For official use only O&M No. 72





This Report deals with the various items of work executed by the Secretariat during the Calendar year 2014.

2. The main function of the is to assist the Speaker in the discharge of several duties as the Presiding Officer of the Lok Sabha. It includes rendering of assistance to Members of Parliament (Lok Sabha) in the discharge of their Parliamentary duties in general and providing secretarial assistance to the House and its various Standing and other Parliamentary Committees in particular.

3. The Lok Sabha Secretariat has been segmented into various Services and further into Branches/Sections for the efficient and smooth discharge of duties. The work done by each Branch/Section has been set out in the report Service-wise along with a Statement showing the personnel strength as on 31.12.2014.

New Delhi; ANOOP MISHRA 15th September, 2015 Secretary- General




1. Legislative Branch-I 9

2. Legislative Branch-II 13 (Including Committee on Private Members' Bills & Resolutions)

3. Parliamentary Notice Office 16

4. Members‘ Stenos Pool 18

5. Privileges & Ethics Branch 19 (Including Committee of Privileges, Committee on Ethics and Committee on Protocol Violation and Contemptuous Behaviour of Government Officials with MPs)

6. Question Branch 23

7. Table Office 27 (Including Business Advisory Committee and Committee on Absence of Members from the Sittings of the House)


(a) Financial Committee Branches

1. Branch 40

2. Public Accounts Committee Branch 41

3. Public Undertakings Committee Branch 42

4. Railway Convention Committee Branch 43

(b) Departmentally Related Standing Committee 44 Branches

1. Agriculture Committee Branch 46

2. Chemicals and Fertilizers Committee Branch 47

3. Coal and Steel Committee Branch 48

4. Defence Committee Branch 49

5. Energy Committee Branch 50


6. External Affairs Committee Branch 51

7. Finance Committee Branch 52

8. Food, Consumer affairs & Public Distribution 53 Committee Branch

9. Information Technology Committee Branch 54

10. Labour Committee Branch 55

11. Petroleum and Natural Gas Committee 56 Branch

12. Railways Committee Branch 57

13. Rural Development Committee Branch 58

14. Social Justice and Empowerment 59 Committee Branch

15. Urban Development Committee Branch 60

16. Water Resources Committee Branch 61

(c) Other Committee Branches (including Ad-hoc Committees)

1. Committee Branch-I 62 (Including Rules Committee and General Purposes Committee)

2. Committee Branch-II 65 (Committee on Papers Laid on the Table, Joint Committee on Offices of Profit, and Select/Joint Committee on Bills)

3. Committee on Government Assurances 69

4. Subordinate Legislation Committee Branch 70

5. Empowerment of Women Committee Branch 73

6. Joint Committee on Security in Parliament 74 House Complex

7. MPLADS Committee Branch 75

8. Petitions Committee Branch 76

9. Scheduled Castes and Tribes Committee 77 Branch

10. Committee on Welfare of Other Backwards 78 Classes (OBC) 5

11. Internal Complaints Committee 79

12. Reservation Cell for SC/ST Employees 80


1. Administration Branch-I 81

2. Administration Branch-II 90

3. Organisation and Methods Section 94


1. Bills & Payment Branch 97

2. Computer (HW & SW) Management Branch 100

3. Distribution Branch 111

4. General Procurement Branch 113

5. General Stores Branch 115

6. General Works Branch 117

7. Heritage Management Branch 120

8. Integrated Finance Unit (IFU) 122

9. Members‘ Salaries and Allowances Branch 130 (Including Joint Committee on Salaries and Allowances of Members of Parliament)

10. Members‘ Services Branch 133 (Including House Committee)

11. Sales and Records Branch 139

12. Welfare Branch 141


1. Cell on Parliamentary Forums 143

2. Conference Branch 145

3. Information Cell 153

4. Joint Recruitment Cell 154

5. Pay and Accounts Office (Members and 155 Gazetted Office, Non-Gazetted Employees & Audit and Cheques and Funds Branches) 6

6. Committee Coordination Branch 159

Personnel Strength 162



1. Research related Sections/Wings (a) Economic and Financial Affairs Wing (b) Educational and Scientific Affairs Wing (c) Journal of Parliamentary Information (JPI) Section (d) Legal and Constitutional Affairs Wing (e) Parliamentary Affairs Wing (f) Practice and procedure Unit (g) Political Affairs Wing (h) Social Affairs Wing (i) Who‘s Who Cell

2. Press and Public Relations Wing 168

3. Parliamentary Museum & Archives 172

4. Bureau of Parliamentary Studies & Training 176


1. Acquisition Section 178

2. Administration and Preservation Section 181

3. Audio-Visual & Telecasting Unit 183

4. Documentation Section 186

5. Members‘ Reference Service 188

6. Gazettes and Debates Section 190

7. Microfilming Unit 191

8. Parliament Library (Circulation Counter) 192

9. Press Clippings Section 195

10. Processing Section 197

11. Publications Unit 199

12. Reprography Service 201

13. Children‘s Corner 202 7

14. Acts and Bills Section 203

15. Reclassification Unit 204

16. Digitilization Unit 205

17. Staff Library 206

Personnel Strength 207


Reporters Branch 208


Interpreters Branch 211


1. Editorial Branch 213

2. Synopsis Branch 216

3. Debates (Hindi) Branch 218

4. Debates (English) Branch 220

5. Translation (Index) Branch 222

6. Translation (Committee-I) Branch 225

7. Translation (Committee-II) Branch 226

8. Translation (Committee-III) Branch 227

9. Translation (Committee-IV) Branch 228

10. Translation (Committee-V) Branch 229

11. Translation (OIH-Q) Branch 230

12. Translation (English Questions) Branch 232

13. Translation (Parliamentary Papers) Branch 234

14. Translation (Publications) Branch 236

15. Raj Bhasha Prabhag 239

Hindi Information Unit 243

Personnel Strength 245



1. Printing Section 246

2. Rotaprint Section 247

3. Proof Reading Section 249

4. Bindery Section 250

Personnel strength 251






1.1 The House related Branches are concerned with the day-to-day business of the Lok Sabha i.e. Questions, Bills, Resolutions, Motions, Budget, Cut Motions and Amendments, etc., and also with various Legislative Committees. Presently, the following Branches deal with the work related to the House: -

(i) Legislative Branch-I (ii) Legislative Branch-II (iii) Parliamentary Notice Office (iv) Members‘ Stenos Pool (v) Privileges and Ethics Branch (vi) Question Branch (vii) Table Office


(1) FUNCTIONS 1.2 The Legislative Branch-I deals with – Bills-Government Bills/Ordinances, Resolutions- Government Resolutions & Statutory Resolutions, Motions- Government Motions, No-Day-Yet-Named Motions, Motions for Suspension of Rules, Amendments to Motion of Thanks on the President‘s Address, Short Duration Discussions, Messages from (receipt & transmission), Budgets-General, Railways, States/Union Territories. (2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014

1.3 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-


(i) Government Bills introduced 45 (ii) Government Bills, as passed by Rajya Sabha, laid on the 8 Table of Lok Sabha

(iii) Government Bills passed 42 (iv) Bills referred to Standing Committees 18 (v) Bills-report of Standing Committees presented/laid 15 RESOLUTIONS

(i) Resolution placed before the House by the Chair 2 (ii) Government Resolutions-notices received 2 (iii) Government Resolutions-admitted 2 (iv) Government Resolutions-adopted Nil (v) Government Resolutions-negatived Nil (vi) Government Resolutions-withdrawn Nil 10

(vii) Statutory Resolutions-notices received 12 (viii) Statutory Resolutions-admitted 4 (ix) Statutory Resolutions adopted/negatived/withdrawn 4



(i) Received from RS 40 (ii) Transmitted to RS 46 MOTION


(i) No. of notices received: Nil (ii) No. of motions admitted: Nil (iii) No. of motions discussed: Nil (iv) No. of motions remained part-discussed: Nil NO-DAY-YET-NAMED MOTIONS

(i) No. of notices received: 681 (ii) No. of motions admitted: 56 (iii) No. of motions moved: Nil (iv) No. of motions adopted: Nil (v) No. of motions withdrawn: Nil (vi) No. of motions negatived: Nil (vii) No. of motions which remained part-discussed: Nil SHORT DURATION DISCUSSION UNDER RULE 193 ON MATTERS OF URGENT PUBLIC IMPORTANCE

(i) No. of notices received: 360 (ii) No. of discussions admitted: 11 (iii) No. of discussions held: 9 (iv) No. of discussions completed: 8 (v) No. of discussions remained part-discussed: 1 MOTIONS FOR SUSPENSION OF RULES

(i) No. of Motions moved: 4 (ii) No. of Motions adopted: 4


(i) No. of amendments tabled: 356 (ii) No. of amendments moved and negatived: 200



(i) No. of Cut Motions to the Demands for Grants tabled 300 (ii) No. of Cut Motions admitted 277 (iii) No. of Cut Motions treated as moved 130 (iv) No. of Cut Motions adopted Nil GENERAL BUDGET

(i) No. of Cut Motions on the Demands for Grants tabled: 445

(ii) No. of Cut Motions admitted: 415

(iii) No. of Cut Motions treated as moved: 103

(iv) No. of Cut Motions adopted: Nil

(v) No. of Budget Sets distributed from the Booths on 10.7.2014 – 292 (English) after the presentation of General Budget: 131 (Hindi)


(i) No. of Amendments tabled: 772 (ii) No. of Amendments moved: 177 (iii) No. of Amendments adopted: 124 (iv) No. of Amendments negatived: 45 (v) No. of Amendments withdrawn: 8 APPLICATIONS UNDER THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT, 2005

(i) No. of applications received: 107 (ii) No. of appeals received: 7 (a) Examined Supplementary Demands for Grants in respect of General/Railway Budgets for the years 2013-14 and Supplementary Demands for Grants (General) for 2014-15.

(b) Excess Demands for Grants in respect of General and Railway Budgets for the year 2011-12 were also examined.

(c) Examined Demands for Grants (NCT of Delhi) for 2014-2015 and Supplementary Demands for Grants (NCT of Delhi) 2013-14.

(d) Examined all notices of cut motions, got them printed and circulated lists of admitted cut motions.

(e) Prepared: Announcements for moving motions and Guillotine formulae – (i) Formulae for disposing of amendments to the Motion of Thanks on the President‘s Address for use by the Speaker and Officers at the Table.

(ii) Lists of amendments to the Motion of Thanks for use by the Speaker and Officers at the Table.

(iii) Formulae for disposing of cut motions for use by the Speaker and Officers at the Table. 12

(iv) Marked lists of cut motions, moved by the members, for use by the Speaker and Officers at the Table and for display on the Notices Boards.

(f) Prepared/scrutinised/got printed/distributed all Bills.

(g) Examined all Bills introduced in Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha.

(h) Compiled statements showing weekly progress of Bills during sessions and got published in Bulletin-Part II;

(i) Prepared statements regarding Government Bills for inclusion in the Resume of Work done by Lok Sabha;

(j) Prepared statements regarding Bills passed by the Houses and assented to by the President during the session;

(k) Compiled requisite material for inclusion in Secretary-General‘s D.O. letter to State Legislatures, Journal of Parliamentary Information;

(l) Prepared briefs for Leaders‘ Meetings before sessions;

(m) Prepared briefs for Business Advisory Committee Meetings;

(o) Updation of Chapters of Kaul and Shakdher relating to the Branch.

(p) Processed letters/representations received from general public addressed to Hon‘ble Speaker/Secretary-General relating to this Branch.

(q) Compiled and provided information relating to this Branch under the Right to Information Act, 2005.

(r) Prepared statements regarding receipt and distribution of copies of Annual Reports/Outcome Budgets relating to the Ministries/ Departments of Government of .

(s) Updating of Bills and entering information relating to Bills on the Parliament Homepage.

(t) Table duty by Officers of the Branch.

(u) Division duty by Officers/Sr. Assistants/Assistants.


2. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH-II [Including Committee on Private Members‘ Bills and Resolutions]

(1) Functions of Branch in General

1.4 Examination, Scrutiny and Editing of Private Members‘ Bills and Resolutions and providing secretarial assistance to the Committee on Private Members‘ Bills and Resolutions.

(2) Functions of Committee on Private Members’ Bills and Resolutions

1.5 To allot time to Private Members‘ Bills and Resolutions, to examine Private Members‘ Bills seeking to amend the Constitution before their introduction in Lok Sabha, to examine such Private Members‘ Bills where the legislative competence of the House is challenged and also to categorise Private Members‘ Bills according to their nature, urgency and importance into categories `A‘ and `B‘ after they have been introduced in Lok Sabha.


1.6 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

Private Members‘ Bills pending at the beginning of the year - 302

[All these Bills lapsed on dissolution of ]

(i) No. of Bills introduced (copies of these Bills were got published- 129 in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary Part II, Section 2 & supplied to RSS, Ministries concerned)

(ii) No. of Bills discussed and disposed of. - 4 (including one part- discussed)

(iii) No. of Bills removed from the Register of pending Bills - 30

(iv) No. of Bills withdrawn without discussion - NIL

(v) No. of Ballots in respect of pending Bills and publication of- 3 results thereof in Bulletin- Part II

(vi) No. of Lists of Business prepared, printed and circulated in - 6 respect of Private Members‘ Bills

(vii) No. of amendments to Bills examined and circulated - NIL

(viii) Compilation of statement showing progress of Bills - Every week ( issued by LB-I) Preparation of paragraphs re.

(i) Statement of Private Members‘ Bills pending in LS; - 3

(ii) Statement of pending notices of motions for leave to -4 (At the end of introduce Private Members‘ Bills and publication of - every session) the same in Bulletin-Part II. 14

(iii) No. of Notices of Resolutions admitted - 24

(iv) No. of Resolutions discussed/disposed of in the House. - 3 (including one (Statement-II part-discussed)

(v) No. of Ballots of names of members - 8 who had given notices for moving resolutions

(vi) No. of Lists of Business prepared, printed and circulated - 8 in respect of Resolutions

Committee on Private Members’ Bills and Resolutions

Constitution of the Committee CPMBR (2013-14) - 31.12.2013(15th LS) CPMBR (2014-15) - 15.9.2014 (16th LS)

(i) Sittings held - 5 (ii) Reports presented to the House - 5

Miscellaneous Work handled

Preparation of minutes and laying them on the Table of the - 4 House (both English and Hindi versions)

Work done in Hindi

Private Members’ Bills:

(i) Number of Bills printed and circulated in Hindi - 129 (ii) Number of Lists of Business circulated - 6

Private Members’ Resolutions :

(i) Number of Lists of Business circulated - 8 (ii) Number of amendments circulated - NIL

Committee on Private Members’ Bills and Resolutions:

(i) Number of Notices and Agenda issued - 5 (ii) Number of Reports circulated - 5 (iii) Number of sittings of which minutes were laid on the - 5 Table of the House.

Applications under the Right to Information Act, 2005

(i) No. of applications received - 34 (ii) No. of appeals received - 01


1.7 Statement of work done by the Committee Branch (es) during the year 2014

Name of the Committee Branch: - Committee on Private Member’s Bills and Resolutions

Number of No. of No. of study No. of reports presented by Remark sittings of Questions tours the Committee (s) the prepared by the undertaken Original Action Committee Committee by the Taken held Committee 5 (five) Nil

Oral Study Local Other Sub. DF Bills Sub. DF evide- Tours G G nce 5 (five) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA




1.8 Receipt of Notices in connection with the business of Lok Sabha and other communications from members on allied matters, issue of member‘s Photo Identity Cards, Spouse Identity Card-cum-Railway Passes, Ex-member Identity Cards-cum-Railway Passes, Ex-member Spouse Identity Cards and supply of forms etc., distribution of replies of Starred and Unstarred Questions to members are the main functions of the Parliamentary Notice Office.


1.9 The break-up of the work done in the Office during the year was as under:-

Receipt regarding Notices:-

Motion for Election of Speaker 19 Motion for Election of Deputy Speaker 13 Adjournment motion 130 Calling Attention 449 Matters under Rule 377 1975 No-Confidence Motion --- Matters of Urgent Public Importance 5274 Suspension of 87 Notice of Question Forms– Starred and Unstarred (38312 + 23845) 62157 Half-an-Hour Discussions 86 Short Notice Questions 31 Ballot for Resolution 127 Text of Private Member Resolutions 24 Private Members Bills 192 Privilege 14 Motions under Rule 184 129 Short Duration Discussions under Rule193 360 Amendments to Motion of Thanks on President‘s Address 356 Cut motion on General Budget (Tabled) 375 Cut motion on Railway Budget [Tabled] 157 Statutory Resolutions 17 Amendments to Govt. Bills 114 Government Resolutions --- Notices of Amendment 82


Receipt about constitution of Committees:-

Committees Nominations 150 Withdrawals 33

(The notices were sent to the concerned Branches for necessary action besides attending to enquiries from Members)

Issue of Identity cards/passes/lockers etc. to the members of

(i) Lockers supplied to Members - 62

(ii) Photo Identity Cards issued to Ex-MPs - 382

(iii) Photo Identity Cards issued to Spouses of Ex-MPs - 159

(iv) Member‘s Identity Cards issued - 534 + 3 Duplicate (Temporary) 543 Permanent (504 issued) 5 Duplicate issued

(v) Identity Card-cum- Railway - 380 (Temporary) Pass for Member‘s Spouse issued 379 (Permanent)

(vi) Railway Journey Forms for Members/ - 3 (booklet) Spouses/Attendants of Members Steamer Journey Form

(vii) Supply of printed replies of Starred and - 1,200 + 12,787 = 13,987 Unstarred Questions to Members

Issue of Members Identity Cards to the Members of 15th Lok Sabha

(i) Member‘s Identity Cards - 1 MP (15th Lok Sabha) (Duplicate) 1 Spouse (15th Lok Sabha)

(ii) No. of pages typed during the year - 4150

Other items of work:

(i) Arrangements made for reception of newly elected Members of the 16th Lok Sabha in the Committee Room No. 62, Parliament House.

(ii) Sitting arrangements in Lobbies/Galleries of Central Hall during the President‘s Addrress on 9.6.2014 for members of both the Houses of Parliament.

(iii) Issue of 8 Paragraphs in Bulletin Part-II before the commencement of four sessions held in 2014.

(iv) Issue of 12 Paragraphs in Bulletin Part-II informing Members of Lok Sabha on important matters.

(v) Supply of copies of group photographs of Members of Parliament of previous Lok Sabhas.

(vi) Maintenance of two Notice Boards placed in the outer Lobby of Lok Sabha.

(vii) Printing of various forms/cards.




1.10 Stenographers' Pool renders stenographic and typing assistance (both in English and Hindi) to Hon‘ble Members of Lok Sabha.


1.11 The break-up of the work done in the Pool during the year was as under:-

(i) English (in pages) 23875

(ii) Hindi 26550


5. PRIVILEGES AND ETHICS BRANCH (Including Committee of Privileges, Committee on Ethics and Committee on Violation of Protocol Norms and Contemptuous Behaviour of Government Official with MPs)


1.12 The functions of Privileges and Ethics Branch can broadly be classified under the following heads: - (a) House related work

(i) Examination of notices of questions of privilege. (ii) Publication of intimation in Bulletin Part II regarding arrest/ release/detention of MPs, besides other consequential actions.

(iii) Processing of requests from members for provision of security to them.

(iv) Complaints regarding misbehaviour with MPs.

(b) Committee of Privileges

All work relating to Committee of Privileges. (c) Summaries for Privileges Digest (Annual issue)

(d) Preparation of summaries for the annual issue of Privileges Digest regarding – (i) Privilege matters in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. (ii) Privilege matters in State Legislatures. (iii) Privilege matters in Foreign Parliaments. (iv) Matters/articles of interest. (e) Committee on Ethics/ethics related work:

(i) All the work relating to Committee on Ethics. (ii) Examination of complaints of unethical conduct of members. (iii) Work pertaining to formalizing the procedure for making ethics complaints, declaration of interests, financial disclosures by members and other related groundwork.

(f) Committee on Protocol Violation and Contemptuous Behaviour of Government Officials with MPs.

Examination of complaints made by members regarding violation of protocol norms by Government Officials vis-à-vis MPs.

(g) Information under the Members of Lok Sabha (Declaration of Assets and Liabilities) Rules, 2004 Collection of information regarding members‘ assets and liabilities under above Rules and posting the same in the Register of Declaration of assets and liabilities as submitted by members.


(h) Information under RTI Act, 2005

Furnishing of information to various private individuals/parties, pertaining to Privileges & Ethics Branch sought for through the Right to Information Cell. (i) House duty

The officers of the Branch have to perform duties at the Table besides attending to duties at the time of Division during session periods.

(j) Other related matters

(i) Examination of requests made by MPs under detention to attend Session of the House.

(ii) Preparation of brief notes/furnishing of material for Presiding Officers‘ Conference, Secretary-General‘s DO to State Legislatures, Conference Branch/BPST Points, material for JPI (LARRDIS) on privileges and ethics related matters.

(iii) Processing of references from State Legislatures and Foreign Parliaments.

(iv) Private Individuals Complaints

(2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 1.13 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:- (i) Notices of question of privileges 27 (ii) Requests for provisions of security to members 9 (iii) Miscellaneous complaints from the members 18 (iv) Communications from authorities concerned relating 26 to arrest/release/detention of members-Processing thereof and publishing of information in Bulletin Part-II

(v) Petitions/Complaints from private individuals 59

Miscellaneous work

(i) Briefs on points for reference and use during training and orientation programmes organized by BPST 3

(ii) Notes on points for Presiding Officers‘ Conference/Secretaries‘ Conferences Nil

(iii) Communications & References from State Legislatures and Foreign Parliaments 4

(iv) Compilatiion of material for SG‘s DO letter 4

(v) Compilation of material for JPI 4

(vi) Material for brief summary/resume pertaining to Privileges & Ethics Branch 4

(vii) References from Branches regarding Privileges matters 6


(viii) Cases related to RTI Act, 2005 dealt by the Branch 144

(ix) Preparation of summaries for Privileges Digest-2014 Nil

(x) Compilation of manuscript of Privileges Digest-2014 - being undertaken Printing copies thereof and circulation

(xi) Cases relating to misbehavior with MPs, Violation of Protocol Norms by Government Officials vis-à-vis MPs 25

(b) Committee of Privileges (15 LS)

Memorandum/Matters under consideration of the Committee from 01.01.2014 to 18.05.2014 (dissolution of 15th Lok Sabha) 1. Regarding notice of question of privilege dated 19 August, 2011 given by Kumari Meenakshi Natrajan, MP against Shri Rajnath Singh, MP for levelling false, baseless and mendacious allegations against Smt. Sonia Gandhi, MP regarding forcibly acquiring land from farmers of Haryana for Trust. 2. Complaint by Smt. , MP and Chairperson, Standing Committee on Rural Development against the Deputy Commissioner, Amritsar for forwarding misleading information to the Committee. 3. Regarding Notice of Question of Privilege dated 16.8.2011 given by Shri Hukmdeo Narayan Yadav, MP against the Minister of State for Home Affairs for allegedly giving misleading reply regarding the matter raised by him under Rule 377 and also for furnishing the English version of the reply instead of the Hindi version. 4. Notice of question of privilege dated 12 and 26 March, 2012 given by Shri Sajjan Singh Verma and Shri Jagdambika Pal, MPs against Shri Arvind Kejariwal for making derogatory, defamatory and indecent remarks about Members of parliament. 5. Notice of question of Privilege dated 07 and 08 March, 2011 given by Shri , MP against the DM and the DIG, Lucknow Range for forcibly detaining him and Shri , MP by erecting barricades and deployment of large police force outside his residence at Lucknow. 6. Notice of question of privilege dated 7.9.2009 given by Smt. Sarika Singh Baghel, MP against the then Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Aligarh and other police officers for misbehaving with her and obstructing her from performing her duties. 7. Notice of question of privilege dated 12 March, 2013 given by Shri Balkrishna Shukla, MP against the 'Gujarat Samachar' newspaper for allegedly tarnishing his image by publishing a defamatory news item wherein he was reported to have stealthily taken away some important papers from the chamber of Leader of Opposition, Lok Sabha. 8. Notices of question of privilege dated 4 October, 2012, 10 December, 2012 & 12 March, 2013 given by Shri Ponnam Prabhakar, MP, Dr. Manda Jagannath, MP and 5 other MPs against the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh for having allegedly prevented them from discharging their duties by not allowing them to meet him for discussion on the Telengana matter.

*In none of the above matters a Report could be presented by the Committee due to dissolution of 15th Lok Sabha on 18 May, 2014.


(c) Committee of Privileges (16 LS)

(The Hon’ble Speaker constituted the Committee of Privileges on 01.09.2014) Matters presently under consideration of the Committee Petition dated 12 June, 2014 given by Shri M. Raja Mohan Reddy, MP and Leader of YSR Congress Party in Lok Sahba against Shri S. P. Y. Reddy, MP under the Tenth Schedule to the and rules made thereunder. Issues arising out of hindrances caused to Members of Parliament in regard to the discharge of their developmental and monitoring duties outside the House.

(d) Committee of Privileges

The Hon‘ble Speaker constituted the Committee of Privileges on 01.09.2014 in the 16th Lok Sabha No. of sittings held 04 Matters under the consideration of the Committee 10 No. of Memoranda prepared 02 No. of Reports drafted in 2014 Nil No. of Reports presented in 2014 Nil

(e) Committee on Ethics The Hon‘ble Speaker constituted the Committee on Ethics on 15.9.2014 in the 16th Lok Sabha No. of sittings held 03 Matters under the consideration of the Committee 01 No. of Memoranda prepared 01 No. of Reports drafted in 2014 01 No. of Reports presented in 2014 01

Ethics Related Work Posting of members‘ assets and liabilities details in Assets and Liabilities Register and examination of complaints of unethical conduct received against members. (f) Committee on Protocol Violation and Contemptuous Behaviour of Government Officers with Members of Lok Sabha. The Hon‘ble Speaker constituted the Committee on Protocol Violation and Contemptuous Behaviour of Government Officers with Members of Lok Sabha on 15.9.2014 in the 16th Lok Sabha No. of sittings held 06 Matters under the consideration of the Committee Nil No. of Memoranda prepared Nil No. of Reports drafted in 2014 Nil No. of Reports presented in 2014 Nil

Status of Computerisation At present 10 Personal Computers, 8 Printers, 1 Scanner and 1 Photocopier have been to the Branch.



1.14 To scrutinize notices of questions with a view to ensuring that each notice prima- facie conforms to the formal requirements as laid down in the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha, Directions by the Speaker, past precedents, rulings/observations from the Chair and the conventions. (2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 1.15 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:- (i) allotment of days to various Groups for answering questions by Ministers in rotational order;

(ii) inviting the attention of Members to the paragraph No.10(2) (xii) in the ―Handbook for Lok Sabha Members‖ regarding notices of questions written in illegible hand liable to be retuned to the Members;

(iii) addressing of notices of questions to the Minister responsible for the subject matter;

(iv) notice period under Rule 33 of Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha and number of questions under Direction 10B of the Directions by the Speaker, Lok Sabha;

(v) receipt and holding of ballots for notices of starred and unstarred questions;

(vi) inadmissibility of questions seeking information up to block or districts level about implementation of Centrally Sponsored Programmes/ Schemes;

(vii) supply of copy of relevant press-clippings alongwith questions based on newspaper reports;

(viii) inadmissibility of questions under Direction 10A (ii) and 10A (vi) of the Directions by the Speaker, Lok Sabha;

(ix) inadmissibility of questions of excessive length under Rule 41(2) (vii) of Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha;

(x) treatment of notices of questions which go in excess of 230;

(xi) questions not-asked/questions of absent Members under Rule 48 (3) of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha;

(xii) Ballot results of notices of questions on Lok Sabha Website; and

(xiii) Publishing of status of notices of questions on Lok Sabha Website.

2. A Chart showing the programme regarding printing and circulation of lists of Questions was circulated for internal use of all the Groups of the Question Branch.

3. After issue of Summons, paragraphs regarding Short Notice Questions and Half-an-Hour Discussions were issued in Bulletin Part-II before the commencement of each Session.


4. OM to all Ministries/Departments of regarding procedure for dealing with questions was issued before commencement of each Session.

5. Members were informed through para in Bulletin Part-II regarding availability of answers of questions in PNO/Outer Lobby for their use during Session period.

6. A chart showing dates of holding of ballots for Half-an-Hour Discussion was circulated for internal use of all the Groups of the Question Branch.

7. A chart showing grouping of Ministries, dates of sittings, dates of ballots and last dates of receipt of notices of questions was made and a paragraph was included in Bulletin Part-II in this regard for circulation to members.

8. Folders for rounding of Starred and Unstarred Questions were prepared.

9. Ministry-wise Index to questions was prepared and printed at the end of the Starred and Unstarred Lists.

10. The lists of questions for Oral as well as Written answers for each sitting were got printed and circulated to Members and Ministries.

11. Materials on important procedural and other development in Lok Sabha for Secretary General‘s D.O. Letter issued to Secretaries of States Legislatures and others were sent to LARRDIS.

12. Corrigenda for oral as well as written questions lists were prepared and issued whenever required.

13. Information regarding status of Notices of Questions was made available to the Members on the Lok Sabha website with field name `Status of Notices of Questions‘ under question on the homepage during Second Part of Fifteenth Session of the Fifteenth Lok Sabha, Second Session and Third Session of the Sixteenth Lok Sabha.

14. Questions which were ambiguous in nature and did not convey clear meaning or did not fall clearly within the jurisdiction of any particular Ministry were referred either to the respective Ministries to which they were addressed or to the Cabinet Secretariat for ascertaining the nodal Ministry responsible for handling the questions under reference.

15. An electronic searchable database of participation of Members in Question Hour was created and published in the Lok Sabha Intranet with a view to providing equal opportunity to Members during Question Hour.

16. The total number of notices received and admitted/replied during the Second Part of Fifteenth Session of the Fifteenth Lok Sabha, Second Session and Third Session of the Sixteenth Lok Sabha was as under:- .

(i) Notices of Starred Questions = 38311 (ii) Notices of Unstarred Questions = 23845 (iii) Notices of Short Notice Questions = 30 (iv) Notices of Half-an-Hour received = 86 (v) Questions admitted/replied as Starred = 1202 25

(vi) Questions admitted/replied as Unstarred =12793 (vii) Short Notice Questions clubbed with SQ/USQ = 0 (viii) Half-an-Hour Discussions discussed in the House = 4 (ix) Number of questions to which written answers were laid on the Table of the House =14844

(x) Abstract of Statements made by Ministers correcting replies already given by them to questions in Lok Sabha =11

17. Member-wise indices were prepared for display on the Notice Board in the Outer Lobby of the Lok Sabha.

18. One set each of corrected lists of Starred and Unstarred Questions with corrigenda if any, pasted therewith was sent for the use of Hon‘ble Speaker, Hon‘ble Deputy Speaker, Secretary-General, Principal Secretary to H.S., Ministry of Law & Justice, PS to President, Library and PNO.

19. Daily agenda sets comprising corrected question Lists and sets of replies to Starred Questions were prepared for the use of Hon‘ble Speaker, Hon‘ble Deputy Speaker, Secretary-General, Principal Secretary to HS, Additional Secretary (PS), Joint Secretary (RS), Joint Secretary (L) and other Senior Officers of Branches concerned.

20. Para relating to orally answered Questions and replies which were laid on the Table of the House was prepared on daily basis and sent to Table Office for inclusion in Bulletin Part– I.

21. During Session, every day 85 sets of replies to questions were sent to PNO/Lobby Officer for the use of Leaders of Groups in the Lok Sabha.

22. 10 complete sets of each answer to starred and unstarred questions were supplied to PNO.

23. Statement of the Supplementaries asked by the Members during Question Hour in the Lok Sabha was prepared and uploaded on the Intranet on daily basis.

24. On the last day of each session, an exhaustive statement showing number of questions/ supplementaries asked and time taken by Members of various parties was prepared.

25. On the last day of each session, a statement showing the number of questions admitted during the session was also prepared and sent to Table Office for inclusion in the Valedictory Reference made by the Hon‘ble Speaker.

26. Statistical information relating to questions after termination of each session was compiled and circulated to all officers and groups of Question Branch for their use

27. Material for Second Part of Fifteenth Session of the Fifteenth Lok Sabha, Second Session and Third Session of the Sixteenth Lok Sabha was compiled and sent to Table Office, Table Office (Paper Laid Unit), LB-I, PPR, Library and JPI Section.


28. Annual Administrative Report for the year 2013 was prepared and sent to O & M Section.

29. 12 letters/requests were received from Members regarding various queries in respect of questions tabled by them and resolved to their satisfaction.

30. 160 applications including appeals were received under RTI Act, 2005 and information sought therein was supplied to the Information Cell.

31. Seven (7) entries received for inclusion in Precedents Register were compiled Head- wise and resographed.

32. Debates pertaining to Second Part of Fifteenth Session of the Fifteenth Lok Sabha, Second Session and Third Session of the Sixteenth Lok Sabha were examined with a view to culling out observations/decisions from the Chair.


7. TABLE OFFICE [Incl. Business Advisory Committee and Committee on Absence of Members from the sittings of the House]


1.16 The Table Office mainly deals with the Legislative and other day-to-day business of Lok Sabha other than questions and works undertaken by LB-I/LB-II Branches. The work of the Branch includes processing of:

(i) Notices of Calling Attention, Adjournment/No-Confidence Motions, matters under Rule 377, matters of urgent public importance, Submissions by Members and Statements by Ministers.

(ii) Election of Speaker and election of Deputy Speaker.

(iii) Works such as Papers Laid on the Table of the House, List of Business, Bulletin Part I and Bulletin Part-II and SRO Paras, Personal Explanation under Rule 357, Allegation under Rule 353, Notices under Direction 115 are also dealt with by the Branch.

(iv) The other items of work including Operation of AVR System/Machine, Division, allotment/re-allotment of seats etc.

(v) Work regarding suspension of Members, cases coming under Tenth Schedule to the Constitution of India and Rules made thereunder.

(vi) Maintenance of Information furnished by Members under Anti-Defection Rules.

(vii) Maintenance of consolidated Attendance Register of Members.

(viii) Preparation of Observations/Rulings and References.

(ix) Preparation of Obituary /Tragic/Congratulatory References.

1.17 The Table Office also assists in conducting the sittings of the Committee on Absence of Members from the sittings of the House, sittings of the Business Advisory Committee and meetings held by Speaker with Leaders of the Parties.

1.18 A new procedure with respect to laying matters under Rule 377 of Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha has been introduced during 2009 and is being followed since the Third Session of Fifteenth Lok Sabha. As per the new procedure adopted, if it is decided by the Chair that members will be permitted to lay their matters under rule 377 on the Table of the House, an announcement shall be made by the Chair that those members who have been permitted to raise matters under Rule 377 on that day may send slips at the Table within twenty minutes. Thereafter, members who have been permitted and are desirous of laying their matters may personally handover slips at the Table within twenty minutes for inclusion of their matters in the proceedings of the House. Only those matters shall be treated as laid and shall form part of the proceedings for which slips have been received at the Table within the stipulated time. Matters under rule 377 for which slips are not received at the Table, shall not form part of the proceedings and shall be treated as lapsed. 28

1.19 As per directions of Hon‘ble Speaker, the Lok Sabha Secretariat has adopted measures to convert the office as paperless. In this context, all the Parliamentary documents viz., List of Business, Bulletin-Part I and Bulletin-Part II are now being uploaded on the website on day-to-day basis. Circulation of hard copies to all the Ministries/Departments of Government of India and Officers and Branches of the Secretariat has since been discontinued. Resume of Work done by Lok Sabha is also being uploaded on the website and only a limited copies are got printed for record purpose.


1.20 The break-up of the work done in the Office during the year was as under:-



1st Session 2nd Session 3rd Session (16th Lok Sabha) (16th Lok Sabha) (16th Lok Sabha) Issue of 30th May, 2014 24th June, 2014 31st October, 2014 Summons Duration 4th June to 11th 7th July to 14th 24th November to 23rd June, 2014 August, 2014 December, 2014

Sittings 6 27 22 Sine-die 11.6.2014 14.8.2014 23.12.2014 Prorogation 13.6.2014 14.8.2014 23.12.2014

(Table Office initiated and co-ordinated action regarding various ceremonies/occurrences/business of Lok Sabha) 16th Lok Sabha President‘s Address 9th June, 2014 Motion of thanks on President‘s 9th June, 2014 Address (Notice Received) Discussed on 10th and 11th June, 2014 Motion Adopted on President‘s Message reported in House 11th June, 2014 by Speaker/Published on 13th June, 2014 (Published vide Bn. Part-II dated 13.6.2014)


16th Lok Sabha Date of Election of Speaker 6th June, 2014 Total no. of notices received 19 Notices found to be in order and 16 included in the Revised List of Business for 6.6.2014


ELECTION OF DEPUTY SPEAKER 16th Lok Sabha Date of Election of Deputy Speaker 13th August, 2014 Total no. of notices received 13 Notices found to be in order and 13 included in the Revised List of Business for 13.8.2014

Results of General Elections to 543 Bye Elections Parliamentary Constituencies of Sixteenth Lok Sabha were declared on 17 May, 2014.

Results of Bye-elections in 5 Parliamentary Constituencies were declared on 16.09.2014 (three seats); and 19.10.2014 (two seats).

Necessary action, i.e. issue of circulars, etc. was taken up.

Oath or affirmation 544 Members made and subscribed oath/affirmation.

Obituary references Obituary references to the passing away of 53 Members/Ex-Members (including 6 sitting members); 4 heads of friendly foreign states and 37 references on tragic/natural calamities were prepared.

Congratulatory/Felicitation references Fifteen congratulatory/felicitation reference were prepared.

References on Landmark anniversaries Eight references on landmark anniversaries and solemn occasions and solemn occasions were prepared.


Calling Attention 449 Notices (10 subject admitted)

Adjournment motion 195 notices

No-confidence Motion 24 Notices (Due to interruptions, the notices could not be brought before the House). (All notices received during 15th Lok Sabha)

Matters under Rule 377 7987 matters were raised/Laid

Submissions by members for inclusion 58 members were permitted in the Business commencing following week.


Matters of Urgent Public Importance 684 matters were raised raised after Question Hour and before the adjournment of the House for the day.

Statements made/laid on the Table by 47 statements made/laid. Ministers under rule 372 on matters of public importance.

Statements made/laid on the table by 94 statements made/laid. Ministers under direction 73A of the Directions by the Speaker, Lok Sabha regarding status of implementation of recommendations contained in the Reports of Departmentally related Standing Committees.

Papers laid on the table – 5405 documents were received for laying from the Ministries/ Departments. Out of which (i) By Government 5399 papers were included in the List of Business and the same were laid. 6 papers were returned to the Ministries/Departments

as the same remained unlaid due to incomplete submission of papers for laying.

(ii) By Private Members NIL

Particulars relating to Reports, Accounts, Maintenance of Index Cards Policies, Ordinances etc laid during 15th Session of 15th Lok Sabha and 1st, 2nd and 3rd sessions of 16th Lok Sabha were entered in the various columns of the relevant cards by consulting Bulletins.

Supplementary Lists of Business for laying of Supplementary List of Business Sensitive Notifications or laying of any other papers as per orders of HS were brought out and papers contained therein were laid on the Table.

SRO Paras During 15th Session of 15th Lok Sabha and 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sessions of 16th Lok Sabha, paragraphs containing the SROs laid on the Table during the week, which were subject to modification, were issued for information to members. After the termination of 15th Session and 1st and 2nd sessions of 16th Lok Sabha, a consolidated Sessional paragraph containing all the SROs laid on the Table 31

during the above sessions was also issued. The process of issuing consolidated Sessional SROs para relating to 3rd session of 16th Lok Sabha is on.

Personal explanation under rule 357 NIL

Allegations under Rule 353 NIL

Notices under Direction 115 08 notices from various members were received and processed.

Notices under direction 115C NIL

Presentation of Railway Budget 8TH July, 2014

Presentation of General Budget 10th July, 2014

List of Business 103 Lists of Business (Advance/Revised/Supplementary) were issued.

Agenda sets Agenda sets were prepared for reference of HS, HDS, SG and other officers at the Table. At the end of each session, Agenda Sets were got bound and preserved.

Minutes Book At the end of each session, Minutes Book was got bound and preserved for life.

Reporters List Names of members who participated in various debates were recorded.

Authorization letters from Ministers Copies of letters sent to Legislative Branch-I, Legislative Branch-II and Question Branch for information and necessary action.

Branch Library Books frequently needed for reference were maintained.

Business Advisory Committee 15th Lok Sabha 16th Lok Sabha

Date of Constitution Date of Constitution : : 29.06.2009 13.06.2014

In all 11 sittings were held.

Allocation of time to 48 items (including preparation of 11 Reports and Minutes of sitting of the committee and other allied work.


Bulletin Part-I Sixty-seven Manuscripts were prepared and sent for printing after the adjournment of the House for the day.

Bulletin Part-II 76 Bulletins (249 Paragraphs) were issued from 6 January, 2014 to 18 May, 2014.

After constitution of new Lok Sabha i.e. 16th Lok Sabha, 250 Bulletins (1212 paragraphs) were issued.

Attendance register of members Members' Attendance Register for all sittings of the fifteenth session of the 15th Lok Sabha and 1st to 3rd sessions of the 16th Lok Sabha were prepared and placed in the Inner Lobby of the House for members to put their signatures as a token of having attended the House. The Attendance Register for the ifteenth session of fifteenth Lok Sabha and the three sessions of the 16th Lok Sabha were got bound.

Roll of members and Consolidated For the purpose of signing of members after Attendance of members Oath/Affirmation in the House, Roll of members was maintained as usual.

Attendance of members of every sitting during the year was uploaded on the Lok Sabha website www.loksabha.nic.in under the heading Members>Attendance of Members. Quorum Bell Total No. of times quorum bell was rung : 29

The record was included in the Resume and Brief Summary of Work done by Lok Sabha of second part of 15th session of 15th Lok Sabha and first to third sessions of 16th Lok Sabha..

Total No. of walkouts staged by members: 29 Walk-out staged by members The record was included in the Resume and Brief Summary of Work done by Lok Sabha of second part of 15th session of 15th Lok Sabha and first to third sessions of 16th Lok Sabha..

Latest editions of all reference books viz. Chamber books Constitution of India, Parliamentary Practice and Procedures, Rules, Directions, Who's Who, Dictionaries etc. were maintained for reference of Speaker, Members and Officers at the Table. 33

Dressing the table on each day during The Chamber Attendants attended to the work session of arranging the Table for every day of each session held during the year.

Stationery for Chamber Stationery items used in Chamber were obtained from General Works/Procurement Branch before commencement of each session.

Parliamentary papers for members Parliamentary papers pertaining to business before the House and printed forms of various notices were kept in a rack in the Inner Lobby for the use of Hon‘ble members.

Parliamentary papers for Offices of Parliamentary papers/publications were parties/groups in Lok Sabha supplied to offices of parties and groups in Lok Sabha by Distribution Branch on the basis of information supplied by Table Office (B).

Divisions Total No. of Divisions : 11

The record was included in the Brief Summary and Sessional Resume of second part of 15th session of 15th Lok Sabha and first to third sessions of 16th Lok Sabha.

Operation of Automatic Vote Recording The procedure regarding operation of the System Automatic Vote Recording Machine and recording of corrections in the votes recorded by the machine was published in Bulletin Part II a few days before the commencement and once every week during the currency of each session for information of members. Automatic Vote Recording machine was got tested and a certificate regarding the proper functioning of the machine was obtained from the Assistant Engineer (AVR) on all session days before the commencement of the sitting.

Leader of House and the Leader of the Shri Sushil Kumar Shinde and Smt. Sushma Opposition in Lok Sabha Swaraj continued to be the Leader of the House and the Leader of Opposition respectively in the 15th Lok Sabha.

During the 16th Lok Sabha, since Shri Narendra Damodardas Modi, Prime Minister is a member of the Lok Sabha, no Leader of 34

House was formally recognized in the 16th Lok Sabha. No Leader of Opposition has been recognized by the Speaker during the 16th Lok Sabha.

Deployment of supervisors/Division Number of Division rehearsals held : 5 Clerks Before the commencement of each session, the list of deployment of Supervisors/Division Clerks was finalised. A circular indicating their names together with places of duty allotted to them in the Chamber was issued.

The following members were on the Panel of Panel of Chairpersons Chairpersons during the 15th Lok Sabha :-

1. Shri 2. Shri P.C. Chacko 3. Smt. Sumitra Mahajan 4. Shri Inder Singh Namdhari 5. Shri Francisco Sardinha 6. Shri Arjun Charan Sethi 7. Dr. Raghuvansh Prasad Singh 8. Dr. M. Thambidurai 9. Shri Satpal Maharaj 10. Shri Jagdambika Pal On the commencement of the 16th Lok Sabha, the following members were nominated on the Panel of Chairpersons on 9.6.2014 by the Hon‘ble Speaker, Lok Sabha :- 1. Dr. M. Thambidurai 2. Shri Arjun Charan Sethi 3. Shri Hukm Deo Narayan Yadav 4. Prof. K.V. Thomas 5. Shri Anandrao Adsul 6. Shri Pralhad Joshi 7. Dr. (Smt.) Ratna De (Nag) 8. Shri Ramen Deka 9. Shri Konakalla Narayana Rao 10. Shri Hukum Singh Consequent upon his appointment as the Hon‘ble Deputy Speaker on 13.09.2014, Dr. M. Thambidurai ceased to be a member of the Panel of Chairpersons with immediate effect.

Hon‘ble Speaker on 12.12.2014 nominated Shri K.H. Muniyappa and Dr. P. Venugopal, MPs as members on the Panel of Chairpersons, Lok Sabha in place of Prof. K.V. 35

Thomas and the vacancy caused on appointment of Dr. M. Thambidurai as Deputy Speaker respectively.

After consultation, rosters were drawn up indicating the timings at which members on the Panel of Chairpersons would preside over the House in the absence of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker.

Statement indicating the actual time spent on the Chair by Speaker, Deputy Speaker and members on the Panel of Chairpersons were compiled and after obtaining approval, the same were supplied to the Editorial Branch for incorporation in the records.

Seat/Division numbers were allotted/re-allotted Allotment/re-allotment of seats to Ministers/members of the 16th Lok Sabha. Some re-allotment of seats were also made on receipt of requests from members. Consequential actions viz., informing Ministers/members about their Seat/Division Number, carrying out corrections in the Attendance Register of Members, informing AVR Staff about the changes, fixing of name plates in the Lok Sabha Chamber and issuing of Circulars etc. were taken.

The party position of the Fifteenth Lok Sabha Change in the strength of parties. was revised on 6 occasions due to change in the strength of party in Lok Sabha on account of member‘s resignation, assumption of high office, bye-elections etc.

The party position of the 16th Lok Sabha was revised on 8 occasions during the year.

Matters under Tenth Schedule to the One petition was filed by a member under the Constitution and Rules made thereunder. Tenth Schedule to the Constitution and Rules made thereunder. The matter has been referred to the Committee of Privileges for examination and report. The report is awaited.


Information furnished by the members As per requirement of rule 4 of the Members of under rule 4 of the Anti-Defection Rules. Lok Sabha (Disqualification on Ground of Defection) Rules, 1985, names of members elected in bye-elections to the Fifteenth Lok Sabha alongwith their party affiliation was

published in Bulletin Part II.

During the 16th Lok Sabha, most of the members barring a few of them, have furnished information regarding their party affiliation in Form III. Information from leaders of parties in Form I is awaited from all parties.

List of Office Bearers List of Office bearers of various Legislature Parties in Lok Sabha was prepared and revised as and when intimation regarding changes were communicated by the respective political parties.

Seating Arrangements in the Central Hall Seating arrangements were made for members, dignitaries and other invitees on the occasion of the unveiling ceremony of Portraits of Former Speakers of Lok Sabha and photographs of Presiding Officers of Central Legislative Assembly of Pre-Independence period on 10 February, 2014,

Seating arrangements were also made for members, dignitaries and other invitees on the occasion of President‘s Address to the joint sitting of the two Houses on 8 June, 2014.

210 applications received from MSA Branch for Certificates about membership of Lok giving the period of membership of ex- Sabha for payment of Pension to ex- members for pension purposes were verified. members/families. 290 members (former/sitting) of Lok Sabha Certificates about membership of Lok were issued membership certificates for Sabha for CGHS/Telephone/Railway Pass CGHS/ Telephone/Railway Pass facilities etc. to members/ex-members. facilities/allotment of residential plots, etc..

Important matters raised/discussed in 64 Report of Rajya Sabha proceedings sittings in Rajya Sabha at 12.00 Noon were immediately after Question Hour. reported for the information of the Secretary- General.

