

JEFFREY P. G ALLANT [email protected] THE NATIONAL BUILDING l South Sixth Street TERRE HAUTE, INDIANA 47807-3510

Telephone 812/232-2434 Facsimile 812/235-3685

July 26, 2018

Jeff S. Jordan Response: MUR 7386; Respondents: R. Scott Assistant General Counsel Sayre, Chairman; J. Hudson McWilliams, Complaints Examination & Treasurer; Albert Tucker, former Treasurer Legal Administration

Dear Mr. Jordan,

This firm represents each of the Respondents 6th District Republican Committee (the "Committee"); R. Scott Sayre, Chairman; J. Hudson McWilliams, Treasurer; and Albert Tucker' ( collectively "Respondents") with respect to the above-noted matter under review ("MUR").2 The MUR, denominated 7386, addresses a complaint filed by Anne Seaton ("Claim

'Mr. Tucker and Mr. McWilliams have been named in their individual capacities as Respondents to this MUR but submit that these designations are unsupported by the evidence submitted by Complainant and are unwarranted in fact and law. See infra. IV.

2Complainant names former Chairman Sayre, asserting that the Chairman "exercise[s] actual authority over all operations of the Committee, including maintaining compliance with federal law." Complaint at ,r 7. This is a misstatement of fact and conflicts with the Commis­ sion's own position that treasurers are responsible for a committee's compliance with Federal regulations. It is a misstatement because the Chairman does not have plenary authority over the Committee's operations nor responsibility for compliance with the statutes and regulations at issue here. According to the Republican Party of Virginia Plan of Organization, the District Committee Chairman has authority and the duty to call for, convene, and preside over required meetings, canvasses, or conventions; prescribe a time and place for filing declarations of candidacy and petitions as required by state law for a primary; and to operate the District Headquarters, including hiring of any personnel. Republican Party Plan ("Plan") Article IV § D(2) (April 29, 2016) (available at MUR738600032

Jeff S. Jordan July 26, 2018 Page 2

ant") and this letter constitutes these Respondents' Response, which clarifies and counters the information in the complaint, including providing mitigating circumstances. Respondents ask for early settlement consideration with respect to this claim.

Introduction and Background

The Committee is a district party committee3 of the Republican Party of Virginia and, among other things, engages in political activity in connection with both Federal and non-Federal elections. Accordingly, it has established a separate Federal account, in accordance with 11 C.F.R.103, that is treated as a separate Federal political committee (ID # C00005801).4 See 11 C.F .R. 102.5(a)(I )(i). The Committee also maintains a non-Federal account that reports to the Virginia Board of Elections as the 6th Congressional District Republican Committee (PP-12- 00505).5

The MUR concerns claims that the Committee "failed to properly report receipts and disbursements connected with its [c ]onvention, and other federal campaign activities during the 2017-2018 biennium," Complaint ,r 3. Specifically, the Complainant claims that the Committee should have reported contributions in its "federal account" for its nominating convention "and conducting other federal election activityl61 in connection with the 2018 election." Complaint at ii 15. Next, Complainant claims that the Committee's website "solicits online donations in connection with federal election activity'' and "allows users to make an individual or a source-

/Party-Plan-Arnended-April-2016-2.pdf. See also Bylaws of the Sixth Congressional District of Virginia Republican Committee (last revised Nov. 18, 2017) Article lV(A)(l) (same). Instead, it is the treasurer that receives and disburses funds, reports at each District Committee meeting, and files "all required financial reports." Bylaws, Art. rv (A)(5); see also Plan Art. TV § A(7) {providing for the election of a Treasurer of a District Committee). This practice is recognized in the FECA-as the Commission has noted, the treasurer's authority to disburse funds and file and amend disclosure reports is reflected in that "[t]he Act designates treasurers to play a unique role ... as the representative of the committee for purposes of compliance with the Act ...." 70 Fed. Reg. 1 (2005). The Chairman is not a proper party to the present action.

3See 11 C.F .R. 100. l 4(b); Republican Party Plan ("Plan'') Article IV (April 29, 2016) (http://www. virginia. gop/wp-content/uploads/Party-P !an-Amended-A pril-2016-2. pdf).


5 el ll-9bed-984bel03f032

6Nothing described by Complainant is "federal election activity" as defined by 11 C.F.R. 100.24. MUR738600033

Jeff S. Jordan July 26, 2018 Page 3 prohibited corporate contribution by selecting the appropriate radio button on the donation page." Complaint at fl 23, 24. Finally, the complaint alleges "commingling" of Federal and non-Federal funds in the Committee's non-Federal account, by which it means that funds have been "sourced from both federally-permissible and federally impermissible sources," and that the Committee "has received corporate contributions to the same account used to pay expenses in connection with its 2018 federal nominating convention." Complaint at ilil 31-32 ( emphasis added).

Respondents submit that the allegations regarding the solicitation of contributions fail to provide "a clear and concise recitation of ... facts which describe a violation of a statute or regulation over which the Commission has jurisdiction." 11 C.F.R. l l l .4(d)(3). Therefore, the Commission should find no reason to believe that a violation occurred with respect to that claim. Any errors are in reporting are de minimis, insignificant, and present a matter that does not merit the additional expenditures of Commission resources but warrant dismissal. See Statement of Policy Regarding Commission Action in Matters at the Initial Stage in the Enforcement Process, 72 Fed. Reg. 12545, 12546 (2007). With respect to the funding of the 2018 convention at which, for the first time in more than 25 years, the Committee was tasked with planning, funding, and reporting a convention that would choose a nominee for U.S. Congress, the Committee has set in motion the procedure to redesignate funds and reallocate expenses between the Federal and non­ Federal accounts for the expenses of the convention.

I. The Committee Has Properly Deposited Funds in its Non-Federal Account and Reported Its Contributions and Disbursements with the Virginia Department of Elections.

Count l of the complaint observes that throughout 2017 and 2018 the Committee did not deposit any funds into its Federal account or make any disbursements from the Federal account. During this time, the Committee planned and held a convention at which, among other things, the Virginia's Sixth District Congressional nominee was chosen. The complaint asserts that the Committee "rais[ed] money for federal election activity,"7 which "includes" the convention and the collection of filing fees from nominee hopefuls for the 6th District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. From this, it asserts that the Committee is "materially deficient in meeting its federal reporting obligations." In short, Count I argues that the Committee had reported activities in Virginia that it should have been reporting to the FEC.

First, throughout the period at issue, the vast majority of the Committee's reporting was properly limited to Virginia. See, e.g., Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Albert Tucker (July 23, 2018) at AT017, AT031, AT041 (reporting expenditures with no connection to a federal election) Exhibit 2 to Declaration of J. Hudson McWilliams (July 23, 2018) at HM0lO, HM020 (same). And each and every transaction was accurately reported according to Virginia rules, which are

7See supra, n. 6. MUR738600034

Jeff S. Jordan July 26, 2018 Page4 nearly identical to Federal reporting obligations. At most, then, any real deficiency in reporting was de minimis, insignificant, and would present a matter that does not merit the additional expenditures of Commission resources but warrants dismissal. See Statement ofPolicy Regard­ ing Commission Action in Matters at the Initial Stage in the Enforcement Process, 72 Fed. Reg. 12545, 12546 (2007). Moreover, any affected Federal reports will be amended pursuant to the Committee's redesignating funds and allocation of expenses between the Federal and non­ Federal accounts. See infra, Part ID.

II. Count II of the Complaint Does not Describe or Demonstrate a Violation of Source or Amount Restrictions.

The complaint contends that the Committee's website ''solicits online donations in connection with federal election activity'' and "allows users to make an individual or a [federally] source-prohibited corporate contribution ... in any amount, including contributions which [violate] federal contribution limits." Complaint at ,-r,i 23-26. The first statement is an unsup­ ported conclusion of law- it is simply a bald assertion. The second does not describe or demonstrate a violation of Federal regulations.

As noted supra, the Committee is a district party committee8 that, among other things, finances political activity in connection with both non-Federal and Federal elections. Accord­ ingly, it has established a separate Federal account in accordance with 11 C.F.R.103 that is treated as a separate Federal political committee. See l l C.F.R. 102.5(a)(l)(i). The bulk of the Committee's activities have not been in connection with a Federal election and are carried out and reported by the Committee's non-Federal account, which is registered and reports as a Virginia Political Party Committee. The Complainant wrongly assumes that the Committee must raise funds only for the Federal account and hence concludes that its page must be raising funds for the Federal account. But even then, the supposed deficiencies of the page do not describe a violation of Federal regulations.

The applicable regulation, 11 C.F.R. I 02.5(a)(2), provides that only contributions that are (1) "designated for the Federal account[,] ... [(2)] result from a solicitation which expressly states that the contribution will be used in connection with a Federal election[,]" or (3) are "from contributors who are informed that all contributions are subject to the prohibitions and limita­ tions of the [FECA]" may be deposited into the Committee's Federal account. 11 C.F.R. l 02.5(a)(2)(i), (ii), (iii). The funds donated through the portal were not deposited in the Federal account.

The donation portal, activated in February of 2017, resulted in $21,846 in contributions between February and April of 2017. See Exhibit 3 to Declaration of Albert Tucker (July 23,

~see 11 C.F.R. 100.14(b); Republican Party Plan ("Plan") Article IV (April 29, 2016). MUR738600035

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2018) (spreadsheet of online donations) at AT063-AT065; Exhibit 1 to Tucker Deel. (Copies of the Committee's online Virginia political party committee filings from January through March 2017) at AT047-AT049; Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams (July 23, 2018) at HM004 et seq. (same for April and following).9 That is, it is unequivocally clear that none of these funds were deposited in the Committee's Federal account. The website solicited no "unqualified"10 funds that were deposited in the Federal account and no violation bas been described or demonstrated.

III. The Committee Has Not "Commingled" Federal and Non-Federal Funds.

The third count of the complaint alleges that the Committee has not made deposits into or disbursements from the Federal account, and that it has instead deposited all receipts into and made all disbursements from the State account, which is a political party committee established and maintained under Virginia law that reports to the Virginia Department of Elections. In effect, Complainant asserts that depositing funds from "federally-impermissible sources" into the non­ Federal account is "co-mingling." Complaint 1 31. The term "commingling" does not appear in the FECA or the regulations applying FECA. Instead, at best, the claim merely restates the claim of Count II-inferring that it violates a Federal statute or regulation for the Committee to collect funds for its non-Federal account from sources that could he prohibited from contributing to Federal committees. But, again, laying aside whether any of the contributions were actually prohibited to the Federal account, the Committee did not deposit the funds into its Federal account but into its non-Federal account, see Tucker Deel. Ex. 1, pp. AT001-AT-AT058; McWilliams Deel. Ex. 2, pp. HM002-HMHM062, and no violation of 11 C.F.R. 102.5 occurred.

While, as 1 32 of the Complaint points out, the Committee paid expenses in connection with the convention from an account into which corporate contributions had been deposited, this does not describe a violation. First, because there are both Federal and non-Federal expenses at

9The non-Federal account reporting is also available online at http://cfreports.sbe. 0891 l (Direct Contributions, 1/01/17-03/31/17) and 119493 (Direct Contributions, 4/01/17- 06/30/17).

101n fact, nearly all the donations could actually have been permissibly deposited in and reported by the Federal account. A donation that is designated for the Federal account is permissibly deposited in a Federal account. 11 C.F.R. 102.5(a)(2)(i). The Donate-linked page provides a comment box for a donor to designate. See Tucker Deel. 1 12; see also All the information required for reporting is also gathered- the link requires that the donor identify as an Individual or Corpora­ tion, provide occupation, employer, employer's address, and check a box attesting to citizenship status. MUR738600036

Jeff S. Jordan July 26, 2018 Page 6 issue with the convention, the non-Federal account is not per se prohibited from paying conven­ tion expenses. See, e.g., Campaign Guide for Political Party Committees (Aug. 2013) Chapter 13 (a district party committee is allowed to allocate expenses between the Federal and non-Federal accounts). The issue is ascertaining the proper allocation offunds for the Federal account and making the allocated payment from the Federal account. The Committee will do so.

The Committee has properly deposited funds primarily to its non-Federal account. But the vast majority ofthe funds that were deposited in the non-Federal account could have been designated for the Federal account and used for the Federal account's purposes. The Committee will, therefore, as the Commission has expressly advised is permissible, "redesignate" and transfer funds from the non-Federal to the Federal account. See AO 2000-25 (DFL Caucus) (allowing, under 11 C.F.R. 102.6(a), the transfer offunds via "redesignation" of non-Federal funds to a Federal account where, as here, the non-Federal and Federal committees are affiliated under 11 C.F.R. 100.5(g)(2) (they are "established, financed, maintained or controlled by the same corporation, labor organization,person or group ofpersons)). See also AO 2018-02 (ALRAD PAC) at 10-12 (allowing redesignation of funds that meet relevant Federal source and amount limitations); AO 2000-25 at 3 n.2 (citing Advisory Opinions 1990-29, 1990-16, 1984-31 and 1981-34 allowing "transfers of funds from nonfederal accounts to Federal accounts when the funds being transferred were permissible under the Act, and when the committees involved provided the original donors appropriate notice and an opportunity to object to the transfer.") The Committee will, then, in compliance with Commission regulation and guidance, identify funds in its non-Federal account that meet Federal requirements, formally redesignate them for use in connection with Federal elections, and transfer them to the Federal account. The Committee will allocate the convention and related expenses according to 11 C.F.R. 106.7. The Federal account will then pay its allocated expenses directly and the Committee will request any refunds of payments from the non-Federal account. This corrects any actual violation.

IV. No Treasure Should be Named and No Findings Should be Made Against Any Treasurer in Their Personal Capacity in this Matter.

A treasurer is named as a respondent and findings made against a treasurer in his or her personal capacity when

the MUR involves the treasurer's violation ofa legal obligation that the statute or regulations impose specifically on committee treasurers or when a reasonable inference from the alleged violation is that the treasurer knew, or should have known, about the facts constituting a violation.[footnote omitted] In practice, however, the Commission intends to consider a treasurer the subject ofan en­ forcement proceeding in his or her personal capacity only when available informa­ tion (or inferences fairly derived therefrom) indicates that the treasurer had knowledge that his or her conduct violated a duty imposed by law, or where the MUR738600037

Jeff S. Jordan July 26, 2018 Page 7

treasurer recklessly failed to fulfill his or her duties under the act and regulations, or intentionally deprived himself or herself of facts giving rise to the violations. If, at any time in the proceeding, the Commission is persuaded that the treasurer did not act with the requisite state ofmind, subsequent findings against the treasurer will only be made in his or her official capacity.[footnote omitted]

Statement ofPolicy Regarding Treasurers Subject to Enforcement Proceedings, 70 Fed. Reg. 3, 27 (2005). Here, the Commission should easily find that no treasure presently named in their personal capacity acted with the requisite state ofmind.

First, as the record reflects, neither "intentionally deprived himself or herselfof facts,"- instead, both treasurers acted with complete candor in reporting each and every transaction of the Committee. See, e.g., McWilliams Deel. 11 6-11; Tucker Deel. ,i,i 6-12. Mr. Tucker, who was treasurer from 20 t 2 until 2017, kept meticulous records, Exhibits 2 & 3 to Tucker Deel., and Mr. McWilliams' handling of the Committee's records was affirmed by a fonnal Examination Committee, Exhibit I to McWilliams Deel.

Neither did either treasurer "knowingly and willfully" overlook any provision of Federal law. No Committee treasurer, officer, or member in the last 25 years had experience with a convention such as that which was held in 2018. Declaration ofScott Sayre (July 24, 2018) ,r,r 4- 5. Long before his tenure overlapped the convention, Mr. Tucker regularly consulted FEC personnel to ascertain proper reporting-he had the direct phone number to a particular special­ ist. Mr. Mc Williams specifically pursued FEC advice with respect to the particular question of the proper reporting ofthe convention. McWilliams Deel. at ,r,r 12-13. Neither treasurer knowingly and willfully overlooked any provision of Federal law and neither hid nor intention­ ally deprived themselves of pertinent facts. Neither treasurer should be named, let alone pursued in their personal capacity here.


The Chairman is incorrectly named in the Complaint, and neither Treasurer should be subject to the MUR in their personal capacity. The allegations regarding the solicitation of contributions fails to describe a violation ofthe Act or the regulations and the Commission should find no reason to believe that a violation occurred with respect to that claim. Any errors in reporting are de minimis, insignificant, and present a matter that does not merit the additional expenditures of Commission resources but warrant dismissal. With respect to the funding of the 2018 convention at related events, the Committee will redesignate funds to the Federal account, calculate its proper allocation, and make payments directly to the vendors. Any refunds will be made to the non-Federal account, and the pertinent Federal reports will be amended. This MUR should be closed without further action. MUR738600038

Jeff S. Jordan July 26, 2018 Page 8


THE BOPP LAW FIRM, PC ri1~ James Bopp, Jr. Jeffrey P. Gallant MUR738600039

Declaration of J. Hudson McWilliams

I, J. Hudson "Hud" Mc Williams, declare as follows:

l. I am over 18 years of age.

2. I am offering this declaration in support ofresponses to Federal Election Commission Matter

Under Review 7386.

3. I was the treasurer ofthe Sixth District Republican Committee ("Committee") from May,

2017 until June 23, 2018.

4. The Committee has two checking accounts. One is a State checking account and the other is a Federal checking account. The State checking account reports as a Political Party Committee to the

Virginia Department ofElections, ID # PP-12-00505. The Federal account reports to the FEC, ID #

C00005801. Attached as Exhibit 2 are true and correct copies of the Virginia filings for the period

April 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. These files are also available online at el l 1-9bed-984bel03f032.

5. The Committee does not have an allocation account or a Levin account.

6. During the 2017-2018 period, all receipts and expenditures were deposited into and paid from the Committee's state account and reported on regularly-scheduled reports to the Virginia

Department ofElections. To the best ofmy knowledge and recollection, none of the contributions to the Committee during this period were ever designated for use in connection with a federal election.

7. On April 15, 20 l 7, the Committee held a fundraising event ("Gala") which, after expenses, raised $6264.58. See Exhibit 2 to Declaration ofAlbert Tucker (July 23, 2018) at AT059. The funds and expenses ofthe Gala were deposited in and drawn from the State account and reported to the

Virginia Board of Elections in the next-scheduled report. See Exhibit 2 at HW00l-HW0l l.

Declaration ofHudson McWilliams MUR738600040

8. Among donors to the committee, three corporations contributed to support the Gala or otherwise to support the Committee. See Tucker Deel. Exhibit 2 at A T060-62. Their status is reported in the quarterly report filed with Virginia. Exhibit 2 at HM00S (Power Monitors, Inc.), HM006 (War

Room Strategies, Inc.). The contribution from Central Virginia Drywall of$12.00 does not appear on the Virginia report because although entered into the site's software, the amount has not reached the aggregate trigger of$100 at which Virginia requires reporting.

9. On January 6, 2018, the Committee issued an official call for a convention. This was the first time a convention would elect a nominee for U.S. Congress in more than 25 years.

During January, $41,500.00 was deposited into our State account in filing fees from eight candidates who were seeking the Republican nomination to run for the U.S. House ofRepresentatives and three candidates who were seeking election to Party offices in the 6th District. Attached hereto as Exhibit 3 is a spreadsheet that correctly records the income and expenses ofthe convention.

10. The Committee held four events at government and educational venues to allow hopeful nominees to introduce themselves and their ideas to the public. The events were held on January 27,

February 3, February 17, and February 24, 2018. The events were held in public venues at government agencies and educational. Expenses for these events totaled $216.21 . Exhibit 4 attached hereto is a spreadsheet that correctly lists these expenses. These were reported to the Virginia Department of

Elections. Exhibit 2 at pp. HM042, HM057.

11. The funds received as filing fees to run for office were put into the state account for

Committee use. This money was reported to the Virginia Department of Elections in the next scheduled report. Exhibit 2, pp. HM038-HM039.

12. In April 2018, about one month before the Convention, I sought guidance concerning the account where the filing fees had been deposited. I called the FEC and spoke to an information

Declaration of Hudson McWilliams 2 MUR738600041

specialist whose name I do not remember. I told the FEC representative that I needed to make sure that the funds had been placed into the correct account. I stated that it was my belief that the funds had been correctly deposited because those filing were not yet Federal candidates. I believe that I explained the situation adequately to conclude that the specialist understood that this was in connection with a nominating convention for the District's candidate for the U.S. House ofRepresentatives. To the best ofmy recollection, the specialist agreed that "it is a State matter."

13. At the end ofMay or the beginning ofJune, I received two complaints naming the

Committee and me (MURs 7386 & 7388). I then sought to get a name to go along with the information

I received from the FEC. I contacted Chris, an FEC specialist. Chris declined to send me in an email the previous information I'd received. To the best ofmy recollection, I explained the situation to him exactly as I had to the other person I had talked to, and asked whether the filing fees from candidates who were seeking the nomination to Congress were correctly deposited in the State account. Chris pointed me to page 55 ofthe FEC Political Party Guide and suggested that what I described was not

"federal election activity."

14. The Bylaws ofthe Committee require that upon succession ofa new treasurer an

Examination Committee must be appointed and must review the financial records ofthe Committee before they are transferred to the new treasurer. Attached as Exhibit 1 is a true and correct copy ofthe letter certifying that, on July 19, 2018, that the Examinations Committee review ofthe Committee financial records found them in good order, in balance, and agreed that the transactions reviewed for the period were either authorized or normal and customary to the conduct ofthe business ofthe


Declaration ofHudson McWilliams 3 MUR738600042

I verify under peoalty of petjmy under the laws of the of America that the factual statements herein concerning the Sixth District Republican Committee are true and correct. 28 U.S.C. 1746. MUR738600043 Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Hud McWilliams

July 20, 2018

To: The Sixth Congressional District of Virginia Republican Committee

This letter is to certify that the financial records for the period May 6, 2017 through June 23, 2018, during which time Hud McWilliams was Committee Treasurer, have been reviewed by the Examinations Committee per article IX, section C of the District Committee bylaws. The members of this committee were Dan Cullers, Donald Helms, Jonathan Comer and Nancy Dye.

On Thursday, July 19, we reviewed the financial records for this period comparing bank statements from Union Bank against the receipts and the excel record of transactions maintained by Hud McWilliams. Mr. McWilliams was present for the examination.

The committee found all records in good order, and the books in balance. The committee agreed that the transactions reviewed for this period were either authorized or normal and customary to the conduct of the business of the District Committee.


Chairman, Examinations Committee, 2018 Sixth Congressional District of Virginia

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM001 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600044 Reporting Period: 04/01/2017 Through: 06/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 1 of 15 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Adamo, Linda 1.Retired 4266 Toddsbury Drive 2.Retired 04/03/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Vinton, VA 24179 3.Retired

Alderson, John E 1.John Alderson Insurance Agency Inc 1248 Shavers Farm Road 2.President 04/15/2017 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Fincastle, VA 24090 3.Daleville, VA

Ashby, Leah 1.Stonewall Jackson Hotel 816 Northgate Ave 2.Banquet Manager 04/15/2017 $55.00 $155.00 Waynesboro, VA 20098 3.Staunton, VA

Austin, Kathy 1.Austin electrical Construction 17215 Lee Highway 2.Office Manager 04/15/2017 $150.00 $150.00 Buchanan, VA 24066 3.Buchanan, VA

Austin, Terry 1.Austin Electrical Construction 17215 Lee Highway 2.Business Owner 04/15/2017 $400.00 $400.00 Buchanan, VA 24066 3.Buchanan, VA

Baker, James 1.Retired 179 Wildwood Drive 2.Retired 04/15/2017 $290.00 $290.00 Greensburg, PA 15601 3.Retired

Ben Cline for Virginia House of Delegates 1. PO Box 817 2.Member Virginia House of Delegates 04/12/2017 $500.00 $500.00 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Richmond VA

Billias, Christopher 1.Rockbridge/Lexington City 55 Savannahs Trail 2.Deputy Commenwealth Attourney 04/12/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Glasgow, VA 24455 3.Lexington VA

Bob Goodlatte for Congress Committee 1. PO Box 292 2.Candidate Committee 04/01/2017 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Roanoke, VA 24002 3.Roanoke, VA

Boyer, Nathan 1.Central Virginia Drywall 5239 Everett Road 2.President 05/12/2017 $150.00 $650.00 Forest, VA 24551 3.Forest VA

Central Republican Women 1. 7285 Bordontown Road 2.Republican Women Club 04/26/2017 $250.00 $250.00 Vinton, VA 24179 3.Vinton, VA

Cuzzimano, Nancy 1.Retired 602 Falling Spring Road 2.Retired 04/15/2017 $20.00 $220.00 Glasgo, VA 24555 3.Glasgo, VA

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM002 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600045 Reporting Period: 04/01/2017 Through: 06/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 2 of 15 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Dye, nancy V 1.Retired 1801 Prospect Rd 2.Retired 04/12/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Roanoke, VA 24014 3.Retired

Ed Gillespie for Governor 1. PO Box 71596 2.Candidate Committee 04/14/2017 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Richmond, VA 23255 3.Richmond, VA

Elect 1. PO Box 19130 2.Candidate Committee 04/13/2017 $500.00 $500.00 Roanoke, VA 24019 3.Roanoke, VA

Estrada, Stephen J 1.Retired 335 London Street 2.Retired 04/13/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Protsmouth, VA 23704 3.Retired

Fitzgerald, Matthew J 1.Lukhair LLC 261 Thornrose Ave 2.Architect 04/06/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Staunton, VA 24401 3.Staunton

Fitzgerald, Matthew J 1.Lukhair LLC 261 Thornrose Ave 2.Architect 04/15/2017 $20.00 $220.00 Staunton, VA 24401 3.Staunton

Friends of Steve Newman 1. PO Box 480 2.Election Campaign Committee 04/12/2017 $300.00 $300.00 Forest, VA 24551 3.Forest, VA

Friends of Steve Newman 1. PO Box 480 2.Election Campaign Committee 04/15/2017 $100.00 $400.00 Forest, VA 24551 3.Forest, VA

Gates, Sandy 1. 2847 Country Club Road 2. 04/12/2017 $50.00 $150.00 Troutville, VA 24175 3.

Gimbert, Douglas 1.Big Mountain Equipment 2701 Mary Linda Ave 2.Business Owner 04/10/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Roanoke, VA 24012 3.Roanoke, VA

Gimbert, Douglas 1.Big Mountain Equipment 2701 Mary Linda Ave 2.Business Owner 04/15/2017 $45.00 $245.00 Roanoke, VA 24012 3.Roanoke, VA

Green, Wesley C 1.Weaver Insurance 47 Beans River Bottom 2.Insurance Agent 04/05/2017 $300.00 $300.00 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Waynesboro, VA

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM003 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600046 Reporting Period: 04/01/2017 Through: 06/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 3 of 15 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Green, Wesley C 1.Weaver Insurance 47 Beans River Bottom 2.Insurance Agent 04/15/2017 $225.00 $525.00 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Waynesboro, VA

Guthrie, Deborah 1.Edward Grant Salon 5732 Bridlewood Drive 2.Business Owner 04/15/2017 $250.00 $250.00 Roanoke, VA 24018 3.Roanoke, VA

Helms, Jennifer 1.BB&T Bank 772 Stayman Road 2.Vice President 04/04/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Roanoke, VA 24019 3.Roanoke, VA

Houser, Bic 1.HTV360 1657 Forge Road 2.Media Producer 04/11/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Lexington, VA

Hunter, Nancy B 1.Retired 4756 John Scott Drive 2.Retired 04/13/2017 $400.00 $400.00 Lynchburg, VA 24503 3.Retired

Iovanna, Diane 1.Retired 141 Westfield Court 2.Retired 04/04/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Harrisonburg, VA 22802 3.Retired

Jenks, Chardon 1.Retired 711 Clark's Tract 2.Retired 04/10/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Keswick, VA 22947 3.Retired

Jenks, Chardon 1.Retired 711 Clark's Tract 2.Retired 04/15/2017 $100.00 $300.00 Keswick, VA 22947 3.Retired

Kijak, Steve 1.Lower Keyes Tackle Shop 29770 Overseas Hwy 2.Store Manager 04/15/2017 $225.00 $225.00 Big Pine Key, FL 33043 3.Big Pine Key, Fl

Kwiatkowski, Karen U 1.Retired 1785 Deerhead Road 2.Retired 04/15/2017 $50.00 $150.00 Mount Jackson, VA 22842 3.Mount Jackson VA

McCoy, Cher 1.Pack & Mail 43 Passamaquoddy Trail 2.Store Owner 04/12/2017 $50.00 $150.00 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Lexington, VA

McGrath, Geraldine L 1.Retired 3335 Belshire Court SW 2.Retired 04/15/2017 $80.00 $280.00 Roanoke, VA 24014 3.Roanoke, VA

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM004 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600047 Reporting Period: 04/01/2017 Through: 06/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 4 of 15 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Middleton, Andrew 1.City Electric Supply 87 Cypress Lane 2.Engineer 04/02/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Mount Sidney, VA 24467 3.Mount Sidney, VA

Mixon, James B. 1.Commonwealth of Virginia 4508 Summerset Circle 2.Analyst 04/12/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Roanoke, VA 24018 3.Roanoke, VA

Nave, Charles H 1.Charles H Nave P.C. 316 Mountain Ave SW 2.Business Owner 04/15/2017 $250.00 $250.00 Roanoke, VA 24016 3.Roanoke, VA

Nichols, Dean 1.Layman & Nichols, PC 268 Newman Ave 2.Attorney 04/15/2017 $25.00 $525.00 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 3.Harrisonburg, VA

Power Monitors, Inc 1. 800 North Main Street 2.Power Quality Analysis 04/11/2017 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Mount Crawford, VA 22841 3.Mount Crawford, VA

Reeves for Lt. Governor 1. PO Box 71596 2.Candidate Committee 04/10/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Richmond, VA 23255 3.Richmond, VA

Rhodes, Mary Jane 1.Retired 4204 Woodvale Circle 2.Retired 04/15/2017 $30.00 $230.00 Roanoke, VA 24018 3.Roanoke, VA

Rhodes, Mary Jane 1.Retired 4204 Woodvale Circle 2.Retired 04/15/2017 $20.00 $250.00 Roanoke, VA 24018 3.Roanoke, VA

Rose, Gene A 1.Retired 5902 Bighorn Drive 2.Retired 04/14/2017 $200.00 $400.00 Roanoke, VA 24018 3.Roanoke VA

Rossow, Melissa 1.Montague Miller Realty 1009 Rougemont Ave 2.Realtor 04/12/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Charlottesville, VA 22902 3.Charlottesville, Va

Sayre, Mark 1.Sayre Enterprises Inc 1 View Drive 2.Plant Manager 04/12/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Natural Bridge Station, VA

Sayre, Mark 1.Sayre Enterprises Inc 1 View Drive 2.Plant Manager 04/15/2017 $25.00 $225.00 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Natural Bridge Station, VA

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM005 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600048 Reporting Period: 04/01/2017 Through: 06/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 5 of 15 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Stewart, Corey 1.Stewart PLLC 14513 General Washington 2.Attorney 04/12/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Woodbridge, VA 22193 3.Woodbridge, VA

Stokes, Baird W 2111 Turtle Creek Dr 2.Business Owner 04/15/2017 $30.00 $130.00 Henrico, VA 23233 3.Henrico, VA

Tederick, Mathew A 1.Wealth Management Inc 21 Edgewood Street 2.Financial Consultant 04/15/2017 $50.00 $350.00 Front Royal, VA 22630 3.Front Royal VA

War Room Strategies 1. 1057 Baxter Street 2.Political Consulting 04/06/2017 $500.00 $500.00 Athens, GA 30606 3.Athens, GA

Williams, Melvin 1.Mel Williams PLC 3167 Stoneridge Rd, SW 2.Attorney 04/08/2017 $500.00 $500.00 Roanoke, VA 24014 3.Roanoke, VA

Total This Period $17,340.00

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM006 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600049 Reporting Period: 04/01/2017 Through: 06/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 6 of 15 Donor Information 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) Schedule B: In-Kind Contributions Over $100 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) 3. Business Location Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 4. Service/Goods Received Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor 5. Basis used to Determine Value

1. Stonewall Jackson Hotel Ashby, Leah 2. Banquet Manager 816 Northgate Ave 3. Staunton, VA 04/15/2017 $46.00 $201.00 Waynesboro, VA 20098 4. Triple Lawn Spinner 5. Actual Cost

1. Retired Bandy, Larry 2. Retired 5006 Blue Grass Valley Rd 3. Retired 04/15/2017 $70.00 $170.00 Hightown, VA 24465 4. Civil War Reenactment Tickets 5. Fair Market Value

1. Central Virginia Drywall Boyer, Nathan 2. President 5239 Everett Road 3. Forest VA 04/15/2017 $500.00 $500.00 Forest, VA 24551 4. Tall Stilt Uncle Sam 4 Hour Performance 5. Fair Market Value

