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Accursius, 75, 86, 143–44 on positive law, 237 actio empti, 179 Pothier and, 246 active citizenship, 283–84 on , 237 Acton (Lord), 295 d’Aguesseau, Henri François-de-Paule, 233, administrative judges, jurisdiction of, 235–36 350–51 Alciato, Andrea, 6, 135, 170, 191–92 Aepinus, Johannes, 110–11 on humanism in law study, 135 Aeterni Patris (Leo XIII), 15 alcohol consumption, 348 d’Aguesseau, Henri François, 10, 239–40 Alexander III (Pope), 41 attitudes towards other religions, 241–42 Althusius, Johannes, 127, 180 biography of, 229–30 amalgamation of law systems. See ius commune family legacy as magistrates, 229 Amerbach, Boniface, 101 professional history, 229–30 Anabaptists, 119 during Bourbon restoration, 229 Andreae, Johannes, 59–60, 68 Cartesianism of, 232 d’Angleberme, Jean Pyrrhus, 98 Catholicism of, 238–43 Annales School, 425, 429–30 Christian asceticism of, 235 Annotations on the Pandects (Budé), 135 Christian rationalism of, 240–41 Anselm of Laon, 26 on civil laws, 237 Antinomians, 119 on customary law, 238 anti-Semitism, Dreyfus Affair and, 301 on diversity of laws, 237–38 Antitribonien ou discours d’un grand as “Eagle of Parliament,” 231 et renomme iurisconsulte de notre on Enlightenment reason, 230–38 temps sur l’estude des loix (Hotman, F.), Gallicanism and, 243 154–57 Jansenism and, 238–43 Antitrinitarians, 119 constitution Unigenitus, 242 apparatus of Garsia Hispanus, 54–55 legal legacy of, 228–29, 236–37 Aquinas, Thomas. See on legal reason, 230–38 arbitrary laws, 220–25 legal works, 233–35 Archambault, Paul, 347 Metaphysical Meditations, 234–35, Aretinus, Bonaquida, 57 240 Aretinus, Gratia, 57 Œuvres, 234–35 , 154–55, 198, 289 Ordonnance sur les donations, 237 Villey, M., influenced by, 452 as magistrate, 232–33 d’Arnouville, Machault, 237–38 on modern natural law, 241 Aron, Raymond, 377–78 on papal intervention, 243 asceticism, Christian, 235


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Aubelin, Claudine, 150 the Bible, liberties in, 121 Aubry, Charles, 326 Bidault, Georges, 410 Augsburg Confession, 104 Biel, Gabriel, 108–9 (Saint), 104, 253–54 Bigot de Préameneu, Félix-Julien-Jean, 261, Augustinianism, 458 268 d’Aurillac, Pierre Jame, 317–18 Bill of , U. S., 122 autochthonous legal systems, 169 Blandin, Pierre-Étienne, 374 Blanot, Jean de, 57 Bagarottus, 57 Blanquie, Christophe, 232 , 59, 98, 191–92 Bloch, Marc, 422, 425 Barbeyrac, Jean, 267 Blondel, Maurice, 404–5 Baron, Éguiner-François, 6, 136 Bobbio, Ubertus de, 57 Bartin, Étienne, 378 Bochetel, Anne, 138 Bartolus de Saxoferrato, 68, 91, 144, 191–92 Bodin, Jean, 169 Batiffol, Henri, 447–48 biography of, 191–98 Battle of Sedan, 13 education, 191–92 Baudouin, François, 3, 6, 99 legal practice, 193–94 Hotman, F., and, 149–50 marriage, 197 Baudrillar, Alfred Henri, 311 royal patronage, 197 Bayle, Pierre, 228 on citizenship, 194 Beaumont, Gustav de, 277 on , 193 Belleperche, Pierre de, 71, 91 Contract of Poissy, 194 biography of, 85–90 Edict of Beaulieu and, 197 on canon law, 93–94 legal writings of, 192–93 on civil law, 93–94 Juris Universi Distributio, 192–93 as cleric, 85–86 Methodus ad facilem historiarum Corpus Iuris Civilis and, 92–93 cognitionem, 194, 199 diplomatic skills of, 95 literary works of, 192 on doctrine of the Two Swords, 94 Démonamanie des sorciers, 197 ius commune and, 93–94 major themes for, 198–208 literary works of, 90–95 Politiques and, 197 lecturae, 90–91 in République, 194–96 repetitiones, 90–91, 95 sovereignty in, 198–99 as member of Parliament, 86 on Roman law, 192–93 Philip the Fair and, 87–89 real contracts under, 205–6 peacekeeping missions under, 88 on sovereignty. See sovereignty Revigny and, 92, 95 during Wars of Religion, 195 on Roman law, 92–93, 95 Boéthie, Étienne de la, 161–62 at University of Orléans, 86–87 Bohic, Henri, 317–18 Benedict IX (Pope), 85–86, 89–90 Bonaccurso, Ubertus di, 57 “Benedictine of law,” 246 Bonaparte, Napoléon, 11–12, 268, 278. See also Beneventanus, Roffredus, 57 Napoleonic era Benoît, Joel, 273 Concordat and, 12 Bentham, Jeremy, 167–68 Pius VII and, 12 Berdiaev, Nicholas, 387–88 religious pluralism under, 12 Berger, Gaston, 436–37 Boniface VIII (Pope), 54, 67, 88–90 Bergson, Henri, 345, 387, 433–34 Philip the Fair and, 89 Bernardus Parmensis, 52–53 rules of law under, 100 Bertrada of Montfort, 19 Bonnecase, Julien, 433–34 Beudant, Charles, 324 Bonnefoi, Ennemond, 139 Beza, Theodore, 101, 119, 123, 149, 158 Bouillier, Francisque, 232

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Boulard, Fernand, 421 on immutable rights, 165–66 Bourbon, Henri de, 150–51 on power of magistracy, 162–64 Bourbon, Louis de, 151 on law, uses of. See law Bourbon restoration, 229, 249 on liberties, 119–21 Bourjon, François, 114 the Bible as influence on, 121 Boutroux, Émile, 447 in Institutes of the Christian Religion, 119–20 Bouvery, Gabriel, 191 political suffrage, 121 Bouvier, Pierre, 305–6 through religious freedom, 120 Bras, Gabriel Le, 310–11, 319, 321, 437 on natural law, foundations of, 122–23 at Annales School, 425, 429–30 in Decalogue, 123 biography of, 421–23 ordinances of, 117–18 education, 422 Ecclesiastical Ordinances of 1541, 129–30 Catholicism as influence on, 429–31 reformation of Protestant Church, 119 ecclesiastical institutions and, 423–29 on rights, 121–22 legal works of, 423–29 of citizenship, 121 literary works of, 427–29 of families, 122 scholarly contributions of, 423 as natural, 121 contributors for, 426 to property, 121–22 on religious sociology, 425–29 as subjective, 121–22 Brasington, Bruce, 316 on separation of church and state, 130–31 Brentano, Lujo, 407 in U.S., comparisons to, 131 Breuil, Guillaume de, 317–18 on state structure, 125–28 Briand, Aristide, 16 as constitutionally self-limiting, 126–27 Brissaud, Paul, 296 political abuse of power and, 127–28 Brogan, Hugh, 285 purpose of state, 127 Budé, Guillaume, 3, 6, 109, 135, 170 rioting and insurrections and, 128 on humanism in law study, 135 through state laws, 126 Bufnoir, Charles, 324 Calvinism, 97 Bugnet, Jean-Jacques, 253 Dumoulin’s rejection of, 102–3 Bulgarus, 49 humanism and, 7 Responsa Bulgarorum, 25 Cambacérès, François-Régis, 249 Burchard of Worms, 22 Cambacérès, Jean-Jacques-Régis, 260 Burckel, Joseph, 409 Cambridge Modern History, 295 Burdeau, Georges, 342–43 Cano, Melchior, 171 Burlamaqui, Jean-Jacques, 240 canon law. See also classical canon law Belleperche on, 93–94 Caenegem, Raoul van, 431 Dumoulin on, 98, 106–8 Calvin, John, 98, 104, 117 Fournier, Paul, and, 311–12 biography of, 117–19 during Middle Ages, 22 on church law and structure, 128–30 papal decretals and, 48 division of power, 128–29 Capitant, Henri, 378 doctrinal power of, 129 Carbonnier, Jean, 448 jurisdictional power of, 129–30 biography of, 433–35 legislative power of, 129 conception of law, 439–43 Civil Edict of Geneva, 117 legislative continence in, 442 Doneau and, 186–88 pluralism in, 442–43 exile from France, 118–19 on legal pluralism, 442–43 Geneva Consistory and, 129–30 collective, 442–43 Hotman, F., and, 150–51, 162–71 critiques of, 443 on codification of laws, 167–69 divorce reform in, 443 on fundamental rights, 165–66 individual aspects of, 442–43

