’s Candidature for a Non-Permanent Seat at the United Nations Security Council for the Period 2021-2022

Kenya is bidding for a non-permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for the 2021-2022 term. One seat is available for Africa in this term and will be served by a country in the Eastern Africa Region. On 21st August , 2019, the endorsed Kenya as Africa’s Candidate for the non-permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council for the 2021- 2022 term by securing over two thirds of the African Union membership vote.

Kenya is a safe pair of hands that can be trusted to champion Africa’s peace and security Agenda in the UNSC as well as adhere to principles and dictates of the UN Charter in building a peaceful, stable and prosperous global order. Below is Kenya’s ten point agenda at the United Nations Security Council.

Amb. Monica Juma, DPhil, CBS, Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs launced Kenya’s campaign in and in New York City USA.

Cabinet Secretary Amb. Monica Juma with Principal Secretary Amb. Macharia Kamau, Political and Diplomatic Secretary/Special Envoy for UNSC Campaign Amb. Tom Amolo and Amb. Lenyasunya, Ottawa

Principal Secretary Amb. Macharia Kamau addressing guests during the launch as Cabinet Secretary looks on.

Cabinet Secretary Amb. Monica Juma addressing the audience during the second launch in New York

Pictorial courtesy Kenya Ministry of Foreign Affairs and CS Amb. Monica Juma, DPhil, CBS Twitter handle