1. Educational Ventures Dunbar, Cynthia 2. Business Owner 253 Barringer Drive 3. Rustburg, VA 04/15/2017 $300.00 $300.00 Rustburg, VA 24588 4. Inaugural Commemorative Memorabilia 5. Fair Market Value

1. Weaver Insurance Green, Wesley C 2. Insurance Agent 47 Beans River Bottom 3. Waynesboro, VA 04/15/2017 $65.00 $590.00 Lexington, VA 24450 4. Box of 10 Cigars 5. Actual Cost

1. Retired Jenks, Chardon 2. Retired 711 Clark's Tract 3. Retired 04/15/2017 $150.00 $450.00 Keswick, VA 22947 4. Antique Folding Table 5. Fair Market Value

1. Retired Jenks, Chardon 2. Retired 711 Clark's Tract 3. Retired 04/15/2017 $55.00 $505.00 Keswick, VA 22947 4. Necklace and Bracelet Set 5. Fair Market Value

1. Retired Kwiatkowski, Karen U 2. Retired 1785 Deerhead Road 3. Mount Jackson VA 04/15/2017 $60.00 $210.00 Mount Jackson, VA 22842 4. Three Hour Farm Labor Package 5. Fair Market Value

1. Pack & Mail McCoy, Cher 2. Store Owner 43 Passamaquoddy Trail 3. Lexington, VA 04/15/2017 $90.00 $240.00 Lexington, VA 24450 4. Dog Training Session 5. Actual Cost

1. Pack & Mail McCoy, Cher 2. Store Owner 43 Passamaquoddy Trail 3. Lexington, VA 04/15/2017 $75.00 $315.00 Lexington, VA 24450 4. Custom Canvas Picture Framing 5. Fair Market Value

1. Frederic's Flowers Reynolds, Mary 2. Florist 2103 Goose Creek Valley Rd 3. Bedford, VA 04/15/2017 $125.00 $125.00 Montvale, VA 24122 4. Floral Wreath for silent auction Exhibit5. Actual Cost 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM007 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600050 Reporting Period: 04/01/2017 Through: 06/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 7 of 15 Donor Information 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) Schedule B: In-Kind Contributions Over $100 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) 3. Business Location Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 4. Service/Goods Received Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor 5. Basis used to Determine Value

1. Sayre Enterprises Sayre, Mary B 2. CEO 15 High Meadow Dr 3. Natural Bridge Station VA 04/15/2017 $99.00 $129.00 Lexington, VA 24450 4. Christmas Plate Set 5. Actual Cost

1. Sayre Enterprises Sayre, Scott 2. President 45 Natural Bridge School Road 3. Natural Bridge Station VA 04/15/2017 $500.00 $500.00 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 4. Turkey Hunting Outing 5. Fair Market Value

1. Stonebridge Properties 2. Banquet and Event Facilities and Catering PO Box 52 3. Natural Bridge Station, VA 05/06/2017 $300.00 $5,600.00 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 4. Meeting Room Facilities and Support 5. Fair Market Value

1. Retired Tucker III, Albert S 2. Retired 61 Tuckaway Ridge 3. Lexington VA 04/15/2017 $100.00 $136.00 Lexington, VA 24450 4. Leather Jacket 5. Fair Market Value

1. Self Wilkins, S Vance 2. Entrepreneur PO Box 469 3. Amherst, VA 04/15/2017 $45.00 $245.00 Amherst, VA 24521 4. Hand Made Bowl 5. Fair Market Value

1. Self Wilkins, S Vance 2. Entrepreneur PO Box 469 3. Amherst, VA 04/15/2017 $30.00 $275.00 Amherst, VA 24521 4. Elephant Tile Coasters 5. Fair Market Value

1. Self Wilkins, S Vance 2. Entrepreneur PO Box 469 3. Amherst, VA 04/15/2017 $45.00 $320.00 Amherst, VA 24521 4. Champaign Basket 5. Fair Market Value

1. Self Wilkins, S Vance 2. Entrepreneur PO Box 469 3. Amherst, VA 04/15/2017 $50.00 $370.00 Amherst, VA 24521 4. FitBit Wrist Band 5. Fair Market Value

1. Self Wilkins, S Vance 2. Entrepreneur PO Box 469 3. Amherst, VA 04/15/2017 $150.00 $520.00 Amherst, VA 24521 4. Royal Ducalware Bowl 5. Fair Market Value

Total This Period $2,855.00

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM008 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600051 Reporting Period: 04/01/2017 Through: 06/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 8 of 15

No Schedule C results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM009 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600052 Reporting Period: 04/01/2017 Through: 06/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 9 of 15 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. Albert Credit card services and transaction fees 04/03/2017 $247.62 12120 Sunset Hills Road Tucker Suite 500

Stonewall Jackson Hotel and Conference Center Deposit for 2017 Gala event services Scott Sayre 04/12/2017 $5,000.00 24 South Market Street Staunton, VA 24401

Digital Image Printing Albert 1615 Roanoke Road Printing services for 2017 Gala Program 04/14/2017 $864.51 Tucker Daleville, VA 24083

WalMart Lexington Albert 1233 N. Lee Highway Purchase printer ink 04/14/2017 $31.56 Tucker Lexington, VA 24450

DJD Creative LLC 1140 Wall Street Speakers Fee for Dinesh D"Souza April 15, 2017 Scott Sayre 04/15/2017 $15,000.00 #2157 Huffman-Curran Gala La Jolla, CA 92038

Scott, Mildred H Reimbursement for table decorations and setups 411 Woodmere Drive Scott Sayre 04/15/2017 $384.14 purchased from Kroger and WalMart Vinton, VA 24179

Stonewall Jackson Hotel and Conference Center Final Payment for Facility and Banquet services Scott Sayre 04/15/2017 $1,238.64 24 South Market Street Staunton, VA 24401

Swain, Carol M 1946 Kensington High Street Balance of speakers fee Scott Sayre 04/15/2017 $2,450.00 Lilburn, GA 30047

Swain, Carol M 1946 Kensington High Street Per Diem (2 day) part of speaking contract Scott Sayre 04/15/2017 $100.00 Lilburn, GA 30047

Swain, Carol M Albert 1946 Kensington High Street Purchase Swain Books and DVDs for 2017 gala 04/15/2017 $410.00 Tucker Lilburn, GA 30047

Stonewall Jackson Hotel and Conference Center Hotel room for 2 nights for Carol Swain Scott Sayre 04/17/2017 $289.76 24 South Market Street Staunton, VA 24401

J White Media 213 Nottingham Circle Audio and Video archive of 2017 Gala proceedings Scott Sayre 04/25/2017 $150.00 Lynchburg, VA 24502

Stonewall Jackson Hotel and Conference Center Beverage service at 2017 gala Scott Sayre 04/27/2017 $1,364.21 24 South Market Street Staunton, VA 24401 Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM010 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600053 Reporting Period: 04/01/2017 Through: 06/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 10 of 15 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure

Digital Image Printing Printing services for handouts at district committee Albert 1615 Roanoke Road 04/28/2017 $58.97 meeting Tucker Daleville, VA 24083

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. Albert Credit card services and transaction fees 05/01/2017 $243.31 12120 Sunset Hills Road Tucker Suite 500

Stonebridge Properties Albert PO Box 52 setups and refreshments for district meeting 05/03/2017 $50.00 Tucker Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579

Singletree Media PO Box 4743 Facebook boost for gala promotions Scott Sayre 05/04/2017 $17.41 Lynchburg, VA 24502

Stonewall Jackson Hotel and Conference Center Albert Hotel parking fee for Carol Swain 05/19/2017 $12.00 24 South Market Street Tucker Staunton, VA 24401

Giammona, Meghan 320 12th Street 2 Photographers for 6th District Republican Gala J Hudson 05/24/2017 $300.00 Unit 205 April 2017 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24504

Singletree Media J Hudson PO Box 4743 2 year domain name renewal (9 domains) 05/31/2017 $200.00 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502

McCoy, Cher Va. Republican Women's Committee Help with April J Hudson 43 Passamaquoddy Trail 06/01/2017 $225.00 2017 6th District Republican Gala McWilliams Lexington, VA 24450

Total This Period $28,637.13

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM011 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600054 Reporting Period: 04/01/2017 Through: 06/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 11 of 15

No Schedule E-1 results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM012 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600055 Reporting Period: 04/01/2017 Through: 06/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 12 of 15

No Schedule E-2 results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM013 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600056 Reporting Period: 04/01/2017 Through: 06/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 13 of 15

No Schedule F results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM014 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600057 Reporting Period: 04/01/2017 Through: 06/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 14 of 15 Number of Amount Schedule G: Statement of Funds Contributions Contributions Received This Period 1. Schedule A [Over $100] 53 $17,340.00 2. Schedule B [Over $100] 20 $2,855.00 3. Un-itemized Cash Contributions [$100 or less] 35 $2,313.00 4. Un-itemized In-Kind Contributions [$100 or less] 7 $250.00 5. Total 115 $22,758.00 Bank Interest, Refunded Expenditures and Rebates 6. Schedule C [also enter on Line 17b on Schedule H] $0.00 Expenditures Made This Period 7. Schedule B [From line 2 Above] $2,855.00 8. Un-itemized In-Kind contributions [From line 4 Above] $250.00 9. Schedule D [Expenditures] $28,637.13 10. Total [add lines 7, 8 and 9] $31,742.13 Reconciliation of Loan Account 11. Beginning loan balance [from line 15 of last report] $0.00 12. Loans received this period [from Schedule E-Part 1] $0.00 13. Subtotal $0.00

14. Subtract: Loans repaid this period [from Schedule E-Part2] $0.00

15. Ending loan balance $0.00

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM015 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600058 Reporting Period: 04/01/2017 Through: 06/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 15 of 15 Schedule H: Summary of Receipts and Disbursements 16. Beginning Balance [Line 19 of last Report] $31,085.39 17. Receipts for Current Reporting Period: a. Contributions received this period [Line 5 of Schedule G] $22,758.00 b. Bank interest, refunded expenditures and rebates $0.00 [Line 6 of Schedule G] c. Loans received this period [Line 12 of Schedule G] $0.00 d. Subtotal: Contributions and Receipts received this period $22,758.00 e. Total Expendable Funds [Add Linds 16 and 17d] $53,843.39 18. Disbursements for Current Reporting Period a. Expenditures made this reporting period $31,742.13 [Line 10 of Schedule G] b. Loans repaid this reporting period [Line 14 of Schedule G] $0.00 c. Other surplus funds paid out [from Schedule I] $0.00 d. Total Payments Made [Add lines 18a,18b, and 18c] $31,742.13 19. Ending Balance [Subtract Line 18b from Line 17e] $22,101.26 20. Total Unpaid Debts [from Schedule F of this report] $0.00 Committee's Receipts and Disbursements - Election Cycle 21. Balance at Start of Election Cycle $17,584.66 22. Previous Receipts [Line 24 from last report] $21,121.00 23. Receipts from Current Reporting Previous [Line 17d above] $22,758.00 24. Total Receipts this Election Cycle [Add lines 22 and 23] $43,879.00 25. Total Funds Available [Add lines 21 and 24] $61,463.66 26. Previous Disbursements [Line 28 from last report] $7,620.27 27. Disbursements from Current Reporting Period $31,742.13 [Line 18d above] 28. Total Disbursements this Election Cycle $39,362.40 29. Ending Balance $22,101.26

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM016 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600059 Reporting Period: 07/01/2017 Through: 09/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 1 of 10 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Botetourt County Republican Committee 1. 482 Ridge Trail 2.Republican Committee of Botetourt County 08/15/2017 $158.53 $158.53 Fincastle, VA 24090 3.Fincastle, VA

Roanoke County Republican Committee 1. 5902 Bighorn Drive 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 07/31/2017 $274.04 $274.04 Roanoke, VA 24018 3.Roanoke, Va

Rockingham County Republican Committee 1. 2300 four Leaf Circle 2.Republican Party of Rockingham County 07/17/2017 $313.24 $313.24 Dayton, VA 22821 3.Dayton

Rosenthal, Stephen A 1.Retired 6042 Brahma Road 2.Retired 09/27/2017 $300.00 $400.00 Roanoke, VA 24018 3.Retired

Shenandoah County Republican Committee 1. 8148 Senedo Road 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 08/23/2017 $164.26 $164.26 Mount Jackson, VA 22842 3.Mount Jackson, Va.

Tucker III, Albert S 1.Retired 61 Tuckaway Ridge 2.Retired 08/19/2017 $100.00 $236.00 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Lexington VA

Total This Period $1,310.07

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM017 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600060 Reporting Period: 07/01/2017 Through: 09/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 2 of 10

No Schedule B results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM018 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600061 Reporting Period: 07/01/2017 Through: 09/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 3 of 10

No Schedule C results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM019 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600062 Reporting Period: 07/01/2017 Through: 09/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 4 of 10 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson Bankcard/Merch Fees 07/03/2017 $11.25 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson Bankcard/Merch Fees 07/03/2017 $6.25 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson Bankcard/Merch fees 07/03/2017 $6.25 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Lexington Post Office Envelope/Postage for statements to be sent to new J Hudson 101 Lee Avenue 07/11/2017 $8.24 Treasurer McWilliams Lexington, VA 24450

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson Bankcard//Merch Fees 08/02/2017 $11.25 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson Bankcard/Merch Fees 08/02/2017 $6.25 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson Bankcard/Merch Fees 08/02/2017 $6.25 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Cincinnati Insurance Company J Hudson PO Box 145620 Insurance Payment 08/23/2017 $694.00 McWilliams Cincinnati, OH 15250-5620

Republican Party of Virginia Campaign Yard Signs for the individual committees of J Hudson 115 E Grace Street 08/29/2017 $684.45 the 6th District McWilliams Richmond, VA 23219

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson Bankcard Merch Fees 09/04/2017 $10.67 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson Bankcard/Merch Fees 09/04/2017 $6.25 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson Bankcard/Merch Fees 09/04/2017 $11.25 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Singletree Media J Hudson PO Box 4743 2017 Get Out the Vote Data Coordination 09/15/2017 $250.00 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502 Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM020 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600063 Reporting Period: 07/01/2017 Through: 09/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 5 of 10 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure

Singletree Media J Hudson PO Box 4743 Get Out the Vote Data Coordination 09/22/2017 $250.00 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502

Singletree Media J Hudson PO Box 4743 Get out the Vote Data Coordination 09/29/2017 $250.00 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502

Total This Period $2,212.36

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM021 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600064 Reporting Period: 07/01/2017 Through: 09/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 6 of 10

No Schedule E-1 results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM022 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600065 Reporting Period: 07/01/2017 Through: 09/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 7 of 10

No Schedule E-2 results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM023 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600066 Reporting Period: 07/01/2017 Through: 09/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 8 of 10

No Schedule F results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM024 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600067 Reporting Period: 07/01/2017 Through: 09/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 9 of 10 Number of Amount Schedule G: Statement of Funds Contributions Contributions Received This Period 1. Schedule A [Over $100] 6 $1,310.07 2. Schedule B [Over $100] 0 $0.00 3. Un-itemized Cash Contributions [$100 or less] 6 $296.39 4. Un-itemized In-Kind Contributions [$100 or less] 0 $0.00 5. Total 12 $1,606.46 Bank Interest, Refunded Expenditures and Rebates 6. Schedule C [also enter on Line 17b on Schedule H] $0.00 Expenditures Made This Period 7. Schedule B [From line 2 Above] $0.00 8. Un-itemized In-Kind contributions [From line 4 Above] $0.00 9. Schedule D [Expenditures] $2,212.36 10. Total [add lines 7, 8 and 9] $2,212.36 Reconciliation of Loan Account 11. Beginning loan balance [from line 15 of last report] $0.00 12. Loans received this period [from Schedule E-Part 1] $0.00 13. Subtotal $0.00

14. Subtract: Loans repaid this period [from Schedule E-Part2] $0.00

15. Ending loan balance $0.00

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM025 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600068 Reporting Period: 07/01/2017 Through: 09/30/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 10 of 10 Schedule H: Summary of Receipts and Disbursements 16. Beginning Balance [Line 19 of last Report] $22,101.26 17. Receipts for Current Reporting Period: a. Contributions received this period [Line 5 of Schedule G] $1,606.46 b. Bank interest, refunded expenditures and rebates $0.00 [Line 6 of Schedule G] c. Loans received this period [Line 12 of Schedule G] $0.00 d. Subtotal: Contributions and Receipts received this period $1,606.46 e. Total Expendable Funds [Add Linds 16 and 17d] $23,707.72 18. Disbursements for Current Reporting Period a. Expenditures made this reporting period $2,212.36 [Line 10 of Schedule G] b. Loans repaid this reporting period [Line 14 of Schedule G] $0.00 c. Other surplus funds paid out [from Schedule I] $0.00 d. Total Payments Made [Add lines 18a,18b, and 18c] $2,212.36 19. Ending Balance [Subtract Line 18b from Line 17e] $21,495.36 20. Total Unpaid Debts [from Schedule F of this report] $0.00 Committee's Receipts and Disbursements - Election Cycle 21. Balance at Start of Election Cycle $17,584.66 22. Previous Receipts [Line 24 from last report] $43,879.00 23. Receipts from Current Reporting Previous [Line 17d above] $1,606.46 24. Total Receipts this Election Cycle [Add lines 22 and 23] $45,485.46 25. Total Funds Available [Add lines 21 and 24] $63,070.12 26. Previous Disbursements [Line 28 from last report] $39,362.40 27. Disbursements from Current Reporting Period $2,212.36 [Line 18d above] 28. Total Disbursements this Election Cycle $41,574.76 29. Ending Balance $21,495.36

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM026 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600069 Reporting Period: 10/01/2017 Through: 12/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 1 of 11 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Bedford County Republican Committee 1. PO Box 2228 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 10/18/2017 $169.99 $169.99 Forest, VA 24551 3.Bedford, VA

Total This Period $169.99

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM027 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600070 Reporting Period: 10/01/2017 Through: 12/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 2 of 11 Donor Information 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) Schedule B: In-Kind Contributions Over $100 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) 3. Business Location Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 4. Service/Goods Received Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor 5. Basis used to Determine Value

1. Stonebridge Properties 2. Banquet and Event Facilities and Catering PO Box 52 3. Natural Bridge Station, VA 11/18/2017 $300.00 $6,200.00 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 4. Meeting Room Facilities and Support 5. Actual Cost

Total This Period $300.00

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM028 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600071 Reporting Period: 10/01/2017 Through: 12/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 3 of 11

No Schedule C results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM029 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600072 Reporting Period: 10/01/2017 Through: 12/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 4 of 11 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson Bankcard/Merch fees 10/02/2017 $11.25 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson Bankcard/Merch Fees 10/02/2017 $6.25 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson Bankcard/Merch Fees 10/02/2017 $6.25 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

WalMart #1350 Phone and 2-months service for Get out the Vote J Hudson 3900 Wards Road 10/04/2017 $105.25 Activities McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502

Singletree Media J Hudson PO Box 4743 Get Out The Vote Data Coordination 10/06/2017 $250.00 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502

Singletree Media J Hudson PO Box 4743 Get out the vote data coordination 10/13/2017 $250.00 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502 rVotes, LLC 1151 Vineyard Road Data exchange and security Scott Sayre 10/16/2017 $5,000.00 Saunderstown, RI 02874

Logie, Laura J Hudson 363 Hollandale Ave Phone Banking and Phone Bank Recruitment 10/17/2017 $200.00 McWilliams Harrisonburg, VA 22801

USPS Forest J Hudson 17867 Forest Rd Postage 10/17/2017 $1.19 McWilliams Forest, VA 24551-9997

USPS Forest J Hudson 17867 Forest Rd Postage 10/19/2017 $9.80 McWilliams Forest, VA 24551-9997

Singletree Media J Hudson PO Box 4743 Get out the vote data coordination 10/20/2017 $250.00 McWilliams` Lynchburg, VA 24502

Stauber, Amina Amador J Hudson 974 Drake Lane Phone Banking 10/24/2017 $35.00 McWilliams Harrisonburg, VA 22802

Singletree Media J Hudson PO Box 4743 Get out the Vote Data coordination 10/27/2017 $250.00 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502 Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM030 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600073 Reporting Period: 10/01/2017 Through: 12/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 5 of 11 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure

WalMart #1350 J Hudson 3900 Wards Road Phone for phone bank purposes 10/30/2017 $106.01 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502

WalMart #1350 J Hudson 3900 Wards Road 2 phones and plan for GOTV 10/30/2017 $106.01 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson Bankcard Merchant Fee 11/02/2017 $12.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson Bankcard Merchant Fee 11/02/2017 $7.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson Bankcard Merchant Fee 11/02/2017 $7.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Roanoke County Republican Committee J Hudson 5902 Bighorn Drive Get out the Vote assistance 11/03/2017 $200.00 McWilliams Roanoke, VA 24018

Singletree Media J Hudson PO Box 4743 Get out the vote data coordination 11/03/2017 $250.00 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502

Stauber, Amina Amador J Hudson 974 Drake Lane Get out the vote phone banking 11/03/2017 $200.00 McWilliams Harrisonburg, VA 22802

Johnson, Amber J Hudson 16 Scarbrough Road GOTV phone bank 11/15/2017 $155.00 McWilliams Perkinston, MS 39573

Sheldon, Sarah J Hudson 702 Midvale Street Gotv Phone Banking 11/15/2017 $67.50 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502

Walsh, Stephen J Hudson 2436 Hawthorne Road GOTV Phone bank 11/15/2017 $55.00 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24503

Stonebridge Properties setups and refreshments for district meetings J Hudson PO Box 52 11/16/2017 $100.00 Sept/Nov McWilliams Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579

Digital Image Printing Printing services for handouts at district committee J Hudson 1615 Roanoke Road 11/28/2017 $50.54 meeting McWilliams Daleville, VA 24083 Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM031 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600074 Reporting Period: 10/01/2017 Through: 12/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 6 of 11 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson Bank card processing fee 12/04/2017 $12.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson Bank card processing fees 12/04/2017 $7.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson bank card processing fee 12/04/2017 $7.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Total This Period $7,720.05

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM032 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600075 Reporting Period: 10/01/2017 Through: 12/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 7 of 11

No Schedule E-1 results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM033 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600076 Reporting Period: 10/01/2017 Through: 12/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 8 of 11

No Schedule E-2 results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM034 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600077 Reporting Period: 10/01/2017 Through: 12/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 9 of 11

No Schedule F results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM035 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600078 Reporting Period: 10/01/2017 Through: 12/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 10 of 11 Number of Amount Schedule G: Statement of Funds Contributions Contributions Received This Period 1. Schedule A [Over $100] 1 $169.99 2. Schedule B [Over $100] 1 $300.00 3. Un-itemized Cash Contributions [$100 or less] 0 $0.00 4. Un-itemized In-Kind Contributions [$100 or less] 0 $0.00 5. Total 2 $469.99 Bank Interest, Refunded Expenditures and Rebates 6. Schedule C [also enter on Line 17b on Schedule H] $0.00 Expenditures Made This Period 7. Schedule B [From line 2 Above] $300.00 8. Un-itemized In-Kind contributions [From line 4 Above] $0.00 9. Schedule D [Expenditures] $7,720.05 10. Total [add lines 7, 8 and 9] $8,020.05 Reconciliation of Loan Account 11. Beginning loan balance [from line 15 of last report] $0.00 12. Loans received this period [from Schedule E-Part 1] $0.00 13. Subtotal $0.00

14. Subtract: Loans repaid this period [from Schedule E-Part2] $0.00

15. Ending loan balance $0.00

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM036 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600079 Reporting Period: 10/01/2017 Through: 12/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 11 of 11 Schedule H: Summary of Receipts and Disbursements 16. Beginning Balance [Line 19 of last Report] $21,495.36 17. Receipts for Current Reporting Period: a. Contributions received this period [Line 5 of Schedule G] $469.99 b. Bank interest, refunded expenditures and rebates $0.00 [Line 6 of Schedule G] c. Loans received this period [Line 12 of Schedule G] $0.00 d. Subtotal: Contributions and Receipts received this period $469.99 e. Total Expendable Funds [Add Linds 16 and 17d] $21,965.35 18. Disbursements for Current Reporting Period a. Expenditures made this reporting period $8,020.05 [Line 10 of Schedule G] b. Loans repaid this reporting period [Line 14 of Schedule G] $0.00 c. Other surplus funds paid out [from Schedule I] $0.00 d. Total Payments Made [Add lines 18a,18b, and 18c] $8,020.05 19. Ending Balance [Subtract Line 18b from Line 17e] $13,945.30 20. Total Unpaid Debts [from Schedule F of this report] $0.00 Committee's Receipts and Disbursements - Election Cycle 21. Balance at Start of Election Cycle $17,584.66 22. Previous Receipts [Line 24 from last report] $45,485.46 23. Receipts from Current Reporting Previous [Line 17d above] $469.99 24. Total Receipts this Election Cycle [Add lines 22 and 23] $45,955.45 25. Total Funds Available [Add lines 21 and 24] $63,540.11 26. Previous Disbursements [Line 28 from last report] $41,574.76 27. Disbursements from Current Reporting Period $8,020.05 [Line 18d above] 28. Total Disbursements this Election Cycle $49,594.81 29. Ending Balance $13,945.30

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM037 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600080 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 1 of 11 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Augusta County Republican Committee 1. 104 Caldwell Lane 2.Republican Committee in Augusta County 01/19/2018 $305.60 $305.60 Fishersville, VA 22939 3.Fishersville, VA

Augusta County Republican Committee 1. 104 Caldwell Lane 2.Republican Committee in Augusta County 03/29/2018 $160.00 $465.60 Fishersville, VA 22939 3.Fishersville, VA

Brown, Jennifer M 1.Candidate 8171 Frank Lane Road 2.Candidate for 6th Dist Chair 01/16/2018 $500.00 $500.00 Singers Glen, VA 22850 3.Singers Glen

Cline, Ben 1.Principal of Ben Cline, Attorney at Law, PLLC 6 South Randolph Street 2.Lawyer 01/13/2018 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Lexington

Desjadon, Michael 1.Optum 11000 Optum Circle 2.Advisor 01/18/2018 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Eden Prarie, MN 55344 3.West Augusta

Dunbar, Cynthia 1.Educational Ventures 253 Barringer Drive 2.Business Owner 01/17/2018 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Rustburg, VA 24588 3.Rustburg, VA

Haywood, Charles W 1.Rockingham County Circuit Court 80 Court Square 2.Clerk of the Court 01/16/2018 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Harrisonburg, VA 22803 3.Harrisonburg

Justo, Eduardo 1.Self 57 S Main Street 2.Self 01/17/2018 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 304 3.Harrisonburg Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Lewis, Kathryn E 1.Candidate 1098 Cypress Place 2.Candidate for US Seat 01/17/2018 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Bedford, VA 24523 3.Bedford

Pope, Elliot 1.Self 910 New Hampshire 2.Self Employed 01/13/2018 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Lynchburg, VA 24502 3.Lynchburg

Rockingham County Republican Committee 1. 2300 four Leaf Circle 2.Republican Party of Rockingham County 03/29/2018 $2,600.00 $2,600.00 Dayton, VA 22821 3.Dayton

Sayre, Scott 1.Sayre Enterprises 45 Natural Bridge School Road 2.President 01/17/2018 $500.00 $500.00 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 3.Natural Bridge Station VA

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM038 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600081 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 2 of 11 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Staunton Republilcan Committee 1. 261 Thornrose Ave 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 03/29/2018 $640.00 $701.12 STAUNTON, VA 24401 3.STAUNTON, VA

Waynesboro Republican Committee 1. 712 Pelham Drive 2.Republican Party of Waynesboro 03/26/2018 $400.00 $400.00 Waynesboro, VA 22980 3.Waynesboro, VA

Wright, Douglas 1.Self 1710 Broadridge Drive 2.Dentist 01/17/2018 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Rockingham, VA 22801-9304 3.Rockingham

Total This Period $45,105.60

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM039 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600082 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 3 of 11 Donor Information 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) Schedule B: In-Kind Contributions Over $100 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) 3. Business Location Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 4. Service/Goods Received Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor 5. Basis used to Determine Value

1. Stonebridge Properties 2. Banquet and Event Facilities and Catering PO Box 52 3. Natural Bridge Station, VA 01/06/2018 $300.00 $300.00 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 4. Venue 5. Actual Cost

Total This Period $300.00

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM040 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600083 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 4 of 11

No Schedule C results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM041 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600084 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 5 of 11 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processing fees 01/02/2018 $7.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processing fees 01/02/2018 $7.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processing fees 01/02/2018 $12.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

CheckAdvantage, LLC 1801 Lawrence Drive J Hudson Desk checks for bills 01/22/2018 $56.95 P.O. Box 5816 McWilliams De Pere, WI 54115

Digital Image Printing J Hudson 1615 Roanoke Road meeting supplies 01/31/2018 $114.58 McWilliams Daleville, VA 24083

Digital Image Printing J Hudson 1615 Roanoke Road district meeting printing 01/31/2018 $52.23 McWilliams Daleville, VA 24083

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processing fees 02/02/2018 $7.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processor 02/02/2018 $7.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processor 02/02/2018 $12.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Cullers, Dan 2300 Four Leaf Circle supplies for candidate forum Scott Sayre 02/12/2018 $46.36 Dayton, VA 22821

Elkins, Jane 617 Dices Spring Road Foam board printing for candidate forum Scott Sayre 02/12/2018 $61.48 Weyers Cave, VA 24486-0217

Sayre, Thomas J Hudson P. O. Box 56 dvd & recording candidate forum 02/12/2018 $60.00 McWilliams Front Royal, VA 22630

Seigle, Kaylene 1137 Mountain View Drive supplies for forum Scott Sayre 02/12/2018 $8.89 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM042 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600085 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 6 of 11 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processor 03/02/2018 $12.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processor 03/02/2018 $7.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processor 03/02/2018 $7.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Singletree Media J Hudson PO Box 4743 Domain name renewal 03/09/2018 $96.00 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502

Total This Period $578.99

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM043 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600086 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 7 of 11

No Schedule E-1 results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM044 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600087 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 8 of 11

No Schedule E-2 results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM045 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600088 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 9 of 11

No Schedule F results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM046 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600089 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 10 of 11 Number of Amount Schedule G: Statement of Funds Contributions Contributions Received This Period 1. Schedule A [Over $100] 15 $45,105.60 2. Schedule B [Over $100] 1 $300.00 3. Un-itemized Cash Contributions [$100 or less] 6 $481.12 4. Un-itemized In-Kind Contributions [$100 or less] 0 $0.00 5. Total 22 $45,886.72 Bank Interest, Refunded Expenditures and Rebates 6. Schedule C [also enter on Line 17b on Schedule H] $0.00 Expenditures Made This Period 7. Schedule B [From line 2 Above] $300.00 8. Un-itemized In-Kind contributions [From line 4 Above] $0.00 9. Schedule D [Expenditures] $578.99 10. Total [add lines 7, 8 and 9] $878.99 Reconciliation of Loan Account 11. Beginning loan balance [from line 15 of last report] $0.00 12. Loans received this period [from Schedule E-Part 1] $0.00 13. Subtotal $0.00

14. Subtract: Loans repaid this period [from Schedule E-Part2] $0.00

15. Ending loan balance $0.00

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM047 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600090 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 11 of 11 Schedule H: Summary of Receipts and Disbursements 16. Beginning Balance [Line 19 of last Report] $13,945.30 17. Receipts for Current Reporting Period: a. Contributions received this period [Line 5 of Schedule G] $45,886.72 b. Bank interest, refunded expenditures and rebates $0.00 [Line 6 of Schedule G] c. Loans received this period [Line 12 of Schedule G] $0.00 d. Subtotal: Contributions and Receipts received this period $45,886.72 e. Total Expendable Funds [Add Linds 16 and 17d] $59,832.02 18. Disbursements for Current Reporting Period a. Expenditures made this reporting period $878.99 [Line 10 of Schedule G] b. Loans repaid this reporting period [Line 14 of Schedule G] $0.00 c. Other surplus funds paid out [from Schedule I] $0.00 d. Total Payments Made [Add lines 18a,18b, and 18c] $878.99 19. Ending Balance [Subtract Line 18b from Line 17e] $58,953.03 20. Total Unpaid Debts [from Schedule F of this report] $0.00 Committee's Receipts and Disbursements - Election Cycle 21. Balance at Start of Election Cycle $13,945.30 22. Previous Receipts [Line 24 from last report] $0.00 23. Receipts from Current Reporting Previous [Line 17d above] $45,886.72 24. Total Receipts this Election Cycle [Add lines 22 and 23] $45,886.72 25. Total Funds Available [Add lines 21 and 24] $59,832.02 26. Previous Disbursements [Line 28 from last report] $0.00 27. Disbursements from Current Reporting Period $878.99 [Line 18d above] 28. Total Disbursements this Election Cycle $878.99 29. Ending Balance $58,953.03

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM048 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600091 Reporting Period: 04/01/2018 Through: 06/30/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 1 of 14 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Adams, Melvin 1.self 818 Wysong Mill Rd 2.self 05/29/2018 $400.00 $400.00 Hardy, VA 24101 3.Hardy, VA

Augusta County Republican Committee 1. 104 Caldwell Lane 2.Republican Committee in Augusta County 05/07/2018 $280.00 $745.60 Fishersville, VA 22939 3.Fishersville, VA

AVA CAre of Harrisonburg 1. 833 MLK Jr Way 2.Pharmacetuicals 05/14/2018 $125.00 $125.00 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 3.Harrisonburg, Va

Averill, Trixie 1.Retired 4278 Toddsbury Circle 2.Retired 05/14/2018 $125.00 $125.00 Vinton, VA 24179 3.Vinton, Va

Bedford County Republican Committee 1. PO Box 2228 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 05/18/2018 $180.00 $180.00 Forest, VA 24551 3.Bedford, VA

Bedford County Republican Committee 1. PO Box 2228 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 05/29/2018 $60.00 $240.00 Forest, VA 24551 3.Bedford, VA

Ben Cline for Congress 1. 138 Conant Street 2.PAC 05/01/2018 $250.00 $250.00 2nd Floor 3.Buena Vista Beverly, MA 01915

Ben Cline for Congress 1. 138 Conant Street 2.PAC 05/14/2018 $750.00 $1,000.00 2nd Floor 3.Buena Vista Beverly, MA 01915

Botetourt County Republican Committee 1. 482 Ridge Trail 2.Republican Committee of Botetourt County 05/29/2018 $840.00 $840.00 Fincastle, VA 24090 3.Fincastle, VA

Chaz Haywood for Congress 1. P O Box 71596 2.PAC 05/29/2018 $600.00 $600.00 Richmond, VA 23255 3.Richmond, Va

Desjadon, Michael 1.Optum 11000 Optum Circle 2.Advisor 04/26/2018 $400.00 $5,400.00 Eden Prarie, MN 55344 3.West Augusta

Dunber for Congress, Inc 1. 1001 Wildbriar Pl 2.PAC 05/29/2018 $567.02 $567.02 Forest, VA 24551 3.Forest, Va

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM049 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600092 Reporting Period: 04/01/2018 Through: 06/30/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 2 of 14 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Engleman, Flint 1.AFP 188 Wind Ridge Dr 2.AFP 05/14/2018 $125.00 $125.00 Ruckersville, VA 22968 3.Ruckersville, VA

Gillespie, Cathy 1.Self 9382 Mount Vernon Cir 2.Self Employed 05/14/2018 $250.00 $250.00 Alexandria, VA 22309 3.Alexandria, VA

Halberg, Scott 1.self 140 Lucy Lane 2.self 04/25/2018 $250.00 $250.00 Waynesboro, VA 22980 3.Waynesboro, VA

Harrisonburg Republican Committee 1. 1062 Wyndham Dr 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 05/15/2018 $1,080.00 $1,080.00 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 3.Harrisonburg, VA

Massoud, S. John 1.Self Employed 292 W Queen St 2.Self 04/27/2018 $250.00 $250.00 Strasburg, VA 22657 3.Strasburg, VA

Nick Freitas for US Senate 1. 7330 Staple Mills Road 2.PAC 04/26/2018 $250.00 $250.00 #100 3.Richmond, VA Richmond, VA 23228

Pack & Mail 1. 449 East Nelson Street 2. 05/14/2018 $150.00 $150.00 Lexington, VA 24450 3.