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Carbonnier, Jean (cont.) Christian asceticism. See asceticism legal works of, 434–35 Christian , 416–17 philosophical influences on, 433–34 Christian ethics, 62–63 Protestant faith of, 439–43 Christian jurists religious writings of, 440 in contemporary France, 11–17. See also on separation of church and state, 440–42 Napoleonic era sociology of law for, 435–39 definition of, 2 criticism of, 438 legal traditions influenced by, 2, 17–18 Carlyle, A. J., 47 methodological approach to, 2–3 Caron, Joseph Le, 221 in Middle Ages, 4–6 Caron, Louis Le, 7, 114 in modern France, 6–11. See also French Carré de Malberg, Raymond, 390, 396 Cartesianism, 232 Christian morality, 381–85 Cassagnes, Jean de, 317–18 Catholic morality compared to, 383 Cassin, René, 374 naturalization of, 384 Castellio, Sebastian, 119 Christian natural order, 218–20 Castillo, Jaime, 401–2 churches. See also separation of church and state Catala, Pierre, 436 law and structure of, 128–30 Catholic Church division of power in, 128–29 Cujas and, 139–40 doctrinal powers of, 129 Dumoulin’s critique of, 107–8 jurisdictional power of, 129–30 during Napoleonic era, 12–13 legislative power of, 129 Ralliement and, 320 state and, relationship between, 364–67 Catholic morality, 383 public service and, 366 Catholic Union of International Studies, 321 Roman Catholicism and, 358–59, 366–67, Catholicism 370 of d’Aguesseau, H. F., 238–43 Churchill, Winston, 16 Bras influenced by, 429–31 , 185–86 of Duguit, 364–65 Cistercians, 37–38 of Dumoulin, 97, 103 citizenship rights, 121 of Portalis, 262 Civil Code, in Argentina, 368 progressive, 337–38 Civil Code, in France, 268–73, 368 of Saleilles, 335–39 civil law changes to, 367 development of, 336–37 legal influences on, 270–71 state theory and, relationship between, marriage laws in, 271–73 358–59, 366–67, 370 purpose of, 269 Viollet’s criticism of, 304–6 Roman law as influence on, 269–70 Certeau, Michel de, 299 civil codes, 225–26 Chapelle, Pierre de la, 86–87 Civil Constitution of the Clergy, 11 character, democracy and, 283–86 Civil Edict of Geneva, 117 Charles (Cardinal of Lorraine), 153 civil law Charles IX (King), 153, 194 d’Aguesseau, H. F., on, 237 Charles the Bald, 312–13 Belleperche on, 93–94 Charles VII (King), 106 under Civil Code, changes to, 367 Charles VIII (King), 6 Doneau on, 169, 183–84, 188–89 Chartres, Yves de. See Ivo of Chartres Pothier on, 253 Châtillon, Jacques de, 88 The Civil Law in Its Natural Order (Domat), Chevalier, Jacques, 345, 374 210, 216, 220–21, 247 Chifflet, Claude, 138 civil uses of law, 123–24 Choiseul (Duke of ), 264–67 Clappier, Bernard, 411 Choppin, René, 7 classical canon law, Ivo of Chartres and, 4–5

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Clément, Jean-Louis, 305 Conte, Antoine le, 151 Clement V (Pope), 67–68, 85–86, 89–90 contract law, Dumoulin on, 112 clergy Convention for the Protection of Human under Civil Constitution of the Clergy, 11 Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, after French Revolution, loss of privileges for, 11 69 clerical transfers, 38–40 Cop, Nicholas, 118 Code Napoléon, 277. See also Civil Code Coquille, Guy, 7, 114 Code of Indigenous Status, 303–4 Coras, Jean de, 139 codification, of laws corporeal investiture, 28 Bentham on, 167–68 Corpus iuris civilis, 6–7, 75 Hotman on, 167–69 Belleperche and, 92–93 Melanchthon on, 167–69 Cujas and, 145–47 during Napoleonic era, 11–12 Hotman, F., and, 155 Colladon, Germain, 119 Council of Constance, 106 collatio, of legal sources, 141 Council of Trent, 100, 114–15 Collectio Britannica, 22 Dumoulin’s opposition to, 102–3, 106–7 collective , 402 Court of Cassation, 253, 300 collective legal pluralism, 442–43 Covarrubias y Leyva, Diego de, 115 , 351 Cruet, Jean, 379 colonial abuses, in French colonies, 302–4 Crussol, Antoine de, 139 Code of Indigenous Status and, 303–4 Cujas, Jacques, 6, 109, 119, 191–92 Combe, Paule, 232 biography of, 136–38 Commentaries on American Law (Kent), 278 marriage and family, 138 Commentaries on the Constitution of the at University of Bourges, 137 United States (Story), 278 Corpus iuris civilis and, 145–47 Commentarii de iure civili (Doneau), 175–80 Ferrier and, 136 commercial law, 376–77 legacy of, 146–47 Committee for Protection and Defense of legal humanism and, 135–36 Natives, 300, 302–4 historical dimension of, 145–46 common law, in France, 9–10 limitations of, 147 common law of civilizations, 391–93 on legal sources communitarianism, 402 collatio, 141 competence, democracy and, 283–86 critique of, 142–46 Comte, Auguste, 346–47, 363 emendatio, 141 Concordat in Greek law, 144–45 Bonaparte and, 12 interpretatio, 141 Gallicanism and, 12 publishing of, 141–46 Portalis and, implementation of, 273–75 Roman law and, critiques of, 144, 147 Holy See and, 273–74 scholasticism in, 142–43 Confessio augustana, 104–5 Theodosian Code, 142 conflict of laws, 112 literary works of Connan, François, 98, 136 accessibility of, 141 consanguinity, 25 compilations of, 142 Dumoulin on, 98 Glossa ordinaria as influence on, 143–44 constitution Unigenitus, 242 Great Gloss, 143–44 constitutionalism major themes for, 140–41 in liberal state, 354–56 Opera omnia, 147 modern, 159–60 Monluc and, defense of, 139 social, 353 religious beliefs of, 138–40 Consultation on the Validity of Protestant Protestantism, 138–39 Marriage (Portalis), 264–66 as Roman Catholic, 139–40