Approved entries for Manuals on Rules, Entries for Manuals Directions and Constitution have been 37

forwarded to CB-I for further necessary action.

The Committee on Absence of Members from Committee on Absence of Members from the Sittings of the House met twice i.e., (i) 15th the sittings of the House and leave of session of 15th Lok Sabha; and (ii) 3rd session absence granted to members. of Sixteenth Lok Sabha. In all, the names of 11 members were recommended for grant of leave of absence by the Committee which was accepted by the House. The members were informed accordingly.

Meeting held by the Speaker with Leaders Three meetings of Speaker with of Parties/Groups Leaders/Representatives of Parties in Lok Sabha were held.

Extracts from the proceedings of the meetings were forwarded to the concerned Branches, wherever necessary.

Examination of Lok Sabha proceedings Daily proceedings of the 15th session (Part-II) during 2014 of the 15th Lok Sabha, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sessions of the 16th Lok Sabha were examined on day-to-day basis. During this period, 05 observations were made by the Chair and 98 entries were culled out for inclusion in various Manuals.

Valedictory Reference Valedictory References on conclusion of the 15th Session of 15th Lok Sabha and 1st to 3rd Sessions of 16th Lok Sabha were prepared.

Publications of the Branch Manuscript of Parliamentary Procedure (Abstracts Series), 2014 (1-44) were compiled, got printed and circulated to Members of 16th Lok Sabha and concerned Branches of Lok Sabha Secretariat.

Handbook for Members (16th Edition) was reviewed, compiled and got printed and circulated to Members of 16th Lok Sabha.

Manuscripts of Resume of Work Done by 15th Lok Sabha (15th Session) and 16th Lok Sabha (1st Session) were prepared/compiled, got printed, circulated to all concerned, and uploaded on Lok Sabha website.

Manuscripts of Resume of Work Done by 16th Lok Sabha during the 2nd Session were prepared/compiled and is under printing.

Publication of Business Advisory Committee – 38

An Introductory Guide (April 2014) was got revised and reprinted.

Brief summaries of work relating to Legislative and other Business of 15th Session of 15th Lok Sabha and 1st and 2nd sessions of 16th Lok Sabha have been compiled. The compilation process sof Brief Summary relating to 3rd session of 16th Lok Sabha, is on.

Distribution of copies after laying thereof Sets of papers laid on the Table were got on the Table of the House prepared and delivered to various Branches of the Secretariat.

Misc. queries from Ministries, Legislatures Replies to such queries, as and when and outsiders. received, were given.

Reply to queries under Right to As and when queries under Right to Information Act, 2005. Information Act were received, the same was disposed off on top priority basis.

Disposal of spare copies of papers laid on The spare copies of the papers laid left over the Table after termination of the 15th Session of the 15th Lok Sabha and 1st, 2nd and 3rd sessions of 16th Lok Sabha, were weeded out.

Authenticated copies of the documents All authenticated copies of the documents, immediately after laying, were sent to the Library for permanent record and reference by members.

Recordings All files relating to the 15th Sesion of 15th Lok Sabha and 1st, 2nd and 3rd sessions of 16th Lok Sabha were recorded.

Entries for Manuals Entries for Manual on Rules, Constitution and Directions by the Speaker relating to papers laid work were got approved. After approval the same was sent to CB-I for further necessary action at their end.

Miscellaneous items of work:

(i) A comprehensive statement indicating total time allotted and total time taken by each party and number of members who had spoken with party affiliations and time taken by individual member was prepared for ready reference of HS/SG and other Officers on various discussions held in the House.

(ii) Material for 15th session (Part-II) of the 15th Lok Sabha, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sessions of the 16th Lok Sabha were sent to LARRDIS for inclusion in the Journal of 39

Parliamentary Information and SG's DO letter to Secretaries of the State Legislatures.

(iii) General arrangements in the Chamber/Lobbies like supply of parliamentary papers and stationery items, drinking water, attending to telephone calls, messenger services and arrangements for meetings of visitors with members were looked after.

(iv) Paras regarding (i) Attendance Register of Members; (ii) Switching off of head phones in Lok Sabha Chamber by Members; (iii) Parliamentary Customs, Conventions and Parliamentary Etiquette; and (iv) Withdrawal and Suspension of members were issued in Bulletin-Part II before the commencement and during the currency of each session.

(v) Training to Officers from various State Legislatures, Institute of Constitutional & Parliamentary Studies and other organization regarding working of the Branch were undertaken.

(vi) Balloting of notices of Matters under Rule 377 is being done on computer. The List of Business, Bulletin-Part I and Bulletin-Part II are being uploaded on Parliament of India website.



A. Financial Committee Branches

1.21 The Financial Committees viz the Committee on Estimates, Committee on Public Accounts, and Committee on Public Undertakings and Railways Convention Committee are served respectively by the Estimates Committee Branch, Public Accounts Committee Branch, Public Undertakings Committee Branch and Railways Convention Committee Branch. 1. ESTIMATES COMMITTEE BRANCH


1.22 The functions of the Committee on Estimates are:

(i) report what economies, improvements in organisation, efficiency or administrative reform, consistent with the policy underlying the estimates may be effected;

(ii) to suggest alternative policies in order to bring about efficiency and economy in administration;

(iii) to examine whether the money is well laid out within the limits of the policy implied in the estimates; and

(iv) to suggest the form in which the estimates shall be presented to Parliament.

(2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 1.23 The break-up of the work done in the Committee Branch during the year was as under:- Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by Remark of sittings questions tours Subjects/ the Committee (s) of the prepared by the undertaken Bills Committ- Committee by the selected/ ee held Committee referred Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Other Sub. Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours s (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce

16 362 Nil Nil Nil 38 N.A 05 N.A N.A 3 N.A . .




1.24 The Public Accounts Committee examines the accounts showing the appropriation of sums granted by Parliament to meet the expenditure of the Government of India, the Annual Finance Accounts of Government of India and such other accounts laid before the House including those relating to autonomous bodies and the Reports of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India thereon, except those relating to such Public Undertakings as are allocated to the Committee on Public Undertakings. Apart from the various Accounts, Committee also examines the Audit Reports of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on different subjects, namely, Civil, Defence, Railways, Performance Appraisals, Indirect Taxes and Direct Taxes. (2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 1.25 The break-up of the work done in the Committee Branch during the year was as under: Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by *Remark of questions tours Subjects/ the Committee (s) sittings prepared by the undertaken Bills of the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Other Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours s (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce 24 1000 250 Nil 1 41 Nil 12 10

*DS-A drafted one Original Report on 'Non-Compliance by Ministries/ Departments in timely submission of Action Taken Notes on the Non-selected Audit Paragraphs of the C&AG of India'

DS-B drafted one Original Report on ‗Performance of Civil Aviation in India‘.

US-A drafted one Original Report on ‗Duty Drawback Scheme‘.

US-B drafted three Original Reports on ‗Rail Link to Kashmir', ‗Civil Engineering Workshops in Indian Railways, Delay in Building the New Rail Bridge over River Sone and Signal and Telecommunications‘ and ‗Implementation of Public Private Partnership-Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi‘.

US-C drafted four Original Reports on ‗Excesses Over Voted Grants and Charged Appropriations (2011-12)‘, ‗Implementation of Agricultural Debt Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme, 2008‘, ‗Contravention of Constitutional Provisions by Ministry of Finance: Expenditure incurred on Interest on Refunds without Parliamentary Approval‘ and ‗Environment Management in Indian Railways - Stations, Trains and Tracks‘




1.26 The functions of the Committee on Public Undertakings are (a) to examine the reports and accounts of the Public Undertakings specified in the Fourth Schedule to the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha; (b) to examine the Reports, if any, of the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India on the Public Undertakings; (c) to examine, in the context of the autonomy and efficiency of the public undertakings, whether the affairs of the Public Undertakings are being managed in accordance with sound business principles and prudent commercial practices; and (d) to exercise such other functions vested in the Public Accounts Committee and the Estimates Committee in relation to the Public Undertakings as are not covered by (a), (b) and (c) above and as may be allotted to the Committee by the Speaker from time to time.

(2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 1.27 The break-up of the work done in the Committee Branch during the year was as under:- Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by Remark of questions tours Subjects/ the Committee (s) sittings prepared by undertaken Bills of the the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Other Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evid- Tours s (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G ence 16 480 Nil Nil Nil - - 4 4




1.28 The Railway Convention Committee of the 15th Lok Sabha was constituted on 15th March, 2010. The Committee is an adhoc Committee and, once constituted, functions till the dissolution of the Lok Sabha. The Railway Convention Committee Branch renders secretarial assistance to the Committee. The foremost job of the Committee is to review the rate of dividend payable by the Railway Undertaking to the General Revenues, as well as other ancillary matters in connection with Railway Finance vis-à-vis General Finance and make recommendations thereon, and to suggest the level of appropriation to various funds of Railways like the Depreciation Reserve Fund, the Development Fund, etc.

(2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 1.29 The break-up of the work done in the Committee during the year was as under:- No. of No. of No. of study No. of reports presented by the Remark sittings of questions tours Committee (s) the prepared by undertaken Committ- the Committee by the ee held Committee Original Action for which for which Taken arrange- arrangemen- ments ts made made Oral Study Local Other Su @DF #Bill Sub .*DF evid- tours s b. G (s) (s) G ence (s)

2 50 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

@ Report on ‗Rate of Dividend for the year 2014-15 and other ancillary matters‘ was deferred by the then Chairperson (RCC) as Fifth Interim Memorandum on dividend payable by Railways to the General Revenues for the year 2014-15 was not received from Ministry of Railways before the Dlissolution 15th Lok Sabha # Bills are not referred to RCC

* Action Taken notes will be annexed with the report on Rate of Dividend for the year 2014- 15 and other ancillary matters as per practice.



1.30 To make the Parliamentary activity incisive and to make the Executive more accountable to the Legislature, a full-fledged system of Departmentally Related Parliamentary Standing Committees (DRSCs) comprising 17 Standing Committees was initially created in 1993. These Committees covered under their jurisdiction all the Ministries/Departments of the Union Government. Subsequently, due to the unwieldy jurisdiction of some of the DRSCs, the DRSCs system as restructured in 2004 increasing their number to 24 with each DRSC consisting of 21 members from Lok Sabha and 10 members from Rajya Sabha. Out of the 24 DRSCs, the following 16 Standing Committees have been allocated to Lok Sabha: -

(1) Committee on Agriculture (2) Committee on Chemicals and Fertilizers (3) Committee on Coal and Steel (4) Committee on Defence (5) Committee on Energy (6) Committee on External Affairs (7) Committee on Finance (8) Committee on Food, Consumer Affairs & Public Distribution (9) Committee on Information Technology (10) Committee on Labour (11) Committee on Petroleum and Natural Gas (12) Committee on Railways (13) Committee on Rural Development (14) Committee on Social Justice and Empowerment (15) Committee on Urban Development (16) Committee on Water Resources.


1.31 The main functions of the DRSCs as laid down under the Rule 331(E) of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha are as under: (a) to consider the Demands for Grants of the concerned Ministries/Departments and make a report on the same to the Houses;

(b) to examine such Bills pertaining to the concerned Ministries/Departments as are referred to the Committee by the Chairman, Rajya Sabha or the Speaker, as the case may be, and make report thereon; (c) to consider annual reports of Ministries/Departments and make reports thereon; and (d) to consider National basic long term policy documents presented to the Houses, if referred to the Committee by the Chairman, Rajya Sabha or the Speaker, as the case may be, and make reports thereon.


1.32 The other allied functions of the Departmentally Related Standing Committees (DRSCs) Branches are as follows:- (a) Work relating to constitution of the Committee, selection of subjects, filling- up casual vacancies, formation of sub-Committees/Study Groups. (b) Preparation of critical analysis of statements made by Minister under Direction 73A of the Directions by the Speaker regarding status of implementation of the Committee‘s recommendations. (c) The collection and distribution of Preliminary Material and handling of correspondence with various Ministries/departments. (d) Preparation and circulation of minutes of the sittings of Committee. (e) Carry out factual corrections in the verbatim proceedings received from official/non-official witnesses. (f) Preparation and issuing of Press Releases after presentation of reports. (g) Settling the bills of refreshment served in sittings of the Committee. (h) Obtaining sanction orders for the TA/DA of the Chairman/Members for the journeys undertaken during the study tour(s) and also submit the resume of tour(s). (i) Supply information to BPST for various question-answers sessions during training courses and brief the participants of training courses during attachment to the Branch. (j) Prepare write-ups/briefs on Committee for use in various publications/conferences/meetings. (k) Process parliamentary questions and representations received by the Committee. (l) Studying Newspapers/Parliamentary Questions along with their Replies/parliamentary Debates and culling out relevant information pertaining to subjects under examination. (m) Preparation of Budget Estimates and Revised Estimates of the Committee Branch (n) Review of old files and culling out entries for select Documents, Manual on Rules and Departmental Decisions and prepare briefs on path-breaking recommendations of the committee. (o) Recording and weeding out of old files. Maintenance of Attendance of Members, Reports Register, File Register etc. and also Branch Record room.




1.33 The following Ministries come under the jurisdiction of Committee on Agriculture. (a) Ministry of Agriculture (i) Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (ii) Department of Agriculture Research & Education (iii) Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairy & Fisheries.

(b) Ministry of Food Processing Industries


1.34 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under: No. of No. of questions No. of study No. of No. of Reports presented *Rem- Sittings prepared visits Subjects/Bill arks undertaken s Original Action selected/ref- Taken erred

Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub. DF Bill, Sub. DF Evide- Tours rs G etc. G nce (s)

19 700 - 01 - 16 - 04 04 01 02 - (2013 -14)

12 (2014 -15)

*6 Reports were drafted by US & above

DIR (Agri) -1, DS(Agri)A -1, DS(Agri)B-3 and US (Agri) - 1




1.35 Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilisers comes under the jurisdiction of Committee on Chemicals & Fertilisers.


1.36 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under: Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by *Remark of questions tours Subjects/ the Committee (s) sittings prepared by the undertaken Bills of the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours rs (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce 9 300 - - - 9 - - 3 - 1 -

Material studied (No. of pages-1400)




1.37 The following Ministries come under the jurisdiction of Committee on Coal and Steel:

(a) Ministry of Coal (b) Ministry of Mines (c) Ministry of Steel


1.38 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:

No. of No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by Remark sittings questions tours Subjects/ the Committee (s) of the prepared by the undertaken Bills Commit- Committee by the selected/ tee held Committee referred Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours rs (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce 12 350 nil nil nil - - 3 3 nil 5 1




1.39 The following departments come under the jurisdiction of Committee on Defence.

(i) Department of Defence; (ii) Department of Defence Production; (iii) Department of Defence Research and Development; and (iv) Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare.


1.40 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:

Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by Remark of questions tours Subjects/ the Committee (s) sittings prepared by the undertaken Bills of the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours rs (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce 14 350 250 - 1 - - 1 4 - 1 1




1.41 The following Ministries come under the jurisdiction of Committee on Energy:-

(i) Ministry of Power (ii) Ministry of New and Renewable Energy


1.42 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:

Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by Remark of sittings questions tours Subjects/ the Committee (s) of the prepared by the undertaken by Bills Committ- Committee the Committee selected/ ee held referred Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours rs (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce 7 550 nil nil nil - - - 2* - 1* - * list enclos-


List of original and Action Taken Reports presented/laid during 2014

No. of Sr. No. Subject Reports 1. Demands for Grants of the Ministry of Power for the year 2014- 01 15

2. Demands for Grants of the Ministry of New and Renewable 02 Energy year 2014-15 3. Action Taken on the recommendations contained in the Forty- 03 First Report (15th Lok Sabha) on Implementation of Rajeev Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana




1.43 The following Ministries come under the jurisdiction of Committee on External Affairs:-

(a) Ministry of External Affairs (b) Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs


1.44 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by the Remark of questions tours Subjects/ Committee (s) sittings prepared by the undertaken Bills of the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours rs (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce

11 265 Nil Nil Nil 4‘ 1 1 2@ 1 1$ @ 21‖ # 6& 20& &

# The Committee examined 'The Constitution (One Hundred and Nineteenth Amendment) Bill, 2013' which was referred by Hon'ble Chairman, Rajya Sabha and the Report was presented to both the Houses on 01.12.2014.

$ Action Taken Report on action taken by the Government on the recommendations/observations contained in 25th Report (15th Lok Sabha) on the subject 'Passport Seva Project- Targets and Achievements was presented on 01.12.2014.

@@ Action Taken Report on action taken by the Government on the recommendations/observations contained in 19th Report (15th Lok Sabha) on Demands for Grants of the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs for the year 2013-14 was presented to both the Houses on 20.02.2014.

@ Original Reports on Demands for Grants of the Ministry of External Affairs and Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs for the year 2014-2015 were presented in both the Houses on 22.12.2014.




1.45 The following Ministries come under the jurisdiction of Committee on Finance:-

(a) Ministry of Finance (i) Department of Economic Affairs (ii) Department of Financial Services (iii) Department of Expenditure (iv) Department of Revenue (v) Department of Disinvestment

(b) Ministry of Planning Planning Commission

(c) Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

(d) Ministry of Corporate Affairs


1.46 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:

Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by the Remark of questions tours Subjects/ Committee (s) sittings prepared by the undertaken Bills of the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours rs (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce 18 263 ------5 - 4 -




1.47 The following Departments come under the jurisdiction of Committee on Food. Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution:-

(i) Department of Food and Public Distribution (ii) Department of Consumer Affairs.


1.48 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:

Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by the Remark of questions tours Subjects/ Committee (s) sittings prepared by the undertaken Bills of the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Other Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours s (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce 13 300 100 Nil Nil 7 Nil 1* 2 Nil Nil Nil

* (of previous Committee)




1.49 The following Ministries come under the jurisdiction of Committee on Information Technology:-

(i) Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (a) Department of Telecommunications (b) Department of Information Technology (c) Department of Posts

(ii) Ministry of Information and Broadcasting


1.50 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under: Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by *Remark of questions tours Subjects/ the Committee (s) sittings prepared by the undertaken Bills of the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours rs (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce 13 1250 Nil Nil Nil 9 Nil 2 4 Nil Nil Nil

*53rd Report of (15th LS) on ‗Norms for setting up of telecom towers, its harmful effects and setting up of security standards in expansion of telecom facilities‘ relating to Department of Telecommunications was drafted by US(IT)




1.51 The following Ministries come under the jurisdiction of Committee on Labour:- (a) Ministry of Labour and Employment (b) Ministry of Textiles


1.52 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:

Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by the Remark of questions tours Subjects/ Committee (s) sittings prepared by the undertaken Bills of the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours rs (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce 15 600 150 - * - - - 2 3 3 1 #

* Work related to the study visit of the Committee in January, 2015 was done in December, 2014.

# 9 Reports were presented to Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha during the year 2014.




1.53 The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas comes under the jurisdiction of the Committee on Petroleum and Natural Gas.


1.54 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:

Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by the Remark of questions tours Subjects/ Committee (s) sittings prepared by the undertaken Bills of the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours rs (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce 11 500 200 Nil 1 15 Nil 1 1 - 1 1




1.55 The Ministry of Railways comes under the jurisdiction of the Committee on Railways.

(2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 1.56 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:- Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by the *Remark of questions tours Subjects/ Committee (s) sittings prepared by the undertaken Bills of the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours rs (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce 9 60 Nil - - 9 Nil 2 1 2 3 -

*Report on DFG (2014-15) and Report on the subject ‗Ongoing Pending Projects, with special emphasis on projects in the North-East Region‘ were drafted by Deputy Secretary.




1.57 The following Ministries come under the jurisdiction of Committee on Rural Development.

(a) Ministry of Rural Development

(i) Department of Rural Development (ii) Department of Land Resources (iii) Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation

(b) Ministry of Panchayati Raj


1.58 The break-up of work done in the Branch during the year was as under:

Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by Remark of questions tours Subjects/ the Committee (s) sittings prepared by undertaken Bills of the the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evid- Tours rs (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G ence 11 1000 Nil Nil Nil 8 1 - 4 - 1 4




1.59 The following Ministries come under the jurisdiction of Committee on Social Justice and Empowerment.

(a) Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (b) Ministry of Tribal Affairs (c) Ministry of Minority Affairs

(2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 1.60 The break-up of work done in the Branch during the year was as under:

Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by *Rema- of questions tours Subjects/ the Committee rks sittings prepared by the undertaken Bills of the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours rs (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce 15 400 93 Nil @ 15 4 4 4 2 - 4

*Additional Director drafted 1 Report each on subject and Bill. Under Secretary drafted 2 subject Reports, 1 Report on DFG and 2 ATR.

@The Committee proposed to undertake study visit to bangaluru and Panani from 10.11.2014 to 12.11.2014. However, the visit was cancelled as per the instruction of the Hon‘ble Chairman.




1.61 The following Ministries come under the jurisdiction of Committee on Urban Development:

(a) Ministry of Urban Development (b) Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation

(2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 1.62 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under: Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by the Remark of questions tours Subjects/ Committee (s) sittings prepared by the undertaken Bills of the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours rs (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce 6 900 150 - 1 6 Nil 1 2 1 2 2




1.63 The jurisdiction of the Committee on Water Resources extends to the Ministry of Water Resources along with its attached/subordinate offices, public sector undertakings, registered societies and statutory bodies.


1.64 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:

Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by Remark of questions tours Subjects/ the Committee (s) sittings prepared by the undertaken Bills of the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours rs (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce 8 100 150 Nil 1 13 Nil 1 1 Nil 1 - -


C. OTHER COMMITTEE BRANCHES (Including Ad-hoc Committees)


(i) Nomination/election of members to Parliamentary Committees and Government Bodies in which Lok Sabha is represented and association of members of Lok Sabha with Committees constituted by State Governments.

(ii) Examination of proposals for amendments to the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha/Directions by the Speaker and to bring out their new editions or reprints.

(iii) Preparation and issue of replacement series to each of the three Manuals, namely, the Manual on Selected Articles of the Constitution, Manual on Business and Procedure in Lok Sabha (i.e. the Manual on Rules of Procedure) and the Manual on Directions by the Speaker, so that these Manuals are kept up-to-date from time to time.

(iv) To arrange meetings of HS with the Chairmen of Parliamentary Committees.

(v) To update/amend the guidelines regarding study tours of Parliamentary Committees.

(vi) To provide Secretarial assistance to the Rules Committee and the General Purposes Committee.

(vii) Updating of History of Rules and Directions.

(viii) Bringing out a publication titled ―Departmental Decisions regarding Parliamentary Committees.‖ (The publication has not been brought out lately).

(ix) To maintain the booklet ―Committees and other Bodies on which Lok Sabha is represented wholly or partially on the intranet.‖

(x) To examine all the policy decisions pertaining to Parliamentary Committees.

(xi) To put up replies to procedural queries from Branches/BPST/State/Foreign Legislature Sectts. and Rajya Sabha Sectt., etc.

(xii) To examine and process the applications received under the RTI Act.

(2) Functions of General Purposes Committee.

1.65 To advise the Speaker on such matters concerning the affairs of the House as may be referred to it by the Speaker from time to time.


(3) Functions of Rules Committee

1.66 To consider matters of procedure and conduct of business in the House and recommend amendments or additions to the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha that are considered necessary. (4) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014

1.67 The break-up of the work done in the CB-I during the year was as under:-


(a) DRSCs - 24* (b) Other Standing Committees - 13 (c) Financial Committees, OBC - 05 and SCTC (d) Ad hoc Committees - 07

(ii) No. of Govt. bodies - 40 to which elections were held

(iii) No. of Govt. bodies - 11 to which Members were nominated

(iv) No. of change of nominations effected/ - (i) DRSCs : 53 casual vacancies filled in (ii) Others : 03 Parliamentary Committees/Govt. Bodies (iii) Govt. Bodies: Nil

(v) No. of members elected/nominated to - Elected :-

Committee and other Govt. Body (i) Committees : 104

(ii) Govt. Bodies : 25


(i) DRSCs : 504 (ii) Other Ctes : 181 (iii) Ad-hoc Ctes .: 76 (iv) Govt. Bodies : 40

*Out of 24 Committees, 08 DRSCs are serviced by Rajya Sabha Secretariat. The members of Lok Sabha to these Committees are nominated by the Speaker, Lok Sabha.

(vi) The requests for nominations/election of members to bodies were also examined from the office of profit angle and in some cases; clarifications were obtained from the Ministries concerned before processing such cases.

(vii) Processed nomination of members to the Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies (ICPS).

(viii) Put up replies to a number of queries (11) on various procedural issues pertaining to general functioning of the Committees received from BPST/Branches/State/Foreign Legislature Secretariat(s)/Rajya Sabha Secretariat, etc. 64

(ix) The booklet regarding ―Committees and other bodies on which Lok Sabha is represented wholly or partially – 2014-2015‖ was prepared.

(x) The procedural matters relating to interpretation of rules received from various Branches, State Legislature etc. were processed and the decision thereon communicated to the Branches concerned.

General Purposes Committee

(i) Date of constitution of the Committee - The process of constitution is underway (ii) No. of sittings held during 2014 - Nil

Rules Committee

(i) Date of constitution of the Committee - 01 September, 2014 (16th LS)

(ii) No. of sitting held during 2014 - 01

(iii) Progress made in the use of Hindi in respect - 1000 pages of General Purposes Committee, Rules Committee & elections to Committees, Government Bodies and Publication regarding ‗Committees and Other Bodies on which Lok Sabha is represented wholly or partially.

(iv) No. of pages studied - 15,000 pages

Other Items of work

(i) Revised Rules and Directions as gender neutral and printed new editions of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha and Directions by the Speaker.

(ii) Queries pertaining to membership on Committees, functioning of Committees/procedural points/study tours, reports, etc., received under the Right to Information Act were processed and replied to. Briefs were also prepared for P.O./Secretaries Conference.

(iii) Necessary modifications have been carried out from time to time to the Committee Home Page software. Information which is required to be updated by Branches were consistently monitored and discrepancies rectified after taking up the issues with concerned Branches verbally and in writing also.

(iv) Revision and updating of write-up on Committee Home Page.




1.68 Committee Branch-II deals with the work relating to Committees viz. (i) Joint Committee on Offices of Profit and (ii) Committee on Papers Laid on the Table. The Branch also deals with Select/Joint Committees on Bills, as and when constituted. However, no Select/Joint Committee on Bills was constituted during the period under Report. The Branch also acts as custodian of records of past Joint Parliamentary Committees. The broad functions and the work done in respect of each of the Committees are brought out in the following paragraphs:


Scope and functions 1.69 The functions of the Joint Committee on Offices of Profit are:- (i) to examine the composition and character of all existing ‗committees‘ and all ‗committees‘ that may hereafter be constituted, membership of which may disqualify a person for being chosen as, and for being, a member of either House of Parliament under Article 102 of the Constitution;

(ii) to recommend in relation to the ‗committees‘ examined by it what offices should disqualify and what offices should not disqualify; and

(iii) to scrutinise from time to time the Schedule to the Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) Act, 1959, and to recommend any amendments in the said Schedule, whether by way of addition, omission or otherwise.

1.70 The Committee also examine any queries relating to ‗Offices of Profit‘, received from Members of Parliament, Ministries of Government of India, State Governments or other Institutions and send the opinion of the Committee in appropriate cases. Approach of the Committee

1.71 The Joint Committee on Offices of Profit have been following the undermentioned criteria for determining whether an office ought or ought not to disqualify the holder thereof for being chosen as, and for being, a Member of Parliament:-

(i) Whether Government exercise control over the appointment to and removal from the office and over the performance and functions of the office;

(ii) Whether the holder draws any remuneration, other than the ‗compensatory allowance' as defined in Section 2 (a) of the Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) Act, 1959;

(iii) Whether the body in which an office is held, exercises executive, legislative or judicial powers or confers powers of disbursement of funds, allotments of lands, issue of licences, etc., or gives powers of appointment, grant of scholarships, etc., and

(iv) Whether the body in which an office is held enables the holder to wield influence or power by way of patronage.


Scrutiny of Bills to amend Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) Act, 1959.

1.72 One of the functions of the Joint Committee on Offices of Profit is to scrutinise from time to time the Schedule to the Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) Act, 1959 and to recommend any amendments in the said Schedule, whether by way of addiction, omission or otherwise. The Ministry of Law and Justice (Legislative Department) drafts Bill to amend the Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) Act, 1959, so as to give effect to the recommendations of the Committee made from time to time. Before introducing a Bill in House of Parliament, the Ministry of Law and Justice (Legislative Department), forwards to the Lok Sabha Secretariat a copy of the draft bill to see whether it is fully in accord with the recommendations made by the Committee. On receipt, the bill is examined by the Secretariat in the light of the recommendations of the Committee and then placed before the Committee, with the approval of the Chairperson. The Report of the Committee on the Bill is presented to the House and thereafter the Ministry of Law and Justice (Legislative Department) proceeds with the introduction of the Bill in Parliament.

(2) Work done by the Joint Committee on Offices of Profit.

1.73 The break-up of the work done in the Committee during the year was as under:-

Number No. of questions No. of Study No. of reports presented by the Remark of sittings prepared by the tours Committee (s) of the Committee undertaken by Committ- the Committee ee held Oral Study Local Othe- Original Action Taken Evide- Tours rs nce Sub, DFG Bill Sub, DFG (s) (s) (s)

Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil - - - - $

$ Attended to detailed examination of 32 cases, corresponded with the State Govts. and Ministries/Departments under the control of Government of India in regard thereto for seeking requisite information on Committees/Bodies, etc. under examination by the JCOP, Memoranda prepared in 01 case and final opinion of the Committee was communicated in 31 cases.

(i) Examined 17 Cases under RTI Act, 2005 and sent appropriate replies to Information Cell.

(ii) Prepared Annual Statement regarding summary of work done covering period from 1 June, 2013 till dissolution of 15th Lok Sabha - with respect to Joint Committee on Offices of Profit;

(iii) Prepared Revised Estimates for 2014-2015 and Budget Estimates 2015-16 as per Circular issued by Integrated Finance Unit (IFU)

(iv) Prepared Statements viz Monthly resume of work done, Tour bills, Members Attendance, Work transacted during Sessions (PPR Wing), Resume of work done during Sessions (Table Office) Journal of Parliamentary Information (LARRDIS), Summary of Work (Co-ordination Branch);

(v) Attended to the whole procedure related to constitution of Joint Parliamentary Committee on Offices of Profit for the Sixteenth Lok Sabha;


(vi) Prepared Annual Administrative Report 2013 and after getting approval sent the same to Committee Coordination Branch;

(vii) Examined request of Government of Uttar Pradesh to furnish the list of Members of Parliament belonging to Shia Community from Uttar Pradesh regarding Election of Members for the Constitution of Uttar Pradesh Shia Central Wakf Board, Lucknow;

(viii) Sent O.Ms. and letters to Ministries of Government of India and Chief Secretaries of State/Govts./Union Territories to furnish the particulars of the Committees, Commissions, Bodies etc. constituted by them or which might be constituted from time to time; (ix) Provided copies of the Notes and Bill Payment Certificates of the Study Tour Bills settled by the JCOP during the period 2013-14 to the Central Audit Party as asked by the Committee Co-ordination Branch;

(3) Functions & Scope of the Committee on Papers Laid on the Table:

1.74 The Committee on Papers Laid on the Table is constituted under Rule 305 A(1) of the Rules of Procedure and conduct of Business in Lok Sabha. The functions of the Committee are to examine all papers (except the papers which are examined by COSL) laid on the Table of the House by Ministers and to report to the House on (a) whether there has been compliance with the provisions of the Constitution, Act, Rule or Regulation under which the papers has been laid

(b) whether there has been any unreasonable delay in laying the paper; and

(c) if there has been such delay, whether a statement explaining the reasons for delay has been laid on the Table of the House and whether those reasons are satisfactory.

(d) Whether both the Hindi and English Version of the paper have been laid on the Table; and

(e) Whether a statement explaining the reasons for not laying the Hindi version has been given and whether such reasons are satisfactory.

Besides the above functions the Committee also performs such other function in respect of the papers laid on the Table as may be assigned to it by the Speaker from time to time. 305 B(2) (3) Work done by the Committee on Papers Laid on the Table.

1.75 The break-up of the work done in the Committee during the year was as under:-

Number No. of questions No. of Study No. of reports presented by the Remark of sittings prepared by the tours Committee (s) of the Committee undertaken by Committ- the Committee ee held Oral Study Local Othe- Original Action Taken Evide- Tours rs nce

8# 60 - - - 1* 2* #


* One Action Taken Report [14th Report (15th Lok Sabha)] was presented to Hon'ble Speaker and thereafter the same Report was laid on the Table of the House by then Secretary-General during the First Session of 16th Lok Sabha;

## (i) Gone through all files of 3 pending bills of and prepared a self - contained note for taking advice of JS(FA) in this regard;

(ii) Prepared and issued OMs (Nos. 52) regarding follow up action taken up as per Memo Nos. 557, 558 & 560 regarding Examination of Papers laid on the Table of the House (i) from 21.02.2013 to 08.05.2013; (ii) from 05.08.2013 to 06.09.2013; and (iii) from 05.12.2013 to 18.12.2013) respectively.

(iii) Prepared Annual Statement regarding summary of work done covering period from 1 June, 2013 till the dissolution of 15th Lok Sabha;

(iv) Prepared of Revised Estimates for 2014-2015 and Budget Estimates 2015-2016 as per circular issued by Integrated Finance Unit (IFU);

(v) Prepared of Revised Estimates for 2014-2015 and Budget Estimates 2015-2016 as per circular issued by MSA Branch;

(vi) Prepared Statements viz monthly resume of work done, Tour bills, Members attendance, work transacted during sessions (PPR Wing), Resume of work done during Sessions (Table Office) Journal of Parliamentary Information (LARRDIS), Summary of Work (Co-ordination Branch); and

(vii) Prepared Statements showing the preparatory work for 16th Lok Sabha;




1.76 The functions of the Committee on Government Assurances are to scrutinize in detail the assurances, promises, undertaking etc., given by Ministers from time to time on the floor of the House and to report on :-

(a) The extent to which such assurances, promises, undertaking etc. have been implemented; and

(b) Where implemented whether such implementation has taken place within the minimum time necessary for the purpose.


1.77 The break-up of the work done in the Committee during the year was as under:-

(a) Total number of Assurances Culled out

15th Session of 15th LS - 247

1st Session of 16th LS - NIL (The election of Hon‘ble Speaker, Deputy Speaker and oath ceremony of members.)

2nd Session of 16th LS - 445 Approximately

3rd Session of 16th LS - Lok Sabha debates are being examine With a view to cull out assurances.

(b) Memoranda Prepared - 150 (in respect of requests received from various ministries for dropping of assurances)

(c) Assurances implemented - 1293 (43 partly)

(d) Reminders to various Ministries/Departments for seeking necessary- extension of time and also to expedite implementation of assurance issued. - 1800

Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by Rema- of questions tours Subjects/ the Committee rks sittings prepared by the undertaken Bills of the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours rs (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce - 10 75 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 13 Nil Nil * NA * ATR is not prepared by this Committee 70



1.78 The Committee on Subordinate Legislation scrutinizes and reports to the House as to whether the power to make regulations, rules, sub-rules, bye-laws etc. conferred by the Constitution or delegated by Parliament on the executive is being properly exercised within the scope of such delegation. All regulations, rules, sub-rules, bye-laws etc., commonly known as ‗Orders‘, framed in pursuance of the provisions of the Constitution or a statute delegating powers to a subordinate authority, whether laid on the Table of the House or not, fall within the purview of the examination of the Committee. After an ‗Order‘ is published in the Gazette, it is examined in the Branch in accordance with Rule 320 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha and with reference to practice and procedure of the Committee. Variation, if any, noticed as result of the scrutiny are brought to the notice of the Committee. In terms of Rule 320, examination of an ‗Order‘ is undertaken with reference to the following:- (i) Whether it is in accord with the general objects of the Constitution or the Act pursuant to which it is made;

(ii) Whether it contains matter which in the opinion of the Committee should more properly be dealt within an ;

(iii) Whether it contains imposition of any tax;

(iv) Whether it directly or indirectly bars the jurisdiction of the Courts;

(v) Whether it gives retrospective effect to any of the provisions in respect of which the Constitution or the Act does not expressly give any such power;

(vi) Whether it involves expenditure from the Consolidated Fund of India or the public revenues;

(vii) Whether it appears to make some unusual or unexpected use of the powers conferred by the Constitution or the Act in pursuance to which it is made;

(viii) Whether there appears to have been unjustifiable delay in its publication or in laying it before Parliament; and

(ix) Whether for any reason its form or purport calls for any elucidation:

Examination of Bills is also undertaken regarding provisions which seek to :-- (i) delegate power, to make ‗Orders‘, or

(ii) amend earlier Acts delegating such powers, with a view to seeing whether suitable provisions for the laying of the ‗Orders‘ on the Table of the House have been incorporated therein.


The Speaker may also refer Bills containing provisions for delegation of legislative powers to the Committee. In Bills so referred, the Committee examines- (i) the extent of such powers sought to be delegated; and

(ii) where powers are sought to be delegated to State Governments or other authorities for bringing into operation any subsidiary provisions or to make any further rules or regulations, the necessity for such delegation as well as the extent and manner in which such power shall be exercised by the subordinate authorities concerned.

1.79 The provisions contained in the Bill delegating legislative powers are examined and in case the Bill is required to be annulled wholly or in part, or should be amended in any respect is brought to the notice of the Committee. The Committee may, thereupon, form an opinion and report to the House the grounds thereof before the Bill is taken up for consideration in the House.

(2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 1.80 The break-up of the work done in the Committee during the year was as under:- (i) Date of Constitution of the Committee - 1.9.2014 (ii) Number of Orders received/scrutinized - 8000 (iii) Number of Statutory Orders examined - 750 (iv) Number of Bills examined - 10 (v) Number of references made to the Ministries - 201 (vi) Number of sittings of the Committee held - 5 (vii) Number of Memoranda considered - 7 (viii) Number of cases in which oral evidence was taken - Nil (ix) Number of reports presented - 3 (Original), 2 (ATR) (x) Number of Study Tours undertaken - Nil (xi) Number of Rules updated - 398 (xii) Numbers of amendments incorporated in Rules - 7500

OTHER ALLIED WORK (a) Scrutiny of Bulletin Part-I for culling out entries of SRO/GSR/SO laid on the Table of the House. Preparation/Circulation of list of ‗Orders‘ laid on the Table of the House to the Chairman and Members of the Committee.

(b) Preparation of Memoranda on the lacunae/infirmities observed during examination of ‗Orders‘ for the consideration of the Committee. Where ever required, the Committee undertakes tour(s) and hold informal discussions on such lacunae/infirmities.

(c) Organizing sittings of the Committee.

(d) Drafting/printing/presentation/circulation of Reports and issuing Press Releases.

(e) Preparation/circulations of Minutes of the sittings of the Committee.

(f) Processing Action Taken Notes on the recommendations contained in original Report and drafting of Action Taken Reports.


(g) Preparation of various letters/OMs to various Ministries/Departments for granting extension of time on case to case basis.

(h) Preparation of questionnaire regarding Committee Tours.

(i) Misc. work relating to Committee Tours.

(j) Settlement of Tour Bills submitted by host organizations for reimbursement thereof.

(k) Attending to queries under the Right to Information Act,2005 pertaining to matters dealt with by the Branch.

(l) Receiving of Gazettes from Kitab Mahal and assortment of ‗Orders‘/amendments to ‗Orders‘ therefrom. Keeping of original rules in a book form after giving it proper heading while updating those orders where amendments have taken place. Apart from that the Branch also downloads the Gazettes from the Government of India (Ministry of Urban Development) website.

(m) Maintenance of Branch Library containing more than 30,000 Rules framed under provisions of the Constitution or Acts passed by the Parliament.

(n) Processing of representations received by the Committee.

(o) Preparation of Budget Estimate, Revised Estimate, TA/DA Bill of Chairman.

(p) Preparation of statements with regard to the circulars of Committee Coordination Branch, O&M Section, Table Office & Press and Public Relation Wing etc.

Statement of work given in the Table No. of No. of No. of study No. of reports presented by *Rema sittings questions tours the Committee rks of the prepared by the undertaken Committ Committee by the Original Action -ee held Committee Taken for for which Sub. DF Bill Sub. DF which arrangemen- (s) G (s) (s) G arrange- ts made ments made Oral Study Local Other evide- Tours s nce

5 Nil Nil Nil Nil 2 Nil - 2 Nil

*The last sitting of the Committee (14 LS) was held on 18.2.2014. The new Committee (15 LS) was constituted on 1.9.2014 after a gap of 6 monlths. During the period under review, the Committee scrutinized 8000 orders and undertook 750 Gazette for examination and 201 references were made to the concerned Ministry/Department. 73



1.81 The functions of the Committee on Empowerment of Women are (a) to consider the reports of National Commission for Women and to report on the measures taken by the Union Government for improving the status/conditions of women; (b) to examine the measures taken by the Union Government to secure for women equality, status and dignity in all matters; (c) to examine the measures taken by the Union Government for comprehensive education and adequate representation of women in Legislative bodies/service and other fields; (d) to report on the working of the welfare programmes for the women; (e) to report on the action taken by the Union Government and Administration of the Union Territories on the measures proposed by the Committee; and (f) to examine such other matters as may deem fit to the Committee or are specifically referred to it by the House or the Speaker and the Rajya Sabha or the Chairman, Rajya Sabha.


1.82 The break-up of the work done in the Committee during the year was as under:-

Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by Rema- of questions tours Subjects/ the Committee rks sittings prepared by the undertaken Bills of the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours rs (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce 9 250 190 1 1 - - - - - 3 -




(i) To arrange the sittings of the JPC on Security in PHC / Sub- Committee / Steering Committee / Nodal Coordinating Body (both were headed by the Secretary-General, Lok Sabha) / Ad-hoc Committee on Security in Parliament House Complex;

(ii) To prepare Memoranda and Minutes of the meetings / sittings of above Committees;

(iii) To place the decisions of the JPC before the Speaker, Lok Sabha and the Chairman, Rajya Sabha for consideration and approval;

(iv) To interact with the MHA and various Organizations on security related matters;

(v) To prepare a comprehensive Report on Security in Parliament House Complex; and

(vi) To forward the Reports of the Committee/Minutes of the sittings of JPC to various concerned Branches of the Secretariat and other agencies for implementation/necessary action.


1.83 The break-up of the work done in the Committee during the year was as under:-

Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by *Remark of questions tours Subjects/ the Committee (s) sittings prepared by the undertaken Bills of the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours rs (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce 9 14 1 1 ------

*The JPC does not lay its Report on the Table of the House. However, the Minutes of the sittings are presented before the HS, LS and HC, RS. Thereafter, the same are included in the Report. In 2014, three Reports, one each of the JPC/Sub-Committee/Ad-hoc Committee had been prepared by the Branch. The Reports prepared in the Fifteenth Lok Sabha could not be finalized due to dissolution of the Fifteenth Lok Sabha. The Interim Report of the Ad-hoc Committee on Security in PHC prepared by the Branch and duly considered and adopted by the Ad-hoc Committee had been presented to the Hon‘ble Speaker, Lok Sabha on 7 October 2014.



1.84 MPLADS Committee Branch provides secretarial assistance to the Committee on Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (Lok Sabha).

(1) Functions

The functions of the MPLADS Committee are to:-

(a) monitor and review periodically the performance and problems in implementation of the MPLAD Scheme;

(b) consider complaints of Members of Lok Sabha in regard to the Scheme; and

(c) perform such other functions in respect of the MPLAD Scheme as may be assigned to it by the Speaker from time to time.


1.85 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by *Rema- of questions tours Subjects/ the Committee rks sittings prepared by the undertaken Bills of the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours rs (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce 8 - - - - 6 - - - - 1 - -

Following three Final Action Taken Statements were prepared and laid on the table of the House on 15.12.2014 – (i) Final Action Taken Statement pertaining to 10th (ATR) & 7th Reports of the 15th Lok Sabha, (ii) Final Action Taken Statement pertaining to 12th (ATR) & 9th Reports of the 15th Lok Sabha. & (iii) Final Action Taken Statement pertaining to 13th (ATR) & 11th Reports of the 15th Lok Sabha.

30 representations/complaints from MPs / Ex-MPs / Individuals were examined in the Branch and necessary action was taken.

Many of the new Members of the 16th Lok Sabha came to the Branch in person and made oral enquiries regarding MPLADS. The option forms furnished by the 12 MPs regarding their nodal districts for the implementation of MPLAD Scheme were forwarded to the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation for necessary action.

*Committee on MPLADS (LS), 2013-14 selected five subjects for detailed examination. On one subject oral evidence had been completed and the examination of the other four subjects remained inconclusive.



1.86 The Petitions Committee Branch renders Secretarial assistance to the Committee on Petitions.


1.87 The functions of Committee on Petitions are:

(i) The Committee shall examine every petition referred to it, and if the petition complies with these rules, the Committee may direct that it be circulated. Where circulation of the petition has not been directed, the Speaker may at any time direct that the petition be circulated.

(ii) Circulation of the petition shall be in extenso or in summary form as the Committee or the Speaker, as the case may be, may direct.

(iii) It shall also be the duty of the Committee to report to the House on specific complaints made in the petition referred to it after taking such evidence as it deems fit and to suggest remedial measures either in a concrete form applicable to the case under review or to prevent such cases in future.


1.88 The break-up of the work done in the Committee during the year was as under:-

Number No. of No. of study No. of @No of reports presented by *Rema- of questions tours Subjects/ the Committee rks sittings prepared by the undertaken Bills of the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours rs (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce 8 175 - - - - - 4 - - 1 -

* The Committee on Petitions Branch receives a large number Representations. During 2014, this Branch examined 1 Petition which was presented to the House. In addition, a total of 1501 representations were also examined by the Branch. Out of these representations after scrutiny, 30 were referred to the respective Ministries for obtaining factual informaton/inviting comments of the Ministries-in regard to the issues contained therein and the remaining representations were either forwarded to the respective Ministries for such action as they may deem fit or were filed after examination under the prevailing Rules / Directions as applicable for the disposal of the Committee work.

@The Committee do not select subjects. The Committee undertake examination of Petitions/representations. The Reports of the Committee may include chapters on Petitions/representations and also chapters on Action Taken on earlier Reports of the Committee.



1.89 The Branch provides secretarial assistance to the Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.


1.90 The functions of Committee on SCTC are:

(a) to consider the reports submitted by the National Commission for the Scheduled Castes and the National Commission for the Scheduled Tribes under Article 338(5)(d) & 338A(5)(d) respectively of the Constitution and to report as to the measures that should be taken by the Union Government in respect of matters within the purview of the Union Government including the Administrations of the Union Territories;

(b) to report on the action taken by the Union Government and the Administrations of the Union Territories on the measures proposed by the Committee;

(c) to examine the measures taken by the Union Government to secure due representation of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in services and posts under its control (including appointments in the Public Sector Undertakings, Nationalised Banks, Statutory and Semi-Government Bodies and in the Union Territories) having regard to the provisions of Article 335;

(d) to report on the working of the welfare programmes for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes in the Union Territories; and

(e) to examine such other matters as may deem fit to the Committee or are specifically referred to it by the House or the Speaker.


1.91 The break-up of the work done in the Committee during the year was as under:-

Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by *Remark of questions tours Subjects/ the Committee (s) sittings prepared by the undertaken Bills of the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Local Othe- Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours rs (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce 16 450 260 - 1 - - 2 - - 3 -

* Examination of representations from SC/ST Associations/Individuals Material studied (No. of pages) 6500 approximately.




1.92 The functions of the Committee on Other Backward Classes (OBSs) are:-

(i) To consider the reports submitted by the National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) set up under The National Commission for Backward Classes Act, 1993 and to report to both the Houses as to the measures that should be taken by the Union Government in respect of matters within the purview of the Union Government including the Administrations of the Union Territories;

(ii) To report to both the Houses on the action taken by the Union Government and the Administrations of the Union Territories on the measures proposed by the Committee;

(iii) To examine the measures taken by the Union Government to secure due representation of the Other Backward Classes, particularly the Most Backward Classes, in services and posts under its control (including appointments in the public sector undertakings, statutory and semi- Government Bodies and in the Union Territories) having regard to the provisions of the Constitution;

(iv) To report to both the Houses on the working of the welfare programmes for the Other Backward Classes in the Union Territories;

(v) To consider generally and to report to both the Houses on all matters concerning the welfare of the Other Backward Classes which fall within the purview of Union Government including the Administrations of Union Territories; and

(vi) To examine such of matters as may be deemed fit by the Committee or are specifically referred to it by the House or the Speaker.


