WI State Candidates Registered by Office

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WI State Candidates Registered by Office Wisconsin Government Accountability Board Candidates Registered by Office 2014 FALL PARTISAN PRIMARY - 08/12/2014 Receipt # ID Candidate Party Declaration of Statement of Nomination Papers Valid Signatures Ballot Status Candidacy Date Economic Date Interests Date Primary General Office: GOVERNOR 2014 FALL P Incumbent: Scott Walker 2014 PART PRI- 105459 0$5<%85.( Democratic 5/30/2014 6/2/2014 5/30/2014 3778 APR 192 -DFNVRQ6W 0DGLVRQ:, 2014 PART PRI- 104956 %5(77+8/6(< Democratic 4/21/2014 4/30/2014 6/2/2014 2131 APR 315 0HUULOO&UHVW'U 0DGLVRQ:, 2014 PART PRI- 105012 0$5&,$0(5&('(63(5.,16 Democratic 1/13/2014 6/2/2014 0 DENY 301 17K6W 0LOZDXNHH:, 105051 +$5,35$6$'75,9(', Democratic 0 DENY 9DQGHUELOW6W %URRNILHOG:, 104951 67(9(5(9$16 :5,7(,1 Republican 0 APR 0LFKLJDQ$YH 0RQWUHDO:, 2014 PART PRI- 102575 6&277:$/.(5 Republican 4/16/2014 4/30/2014 6/2/2014 3825 APR 251 17K6W :DXZDWRVD:, 2014 PART PRI- 105506 52%(57%85.( Libertarian 2/17/2014 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 2422 APR 266 &URVE\'U +XGVRQ:, 2014 PART PRI- 105473 '(11,6)(+5 Peoples Party 1/28/2014 6/2/2014 5/23/2014 2014 APR 073 &RXQW\+LJKZD\; &KLSSHZD)OV:, 105477 (5,&-2+1%58&( The People of 11/22/2013 5/22/2014 0 DENY 7K6W Wisconsin 7UHYRU:, 105440 )5$1&,6-26(3+./(,1 Wisconsin 0 DENY 1%DUWOHWW$YH Pirate Party 0LOZDXNHH:, 105213 67(9(10=(/,16., Wisconsin Tea 0 DENY &RXQW\+Z\ Party :HEVWHU:, 105589 0$5.&+5,6723+(56&+())/(5 Advancing a 5/15/2014 0 DENY (3DFLILF6W Sustainable $SSOHWRQ:, Wisconsin Office Subtotal: 12 Printed 6/4/2014 4:57:27 PM Page 1 of 41 Wisconsin Government Accountability Board Candidates Registered by Office 2014 FALL PARTISAN PRIMARY - 08/12/2014 Receipt # ID Candidate Party Declaration of Statement of Nomination Papers Valid Signatures Ballot Status Candidacy Date Economic Date Interests Date Primary General Office: LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR 2014 FALL P Incumbent: Rebecca Kleefisch 2014 PART PRI- 103455 -2+1/(+0$1 Democratic 11/18/2013 2/4/2014 5/28/2014 3858 APR 116 2UFKDUG6W 5DFLQH:, 2014 PART PRI- 105212 0$5<-2:$/7(56 Democratic 5/30/2014 6/2/2014 5/30/2014 2040 APR 200 &RUU\6W 0DGLVRQ:, 2014 PART PRI- 104890 5(%(&&$./((),6&+ Republican 4/16/2014 4/30/2014 6/2/2014 3736 APR 250 :16SLQQDNHU'ULYH 2FRQRPRZRF:L 2014 PART PRI- 105575 -26(3+0%5267 Libertarian 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 2422 APR 270 (1G6W 1HZ5LFKPRQG:, Office Subtotal: 4 Office: ATTORNEY GENERAL 2014 FALL P Incumbent: J. B. Van Hollen (Filed Notification of Noncandidacy) 