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Cujas, Jacques (cont.) legacy of, 290 Stoic philosophy and, 140 religion in, political importance of, 284 Ultramontani and, 144 democratic mysticism, 375–78 culture, democracy as influence on, 286–87 Demolombe, Jean Charles Florent, 326–27 Cun, Guillaume de, 317–18 Deo, Johannes de, 57 customary law, 4 deterrence, through law, 125 d’Aguesseau, H. F., on, 238 dialectics, 75–76 Dumoulin on, 98–99, 103, 109–14 Dictionarium iuris, 81 in European legal traditions, 109–10 Diderot, Denis, 100, 228 Hotman, F., on, 156 Dijon, Jean de, 89 Pothier on, 250–51 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 198 Cynegetica (Oppian), 192 Diplovatatius, Thomas, 52 Directory, 12 De iure Magistratuum (Beza), 158 discord of regnum, 26–30 Debaenst, Bruno, 362 discord of sacerdotium, 26–30 debt repayment, 112 diverseness, in Decretum, 30–33 Decalogue, 123 diversity of laws, 237–38 Decio, Fillipo, 99 divine law, natural law as, 217–18, 220 Decision and Act on European Elections, divorce reform, 443 418 doctrinal duty, in Decretum, 30–33 Declaration of Rights of Man and of the doctrine of the Two Swords, 94 Citizen, 122, 304–5, 368 Domat, Jean, 10 Decretum (Ivo of Chartres), 21–24 civil codes and, 225–26 diverseness in, 30–33 as Jansenist, 217, 219 doctrinal duty and, 30–33 legal orders, foundation of, 211–15 judgment in, 30–33 laws of love in, 213–15 law of marriage in, 24–26 religion as, 212–14 consanguinity in, 25 legal philosophy of, 210–11 Liber Pancrisis and, 25–26 legal works Responsa Bulgarorum and, 25 The Civil Law in Its Natural Order, 210, for royals, 24 216, 220–21, 247 mercy in, 30–33 The Public Law, Following the Civil Law Prologue, 32–33 in Its Natural Order, 210, 216–17 , 4–5, 38, 40–41 A Treatise of Laws, 211, 215–16 law in Louisianan codes and, 225–26 defined, 45 on natural law, 210–11 Roman law in, 44 Christian influences on, 210–11 democracy as divine law, 217–18, 220 active citizenship as part of, 283–84 extension of, 222–23 character and, 283–86 positive law compared to, 223 Christian, 416–17 Roman law and, 212, 220 competence and, 283–86 as universal, 221 culture influenced by, 286–87 Port-Royalist doctrine, 219 religion and, 284–86 rationalism of, 211 secondary bodies and, 283 on rationalized right, biblical sources as tyranny and, 287–90 foundation of, 215–25 in U. S., 279–83 arbitrary laws, 220–25 Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 12, 277, Christian natural order and, 218–20 279–80 immutable laws, 220–25 democratic challenges in, 288 Thomas Aquinas as influence, 215, 222 family in, political importance of, 284 rescission of rights and, 215

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Doneau, Hugues, 6, 136–37, 139, 221 constitutional theory and, 362–64, biography of, 173–75 369–70 education, 173–74 legal works of, 360 as legal professor, 174–75 on Roman law, 368 noblesse de robe, 173 on social function of property, 367–70 at University of Heidelberg, 174 sociological positivism of, 396–97 Calvin and, 186–88 state theory for, 362–64, 369–70 on civil law, 169, 183–84, 188–89 literary influences on, 363 Douaren and, 175 public service in, 363–64 Hotman and, 151–52 will of in, 364 on , definition of, 183 Dumoulin, Charles, 7, 119 on legal humanism, 175 academic appraisal of, 113–15 literary works of, 175–77 anti-papal views of, 99–102 Commentarii de iure civili, 175–80 in Basel, 101 Opera omnia, 175, 188 biography of, 97–103 rediscovery of, 188 on canon law, 98, 106–8 mos gallicus and, 180 on conflict of laws, 112 on private law, individualization of, 181–87 on contract law, 112 intellectual history as influence on, on Council of Trent, opposition to, 102–3, 185–87 106–7 persona as legal concept, 181–83 on debt repayment, 112 religious influences on, 185–87 financial condition of, 99 right of personality doctrine, 181 on Gallican Church, defense of privileges on Roman law, systemization of, 176–77, 188 of, 102–5 on sales law, warranty for defects in, Hotman and, 149–50, 156 178–80 Justinian Code and, 101, 111 actio empti, 179 as lawyer, 98, 101–2 Stoic philosophy and, 185–87 as legal influence, 113–15 on subjective rights, 184–85 literary works of, 103 Dongois, Nicolas, 231 on “little dates,” 100, 102, 107 Donnellus, Hugo. See Doneau, Hugues major themes for, 103–13 Dorsanne, Antoine, 138 customary law, 98–99, 103, 109–14 Douaren, François Le, 3, 6, 137 economic thought, 109–13 Doneau and, 175 private law, 109–13 Dreyfus, Alfred, 13–14, 300 on marriage laws, 98 Viollet and, 300–1 on Napoleonic Civil Code, 111 Dreyfus Affair, 13–14, 299–300 political interests of, 103–9 anti-Semitism and, 301 opposition to Jesuits in France, 105–6 Dubouchet, Paul, 449 in religious reform, 104–5 Duclert, Vincent, 304 Politiques and, 105 due process, in Speculum iudiciale, 64–68 on reformation of church, 108–9 Duguet, Joseph, 219 religious beliefs of, 103–9 Duguit, Léon, 348, 437 changes in, 97 Aquinas as influence on, 361 conversion to Catholicism, 103 biography of, 358–62 critique of Catholic Church, 107–8 Catholicism of, 364–65 on papal Decretals, 106–7 on church and state, relationship between, rejection of Calvinism, 102–3 364–67 during religious wars, 102–3 public service and, 366 on Roman law, 113–14 Roman Catholicism and, 358–59, 366–67, on rules of consanguinity, 98 370 at University of Tübingen, 101–2, 108–9

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Durand, Guillaume, 55. See also Speculum Essay on an Institution in Public Law iudiciale (d’Aguesseau, H. F.), 240 Bernardus Parmensis and, 52–53 L’Estiole, Pierre Taisant de, 98 on Christian ethics, 62–63 eternal law, 391–93 death of, 54 ethics early biography, 52 Christian, 62–63 and, 53 procedural, 62–64 Holy See and, 54 professional, 62–64 on pastoral care, rules of, 55 Ethics (Aristotle), 289 on procedural law, 60–62, 68–69 Études (Bouvier), 305–6 in Roman Curia, 53–54 Eucharist on science of the process, 61–62 Berengar of Tours, 23 Stephen of Tournai and, 62 Ivo of Chartres, letter 287, 23–24 as vicar, 53 European Atomic Energy Community Durand, Paul, 436 (Euratom), 413 Duranton, Alexandre, 326 European Coal and Steel Community Durien, Eugénie, 406 (ECSC), 16, 412 Durkheim, Émile, 347, 363, 422, 433–34, 436 European Economic Community (EEC), 413 European integration, 412–13, 418 “Eagle of Parliament,” 231. See also economic aspects of, 417–18 d’Aguesseau, Henri François political aspects of, 417–18 ecclesiastical law, 47 United Kingdom and, 417 Ecclesiastical Ordinances (1541) (Calvin), exegetical method, 326–27 129–30 École des Chartes family, in Democracy in America, 284 Fournier, Paul, at, 310 family law. See also laws of marriage Viollet at, 293–99 Calvinist interpretation of, 132 école méthodique, 297 family rights, 122 ECOSOC. See United Nations Economic and Faseolus, Johannes, 59 Social Council Faur, Guy du, 194–95 ECSC. See European Coal and Steel Faure, Edgar, 412 Community Faure, Jean, 317–18 Edict of Beaulieu, 197 Febvre, Lucien, 422, 425 Edict of Fontainebleau, 9–10, 265, 440 The Federalist Papers, 278 Edict of Nantes, 9–10, 264–66 Féron, Alain de, 232 revocation of, 264–65, 440 Ferrier, Arnaud Du, 136 Edict of Tolerance, 440 feudal court system, 4 education law, 132 banning of Roman law in, 4 Edward I (King), 88 customary law in, regional practice of, 4 EEC. See European Economic Community under Honorius III, 4 Ehrlich, Eugen, 442 written law in, regional practice of, 4 Eisenmann, Charles, 447–48 Févret, Charles, 267 emendatio, of legal sources, 141 Fieschi, Ottobono, 55–56 Encyclopédie (Diderot), 100 Fimister, Alan Paul, 405 enlightened self-interest, 289–90 Fleury, Joly de, 231 Épistre envoyeé au tigre de France (Hotman), Flote, Pierre, 88–89 153 Folain-Le Bras, Marthe, 232 , 104 Follain, Marthe, 422 Erlich, Eugen, 438 Foscararis, Egidius de, 57 Eschmann, I. Theodore, 395 Fouilleé, Alfred, 433–34 Esmein, Adhémar, 295–96, 298, 310 Fournier, Édouard, 312