1.93 The break-up of the work done in the Committee during the year was as under:-

Number No. of No. of study No. of No of reports presented by Rema of questions tours Subjects/ the Committee rks sittings prepared by the undertaken Bills of the Committee by the selected/ Commit- Committee referred tee held Original Action Taken

Oral Study Loc- Other Sub. Bill Sub DF Bill Sub. DF evide- Tours al s (s) (s) (s) G (s) (s) G nce 7 120 400 Nil 1 17 - 1 - - 1 -



(1) Constitution of the Internal Complaints Committee:

1.94 The Complaints Committee in the Lok Sabha Secretariat was established by the Hon‘ble Speaker vide Notification No.F.7/52/2009/AN.I(DM&CC)/GN-6413/2010 dated 22.04.2010 to examine the complaints/allegations of sexual harassment of women employees of the Lok Sabha Secretariat at workplace and also to recommend appropriate measures for redressal of grievances and prevention of sexual harassment. Since then the Complaints Committee has been reconstituted from time to time to inquire into disciplinary cases regarding sexual harassment of women employees referred to it by the Disciplinary Authority. 1.95 However, in supersession of the aforesaid Notification dated 22.04.2010 and in terms of Section 4 of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, the Speaker vide notification No. F.7/52/2009- AN.I(DM&CC)/GN-7420/2014 dated 06.05.2014 constituted an ―Internal Complaints Committee‖ to provide protection against sexual harassment of women at workplace of Lok Sabha Secretariat and for Redressal of complaints of harassment and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. 1.96 The Internal Complaints Committee is deemed to be the Inquiring Authority for the purpose of Central Civil Services (Classification, Control & Appeal) Rules, 1965 and holds inquiry as far as practicable in accordance with the procedure laid down in these Rules. 1.97 The Internal Complaints Committee at their sitting held on 20th May, 2014 had decided that the information about the complaint redressal mechanism against sexual harassment in the Lok Sabha Secretariat may be circulated to the officials of the Lok Sabha Secretariat to create awareness among them. Accordingly, a Circular No. 28404 dated 10.07.2014 was issued inter-alia highlighting the definition of sexual harassment and availability of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and Rules there under on the Lok Sabha Intranet for its strict compliance. (2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 1.98 The break-up of the work done in the Committee during the year was as under:- No. of No. of questions No. of study No. of reports presented by the Remark sittings of prepared by the tours Committeeg (s) the Committee undertaken by Original Action Committ- the Committee Taken ee held for for which Sub. DFG Bill Sub. DFG which arrangements (s) (s) (s) arrange- made ments Oral Study Local Othe- made evide- Tours rs nce *9 ------

*In respect of one disciplinary case referred to the erstwhile Complaints Committee ( now Internal Complaiants Committee) by the Disciplinary Authority. 80



1.99 Reservation Cell for SC/ST Employees was constituted vide Office Order Part-I No 1650 dated 24th September, 2012. The main functions of Reservation Cell for SC/ST employees are enumerated below:

(i) To ensure due compliance with the orders and instructions pertaining to Reservation issued in favour of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes employees.

(ii) Ensure that the reservation orders relating to persons with disabilities enumerated in R& CS Order No. PDA-1247/2011 dated 07.09.2011 are complied with.

(iii) Examining promotion Proposals for various grades/services of Lok Sabha Secretariat in accordance with the established reservation rules for SC/ST employees.

(iv) Vetting of vacancies arising in various services/grades of Lok Sabha Secretariat in accordance with the established reservation rules for SC/ST employees/person with disabilities.

(v) Receiving Representations from SC/ST and Physically Disabled persons of the Secretariat regarding their Service related matters covered by the reservation orders and forwarding the same to Administration Branch-I for necessary action. Also giving suggestions/recommendations after examining the Representations received in light of the established reservation related rules for SC/ST and Physically Disabled persons.

(vi) Conducting Annual Inspection of the Reservation Roster/Roster Registers maintained in the Administration Branch-I and ensuring that they are maintained as per the procedure laid down by DoPT in the Brochure on Reservation for SC/ST & OBC‘s and thereby proper implementation of reservation orders.

(vii) Reporting/Submission to Secretary General Cases of negligence or lapses if any related to implementation of Reservation orders for SC/ST and Physically Disabled Persons.


1.100 The break-up of the work done in the Cell during the year was as under:-

SI. Job element Work done in the Cell. Remarks (including No. reasons for 2014 2013 Variation variations, if any (s)

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) 1. Representations 01 08 -07 Most of the work 2. Promotion Proposals 16 22 -06 undertaken in the 3. Vetting of vacancies 09 14 -05 Cell depends on the 4. RTI 01 03 -02 work forwarded by 5. Reservation Roster Register 06 03 +03 AN-I/ 6. Files submitted to Secretary 03 05 -02 Representations General received from staff, 7. Miscellaneous 01 - +01 hence the variation.



1.101 The Administrative Branches look after the general administrative machinery of Lok Sabha Secretariat and function as service Branches for Lok Sabha Secretariat.



1.102 Administration Branch-I deals with the application and interpretation of the Lok Sabha Secretariat (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, Conduct Rules etc., examination and adoption of orders regarding conditions of service and orders of financial nature received from various Ministries of the Govt. of India. Establishment matters, such as creation, continuance, conversion, re-designation and classification of posts, revision of scale of pay of various posts, appointment, confirmation, promotions, posting and transfers, fixation of pay in respect of non-gazetted employees, grant of various types of advances, deputation in the personnel staff of HS/HDS/LOP/Chairpersons of Parliamentary Committees, Leader, Deputy Leader and Chief Whips of Parliamentary Parties and Groups in Lok Sabha and re-organisation of Branches of this Secretariat are dealt within the Branch. Cases referred to the Branch for initiation of departmental disciplinary action under the R&CS Rules and Court cases filed against the Secretariat in service matters are also dealt with by the DM&CC Unit.


1.103 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

Sl. No. Subject Nos. 1. Issue of R&CS Orders under the LSS(R&CS) Rules 73 1955 2. Creation of temporary posts in various Services of Lok 21 Sabha Secretariat 3. Abolition of posts in various Services of Lok Sabha Nil Secretariat 4. Appointment, confirmation, promotion, retirement, Statement-I resignation etc. 5. Formation of panel on the basis of direct recruitment Statement-II examination. 6. Engagement/Extension of tenure of Consultant 96 (LSTV) 7. Termination of persons appointed as Consultant 1 (LSTV)

8. Extension of services beyond superannuation - 9. Extension of services after re-employment - 10. Grant of advances of different types to employees 579 11. Withdrawal/Advances from GPF accounts. 587 12. No of cases relating to RTI Act, 2005 processed during Statement-III the year 13. Category-wise sanctioned and actual strength Statement-IV 14. Strength of Personal staff of HS, HDS, LOP, Lok Statement-V Sabha, Chairpersons of Parliamentary Committees, Leaders/Deputy Leaders/Chief Whips of the various Parties.


1.104 In addition, other matters pertaining to Administration Branch viz. deputation, Encashment of EL, Forwarding of applications, permission for acquiring movable & immovable property, addition of educational qualification, change of name, change of home town, permission to go abroad, permission for acquiring passport, permission to join educational institutions, counting of past service and pensionary benefits, regulation of joining time, appointment of Consultants and their extension thereto and all other matters pertaining to establishment were also dealt with by the Branch.

STATEMENT- I As on 31.12.2014


S.No. Subject Gazetted Non- Tota Gazetted l 1. (a) No. of Officers appointed through Direct 2 96 Recruitment (b) No of appointments made on the basis of 06 departmental examination (c) No. of appointments made on compassionate 03 grounds. 2. No. of officers appointed on promotion. 138 113 3. No. of officers reverted from Higher officiating 03 Nil grade/scale for want of post/scale. 4. No. of officers confirmed. 18 100 5. No. of officers whose services were extended Nil Nil beyond the age of superannuation. 6. No. of officers retired on attaining the age of 34 14 superannuation (including those whose services were extended beyond the age of superannuation). 7. No. of officers permitted to retire voluntarily. 1 2 8. No. of officers resigned. 2 14 9. No. of officers reverted to lower post as a measure Nil Nil of penalty. 10. No. of officers whose services were terminated Nil Nil 11. No. of persons appointed on tenure basis 1 Nil

12. No. of officers expired while in service 1 7 13. No. of officers appointed from other Departments on 2 Nil deputation/ transfer to this Secretariat. 14. (a)No. of officers removed from service Nil Nil (b)No. of officers suspended Nil Nil

15. No. of officers on deputation to this Secretariat 1 1 reverted to their parent Departments/relinquished charge/transferred to other departments 16. No. of officers of this Secretariat on 9 6 deputation/transfer to other departments 17. No. of officers of this Secretariat on deputation to 16 11 other departments who resumed duties in this Secretariat on reversion 18. (a)No. of officers re-employed after retirement Nil Nil (b)No. of officers appointed on Contract Basis 83

2 Nil 19. (a)No. of re-employed officers relieved of their Nil Nil duties (b)No. of officers appointed on contract basis Nil Nil relieved of their duties 20. Number of officers granted Time Scale Placement – 101 259 2011. STATEMENT- II FORMATION OF PANEL ON THE BASIS OF DIRECT/DEPARTMENTAL RECRUITMENT EXAMINATION

Sl. Name of post(s) No. of persons Remarks No. placed in the panel during 2014 1. Parliamentary Reporter Grade II 04 Direct Recruitment 2. Attendant Grade III 37 Direct Recruitment 3. Staff Car Driver (OG) 05 DE 4. Junior Library Assistant 14 06 candidates joined LSS as on 31.12.2014 5. Executive Assistant 22 Direct Recruitment 6. Junior Clerk (DR) 35 29 candidates joined LSS as on 31.12.2014 7. Junior Clerk (CDE) 04 8. Translator 02 STATEMENT-III NUMBER OF CASES RELATING TO RTI ACT, 2005 PROCESSED DURING THE YEAR 2014

Sl Subject No. of cases No. 1. Total No. of Applications 149 2. Total No. of First Appeal before Appellate Authority 2 3. Total No. of Second Appeal before Central 1 Information Commission. 4. Any other matter:


S. Category Sanctioned Actual Remarks No. strength strength 1. Secretary General 01 01 2. Secretary 01 00 3. Additional Secretary 04 04 4. Joint Secretary 16 12 Total 22 17


THE LEGISLATIVE, FINANCIAL COMMITTEE, EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE S.No. Category Sanctioned Actual Remarks Strength strength 1. Director 27 27 2. Additional Director 30 29 3. Deputy Secretary 42 41 4. Under Secretary 40 40 5. EO/LO/CO/PO 118 70 6. Welfare Officer 01 00

7. Sr. EA/LA/CA/PA 158 150 8. EA/LA/CA/PA 181 143 Total 597 500 L A R R D I SERVICE

S.No. Category Sanctioned Actual Remarks strength Strength 1. Director (LARRDIS) 8 8

2. Additional Director (LARRDIS) 15 15 3. Joint Director (LARRDIS) 24 24 4. Deputy Director 19 19 (LARRDIS) 5. Research/Reference Officer 54 30 6. Reference/Research Assistant 27 22 7. Sr. Library Assistant 25 21 8. Jr. Library Assistant 36 27 9. Senior Library Attdt. 12 04 10. Junior Library Attdt. 11 10 Total 231 180 SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETATION SERVICE

S.No. Category Sanctioned Actual Remarks Strength Strength 1. Director (Interpretation) 02 02 2. Additional Director (Interpretation) 03 02 3. Joint Director (Interpretation) 07 07 4. Parly. Interpreter Grade-I 13 13 5. Parly. Interpreter Gr.- II 17 07 Total 42 31 VERBATIM REPORTING SERVICE

S.No. Category Sanctioned Actual Remarks strength strength 1. Director(Reporting) 2 2 2. Additional Director (Reporting) 5 5 3. Joint Director (Reporting) 26 26 4. Parly. Reporter Grade-I 21 5 5. Parly. Reporter Grade-II 14 9 Total 68 47 85

PRIVATE SECRETARIES AND STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE Category Sanctioned Actual Remarks S.No. strength strength 1. Director(PSS) 02 02 2. Additional Director(PSS) 05 05 3. Joint Director (PSS) 17 17 4. Sr. Private Secretary 26 26 5. Private Secretary 20 20 6. Sr. Personal Assistant 35 33 7. Personal Assistant 79 72 8. Stenographer 63 22 Total 247 197 STAFF CAR DRIVER

1. Staff Car Driver 06 06 (Special Grade) 2. Staff Car Driver Gr. -I 14 13 3. Staff Car Driver Gr. -II 11 09 4. Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade) 24 20 5. Dispatch Rider 03 02 6. Muralist 01 01 Total 59 51 PRINTING AND PUBLICATIONS SERVICE

S.No. Category Sanctioned Actual Remarks strength strength 1. Director (Printing) 2 0 2. Additional Director (Printing) 2 4 3. Joint Director (Printing) 2 2 4. Assistant Director (Ptg & Pub) 3 3 5. Manager of Printing 7 7 6. Production Officer 1 1 7. Sr. Printing Assistant 12 11 8. Printing Assistant 15 14 9. Proof Reader 22 13 10 Junior Proof Reader 22 25 11. DTP Operator 4 0 12. Litho Operator 5 1 13. Printer 4 3 14. Senior Reprographer 14 13 15. Reprographer Grade-I 15 4 16. Reprographer Grade-II 06 06 17. Sr. Production Assistant 01 01 18. Production Assistant 04 04 19. Jr. Production Assistant 09 09 20. Binder Grade-I 06 01 21. Binder Grade-II 06 05 22. Warehouseman 08 08 Total 170 135 86


S.No. Category Sanctioned Actual Remarks strength strength 1. Director(Translation) 03 03 2. Additional Director (Translation) 07 07 3. Joint Director (Translation) 15 15 4. Editor 37 38 5. Assistant Editor 52 52 6. Translator 50 35 7. Hindi Assistant 60 21 Total 224 171 PARLIAMENT SECURITY SERVICE

S.No. Category Sanctioned Actual Remarks Strength Strength 1. Joint Secretary(Security) 01 01 2. Director (Security) 02 01 Non Technical Wing

3. Additional Director (Security) 03 03 4. Joint Director (Security) 06 06 5. Assistant Director (Security) 07 06 6. Joint Director (Marshal) (Ex- 01 01 cadre) 7. Assistant Director (Marshal) (ex- - - cadre) 8. Security Officer 25 26 9. Marshal(Ex-cadre) 01 01 10. Senior Security Assistant 52 48 11. Security Assistant Grade-I 50 48 12. Security Assistant Grade-II 108 63 Total 253 202 Technical Wing

13. Addl. Director(Tech) 01 00 14. Joint Director (Tech) - - 15. Assistant Director (Technical) 06 06 16. Security Officer (Technical) 08 08 17. Senior Security Assistant (Tech) 48 39 18. Security Assistant Gr.-I (Tech) 52 08 19. Security Assistant Gr.-II (Tech) 30 02 20. Security Assistant Gr-II 01 01 (Pharmacist) 21. Security Guard (Dog Handler) 09 09 22. Security Guard 03 00 (Kennelmen/Cook) Total 158 73

Grand total 414 277



S.No. Category Sanctioned Actual Remarks strength strength 1. Senior Clerk 100 99 2. Junior Clerk 158 139 Total 258 238

MESSENGERS SERVICE S.No. Category Sanctioned Actual Remarks Strength Strength 1. Senior Chamber Attendant (SG) 10 09 2. Senior Chamber Attendant 50 47 3. Chamber Attendant 100 99 4. Attendant Grade-II 110 105

5. Attendant Grade-III 135 108 Total 405 368

HOUSEKEEPING WING S.No. Category Sanctioned Actual Remarks Strength Strength 1. Housekeeper (Special Grade) 10 08 2. Housekeeper Grade-I 37 29 3. Housekeeper Grade-II 39 37 4. Housekeeper Grade-III 39 17 Total 125 91

Sanctioned Strength of the Secretariat as on 31.12.2014 -- 2862 Actual Strength of the Secretariat as on 31.12.2014 -- 2303

PARLIAMENT MUSEUM Sl. Category Sanctioned Actual *Remarks No strength strength 1. Chief Curator -- -- 2. Curator -- -- 3. Deputy Curator 02 01* In addition 01 person is working on contract basis 4. Conservator 01 01 5. System Analyst 01 01 6. Senior Technical Assistant - - 7. Technical Assistant 02 01


STATEMENT-V AS ON 31.12.2014 STRENGTH OF PERSONAL STAFF HON’BLE SPEAKER Sl.No Name of Post Strength . 1. Principal Secretary to HS 01 2. OSD (Media) to HS 01 3. Additional PS to HS 02 4. 1st PA 01 5. 2nd Personal Assistant 02 6. Office Assistant 01 7. Attendant Gr-III 06 Total 14

HON’BLE DEPUTY SPEAKER Sl.No Name of Post Strength . 1. Secretary to HDS Nil 2. Private Secretary to HDS 3. Additional PS to HDS 4. Assistant Private Secretary 5. 1st PA 6. Senior Clerk 7. 2nd PA 8. Junior Clerk 9. Attendant Grade-III Total

*LEADER OF OPPOSITION, LOK SABHA Sl.No Name of Post Strength . 1. PS to LOP Nil 2. Additional Private Secretary 3. Assistant Private Secretary 4. 1st PA 5. Junior Clerk 6. Attendant Gr.-II 7. Attendant Gr.-III Total

* There is no LoP in Sixteenth Lok Sabha

CHAIRMEN/CHAIRPERSONS OF PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEES Name of Post Strength Sl.No . 1. Senior Private Secretary 30 2. Attendant Grade-III 30 Total 60


LEADERS/DEPUTY LEADERS/CHIEF WHIPS Name of the Post Leaders Dy., Leaders Chief Whips (Strength) (Strength) (Strength)

Parti es BJP PS ------

Congress PS 01 --- -- TMC PS ------01


(i) Methods of recruitment and eligibility conditions for appointment to the post(s) of (i) Editor-in-Chief cum Chief Executive, LSTV and (ii) Secretary were amended.

(ii) Methods of Recruitment and Eligibility conditions for appointment to various categories of posts in ‗Verbatim Reporting Service‘ were restored.

(iii) Orders issued in the year 2012 regarding bifurcation of ‗Verbatim Reporting Service‘ on functional basis were cancelled.

(iv) Recruitment and conditions of Service Orders regarding reservation for the persons with Disabilities in the posts identified for them in various services of the Secretariat were amended

(v) Guidelines for engagement/deployment etc. of Casual Labourers in the Secretariat were amended.

(vi) The Public Servants (Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and the Limits for Exemption of Assets in filing Returns) Rules, 2014 under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 and the amendments thereto were adopted for application to the employees of the Secretariat.

(vii) Fee of 87 Consultants engaged in LSTV was increased.




1.105 The main functions of Administration Branch-II are: (i) maintenance of Service Books/Leave Accounts, matters regarding Annual increments for non-gazetted staff (ii) provision of Telephones, Mobile phones, Hotlines, RAX, Key Telephone Systems, STD and ISD facilities Toll Free connections and Leased Circuits (iii) allotment of Lok Sabha Pool accommodation (iv) staff cars and other vehicles (v) Casual Labourers; various matters under CGHS (vi) Medi-Claim/ Insurance Policies for Consultants of LSTV Channel (vii) work relating to invitation cards for Independence Day, Republic Day Rehearsal Parade, Republic Day Parade, Republic Day Reception, Army Day Parade, and Beating Retreat Ceremonies. (2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014

1.106 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-


(i) Service Books closed/transferred - 132 (ii) New Service Books opened - 100 (iii) Total Service Books with the Branch - 1617 (including new service books)


EXAMINATION OF CASES (i) Annual increments to staff - 1275 (1stJuly, 2014) (ii) Issue of Office Order Part-II for - 1 (16th July, 2014) Annual increments to staff


PROCESSING OF MATTERS UNDER CGHS FOR OFFICERS AND STAFF: (i) Total number of CGHS beneficiaries (New series)- 2710 (ii) Number of CGHS cards cancelled/surrendered - 70 (iii) Change of dispensaries/additions/deletions/renewal- 610


(i) Total MTNL direct line telephones (Office & Residence) - 231

(a) Telephones with STD facility - 140 91

(b) Telephones (with wi-fi systems) for - 72 Broadband connectivity (ii) Telephones/mobile phones taken over by the Secretariat - 432 (iii) Hot line - 03 (iv) RAX - 14 (v) Mobile Phones - 41 (vi) Key Telephone Systems - 06 (vii) Toll free connections - 02 (viii) Leased circuits - 02 (ix) Wireless Internet Data Card (Dongle) - 06 (x) Sim Cards for eReaders/IPads/Tabs - 27 (xi) Total amount of the bills settled during - Rs. 74,60,473/- the year 2014


(ii) Allotment of quarters to different Categories - 102

(iii) Number of quarters allotted in change - 45

(iv) Number of quarters allotted on maturity - 57

(v) Number of quarters allotted from reservation roster from type I to type IV - 01

(vi) Number of Quarters allotted from Ladies Pool - 01

(vii) Number of quarters allotted on out-of-turn basis - Nil

(viii) Issue of demand statement of licence fee/ arrear licence fee - 960

(ix) Surety for payment of Electricity and Water charges for allottees - 90

(x) Processing of cases of subletting/inspection of LSS Pool Quarters - 03

(xi) Cases of retention of quarters by retired officers under process for vacation - 22 (xii) Deputation cases - 02

(xiii) Regularization of quarters to the wards of deceased employees - nil 92

(xiv) Representations regarding change/out of turn/mutual/deputation/miscellaneous - 98

(xv) Court cases - 02

(xvi) Estate Officer cases - 03


(i) Staff Cars 30

a) 06 Ambassador b) 14 SX4 c) 01 Toyota Camry d) 03 Honda Accord e) 01 Toyota corolla f) 05 Accent (ii) Mini Coach 1 At the disposal of AN-II Branch

(iii) Maruti Van 7 a) 4 at the disposal of ‗D‘ Branch

b) 1 at the disposal of AN-II c) 2-at the disposal of Parliament Security Service. (iv) Gypsies 4 2 at the disposal of PSS 2-Pilot Gypsies- one each with HS & HDS

(v) Tata Sumo Grande 2 At the disposal of AN-II Branch

(vi) Motor Cycles 2 a) 1 at the disposal of PSS b) 1 at the disposal of ‗D‘ Branch ----- Total Vehicles 46 -----



Purchased - 2 Maruti SX4 Condemned - 1 Ambassador 1 Maruti Esteem

Auctioned - 1 Ambassador 1 Maruti Esteem


(a) Prepared Special Incentive Bills in respect of all staff car drivers.


(b) Deployed staff cars for the dignitaries and senior officers i.e. ASs, JSs and provided staff cars to all Branches as per their requirements.

(c) Inspection of vehicles were got carried out before and after repair of the vehicles.

(d) Cases pertaining to RTI of transport seat.

(e) Examination/ payment of bills received in respect of petrol/CNG and repairing/ maintenance of staff vehicles

(f) Maintained Casual Leave Register in respect of staff car drivers

(g) Carried out annual fitness of CNG Bus along with road tax exemption of the said vehicle.


(i) Total number of man-days utilized as casual labourers - 32,224

(ii) Expenditure incurred - Rs.2,06,89,263/-


(i) Republic Day Reception - 09 (ii) Republic Day/ Beating Retreat Ceremony - 674 (iii) Independence Day Reception - 07 (iv) Independence Day - 417


(i) Entry in Leave Record and other particulars contained in Service Book on e-Wisdom by all concerned dealing hands.

(ii) Dealt with RTI applications pertaining to various seats of the Branch.

(iii) Preparation of Budget of the Branch.

(iv) Annual Maintenance Contract for the maintenance of Key Telephone Systems awarded.




The functions of the Section include:

1.107 Simplification of methods of work and procedural improvement; assessment of workload and staff requirements of Branches and submission of reports thereon; job analysis and fixation of standards of performance; physical verification of stores under the charge of various Branches of Lok Sabha Secretariat (LSS) and submission of reports thereon; co- ordination, editing and consolidation of Annual Administrative Reports of various Branches/Sections/Units, etc. of Lok Sabha Secretariat (LSS); co-ordination in regard to revision of Manuals on Procedure & Practice of various Branches; maintenance of sets of Instructional Orders & Office Orders Part- I & II and indexing thereof; co-ordination of Annual Inspection of Branches; issue of Instructions regarding handling of Secret/Confidential papers; drafting and issue of Instructions/Orders on procedural matters of general applicability; issue of instructions on filing and maintenance of records procedure and bringing out the revised/updated edition of Manual on Office Procedure by incorporating further procedural instructions issued on the subject from time to time.


1.108 The break-up of the work done in the Section during the year was as under:

(a) Physical Verification of stores

Examined reconciliation report submitted by Microfilming Unit, Liveries store, Reprography Section and General Stores Branch and undertook physical verification and prepared reports in regard to (i) Staff vehicles under the charge of AN-II Branch (ii) Security Equipments for condemnation under the charge of Anti-sabotage Wing, Communication Unit and CCTV Unit. Physical verification of the following Stores was also undertaken: (i) Computer and related accessories, Laptop Computers and Accessories in the Store under the charge of Computer (HW & SW) Management Branch and (ii) Non-consumable articles in the Store and Stationery Store under the charge of General Stores Branch.

(b) Annual Administrative Report, 2013

(i) Prepared write up pertaining to Organisation and Methods (O&M) Section for inclusion in Annual Administrative Report, 2013; and

(ii) Co-ordinated, edited and consolidated write-ups of different Branches for inclusion in Annual Administrative Report of Lok Sabha Secretariat for the year 2013. Also prepared a comparative statement of work performance of all the Branches of Lok Sabha Secretariat.


(c) Circulars issued

The following Circulars were issued:

Circular No. Subject

28265 Reminder Circular pertaining to Annual Administrative Report of Lok Sabha Secretariat, 2013.

28838 Annual Administrative Report of the Lok Sabha Secretariat, 2014. 28300 Annual Inspection of Branches by Secretary-General on 25.3.2014.

28839 Annual Inspection of Branches for 2014.

28277 Review of performance of Branches by Secretary- General

28279 & Revised schedule regarding Review of performance of 28281 Branches by Secretary-General

(d) Work Study

(i) Work Study was initiated on Manpower requirement of Parliament Security Service in the context of Extenstion Building, PHA.

(ii) Work Study of all the Services of Lok Sabha Secretariat initiated.

(e) Review of performance of Branches by Secretary-General

The Section coordinated in the matter of conducting the meetings and forwarded the verbatim record of proceedings of the review meetings to concerned Joint Secretaries.

(f) Inspection of Branches by the Secretary-General

Uploaded the schedule of Inspection duly approved by the Secretary- General on the Intranet of Lok Sabha Secretariat on 4,7,9,16,& 17 April, 2014. The Section also coordinated and forwarded the verbatim record of proceedings to concerned Joint Secretaries.

(g) Revision of Charter of Duties of Staff and Officers of Lok Sabha Secretariat

Revised the Charter of Duties of staff/officers of Lok Sabha Secretariat as received from AN-I Branch by incorporating the suggestions received from Senior Offficers.

(h) New edition of Information Guide for the Members of New Lok Sabha

The Information Guide was prepared (in diglot) in two parts, Part-A: important information relating to facilities available to the MPs; Part-B : important information relating to Parliamentary Procedure. Besides, indexing was done and abbreviations added in the new edition.


(i) Vetting of Procedure and Practice Manuals.

The draft ‗Procedure and Practice‘ Volumes received from Verbatim Reporting Service, Information Cell and Committee on Public Undertakings of the Secretariat were vetted in terms of Instructional Order Number 1211 dated 07.11.2001 in order to ensure uniformity of style.

(j) Other issues/proposals examined

The following issues/proposals were examined:

(i) Reminder sent to Stock Taking Unit of Parliament Library regarding Test Check of Library Books; (ii) Reminders sent to Conference Branch regarding physical verification of gift articles;

(iii) Reminder sent to Central Command Station (CCS) regarding physical verification of stores under the charge of Central Command Station;

(iv) Reminders sent to General Stores Branch regarding physical verification of Office Equipments and Machines in Store under the charge of General Stores Branch;

(v) As final action taken report from CCS and Stock Taking Unit of LARRDIS were not received, the matter was forwarded to AN-I Branch for further necessary action;

(vi) Reminders were sent to the concerned Joint Secretaries regarding preparation of Procedure and Practice Volumes, and to Central Command Station and Conference Branch for furnishing the final action taken report on the verification reports of O&M Section;

(vii) Proposal for undertaking physical verification of Stores in the order as proposed was forwarded for approval;

(viii) Information on requirement of Hindi and bilingual typists forwarded to AN-I Branch;

(ix) Prepared a set of all Office Orders and Circulars; and

(x) Scanning of all Instructional Orders (I.Os) was completed and the I.Os uploaded on Lok Sabha Intranet.

(k) Requests under Right To Information (RTI) Act.

Information was provided to 5 applicants under the RTI Act, 2005





1.109 The Bills and Payment Branch prepares the Bills relating to salaries/OTA/Other Allowance/specialAllowances/Newspapers/Pension/Contingent expenditure/TA/DA/Medical/LTC/ various advances/contributions to International Bodies/Debits Claims and disburses various payments etc. in respect of officers and staff of Lok Sabha Secretariat.

(2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 1.110 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:- Sl. Items of work No. of No. Bills/Vouchers in the year 2014 (i) Salary Bill including bonus, Leave Encashment, 1989 Arrear (LSS)- (2450 employees) (2450 employees) (ii) Professional Fee/Salary Bills (LSTV) 29 (100 persons each month) (iii) Salary 21 (Incl. Tuition Fee and DA Arrear) (LOP) (iv) Salary Bills (Chief Whip) 17 (v) LTC(Adv.+Settlement) (LSS) 1234 (vi) Children Education Allowances (LSS) 216 (1203 employees) (vii) Overtime Allowance 63 (Now Spl. Incentive Scheme) (LSS) (630 employees) (viii) Medical (Adv.+ Settlement) (LSS) 3557 (ix) Medical (LOP) 8 (x) Domestic Travel Expenses 715 (Advances and Settlement including Air Invoices) (LSS) (xi) TA/DA Bills in respect of Domestic Tours 181 (Advances+Settlement) (LSTV) (xii) TA/DA Adv./Settlement (LOP) 25 (xiii) Foreign Travel Expenses 89 (Advance and Settlement incl. Air Invoices) (LSS) (xiv) Office Expenses (LSS)

(a) Contingent Bills 1336 (10 thousand invoice/Bills of the Parties) (b) Newspaper and Magazine 23 (c) Committee Tour 160 (d) Inter Deptt.Meetings 63 (e) Adv./Settlement of imprest money 261 98

(f) Authorisation to Other Ministries for Payment 5 (MHA & NIC) (xv) Office Expenses (LOP) 13 (xvi) Subsidies 3 (xvii) Grant –in-aid 5 (xviii) Compassionate fund 2 (xix) BPST-Office Expenses 43 (xx) BPST-OAE 103 (xxi) BPST - Domestic Travel Exp. 2 (xxii) IPD (Debit Claims) 14 (xxiii) FPD 114 (xxiv) Discretionary Grants 6 (xxv) Printing and Publication 627 (xxvi) Other Administrative Exp. (Hospitality) 940 (xxvii) Books for Parliament Library (OE of MPs) 800 (xxviii) Contribution to IPU/CPA/CBA, etc. 6 Work Relating to Pensionary Benefits to the retired Officers (i) Revision of Pension 50 (ii) Pension Sanctions at the time of Retirement 66 (iii) Payment of DCRG(including refund of withheld amount and arrear due to DA announcement) 161 employees (iv) Payment of CVP 110 employees (v) Payment of Leave Encashment 70 (vi) Payment of CGEGIS 66 Others Bills/Payments (i) Preparation of Arrears due to final fixation of Pay & 55 employees Allowances of employees (ii) Preparation of Arrears due to Promotion/TSP of 200 employees officers (iii) Preparation DA Arrear 4800 employees (iv) Bills for HBA, GPF, Conveyance and other Advances 1735 (v) Bills for Festival Advance 16 (496 employees) (vi) Payment of Tel/telex/electricity to MTNL/NDMC (No. 5000 of employees) (vii) Payment to LIC (No. of employees) 11064 (viii) Issue of Receipt/Challan 3600 (ix) Payment in cash to Casual Labour, petty 2040 vouchers/TA/DAPayment (80 persons) (x) Forwarding cheques to Bank relating to 45000 salary/OTA/Spl. Allowance/ persons Other All./ DA Arrears/LTC/ Bonus/ GPF/Conv./Motar 99

Car/HBA/Comp. etc. (xi) Forwarding Cheques to private party 5400 Miscellaneous Work

(i) Replies to RTI Applications 26 (ii) Submission of monthly data relating to TDS to P&AO for 24G & 26G 12 (iii) Submission of Quarterly data relating to TDS to Income Tax Department (4 for employees and 4 for 8 statements(24000 data other than employees) yearly) and 2500 parties (iv) Submission of Correction Statements of TDS Data to Income Tax Department *8 statements (v) Maintenance of Pay Bill Registers, Bill Registers and ECR Registers (vi) Preparation of monthly statement showing the Processed and Pending Bills (vii) Reconciliation of Monthly Expenditure with P&AO Preparation of Monthly Expenditure Statement (Head-wise) (viii) Preparation of Revised Estimates and Budget Estimates pertaining to Branch

*4 Quarters pertaining to F.Y. 2010-2011 and 2 Quarters for 2012-13 and 2 Quarters for 2013-14




1.111 For the purpose of introducing automation in Parliament Library, the computer- based information retrieval system named PARLIS (Parliament Library Information System) was started in December, 1985 with the help of the National Informatics Centre (NIC). Over the years, the Computer Centre, since renamed as the Computer (Hardware & Software) Management Branch, has played a key role in the modernization and computerization not only of the Parliament Library but also of the entire Lok Sabha Secretariat.

1.112 The Software Unit of the Branch has been arranging to provide necessary technological support for managing different activities of the Secretariat and also to meet the information requirements of Members of Parliament. Keeping pace with the continuous growth in the requirements of Members of Parliament and the rapid developments in the field of information technology, almost all the activities of the Lok Sabha Secretariat have been computerized.

1.113 The Software Unit coordinates several activities, viz. software development, software procurement, their distribution and maintenance, updating of Home Pages of Lok Sabha and of the Hon‘ble Speaker at on daily basis and other technical aspects of computerization, including e-governance in Lok Sabha Secretariat, etc. It is responsible for maintaining the digital library which contains CDs and software for use of members of Parliament and officers/staff of Lok Sabha Secretariat. The Software Wing also attends to the activities pertaining to the development of web pages as and when required as well as several ad hoc items, viz. briefs, background notes, etc., and when assigned.


1.114 The break-up of the work done in the Software Unit during the year was as under:-

Software development (January 2014 to December 2014) including Internet and Intranet Databases

a Lok Sabha Questions

(i) No. of Lok Sabha Questions processed & updated = 15747 (ii) Manual Scanning of Questions & Annexures = 1967 records (iii) Question Numbers entered in the software Program = 16,496 (v) Uploaded the Questions List of 15th session of 15th = 60days Lok Sabha, 2 and 3rd Session of 16th Lok Sabha

(vi) Coordination with Ministries for supply of questions in electronic format. (vii) Sent reminder letters to Ministries/Departments for pending questions. (viii) Received e-mails from various Ministries = 739 b Lok Sabha Supplementary Questions

Compiled Supplementary Questions from the Lok Sabha Proceedings Part II processed and updated on the Lok Sabha Homepage. 101

Total Supplementary Questions uploaded during the year 2014 = 92 c Lok Sabha Debates

(i) Total Debates indexed = 54 days (13th, 14th and 15th Sessions of 15th Lok Sabha)

(ii) Prepared/modified titles of Debates = 1843 titles (iii) Keywords assigned to titles of Debates = 5737 (Approx.) (iv) Carried out extraction of Debates = 52 days d Bills

(i) Uploaded Gazette Notifications relating to Bills passed during the 15th Lok Sabha – 9 Bills (ii) Uploaded synopsis of the Bills – 9 Bills (iii) Given link to the debates relating to Bills e Hon’ble Speaker’s Home Page

Information updated on the Hon‘ble Speaker‘s Home Page is as given below:-

(i) Bio-profile of Smt. Sumitra Mahajan, Hon‘ble Speaker, Lok Sabha. (ii) Photographs of Events attended – 92 photographs (iii) Speeches delivered by the Hon‘ble Speaker - 26 speeches f Legislative Bodies in India – Website

Updated information in all the State Legislatures‘ web pages released on the website: “Legislative Bodies in India”. g Lok Sabha Website

(i) Updated Organization Chart relating to Telephone Numbers, Official Addresses, Email Ids, and Photographs of Officers.

(ii) Updated information relating to Govt. Bodies on which Lok Sabha is represented.

(iii) Uploaded 4 issues of the Journal of Parliamentary Information 2014.

(iv) Updated information under the Conference webpage.

(v) Updated new webpages of Indian Group of Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.

(vi) Updated the Notice forms under the head Members Homepage

(vii) Updated information with regard to 159 Tenders relating to various Branches of the Lok Sabha Secretariat. 102

h Lok Sabha Intranet Site

(i) Uploaded Notices/Office orders Part-I & II/Circulars: 343 approx. (ii) Scanned forms and uploaded under "Download Office Forms". (iii) Regularly updated Establishment Lists, Accommodation Priority Lists, Telephone (iv Directory, Division of work amongst Officers, and other links on the Intranet Site. List of Private Hospitals empanelled, Staff Benefit Rules, etc. (v) Uploaded information relating to Annual Administrative Report-2014 and Duty Roster of the Parliament Library and Museum. (vi) Uploaded Reference Notes prepared by the Reference Division i Software Development

(i) Got Developed Software Input and Output Program of Committee on Paper laid, Lok Sabha

(ii) Server Backup and Storage Maintenance (Every Month) (iii) Got Developed New pages in BPST Input Program (iv) Got modified BPST Input and Output Programs (v) Got Modified Lok Sabha Speaker Hindi website (vi) Got modified and developed Online Reference Service Input Program and Output Program

(vii) Got Updated Program for Committee Module in Lok Sabha Site (viii) Got developed New Pages in Member Module of Lok Sabha Homepage (ix) Got updated Legislative Bodies of India in Legislative Sites on Lok Sabha Homepage

(x) Got updated Lok Sabha English and Hindi Website pages (xi) Got updated Lok Sabha Intranet (xii) Got developed the software for online reply of RTI for the use of RTI Cell (xiii) Got developed layering of New Lok Sabha website (xiv) Got modified ‗Today in Lok Sabha‘ Module (xv) Got developed program for ‗Performance of Members relating to 16th Lok Sabha‘ & ‗15th Lok Sabha‘

(xvi) Organized various meetings between CMC and Reporters‘ Branch for the upgradation of the software for the use of Reporters j Re-Designing of the Lok Sabha Website

The work of redesigning of the Lok Sabha website is in the final stage. 167 MPs were requested to give their feedback for the new Lok Sabha website. Modules of input and output programs have been checked from time to time; various modifications suggested which are being incorporated 103


Issue/Return of CDs

(i) No. of CDs issued : 67 (ii) No of CDs returned : 59

l Procurement of software

(i) Got 360 CDs duplication on request of BPST from M/s goldline media (ii) Subscription for CMIE for Reference Division of LARRDIS (iii) 16 user licenses of Adobe Acrobat XI for Press Clippings Section, Digitization Unit and Software Unit.

(iv) Renewal of LIBSYS for Acquisition Section of LARRDIS (v) Procurement process of Windows Server 2012 and SQL Server 2014 for Parliament Questions-Answers Publishing System

(vi) Procurement of 12 user licenses of anti-virus software for Hardware Unit m Subscription of Online Databases

Processed bills and subscribed Manupatra.com for the year 2014 n RTI Act, 2005

After due approval, sent the replies to six RTI applications related to Software Unit to the Information Cell for further action. o Issue of E-mail Ids to MPs

Got installed a special counter in Room No. 62, Parliament House ,to provide instant e-mail Ids to MPs at the time of registration of new MPs. Also issued a para in Bulletin Part-II during the 1st and 2nd sessions of 16th Lok Sabha requesting Members for the creation of their e-mail Ids - 422 email IDs created p NICSI Account Settlement

Put up file for hiring of Data Entry Operators and Programmers for updating of Lok Sabha Questions and software development work of the Lok Sabha Sectt and took financial approval from the competent authority.

Approximately 100 Bills amounting to Rs. 44,99,103/- have been processed and sent to B&P Branch for payment. q Bulk SMS Facility

Coordinated with M/s SMS Country regarding sending of SMS to the MPs from the Committee Branches, Press and Public Relations Wing and H S Office. Got created accounts of each Branch and processed bills for payment of SMS charges.


r Tender Notices

Uploaded tender notices and quotations received from various Branches of Lok Sabha Secretariat and deleted outdated tenders. s Business of the House

Uploaded Statement of Work, Resume of Work and Wit and Humour of 1st and 2nd Sessions of the 16th Lok Sabha, as received from PPR Branch, Table Office and Reporters Branch, respectively. t Reference Queries

Attended Reference Queries of Members of Parliament, Research scholars, Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India and various sections of the Secretariat with regard to Questions/Debates, etc.

Total Reference Queries attended = 22 u Paperless Committee

Organized a series of meetings to discuss the ways to convert the Offices of Lok Sabha Secretariat as a Paperless Office. Prepared minutes of the Meetings and circulated among the Members. Also a status report on the use of paper by various Branches of the Lok Sabha Secretariat. Also prepared Action Taken Reports after the conclusion of the meetings. v E-portal for Members of Lok Sabha

An e-portal for MPs of Lok Sabha is proposed to be developed for electronic transfer of Parliamentary material to MPs. Coordinated with CMC to link all financial Branches to the e-portal so that MPs can view TA/DA payment online. w e-Wisdom Project

Organized various meetings with CMC and Offices of Lok Sabha Secretariat for expediting the e-Wisdom project. The status of the computerization in various branches is follows:-

Sl. No. Work completed Under Progress 1. Confidential Cell B&P 2. AN-I IFU 3. Sales & Record PA (MG) 4. AN-II PA (NGA) 5. WG-III PA (CF) 6. WG-II (Stores) 7. MSA 8. Procurement Branch 9. Thrift & Credit Society x Profiles of newly elected MPs of the 16th Lok Sabha

Prepared a list of newly elected MPs to be uploaded on the Lok Sabha website immediately after the election results were announced by Election Commission. Checked profiles of all MPs of 16th Lok Sabha in coordination with Who‘s Who Cell. 105



1.115 The Computer (HW&SW) Management Branch manages different activities of computerization and support services in the Secretariat. It has two Units, viz. Hardware Unit and Software Unit. The Hardware Unit deals with procurement of computer hardware/peripherals, their inventory management, maintenance and distribution to Officers/Branches of Lok Sabha Secretariat, Offices of Political Parties, allied agencies, at the residences of HS, HDS, LOP and Officers of the rank of JS and above. The Unit has also been entrusted with the work of providing networking facilities to Officers/Branches of the Secretariat as well as offices of Ministers in Parliament House Complex. The Unit has a separate Cell known as Members Query Booth (MQB) to deal with financial entitlement of Members of Lok Sabha for purchase of Computer Equipment.


1.116 The break-up of the work done in the Unit during the year was as under: (i) Requests of Computer hardware/peripherals received from various Officers/Branches were processed and the following procurements were made:

Sl. Name of Computer Hardware/Accessories Procured Quantity No. 1. Desktop 777 2. UPS 861 3. Printer 270 4. Laptop Dell and Carry Bag 09 5. Ipad (Apple) 02 6. Pen Drive (16 GB and 32 GB) 15 7. DDR RAM 3 8. Fuser Assembly Kit 5 9. Mouse Pad 100 10. Portable Hard Disks 02 11. All in one computer 07 12. Mouse 26 13. Flatbed Scanner 04 14. Scanner 03 15. UTB Cable-6 15 16. Patch Cable ( 7 feet) 135 17. Patch Cable ( 3 feet) 135 18. Patch Cable ( 10 feet) 100 19. I/o's 85 20. Patch Cable ( 15 feet) 100 21. Patch Cable ( 30 feet) 70 22. Jack Panel 2 23. Wire Manager 2 24. Switches 5 106

(ii) Distribution/ and installation of new computer hardware/ accessories is as under:

Sl. Name of Item Qty. No. 1. CPU 167 2. MONITOR 167 3. UPS 175 4. PRINTER 49 5. EXTERNAL HDD 02 6. PEN DRIVE 17 7. SCANNER 2 8. TABLET PC 02 9. LAPTOP 09 10. NETWORK SWITCH 05 11. UTP CABLE CAT 6 15 12. PATCH CABLE 7 FEET 155 13. PATCH CABLE 3 FEET 135 14. I/O‘s 133 15. PATCH CABLE 10 FEET 33 16. JACK PANEL 05 17. PATCH CABLE- 15 FEET 49 18. MOUSE PAD 71 19. FUSER ASSEMBLY 6 20. RAM 4GB 2 21. USB MOUSE 10 22. PATCH CABLE 30 FEET 15 23. WIRE MANAGER 3 24. SWITCHES 5 (iii) The break-up of Computer hardware surrendered by Branches/Officers below:

Sl. Name of Item Qty No. 1. MONITOR /DESKTOP 100 2. CPU 100 3. UPS 100 4. PRINTER 50 5. PALMTOP 10 6. PEN DRIVE 13 7. TABLET PC 08 8. PEN DRIVE 03 107

(iv) The break-up of buy back of computer hardware availed by Officers is produced below: - Sl. Name of Item Qty. No. 1. LAPTOP 05 2. PALMTOP 02 3. PRINTER 06 4. DESKTOP 01 5. UPS 01 6. TABLET PC 08 7. PEN DRIVE 03

In addition to the above, the following work was transacted:

(i) Invitation of quotations for procurement of computers, UPS, DDR-II RAM, Scanner, colour printers for issue in the Secretariat.

(ii) Procurement of Networking Items (UTP CAT- 6 Cable, Patch Cords 7ft and 3 ft, Modules, and Switches, I/Os, Conduit Pipes, etc.) for use in the Secretariat.

(iii) Repair of physically damaged computer hardware issued to Officers/Branches.

(iv) Processing of 39 bills for payment to B&P Branch relating to procurement of computer hardware/networking items, maintenance of hardware and renewal of insurance of e-Reader device, Laptop & computer hardware installed at the residences of Officers of the rank of JS and above.

(v) Provision of broadband connectivity at HS Residence.

(vi) 'No Dues' to officers/staff.

(vii) Procurement of 7 All-in-one Desktop Computers, Printers and UPSs for installation in Members‘ Reading Room, PH.

(viii) Procurement of DVD Printer and DVD Multi Burner Duplicator.

(ix) Procurement of Fuser Assembly, Mouse Pads and Pen Drives.

(x) Procurement of 20 Interactive UPS of 650 VA.

(xi) Provision of second computer in the office of Chairpersons, Standing Committee on Finance, Standing Committee on Petroleum and Natural Gas and Hon. Advisor of BPST.

(xii) Issue of Pen Drive to Officers/Branches.

(xiii) Issue of Computer Hardware, Pen Drives, Hard Disks, UPSs, to Offices of Chairman, Parliamentary Standing Committees.

(xiv) Issue of Multi function Printers and Colour Printers to HS and offices of Chairmen.


(xv) Preparation of Memorandum no.10 and 11 regarding Procurement/AMC for and Procurement of 20 Computers for consideration of Officer‘s Committee on Computerisation.

(xvi) Preparation of Memorandum nos.12,13,14,15,16,17 regarding Procurement of Servers, sufficiency of Technical Terms & Conditions of Tender document, specification of computer hardware, Brand of Procurement and Upgradation of LAN and installation of Wi-fi in PHC, PLB, PHA and New Building for consideration of STAC.

(xvii) Preparation of Memorandum nos.24 & 25 regarding specification of Blade server, Blade Enclosure, Rack, Storage Area Network, Virtual Tape Library, SAN Switches and related software & Specification of Rack Server for consideration of STAC.

(xviii) Preparation of Memorandum no. 26 regarding procurement of Rack Servers, Monitor, Key Board, USB Optical Mouse, KVM Switch and Rack through Limited Tender Enquiry and development of new software application for Reporter‘s Branch for consideration of STAC.

(xix) Preparation of Memorandum nos. 18 and 19 regarding procurement of Blade Servers, Blade Enclosure, Rack Storage Area Network (SAN) and Virtual Tape Library (VTL) and Upgradation of Parliament LAN and installation of Wi-fi in PHA, PLB and PH for consideration of Officer‘s Committee on Computerisation.

