
OMG! APPLE IS GUTTING .APP!!!! Don’t panic.


Introduce the topic I began this trying to find the best methods to migrate from Server.app Just one person’s experience, not intended to be the be all and end all of Server.app migration You can find this Google Slide deck at neverhadtofight.com/macadmins2018

This is on every slide


You can find this Google Slide deck at neverhadtofight.com/macadmins2018, that URL appears on every slide. Adam Anklewicz

[email protected] neverhadtofight.com twitter.com/a_ankle aanklewicz on MacAdmins Slack neverhadtofight.com/macadmins2018

My name is Adam Anklewicz, you can musings about and film and IT on my neverhadtofight.com. I’m on Twitter and the MacAdmins slack. I’m also here, so say hi. IT Manager The Leo Baeck Day School [email protected] leobaeck.ca neverhadtofight.com/macadmins2018

I’m also the IT Manager for The Leo Baeck Day School, an IB World School, and the only Reform Jewish day school in Canada. We have campuses in Toronto and Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. Our IT department consists of myself and another gentleman named Shaun, who is also here this week. However, we need a third. Do you want to be the third? Email me, find me, talk to me. #youmustbelegallyabletoworkinCanada neverhadtofight.com/macadmins2018 Charles Edge



Shortly after I got approved for this topic, I saw that Charles was posting on Twitter and his blog about this very topic. His website was quite a resource, and I would suggest people check that out. macOS vs the world


You have a Mac. Use it. There may be many other and better ways to run some of these services, but there’s no point in wasting a perfectly good server. Let’s keep running macOS What are you using Server.app for?

Survey time!

neverhadtofight.com/macadmins2018 What I’m going to talk about...







neverhadtofight.com/macadmins2018 Test Server

VMWare Fusion

macOS 10.13

Install VMWare tools

Install Server.app


I created a virtual machine in VMWare Fusion. Then I could clone the machine and start the step from there over and over again. Web

Turned on Web

Confirmed it was working

Gave VM a static IP

Created DNS record for testserver.example.com

Set rule

Installed Let’s Encrypt certificate (previously documented here)

Installed MunkiReport neverhadtofight.com/macadmins2018

I needed a base starting point for the to migrate from: One of the most important steps in this entire process was checking to see if things were working. MunkiReport because PHP and , and what I use in production for the school. Web to MAMP


My first transition to try was Web to MAMP VM Clone What is LAMP What is MAMP GUI neverhadtofight.com/macadmins2018

First thing I did was download MAMP Then I turned off the service Installed MAMP /Applications/MAMP


In the Applications/MAMP folder, I ran MAMP neverhadtofight.com/macadmins2018

Stop/Start buttons I pressed the big button that says Start Servers. Tested it to make sure it works neverhadtofight.com/macadmins2018

This is preferences pane First I went to the Web-Server pane and set the directory I wanted for the webroot. I kept it at the default of /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default Next, I came to this ports tab and clicked on that magic “Set Web * MySQL ports to…” button Done



Done. ● Sorta. ● We now need to discuss data security SSL!


Encrypts traffic What is Let’s Encrypt Free 90 day certificate The certificate says that your site is what you say it is.

Couldn’t find any documentation on the process for Server.app, so I figured it out and wrote the documentation. You can access it on my website. When I documented the process, the server was running 10.12.6. This process works with 10.13

Describe process ● Install Homebrew ● Install certbot ● Certbot puts a document in a publicly accessible folder on your webserver ● Let’s Encrypt checks that it can access that document ● It then issues the certificate and puts in in a folder on your computer. ● You then need to those certs and drag and drop them into Server.app

https://www.neverhadtofight.com/blog/2017/12/12/lets-encrypt-on-a-macos-machine-r unning-10-12-6-and-server-app/ privkey.pem -> munkireport.example.com.key

fullchain.pem -> munkireport.example.com.crt

Move files to /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache


# Include /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/httpd-ssl.conf


Rename certs, move them to the proper directory, edit the httpd.conf

Uncomment that include. Edit /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/httpd-ssl.conf and search for General setup for the virtual host. From there, you’ll want to enter the path to the web files.

LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so

Listen 443 ServerName www.example.com SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile "/path/to/www.example.com.cert" SSLCertificateKeyFile "/path/to/www.example.com.key"


At this point you just need to set up some basics in this filme. The path to the web files, the path to the .cert and .key files, and the Server Name. Done


neverhadtofight.com/macadmins2018 Web to Apache


So… let’s talk about the transition from Web to Apache. neverhadtofight.com/macadmins2018

I tested the existing server, and it worked just fine. I then turned off Websites in Server.app Edit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

# LoadModule php7_module libexec/apache2/libphp7.so

Then restart Apache

> sudo apachectl restart

Test again


Uncomment by removing the # Restart the apache service, test again Test PHP

> sudo nano /Library/WebServer/Documents/phpinfo.


First we need to create a file in the root directory And paste in the a very small php script.

● If you notice, Apache’s root directory is different from Server.app’s and it’s a lot shorter. So we have no files of our own there, just default Apache files ● If PHP isn’t working, all you’ll see is the php script in plain text in your web browser. Test PHP

Browse testserver.example.com/phpinfo.php


Go to your web browser and put in the url to your server Transfer files

> sudo rsync -av /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default/ /Library/WebServer/Documents/

> sudo chgrp -R _www /Library/WebServer/Documents/ > sudo chmod -R 775 /Library/WebServer/Documents/

> sudo apachectl restart


I used rsync to move the files. I had some permissions problems dragging and dropping the first time. Then I realized, using rsync, I had the same permissions problems, so I needed to set the correct permissions Restarted apache and it worked. Done



We’re done. Sorta. We still need to discuss data security.

YES! I know that this scene was from season 1 and Worf wasn’t in security. Edit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

# LoadModule socache_shmcb_module libexec/apache2/mod_socache_shmcb.so

# LoadModule ssl_module libexec/apache2/mod_ssl.so

# Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-ssl.conf


This time we’re enabling SSL Edit /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

ServerName munkireport.example.com DocumentRoot "/Library/WebServer/Documents" SSLEngine on SSLCipherSuite ALL:!ADH:!EXPORT56:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP:+eNULL SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/munkireport.example.com.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/munkireport.example.com.key Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all Require all granted neverhadtofight.com/macadmins2018

You’ll need to edit the httpd-vhosts.conf file. You’ll have to edit the ServerName and the Cert files names. You’ll also need to bring those certs that we had from the previous example and put them in there. Save and exit > sudo apachectl restart


Restart apache and test. Done


neverhadtofight.com/macadmins2018 MAMP Apache

Ease Easy Easy-Medium

Time 45 minutes 35 minutes

What’s am I MySQL missing?

Mistakes I spent too much Didn’t copy files over with right time trying to figure permissions, had to start over. out where the .key and .crt files are when I only had .pem files from Let’s Encrypt. Just had to rename the extension and they work. neverhadtofight.com/macadmins2018

No research ahead of time Using SQLite, so I didn’t need MySQL, but if going the Apache route, I would suggest you install MySQL and PHPmyAdmin DNS

Bind vs. Unbound vs. Knot

Turn on DNS

Added a zone for domain, with multiple entries

Pointed client machine to server, confirmed it was working


Give you a sneak peak. Comparing BIND, Unbound and Knot Bind: Super simple. Apple’s documentation made migration easy and transferred all your settings. Even better, if you don’t want to manage your settings in a text file, you can use a web interface called Webmin which will let you manage everything in a web-based GUI. Unbound and Knot I kept on hitting walls and walls and walls. I got the shortest distance with Knot. With Unbound, I at least got a bit further, but found that there were components missing from the homebrew install resulting in “command not found” errors. This led to discovering a void of support. I didn’t see many people running these services. Talk about basic DNS setup and testing, shut down, cloning and starting BIND install Get your server ready for Bind

First test your existing setup

Install XCode, launch XCode and agree to the terms and conditions

Turn off DNS in Server.app


Apple’s guide is great. I found a couple of errors and that it wasn’t as detailed as I would like, so I expanded on it in my blog post. https://www.neverhadtofight.com/?p=5073 Download Bind


Go to Bind’s website, click on download, expand the Bind section, click on the current stable release. Find the , that’s the tar.gz, and click on that link. Also download a signature, too.