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Fournier, Jacques, 317–18 religious, 120 Fournier, Paul, 318, 421–22 Stephen of Tournai on, 39–40 biography of, 309–11 Freemasons, 260 on canon law, 311–12 Frei, Eduardo, 401–2 Catholic Union of International Studies French Republic, establishment of, 11 and, 321 Viollet during, 294–306 at École des Chartes, 310 French Revolution, 276–77 as professor of Roman law, 310 clergy after, loss of privileges for, 11 Ralliement and, 320 long-term effects of, 11 religious history of, 318–21 nobility after, loss of privileges for, 11 Holy See and, 321 fundamental rights, 165–66 research methods of, 314 Fur, Louis Le, 342 scholarly contributions of, 311–18 canonical collections, 313–18 Gallardon, Robert de, 37–39 Gregorian reforms in, 314–15 Gallican Church, defense of, 102–5 during Third Republic, 319 Gallicanism Fourth Lateran Council, 105 d’Aguesseau, H. F., and, 243 Fourth Republic, 15 Concordat and, 12 Foyer, Jean, 436 of Portalis, 262–68 France. See also Christian jurists; French of Pothier, 255 Revolution; Middle Ages; Napoleonic Gardies, Jean-Louis, 448 era Gasperi, Alcide De, 401–2 Bourbon restoration, 229, 249 Gaudemet, Jean, 321, 421, 431, 448 Calvin exiled from, 118–19 De Gaulle, Charles, 388 Civil Code in, 268–73, 368 Gelasius I (Pope), 263 civil law changes to, 367 Génestal, Robert, 310, 422 legal influences on, 270–71 Geneva Consistory, 129–30 marriage laws in, 271–73 Gény, François, 325, 378, 438 purpose of, 269 German Civil Code, 324–25 Roman law as influence on, 269–70 Gerson, Jean, 105–6 common law in, 9–10 Ghibellines, 53 Court of Cassation, 253 Gide, Charles, 302, 363 “crise allemande” in, 326 Gide, Paul, 324 Declaration of Rights of Man and of the Gierke, Otto von, 407 Citizen in, 122, 304–5, 368 Gilbert, Jean-Pierre, 267 Dreyfus Affair in, 13–14, 299–300 Giry, Arthur, 301–2 anti-Semitism and, 301 Glasson, Ernest, 296 Jesuits in, 105–6 Glossa Ordinaria, 75–76, 143–44 law schools in, 295–96 Goodman, Christopher, 123 mos gallicus jura docendi in, 135 Got, Bertrand de, 89–90 nationalization of law in, 9–10 Goveia, Antonio de, 137 under Louis XIV, 9–10 Grammar of Assent (Newman), 319 Ralliement in, 320 Grand, Raoul, 295 Revolution of 1848, 278 Grandclaude, Maurice, 447–48 Third Republic in, 299–300, 319 Gratian, 4–5, 38 Wars of Religion in, 7, 102–3, 195 Stephen of Tournai influenced by, 47–48 Francis II (King), 153 Graz, Pierre de, 88 Francis of Paola (Saint), 105 Great Gloss (Cujas), 143–44 Franciscanism, 458 Great Ordinances, 9–10 Francogallia (Hotman, F.), 114, 156–62, 166 codification of French law as result of, 10 freedom. See also liberties Greek law, Cujas on, 144–45

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Grégoire, Pierre, 3, 114–15 Roman law banned under, 86 Gregorian reforms, 314–15 l’Hôpital, Michel de, 3, 105, 195 Gregory IX (Pope), 52, 86, 106–7 Hotman, F., and, 151–52, 156 Gregory VII (Pope), 40 Antitribonien ou discours d’un grand et Gregory X (Pope), 53 renomme iurisconsulte de notre temps Grimm, Friedrich-Melchior, 233 sur l’estude des loix and, 154–57 Grotius, Hugo, 249, 267, 395–96 Hotman, François, 6–7, 101, 119, 139, 153 Guelphs, 53 academic legacy of, 152–53 Guizot, François, 293 Aristotelian influences on, 154–55 Gurvitch, Georges, 435–37, 442 Baudouin and, 149–50 Guyot, Pierre-Jean-Jacques, 246 biography of, 149–53 education, 149–50 Hadrian IV (Pope), 41 family history, 149 Halbwachs, Maurice, 422 Calvin and, 150–51, 162–71 d’Harcourt, Raoul, 86–87 on codification of laws, 167–69 Hauriou, André, 342–43 on fundamental rights, 165–66 Hauriou, Maurice on immutable rights, 165–66 on alcohol consumption, 348 on power of magistracy, 162–64 Aquinas as influence on, 345–46 on customary law, 156 Bergson as influence on, 345 Doneau and, 151–52 biography of, 342–44 Dumoulin and, 149–50, 156 on collectivism, 351 on French public law, 152 on , 345–48 l’Hôpital and, 151–52, 154–57 on jurisdiction of administrative judges, Justinian influences on, 154–55 350–51 literary works of, 151, 153–62. See also specific legal works of, 344, 349 works Précis de droit administratif, 348–50 Antitribonien ou discours d’un grand et Principes de droit public, 352 renomme iurisconsulte de notre temps on liberal state, political theory of, 352–56 sur l’estude des loix, 154–57 constitutional powers in, 354–56 Francogallia, 114, 156–62, 166 social constitution in, 353 Partitiones iuris ciulis elementariae, 169 on natural law theory, 345–48 on modern constitutionalism, 159–60 on public law, 348–52 on monarchies specificity of, 351 limitations of, 160–61 Schmitt influenced by, 342–43 regicide and, 161 scientific positivism and, 347 mos gallicus and, 169–72 sociological investment of, 346–47 on Roman law, 154–57 Henri (Duke of Guise), 153 autochthonous legal systems from, 169 Henry III of Navarre. See Henry IV (King) “Twelve Tables,” 152–54 Henry II (King), 100 Hotman, Lambert, 149 Henry IV (King), 161 Hotman, Pierre, 149–50 Henry of Segusio, 53, 55–57 Hugh of Lyon, 19–20, 26–30 Henry VII (Emperor), 67–68 Hugo, Victor, 16 Hervé, Gabrielle, 138 Hugues, Edmond, 434 Hervé, Jacques, 138 Hugues, Madeleine, 434 Hirsch, Étienne, 411 human rights, 397–401 History of the Seigneury of Chaligny (Fournier, UDHR, 15, 69, 388, 400–1 Paul), 318 Villey, M., on, 453–56 Hoeck, Johann, 110 Human Rights League, 300–1 Holy See, 54, 273–74, 321 humanism. See also legal humanism Honorius III (Pope), 4, 56–57, 79 Calvinism and, 7

