enter the tourney as the “lucky loser.” match, making it all the more exciting to grass. His aggressive baseline game, part- got heated in late July 2015. The Ukrainian, Handed a free pass in the event, watch him in action. nered with his strong counter-punching who declared a couple of years ago she was Tsurenko decided to make the most of her One of the world’s top players, Rafael talents, do translate well on the surface. in a time-consuming relationship with the opportunity. Again battling humid condi- Nadal, had this to say about Dolgopolov: The fact he stands almost 5-foot-11 means sport, defeated Urszula Radwanska 7-5, 6-1 tions, she made quick work of Barbora “He’s a crazy player, not like a crazy guy, the lower bounce doesn’t bother him. One in the final of the Cup to claim the Strycova of the Czech Republic, 6-3, 6-0, in because you can expect everything. He can of the keys on grass is movement – usually first WTA Tour title of her career. a match that ended in 1-10. She then went play really aggressive, he can play very fast, the better returner trumps the better serv- Tsurenko, 26, has made few headlines in on to defeat Karolina Pliskova of the Czech he has a good serve, and the ball is going er. Kudla moves well and has developed her eight years on the pro circuit despite Republic in the quarterfinals, easily breez- too fast sometimes. He can beat you, and into a solid returner. many hints of greater potential. She twice ing to a 6-2, 6-2 win. Just like that, the play- you will not have something to do with it. Born in Kyiv, Kudla and his family relo- made the last four at tournaments she er who thought her week was over was He’s a special player. I know he can hit a cated to the United States when he was a began as a qualifier, in Brisbane (2013) and preparing for semifinal action. winner from every place in the court.” year old. A troublemaker as a child, twice at the Tashkent Open (2014). Ranked No. 46 in the world prior to the Dolgopolov is one of the most approach- running away from home before he was 7, Tsurenko’s problem has tended to be a Connecticut Open, Tsurenko made her able players on the ATP World Tour. He has Kudla’s father struggled for a safe way to flighty temperament which roams the scale mark in 2015. In addition to registering her a strong following with young fans for keep his son occupied. Tennis was selected between nervous wreck and downright first WTA title in July, she reached the quar- many reasons: it may be his latest hairstyle as the family sport for both Kudla boys fearless. Radwanska, herself vying for a terfinals at Indian Wells, in March. Early (a headband, ponytail or braids), he’s still (brother Nikita is four years older). Denis first WTA title, had the misfortune of run- August saw her get to the quarterfinals in very much a young man and speaks their turned pro at age 16, but his breakthrough ning into Tsurenko on one of her more res- Toronto before losing to Sara Errani of Italy. “language,” or it may be the rebel in him. took some time. As of Wimbledon 2016, olute days. The match effectively hinged on She’s healthier and getting in more practice Off the court he loves fast cars and rally Kudla was ranked No. 66 on the ATP Tour, a tight first set in which the Pole, younger because she is forced to qualify for tourna- driving. In July 2012 he acquired a Nissan but post-Wimbledon saw his ranking drop sister of world No. 7 Agnieszka Radwanska, ments. GT-R, one of the most powerful street cars to No. 100. Kudla lost 6-7 (5), 5-7, 6-2, 6-1, had three set points on the Tsurenko serve Tsurenko defeated four top-10 players in produced with its 1,800 horsepower. He 3-6, in the first round against Damir at 5-4. 2015: Garbine Muguruza of Spain (No. 9) in enjoys surfboarding and swimming and hits Dzhumhur of Bosnia-Herzegovina and in Tsurenko’s Wimbledon 2016 began with Toronto, Andrea Petkovic of Germany (No. the beaches of Australia at the end of each men’s doubles, Kudla, paired with Ricardas an auspicious three-set victory over Daria 10) and Genie Bouchard of Canada (No. 7) season when he trains among its sand dunes. Berankis of Lithuania, lost 3-6, 2-6 in the Gavrilova, the Russian sixth seed. Climbing in Indian Wells and Pliskova in New Haven, Dolgopolov is very computer savvy with first round against Santiago Gonzalez of back from the deficit, the Ukrainian lost Conn. She is a late bloomer, after putting an ability to create Internet games. He is Mexico and Scott Lipsky of the U.S.A.. only one more game, completing a most competitive tennis aside as a teenager and quite active in social media. Ihor Stelmach may be reached at iman@ convincing win in an hour and 32 minutes. re-committing to the sport following her On a tennis court, behind the wheel of a

