NORBA NAtiONAls COveRAge iNside!

•Utah and Idaho Calendar of Events - p. 20 •Route 211 - p. 3 • Six Canyon Ride - p. 4 •Innocent Until Proven Guilty - p. 2 •Gate City Grind - p. 12 •Woodland's Bench Creek Trail - p. 8 •Parley's Canyon Bike Route - p. 9 DIRT •Deer Valley NORBA Nationals - p. 10 PAVEmENT •Results - p. 20 ADVOCACy • Commuter Column - p. 22 •Deer Valley DH - p. 15 RACING •Dirt Jumping is Not a Crime! - p. 16 TOURING •Shop Directory - p. 23 MOUNTAIN WEST CYCLING JOURNAL WEST CYCLING MOUNTAIN 2 cycling utah.com AUGUST 2006

Speaking of SpokeS and go home. But not even Landis, while certainly hoping otherwise, has indicated he expects this will happen. Innocent Until Proven Guilty So, what is the rule? If the t/e ratio exceeds 4/1, is that it? Does By David Ward after being taken for weeks or even An Associated Press story by a rider get ousted based solely on Publisher months. Landis was tested, by his Malcolm Ritter reported, "The lack the fact of an excessive t/e ratio, own count, six times before and of a positive test before July 20 whether or not it is a natural level P.O. Box 57980 Things ain't lookin' so good for twice after his astounding resurrec- might suggest Landis took a single and no matter how it got there? If Murray, UT 84157-0980 tion and victory on Stage 17. All dose and then immediately put in our boy Floyd. On July 20, after his so, Floyd is stripped of his victory. www.cyclingutah.com epic victory on Stage 17, sample A those tests were apparently nega- his stunning performance. That's End of story. Is that fair? tive. Plus, it makes no sense that he puzzling, [Dr. Gary] Wadler said. You can reach us by phone: of his mandatory drug test resulted Or, do we determine whether it is (801) 268-2652 in a testosterone/epitestosterone would take an injection or slap on a 'Things don't add up,' he said. 'Most a naturally occurring t/e level. That (t/e) ratio of 11/1. The maximum patch the night before Stage 17. It of us (experts) have a hard time seems pretty certain at this point, Our Fax number: allowed limit is 4/1. The initial would do him no good, and would fully understanding that sudden and unless the information being report- (801) 263-1010 argument that it must be a naturally certainly get him tossed from the dramatic effect. . . . I can't quite put ed is wrong. The problem with trial occurring high level has been pretty Tour if caught. He had nothing to it all together.'" The article reported by media is that we never are quite Dave Iltis, Editor & much dispelled. An Isotope Ratio gain, and everything to lose. that Dr. Wadler is "an internist and certain what the actual facts are. At Advertising Mass Spectrometry test (IRMS) Is there a masking agent that author with expertise in the area of one point, after the results of the [email protected] performed after his extremely high may have been hiding his testoster- drug use by athletes." IRMS test were reported, it was also testosterone ratio was discovered one level during the previous tests? If the experts can't figure it out, reported that the lab stated no one No one has said there is or may be where does that leave the rest of David R. Ward, Publisher indicates that a synthetic testoster- had been told the results of this test. [email protected] one, which would have to come such a thing. So why the sudden us? Well, not knowing, and prob- As things now stand, the perfor- from an external source, was found spike when there is absolutely no ably never knowing, the truth unless mance and results of this test seem Contributors: Greg Overton, in his A sample. Bad news for all reason, rational or otherwise, for Landis was cheating and ultimately to have been confirmed. Neal Skorpen, Gregg Bromka, Anglophones who like to stick it to Landis to take testosterone the night admits to it. If we make it this far, has a suf- Ben Simonson, Michael the French. before Stage 17? I do not know Meanwhile, what does all this ficient burden of guilt been reached Gonzales, Lou Melini, Chad But hold on. There is one thing how smart Floyd is, but he certainly mean? Initially, if the second, or to strip Landis of his Tour victory? Nichols, Joaquim Hailer, Tommy that really bothers me. The benefits cannot be that stupid. B, sample turns up negative, Landis Or do we still await a determination Murphy, Adam Lisonbee, Ron of taking testosterone only appear Even the experts are puzzled. keeps his victory and we all cheer of how the additional testosterone Lindley, Bruce Bilodeau, Mary made it into his body? Under UCI Mcaleese, James Kirk, Chris regulations, Landis is innocent until Sherwin, Kathy Sherwin, Kevin proven guilty. As a practical matter, Day, Troy Nye, Bart Gillespie, from what I have observed the stan- Tom Noaker dard is more, "guilty until proven innocent". And given the difficulty Distribution: Dave, Karma, in the continuing battle of even and Marinda Ward, Doug discovering the use of performance Kartcher, David Montgomery enhancing