(xx) Preparation of Memorandum nos. 21 and 22 regarding procurement of 4th Generation computers and consideration of Officer‘s Committee on Computerisation

(xxi) Preparation of Memorandum no. 27 and 28 regarding Upgradation of Parliamentary LAN and installation of wi-fi in PH, PHA, PLB & New Building, Development of new software application for Reporter‘s Branch and Constitution of Technical Committee for testing of computer hardware at LSS premises for consideration of STAC.

(xxii) Matter regarding installation of Wi-Fi system in Parliament House Complex through MTNL Broadband.

(xxiii) Procurement of 770 Computers for the use of officials/staff of Lok Sabha Secretariat.

(xxiv) Retention of Computer Hardware by HDS (Shri ).

(xxv) Payment of CMC Ltd. on account of AMC Charges in respect of computer hardware installed in the Secretariat, Offices of Political Parties located in PH complex and at the residence of HS. HDS, LOP, SG, and Officers of the rank of JS and above from 01.07.2012 to 30.06.2013.

(xxvi) Renewal of AMC in respect of computer hardware installed in the Secretariat, Offices of Political Parties located in PH Complex and at the residence of HS,HDS, LOP, SG and Officers of the rank of JS and above from 01.10.2012 to 31.03.2013. (xxvii) Renewal of AMC in respect of Bilingual Integrated Information Display System (BIIDS) installed in Room No.50, PH for a period of one year w.e.f. 20.07.2013 to 19.07.2014.


(xxviii) Payment to C-DAC on account of AMC of Bilingual Integrated Information Display System (BIIDS) installed in Room No. 50, PH.

(xxix) Renewal of warranty of Apple i-Pads issued to Officers in the rank of JS and above in the Secretariat.

(xxx) Preparation of Revised Estimates (2014-15) and Budget Estimates (2015-16).

(xxxi) Hiring of Assistant Programmer from NICSI for imparting training to MPs and Officers in the rank of JS or equivalent or above in the Secretariat about functioning of e-Reader device.

(xxxii) Insurance of Computer hardware issued at the residence of officers of the rank of JS and above.

(C) Provision of Internet and complaint redressal of hardware/networking are as under:-

(i) Complaints in respect of computer hardware received/rectified - 5350

(ii) Complaints in respect of networking received/rectified - 2500

(iii) Provision of Internet connectivity to various Officers/Branches - 190 Chairperson/Ministers' rooms located in PH/PHA/PLB


The e-Wisdom software was initiated in 2007 to integrate the work of Administrative, Accounting and Inventory Management Branches (14 Branches). Till the end of the year 2014, out of 14 Branches, e-Wisdom software in nine Branches, viz. AN-I Branch, Confidential Cell, Sales and Records Branch, AN-II Branch, General Stores Branch, General Procurement Branch, Computer (HW&SW) Management Branch (HW Unit), Members Salaries and Allowances (MSA) Branch and Thrift & Credit Society has been developed and is operational to the satisfaction of the end user. Work In respect of the remaining five Branches, i.e. B&P, IFU, PA(NGA), PA(MG), PA(CF) is yet to be completed. The work relating to development of e-Wisdom software is being looked after by Software Unit from October, 2012. However, the payment is released from Hardware& Software Unit.

STANDING TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (STAC) Three meetings of the Committee were held during the year 2014. In their first meeting on 01.04.2014, the Committee considered and approved the Procurement of Servers, sufficiency of Technical Terms & Conditions of Tender document, specification of computer hardware, Brand of Procurement and Upgradation of LAN and installation of Wi-fi in PHC, PLB, PHA and New Building for consideration of STAC. The second meeting of STAC was held on 18.09.2014 regarding specification of Blade server, Blade Enclosure, Rack, Storage Area Network, Virtual Tape Library, SAN Switches and related software & Specification of Rack Server. The third meeting of STAC was held on 23.12.2014 regarding Upgradation of Parliamentary LAN and installation of wi-fi in PH, PHA, PLB & New Building, Development of new software application for Reporter‘s Branch and Constitution of Technical Committee for testing of computer hardware at LSS premises. Minutes of 110

the above meetings were prepared for approval of the Chairman (STAC) and circulated to the members.

OFFICERS' COMMITTEE ON COMPUTERISATION IN LSS Five meetings of Officers' Committee on Computerisation in LSS were held during the year 2014. In their meetings held on 28.02.2014, 01.05.2014, 03.06.2014, 26.06.2014 and 18.12.2014 the Committee considered the issues regarding procurement of computer hardware and AMC thereof of Parliament Museum, approval of quantity of computer hardware and phases of procurement, establishment & Help Desk, buy back arrangement, withdrawal & support to Windows XP and training of staff on windows 8, Limited Tender Enquiry vis-a-vis selection of OEM etc., procurement of Blade Servers, Blade Enclosures, Rack, storage arrangement, Network (SAN), Virtual Tape Library, related software, Service Level Agreement signed between LSS and ASP of HP in respect of quality service etc. The Committee also considered the issue of development of new software application for Reporter's Branch in their meeting held on 18.12.2014.


The work relating to processing of Bills of Members of Lok Sabha under the Provision of Computer Equipment (Members of Lok Sabha) Rules, 2009 and the Committee on Provision of Computers to Members of Lok Sabha were dealt with by the Booth. During the year 2014, the following work has been transacted by the Members‘ Query Booth:- (i) No. of Bills/Proforma Invoices processed for payment to - 255 MPs./Vendor under the Scheme

(ii) No. of Bills forwarded to MSA Branch for final settlement against - 15 Proforma Invoice

(iii) No. of Members from whom cash/cheques has been collected - 396 towards depreciated cost of computer hardware procured by them.

(iv) Issued ‗No dues certificate‘ to MPs/Ex-MPs for Computer - 396 Equipment.

(v) Meeting of the Committee on Provision of Computers to Members - 02 of Lok Sabha


The Committee on Provision of Computer Equipment to (Members of Lok Sabha) looks into the matters of financial entitlement for purchase of computer equipment to members of Lok Sabha and other computer related issues of MPs.

Two meetings of the Committee were held during 2014. The first meeting was held on 11.11.2014 for introduction of the Committee. Thereafter, the second meeting was held on 27.11.2014 for consideration and recommendation to enhance the financial entitlement of Members of Lok Sabha from Rs. 2 lakh to Rs.3 lakh for purchase of computer equipment under the Scheme of Financial Entitlement.




1.117 Distribution Branch is a service Branch. Besides acting as the receipt and issue Branch of the Lok Sabha Secretariat, this Branch renders the following services to the Members of Lok Sabha:- (i) Circulation of Parliamentary Papers to Members, Ministries and others.

(ii) Circulation of Papers to Members of various Departmental Related Standing Committees, other than Parliamentary Committees and ad-hoc Committees.

(iii) Maintenance of information regarding local and permanent addresses of members for delivery of Dak to them.

(iv) Despatch of communications received from Members to Ministers and Officers of the Ministries/ Departments of Government of India.

(v) Compilation, printing and distribution of List of Members of Lok Sabha and Council of Ministers.

(vi) Resographing of proceedings of the House and Reports of all Parliamentary Committees, preparation and distribution of sets thereof.

(vii) Marking, sorting out and despatch of copies of speeches in the House to members for correction.

(viii) Supply of extra copies of speeches to Members and Ministers on demand.

(ix) Distribution of printed copies of Debates and Reports to Members and other parties on demand.

(x) Sale of Personalized and Generalized D.O. letter heads stationery to Members through Publications Counter located in Parliament House.

(xi) Receipt of Lok Sabha Secretariat Publications and Annual reports, etc. from Ministries and their distribution to members through the Publications Counter.


1.118 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

Items of work Out-put Letters, Publication sets, received from out side and 31,200 distributed to Officers/Branches of the Secretariat Questions received 13,250 DESPATCH SECTIONS


Letters etc. despatched through General Section 52,114 Letters etc. despatched through Committee Section 53,715 Letters etc. despatched through Parliamentary Section 1,62,464 No. of copies of Parliamentary and other allied papers 3,70,777 circulated to Members of Lok Sabha PUBLICATION SECTION Bill received 3,47,345 Bills distributed 2,99,900 Reports received 96,100 Reports distributed 1,14,194 Printed Debates received 31,600 Printed Debates distributed 24,463 List of Members distributed 975 Council of Ministers distributed 1,610 List of Members Rajya Sabha received 950

List of Members Rajya Sabha distributed 950 PUBLICATION COUNTER Number of Ministerial/LSS publication received 240 Number of copies of publication received 1,52,605 Number of copies of publication distributed 33,822

RESOGRAPHING SECTION Total No. of impressions taken out (Resograph) 79,04,784

ADDRESSOGRAPH SECTION Total No. of embossing on envelopes 1,96,400

FAX MACHINE Fax message received 2757 Message faxed out 1470




1.119 General Procurement Branch is central procurement Branch of the Secretariat for all types of stationery, printing paper, various folders, bindery articles, sanitation items, souvenir items, livery items, papers, fax machines, photocopier machines and machines/printers for Printing, Rota Print, ‗D‘ Branch and other Branches/Offices. Apart from Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC)/ Full Service Maintenance Agreement (FSMA) for the machines, the Branch also acts as Secretariat to the Livery and Purchase Committees. This Branch has also been allotted the job to dispose off the items recommended for condemnation by the Condemnation Committee. (2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014

1.120 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

In continuation of the revamped procurement policy/processes/systems initiated in the previous year limited and open tenders floated for procurement of the items on rate contract and otherwise also on the spot basis during the year under review is shown below : SI. Items No. of Nature of tender Proposals/Reque No. sts 1. Office Automation equipment – Photocopier -41 Open /Advt. tender Purchase of new machines (on rate contract) (All machines/equipment) FAX -26 Ltd. tender Others - 13 Ltd. tenders 2. Consumable Items and spares for 23 Open/Ltd. tender machines and computers On rate contract 3. General Stationery 11 Open tender /Limited (main)/Papers/Plastic folders etc. Tender 4. Bindery Articles 18 Ltd. tender

5. Briefcases/Suitcases/Handbags for 556 Open tender /Limited MPs/Staff and for other purposes Tender from time to time 6. Local Purchase items 181 Urgent/ Limited Tender 7. Sanitation-related items 31 Limited tender 8. Rubber Stamps 10 On rate contract 9. Livery/Uniform items 4 Open and Ltd. tenders 10. Annual Maintenance Contracts for 51 Rate contract machines/equipments agreement

A Award of Contracts

Contracts have been awarded to the firms on the recommendations of the purchase committee and livery committee and after approval of the same by the SG. In addition to the procurement of the items on rate contract for use of the Secretariat on recurring basis, the Branch also procured items required in connection with (i) hosting of National and International events/conferences by Lok Sabha, (ii) training programmes organized by 114

BPST; and (iii) events organized by Children‘s Corner and also items as and when required for other branches of the Secretariat by following the laid down procedure. B Souvenir items

Various souvenir items as demanded by Conference Branch and BPST and Sales and record Branch/Museum shop from time to time have been purchased directly from various State Government Emporia and also from vendors who have been awarded contract for souvenir items. C Livery Items

During the year apart from providing fabric and other livery items for the entitled officers of Lok Sabha Secretariat, General Procurement Branch also attended to the work relating to meeting of Review Committee for Livery items .

D Compilation of information for inclusion in Lok Sabha Diaries, 2014

The Branch has compiled the information relating to addresses and telephone numbers of dignitaries of Parliament, MPs, Union Government, State Governments, and other information for inclusion in the Lok Sabha Diaries- 2014. E Livery and Purchase Committee matters

As a secretariat Livery and Purchase Committees, the Branch prepares the Memorandum containing analysis of the bids, comparative statement of rates received from the respondent firms and also the terms and conditions for consideration by these Committees. It also prepares Minutes of the meetings and implements the decisions of these Committees.




1.121 The General Stores Branch mainly arranges transactions of all kinds of material (including receipt of deliveries, storage, distribution of stationeries and other items including office machines/equipments and livery items) that are issued to the Offices of HS/HDS/LOP/SG, Officers and Branches of the Secretariat. Demands in the form of indent are placed by General Stores Branch with the General Procurement Branch based on the consumption pattern of last three years. Deliveries of these items are received from suppliers/firms as per the procurement orders placed by the General Procurement Branch on the basis of the indents sent by this Branch. The criteria for procurement and distribution of all these items which run into large numbers/quantities are entitlement and demand based on average consumption and policies of the Secretariat.


1.122 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

(i) Assessment of requirements of all entitled and demand based items for the whole year of 2014 of various articles under the functional scope of the General Stores Branch, was compiled in the beginning of the year, based on the average consumption pattern of the last three years, and also keeping in view the estimated demands placed by the Branches and Offices of the Officers. After administrative approval of the assessments, demand indents for quarterly requirement of items/articles were placed with the General Procurement Branch. (ii) Supplementary demand indents were also placed with General Procurement Branch for purchase of any specific and unforeseen items that were required by High Offices in particular, and by other Branches in general.

(iii) List of entitled officers/staff for Official Uniforms and other livery items to be issued during the year were drawn up from the Uniform issuance Registers and sum total of requirements of fabric and livery items were consolidated and updated based on new entitlements due to transfer of staff/officers and demand indent of all such items were sent to the General Procurement Branch.

(iv) Request for new machines and articles were processed and the same were procured through the General Procurement Branch. Replacement of old photocopiers and fax machines are done based on the recommendations of the service Engineer through his inspection and functional and economic viability report of a specific machine, and if, it is found by him that the machine has already outlived its normal working life, i.e. five years and the same is no more economically viable in its function.

(v) The work relating to assessment, receiving, sorting out and distribution of Lok Sabha Diaries 2015 was taken up during the year 2014. After receiving diaries from Printers, the same are distributed to the MPs/High Offices/Officers/Staff of the Secretariat as well as the retired Officers in a 116

record time period. Printing and distribution of Deepawali/New Year greeting cards/card calendars were also done. Also provided wall calendar to the officers/Branches of the Secretariat received from DAVP. Similarly, New Year Giveaway items were assessed and indents placed with General Procurement Branch and after receiving the same from the suppliers these were also issued to High Offices/Officers and staff of the Secretariat.

(vi) Physical verification of General Stationery items and Local Purchase items were carried out along with a team of officers of O&M at Lok Sabha Store, Parliament House Annexe.

(vii) Bills of briefcases/Ladies purse received from entitled officials of Lok Sabha Secretariat were sent to B&P Branch for reimbursement after taking approval from competent authority.

(viii) Work relating to obtaining ply permission of vehicles of supplier firms/companies from DCP Office to deliver the consignments at Parliament House Annexe.

(ix) Work relating to make entry passes of representatives of various firms/companies to deliver the required items in the store.

(x) Routine requests/demands for stationery and other items received from offices of HS/HDS/SG/Chairpersons of various parliamentary committees and branches were processed and taken approval from competent authority and the same were procured through the General Procurement Branch.

(xi) The job element of the General Stores Branch entail assessment of demands and processing of request for stationery items required. As such variations in the consumption/requirement are demand based.



(1) FUNCTIONS 1.123 General works Branch is responsible for overall maintenance/ upkeep and provision of infrastructure facilities in Parliament House Complex, which includes Parliament House, Parliament House Annexe and Parliament Library Building. The Branch is also responsible for providing infrastructure facilities at 36, GRG road, 21 & 23 Mahadev Road, and CRPF Complex at Sector 12, R. K. Puram. Further, this branch has also been entrusted with the projects (i) Construction of Parliament House Annexe Extension Building (ii) Construction of residential accommodation at Sector-2, R.K. Puram for officers and staff of the Secretariat (iii) Construction of Integrated Boundary Wall, Parliament House Complex and (iv) Re-designing of kitchen in Parliament House Annexe and designing of kitchen in Plot No. 118, Parliament House. The other responsibilities assigned to the Branch include planning for new projects, infrastructure facilities to LSTV Channel, Parliamentary Museum & Archives, Children Corner, booking of Mavalankar Hall and Committee Rooms, facilities for Parliamentary Conference(s) held in Parliament House Complex or organized outside the Secretariat, sanction of new and parallel telephone connections; payment of EPABX telephone bills, installation/ maintenance of statues/ procurement and maintenance of mural paintings, work relating to catering facilities in Parliament House Complex, installation and maintenance of Solar Energy system in Parliament House Complex, allotment of office accommodation to Parliamentary Parties and officers/offices of the Secretariat, work relating to disposal of waste paper and coordination with various allied agencies for different works assigned by the competent authority. The work relating to floral tributes to National Leaders and former Speakers, whose portraits have been put up in the Central Hall, is also being looked after by General Works Branch after its transfer from Conference Branch in 2005. Presently 32 (thirty two) floral tribute functions are organized on the occasions of Birth Anniversaries of National Leaders and Former Speakers of Lok Sabha. Besides above, this branch also look after the maintenance and restoration work of art works/ portraits/ statues/ murals installed in Parliament House Complex. On the requests of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, necessary arrangements are made/directions are given to the concerned agencies for making arrangements on the occasion of birth /death anniversaries of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar at his statue installed in Parliament House Complex. Arrangements are also made for organizing the floral tribute function on the occasion of birth anniversary of Babu Jagjivan Ram at his statue installed in Parliament House. Residences of Hon‗ble Speaker, Hon‗ble Deputy Speaker and Secretary- General are also maintained by General Works Branch. Inspection /visits are also organized at regular intervals to review the progress of ongoing maintenance civil/electrical works in Parliament House Complex. The fire fighting inspection in all the three buildings in Parliament House Complex are conducted at regular intervals by CPWD alongwith the Security personnel and the shortcoming notices at the time of inspection are forwarded to CPWD for necessary action. Deficiencies pointed out during the inspection are sent to General Works Branch and the same are sent to concerned Wings of CPWD for follow-up action.



1.124 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

Sl. No. Items of work No. of proposals

1. Requests received including sanction conveyed for 355 Civil works in P.H. Complex including 21&23 Mahadev Road and 36 GRG Road

2. Requests received including sanction conveyed for 250 Electrical/AC/Sound Works in P.H. Complex including 21 & 23 Mahadev Road and 36 GRG Road

3. Requests for Catering services in P.H. 100 Complex(Civil/Electrical/Others)

4. Status of Staff Quarters at Sector – 2, R.K. Puram Project work completed except some minor work. External development work is in progress

5. Status of Extension to Parliament House Annexe 98% Superstructure Building Project work completed Interior decoration work/external development including land scaping is in progress. 6. Statutes /portraits (i) Requests received 16 (ii) Portraits/statues unveiled Nil

7. (i) Requests for Booking of Committee Rooms/Banquet 1994 Hall/PDR (in PH, PHA and PLB)

(ii) Mavalankar Auditorium 79 (iii)GMC Balayogi Auditorium and Central Hall 62

8. (i)Telephone requests received from various 121 Branches/officers in P.H. Complex (ii) Telephones/extension provided 21 (iii) Payment to telephone bills 12

9. Dish Antenna system/Cable Connections including 38 AMC

10. Requests received for various furniture items in P.H. 455 Complex including sanctions conveyed

11. Requests received for posting/transfers in CPWD 30


12. Requests for arrangements of various functions/events 35 organized in P.H. Complex


Sl. Name of the Committees Number of the No. sittings

1. Joint Committee on Installation of Portraits/Statues of Nil National Leaders and Parliamentarians in Parliament House Complex

2. Joint Committee on Food Management in Parliament 4 House Complex

3. General Works Committee 5

Miscellaneous work

(i) Annual contract for disposal of waste paper for one year w.e.f. 1.1.2014 to 31.12.2014 has been awarded.

(ii) The subsidy claims for the 2013-14 in respect of expenditure incurred by the Northern Railway Catering Units in Parliament House Complex were examined by the Branch. The subsidy claim has been vetted by the Ministry of Finance and the same is being processed for payment.

Secretarial Assistance provided to Committees

(i) Joint Committee on installation of Portraits/statutes of National Leaders and Parliamentarians in Parliament House Complex.

(ii) Joint Committee on Food management in Parliament House Complex.

(iii) General Works Committee




1.125 The functions/work profile of the Heritage Management Branch as intimated by Administration Branch-I vide their note dated 08.03.2013 are as under:

(i) Scrutinizing all proposals of CPWD works (electrical/civil) in so far as they relate to repair, improvement, addition and alternations in the Parliament House;

(ii) Scrutinizing the proposals regarding the need for infrastructural requirements of Parliament Security Service for installation or removal of security equipment and gadgets;

(iii) Overseeing all interior decoration proposals;

(iv) Vetting the proposals of Horticulture Division for laying of flower beds and for new plants;

(v) Maintaining and conserving all paintings and sculptures in the Parliament House Complex; maintaining their inventory including valuation and keep a record of their photographs;

(vi) Suggesting and procuring paintings and sculptures worthy to be displayed in Parliament House Complex;

(vii) Coordinating efforts for removal of obstructions in the fire exit routes in PHC;

(viii) Suggesting improvements in the maintenance procedures;

(ix) Liaisioning with Archaeological Survey of India for training of Lok Sabha Secretariat personnel;

(x) Liaisioning with other Parliaments who have conserved and preserved their buildings;

(xi) Handling all work relating to the Joint Parliamentary Committee and Standing Technical Committee on Maintenance of Heritage Character and Development of Parliament House Complex;

(xii) Preserving of old building plans of Parliament House Complex;

(xiii) Exercising constant vigil over any activity which is likely to cause long term damage on the Heritage Character of the building.


1.126 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

(i) Preparation of Memoranda nos. 11,12,13 & 14 for placing before STC after examination of the proposals and relevant materials received from General Works Branch;

(ii) Permission for re-fixing of support of fire & AC pipe lines in Jhanda Floor, Parliament House; 121

(iii) Examination of the proposal regarding engagement of INTACH as Heritage Conservation Consultant as per the directions of Hon‘ble Speaker, Lok Sabha;

(iv) Constitution of a Sub-Committee to examine the certain items of works to be carried out in PHC for which CPWD requested for exemption from examination from STC/JPC;

(v) Photography of the important places of the Parliament House for preparation of an Inventory and settlement of bills thereof;

(vi) Examined the draft Maintenance Manual as submitted by CPWD for placing the same before Sub-Committee of STC;

(vii) Mooted proposal for constitution of Standing Technical Committee on Maintenance of Heritage Character and Development of Parliament House Complex for 16th Lok Sabha;

(viii) Supply of information to various Branches about the work profile and functioning of the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Maintenance of Heritage Character and Development of Parliament House Complex i.e. LARRDIS, O&M, CB-I etc. from time to time;

(ix) Action taken status on the observations of the JPC and STC on Maintenance of Heritage Character and Development of Parliament House Complex put up from time to time for perusal of the Competent Authority in coordination with General Works Branch and CPWD to ensure the follow up action;

(x) Supplied information to Information Cell, with regard to various RTI applications received from time to time;

(xi) Examined the proposal regarding replacement of the Sound System of the Lok Sabha Chamber and progress of work monitored regularly from the heritage point of view;

(xii) Preparation of information regarding write up Annual Administrative Report for the year 2013 and transmission of same to O&M Section;

(xiii) Examination and transmission of information about Review of Performances of Branches by SG to O&M Section; and

(xiv) In addition to the above, various proposals received from General Works Branch which were not considered appropriate to be placed STC/JPC, also examined with the heritage point of view after carrying out the site visit.




1.127 Integrated Finance Unit (IFU) is headed by Financial Adviser to provide assistance to Secretary-General, Lok Sabha in financial matters.

(i) all the work connected with preparation of Budget Estimates of Lok Sabha and its Secretariat;

(ii) to assist the Secretary-General, Lok Sabha in planning, programming, budgeting and monitoring of expenditure of the Secretariat;

(iii) to assist the formulation of schemes, projects by all branches right from the initial stages;

(iv) to assist in Budget formulation, scrutiny of projects and post – budget vigilance to ensure that there are neither considerable shortfall in expenditure nor unforeseen excesses for which provisions have not been made either in the original Budget or in the Revised Estimates;

(v) to monitor the progress of the schemes against the Budget and preparation of performance Budget of the secretariat; and

(vi) to render advice on financial matters.


1.128 The break-up of the work done in the Unit during the year was as under:-

(i) Budget Committee

Approval of Hon‘ble Speaker was sought for constitution of Committee on Budget of Lok Sabha for the 16th Lok Sabha with Dr. M. Thambidurai, Hon‘ble Deputy Speaker, Lok Sabha as Chairman and Dr. and Prof. K.V. Thomas – Chairmen, Estimates Committee and Public Accounts Committee respectively as Members. Para in Bulletin Part-II No. 670 dated 16.9.2014 was issued. Letters of appointment alongwith brief on functions of Committee were sent to Chairman and Members of the Committee.

(ii) Budget

Draft proposals for Revised Estimates for the year 2014-2015 and Budget Estimates for the year 2015-2016 under the Budget Grant of Lok Sabha alongwith Memoranda were prepared and got approved by Secretary-General for placing the same before the Committee on Budget of Lok Sabha. The Committee under the Chairmanship of Hon‘ble Deputy Speaker, Lok Sabha at its sittings held on 24.11.2014 approved Revised Estimates for the year 2014-2015 (Rs. 534.20 crore) and Budget Estimates for the year 2015-2016 (Rs. 599.85 crore) in respect of Lok Sabha and Lok Sabha Secretariat. After its final approval by the Hon‘ble Speaker, the same alongwith other budget papers were sent to the Ministry of Finance on 4.12.2014 for inclusion in the Union Budget for the year 2015-2016.


Vote on Account: Vote on Account for four months (April to July 2014) was prepared and sent to the Ministry of Finance on 23.01.2014.

Loans to Government Servants: Revised Estimates for 2014-15 and Budget Estimates for 2015-2016 in respect of Officers/staff of the Secretariat under the Grant No. 37 - ‗Loans to Government Servants‘ were finalized and sent to the Ministry of Finance on 29.10.2014 for inclusion in the Union Budget.

Allocation: Budget Estimates for the year 2014-15 was allocated to all Controlling Officers at the time of Vote on Account and final allocation. Budget Allocation under Grant No. 37 - ‗Loans to Government Servants‘ was also made.

Surrender of Savings: A complete review of expenditure incurred under various Heads and committed expenditure to be incurred upto 31.03.2014 was undertaken and savings were surrendered to the Ministry of Finance on 20.03.2014. Proof of Detailed Demands for Grants in respect of Demand No. 79 - Lok Sabha for the financial year 2014-15 was checked and returned to Ministry of Finance on 23.7.2014.

Approval of Department of Economic Affairs of Ministry of Finance was obtained to open the new Object Heads viz. ‗Professional Services‘ and ‗Wages‘ under Sub- Minor Head Lok Sabha Secretariat and the object head ‗Professional Services‘ under Sub Minor Head - LSTV Channel

Computerisation of Budget – e-wisdom: Vote on account allocation report was modified and fresh report of allocation under vote on account was issued to all branches/committees/DDOs/P&AO, Lok Sabha. Work related to budget allocation reports (final) was completed. A status report on the project of e-wisdom was compiled and sent to the concerned branch (CMC) for the completion of the project expeditiously.

(iii) Performance Report 1.129 A month-wise performance report showing the following aspects was put up for the perusal of Secretary-General:-

Important financial decisions taken during the month

Month-wise Statement of Expenditure for the Financial Year 2014-2015 under various Units of Appropriations duly indicating the Progressive Totals and percentages compiled by IFU.

Review of Monthly Expenditure with percentages as required to be furnished to the Ministry of Finance.

Month-wise analysis of Bills received and processed by the Bills & Payment Branch and pendency statement.

Important matters on which financial advice was rendered during the month


(iv) Monitoring of Expenditure

Review of Monthly Expenditure under various heads with percentage of expenditure was sent to Ministry of Finance for the period from 1.1.2014 to 30.12.2014. Expenditure under various heads was monitored closely and wherever shortage of fund was noticed, after taking approval of Secretary-General, three re-appropriation orders were issued on 19.02.2014, 25.2.2014 and 20.3.2014, besides making re- allocation of funds.

(v) Audit Replies/clarifications were furnished to DGACR on the Audit Inspection paras pertaining to Budget of Lok Sabha and Lok Sabha Secretariat for the year 2013-14 on 15.10.2014.

(vi) Annual Administrative Report

Prepared Annual Administrative Report for the year 2013

(vii) Financial Advice

1.130 During the year under review, financial advice was rendered on the following matters: - 1. Payment of quarterly AMC charges of Integrated Security System (Oct-Dec.2013)

2. Court case on recovery of market rent from Shri G. R. Gupta, IPS Officer on deputation in Lok Sabha Secretariat as Watch & Ward Officer

3. Payment of wages to Causal Laborers for 10.4.2014- holiday on poll day

4. Adoption of O.M. dated 31.3.2014 regarding grant of honorarium to IO/PO- Consolidated instruction regarding

5. Preparation of IDs for employees of LSS

6. Continuation of service of NICSI Programmers in LSS

7. Settlement of Bill Re: 8th Induction level Training for PSS Personnel held at CISF, Academy, Hyderabad

8. Procurement of Blade Servers, blade enclosure, rack, etc. through advertised tender-vetting of tender

9. Auditing of the Corpus Fund of All India Presiding Officers‘ Conference (AIPOC)

10. Condemnation of items and equipments in communication-nomination related

11. Procurement of sanitary items under annual rate contract

12. Sanction letter for attending Conference of Museum Association of India from 20.11. 2013 to 22.11.2013 held at State Museum, Ranchi

13. Regarding appointment of LO for KMY-2014 in respect of Smt. Samita Bhowmick

14. Proposal for renewal of agreement between LSS and BECIL for comprehensive AMC

15. Request of , Producer, LSTV to join Kettering Foundation Fanning Fellowship, Dayton, OHIO, US 125

16. Revision of fee-Shri Radhey Shyam, OSD

17. Engagement of Shri Dhiraj Singh as Programming Consultant, LSTV-increase in fee

18. Request for grant of family pension in respect of Sh. Hukum Chand, Sr. Chamber Attdt. retired on 31.10.2005

19. Counting of past service for pensionary benefits in respect of Smt. Aruna Jaipal, Ex. Reference Assistant now absorbed in IIM, Bangalore

20. Request of Ms. Deepika Chadha, Technical Assistant, LSTV for increase in fee

21. Guidelines relating to settlement of issues relating to wrongful/excess payment to employees of the Secretariat

22. Request of Shri V. John Paul, Ex-Technical Assistant, Parliament Museum, for payment of arrears

23. Redesigning of Lok Sabha Website

24. Approval of procurement of 30 Nos. of DFMDs as replacement of unserviceable and outdated DFMDs

25. Calculation of financial implication-cadre review report regarding

26. Serving of working lunch to members of the committees-clarification sought by B&P Branch on the bill of Committee of Agriculture

27. Enhancement of children education allowance on increase of DA

28. Appreciation of work of Officers/staff of Standing Committee on finance by Hon‘ble Chairman of Committee and various other organizations etc.-Request for grant of honorarium to officer/staff concerned

29. Expenditure sanction of salary bills of casual laborers for the period of April 2014 to March 2015

30. Outstanding payment against the bills of M/s CCIC, Janpath

31. Payment of gratuity, GPF encashment in respect of Prasantha, Ex-Security Assistant

32. Raising of ceiling for refreshment served at the Chamber of JS(AK)

33. Request for allocation of funds for training of PSS Officials

34. Grant of advance increment and issues related thereto – cases of recovery/adjustment of excess payments

35. Security Services at the residence of SG – PSS

36. Revision/updating of Practice and Procedure of Parliament by Kaul and Shakdhar- Publication arrangement for 7th English Edition

37. Kailash Mansarover Yatra 2014 – sanction related 126

38. Maintenance/upgradation work in LSS Pool quarters at Vasant Vihar, New Delhi during 2014-15

39. Payment of AMC Charges of LSS of PHC (Jan-March 2014)

40. Procurement of 6 No. of XBIS

41. Service level Agreement for maintenance of computers and printers during warranty

42. Draft AMC proposal submitted by M/s ECIL on CCTV Project in PHC

43. Payment of electricity water and service charges by the user Ministry/Department-Information sought by GW Branch

44. Canteen Service in Western Court Hostel by ITDC

45. Preparation of permanent ID cards for MPs and their spouses of 16th Lok Sabha

46. Status of CCTV Budget in Parliament House Complex

47. CCTV upgradation in PHC

48. Fixation of pay in respect of Shri Ganga Sharan Yadav, SA-I

49. Hiring of generator for ―Jandesh 2014‖

50. Repairing of power supply units of Ross Synergy video switcher

51. Representation reg: grant of TSP to the Grade of AD(Tr) received from Sh. R.L Raina, JD (Tr.)Rtd.

52. Revised draft RFP documents for CCTV Upgradation

53. Hindi Pakhwada, 2014 – Inaugural Ceremony

54. Engagement of agency for booking of air tickets

55. Budget provision for digitalization of Library documents

56. BPST sanction for ITEC programme sponsored by MEA

57. Forwarding of Service Book in respect of persons who worked on the Personal Staff of LoP- 15th Lok Sabha

58. Status of pending bills re: study visits undertaken by the committee on papers laid on the table during 14th Lok Sabha

59. Electronic collator machine

60. Reimbursement of tuition fee to the children of the LSTV consultant

61. Requirement of additional fund for prize distribution

62. Opening of new Object Head under Sub Minor Head Lok Sabha Secretariat and LSTV 127

63. Orientation programme for the members of the Sixth Legislative Assembly of Arunachal Pradesh

64. Filling up of various positions in LSTV

65. Forwarding orders of GOI IN-C, Northern Command faxed by M/s SDS Electronics Pvt. Ltd.

66. Recording of the programme, Janadesh, 2014 from 12.3.2014 to 5.4.2014 re. hiring of angle lens and gun mike

67. Provision of official transport facility to Sh. R.K. Jain, JS

68. File regarding HRA to personal staff of Hon‘ble Speaker

69. Payment and extension of AMC Charges regarding Computer Hardware to M/s CMC Ltd

70. Provision of drinking water to Media persons

71. Provision of broadband connectivity at HS residence

72. Digitalisation of Cable TV system in PHC

73. Grant of Time Scale Placement to Sh. M.C. Sharma vide TSP Scheme 2011

74. Renewal of contract between LSS and M/s Venkay Cranes & Cabs Private Limited for providing service to LSTV Channel

75. Payment of arrears of secretarial assistance to M/s Bhawani Srivastav

76. Contract for lifting waste paper from Lok Sabha Secretariat for the year 2015

77. Vetting of draft purchase order for UPS

78. Renewal of AMC of Integrated Security System of PHC w.e.f. 1.4.2013

79. Training programme at REPA, London request for TA/DA to PCA of Shri Sachdeva, JD (LARRDIS)

80. Request for enhancement of ceiling prescribed for official telephones at the residence of officers having GP 7600

81. Journey by Air from New Delhi to Thiruvananthapuram by non-entitled officer – Request for relaxation from Empowerment of Women Committee Branch

82. Eligibility of Director in TSP for TA @ Rs. 7000 plus DA

83. Provision of internet connection and wifi deployment at HS residence, 20 Akbar Road- Bill of material of active components and software services of CISCO brand

84. Printing of Lok Sabha calendar for the year 2015

85. Clarification regarding transport allowance at the time of TSP 2011

86. Expenditure management –economy measures and rationalization of expenditure 128

87. Recovery from pension payable to R. Kothandaraman, Ex-Director

88. Issuing of NOC to personal staff-reg recovery of excess amount

89. Procedure for depositing the revenue receipt in government account by LSTV

90. Advance payment to NICSI, New Delhi for procurement of SQL server 2014 and windows server 2012

91. Request from LSEA for increase in grant-in-aid for celebrating ―Lok Sabha Day function‖

92. Additional fund for operating of operating license for spectrum charges

93. Payment of pension to Shri Jai Singh AD(S) Retd w.e.f. 30.11.2009

94. Query regarding opening of Sub-head for payment to consultants engaged in LSS

95. Payment of balance payment to M/s STL in respect of communication system in LSS

96. Management development programme at National Academy of Direct Taxes (NADT), Nagpur from 13 to 17 January 2014- request of Shri Sanjeev Sachdeva, Joint Director, a wheel chair user to be accompanied by an Attendant

97. Postponement of sitting scheduled to be held on 26.11.2013-claim for TA/DA

98. Procurement of 20 desktop computers

99. Revision of fee in respect of Shri V. K. Sharma, consultant

100. Tour bill settlement for expenditure incurred by the host organization in Hyderabad in January 2012

101. Request of Shri Ajay Kumar Garg, AD, for re-fixation of his pay

102. Payment to Ex-Serviceman Airlink Transport Service Pvt. Ltd.

103. Mandatory publication of Tender enquiries on the CPP Portal

104. Resignation of Shri Satyaprakash, DS extending the terminal benefit regarding

105. EL encashment at the credit of Shri H.C. Jain, Jt. Dir(Tr.) (Retd) lumpsum cash payment reg.

106. 22nd Conference of Speaker and Presiding Officers of Commonwealth to be held in Wellington, New Zealand, January 2014

107. Study visit of the PAC during October-November 2012 TA/DA of Sh. D.R. Mohanty, DS-matter of excess baggage

108. Withdrawal from GPF regarding acquisition of residential land by Sansadiya Adhikari Welfare Society

109. Grant of honorarium/fee to the Chairman and Members of the DPC of CSS

110. Request to allot a new head for settlement of photographic bills 129

111. Payment of Pension & Gratuity to Officers-case of Shri Ashok Balwani

112. Report on enquiry into irregularities in two advance increments

113. Ex-post facto sanction/administrative work-Kantha work framing

114. 100% advance payment for the deployment of technical manpower by NICSI in LSS

115. Settlement of committee tour bills-information sought by Committee on Labour branch on non-submission of claims by host organization

116. Handing over of security related matter of deployment of security guards at the residence of SG to PSS or AN-I

117. Request of fund for imprest money

118. Purchase order for procurement of desktop and printers

119. Payment of bills w.r.t M/s Studio Sabharwal

120. Verbatim report of AGM of Indian Parliamentary Group held on 13.6.2014

121. Admissibility of TA/DA to Prof. Vinod Tare, expert of IIT, Kanpur for attending discussion

122. Printing of publication: The Parliament of India: The 15th Lok Sabha 2009-2014: A study

123. Proposal for upgradation of LSTV server/storage/graphics equipment of LSTV Channel

124. Request of Shri Rashmi Ranjan Shetty, Ex-Senior PA (TSP) for settlement of pensionary dues

125. Catering services at MPs canteen, South Avenue

126. Pay fixation in respect of Shri Shiv Kumar, Assistant Editor

127. Recovery of wrongful/excess payments made to government servants-OM dated 6.2.2014 of DoPT

128. Non-opening of technical bid in respect of open tender for procurement of six nos. of XBIS

129. Advice on Settlement of medical bills (10 bills)

130. Other miscellaneous matters referred to Financial Adviser by different branches of the Lok Sabha Secretariat for advice

(vi) Right To Information (RTI)

Reply was provided to 10 applications received under RTI Act, 2005


9. MEMBERS’ SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES BRANCH (Including Joint Committee on Salaries and Allowances of Members of Parliament)


(i) Payment of salary, allowances (including TA/DA) to Officers of Parliament, Leader of Opposition and Members of Lok Sabha;

(ii) Salary of PAs of Members;

(iii) Reimbursement of medical claims of Officers of Parliament, Leader of Opposition and Members of Lok Sabha;

(iv) Sanction of conveyance advance to Members;

(v) Grant of pension to ex-members and their families (wherever applicable);

(vi) Payment to Air India, Railways, Department of Telecommunications (MTNL) and NDMC for the services rendered by them to the Officers of Parliament, Leader of Opposition and Members of Parliament on account of their statutory entitlement;

(vii) Payment to the host organizations on account of charges incurred by them towards making arrangements for boarding, lodging and transportation for the Parliamentary Committees while on study tour;

(viii) Preparation of TA/DA bills, advances, etc. for Members of the Indian Parliamentary Delegations going abroad.

(ix) Payment of allowances to non-official witnesses summoned to give evidence before Parliamentary Committees;

(x) Payment for the maintenance charges of vehicles earmarked for members;

(xi) Sanction of advance for purchase of computer equipments by Members as well as reimbursement of bills for the purchase of computer equipment by Members to the concerned agency, as the case may be;

(xii) Issue of Exchange Orders to Members of Parliament for travel in connection with official work;

(xiii) Preparation of the Budget Estimates relating to MSA Branch;

(xiv) Supply of information to Information Cell under the Right to Information Act, 2005.

(xv) Providing secretarial assistance to the Joint Committee on Salaries and Allowances of Members of Parliament and follow up of the recommendations made by them from time to time. The Branch also attends to the work emerging out of amendments in the Salary, Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament Act, 1954 and Rules made there under.



1.131 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

a. Bills

(i) Salary Bills of Officers of Parliament - 22 (ii) TA/DA Bills of Officers of Parliament - 38 (iii) Salary Bills of Leader of Opposition - 05 (iv) TA/DA Bills of Leader of Opposition - 05 (v) Salary Bills of Members of Lok Sabha - 645 (vi) Salary Bills of PAs to Members of Lok Sabha - 847 (vii) TA/DA Bills of Members of Lok Sabha - 6762 (viii) TA/DA Bills of Consultative Committee Meetings - 113 (ix) Final Settlement of accounts of Ex-MPs - 66 (x) Advance/Settlement of Bills relating to IPD going abroad - 93 (xi) Payment to MTNL (No. of Bills) - 47 (x) Payment to NDMC (No. of Bills) - 24 (xi) Payment to Indian Airlines (No. of Invoices) - 3706 (xii) Exchange Orders issued - 2672 (xiii) Conveyance Advance sanctioned to MPs - 03 (xiv) Settlement of Committee Tour Bills - 72 (xv) Pension Revised/Sanctioned to Ex-MPs - 328 (xvi) Family Pension - 45 (xvii) Reimbursement of Medical Claims of MPs including HS/HDS/LOP - 335 (xviii) Miscellaneous payment (maintenance of vehicles) - 29 (xix) Number of Bulletins issued by the Branch - 09 (xx) Typing work 15000 pages (approx.) (xxi) Payment to Railway for travel facilities to MPs/Ex-MPs --

b. Preparation of Revised Estimates 2014-15 and Budget Estimates 2015- 16 relating to the Branch.

c. Supply of information under the Right to Information Act, 2005 relating to the Branch.

The Branch provided information regarding 311 applications under the RTI Act, 2005 received from different applicants to the Information Cell.

d. Reimbursement of medical claims of Members of Parliament:

The Branch deals with the reimbursement of medical claims of Members of Parliament for the treatment taken by them and their family members in India and abroad. The reimbursement of medical claims is made on the basis of CGHS approved rate lists circulated by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare from time-to-time. In cases where the admissible amount is on the lower side and the Member desires full reimbursement, the claims are placed before the Secretary-General for approval of full reimbursement by relaxation of rules as per the powers vested with him. The Branch also settles debit claims in respect of the treatment taken by Members and their family members abroad.


e. Computerization of the Branch:

Work relating to Computerization in the branch is complete. If any problem occurs during working in software, CMC Unit is asked to resolve it.

f. Recording of the TA/DA Registers

Prepared list of registers pertaining to 11th to 14th Lok Sabha and sent the same to the sales record room for safe custody.

g. Joint Committee on Salaries and Allowances of Members of Parliament:

The Joint Committee on Salaries and Allowances of Members of Parliament is constituted in pursuance of section 9(1) of the Salary, Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament Act, 1954.

(i) Functions: The functions of the Joint Committee are to make rules in consultation with the Central Government to provide for all or any of the matters referred to in sub-section (3) of section 9 of the Salary, Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament Act, 1954.

(ii) Number of Sittings held: 7

(iii) Minutes of Sittings of the Joint Committee prepared and circulated: 6

(iv) Reports of the Joint Committee: The Joint Committee do not present any report to either of the Houses of Parliament.

(v) Study Tour of the Joint Committee: The Joint Committee did not perform any tour in the year 2014.

(vi) The Branch attended to the queries raised by Members/ex-Members in respect of their Salary, TA/DA, Pension, etc. and information furnished to the Government Departments/State Government with respect to the entitlement of salary, allowances and other facilities available to Members of Parliament.

(h) Specific Procedural and Policy Changes: Nil


10. MEMBERS’ SERVICES BRANCH (Including House Committee)


1.132 The Branch deals with various amenities/services provided to the Members of Lok Sabha. Main functions of Members Services Branch are as follows: (i) Allotment of regular and temporary residential accommodation to MPs (LS) in New Delhi;

(ii) Accommodation in Western Court Hostel for guests of MPs;

(iii) Allotment of accommodation to Members on temporary basis for their guests;

(iv) Monitoring of medical facilities provided to MPs at Parliament House Annexe, Parliament House and CGHS dispensaries located in MPs residential areas in New Delhi;

(v) Facilitate MPs and their spouse in getting passports and visas;

(vi) Monitoring of services provided to MPs‘ by Income Tax Sub-Office, Railway Booking and Reservation Office, Indian Airlines Booking and Reservation Office and State Bank of India Branches in Parliament House Complex;

(vii) Coordination with Delhi Police for security arrangements in Members‘ Residential localities;

(viii) Sanction for providing telephone, Mobile connections to MPs;

(ix) Transport arrangement for MPs through Transport Desk;

(x) Availability of Taxis etc. at Taxi stands near MPs residential areas as well as Parliament House Complex;

(xi) Liaisoning with NDMC, CPWD and Rent Section of Directorate of Estates with regard to their services for MPs‘; and

(xii) Any other work relating to amenities/services provided to MPs of Lok Sabha allotted from time to time.


M.S. Branch provides Secretarial assistance to the House Committee of Lok Sabha which deals with all matters relating to residential accommodation for Lok Sabha Members and exercises supervision over the facilities for accommodation, food, medical aid and other amenities provided to Members in Members‘ residences and Western Court Hostel in Delhi. 10 sittings of the House Committee and 6 Inter Departmental Meetings were held during the year 2014. Some of the important issues taken up for discussions in these sittings included (i) progress of construction of MS Flats at Dr.B.D. Marg, New Delhi; (ii) construction of new flats/bungalows by redevelopment of North/South Avenues; 134

(iii) maintenance and repair work in MPs' residential areas; (iv) water and power supply in MPs` residential areas by NDMC; and (v) security arrangements in MPs' residential areas in New Delhi and (vi) additions/alterations in MPs residences. (2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 1.133 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:- Allotments of accommodation

Regular Accommodation 1500 Guest accommodation 25 Staff Quarters 500 Motor Garages 200

Western Court Hostel

Requests processed for allotment of 2200 accommodation to Members on temporary basis for their guests in Western Court Hostel.

Cancellations filed for overstay in suites in 200 Western Court Hostel.


Requests received from MPs for telephone 2000 connections (including mobile and internet) forwarded to Liaison Office, MTNL.

Medical Facilities

Posting/transfer of doctors/para medical staff in 7 Doctors Medical Centre, Parliament House Annexe, First Aid Post, Parliament House and CGHS dispensaries located at residential areas of MPs.

Postings and transfers of CPWD staff. 3

Transport Facilities

(i) No. of trips made by MPs‘ special 43000 Trips (approx.) vehicles (10 Innovas + 7 DTC versa) between Parliament House complex and MPs‘ residential areas/Central Govt. Offices.

(ii) Providing vehicles to Conference 10 times Branch, BPST and

(iii) Joint Recruitment Cell 2 times


Requests for VISA Notes/Passports

Applications received for renewal/issue of new 402 Diplomatic Passports.

Requests of MPs forwarded to the Ministry of 108 External Affairs for issue of visa notes to Hon‘ble MPs/Spouses.

Major item of work completed/being pursued

1. Progress of construction of MS Flats for The Narmada Block consisting Members of Lok Sabha at Dr. B.D. Marg, New 26 flats has been inaugurated Delhi. on 23rd December, 2014. The MPs who have been allotted flats in Narmada are taking possession of their flats. The other block Kaveri is under final stage of construction and it is expected to be handed over by CPWD by 30th April, 2015.

2. Redevelopment of North/South Avenue House Committee of both the Houses have accorded approval for plan outlays of CPWD to redevelop North Avenue and South Avenue for construction of new duplex Bungalow-type accommodation. Accordingly, CPWD had submitted the proposal of demolition of flat Nos. 1-64, North Avenue in the first phase. CPWD has submitted an enabling estimate of Rs.70,35,000/- for AA/ES and necessary approvals have been granted. Further, CPWD has furnished a preliminary estimate of Rs.58,12,34,000/- (Rs.Fifty Eight Crore Twelve Lac & Thirty Four Thousand only) for AA/ES and the same is under consideration of the House Committee. Other services provided

Processed requests of Members for carrying 123 out certain additions/alterations/repairs etc. and supply of furniture at their residences

Requests received from MPs for installation of 195 electrical appliances, viz. Air-conditioners, fans, boilers, aquaguards, coolers, geysers, etc.