Page County Republican Committee 1. 9 Charles Street 2.Republican Party of Page County 05/16/2018 $500.00 $500.00 Luray, VA 22835 3.Luray, VA

Pope, Elliot 1.Self 910 New Hampshire 2.Self Employed 04/26/2018 $500.00 $5,500.00 Lynchburg, VA 24502 3.Lynchburg

Pope, Elliot 1.Self 910 New Hampshire 2.Self Employed 04/26/2018 $375.00 $5,875.00 Lynchburg, VA 24502 3.Lynchburg

Richards, Steven D 1.Retired 6384 Spring Run Drive 2.Retired 05/14/2018 $75.00 $175.00 Roanoke, VA 24018 3.Roanoke VA

Roanoke City Republican Committee 1. PO Box 3318 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 05/29/2018 $330.00 $350.00 Roanoke, VA 24015 3.Roanoke, VA

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM050 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600093 Reporting Period: 04/01/2018 Through: 06/30/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 3 of 14 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Rockbridge Area Republican Committee 1. 5 Ringneck Road 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 05/29/2018 $2,310.00 $2,310.00 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Lexington, VA

Rockingham County Republican Committee 1. 2300 four Leaf Circle 2.Republican Party of Rockingham County 05/18/2018 $2,560.00 $5,160.00 Dayton, VA 22821 3.Dayton

Rose, Gene A 1.Retired 5902 Bighorn Drive 2.Retired 05/29/2018 $150.00 $150.00 Roanoke, VA 24018 3.Roanoke VA

Sayre, Scott 1.Sayre Enterprises 45 Natural Bridge School Road 2.President 05/07/2018 $650.00 $1,150.00 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 3.Natural Bridge Station VA

Sayre, Scott 1.Sayre Enterprises 45 Natural Bridge School Road 2.President 05/07/2018 $250.00 $1,400.00 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 3.Natural Bridge Station VA

Shenandoah County Republican Committee 1. 8148 Senedo Road 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 04/06/2018 $800.00 $800.00 Mount Jackson, VA 22842 3.Mount Jackson, Va.

Singletree Media 1. PO Box 4743 2. 05/29/2018 $153.92 $228.92 Lynchburg, VA 24502 3.

Staunton Republilcan Committee 1. 261 Thornrose Ave 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 05/14/2018 $140.00 $841.12 STAUNTON, VA 24401 3.STAUNTON, VA

Stewart for Senate Inc 1. 14513 General Washington Drive 2.PAC 05/29/2018 $125.00 $125.00 Woodbridge, VA 22193 3.Woodbridge, VA

Walker, Christopher E 1.Appalacian Power Co 135 Shadow Oaks Drive 2.Distribution Inspector 05/14/2018 $125.00 $125.00 Amherst, VA 24521 3.Lynchburg VA

Warren County Republican Committee 1. 428 Kerfoot Ave 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 05/14/2018 $160.00 $160.00 Front Royal, VA 22630 3.Front Royal, Va

Total This Period $16,135.94

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM051 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600094 Reporting Period: 04/01/2018 Through: 06/30/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 4 of 14 Donor Information 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) Schedule B: In-Kind Contributions Over $100 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) 3. Business Location Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 4. Service/Goods Received Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor 5. Basis used to Determine Value

1. Stonebridge Properties 2. Banquet and Event Facilities and Catering PO Box 52 3. Natural Bridge Station, VA 04/30/2018 $100.00 $400.00 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 4. Supply of space for meeting 5. Actual Cost

1. Stonebridge Properties 2. Banquet and Event Facilities and Catering PO Box 52 3. Natural Bridge Station, VA 05/12/2018 $100.00 $500.00 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 4. Meeting space for 2018 Convention committee 5. Actual Cost

1. Stonebridge Properties 2. Banquet and Event Facilities and Catering PO Box 52 3. Natural Bridge Station, VA 06/15/2018 $100.00 $600.00 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 4. banquet hall for meeting 5. Actual Cost

Total This Period $300.00

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM052 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600095 Reporting Period: 04/01/2018 Through: 06/30/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 5 of 14

No Schedule C results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM053 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600096 Reporting Period: 04/01/2018 Through: 06/30/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 6 of 14 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processor 04/02/2018 $12.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processor 04/02/2018 $7.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processor 04/02/2018 $7.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Innovation Line Lanyards and Vinyl Badges 5306 Beethoven Street Scott Sayre 04/17/2018 $990.00 Convention 2018 Los Angeles, CA 90066

Innovation Line Shipping for Lanyards and Vinyl Badges 5306 Beethoven Street Scott Sayre 04/17/2018 $189.53 Convention 2018 Los Angeles, CA 90066

Promnite P O Box 64784 balloon columns for convention 2018 Scott Sayre 04/19/2018 $137.11 St. Paul, MN 55164

Bargain Balloons 3909 Witmer Road Balloons for Convention 2018 Scott Sayre 04/23/2018 $43.77 Suite 862 Niagra Falls, NY 14305

Bargain Balloons 3909 Witmer Road balloons for Convention 2018 Scott Sayre 04/23/2018 $1.46 Suite 862 Niagra Falls, NY 14305

JMU Catering JMU Festival Center partial payment box lunches Scott Sayre 04/23/2018 $2,798.00 4203 Convention 2018 Harrisonburg, VA 22807

Staples Staunton 850 Statler Blvd Candidate Poters for Convention 2018 Scott Sayre 04/27/2018 $66.74 Staunton, VA 24401

Paya 12120 Sunset Hills J Hudson MERCHANT FEES/CC transactions 05/02/2018 $12.50 Suite 500 McWilliams Reston, VA 20190

Paya 12120 Sunset Hills J Hudson merchant fees/cc processing 05/02/2018 $7.50 Suite 500 McWilliams Reston, VA 20190

Paya 12120 Sunset Hills J Hudson merchant fees/cc processing 05/02/2018 $7.50 Suite 500 McWilliams Reston, VA 20190 Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM054 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600097 Reporting Period: 04/01/2018 Through: 06/30/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 7 of 14 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure

Staples Staunton 3x5 cards for box lunches 850 Statler Blvd Scott Sayre 05/02/2018 $66.74 Convention 2018 Staunton, VA 24401

Singletree Media three computers for tabulating votes J Hudson PO Box 4743 05/03/2018 $930.01 Convention 2018 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502

Innovation Line clips and inserts for badges 5306 Beethoven Street Scott Sayre 05/04/2018 $240.00 Convention 2018 Los Angeles, CA 90066

Singletree Media Technical support to restore website operation and PO Box 4743 Scott Sayre 05/05/2018 $200.00 improve security Lynchburg, VA 24502

Innovation Line shipping for clips and badges 5306 Beethoven Street Scott Sayre 05/08/2018 $51.83 Convention 2018 Los Angeles, CA 90066

JMU Catering JMU Festival Center partial payment for box lunches Scott Sayre 05/10/2018 $3,000.00 4203 Convention 2018 Harrisonburg, VA 22807

JMU Catering JMU Festival Center final payment for box lunches Scott Sayre 05/11/2018 $3,346.50 4203 Convention 2018 Harrisonburg, VA 22807

Scantron Corporation J Hudson P O Box 93038 ballot forms for convention 2018 05/13/2018 $3,933.55 McWilliams Chicago, IL 60673

Stonebridge Properties J Hudson PO Box 52 set up and clean up for District meeting Apr 28 05/13/2018 $50.00 McWilliams Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579

Digital Image Printing delegate name badge printing 1615 Roanoke Road Scott Sayre 05/14/2018 $438.13 Convention 2018 Daleville, VA 24083

Scantron Corporation J Hudson P O Box 93038 4 scantron terminals for elections committee 05/16/2018 $2,888.97 McWilliams Chicago, IL 60673

Singletree Media supplies for elections committee J Hudson PO Box 4743 05/17/2018 $483.18 Convention 2018 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502

Singletree Media election committee supplies J Hudson PO Box 4743 05/18/2018 $105.64 Convention 2018 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502 Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM055 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600098 Reporting Period: 04/01/2018 Through: 06/30/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 8 of 14 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure

Singletree Media J Hudson PO Box 4743 convention supplies 2018 05/18/2018 $9.47 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502

Digital Image Printing J Hudson 1615 Roanoke Road convention supplies 05/29/2018 $4,371.00 McWilliams Daleville, VA 24083

Gates, Sandy J Hudson 2847 Country Club Road P O Box renewal 05/29/2018 $35.00 McWilliams Troutville, VA 24175

Moser, Donna J Hudson 156 Abbott Circle Convention 2018 supplies 05/29/2018 $75.85 McWilliams Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Sayre, Mary paint supplies and painting of Elephant J Hudson 15 High Meadow Drive 05/29/2018 $80.00 Convention 2018 McWilliams Lexington, VA 24450

Fort Hill USPS J Hudson 6020 Fort Ave postage and envelope to send complaint to Scott Sayre 05/31/2018 $14.03 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502-9998

Paya 12120 Sunset Hills J Hudson merchant fees 06/02/2018 $7.50 Suite 500 McWilliams Reston, VA 20190

Paya 12120 Sunset Hills J Hudson merchant fees 06/02/2018 $7.50 Suite 500 McWilliams Reston, VA 20190

Paya 12120 Sunset Hills J Hudson merchant fees 06/02/2018 $12.50 Suite 500 McWilliams Reston, VA 20190

Staples Lynchburg J Hudson 3730 Candler Mountain Rd copies of FEC complaint for Lawyer 06/04/2018 $3.94 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502

McWilliams, J Hudson J Hudson 1063 Coronado Lane reimbursement to send Al Tucker FEC complaint 06/05/2018 $24.70 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502

Thompson, Carrie J Hudson 298 Ridge Road Convention 2018 supplies 06/05/2018 $344.72 McWilliams Troutville, VA 24175

Digital Image Printing J Hudson 1615 Roanoke Road printing of meeting minutes and agendas 06/15/2018 $50.54 McWilliams Daleville, VA 24083 Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM056 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600099 Reporting Period: 04/01/2018 Through: 06/30/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 9 of 14 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure

Elkins, Jane J Hudson 617 Dices Spring Road supplies for candidate forum Jan 2018 06/15/2018 $39.48 McWilliams Weyers Cave, VA 24486-0217

James Madison University University Business Office rental of space and sound equipment J Hudson 06/15/2018 $16,708.28 MSC 3516 Convention 2018 McWilliams Harrisonburg, VA 22807

Stonebridge Properties J Hudson PO Box 52 set up for Jan district meeting 06/15/2018 $50.00 McWilliams Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579

Total This Period $41,850.67

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM057 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600100 Reporting Period: 04/01/2018 Through: 06/30/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 10 of 14

No Schedule E-1 results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM058 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600101 Reporting Period: 04/01/2018 Through: 06/30/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 11 of 14

No Schedule E-2 results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM059 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600102 Reporting Period: 04/01/2018 Through: 06/30/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 12 of 14

No Schedule F results to display.

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM060 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600103 Reporting Period: 04/01/2018 Through: 06/30/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 13 of 14 Number of Amount Schedule G: Statement of Funds Contributions Contributions Received This Period 1. Schedule A [Over $100] 35 $16,135.94 2. Schedule B [Over $100] 3 $300.00 3. Un-itemized Cash Contributions [$100 or less] 86 $2,495.00 4. Un-itemized In-Kind Contributions [$100 or less] 0 $0.00 5. Total 124 $18,930.94 Bank Interest, Refunded Expenditures and Rebates 6. Schedule C [also enter on Line 17b on Schedule H] $0.00 Expenditures Made This Period 7. Schedule B [From line 2 Above] $300.00 8. Un-itemized In-Kind contributions [From line 4 Above] $0.00 9. Schedule D [Expenditures] $41,850.67 10. Total [add lines 7, 8 and 9] $42,150.67 Reconciliation of Loan Account 11. Beginning loan balance [from line 15 of last report] $0.00 12. Loans received this period [from Schedule E-Part 1] $0.00 13. Subtotal $0.00

14. Subtract: Loans repaid this period [from Schedule E-Part2] $0.00

15. Ending loan balance $0.00

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM061 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600104 Reporting Period: 04/01/2018 Through: 06/30/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 14 of 14 Schedule H: Summary of Receipts and Disbursements 16. Beginning Balance [Line 19 of last Report] $58,953.03 17. Receipts for Current Reporting Period: a. Contributions received this period [Line 5 of Schedule G] $18,930.94 b. Bank interest, refunded expenditures and rebates $0.00 [Line 6 of Schedule G] c. Loans received this period [Line 12 of Schedule G] $0.00 d. Subtotal: Contributions and Receipts received this period $18,930.94 e. Total Expendable Funds [Add Linds 16 and 17d] $77,883.97 18. Disbursements for Current Reporting Period a. Expenditures made this reporting period $42,150.67 [Line 10 of Schedule G] b. Loans repaid this reporting period [Line 14 of Schedule G] $0.00 c. Other surplus funds paid out [from Schedule I] $0.00 d. Total Payments Made [Add lines 18a,18b, and 18c] $42,150.67 19. Ending Balance [Subtract Line 18b from Line 17e] $35,733.30 20. Total Unpaid Debts [from Schedule F of this report] $0.00 Committee's Receipts and Disbursements - Election Cycle 21. Balance at Start of Election Cycle $13,945.30 22. Previous Receipts [Line 24 from last report] $45,886.72 23. Receipts from Current Reporting Previous [Line 17d above] $18,930.94 24. Total Receipts this Election Cycle [Add lines 22 and 23] $64,817.66 25. Total Funds Available [Add lines 21 and 24] $78,762.96 26. Previous Disbursements [Line 28 from last report] $878.99 27. Disbursements from Current Reporting Period $42,150.67 [Line 18d above] 28. Total Disbursements this Election Cycle $43,029.66 29. Ending Balance $35,733.30

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM062 MUR738600105

Convention 2018 Income

Convention Ads Program Advert Type Placement Color/ B/ W Size Amount Paid When paid Ck# Super and tables Ben Cline Premium Back Cover Color Full Pg $750.00 Yes 5/ 1/ 2018 5095 Super Chaz Hayward Premium Inside Front Color Full Pg $600.00 Yes 1029 Super Elliot Pope Premium Inside Back Color Full Pg $500.00 Yes 4/ 30/ 2018 1002 M ike Desjadon Premium Centerfold Color Full Pg $400.00 Yes 4/ 30/ 2018 31004 Cynthia Dunbar Premium Centerfold Color Full Pg $400.00 1085 Scott Sayre #1 Premium Centerfold Color Full Pg $400.00 Yes Pd Treas. unkn Premium Centerfold Color Half Pg $250.00 Yes 4/ 30/ 2018 173 Doug Wright Premium Centerfold Color Full Pg $400.00 Scott Sayre #2 Premium Centerfold Color Full Pg $400.00 Yes Pd Treas. unkn Cathy Gillespie/VFRW Reduced Rate Location TBD Black/ White Full Pg $250.00 Yes 4/ 28/ 2018 12695 Cher McCoy/ Pack&Mail Reduced Rate Location TBD Black/ White Half Pg $150.00 Yes 4/ 30/ 2018 1421 VA for Resp. Gov't Reduced Rate Location TBD Black/ White Full Pg $250.00 Yes Pd Scott unkn Steve Kurtz Reduced Rate Location TBD Black/ White Qtr Pg $75.00 Steve Richards Reduced Rate Location TBD Black/ White Qtr Pg $75.00 Yes 4/ 28/ 2018 185 Sandy Gates Reduced Rate Location TBD Black/ White Qtr Pg $75.00 Yes 4/ 28/ 2018 10197 Valley RW Reduced Rate Location TBD Black/ White Qtr Pg $75.00 Yes 5/ 8/ 2018 538 John Massoud Reduced Rate Location TBD Black/ White Full Pg $250.00 Yes 4/ 30/ 2018 661 Doc Troxel Reduced Rate Location TBD Black/ White Qtr Pg $75.00 Yes 5/ 3/ 2018 1209 Gene Rose Reduced Rate Location TBD Black/ White Half Pg $150.00 Yes Frank Hilton Reduced Rate Location TBD Black/ White Qtr Pg $75.00 Yes 6/ 13/ 2018 66039 Cynthia Dunbar Inserts $567.02 Yes 5/ 29/ 2018

VENDORS Chris Walker Vendor $125.00 Yes 4/ 30/ 2018 2480 AFP-Flint Engleman Vendor $125.00 Yes 5/ 3/ 2018 1894

Exhibit 3 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM063 MUR738600106

AVA Care Vendor $125.00 Yes 5/ 9/ 2018 2271 Out standi Total $6,542.02 ng $875.00 Tables To Date $5,517.02

Name #Rectangle Tabl #Round Tables Total tables Amount Paid

Cynthia Dunbar 1 1 2 $250.00 Ben Cline 2 0 2 $250.00 yes Scott Sayre 0 2 2 $250.00 yes M ichael Desjadon 1 1 2 $250.00 Eliot Pope 1 2 3 $375.00 yes Douglas Wright 1 2 3 contrib $250.00 Chaz Haywood 1 4 5 $625.00 Jennifer Brow n 0 1 1 $125.00 E W Jackson 1 0 1 $125.00 yes Nick Freitas 1 0 1 $125.00 yes Corey Stewart 1 0 1 $125.00 yes Total $2,750.00 Out standin $1,500.00 To Date $1,250.00 Candidate Filing Fees

Stephen Kurt z 1/ 10/ 2018 $100.00 Regional V 1/ 24/ 2018 Steven Richards 1/ 13/ 2018 $100.00 Regional V 1/ 24/ 2018 Ben Cline 1/ 13/ 2018 $5,000.00 Filing Fee f 1/ 24/ 2018 Eliot Pope 1/ 13/ 2018 $5,000.00 Filing Fee f 1/ 24/ 2018 Wendel Walker 1/ 16/ 2018 $100.00 Regional V 1/ 24/ 2018 Jennifer Brow n 1/ 16/ 2018 $500.00 6th Dist Ch 1/ 24/ 2018 Charles Haywood 1/ 16/ 2018 $5,000.00 Filing Fee f 1/ 24/ 2018 Craig Storrs, Jr. 1/ 17/ 2018 $100.00 Regional V 1/ 24/ 2018 Kathryn Lewis 1/ 17/ 2018 $5,000.00 Filing Fee f 1/ 24/ 2018 Jonathan Comer 1/ 17/ 2018 $100.00 Regional V 1/ 24/ 2018 Douglas Wright 1/ 17/ 2018 $5,000.00 Filing Fee f 1/ 24/ 2018 Cynthia Dunbar 1/ 17/ 2018 $5,000.00 Filing Fee f 1/ 24/ 2018

Exhibit 3 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM064 MUR738600107

Eduardo Justo 1/17/2018 $5,000.00 Filing Fee f 1/24/2018 Scott Sayre 1/17/2018 $500.00 6th Dist Ch 1/24/2018 Michael Desjadons 1/18/2018 $5,000.00 Filing Fee f 1/24/2018 $41,500.00

Voluntary Delegate Fees

Waynesboro County C 3/26/2018 $400.00 Delegate V 3/29/2018 Carolyn Bragg 3/29/2018 $20.00 Delegate V 3/29/2018 Augusta Republican C 3/29/2018 $160.00 Delegate V 3/29/2018 Rockingham County 3/29/2018 $2,600.00 Delegate V 3/29/2018 Staunton Republican 3/29/2018 $640.00 Delegate V 3/29/2018 Shenandoah County C 4/9/2018 $800.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Amherst County 5/14/2018 $680.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Augusta County 5/14/2018 $280.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Warren County 5/14/2018 $160.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Sharon Craig 40/Thom 5/14/2018 $100.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Loyd Ashworth 5/14/2018 $40.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Craig Shrewsbury 5/14/2018 $40.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Richard T Homes 5/14/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Doris Weston 5/14/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee James Owen 5/14/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Harrisonburg County 5/14/2018 $1,080.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Rockingham County 5/18/2018 $2,560.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Page County 5/18/2018 $500.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Bedford County 5/18/2018 $180.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Amherst County 5/18/2018 $100.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Ronald Gaylor 20/ Ma 5/18/2018 $80.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Veronica Shikowski 20 5/18/2018 $60.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Fred Conner 20/ Bran 5/18/2018 $60.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Bayard Keller (3 check 5/18/2018 $60.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Michael Brown 5/18/2018 $40.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Louis Bean 5/18/2018 $40.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Bonnie Mason 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee

Exhibit 3 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM065 MUR738600108

Rickey Jones 5/18/2018 $40.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Charles Pietsch (2 Che 5/18/2018 $40.00 Delegate Voluntary fee James Smith 5/18/2018 $40.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Nathan Boyer 5/18/2018 $40.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Harvey Hamilton 5/18/2018 $25.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Robert Weber 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Nancy Lee 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Jan Gray 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee John Sheppard 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Droh LLC 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Karen Hall 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Zachary Martin 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Patrick J Sherman 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Joseph Seiffert 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Lawrence Works 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee William Brown 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Grady Mills 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee John Bagwell Jr 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Rhudy Camper 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Ronald Watson 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee John Bagwell Jr 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Kathi Margeson 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Steven Waldmann 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Roger Brandt 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee S L Crickard 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Insurgent Strategies. 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Kristina Becraft 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee J F Stasulli 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee David Bohn 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Charles Driscoll MD 5/18/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Botetourt County 5/29/2018 $840.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Rockbridge Area Com 5/29/2018 $2,310.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Thomas Gibson 5/29/2018 $40.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Bedford County 5/29/2018 $60.00 Delegate Voluntary fee

Exhibit 3 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM066 MUR738600109

Roanoke City 5/29/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee GG Potter 5/29/2018 $40.00 Delegate Voluntary fee John Kepley 5/29/2018 $120.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Mrs G R Duerk 5/29/2018 $40.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Virginia Hart 5/29/2018 $40.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Bonnie Mann 5/29/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Edgar Widener 5/29/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee James Garrett 5/29/2018 $40.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Stephen Lemon 5/29/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Cameron Johnson 5/29/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Edward French 5/29/2018 $40.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Roanoke City 5/29/2018 $330.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Gereldine McGrath 5/29/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee David Gay 5/29/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Evelyn Hale 5/29/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Sharon Lane 5/29/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Rosanne Parker 5/29/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Nancy Dye 5/29/2018 $40.00 Delegate Voluntary fee V Carolee Crosen 5/29/2018 $30.00 Delegate Voluntary fee James Blackwell 5/29/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Jacqueline Leaman 5/29/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Sarah Parrott 5/29/2018 $40.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Lynn Cyphers 5/29/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Lynn Cyphers 5/29/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee S Ronald Owens 5/29/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Donald Huffman 5/29/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Charles Nave 5/29/2018 $40.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Curtis Diemer 6/5/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee Flor Midkiff 6/5/2018 $20.00 Delegate Voluntary fee $15,855.00



Exhibit 3 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM067 MUR738600110

SingleTree Media LLC 5/14/2018 762 $930.01 3 computers for 2018 Convention Scantron Corporation 5/13/2018 760 $3,933.55 Ballot Form5/21/2018 Scantron Corporation 5/16/2018 763 $2,887.97 Scantools &5/24/2018 SingleTree Media LLC 5/17/2018 764 $483.18 Convention5/21/2018 SingleTree Media LLC 5/18/2018 765 $105.64 Convention5/25/2018 SingleTree Media LLC 5/18/2018 766 $9.47 Convention5/25/2018 Donna Moser 5/29/2018 770 $75.85 Election Committee Supplies Convention 2018 Carrie Thompson 6/5/2018 771 $344.72 Election Committee Supplies Convention 2018

Budget - $10,000.00 Actual - $8,770.39


Lanyards/BadgeInnovationSpecialties 4/17/2018 cc $990.00 Lanyards and Badges Convention 2018 InnovationSpecialties 4/20/2018 cc $189.53 Freight for 4/23/2018 InnovationSpecialties 5/4/2018 CC $240.00 Lanyards a 5/7/2018 InnovationSpecialties 5/9/2018 CC $51.83 Freight for 5/14/2018 Staples 4/27/2018 CC $66.74 3x5 cards 4/30/2018 Digital Image Printing 5/14/2018 CC $438.13 name badg 5/15/2018

Budget - $1,696.00 Actual $1,976.23

Signs Wholesale Banners 4/13/2018 CC $68.48 Waiting on 4/16/2018 Staples 5/2/2018 CC $66.74 candidate n 5/3/2018

Budget - $250.00 Actual - $135.22

Programs Digital Image Printing 5/29/2018 767 $4,371.00 Programs for Convention 2018

Budget - $4,000.00 Actual $4,371.00

Decorations Bargain Ballons 4/19/2018 cc $43.77 Waiting on 4/23/2018

Exhibit 3 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM068 MUR738600111

Promnite 4/19/2018 CC $137.11 4 balloon c 4/26/2018 Bargain Ballons 4/23/2018 CC $1.46 Waiting on 4/25/2018 Mary Sayre 5/29/2018 768 $80.00 Paint & Supplies for painting elephant Convention2018

Budget - $400.00 Actual - $262.34

Box Lunches Aramark JMU 4/20/2018 cc $2,798.00 Installment 4/23/2018 Aramark JMU 5/10/2018 CC $3,000.00 Installment 5/11/2018 Aramark JMU 5/11/2018 CC $3,346.50 Installment 5/14/2018

Budget - $6,000.00 Actual $9,144.50

Space Rental/SoJMU 6/15/2018 776 $16,708.28 Rental for 2018 Convention

Exhibit 3 to Declaration of Hudson McWilliams HM069 MUR738600112

First Last Name Name Date Amount Purpose Thomas Sayre 2/12/2018 753 $60.00 DVD and Fee of Candidate Forum Jane Elkins 2/12/2018 754 $61.48 Foam Board & Posters for Candidate Forum Dan Cullers 2/12/2018 755 $46.36 Supplies for Candidate forum Kaylene Seigle 2/12/2018 756 $8.89 Supplies for Candidate forum Ken Elkins 6/15/2018 775 $39.48 Supplies For Candidate forum Jan 2018

TOTAL $216.21

Exhibit 4 to Declaration of Hud McWilliams HW070 MUR738600113

Exhibit 4 to Declaration of Hud McWilliams HW071 MUR738600114

Declaration of Albert J. Tucker, III

I, Albert S.J. Tucker III, or "Al" Tucker, declare as follows:

I . I am over 18 years ofage.

2. I am offering this declaration in support of responses to Federal Election Commission

Matters Under Review 7386.

3. I was the treasurer of the Sixth District Republican Committee ("Committee") from

May, 2012 until May, 2017

4. The Committee has two checking accounts. One is a State checking account and the other is a Federal checking account. The State checking account reports as a Political Party I

Committee to the Virginia Department ofElections, ID# PP-12-00505. The Federal account reports to the FEC, ID # C00005801.

5. The Committee does not have an allocation account or a Levin account.

6. I was responsible for filing reports of the Committee through the first quarter of 2017.

While the Committee occasionally receives funds for work in connection with federal elections, the vast bulk ofthe Committee's work has traditionally been on state and local issues and elections and consequently the bulk of the Committee's funding is designated by the donor for the state account. See 6th Congressional District Republican Federal Committee October

Quarterly Report (10/03/16) (available at

/C00005801/1102021/) (showing the transfer of$3590.74 to the Republican Party ofVirginia and a transfer from the Lynchburg Republican Committee of$100); Exhibit 1 attached hereto are true and correct copies ofthe quarterly and large contribution reports fil ed with the Virginia

Department ofElections from January 2016 through the first quarter of 2017. These records show, that during the third quarter of 2016, the state account received transfers from local party

Declaration ofAlbert Tucker MUR738600115

committees of$2064.71, which are the "assessments" of the local committees comprising the district. See Exhibit 1 hereto, pp. AT027, AT028.

7. To the best of my knowledge and recollection, during the January 2017 to May 2017 period, all receipts and expenditures were deposited into and paid from the Committee's state account and were reported on regularly-scheduled reports to the Virginia Department of

Elections. See Exhibit 1 generally. To the best of my knowledge and recollection, none of these funds were designated by donors as for use in connection with a federal election.

8. On April 15, 2017, the Committee held a fundraising event ("Gala"). Attached as

Exhibit 2 is a true and correct accounting ofthe expenses and income from the Gala that I personally prepared. After expenses, the Gala raised $6264.58. See Exhibit 2 at AT059. The funds and expenses ofthe Gala were deposited in and drawn from the State account and reported to the Virginia Board ofElections in the next-scheduled report. See Exhibit 2 to Declaration ofJ.

Hudson McWilliams (July 23, 2018) at HM00l-HM0l l.

9. Three corporations have donated to the Committee's state account during the period between 2016-2018. Power Monitors, foe. gave $10,000 on June 28, 2016, Exhibit I, p. AT024 and another $1 000 on April 11, 2017, Exhibit 2, p. A T61; McWilliams Deel. Exhibit 2 at

HM005. War Room Strategies, Inc. donated $500 to the state account on April 6, 2017, Exhibit

2, p. AT061; McWilliams Deel. Exhibit 2 at HM006. Central Virginia Drywall gave $12 to the state account on April 15, 2017, Exhibit 2, p. AT062. The Central Virginia Drywall donation does not appear on the Virginia report because although it was entered in the Virginia reporting software, it is not displayed until the donor's aggregate total contributions reach $100.

10. On information and belief, no corporations donated $100 or more to the Committee's state account between 2012 and 2016.

Declaration ofAlbert Tucker 2 MUR738600116

11. To the best ofmy knowledge, no corporations donated any funds to the Federal account during my tenure as Treasure from 2012 to May, 2018.