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Corpus iuris, 6–7 theological proof texts, 23–24 in France, 3 Hugh of Lyon and, 19–20, 26–30 in law education, 135 on investiture crisis, 4, 27–30 Alciato on, 135 corporeal investiture, 28 Budé on, 135 papal prohibitions as element of, 27–28 mos gallicus jura docendi, 135 legal legacy of, 19 nationalist reactions to, 7 literary works of Roman law and, 6–7 collections of, 20–21 major themes in, 21–33 idolatry of law, 450 Stephen of Tournai influenced by, 19 Igneus, Iohannes, 91 Ihering, Rudolf von, 183, 328 James, William, 384 immutable laws, 220–25 Jansen, Cornelius, 219, 242 immutable rights, 165–66 Jansenism individual legal pluralism, 442–43 d’Aguesseau, H. F., and, 238–43 individual rights, 378–80 Augustine of Hippo as influence on, individualism, 345–48 253–54 liberal, 402 constitution Unigenitus, 242 industrial revolution, during Napoleonic era, Domat and, 217, 219 13 Jesuits and, 254 Innocent III (Pope), 37 Pothier and, 253–56 Innocent IV (Pope), 56–57 Jardin, André, 285 Institutes of the Christian Religion (Calvin), Jellinek, Georg, 396 117, 119–20 Jesuits, in France, 105–6 Institution au droit des Français, 114 Jansenism and, 254 Instructiones et Constitutiones, 55 John Paul II (Pope), 401–2 insurrections. See rioting and insurrections Josserand, Louis, 378 interpretatio, of legal sources, 141 Jousse, Daniel, 248 investiture crisis, 4, 27–30 judgment corporeal investiture, 28 in Decretum, 30–33 papal prohibitions as element of, 27–28 Iudicium est actum trium personarum, Irland, Robert, 98 62–64 Isidore of Seville, 64 judgment is an act of three persons. See Iudicium est actum trium personarum Iudicium est actum trium personarum (judgment is an act of three persons), judicial functions. See officium iudicis 62–64 judicial order (ordo iudiciarius), 45–47 ius commune (amalgamation of law systems), 17 Julien, Jean-Joseph, 260–61 Belleperche and, 93–94 Julius III (Pope), 100 medieval universities and, 78–79 Juris universi distributio (Bodin), 169 Revigny and, 71–72, 80–82 jurists, 2 ius divinum positivum, 60–62 justice Ivo of Chartres. See also Decretum definition of, 183 canons of, 22 Villey, M., on, 456–57 Collectio Britannica as influence on, 22 Justinian Code, 86 collections of, 316–17 Dumoulin and, 101, 111 censure of Philip I, 19–20 classical canon law and, 4–5 Kalinoswki, Georges, 448 discord of regnum, 26–30 Kant, Immanuel, 176 discord of sacerdotium, 26–30 Kelley, Donald, 106–8 early religious history of, 19 Kelsen, Hans, 360–61, 390 on Eucharist, as letter 287, 23–24 Kent, James, 278

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Kermartin, Yves Hélory de, 86 Law on the Separation of the Churches and the The Kingdom of Arles and Vienne State, 13 (Fournier, Paul), 318 laws of love, 213–15 Kisch, Wilhelm, 407–8 laws of marriage Kohler, Josef, 407 Dumoulin on, 98 Kölzer, Theo, 317 in French Civil Code, 271–73 Koninck, Charles De, 395 Pothier on, 255–56 Krijtenburg, Margriet, 405, 411 Protestant Church and, 264–67 Kuttner, Stephan, 426 League of Nations, 16 Leathes, Stanley Mortaund, 295 Laband, Paul, 407 lecturae Labbé, Émile, 324 of Belleperche, 90–91 Laferrière, Éduoard, 349 of Revigny, 81 läicité, 17–18, 131 Lefebvre, Charles, 421, 426 Lallement, Louis, 262 legal humanism Landau, Peter, 316 Alciato on, 135 Landgrave, Philipp, 150 Budé on, 135 Langres, Guichard de, 72 Cujas and, 135–36 law. See also specific topics historical dimension of, 145–46 Calvinist interpretation of, 123–25 limitations of, 147 civil uses of law, 123–24 Doneau on, 175 deterrent uses of law, 125 legal orders, foundation of, 211–15 of education law, 132 laws of love in, 213–15 educational uses of law, 124–25 religion as, 212–14 of family law, 132 legal pluralism, 442–43 in godly Republics, 131–32 collective, 442–43 rehabilitative uses of law, 125 critiques of, 443 retributive uses of law, 125 divorce reform in, 443 of social welfare laws, 132 individual aspects of, 442–43 theological uses of law, 124 legal positivism, 327 conception of, 439–43 legal science, 329 legislative continence in, 442 centrality of, 329–30 pluralism in, 442–43 re-establishment of, 327–28 eternal, 391–93 legal , 378 idolatry of, 450 legal traditions, in France as moral science, 381–85 Christian jurists influenced by, 2, 17–18 as practical science, 389–90 customary law, 109–10 sociology of, 435–39 ius commune, 17 criticism of, 438 läicité in, 17–18 subjective, 457 mos gallicus methods, 17 law education Roman law in, 109–10 humanism in, 135 legislative continence, 442 Alciato on, 135 Lejeune, René, 405 Budé on, 135 Lemire, Abbe Jules-Auguste, 302, 337–38 mos gallicus jura docendi, 135 Lemoyne, Jean, 67 medieval methods of, 134–35 Leo XIII (Pope), 15, 304, 320, 335–36, 345–46, law of marriage, in Decretum, 24–26 404–5 consanguinity in, 25 Leromain, Emilie, 232 Liber Pancrisis and, 25–26 Leroy, Maxime, 379 Responsa Bulgarorum and, 25 Lessius, Leonardus, 115 for royals, 24 Levasseur, Georges, 437

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Levy, Emmanuel, 378 Marignane, Émilie de, 260 Levy, Jean-Philippe, 448 Maritain, Jacques Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien, 433–37 appraisal of, 401–3 Lewis, C.S., 289 biography of, 387–89 lex naturalis (natural law), 60–62 ambassadorship, 388 Liber de claris iurisconsultis, 52 education, 387 Liber Extra (Gregory IX), 52 on common law of civilizations, 391–93 Liber Pancrisis, 25–26 on eternal law, 391–93 liberal individualism, 402 on human rights, 397–401 liberal state, political theory of, 352–56 legal influence of, 401–3 constitutional powers in, 354–56 literary works of, 387–89 social constitution in, 353 on natural law, 391–93 liberties, Calvin on, 119–21 rationalist view of, 395–96 the Bible as influence on, 121 on philosophy of law, 389–97 in Institutes of the Christian Religion, 119–20 Aquinas as influence on, 390–91 political suffrage, 121 challenges to contemporary law theories, through religious freedom, 120 395–97 Libertines, 119 personhood in, 393–95 L’Isle, Jean Gilbert de, 231 as practical science, 389–90 Liszt, Franz von, 407 types of law in, 391–93 “little dates,” 100, 102, 107 on political absolutism, 395 Littré, Émile, 299 on positive law, 391–93 Lizet, Pierre, 154 Schuman influenced by, 404–5 Lloyd, Howell, 207 on sovereignty, 395 Louis XI (King), 105, 155 Villey, M., and, 454 Louis XIV (King) Marle, Paule de, 149 Edict of Fontainebleau, 9–10 marriage laws. See laws of marriage Edict of Nantes, 9–10 Martens, Wilfried, 401–2 Great Ordinances of, 9–10 Martin IV (Pope), 53–54 nationalization of law under, 9–10 Mauss, Marcel, 422 Louis XV (King), 230, 264 Médici, Catherine de, 105 Louisianan codes, 225–26 medieval university systems, ius commune and, Louis-Philippe (Earl of Segur), 230 78–79 Loysel, Antoine, 3 Meinvielle, Julio, 395 Lücker, Hans August, 405–6, 414 Melanchthon, Philipp, 102, 104, 138 Ludwig VI, 174 on codification of laws, 167–69 Luther, Martin, 104 on natural law, 168 Lutheranism, 97 on Roman law, 168 mercy, 30–33 Maassen, Friedrich, 312–13 Merry del Val, Rafael, 320 magistracy, power of, 162–64 Mestre, Achille, 342–43 Malaurie, Philippe, 448 Metaphysical Meditations on the True and Malesherbes, Chrétien de, 276 False Ideas of Justice (d’Aguesseau, Maleville, Jacques de, 261, 268 H. F.), 234–35, 240 Malik, Charles, 400 méthode historique, 333–34 Mann, Thomas, 412 Meyer, Paul, 297, 301 Marcadé, Victor-Napoléon, 326–27 Middle Ages, in France Margaret of France, 137 canon law during, 22 Marie, André, 410 feudal court system in, 4 Marie Judith (Marchioness of La Tournelle), banning of Roman law in, 4 230 customary law in, regional practice of, 4