2014 PART PRI- 104655 686$19+$33 Democratic 6/2/2014 4/18/2014 6/2/2014 2855 APR 220 1'HZH\$YH -HIIHUVRQ:, 2014 PART PRI- 105069 ,60$(/2=$11( Democratic 6/2/2014 4/28/2014 6/2/2014 2251 APR 297 62ZHQ'U 0DGLVRQ:, 2014 PART PRI- 103633 -215,&+$5'6 Democratic 5/30/2014 4/29/2014 5/30/2014 4000 APR 209 12DNODQG$YH 0LOZDXNHH:, 2014 PART PRI- 104385 %5$'6&+,0(/ Republican 6/2/2014 4/28/2014 6/2/2014 2909 APR 247 :V-DPLH&W :DXNHVKD:, 2014 PART PRI- 105528 7+20$6$1(/62165 Libertarian 4/18/2014 6/4/2014 6/2/2014 2434 APR 265 /DNHVLGH6W 0DGLVRQ:, Office Subtotal: 5 Printed 6/4/2014 4:57:27 PM Page 2 of 41 Wisconsin Government Accountability Board Candidates Registered by Office 2014 FALL PARTISAN PRIMARY - 08/12/2014 Receipt # ID Candidate Party Declaration of Statement of Nomination Papers Valid Signatures Ballot Status Candidacy Date Economic Date Interests Date Primary General Office: SECRETARY OF STATE 2014 FALL P Incumbent: Douglas La Follette 2014 PART PRI- 100216 '28*/$)2//(77( Democratic 2/7/2014 1/22/2014 5/21/2014 3078 APR 054 5XWOHGJH6W$SW 0DGLVRQ:, 2014 PART PRI- 103815 *$5(<%,(6 Republican 3/20/2014 2/14/2014 5/29/2014 2529 APR 146 6HWWOHPHQW5G 6LVWHU%D\:, 105439 52+1:%,6+23 Republican 3/14/2013 0 DENY %UDQGRQ6W :DXSXQ:, 2014 PART PRI- 104858 -8/,$1%5$'/(< Republican 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 2422 APR 223 0LOOHU6W$SW /D&URVVH:, 105487 %,//)2/. Republican 0 DENY )URQWLHU'U 5DFLQH:, 2014 PART PRI- 105479 -(55<%52,7=0$1 Constitution 6/2/2014 6/3/2014 6/2/2014 2617 APR 227 :&DSLWRO'U 0LOZDXNHH:, 2014 PART PRI- 105551 $1'<&5$,* Libertarian 3/6/2014 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 2702 APR 262 1&ROJDWH&LU 0LOZDXNHH:, Office Subtotal: 7 Printed 6/4/2014 4:57:27 PM Page 3 of 41 Wisconsin Government Accountability Board Candidates Registered by Office 2014 FALL PARTISAN PRIMARY - 08/12/2014 Receipt # ID Candidate Party Declaration of Statement of Nomination Papers Valid Signatures Ballot Status Candidacy Date Economic Date Interests Date Primary General Office: STATE TREASURER 2014 FALL P Incumbent: Kurt W. Schuller (Filed Notification of Noncandidacy) 103612 '$1%2+52' Democratic 0 DENY +RYGH5G 0DGLVRQ:, 2014 PART PRI- 101457 '$9(/((3(5 Democratic 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 2147 APR 140 7HUU\3O 0DGLVRQ:, 2014 PART PRI- 105492 '$9,'/6$5725, Democratic 5/21/2014 5/21/2014 5/21/2014 2010 APR 051 6%XFNKRUQ$YH &XGDK\:, 104849 %5$1'21:+,7( Democratic 0 DENY 6KHER\JDQ$YH$SW 0DGLVRQ:, 2014 PART PRI- 104336 0$77$'$0&=<. Republican 5/29/2014 6/2/2014 5/29/2014 2593 APR 157 17K6W :DXZDWRVD:, 104913 6&277)(/'7 Republican 0 DENY 'RXEOHWUHH'U -DQHVYLOOH:, 2014 PART PRI- 104697 5$1'$//0(/&+(57 Republican 5/27/2014 6/4/2014 5/29/2014 2574 APR 174 :Q1+LOOV'U 0HQRPRQHH)OV:, 2014 PART PRI- 105494 $1'5(:=8(/.