drugs, much less meeting (To add your business to our a heavy burden of proof, whose to free distribution, give us a say this is wrong? call) Well, such are the questions and musings of one who is an attorney Administrative Assistant: by trade. The point I wish to make: Lindsay Ross This is a complicated affair. We should all be patient and let the pro- cess, whatever it is, take its course. cycling utah is published And we must understand, no matter eight times a year beginning the outcome, that ultimately we may in March and continuing never know the truth of this. Landis monthly through October. protests his innocence, claiming he has not cheated. But then Richard Annual Subscription rate: Virenque did the same for more than $12 a year, and even wrote a book about (Send in a check to his innocence, before finally admit- our P.O. Box) ting he cheated. Postage paid in Murray, UT In the end, despite my quarrel with trial by media, and my uneasi- Editorial and photographic con- ness with a "guilty until proven tributions are welcome. Send innocent" approach, I am somewhat via email to dave@cyclingutah. satisfied with how this has been com. Or, send via mail and please handled so far. Those in places to include a stamped, self-addressed make decisions are awaiting more envelope to return unused mate- results, and allowing time for the rial. Submission of articles and facts to be more fully developed. accompanying artwork to cycling No, it ain't lookin' so good for utah is the author’s warranty our boy Floyd. But I like him, and that the material is in no way an I believe I detect sincerity and hon- infringement upon the rights of esty in him. I hope it all ends well others and that the material may for him. But if not, I can live with be published without additional the uncertainty of not knowing for approval. Permission is required sure if he did or if he didn't. I live to reprint any of the contents of with that kind of uncertainty every this publication. day in many aspects of life. In the end, Floyd knows. If he Cycling Utah is printed on 40% cheated, he will have to live with, post-consumer recycled paper despite the outcome. If he did not, with soy-based ink. he will have the satisfaction of knowing that he won, and won with Cycling Utah is free, limit one integrity. copy per person. © 2006 cycling utah HELP WANTED Pick up a copy of High end shop seeks experi- cycling utah at your favorite bike shop! enced mechanic with excel- lent customer service skills. Cover Photo: Kathy Sherwin Must be well organized and (Ford Cycling) rolled to a able to manage large num- ninth place finish in the Deer bers of work orders on a Valley Nationals XC on July daily basis. Apply online at 8th. She's shown here leading www.trekaf.com or by mail Dara Marks-Marino (Titus/ to Trek American Fork Kenda). Photo: Dave Iltis, see more 356 N. Meadow Lane, #D-11 photos online at American Fork, UT 84003 cyclingutah.com AUGUST 2006 cycling utah.com 

Mountain bike racing Dainton and Wallenfels Take 50 mile Endurance Solo By Adam Lisonbee On July 22nd the Endurance 100 Team Relay and 50-mile solo race took place on the singletrack trails of Park City. The event is the 2nd race in The Endurance 100 series. The conditions of the day were ideal for an endurance race. The morn- ing was cool, the sky was clear, and the trails were tightly packed after recent rainfall. Shortly after the 6 a.m. start, racers found themselves weaving through thick pines and tall aspens as they enjoyed the sun coming up over the mountains. The result was several ear-to-ear grins on the faces of riders as they hammered along the Mid-Mountain Trail. Left: Lynda Wallenfels Right: Jack Dainton The perfect conditions continued throughout the day, with cooling Photos: Joaquim Hailer breezes and lots of shade along the For complete race photos, visit JoaquimHailer.com route. Seventeen relay teams competed out the podium was Dave Harris rewarding race, participants had the over the entire 100-mile course, a (Durango, CO), winner of last same ear-to-ear grins that stretched route that boasts over 18,000 feet of month’s 12-Hour race. His strong across their faces in the early morn- elevation gain and 95 miles of pris- 3rd place finish puts him in the lead ing hours. Despite the difficulty tine singletrack. The winning team in The E100 series points competi- of the terrain, the satisfaction that (Porcupine/Specialized) finished at tion. came from completing one of the 9 Hours 43 minutes, in what proved In the women’s solo race Lynda country’s most unique endurance to be a very competitive race. Less Wallenfels (St. George, UT) again races left everyone feeling happily set the standard. She paced to an than 20 minutes separated the 1st worn out. Already many racers were and 3rd place finishers. In the relay impressive 5 hour 18 minute win, talking about the upcoming Grand event, riders from each team rode finishing over 28 minutes ahead Finale of the series, the