12. The Committee set up the donation portal on its website in February of2017. The main reason for setting it up was to allow donors a simpler way to donate to the Committee and because it allows the use ofdebit and credit cards. When a would-be donor fills in an amount to be donated and presses "Donate," the screen requires that the donor identify as an Individual or

Corporation, provide occupation, employer, employer's address, and check a box attesting to citizenship status. See It also recites the Virginia statute that requires the information be gathered by a political party committee, and provides a comment box for a donor to give instructions. No donor has ever designated the funds donated through the portal to be used in connection with a federal election. Attached hereto as

Exhibit 3 is a copy of a spreadsheet that I prepared listing the online donations from February

2017 through April 2017. Each of these transactions was also recorded in the Committee's state political party committee reporting.

Declaration ofAlbert Tucker 3 MUR738600117

I verify under penalty ofperjury under the laws ofthe United States ofAmerica that the factual statements herein concerning the Sixth District Republican Committee are true and correct. 28 U.S.C. 1746.

Executed on -✓u 0 1-,J,; Aot'?:5

~--r,;L~ 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600118 Reporting Period: 01/01/2016 Through: 03/31/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 1 of 11 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Amherst County Republican Committee 1. 700 Burgess Road 2.Republican Party of Amherst County 03/14/2016 $540.00 $540.00 MADISON HEIGHTS, VA 24572 3.Madison Heights, VA

Averill, Louellen 1.Retired 4278 Toddsbury Circle 2.Retired 02/02/2016 $100.00 $200.00 Vinton, VA 24179 3.Vinton VA

Barnett, Nancy E 1.Belzona Distributors 1171 Polk Rd 2.Vice President 02/08/2016 $500.00 $500.00 Edinburg, VA 22324 3.Edinburg VA

Bath County Republican Committee 1. PO Box 206 2.Republican Committee of Bath County 03/14/2016 $160.00 $160.00 Warm Springs, VA 24484 3.Warm Springs

Fitzgerald, Anne Taetzsch 1.Day of Tears 261 Thornrose Ave 2.Exective Director 02/08/2016 $500.00 $500.00 Staunton, VA 24401 3.Waynesboro

Harrisonburg Republican Committee 1. 1062 Wyndham Dr 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 03/14/2016 $180.00 $180.00 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 3.Harrisonburg, VA

Kwiatkowski, Karen U 1.Retired 1785 Deerhead Road 2.Retired 02/04/2016 $100.00 $200.00 Mount Jackson, VA 22842 3.Mount Jackson VA

Rockingham County Republican Committee 1. PO Box 471 2.Republican Party of Rockingham County 03/14/2016 $490.00 $490.00 Harrisonburg, VA 22803-0471 3.Dayton

Sayre, Scott 1.Sayre Enterprises 45 Natural Bridge School Road 2.President 01/07/2016 $500.00 $500.00 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 3.Natural Bridge Station VA

Smith, Ralph K 1.Commonwealth of Virginia 65 High Ridge Circle 2.Retired State Senator 02/02/2016 $500.00 $500.00 Troutville, VA 24175 3.Richmond VA

Walker, Wendell 1.Self 2421 Old Forest Road 2.Landscaper 02/02/2016 $100.00 $200.00 Lynchburg, VA 24501 3.Lynchburg, VA

Walker, Wendell 1.Self 2421 Old Forest Road 2.Landscaper 02/08/2016 $500.00 $700.00 Lynchburg, VA 24501 3.Lynchburg, VA

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT001 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600119 Reporting Period: 01/01/2016 Through: 03/31/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 2 of 11 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Waynesboro Republican Committee 1. 712 Pelham Drive 2.Republican Party of Waynesboro 03/14/2016 $240.00 $240.00 Waynesboro, VA 22980 3.Waynesboro, VA

Total This Period $4,410.00

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT002 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600120 Reporting Period: 01/01/2016 Through: 03/31/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 3 of 11

No Schedule B results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT003 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600121 Reporting Period: 01/01/2016 Through: 03/31/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 4 of 11

No Schedule C results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT004 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600122 Reporting Period: 01/01/2016 Through: 03/31/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 5 of 11 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure

USPS Lexington Albert 101 Lee Ave Purchase Stamps for District Mass Mailing 01/13/2016 $58.80 Tucker Lexington, VA 24450

Cave Spring High School WENDELL 3712 Chaparral Drive Facility Rental for 2016 Convention 01/22/2016 $2,000.35 WALKER Roanoke, VA 24018

Horizons, LLC Albert 237 Fox Runn Drive Website Hack Recovery Services 01/22/2016 $100.00 Tucker Lynchburg, VA 24503

Afton Service Center WENDELL 10921 Rockfish Valley Highway Travel Expense Fuel Walker 01/27/2016 $20.00 WALKER Afton, VA 22920

WilcoHess #691 WENDELL 2501 Lakeside Drive Travel Expense Fuel Walker 01/31/2016 $25.00 WALKER Lynchburg, VA 24501

Afton Service Center WENDELL 10921 Rockfish Valley Highway Travel Expense Fuel Walker 02/02/2016 $25.00 WALKER Afton, VA 22920

Afton Service Center WENDELL 10921 Rockfish Valley Highway Travel Expense Fuel Walker 02/17/2016 $23.90 WALKER Afton, VA 22920

Murphy USA WENDELL 1100 E Lynchburg Salem Tpke Travel Expense Walker 02/18/2016 $14.00 WALKER Bedford, VA 24523

Afton Service Center WENDELL 10921 Rockfish Valley Highway Travel Expense fuel Walker 02/25/2016 $25.00 WALKER Afton, VA 22920

USPS Lexington Albert 101 Lee Ave Postage for Insurance Cert to Cave Spring High School 02/25/2016 $1.20 Tucker Lexington, VA 24450

Digital Image Printing Albert 1615 Roanoke Road Hand outs for quarterly meeting 03/04/2016 $28.83 Tucker Daleville, VA 24083

Horizons, LLC Albert 237 Fox Runn Drive Website Hack Recovery Service 03/11/2016 $100.00 Tucker Lynchburg, VA 24503

Pack & Mail Albert 449 East Nelson Street Package shipment 03/18/2016 $47.14 Tucker Lexington, VA 24450 Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT005 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600123 Reporting Period: 01/01/2016 Through: 03/31/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 6 of 11 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure

6th District Annual Retreat WENDELL PO Box 155 Purchase Ad in 6th District Annual retreat Program 03/29/2016 $200.00 WALKER Mount Jackson, VA 22842

Total This Period $2,669.22

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT006 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600124 Reporting Period: 01/01/2016 Through: 03/31/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 7 of 11

No Schedule E-1 results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT007 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600125 Reporting Period: 01/01/2016 Through: 03/31/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 8 of 11

No Schedule E-2 results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT008 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600126 Reporting Period: 01/01/2016 Through: 03/31/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 9 of 11

No Schedule F results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT009 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600127 Reporting Period: 01/01/2016 Through: 03/31/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 10 of 11 Number of Amount Schedule G: Statement of Funds Contributions Contributions Received This Period 1. Schedule A [Over $100] 13 $4,410.00 2. Schedule B [Over $100] 0 $0.00 3. Un-itemized Cash Contributions [$100 or less] 29 $2,847.14 4. Un-itemized In-Kind Contributions [$100 or less] 0 $0.00 5. Total 42 $7,257.14 Bank Interest, Refunded Expenditures and Rebates 6. Schedule C [also enter on Line 17b on Schedule H] $0.00 Expenditures Made This Period 7. Schedule B [From line 2 Above] $0.00 8. Un-itemized In-Kind contributions [From line 4 Above] $0.00 9. Schedule D [Expenditures] $2,669.22 10. Total [add lines 7, 8 and 9] $2,669.22 Reconciliation of Loan Account 11. Beginning loan balance [from line 15 of last report] $0.00 12. Loans received this period [from Schedule E-Part 1] $0.00 13. Subtotal $0.00

14. Subtract: Loans repaid this period [from Schedule E-Part2] $0.00

15. Ending loan balance $0.00

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT010 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600128 Reporting Period: 01/01/2016 Through: 03/31/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 11 of 11 Schedule H: Summary of Receipts and Disbursements 16. Beginning Balance [Line 19 of last Report] $2,483.58 17. Receipts for Current Reporting Period: a. Contributions received this period [Line 5 of Schedule G] $7,257.14 b. Bank interest, refunded expenditures and rebates $0.00 [Line 6 of Schedule G] c. Loans received this period [Line 12 of Schedule G] $0.00 d. Subtotal: Contributions and Receipts received this period $7,257.14 e. Total Expendable Funds [Add Linds 16 and 17d] $9,740.72 18. Disbursements for Current Reporting Period a. Expenditures made this reporting period $2,669.22 [Line 10 of Schedule G] b. Loans repaid this reporting period [Line 14 of Schedule G] $0.00 c. Other surplus funds paid out [from Schedule I] $0.00 d. Total Payments Made [Add lines 18a,18b, and 18c] $2,669.22 19. Ending Balance [Subtract Line 18b from Line 17e] $7,071.50 20. Total Unpaid Debts [from Schedule F of this report] $0.00 Committee's Receipts and Disbursements - Election Cycle 21. Balance at Start of Election Cycle $2,483.58 22. Previous Receipts [Line 24 from last report] $0.00 23. Receipts from Current Reporting Previous [Line 17d above] $7,257.14 24. Total Receipts this Election Cycle [Add lines 22 and 23] $7,257.14 25. Total Funds Available [Add lines 21 and 24] $9,740.72 26. Previous Disbursements [Line 28 from last report] $0.00 27. Disbursements from Current Reporting Period $2,669.22 [Line 18d above] 28. Total Disbursements this Election Cycle $2,669.22 29. Ending Balance $7,071.50

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT011 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600129 Reporting Period: 04/01/2016 Through: 06/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 1 of 12 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Augusta County Republican Committee 1. 104 Caldwell Lane 2.Republican Committee in Augusta County 04/04/2016 $360.00 $360.00 Fishersville, VA 22939 3.Fishersville, VA

Ben Cline for Virginia House of Delegates 1. PO Box 817 2.Member Virginia House of Delegates 05/25/2016 $125.00 $125.00 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Richmond VA

Botetourt County Republican Committee 1. 482 Ridge Trail 2.Republican Committee of Botetourt County 04/04/2016 $440.00 $440.00 Fincastle, VA 24090 3.Fincastle, VA

Boyer, Nathan 1.Central Virginia Drywall 5239 Everett Road 2.President 06/08/2016 $50.00 $150.00 Forest, VA 24551 3.Forest VA

Fitzgerald, Matthew J 1.Lukhair LLC 261 Thornrose Ave 2.Architect 05/25/2016 $50.00 $150.00 Staunton, VA 24401 3.Staunton

Green, Wesley C 1.Weaver Insurance 47 Beans River Bottom 2.Insurance Agent 05/25/2016 $50.00 $150.00 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Waynesboro, VA

Helms, Donald L 1.BB&T 772 Stayman Road 2.Banker 06/07/2016 $50.00 $150.00 Roanoke, VA 24019 3.Roanoke VA

John Adams for Virginia 1. PO Box 71596 2.Campaign Committee 05/25/2016 $125.00 $125.00 Richmond, VA 23255 3.Mount Jackson VA

Kurtz, Stephen F 1.S K Construction Inc 2382 Harmony Hollow Rd 2.Building Contractor 05/25/2016 $175.00 $275.00 Front Royal, VA 22630 3.Front Royal, VA

Lynchburg Republican Committee 1. 305 Wessex Rd 2.Republican Committee in Lynchburg 04/04/2016 $300.00 $300.00 Lynchburg, VA 24501 3.Lynchburg, VA

McCoy, Cher 1.Self 43 Passamaquoddy Trail 2.Animal Behavior Consultant 05/25/2016 $250.00 $350.00 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Lexington, VA

McCoy, Cher 1.Self 43 Passamaquoddy Trail 2.Animal Behavior Consultant 05/25/2016 $20.00 $370.00 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Lexington, VA

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT012 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600130 Reporting Period: 04/01/2016 Through: 06/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 2 of 12 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Miller, Nathan H 1.Miller Earle & Shanks pllc 1 Wynant Place 2.Attorney 06/07/2016 $125.00 $225.00 Bridgewater, VA 22812 3.Harrisonburg VA

Page County Republican Committee 1. 9 Charles Street 2.Republican Party of Page County 04/04/2016 $160.00 $160.00 Luray, VA 22835 3.Luray, VA

Page County Republican Committee 1. 9 Charles Street 2.Republican Party of Page County 05/25/2016 $75.00 $235.00 Luray, VA 22835 3.Luray, VA

Pollack, Bradley G 1.Bradley G Pollack, Atty At Law 100 Jillian Court 2.Attorney 05/25/2016 $200.00 $300.00 Edinburg, VA 22824 3.Woodstock VA

Power Monitors, Inc 1. 800 North Main Street 2.Power Quality Analysis 06/28/2016 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Mount Crawford, VA 22841 3.Mount Crawford, VA

Roanoke County Republican Committee 1. 5902 Bighorn Drive 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 04/04/2016 $280.00 $280.00 Roanoke, VA 24018 3.Roanoke, Va

Roanoke County Republican Committee 1. 5902 Bighorn Drive 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 04/26/2016 $760.00 $1,040.00 Roanoke, VA 24018 3.Roanoke, Va

Rockbridge Area Republican Committee 1. 5 Ringneck Road 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 05/03/2016 $500.00 $500.00 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Lexington, VA

Rockingham County Republican Committee 1. 2300 four Leaf Circle 2.Republican Party of Rockingham County 04/04/2016 $40.00 $530.00 Dayton, VA 22821 3.Dayton

Rockingham County Republican Committee 1. 2300 four Leaf Circle 2.Republican Party of Rockingham County 06/27/2016 $299.87 $829.87 Dayton, VA 22821 3.Dayton

Sayre, Mary B 1.Sayre Enterprises 15 High Meadow Dr 2.CEO 05/25/2016 $250.00 $250.00 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Natural Bridge Station VA

Sayre, Mary B 1.Sayre Enterprises 15 High Meadow Dr 2.CEO 05/25/2016 $50.00 $300.00 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Natural Bridge Station VA

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT013 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600131 Reporting Period: 04/01/2016 Through: 06/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 3 of 12 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Sayre, Scott 1.Sayre Enterprises 45 Natural Bridge School Road 2.President 05/25/2016 $25.00 $525.00 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 3.Natural Bridge Station VA

Shenandoah County Republican Committee 1. 8148 Senedo Road 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 04/28/2016 $300.00 $300.00 Mount Jackson, VA 22842 3.Mount Jackson, Va.

Staunton Republilcan Committee 1. 261 Thornrose Ave 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 04/15/2016 $200.00 $200.00 STAUNTON, VA 24401 3.STAUNTON, VA

Suetterlein for Senate 1. PO Box 20237 Grace Street 2.Election Campaign Committee 05/25/2016 $250.00 $250.00 Richmond, VA 23218 3.Richmond, VA

Troxel, Steven R 1.SingleTree Media LLC 204 Pennsylvania Ave 2.Business Owner 05/25/2016 $50.00 $150.00 Lynchburg, VA 24502 3.Lynchburg VA

Tucker III, Albert S 1.Retired 61 Tuckaway Ridge 2.Retired 05/12/2016 $125.00 $172.14 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Lexington VA

Walker, Wendell 1.Self 2421 Old Forest Road 2.Landscaper 05/25/2016 $125.00 $825.00 Lynchburg, VA 24501 3.Lynchburg, VA

Warren County Republican Committee 1. 428 Kerfoot Ave 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 04/04/2016 $160.00 $160.00 Front Royal, VA 22630 3.Front Royal, Va

Warren County Republican Committee 1. 428 Kerfoot Ave 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 05/28/2016 $75.00 $235.00 Front Royal, VA 22630 3.Front Royal, Va

Wilkins, S Vance 1.Self PO Box 469 2.Entrepreneur 06/07/2016 $66.00 $116.00 Amherst, VA 24521 3.Amherst, VA

Total This Period $16,110.87

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT014 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600132 Reporting Period: 04/01/2016 Through: 06/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 4 of 12 Donor Information 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) Schedule B: In-Kind Contributions Over $100 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) 3. Business Location Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 4. Service/Goods Received Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor 5. Basis used to Determine Value

1. Megan Pattie Graphic Design 2. Graphic Design 3806 Shutterlee Mill Rd 3. Staunton, VA 05/25/2016 $437.50 $437.50 Staunton, VA 24401 4. Graphic Design and Layout of Convention Program 5. Actual Cost

1. Stonebridge Properties 2. Banquet and Event Facilities and Catering PO Box 52 3. Natural Bridge Station, VA 06/18/2016 $300.00 $300.00 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 4. Meeting room, Tables, and Chairs for 2 Hours 5. Fair Market Value

Total This Period $737.50

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT015 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600133 Reporting Period: 04/01/2016 Through: 06/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 5 of 12

No Schedule C results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT016 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600134 Reporting Period: 04/01/2016 Through: 06/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 6 of 12 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure

Cave Spring High School WENDELL 3712 Chaparral Drive Cafeteria rental for district convention 05/03/2016 $251.00 WALKER Roanoke, VA 24018

FasMart 3532 WENDELL 44 Callohill Drive Travel expenses Fuel 05/07/2016 $30.00 WALKER Lovingston, VA 22949

Cincinnati Insurance Company PO Box 145620 Certificate of Insurance Al Tucker 05/09/2016 $35.00 Cincinnati, OH 15250-5620

Staples Staunton 850 Statler Blvd Office supplies Al Tucker 05/16/2016 $150.51 Staunton, VA 24401

Lowes of Lexington 1255 North Lee Highway Cash Box Purchase Al Tucker 05/19/2016 $21.04 Lexington, VA 24450

Lowes of Lynchburg WENDELL 8216 Timberlake Rd supplies for sign fabrication 05/19/2016 $51.03 WALKER Lynchburg, VA 24502

WalMart Lexington 1233 N. Lee Highway Office Supplies Al Tucker 05/19/2016 $74.86 Lexington, VA 24450

Murphy USA WENDELL 1100 E Lynchburg Salem Tpke Travel Expense Fuel 05/20/2016 $20.00 WALKER Bedford, VA 24523

Sams Club Lynchburg WENDELL 3912 Wards Rd Refreshments and Snacks 05/20/2016 $47.28 WALKER Lynchburg, VA 24502

Dunkin Donuts #301797 WENDELL 3620 Franklin Rd SW Hot coffee 05/21/2016 $55.34 WALKER Roanoke, VA 24014

County of Roanoke, Virginia WENDELL PO Box 21009 Police security officer 1 05/23/2016 $168.00 WALKER Roanoke, VA 24018

County of Roanoke, Virginia WENDELL PO Box 21009 Police security officer 2 05/23/2016 $168.00 WALKER Roanoke, VA 24018

Digital Image Printing 1615 Roanoke Road Printing Services Al Tucker 05/23/2016 $106.96 Daleville, VA 24083 Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT017 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600135 Reporting Period: 04/01/2016 Through: 06/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 7 of 12 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure

Digital Image Printing 1615 Roanoke Road Printing services Al Tucker 05/26/2016 $79.38 Daleville, VA 24083

Digital Image Printing WENDELL 1615 Roanoke Road Printing services Program 05/26/2016 $1,369.95 WALKER Daleville, VA 24083

Megan Pattie Graphic Design WENDELL 3806 Shutterlee Mill Rd Graphic Design Services for Program 05/26/2016 $437.50 WALKER Staunton, VA 24401

Digital Image Printing WENDELL 1615 Roanoke Road Printing Services Meeting Minutes 05/27/2016 $26.96 WALKER Daleville, VA 24083

James Allen Printing 145 East Midland Trail Printing services ballots Al Tucker 06/01/2016 $208.83 Lexington, VA 24450

Manley Signs WENDELL PO Box 11721 Signs Purchase 06/01/2016 $282.20 WALKER Lynchburg, VA 24506

Kroger Timberlake WENDELL 7805 Timberlake Road Gift of flowers for secretary 06/20/2016 $40.31 WALKER Lynchburg, VA 24502

USPS Lexington 101 Lee Ave Stamps purchase Al Tucker 06/22/2016 $18.80 Lexington, VA 24450

Stonebridge Properties Albert PO Box 52 Refreshments and setups for District Committee Meeting 06/30/2016 $50.00 Tucker Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579

Total This Period $3,692.95

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT018 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600136 Reporting Period: 04/01/2016 Through: 06/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 8 of 12

No Schedule E-1 results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT019 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600137 Reporting Period: 04/01/2016 Through: 06/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 9 of 12

No Schedule E-2 results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT020 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600138 Reporting Period: 04/01/2016 Through: 06/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 10 of 12

No Schedule F results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT021 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600139 Reporting Period: 04/01/2016 Through: 06/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 11 of 12 Number of Amount Schedule G: Statement of Funds Contributions Contributions Received This Period 1. Schedule A [Over $100] 34 $16,110.87 2. Schedule B [Over $100] 2 $737.50 3. Un-itemized Cash Contributions [$100 or less] 26 $909.00 4. Un-itemized In-Kind Contributions [$100 or less] 0 $0.00 5. Total 62 $17,757.37 Bank Interest, Refunded Expenditures and Rebates 6. Schedule C [also enter on Line 17b on Schedule H] $0.00 Expenditures Made This Period 7. Schedule B [From line 2 Above] $737.50 8. Un-itemized In-Kind contributions [From line 4 Above] $0.00 9. Schedule D [Expenditures] $3,692.95 10. Total [add lines 7, 8 and 9] $4,430.45 Reconciliation of Loan Account 11. Beginning loan balance [from line 15 of last report] $0.00 12. Loans received this period [from Schedule E-Part 1] $0.00 13. Subtotal $0.00

14. Subtract: Loans repaid this period [from Schedule E-Part2] $0.00

15. Ending loan balance $0.00

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT022 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600140 Reporting Period: 04/01/2016 Through: 06/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 12 of 12 Schedule H: Summary of Receipts and Disbursements 16. Beginning Balance [Line 19 of last Report] $7,071.50 17. Receipts for Current Reporting Period: a. Contributions received this period [Line 5 of Schedule G] $17,757.37 b. Bank interest, refunded expenditures and rebates $0.00 [Line 6 of Schedule G] c. Loans received this period [Line 12 of Schedule G] $0.00 d. Subtotal: Contributions and Receipts received this period $17,757.37 e. Total Expendable Funds [Add Linds 16 and 17d] $24,828.87 18. Disbursements for Current Reporting Period a. Expenditures made this reporting period $4,430.45 [Line 10 of Schedule G] b. Loans repaid this reporting period [Line 14 of Schedule G] $0.00 c. Other surplus funds paid out [from Schedule I] $0.00 d. Total Payments Made [Add lines 18a,18b, and 18c] $4,430.45 19. Ending Balance [Subtract Line 18b from Line 17e] $20,398.42 20. Total Unpaid Debts [from Schedule F of this report] $0.00 Committee's Receipts and Disbursements - Election Cycle 21. Balance at Start of Election Cycle $2,483.58 22. Previous Receipts [Line 24 from last report] $7,257.14 23. Receipts from Current Reporting Previous [Line 17d above] $17,757.37 24. Total Receipts this Election Cycle [Add lines 22 and 23] $25,014.51 25. Total Funds Available [Add lines 21 and 24] $27,498.09 26. Previous Disbursements [Line 28 from last report] $2,669.22 27. Disbursements from Current Reporting Period $4,430.45 [Line 18d above] 28. Total Disbursements this Election Cycle $7,099.67 29. Ending Balance $20,398.42

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT023 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600141 Reporting Period: 06/28/2016 Through: 06/28/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 1 of 3 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Power Monitors, Inc 1. 800 North Main Street 2.Power Quality Analysis 06/28/2016 $10,000.00 $0.00 Mount Crawford, 22841 3.Mount Crawford, VA

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT024 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600142 Reporting Period: 06/28/2016 Through: 06/28/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 2 of 3

No Schedule B results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT025 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600143 Reporting Period: 06/28/2016 Through: 06/28/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 3 of 3

No Schedule E-1 results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT026 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600144 Reporting Period: 07/01/2016 Through: 09/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 1 of 11 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Amherst County Republican Committee 1. 700 Burgess Road 2.Republican Party of Amherst County 08/19/2016 $108.87 $648.87 MADISON HEIGHTS, VA 24572 3.Madison Heights, VA

Augusta County Republican Committee 1. 104 Caldwell Lane 2.Republican Committee in Augusta County 09/12/2016 $286.50 $646.50 Fishersville, VA 22939 3.Fishersville, VA

Bath County Republican Committee 1. PO Box 206 2.Republican Committee of Bath County 07/08/2016 $15.28 $175.28 Warm Springs, VA 24484 3.Warm Springs

Bedford County Republican Committee 1. PO Box 2228 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 09/02/2016 $164.26 $164.26 Forest, VA 24551 3.Bedford, VA

Botetourt County Republican Committee 1. 482 Ridge Trail 2.Republican Committee of Botetourt County 07/01/2016 $150.89 $590.89 Fincastle, VA 24090 3.Fincastle, VA

Harrisonburg Republican Committee 1. 1062 Wyndham Dr 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 07/12/2016 $74.49 $254.49 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 3.Harrisonburg, VA

Lynchburg Republican Committee 1. 305 Wessex Rd 2.Republican Committee in Lynchburg 09/06/2016 $233.02 $533.02 Lynchburg, VA 24501 3.Lynchburg, VA

Page County Republican Committee 1. 9 Charles Street 2.Republican Party of Page County 07/29/2016 $76.40 $311.40 Luray, VA 22835 3.Luray, VA

Roanoke City Republican Committee 1. PO Box 3318 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 08/31/2016 $173.81 $173.81 Roanoke, VA 24015 3.Roanoke, VA

Roanoke County Republican Committee 1. 5902 Bighorn Drive 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 07/18/2016 $284.59 $1,324.59 Roanoke, VA 24018 3.Roanoke, Va

Rockbridge Area Republican Committee 1. 5 Ringneck Road 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 09/19/2016 $103.14 $603.14 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Lexington, VA

Shenandoah County Republican Committee 1. 8148 Senedo Road 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 07/18/2016 $152.80 $452.80 Mount Jackson, VA 22842 3.Mount Jackson, Va.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT027 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600145 Reporting Period: 07/01/2016 Through: 09/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 2 of 11 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Staunton Republilcan Committee 1. 261 Thornrose Ave 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 08/26/2016 $63.03 $263.03 STAUNTON, VA 24401 3.STAUNTON, VA

Warren County Republican Committee 1. 428 Kerfoot Ave 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 07/12/2016 $120.33 $355.33 Front Royal, VA 22630 3.Front Royal, Va

Waynesboro Republican Committee 1. 712 Pelham Drive 2.Republican Party of Waynesboro 08/16/2016 $57.30 $297.30 Waynesboro, VA 22980 3.Waynesboro, VA

Total This Period $2,064.71

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT028 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600146 Reporting Period: 07/01/2016 Through: 09/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 3 of 11 Donor Information 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) Schedule B: In-Kind Contributions Over $100 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) 3. Business Location Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 4. Service/Goods Received Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor 5. Basis used to Determine Value

1. Stonebridge Properties 2. Banquet and Event Facilities and Catering PO Box 52 3. Natural Bridge Station, VA 08/09/2016 $115.30 $415.30 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 4. In Kind 5. Actual Cost

1. Stonebridge Properties 2. Banquet and Event Facilities and Catering PO Box 52 3. Natural Bridge Station, VA 09/27/2016 $300.00 $715.30 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 4. In Kind 5. Fair Market Value

1. Stonebridge Properties 2. Banquet and Event Facilities and Catering PO Box 52 3. Natural Bridge Station, VA 09/27/2016 $300.00 $1,015.30 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 4. In Kind 5. Fair Market Value

1. Stonebridge Properties 2. Banquet and Event Facilities and Catering PO Box 52 3. Natural Bridge Station, VA 09/27/2016 $300.00 $1,315.30 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 4. In Kind 5. Fair Market Value

1. Stonebridge Properties 2. Banquet and Event Facilities and Catering PO Box 52 3. Natural Bridge Station, VA 09/27/2016 $500.00 $1,815.30 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 4. In Kind 5. Fair Market Value

Total This Period $1,515.30

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT029 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600147 Reporting Period: 07/01/2016 Through: 09/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 4 of 11

No Schedule C results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT030 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600148 Reporting Period: 07/01/2016 Through: 09/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 5 of 11 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure

Cincinnati Insurance Company Albert PO Box 145620 Insurance Premium 07/11/2016 $694.00 Tucker Cincinnati, OH 15250-5620

Digital Image Printing Albert 1615 Roanoke Road Printing July Handouts for District Meeting 08/01/2016 $8.42 Tucker Daleville, VA 24083

Horizons, LLC Albert 237 Fox Runn Drive Domain and Web Hosting 08/02/2016 $220.00 Tucker Lynchburg, VA 24503

Pack & Mail Albert 449 East Nelson Street Overnight Mail 08/04/2016 $41.96 Tucker Lexington, VA 24450

Amazon dot Com 410 Terry Ave N Clipboards Scott Sayre 08/09/2016 $53.49 Seattle, WA 98109

Amazon dot Com 410 Terry Ave N Clipboards Scott Sayre 08/09/2016 $106.98 Seattle, WA 98109

Quill dot Com 8500 Wyoming Ave N Printer Paper Scott Sayre 08/09/2016 $48.42 Brooklyn Park, MN 55445

Singletree Media Albert PO Box 4743 Domain, Media, and Web Hosting 08/24/2016 $597.50 Tucker Lynchburg, VA 24502

Digital Image Printing Albert 1615 Roanoke Road Handouts for District meeting 09/12/2016 $77.21 Tucker Daleville, VA 24083

Gates, Sandy Reimbursement for USPS stamp purchase and CVS Albert 2847 Country Club Road 09/12/2016 $33.52 office supplies purchase Tucker Troutville, VA 24175

Gates, Sandy Reimbursement for purchase office supplies from Office Albert 2847 Country Club Road 09/16/2016 $26.31 Depot Tucker Troutville, VA 24175

Sayre, Scott Albert 45 Natural Bridge School Road Mileage 1951 @ $0.27 09/16/2016 $526.77 Tucker Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579

Union Bank Albert 1197 North Lee Highway Stop payment on check 693 09/16/2016 $35.00 Tucker Lexington, VA 24450 Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT031 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600149 Reporting Period: 07/01/2016 Through: 09/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 6 of 11 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure

Total This Period $2,469.58

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT032 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600150 Reporting Period: 07/01/2016 Through: 09/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 7 of 11

No Schedule E-1 results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT033 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600151 Reporting Period: 07/01/2016 Through: 09/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 8 of 11

No Schedule E-2 results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT034 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600152 Reporting Period: 07/01/2016 Through: 09/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 9 of 11

No Schedule F results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT035 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600153 Reporting Period: 07/01/2016 Through: 09/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 10 of 11 Number of Amount Schedule G: Statement of Funds Contributions Contributions Received This Period 1. Schedule A [Over $100] 15 $2,064.71 2. Schedule B [Over $100] 5 $1,515.30 3. Un-itemized Cash Contributions [$100 or less] 1 $11.46 4. Un-itemized In-Kind Contributions [$100 or less] 0 $0.00 5. Total 21 $3,591.47 Bank Interest, Refunded Expenditures and Rebates 6. Schedule C [also enter on Line 17b on Schedule H] $0.00 Expenditures Made This Period 7. Schedule B [From line 2 Above] $1,515.30 8. Un-itemized In-Kind contributions [From line 4 Above] $0.00 9. Schedule D [Expenditures] $2,469.58 10. Total [add lines 7, 8 and 9] $3,984.88 Reconciliation of Loan Account 11. Beginning loan balance [from line 15 of last report] $0.00 12. Loans received this period [from Schedule E-Part 1] $0.00 13. Subtotal $0.00

14. Subtract: Loans repaid this period [from Schedule E-Part2] $0.00

15. Ending loan balance $0.00

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT036 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600154 Reporting Period: 07/01/2016 Through: 09/30/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 11 of 11 Schedule H: Summary of Receipts and Disbursements 16. Beginning Balance [Line 19 of last Report] $20,398.42 17. Receipts for Current Reporting Period: a. Contributions received this period [Line 5 of Schedule G] $3,591.47 b. Bank interest, refunded expenditures and rebates $0.00 [Line 6 of Schedule G] c. Loans received this period [Line 12 of Schedule G] $0.00 d. Subtotal: Contributions and Receipts received this period $3,591.47 e. Total Expendable Funds [Add Linds 16 and 17d] $23,989.89 18. Disbursements for Current Reporting Period a. Expenditures made this reporting period $3,984.88 [Line 10 of Schedule G] b. Loans repaid this reporting period [Line 14 of Schedule G] $0.00 c. Other surplus funds paid out [from Schedule I] $0.00 d. Total Payments Made [Add lines 18a,18b, and 18c] $3,984.88 19. Ending Balance [Subtract Line 18b from Line 17e] $20,005.01 20. Total Unpaid Debts [from Schedule F of this report] $0.00 Committee's Receipts and Disbursements - Election Cycle 21. Balance at Start of Election Cycle $2,483.58 22. Previous Receipts [Line 24 from last report] $25,014.51 23. Receipts from Current Reporting Previous [Line 17d above] $3,591.47 24. Total Receipts this Election Cycle [Add lines 22 and 23] $28,605.98 25. Total Funds Available [Add lines 21 and 24] $31,089.56 26. Previous Disbursements [Line 28 from last report] $7,099.67 27. Disbursements from Current Reporting Period $3,984.88 [Line 18d above] 28. Total Disbursements this Election Cycle $11,084.55 29. Ending Balance $20,005.01