Requests of MPs processed and forwarded for 28 allotment of army disposal vehicles 136

Guide Post

To assist the newly elected Members of Parliament, the Guide Posts were set up at IGI Airport Terminal III/ID, New Delhi Railway Station (both Paharaganj and Ajmeri Gate side), Old Delhi Railway Station and Hazrat Nizammuddin Railway Station, beside Room No. 62, Parliament House and M.S. Branch, Parliament House Annexe from 16, May, 2014 to 21 May, 2014. The Guide Posts were extended for three days from 3 to 5 June, 2014 at IGI Airport T 3 and 1D and Room No. 62, Parliament House.

Monitoring of works of Agencies


Requests for new MTNL & BSNL telephone connections attended to :

New telephone connections opened in 300 Delhi.

Constituency telephone connections 686(including telephone for internet,BB)

220 Delhi telephone for Internet BB

Mobile telephones‘ connection 947

Telephone connections shifted 105 Other works:-

Complaints related to telephone/ Broadband/ 1655 Mobile/ I.Pad has been attended during the year and resolved the same properly. B. NDMC

No. of cases of electricity/water connections. 525

No. of cases of disconnections. 506 Number of Lok Sabha MPs‘ Electric/Water bills handled 15640

Number of MPs‘ complaint received/ attended to. 194

The quarries from the MPs' attended telephonically.

C. Air India

Bookings made by Air India Office in Room 8450 No.131 (PH).


D. Railway Reservation facilities

Reservations made by the Railway MPs - 76,000 (Approx.) Reservation Office, Parliament Ex.MPs – 1,30,000 (Approx.) House/Reception.

E. Medical Facilities

No. of patients attended to by the Doctors 16465 at First Aid Post (PH)

No. of patients attended to by the Doctors at MPs : 17881 Medical Centre, PHA. Ex. MPs : 13119 Family Members of MPs and Ex-MPs : 12680 Journalists : 317 Others : 12016

F. State Bank of India

Monitored Banking arrangements for MPsand Ex-MPs through the State Bank of India Sub-Office (PH & PHA):-

No. of new accounts opened for MPs during 370 the year 2014

Total No. of Accounts 5342

No. of new Accounts opened for Ex-MPs 250 during the year 2014

Total No. of Accounts 1300

No. of Accounts closed during the year 2014 259

Other items of work handled by the SBI during the year 2014 for MPs/Ex-MPs:–

(i) Car loan sanctioned (a) No. of loans 45 (b) Amount 4.75 crs.

(ii) Pension Loan sanctioned (a) No. of loans 9 (b) Amount 22.00 lacs.

(iii) Personal Loan sanctioned (a) No. of loans 7 (b) Amount 27.50 lacs.

(iv) Housing Loan sanctioned (a) No. of loans 5 (b) Amount 2.75 crs.


(v) Credit Card and Internet Banking facility extended to all MPs

(vi) SBI Mutual Fund and SBI Life products offered to the tune of more that Rs.3.5 crores during the year 2014. (vii) Issuance of INB, MBS, Debit/Credit Cards and other alternate Channel products.

H. Income Tax Cell

No. of MPs attended to by the Income 30 Tax Cell in PHA Besides many MPs get Information on telephone either by themselves or through their Secretary/Representative.




1.134 The main function of Sales and Records Branch are as under:

(i) Sale of Parliamentary Publications/ periodicals/souvenirs/ Greeting cards/ Parliamentary Papers and Union Budget sets through Sales Counter, Reception Office, Parliament House and souvenir items with Parliament Museum logo through Souvenir Shop in Parliament Museum, Parliament Library Building.

(ii) Sale of D.O. Stationery of Members and greeting cards through Publication Counter, Parliament House.

(iii) Sale of Parliament Publications through the Publications Division (Ministry of Information & Broadcasting) and through their outlets in different cities of the country.

(iv) Deposit sale proceeds of items at (i) to (iii) above with Bills and Payment Branch on daily basis.

(v) Appointment of selling agents for sale of Parliamentary publications across the country.

(vi) Open Deposit Account for purchase of Parliamentary publications.

(vii) Setting up of Sales Counter for sale of publications brought out by Lok Sabha Secretariat and souvenir items with Parliament Logo at the venue of various Conferences held in Delhi and other parts of the country.

(viii) Maintenance of records of Branches of the Secretariat, retrieval/review of old files/records of the Branches, weeding out or otherwise of old Debates, Bills and other Parliamentary publications meant for sale etc. which have outlived their utility, in consultation with the concerned Branches.

(ix) Retrieval of files and other Parliamentary publications for use and reference of various Branches.


1.135 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:

a. Sales

(i) No. of Parliamentary Publications sold 5837

(ii) No. of souvenir items sold through Sales Counter and Branch 45483

(iii) No. of souvenir items sold at PMA 11810

(iv) No. of Budget sets sold in Sales Counter 569

(v) No. of D.O. and general stationery sold including Post card 9716


Statistical data on Lok Sabha publications sent to Publications Division of Ministry of Information & Broadcasting for sale through their outlets is as under:

No. of Parliamentary Publications/Periodicals/Reports 5837

The Branch realized and deposited sale proceeds Rs. 58,74,212/- with B&P Branch . b. Records

At the commencement of the year 2014, the Records Section had in stock 28,285 recorded files and 1100 & 600 copies of Parliamentary Publications in English and Hindi version respectively were received from various Branches. During the year 2014, the Branch received 1100 files and 800 Reports; 1200 & 80 Periodicals besides 325 files were sent to concerned Branches.

1.136 The details of receipt and issue of records relating to publications/reports/files etc. is given below: Received Issued/Returned Back

(i) Parliamentary Report 800 55 (ii) Parliamentary Debates 1380 20 (iii) Parliamentary Periodicals 1200 80 (iv) Bills 160 4 (v) Files 1100 325

c. Dissemination of Information on publications/items on sale

List of Parliamentary Publications and souvenir items available for sale was updated and a consolidated handout issued for information of Members and general public. The contents of the handout were also made available on homepage/website of the Secretariat.




1.137 The Primary function of the Branch is to render prompt, effective and efficient medical assistance to Members of Parliament, their family members and officers and staff of the Lok Sabha Secretariat. Granting of prospective permission for treatment / diagnostic tests at CGHS recognized hospitals, ex-post facto permissions for the treatment taken during emergency by Members of Parliament and Staff and Officers of Lok Sabha Secretariat at CGHS recognized Hospitals/centers or at private hospitals, also form the core function of the Branch. The work relating to issue of fresh CGHS Cards to Members of 16th L.S. and surrender of old CGHS Cards of 15th L.S. is attended to by the Branch. The other important areas of the work relates to providing secretarial assistance to Grievance Redressal Committee, Compassionate Fund Committee, Staff Benefit Fund Committee, Meritorious Awards Committee, Scholarship Committee etc. Besides the other important and relevant assignments of the Branch are organizing the meetings of Officers‘ Forum, Send-Off Functions, Condolence and New Year Get Together.

1.138 Organisation of cultural events and health camps are also being handled by the Branch. Issuing of validations slips, providing financial assistance from Staff Benefit Fund, managing the accounts of Staff Officers‘ Forum, Staff Benefit Fund, Compassionate Fund, Scholarship Fund, Meritorious Awards Fund etc. are also looked upon. Preparation of the citations and medals for Meritorious Awards, is also a vital function of the Branch. Requests of employees of the Secretariat are also forwarded to civil / police authorities for redressal of their grievances. Forwarding the requests of former officers to CPIC for issuing passes and booking of holiday homes for officers / staff of the Secretariat at different locations are also handled in the Branch. A first-aid box having certain medicines for symptomatic treatments is also being maintained in the Branch. (2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR, 2014

1.139 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

Medical Assistance to (i) Members of Parliament : 40 (ii) Officers & Staff and their families : 170

Number of permissions given to MPs for taking treatment in Private Hospitals under CGHS : 201 Number of cases of ex-post-facto approvals for the treatment : 110 taken by Members of Parliament and their dependents

Number of permissions given to Staff and Officers and their : 1312 dependents for taking treatment in Private Hospitals empanelled under CGHS

Number of cases of ex-post-facto approvals for the treatment : 276 taken by Staff and Officers of Lok Sabha Sectt. and their dependents

Number of cases of Surrender of CGHS Cards (14th LS) of MPS : 193 142

Number of CGHS Cards prepared of MP 270 Number of Scholarships given to Group C Staff 01

Number of Meritorious Awards 04 Financial Assistance to Staff members from Staff Benefit Fund (i) In 7 death case = Rs.1,75,000/- (ii) In other 26 cases =Rs.1,80,000/- Total = Rs.3,05,000/-

Validation passes including Photo Identity Cards for the Officers & Staff 83

Lok Sabha Secretariat Compassionate Fund =Rs.4,89,078/- (providing financial assistance to the needy (for 9 persons) staff members)

LSS Officer‘s Forum (arranging meetings to discuss Total No. of sittings- matters of common interest, bidding farewell to retiring 10 Meetings members)

Number of Send-off functions to bid farewell to retiring 12 officials

LSS Co-op. Thrift & credit Society (facilitating the Total membership-2034 functioning of the society/smooth conduct of annual Annual transactions- election) = Rs.21,30,52,258.00

New Year ceremony (get-together of the Officers & 1 Staff of the Secretariat)

Other Miscellaneous (i) Number of requisitions of Retired Officers forwarded 84 to CPIC for issue of their identity cards

(ii) Number of applications of employees forwarded to 4 civil/police authorities for redressal of their grievances.

(iii) Number of Condolence Meetings held during the year 7 (iv) Cultural Programmes organized during the year 2




1.140 During the Fifteenth Lok Sabha the following eight Parliamentary Forums were constituted. The process of constitution of these Forums during the Sixteenth Lok Sabha is going on: (i) Parliamentary Forum on Water Conservation and Management; (ii) Parliamentary Forum on Youth; (iii) Parliamentary Forum on Children; (iv) Parliamentary Forum on Population and Public Health; (v) Parliamentary Forum on Global Warming and Climate Change; (vi) Parliamentary Forum on Disaster Management; (vii) Parliamentary Forum on Artisans and Craftspeople; and (viii) Parliamentary forum on Millennium Development Goals.

(1) FUNCTIONS 1.141 The main function of the Forums is to equip the Members of Parliament with information and knowledge on specific issues of national significance falling under the jurisdiction of the respective Forum. The Forum assists Members of Parliament towards adopting a result oriented approach on critical issues under the jurisdiction of the Forum. The individual Forum provides a platform to the Parliamentarians to exchange ideas, views, experiences and expertise on various issues by organizing lectures, presentations, etc. in which national as well as international experts are invited to make presentations and enlighten the Members on the basis of specialized studies on various subjects/issues. The Forums also provide a platform to the Parliamentarians to interact, in an institutionalized manner, with specialized Agencies including UN. 1.142 Another function of the Forums is to sensitize the Members about the ground level situation of key areas of concern and equip them with technical know-how alongwith valuable inputs from the experts from the country and abroad to enable them to raise these issues effectively on the Floor of the Houses and in the meetings of the Departmentally Related Standing Committees. 1.143 The Secretarial assistance to all the eight Parliamentary Forums is provided by the Cell on Parliamentary Forums. The Cell prepares data-base on critical issues by collecting relevant information from various sources which include Replies to Questions in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, Debates, internet, newspapers and journals etc. and circulate to all the Members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. (2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 1.144 The break-up of the work done in the Forums during the year was as under:- (i) 2 meetings were held during the year 2014 till the dissolution of the Fifteenth Lok Sabha.

(ii) All work relating to reconstitution of eight Parliamentary Forums;

(iii) Revision of Guidelines of all the Parliamentary Forums in the year 2014;


(iv) One new Forum viz Parliamentary Forum on Millennium Development Goals was constituted during this period. All work related to constitution of the Forum which include study to involve Ministries/Departments/Committees under the jurisdiction of the Forum, drafting of guidelines, taking concurrence of Rajya Sabha etc. were undertaken.

(v) All work relating to inaugural function of the Parliamentary Forum on Millennium Development Goals was undertaken.

1.145 The various tasks undertaken by the Cell are as under:-

(i) Preparing data-base information in respect of each Forum and circulation thereof to all the Members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha;

(ii) Consultation with Member-Convener for selecting agenda items for each meeting/presentation and chalking out programme for conducting meetings accordingly;

(iii) Contacting and coordinating experts, different agencies of United Nations, concerned Ministries, NGOs for making presentations/lectures;

(iv) Compilation of material relating to meetings/presentations as received from concerned Ministries, Experts and circulation thereof amongst Members of the Forum.

(v) Preparation of speeches for Member-Conveners;

(vi) Arrangement for conducting Meetings held during the year 2014.

(vii) Preparation of briefs for the meetings and circulation to Vice-Presidents, Member-Conveners, Members, Principal Secretary to Hon‘ble Speaker, Secretary-General and Secretaries of the concerned Ministries and uploading on the web-side of Parliament;

(viii) Preparation of write-ups regarding Parliamentary Forums for use in various publications, meetings, conferences, etc.;

(ix) Drafted Introductory Guide;

(x) Revised `Procedure and Practice‘ (Volume-I & II);

(xi) Furnishing information for inclusion of important events and activities of Lok Sabha during the session to JPI Branch and PPR Branch;

(xii) Preparation of Budget Estimates and Revised Estimates;

(xiii) Settlement of refreshment and photograph bills;

(xiv) Dealing with Applications under RTI Act.




1.146 Conference Branch (CPA Cell) attended to the work relating to Commonwealth Parliamentary Association India (Union) Branch, India Region CPA, Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth. CPA aims to promote constitutional, legislative, economic, social knowledge and cultural aspects of Parliamentary Democracy with particular reference to the countries of the Commonwealth of Nations. CPA Cell coordinates with CPA Secretariat, London, State Branches of India Region of CPA.

(2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 1.147 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

(i) Annual CPA Conference;

(ii) CPA Executive Committee Meetings;

(iii) Mid Year CPA Executive Committee Meeting;

(iv) Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) Steering Committee Meeting; CWP Regional Group

(v) Meeting of Society of Clerks-at-the-Table;

(vi) Coordination with Indian Parliamentary Group (IPG) about CPA‘s activities;

(vii) CPA Regional Secretaries Meeting;

(viii) Workshops, Seminars organised by CPA Secretariat, international bodies and various CPA Branches;

(ix) Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers and Meeting of Standing Committee of CSPOC;CPA India Region Activities viz., organising Regional Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Meetings of Executive Committee; CWP Constitution and its activities, maintenance of CPA India Region Accounts

(x) North East Regional CPA Conference; and

(xi) Study Tours undertaken by the State CPA Branch/Speakers.

1.148 CPA Cell also deals with All India Presiding Officers‘ Conference (AIPOC). The aims and objectives of Presiding Officers is primarily to secure the appropriate coordination of Parliamentary procedure throughout India. To achieve these objectives, CPA Cell deals with the following items of works:

(i) Conference of Presiding Offices and Secretaries of Legislative Bodies in India;

(ii) Conference of Chairmen of the Committees of Parliament and State Legislatures; 146

(iii) Maintenance of the Corpus Fund of All India Presiding Officers‘ Conference; (iv) Standing Committees of POs and Followup Sub-Committee;

(v) Felicitations of newly elected Chairmen/Speakers of Legislative Bodies in India;

(vi) Identity Card for the Presiding Officers of Legislative Bodies in India;

During the period CPA Cell also dealt with the following works: (i) Calls on / Meetings with Speaker and Secretary-General, Lok Sabha;

(ii) Replies to RTI Queries on relevant subjects;

(iii) Processing of passport/visa of all India Parliamentary Delegations (IPDs) dealt with by the 3 Cells of Conference Branch.

1.149 CPA Cell attended to communications, Conference preparations, coordination and logistical support for the following outgoing delegations during the year 2014:

No. Month / Title / Venue Remarks Period 1 21-24 January 22 CSPO Conference, Attended by HDC, Wellington, New Zealand Rajya Sabha and SG, Rajya Sabha 2 27 Apr – 1 May Mid Year CPA Executive No delegation Committee Meeting, London UK 3 25-31 May 25 CPA Seminar, Dar-es- No delegation Salaam 4 1-7 June 11 CPA Canadian No delegation Parliamentary Seminar, Ottawa, Canada 5 16-20 June 63 Westminster Seminar - on Parliamentary Practice and Procedure, London UK 6 23-26 June Workshop on PAC, London UK 7 25-29 June Pan – Commonwealth – Smt. Meenakashi Lekhi CWP, London UK and Ms. Bhavana Gawali (Patil), MP‘s, Lok Sabha 8 7-9 July Workshop for South Asian No delegation Women Parliamentarians; promoting the rights of women, London UK 9 2-10 October 60 Annual CPA Shri , Conference, Cameroon MP Lok Sabha and Shri P.D. Rai, MP, Lok Sabha 10 29-31 October CPA Parliamentary Hon‘ble Speaker, Lok Agriculture Committee Sabha Workshop, Chandigarh, Punjab 11 2-8 November 6th Youth Parliament at Smt. Raksha Nikhil North West Provincial Khadse, MP, Lok Legislature, Mmabatho, Sabha 147

South Africa

12 17 November Wesbinar discussion on - ―Climate Change & Commonwealth Perspective 13 18-20 November Global Financial Crisis Dr. Kirit Somaiya, MP, Workshop for Asia, South Lok Sabha; Smt. V. East Asia and India Sathyabama MP, Lok Regions, Dhaka, Sabha and Shri D.R. Bangladesh Shekhar, Director, Lok Sabha Secretariat 14 18-20 November International Parliamentary No delegation Conference on Growth for development the role of Parliamentarians in managing economic growth for equitable development , London UK 15 22 December CWP Seminar , New Delhi

1.150 Briefing Meetings were arranged for CPA Conference delegates CSPOC Meeting and Seminar on Role of Parliaments and Extractive Industries held in Vienna. The report for 59th CP Conference was prepared and kept in record. CPA Cell also attended to all works relating to issue of Passport, affixing visa to the countries of visit and all works in connection with receiving / seeing off delegates at the Airport at the time of arrival and departure including check-in and checkout, coordination with CISF, Bureau of Civil Aviation Security, concerned Airlines, etc.

i. RTI applications answered / disposed 35 ii. Newly elected Chairmen / Speakers felicitated 15




1.151 Inter-Parliamentary Union Cell deals with the IPU related Conferences / Meetings / Workshops such as Statutory Assemblies of IPU, Specialised Conferences which are either organized directly by the IPU or joint events organised by the organisations recognized by the IPU. Besides IPU, Parliament of India is also a member of Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA), Forum of Asia-Pacific Parliamentarians for Education (FASPPED), Asia- Europe Parliamentary Partnership (ASEP) and Asia-Pacific Parliamentarians Conference on Environment & Development (APPCED). 1.152 The Cell also attends to the events related to Association of SAARC Speakers Conference, G-20 Speakers Consultation and Ad-hoc Conferences such as ASAP, India, Brazil & South Africa (IBSA), and United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). The Secretarial work including Protocol and Liaison work pertaining to the Indian Parliamentary Delegations going abroad and Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation are done by the Cell. (2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014

1.153 The break-up of the work done in the Cell during the year was as under:- Events: Statutory Assemblies of IPU/ Specialised Meetings attended. (i) The 130th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union held in Geneva (Switzerland) from 16 to 20 March, 2014. (ii) Ninth Annual Meeting of Women Speakers of Parliament held in Geneva (Switzerland) on 4 and 5 September, 2014. (iii) 35th General Assembly of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) held in Vientiane Capital, Lao People‘s Democratic Republic from 14 to 20 September, 2014. (iv) Regional Seminar for Asia Pacific Parliaments on ‗Ending the cycle of violence against girls in Asia - Pacific‘ held in Dhaka, Bangladesh from 23 to 25 September, 2014. (v) The 131st Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union held in Geneva (Switzerland) from 12 to 16 October, 2014. (vi) The Parliamentary Event on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Acceleration and Post 2015 Agenda held in Surabaya East Java Province, Indonesia on 12 & 13 November, 2014. (vii) Second Meeting of the Preparatory Committee of the Fourth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament held in New York (U.S.A.) on 17 and 18 November, 2014. Invitations (for participation in conferences) processed but not attended: (i) Meeting of (i) 32nd Session of the Steering Committee of Parliamentary Conference on the WTO (ii) Parliamentary Session within the framework of WTO (iii) WTO Public Forum.

(ii) First Meeting of APA held in Islamabad (Pakistan) on 27th May, 2014.

(iii) Meeting of the Standing Committee on Cultural Affairs held in Tehran (Islamic Republic of Iran) on 10-12 august, 2014. 149

(iv) 7th Plenary Session of the APA preceded by 2nd Executive Council Meeting at Pakistan from 1 to 3 December, 2014.

(v) 8th Meeting of the Asia – Europe Parliamentary Partnership (ASEP-8) in Italy (Rome) on 6 – 7 October, 2014.

(vi) 17th General Assembly of the Asia Pacific Parliamentarians Conference on Environment & Development (APPCED) 23-25 August, 2014, Tehran.

(vii) Parliamentary Meeting on the occasion of the XX International AIDS Conference held in Melbourne (Australia) on 21July, 2014.

(viii) Eleventh Workshop of Parliamentary Scholars and Parliamentarians held at Oxfordshire (UK) on 26 & 27 July, 2014.

(ix) Women‘s Political participants and Leadership-SAARC Exchange Meeting of Women Parliamentary Census held in Kathmandu (Nepal) from 15 to 17 July, 2014.

(x) World Conference on Indigenous People‘s held on 22nd & 23rd September, 2014 on sidelines of the 69th General Assembly of UN, New York.

(xi) Meeting on Common Principles for Parliamentary Development held in Philippines on 28 & 29 August, 2014.

(xii) Regional parliamentary Seminar by National Assembly of Lao PDR and co- organized by IPU and UNICEF.

(xiii) Eighth Conference of Association of SAARC Speakers and Parliamentarians held in Sri Lanka in September, 2014.

(xiv) Third International Parliamentary Forum in Moscow (Russia) on 26 June, 2014.

(xv) 11th Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region in Canada from 9 to 11 September, 2014.

(xvi) The Party Event on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Acceleration and 2015 agenda in Surabaya East Java Province on 10-11 September, 2014.

(xvii) Parliamentary Meeting on the occasion of United Nations Climate Change Conference in Lima (Peru) on 8th December, 2014.

(xviii) Parliamentary round Table During the Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons in Vienna, 9 December, 2014.

Report: The reports on the participation of the Indian Parliamentary Delegation at the 128th and 129th IPU Assemblies were laid on the Table of Lok Sabha /Rajya Sabha.

Information supplied to the Braches of the Secretariat & Other Bodies: (i) Compiled information on Indian Parliamentary Delegations visited abroad and was supplied to JPI Section, LARRDIS for inclusion in the IPG Newsletter / Journal of Parliamentary Information (JPI) / SG‘s DO letter. 150

(ii) About 36 applications under RTI ACT, 2005 seeking information were received and desired information was supplied to the applicants through the Information Cell.

(iii) Responded to the questionnaire(s) received from IPU Secretariat, Geneva on issues such as Questionnaires on Women Elected, Nominated or Appointed in 2014 to the Parliament of India.

Updation of Web Page: The Cell had uploaded information regarding the participation of the parliamentary delegations on the Home Page of Lok Sabha at regular time intervals.


C. Other than IPU & CPA Cell


1.154 Conference Branch (Other than IPU & CPA Cell) deals with Indian Parliamentary Group; Incoming and Outgoing Parliamentary Delegations under bilateral exchange; Best Parliamentarian Awards, Address by foreign dignitaries; Maintenance of Calendar of events (including IPU / CPA Cells); Procurement and distribution of gifts (including IPU / CPA Cells); Settlement of Bills / Hospitality Expenses etc., formation and meetings of Parliamentary Friendship Groups etc. The Branch makes all arrangements including Protocol and Liaison Work and Ticketing in connection with the visiting foreign delegations, and the visits of Indian Parliamentary Delegations going abroad.


1.155 The break-up of the work done in the Cell during the year was as under:-

Exchange of Parliamentary Delegations

Foreign Parliamentary Delegations visited India - 03 (Bangladesh, Bhutan and Romania)

Lunches / Dinners

Lunches / Dinners hosted in honour of visiting dignitaries / delegations - 06 etc.

Adhoc Visits / Meetings / Calls on

Visits of Foreign Dignitaries to Parliament House / Parliament House - 06 Annexe / Parliament Library Building (Japan, Indonesia, China, Vietnam, Delegates of UN Women and Republic of Korea) Visits of Diplomats (Bulgaria, Cyprus and Italy) - 03


Outstanding Parliamentarians Award for the years 2010, 2011 and 2012

A function to confer Outstanding Parliamentarians Award for the years 2010, 2011 and 2012 to Shri Arun Jaitley, MP (RS); Dr. Karan Singh, MP (RS) and Shri , MP (LS) respectively was held on 12 August, 2014 in the Balayogi Auditorium, Parliament Library Building, New Delhi. Annual General Meeting of the IPG Annual General Meeting of the Indian Parliamentary Group was held on Wednesday, 13 August, 2014 in Main Committee Room, Parliament House Annexe under the Presidentship of Smt. Sumitra Mahajan, Hon‘ble Speaker, Lok Sabha. The meeting was followed by Dinner hosted by President of the Group in honour of the Members and Associate Members of the IPG in Banquet Hall, Parliament House Annexe. IPG Newsletter Information on Indian Parliamentary Delegations visited abroad, Foreign Parliamentary Delegation visited India under Bilateral Exchange and Calls- 152

on/Meetings held during 2014 was compiled and sent to JPI Section, LARRDIS for inclusion in the IPG Newsletter / Journal of Parliamentary Information (JPI). Information supplied under RTI Act 2005. Fifty three (53) applications were received under RTI ACT, 2005 seeking information on various matters related to Conference Branch (including IPU & CPA Cells) and desired information was furnished to the applicants through the Information Cell. Information sought under Right to Information Act, 2005 – Applications - 53 received.

GIFTS / PRESENTS The Conference Branch procures Gifts / Presents etc. through General Procurement Branch for being presented by Hon‘ble Speaker, Hon‘ble Deputy Speaker, Chairmen of Standing Committees and Secretary-General, Lok Sabha during FPDs, IPDs, Calls on etc. All arrangements for and in connection with the above visits /meetings/calls-on, Preparation of Revised Estimates and Budget Estimates and Ticketing / Airport facilitation / Protocol Duty, procurement & distribution of gifts for Conference Branch including IPU/CPA Cells, settlement of Bills, Debit Claim Bills/Vouchers and Hospitality expenses were made by the Conference Branch.




1.156 To give information of various Branches/Sections of Lok Sabha Secretariat under RTI Act, 2005.

1.157 Under Section 25 (3) of the Right to Information Act, 2005 the information for the year 2013 (From 1st January, 2014 to 31st December, 2014) in respect of Lok Sabha Secretariat is as under :-

(a) The number of requests made to the public 1837 authority. (b) The number of decisions where applicants were 155 not entitled to access the documents pursuant to the Information was not requests, the provisions of his Act under which provided under these decisions were made and the number of times Sections 2(f), 2 (j) and 8 (1)(j) such provisions were invoked. of the RTI Act, 2005.

(c) The number of appeals referred to the Central 11 Information Commission for review, the nature of Dismissed. the appeals and the outcome of the appeals In most cased CIC upheld the contention of this Secretariat. In few cases, CIC directed to provide additional information if any.

(d) Particulars of any disciplinary action taken Nil against any officer in respect of the administration of this Act (e) The amount of charges collected by the public Rs. 17305/= authority under this Act. (f) Any facts which indicate an effort by the public Efforts have been made to authorities to administer and implement the spirit upload as much information as and intention of this Act possible on the website of the Lok Sabha i.e. www.loksabha.nic.in.

(g) Recommendations for reform, including Nil. recommendations in respect of the particular public authorities, for the development, improvement, modernization, reform or amendment to this Act or other legislation or common law or any other matter relevant for operationalising the right to access information.




1.158 Conducting Examinations/Interviews for recruitment to various posts in the Lok Sabha Secretariat.

(2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 1.159 The break-up of the work done in the Cell done during the year was as under:-

1. Issue of advertisement (s) : Advt. No. 1/2014 for 2 posts Advt. No. 2/2014 for 3 posts Advt. No. 3/2014 for 2 posts Advt. No. 4/2014 for 4 posts Advt. No. 5/2014 for 2 posts

2. Processing of applications : 5805 3. Issue of call-letters : 2306 4. Number of interviews/ examinations conducted : 15 Open Examinations and 09 Departmental Examinations

Expenditure incurred on conduct of Examinations: Rs. 6,24,758/-**

** including Rs. 131252/- paid to SC/ST candidates on account of TA who appeared in various examinations conducted during 2013.


5. PAY AND ACCOUNTS OFFICE (Members and Gazetted Office, Non-Gazetteed Employees and Audit & Cheques and Funds Branches)


1.160 The primary function of the Pay and Accounts Office is pre-checking/scrutiny and making all payment relating to Lok Sabha Secretariat in accordance with the relevant Rules, Account codes etc. & to ensure that no payment claimed by the Lok Sabha Secretariat as authorized by the Office is in excess of the Budget grant allotted under the various head/sub-heads.


1.161 The break-up of the work done in the Office during the year was as under:-

Total number of bills processed : 23828

Maintenance of GPF Accounts

(i) Number of GP Funds accounts maintained with 1605 broadsheets

(ii) Number of cases for final payments on superannuation Processed : 58

(iii) Number of Computerised statements of GPF released 1605

(iv) Recasting of accounts of submission on receipt : 13 of balances from other Ministries/Departments

(v) Transferred accounts of subscribers to Ministries/ : 17 Departments on their transfer

(vi) Payment made under Deposit-Link Insurance Scheme : 07

(vii) Number of Bill of GPF Adv./withdrawal cleared : 639

(viii) Cheque Deposit : 46

(ix) Allotted/ Revised GPF nominations : 19

Processing and settlement of Pension cases

(i) No. of superannuation pension cases cleared : 55 (ii) No. of voluntary retirement pension cases cleared : 03 (iii) Payment of CVP to retirees : 55 (iv) Payment of revised CVP : 09 (v) Payment of DCRG to retirees : 55 (vi) Payment of revised DCRG : 22 (vii) No. of family pension cases cleared : 11 (viii) Payment of Leave Encashment : 570 156

(ix) Payment of leave encashment on unutilized : 97 EL/HPL (Retirement) (x) No.of new cases cleared in respect of ex-MPs pension : 71

(xi) No. of cases attended regarding discontinuance : 78 of ex-MPs pension

(xii) Revised pension in respect of ex-MPs and : 117 Authority letter under SSA issued to Central Pension Accounting Office

(xiii) Payment of family pension to the legal : 22 heirs of the Deceased (sitting)MPs/ex-MPs

(xiv) No. of residual pension cases attended : 10

No. of PPOs issued to CPAO

(i) In respect of staff : 69 (ii) In respect of MPs : 321 (iii) Attended no. of time-barred sanction regarding : 10 payment of pension in respect of ex-MPs

(iv) No. of case in r/o ex-MPs pension/Family : 8 Pension

Defined Contribution Scheme

(i) Total number of New Pension Scheme Subscriptions : 754

(ii) Number of New cases received and attended during : 95 the year 2014

(iii) Issued salary certificates to Members of Parliament /staff : 650

(iv) Returned Rent Bill Vouchers of staff to the Directorate of : 492 of Estates after verification from the AN-II

(v) No. of cheques issued for payment : 13944

(vi) Number of paragraphs issued for Bulleting Part-II : 03

(vii) Number of Circulars issued by the P&AO : 04

(viii) Number of Debit claims received from the MEA : 07

(ix) Number of settled Debit claims received from the MEA : 14

(x) Number of Debit claims received from Northern Railway : 02

(xi) Number of Debit claims settled related to Northern Railway : 02

There is no significant change in the organization policy, procedure or practice during the year. 157

Other Works

Maintenance of (four volumes of) Expenditure Control Registers (ECRs): The ECRs in respect of all Heads/subheads of the grant relating to the Lok Sabha, Lok Sabha Secretariat, P&AO & expenditure incurred under the head – Other Charges was developed in-house and is being maintained in the Registers also.

Broadsheets Pay & Accounts office receives schedule of recovery of advances from B&P Branch. The same is categorized in this branch and the entries are made in the broadsheet against the respective advance. Transfer entries are also done if there is any discrepancy.

Payments to the High Commission of Indian/Indian Embassies/Missions abroad: The payments are made through the Controller of Accounts Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India and also payment to the International Bodies/IPU/CPA etc. through SBI in foreign currency.

Payment of subscription for foreign Journals/Magazines: The payments are made for Parliament Library. Payments are also made to the Trainees of external agencies under Colombo Plan/SCAPP etc. being conducted by BPST.

Compilation of Accounts: Every month Civil Account is prepared by this office for sending it to Controller General of Accounts. Summary statement is also prepared after incorporation of challans, books adjustments etc and then it is sent to CGA through e-lekha. Head-wise appropriation account of Lok Sabha circle is prepared for submission to Secretary-General before sending the same to CGA‘s Office. Central transactions audit appropriation account and expenditure statement relating to pension, loans to Government Servants tax deduction etc. are also prepared. Record of Debit Deposit and Remittance is also prepared.

Maintenance of suspense account: Consolidated summary (credits) and consolidated summary (debits) are prepared in this office. After sending the monthly account to Controller-General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, both the summaries are sent to suspense account. The P&AO suspense (Original) and P&AO (Respondent) of the consolidated summary (Credit) are entered first. Then the P&AO suspense (Original) and P&AO (Respondent) of the consolidated summary (Debits) are entered in the register and are totaled at the end. The total of P&AO suspense (Original) both the summaries i.e. credit and debits are added to the balance forwarded of the previous months and the total of the P&AO suspense (respondent) is subtracted from the total. The figures of the monthly progressive receipts and payments is tallied with the entries in the abstract summary register of payments and receipts.

Maintenance of accounts of cheques outstanding: Regularly prepared Daily Bank Scroll supported by treasury challans, and Summary of Treasury Challans on monthly basis for incorporation in the Civil Account.

Maintenance of Service Books and leave accounts of all Gazetted Officers of Lok Sabha Secretariat and Pay and Accounts Office, pay fixation/increment, furnishing the requisite information sought by AN-I regarding encashment of leave at the time of availing LTC and at retirement, viz. whether LTC is admissible, nature/number/period of leave applied, no. of days of EL available to his/her credit, place of visit etc. are made promptly. All orders regarding appointment/ Times Scale Promotion (TSP)/Promotion issued by AN-I branch are entered in Service Book. Pay Fixtation of the Officers on promotion/TSP and on appointment are fixed in this Branch. All types of leave are also updated in the Service Book. Circular regarding physical 158

verification was issued by this branch for verification of Service Books by all Gazetted Offciers. Leaves are updated in computer for viewing of the Offficers. New programming of leaves with incorporating all the rules is under process in consultation with CMS. Issue of salary certificates to Hon‘ble Speaker,Deputy Speaker, Leader of Opposition , Members of Parliaments (Lok Sabha) and former MPs of Lok Sabha were made. In addition applications relating to MPs/Ex-MPs and different activities covered under RTI Act, 2005 were replied. Bills of Members Salary, TA/DA, Medical are received from MSA branch in e-wisdom programme and passed online. Execution of other establishment matters like preparation of Salary & Allowance Bills of Officers and Staff of Pay and Accounts Office/Contingent Bills/grant of leave and increment/maintenance of service books/Budget estimates for 2014-2015 and revised Budget estimates for 2013-2014 in respect of P&AO, LPC /Service statements/CGEIS verification of Gazetted Officers/Leave encashment of Gazetted Officers of the Secretariat were made. Information sought by AN-I or any officer from time to time were furnished regarding verification of the various details from the service books of the concerned gazetted officer. The fixation of Pay/fee in respect of Consultants appointed in LSTV/LSS was made. Audit Registers relating to Domestic/Foreign Travel Expenses, Petroleum and Lubricants/NDMC/MTNL in respect of Hon‘ble Members of Parliament was maintained properly. Pay Fixation of serving employees who have been promoted and new recruited Gazetted employees was done by this branch and sent for vetting to AN-I Branch. Cases of anomaly in pay fixation was also dealt and vetting of due and drawn statement received from B&P Branch in PA(MG) Branch. Auditing and passing of Arrears bills of pay fixation of serving employees who have been promoted was done by this office. Budget was prepared for the financial years 2015-2016 in respect of the retiring staff/officers. Work related to Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity, Commuted Value of pension, Leave Encashment, Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme and Defined New Pension System was also carried out. Computerization All bills relating HS and HDS TA/DA, LTC Advance/Settlement, Medical, CGEGIS, House Building Advance, Bicycle Advance, Festival Advance, LSTV Salary, Honararium Bills of Staff, Security deposit/Refund, BPST, FPD in respect of Gazetted and non-Gazetted officers and staff are being received and passed in e-Wisdom and cheques thereof prepared through computer. GPF statement excluding deputationist has been computerized & Bills of GPF Advance/withdrawal/ Final Payment has been passed in e-Wisdom. Master of GPF interest is also developed in e-Wisdom. Audit Discharged the functions for audit of Finance Accounts and Appropriation Accounts by the Directorate General of Audit. Further assisted the Audit party to conduct audit of DDO Accounts of Lok Sabha Secretariat for the year 2011-12 and 2012-13. All the audit replies have been sent to Audit Party. Other items Accounts Registers and objection books are maintained properly. Observed the rules and orders relating to fixation of pay/entitlement of TA/DA to MPs/Grant of Honorarium to Officers, Staff Pension cases/financial accounting matters meticulously and also replied to the queries in this regard received from AN-I/B&P or MSA Branch. 159



1.162 The main functions of Committee Coordination Branch are as follows:

(i) Coordination with DRSC Branches to ensure uniformity in their working;

(ii) Coordination with Rajya Sabha Secretariat for ensuring uniformity in the working of the DRSCs;

(iii) Revision and updation of common (a) Internal Working Rules; and (b) Introductory Guides for the DRSCs;

(iv) Compilation and printing of publications (a) Annual Review on DRSCs; and (b) Parliamentary Committees – Summary of Work.

(v) Common Practice and Procedure for DRSCs.

(vi) Revision/Updation of Brochure on DRSCs.

(vii) Coordination for collection and compilation of information common to all Committees such as progress of work done by Committees, information relating to Committee tours and settlement of bills for submission to Secretary-General/Speaker (Committees specific information to be dealt with by the Committee Branches concerned).

(viii) Any other statistical information pertaining to Parliamentary Committees.


1.163 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

(a) The following publications were compiled, printed and circulated after laying on the Table of the House: -

(i) DRSCs –Summary of Work (2012-13) (ii) Parliamentary Committees (other than Financial and DRSCs) – Summary of Work for the year 2012-13.

(b) Material collected from all the DRSC Branches and other Parliamentary Committee Branches and compiled for the publication:

(i) ‗DRSCs- Summary of Work 2013-14‘ (ii) ‗Parliamentary Committees (other than Financial and DRSCs) Summary of Work 2013-14‘.

(c) Preparatory work of 16th Lok Sabha - The portions related to DRSCs of the following publications were revised:

(i) 16th Edition of Handbook of Members (ii) Abstracts series of Parliamentary Procedure (iii) ‗Government and Parliament procedure to be followed by Ministries in connection with Parliamentary work‘.

(iv) Parliament of India: The 15th Lok Sabha 2009-2014 – A study. 160

(v) Script on Committee System in ‗Indian Parliament‘ received from BPST.

(d) After doing the gender-neutral the following publication were compiled printed and circulated to Members of newly constituted DRSCs of 16th Lok Sabha:

(i) Brochure on DRSCs (ii) DRSCs ‗ An Introductory Guide‘ for 2014.

(e) Procedure and Practice of DRSCs has been revised for the year 2014 and sent to Printing Branch for 3rd Proof. Printed copy is awaited.

(f) Mailing List for DRSCs was revised after getting comments of all DRSC Branches and prepared a Memorandum for amending Rule 280 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in House and Direction 72 of the Directions by the Speaker for making provision for circulation of Reports of the DRSCs in the Lok Sabha in ‗Electronic form‘ as per Revised Mailing List. After approval of Memorandum by Secretary-General it was sent to CB-I.

(g) 5 Committees (4 DRSCs and 1 other than DRSC) had presented their Reports to Hon‘ble Speaker, Lok Sabha during the Inter-Session period of 15th Lok Sabha and thereafter the 15th Lok Sabha was dissolved. These Reports were laid on the Table of the House by Secretary-General during 1st Session of 16th Lok Sabha through Committee Coordination Branch as per directions of the then Secretary-General.

(h) Observation of Hon‘ble Speaker to all DRSC Branches of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha Secretariat regarding suspension of Rule 331G and Committees will make Reports on DFGs was circulated to DRSC Branches serviced by Lok Sabha Secretariat.

(i) Examined the issue serving of working lunch during the whole day sitting of Committee and after approval of Competent Authority the matter was sent to AN-I Branch for further examination and for issue of necessary Financial Order thereon.

(j) Examined the issue regarding evolving a mechanism for avoiding overlapping with regard to selection of subjects among Parliamentary Committees. The matter is under process.

(k) A decision of Competent Authority regarding expeditious settlement of bills of study tours undertaken by different Parliamentary Committees during 14th and 15th Lok Sabha was circulated to all Parliamentary Committees Branches.

(l) Information collected from all DRSC Branches in respect of statement made by Minister under Direction 73A regarding status of implementation of recommendations of Reports presented by DRSCs during the 14th and 15th Lok Sabha. The work of compilation is under process.

(m) Supplied information relating to working of DRSCs to LARRDIS, Table Office, PPR Wing and BPST.

(n) Prepared consolidated statements for the information of Hon‘ble Speaker / Secretary-General on the following subjects after collecting the information from all DRSCs Branches and other Parliamentary Committee Branches:- 161

(i) Monthly statement regarding Progress of Work done by Parliamentary Committees;

(ii) Monthly statement regarding the Study Tours (Fifteenth Lok Sabha) of Parliamentary Committees – stay arrangements and settlement of Bills for reimbursement of expenditure;

(iii) Quarterly statement regarding the Study Tours (Fourteenth Lok Sabha) of Parliamentary Committees – stay arrangements and settlement of Bills for reimbursement of expenditure;

(iv) Quarterly Statement regarding number of Sittings held and Reports presented by DRSCs of Lok Sabha during the Fifteenth Lok Sabha.

(v) Critical analysis made by DRSC Branches in respect of statements made by Minister under Direction 73-A regarding status of implementation of DRSCs recommendations;

(o) Information under the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005 relating to Parliamentary Committee Branches was collected, compiled and collated to Information Cell in the context of thirteen applications.

(p) Handled the work relating to simultaneous presentation of the Reports of Joint Committees including DRSCs to the Presiding Officers of both the Houses when the Parliament was not in Session, namely Committee on Human Resource Development.

(q) Two photocopier machines installed in the Branch catered to all photo copying needs of DRSCs and other Branches such as Sales and Records, MPLADS Branch, Committees on Empowerment of Women and Welfare of OBC. During the period under review 2,94,443 pages were Xeroxed.

(r) One Laser colour printer has been installed in the Branch for the use of Chairmen of various Parliamentary Committees of Lok Sabha. As and when required colour print outs were generated.


As on 31.12.2014


The personnel strength of the various Branches/Sections/Committees of LAFEA Service

Directors - 27 Addl. Directors - 29 DS/US - 43+41=84

Sl. Name of the Branch EO/CO Exe. & Steno/ Jr./Sr. Xerox Chamb Total No. /PO/L Sr. Exe. PA Clerk Operat er O Asstt. or Attdt./ Attdt. A A A A A A A House related Branches

1. Legislative Branch-I 5 1 3 1 2 12 2. Legislative Branch-II 1 2 1 1 2 7 3. Parliamentary Notice 1 5 1 5 12 Office 4. Members’ Stenos 6+10= 16 Pool 16 PA 5. Privileges & Ethics 1 2 1 3 3 10 Branch 6. Question Branch 4 46 1 17 1 5 74 7. Table Office 5 5 1 4 24 39 Financial Committee Branches

1. Estimates Committee 2 2 1 2 1 8 2. Public Accounts 1 3 1 4 1 2 12 Committee 3. Public Undertakings 2 3 3 2 10 Committee 4. Railways Convention 1 1 1 1 4 Committee Departmentally Related Standing Committees (DRSCs) Branches

1. Agriculture 3 3 1 7 Committee 2. Chemicals and 2 1 1 1 5 Fertilizers Committee 3. Coal and Steel 2 1 1 1 5 Committee 4. Defence Committee 2 1 1 1 5 5. Energy Committee 2 1 1 4 6. External Affairs 1 2 2 1 6 Committee 7. Finance Committee 2 2 1 3 1 9 8. Food, Consumer 2 1 1 1 5 Affairs and Public Distribution Committee 9. Information 1 3 1 2 1 8 Technology Committee 163

10. Labour Committee 1 1 1 1 4 11. Petroleum & Natural 1 2 1 1 1 6 Gas Committee 12. Railways Committee 1 2 1 1 5 13. Rural Development 1 3 2 1 7 Committee 14. Social Justice and 1 3 2 1 7 Empowerment Committee 15. Urban Development 1 2 1 1 5 Committee 16. Water Resources 1 2 2 1 6 Committee Other Committee Branches

1. Committee Branch-I 2 1 1 1 1 6 2. Committee Branch-II 1 2 1 1 1 6 3. Committee on 1 3 3 1 8 Government Assurances 4. Subordinate 1 3 2 1 7 Legislation Committee 5. Empowerment of 2 1 1 4 Women Committee 6. Joint Committee on 1 1 1 3 Security in Parliament House Complex 7. MPLADS Committee 1 2 1 1 1 6 8. Petitions Committee 1 4 2 1 8 9. Scheduled Castes 1 5 1 1 2 10 and Tribes Committee 10. Other Backward 2 1 1 4 Classes Committee (OBC) 11. Internal Complaints ------Committee 12. Reservation Cell on 1 1 1 3 SC/ST Employees Administrative Branches 1. Administration 3 12 1 6 1 3 26 Branch-I 2. Administration 1 8 4 38 1 52 Branch-II Driver s 3. Organisation and 2 3 1 6 Methods Service Branches 1. Bills & Payment 2 15 8 3 28 2. Computer (HW & SW) 2 6 4 4 RO 2 18 Management Branch 3. Distribution Branch 2 9 4 13 19 47 7 Riso, 1 Fax & 5 164

Driver 4. General Procurement 1 6 1 1 9 Branch 5. General Store Branch 1 3 3 1 8 6. General Works - 7 3 1 2 13 Branch Muralis t 7. Heritage 1 1 1 1 4 Management Barnch 8. Integrated Finance 2 1 1 4 Unit (IFU) 9. Members’ Salaries 2 7 6 2 17 and Allowances 10. Members’ Services 7 3 10 3 23 Driver s 11. Sales & Records 6 1 2 6 15 Branch 12. Welfare Branch 1 2 1 2 2 8 Other Branches 1. Cell on Parliamentary 4 2 2 8 Forum 2. Conference Branch 4 10 1 3 2 4 24 3. Information Cell 1 5 1 1 1 9 4. Joint Recruitment 1 3 3 1 8 Cell 5. Pay & Accounts 6 25 1 4 2 38 Office (M.G, N.G.A & C.F. Branches 6. Committee 1 2 1 2 1 7 Coordination 63 278 48 140 75 131 735

*38 Staff Car drivers deployed in AN-II, 4 RO‘s in Software Unit, 7 Resograph operators, 1 Fax operator and 5 Van Drivers in Distribution Branch, 1 Muralist in GW Branch and 10 Drivers in MS Branch have been placed in the column of Xerox Operator of the concerned Branches.




2.1 The Library and Reference, Research, Documentation and Information Service (LARRDIS) caters to the information needs of the Members of Parliament on various topical matters in such manner that factual, objective and unbiased information is supplied to them.


1. RESEARCH RELATED SECTIONS/WINGS (a) Parliamentary Affairs Wing; (b) Political Affairs Wing; (c) Legal and Constitutional Affairs Wing; (d) Economic and Financial Affairs Wing; (e) Journal of Parliamentary Information Section; (f) Social Affairs Wing; (g) Practice and Procedure Unit; (h) Educational and Scientific Affairs Wing; and (i) Who‘s Who Cell and Ad-hoc Publications


2.2 The Division makes an assessment of the information needs of members of Parliament in advance and also brings out books, monographs, booklets, profiles handbooks, brochures, periodicals, newsletters, etc. The Division also attends to the drafting of speeches/addresses for HS, HDS, SGs, Indian Parliamentary Delegations, other high dignitaries, etc. It also prepares Research Notes, Briefs, Backgrounders, Articles, Resolutions, Reports, Messages, Talking Points, Foreword/Preface for books, answers to BPST Questions, SG's D.O. Letters and attends to other miscellaneous research assignments.