E100 itself. a different stage of the race. Team of her nearest competition. She riders appeared as tired as many of for the leaders who were never far minutes ahead of fellow Park City remarked after her victory, “I had set Racers will compete solo over the the solo riders, proving the difficulty from one another throughout the resident Steve Rescigno. “All of the out to win, and also set a new course entire 100-mile route. Known as of this epic racecourse. day. Keeping up with the standard E100 races involve a huge amount record. I was thrilled that I was one of the most difficult “hundies” The solo field was just as com- set in the 12-Hour race, both the of climbing which I like. I think my able to accomplish both goals.” She in the country, it will be a fitting end petitive, with 87 men and 9 women men’s and women’s solo win- main advantage was the fact that I was joined on the podium by Lisel to an already epic summer of racing competing over the 50-mile course. ners finished in record time. Jack live in Park City and know all of the Robert (Provo, UT) and Wendy in Park City. For more information The route gains over 8,000 feet in Dainton (Park City, UT) set a new singletrack very well,” Jack com- Wagner (Park City, UT). about The E100 race series please elevation. The race was fast paced mark at 4 hours 55 minutes, just 8 mented after the race. Rounding At the end of the grueling, yet visit www.theE100.com.



Mon. 10-4 Tue. Fri. 10-7 Sat. 10-5 232 N. Main - Kaysville 544-5300 bebikes.com 4 cycling utah.com AUGUST 2006 road riding The Ride of my Life: Six Canyons in a Day By Bruce Bilodeau doing things with my two kids, died several years ago while tak- of Hammer Gel, and a baggie of visited the John and was told I had Ben 13, and Emily 10, then I was ing care of Popa, who had been Cytomax, and pulled out my old Mi to leave by a staffer named Frankie. The Ride of my Life on my bike. When my kids went to afflicted with the early stages of Duole team kit, for Popa. I walked out with him explaining Several years ago I decided to their mother's house I was training Alzheimer's. The load was simply I had a bit of trouble sleeping, what I was doing; he was really get a road bike. I had always been non-stop. When they were with me, too much for her, especially after but not bad. I got up at 5 am, had encouraging, which I needed with fascinated with watching the Tour de I would wake up at 4 am to spend she developed cancer. Popa lived a big breakfast, and was riding by 4 climbs to go.A few miles on the France. Soon I started riding most time on the trainer every day of another eight years finally staying at 5:45. It was nice and cool; I had arm decent I ran into a bunch of yellow days in the valley and then in the the week, as not to impede on time a wonderful facility in Portsmouth, warmers and an undershirt. Perfect and orange Monarch butterflies, they canyons. I couldn't believe it when with them at night. In an effort to N.H.dedicated toward taking care weather. My legs weren't exactly flew on all sides of me as I went I saw how fast some of the local improve my performance I hired of people with his affliction. My fresh (I had 180 miles in already that directly through them, I had never racers would ascend Little and Big Gardie Jackson to coach me last parents would visit him on a daily week) but I felt pretty good. I hit the seen so many. Soon after a spoke Cottonwood Canyons. I then real- winter. It wasn't uncommon to be basis. When I went back last sum- first climb up Suncrest, I went into blew out of my front wheel. I was a ized I needed to drop some weight on the trainer from 4 am to 9 am or mer I would ride my bike by the my 39X23 and took it easy. I always bit apprehensive; I went slower but and eat and train right. I wanted to 10 am on Saturday's and Sunday's. facility every day, stopping to see wear a cross which swings back did not want to quit the ride. I decid- be like those guys! Gardie helped me immensely, my him while he was still sleeping, and and forth rhythmically on climbs. ed to go up Big Cottonwood. Between September and May of time trial skills improved by min- coming back to have breakfast with I kissed it hard and visualized my It was now 9:15 and it was hot, that year I dropped 26 pounds and utes, and covering the hard attacks him. I couldn't get enough of him, grandmother next to me on my left I really wanted to shed a layer. On focused on canyon rides. I entered on hill climbs was becoming easy. knowing that at 96 years old, I might and my grandfather on my right, and the climb the front spoke that was some citizen races doing well in I felt so good, that this spring not ever see him again. His affliction said, day one Popa here we go. I loosely attached was way too loud, the local hill climbs. I loved being in the cold snow and sleet, I raced was so severe at this time that he love you guys! I continued up, I felt I focused again, yet it was hard to in the canyons logging