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT037 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600155 Reporting Period: 10/01/2016 Through: 12/31/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 1 of 9

No Schedule A results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT038 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600156 Reporting Period: 10/01/2016 Through: 12/31/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 2 of 9 Donor Information 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) Schedule B: In-Kind Contributions Over $100 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) 3. Business Location Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 4. Service/Goods Received Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor 5. Basis used to Determine Value

1. Stonebridge Properties 2. Banquet and Event Facilities and Catering PO Box 52 3. Natural Bridge Station, VA 10/29/2016 $300.00 $2,115.30 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 4. Meeting Room for Quarterly District Committee Meeting

Total This Period $300.00

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT039 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600157 Reporting Period: 10/01/2016 Through: 12/31/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 3 of 9

No Schedule C results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT040 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600158 Reporting Period: 10/01/2016 Through: 12/31/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 4 of 9 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure

Digital Image Printing Albert 1615 Roanoke Road Printing handouts and minutes for District Meeting 10/24/2016 $38.75 Tucker Daleville, VA 24083

Sayre Enterprises 45 Natural Bridge School Road Reimbursement for Pens and Creed Cards Scott Sayre 10/24/2016 $739.21 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579

Fairfax County Republican Committee 4246 Chain Bridge Road Transfer Scott Sayre 10/26/2016 $151.15 Fairfax, VA 22030

James Allen Printing Albert 145 East Midland Trail Printing Voter Training Fliers 10/26/2016 $46.33 Tucker Lexington, VA 24450

Stonebridge Properties Purchase setups and refreshments for Oct 29,2016 Albert PO Box 52 11/01/2016 $50.00 Meeting Tucker Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579

James Allen Printing 145 East Midland Trail Layout and design for absentee handouts Scott Sayre 11/02/2016 $23.17 Lexington, VA 24450

Sayre, Scott Reimbursement for mileage 1,291 @ $0.27 Albert 45 Natural Bridge School Road 12/01/2016 $348.57 Sept 7 thru Nov 30 Tucker Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579

Stonewall Jackson Hotel and Conference Center Deposit for facility rental on April 15, 2017 Scott Sayre 12/02/2016 $1,000.00 24 South Market Street Staunton, VA 24401

James Allen Printing 145 East Midland Trail Printing of Certificate of Appreciation Scott Sayre 12/09/2016 $23.17 Lexington, VA 24450

Total This Period $2,420.35

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT041 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600159 Reporting Period: 10/01/2016 Through: 12/31/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 5 of 9

No Schedule E-1 results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT042 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600160 Reporting Period: 10/01/2016 Through: 12/31/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 6 of 9

No Schedule E-2 results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT043 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600161 Reporting Period: 10/01/2016 Through: 12/31/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 7 of 9

No Schedule F results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT044 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600162 Reporting Period: 10/01/2016 Through: 12/31/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 8 of 9 Number of Amount Schedule G: Statement of Funds Contributions Contributions Received This Period 1. Schedule A [Over $100] 0 $0.00 2. Schedule B [Over $100] 1 $300.00 3. Un-itemized Cash Contributions [$100 or less] 0 $0.00 4. Un-itemized In-Kind Contributions [$100 or less] 0 $0.00 5. Total 1 $300.00 Bank Interest, Refunded Expenditures and Rebates 6. Schedule C [also enter on Line 17b on Schedule H] $0.00 Expenditures Made This Period 7. Schedule B [From line 2 Above] $300.00 8. Un-itemized In-Kind contributions [From line 4 Above] $0.00 9. Schedule D [Expenditures] $2,420.35 10. Total [add lines 7, 8 and 9] $2,720.35 Reconciliation of Loan Account 11. Beginning loan balance [from line 15 of last report] $0.00 12. Loans received this period [from Schedule E-Part 1] $0.00 13. Subtotal $0.00

14. Subtract: Loans repaid this period [from Schedule E-Part2] $0.00

15. Ending loan balance $0.00

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT045 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600163 Reporting Period: 10/01/2016 Through: 12/31/2016 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 9 of 9 Schedule H: Summary of Receipts and Disbursements 16. Beginning Balance [Line 19 of last Report] $20,005.01 17. Receipts for Current Reporting Period: a. Contributions received this period [Line 5 of Schedule G] $300.00 b. Bank interest, refunded expenditures and rebates $0.00 [Line 6 of Schedule G] c. Loans received this period [Line 12 of Schedule G] $0.00 d. Subtotal: Contributions and Receipts received this period $300.00 e. Total Expendable Funds [Add Linds 16 and 17d] $20,305.01 18. Disbursements for Current Reporting Period a. Expenditures made this reporting period $2,720.35 [Line 10 of Schedule G] b. Loans repaid this reporting period [Line 14 of Schedule G] $0.00 c. Other surplus funds paid out [from Schedule I] $0.00 d. Total Payments Made [Add lines 18a,18b, and 18c] $2,720.35 19. Ending Balance [Subtract Line 18b from Line 17e] $17,584.66 20. Total Unpaid Debts [from Schedule F of this report] $0.00 Committee's Receipts and Disbursements - Election Cycle 21. Balance at Start of Election Cycle $2,483.58 22. Previous Receipts [Line 24 from last report] $28,605.98 23. Receipts from Current Reporting Previous [Line 17d above] $300.00 24. Total Receipts this Election Cycle [Add lines 22 and 23] $28,905.98 25. Total Funds Available [Add lines 21 and 24] $31,389.56 26. Previous Disbursements [Line 28 from last report] $11,084.55 27. Disbursements from Current Reporting Period $2,720.35 [Line 18d above] 28. Total Disbursements this Election Cycle $13,804.90 29. Ending Balance $17,584.66

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT046 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600164 Reporting Period: 01/01/2017 Through: 03/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 1 of 12 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Adams, Kenneth Henry 1.Retired 712 Pelham Drive 2.Retired 03/07/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Waynesboro, VA 22980 3.Waynesboro VA

Barger, Pam 1.Retired 1236 Deer Run Drive 2.Retired 03/01/2017 $300.00 $300.00 Vinton, VA 24179 3.Vinton VA

Barlow, Dennis C 1.Retired 5 Tee Ct 2.Retired 03/04/2017 $200.00 $200.00 New Market, VA 22844 3.New Market, VA

Beaty, Sandy J 1.The Oaks on Woodville Adult Care Home 111 Woodville Drive 2.Manager 03/28/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Forest, VA 24551 3.Forest. VA

Bell, Richard P 1.Virginia House of Delegates 2620 Eston Drive 2.Delegate 03/22/2017 $150.00 $150.00 Staunton, VA 24401 3.Richmond VA

Bishop, Ira E 1.VCU 4555 Leakes Mill Road 2.IT Manager 03/27/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Gum Springs, VA 23065 3.Richmond, VA

Bogdewic, Daniel D 1.Retired 2900 Rileyville Road 2.Retired 03/27/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Rileyville, VA 22650 3.Rileyville, VA

Copper, Clifton C 1.CVS Health 29 Baxter Court 2.Pharmacist 03/23/2017 $100.00 $200.00 Waynesboro, VA 22980 3.Waynesboro, VA

Cuzzimano, Nancy 1.Retired 602 Falling Spring Road 2.Retired 03/04/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Glasgo, VA 24555 3.Glasgo, VA

Gilbert for Delegate 1. PO Box 309 2.Political Campaign Committee 03/23/2017 $250.00 $250.00 Woodstock, VA 22664 3.Woodstock, VA

Gresham, Victor A 1.Conquest Communications Group 3806 Stage Junction Road 2.Consultant 03/24/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Columbia, VA 23038 3.Richmond, VA

Hile, Mark 1.VCU Health System 1520 Bexhill Road 2.Clinical Physics Assistant 03/06/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Henrico, VA 23229 3.Richmond, VA

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT047 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600165 Reporting Period: 01/01/2017 Through: 03/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 2 of 12 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Holtzman, William B 1.Holtzman Oil Corp 580 Old Bethel Rd 2.President 03/16/2017 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Edinburg, VA 22824 3.Strassburg, VA

Judy, Jesse N 1.Retired 270 Kauffman's Mill Road 2.Retired 03/14/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Luray, VA 22835 3.Luray, VA

Katz, Alan W 1.Retired 93 Pleasant Hill Lane 2.Retired 03/26/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Churchville, VA 24421 3.Churchville, VA

Kubany, Susan K 1.Omnet Inc 2842 Chruchville Ave 2.Consultant 03/07/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Staunton, VA 24401 3.Staunton VA

Lilly, Sheila 1.Self 104 Caldwell Lane 2.home maker 03/28/2017 $300.00 $300.00 Fishersville, VA 22939 3.Staunton, VA

McGrath, Geraldine L 1.Retired 3335 Belshire Court SW 2.Retired 03/12/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Roanoke, VA 24014 3.Roanoke, VA

Moxley, Jan 1.Self 269 Baldwin Lane 2.Home Maker 03/03/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Staunton, VA 24401 3.Staunton, VA

Nichols, Dean 1.Layman & Nichols, PC 268 Newman Ave 2.Attorney 03/30/2017 $500.00 $500.00 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 3.Harrisonburg, VA

Pollack, Bradley G 1.Bradley G Pollack, Atty At Law 100 Jillian Court 2.Attorney 03/04/2017 $500.00 $500.00 Edinburg, VA 22824 3.Woodstock VA

Rhodes, Mary Jane 1.Retired 4204 Woodvale Circle 2.Retired 03/28/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Roanoke, VA 24018 3.Roanoke, VA

Rose, Gene A 1.Retired 5902 Bighorn Drive 2.Retired 03/25/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Roanoke, VA 24018 3.Roanoke VA

Stonebridge Properties 1. PO Box 52 2.Banquet and Event Facilities and Catering 02/13/2017 $5,000.00 $5,300.00 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 3.Natural Bridge Station, VA

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT048 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600166 Reporting Period: 01/01/2017 Through: 03/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 3 of 12 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Tederick, Mathew A 1.Wealth Management Inc 21 Edgewood Street 2.Financial Consultant 03/04/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Front Royal, VA 22630 3.Front Royal VA

Tederick, Mathew A 1.Wealth Management Inc 21 Edgewood Street 2.Financial Consultant 03/23/2017 $100.00 $300.00 Front Royal, VA 22630 3.Front Royal VA

Welty, Dean Lavern 1.Valley Family Forum 3465 Izaak Walton Drive 2.Director 03/09/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 3.Harrisonburg VA

Wharton Aldhizer Weaver 1. 100 South Mason Street 2.Legal Services 03/22/2017 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 3.Harrisonburg, VA

Wilkins, S Vance 1.Self PO Box 469 2.Entrepreneur 03/07/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Amherst, VA 24521 3.Amherst, VA

Wilson, Murphy Tuomey 1.A Morton Thomas & Associates 32 Rout 687 2.Senior Vice President 03/20/2017 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Bacova, VA 24412 3.Verona, VA

Wyss, Dianne 1.Retired 1425 44th Street NW 2.Retired 03/05/2017 $200.00 $200.00 Washington DC, DC 20007 3.Washington DC

Total This Period $19,000.00

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT049 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600167 Reporting Period: 01/01/2017 Through: 03/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 4 of 12 Donor Information 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) Schedule B: In-Kind Contributions Over $100 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) 3. Business Location Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 4. Service/Goods Received Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor 5. Basis used to Determine Value

1. Stonebridge Properties 2. Banquet and Event Facilities and Catering PO Box 52 3. Natural Bridge Station, VA 02/04/2017 $300.00 $300.00 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 4. Meeting Room and facilities provided 5. Fair Market Value

Total This Period $300.00

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT050 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600168 Reporting Period: 01/01/2017 Through: 03/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 5 of 12

No Schedule C results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT051 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600169 Reporting Period: 01/01/2017 Through: 03/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 6 of 12 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure

Digital Image Printing 1615 Roanoke Road Printing services for Think Local Signs Scott Sayre 01/05/2017 $199.00 Daleville, VA 24083

Sayre, Scott Reimbursement for payment to James Allen Printing for Albert 45 Natural Bridge School Road 01/05/2017 $11.58 Certificate of Appreciation Paid on 30 December 2016 Tucker Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579

Digital Image Printing Printing services for meeting handouts for February Albert 1615 Roanoke Road 01/20/2017 $25.27 meeting Tucker Daleville, VA 24083

The Robinson Agency 2017 Gala expense Fee to Carol Swain through 1946 Kensington High Street Scott Sayre 01/26/2017 $1,050.00 management company(partial) for speaking. Lilburn, GA 30047-2524

Pack & Mail Fax Transmittal to Robinson Agency for Carol Swain Albert 449 East Nelson Street 01/27/2017 $4.00 contract Tucker Lexington, VA 24450

Stonebridge Properties Albert PO Box 52 Refreshments and setups for district meeting 02/03/2017 $50.00 Tucker Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579

Reimbursement to committee secretary for purchase of Gates, Sandy stamps from the US Post Office at Fincastle VA Albert 2847 Country Club Road 02/04/2017 $18.80 223 South Roanoke Street Tucker Troutville, VA 24175 Fincastle, VE 24090

Cornerstone Payment Systems 15941 Red Hill Ave Albert Purchase Portable Credit Card Reader 02/10/2017 $74.00 Suite 100 Tucker Tustin, CA 92780

TSYS 12202 Airport Way Albert Test transaction with online credit card system 02/10/2017 $0.10 Suite 100 Tucker Broomfield, CO 80021

Reimburse committee secretary for purchase of stamps Gates, Sandy from US Post Office Fincastle Albert 2847 Country Club Road 02/19/2017 $18.62 223 South Roanoke Street Tucker Troutville, VA 24175 Fincastle VA 24090

Office Depot Store 6222 General office supplies,Folders, Ink, Paper, Envelopes Albert 1372 Towne Spuare Blvd 02/21/2017 $157.37 For use of committee secretary Tucker Roanoke, VA 24012

United States Post Office Rent Post Office Box for District Committee Albert 1492 Roanoke Road 02/21/2017 $64.00 Correspondence Tucker Daleville, VA 24083

Purchase Stamps from US Post Office for use of United States Post Office committee secretary Albert 1492 Roanoke Road 02/21/2017 $78.40 1492 Roanoke Rd Tucker Daleville, VA 24083 Daleville, VA 24083Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT052 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600170 Reporting Period: 01/01/2017 Through: 03/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 7 of 12 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. Albert Credit card donation processing fees for Feb, 2017 03/02/2017 $152.08 12120 Sunset Hills Road Tucker Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. Albert Mobile Credit reading services monthly fee for Feb 2017 03/02/2017 $11.25 12120 Sunset Hills Road Tucker Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. Albert Monthly Membership fee 03/02/2017 $6.25 12120 Sunset Hills Road Tucker Suite 500

Singletree Media PO Box 4743 Services for website and social media services Scott Sayre 03/02/2017 $597.50 Lynchburg, VA 24502

WalMart Lexington Albert 1233 N. Lee Highway Office Supplies Ink for treasurer printing 03/06/2017 $39.95 Tucker Lexington, VA 24450

Stonewall Jackson Hotel and Conference Center Partial payment for facility and services for 2017 gala Scott Sayre 03/08/2017 $2,000.00 24 South Market Street Staunton, VA 24401

D Souza Media LLC 4655 Cass Street Gala 2017 expense Purchase books and dvds Scott Sayre 03/17/2017 $1,050.10 Suite 304 San Diego, CA 92109

American Airlines Albert 4255 Amon Carter Blvd Airline Flight Ticket 03/28/2017 $366.30 Tucker Fort Worth, TX 26155

Conquest Communications Group 2812 Emerywood Parkway Voter ID Survey Scott Sayre 03/28/2017 $1,125.70 Suite 103 Richmond, VA 23294-3718

Sayre, Mary B Reimburse for purchase from Albert 15 High Meadow Dr 03/30/2017 $220.00 Order 100013014 3/27 17 Tucker Lexington, VA 24450

Total This Period $7,320.27

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT053 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600171 Reporting Period: 01/01/2017 Through: 03/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 8 of 12

No Schedule E-1 results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT054 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600172 Reporting Period: 01/01/2017 Through: 03/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 9 of 12

No Schedule E-2 results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT055 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600173 Reporting Period: 01/01/2017 Through: 03/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 10 of 12

No Schedule F results to display.

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT056 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600174 Reporting Period: 01/01/2017 Through: 03/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 11 of 12 Number of Amount Schedule G: Statement of Funds Contributions Contributions Received This Period 1. Schedule A [Over $100] 31 $19,000.00 2. Schedule B [Over $100] 1 $300.00 3. Un-itemized Cash Contributions [$100 or less] 20 $1,821.00 4. Un-itemized In-Kind Contributions [$100 or less] 0 $0.00 5. Total 52 $21,121.00 Bank Interest, Refunded Expenditures and Rebates 6. Schedule C [also enter on Line 17b on Schedule H] $0.00 Expenditures Made This Period 7. Schedule B [From line 2 Above] $300.00 8. Un-itemized In-Kind contributions [From line 4 Above] $0.00 9. Schedule D [Expenditures] $7,320.27 10. Total [add lines 7, 8 and 9] $7,620.27 Reconciliation of Loan Account 11. Beginning loan balance [from line 15 of last report] $0.00 12. Loans received this period [from Schedule E-Part 1] $0.00 13. Subtotal $0.00

14. Subtract: Loans repaid this period [from Schedule E-Part2] $0.00

15. Ending loan balance $0.00

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT057 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600175 Reporting Period: 01/01/2017 Through: 03/31/2017 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 12 of 12 Schedule H: Summary of Receipts and Disbursements 16. Beginning Balance [Line 19 of last Report] $17,584.66 17. Receipts for Current Reporting Period: a. Contributions received this period [Line 5 of Schedule G] $21,121.00 b. Bank interest, refunded expenditures and rebates $0.00 [Line 6 of Schedule G] c. Loans received this period [Line 12 of Schedule G] $0.00 d. Subtotal: Contributions and Receipts received this period $21,121.00 e. Total Expendable Funds [Add Linds 16 and 17d] $38,705.66 18. Disbursements for Current Reporting Period a. Expenditures made this reporting period $7,620.27 [Line 10 of Schedule G] b. Loans repaid this reporting period [Line 14 of Schedule G] $0.00 c. Other surplus funds paid out [from Schedule I] $0.00 d. Total Payments Made [Add lines 18a,18b, and 18c] $7,620.27 19. Ending Balance [Subtract Line 18b from Line 17e] $31,085.39 20. Total Unpaid Debts [from Schedule F of this report] $0.00 Committee's Receipts and Disbursements - Election Cycle 21. Balance at Start of Election Cycle $17,584.66 22. Previous Receipts [Line 24 from last report] $0.00 23. Receipts from Current Reporting Previous [Line 17d above] $21,121.00 24. Total Receipts this Election Cycle [Add lines 22 and 23] $21,121.00 25. Total Funds Available [Add lines 21 and 24] $38,705.66 26. Previous Disbursements [Line 28 from last report] $0.00 27. Disbursements from Current Reporting Period $7,620.27 [Line 18d above] 28. Total Disbursements this Election Cycle $7,620.27 29. Ending Balance $31,085.39

Exhibit 1 to Declaration of Al Tucker AT058 MUR738600176

2017 Suzanne Curran - Donald Huffman Appreciation Gala Stonewall Jackson Hotel, Staunton VA April 15, 2017 Sponsorships - Tickets - Ads - Auction Founding Father, 10 Seats, $5,000 3 $15,000 Federalist, 6 Seats, $3,000 0 $0 Minute Man, 4 Seats, $1,000 6 $6,000 Patriot, 2 Seats, $500 5 $2,500 Individual Seat, $100 128 $12,800 Student Seat, $50 15 $750 Full Page Ad, $500 0 $0 Half Page Ad, $300 0 $0 Quarter Page Ad, $150 2 $300 Preferred Full Page Ad, $250 0 $0 Preferred Half Page Ad, $100 2 $200 Preferred Quarter Page Ad, $50 6 $300 Student Ad, $25 1 $25 Auction $2,305 $40,180 In Kind Contributions $3,100

Expenses $ 9,238.64 Hotel Facility and Banquet Fee Hotel Wet Bar $ 1,364.21 Program Layout and Printing $ 864.51 Credit Card Fees $ 417.20 Gifts for Honorees $ 220.00 Audio and Video Archive and Production $ 150.00 Books and DVD' for Dinesh D'Souza $ 1,050.10 Books and DVD' for Carol Swain $ 410.00 Speaking Fee for Dinesh D'Souza $ 15,000.00 Speaking Fee for Carol Swain $ 3,500.00 Per Diem for Carol Swain $ 100.00 Hotel Accommodations for Carol Swain $ 289.76 Travel Accommodation for Carol Swain $ 366.30 Banquet Room Setup and Decorations $ 384.14 Misc Expenses $ 35.56 Meghan Giammona 2 Photographers $ 300.00 Cher McCoy VA Repub Women Gala Assistance $ 225.00 $ 33,915.42 Gross Receipts $ 40,180.00 Expenses $ 33,915.42 Net $ 6,264.58

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Albert Tucker AT059 MUR738600177

C DI E F N 0 p 598 2017 Gala Donors 2017 Q1 □eeosit NAME 599 Date Organization AMOUNT Check# RCVD 600 13-Feb-17 Mary Sayre Stone Bridae Prooerties $ 5,000.00 cc 13-Feb-17 601 1-Mar-17 Sand~ Gates $ 100.00 cc 1-Mar-17 602 1-Mar-17 Pamela Barger $ 300.00 cc 1-Mar-17 603 2-Mar-17 Cher McCo~ $ 100.00 cc 2-Mar-17 604 3-Mar-17 Jan Moxlev $ 200.00 cc 3-Mar-17 605 4-Mar-17 Nancv Cuzzimano $ 200.00 170 2-Mar-17 606 4-Mar-17 Dennis Barlow $ 200.00 cc 4-Mar-17 607 4-Mar-17 Bradle~ Pollack $ 500.00 cc 4-Mar-17 608 4-Mar-17 Matthew Tederick $ 200.00 cc 4-Mar-17 609 5-Mar-17 Dianne W~ss $ 200.00 cc 5-Mar-17 61 0 6-Mar-17 Mark Hile $ 200.00 cc 6-Mar-17 611 7-Mar-17 S. Vance Wilkins $ 200.00 cc 7-Mar-17 612 7-Mar-17 Susan Kuban~ $ 200.00 cc 7-Mar-17 613 7-Mar-17 Kenneth Adams $ 200.00 cc 7-Mar-17 614 9-Mar-17 Dean Weltv $ 200.00 cc 7-Mar-17 615 9-Mar-17 Bettina Mccann $ 100.00 cc 9-Mar-17 616 9-Mar-17 Karen Kwiatkowski $ 100.00 cc 9-Mar-17 617 10-Mar-17 Carrie Thomoson $ 100.00 cc 10-Mar-17 618 10-Mar-17 Timothv Schmover $ 100.00 cc 10-Mar-17 619 12-Mar-17 Geraldine McGrath $ 200.00 cc 12-Mar-17 620 13-Mar-17 Jennifer Lee $ 100.00 Cash 13-Mar-17 621 14-Mar-17 Jesse Judv $ 200.00 cc 14-Mar-17 622 16-Mar-17 William Holtzman $ 5,000.00 Ck 3646 16-Mar-17 623 16-Mar-17 William Shirlev $ 100.00 cc 16-Mar-17 624 20-Mar-17 Murohv Tuomev W ilson $ 2,000.00 Ck 398 20-Mar-17 625 22-Mar-17 Richard Bell $ 150.00 cc 22-Mar-17 626 22-Mar-17 Jeff Adams Wharton Aldhizer $ 1,000.00 cc 22-Mar-17 627 22-Mar-17 Susan Lacolette $ 100.00 cc 22-Mar-17 628 23-Mar-17 Baird Stokes $ 100.00 cc 23-Mar-17 629 23-Mar-17 Matthew Tederick $ 100.00 cc 23-Mar-17 630 23-Mar-17 Christooher Gilbert Gilbert for Delegate $ 250.00 cc 23-Mar-17 631 23-Mar-17 Charlotte Whitmire $ 100.00 cc 23-Mar-17 632 23-Mar-17 Clifton Conner $ 100.00 cc 23-Mar-17 633 23-Mar-17 Clifton Conner $ 100.00 cc 23-Mar-17 634 24-Mar-17 Kathy Hayden $ 100.00 cc 24-Mar-17 635 24-Mar-17 Victor Gresham $ 200.00 cc 24-Mar-17 636 25-Mar-17 Gene Rose $ 200.00 cc 25-Mar-17 637 26-Mar-17 Alan Katz $ 200.00 cc 26-Mar-17 638 27-Mar-17 Ira Bishoo $ 200.00 cc 27-Mar-17 639 27-Mar-17 Dan Boadewic $ 200.00 cc 27-Mar-17 640 28-Mar-17 Sheila lillv $ 300.00 cc 28-Mar-17 641 28-Mar-17 Steve Albertson $ 100.00 cc 28-Mar-17 642 28-Mar-17 Marv Rhodes $ 200.00 cc 28-Mar-17 643 28-Mar-17 S. John Massoud $ 100.00 cc 28-Mar-17 644 28-Mar-17 Sandra Beatv $ 200.00 cc 28-Mar-17 645 30-Mar-17 Daw n Camobell $ 100.00 1833 30-Mar-17 646 30-Mar-17 Steven Richards $ 100.00 cc 30-Mar-17 647 30-Mar-17 Dean Nichols $ 500.00 cc 30-Mar-17 648 31 -Mar-17 Duane Landrv $ 100.00 cc 31 -Mar-17

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Albert Tucker AT060 MUR738600178

C DI E F N 0 p 685 2017 Gala Donors 2017 Q2 □eeos it NAME 686 Date Organization AMOUNT Check# RCVD 687 1-Apr-17 y Dan Webb for Conaress Committee $ 1,000.00 8252 1-Apr-17 688 2-Apr-17 y John Wise $ 100.00 cc 2-Apr-17 689 2-Apr-17 y Mark Dauahertv $ 100.00 cc 2-Apr-17 690 2-Aor-17 y Andrew Middleton $ 200.00 cc 2-Apr-17 691 3-Apr-17 y Linda Adamo $ 200.00 cc 3-Apr-17 692 4-Apr-17 y Morton Blackwell $ 100.00 cc 4-Apr-17 693 4-Apr-17 y Jennifer Helms $ 200.00 cc 4-Apr-17 694 4-Apr-17 y Diane lovanna retired $ 200.00 cc 4-Apr-17 695 6-Aor-17 y Don Huffman $ 100.00 3240 5-Apr-17 696 6-Apr-17 y Stenhen A Rosenthal $ 100.00 5186 5-Apr-17 697 6-Apr-17 y Weslev C Green $ 300.00 cc 6-Apr-17 698 6-Apr-17 y Vickie Cowan $ 100.00 cc 6-Apr-17 699 6-Apr-17 y Aaron Evans War Room Strateaies $ 500.00 cc 6-Apr-17 700 6-Aor-17 y Matthew Fitzaerald $ 200.00 cc 6-Apr-17 701 6-Apr-17 y Jacaueline Kimotho-Gonzalez $ 100.00 cc 6-Apr-17 702 8-Apr-17 y Dale Grevwolf $ 100.00 cc 8-Apr-17 703 8-Apr-17 y Melvin Williams $ 500.00 cc 8-Apr-17 704 9-Apr-17 y Larrv Bandv $ 100.00 cc 9-Apr-17 705 9-Aor-17 y Carol Bandv $ 100.00 cc 9-Apr-17 706 10-Apr-17 y John Selph Reeves for Lt Gov $ 200.00 Ck 1052 10-Apr-17 707 10-Apr-17 y Doua Gimbert $ 200.00 cc 10-Apr-17 708 10-Apr-17 y Patrick Trueman $ 100.00 cc 10-Apr-17 709 11 -Apr-17 y Julie Buraess $ 100.00 cc 11-Apr-17 71 0 11 -Apr-17 y Elizabeth Chardon Jenks $ 200.00 cc 11-Apr-17 711 11 -Apr-17 y Vernon Robinson $ 100.00 cc 11 -Apr-17 712 11 -Apr-17 y Power Monitors Inc $ 1,000.00 cc 11 -Apr-17 713 11 -Apr-17 y Bic Houser $ 200.00 cc 11-Apr-17 714 12-Apr-17 y Ben Cline for VA House $ 500.00 1232 12-Apr-17 715 12-Apr-17 y Nancv Dve $ 200.00 6334 12-Apr-17 716 12-Apr-17 y Steve Landes for $ 50.00 1074 12-Apr-17 717 12-Apr-17 y Sandv Gates $ 50.00 1347 12-Apr-17 718 12-Apr-17 y James Mixon $ 200.00 cc 12-Apr-17 71 9 12-Apr-17 y Mark Savre $ 200.00 cc 12-Apr-17 720 12-Apr-17 y Corv Stewart $ 200.00 cc 12-Apr-17 721 12-Apr-17 y Melissa Rossow $ 200.00 cc 12-Apr-17 722 12-Apr-17 y Steohen Kurtz $ 100.00 cc 12-Apr-17 723 12-Apr-17 y Leah Ashbv $ 100.00 cc 12-Apr-17 724 12-Aor-17 y Chris Billias $ 200.00 cc 12-Apr-17 725 12-Apr-17 y Dan Boadewic $ 200.00 cc 12-Apr-17 726 13-Apr-17 y Nancv B Hunter $ 400.00 2855 13-Apr-17 727 13-Apr-17 y Elect Chris Head $ 500.00 447 13-Apr-17 728 13-Apr-17 y Steohen J Estrada $ 200.00 769 13-Apr-17 729 13-Aor-17 y Cher McCoy $ 50.00 10586 13-Apr-17 730 13-Apr-17 Y Waverlv Woods $ 100.00 cc 13-Apr-17 731 14-Apr-17 y Gene Rose $ 200.00 cc 14-Apr-17 732 15-Apr-17 y Ed Gillesoie for $ 1,000.00 1159 14-Apr-17 733 15-Apr-17 y John Wood $ 75.00 Cash 18-Apr-17 734 15-Aor-17 y Wesley C Green $ 225.00 Cash 18-Apr-17 735 15-Apr-17 y Steve Kijak $ 225.00 Cash 18-Apr-17 736 15-Apr-17 y Bonnie Barlow $ 15.00 Cash 18-Apr-17 737 15-Apr-17 y Nancv Cuzzamano $ 20.00 Cash 18-Apr-17

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Albert Tucker AT061 MUR738600179

C D E F N O P 738 15-Apr-17 y Jane Judy $ 50.00 Cash 18-Apr-17 739 15-Apr-17 y Bonnie Gentry $ 13.00 Cash 18-Apr-17 740 15-Apr-17 y Albert S Tucker III $ 15.00 Cash 18-Apr-17 741 15-Apr-17 y Mary J Rhodes $ 20.00 Cash 18-Apr-17 742 15-Apr-17 y Tara Bowman $ 20.00 Cash 18-Apr-17 743 15-Apr-17 y Doug Gimbert $ 45.00 Cash 18-Apr-17 744 15-Apr-17 y Charles H Nave $ 250.00 823 18-Apr-17 745 15-Apr-17 y John E Alderson $ 5,000.00 3454 18-Apr-17 746 15-Apr-17 y Travis E Witt $ 100.00 2616 18-Apr-17 747 15-Apr-17 Jacqueline B Meadows $ 80.00 3982 18-Apr-17 748 15-Apr-17 y Geraldine L McGrath $ 80.00 1781 18-Apr-17 749 15-Apr-17 y Central Virginia Drywall, $ 12.00 1259 18-Apr-17 750 15-Apr-17 y Nathan Boyer $ 150.00 3833 18-Apr-17 751 15-Apr-17 y Karen Kwiatkowski $ 50.00 5532 18-Apr-17 752 15-Apr-17 y Betty L Jordan $ 30.00 7254 18-Apr-17 Friends of Steve y 1629 19-Apr-17 753 15-Apr-17 Newman for Senate $ 100.00 754 15-Apr-17 y Aaron Brubaker for emma and bart capps $ 100.00 CC 15-Apr-17 755 15-Apr-17 y Mary Rhodes $ 30.00 CC 15-Apr-17 756 15-Apr-17 y Baird Stokes $ 30.00 CC 15-Apr-17 757 15-Apr-17 y Everett Morrison $ 30.00 CC 15-Apr-17 758 15-Apr-17 y Cody Hanshaw $ 100.00 CC 15-Apr-17 759 15-Apr-17 y Dean Nichols $ 25.00 CC 15-Apr-17 760 15-Apr-17 y Deborah Guthrie $ 250.00 CC 15-Apr-17 761 15-Apr-17 y Terry Austin $ 400.00 CC 15-Apr-17 762 15-Apr-17 y Laura Logie $ 20.00 CC 15-Apr-17 763 15-Apr-17 y Dylan Slaughter $ 20.00 CC 15-Apr-17 764 15-Apr-17 y Chardon Jenks $ 100.00 CC 15-Apr-17 765 15-Apr-17 y Matthew Tederick $ 50.00 CC 15-Apr-17 766 15-Apr-17 y Kathy Austin $ 150.00 CC 15-Apr-17 767 15-Apr-17 y Lauren Brown $ 30.00 CC 15-Apr-17 768 15-Apr-17 y James Baker $ 290.00 CC 15-Apr-17 769 15-Apr-17 y Mark Sayre $ 25.00 CC 15-Apr-17 770 15-Apr-17 y Matthew Fitzgerald $ 20.00 CC 15-Apr-17 771 15-Apr-17 y Leah Ashby $ 55.00 CC 15-Apr-17 772 15-Apr-17 y Jeffrey Wilson $ 50.00 cash 15-Apr-17 773 22-Apr-17 y Robert Goodlatte $ 30.00 5321 21-Apr-17 774 26-Apr-17 y Central Republican $ 250.00 258 26-Apr-17 775 Total Credit 776 $ 19,680.00 $ 8,425.00