( Constitution 3/13/2014 5/29/2014 5/29/2014 2370 APR 161 (XUHND6W 5LSRQ:, 2014 PART PRI- 101589 -(55<6+,'(// Libertarian 3/31/2014 3/31/2014 6/2/2014 2248 APR 264 :3URVSHFW6W 5KLQHODQGHU:, 2014 PART PRI- 105540 521+$5'< Wisconsin 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 2248 APR 279 10DLQ6W Green Party 2VKNRVK:, Office Subtotal: 10 Printed 6/4/2014 4:57:27 PM Page 4 of 41 Wisconsin Government Accountability Board Candidates Registered by Office 2014 FALL PARTISAN PRIMARY - 08/12/2014 Receipt # ID Candidate Party Declaration of Statement of Nomination Papers Valid Signatures Ballot Status Candidacy Date Economic Date Interests Date Primary General Office: CONGRESSIONAL - DISTRICT 1 2014 FALL P Incumbent: Paul Ryan 2014 PART PRI- 200737 $0$5.$/(.$ Democratic 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 1167 PEND 285 67K6W )UDQNOLQ:, 2014 PART PRI- 200688 52%=(5%$1 Democratic 5/30/2014 5/30/2014 1470 APR 211 1G$YH .HQRVKD:, 2014 PART PRI- 200722 -(5(0<5<$1 Republican 4/15/2014 6/2/2014 1113 APR 283 5RGQH\&W$SW 0DGLVRQ:, 2014 PART PRI- 200500 3$8/5<$1 Republican 3/17/2014 5/28/2014 2000 APR 123 6DLQW/DZUHQFH$YH -DQHVYLOOH:, 200734 .(,7+5'(6&+/(5 :5,7(,1 Libertarian Party 6/2/2014 0 APR 0RQURH$YH 5DFLQH:, 200630 -26(3+.(;(/ Libertarian Party 4/25/2014 0 DENY 5G$YH .HQRVKD:, 200721 67(9(+2*$1 Impeach Obama 4/4/2014 0 DENY :+LOOWRS/Q for )UDQNOLQ:, Unconstitutional Acts Office Subtotal: 7 Office: CONGRESSIONAL - DISTRICT 2 2014 FALL P Incumbent: Mark Pocan 2014 PART PRI- 200696 0$5.32&$1 Democratic 5/28/2014 5/27/2014 1905 APR 106 %DNNHQ6WHQOL5G %ODFN(DUWK:, 2014 PART PRI- 200629 3(7(57+(521 Republican 2/7/2014 6/2/2014 1240 APR 231 6HTXRLD7UO 0DGLVRQ:, Office Subtotal: 2 Printed 6/4/2014 4:57:27 PM Page 5 of 41 Wisconsin Government Accountability Board Candidates Registered by Office 2014 FALL PARTISAN PRIMARY - 08/12/2014 Receipt # ID Candidate Party Declaration of Statement of Nomination Papers Valid Signatures Ballot Status Candidacy Date Economic Date Interests Date Primary General Office: CONGRESSIONAL - DISTRICT 3 2014 FALL P Incumbent: Ron Kind 2014 PART PRI- 200435 521.,1' Democratic 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 1816 APR 306 (GJHZDWHU/Q /D&URVVH:, 2014 PART PRI- 200733 721<.857= Republican 5/30/2014 5/30/2014 1457 APR 208 2OG&RXQWU\/Q 3U'X&KLHQ:, 2014 PART PRI- 200732 .$5(1/08(//(5 Republican 5/30/2014 5/30/2014 1025 APR 191 7K$YH &KLSSHZD)OV:, 2014 PART PRI- 200221 .