an aver- while sick with a relentless virus could only hold a conversation for great even where it hit 12%; I was ignore. I needed to do something, age of 400,000 vertical feet a year (that my children and I passed on several minutes. Once commenting right at tempo speed. I then descend- THINK. Once again I felt fluid; I training as well as racing local and to each other). The State Time Trial on my Mi Duole uniform saying “I ed and went back towards Little couldn't believe how good I felt. regional road races, while moving came and I did well, then everything like it, its Italian!” Popa finally gave Cottonwood Canyon.A short cut I I have done three canyons before, up the ranks and settling in rac- fell apart. I started to have to DNF up on his battle with Alzheimer's, usually take was detoured, I tried to but I definitely felt it. Just before ing the Masters 35 category. It was races. I could not train consistently, refusing to eat or drink. My mother go another way, then another only I reached Brighton I could feel the not uncommon to go up a couple having to take a lot of rest days. I stayed in a cot next to him for the to run into 3 dead ends up 3 sepa- toll on my legs, I got a bit nervous. canyons a ride, once I road three would recover then get worse, this last five days of his life. He didn't rate hills that cost me 25 valuable I stopped at the Brighton Store for totaling 9600 vertical feet. No mat- cycle lasted 2 months. I started get- move the last 3 days, with a very minutes, I decided to just go with it, some ice and water. The waiter was ter what life had in store I was so ting horrible headaches and even- slight respiratory pattern, just hang- I relaxed and made it to the bottom not happy about it, but gracious, I happy to be riding the canyons con- tually with everything going on I ing on. My mother talked to him of Little Cottonwood. I remembered told him I needed his support, just sistently, and in races the officials couldn't sleep at night, often finally non-stop she went through his whole a book I read about Marco Pantani, this one time, and that I was doing would comment that I was always falling asleep just before I had to get life with him, and playing his favor- and how he would ride all day in the a tribute ride for my grandparents, smiling incessantly, regardless of the up. Races became a job, the smile ite opera music. Finally on the sixth mountains calling them his adven- he and his customer were so cool, conditions. At the same time I devel- had long left my face, and I lost day she told him that his kids were tures, and I committed to have the telling me “way to go” and you have oped several dozen close relation- all passion to race what-so ever. In fine and it was time to go to Nona. same attitude no matter what. already gone half way. I woofed ships with various riders who have the middle of this nightmare was As if in a movie, he moved his hand Going up Little Cottonwood, I another Clif Bar and Fig, and decid- become my closest friends. the death of my grandfather, Daniel slightly toward her, opened his eyes once again visualized my grand- ed to call my friend Sean to help me Along the journey two things “Popa” Santoro, a man I respected and tried to speak, then passed on, parents on each side of me, told with the wheel.Sean is that kind of happened. I became more focused more than anyone I ever met. the nurses at his bedside could not themI loved them, kissed the cross friend that you can always count on, on training and results. If I wasn't My grandmother “Nona” Santoro believe it. and said out loud, day two Popa. he agreed to meet me at the park- On June 20th I woke up and I decided that this would become ing lot at the base of the Canyon in decided I had enough. I was going ritual on each subsequent climb. I 20 minutes with a fresh wheel. My to give up racing until whenever. I then remembered what Holly told front wheel was shimmying and just wanted to have fun. I went on a me about being one with nature, and shaking on the decent, I decided to climb up Big Cottonwood Canyon soaking everything in. I noticed how keep it at no greater than 40 MPH. with Ed Chauner and the Barbacoa green and still of the trees were, how Once again I ran into a bunch of boys. I actually had fun. Two days quite it was, every once in a while butterflies, they must have been in a later I climbed Mill Creek twice, I would here something wrestling migratory pattern at a certain eleva- loved it, and I felt great. The next in the woods next to me. I had yet tion. Was this the sign Holly told day I decided to climb all weekend, to see another rider half way up. I me about? I lightly spun all the way then I remembered a discussion I was literally just gliding up almost down to flush the lactic acid from had with my friend Allen Greenberg effortlessly, yet keeping good speed. my legs. Sure enough Sean was years ago about climbing all six can- I decided just to go with the rhythm there, what a