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Albert Tucker AT062 MUR738600180

C 0 E F N 0 p 598 2017 Gala Donors 2017 Q1 . NAME 599 l2.llt QrganiZAtlsm AMQ!.!tH i;bt~ls ! ~ 600 13-Feb-17 Mary Sayre Stone BrldnA ProcertfAli $ 6,000.00 cc 13-Feb-17 601 1-Mar-17 Sand~Gates s 100.00 cc 1-Mar-17 602 1-Mar-1 7 eameli! as1rg1c s 300.00 cc 1-Mar-17 603 2-Mar-17 Cb1c Mi.~2~ $ 100.00 cc 2-Mar-17 604 3-Mar-17 Moxl9v s 200.00 cc 3-Mar-17 605 4-Mar-17 Nancv Cuzzlmano $ 200.00 170 2-Mar-17 606 4-Mar-17 Dennis Barlow $ 200.00 cc 4-Mar-17 607 4-Mar-17 aca!:11~ e21111,1s $ 500.00 cc 4-Mar-17 608 4-Mar-17 Mllllb!IW I!Uli[lciS $ 200.00 cc 4-Mar-17 609 5-Mar-17 QlallDi ~llH s 200.00 cc 5-Mar-17 610 6-Mar-17 Mark Hile s 200.00 cc 6-Mar-17 61 1 7-Mar-17 S. Vance Wilkins s 200.00 cc 7-Mar-17 612 7-Mar-17 ~usan !Sul;!~n~ s 200.00 cc 7-Mar-17 613 7-Mar-17 ,.:_..,,_.. Adams s 200.00 cc 7-Mar-17 614 9-Mar-17 Dean Weltv s 200.00 cc 7-Mar-17 615 9-Mar- 17 Bettina Mccann $ 100.00 cc 9-Mar-17 616 9-Mar-1 7 l(aran K, · •· .. $ 100.00 cc 9-Mar-17 6 17 10-Mar-1 7 l':ArrlA I $ 100.00 cc 10-Mar-17 618 10-Mar-17 -·I 111111ru·1v ,.. 111 $ 100.00 cc 10-Mar-17 619 12-Mar-17 Geraldine McGrath s 200.00 cc 12-Mar-17 620 13-Mar-17 Jennifer Lee $ 100.00 Cash 13-Mar-17 621 14-Mar-17 lccac ludv s 200.00 cc 14-Mar-17 622 16-Mar-17 WllliAm s 5,000.00 Ck 3646 16-Mar-17 623 16-Mar-17 William Shir1ev $ 100.00 cc 16-Mar-17 624 20-Mar-17 Mumhv Tuomev Wilson $ 2 000.00 Ck 398 20-Mar-17 625 22-Mar-17 Richard Bell s 150.00 cc 22-Mar-17 626 22-Mar-17 Jeff Adams Alt1hl7Ar $ 1,000.00 cc 22-Mar-17 627 22-Mar-17 ~•Jsan 1 $ 100.00 cc 22-Mar-17 628 23-Mar-17 Baird Stokes $ 100.00 cc 23-Mar-17 629 23-Mar-17 Matthew Tederick $ 100.00 cc 23-Mar-17 630 23-Mar-17 Chrlstooher GIibert Gilbert for Dele.oate s 250.00 cc 23-Mar-17 631 23-Mar-17 l':hArJnHo Whlf...,.(rA s 100.00 cc 23-Mar-17 632 23-Mar-17 Clifton - ,.,.._, s 10D.00 cc 23-Mar-17 633 23-Mar-17 Clifton ConnAr $ 100.00 cc 23-Mar-17 634 24-Mar-17 Kathv Havden $ 100.00 cc 24-Mar-17 635 24-Mar-17 Victor Gresham s 200.00 cc 24-Mar-17 636 25-Mar-17 Gene Rose s 200.00 cc 25-Mar-17 637 26-Mer-17 Alan Katz s 200.00 cc 26-Mer-17 638 27-Mer-17 Ira Bisho.o s 200.0D cc 27-Mar-17 639 27-Mer-17 Dan Bnndewic $ 200. .00 cc 27-Mar-17 640 28-Mar-17 ~hAila l.lllv s 300.00 cc 28-Mar-17 641 28-Mar-17 Steve Alkertson $ 100.00 cc 28-Mar-17 642 28-Mar-17 Marv Rhot1A'l s 200.00 cc 28-Mar-17 643 28-Mar-17 s. John Massoud $ 100.00 cc 28-Mar-17 644 28-Mar-17 Sandra Beatv s 200.00 cc 28-Mar-17 645 30-Mar-17 n•wn l':amnhell $ 100.00 1833 30-Mar-17 - 646 30-Mar-17 - $ 100.00 cc 30-Mar-17 647 30-Mar-17 nAJln Mlr-h,.le $ 600.00 cc 30-Mar-17 648 31 -Mar-17 Duane Landrv $ 100.00 cc 31-Mar-17

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Albert Tucker AT060 MUR738600181

C D E F N 0 p 685 2017 Gala Donors 2017 Q2 NAME 686 .12.1!! Qc,aolZlllgo AMQIJ ~T ~bS!!,k # ~ .. 687 1-Aor-17 ., Dan Webb Bob Goodlatte for -- $ 1,000.00 8252 1-Apr-17 688 2-Aor-17 y John WicA $ 100.00 cc 2-Apr-17 689 2-Aor-17 y Mllrk Ol!luahertv $ 100.00 cc 2-Aor-17 690 2-Aor-17 y Andrew Middleton $ 200.00 cc 2-Aor-17 691 3-APr-17 y I lntfa AA•""" $ 200.00 cc 3-Apr-17 692 4-Aor-17 y 11.An.tnn - . ··" $ 100.00 cc 4-Aor-17 .. 693 4-Apr-17 y .. Helms $ 200.00 cc 4-Aor-17 694 4-Aor-17 y IOl11nA :_. retired $ 200.00 cc 4-Anr-17 695 6-Anr-17 y Oon Huffman $ 100.00 3240 5-Aor-17 696 6-Aor-17 y ~tAnhAn A Ro.. Anthal $ 100.00 6186 6-Apr-17 697 6-Anr-17 V WeslAv C Green $ 300.00 cc 6-Aor-17 698 6-Aor-17 y Vickie Cow11n $ 100.00 cc 6-Apr-17 699 6-Aor-17 y Aaron tvans War Room Strateales $ 500.00 cc 6-Apr-17 700 6-Anr.17 y Matthew Fltzoerald $ 200.00 cc 6-Apr-17 ,.. ____ 82 701 6-Aor-17 y J•rt•uellne --· 1 $ 100.00 cc 6-Apr-17 702 8-Apr-17 y Dale GreWJolf $ 100.00 cc 8-Apr-17 703 8-Apr-17 y 11.AAlvjn vv .... $ 500.00 cc 8-Apr-17 704 9-Apr-17 y LanvBandv $ 100.00 cc 9-Apr-17 705 9-Anr-17 y Carol Bandv $ 100.00 cc 9-Apr-17 706 10-Apr-17 y John Selph .... -- fnr It Gnv $ 200.00 Ck 1052 10-Apr-17 707 10-Apr-17 y nnun Glmbert $ 200.00 cc 10-Apr-17 708 10-Apr-17 y Patrick Trueml!ln $ 100.00 cc 10-Apr-17 709 11-Apr-17 y Julie Buraess $ 100.00 cc 11-Apr-17 710 11-Apr-17 y Elizabeth Chardon Jenks $ 200.00 cc 11-Apr-17 711 11-Apr-17 y IVemnn - $ 100.00 cc 11-Apr-17 712 11-Apr-17 y Power Monitors Inc $ 1,000.00 cc 11-Apr-17 713 11-Apr-17 y Blc Houser $ 200.00 cc 11-Apr-17 714 12-Apr-17 y Ben Cline for VA House $ 500.00 1232 12-Apr-17 715 12-Aor-17 y Nancv Dve $ 200.00 633' 12-Apr-17 Steve 1 __ _.. __ fnr 716 12-Aor-17 y $ 50.00 1074 12-Apr-17 717 12-Aor-17 y I ~•nttv GAtes $ 50.00 1347 12-Apr-17 718 12-Apr-17 y James Mixon $ 200.00 cc 12-Apr-17 719 12-Aor-17 y Mark Savre $ 200.00 cc 12-Apr-17 720 12-Aor-17 y Corv ~tAwart $ 200.00 cc 12-Apr-17 7 21 12-Aor-17 y - .. ----- $ 200.00 cc 12-Apr-17 722 12-Aor-17 y - Kurtz $ 100.00 cc 12-Apr-17 723 12-Aor-17 y LeahAshbv $ 100.00 cc 12-Apr-17 724 12-Anr-17 y Chris Blllias $ 200.00 cc 12-Apr-17 725 12-Aor-17 y n .. n Rnnttowll: $ 200.00 cc 12-Apr-17 726 13-Aor-17 y Nancv B H11ntAr $ 400.00 2855 13-Apr-17 727 13-Aor-17 y Elect Chris Head $ 500.00 447 13-As:>r-17 728 13-~r-17 y Ste0hen J Estrada $ 200.00 769 13-Apr-17 729 13-Aor-17 y CherMcCov $ 50.00 10586 13-Aor-17 730 13-Aor-17 y Waverlv Wnntf!t $ 100.00 cc 13-Apr-17 731 14-Aor-17 y GAne ~nse $ 200.00 cc 14-Apr-17 732 15-Aor-17 y Ed Glllesole for $ 1 000.00 1159 14-Apr-17 733 15-Aor-17 y Jgbo!ltgQSI $ 75.00 Cash 18-Aor-17 734 15-Aor-17 y Wesle~ C Green $ 225.00 Cash 18-Aor-17 735 15-Apr-17 y Steve Kijak $ 225.00 Cash 18-Apr-17 736 15-Aor-17 y eQ□n l~ esidQW $ 15.00 Cash 18-Apr-17 737 15-Aor-17 y N11ncv f'1 .. $ 20.00 Cash 18-Apr-17

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Albert Tucker AT061 MUR738600182

C D E F N 0 p 738 15-Aor-17 y Jane Judl£ $ 50.00 Cash 18-Apr-17 739 15-Apr-17 y Bonnie Gent[y $ 13.00 Cash 18-Apr-17 740 15-Apr-17 y Albe!'.! S Tucker Ill $ 15.00 Cash 18-Apr-17 741 15-Apr-17 y Ma!Y J Rhodes $ 20.00 Cash 18-Apr-17 742 15-Apr-1 7 y Tara Bowman $ 20.00 Cash 18-Apr-17 743 15-Apr-17 v QQug ~imbect $ 45.00 Cash 18-Apr-17 744 15-Apr-17 y ~harl<>"'- H Nave $ 250.00 823 18-Apr-17 745 15-Apr-17 y John F .6.lrl ..rcnn $ 5,000.00 3454 18-Apr-17 746 15-Apr-17 y IT r""ic F Witt $ 100.00 2616 18-Apr-17 j .. 747 15-Apr-17 Jacnueline B • • $ 80.00 3982 18-Apr-17 748 15-Apr-17 y r,.,.raldine L McGrath $ 80.00 1781 18-Apr-17 749 15-Apr-17 y Central Virninia Drvwall $ 12.00 1259 18-Apr-17 750 15-Apr-17 y Nathan Bover $ 150.00 3833 18-Apr-17 751 15-Aor-17 V Karen Kwiatkowski $ 50.00 5532 18-Apr-17 752 15-Apr-17 y Bettv L Jordan $ 30.00 7254 18-Apr-17 Friends of Steve y 1629 19-Apr-17 753 15-Apr-17 Newman for Senate $ 100.00 754 15-Apr-17 y Aaron Brubaker for emma and bart can= $ 100.00 cc 15-Apr-17 755 15-Apr-17 y Marv Rhodes $ 30.00 cc 15-Apr-17 756 15-Apr-1 7 y Baird Stokes $ 3000 cc 15-Apr-17 757 15-Apr-17 y Everett Morrison $ 30.00 cc 15-Apr-17 758 15-Apr-17 y f'rvh, 11r1W $ 100.00 cc 15-Apr-17 759 15-Apr-17 y Dean Nichols $ 25.00 cc 15-Apr-17 760 15-Apr-17 y Deborah Guthrie $ 250.00 cc 15-Apr-17 761 15-Apr-17 y T erni Austin $ 400.00 cc 15-Apr-17 762 15-Apr-17 y Laura Loaie $ 20.00 cc 15-Apr-17 763 15-Apr-17 y Dvlan Slaunhter $ 20.00 cc 15-Apr-17 764 15-Apr-17 y Chardon Jenks $ 100.00 cc 15-Apr-17 765 15-Apr-17 y Matthew Tederick $ 50.00 cc 15-Apr-17 766 15-Apr-17 y Kathv Austin $ 150.00 cc 15-Apr-17 767 15-Apr-17 y Lauren Brown $ 30.00 cc 15-Apr-17 768 15-Apr-17 y James Baker $ 290.00 cc 15-Apr-17 769 15-Apr-17 y Mark Savre $ 25.00 cc 15-Apr-17 770 15-Apr-17 y M~tthew Fitznerald $ 20.00 cc 15-Apr-17 771 15-Apr-17 y Le~h .6.chhv $ 55.00 cc 15-Apr-17 772 15-Apr-17 y Jeffrel£ Wilson $ 50.00 cash 15-Apr-17 773 22-Apr-17 y RQb~ct Goodlatte $ 30.00 5321 21-Apr-17 774 26-Apr-17 y - Central Re12ublican $ 250.00 258 26-Apr-17 775 Total Credit -776 $ 19,680.00 $ 8,425.00

Exhibit 2 to Declaration of Albert Tucker AT062 MUR738600183

C D E F N 0 p 563 B ankcard Servlc;es GOP-VT Deposits 2017 Q1 12111111 - 564 ~ - 6MQ!.!liI - . 565 13-Feb-17 Bankcard Merch rlHYKit Virtual Terminal s 5020.00 13-Fel>-17 566 16-Feb-17 BankCard Mefch Deposit Virtual Terminal $ 1.00 16-Feb-17 567 $ 5,021.00 568 3-Mar-17 BankCard Mefch Deposit Virtual Terminal s 400.00 3-Mar-17 ot59 7-Mar-17 BankCard Merch Dennsil Virtual Terminal $ i00.00 7-Mar-17 570 7-Mar-17 BankCard Mefchn,;;,,, sit Virtual Terminal $ 300.00 7-Mar-17 -57 1 7-Mar-17 Bankcard Met-ch De=sit Vutual Terminal s 900.00 7-Mar-17 572 8-Mar-17 BankCard Mefch Deposit Virtual Terminal s 200.00 8-Ma.r-17 573 9-Mar-17 Bankcard Mefch Qenn,;it Virtual TermiAal s 600.00 9-Mar-17 574 13-Mar-17 BankCard Melch Dennslt Virtual Terminal s 400.00 13-Mar-17 575 14-Mar-17 BankCard Mefch l'lPnnslt Virtual Terminal $ 200.00 14-Mar-17 576 14-Mar-17 Bankcard Mefch n..nn.:it Virtual Terminal $ 200.00 14-Mar-17 577 15-Mar-17 BankCard Merch Deposit Virtual Terminal $ 200.00 15-Mar-17 578 20-Mar-17 BankCard Mefch IH>nnsit Virtual Terminal s 100.00 20-Mar-17 579 23-Mar-17 BankCard Mefch De"""'il Virtual Terminal s 1150.00 23-Mar-17 580 24-Mar-17 BankCard MefchrlMn sit Virtual Terminal $ 550.00 24-Mar-17 581 27-Mar-17 BankCard Merch Deoosil Virtual Terminal $ 300.PI) 27-Mar-17 582 28-Mar-17 BankCard Merch nAAnsit Virtual Terminal $ 300.00 28-Mar-17 583 28-Mar-17 BankCard Merdl Deoosil Virtual Terminal s 200.00 28-Ma,-17 584 28-Mar-17 BankCard Men:h Qeoosit Virtual Terminal s 200.00 28-Mar-17 585 29-Mar-17 Bankcard Merch Deposit Virtual Terminal s 400.00 29-Mar-17 586 30-Mar-17 Bankcard Meech Deposit Virtual Terminal $ 900.00 30-Mar-17 587 BankCard Merch Virtual Terminal s 7,700.00 0.Jan-00 588 BankCard Merch IH>nnsit VIJtual Terminal O.Jao-00 589 Bankcard Merch r>enosit Virtual Terminal 21 s 21.00 O-Jao-00 590 $ 12,742.00 59·1

Exhibit 3 to Declaration of Albert Tucker AT063 MUR738600184

C 0 1 E I F N 0 p 660 Bankcard Services GOP-VT Deposits 2017 Q2 Ql!IZ!Hl1 - 661 J2!1! - aM2MIU - . 662 3-Aor-•i, i:,anKt arct Maren oeooSit Virtual Terminal $ 600.UU 3-ADr-17 663 4-Apr-17 Bankcard Merch Deposit Virtual Terminal s 100.00 4-Aor-17 664 4-Aor-17 Bankcard Maren Deposit Virtual Terminal $ 400.00 4-Apr-17 665 5-ADr-17 BankCard'Merch Oeoosit Virtual Terminal $ 200.00 ,5.Anr-17 666 6-APr-17 Bankcard March Deposit Virtual Terminal $ 500.00 16-Apr-17 667 7-Aor-17 BankCard March Deposit Virtual Terminal s 400.00 7'-Aor-17 668 10-Aor-17 Bankcard March Deposit Virtual Terminal $ 800.00 10-Aor-17 669 11 -Apr-17 Bankcard March Deposit Virtual Terminal s 600.00 11-Aor-17 670 11-APr-17 Bankcard March Deooslt Virtuai Term1nai $ 200.00 ·I1-Aor-17 671 12-APr-17 Bankcard March Deposit Virtual Terminal $ 400.00 12-Apr-17 672 13-APr-17 Bankcard March Oeoosit Virtual Terminal $ 1 500.00 13-Aor-17 673 14-Anr-17 Bankcard Merch Deposit Virtual Terminal $ 1,400.00 14-Aor-17 674 17-Apr-17 Bankcard March Deposit Virtual T ermlnal $ 100.00 17-Aor-17 675 18-Aor-17 Bankcard March Deposit Vutual Terminal s 1,650.00 18.Anr.17 676 18-Aor-17 Bankcard March Deposit Virtual Terminal $ 200.00 18-Anr-17 sn ., pr-11 Bankcard March Deposit i vmua1 1enn,na1 $ l!>.UU 18-Apr-17 678 Bankcard Merch Deposit Virtual T erminat ,o.Jan-00 bl~ Bankcard March Oeoosit VII\UQI I v1111111a1 10.Jan-uu 680 Bankcard March Deposit Virtual Terminal IO.Jan-00 681 682 $ 9,125.00

Exhibit 3 to Declaration of Albert Tucker AT064 MUR738600185

C D I J K L M 304 DISBURSEMENTS 2017 Q1 305 12AIE NAMF .fUBfOSf ~ .."IJNT r.h•ek I< \11/•l"a ft On t"l•••a A l'lft 314 10-Feb-17 Cornerstone Payment Systems Cln,tohb r.,m! Doono, fn, /'IMil ~o,rl $ 74.00 debtt 9574 10-Feb-17 13-Feb-17 321 2-Mar-17 Satie Payment Solutions nRi,. f:,./"'ID.M/"'IR nohil $ 11.25 Direct Debit 2-Mar-17 7-Mar-17 322 2-Mar-17 Sage Payment Solulioos OBA GOP-vr Debit $ 152.08 Direct Debit 2-Mar-17 7-Mar-17 32 3 2-Mar-17 Sage Payment Solutions OBA GOP Debit $ 6.25 Direct Debit 2-Mw-17 7-Mar-17 330 331 $ 243.58 333 334 335 DISBURSEMENTS 2017 02

01•--~~ \AMMaft{")n l""la3u...,f n ... 336 DATE ~ •••"'INT r.h~ek 1t 337 3-Apr-17 Sage Payment Solutions DBA GOP-MOB fees Debit $ 11.25 direct 3-Apr-17 3-Aor-17 338 3-Apr-17 Sage Payment Solutions PBA GQP-~ t[!,!!l~i!i.l!!l!l Im Oe!2il $ 230.12 direct 3-Apr-17 3-APr-17 339 3-Apr-17 Sage Payment Solutions QBA GOP-fees Debit $ 6.25 direct 3-Acr-17 3-Aor-17 354 1-May-1 7 Sage Payment Solutions f:l81:!11$Q8BDLMERCH FEES/ SIXTH DISTRICT GOP $ 6-25 direct 1-Mav-1 7 , _.. ..,_17 355 1-May-17 Sage Payment Solutions 681:!11$C8BQLMEBCl:l EEES I SIXTH DISIRICT GOP-MOB $ 11.25 direct 1-Mav-1 7 1-M>v.17 356 1•M!lY•17 Sage Payment Solutions 68~~C8BQLMEBCl:l EEES l Sl.l!.Il:l D!SIBICI GOP-~ $ 225.81 direct 1-Mav-17 1-M>v.17 359 360 s 490.93

Exhibit 3 to Declaration of Albert Tucker AT065 MUR738600186

Declaration of Scott Sayre

I, R. Scott ("Sc_ott") Sayre, make the following declaration pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746:

1. I am over 18 years of age.

2. I am offering this declaration in support of responses to Federal Election Commission

Matter Under Review 7386.

3. I was the Chairman of the Sixth District Republican Committee ("Committee") from

May 2016 until May 19, 2018. In that capacity and as a member of the Committee, I have knowledge of the functions of the Committee and its activities.

4. By default, Virginia law allows political parties to select their method of nomination for candidates- either by caucus, convention, mass meeting, or primary. But it provides an exception that allows certain incumbent officeholders to select their party's nomination method, regardless of the party's wishes. 1

5. The current incumbent Congressman has invoked this law at every opportunity over the past 25 years to force a primary. Consequently, since at least 1992, candidates for U.S. Congress from the Sixth District have been nominated in a primary or were unopposed, and the Committee has not nominated a candidate for U.S. Congress during that time.

6. On January 6, 2018, the Committee called for its biennial convention to nominate its candidate for Congress. As Chairman of the Committee and pursuant to the Bylaws of the

Committee and the State Party Plan, I issued an official Call for convention to select the

Republican Party's nominee to the House of Representatives for the Sixth District. A true and

1The law, Va. Code 24.2-509(B), was declared unconstitutional on January 19, 2018, by the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia, but the injunction against its enforcement was stayed until resolution of an appeal to the 4th Circuit.

Declaration of Scott Sayre MUR738600187

correct copy of the Call is available at

7. On February 10, the deadline passed for the incumbent to void the Committee's nomination call.

8. The Committee held four events at government and educational venues to allow hopeful nominees to introduce themselves and their ideas to the public. The events were held on

January 27, February 3, February 17, and February 24, 2018.

9. In addition, a "meet the press" event was held at the Stonebridge Center on January 3,

2018 for prospective candidates to allow candidates to announce their intentions to the media.

This event was not organized or sponsored by the Committee.

10. On April 28, 2018, the Committee held a meeting at the Stonebridge Center. Among the business conducted was discussion of the responsibilities oforganizing and operating the convention.

11. On May 12, 2018 the Convention Credentials Sub-Committee held hearings at the

Stonebridge Center to qualify potential delegates.

12. On May 19, 2018, the Committee held a convention at the James Madison University

Convocation Center in Harrisonburg, Virg1nia.

Declaration of Scott Sayre 2 MUR738600188

I verify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the factual statements herein concerning the Stonebridge Center, its activities, and its intentions are true and correct. 28 U.S.C. 1746.

Executedon l!f oJf;JpJ 8. ~ 7 MUR738600189

Digitally signed by rJf!./ n~. • ,Christa l Dennis ~ Date: 2019.04.01 Declaration of Donna Moser 11: 32:29 -04'00'

I, Donna Moser, declare as follows:

1. I am over 18 years ofage.

2. I became the Treasurer ofthe Virginia Sixth District Republican Committee (the

"Committee") on June 23, 2018.

3. I am offering this declaration in support ofthe Committee's supplemental response to the Federal Election Commission Matter Under Review 7386 ("MUR 7386").

4. Except where specifically noted othe1wise, the statements set fo1i h in this declaration are based on my personal knowledge.

5. The Committee has two checking accounts. One is a State checking account ("State

Account") and the other is a Federal checking account ("Federal Account). The State Account repo1is as a Political Party Committee to the Virginia Depa1iment ofElections, ID# PP-12-

00505. The Federal Account repo1ts to the FEC, ID # C00005801.

6. It is my understanding that in the Committee's response to MUR 7386, the Committee proposed to con ect any actual violation arising from spending funds from the State Account for political activities in connection with a federal election by (I) identifying funds deposited in the

State Account that could have been deposited in the Federal Account; (2) re-designating and transfen ing those funds to the Federal Account; (3) dete1mining the Federal Account's share of the expenses related to the May 2018 convention; (4) re-paying those expenses again from the

Federal Account, and; (5) obtaining and depositing refunds to the State Account. As the

Committee's treasurer, I unde1iook to fulfill this plan as described herein.

7. Beginning in late July, 2018, with the help of Kenneth Adams, I identified funds in the

State Account that could have been deposited in the Federal Account. We were both Committee

Declaration ofDonna Moser MUR738600190






















Declaration of Donna Moser  MUR738600191

 WR  -DQ   




















$YDLODEOH DW KWWSGRFTXHU\IHFJRYSGI SGI Declaration of Donna Moser  MUR738600192

14. As of October 18, then, after paying the legal fees, additional convention expenses,

and making transfers and a contribution, the Committee's Federal Account had a balance of

$7123.89. /d. By the end of the year, the Committee's Federal Account had received an

additional $1550 in contributions. FEC Form 3X (Y car-End Report) p. 3 (Jan. 22, 2018).x

15. The amount to be re-payed to vendors for the convention-related expenses under the

plan described above was $22,674.98.

16. Because the Federal Account has not had and does not now have sufficient funds to

re-pay vendors, the Committee has not undertaken this step.

17. Based on my experience and that of other long-time members of the Committee, it is

my opinion that it is highly unlikely that the Federal Account will be able to raise funds sufficient

to create the surplus needed to re-pay $22,674.98 in expenses that have already been paid.

I affirm under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on this dJ{_ day of March, 2019.

db t,'-41-- 7/r #b· -t./ Donna Moser

sA vailablc at l 229143905362/ 201901229143905362.pdf Declaration of Donna Moser 4 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600193 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 1 of 11 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Augusta County Republican Committee 1. 104 Caldwell Lane 2.Republican Committee in Augusta County 01/19/2018 $305.60 $305.60 Fishersville, VA 22939 3.Fishersville, VA

Augusta County Republican Committee 1. 104 Caldwell Lane 2.Republican Committee in Augusta County 03/29/2018 $160.00 $465.60 Fishersville, VA 22939 3.Fishersville, VA

Brown, Jennifer M 1.Candidate 8171 Frank Lane Road 2.Candidate for 6th Dist Chair 01/16/2018 $500.00 $500.00 Singers Glen, VA 22850 3.Singers Glen

Cline, Ben 1.Principal of Ben Cline, Attorney at Law, PLLC 6 South Randolph Street 2.Lawyer 01/13/2018 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Lexington

Desjadon, Michael 1.Optum 11000 Optum Circle 2.Advisor 01/18/2018 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Eden Prarie, MN 55344 3.West Augusta

Dunbar, Cynthia 1.Educational Ventures 253 Barringer Drive 2.Business Owner 01/17/2018 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Rustburg, VA 24588 3.Rustburg, VA

Haywood, Charles W 1.Rockingham County Circuit Court 80 Court Square 2.Clerk of the Court 01/16/2018 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Harrisonburg, VA 22803 3.Harrisonburg

Justo, Eduardo 1.Self 57 S Main Street 2.Self 01/17/2018 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 304 3.Harrisonburg Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Lewis, Kathryn E 1.Candidate 1098 Cypress Place 2.Candidate for US Seat 01/17/2018 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Bedford, VA 24523 3.Bedford

Pope, Elliot 1.Self 910 New Hampshire 2.Self Employed 01/13/2018 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Lynchburg, VA 24502 3.Lynchburg

Rockingham County Republican Committee 1. 2300 four Leaf Circle 2.Republican Party of Rockingham County 03/29/2018 $2,600.00 $2,600.00 Dayton, VA 22821 3.Dayton

Sayre, Scott 1.Sayre Enterprises 45 Natural Bridge School Road 2.President 01/17/2018 $500.00 $500.00 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 3.Natural Bridge Station VA

Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM001 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600194 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 2 of 11 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Staunton Republilcan Committee 1. 261 Thornrose Ave 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 03/29/2018 $640.00 $701.12 STAUNTON, VA 24401 3.STAUNTON, VA

Waynesboro Republican Committee 1. 712 Pelham Drive 2.Republican Party of Waynesboro 03/26/2018 $400.00 $400.00 Waynesboro, VA 22980 3.Waynesboro, VA

Wright, Douglas 1.Self 1710 Broadridge Drive 2.Dentist 01/17/2018 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Rockingham, VA 22801-9304 3.Rockingham

Total This Period $45,105.60

Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM002 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600195 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 3 of 11 Donor Information 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) Schedule B: In-Kind Contributions Over $100 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) 3. Business Location Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 4. Service/Goods Received Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor 5. Basis used to Determine Value

1. Stonebridge Properties 2. Banquet and Event Facilities and Catering PO Box 52 3. Natural Bridge Station, VA 01/06/2018 $300.00 $300.00 Natural Bridge Station, VA 24579 4. Venue 5. Actual Cost

Total This Period $300.00

Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM003 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600196 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 4 of 11

No Schedule C results to display.

Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM004 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600197 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 5 of 11 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processing fees 01/02/2018 $7.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processing fees 01/02/2018 $7.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processing fees 01/02/2018 $12.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

CheckAdvantage, LLC 1801 Lawrence Drive J Hudson Desk checks for bills 01/22/2018 $56.95 P.O. Box 5816 McWilliams De Pere, WI 54115

Digital Image Printing J Hudson 1615 Roanoke Road meeting supplies 01/31/2018 $114.58 McWilliams Daleville, VA 24083

Digital Image Printing J Hudson 1615 Roanoke Road district meeting printing 01/31/2018 $52.23 McWilliams Daleville, VA 24083

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processing fees 02/02/2018 $7.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processor 02/02/2018 $7.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processor 02/02/2018 $12.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Cullers, Dan 2300 Four Leaf Circle supplies for candidate forum Scott Sayre 02/12/2018 $46.36 Dayton, VA 22821

Elkins, Jane 617 Dices Spring Road Foam board printing for candidate forum Scott Sayre 02/12/2018 $61.48 Weyers Cave, VA 24486-0217

Sayre, Thomas J Hudson P. O. Box 56 dvd & recording candidate forum 02/12/2018 $60.00 McWilliams Front Royal, VA 22630

Seigle, Kaylene 1137 Mountain View Drive supplies for forum Scott Sayre 02/12/2018 $8.89 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM005 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600198 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 6 of 11 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processor 03/02/2018 $12.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processor 03/02/2018 $7.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Sage Payment Solutions Sponsored by BMO Harris Bank N.A. J Hudson credit card processor 03/02/2018 $7.50 12120 Sunset Hills Road McWilliams Suite 500

Singletree Media J Hudson PO Box 4743 Domain name renewal 03/09/2018 $96.00 McWilliams Lynchburg, VA 24502

Total This Period $578.99

Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM006 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600199 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 7 of 11

No Schedule E-1 results to display.

Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM007 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600200 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 8 of 11

No Schedule E-2 results to display.

Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM008 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600201 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 9 of 11

No Schedule F results to display.

Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM009 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600202 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 10 of 11 Number of Amount Schedule G: Statement of Funds Contributions Contributions Received This Period 1. Schedule A [Over $100] 15 $45,105.60 2. Schedule B [Over $100] 1 $300.00 3. Un-itemized Cash Contributions [$100 or less] 6 $481.12 4. Un-itemized In-Kind Contributions [$100 or less] 0 $0.00 5. Total 22 $45,886.72 Bank Interest, Refunded Expenditures and Rebates 6. Schedule C [also enter on Line 17b on Schedule H] $0.00 Expenditures Made This Period 7. Schedule B [From line 2 Above] $300.00 8. Un-itemized In-Kind contributions [From line 4 Above] $0.00 9. Schedule D [Expenditures] $578.99 10. Total [add lines 7, 8 and 9] $878.99 Reconciliation of Loan Account 11. Beginning loan balance [from line 15 of last report] $0.00 12. Loans received this period [from Schedule E-Part 1] $0.00 13. Subtotal $0.00

14. Subtract: Loans repaid this period [from Schedule E-Part2] $0.00

15. Ending loan balance $0.00

Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM010 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600203 Reporting Period: 01/01/2018 Through: 03/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 11 of 11 Schedule H: Summary of Receipts and Disbursements 16. Beginning Balance [Line 19 of last Report] $13,945.30 17. Receipts for Current Reporting Period: a. Contributions received this period [Line 5 of Schedule G] $45,886.72 b. Bank interest, refunded expenditures and rebates $0.00 [Line 6 of Schedule G] c. Loans received this period [Line 12 of Schedule G] $0.00 d. Subtotal: Contributions and Receipts received this period $45,886.72 e. Total Expendable Funds [Add Linds 16 and 17d] $59,832.02 18. Disbursements for Current Reporting Period a. Expenditures made this reporting period $878.99 [Line 10 of Schedule G] b. Loans repaid this reporting period [Line 14 of Schedule G] $0.00 c. Other surplus funds paid out [from Schedule I] $0.00 d. Total Payments Made [Add lines 18a,18b, and 18c] $878.99 19. Ending Balance [Subtract Line 18b from Line 17e] $58,953.03 20. Total Unpaid Debts [from Schedule F of this report] $0.00 Committee's Receipts and Disbursements - Election Cycle 21. Balance at Start of Election Cycle $13,945.30 22. Previous Receipts [Line 24 from last report] $0.00 23. Receipts from Current Reporting Previous [Line 17d above] $45,886.72 24. Total Receipts this Election Cycle [Add lines 22 and 23] $45,886.72 25. Total Funds Available [Add lines 21 and 24] $59,832.02 26. Previous Disbursements [Line 28 from last report] $0.00 27. Disbursements from Current Reporting Period $878.99 [Line 18d above] 28. Total Disbursements this Election Cycle $878.99 29. Ending Balance $58,953.03

Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM011 MUR738600204 10/19/201 8 11 : 41

Image# 201810199125644878 PAG E 1/11 r REPORT OF RECEIPTS 7 FEC AND DISBURSEMENTS FORM 3X For Other Than An Authorized Committee Office Use Only

1. NAME OF TYPE OR PRINT T Example: If typing, type COMMITTEE (in full) over the lines. 12FE4M5

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1063 CORONADO LANE ADDRESS (number and street) I I I I I I I I T Check if different I I I I I than previously LYNCHBURG 24so2 I I □ reported. (ACC) I I I I I L.J ...... ,...... ,...... ,...... - ......


3. IS THIS NEW AMENDED C C00005801 ,c REPORT (N) OR □ (A)

4. TYPE OF REPORT (b} Monthly Feb 20 (M2) May 20 (MS) Aug 20 (M8) Nov 20 (M1 1) (Non-Election (Choose One) Report Year Only) Due On: Mar 20 (M3) Jun 20 (M6) Sep 20 (M9) Dec 20 (M12) (Non-Election (a) Quarterly Reports: Year Only) Apr 20 (M4) Jul 20 (M7) Oct 20 (M10) Jan 31 (YE) April 15 Quarterly Report (01) (c) 12-Day Primary (12P) ,c General (12G) Runoff (12R) July 15 PRE-Election Quarterly Report (02) Report for the: □ Convention (12C) Special (12S) October 15 Quarterly Report (03) I ~[)"1 I in the January 31 06 VA Year-End Report (YE) El ection on ~ State of

July 31 Mid-Year (d) 30-Day Report (Non-election Year Only) (MY) POST-Election General (30G) Runoff (30R) Special (30S) Report for the: Termination Report □ □ □ (TEA) / 1[)"1 / in the □ El ection on State of ...... ,....,.. □ /~/ 5. Covering Period 2018 through 17 2018

I certify that I have examined this Report and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct and complete. Moser, Donna, K., , Type or Print Name of Treasurer

Moser, Donna, K., , Signature of Treasurer [Electronically Filed] Date

NOTE: Submission of false, erroneous, or incomplete information may subject the person signing this Report to the penalties of 52 U.S.C. § 30109.

Office FEC FORM 3X Use Rev. 05/2016 L Only _J Exhibit to I 1ecIaratIon of Donna Moser DM012 MUR738600205 Image# 201810199125644879


/ r-o-,r-o, / ~ ' ru""T'"Dl ' Report Covering the Period: From: 01 2018 To: I 17 1 2018

COLUMN A COLUMN B This Period Calendar Year-to-Date

6. (a) Cash on Hand January 1, 12866.72

(b) Cash on Hand at Beginning of Reporting Period 12866.72

(c) Total Receipts (from Line 19) 24390.28 24390.28

(d) Subtotal (add Lines 6(b) and 6(c) for Column A and Lines 6(a) and 6(c) for Column 8) 37257.00 37257.00

7. Total Disbursements (from Line 31) 30133.11 30133.11

8. Cash on Hand at Close of Reporting Period (subtract Line 7 from Li ne 6(d)) 7123.89 7123.89

9. Debts and Obligations Owed TO the Committee (Itemize all on Schedule C and/or Schedule D) 0.00

10. Debts and Obligations Owed BY the Committee (Itemize all on Schedule C and/or Schedule D) 0.00

D This committee has qualified as a multicandidate committee. (see FEC FORM 1M)

For further information contact:

Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, NW Washington, DC 20463

Toll Free 800-424-9530 Local 202-694-1100

L _J Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM013 MUR738600206 Image# 201810199125644880

DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE r of Receipts 7 FEC Form 3X (Rev. 05/2016) Page 3 Write or Type Committee Name 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE / fD""""U"" / Report Covering the Period: From: I 01 2018 To: 2018

COLUMN A COLUMN B I. Receipts Total This Period Calendar Year-to-Date 11 . Contributions (other than loans) From: (a) Individuals/Persons Other Than Political Committees (i) Itemized (use Schedule A) 350.00 350.00 I I I I I I' (ii) Unitemized 0.00 0.00 ] (iii) TOTAL (add 350.00 Lines 11 (a)(i) and (ii) ...... ► 350.00

(b) Political Party Committees 24040.28 24040.28 (c) Other Political Committees (such as PACs) 0.00 0.00 (d) Total Contributions (add Lines 11(a)(i ii), (b), and (c)) (Carry 24390.28 24390.28 Totals to Line 33, page 5) ...... ► 12. Transfers From Affi liated/Other Party Committees 0.00 0.00

13. All Loans Received 0.00 0.00

14. Loan Repayments Received 0.00 0.00 15. Offsets To Operating Expenditures (Refunds, Rebates, etc.) (Carry Totals to Line 37, page 5) 0.00 0.00 16. Refunds of Contributions Made to Federal Candidates and Other Political Committees 0.00 0.00 17. Other Federal Receipts (Dividends, Interest, etc.) .. 0.00 0.00 18. Transfers from Non-Federal and Levin Funds (a) Non-Federal Account (from Schedule H3) 0.00 0.00

(b) Levin Funds (from Schedule H5) .. 0.00 0.00

(c) Total Transfers (add 18(a) and 18(b)) .. 0.00 0.00

19. Total Receipts (add Lines 11(d), 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18(c)} ...... ► 24390.28 24390.28

20. Total Federal Receipts (subtract Line 18(c) from Line 19) ...... ► 24390.28 24390.28

L _J Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM014 MUR738600207 Image# 201 810199125644881

DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE r of Disbursements 7 FEC Form 3X (Rev. 05/2016) Page 4 II. Disbursements COLUMN A COLUMN B Total This Period Calendar Year-to-Date 21. Operating Expenditures: (a) Allocated Federal/Non-Federal Activity (from Schedule H4) (i) Federal Share 0.00 0.00

(ii) Non-Federal Share 0.00 0.00 (b) Other Federal Operating Expenditures 28233.11 28233.1 1 (c) Total Operating Expenditures 28233.11 28233.11 (add 21(a)(i), (a)(ii), and (b)) · - ► 22. Transfers to Affiliated/Other Party Committees 550.00 550.00 r ] r ] 23. Contributions to I : : I I I : : I I Federal Candidates/Committees a a a a a a a a and Other Political Committees 350.00 350.00 I I r ] I I r ] 24. Independent Expenditures I : : I : : (use Schedule E) 0.00 0.00 25. Coordinated Party Expenditures (52 U.S.C. § 3011 6(d)) (use Schedule F) ...... 0.00 0.00

26. Loan Repayments Made 0.00 0.00

27. Loans Made 0.00 0.00 28. Refunds of Contributions To: (a) Individuals/Persons Other Than Political Committees 0.00 0.00

(b) Political Party Committees 0.00 0.00 (c) Other Political Committees (such as PACs) 0.00 0.00 (d) Total Contribution Refunds (add Lines 28(a), (b}, and (c)) · ► 0.00 0.00

29. Other Disbursements (Including Non-Federal Donations) ... 1000.00 1000.00

30. Federal Election Activity (52 U.S.C. § 30101(20)) (a) Allocated Federal Election Activity (from Schedule H6) (i) Federal Share 0.00 0.00

(ii) "Levin" Share 0.00 0.00 (b} Federal Election Activity Paid Entirely With Federal Funds .. 0.00 0.00 (c) Total Federal Election Activity (add Lines 30(a)(i), 30(a)(ii) and 30(b}) .. ► 0.00 0.00

31. Total Disbursements (add Lines 21 (c), 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28(d), 29 and 30(c)) .. 30133.11 30133. 11

32. Total Federal Disbursements (subtract Li ne 21 (a)(ii) and Line 30(a)(ii) from Line 31) ...... ······ ► 30133.11 .___ _,______:>:t---1 30133. 11

L _J Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM015 MUR738600208 Image# 201810199125644882

DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE r of Disbursements 7 FEC Form 3X (Rev 05/2016) Page 5 Ill. Net Contributions/ COLUMN A COLUMN B Operating Expenditures Total This Period Calendar Year-to-Cate

33. Total Contributions (other than loans) I I I I I I I I I (from Line 11 (d), page 3) .. 24390.28 24390.28 ~ ~ ] I : : I I J I I 34. Total Contribution Refunds (from Line 28(d)) 0.00 0.00 35. Net Contributions (other than loans) (subtract Li ne 34 from Line 33) .. 24390.28 ] 24390.28 ] I : : I I I : : I I 36. Total Federal Operating Expenditures I I I I I I I 28233.1 1 (add Line 21 (a)(i) and Line 21 (b)) ...... 28233.11 ► ~ ] ~ ] I : : I I I : : I I 37. Offsets to Operating Expenditures I I I I I I I 0.00 0.00 (from Line 15, page 3) ~ ] ~ ] I : : I I I : : I I 38. Net Operating Expenditures 28233.11 28233.11 (subtract Li ne 37 from Line 36) ..... J►.

L _J Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM016 MUR738600209 Image# 201810199125644883

SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER PAGE 6 OF 11 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS for each category of the Detailed Summary Page 11b 11c 12 14 15 16 17 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name A. Moser, Donna, K. , , Date of Receipt Mailing Address 156 Abbott Circle ' ro"'T"b ' I 17 2018 City State Zip Code Transaction ID: SA11Al.4135 Harrisonburg VA 22801 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 350.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Retired Retired Donation to the Distric Committee Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T 350.00

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name B. ------1 Date of Receipt Mailing Address o"TU'1 / ...,_;;,..._.,...,..,

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item

Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name C. ------1 Date of Receipt Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item

Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify)

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... ►

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... ►

Exhibit to Declaration of DonFS Moaer,QMli}1i'\ Rev. 0612016 MUR738600210 Image# 201810199125644884

SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER PAGE 7 OF 11 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS for each category of the Detailed Summary Page 11a 11c 12 13 14 15 16 17 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name A. 6th Congrssional District Republican Committee -State Account Date of Receipt Mailing Address 156 Abbott Circle ' ro"'T"b ' I 17 2018 City State Zip Code Transaction ID: SA11B.41 10 Harrisonburg VA 22801 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing C00319673 24040.28 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Transfer of permissable funds from the State Account to the Federal Acct Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T 24040.28

Full Name of Individual (Last. First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name B. ------1 Date of Receipt Mailing Address o-ru, / ...,_;;,..._.,...,..,

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item

Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T

Full Name of Individual (Last. First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name C. ------1 Date of Receipt Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item

Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify)

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... ►

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... ►

Exhibit to Declaration of DonFS Moaer,QMli}1~ Rev. 0612016 MUR738600211 Image# 201810199125644885

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 8 OF 11 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category of the Detailed Summary Page H 21b R 22 R 23 R 26 R 27 28a 28b 28c 29 30b Any inform ation copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. ) NAME OF COMMITTEE (I n Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. James Madison University Date of Disbursement r,f'Y'r;t I o"'"lr'o , ,,.,.,.,, Mailing Address 738 South Mason Street 10 15 2018

City I State I Zip Code FEC Identification Number Harrisonburg VA 22807 Purpose ot LJIsbursement C Payment for security at District Convention held on 5-19-18 001 Transaction ID: S821B.4115 Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For 2018 4124.41 >-- -- ,.-,- - - ,.-,- Senate ~ Primary General >-- D President Other (specify) T Memo Item State: District: Convention Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. The Bopp Law Firm, PC Date of Disbursement , r"'"lr'o I 1Y• Y• Y• Y 1 Mailing Address 1 South Sixth Street 10 15 2018

City ISta te IZip Code FEC Identification Number Terre Haute IN 47807 Purpose ot LJIsbursement C Payment of legal fees. 001 Transaction ID : S821 B.4112 Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For: 2018 24108.70 >------Senate ~ Primary General >-- D President Other (specify) Memo Item State: District: Convention Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) C. Date of Disbursement , r-ro Mailing Address ' [-rm-TY"l

City ISta te IZip Code FEC Identification Number Purpose of Disbursement C

Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For >-- - " -- " -- II Senate Primary D General >-- B President Other (specify) T Memo Item State: District: ------28233.11 SUBTOTAL of Disbursements This Page (optional) ...... ··· · · · · ► I ---- . ------28233.11 TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... · · · · · · · ► I -- . -- - . ]

Exhibit to Declaration of Doaria:iMosenGM01 §ev. os,2016 MUR738600212 Image# 201810199125644886

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 9 OF 11 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category of the Detailed Summary Page R 21 b Fl 22 R 23 R 26 R 27 28a 28b 28c 29 30b Any inform ation copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. ) NAME OF COMMITTEE (I n Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. Lynchburg Republican Committee Date of Disbursement r,f'Y'r;t I o"To , ,,.,.,.,, Mailing Address 2421 Old Forest Road 10 15 2018

City I State I Zip Code FEC Identification Number Lynchburg VA 24501 Purpose ot LJIsbursement C Transfer to local Committee to support election efforts. 008 Transaction ID : S822.4122 Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For 2018 350.00 >-- -- ,.-,- - - ,.-,- Senate Primary 0 General >-- B President Other (specify) T Memo Item State: District: Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. Page County Republican Committee Date of Disbursement , r-v-o I 1Y• Y• Y• Y 1 Mailing Address 593 Lake Arrowhead Road 10 15 2018

City ISta te IZip Code FEC Identification Number Luray VA 22835 Purpose ot LJIsbursement C Donation to County Committee to support its election efforts. 008 Transaction ID: S822.4118 Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For: 2018 200.00 >------Senate Primary 0 General >-- B President Other (specify) Memo Item State: District: Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) C. Date of Disbursement , r-ro Mailing Address ' [-rm-TY"l

City ISta te IZip Code FEC Identification Number Purpose of Disbursement C

Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For >-- - " -- " -- II Senate Primary General >-- B D President Other (specify) T Memo Item State: District: ------550.00 SUBTOTAL of Disbursements This Page (optional) ...... ··· · · · · ► I ---- . ------550.00 TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... · · · · · · · ► I -- . -- - . ]

Exhibit to Declaration of Doaria:iMosenFGM~§ev. os,2016 MUR738600213 Image# 201810199125644887

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 10 OF 11 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category of the 21b 22 26 27 Detailed Summary Page 28a 28b 29 30b Any inform ation copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (I n Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. Amherst County Republican Committee Date of Disbursement M"'Y'M , o"To , Mailing Address 299 East Monitor Road 10 15

City State Zip Code FEC Identification Number Amherst VA 24521 urpose o 1s ursement C Transfer of funds to a local Committee to support its election efforts. 008 Transaction ID : S823.4128 Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For 2018 350.00 ::::!!:=:!=::<1-=::!!:::::::!!:::::::<1- Senate n Primary 0 General President Other (specify) T D Memo Item State: District: Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. Date of Disbursement , r-v-o , Mailing Address

City State Zip Code FEC Identification Number C

Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For: Senate n Primary □ General President Other (specify) D Memo Item State: District: Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) C. Date of Disbursement ""T"Y""T'Y'T" Mailing Address

City State Zip Code FEC Identification Number Purpose of Disbursement C

Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For Senate D Primary D General President Other (specify) T D Memo Item State: District:

SUBTOTAL of Disbursements This Page (optional)

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only)

Exhibit to Declaration of Doaria:iMosenFGM~ltev. os,2016 MUR738600214 Image# 201810199125644888

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 11 OF 11 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category of the 21b 22 23 26 27 Detailed Summary Page 28a 28b 28c 29 30b Any inform ation copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using th e name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (I n Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. McNamara for Delegate Date of Disbursement M"'Y'M , o"To , Mailing Address Post Offi ce Box 21094 10 09

City State Zip Code FEC Identification Number Roanoke VA 24018 urpose o 1s ursement C Campaign contribution to Non-Federal state candidate for office. 011 Transaction ID: S829.4131 Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For 2018 1000.00 ::::!!:=:!=::<1-=::!!:::::::!!:::::::<1- Senate n Primary 0 General President Other (specify) T D Memo Item State: District: Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. Date of Disbursement , r-v-o , Mailing Address

City State Zip Code FEC Identification Number C

Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For: Senate n Primary □ General President Other (specify) D Memo Item State: District: Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) C. Date of Disbursement ""T"Y""T'Y'T" Mailing Address

City State Zip Code FEC Identification Number Purpose of Disbursement C

Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For Senate D Primary D General President Other (specify) T D Memo Item State: District:

SUBTOTAL of Disbursements This Page (optional)

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only)

Exhibit to Declaration of Doaria:iMosenFGM~~ev. os,2016 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600215 Reporting Period: 10/01/2018 Through: 12/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 1 of 10 Donor Information Schedule A: Direct Contributions Over $100 1. Employer or Business (If Corporate/Company Donor: N/A) 2. Type of Business(If Corporate Donor Type of Business) Date Contribution Aggregate Full Name of Contributor 3. Business Location Received This Period To Date Mailing Address of Contributor

Augusta County Republican Committee 1. 104 Caldwell Lane 2.Republican Committee in Augusta County 10/05/2018 $325.50 $1,071.10 Fishersville, VA 22939 3.Fishersville, VA

Bedford County Republican Committee 1. PO Box 2228 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 11/30/2018 $177.00 $417.00 Forest, VA 24551 3.Bedford, VA

Harrisonburg Republican Committee 1. 1062 Wyndham Dr 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 10/15/2018 $74.25 $1,154.25 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 3.Harrisonburg, VA

Lynchburg Republican Committee 1. 305 Wessex Rd 2.Republican Committee in Lynchburg 10/02/2018 $216.75 $216.75 Lynchburg, VA 24501 3.Lynchburg, VA

Roanoke City Republican Committee 1. PO Box 3318 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 10/29/2018 $177.75 $527.75 Roanoke, VA 24015 3.Roanoke, VA

Roanoke County Republican Committee 1. 5902 Bighorn Drive 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 12/17/2018 $287.25 $287.25 Roanoke, VA 24018 3.Roanoke, Va

Rockbridge Area Republican Committee 1. 5 Ringneck Road 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 12/12/2018 $115.50 $2,425.50 Lexington, VA 24450 3.Lexington, VA

Rockingham County Republican Committee 1. 2300 four Leaf Circle 2.Republican Party of Rockingham County 10/05/2018 $329.25 $5,489.25 Dayton, VA 22821 3.Dayton

Staunton Republilcan Committee 1. 261 Thornrose Ave 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 10/17/2018 $63.75 $904.87 STAUNTON, VA 24401 3.STAUNTON, VA

Storrs, Craig Alan 1.Blue Ridge Regional Jail Authority 18 W Princeton Cir, 2.Guard 10/02/2018 $250.00 $350.00 13 3.Lynchburg Lynchburg, VA 24054

Warren County Republican Committee 1. 428 Kerfoot Ave 2.Regional Republican Party Committee 10/02/2018 $138.75 $298.75 Front Royal, VA 22630 3.Front Royal, Va

Total This Period $2,155.75

Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM023 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600216 Reporting Period: 10/01/2018 Through: 12/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 2 of 10

No Schedule B results to display.

Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM024 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600217 Reporting Period: 10/01/2018 Through: 12/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 3 of 10 Schedule C: Bank Interest, Refunded Expenditures and Rebates Payment Reason/Type of Payment Date Received Amount Full Name and Address of Payer

Moser, Donna Kay 156 Abbott Circle Math Addition as discussed with Reese Miller 11/27/2018 $1,206.97 Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Total This Period $1,206.97

Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM025 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600218 Reporting Period: 10/01/2018 Through: 12/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 4 of 10 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure 6th Merchant Card - Union Bank Congression 440 S. Main Street Merchant Card Charges al District 10/01/2018 $12.50 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Republican

6th Merchant Card - Union Bank Congression 440 S. Main Street Merchant Card Fee al District 10/01/2018 $7.50 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Republican

6th Merchant Card - Union Bank Congression 440 S. Main Street Merchant Card Fee al District 10/01/2018 $7.50 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Republican

6th District Republican Committee-Federal 6th Account. Congression Transfer of permissible funds to Federal Account 10/05/2018 $24,040.28 156 Abbott Circle al District Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Republican

6th Lynchburg Area Young Republicans Congression 215 Jefferson Woods Drive Lynchburg Young Republican Gala al District 10/05/2018 $250.00 Forest, VA 24551 Republican

6th Lynchburg Area Young Republicans Congression 215 Jefferson Woods Drive Lynchburg Area Young Republican Gala al District 10/05/2018 $350.00 Forest, VA 24551 Republican

6th Brown, Jennifer M Congression 8171 Frank Lane Road Flowers for Marshall Gates Funeral al District 10/11/2018 $91.19 Singers Glen, VA 22850 Republican

6th Moser, Donna Kay Congression 156 Abbott Circle US Postage al District 10/18/2018 $50.00 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Republican

6th Merchant Card - Union Bank Congression 440 S. Main Street Merchant Card Fee al District 11/02/2018 $7.50 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Republican

6th Merchant Card - Union Bank Congression 440 S. Main Street Merchant Card Fees al District 11/02/2018 $7.99 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Republican

6th Merchant Card - Union Bank Congression 440 S. Main Street Merchant Card Fee al District 11/02/2018 $12.50 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Republican

6th Merchant Card - Union Bank Congression 440 S. Main Street Merchant Card Fees al District 12/03/2018 $7.50 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Republican

6th Merchant Card - Union Bank Congression 440 S. Main Street Merchant Card Fees al District 12/03/2018 $7.50 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Exhibit to Declaration of DonnaRepublican Moser DM026 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600219 Reporting Period: 10/01/2018 Through: 12/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 5 of 10 Name of Schedule D: Expenditures Person Date of Amount Item or Service Authorizing Expenditure Paid Person or Company Paid and Address Expenditure 6th Merchant Card - Union Bank Congression 440 S. Main Street Merchant Card Fees al District 12/03/2018 $12.50 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Republican

6th Ronnie Campbell for VA Delegate Congression P. O. Box 366 Ronnie Campbell for Delegate al District 12/12/2018 $1,000.00 Fairfield, VA 24435 Republican

Total This Period $25,864.46

Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM027 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600220 Reporting Period: 10/01/2018 Through: 12/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 6 of 10

No Schedule E-1 results to display.

Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM028 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600221 Reporting Period: 10/01/2018 Through: 12/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 7 of 10

No Schedule E-2 results to display.

Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM029 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600222 Reporting Period: 10/01/2018 Through: 12/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 8 of 10

No Schedule F results to display.

Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM030 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600223 Reporting Period: 10/01/2018 Through: 12/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 9 of 10 Number of Amount Schedule G: Statement of Funds Contributions Contributions Received This Period 1. Schedule A [Over $100] 11 $2,155.75 2. Schedule B [Over $100] 0 $0.00 3. Un-itemized Cash Contributions [$100 or less] 3 $120.50 4. Un-itemized In-Kind Contributions [$100 or less] 0 $0.00 5. Total 14 $2,276.25 Bank Interest, Refunded Expenditures and Rebates 6. Schedule C [also enter on Line 17b on Schedule H] $1,206.97 Expenditures Made This Period 7. Schedule B [From line 2 Above] $0.00 8. Un-itemized In-Kind contributions [From line 4 Above] $0.00 9. Schedule D [Expenditures] $25,864.46 10. Total [add lines 7, 8 and 9] $25,864.46 Reconciliation of Loan Account 11. Beginning loan balance [from line 15 of last report] $0.00 12. Loans received this period [from Schedule E-Part 1] $0.00 13. Subtotal $0.00

14. Subtract: Loans repaid this period [from Schedule E-Part2] $0.00

15. Ending loan balance $0.00

Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM031 6Th Congressional District Republican MUR738600224 Reporting Period: 10/01/2018 Through: 12/31/2018 Committee (PP-12-00505) Page: 10 of 10 Schedule H: Summary of Receipts and Disbursements 16. Beginning Balance [Line 19 of last Report] $25,994.48 17. Receipts for Current Reporting Period: a. Contributions received this period [Line 5 of Schedule G] $2,276.25 b. Bank interest, refunded expenditures and rebates $1,206.97 [Line 6 of Schedule G] c. Loans received this period [Line 12 of Schedule G] $0.00 d. Subtotal: Contributions and Receipts received this period $3,483.22 e. Total Expendable Funds [Add Linds 16 and 17d] $29,477.70 18. Disbursements for Current Reporting Period a. Expenditures made this reporting period $25,864.46 [Line 10 of Schedule G] b. Loans repaid this reporting period [Line 14 of Schedule G] $0.00 c. Other surplus funds paid out [from Schedule I] $0.00 d. Total Payments Made [Add lines 18a,18b, and 18c] $25,864.46 19. Ending Balance [Subtract Line 18b from Line 17e] $3,613.24 20. Total Unpaid Debts [from Schedule F of this report] $0.00 Committee's Receipts and Disbursements - Election Cycle 21. Balance at Start of Election Cycle $13,945.30 22. Previous Receipts [Line 24 from last report] $80,956.41 23. Receipts from Current Reporting Previous [Line 17d above] $3,483.22 24. Total Receipts this Election Cycle [Add lines 22 and 23] $84,439.63 25. Total Funds Available [Add lines 21 and 24] $98,384.93 26. Previous Disbursements [Line 28 from last report] $68,907.23 27. Disbursements from Current Reporting Period $25,864.46 [Line 18d above] 28. Total Disbursements this Election Cycle $94,771.69 29. Ending Balance $3,613.24

Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM032 MUR738600225 10/16/201 8 18: 18

Image# 201810169125560593 PAG E 1 / 17 r REPORT OF RECEIPTS 7 FEC AND DISBURSEMENTS FORM 3X For Other Than An Authorized Committee Office Use Only

1. NAME OF TYPE OR PRINT T Example: If typing, type COMMITTEE (in full) over the lines. 12FE4M5

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1063 CORONADO LANE ADDRESS (number and street) I I I I I I I I T Check if different I I I I I than previously LYNCHBURG 24so2 I I □ reported. (ACC) I I I I I L.J ...... ,...... ,...... ,...... - ......


3. IS THIS NEW AMENDED C C00005801 ,c REPORT (N) OR □ (A)

4. TYPE OF REPORT (b} Monthly Feb 20 (M2) May 20 (MS) Aug 20 (M8) Nov 20 (M1 1) (Non-Election (Choose One) Report Year Only) Due On: Mar 20 (M3) Jun 20 (M6) Sep 20 (M9) Dec 20 (M12) (Non-Election (a) Quarterly Reports: Year Only) Apr 20 (M4) Jul 20 (M7) Oct 20 (M10) Jan 31 (YE) April 15 Quarterly Report (01) (c) 12-Day Primary (12P) General (12G) Runoff (12R) July 15 PRE-Election Quarterly Report (02) Report for the: □ Convention (12C) □ Special (12S) October 15 ,c Quarterly Report (03) January 31 / 1[)"1 / in the Year-End Report (YE) El ection on State of July 31 Mid-Year □ (d) 30-Day Report (Non-election Year Only) (MY) POST-Election General (30G) Runoff (30R) Special (30S) Report for the: Termination Report □ □ □ (TEA) in the □ El ection on State of □ ' ru"'T"lrl ' ...... ,....,.. 5. Covering Period 2018 through I 30 1 2018

I certify that I have examined this Report and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct and complete. Moser, Donna, , , Type or Print Name of Treasurer

Moser, Donna, , , Signature of Treasurer [Electronically Filed] Date

NOTE: Submission of false, erroneous, or incomplete information may subject the person signing this Report to the penalties of 52 U.S.C. § 30109.