2.3 In addition to the Research functions as spelt out above, the Who’s Who & Adhoc Publications Cell is entrusted with the task of collecting the bio-graphical information about the newly elected members after every General Election and the constitution of a new Lok Sabha. The information furnished by members themselves or obtained from official sources is edited / processed to prepare bio-profiles and to bring out bio-graphical publications. The same also brings out other publications from time to time. The two publications brought out by the wing regularly are: - (i) a bilingual publication contains brief bio-graphical sketches of the members of the new Lok Sabha and (ii) ‗Who‘s Who‘ of the Lok Sabha, with detailed bio- data of members, including election results, and category-wise information, such as state- wise, party-wise list of members and other statistical information. The Cell also brings out ‗Profiles Handbook‘ during national and international conferences and seminars for the use of the Delegates. In addition, the Cell attends to supply of information under the RTI Act 166

about members of the Lok Sabha, their bio-profiles and statistical data provided in the ‗Who‘s Who‘ of the Lok Sabha, etc., and bringing out such other publications/assignments, as allotted from time to time. (2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014

2.4 The break-up of the work done in the Wings during the year was as under:- (i) No. of books/booklets brought out/distributed 11

(ii) No. of books in different stages of publication 2

(iii) No. of speeches/talking points/Intervention/addresses prepared 247

(iv) No. of briefs for Indian Parliamentary Delegations prepared 117

(v) No. of Messages/Foreword/Citations preface prepared 5 8

(vi) No. of memoranda/resolutions/reports prepared 10

(vii) No. of articles/research notes/memorial lectures/write- 22 ups/background notes/ presentation/explanatory notes/ suggestion for topics/subjects/themes prepared

(viii) No. of Questionnaires/Answers to questionnaire prepared 40

(ix) No. of bio-profile of the Presidents of the Central legislative 2 Assembly and former Speakers of Lok Sabha drafted

(x) No. of issues of various periodicals brought out and distributed:

(i) The Journal of Parliamentary Information, Digest of Central 5 Acts (Quarterly) etc.

(ii) IPG Newsletter (Quarterly) – Manuscript are prepared 4 and sent to Conference Branch for printing. (xi) No of the Information Bulletins in English/Hindi 23

(xii) SG‘s DO Letters issued 3

(xiii) Right to Information (RTI) 123

(xiv) Website of Lok Sabha

(xv) No. of miscellaneous research items attempted 121

* (i) No. of Brief bio-data of members elected in bye- 5 elections prepared and fed on the website

(ii) No. of Brief bio-profiles of members updated on the website 540+5=545(approx.)

(iii) No. of photographs of members 545 changed and uploaded on the website, www.loksabha.nic.in


(iv) No. of bio-datas of Ministers/members 6 (3 resigned) & (3 died) who resigned/died, removed from the list of sitting members

(vi) Updated important bio-datas HS, HDS and SG on Home-page regularly

(vii) Got updated changes of address, phone numbers, Email ID etc. in the homepage as per requests etc. received from Members




2.5 The primary work of the Press and Public Relations Wing is to provide wide coverage of various parliamentary events, activities and functions in both the print and the electronic media. The work mainly involves liaisoning with the media and various publicity organizations in the government and outside. All matters concerning the Press Gallery of Lok Sabha, including consideration and issue of Press Gallery passes, providing various facilities to the mediapersons covering the proceedings of Lok Sabha and its other functions, dissemination of information on the business transacted by Lok Sabha and other matters are handled by this Wing.


2.6 The break-up of the work done in the Wing during the year was as under:-

(a) Admission of newspapers/news agencies/correspondents 62 requests etc. to the Press Gallery and matters connected thereto

(b) Press Gallery and other requests of passes Issue/Renewal of Passes to mediaperson (i) Radio-Frequency Tags 400 (ii) Sessional Press Gallery passes; 748 (iii) Temporary Press Gallery passes 211 (iv) General Duty passes for support staff of 535 newspapers/news agencies; (v) Passes to officials of Doordarshan/AIR for 100 telecasting/ broadcasting of Lok Sabha proceedings; (vi) Passes to cameramen accredited to the PIB to 701 cover various functions held in PH/PHA/PLB; and (vii) Sessional Car Park Labels to 226 mediapersons/agencies. (viii) Sessional Car Park Labels to 127 mediapersons/agencies. (Annual/sessional).

(c) The Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI) and the Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC) were requested regularly to intimate the daily circulation of newspapers accredited to the Lok Sabha Press Gallery. (d). Distribution of Parliamentary Papers:

All parliamentary papers, viz. List of Business, Bulletins Parts I and II, Debates, Synopses, Starred and Un-starred Questions Lists, copies of Bills and Statements made by Ministers and Observations and rulings of the Hon'ble Speaker, were distributed to accredited correspondents and to correspondents who attended the Press Gallery on temporary passes. Reports of Parliamentary Committees were distributed after they were laid on the Table of the House. Besides, copies of Papers laid on the Table were made available to them. 169

(e) Facilities to Media:

The facilities provided to the Press Correspondents included supply of documents mentioned at Para 3 above, maintenance of a small Reference Library in the Wing for meeting the urgent reference needs of mediapersons and installation of telephones and computers during the Sessions by accredited news agencies in the three Press Rooms. Photocopies of the desired material were supplied to the mediapersons on demand. Local fax facility was also provided to the correspondents for onward transmission of news items to their respective offices. (f) Supply of Information:

146 references received from the Press/mediapersons and the general public were attended to. (g) Press Advisory Committee:

(i) Two meetings of the Press Advisory Committee and five meetings of its Sub-Committees were convened to consider cases of admission of newspapers/news agencies/electronic media, accreditation of correspondents to the Lok Sabha Press Gallery on behalf of their respective media organizations and other issues related to the media. Minutes of all these meetings were prepared, circulated and necessary follow- up actions taken. (ii) Put up a proposal for the reconstitution of the Press Advisory Committee for the year 2014-2015.

(h) Press Releases: A total of 138 Press Releases/Notes on parliamentary matters pertaining to the Sessions of Lok Sabha, visits of Indian Parliamentary Delegations, Conferences/ Seminars and floral tributes at the portraits of national leaders in the Central Hall and other parliamentary functions were issued. Press Releases received from Parliamentary Committees were also issued. Press Releases on various functions (other than parliamentary functions) attended by the Hon'ble Speaker were issued to the print as well as to the electronic media. Statements showing the business transacted by the Lok Sabha during the Fifteenth Session of the15th Lok Sabha and First, Second & Third Session of 16th Lok Sabha were prepared in co-ordination with other Branches of the Secretariat and released to the Press in statistical format. (i) Media Coverage:

Newspapers were scanned and news clippings related to all these functions were put up for the perusal of the Hon'ble Speaker and the Secretary-General. (j) Total no. of arrangements were made for media coverage (both Photographs and Press Releases issued) on the Birth Anniversaries of eminent Parliamentarians 33 (k) Nos. of information supplied under RTI Act,2005 7 (l) Total nos. of arrangements was made for various types of eventsin in India as well as in abroad 35 (m) Total nos. Of Press Releases and photographs were ussued on the various types of eve/festivals and important events. 69


(n) Short Messaging Service: PPR Wing sent regular SMSs to around 570 mediapersons informing them about the Press advisories, gist of Press releases etc.

(o) Photographs: Coordinated photo coverage of all the functions cited above through Photo Division, M/s Studio Sabharwal and Photo Sections of PTI and UNI. Photographs of all these functions were obtained for publicity/presentation/record. (p) Display of Birthday Lists of MPs: Lists showing the dates of Birth of Ministers and Members of Lok Sabha were verified with the publication titled ―Who‘s Who of 15th and 16th Lok Sabha‖ and displayed on the notice board near Ground Floor Library, Parliament House, and on the notice board at the Outer Lobby during the Sessions. (q) Information Folders: Information Folders were distributed to Parliamentary Delegations visiting India and to dignitaries who attended various training programmes organized by the BPST and others. (r) Research Work: The Wing dealt with updating of the PPR Brief as also the Information Folder titled ‗Press & Public Relations Service‘. (s) Film Shots: Dealt with requests from 4 organisations for taking film shots in Parliament House/Parliament Library Building/Parliament Museum. (t) Charts: Revised the Master Chart comprising photographs of Members of the 15th and 16th Lok Sabha as per the latest Division Numbers for placing it on the Table of the Hon‘ble Speaker, Lok Sabha and for use at other locations. (u) Greeting Cards: New Year Greeting Cards in English and Hindi (about 800 in number) were issued to mediapersons, on behalf of HS and the Press and Public Relations Wing. (v) Biils About one hundred fifty three bills received from the Railway Canteen/Tea Board/UNI/PTI/M/s Studio Sabharwal/HS office and others were checked/verified and sent to B&P. (w) Lok Sabha Calendar: Copies of Lok Sabha Calendars were distributed to dignitaries, MPs, mediapersons, allied agencies, officers and staff of the Secretariat and others. Put up the proposals for the year 2015 with alternative designs and write-ups. After approval, steps were taken to print and distribute the calendars. (x) Teleprinter News Service: Teleprinter News of PTI (English), PTI-Bhasha (Hindi) and UNI (English)

(y) Computerization:

Updated lists of about 500 correspondents and 300 newspapers/news agencies accredited to the Lok Sabha Press Gallery. Besides, list of Editors of national newspapers, along with their addresses, telephone nos., etc., were stored in the 171

computer and was updated from time to time. Details of various types of passes were also stored in the computer by CPIC, in consultation with this Wing and distribution thereof. (z) Press Releases and Photographs on Speakers‘ Homepage:

Uploaded Press Releases and photographs on the Speaker‘s Homepage at the Parliament of India website. (a) Fellowship Committee:

Convened one meeting (10 March 2014) of the Fellowship Committee. Received and processed proposals for the award of Lok Sabha Research Fellowship Scheme.




2.7 The Parliamentary Museum and Archives locates and collects articles, objects, photographs, films, tapes, records, manuscripts, etc., connected with the framing of the Constitution of India and the evolution, growth and working of the Parliament and other representative institutions in the country. The Division preserves items and sets up Exhibitions for displaying the collections so as to provide an authentic, interesting and inspiring sense of the history of our Parliament. The Parliamentary Museum and Archives (PMA) has four distinct Sections, viz. (a) Photographs Section; (b) Archives Section; (c) Exhibitions Section; and (d) Museum Section.


2.8 The break-up of the work done in the PMA during the year was as under:

I. Photographs Section

(a) No. of photographs of important parliamentary events and eminent 940 parliamentarians received/captioned/put up for approval for addition

(b) No. of approved photographs added 450

(c) No. of photographs procured for supply to different Branches, HS 538 Office, dignitaries and various institutions on demand

(d) No. of soft copies of photographs e-mailed and supplied to different 1,125 Branches, HS Office, dignitaries and various institutions on demand

(e) No. of old photo albums scanned, out of 180 albums received from 40 Conference Branch

(f) No. of photographs captioned & put up for approval for addition in 1,815 Photographs Section

(g) No. of photographs added to the collection 1,067

(h) No. of photographs removed from old photo albums and put into 4,050 new photo albums

(i) No. of new photographs put into albums 1,517

(j) No. of bills of photographs and exhibition processed for payment 23

(k) No. of photographs of Members of 10th to 14th Lok Sabha 2,500 identified/captioned/filed in photo albums

(l) No. of photographs scanned and data fed for digitization work 3,500


II. Archives Section

(a) Scrutinised private papers of 6 ex-MPs and others in the Archives collection and added 55 approved documents for archival record

(b) No. of books/official records added 16

III. Exhibition Section No. of Exhibitions organized Nil

Preparatory work done for proposed Exhibition during Orientation Programme for newly elected members of 16th Lok Sabha (Exhibition, however, was not held).

IV. Museum Section

(a) No. of gift items, souvenirs, etc. added to the existing collection 22

(b) List of museum items and layout plan of Exhibitions, etc., fed into the computer

(c) Prepared write-ups on PMA for the following publications:

(i) The 15th Lok Sabha – A Study

(ii) Information Guide for Members of 16th Lok Sabha

(iii) Information Management in the Parliament of India

(iv) Government & Parliament – Procedure to be followed by Ministries in connection with parliamentary work

(v) Information folder of PPR

(vi) Facilities for Members of Parliament

(vii) Handbook for Members of Lok Sabha



2.9 Parliament Museum (PM), a hi-tech story telling one, strives to showcase the democratic heritage of our country for the visitors. The Museum welcomes VIPs, Speakers of foreign Parliaments/State Legislative Assemblies, State Guests, Parliamentary Delegations, etc. and conducts their show – round and attends to general visitors who purchase entry tickets and school and college students and explains to them about our democratic heritage. The other works are to give advertisement in newspapers about Parliament Museum through DAVP and maintenance and conservation treatment to artefacts. Timely action is taken for adequate care for proper upkeep of artefacts. It also arranges meetings of the Parliament Museum Committee for taking decisions on various issues and prepares notices, agenda, minutes, etc. for the meeting. 174

(2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 2.10 The break-up of work done in Parliament Museum during the year 2014 is as under: (i) No. of foreign delegates, Speakers of foreign Parliaments & State Legislative 359 Assemblies, Members of Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha on visit (ii) No. of school and college students 20959

(iii) No. of other visitors (working in Parliament complex, 4422 their guests/family members)

(iii) No. of entry tickets sold 12478 (iv) Total amount received and deposited with B&P Branch 124780/- (v) No. of remarks/observations/appreciations given by visitors put up 135

(vi) No. of meetings of the Parliament Museum Committee held 2

(vii) No. of total agenda items prepared 8

(viii) No. of bills processed for upkeep/repair/ purchase/ AMC of 14 gadgets (amounting to `73884/-).

(ix) No. of quotations received/examined/put up with regard to various items 5 (x) No. of times inventory of gadgets and artefacts tallied/ their physical verification done 3

(xi) Members of Parliament informed through Paras in Bulletin Part-II about Parliament Museum before the commencement of every Session and also during Session periods.

(xi) No. of photographs of foreign Parliament Buildings of various countries obtaine and upgraded 8

(xii) Prepared/sent advertisement about Parliament Museum for publication in various newspapers all over the country. Advertisement appeared in national dailies put up

(xiii) Prepared/revised/updated write-up for inclusion in the publications, viz. (i) Practice and Procedure of Parliament; (ii) Information Folder of PPR; (iii) IPG Newsletter.

(xiv) Prepared write-up for publication ―Parliament of India: the 15th Lok Sabha 2009-14 A Study‖ 1

(xv) Prepared write-up for revised edition of ―Handbook for Members‖ 1

(xvi) Prepared write-up for ―Information Guide for members of 16th Lok Sabha‖. 1

(xvii) Prepared write-up for revision of publication titled ―Government and Parliament- Procedure to be followed by Ministries in connection with Parliament Work‖. 1

(xviii) Prepared write-up for ―Facilities for Members of Parliament‖. 1


(xix) Prepared statement of showing the work done in Parliament Museum during 15th Lok Sabha (2009-2013)

(xx) No. of zinc plates in Hindi giving details of exhibits in Parliament Museum in Braille for the 12 visually challenged visitors got framed.

(xxi) Light installed in the three ‗Organs of the State‘. (xxii) No. of FRP models conserved. 68

xxiii) Conservation of original oil painting of Round Table Conference by M. A. Achrekar. 1

(xxiv) Included the English version of the golden sutras in Democratic Heritage Exhibit.

(xxv) No. of letters to Education Secretaries of different States for show round of Parliament Museum sent 25

(xxvi) Information on Presidents, Vice – Presidents, Prime Ministers, Speakers, Dy. Speakers and Dy. Chairmen included in the know your leaders exhibit.

(xxvii) Hindi captions given in all showcases. (xxviii) No. of letters sent to Election Commission of India and Secretaries of 5 poltical parties 11 requesting for party symbols.

(xxix) Updating of 7 screen documentary at Transfer of Power exhibit. (xxx) Revised & updated Brochure on Parliament Museum in English and Hindi got printed

(xxxi) No. of duty roster for deployment of officers on every Saturday prepared and got uploaded -12 on the Intranet.

(xxxii) No. of fortnightly reports of Parliament Museum put up. 24




2.11 The Bureau organizes Orientation Programmes, Seminars and Lecture Series on subjects of topical interest by experts for members of Parliament; Orientation Programmes for members of State Legislatures; Familiarization Programmes for Media persons; Appreciation Courses in Parliamentary Processes and Procedures for Probationers of various All-India and Central Services; Attachment and Training Programmes for foreign parliamentarians/parliamentary officials, officials of Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha Secretariats, and State Legislature Secretariats; Study Visits for Presiding Officers/senior parliamentary officials from other countries, academicians, researchers, students, etc; and coordinates nomination of officers of the Secretariat to attend Seminars/Conferences and training programmes at various institutions in India and abroad. Two International Training Programmes, viz., the Parliamentary Internship Programme and Legislative Drafting Programme for foreign parliamentary officials are also organized by the Bureau. The BPST also arranges show-rounds of the Chambers of Parliament, Central Hall and the Parliament Museum for various Course participants. Besides, Computer Training Programmes are organized for members of Lok Sabha and officials of the Secretariat. (2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 2.12 The break-up of the work done in the BPST during the year was as under:- Sl. No. Name of the course No. of ofNo. of of ProgrammesParticipants 1. Call-on Meeting with Hon‘ble Speaker, Lok Sabha, 7 223 by various stakeholders of Democracy 2. Orientation Programmes i) For First-time Elected Members of 16th Lok 1 235 Sabha (First Orientation Programme)

ii) For First-time Elected Members of 16th Lok 1 180 Sabha (Second Orientation Programme)

iii) For Members of Delhi Vidhan Sabha 1 42 iv) For Members of Mizoram Legislative 1 11 Assembly v) For newly elected Members of Arunachal 1 33 Pradesh Legislative Assembly vi) For newly elected Members of Odisha 1 86 Legislative Assembly 3. Familiarization Programme for Media persons 1 22 covering proceedings of Parliament 4. Computer Training Programme for Members of 1 16 Parliament 5. Computer Training Programme for Staff of 1 40 Members of Parliament 177

International Programmes for Foreign 1 42 Parliamentary Officials: 6. th (i) 29 International Training Programme in Legislative Drafting ii) 30th Parliamentary Internship 1 42 Programme 7. Training Programme for Officers of the Parliament 1 70 of Afghanistan 8. Study Visits: (A) International; (i) Parliamentary Deleegations 11 90

(ii) Other Study Visits 15 188

(B) National;

(i) Study visit 91 4,563

9. Appreciation Courses in Parliamentary Processes 23 1,135 and Procedures for Probationers of All India Services and other Government officials 10. Training Programmes/Attachment Programmes 15 388

11. Hindi Conference/Workshop 3 7

12. Professional Development Programme for/by the 12 91 Officers of the Lok Sabha Secretariat Total 189 7504



(1) Functions

2.13 Books and other publications are selected and acquired from the entire field of human activity relating to almost all subjects with special emphasis on the legislative requirements of the members of Parliament by the Acquisition Section, for enriching the Parliament Library holdings. The Section selects and acquires books for the Parliament Library, Staff Library & Children‘s Corner keeping in view the requirements of the readers.

2.14 In addition to this, the Section also procures books for the Hon‘ble Speaker, Hon‘ble Deputy Speaker, Secretary General, Leader of Opposition, Chairmen of the Parliamentary Committees of Lok Sabha, Standing Committees, Branch Libraries and Senior Officers of Lok Sabha Secretariat, to help them in the efficient discharge of their duties.

2.15 Parliament Library permits reputed booksellers to visit the Acquisition Section twice in a week i.e. Monday & Thursday and supply new books on approval basis. It is ensured that the books selected fall within the broad pattern of the subjects of interest to the Library. The books falling in the core areas are also selected from the Book Reviews appearing in the Newspapers and Journals, pre-publication announcements, catalogues and publishers lists. Important Indian books and topical publications are obtained immediately on their release. Library personnel also make visits to the national and international book fairs organized from time to time during the year and select latest books to enrich the Library collections. All the books added to the Library holdings need the approval of the Library Committee. The meetings of the Library Committee are generally held during Session period only. In case when the meeting of the Library Committee is scheduled to be held shortly, these books are placed before the Committee for their approval. The books which are subsequently added in the Library the lists of those books are placed before the Committee in its next meeting to obtain their ex-post facto approval.

2.16 Parliament Library does not depend only on direct purchase of books and publications for enriching its collections. Under the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867, all State Governments send a copy each of books printed in their respective States to the National Library, Kolkata and other Public Libraries. Similarly, one copy of each book is also received in the Parliament Library under the Delivery of Books and Newspapers (Public Libraries) Act, 1954. Besides, as per the ―Procedure to be followed by Ministries in connection with Parliamentary work‖ all Ministries of Government of India, including their departments as well as their attached subordinate offices supply five copies of all their reports/publications, along with their soft copies to the Parliament Library.

2.17 Exchange arrangements are also in operation with reputed institutions in India and abroad for sending their publications in exchange for publications brought out by the Lok Sabha Secretariat. Parliament Library is also a depository library for all the unrestricted publications of the United Nations and its allied Agencies. Books and publications are also received for addition to the Library on complimentary basis, presented by members of Parliament, Institutions, Publishers, Authors and individuals etc. Books are also added on suggestions received from the members of Parliament and officers of Lok Sabha Secretariat.



2.18 The break-up of the work done in the Section during the year was as under:-

Sl. No. Job Element Work done

1. Addition of Books in Parliament Library Purchase

Received on approval 9245 (a) Selection for purchase (English, Hindi & 3248 Regional Language books)

(b) Quotations called 22 (c) Addition of books suggested by MPs / Staff 127

(d) Books acquired for Officers / Branches 125 (f) Total books accessioned 3500

Under Copyright / Complimentary

Receipt of books under P&R Act, 1867 12,121

(a) Accessioned 1920 (b) Regional language books 1166 * (c) CDs/DVDs received 332 (d) Donated 4319 (e) Weeded out 5530

2. Received Government reports and other publications 29,300

3. Checking of availability of books (Libsys / Internet) 13,250

30 Bengoli, 55 Kannada, 231 Marathi, 105 Sanskrit, 04 Punjabi, 395 Tamil, 13 Urdu, 185 Telugu 08 Malayalam, 04 Odiya, 01 Assames and 135 Gujarati Books. 4. Transit Cards

(a) Prepared 2820 (b) Interpolated 2550

5. Feeding of bibliographic details of books in Libsys 5630

6. Data Entry of Processed Hindi Books 1,212

7. Spine Stickers generated 2942

8. File development of Hindi Books 995

9. Verification of Branch Library Registers / Issuing No 10 / 127* Dues Certificate *No dues.

10. Renewal of Agreement with Booksellers 45


11. Meetings of Library Committee 01

12. Budget Grant for LARRDIS 88,53,000/-

(a) Budget Grant for Books Rs. 38,00,000/- (b) No. of Bills for purchase of books 503 Bills of Rs. 24,79,061/- (a) Budget grant for Govt. Publications Rs. 3,50,000/- (b) No. of bills for Govt. Publications 03 Bills for Rs. 2,14,747/- (a) Budget for Refreshment 1 Bill for Rs. 3,000/-

(b) No. of Bills for Refreshment 1 Bill for Rs. 850/-

13. Letters issued to States / UTs / Institutions / Organizations / Ministeries / Acknowledgements for 1653 publications

14. Supply of Budget (General & Rail) to State 2014-15 Legislatures

15. Opening and Distribution of Library Dak (a) Parcels 9140 (b) Gunny Bags 45

16. Queries attended 1850

(3) Policy Change

During the year 2014 the policy changes are as follows:

(i) The book suppliers have been permitted to visit the Parliament Library twice a week to supply the books on approval basis.

(ii) The preparation and interpolation of Transit cards of English books have been suspended. The details of the books received on approval basis are fed into the Libsys Software directly. However, the preparation and interpolation of Transit cards of Hindi books are still in existence.

(4) Procedural Change

The appointment of the Chairperson of the Library Committee has been amended / modified as per the orders* which says ''the Chairperson of the Committee is appointed by the Speaker amongst members of the Committee; provided that the Deputy Speaker, in case is a member of the Committee, shall be appointed as Chairman of the committee''.

* Lok Sabha Bulletin Part II No. 774 and 775 dated 13th November 2014 181


2.19 The Administration and Preservation Section of the Library Division deals with the general administration of the Library, acquisition and procurement of Library equipments/artefacts, maintenance of policy files/registers, grant of Library facilities to research scholars (Indian and foreign) and personal staff of members of Parliament, arranging show round of the Library to parliamentary delegations from abroad and dignitaries/Committees from State Legislatures in India and their meetings with HDS/LARRDIS Officers. 2.20 The A&P Section has three distinct Units, i.e. (A) Library Administration Unit, (B) Preservation Unit, and (D) Library Dak Unit


2.21 The break-up of the work done in the Section during the year was as under:-

General Administration:

(i) Duty Roster for deployment of Staff working in the Library Division during Session periods were prepared from time to time.

(ii) Compiled and updated organizational and establishment chart pertaining to LARRDI Service.

(iii) Monthly resumes of work done in Library Division were compiled and put up every month.

Grant of Library Facilities:

As many as 315 requests were received from MPs, Research Scholars (Indian and Foreign), Officials of various Ministries/Departments of Government of India for grant of Library facilities. After scrutiny and verification of character and antecedents of applicants through Central Command Station, PH- 102 Library Passes were issued/ revalidated during the year.

Visits to Parliament Library:

(i) A batch of 07 students/ faculty members from Vastu Kala Academy, College of Architecture, New Delhi on 04.02.2014.

(ii) A batch of 24 students and 2 faculty members from Department of Library & Information Science, Karnatak University, on 06.02.2014.

(iii) A batch of 33 students and 4 faculty members from Department of Library & Information Science, Swami Vivakanand Subharti University, Meerut on 21.02.2014.

(iv) A batch of 33 students and 6 faculty members from Gujarat University, Ahmedabad on 24.02.2014.

(v) A batch of 60 students and 2 faculty members from Department of Library & Information Science, University of North Bengal, Raja Rammohunpur, Darjeeling, West Bengal, on 20.03.2014.


(vi) A batch of 20 students from Corporate Law Society, Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, 31.03.2014.

(vii) A batch of 36 students and 2 faculty members from Dept. of Architecture, Padmabhushan Dr. Vasantdada Patil College of Architecture, Pune on 28.05.2014. (viii) A batch of 26 students/faculty members from Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore on 11.08.2014.

(ix) A batch of 6 employees from Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies, Delhi on 22.08.2014.

(x) A batch of 32 Medical Librarians participating the training course "IT Application for Information Management in Medical Libraries" from National Institute of Health and Family Welfare(NIHFW), Munirka, New Delhi on 16.10.2014.

(xi) A batch of 15 students and 04 teachers/staff members from Chandra Shekhar Azad Institute of Science & Technology, Jhansi, UP on 19.11. 2014.

(xii) Mr. Woojin Noh, Ph.D., Director General, Planning and Management Office, National Assembly Library of the Republic of Korea and 02 Officials, on 12.12. 2014.


The Unit deals with the job of binding and preservation of Library documents from harmful elements such as insects, pests and fungi. It coordinated with various Branches of the Library Division for fumigation and binding of publications wherever and whenever necessary. Binding of Publications

A total of 4059 newspapers/periodicals/reports/LT's and Gazettes & Debates were got bound through the Bindery Section of the Lok Sabha Secretariat.


Library Dak Unit set up in room no. F039, `I' Block Parliament Library Building deals with the sorting out of the dak received in Parliament Library. 3, 90,000 (approx) publications/letters were received/distributed to the concerned sections/officers of LARRDIS during the year. These include Newspapers, Periodicals, Books, Acts & Bills, Gazettes, Notifications and other official/unofficial papers.




2.22 The Service provides the members of Parliament, media persons and others, for viewing and listening to video and audio records of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha debates, proceedings of National/International Parliamentary Conferences/Seminars, Symposia, Parliamentary Films and Linguaphone Courses, besides preserving all recorded video cassettes (U-matic, Betacam, VHS, VCD, DVD, DVC-Pro) and audio cassettes/CDs of Debates, proceedings of Conferences, Seminars, parliamentary functions/events, etc. It also deals with selection, collection, accessioning and categorization of audio-video material. The Service prepares VHS cassettes and VCDs/DVDs of speeches of members and provides the same to them on payment basis. It coordinates with the Doordarshan/All India Radio and other official agencies and makes arrangements for telecasting/broadcasting of parliamentary proceedings and functions. The Service has two distinct units, viz. (i) Audio-Visual Unit; and (ii) Telecasting Unit.

(2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 2.23 The break-up of the work done in the Unit during the year was as under:- Sl. Items of work No. of No. functions and other programms 1. Made arrangements for entire video coverage of the 6 Parliamentary functions/events and also got recorded the events on DVC Pro cassettes.

2. Recording on DVC Pro Cassettes

(i) Parliamentary Proceedings 362 (ii) LSTV Programmes/Parliamentary events – 2642

3. Dubbing of speeches/Parliamentary Functions/Events (i) No. of requests received from 1231 Ministries/MPs/others, processed and put up for


(ii) No. of CDs/DVDs of Parliamentary Proceedings

and other Parliamentary Functions/events supplied to HS Office/ HDS Office/MPs/SG Office and Others

1815 a. VCDs/DVDs (on payment) 166 b. VCDs/DVDs (on complimentary) Rs.152200 c. Amount deposited with B&P Branch /-

4. No. of queries attended under RTI Act, 2005 19 184

5. Accessioning of Cassettes/VCDs i) LSTV Programmes (Accn. No.17176 to 19619) 2443 ii) PFE Cassettes (Accn. No.1202 to 1315) 113 iii) VCDs of Rajya Sabha proceedings 98 (230 Session to 232 Session)

(Acc No. 6205-6303)

iv) Lok Sabha proceedings 362 (Acc No. PAVL 6492A-6672B)

6. Preparation & feeding of Log sheets of LSTV Programmes (i) Noted down Acc. No. on Log sheets 2556 (ii) Log sheets prepared 86 (iii) Fed data into computer 1317 (iv) Corrections carried out in log sheet and 1000 database list and also in Accession Register 7. Procurement from GW Branch ( i) DVC Pro cassettes 2925 (ii) DVDs/CDs 1500 8. Issued cassettes/DVDs to LSTV Channel/AV Unit (i) Blank 4589 (ii) Recorded 2742 9. Received cassettes/DVDs from LSTV Channel/A.V.Unit i) After recording 1819 ii) Recorded 3440 10. Floral Tributes to the National Leaders (i) Made arrangements for playing the audio cassettes/CD(s) of speeches of 34 National Leaders and former Speakers whose portraits are displayed/put up in the Central Hall, Parliament House during the Floral Tribute functions held on the occasion of their birth anniversaries. (ii) Sent Information to the Secretary General about the playing of audio speeches of the Dignitaries

11. Live telecast/broadcast of the Parliamentary Functions/Events Made arrangements for ‗live‘ telecast/broadcast of the following five events through Doordarshan/All India Radio and also got recorded the events on DVC Pro cassettes.

(i) President‘s Address to members of both the Houses of Parliament on 09 June, 2014 in the Central Hall.

(ii) Presentation of Railway Budget 2014 on 08th July, 2014 in Lok Sabha.


(iii) Presentation of General Budget 2014 on 10th July, 2014 in Lok Sabha.

(iv) Outstanding Parliamentarian Awards held on 12th August, 2014.

(v) Floral tributes to the martyrs, who sacrificed their lives during terrorist attack on Parliament (on 13 December, 2001) held on 13th December, 2014

12. Viewing & Listening facilities for MPs & Others: Viewing of Lok Sabha Proceedings/ LSTV Programmes 343 by MPs & others in Viewing Room

13. Research and Publication Work (i) Revised and updated information regarding available Facilities in A.V.Unit for the Publication‖ Facilities for members‖

(ii) Revised and updated information relating to A.V.Unit for Publication ― Information Management in Parliament. ―

(iii) Revised material pertaining to the Audio Visual & Telecasting Unit for Information Folder on Audio Visual Services.

(iv) Prepared and sent the approved paragraphs relating to Audio Visual Unit to Table Office, for inclusion in Lok Sabha Bulletin Part II before commencement of each Session during the year, 2014.





2.23 The Section brings out a fortnightly publication called Parliamentary Documentation so as to keep members abreast of all the important developments in various fields with the latest literature available in various documents, including newspapers, books, reports, periodicals, parliamentary debates, etc., by annotating, assigning subject headings and arranging them under a specially devised classification scheme and feeding into LIBSYS Software. These are retrievable author-wise, title-wise and subject-wise through the Home Page of Parliament of India. From August 2008 onwards Parliamentary Documentation has started in Hindi also, under the title Sansadiya Pralekhan. The Section sends electronic version of Parliamentary Documentation to members of both the Houses of Parliament, journalists and Officers of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha Secretariats through e- mail. (2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 2.24 The break-up of the work done in the Section during the year was as under:- (a) Number of articles Indexed (i) English - 4056 (ii) Hindi - 1868

(b) Number of Indexed articles containing the bibliographical details, annotations etc. fed into Computer

(i) English - 4058 (ii) Hindi - 1770

(c ) Number of MSS of Parliamentary Documentation checked/queries resolved/corrected/bound : 24 issues (1 Issue of 2013 and 23 Issues of 2014).

(d) Number of MSS of Sansadiya Pralekhan checked/queries resolved/corrected/bound : 24 issues (1 Issue of 2013 and 23 Issues of 2014).

(e) Number of issues of Parliamentary Documentation brought out : 24 Number of issues of Sansadiya Pralekhan brought out : 24

(f) Number of references from MPs and Officers/Branches/attended to:

(i) English - 258 (ii) Hindi - 92

(g) Created E-mail groups and added E-mail addresses of members of Parliament of 16th Lok Sabha and officers of both Secretariats: 456


(h) Electronic version of Parliamentary Documentation e-mailed to Members of both Houses of Parliament, Officers of the Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha Secretariats.

(i) English - 10944 (456 per issue) (ii) Hindi - 10944 (456 per issue)

(i) Got approved write up on Documentation Section for inclusion in the various information folders being brought out by the branches of both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha Secretariats from time to time.

(j) Liasioned with Libsys Corporation to sort out problems with the Article Module of Libsys (Software Package) for use of Documentation Section.

(3) Procedural Change

In addition to bringing out of regular fortnightly publications, initiatives were taken to provide link based information (i.e. full text of articles published in national and international periodicals) since May 2014 to members of Parliament through their E-mail/SMS on their mobile phones in order to further improve the Documentation Service.




2.25 The Reference Service keeps members of Parliament well informed of the latest developments in different spheres of human activity in the country and abroad by supplying compiled information in compact form within the stipulated time in response to their specific reference requisitions. It supplies on-the-spot references to members at the Members' Assistance Desks located in the Library Reading Hall, Parliament House and in the Members' Reading Room, Parliament Library Building; collects and disseminates latest relevant material, factual data, statistics, etc,. on topical issues; prepares/compiles bibliographical notes on important bills; and also prepares brochures, background notes, fact sheets, information bulletins, brief reference notes, etc. Study Boxes containing relevant documents are also prepared on the subjects of topical interest for on-the-spot study.


2.26 The break-up of the work done in the Reference Service during the year was as under:-

Sl. Items of work No. of No. Referemce and Publications

1. No. of references received and attended to 5423 2. No. of average references received per day during the 67 Session period 3. The Service brought out the Purblication viz Brochures/Background Notes/Information Bulletins, Reference/Research Notes, Information Folders and Fact Sheets 4. Approximately 850 articles on important and burning topics/subjects were made available online which the members can retrieve at their end. In order to promote the less consumption of papers, Reference notes brought out by the Wing are made available online on Intranet. 5. FACT SHEETS Indian Railways – Safety Performance 6. No. of Reference/Research Notes prepared 20 7. No. of Information Folders (English/Hind) Prepared 39 8. No. of Parliamentary Questions about 4,055 and office copies of references containing information nearly, 708 supplied in response to Members‘ References were classified and filed in the respective subject folders for future retrieval/use.



Updated/revised the information pertaining to the Members Reference Division for following Publication revised by different Branches/Services for use of members of 16th Lok Sabha:-

i) Handbook for Members of Lok Sabha ii) Information Management in the Parliament of India iii) Information Folders of PPR iv) Information Guide for Members v) Facilities for Members of Parliament

Set up the Reference Desk at the Orientation Programmes for the Members of 16th Lok Sabha.


2.27 In order to streamline the work and to ensure supply of the latest and precise information to members within the stipulated time, the Reference Service is divided into different Desks which at present are as follows: (i) Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Desk; (ii) Economic & Financial Affairs Desk; (iii) Human Resource Development Desk; (iv) Industry & Investment Desk; (v) Infrastructure & Energy Desk; (vi) International Affairs & Defence Desk; (vii) Legal & Constitutional Affairs Desk; (viii) North-East Affairs Desk (ix) Political and Parliamentary Affairs Desk; (x) Rural Development, Labour & Employment Desk; (xi) Science & Technology and Communications Desk; (xii) Social Affairs Desk and (xiii) Social Welfare Desk. Each Desk is responsible for making available the latest information pertaining to the subjects allotted to it and to brief members as and when required.




2.28 To maintain the collection of the Abstracts of Proceedings of the Council of Governor General of India, Proceedings of Indian Legislative Council, and debates of the Legislative Assembly, Council of States, Constituent Assembly (Legislative), Constituent Assembly, Provisional Parliament, Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, State Legislatures and selected foreign Parliaments and indices of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha debates for reference and research by members of Parliament and their PSs/PAs, Officers of both the Secretariats of Parliament, media persons, research scholars and others engaged in the working of the Parliamentary institutions. The Section also maintains the original verbatim reporting of the proceedings of Lok Sabha and synopsis of the proceedings of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, Resumes of work done by Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, Bulletin Part I and Part II of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, bound volumes of Papers Laid on the Tables of both the Houses and Gazettes (in the form of bound volumes) notified by the Government of India, State Governments and Union Territories as received from time to time.

(2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 2.29 The break-up of the work done in the Section during the year was as under:- (i) No. of Debates added 2216 (ii) No. of Gazettes added 3003 (iii) No. of publications issued 5083 (iv) No. of publications received back and placed in their 5046 respective shelves

(v) No. of sets of Gazettes, Debates and Notifications got bound 390 (vi) No. of queries attended to 3386 (vii) No. of scholars provided access to G&D holdings 360 (viii) No. of photocopies of documents arranged on payment from the 8969 Reprography Unit.

(ix) No. of Papers Laid on the Table received and shelved 1538 (x) No. of debates/ Gazette notifications culled out/supplied for reference 5235 purposes in the Section

(xi) No. of applications received under the RTI Act, 2005— 155 examined and information/material supplied through Information Cell

(xii) No. of appeals received under RTI Act, 2005 03

(xiii) No of CIC Hearings in Chief Information Commissioner‘s 02 Office attended

(xiv) No. of Items of holdings maintained 27

(xv) Assistance provided to MPs/Ex – MPs, PSs/PAs of Ministers in culling out speeches made by them

( xvi) No. of sources regarding applications under RTI Act, 2005 consulted -1680




(i) Microfilming of the parliamentary documents on 16mm and 35mm microfilm rolls.

(ii) Indexing of the Parliamentary debates for easy retrieval from the microfilms. (iii) Preservation of the Master microfilms and preparing duplicate microfilm rolls for reference purpose.

(iv) For easy accessibility of microfilms of documents to members of Parliament, Research Scholars and others for their use.

Scope and objective:-

2.30 Basic objective of the Microfilming Unit is to preserve the valuable documents/collections of Parliament and its Library viz., Parliamentary Debates, Papers Laid on the table, Acts and Bills, Committee Reports, Private Papers, Rare Books and Documents, Newspapers (bound volumes), Press Clippings, Documents of Parliamentary Archives and other documents as decided from time to time by the Secretariat.


2.31 The break-up of the work done in the Unit during the year was as under:-

No work was done during the year 2014 because of non-functional and out-dated equipments. A proposal for restarting the work of microfilming is under preparation.





2.32 To meet the information needs of the members of Parliament and other Library users which inter alia include research scholars from Universities and Institutions of repute, accredited Press correspondents, etc, the Counter issues books and other publications, attends to on-the-spot references/queries, prepares select bibliographies on different subjects and personalities and also prepares subject index cards of the debates. The Counter also displays selected new arrivals in the PLB and current newspapers and periodicals in the MPs‗Reading Hall in PLB as well as in the Reading Hall in the Parliament House, rectifies the books on shelves and recovers the cost of lost books. It is also responsible for providing reading room facilities. The Circulation Counter has five self- contained Units, viz. (i) Books Circulation Counter; (ii) Members‗Assistance Counter, PLB; (iii) Members‗Reference Desk, PH; (iv) Newspapers and Periodicals Section; and (v) Reports and LT Unit.

(2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 2.33 The break-up of the work done in the Library during the year was as under:- Books Circulation Counter

Sl. No. Items of work Nos. 1. No. of books issued 3907 2. No. of books received back 5509 3. No. of reminders issued 303 4. No. of books acquired on Inter-Library loan 25 5. No. of New Library Members registered 127 6. No. of No Dues issued to Members/Staff 2168 7. No. of on-the-spot references from MPs/ex-MPs, Ministries, 13025 officers of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha Secretariats, Libraries, Information Centres and Research Scholars, etc., attended to 8. No. of visits by distinguished personalities facilitated 16 9. No. of entries fed into the computers 3870 10. No. of RTIs Handled 07 11. No. of books reserved for MPs 227 12. No. of Members from whom cost recovered 77 13. No. of publications rectified, relabelled and rearranged in 5292 various sectors of the Library.

Members’ Reference Desk, PH 2.34 This Desk meets the demands of members of Parliament in respect of books, reports, newspapers, periodicals, etc., supplies on-the-spot references to the members and 193

coordinates with the Reference Wing to meet the detailed information requests from the members.

Items of Work Nos. No. of on-the spot/ready references attended 7371 Attended to various delegations from India and foreign countries from time to time

Members’ Assistance Counter, PLB

Sl. No. Items of work Nos. 1. No. of on-the-spot references/queries attended to 10280 2. No. of demands for detailed references received from MPs 2098 3. No. of subject index cards prepared and interpolated 2166 4. No. of publications supplied for consultation 11225 5. No. of pages of photocopies of publications arranged on 26817 payment (as desired by MPs/Ex-MPs/scholars, etc.) 6. No. of books reserved for MPs/Ex-MPs 758

Reports and LT Unit, PLB

2.35 Maintains various Reports, Budget documents of Central and State Governments, Plan documents, Agreements/Contracts, etc., with foreign countries and Reports of the UN and foreign Parliaments. The Unit procures, processes and prepares binding sets of all the authenticated papers laid on the Tables of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha and undertakes their accessioning.

1. No. of reports issued 2380 2. No. of reports received back 2560 3. No. of queries from MPs, officers and researchers attended to 2635 4. No. of reports added to the collection 7378 5. No. of reports got bound 732 6. No. of Research scholars attended 37 7. No. of LT Papers got bound 2616 8. No. of LT documents received and processed 4660 9. No. of records entered in the Accession Register 1880

Newspapers and Periodicals Section

2.36 This Section caters to the needs of the members of Parliament with respect to newspapers and periodicals. It also provides newspapers and magazines to Hon‗ble Speaker, Hon‗ble Deputy Speaker, Panel of Chairmen and Chairmen of the Parliamentary 194

Committees for use at their residences/offices. Newspapers/magazines required for official use by various Branches and Officers are also provided by this Section.

1. Displayed 85 daily newspapers and 419 periodicals and journals in Hindi, English and regional languages received from within India and abroad in the Reading Hall in Parliament House and in the PLB 2. Data regarding 4,873 issues of 458 periodicals and 1,240 entries of newspapers were entered in computer/ Register 3. No. of reminders sent to Publishers/Agencies for obtaining the back- 115 issues of periodicals which were not received 4. No. of bills, amounting to 42,60,743/- in respect of 323 newspapers and periodicals processed for payment 5. No. of newspapers and magazines issued 1250 6. No. of newspapers and magazines received back 1079 7. No. of sets of periodicals and newspapers prepared and got bound 711 and placed on their respective shelves 8. No. of periodicals registered in the computer in the software package 457 LIBSYS 9. No. of AIR/DD News Bulletins received and arranged 721



(1) FUNCTIONS 2.37 The Service has been organized now more scientifically having four separate units, viz.(i) Hindi Unit,(ii) English Unit, (iii) Cutting & Pasting Unit and (iv) Automation Unit. Press Clippings selected and marked are maintained in the relevant subject folders in chronological order and stacked according to their call numbers. These clippings are classified according to a specially devised subject classification scheme broadly based on the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme. Important Press clippings are also submitted daily for the perusal of Hon‘ble Speaker, Hon‘ble Deputy Speaker, Leader of Opposition, Secretary General and other Senior Officers of the Secretariat. Important, relevant and up- to-date news items, editorial comments and articles on latest developments are collected and got cut and pasted for clippings purposes (2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 2.38 The break-up of the work done in the Section during the year was as under:-

(i) No. of newspapers examined/scrutinized- (a) Hindi 4,004 (b) English 6,552

(ii) No. of Press Clippings marked- (a) Hindi 77,025 (b) English 2,133,374

(iii) No. of Press Clippings cut/pasted-

(a) Hindi 68,425 (b) English 1,96,774

(iv) No. of Press Clippings classified-

(a) Hindi 76,725 (b) English 2,12,674

(v) No. of Clippings filed in folders-

(a) Hindi 80,122 (b) English 2,15,860

(vi) No. of references/queries attended to-

(a) Hindi 3,108 (b) English 4,433

(vii) No. of folders issued/returned-

(a) Hindi 4,600 (b) English 6,415

(viii) No. of `S‘ clippings submitted to 26,103 Secretary-General 196

(ix) No. of photocopies of ‗S‘ clippings 2,08,824 folders sent to HS‘s Office, HDS‘s Office, LoP‘s Office, AS‘s Office (8 sets)

(x) No. of clippings of media coverage of 419 Hon‘ble Speaker from three e-papers (Indore) namely Dainik Bhashkar, Nai Dunia, and Patrika submitted as ` S‘ clippings

(xi) No. of Photocopies provided to 11,000 (approx.) Standing committees/LSTV/ PPR Ad hoc Committees, Reference Wing etc. on the subjects under their examination)

(xii) No. of new folders prepared/ replaced 1,998


2.39 The digitization of news clippings is a step ahead in the process of paper less activities of Lok Sabha Secretariat. During the period under the report, 25,360 clippings were scanned/indexed and also uploaded from e-papers using eNewNIC software Approx. 1,00,638 keywords were assigned to these entries for reference and retrieval purpose. These press clippings are available on Intranet and can be retrieved from any PC installed in Parliament House Complex. The work of digitization of news clippings has been suspended since 25 Aug. 2014 due to non availability of new server. POLICY AND PROCEDURAL CHANGES

Policy Changes

There was no policy change in the working of the section.

Procedural Changes

(i) Instead of original clippings, photocopy set of `S‘ clipping folder is being submitted to Secretary General daily for his perusal.

(ii) In addition to hard copies, soft copies of `S‘ clipping folder has also been submitted through email to HS office and other senior officers.

(ii) Preparation of news clippings directly from online epapers, namely-Hindu, Hindustan Times, Indian Express, Times of India, Business Standard (H) Dainik Jagran and Rajasthan Patrika (Jaipur). Adobe Acrobat XI pro software is being used for cutting, pasting and editing of the clippings.




2.40 The Processing Section is a technical laboratory where books and other publications are assigned Call Numbers for their arrangement in the shelves and Catalogue Cards are prepared for their retrieval. These Catalogue Cards (Shelf List, Author/Title) are interpolated and updated regularly in their respective cabinets. The books and other publications are classified according to the 22nd edition of Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) scheme. Catalogue Cards are prepared as per Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules II (AACR II); and Subject Headings or keywords are assigned. As the classification and cataloguing of publications have been computerised since 1992, entries of all classified/catalogued publications are fed onto the computer using the LIBSYS Software. The library catalogue (OPAC, i.e. Online Public Access Catalogue) is available on the website of Lok Sabha i.e. http://loksabha.nic.in. Parliament Library Search Catalogue search can be accessed by all the interested users. The books are prepared for stacking and circulation by providing book corners, book labels and book cards as per the library rules. Thus, the Processing Section plays a vital role in preparing a book/publication for use by its readers.