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Middle Ages, in France (cont.) Law on the Separation of the Churches and under Honorius III, 4 the State, 13 written law in, regional practice of, 4 the Terror during, 12 French Christian jurists during, 4–6 nationalism, humanism as influence on, 7 Mill, John Stuart, 279–80, 288, 290–91 nationalization of law, in France, 9–10 mirror imagery, in Speculum iudiciale, 58 under Louis XIV, 9–10 Mittendorfer, Rudolf, 405–6 natural law. See also lex naturalis modern constitutionalism, 159–60 d’Aguesseau, H. F., on, 241 modern natural law, 241, 267–68 Calvin on, 122–23 Molinier, Auguste, 301–2 in Decalogue, 123 monarchies Domat on, 210–11 limitations of, 160–61 Christian influences on, 210–11 regicide and, 161 as divine law, 217–18, 220 Monchy, Jean de, 72 extension of, 222–23 Mondekens, Suzanne, 174 positive law compared to, 223 Monluc, Jean de, 139, 151 Roman law and, 212, 220 Monnet, Jean, 411–12 as universal, 221 Monod, Gabriel, 297 Hauriou on, 345–48 Montaigne, Michel de, 140 Maritain on, 391–93 , Charles-Louis de Secondat, 164 rationalist view of, 395–96 Montlauzun, Guillaume de, 317–18 Melanchthon on, 168 morality. See Catholic morality; Christian modern, 241, 267–68 morality Portalis on, 267–68 moralization of law, 252 Pothier on, 252–53 Morel, René, 375 Saleilles on, 328 Mornay, Pierre de, 86–87, 89–90 Villey, M., on, 453–56 Moro, Aldo, 401–2 natural law theory, 299–300 mos gallicus jura docendi (French method of natural order. See Christian natural order teaching law), 7, 17, 135. See also Newman, John Henry, 319, 336–37 Gallicanism Nicholas I (Pope), 22, 25 Doneau and, 180 Nicholas III (Pope), 53–54 Hotman and, 169–72 Nicole, Pierre, 219, 253–54 mos italicus, 135, 172 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 289 Motulsky, Henri, 447–48 nobility, after French Revolution, loss of Mounier, Emmanuel, 387–88, 395 privileges for, 11 Mudaeus, Gabriel, 99 noblesse de robe, 173 Mugello, Dino de, 100 Nogaret, Guilluame de, 86 Musculus, Wolfgang, 102 nominalism, 458 Noodt, Gerhard, 249 Napoléon. See Bonaparte, Napoléon Notebooks (Villey, M.), 459–60 Napoléon, Louis, 278 Napoleonic Civil Code, 111 Œuvres (d’Aguesseau, H. F.), 234–35 Napoleonic era De officiis (Cicero), 185–86 Battle of Sedan, 13 officium iudicis (judicial functions), 63 Catholic Church during, 12–13 The Old Regime and the Revolution Christian jurists during, 11–12 (Tocqueville), 285, 290 codification of law during, 11–12 Oldendorp, Johann, 170 Concordat and, 12 On Liberty (Mill), 290–91 Directory and, 12 On the Use and Abuse of the Philosophical Dreyfus affair, 13–14 Spirit during the Eighteenth Century industrial revolution during, 13 (Portalis), 261, 270

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Opera omnia (Cujas), 147 Pius VII (Pope), 12, 365 Opera omnia (Doneau), 175, 188 Pius X (Pope), 320 Oppian, 192 Pius XII (Pope), 413 ordinances, of Calvin, 117–18 Planiol, Marcel, 372 Ecclesiastical Ordinances of 1541, 129–30 Play, Frédéric Le, 347 ordines iudiciarii, 5, 56–58, 65, 67 plenitudo potestatis, 65–66 ordo iudidiarius. See judicial order pluralism. See legal pluralism Ordonnance sur les donations (d’Aguesseau, Poidevin, Raymond, 405 H. F.), 237 Poincaré, 447 Oumansoff, Raïssa, 387 political absolutism, 395 Oxford Movement, 319 political abuse of power, 127–28 political suffrage, 121 Pandectae Justinianae (Pothier), 248, 250 Politics (Althusius), 127 Papinianus, 143–44 Politiques, 105 Papon, Jean, 169 , 198 Paris, Gaston, 297 Pontificale (Durand, G.), 55 Parisiensis, Simon, 72 Portalis, Jean-Étienne-Marie Partitiones iuris ciulis elementariae (Hotman, biography of, 259–62 F.), 169 Catholicism of, 262 pastoral care, rules of, 55 Concordat and, implementation of, 273–75 Paul III (Pope), 105 Holy See and, 273–74 Paul VI (Pope), 15, 401–2 exile of, 261–62 Péguy, Charles, 338, 387 as Freemason, 260 Pelt, Jean-Marie, 405 French Civil Code and, 268–73 Penguin History of Philosophy, 76 legal influences on, 270–71 Pennera, Christian, 405 marriage laws in, 271–73 Pennington, Ken, 5 purpose of, 269 Perelman, Chaïm, 448 Roman law as influence on, 269–70 Pérez, Luis Arturo, 402 Gallicanism of, 262–68 Persian Letters, 239 legal works of, 262–64 persona, as legal concept, 181–83 Consultation on the Validity of Protestant personhood, establishment of, 393–95 Marriage, 264–66 Peter of Celle, 39 Preliminary Speech, 270 Peter of San Crisogona, 37 On the Use and Abuse of the Philosophical Petrus Stella of Orléans. See L’Estiole, Pierre Spirit during the Eighteenth Century, Taisant de 261, 270 Philibert, Emmanuel, 137 on modern natural law, 267–68 Philip I (King), 19 philosophical influences of, 259 Philip the Fair (King) (Philip IV), 54, 89–90, 94 on Protestant marriage, 264–67 Belleperche and, 87–89 Portemer, Jean, 232 peacekeeping missions led by, 88 Port-Royalist doctrine, 219 Boniface VIII and, 89 positive law Pillius, 57 d’Aguesseau, H. F., on, 237 Pinay, Antoine, 412 Maritain on, 391–93 Piñel, Arias, 115 natural law compared to, 223 Piron, Sylvain, 452 Pothier, Robert-Joseph, 10, 114 Pistoia, Cynus de, 89, 91 d’Aguesseau, H. F. and, 246 Pithou, Pierre, 3 “Benedictine of law,” 246 Pius IV (Pope), 115 biography of, 245–47 Pius IX (Pope), 13, 299–300 education, 245 Syllabus and, 305–6 Bourbon restoration and, 249