(19$1'25(1 Republican 4/18/2014 6/2/2014 1246 APR 296 0DLQH6W 0DXVWRQ:, Office Subtotal: 4 Office: CONGRESSIONAL - DISTRICT 4 2014 FALL P Incumbent: Gwen Moore 2014 PART PRI- 200738 *$5<5*(25*( Democratic 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 1294 APR 316 /DNH6KRUH5G *UDIWRQ:, 2014 PART PRI- 200564 *:(10225( Democratic 5/29/2014 5/29/2014 2000 APR 166 17K3O 0LOZDXNHH:, 2014 PART PRI- 207718 '$9,''.,1* Republican 2/7/2014 6/2/2014 1052 APR 309 $13LHUFH6W 0LOZDXNHH:, 2014 PART PRI- 200650 '$16(%5,1* Republican 3/5/2013 5/23/2014 1115 APR 069 67K6W 0LOZDXNHH:, 2014 PART PRI- 200513 52%(5755$<021' Independent 5/27/2014 5/27/2014 1197 APR 083 $(%XUOHLJK6W 0LOZDXNHH:, Office Subtotal: 5 Office: CONGRESSIONAL - DISTRICT 5 2014 FALL P Incumbent: F. James Sensenbrenner Jr 2014 PART PRI- 200726 &+5,652&.:22' Democratic 4/24/2014 6/2/2014 1421 APR 240 15G6W :DXZDWRVD:, 2014 PART PRI- 200049 )-$0(66(16(1%5(11(5-5 Republican 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 1878 APR 142 1Z1RUWKSRLQW'U 0HQRPRQHH)OV:, Office Subtotal: 2 Printed 6/4/2014 4:57:27 PM Page 6 of 41 Wisconsin Government Accountability Board Candidates Registered by Office 2014 FALL PARTISAN PRIMARY - 08/12/2014 Receipt # ID Candidate Party Declaration of Statement of Nomination Papers Valid Signatures Ballot Status Candidacy Date Economic Date Interests Date Primary General Office: CONGRESSIONAL - DISTRICT 6 2014 FALL P Incumbent: Tom Petri (Filed Notification of Noncandidacy) 2014 PART PRI- 200725 0$5./+$55,6 Democratic 4/23/2014 6/2/2014 1927 APR 234 6DQGVWRQH&W 2VKNRVK:, 200729 *$5<:(7=(/ Democratic 5/22/2014 0 DENY 1$UFDGH*OHQ5G 5LSRQ:, 2014 PART PRI- 200735 720'(12: Republican 6/2/2014 6/2/2014 1176 APR 274 :HVWPRRU5G 2VKNRVK:, 2014 PART PRI- 200731 */(11*527+0$1 Republican 5/28/2014 5/28/2014 1844 APR 108 10LWFKHOO5G &DPSEHOOVSRUW:, 2014 PART PRI- 200727 -2(/(,%+$0 Republican 4/28/2014 5/19/2014 1792 APR 037 5LYHU5LGJH'U 6KHER\JDQ:, 2014 PART PRI- 200730 1$1&</2/621 Republican 5/23/2014 6/2/2014 383 DENY 237 2OG2UHJRQ5G 2VKNRVK:, 2014 PART PRI- 200728 '8(<6752(%(/ Republican 5/22/2014 5/22/2014 1581 APR 064 &RYHUHG%ULGJH5G 6DXNYLOOH:, 2014 PART PRI- 200720 *86)$+5(1'25) Libertarian 2/28/2014 6/2/2014 1243 APR 267 0LONZHHG&W 1HHQDK:, Office Subtotal: 8 Printed 6/4/2014 4:57:27 PM Page 7 of 41 Wisconsin Government Accountability Board Candidates Registered by Office 2014 FALL PARTISAN PRIMARY - 08/12/2014 Receipt # ID Candidate Party Declaration of Statement of Nomination Papers Valid Signatures Ballot Status Candidacy Date Economic Date Interests Date Primary General Office: CONGRESSIONAL - DISTRICT 7 2014 FALL P Incumbent: Sean P.
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