America” (RIA Novosti, July 9). Russia and the West... In Brussels, Mr. Grushko announced: NATO military and political assistance to Ukraine is pushing forward the pos- (Continued from page 3) sibility of war as “Western-trained Ukrainian soldiers are This was too much for Moscow. The chairman of the being deployed in the conflict zone in Donbas” (RIA Like Federation Council Foreign Relations Committee, Novosti, July 13). Russia does not seem too keen to actually Konstantin Kosachev, accused “enemies of Russia,” includ- invade the Baltic states or Poland to engage NATO head on. ing Poland, of “trying to pull Georgia, Ukraine and even But when Ukraine is involved, patience may be running Belarus into NATO, since they know how this irritates thin. The Ukrainian Weekly Russia.” According to Mr. Kosachev, if the process of Ukrainian accession actually begins, this would be close to The article above is reprinted from Eurasia Daily Monitor on facebook! with permission from its publisher, the Jamestown a casus belli, while Russia in turn could form a military alli- ance with China – “the nightmare scenario for Europe and Foundation, No. 30 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 19

July 27-31 Convention, Ukrainian Orthodox League, Holy Ghost August 7 Ukrainian Festival, Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Coatesville, PA Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Lancaster Host Resort, Palatine, IL Catholic Church, 773-368-8145 or 717-299-5500 or [email protected]

July 28-29 USCAK Youth Olympiad, at Soyuzivka Heritage Center August 7 Parish picnic and barbecue, Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Kerhonkson/ and the Ukrainian American Youth Association camp, Kerhonkson, NY Church, or 845-626-9783 Ellenville, NY August 8-12 Gerdany (bead-stringing) and embroidery courses, Jewett, NY with instruction by Lesia Lasiy and Lubow Wolynetz, July 29-30 Syracuse Ukrainian Festival, St. John the Baptist Grazhda Music and Arts Center of Greene County, Syracuse, NY Ukrainian Catholic Church, 518-263-4670 or

July 30 Theater performance with Halyna Stefanova, “Marriage,” August 10 Ukrainian folk music performance by accordionists Jewett, NY based on correspondence between Ivan Franko and Olha New York Jaroslaw Palylyk and Walter Syzonenko, Accordions Khoruzhynska, Grazhda Music and Arts Center of Greene Around the World, Bryant Park, County, 518-989-6479 or August 13 Children’s recital, with Anna Bachynsky, Grazhda Music and July 31 Religious education course for youths age 3-18, Jewett, NY Arts Center of Greene County, Hillside, NJ Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church, August 13-14 Uketoberfest, St. Joseph the Betrothed Ukrainian Chicago Catholic Church, or August 1-5 Drama technique instruction with actress Halyna [email protected] Jewett, NY Stefanova, Grazhda Music and Arts Center of Greene August 14 Meet the filmmaker and screening “Aquarium in the Sea” County, 518-263-4670 or Jewett, NY by Oleksander Fraze-Frazenko, Grazhda Music and Arts Center of Greene County, August 1-12 Folk singing course for children, with Anna Bachynsky and Jewett, NY Melanie Serbay, Grazhda Music and Arts Center of Greene August 18-21 St. Josaphat Ukrainian Festival, St. Josaphat Ukrainian County, 518-263-4670 or Rochester, NY Catholic Church,

August 5 Pub night, featuring music by The Action!, Syracuse August 20 Ukrainian Independence Day celebration, Syracuse Syracuse, NY Ukrainian National Home, 315-478-9272 Syracuse, NY Ukrainian National Home, 315-478-9272

August 6 Memorial concert, dedicated to Grazhda founder Ihor August 20 Ukrainian Independence Day celebration, Ukrainian Jewett, NY Sonevytsky, featuring Oleh Chmyr, Anna Rabinova, Natalia Toronto Canadian Congress, Centennial Park, 416-323-4772 or Khoma, Volodymyr Vynnytsky and Myroslav Skoryk, Grazhda Music and Arts Center of Greene County, 518-989-6479 or Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions August 6 Softball tournament, Ukrainian American Youth from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors Ellenville, NY Association camp, and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected].