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Pothier, Robert-Joseph (cont.) Protestant Church on civil law, 253 Carbonnier and, 439–43 conception of law, 250–53 Cujas and, 138–39 law of obligations in, 251–52 marriage and, 264–67 on customary law, 250–51 reformation of, 119 Gallicanism of, 255 Prothero, George Walter, 295 as Jansenist, 253–56 public law, in France legal works of, 247–50 Hauriou, M., on, 348–52 criticism of, 247–48 specificity of, 351 Pandectae Justinianae, 248, 250 Hotman, F., on, 152 scope of topics in, 248–49 The Public Law, Following the Civil Law on marriage law, 255–56 in Its Natural Order (Domat), 210, on moralization of law, 252 216–17 on natural law, 252–53 public service, 363–64, 366 on property law, 249 Pufendorf, Samuel von, 249, 267, 395–96 religion as influence on, 253–56 on Roman law, 251–52 Quanta cura (Pius IX), 13 Pound, Roscoe, 456 Questions on Saint Thomas on Law and power Politics (Villey, M.), 457–59 of magistracy, 162–64 political abuse of, 127–28 Ralliement, 320 practice of law, 56–58 Ramadier, Paul, 410 Praxis beneficiorum, 100 Rambaud, Jacqueline, 421, 426 Précis de droit administratif (Haurio, M.), Ramée, Pierre de la, 168–69, 177, 191 348–50 Rampolla, Mariano, 320 Preliminary Speech (Portalis), 270 Rationale divinorum (Durand, G.), 55 Prélot, Marcel, 347 rationalism, 211 Prévost, Guillaume, 191 of d’Aguesseau, H. F., 240–41 Prévost de la Jannès, Michel, 246–47 Villey, M., on, 458–59 princeps, power of, 65–66 rationalized right, biblical sources as Principes de droit public (Hauriou, M.), 352 foundation of, 215–25 Principles of Natural Law (Burlamaqui), 240 arbitrary laws, 220–25 priority of mores, 280–83 Christian natural order and, 218–20 private law immutable laws, 220–25 Doneau on individualization of, 181–87 Thomas Aquinas as influence, 215, 222 intellectual history as influence on, 185–87 Ravaisson, Félix, 433–34 persona as legal concept, 181–83 Ravanis, Jacob de, 81 religious influences on, 185–87 Reboul de Lambert, Pierre-François-Xavier de, right of personality doctrine, 181 264 Dumoulin on, 109–13 Recollections (Tocqueville), 290 Saleilles on, 332 Reflections on Jesus Christ (d’Aguesseau, Stephen of Tournai on, 38–39 H. F.), 239 Urban II on, 38–39 regicide, 161 procedural ethics, 62–64 Regnault, Henri, 232 procedural law, Durand, G., on, 60–62, 68–69 rehabilitation, through law, 125 professional ethics, 62–64 religion progressive Catholicism, 337–38 d’Aguesseau, H. F., attitude towards, 241–42 property laws, 249 democracy and, 284–86 property rights in Democracy in America, 284 Calvin on, 121–22 legal orders and, 212–14 social function of, 367–70 Pothier influenced by, 253–56

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sovereignty and, 207–8 rescission of, 215 Wars of Religion, in France, 7, 102–3, 195 subjective, 454 religious freedom, 120 Calvin on, 121–22 läicité and, 17–18 Doneau on, 184–85 religious pluralism, under Bonaparte, 12 Rights of Man and of the Citizen, 11 religious sociology, 425–29 rioting and insurrections, 128 Renard, Georges, 342–43 Ripert, Georges Renoux-Zagamé, Marie-France, 232 biography of, 372–75 Repertorium, 57 on Christian morality, 381–85 repetitiones, of Belleperche, 90–91, 95 Catholic morality compared to, 383 rescission of rights, 215 naturalization of, 384 resignatio in favorem, 100 on commercial law, 376–77 Responsa Bulgarorum, 25 on democratic mysticism, 375–78 retribution, through law, 125 on destruction of traditions, 375–78 Reuter, Paul, 411 honorary doctorates for, 375 Revigny, Jacques de on individual rights and freedoms, 378–80 association with church, 73 on law as moral science, 381–85 Belleperche and, 92, 95 on legal policy, 378–80 biography of, 71–73 legal works of, 376–79, 381–82 ius commune and, 71–72, 80–82 on money, power of, 375–78 legal contributions of, 81–82 on vices of modern , 375–78 literary works of, 81 Rivero, Jean, 342–43 Dictionarium iuris, 81 Robert of Anjou, 67–68 lecturae, 81 Rochefort, Robert, 405 Roman law Roger, Pierre, 317–18 French monarchy response to, 79 Rolker, Christof, 4–5 Ultramontani and, 74 Roman Curia, 53–54, 100 at University of Orléans, 79–81 Roman law at University of Orléans, 73, 78–81 d’Aguesseau, H. F., on, 237 Roman law at, 79–81 Belleperche on, 92–93, 95 Revolution of 1848, 278 Cujas critiques of, 144, 147 Revue Historique (Monod), 297 Domat and, 212, 220 Reynaud, Paul, 409 Doneau on, systemization of, 176–77, 188 Rials, Stephané, 449 Duguit on, 368 Ribot, Théodule, 433–34 Dumoulin on, 113–14 Richer of Sens (Archbishop), 19 in European legal traditions, 109–10 Ridant, Pierre Le, 267 in feudal court system, 4 right of personality doctrine, 181 Fournier, Paul, and, 310 rights. See also human rights French Civil Code influenced by, Calvin on, 121–22 269–70 citizenship rights, 121 under Honorius III, 86 family rights, 122 Hotman, F., and, 154–57 as natural, 121 autochthonous legal systems from, 169 property rights, 121–22 “Twelve Tables,” 152–54 subjective rights, 121–22 humanism influenced by, 6–7 fundamentals of, 165–66 imperfections of, 156 immutable, 165–66 Melanchthon on, 168 individual, 378–80 natural law and, 212, 220 property Pothier on, 251–52 Calvin on, 121–22 Revigny and social function of, 367–70 French monarchy response to, 79

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Roman law (cont.) political aspects of, 417–18 Ultramontani and, 74 United Kingdom and, 417 at University of Orléans, 79–81 European vision of, 414–18 Stephen of Tournai on, 48–50 Christian democracy as framework for, Ultramontani and, 74 416–17 Villey, M., on, 452–53 security conditions in, 416 Rossi, Pellegrino, 327 universalist approach, 415 Roth, François, 405–6 foundational legacy of, 413–14 Roure, Madeleine Du, 138 Maritain as influence on, 404–5 Rozière, Eugène de, 297–98 Reynaud and, 409 Rufinus, 50 Schuman Declaration, 410–12 science of the process, 61–62 Sainte-Geneviève abby, 36–38 scientific positivism, 347 Saisset, Bernard, 89 Scotus, Duns, 454–55 Saleilles, Raymond, 342 Second Scholasticism, 458 biography of, 324–25 secondary bodies, democracy and, 283 Catholicism of, 335–39 Secrétan, Charles, 363 development of, 336–37 self-interest. See enlightened self-interest German Civil Code and, preparatory work Semaines sociales, 342 for, 324–25 separation of church and state on legal science, 329 Calvin on, 130–31 centrality of, 329–30 in U. S., comparisons to, 131 re-establishment of, 327–28 Carbonnier on, 440–42 méthode historique for, 333–34 sermons, of Stephen of Tournai, 36–37 on natural law, critique of, 328 Servetus, Michael, 119 on private law, creation of, 332 Seydel, Max von, 396 scholarly contributions of, 326–35 Seyssel, Claude de, 160 exegetical method in, 326–27 Sigebert of Gembloux, 26 universal suffrage and, 330–31 Le Sillon movement, 336–37 sales law, warranty for defects in, 178–80 Siméon, Joseph-Sextius, 260–61 actio empti, 179 Simon, Yves, 395 Sánchez, Tomás, 254 social constitution, 353 Sangnier, Marc, 336–37 social welfare laws, Calvinist interpretation of, Savigny, Friedrich Carl von, 176, 132 249–50 socialism. See legal socialism Scaliger, Joseph Justus, 139 society, 345 Schmidt, Adolphe, 295 sociological positivism, 396–97 Schmitt, Carl, 342–43 sociology of law, 435–39 Schmoller, Gustav von, 407 criticism of, 438 scholasticism, 75–76 sovereignty Cujas and, 142–43 Bodin on, 198–202 School of Orléans. See Ultramontani absolute power and, 199–201 Schulte, Johann Friedrich von, 5, 42–43 contracts and, 200–2 Schuman, Jean-Pierre, 406 defined, 198 Schuman, Robert, 16 delegation in, 204–5 biography of, 404–14 as distinct from, 204–5 education, 407–8 indivisibility of, 204–5 literary sources of, 405–6 legislation as element of, 202–3 during World War II, 409 in Methodus ad facilem historiarum European integration and, 412–13, 418 cognitionem, 194, 199 economic aspects of, 417–18 radical divine voluntarism and, 207