The reason I went into such detail is because it’s not an easy to navigate website. Uncompress and install Bind

> cd ~/Downloads

> tar xzf -9.12.1-P2.tar.gz

> cd ./bind-9.12.1-P2

> ./configure --infodir="/usr/share/info" --sysconfdir="/etc" --localstatedir="/var" --enable-atomic="no" --with-=no --withgssapi=yes --enable-symtable=none --with-libxml2=no

> make

> sudo make install neverhadtofight.com/macadmins2018

Navigate to where Bind was downloaded. Uncompress bind Navigate into the bind directory Configure it and run the installer. You can confirm it was installed by running “man named” that pulls up the manual Create and load launch daemon

> sudo nano /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.isc.named.plist

> sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.isc.named.plist > sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.isc.named.plist neverhadtofight.com/macadmins2018

You need to create a the Launch Daemon, do to that, you can just use nano to edit a file that doesn’t exist. When you save, it’ll save there. The full contents is in Apples documentation on page 7 https://developer.apple.com/support/macos-server/macOS-Server-Service-Migration- Guide. Finally, you need to set ownership of the Launch Daemon. Settings


Next thing you need to do is open up the configuration file to figure out what your primary zone’s file is. Settings


Saw that it brought across the zone leobaeck.ca, and it stored the data in a file called db.leobaeck.ca Settings

> sudo nano /Library/Server/named/db.leobaeck.ca


Opened /Library/Server/named/db.leobaeck.ca Confirmed it had all the right data I could then, in theory, edit it further to add more records Loaded DNS Success!


Opened /Library/Server/named/db.leobaeck.ca Confirmed it had all the right data I could then, in theory, edit it further to add more records Loaded DNS Wiki



Wiki’s an interesting one. Apple suggests two ways of getting data out of Server.app Export as static web Export as a Wordpress backup. Does that make sense to anyone? I think it would make more sense to install MediaWiki and hire some high school students to copy and paste the data over. I think this one needs to be a conversation. Thoughts? DHCP

Kill DHCP on my router

Give my Mac and VM static IPs

Turn on DHCP

Basic configuration

Renew leases on a handful of devices and watch them connect to the network.


I did this one at home, not at work. I figured inconveniencing my wife for a short while was better than the entire faculty, admin staff, and students. Once again clone my starting Server.app image. Turn on DHCP. So this is my starting point for DHCP on Server.app Gather info for DHCP

ifconfig -a


You need to know what port you want to use, Apple suggests you use ifconfig to get info on the connection. I already know that I want to use en0 Configure DHCP

sudo nano /etc/bootpd.plist


Enter that data under the first entry Load DHCP

sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/bootps.plist

launchctl print system/com.apple.bootpd


Load it and you’re done. Worked so easy that I felt no need to look for another solution, because nothing could honestly have been more of an easy transition, and Apple’s documentation was spot on. One thing to caution. Within that documentation, there’s a few line breaks with the commands to enter in . With that launch t l command up there, apple put the line break, just after the / before bootps.plist If you just copy and paste it in, it will tell launch ctl to load EVERY .plist in the /System/Library/LaunchDaemons folder. Caching


Caching server is probably the easiest. Apple has made it part of macOS by default now. You don’t need anything special. Just visit the Sharing Preferences Pane, enable content caching, and in the options you can choose how much space you’re willing to spare for the service. NetInstall


Sorry, I don’t have a , but in the new version of Server, NetInstall is still available, just hidden, so no need to talk about it. It’s still there to use. There also BSDpy. I’m not sure if it will continue to be developed, but runs in a Docker container and lets you host your NBI files. Resources

Blog posts at neverhadtofight.com

Apple Server Service Migration Guide

