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XXXXXX XXXXXX 8605 Idaho Republican Party 45,339.31 8605 CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT C-2 Rev. 5/11 SUMMARY PAGE 18 OCT 30 PM 04:33 (Please Print or Type) SECRETARY OF STATE Section I STATE OF IDAHO Name of Candidate or Political Committee and Chairperson Offi ce Sought (if candidate) District (if any) Idaho Republican Party Mailing Address City and Zip Home Phone Work Phone P.O. Box 2267 Boise 83701-2267 2083436405 Name of Political Treasurer Thomas Kealey Mailing Address City and Zip Home Phone Work Phone P.O. Box 2267 Boise 83701-2267 Change of address for: Candidate or Political Committee Political Treasurer Section II TYPE OF REPORT This fi ling is an: ✔ Original Amendment This report is for the period from ______/______/______10 01 2018 through ______/______/______.21 2018 7 Day Pre-Primary Report 30 Day Post-Primary Report October 10 Pre-General Report 7 Day Pre-General Report 30 Day Post-General Report Annual Report Semi-Annual Report (Statewide Candidates Only) Is this a Termination Report: Yes ✔ No Section III STATEMENT OF NO CONTRIBUTIONS OR EXPENDITURES Directions: If you had no contributions or expenditures during this reporting period, check the box next to the statement below and sign this report. Be sure to carry forward the appropriate “Calendar Year to Date” fi gures in Column II, Section IV. I hereby certify that I have received no contributions and have made no expenditures during this reporting period. Section IV SUMMARY To reach your Calendar Year to Date fi gure: Add this report’s Column I COLUMN I COLUMN II fi gures to the Column II fi gures of your previous report (except on line 6). This Period Calendar Year to Date Line 1: Cash on Hand January 1, This Calendar Year* $ _______________XXXXXX $ ________________45,339.31 Line 2: Enter Beginning Cash Balance** $ _______________23,140.09 $ ________________XXXXXX Line 3: Total Contributions (Enter amount from line 5, page 2) $ _______________95,035.00 $ ________________305,245.71 Line 4: Subtotal (Add lines 1, 2 and 3) $ _______________118,175.09 $ ________________350,585.02 Line 5: Total Expenditures (Enter amount from line 11, page 2) $ _______________78,623.79 $ ________________311,033.72 Line 6: Enter Ending Cash Balance (Subtract line 5 from line 4) $ _______________39,551.30 $ ________________39,551.30 Line 7: Outstanding Debt to Date (Enter amount from line 18, page 2) $ _______________0.00 *This same fi gure should be entered on line 1 of all reports fi led this calendar year. **This is the fi gure on line 6 of the last Campaign Financial Disclosure Report fi led. If this is your fi rst report, this amount is 0. Note: The closing cash balance for the current reporting period appears on the next report as the beginning cash on hand. Section V Return This Report To: Lawerence Denney Secretary of State PO I, __________________________________________,Thomas Kealey hereby certify that the information in this Name of Political Treasurer Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-0080 report is a true, complete and correct Campaign Financial Disclosure Report as required by law. Phone: (208) 334-2852 Fax: (208) 334-2282 Digital Signature Signature of Political Treasurer Page 1 DETAILED SUMMARY Name of Candidate or Committee: Idaho Republican Party Total This Period Contributions 1 Unitemized Contributions ($50 and less) # of Contributors __________1 + $ 35.00 2 Itemized Contributions (Total of all Schedule A sheets) + $ 95,000.00 3 In-Kind Contributions (Total of all Contribution amounts from Schedule C sheets) + $ 0.00 4 Loans (Total of all New Loan amounts from Schedule D sheets) + $ 5 Total Contributions (Transfer this fi gure to page 1, Section IV, Line 3) = $ 95,035.00 Expenditures 6 Unitemized Expenditures (Less than $25) # of Expenditures __________0 + $ 7 Itemized Expenditures (Total of all Schedule B sheets) + $ 78,623.79 8 In-Kind Expenditures (Total of all Expenditure amounts from Schedule C sheets) + $ 9 Loan Repayments (Total of all Loan Repayment amounts from Schedule D sheets) + $ 10 Credit Card and Debt Repayments (Total of all Repayment amounts from Schedule E sheets) + $ 11 Total Expenditures (Transfer this fi gure to page 1, Section IV, Line 5) = $ Loans, Credit Cards and Debt 12 Outstanding Balance from previous reporting period + $ New Loans received during this reporting period 13 (Total of all New Loan amounts plus Accrued Interest from Schedule D sheets) + $ New Credit Card and Debt incurred this reporting period 14 (Total of all New Incurred Debt amounts from Schedule E sheets) + $ 15 Subtotal = $ Repayments of Loans made during this reporting period 16 (Total of all Loan Repayment amounts from Schedule D sheets) - $ Repayments of Credit Card and Debt this reporting period 17 (Total of all Debt Repayment amounts from Schedule E sheets) - $ 18 Total