sible for the deaths will be brought to jus- Check out Bellingcat... tice. “We’ve been able to identify nearly all (Continued from page 1) the members of the 53rd Air Defense a referendum widely dismissed as illegiti- Brigade which was in this convoy that took mate to seize control of Ukraine’s Crimean this missile launcher to the Ukrainian bor- peninsula – a takeover that followed the der,” Mr. Higgins said, adding that the inter- ouster of Moscow-allied Ukrainian national investigators “might have a lot and its newly redesigned President Viktor Yanukovych. He fled to more information. Maybe they have infor- Russia after months of protests over his mation that, combined with our informa- online edition at decision, late in 2013, to abandon plans for tion, can lead you to the exact names of the a landmark agreement with the European people who... shot down MH17.” and subscribe Union and cultivate closer ties with Russia “But MH17 is really part of a broader for $95 instead. story and that’s Russia’s involvement in the for only $40 for $90 Russia’s interference in Ukraine has conflict in Ukraine,” he said. “Ultimately the badly harmed its ties with Kyiv and brought person who made the decision to send a year! The Ukrainian Weekly, its relations with the West to a post-Cold Russian troops to Ukraine is going to be the PRINT EDITION War low. head of the Russian army, which is Vladimir PRINT AND ONLINE founded in 1933, is published by U.S. and German intelligence reports Putin.” the Ukrainian National Association. have blamed the Russia-backed separatists for the downing of MH17. The Dutch Copyright 2016, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted Subscribe to our authorities leading the international investi- with the permission of Radio Free Europe/ ($80 if you are a UNA member). gation recently visited Moscow, after which Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, Dutch authorities pressed Russia to hand Washington DC 20036; (see Subscribe to The Weekly in over additional information. The probe is ($85 for UNA’ers). expected to be completed later this year. russia-used-fake-evidence-to-point-finger-at- Mr. Higgins said he hopes those respon- kyiv-downing-of-mh17/27860838.html). Visit and click on the link for Subscriptions. Or contact our Subscription Department at [email protected] or 973-292-9800 ext. 3040. Join the Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation Team! Donor Relationship Manager Position Overview The Donor Relationship Manager is responsible for working closely with his or her assigned base of donors to maintain consistent levels of gifting and develop relationships that foster increased donations to UCEF to support the mission of the Ukrainian Catholic University. Visit our website for more details 30 – 40% travel with ability to telecommute. Qualiœ ed candidates should submit their cover letter and resume via email to [email protected] 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 No. 30


Saturday, August 6 roads, Horsham, PA 19044. Doors will open at noon. The outdoor summer concert in the JEWETT, N.Y.: Music at Grazhda holds a con- park will begin at 1:30 p.m. It is an integrat- cert dedicated to the 90th birthday of the ed, dynamic program titled: “United founder of the Music and Art Center of Ukraine; United,” a collaborative effort of Greene County, composer Ihor Sonevytsky. prior performers: Voloshky Ukrainian Baritone Oleh Chmyr, violinist Anna Dance Ensemble, violinist Innesa Tymochko Rabinova, cellist Natalia Khoma, pianist Dekajlo, Iskra Ukrainian Dance Ensemble, Volodymyr Vynnytsky and composer Living in Song Choir and Vox Ethnika Myroslav Skoryk will perform music by orchestra. A social dance to the live music of Sonevytsky, Skoryk, Chopin and Mozart. the Vox Ethnika will follow at 4:30 p.m. Tickets: general admission, $20; seniors, Delicious Ukrainian foods and baked goods, $15; members, $12; students, free. The picnic fare and cool beverages and refresh- event begins at 8 p.m. at the Grazhda ments will be plentiful. Vendors are wel- Concert Hall, Route 23A. For additional come. An arts and crafts bazaar and a chil- information call 518-989-6479 or visit dren’s fun area will be open all day. Admission: $15; students, $10; children Sunday, August 28 under 15, free. Free Parking. For further information call 267-664-3857, e-mail HORSHAM, Pa.: The Ukrainian American [email protected] or visit Sport Center Tryzub will host the 25th The sponsor is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non- annual Ukrainian Independence Folk profit charitable organization: Proceeds Festival and Outdoor Summer Concert at benefit youth and adult amateur sports, and Tryzubivka, County Line and Lower State cultural, fraternal and community programs.

PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINES Preview of Events is a listing of Ukrainian community events open to the public. It is a ser- vice provided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian community. To have an event listed in Preview of Events please send information, in English, written in Preview format, i.e., in a brief paragraph that includes the date, place, type of event, sponsor, admission, full names of persons and/or organizations involved, and a phone number and/or e-mail address to be published for readers who may require additional information. Items must be no more than 100 words long. Preview items must be received no later than one week before the desired date of publication (i.e., they must be received by 9 am Monday morning). Please include pay- ment for each time the item is to appear and indicate date(s) of issue(s) in which the item is to be published. Also, senders are asked to include the phone number of a person who may be contacted by The Weekly during daytime hours, as well as their complete mailing address. Information should be sent to [email protected]. When e-mailing, please do not send items as attachments – simply type the text into the body of the e-mail message. Preview items and payments may be mailed to: Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054.