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religion and, 207–8 on Roman law, 48–50 in République, 198–99 Rufinus and, 50 theory of state and, 206–8 at Sainte-Geneviève, 36–38 Maritain on, 395 on secular society customs, 47 Speculum iudiciale (Durand, G.), 52, 55–60 sermons of, 36–37 composition of, as process, 55–56 Summa on Decretum Gratiani and, 40–47 division of, 58–60 duality themes in, 45 major themes in, 60–68 terminology in, 44–45 due process, 64–68 on types of freedom, 39–40 Iudicium est actum trium personarum, Stintzing, Roderich von, 176 62–64 Stoic philosophy, 140 ius divinum positivum, 60–62 Doneau and, 185–87 lex naturalis, 60–62 Story, Joseph, 278 officium iudicis, 63 Stutz, Ulrich, 318 princeps in, power of, 65–66 subjective law, 457 substantialia iudicii, 64–68 subjective rights, 121–22, 184–85, 454 mirror imagery in, 58 subsidiarity, 291 ordines iudiciarii and, 5, 56–58, 65, 67 substantialia iudicii, 64–68 plenitudo potestatis, 65–66 suffrage practice of law in, 56–58 political, 121 procedural ethics in, 62–64 universal, 330–31 professional ethics in, 62–64 Sully, Maurice de, 36 prologue of, 56–57 Summa feodorum, 81 Repertorium in, 57 Summa on Decretum Gratiani (Stephen of theory of law in, 56–57 Tournai), 40–47 St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre, 153, 157, duality themes in, 45 168–69, 173–74 terminology in, 44–45 state theory, 362–64, 369–70 Summenhart, Conrad, 110 literary influences on, 363 Super speculum (Honorius III), 4 public service in, 363–64 will of governments in, 364 Talon, Denis, 229 states, structures of, Calvin on, 125–28 Talon, Omer, 229 as constitutionally self-limiting, 126–27 Tancredus, 57 political abuse of power and, 127–28 Tarde, Gabriel, 347, 433–34 purpose of state, 127 Tardif, Adolphe, 294, 297–98, 309 rioting and insurrections and, 128 Tartagni, Alessandro, 99 through state laws, 126 teaching law. See law education Stein, Peter, 76–77 Terré, François, 436, 448 Stephen of Tournai, 5 Terré, Gui, 317–18 in , 36, 40–41 the Terror, 12 on clerical transfers, 38–40 Thaller, Edmond, 375–76 Durand, G., and, 62 Theodosian Code, 8, 49–50 early education of, 35, 40–41 Cujas on, 142 on ecclesiastical law, 47 theological uses of law, 124 Gratian as influence on, 47–48 theory of law, 56–57 Innocent III and, 37 Third Republic (France), 299–300, 319 Ivo of Chartres as influence on, 19 Thireau, Jean-Louis, 104, 111 on judicial order, 45–47 Thomas, Yan, 451 Peter of San Crisogono and, 37 Thomas Aquinas, 64, 104, 342 on private law, 38–39 Duguit influenced by, 361 prose of, 35–36 Hauriou, M., influenced by, 345–46

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Thomas Aquinas (cont.) United States (U. S.) Maritain influenced by, 390–91 Bill of Rights in, 122 rationalized right influenced by, 215, 222 democracy in, 279–83 Ultramontani and, 77 Universal Declaration of Human Rights Villey, M., influenced by, 449, 452 (UDHR), 15, 69, 388, 400–1 Thou, Christophe de, 154 universal suffrage, 330–31 Tierney, Brian, 451 University of Bourges, 137 Tocqueville, Alexis de, 285, 290. See also University of Heidelberg, 174 democracy; Democracy in America University of Orléans appraisal of, 290–91 Belleperche at, 86–87 biography of, 276–79 law teachers at, first generation of, 76–77 electoral resumé, 278–79 Revigny at, 73, 78–81 Code Napoléon and, 277 Roman law at, 79–81 on enlightened self-interest, 289–90 University of Tübingen, 101–2, 108–9 legacy of, 290–91 Urban II (Pope), 26, 38 literary influences on, 280 Uri, Pierre, 411 major themes for, 279–80 Usus modernus Pandectarum, 249 U. S. democracy and, 279–83 priority of mores for, 280–83 Valla, Lorenza, 135 on secondary bodies, 283 Valois, Noël, 317 subsidiarity and, 291 Van Hove, Alphonse, 115 A Treatise of Laws (Domat), 211, 215–16 Vedel, Georges, 342–43 Tribonian, 142 Ventimiglia, Carmine, 219 Les trois notairs (Papon), 169 Villey, Edmond, 359 Tronchet, François-Denis, 261, 268 Villey, Michel Troplong, Raymond-Théodore, 114, 253, biography of, 447–49 326–27 dialogical methods of, 449–51 Trouilliart, François, 197 on human rights, 453–56 “Twelve Tables, Law of,” 152–54 on idolatry of law, 450 tyranny, democracy and, 287–90 on individual rights, 453–56 intellectual projects of, 452 U. S. See United States on , 456–57 UDHR. See Universal Declaration of Human on justice, 456–57 Rights legal works for, 448–51 Ultramontani (School of Orléans), 71, 73–78 on Aquinas, 457–60 Aquinas and, 77 Notebooks, 459–60 Cujas and, 144 Questions on Saint Thomas on Law and dialectics and, 75–76 Politics, 457–59 Glossa Ordinaria and, 75–76 Maritain and, 454 intellectual contribution of, 77 on natural law, 453–56 legal contributions of, 81–82 philosophical influences on, 449–51 Roman law and, 74 Aquinas, 449, 452, 457–60 scholasticism and, 75–76 Aristotle, 452 UNESCO. See United Nations Educational, on rationalism, 458–59 Scientific, and Cultural Organization on Roman law, 452–53 United Kingdom, 417 on subjective law, 457 United Nations Economic and Social Council on subjective rights, 454 (ECOSOC), 400 Villey, Pierre, 447 United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Vindiciae contra tyrannos ( Beza), 158 Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Vinnen, Arnold, 245 400–1 Viollet, Paul, 317

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biography of, 293–94 Vigel, Nikolaus, 247 Catholicism and, criticism of, 304–6 Voisins, Pierre Gilbert de, 231, 242 on colonial abuses, in French colonies, , 264, 266 302–4 voting rights. See suffrage Code of Indigenous Status and, 303–4 Vultejas, Hermann, 182 in Committee for Protection and Defense of Natives, 300, 302–4 Wanegffelen, Thierry, 139–40 as congregational advocate, 304–6 Ward, Adolphus William, 295 Dreyfus Affair and, 300–1 Wars of Religion, in France, 7, 102–3, 195 at École des Chartes, 293–99 Washington, George, 284 during French Revolution, 294–306 welfare laws. See social welfare laws in Human Rights League, 300–1 Werckmeister, Jean, 316 as legal historian, 294–99 Weyr, Franz, 360–61 école méthodique and, 297 Wieaker, Franz, 6 as legal professor, 294–99 William of Champeaux, 26 legal works of, 294–99 , 451, 454–55 on natural law theory, 299–300 William of Saint-Amour, 105–6 public ostracism of, 304–6 Windscheid, Berhnard, 183 Syllabus and, interpretation of, 305–6 Wolff, Christian, 249 during Third Republic, 299–300 written law, 4 Viot, Eugène-Jean (Abbot), 293 Viret, Pierre, 150 Zasius, Ulrich, 109, 170–71 Vizioz, Henry, 361 Zola, Émile, 13–14

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