2.41 The section also brings out a monthly publication, titled "Parliament Library Bulletin" containing bibliographical details of the new additions to the Parliament Library and Children's Corner. In addition, the Bulletin also gives information about the number of important dignitaries having visited the Library and Parliament Museum, number of Children having visited the Children's Corner during this month and also latest LARRDIS publications released during this period. Copies of the Bulletin are sent to the members of the Library Committee, institutions and officers of Lok Sabha. The Bulletin is being forwarded to all the members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha through E-mail and the same can also be accessed through Parliament of India Homepage i.e http://parliamentofindia.nic.in or http://loksabha.nic.in.


2.42 The break-up of the work done in the Section during the year was as under:-

(i) No. of Government publications and LT papers scrutinised- 28,012 (ii) No. of Government publications and LT papers selected - 22,383 (iii) No. of Government publications accessioned- 4,088 (3,115 Centre, 888 State, and 85 U.N.)

(iv) No. of Books classified and catalogued- 5,629 (1,548 Hindi, 2,699 English and 1,382 Regional languages)

(v) No. of Government publications classified and catalogued - 2,657 (1,798 Central Government Reports, 771 State Government Reports and 88 United Nations & Foreign Publications).

(vi) No. of books and reports labelled- 7,563

(vii) No. of Shelf List Cards and the Author/Title Catalogue Cards pertaining to Books and Reports in English and Hindi interpolated- 6,211

(viii) 10 issues of Parliament Library Bulletin from October 2013 to Decembe 2014 brought out and distributed. 198

(ix) No. of queries from the library, branches of Lok Sabha Secretariat/Rajya Sabha Secretariat/Ministriesetc. Attended to- 260

(x) No. of Books (English, Hindi, Regional languages) and Reports fed into the computer- 7,094


(i) Regular backup of data in the Libsys Software was taken through FTP process.

(ii) Co-ordinated the work/problems related to Libsys software in the Library Division with the Libsys Ltd., Gurgaon. Arranged 7 visits of Libsys Executive to PLB and sent 15 e-mails.

(iii) Updated information pertaining to Processing Section for inclusion in (i) Article titled "LARRDIS: An overview"; (ii) Publication Parliament of India: 15th Lok Sabha 2009-2014 a study; (iii) Information Management in the Parliament of India; (iv) Revised edition (16th) of Handbook for members of Lok Sabha.




(i) Maintenance of stock of publications, attending demands for publications from various Branches of LS/RS, Institutions, Organizations, etc.

(ii) Updating the Stock Register of LSS/LARRDIS periodicals/publications received from time to time.

(iii) Providing stock position of various publications to the concerned branches so as to enable them to make decision regarding print order of the same.

(iv) Updating/revision of Information Folders of national leaders whose portraits adorn the Central Hall and former Speakers of the Lok Sabha and distribute the same.

(v) Liaisoning with concerned sections of the LARRDIS, Printing Branch, Rota Print, Bindery Section and ‗D‘ Branch for timely publication/distribution of all LARRDIS publications.


2.43 The break-up of the work done in the Unit during the year was as under:-

(i) No. of issues of periodicals got distributed 10 10 issues (ii) Also, corrigenda got affixed from 1 Bindery Section Whenever required

(iii) No. of Information Folders of National 24 Leaders, revised/checked/edited, printed/ reprinted and distributed to MPs, Ex-MPs, Media Persons, and other Dignitaries, etc

(iv) Distributed Information Folders 8 8 of departed Ex-Speakers (v) Arrangement of the stock of the Publication Unit – 1,34,813 (Books, Monographs Information Folders) 1,34,813 Publications Unit (Books, Monographs Information Folders, Periodicals, etc.) (vi) Work done regarding revision/updating of mailing list for LARRDIS publications

a. Prepared write-up for Performa of preferences, for supply of printing copies of periodicals in, Bulletin Pt II.

b. Maintaining record of Performa of preferences received from Members of LS/RSS

(vii) Updated Stock Register of LSS/LARRDIS periodicals/ publications received from time to time.

(viii) Attended to the demands for books/publications, etc from various Branches of Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha Secretariats, Institutions, Organizations, etc.


(ix) Maintained liaison with concerned Sections of the LARRDIS, Printing Branch, Rota Print, Bindery Section and ‗D‘ Branch for timely publication/distribution of all LARRDIS publications.

(3) Major changes in the organization, policy procedure and practice during the year. NIL




2.44 This Section caters to the urgent official needs of the members of Parliament, Officers and Branches, research scholars and media persons accredited to the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha Galleries, for photocopying and typing important documents. The Service has 4 distinct Units, i.e. (a) Members‘ Reprography Unit (45, Parliament House); (b) Members‘ Reprography Unit (G-037, Parliament Library Building); (c) Reference Reprography Unit (FB54-54 A, Parliament Library Building); and (d) Computerized Typing Unit (45, Parliament House).


2.45 The break-up of the work done in the section during the year was as under:-

1. No. of pages of photocopies taken 1,68,114

2. No. of pages typed 3165

3. Amount (in rupees) received in lieu of photocopies and 68928/- on account of typing and deposited with the B & P Branch




2.46 The Children‘s Corner has been set up to provide opportunities to students and youth enabling them to benefit from the vast reservoir of knowledge available in Parliament Library with special emphasis to those belonging to marginalized sections of the society. It also organizes special events like drawing competition, story telling, painting and other cultural programmes for the children sponsored by recognized schools and registered NGOs.

(2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 2.47 The break-up of the work done in the Corner during the year was as under:-

(i) Number of books added 34

(ii) Number of periodicals/ newspapers subscribed for 11(162 issue)

(iii) Number of books classified 36

(iv) Number of catalogue cards prepared 36

(v) Number of applications for issue for 60 Entry Pass to new members examined/ put up

(vi) Number of membership passes issued/renewed 351

(vii) Number of children/visitors/MPs/ VIPs visited 1983 the Children‘s Corner

Programmes Organised

(i) Prize Distribution Function: The Secretary General, Lok Sabha distributed prizes and certificates to the winners of the Story writing competition held in 2013 in a Prize Distribution Function held in G-074 Committee Room, PLB on 25th February 2014. (ii) Children’s Day, 2014: To commemorate the Children‘s Day, an Essay writing competition was organized on 14th November 2014 wherein 126 children from three registered NGOs and members of the Corner participated. All the participants were given a token gift.




2.48 The Section maintain Bills as introduced and passed in Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha, Central and State Acts and Reports of Joint/Select Committees on various Bills; update and maintain records of Central Acts, Constitution of India, Rules, Regulations and Notifications also maintains holdings Foreign Acts, State Government Acts and Ordinances as and when received in the

(2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 2.49 The break-up of the work done in the section during the year was as under:-

Re-arranged/updated publications (acts, Bills, Rules, Notifications etc.) 16050 a) in respective stacking shelves. (approx.)

Correction/amendments carried out in : 197 unbound copies of the b) Central Acts; 16 copies of the Government of India (Allocation of 310 Business) Rules, 1961; and 8 copies of the Constitution of India c) No. of publications issued (including Bills, Acts, Rules, Ordinances 2150 and Notifications) d) No. of references attended 2500 No. of applications under the RTI Act 2005 examined and information e) supplied to the Information Cell for onward transmission to the 36 applicants. f) No. of binding sets of Acts/Bills prepared 235 No. of letters sent to Ministries/Departments of the Government of g) India/State Governments for supply of State Acts/Rules/Notifications, 80 etc. h) No. of Catalogue Cards of Acts and Bills prepared 420

i) No. of copies of Notifications sorted out/arranged in respective folders. 2990

j) No. of spare copies of Notifications weeded out 1670 Necessary data pertaining to Central government Bills, Private k) Members‘ Bills, Central Acts received during the year were fed into the 110 Computer. Downloading of Acts/Rules/Bills from Internet and other web 750 l) resources like manupatra, indlaw, thinklegal database etc.

m) No. of entries made in the Accession Register 290

n) Research Scholars/Law Intern attended for legislative information and 85 research o) No. of reminders sent for return of overdue publications 120 Maintained the holdings in the acts and bills section as per the list 24 items p) attached




2.50 This unit reclassifies old books as per the 22nd Edition of Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme; prepares catalogue cards according to the 2 nd Edition of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules and brings them on-line; and re-labels, pastes all the processed books and checks them before those are placed back on the Library stacks.

* The unit has been temporarily suspended due to the paucity of staff.




2.51 In line with the ongoing digitization of library activities and to enhance access to information and knowledge, the then Hon‘ble Speaker of Lok Sabha constituted a Committee under the Chairmanship of Shri S.S. Ahluwalia in the year 2012. The committee undertook a project for developing a digital depository in Parliament Library for the benefit of members of Parliament and other users. Efforts were made to acquire as much as documents available with various Ministries/Government Departments and to upload them on the web portal of Parliament Library. The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology in collaboration with NIC and C-DAC provided all possible assistance to the Parliament Library in digitizing the Debates/Reports, etc.


2.52 The break-up of the work done in the Unit during the year was as under:-

1. Organized meetings of the Committee with Ministry of 05 Information Technology C-DAC/NIC official‘s regarding digitization and minutes circulated

2. (i)Collected debates from the Gazette and Debates Branch 1874 days of and flagged them for scanning purpose data wise from 5th to debates

(ii) Collected reports from the Reports Section and flagged them for scanning purposes 2500 Reports

3. Scanning of PAC/Estimate Committee Reports and Lok 5,17,085 pages Sabha Debates from 6th to 11th Lok Sabha

4. Extracted/sorted and converted files into PDF & metadata of 14,553 Reports/Debates

5. Carried out OCR of Reports/e-books/ gazetteer for making text 3850 fully searchable

6. Pasted metadata entries onto FTP for uploading on Digital 10,757 Library portal

7. Received CD/DVDs of LT Papers from various Ministries and 588 Departments and entered record in the Branch Register

8. Correspondence with various Departments/Ministries from Approx. 300 Ctime to time to forward digitized to 11th Lok Sabha to upload on Digital Library Portal

9. Liaisoned regularly with C-DAC official/staff for scanning From purposes, back up of data and NIC officials for developing time to Parliament Digital Library website time




2.53 The objective of The Staff Library is to provide staff members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha Secretariats an access to the latest information on subjects of their interest. The Library maintains collections of books and periodicals based on the suggestion of users. The users of the Library can access an extensive collection of quality information resources from various fields. The Library aims at being a resource centre for its users by identifying and meeting the changing information needs of the member community.


2.54 The break-up of the work done in the Library during the year was as under:-

(i) No. of purchased books added - 233 (ii) No. of complimentary books added - 644 (iii) No. of books accessioned - 644 (iv) No. of books classified and catalogued - 859/859 (v) No. of book cards prepared - 1025 (vi) No. of book slips/corners/stickers pasted on books -995/980/1835

(vii) No. of bibliographic entries fed in the Libsys - 262 (viii) No. of proofs of catalogue cards checked - 262 (ix) No. of catalogue cards corrected - 185 (x) No. of publications issued - 6505 (xi) No. of publications received back - 6430 (xii) No. of new library membership cards issued - 400 (xiii) No. of `No Dues‘ issued - 305 (xiv) No. of newspapers entered in the register - 5110 (xv) No. of periodicals entered in the register - 614 (xvi) No. of books rectified/shelved - 8500 (xvii) No. of periodical/newspapers shelved - 5832 (xviii) No. of queries/references attended - 2242 (xix) No. of books withdrawn from holdings - 4224 (xx) No. of entries of Weeded Out books made in the Accession Registers-4352


As on 31.12.2014


The personnel strength of the various Sections/Branches/Wings of LARRDI Service

Directors - 8 Addl. Directors -15 JD/DD -24+19=43

Sl. Name of RO/ RA Jr./Sr. EA & Steno/ Xerox/ Jr./Sr. Cham Total No. Branch/Section/Unit EO Lib. Sr. Jr./Sr. Reprog Lib. ber Asstt. EA Clerk rapher Attdt. Attdt/ Operat Attdt. or 1. Research and 8 6 6 4 11 35 Information Division 2. Press and Public 2 1 - - 2 1 1 7 Relation Wing 3. Parliamentary 3 1 2 2 6 7 21 Museum & Archives 4. BPST 2 1 4 7 5. Acquisition Section 3 1 2 2 8 6. Administration and 1 1 Preservation Section 7. Audio-Visual & 1 2 2 1 1 1 8 Telecasting Unit 8. Documentation 2 2 2 6 Section 9. Members‘ Reference 4 3 2 1 2 12 Service 10. Microfilming Unit 1 1 11. Parliament Library 1 2 4 1 3 5 16 12. Press Clipping 3 3 3 1 5 3 18 Section 13. Processing Section 1 3 1 1 2 8 14. Publication Unit 1 1 2 15. Reprography Section 2 3 2 7 16. Children‘s Corner 1 1 17. Acts and Bills 1 1 2 Section 18. Gazettes and 1 1 2 1 5 Debates Section 20. Digitilization Unit 1 5 1 1 8 21. Staff Library 1 1 1 3 Total 28 23 34 1 26 10 15 39 176

2 Deputy Curators,1 Conservator, 1 System Analyst, 1 Technical Assistant and 1 Guide (Hindi) total number if 6 posts have been placed in the column of Xerox Operator






3.1 Reporters Branch is charged with the responsibility of preparing and issuing verbatim records of the proceedings of Lok Sabha and Parliamentary Committees, meetings/Conferences of All India Presiding Officers, and Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. It is also assigned the task of reporting verbatim Conferences, Lectures, Seminars/Talks organised under the auspices of the Indian Parliamentary Group and the Bureau of Parliamentary Studies and Training. It is coordinating with the Lok Sabha TV Channel for expunging portions that are to be deleted from the video recorded proceedings of the House. It coordinates with the Sound Unit (CPWD) for preservation of digitally recorded audio CDs containing important/historic record of proceedings. It also conducts Shorthand and Typewriting training classes for the staff as and when required, under the auspices of BPST.

(2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 3.2 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:- REPORTING VERBATIM OF LOK SABHA PROCEEDINGS:

There were, in all, 67 days‘ sittings of Lok Sabha during the year under report. The proceedings reported verbatim totalled 328 hours 19 mts ( English 158 hours 07 mts and Hindi 170 hours 12 mts). The time taken for preparing the proceedings was approximately 3930 man-hours.


There were, in all, a record number of 2503 pages (375 pages in Winter Session (Part-II), 159 pages in First Session of Sixteenth Lok Sabha, 1779 pages in Monsoon Session and 188 pages in Winter Session), that include Matters Under Rule 377, Statements by Ministers, Speeches of hon. Members on various discussions etc. that were laid on the Table of the House for incorporating them in the Lok Sabha Proceedings during the year under report.


English translations of 96 speeches (5 speeches in Winter Session (Part-II) and 47 speeches in Monsoon Session and 44 speeches in Winter Session) in regional languages totalling 07 hours and 28 minutes, and 07 speeches in regional languages as laid on the Table of the House were incorporated in the Lok Sabha debates with the assistance of the Interpreters Branch.



Persian script, in addition to Devnagri script was supplied to those Members who spoke in Urdu and desired to have copies of their speeches in the Persian script.


The language-wise percentage of House Proceedings in English, Hindi and Regional languages was as under:

English - 48.70 Hindi - 49.58 Regional Languages - 1.72

EXPUNCTIONS/NON-RECORDING OF PROCEEDINGS: There were 84 occasions during the year when the Chair ordered expunction or non- recording of words or expressions from the House proceedings.


During the year under report, verbatim records of proceedings of Parliamentary Committees and Conferences/ Seminars/Lectures/Talks etc. organised by the Bureau of Parliamentary Studies and Training/IPG were prepared for a total duration of 381 hrs. and 32 mts., totalling 134 committee days, out of which 219 hrs., and 38 mts. were in English and 162 hrs., and 54 mts. were in Hindi. The total time taken for preparing the Committee proceedings verbatim was approximately 4578 man-hours.



Reporting Total Volume Volume in Work Hrs. Mts. English Hindi Regional Hrs. Mts Hrs. Mts. Hrs. Mts. House 335 58 158 07 170 18 07 33 Committee 383 32 219 18 164 14 - - Total 719 30 377 25 334 32 07 33 52.48 % 46.50 % 01.0 4 %

52.48% 46.50% 01.04%


SUPPLY OF COPIES OF MINISTERS’ SPEECHES TO PIB/PRESS: Copies of speeches made by Ministers/Members or Special Mentions made by Members were supplied to the Press/PIB, HS office and PMO on request. The Press Correspondents were also given facilities to check portions of proceedings, whenever in doubt.


During the year under report, the Branch has the operating system Windows XP with PCs of P4 model. The system is working with frequent hiccups. However, since the Hardware equipment was installed eight years back, there is an urgent need to upgrade hardware and software system to keep pace with the pressure and expediency of work.


(i) Officers Name of the Post Sanctioned Actual Post Strength strength vacant

Director (R) 02 02 0 Addl. Dir. (R) 05$ 04 01 English Hindi J.D. (R) 06 02 Parly. Reporters Grade-I } 26 18 Parly. Reporters Grade-II } 21 01 08 12

14 03 02 09

(ii) Ministerial/Clerical Staff Name of the Post Sanctioned Actual Post Strength strength vacant ______

Sr. P.A. 2 2 - Exe Assistant (Urdu) 1 1 - Sr. Clerk 1 1 - Jr. Clerk 1 1 - Attendants 5 4 1

------$ Including One Addl. Dir. who has gone on deputation to the office of the Deputy Speaker.





4.1 The Simultaneous Interpretation Service (SIS) provides simultaneous interpretation from English to Hindi & vice versa and from Regional languages to English and Hindi of the proceedings of Lok Sabha / Standing Committees / other Parliamentary Committees / Meetings with Foreign Parliamentary Delegations / BPST lectures / Conferences / Seminars / Consultative Committee meetings etc. This service is a Constitutional (Art.120) and Procedural (Direction 115B of the Directions by the Speaker, Lok Sabha) requirement for running the House of the People.


4.2 The break-up of the work done in the Service during the year was as under:-

Interpretation Work

Interpretation of the proceedings of the House. -- 334 hrs. 44 mts. (68 sittings) Regional language speeches delivered and interpreted in the House.

(a) Number of speeches -- 100 (b) Total duration -- 482 mts. (Waiting Time for speeches 170 hrs. 34mts.) (c) Time taken for translation -- 93 hrs.

Interpretation of the proceedings of the Departmentally Related Standing Committees / Other Parliamentary Committees / JPC and Forums.

(a) Number of meetings -- 346 (b) Duration of meetings -- 575 hrs. 15 mts.

(i) Interpretation in meetings presided over by the Hon‘ble Speaker. -- 6 (ii) Interpretation in meetings presided over by the Hon‘ble Dy. Speaker -- 4 (iii) Interpretation duty during Hon. Prime Minister‘s Foreign visits -- 3 .(iv) Interpretation in the Chief Ministers‘ Conference with the PM --1 (v) Interpretation in the Conference of State Welfare Ministers. -- 1 (vi) . Interpretation in Consultative Committee meetings. -14

Translation Work

. Translation of ―377 Notices‖/ Petitions / Documents / Articles / Representations / Newspaper reports in Regional languages into English ---- Translated 62 pages.

Publication work

The revision work of the Procedure and Practice of the Service is completed and shortly it will be put up for approval and printing. 212

Preparation of a revised version of Booklet on Simultaneous Interpretation Service is underway.

The revision work of Glossary of Idioms (English-Hindi) is also in progress.

Transliteration work

260 regional language books were selected and their titles transliterated into English for the Parliament Library.

Miscellaneous Work

Officers of this service have been actively participating in almost all the activities of the Secretariat from compering to judging, from training to recruitment duties, from conference duties to competitive events and sports etc.. For instance, 12 hours of compering work was performed and write-ups were also prepared.

Training and Interactive Programme During Inter-Session

(i) Training-cum-practice sessions were held in Room No.62, Parliament House, whenever it was made available to us.

(ii) Interactive sessions and general discussions are an integral part of Training and Practice Programme. Such programmes were held during the Inter-Session to keep Interpreters abreast of day-to-day happenings within and outside the country. These sessions were organized to impart training and practice in the art of speech-making which is an indispensable part of the art of interpretation. All Interpreters took part in these discussions and shared with others their understanding of specific issues. In addition to discussion on issues of topical interest, specific rules, procedure and directions by the Speaker were also discussed to further enhance the awareness level of Interpreters.

(iii) Weekly Group Discussions on current affairs and important issues were held on Friday in Room No. 148, Parliament House.

Personal Strength of the Service

NAME OF POST SANCTIONED ACTUAL STRENGTH STRENGTH (as on 31.12.14) (as on 31.12.14) Director (Interpretation) 2 2 Addl. Director (Interpretation) 3 2+1 Joint Director (Interpretation) 7 6 Parliamentary Interpreter Gr.-I 13 13 Parliamentary Interpreter Gr.-II 17 7 TOTAL 42 31

+1 Sh. Atul Anand, Jt. Dir.(I) is Addl.Dir.(I) on ad hoc. basis,

Branch Staff - 1 Sr. Clerk and 3 Attdts. Personal staff of Director (I) [Dr (Smt.). Shimla] - No PA and No Attdt. Personal staff of Director (I) [Smt. Suman Arora] - 1 Sr. PA and 1 Attdt. Personal staff of Addl. Director (I) [Sh. Chander Mohan] - No PA and No Attdt.






5.1 Editorial Branch is mainly responsible for the preparation, editing, compilation and uploading of Original Version of Lok Sabha Debates. It is an authentic and authoritative record of the proceedings of the House. Duly edited electronic copy of the Debates (Original Version) is also prepared with the help of verbatim proceedings received through e-mail from Reporters‘ Branch for uploading on to Lok Sabha Website. In compliance with the directions to make the Secretariat a paperless office, printing of Original Version of debates has been discontinued from the Sixteenth Lok Sabha and therefore, manuscript of edited Debates is being placed in the Library for records and reference. 5.2 In addition to the above, the Branch also deals with the following items of work: -

(i) Requests relating to grant of permission for reproduction of material/excerpts from Lok Sabha Debates and other publications of the Secretariat under Copyright Act, 1957;

(ii) Cases relating to use/misuse of name and picture of Parliament (Sansad) under Emblems & Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act, 1950;

(iii) Supply of Debates and other matters under Right to Information Act, 2005;

(iv) Compilation, publication and supply of Annual and Quinquennial issues of Unparliamentary Expressions;

(v) Preparation and publication of edited proceedings of national and international conferences;

(vi) Reprinting of C.A. Debates (Hindi and English Versions) and maintenance of stock thereof;

(vii) Preparation, circulation and updating of alphabetical list of members of Lok Sabha and Council of Ministers;

(viii) Cases of policy relating to supply of Debates to private and public institutions, libraries etc.;

(2) WORKS DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 5.3 The break-up of the work done in the Service during the year was as under:-

(i) Debates (Original Version)

12 Debates of Fifteenth Session (Part II) of the 15th Lok Sabha (05.02.2014 to 21.02.2014) comprising 7246 pages; 06 debates of First Session of 16th Lok Sabha (04.06.2014 to 11.06.2014) comprising 641 pages; 27 debates of Second Session of 16th Lok Sabha (07.07.2014 to 14.08.2014) comprising 21379 pages and 22 debates of Third Session of 16th Lok Sabha (24.11.2014 to 23.12.2014) comprising 18498 pages were edited, 214

scrutinized and finalized. In all, 67 Debates of Original Version comprising 47764 pages were edited and finalized. (ii) Corrections in speeches by Members: - Corrections received in 1045 speeches of Members / Ministers were examined, scrutinized and their admissibility decided in each case by the concerned Assistant Editor / Editor to whom the Debate was allotted for editing and finalization. In some cases, Reporters‘ Branch was consulted and in certain cases, they were requested to verify corrections/additions/deletions from tape record/reporter‘s notes. Orders were also obtained from competent authorities in cases of disallowance of corrections as per prescribed guidelines and well-established conventions and practices. (iii) Uploading of Debates on Lok Sabha Website Total 67 Debates (original version) were edited on computers and uploaded on the Lok Sabha website. These were also transmitted online to Computer Management Branch (Software Unit). Around 27664 pages (i.e 47764 pages minus Part-I which is not incorporated on uploaded version) were checked and all corrections tallied with the manually prepared Original Version of Debates. (iv) Scrutiny of Proofs of Lok Sabha Debates 34 debates of 13th, 14th and 15th Sessions of 15th Lok Sabha were checked and scrutinized for final printing. (v) Scrutiny of Proofs of CA Debates (Reprint Version) 13800 pages of proofs of reprinted version of CA Debates were checked and scrutinized before final reprinting. (vi) Scrutiny of printed debates and release thereof for circulation 71 debates of 13th, 14th and 15th Sessions of 15th Lok Sabha were scrutinized, corrigenda thereof issued and released for circulation. (vii) Supply of Corrected Speeches to M.Ps Requests from several Members were received to get their corrected speeches on Railway Budget and General Budget and other important discussions in the House during the course of the year. Several members also visited the Branch personally for corrected copies of the speeches and they were requested to visit the Website of Lok Sabha or Parliament of India to obtain the printout of their corrected speeches. (viii) Preparation of Alphabetical List of MPs of 16th Lok Sabha and List of Council of Ministers Alphabetical lists of Members of 16th Lok Sabha and Council of Ministers (bilingual- Hindi and English) were prepared. These lists are treated authentic by the Reporters Branch, Question Branches, Committee Branches and Translation Branches, as these are of immense reference value. (ix) Copyright in Debates and Supply of Debates 7 cases of copyright relating to Debates and supply of Debates etc. were handled in the Branch during the year. Most of these cases were legal and technical in nature and required deep understanding of the Acts, Rules and Guidelines.


(x) Names and Emblems Cases:

2 cases under the Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act, 1950 were handled in the Branch during the year. These were dealt with as per past precedents and established procedures laid down for the purpose. (xi) Information under Right to Information Act 2 cases under RTI were disposed of during the year 2014. (xii) Unparliamentary Expressions

This Branch brings out Annual and Quinquennial issues of Unparliamentary Expressions. The Annual Issue is published for departmental use only, whereas Quinquennial Issue is got printed, distributed and sold. In 2010, 400 copies of Quinquennial Issues of Unparliamentary Expressions were got printed. So far 205 copies have been distributed and sold and the available stock at the end of 2014 is 195 copies. (xiii) Constituent Assembly Debates (Hindi and English Versions) After approval of Secretary General, orders for printing of 1500 sets of English version and 500 sets of Hindi version of Constituent Assembly Debates were given to the Printing Section in December 2013. Proofs of majority of volumes of CA debates have been checked and returned to Printing Section. (xiv) Assistance/support lent to other Branches of E&T Service The Branch also lent its support to other Branches of E&T Service in disposing of urgent and time-bound items of work such as preparation of Synopsis of Debates (425 pages); translation and revision of OIH notices of questions (855 questions) and committee reports (35 pages). Thus, all the above items of work containing about 1315 pages were handled by the Branch. (xv) Typing & Miscellaneous Work Typing Work: - (a) Preparation of edited copy of 67 Debates on Computers for release on Website. Feeding of corrections in 27664 Pages (47764 pages minus Part-I) of Debates. (b) Typing of Committee Reports and Hindi Debates Contents pages (1317 pages), Synopsis of speeches (350 pages), Laid speeches in the debates (1795 pages), English debates portions (970 pages), Unparliamentary Expressions (380 pages) and Branch notes & drafts, etc. (585 pages) - Total 5397 pages. Miscellaneous Work : -

Maintenance of File Register, Debates Register, Corrections Register, Furniture Register, Computer Hardware Register, Procurement of Branch Stationery, Library record, etc.




5.4 The Synopsis Branch is entrusted with the responsibility of preparing English and Hindi versions of Synopsis of Lok Sabha debates covering proceedings other than items listed in para 4.2 in Chapter 4 of the ‗Procedure and Practice‘ of the Branch.

5.5 The Synopsis of Debates of Lok Sabha both in English and Hindi versions, is prepared on the day of holding the Debate itself and printed overnight for circulation to the Members of Lok Sabha, officers and Branches of Lok Sabha Secretariat the following morning alongwith other Parliamentary Papers. The Branch also issues supplements to the Synopsis, if any, for the uncovered portion of proceedings on the following day.

5.6 At the end of each session, classified contents of sessional volume of Synopsis are prepared and printed. Bound sets are supplied to the Parliament Library, Sales Branch and one copy is kept in the Branch record.

5.8 The Branch is also responsible for putting the daily synopsis (English version) on the website of Lok Sabha Secretariat. The Hindi version is put on the website the next day by Hindi Information Unit of the Service.


5.9 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

A total number of 134 main issues and 80 Supplementary issues of Synopsis in Hindi and English versions were brought out by the Branch during the 2014. Those issues comprised of 7945 pages which were prepared after going through 23846 pages of debates. Besides, 3222 printed pages of both Hindi and English versions of Synopsis of 15th Session of 15th Lok Sabha and 1st, 2nd and 3rd Session of 16th Lok Sabha were also scrutinized during the year.

(i) Issues of Corrigenda and preparation of classified contents

Classified contents in alphabetical order and detailed corrigenda to the Synopsis for the purpose of Sessional volumes of bilingual versions of Synopsis comprising of 105 pages were also prepared and printed.

(ii) Supplementary List of Business

During session days, 27 pages of supplementary lists of Business received from Table Office were translated, revised and typed on a very urgent basis by the Branch.

(iii) Miscellaneous Work

During the inter-session period, the Branch extended a helping hand to other sister Branches of Editorial and Translation Service in expeditious disposal of their items of work - namely in revision of translated portions of Debates (English), Notices of OIH Questions, Parliamentary Committee Reports and Speeches of Hon. Speaker etc. The Branch was also assigned the work of revision and Scrutiny of debates English.


The total quantum of additional items of work other than Synopsis comprised of 618 OIH questions, 475 pages of Debates (English) and 557 pages of other miscellaneous items of work for revision/scrutiny. During the period the Branch has carried out marking in 10 Debates for preparation of Indices to Debates. During this period, 05 debates running into approximately 2500 pages were also edited by the Branch.

(iv) Typing work

During the year, typing work done in the Branch includes numbers 10608 pages of Synopsis, Debates etc (Annexure-I). During the inter-session period, English and Hindi typists assisted other sister branches in disposal of the work relating to typing of Debates (English), Committee Reports, articles received from Publication and Rajbhasha branches. Occasionally, the typists were also temporarily deputed to other branches like Editorial Branch and Rajbhasha for urgent typing work during inter-session period. 218



5.10 Debates (Hindi) Branch is mainly responsible for preparing Hindi version of the Lok Sabha Debates containing daily proceedings, which originally take place in English or any other language(s). The Debates consist of two parts. Part-I consists of oral and written answers to questions and Part-II consist of proceedings of the House other than questions and answers. Set preparation of Part-I is carried out manually by copying corrections made in the Original version of the Debates, provided by the Editorial Branch. Corrected copy of Part –II is provided online by the Editorial Branch. Then translation, revision, typing and comparison of contents of the Debates is undertaken by the Branch. After that the Debates are compiled and finalized by the Assistant Editors/Editors with the assistance of Hindi Assistants/Translators. While finalizing the Debates, care is taken to ensure that Debate is accurate from physical and procedural point of view. Finalized portions of the debates are scrutinized at the level of Assistant Editors/Editors and are submitted to Joint Director, Addl. Director and Director for final approval and thereafter the manuscript is sent for printing. The proof of the Debates received from the printer is scrutinized and after scrutiny the proof is sent back to Printer for final printing of the Debates. Printed copies of the Debates are gone through again for issuing corrigenda, if any and then Release Orders for distribution of the Debates are issued. 5.11 Debates (Hindi) Branch is mainly responsible for translation, revision/vetting and preparation of final manuscripts for publication of Hindi Version of Debates of Lok Sabha containing original proceedings in Hindi and Hindi translation of proceedings in English or any other regional languages. The Branch also scrutinizes proofs and printed Debates (Hindi Version) and issues corrigenda, if required and gets them pasted in respective Debates before their release. (2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR, 2014

5.12 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

(i) Editing of Lok Sabha Debates:

42550 pages of 63 sets of Debates (Part-I & Part-II) of Lok Sabha (Hindi Version) pertaining to 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Sessions of 15th Lok Sabha were edited.

(ii) Translation and Revision of Lok Sabha Debates (Hindi Version): During the year 2014, 35 Lok Sabha Debates comprising of 12787 pages were processed, edited, translated from English into Hindi, and revised. This includes 11 debates of 10th Session, 8 debates of 11th Session, 6 debates of 12th Session and 10 Debates of 13th Session of 15th Lok Sabha.

(iii) Finalisation of Debates for Printing: Manuscripts of 56 Lok Sabha Debates of 15th Lok Sabha (Hindi Version) were finalised and sent to press for printing.

(iv) Preparation of contents of lok sabha debates: Contents of 99 Debates were prepared and checked. 219

(v) Scrutiny of Proofs of Lok Sabha Debates :

45936 pages of proofs of 50 Debates of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Session of 15th Lok Sabha were checked and scrutinised.

(vi) Scrutiny of printed debates and release thereof for circulation:

46 printed Lok Sabha Debates (Hindi Version) pertaining to 9th and 10th Sessions of 15th Lok Sabha were scrutinised, corrigenda thereof issued and released for circulation.

(vii) Miscellaneous Work :

1182 Notices of OIH questions, 1010 pages of Committee Reports, Synopsis and various publications etc. brought out by the Secretariat were translated and duly revised.

(viii) Typing :

In spite of repeated requests ( both verbal and written) no typist was posted in the branch. For typing work, the branch is dependent upon other sister branches.




5.13 The Branch is mainly responsible for preparing English version of the Lok Sabha Debates containing original proceedings, which take place in Hindi or any other language. The Debates consist of two parts. Part-I consists of oral and written answers to Parliament Questions and Part-II contains proceedings of the House other than questions and answers. Preparation of Part-I is carried out manually by copying corrections made in the Original version of the Debates provided by the Editorial Branch. Corrected copy of Part-II is provided online by the Editorial Branch. Thereafter, translation, revision, typing and comparison of typed portions of the Debates are undertaken by the Branch. After that the Debates are compiled and finalized by the Assistant Editor/Editor with the assistance of Hindi Assistant/Translator. While finalizing the Debates, care is taken to ensure that Debate is accurate from procedural and translation point of view. Finalized portions of the Debates are scrutinized at the level of Assistant Editor/Editor and are submitted to Joint Director, Additional Director and Director for approval. After obtaining the approval of Director the manuscript is sent for printing. The proof of the Debates received from printer is scrutinized in the Branch. Printed copies of the Debates are scrutinized for issuing corrigenda, if any, and then Release Orders for distribution of the Debates are issued. Debates are also available to general public on sale. The Debates are exchanged under mutual exchange programme with about 40 countries of the world. It is always in high demand by research scholars.


5.14 The Break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

(a) Lok Sabha Debates (English Version)

(i) Translation, Revision and Comparison

During the year 2014, 57 Debates consisting of a total of 37583 pages of manuscript (involving translation of 2472 pages) were processed, translated from Hindi into English, revised and edited.

(ii) Editing of debates

57 Debates consisting of 28500 pages pertaining to 7th,8th , 9th and 11th Sessions of 15th Lok Sabha and 1st session of 16th Lok Sabha were edited.

(iii) Finalisation of Debates for printing

Manuscripts of 57 Debates consisting of 37,583 pages were finalized and sent to press for printing. (iv) Scrutiny of proofs of Debates

38,544 columns of 54 proofs of Debates of 4th, 5th, 6th and 11th Sessions of 15th Lok Sabha were checked and scrutinized.


(v) Release of Debates for Circulation

53 Printed Debates pertaining to 4th, 5th, 6th, and 11th Sessions of 15th Lok Sabha were scrutinized and released for circulation.

(b) Other items of works including assistance rendered to other branches

(i) 3497 Notices of OIH questions were translated into English and revised.

(ii) 132 pages of Committee Reports were translated and revised.

(iii) Synopsis of 61 speeches (179 pages) were prepared and typed.

(iv) Other miscellaneous items of work consisting of 80 pages received from other Branches were translated and revised.

(c) Typing

A total 6947 pages of Debates and other items of work were typed and compared in the Branch during the year 2014.

During session period 1 typist was deputed in Tr. (OIH) Branch for 27 days and 1 Typist was deputed in Synopsis Branch for 21 days and 1 Stenographer is on maternity leave with effect from 16-07-2014.




5.15 The main function of this Branch is to prepare indices to all the three versions of debates brought out by the Editorial and Translation Service namely Original Version of Debates, English Version of Debates and Hindi Version of Debates with a view to facilitate reference and easy access to the official records of the Business of the House. These indices are printed Session-wise. The Debates are alphabetically indexed in accordance with the various items of business dealt with in the House. Index entries are also made in the names of the members participating in the debate, including ministers‘ replying on behalf of the Government. Preparation of Indices involves many stages including marking of keywords, revision thereof, typing of marked keywords, checking of checklists of individual Debates, carrying out corrections in individual Checklists, preparing Sessional Volume by arranging entries alphabetically as well as Member-wise, checking of Sessional Volume of index and carrying out corrections. Then, MSS is prepared and Additional Director/Joint Director gives at least two reading for thorough revision for making it an error-free publication. Joint Secretary/Director/Additional Director approves the manuscripts of indices. Thereafter indices are sent to Printing Branch for printing. The proof of the same is checked and queries are resolved. Printed copies of indices are gone through for corrigenda and then Release Order is issued. It is also available on sale to general public. The work relating to indices to debates is being carried out on computers with the help of software developed by NIC. 5.16 During the year, new web based software for preparing Hindi Indices was developed as the Rota Print Section conveyed its inability to print indices prepared on older version software. 5.17 From the year 2011, the Branch also started the publication of Index of Original version of Debates. This index is being prepared in pursuance of orders of the Secretary General to publish Original Version of Debates along with its indices from 13th session of 14th Lok Sabha. The Editorial Branch of Editorial and Translation Service brings out the Original version of Debates. (2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR, 2014 5.18 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:- (i) Marking of keywords in 42 Debates pertaining to 3rd and 4th sessions of and 4th session of Fifteenth Lok Sabha.

(ii) Revision of keywords marked in 46 Debates pertaining to 3rd and 4th sessions of 10th Lok Sabha and 4th session of Fifteenth Lok Sabha.

(iii) Checking of Checklist of 45 Debates pertaining to 3rd and 4th sessions of 10th Lok Sabha and 4th session of Fifteenth Lok Sabha.

(iv) Scrutiny of Proofs of one Index pertaining to 3rd Session of 10th Lok Sabha.


Work relating to index to Hindi Version of Debates Total 04 manuscripts pertaining to 1st and 7th sessions of , 2nd session of 10th Lok Sabha and 6th sessions of 15h lok Sabha were sent to Rota Print for printing. (i) Scrutiny of Proofs of one Indices pertaining to 4th Session of 15th Lok Sabha

(ii) Printed copy of Index to Debates pertaining to 4th Session of 15th Lok Sabha was gone through for preparation of Corrigenda.

(iii) Release Order of printed Indices of 4th Session of 15th Lok Sabha was issued.

(iv) Revision of 05 sessional Volumes (approx. 3100 pages) of Indices to Debates pertaining to 1st and 7th sessions of 9th Lok Sabha, 2nd session of 10th Lok Sabha and 6th and 7th sessions of 15h lok Sabha comprising of 88 Debates

(v) Revision of 04 Manuscripts of Indices pertaining to 1st and 7th sessions of 9th Lok Sabha, 2nd session of 10th Lok Sabha and 6th session of 15h lok Sabha

(vi) Marking of keywords in 86 Debates pertaining to 1st and 7th sessions of 9th Lok Sabha, 2nd session of 10th Lok Sabha and 6th,, 7th , 8thand 9th sessions of 15th Lok Sabha

(vii) Revision of keywords in 86 Debates pertaining to 1st and 7th sessions of 9th Lok Sabha, 2nd session of 10th Lok Sabha and 6th,, 7th , 8thand 9th sessions of 15th Lok Sabha

(viii) Checking of Checklists of 76 Debates pertaining to III to Vth Session of 15th Lok Sabha.

Assistance rendered to other Branches

(i) Preparation of Synopsis of 125 speeches (Approx. 630 Pages). (ii) Translation and Revision of 100 pages of Committee work. (iii) Translation and Revision of 1935 OIH- Notices. (iv) Preparation of copy work (editing work) of 01 Original Version Debates for inclusion in English Version of Debates

. Typing work English

(i) Typing of index entries (Aprox.17000 entries) of 50 Debates (Aprox.12900 pages) pertaining to 3rd and 4th sessions of 10th Lok Sabha and 4th session of Fifteenth Lok Sabha.

(ii) Carried out Corrections in 47 Checklists of Debates (approx.12800 pages) pertaining to 3rd and 4th sessions of 10th Lok Sabha and 4th session of Fifteenth Lok Sabha. (iii) Assistance rendered to other branches of the service & other miscellanious work: Synopsis 424 pages and various other works etc: 300 pages.


Hindi (i). Feeding of Index entries (24480 Entries) of 88 Debates (3100 pages) pertaining to 1st and 7th sessions of 9th Lok Sabha, 2nd session of 10th Lok Sabha and 6th,, 7th, and 8th sessions of 15th Lok Sabha (ii) Corrections were carried out in the Checklists of 86 Debates (3100 pages) pertaining to 1st and 7th sessions of 9th Lok Sabha, 2nd session of 10th Lok Sabha and 6th and 7th sessions of 15th Lok Sabha

Corrections were carried out in the 05 Sessional Volumes and 04 Manuscripts of Indices to Debates pertaining to 1st and 7th sessions of 9th Lok Sabha, 2nd session of 10th Lok Sabha and 6th and 7th sessions of 15th Lok Sabha (approx. 3100 Pages). Committee report 150 pages and synopsis 424 pages




(1) FUNCTION 5.19 This Branch has been entrusted with the translation work of Reports, Notices of Sittings, Notifications, Agenda Papers, Lists of Points, Tour Programmes, Questionnaires, Background Materials, Study Tour Notes, Minutes of Sittings, Representations, Proceedings of sittings, Examination of Bills, Memoranda and Press Releases, etc. (2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014

5.20 The brea-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

Job elements S.No Particulars No.of pages Translated (i) Work Pertaining to Committees 1. 59 Reports of various Committees 4207 2. Miscellaneous work 3777 Sub –Total (i) 7984 7984 (ii) Help rendered to other Branches 1. Synopsis of Debates 193 2. OIH Questions 356 3. 09 Debates (English to Hindi) 1143 4. Publication & Tr. PP Branch 37 Sub –Total (ii) 1729 Total [Sub –Total (i)+(ii)]: 9713 (iii) Other miscellaneous work 1. Comparison work (Quantified in terms of 2661* 7984 typed pages) 2. Scrutiny of proof of 45 Reports comprising 1517** of 4550 pages 3. Corrigenda of 9 Reports comprising of 147 49* printed pages Sub –Total (iii) 4227 Grand Total [Sub –Total (i)+(ii)+(iii)]: 13940

*Computed in terms of 1/3 actual no.of pages. ** Computed in terms of 1/3 actual no.of pages.

Typing and Comparison

A total of 9443 pages were typed and compared. 226



5.21 This Branch has been entrusted with translation work (English to Hindi & vice- versa) of Reports, Action Taken Reports, Notices of Sittings, Agenda Notes, Lists of Points, Tour Programmes, Minutes of Sittings, Petitions, Representations, Memoranda, Press Releases, Letters, Notifications, Formulae, Brochures, Publications, Welcome & Concluding Speeches of Chairpersons etc.


5.22 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

Job Elements

S.No Particulars No.of pages Translated 1. 26 Draft Reports of various 1555 Parliamentary Committees 2. 13 Action Taken Reports 269 3. Allied items of work relating to 2378 Committees

Sub- Total (1)+(2)+(3) 4202

4. Miscellaneous Work (Debates, OIH 2360 Question, etc.) -

5. Comparison of work (Quantified in terms of 1538 4615 typed pages) 6. Corrigenda for 3 Reports comprising 106 10 printed pages 7. Proof checking of 56 reports comprising 1156 3481 pages Sub-Total (5)+(6)+(7) 2704 Grand Total 9266

Typing and Comparison

A total of 4615 pages were typed and compared.




5.23 This Branch has been entrusted with the translation work of Reports and other allied matters such as Notices of Sittings, Notifications, Agenda Papers, Lists of Points, Tour Programmes, Questionnaires, Background Materials, Study Tour Notes, Minutes of Sittings, Representations, Memoranda, Speeches, Press Releases of Departmentally Related Standing Committees and other Parliamentary Committees. Besides, translation of Memoranda/Suggestions of non-official witnesses and RTIs concerning Committees are also undertaken in the Branch. The Branch prepares Hindi version of Committee Reports for simultaneous presentation of both English and Hindi versions in the House. (2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014

5.24 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

Job elements

Sl. No. Particulars No. of pages translated

(a) (i) 23 Draft Reports of various Committees 2204 (ii) 15 Action Taken Reports of various Committees 985 3189 (i) + (ii) (b) Miscellaneous Work – Notices of sittings, Minutes, 3489 Memoranda etc. Sub. Total (a+b): 6678 (c) Typing and Comparison work (No. of typed pages 6012) 1503* (d) Scrutiny of Proof of 54 Reports comprising 4293 pages 1431** (e) Preparation of Corrigenda of 4 Reports comprising 432 144** printed pages Sub Total (c+d+e) : 3078 (f) Assistance to other Branches (i) Debates (English to Hindi) and Synopsis of Speeches 1697 (ii) OIH Notices of Questions 359 Sub Total (f) : 2056 Grand Total {Sub Total (X)+(Y)+(Z) } : 11812

*computed in terms of ¼ of actual No. of pages. **computed in terms of 1/3 of actual No. of pages.

Typing and Comparison

A total of 6567 pages were typed and compared. 228



5.25 This Branch is primarily responsible for rendering Hindi version of various Committee Reports and allied documents-such as Notices, Reminder notices, Agenda Papers of sittings, Lists of Points, Tour programmes and Background material for tour programmes, Study tour notes, Minutes of sittings, Representations, Memoranda, Press Releases, Proceedings of Committees, Welcome Addresses and Speeches of the Chairmen of the Committees.


5.26 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

Job elements

S. No. Particulars No. of pages translated 1. Preparation of Hindi version of various Committee Reports 32 Original Reports, Action Taken Reports on 1630 various subjects under examinatio of the Committees. 2. Translation and Revision/vetting of allied items of work related to various committees

Notices, Reminder Notices, Background 4428 material, speeches of the Chairmen, Proceedings of the Committees, Press Releases, Letters, Memoranda, LOPs, Supplementary LOPs, Representations, Minutes, Agenda, Tour Programmes etc. 3. Scrutiny of Proofs of Committee Reports 66 Proofs were scrutinised (quantified in terms of 2231 6693 printed pages) 4. Miscellaneous Work (i) Debates (English to Hindi) 471

(ii) OIH Questions 862

(iii) Work related to Synopsis Branch 108

(iv) Work related to C-III and C-I Branch 43

Grand Total 9773

Typing and Comparison

A total of 6098 pages were typed and compared. 229



5.27 This Branch is mainly responsible for translation of Reports, Notices of Sittings, Notifications, Agenda Papers, Lists of Points, Tour Programmes, Questionnaires, Study Tour Notes, Minutes of Sittings, Representations, matter related to examination of Bills, Memoranda and Press Releases, scrutiny of Proofs of Reports, Preparation of Corrigenda of various Reports.


5.28 The break-up of the done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

Job elements

Sl. No. Particulars No. of pages translated 1. 25 Draft Reports of various 2929 Committees (including material relating to examination of Bills/Policies)

2. 20 Action Taken Reports 1165

3. Notices of sittings, Minutes, 2846 Memoranda, etc. Sub-Total (1+2+3) 6940 4. Proof checking of 39 Reports 1325 comprising of 3974 printed pages (Quantified in terms of typed pages 39743=1325 pages) Sub –Total (4) 8265 5. Assistance rendered to other sister branches (i) Hindi debates 295 (ii) English Debates 660 (iii) Notices of OIH questions 632 (iv) Committee Reports 24 (v) Translation (PP) Branch 22 (vi) Synopsis of speeches 119 1752 Grand Total 10017

Typing and Comparison

A total of 7117 pages were typed and compared. 230




5.29 This Branch deals mainly with the translation of Notices of Starred and Unstarred Questions, Short Notice Questions and Notices of Half an Hour Discussions originally received in Hindi. The Branch, on receiving the notices from Question Branch, enters them in the Branch register, translates into English, revises and returns the same to Question Branch.


5.30 The break up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

Notices of Questions originally received in Hindi The Branch received 17259 Notices of OIH Questions for 60 sittings for which ballots were held, out of the total 67 scheduled sittings of the House, as there was no Question Hour as such in the remaining 7 sittings. Out of the said 17259 Notices of OIH Questions received by the Branch, 8207 Notices of Questions were translated and revised by this Branch and 9052 Notices of Questions were disposed of by other sister Branches of the Editorial & Translation Service.