Office FEC FORM 3X Use Rev. 05/2016 L Only _J Exhibit to I 1ec1arat1on of Donna Moser DM033 MUR738600226 Image# 201810169125560594


/ r-o-,r-o, / ~ ' ru""T'"Dl ' Report Covering the Period: From: 01 2018 To: I 30 1 2018

COLUMN A COLUMN B This Period Calendar Year-to-Date

6. (a) Cash on Hand January 1, 448.86

(b) Cash on Hand at Beginning of Reporting Period 448.86

(c) Total Receipts (from Line 19) 39037.74 39037.74

(d) Subtotal (add Lines 6(b) and 6(c) for Column A and Lines 6(a) and 6(c) for Column 8) 39486.60 39486.60

7. Total Disbursements (from Line 31) 26619.88 26619.88

8. Cash on Hand at Close of Reporting Period (subtract Line 7 from Line 6(d)) 12866.72 12866.72

9. Debts and Obligations Owed TO the Committee (Itemize all on Schedule C and/or Schedule D) 0.00

10. Debts and Obligations Owed BY the Committee (Itemize all on Schedule C and/or Schedule D) 0.00

D This committee has qualified as a multicandidate committee. (see FEC FORM 1M )

For further information contact:

Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, NW Washington, DC 20463

Toll Free 800-424-9530 Local 202-694-1100

L _J Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM034 MUR738600227 Image# 201810169125560595

DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE r of Receipts 7 FEC Form 3X (Rev. 05/2016) Page 3 Write or Type Committee Name 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE / fD""""U"" / Report Covering the Period: From: I 01 2018 To: 2018

COLUMN A COLUMN B I. Receipts Total This Period Calendar Year-to-Date 11. Contributions (other than loans) From: (a) Individuals/Persons Other Than Political Committees (i) Itemized (use Schedule A) 11 923.37 11 923.37 I I I I I I' (ii) Unitemized 1019.17 1019.17 ] (iii) TOTAL (add 12942.54 Lines 11 (a)(i) and (ii) ...... ► 12942.54

(b) Political Party Committees 0.00 0.00 (c) Other Political Committees (such as PACs) .. 500.00 500.00 (d) Total Contributions (add Lines 11(a)(i ii), (b), and (c)) (Carry 13442.54 Totals to Line 33, page 5) ...... ► 13442.54 12. Transfers From Affiliated/Other Party Committees 0.00 0.00

13. All Loans Received 0.00 0.00

14. Loan Repayments Received .. 0.00 0.00 15. Offsets To Operating Expenditures (Refunds, Rebates, etc.) (Carry Totals to Line 37, page 5) 0.00 0.00 16. Refunds of Contributions Made to Federal Candidates and Other Political Committees 0.00 0.00 17. Other Federal Receipts (Dividends, Interest, etc.) .. 25595.20 25595.20 18. Transfers from Non-Federal and Levin Funds (a) Non-Federal Account (from Schedule H3) 0.00 0.00

(b) Levin Funds (from Schedule H5) .. 0.00 0.00

(c) Total Transfers (add 18(a) and 18(b)) .. 0.00 0.00

19. Total Receipts (add Lines 11(d), 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18(c)} ...... ► 39037.74 39037.74

20. Total Federal Receipts 39037.74 (subtract Line 18(c) from Line 19) ...... ► 39037.74

L _J Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM035 MUR738600228 Image# 201810169125560596

DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE r of Disbursements 7 FEC Form 3X (Rev. 05/2016) Page 4 II. Disbursements COLUMN A COLUMN B Total This Period Calendar Year-to-Date 21. Operating Expenditures: (a) Allocated Federal/Non-Federal Activity (from Schedule H4) (i) Federal Share 148.80 148.80

(ii) Non-Federal Share 595.20 595.20 (b) Other Federal Operating Expenditures 875.88 875.88 (c) Total Operating Expenditures 1619.88 1619.88 (add 21(a)(i), (a)(ii), and (b)) · - ► 22. Transfers to Affiliated/Other Party Committees 0.00 0.00 r ] r 23. Contributions to I : : I I I : : I I l Federal Candidates/Committees a a a a a a a a and Other Political Committees 10000.00 10000.00 I I r ] I I r ] 24. Independent Expenditures I : : I : : (use Schedule E) 0.00 0.00 25. Coordinated Party Expenditures (52 U.S.C. § 3011 6(d)) (use Schedule F) ...... 0.00 0.00

26. Loan Repayments Made 0.00 0.00

27. Loans Made 0.00 0.00 28. Refunds of Contributions To: (a) Individuals/Persons Other Than Political Committees 0.00 0.00

(b) Political Party Committees 0.00 0.00 (c) Oth er Political Committees (such as PACs) 0.00 0.00 (d) Total Contribution Refunds (add Lines 28(a), (b}, and (c)) ...... ► 0.00 0.00

29. Oth er Disbursements (Including Non-Federal Donations) ... 15000.00 15000.00

30. Federal Election Activity (52 U.S.C. § 30101(20)) (a) Allocated Federal Election Activity (from Schedule H6) (i) Federal Share 0.00 0.00

(ii) "Levin" Share 0.00 0.00 (b} Federal Election Activity Paid Entirely With Federal Funds .. 0.00 0.00 (c) Total Federal Election Activity (add Lines 30(a)(i), 30(a)(ii) and 30(b}) .. ► 0.00 0.00

31. Total Disbursements (add Lines 21 (c), 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28(d), 29 and 30(c)) .. 26619.88 26619.88

32. Total Federal Disbursements (subtract Line 21 (a)(ii) and Line 30(a)(ii) from Line 31) ...... ········· ► 26024.68 .___ _,______:>:t---1 26024.68

L _J Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM036 MUR738600229 Image# 201810169125560597

DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE r of Disbursements 7 FEC Form 3X (Rev 05/2016) Page 5 Ill. Net Contributions/ COLUMN A COLUMN B Operating Expenditures Total This Period Calendar Year-to-Cate

33. Total Contributions (other than loans) I I I I I I I I I (from Line 11 (d), page 3) .. 13442.54 13442.54 ~ ~ ] I : : I I J I I 34. Total Contribution Refunds (from Line 28(d)) 0.00 0.00 35. Net Contributions (other than loans) (subtract Li ne 34 from Line 33) .. 13442.54 ] 13442.54 ] I : : I I I : : I I 36. Total Federal Operating Expenditures I I I I I I I 1024.68 1024.68 (add Line 21 (a)(i) and Line 21 (b)) ...... ► ~ ] ~ ] I : : I I I : : I I 37. Offsets to Operating Expenditures I I I I I I I L 0.00 0.00 (from Line 15, page 3) ~ ] ~ ] I : : I I I : : I I 38. Net Operating Expenditures 1024.68 1024.68 (subtract Li ne 37 from Line 36) ..... J►.

L _J Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM037 MUR738600230 Image# 201810169125560598

SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER PAGE 6 OF 17 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS for each category of the Detailed Summary Page 11b 11c 12 14 15 16 17 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name A. Adams, Kenneth, , , Date of Receipt Mailing Address 712 Pelham Drive ' ro"'T"b ' I 08 2018 City State Zip Code Transaction ID: SA11Al.4189 Waynesboro VA 22980 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 553.37 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Retired Retired In-kind -Printing and production of report to the sec related to appeal Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T 592.54

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name B. Adams, Kenneth, , , Date of Receipt o"TU'1 / ______...,.., Mailing Address 712 Pelham Drive 14 2018 City State Zip Code Waynesboro VA 22980 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 2000.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Retired Retired Designated donation for legal fess Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T 2592.54

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name c. Alderson, John, , , Jr. Date of Receipt Mailing Address 1248 Shavers Farm Road ' ro"'T"b ' I 11 2018 City State Zip Code Transaction ID: SA11Al.4166 Fincastl e VA 24090 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 500.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Real Estate Agent Designated donation for legal fees Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) 500.00

3053.37 SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... ►

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... ►

Exhibit to Declaration of DonFS Moaer,QMli}3~ Rev. 0612016 MUR738600231 Image# 201810169125560599

SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER PAGE 7 OF 17 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS for each category of the Detailed Summary Page 11b 11c 12 14 15 16 17 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name A. Barlow, Dennis, , , Date of Receipt Mailing Address 5 Tee Court ' ro"'T"b ' I 11 2018 City State Zip Code Transaction ID: SA11Al.4104 New Market VA 22844 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 250.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Retired Retired Designated donation for legal fees Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T 250.00

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name B. Dalton, Douglas, , , Jr. Date of Receipt o"TU'1 / _____...,.., Mailing Address 202 River Oaks Drive 14 2018 City State Zip Code Altavista VA 24517 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 1000.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item English Construction Company Manager Designated donation for legal fees Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T 1000.00

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name c. Elkins, Kenneth, , , Date of Receipt Mailing Address P.O. Box 21 7 ' ro"'T"b ' I 12 2018 City State Zip Code Transaction ID: SA11Al.4112 Weyers Cave VA 24486 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 250.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Retired Retired Designated donation for legal fees Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) 250.00

1500.00 SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... ►

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... ►

Exhibit to Declaration of DonFS Moaeri0Mli}3~ Rev. 0612016 MUR738600232 Image# 201810169125560600

SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER PAGE 8 OF 17 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS for each category of the Detailed Summary Page 11b 11c 12 14 15 16 17 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name A. Gilbert, Randall, , , Date of Receipt Mailing Address 398 East Eaglewood Lane ' ro"'T"b ' I 11 2018 City State Zip Code Transaction ID: SA11Al.4160 Mount Jackson VA 22842 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 1000.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Retired Retired Designated donation for legal fees Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T 1000.00

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name B. Hamilton, Harvey, , , Date of Receipt o"TU'1 / _____...,.., Mailing Address 3755 Perrowville Road 11 2018 City State Zip Code Forest VA 24551 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 600.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Valtim Marketing Solutions Executive Designated donation for legal fees Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T 600.00

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name c. Massoud, John, , , Date of Receipt Mailing Address 292 West Queen Street ' ro"'T"b ' I 11 2018 City State Zip Code Transaction ID: SA11Al.4106 Strasburg VA 22657 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 250.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Taxi Company Vice President Designated donation for legal fees Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) 250.00

1850.00 SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... ►

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... ►

Exhibit to Declaration of DonFS Moaeri0Mli}4x) Rev. 0612016 MUR738600233 Image# 201810169125560601

SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER PAGE 9 OF 17 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS for each category of the Detailed Summary Page 11b 11c 12 14 15 16 17 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name A. Massoud, Louise, , , Date of Receipt Mailing Address P.O. Box 367 ' ro"'T"b ' I 12 2018 City State Zip Code Transaction ID: SA11Al.4110 Strasburg VA 22657 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 250.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Retired Retired Designated donation for legal fees Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T 250.00

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name B. Massoud, S. , M., , Date of Receipt o"TU'1 / ______...,.., Mailing Address 111 5 West Braod Street 11 2018 City State Zip Code Falls Church VA 22046 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 500.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Transportation Industry Manager Designated donation for legal fees Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T 500.00

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name c. Nave, Charles, , , Date of Receipt Mailing Address 1225 Third Street, SW ' ro"'T"b ' I 11 2018 City State Zip Code Transaction ID: SA11Al.4162 Roanoke VA 24016 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 500.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Self Attorney Designated donation for legal fees Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) 500.00

1250.00 SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... ►

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... ►

Exhibit to Declaration of DonFS Moaeri0Mli}4~ Rev. 0612016 MUR738600234 Image# 201810169125560602

SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER PAGE 10 OF 17 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS for each category of the Detailed Summary Page 11b 11c 12 14 15 16 17 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name A. Troxel , Steven,,, Date of Receipt Mailing Address 204 Pennsylvania Avenue ' ro"'T"b ' I 11 2018 City State Zip Code Transaction ID: SA11Al.4102 Lynchburg VA 24502 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 270.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Retired Retired Designated donation for legal fees Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T 270.00

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name B. Tucker, Albert, , , Date of Receipt o"TU'1 / _____...,.., Mailing Address 61 Tuckaway Ridge 14 2018 City State Zip Code Lexington VA 24450 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 2000.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Retired Retired Designated donation for legal fees Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T 2000.00

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name c. Wilkins, James, , , Jr. Date of Receipt Mailing Address 13 South Loudon Street ' ro"'T"b ' I 14 2018 City State Zip Code Transaction ID: SA11Al.4170 Winchester VA 22601 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 1000.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Wilkins Shoe Center Sales Designated donation for legal fees Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) 1000.00

3270.00 SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... ►

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... ►

Exhibit to Declaration of DonFS Moaeri0Mli}4~ Rev. 0612016 MUR738600235 Image# 201810169125560603

SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER PAGE 11 OF 17 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS for each category of the Detailed Summary Page 11b 11c 12 14 15 16 17 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name A. Wilkins, Vance, , , Jr. Date of Receipt Mailing Address 299 East Monitor Road ' ro"'T"b ' I 14 2018 City State Zip Code Transaction ID: SA11Al.4125 Amherst VA 24521 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 1000.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Retired Retired Designated donation for legal fees Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T 1000.00

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name B. ------1 Date of Receipt Mailing Address o"TU'1 / ...,_;;,..._.,...,..,

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item

Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name C. ------1 Date of Receipt Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item

Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify)

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... ►

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... ►

Exhibit to Declaration of DonFS Moaer,QMli}4ij Rev. 0612016 MUR738600236 Image# 201810169125560604

SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER PAGE 12 OF 17 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS for each category of the Detailed Summary Page 11a 11b 11c 12 13 14 15 16 17 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name A. Desjadon for Congress Date of Receipt Mailing Address P.O. Box 26141 ' ro"'T"b ' I 31 2018 City State Zip Code Transaction ID: SA11C.4137 Alexandria VA 22313 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing C00667527 250.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Table rental at District Convention Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T 250.00

Full Name of Individual (Last. First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name Date of Receipt B. Friends of Douglas Wright o-ru, / ______...,.., Mailing Address 1710 Broadridge Drive 31 2018 City State Zip Code Harrisonburg VA 22801 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 250.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Table rental at District Convention Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T 250.00

Full Name of Individual (Last. First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name C. ------1 Date of Receipt Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item

Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify)

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... ►

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... ►

Exhibit to Declaration of DonFS Moaer,QMli}4~ Rev. 0612016 MUR738600237 Image# 201810169125560605

SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER PAGE 13 OF 17 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS for each category of the Detailed Summary Page 11a 11b 11c 12 13 14 15 16 ,c 17 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name A. 6th Congressional District Republican Committee - State Account Date of Receipt Mailing Address 156 Abbott Circle ' ro"'T"b ' I 27 2018 City State Zip Code Transaction ID: SA17.4130 Harrisonburg VA 22801 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing C00319673 595.20 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Tran sfer from State Account to pay allocated portion of insurance premium Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T 595.20

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name B. 6th Congressional District Republican Committee - State Account Date of Receipt o"TU'1 / _____...,.., Mailing Address 156 Abbott Circle 13 2018 City State Zip Code Harrisonburg VA 22801 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 20000.00 federal political committee. C C00319673

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Transfer of funds from State Account for campaign expenses Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T 20595.20

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name c. 6th Congressional District Republican Committee - State Account Date of Receipt Mailing Address 156 Abbott Circle ' ro"'T"b ' I 07 2018 City State Zip Code Transaction ID : SA17.4180 Harrisonburg VA 22801 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing C00319673 5000.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Tranter of permissible funds fom the State Acct for campaign contribution Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) 25595.20

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... ►

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... ►

Exhibit to Declaration of DonFS Moaeri0Mli}4f) Rev. 0612016 MUR738600238 Image# 201810169125560606

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 14 OF 17 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category of the ,c 21b 22 23 26 27 Detailed Summary Page 28a 28b 28c 29 30b Any inform ation copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (I n Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. Adams, Kenneth,, , Date of Disbursement M"'Y'M , o"'Y'o , Mailing Address 712 Pelham Drive 09 08

City State Zip Code FEC Identification Number Waynesboro VA 22980 urpose o 1s ursement In-kind - Printing and production of report to the sec related to appeal C Transaction ID: S821B.4190 Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For 553.37 ::::!!:=:!=::<1-=::!!:::::::!!:::::::<1- Senate n Primary □ General President Other (specify) T D Memo Item State: District: Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. Deluxe Bank Checks Date of Disbursement / r"o"'Y'o / Mailing Address Union Bank, 440 S. Main Street I 07

City State Zip Code FEC Identification Number Harrisonburg VA 24401 ursement C Bank Checks for the Federal Account 001 Transaction ID : S821 B.4155 Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For: 2018 258.64 Senate n Primary ~ General President Other (specify) D Memo Item State: District: Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) C. Date of Disbursement ""T"Y""T'Y'T" Mailing Address

City State Zip Code FEC Identification Number Purpose of Disbursement C

Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For Senate D Primary D General President Other (specify) T D Memo Item State: District:

SUBTOTAL of Disbursements This Page (optional)

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only)

Exhibit to Declaration of Doaria:iMosenFGM04~v. os,2016 MUR738600239 Image# 201810169125560607

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER: I PAGE 15 OF 17 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category of the Detailed Summary Page R 21b R 22 H 23 R 26 R 27 28a 28b 28c 29 30b Any inform ation copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using th e name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. ) NAME OF COMMITTEE (I n Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. BEN CLINE FOR CONGRESS, INC. Date of Disbursement r,f'Y'r;t I o"'"lr'o , ,,.,.,.,, Mailing Address P.O. BOX 817 09 06 2018

City I State I Zip Code FEC Identification Number LEXINGTON VA 24450 Purpose ot LJIsbursement C C00661561 Transfer from State Account of permissible funds for a campaign contribution 011 Transaction ID: S823.4151 Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period BEN CLINE FOR CONGRESS, INC. Type Office Sought: ,c House Disbursement For 2018 5000.00 >-- -- ,.-,- - - ,.-,- Senate Primary 0 General >-- B President Other (specify) T Memo Item State: VA District: 06 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. STEWART FOR SENATE INC Date of Disbursement , r"'"lr'o I 1Y• Y• Y• Y 1 Mailing Address 14513 GENERAL WASHINGTON DR 08 13 2018

City ISta te IZip Code FEC Identification Number WOODBRIDGE VA 22193 Purpose ot LJIsbursement C C00650374 Campaign contribution 011 Transaction ID: S823.4147 Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period STEWART FOR SENATE INC Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For: 2018 5000.00 >------,c Senate Primary 0 General >-- B President Other (specify) Memo Item State: VA District: 00 Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) C. Date of Disbursement , r-ro Mailing Address ' [-rm-TY"l

City ISta te IZip Code FEC Identification Number Purpose of Disbursement C

Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For >-- - " -- " -- II Senate Primary General >-- B D President Other (specify) T Memo Item State: District: ------10000.00 SUBTOTAL of Disbursements This Page (optional) ...... ··· · · · · ► I ---- . ------10000.00 TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... · · · · · · · ► I -- . -- - . ]

Exhibit to Declaration of Doaria:iMosenGM04iev. os,2016 MUR738600240 Image# 201810169125560608

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 16 OF 17 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category of the 21b 22 23 26 27 Detailed Summary Page 28a 28b 28c 29 30b Any inform ation copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using th e name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (I n Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. 6th Congressional District Republican Committee - State Account Date of Disbursement M"'Y'M , o"To , Mailing Address 156 Abbott Circle 08 27

City State Zip Code FEC Identification Number Harrisonburg VA 22801 urpose o Is ursement C C00319673 Transfer to State Account of remaining portion of $20,000 transferred in on 008 6 11n1 1ct 1 ':t Transaction ID : S829.4149 Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For 2018 15000.00 ::::!!:=:!=::<1-=::!!:::::::!!:::::::<1- Senate n Primary 0 General President Other (specify) T D Memo Item State: District: Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. Date of Disbursement , r-v-o , Mailing Address

City State Zip Code FEC Identification Number C

Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For: Senate n Primary □ General President Other (specify) D Memo Item State: District: Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) C. Date of Disbursement ""T"Y""T'Y'T" Mailing Address

City State Zip Code FEC Identification Number Purpose of Disbursement C

Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For Senate D Primary D General President Other (specify) T D Memo Item State: District:

SUBTOTAL of Disbursements This Page (optional)

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only)

Exhibit to Declaration of Doaria:iMosenGM048ev. os,2016 MUR738600241 Image# 201810169125560609 SCHEDULE H4 (FEC Form 3X) PAGE 17 OF DISBURSEMENTS FOR ALLOCATED 17

FEDERAL/NONFEDERAL ACTIVITY FOR LINE 21 a OF FORM 3X NAM E OF COMMITTEE (In Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE A. Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Transaction ID : H4.4131 D Memo Item Allocated Activity or Event _C_in_c_in_n_a_t_i _ln_s_u_ra_n_c_e_C_o_m_._a_n...______----1 0 Administrative D Fundraising D Exempt Mailing Address P.O. Box 145620 D Voter Drive D Direct Candidate Support City State Zip Code D Public Comm (ref to party only) by PAC Cinccinati OH 45250 Allocated Activity or Event Year-To-Date Purpose of Disbursement: Payment of insurance premium 744.00 001 Activity or Event Identifier: Administrative Category/ t f'o"T'o"'1 1 Type Date I 27 2018


595.20 744.00

B. Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) D Memo Item Allocated Activity or Event ------< D Administrative D Fundraising D Exempt Mailing Address D Voter Drive D Direct Candidate Support City State Zip Code D Publ ic Comm (ref to party only) by PAC Allocated Activity or Event Year-To-Date Pu rpose of Disbursement:

Activity or Event Identifier Category/ Type Date FEDERAL SHARE + NONFEDERAL SHARE = TOTAL AMOUNT

,..,- -,- C. Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Allocated Activity or Event ______, D Administrative D Fundraising D Exempt Mailing Address D Voter Drive D Direct Candidate Support City State Zip Code D Public Comm (ref to party only) by PAC Allocated Activity or Event Year-To-Date Purpose of Disbursement:

Activity or Event Identifier: Category/ Type Date


SUBTOTAL of Allocated Federal and NonFederal Activity This Page FEDERAL SHARE + NONFEDERAL SHARE = TOTAL AMOUNT

148.80 595.20 744.00 .-, TOTAL This Period (last page for each line only)(Federal share to 21(a)( i) and Non Federal share to 21 (a)(ii)) FEDERAL SHARE NONFEDERAL SHARE TOTAL AMOUNT

148.80 595.20

Exhibit to Declaration of DoomatMG)ser(lf~M©4§ev. os,2016 MUR738600242 01/22/201911 : 48

Image# 201901229143905362 PAG E 1 /9 r REPORT OF RECEIPTS 7 FEC AND DISBURSEMENTS FORM 3X For Other Than An Authorized Committee Office Use Only

1. NAME OF TYPE OR PRINT T Example: If typing, type COMMITTEE (in full) over the lines. 12FE4M5

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 156 Abbott Circle ADDRESS (number and street) I I I I I I T Check if different I I I I than previously Harrisonburg 22801 I I □ reported. (ACC) I I I I L.J ...... ,...... ,...... ,...... - ......


3. IS THIS NEW AMENDED C C00005801 ,c REPORT (N) OR □ (A)

4. TYPE OF REPORT (b} Monthly Feb 20 (M2) May 20 (M5) Aug 20 (M8) Nov 20 (M1 1) (Non-Election (Choose One) Report Year Only) Due On: Mar 20 (M3) Jun 20 (M6) Sep 20 (M9) Dec 20 (M12) (Non-Election (a) Quarterly Reports: Year Only) Apr 20 (M4) Jul 20 (M7) Oct 20 (M10) Jan 31 (YE) April 15 Quarterly Report (01) (c) 12-Day Primary (12P) General (12G) Runoff (12R) July 15 PRE-Election Quarterly Report (02) Report for the: Convention (12C) Special (12S) October 15 Quarterly Report (03) □ □ / 1[)"1 / in the ,c January 31 Year-End Report (YE) El ection on State of July 31 Mid-Year □ (d) 30-Day Report (Non-election Year Only) (MY) POST-Election General (30G) Runoff (30R) Special (30S) Report for the: Termination Report □ □ □ (TEA) / 1[)"1 / in the □ El ection on State of ...... ,....,.. □ / ~ / 5. Covering Period 2018 through 31 2018

I certify that I have examined this Report and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct and complete. Moser, Donna, , , Type or Print Name of Treasurer

Moser, Donna, , , Signature of Treasurer [Electronically Filed] Date

NOTE: Submission of false, erroneous, or incomplete information may subject the person signing this Report to the penalties of 52 U.S.C. § 30109.

Office FEC FORM 3X Use Rev. 05/2016 L Only _J Exhibit to I 1ec1arat1on of Donna Moser DM050 MUR738600243 Image# 201901229143905363


/ r-o-,r-o, / ~ ' ru""T'"Dl ' Report Covering the Period: From: 27 2018 To: I 31 1 2018

COLUMN A COLUMN B This Period Calendar Year-to-Date

6. (a) Cash on Hand January 1, 7123.89

(b) Cash on Hand at Beginning of Reporting Period 7123.89

(c) Total Receipts (from Line 19) 1900.00 1900.00

(d) Subtotal (add Lines 6(b) and 6(c) for Column A and Lines 6(a) and 6(c) for Column 8) 9023.89 9023.89

7. Total Disbursements (from Line 31) 235.00 235.00

8. Cash on Hand at Close of Reporting Period (subtract Line 7 from Li ne 6(d)) 8788.89 8788.89

9. Debts and Obligations Owed TO the Committee (Itemize all on Schedule C and/or Schedule D) 0.00

10. Debts and Obligations Owed BY the Committee (Itemize all on Schedule C and/or Schedule D) 0.00

D This committee has qualified as a multicandidate committee. (see FEC FORM 1M)

For further information contact:

Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, NW Washington, DC 20463

Toll Free 800-424-9530 Local 202-694-1100

L _J Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM051 MUR738600244 Image# 201901229143905364

DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE r of Receipts 7 FEC Form 3X (Rev. 05/2016) Page 3 Write or Type Committee Name 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE / fD""""U"" / Report Covering the Period: From: I 27 2018 To: 2018

COLUMN A COLUMN B I. Receipts Total This Period Calendar Year-to-Date 11. Contributions (other than loans) From: (a) Individuals/Persons Other Than Political Committees (i) Itemized (use Schedule A) 250.00 250.00 I I I I I I' (ii) Unitemized 0.00 0.00 ] (iii) TOTAL (add 250.00 Lines 11 (a)(i) and (ii) ...... ► 250.00

(b) Political Party Committees 1300.00 1300.00 (c) Other Political Committees (such as PACs) .. 0.00 0.00 (d) Total Contributions (add Lines 11(a)(i ii), (b), and (c)) (Carry 1550.00 Totals to Line 33, page 5) ...... ► 1550.00 12. Transfers From Affiliated/Other Party Committees 0.00 0.00

13. All Loans Received 0.00 0.00

14. Loan Repayments Received .. 0.00 0.00 15. Offsets To Operating Expenditures (Refunds, Rebates, etc.) (Carry Totals to Line 37, page 5) 0.00 0.00 16. Refunds of Contributions Made to Federal Candidates and Other Political Committees 0.00 0.00 17. Other Federal Receipts (Dividends, Interest, etc.) .. 0.00 0.00 18. Transfers from Non-Federal and Levin Funds (a) Non-Federal Account (from Schedule H3) 350.00 350.00

(b) Levin Funds (from Schedule H5) .. 0.00 0.00

(c) Total Transfers (add 18(a) and 18(b)) .. 350.00 350.00

19. Total Receipts (add Lines 11(d), 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18(c)} ...... ► 1900.00 1900.00

20. Total Federal Receipts (subtract Line 18(c) from Line 19) ...... ► 1550.00 1550.00

L _J Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM052 MUR738600245 Image# 201901229143905365

DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE r of Disbursements 7 FEC Form 3X (Rev. 05/2016) Page 4 II. Disbursements COLUMN A COLUMN B Total This Period Calendar Year-to-Date 21. Operating Expenditures: (a) Allocated Federal/Non-Federal Activity (from Schedule H4) (i) Federal Share 0.00 0.00

(ii) Non-Federal Share 0.00 0.00 (b) Other Federal Operating Expenditures 0.00 0.00 (c) Total Operating Expenditures 0.00 0.00 (add 21 (a)(i), (a)(ii), and (b)) · - ► 22. Transfers to Affiliated/Other Party Committees 200.00 200.00 r ] r 23. Contributions to I : : I I I : : I I l Federal Candidates/Committees a a a a a a a a and Other Political Committees 0.00 0.00 I I ,,~ ] I I ,,~ ] 24. Independent Expenditures I : : I : : (use Schedule E) 0.00 0.00 25. Coordinated Party Expenditures (52 U.S.C. § 3011 6(d)) (use Schedule F) ...... 0.00 0.00

26. Loan Repayments Made 0.00 0.00

27. Loans Made 0.00 0.00 28. Refunds of Contributions To: (a) Individuals/Persons Other Than Political Committees 0.00 0.00

(b) Political Party Committees 0.00 0.00 (c) Other Political Committees (such as PACs) 0.00 0.00 (d) Total Contribution Refunds (add Lines 28(a), (b}, and (c)) ...... ► 0.00 0.00

29. Other Disbursements (Including Non-Federal Donations) ... 35.00 35.00

30. Federal Election Activity (52 U.S.C. § 30101 (20)) (a) Allocated Federal Election Activity (from Schedule H6) (i) Federal Share 0.00 0.00

(ii) "Levin" Share 0.00 0.00 (b} Federal Election Activity Paid Entirely With Federal Funds .. 0.00 0.00 (c) Total Federal Election Activity (add Lines 30(a)(i), 30(a)(ii) and 30(b}) .. ► 0.00 0.00

31. Total Disbursements (add Lines 21 (c), 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28(d), 29 and 30(c)) .. 235.00 235.00

32. Total Federal Disbursements (subtract Line 21 (a)(ii) and Line 30(a)(ii) from Line 31) ...... ········· ► 235.00 235.00

L _J Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM053 MUR738600246 Image# 201901229143905366

DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE r of Disbursements 7 FEC Form 3X (Rev 05/2016) Page 5 Ill. Net Contributions/ COLUMN A COLUMN B Operating Expenditures Total This Period Calendar Year-to-Cate

33. Total Contributions (other than loans) I I I I I I I I I (from Line 11 (d), page 3) .. 1550.00 1550.00 ~ ~ ] I : : I I J I I 34. Total Contribution Refunds (from Line 28(d)) 0.00 0.00 35. Net Contributions (other than loans) (subtract Li ne 34 from Line 33) .. 1550.00 ] 1550.00 ] I : : I I I : : I I 36. Total Federal Operating Expenditures I I I I .. I I I I 0.00 (add Line 21 (a)(i) and Line 21 (b)) ...... 0.00 ► ~ ] ~ ] I : : I I :l..- I : : I I :l..- 37. Offsets to Operating Expenditures I I I I I I I I I 0.00 0.00 (from Line 15, page 3) ~ ] ~ ] I : : I I :l..- I : : I I ~ 38. Net Operating Expenditures 0.00 0.00 (subtract Li ne 37 from Line 36) ..... J►.

L _J Exhibit to Declaration of Donna Moser DM054 MUR738600247 Image# 201901229143905367

SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER PAGE 6 OF 9 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS for each category of the Detailed Summary Page 11b 11c 12 14 15 16 17 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name A. Massoud, Louise, , , Date of Receipt Mailing Address P. o. Box 367 ' ro"'T"b ' I 28 2018 City State Zip Code Transaction ID: SA11Al.4100 Strasburg VA 22657 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 250.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Retired Retired Contr bution Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T 250.00

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name B. ------1 Date of Receipt Mailing Address o"TU'1 / ...,_;;,..._.,...,..,

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item

Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name C. ------1 Date of Receipt Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item

Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify)

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... ►

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... ►

Exhibit to Declaration of DonFS Moaer,QMli}5f) Rev. 0612016 MUR738600248 Image# 201901229143905368

SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER PAGE 7 OF 9 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS for each category of the Detailed Summary Page 11a 11c 12 13 14 15 16 17 Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE

Full Name of Individual (Last, First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name A. Roanoke County Republican Committee Date of Receipt Mailing Address P>. o. Box 20923 ' ro"'T"b ' I 12 2018 City State Zip Code Transaction ID: SA11B.4104 Roanoke VA 24018 Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing 1300.00 federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item Contr bution for District Convention Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T 1300.00

Full Name of Individual (Last. First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name B. ------1 Date of Receipt Mailing Address o-ru, / ...,_;;,..._.,...,..,

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item

Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify) T

Full Name of Individual (Last. First, Middle Initial) or Full Organization Name C. ------1 Date of Receipt Mailing Address

City State Zip Code Amount of Each Receipt this Period FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee. C

Name of Employer (for Individual) Occupation (for Individual) Memo Item

Receipt For Aggregate Year-to-Date T n Primary □ General D Other (specify)

SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ...... ►

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) ...... ►

Exhibit to Declaration of DonFS Moaeri0Mli}5~ Rev. 0612016 MUR738600249 Image# 201901229143905369

SCHEDULE B (FEC Form 3X) FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 8 OF 9 Use separate schedule(s) (check only one) ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS for each category of the 21b ,c 22 23 26 27 Detailed Summary Page 28a 28b 28c 29 30b Any inform ation copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (I n Full) 6TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT REPUBLICAN FEDERAL COMMITTEE

Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) A. Collage Republican Federation of Virginia Date of Disbursement M"'Y'M , o"To , Mailing Address 3965 Fairfax Square 12 11

City State Zip Code FEC Identification Number Fairfax VA 22031 ursement C Contr bution to Collage Republicans 012 Transaction ID: S822.4110 Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For 200.00 ::::!!:=:!=::<1-=::!!:::::::!!:::::::<1- Senate n Primary □ General President Other (specify) T D Memo Item State: District: Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) B. Date of Disbursement , r-v-o , Mailing Address

City State Zip Code FEC Identification Number C

Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For: Senate n Primary □ General President Other (specify) D Memo Item State: District: Full Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) C. Date of Disbursement ""T"Y""T'Y'T" Mailing Address

City State Zip Code FEC Identification Number Purpose of Disbursement C

Candidate Name Category/ Amount of Each Disbursement this Period Type Office Sought: House Disbursement For Senate D Primary D General President Other (specify) T D Memo Item State: District:

SUBTOTAL of Disbursements This Page (optional)

TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only)


NAME OF ACCOUNT DATE OF RECEIPT TOTAL AMOUNT TRANSFERRED Amherst County Republican Committee / o"'Y'u"i / ....,._,_.v-~ 29 2018 350.00


i) Total Administrative 0.00 Transaction ID : H3.4109 350.00 ii) Generic Voter Drive .-,~ .-,~ Transaction ID :.._H3.4109.0 iii) Exempt Activities

iv) Direct Fundraising (List Activity or Event Identifier)

a) ______•---iillll__ ...,.:a..,,::::!!:===::!J

b) ______

c) Total Amount Transferred For Direct Fundraising

v) Direct Candidate Support (List Activity or Event Identifier)

a) ______l'=::!!=::6ollllll___ Clo_,,::::!!!!:::::::!:::!::::::!!=::!J

b) ______

c) Total Amount Transferred For Direct Candidate Support

vi) Public Communications Referring Only to Party (Made by PAC) ..


TOTAL This Period (Administrative) ...... 0.00

350.00 TOTAL This Period (Generic Voter Drive) ......

TOTAL This Period (Exempt Activities) ...... 0.00

0.00 TOTAL This Period (Direct Fundraising) ......

0.00 TOTAL This Period (Direct Candidate Support) ......

0.00 TOTAL This Period (Public Communications Referring Only to Party) ......

350.00 TOTAL This Period (Total Amount Transferred) ......

Exhibit to Declaration of DermahMosen@M008ev. os12016