Outstanding Balance at close of this period (Transfer this fi gure to page 1, Section IV, Line 7) = $ Pledged Contributions 19 Unitemized Pledged Contributions ($50 and less) # of Pledges __________ + $ 20 Itemized Pledged Contributions this Period (Total of all Schedule F sheets) + $ 21 Total Pledged Contributions this period = $ Page 2 Schedule A Itemized Contributions of more than Fifty Dollars($50.00)this period Name of Candidate or Committee: Idaho Republican Party Reporting Period: 7 Day Pre-General Date ElectionType Contributor Amount YTDAmount 10/15/2018 Madison County Republican $7,000.00 $7,000.00 Central Committee 65 South Center Street Rexburg, ID 83440 10/12/2018 New Horizons PAC $35,000.00 $56,000.00 PO Box 89 Oakley, ID 83346 10/12/2018 Winning for Idaho $1,000.00 $1,000.00 PO Box 328 Boise, ID 83701 10/09/2018 Schweitzer, Edmund $5,000.00 $5,000.00 330 NW Brandon Dr Pullman, WA 99163 10/09/2018 UHFG Insurance Political Action $2,500.00 $5,000.00 Committee PO Box 7777 Meridian, ID 83680 10/09/2018 Richard and Peggy Larsen $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Farms 267 W 4650 N Rexburg, ID 83440 10/09/2018 Micron Technology Inc $1,000.00 $1,000.00 PO Box 6 Boise, ID 83707 10/09/2018 Melaleuca Inc $25,000.00 $25,000.00 4609 W 65th S Idaho Falls, ID 83402 10/09/2018 Idaho First PAC Inc $5,000.00 $5,000.00 138 Conant Street Beverly, MA 01915 10/05/2018 Guthrie for House Campaign $500.00 $500.00 425 W Goodenough Rd Mccammon, ID 83250 10/05/2018 Brad Little for Governor $3,000.00 $6,250.00 PO Box 2664 Boise, ID 83701 Grand Total: $95,000.00 Schedule B Itemized Expenditures Twenty-Five Dollars($25.00) or more this period Name of Candidate or Committee: Idaho Republican Party Reporting Period: 7 Day Pre-General Date Recipient Amount Code Optional 10/11/2018 Idaho Republican Party $10,000.00 G Explanation: PO Box 2267 Support: Boise, ID 83701 Oppose: 10/09/2018 Idaho Republican Party $8,000.00 G Explanation: PO Box 2267 Support: Boise, ID 83701 Oppose: 10/19/2018 ESP Printing $2,472.63 Z Explanation: Independent 317 E 37th Street Expenditure Boise, ID 83714 Support: Support of Steve Miller Oppose: 10/19/2018 AutoSort $385.73 P Explanation: Electioneering 7286 W Airway Ct Communications Boise, ID 83709 Support: Support of Patrick McDonald Oppose: 10/19/2018 AutoSort $385.73 P Explanation: Electioneering 7286 W Airway Ct Communications Boise, ID 83709 Support: Support of Lynn Luker Oppose: 10/18/2018 Paktolus $162.50 B Explanation: Electioneering 12973 SW 112th St 255 Communications Miami, FL 33186 Support: Oppose: Oppose Steve Berch 10/18/2018 Paktolus $162.50 B Explanation: Electioneering 12973 SW 112th St 255 Communications Miami, FL 33186 Support: Oppose: Oppose Jake Ellis 10/18/2018 Paktolus $325.00 B Explanation: Electioneering 12973 SW 112th St 255 Communications Miami, FL 33186 Support: Oppose: Oppose John Rusche 10/18/2018 Elmore Graphics Inc $300.00 Z Explanation: Independent 1928 South Club Drive Expenditure Wellington, FL 33414 Support: Support of Steve Miller Oppose: 10/18/2018 Elmore Graphics Inc $300.00 Z Explanation: Independent 1928 South Club Drive Expenditure Wellington, FL 33414 Support: Support of Dustin Whitney Manwaring Oppose: 10/18/2018 Elmore Graphics Inc $100.00 Z Explanation: Independent 1928 South Club Drive Expenditure Wellington, FL 33414 Support: Support of Mike McFadyen Oppose: 10/18/2018 Elmore Graphics Inc $100.00 Z Explanation: Independent 1928 South Club Drive Expenditure Wellington, FL 33414 Support: Support of Steve Miller Oppose: 10/18/2018 Elmore Graphics Inc $100.00 Z Explanation: Independent 1928 South Club Drive Expenditure Wellington, FL 33414 Support: Support of Lynn Luker Oppose: 10/18/2018 Elmore Graphics Inc $100.00 Z Explanation: Independent 1928 South Club Drive Expenditure Wellington, FL 33414 Support: Support of Fred Martin Oppose: 10/18/2018 Elmore Graphics Inc $100.00 Z Explanation: Independent 1928 South Club Drive Expenditure Wellington, FL 33414 Support: Support of Patrick McDonald Oppose: 10/18/2018 Elmore Graphics Inc $100.00 Z Explanation: Independent 1928 South Club Drive Expenditure Wellington, FL 33414 Support: Support of Lynn Luker Oppose: 10/18/2018 Elmore Graphics Inc $75.00 Z Explanation: Independent 1928 South Club Drive Expenditure Wellington, FL 33414 Support: Support of Dustin Whitney Manwaring Oppose: 10/18/2018 Elmore Graphics Inc $150.00 Z Explanation: Independent 1928 South Club Drive Expenditure Wellington, FL 33414 Support: Support of Steve Miller Oppose: 10/18/2018 Elmore Graphics Inc $37.50 Z Explanation: Electioneering 1928 South Club Drive Communications Wellington, FL 33414 Support: Oppose: Oppose Steve Berch 10/18/2018 Elmore Graphics Inc $37.50 Z Explanation: Electioneering 1928 South Club Drive Communications Wellington, FL 33414 Support: Oppose: Oppose Jake Ellis 10/18/2018
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