Notices of Half-an-Hour Discussion 46 Notices of Half an Hour Discussion computed to 138 pages were translated into English and revised during the year 2014. Further, 66 Pages of Debates dated 14- 07-2014, 15-07-2014, 22-07-2014, 05-08-2014 and 19-12-2014 pertaining to Half- An-Hour Discussion were translated, revised, got typed and compared.

Short Notice Questions 8 Short Notice Questions (computed to 24 pages) were translated into English and revised during the year 2014.

Speech by Hon. Speaker Five speeches consisting of 34 pages delivered in 2014 by Hon. Speaker were translated into Hindi, revised, got typed and compared.

Letters received from Members of Parliament About 26 pages of Letters and other miscellaneous correspondence received originally in Hindi from various Members of Parliament through Question Branch were translated into English and revised, got typed and compared.

Speeches by Dignitaries One speech consisting of 4 pages delivered by Hon. Home Minister was translated into Hindi, revised, got typed and compared.

Compilation of ‘Sansadiya Pradeepika’ With a view to standardize Hindi equivalents of English Parliamentary terms and phrases commonly used in day-to-day functioning of various branches of the 231

Secretariat, the Branch had brought out a comprehensive English-Hindi compilation of parliamentary terms and phrases named ‗SANSADIYA PRADEEPIKA‘ in the year 2008. The Branch has been assigned the work of updation of this publication and during the year, the Branch carried out translation, revision, comparison and editing of 1172 pages of material for revised edition of the ‗SANSADIYA PRADEEPIKA‘.

Work received from other Branches of the Service:- During the inter-session period, the Branch rendered assistance to various Branches under Editorial and Translation Service in smooth and quick disposal of the work. A total of 2500 pages were translated, revised, got typed and compared in the Branch. The break up is given below:-

(a) Lok Sabha Debates Debates dated 04-03-2011, 08-03-2011, 14-03-2011, 24-08-2011, 26-08-2011, 27- 08-2011, 28-08-2011, 02-09-2011 and 07-12-2011 comprising 1791 pages were translated, revised, got typed and compared for inclusion in English version of Lok Sabha Debates.

(b) Preparation of Synopsis Synopsis of as many as 85 speeches, consisting of 344 pages, of Members of Parliament made during the different sessions in the year were prepared, translated, revised, got typed and compared in the Branch.

(c) Committee Reports 365 pages of reports of various Committees received from different Committee Branches were translated, revised, got typed and compared. Miscellaneous Works:- (i) 40 pages of work related to Bio-data of Secretary General, matters related to Children‘s Corner, Names of Members of Parliament of 16th Lok Sabha and Who‘s Who of MPs of 16th Lok Sabha were translated, revised, got typed and compared.

(ii) 15 pages of work related to Cut Motions were translated, revised, got typed and compared.

(iii) 135 pages of work to be published in the Sansadiya Patrika was translated, revised, got typed and compared.

(iv) 10 pages of speeches related to Best Parliamentarian Award and Right to Information Act were translated, revised, got typed and compared.

Typing Work The Branch is facing a lot of difficulty due to shortage of the Typist as no typist has been provided to this Branch after the transfer of the Branch typist on 12.03.2009. Though a substitute was posted in the Branch on 22nd June, 2009 during the 1st session of the Fifteenth Lok Sabha, he was subsequently withdrawn on 18th August, 2009. Since then the Branch is functioning without any Typist. However, a total of approximately 240 pages were typed in the Branch taking the help of typists of other Branches to dispose of urgent typing work. 232



5.31 Translation Branch (EQ) is mainly responsible for the preparation of :

(i) Hindi version of lists of Questions (Starred, Unstarred and Short-Notice Questions) including scrutiny of their Proofs, issuance of Corrigenda thereto after examining the printed lists;

(ii) Member-wise Index to Lists of Starred and Unstarred Questions in Hindi;

(iii) Translation of notices of Half-an-hour Discussion and Correspondence relating to questions;

(iv) Translation of other miscellaneous items of work received from Question Branch.

(v) Translation of Debates, Committee Reports, Speeches and other miscellaneous items of work received from other branches of Editorial and Translation Service during inter session period.


5.32 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-


(a) Lists of Questions Complete Lists of Questions for Oral and Written Answers and also Short Notice Questions pertaining to fifteenth session of Fifteenth Lok Sabha and first, second and third Session of sixteenth Lok Sabha were brought out in Hindi simultaneously with their English versions. The total number of Questions translated during the year was 14947.

(b) Proofs & Corrigenda The Proofs of the aforesaid Question Lists in Hindi running into 1920 printed pages were scrutinised. Printed Question Lists in Hindi were also gone through and corrigenda thereto running into 1417 pages were issued.

(c) Member-wise Index to Lists Of Starred/Unstarred Questions During the year, the Branch prepared Member-wise Index running into 1192 pages to the lists of Starred/Unstarred Questions.

(d) In addition, the Branch translated and revised 119 such as letters to Hon‘ble MPs, half-an-hour discussion etc.

Various Publications The Branch translated and revised material relating to the following items:

Sansadiya Patrika – 483 Member List Who's who – 96 pages Work related to parliamentary procedure abstract – 33 pages

Notices of O.I.H Questions During the year Branch also translated and revised 925 notices of O.I.H. Questions.


Debates and Committee Reports

(a) Debates During the year the Branch translated and revised 3299 pages of Hindi Debates and 1111 pages of English Debates.

(b) Parliamentary Committees The Branch translated and revised 425 pages of Reports pertaining to various Parliamentary Committees.

Synopsis of speeches The Branch translated and revised material related to Synopsis of Debates running into 58 pages.

Comparison Work 433 computed pages (consisting of 1300 pages) belonging to Debates (English), Committee work, Rajbhasha Prabhag work and handbook for members were also compared.

Typing Work 3655 pages comprising of Index in Hindi to Lists of Starred and Unstarred Questions, contents of Debates, Committee Reports and various other items of work were typed.




5.33 The Branch deals with Translation, revision, editing and typing of List of Business, Bulletin Part I, Bulletin Part II, Notices received under various Rules of Procedure like 184, 193, 197, Submission by Members etc., Summons and other papers, Motions, Cut Motions (General/Railway Budget), Private Members‘ Bills and Resolutions, Amendments to Government Bills, Finance Bill, Amendments to Motion of Thanks on President‘s Address, Agenda and Reports of Business Advisory Committee, Resume of work done by Lok Sabha, Newsletters, Reports, Invitation Cards, Speeches & letters received from Conference Branch, CPA Cell, IPU Cell, Table Office & Table Office (B), Parliamentary Notice Office, Legislative Branch- I and Legislative Branch- II, etc.


5.34 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

Sl. Items of work pages

A. Parliamentary Papers

(i) List of Business 1623

(ii) Bulletin Part I 1485

(iii) Bulletin Part II 3756

(iv) Letter/Notices/Notifications received from Table Office.(A) 2526 and Table Office(B)/L.B.- I and L.B.- II/PNO

(v) Notices under Rules 184, 193, 197 and Submission by 948 Members

(vi) Notices and Agenda of Business Advisory Committee and 175 Reports thereof

(vii) List of Amendments to Motion of Thanks on President's 80 Address

(viii) Cut Motions on General Budget and Railway Budget 571

(ix) Resume of work done by Lok Sabha 303

(x) Scrutiny of Proofs of S.R.Os/PMBs/ Resume of work done 3752 during various sessions of Lok Sabha and scrutiny of Printed Lists of Business, Bulletin Part I, Bulletin Part II, Cut Motions/ Amendments (quantified in terms of 1/3 of 11256 pages)

(xi) Comparison of typed materials (quantified in terms of 1/3 5073 of 15219 pages)


B. Legislative Papers

(i) Private Members' Bills and Resolutio 1728

(ii) Amendments to Government Bills 340

C. Work related to Conference Branch

(i) IPG Newsletters 168 Reports of IPU, CPU and other misc. work pertaining to

(ii) Conference Branch 1241

Grand Total: 27, 369

3. Typing and Comparison Work

A total of 23111 pages were typed and compared.




5.35 The main function of the Translation (Publications) Branch is to provide translation from English into Hindi and vice-versa of all the major and small publications of permanent utility and parliamentary and historical significance and miscellaneous items of work.


5.36 The break-up of the work done in the Branch during the year was as under:-

(a) Translation/Revision of Publications

5.37 The Branch undertook translation and revision (Hindi to English & vice-versa) of the material running into 18213 pages of the following important parliamentary publications, Booklets, profiles, besides pamphlets, brochures, write ups, speeches and work received from other Branches of Editorial and Translation Service.

(i) Publications (i) Indian Parliamentary Companion – Ist to 15th Lok Sabha

(ii) Finance Ministers' Budget Speeches: 1947-2011

(iii) Brief introduction of 16th Lok Sabha

(iv) Calendar 2015

(v) Parliament of India – 15th Lok Sabha

(vi) Presidential Address in Parliament

(ii) Proofs (vii) Finance Ministires Budget Speeches

(viii) Presidential Address in Parliament

(ix) Brief Introduction of MPs of 16th Lok Sabha

(x) Who's Who of Members of 15th Lok Sabha

(xi) List of Officers of Lok Sabha

(xii) Indian Parliamentary Companion (1st – 15th Lok Sabha)

(xiii) Information Folders

(xiv) Biographical sketch of former Speakers


(iii) Profiles

36 profiles of eminent Parliamentarians were prepared

(iv) Bulletins, Pamphlets/Write ups/Brochures/Booklets on

(i) Tax Reforms: Introduction of Goods and Services Tax

(ii) 16th Lok Sabha – A Study

(iii) Information Management in Parliament

(iv) Information Folders

(v) Facilities to MPs

(vi) Unorganised Workers

(vii) Legislative bulletin on the Insurance Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2008

(viii) Non-conventional Sources of Energy

(ix) India's Stand at the WTO: Trade Facilitation Agreement vs. Public Stockholding for food Security purposes

(x) Black Money

(xi) HIV/AIDS Control

(xii) Indian Railways – Safety performance

(xiii) Smart Cities

(xiv) India-Japan relations

(xv) Educational Development of Women

(xvi) Rajiv Gandhi Panchayat Sashaktikaran Abhiyan

(xvii) Millennium Development Goals: India's Progress

(xviii) Crop Insurance in India

(xix) E-commerce in India: Growth, Prospects and Challenges

(xx) India-Bhutan relations

(xxi) Human Trafficking

(xxii) Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna

(xxiii) Our Parliament

(xxiv) Growth and Perormance of Medium and Small Scale Industries 238

(xxv) FDI in Retail: Prospects

(xxvi) Pamphlet on 'Freedom Movement'-Multi Media exhibit

(xxvii) Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture

(xxviii) Welfare Schems for OBCs

(xxix) Non-performing Assets and Public Sector Banks in India

(xxx) Budget for Education Sector in India

(xxxi) Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme

(xxxii) Disaster Management in Indian Railways

(b) Scrutiny of proofs

2462 pages of proofs of Hindi version of the publications/profiles mentioned in the preceding paragraphs were scrutinised.

(c) Typing Work

As many as 9326 pages were typed and compared in the Branch during the year 2014.











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5.40 Hindi Website of Lok Sabha was officially inaugurated by Hon. Speaker on 7th January 2009. A separate Unit with the nomenclature 'Hindi Information Unit" was set up. The Hindi Web site has a separate url: http://loksabhahindi.nic.in

5.41 This Unit maintains, updates and uploads information on the Hon'ble Speaker's exclusive homepage given on Hindi Website. This unit has been regularly uploading sessional papers (i.e. Provisional Calendar, Question Lists – Starred and Unstarred along with corrigenda thereof, Bulletin Part-I and II, List of Business and Synopsis, Statement of Work, Resume of Work) during session period and Hindi Debates during inter-session period. It also creates new HTML pages for enrichment of Hindi Website as well as update/modify the existing html pages on request of concerned Branches. The Unit is dedicated to update various databases, which are the backbone of Hindi homepage.

5.42 Unit regulates and monitors the information Management system in the Editorial and Translation service and renders valuable assistance in digitalization of Hindi Data and provides requisite technical assistance to the staff of the Service from time to time.

5.43 The Unit provides/receives Parliamentary Papers to/from Rajya Sabha Secretariat on daily basis, as a part of mutual arrangement between two Secretariats. In addition, the Unit also lends support to sister Branches of E&T Service including Rajbhasha Prabhag in their day to day work viz., organization of Hindi Pakhwara, Publication of magazines etc.


5.44 The break-up of the work done in the Unit during the year was as under:-

Uploading of Papers on Website:

Speaker of Lok Sabha Homepage

(i) Hon'ble Speaker Speeches - 22 Speeches (ii) Press Releases - 118 Press releases (iii) Events - Events with photographs

Lok Sabha Homepage (Nos. of uploaded files)

(i) Provisional Calendars - 4 (ii) Bulletin Part-1 - 67 (iii) Bulletin Part -2 - 177 (iv) List of Business - 112 (v) List of Private Members' Business - 13 (vi) Resume of Work - 2


(vii) Question Lists - 60 (SQ, USQ and corrigenda thereof)

(viii) Synopsis - 67 (ix) Hindi Debate - 12 (x) Committee Reports (BAC) - 12

(The Reports of rest of the Committees are being uploaded by concerned committee (Tr) branches)

5.45 With the constitution of 16th Lok Sabha, the Who's Who of newly elected members of Lok Sabha was uploaded on the Hindi website on the lines of English Website. Speaker's Home Page was revised and details were uploaded.

5.46 The HTML page/subpages updated/modified during the year are – IPU and CPA, Publications for sale, Demarcation of Responsibilities, Secretary General, Wit and Humor, Rules of Procedure, Parliamentary Procedures (Abstract Series) Contact us, New Events, Press Clipping Section, Documentation section, Debates, Synopsis, Bulletin Part-1, Bulletin Part-2, Questions, Speaker's profile, Speaker's Office, Committees, Sansadiya Shabdavali, RTI.

5.47 Besides, issues of "Sansadiya Manjusha", "Kenidriya Adhiniyam Saar" and "Sansadiya Manjusha" were uploaded on the Lok Sabha Hindi Website. In addition, database for Member's Homepage and Organization Chart is updated regularly.

5.48 The Unit also extended support to other Branches of E&T Service during the year in disposing of urgent and time-bound items of work such as translation of OIH, English Questions, Committee Reports, Debates, Synopsis and Sansadiya Patrika etc. In addition, the Unit also lent support to Rajbhasha Prabhag in its day to day working viz., organisation of Hindi Pakhwara, publication of in-house magazine "Sansadiya Manjusha".

Other Translation Work:

(i) OIH - 112 (ii) English Questions - 132 (6 Man days in EQ Branch @22 questions per day) (iii) Synopsis (Bi-lingual) - 40 (iv) Sansadiya Patrika, Committee Reports etc. -100 pages


As on 31.12.2014

Personnel strength of the various Branches of E&T Service

Directors - 3 Additional Directors - 7

Sl. Name of Branch JD Editors Asstt. Transl P.A/ Attenda No. Editor ators/ Sr./Jr. nte s Hindi Clerk Asstt. Editorial & Debates Wing P P P P P P 1. Editorial 1 1 4 - 3 2 2. Synopsis 1 5 5 - 4 1 3. Debates (Hindi) 1 3 6 3 - 1 4. Debates (English) 1 1 5 3 3 1 5. Translation (Index) 1 3 1 1 2 1 Committee Wing 6. Translation (Committee-I) 1 2 3 5 2 1 7. Translation (Committee-II) 1 2 2 3 2 1 8. Translation (Committee-III) 1 1 3 5 2 1 9. Translation (Committee-IV) 1 2 2 5 2 1 10. Translation (Committee-V) 1 3 1 5 2 1 Questions & Parl. Papers Wing 11. Translation (OIH-Q) 1 1 3 5 - 1 12. Translation (EQ) 1 3 8 9 1 1 13. Translation (PP) 1 3 5 4 4 1 14. Translation (Publications) 1 3 3 3 2 1 15. Rajbhasha Prabhag 1 3 1 1 1 1 Hindi Information Unit - - - 2 - - Total 15 36@ 52 54 30 16

@ One Editor is working as OSD (Welfare)





6.1 The entire printing work of the Secretariat (excluding jobs of minor nature done at the Rota Print Section) is received and got printed by the Printing Section through the Govt. of India Press, Minto Road, New Delhi and a number of empanelled private printers located in Delhi/New Delhi.


6.2 The break-up of the work done in the Section during the year was as under:-

3,011 jobs comprising of 2,08,260 pages of manuscript were received from different Branches and 3,33,963 (Approx.) proof and revised proof pages were scrutinised and print orders were placed for printing.

______Name of Jobs Mss. Pages Proof/ Printed Pages (Approx.) ______Debats 89,121 1,33,882 Financial and other Committees Reports 11,384 24,659 Standing Committees (DRSCs) Reports 14,221 42,534 Periodicals and other Misc. Publications 34,371 79,400 Sessional Papers 41,858 30,894 Bills (Govt./Private) 4,533 4,223 ______Grand Total: 1,95,488 3,15,592 ______

During the period under review, Govt. of India Press and Private Presses raised Bills amounting to Rs. 12,05,33,864 for payment, which were processed and sent to B&P Branch.

21 jobs of various kinds of title were also printed in the Section

In addition to above, jobs relating to constitution of 16th Lok Sabha, Introductory Guides & Brochures of various committees and Procedure & Practice of various branches were also got printed. 8 notices inviting tenders for various jobs were floated and finalized for allotment of jobs.

The quantum of typing work done on the computer during the year – 7,800 pages (approx.).




6.3 The Rota Print Section being the segment of Printing and Publications Service is entrusted with the responsibility of in-house printing of urgent and important jobs of the Secretariat. These jobs are sent directly by different Branches/Officers of the Secretariat. On functional basis, this Section is further divided into five units for efficient handling of Jobs. The five units are:–

(i) DTP Unit; (ii) Proof Reading Unit; (iii) Screen & Letterpress Unit; (iv) Digital (Riso/Ricoh) & Offset Printing Unit; and (v) Rotaprint & Bindery Store Unit.

6.4 During the year 2014, this Section undertook a number of additional jobs for printing i.e. Index to Lok Sabha Debates; Information Bulletins (LARRDIS); 38th Report of Committee on Subordinate Legislation; First Report of Joint Committee on Food Management in PH Complex; Index of Committee on Papers Laid on the Table; An Introductory Guide of Joint Committee on the Salaries and Allowances of MPs; Introductory Guide of several Parliamentary Committees; some Standing Committee Reports; The Members of Lok Sabha (Declaration of Assets and Liabilities Rules, 2004) (EV and HV); Jobs related to Sixteenth Lok Sabha, viz. New Service Book, CGHS Card, Form regarding style name, Identity Cards/Railway Pass, Division Slips, different types of Registers/Forms for new elected Members, Notice of Bill, Ballot for Resolution, Private Members' Resolution, Private Members Bill, Temporary Identity Cards for Members, Attendance Registers of MPs; Notice Forms for Members of Parliament; Who's Who Proforma; IPG Annual Report; Combined Scripts of BPST (English, Hindi & Spanish); and Jobs relating to Election of Governing Council of Constitution Club of India, etc.

6.5 The jobs executed in this Section during the year include jobs relating to commencement of Session i.e. Summons, Provisional Calendar of Sittings, Chart showing dates of Ballot, Bulletin Part-II (English & Hindi versions); Speeches of Hon. Speaker, delegates to international and national conferences, seminars, etc.; D.O. stationery – General as well as personalized of MPs and Chairmen of Parliamentary Committees; Letterheads and envelopes of Offices of HS, HDS, LOP and SG; Jobs of Conference Branch like – Programme Booklets, Speeches, Notes on Points of Agenda, Name Cubes, Luggage Tags, Annual Reports & List of Members of IPG & IPU, Background Notes, Invitation Cards, Table/Menu Cards; All types of Forms/Registers for Branches; Parliamentary Library Bulletins, Corrigenda to the Lists of Questions (both Oral and Written Answers); Answer Sheets for Joint Recruitment Cell; Scribbling Pads, Scripts (in English and Hindi) for various Training & Orientation Programmes organized by BPST, File Covers; D.O. Letter of SG from LARRDIS; Certificates for BPST; Children‘s Corner and Welfare Branch; Brochures for Standing Committees and P.O.‘s Conference; Booklet on Council of Ministers in Hindi & English; LSEA function coupons and other miscellaneous publications of the Secretariat brought out from time to time. 251


6.6 The break-up of the work done in the Section during the year was as under:

Sl. Job details Grand Total No. 1. Total printing Jobs undertaken : Digital (Riso/Ricoh) & Offset Printing Unit 1,460 Screen & Letterpress Printing Unit 1,633 Total = 3,093 2. Number of pages composed 22,860 3. Impressions printed on the machines :

Digital (Riso/Ricoh) & Offset Printing Unit 51,93,051

Screen & Letterpress Printing Unit* 17,67,520 Total = 69,60,571 4. (i) Rota Print & Bindery Store :

Indents sent to General Stores Branch 150

Items issued 1745

Total numbers of Proofs/ 5. 35,871 (ii) Revised Proofs checked

* Includes 78 jobs comprising of 58,759 impressions were printed in Screen Printing Unit.

NOTE: The Section was opened for timely execution of urgent jobs on 16 Saturdays/Sundays/holidays and worked till late hours on 78 days.




6.7 Proof Reading Section deals with the proof reading and scrutiny of proofs and printed copies of all parliamentary publications brought out by the Secretariat i.e. books and other ad-hoc Publications, Sessional papers, Government/Private Members‘ Bills, Reports of Departmentally Related Standing Committees, Financial Committees and other Committees, Profiles of distinguished/eminent Parliamentarians, Periodicals, Programme booklets, Speeches, other work relating to Conferences and functions. All the proofs of the jobs received from Printing Section and Rota Print Section are meticulously checked by the sets of Printing Assistants/Proof Readers/Junior Proof Readers. After the proofs are checked the same are scrutinised by Senior Printing Assistants. All Important jobs/Reports are also scrutinized by Manager of Printing/Joint Director (Ptg.) to ensure mistake-free printing and uniformity in style before returning to Printing Section and Rota Print Section. Due priority is given to urgent Sessional and Parliamentary jobs as well as other ad hoc jobs.


6.8 The break-up of the work done in the Section during the year was as under:-

Sl. No. Name of Jobs ProoProof Pages Printed Pages

1. Sessional papers (List of Questions/List 14,326 22,807 of Business, Bulletins, Govt./Pvt. Members‘ Bills, Synopsis and Summons etc.) 2. Important Ad hoc & Misc. Publications 31,189 — 3. Reports of various Committees including 39,006 — Standing Committees and Financial Committees 4. Periodicals and Profiles 3,642 — 5 (a) Work received from Rota Print Section 2,603 — (Programme of incoming and outgoing Parliamentary Delegations and Speeches etc.)

(b) Work executed by deputing staff at Rota Print 33,268 — Section

Total 1,24,034 22,807

GRAND TOTAL (Proof+Printed Pages) 1,46,841




6.9 Bindery Section is one of the technical Sections of the Printing & Publications Service. The Section is managed by skilled manpower to cater to the various types of requirements of all binding work of the Branches.


6.10 The break-up of the work done in the Section during the year was as under:-

Sl. Job element Nos. of Remarks No. jobs 1. Library Books 2,649 Being a service providing Section the jobs 2. Branch Records and 3,559 are executed as per the time-frame given Materials by the requisitioning branches. All the jobs were executed in the required time-frame. 3. Registers 2,391 Presently there is no job pending at the 4. Folders, Full Cloth 7,525 end of the Section. To meet the exigencies File Covers, Luggage Tags and the time schedule given by the etc. requisitioning branches the Section was 5. Gift Packing 1,740 opened on 18 holidays and sat till late hours on 80 days during the year 2014. 6. Ad-hoc Publications (Prog. 1,43,406 Booklets, Briefs, Synopsis, Scripts, Information Bulletin, etc. 7. Corrigenda pasting 550 8. Forms (making pads and 14,11,038 numbering etc.) 9. Creasing/Pasting of Cello 1,54,532 Tapes on File Covers 10. Making of Pads (Sales 16,875 Branch) 11. Envelopes (Sale) (Pkt. of 25) 8,251 12. Post Cards (Sale) –do- 269 13. Inland Letters (Sale) –do- 338 14. Inland Letters/Envelopes 688 (Official) (Pkt. of 25) 15. Pads (Official) (Pkt. of 25) 1,368 16. Ink Lettering on Bound 4,426 Books etc. 17. Gold Lettering on Bound 3,054 Books, Registers, Folders, etc.


As on 31.12.2014


The personnel strength of the various Sections of Printing and Publications Service

Addl. Director - 4, JD – 2, AD - 3 & Manager/Production Officer -7

Sl. Name of Sr. Printing Sr./Jr. Proof DTP Binder/ Attd./ Total No. the Asstt./Asstt. Clerk Reader/Jr Operator/ Sr. Wareh Section /Sr. . Proof Lithograp Binder ouse Production Reader hic. man Asstt. Asstt. Operator.

P P P P P P P 1. Printing 3 1 4 - - 3 11 section 2. Rotaprint 8 2 4 1 3 2 20 Section 3. Proof 14 - 29 - - 2 45 Reading Section 4. Bindery 14 - - - 6 9 29 Section Total 39 3 37 1 9 16 105





7.1 LSTV Channel a 24- hour dedicated Channel of Lok Sabha Secretariat has been functional round the clock since 24th July, 2006. 7.2 The Channel primarily telecasts the proceedings of the Lok Sabha and other significant events in Parliament including the Address of the President to both the Houses of Parliament sitting together at the commencement of the first Session of each year. Important Parliamentary functions / events including Conferences, Seminars, Forum meetings, etc. are also covered by the Lok Sabha TV Channel. Apart from this, the Channel also features various informative, interactive and substantial value-added programmes of general interest on issues relating to democracy and governance, social, economic and constitutional issues and citizens‘ concerns not seen on any Parliamentary channel in the world. (2) WORK DONE DURING THE YEAR 2014 7.3 The break-up of the work done in the Unit during the year was as under:- (i) Processed the proposal for upgradation of LSTV Server, Graphics equipment and AMC proposals connected thereto.

(ii) Processed the matter for renewal of agreement for comprehensive AMC of Teleport of LSTV Channel.

(iii) Processed the cases relating to repairing of defective equipment in the Channel.

(iv) Prepared LSTV Budget: RE – 2014-15 and BE – 2015-16.

(v) Processed the renewal of agreements with the National Film Development Corporation (NFDC) and M/s Qualitent Research Group (QRG) for the services being rendered by these organizations to the Channel & also settled bills/ accounts towards their services.

(vi) Continued with the arrangements with Vigyan Prasar and processed the fresh proposals received from them for telecast of scientific programmes on LSTV Channel.

(vii) Processed the payment of Honorarium to guest participants in the Channel.

(viii) Processed the matter relating to extension of term of engagement of guest anchors of LSTV Channel and processing of payment thereof.

(ix) Processed the remittance of service tax and Educational Cess component of the Revenue receipts received by LSTV Channel as part of their receipts.

(x) Prepared Memoranda and Agenda for LSTV meetings including that of Management Advisory Committee, Programme Advisory Committee and Procurement Committee of LSTV Channel. Prepared the draft minutes of the Committee meetings and took follow up action on their recommendations. 256

(xi)(a) Processed the renewal/extension of agreements with the distributors of LSTV Channel.

(xii) Dealt with various requests of LSTV for providing transport facilities to the officials / Consultants / Guests of Lok Sabha Television Channel and processing of bills relating thereto.

(xiii) Processed requests for payment of annual subscription for the year 2014 to the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association(CBA), UK in connection with Lok Sabha Television joining the CBA.

(xiv) Processed the proposals for designing and redesigning the sets of LSTV Channel.

(xv) Submitted proposal for reconstitution of Advisory Council of LSTV Channel.

(xvi) Facilitated the live telecast of the Parliamentary functions held in the Central Hall, Parliament House including President‘s Address to the Joint Sitting of Parliament.

(xvii) Obtained Administrative approval for tours performed by officials of LSTV Channel and processed requests for grant of TA/DA advance and contingency advance for such tours and forwarding of the bills for settlement to B&P Branch.

(xviii) Processed the bills of M/s Ashok Travels and Tours for booking air tickets for the Consultants of LSTV Channel for their official tour in connection with the recording/coverage of various programmes for the Channel.

(xix) Processed bills received from Northern Railway Catering for serving of refreshments for meetings of LSTV Channel.

(xx) Processed bills from Central News Agency for supply of Newspapers and Magazines to LSTV Channel.

(xxi) Dealt with requests for grant of advances from Imprest money fund and settlement of related bills.

(xxii) Dealt with requests for hiring of Light, Lightmen and other technical equipment for various programmes of LSTV Channel and made arrangements for hiring of camera equipments on the basis of requests received from LSTV Channel. Examined and processed bills relating to hiring of light and other technical equipment.

(xxiii) Issue and return of mobile phones to Consultants/ officials of LSTV Channel and processed the verified bills to AN-II Branch for settlement and also processed mobile phone bills related to the Consultants of LSTV for payment.

(xxiv) Processed the requests received from Information Cell under Right to Information Act, 2005.

(xxv) Arranged stationery items from General Store Branch and distributed/ issued to the staff of LSTV Channel, Arranged/ procured make up items for the makeup Room of LSTV Channel.

(xxvi) Processed the costume bills of LSTV Anchors / Anchor – Journalists.

(xxvii) Coordination with Doordarshan, Films Division, NFDC, BECIL and other agencies as per the requirements of the Channel. 257

(xxviii) Revised the LSTV portion of ―Information Management in the Parliament of India‖.

(xxix) Revised the LSTV portion of ―Parliament of India: The 15th Lok Sabha 2009- 2014 – A Study‖.

(xxx) Revised the LSTV portion of the Information Folder brought out by PPR.

(xxxi) Revised the LSTV portion of ―Handbook for Members of Lok Sabha‖.

(xxxii) Facilitated Audit of LSTV records pertaining to Financial Year 2013-14.

(xxxiii) Processed the proposal for linking of LSTV with YouTube.

(xxxiv) Processed proposals for reconstitution of Management Advisory Committee, Programme Advisory Committee and Procurement Committee of LSTV Channel.

(xxxv) Attended to other miscellaneous items of work marked to the Branch from time to time and dealt with various Branches of the Secretariat for day-to- day requirements of LSTV Channel.

Work dealt with by Administrative Wing, 21-23, Mahadev Road

1. Work relating to extension of term of Consultants, Termination of engagement of Consultants and Annual Appraisal of their performance.

2. Forwarded the cases of TA/DA advance/bills of Consultants.

3. Handling the cases of Costume Allowance bills of Anchors/Journalists.

4. Maintenance of personal files of the Consultants, their Leave Accounts and work relating thereto.

5. Work relating to payment of guest participants in LSTV Channel programmes. The work involved preparation of list of guests participating in various LSTV Channel programmes and issue of the cheques to the participants received from B&P Branch.

6. Work relating to preparation of Press I-Cards/Visiting Cards of Consultants.

7. Forwarding the cases for issue of entry passes/‘P‘ Labels/RF Tag of Consultants of LSTV Channel to CPI Cell .

8. Work relating to RTI queries received from individuals/agencies.

9. Requirement of furniture, telephone instrument, Computer, Messengers, etc. of LSTV Consultants/Channel.

10. Request for CD/DVD by Branches/Doordarshan and outside agencies.

11. Budget Session Quarantine Programme arrangements.

12. Disciplinary matters relating to Consultants.

13. Viewers‘ suggestions on LSTV programmes.

14. Mediclaim Policy related matters of Consultants. 258

15. Work relating to maintenance of LSTV in Mahadev Road Complex in coordination with various Branches of the Secretariat.

16. Day to day requirements of LSTV Channel and contact with various Branches of Secretariat in this regard. ANNEXURE-IA

STATEMENT SHOWING ACTUAL STRENGTH OF LSTV CHANNEL UNIT (AS ON 31.12.2014) SL.No Name Designation . 1. Shri B. D. Sharma Deputy Director 2. Shri B. N. Mohapatra Deputy Director 3. Shri Ishtiyaque Ahmad Research/ Reference Officer 4. Shri Dharmendra Kumar Research/Reference Officer* 5. Shri B. D. Shah Senior Executive Assistant 6. Smt. Manjinder Pubby Senior Executive Assistant 7. Smt. Happy Sr. Personal Assistant 8. Shri Vijay Kumar-I Executive Assistant* 9. Smt. Rekha Stenographer 10. Shri Jagat Kishore Junior Clerk 11. Shri Veerender Singh Sr. Chamber Attendant 12. Shri Babulal - 1 Sr. Chamber Attendant 13. Shri Satish - 1 Chamber Attendant 14. Shri Veerender Pal Singh Chamber Attendant 15. Shri Rakesh Kumar Attendant Gr.III * Posted with Technical Wing of LSTV Channel.




1. Shri N.M. Lonare Sr. Executive Asstt. Administrative Wing 2. Smt. Anita Rawat Executive Assistant Administrative Wing 3. Shri Krishan Kishore Sr. P.A. Director(LSTV & JPC) 4. Shri Sameer Pandey Sr. P.A. Editor-in-Chief-cum CE, LSTV Office 5. Shri Ritesh Sharma P.A. ED(M&P) Office 6. Shri Narendra Singh Sr. Clerk Administrative Wing 7. Shri Raja Ram Sr. Chamber Attdt. Administrative Wing 8. Shri J.C. Bhatt Chamber Attdt. Administrative Wing 9. Shri R.N. Tiwari Chamber Attdt. Editor-in-Chief-cum CE, LSTV Office 10. Shri Surinder Kumar Attdt. Grade II Administrative Wing 11. Shri S.N. Pandey Attdt. Gr. III Director(LSTV & JPC) 12. Shri Amarjeet Attdt. Gr.III ED(M&P) Office






8.1 The main function of Parliament Security Services is to ensure the security of Parliament Complex as well as the VVIPs/VIPs present inside the Complex. We identify the VVIPs, MPs, Senior Officers of the Secretariat, to regulate smooth access control in the Parliament House Complex, meticulously facilitating movement of VVIPs & their carcades for smooth regulation of access control, checking of men & material brought into the complex with the help of and in coordination with other security agencies. Apart from it, we also sincerely cover so many National/International functions/Seminars organised in the Parliament House Complex and outside, Foreign Parliamentary Delegations visits, and various meetings etc.

Other Allied works:

8.2 Parliament Security Services officers/staff were detailed for the ushering/identification duties during Republic Day Parade at Rajpath; Beating Retreat Ceremony at Vijay Chowk, AT HOME functions in Presidential Estate, Independence Day celebrations at Red Fort, Civil/Defence Investiture Ceremony, Oath taking Ceremony of Council of Ministers etc. Parliament Security Services officials is also attached with the Hon‘ble Speaker, Hon‘ble Deputy Speaker and Hon‘ble Secretary General for security coordination and liaison. It is pertinent to mention here that Parliament Security Services officials have been detailed to escort Under Trial Person (UTP) Members of Parliament within Parliament House Complex during Session period. Parliament Security Services officials have to be a part of Joint Interrogation with various Security Agencies viz. Delhi Police, IB etc., whenever any untoward incident takes place in Parliament House Complex.

8.3 Under the prevailing security scenario, maintaining security within the Parliament Estate is highly sensitive as it is the apex institution of democracy where all the legislative functioning of the Central Government is carried out. Meticulous planning, monitoring and strict enforcement of security measures is required besides enforcement of stringent Access Control, effective surveillance and thorough Anti Sabotage checks. Preparedness through regular periodic training and motivation of the security personnel through regular briefing to update them to counter increasing threats and challenges to VIP security. In addition, we (Parliament Security Services) coordinate the agencies, under Ministry of Home Affairs, like Delhi Police, Parliament Duty Group/CRPF, NDRF, Intelligence Bureau, SPG, NSG, BSF, various State Government Police Organisations etc. in order to ensure a fool proof security to this vital installation and the dignitaries visiting the Complex.



8.4 The break-up of the work done in the Parlimanet Security Service during the year was as under:-

Various functions like the Joint Address by Hon‘ble President during Budget Session, Monsoon and Winter Session of 16th Lok Sabha were planned and carried out very effectively.

Contingency drill/Alarm Bell Rehearsals and thorough Anti Sabotage checks were carried out before every session in the Parliament House Complex in coordination with allied agencies.

Access and movement of Hon‘ble President, Hon‘ble Vice President, Hon‘ble Prime Minister, Hon‘ble Ministers and Members of Parliament were regular in a professional manner.

8.5 Elaborate security arrangements were made in the PH Complex during the following important functions:-

(i) 31 Floral Tributes on the portraits of National Leaders and former Speakers of Lok Sabha in Central Hall, Parliament House.

(ii) Unveiling of photographs of Presidents of Central Legislative Assembly and Portraits of former Speakers of Lok Sabha in Parliament House held on 10th February 2014 in Central Hall, PH were done by .

(iii) Farewell function/cultural programme followed by dinner for the retired/retiring Hon‘ble MPs of Rajya Sabha in PLB on 20.02.2014.

(iv) Arrangements and facilitation of newly elected MPs of 16th Lok Sabha at various locations inside and outside PH Estates. Apart from it, a big function was organised in Central Hall by the political party came in majority to nominate/propose the Prime Minister of the country in May, 2014.

(v) Six member delegation of Standing Committee on Rules and Administration of the House of Representatives of Japan led by Mr. Ichiro Aisawa, Chairman of Standing Committee called on Hon‘ble Speaker, Lok Sabha on 27th June, 2014 in Speaker‘s Committee Room, PH.

(vi) Orientation Programme for newly elected Members of the 16th Lok Sabha held on 30th June and 1st July, 2014 in the main Committee Room, PHA.

(vii) H.E. Mr.PelkoDoykov, Ambassador of Republic of Bulgaria called on Hon‘ble Speaker, Lok Sabha on 1st August, 2014 in Speaker‘s Committee Room, PH.

(viii) A function to confer outstanding Parliamentarians Awards held on 12/08/2014 in Balayogi Auditorium, PLB.

(ix) Annual General Meeting of the Indian Parliamentary Group held on 13th August, 2014 in Main Committee Room, PHA.

(x) A delegation of Regional House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia called on Hon‘ble Speaker, Lok Sabha on 22nd August, 2014 in Committee Room No. G074, PLB. 261

(xi) Sansadiya Rajya Bhasha Samiti programme held in CH on 08/09/2014.

(xii) A meeting to brief the members of the delegation on the Agenda items of the Regional Seminar for Asia- Pacific Parliaments ‗Ending the cycle of violence against girls in Asia – Pacific‘ to be held in Dhaka, Bangladesh from 23rd to 25th September, 2014 held on 18th September, 2014 in Committee Room ‗C‘, PHA.

(xiii) Shri. Rahul Chabra, JS(CE), MEA; H.E. Mrs. Maria Michali, High Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus; Shri. Santosh Jha, JS (EW), MEA and H.E. Mr. Daniele Mancini, Ambassador of Italy called on Hon‘ble Speaker, Lok Sabha on 31st October, 2014, in Room No. 16, PH.

(xiv) Dr.Phumzile MlambaNgcuka, Executive Director and UN Under Secretary General, UN Women with four officials of Women Cell called on Hon‘ble Speaker, Lok Sabha on 11th November, 2014, in Speaker‘s Committee Room, PH.

(xv) A delegation consist of 10 Members of Parliament o Bangladesh led by Lt. Col. Faruk, called on Hon‘ble Deputy Speaker, Lok Sabha on 25th November, 2014 in Deputy Speaker‘s Chamber, PH.

(xvi) 11 Dignitaries and officers from Embassy of Korea, New Delhi, called on Hon‘ble Speaker, Lok Sabha on 12th December, 2014 in Speaker‘s Committee Room, PH.

(xvii) Floral Tribute to the Martyrs of the 13th December, 2001 (13th Anniversary of Terrorist Attack on Parliament House) held on 13th December, 2014 at 1030 hrs. A Blood Donation Camp was also organised on this occasion and a large number of Officers/ Staff from Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha Secretariat and other Security and Allied Agencies in Parliament House donated the blood on the occasion.

(xviii) Direct polling to election for the Governing Council of the Constitution Club for the term 2014-19 held on 18/12/2014 from 1100-1600 hrs.

(xix) Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians India Region Seminar held on 22nd December, 2014 in Main Committee Room, PHA.

As Parliament Estate is trying to attain a status of heritage sight, Parliament Security Service is taking a keen interest and keeping a watch, no unauthorized construction/alteration is done in building without the permission of Heritage Committee.

46,345 persons witnessed the proceedings of Lok Sabha during the year 2014 and their admission to various galleries was properly regulated and a strict vigil maintained.

4,532 Officers of various Ministries and Govt. Departments visited the Official Gallery of Lok Sabha during the year 2014 for official purpose during Session period and their entries were well regulated smoothly by the Parliament Security Service.

37,549 visitors were shown round the Parliament House during Inter-Session period on the recommendation of Hon‘ble Ministers/MPs, Senior Officers of the Secretariat and Education / Government Institutions while 37,207 visitors visit at the Museum at Parliament Library Building and facilitated properly.

A total number of 36,841 Casual Entry Permits were issued through Reception Office, Parliament House; 43,346 numbers of Casual Entry Permits were issued through Reception Office, PHA. 21,915 visitors were issued Casual Entry Permits 262

(Computerised and manual) through Reception Office, PLB and 3,255 Casual Entry Permits were issued to Invitees/Guests of LSTV for PLB.

2432 number of Yellow Casual Entry Passes (meant for contractors/casual labourers) and 2560 number of Pink Casual Entry Passes (meant for allied security agencies) was issued through the D & T Wing, Parliament House. 14,554 numbers of Casual/Monthly Entry Permits were issued through Parliament Security Service office, PHA.

A total number of 1,441Seminars/Conferences/Functions/Meetings/Calls on were held and attended by the Vice-President/Prime Minister/Hon‘ble Speaker/VIPs for which proper security arrangements were made

Additional Security arrangements were made during 432 occasions (Lunches/Dinners/Refreshments etc.) attended by the President/Vice- President/Prime Minister/Hon‘ble Speaker/VVIPs/VIPs/Foreign Delegates.

120 Staff Members from Parliament Security Service, Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha, Technical Wing, Delhi Police, CRPF and H.K. Wing were imparted training time to time in 31 Training/Courses at various Premier Security Institutes in the country and abroad within the year.

The Centralised Pass Issue Cell issues Casual Entry Passes; Sessional Passes; Gallery Passes; Media Passes; Radio Frequency Tags; Identity Cards; Bar Code Passes; Parking Labels etc. to Hon‘ble MPs, Staff, Media,Allied Agencies and visitors during Session/Inter-Session periods throughout the year on permanent, sessional and daily basis as the case may be.

Sanitation work was undertaken and supervised by House Keeping Wing to keep the allotted sectors of Parliament House estate neat and clean.

Security arrangements were meticulously planned, keeping in view of the security threats from various insurgent and militant outfits and smooth & secure functioning was ensured in Parliament House Estate.

(3) Personnel strength of staff in Parliament Security Service {Non –Technical (Executive) Wing}

Posts Sanctioned Strength Actual Strength as on 31.12.2014 Addl. Dir(S), 3 3 JD(S) 6 6 AD(S) 7 7 SO 25 25 (+) SSA 52 49 (+) SA-I 50 50 (+) SA-II 108 61 (+)(&) Security Guard 4 @ Nil TOTAL 255 201

(*) Three officials are on deputation. (+) Out of actual strength TSP to the next rank has been given to 6 Security Officers, 20 Sr. Security Assistant and 6 Security Assistant Gr-II (&) 11 SAs temporarily attached with Technical Wing. @ Presently these post have not been merged with SA-II



8.6 The work related to Technical support in PH Complex is done/supervised by the various units like CCS, CCS(T), LCS, CCTV, Communication & Anti-Sabotage Wing.

8.7 The break-up of the work done in the above mentioned Units during the year was as under:-

CCS - The Central Command Station initially named as ―Command and Control Station‖, started its functioning w.e.f. 9th April 2003, to look after installation, operation and regular maintenance of security gadgets/equipments under the Integrated Security System of the Parliament House Complex. It was formally created vide Office Order Part-I No.1162 dated 08.01.2007. It brings the issues relating to Parliament Security before the JPC on Security in PH Complex and plays a role in implementing the decisions/recommendations of JPC through concerned agencies, formulates and examines new security related proposals, working as nodal agency between the operational and technical staff of PSS and service agencies for ensuring smooth working of all gadgets of the Integrated Security System. The major role to man the CCS (CCTV, ESS, Telephone Desk, NBC and power fence) round the clock is not materialized till date for want of staff.

The Command and Control Station is looking after establishment & operational/maintenance work and monitors Access Control and Integrated Security System through different type of gadgets (Power Fencing, Boom Barriers, Bollards, Tyre Killers, Road Blockers, RF Readers, Flap Barriers, CCTV Cameras etc. installed at gates and operated automatically or manually from the local control stations to facilitate and monitor authorized access in the Parliament House Complex.

In addition, CCS handled work related to Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of various gadgets, settlement of bills, preparation of Budget Estimates for CCS, consolidation of Budget Estimates of various wings/branches of PSS. Procurement & issue of print cartridges, RF Tags & RF Tag Labels to CPIC & other offices of PSS; Correspondence & filing work of NBC system & CBRN project, verification of character & antecedents of various agencies as well as annual verification of officers/staff of LSS & allied agencies in the PH Estate.

During the year CCS has registered and forwarded 1,972 complaints to ECIL relating to security gadgets under Integrated Security System. Total 1,281 number of call response sheets (CRS) have been examined and Rs.20,16,685/- (Rupees Twenty Lakh Sixteen thousand Six Hundred and Eighty five only) is levied on ECIL as penalty for violation of downtime agreement under Annual Maintenance Contract of ISS.

PSS incurred an expenditure of Rs.10,29,01,823/- (Rupees Ten Crore Twenty nine Lakh One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Three Only) on account of AMC charges on the maintenance of ISS of Parliament House Complex during 2014.

CCS-T Unit look after the software/hardware related technical aspects of the Access Control System in the PH Complex including CPIC which include designing, modification, printing of passes, generation of reports, maintenance of network and hardware related problem of PC, server, RF Readers , Flap Barriers and TFT Displays at various access points.

LCS Unit look after the daily/periodical checking, operation, maintenance & supervision of newly installed technical gadgets {which includes Boom-Barrier, Active Bollards, Tyre Killer, 264

Road Blockers, Under Vehicle Surveillance/Scanning System (UVSS) and Security Power Fence} at various access points in PH Complex.

CCTV Unit started functioning in the year 1993 and now look after day-to-day operation, ensure proper working & timely repair/maintenance as well as systematic upgradation of CCTV system, VVIPs/VIPs movements, maintain recording and constant vigil in the entire PH Complex through the latest and upgraded CCTV cameras installed at various strategic locations.

Communication Unit started functioning from 01.09.1993 with the aim of providing uninterrupted and smooth communication facilities to the erstwhile Watch & Ward Service now Parliament Security Service as well as coordination with other security agencies like DP Security, CRPF, ITBP etc. It is looking after the movements of VVIPs/VIPs in PH Complex and maintains communication network and net discipline on round-the-clock basis throughout the year. It looks after operation, maintenance and supervision of communication equipments.

Anti Sabotage Unit – To carry out the anti sabotage/anti-explosive checks of important locations (Chambers, Central Hall, Safe Houses, Committee Rooms etc and VVIP routes) and all the incoming material in Parliament House Complex during session/inter-session period with the help of sniffer dogs and sophisticated electronic equipments round-the-clock. AS Check of vehicles at designated parking place was carried out on daily basis. A. S. Unit was also assisted by other agencies like IB, NSG, DP, SPG etc. during session or VVIP functions. This unit also maintains the awarding of AMC for XBIS, HHMD/DFMDs, Settlement of Bills, operational training to DP Security staff on XBIS, HHMD & DFMDs. This unit procures & maintains latest technical gadgets on AS Check, cell phone deactivators installed at important locations in PH Complex.

Personnel strength of PSS (Technical Wing).

Sl Post(s) Sanctioned Actual strength No. strength 1. Additional Director (Technical) 02 - 2. Joint Director (Technical) 01 - 3. Assistant Director (Technical) 06 06 4. Security Officer (Technical) 08 07 5. Senior Security Assistant (Technical) 48 38 6. Security Assistant, Gr-I (Technical) 52 09 7. Security Assistant, Gr-II (Technical) 30 02 8. Security Assistant, Gr-II (Pharmacist) 01 01 9. Security Guard (Dog Handler) 09 09 10. Security Guard (Kennel man/Cook) 03 03 160 75 Total

In Technical Wing, more than 50% posts are vacant.