stud! I took the oppor- yons in the valley in a row, the ride of it. I felt great and my head was tunity to shed my undershirt and arm would start at South Mountain, then perfectly clear. I reached the top warmers while Sean did the wheel Little and Big Cottonwood canyons, and descended to the Alta Peruvian Mill, Emigration and City Creek. I Lodge, the door was open, and I Continued on page 17 told several close friends and fam- went in and filled my water bottles, ily that day. I was going to attempt this on Sunday, June 25th and I was dedicating the ride to the memory of 1gV]`Z^a`ced T`^ my grandparents. Each Canyon was to signify my grandfathers last six days of life. MID SUMMER On Saturday, I was coaching my friend Holly with her biking. After training we went to her back yard and had a drink. She has an amaz- ing garden that stretches the entire BIKE SALE perimeter of her back yard with an abundance of different and exotic flowers. I told her about the ride, >66EE96?6H:E2=:2?E9@C@F893C65 and that I was nervous about it. I REDUCED PRICES ON SELECT 2006 had hardly trained in the canyons at all, and had very little mile- ROAD AND MOUNTAIN BIKES age under my belt in the last two months. Holly gave me excellent advice, while explaining to me how AVAILABILITY AND PRICING AT much she missed her grandmother. She told me to soak in everything www.wildrosesports.com throughout the ride, the sights, sounds and smell, and most impor- tantly to look for “signs” and be one with nature.That night I met with another friend who was completely Wild Rose supportive and told me how much 702 Third Avenue “fun” it was going to be. The more I thought about it, I thought it actually 801 533-8671 could be fun. I gathered all of my #((( #'#'´)))) #(( #(( DA:? www.wildrosesports.com food for the journey, 4 Clif bars, six %'%%D 9@==252J3=G5 big fig bars, two protein bars, a flask AUGUST 2006 cycling utah.com 

Mountain bike racing my brushes and bucket and get to work. The bikes are spotless before they get hung on the trailer. A good Life in the Dirt with a Pro mTB mechanic bike wash keeps parts working flawlessly, presents the sponsors By Chris Magerl on trainers. The bikes go on the in a good light and keeps the racers trainers after each race, as well, for confident. It is also a great way to the riders' cool down. Remember I am a professional bike wash- do a complete, close-up check of that everything is done times four. er. each bike's condition. I am grateful for our top of the line On the Ford Cycling web site, At a dry, dusty altitude course Kinetic trainers that have a quick my official job title says some- such as Deer Valley, the bike wash release function. thing about assistant manager and is not too difficult. I can have one Race day wheel prep consumes mechanic. But what I really do bike showroom clean in about 20 much of my time. To minimize the most of my time is wash bikes. I to 30 minutes. At a slimy race risk of pinch flats or punctures, the also wash the team van and trailer, like this year's Sea Otter Classic racers on our team always want set up tents and tables, put bikes in California, each bike wash took to be on a tubeless setup. But to on trainers, take bikes off trainers, about three times longer. Multiply save as much weight as possible, do grocery and airport runs, feed that by four bikes. Throw in a quick they want to do this on non-tube- riders during races, staff the race emergency pre-race wash if the less tires. There are tons of tricks tech zone, cover any aspect of bike riders decided to preride a lap of to make this work, but you send a maintenance you can imagine and the course. Do that for five days. It rider out for a national champion- drive across the country over and made for a frustrating, exhausting ship or world cup race, you had over again. week of racing. better be certain you trust your I am one half of a staff of two There are plenty of perks to Chris keeping things clean at the 2006 Sea Otter. Photo: David Myers. setup. that works for the four pro riders keep the mechanics coming back. At the North Carolina NORBA who make up the Ford Cycling Money is one. I am not a volun- and April, I spent about 10 days the race. The trailer is unpacked, stop in early June, I spent several women's mountain bike team. teer. Team camp was a bike geek's each month at work or travelling bikes, food and drinks are set out, hours preparing tires for the pre- The racers live in Colorado (Kelli Christmas, with complete riding to and from California for races or and spare parts and bottles are read- dicted sloppy conditions. As the Emmett), Massachusetts (Sara gear for racers and staff: new shorts training camp. May was a cake- ied for the feed zones. Each bike weekend progressed, the course Bresnick Zocchi), Utah (Kathy and jerseys times three, road shoes, walk, with only one weekend of is thoroughly checked before the became drier and faster. I changed Sherwin) and Arizona (Melanie mountain shoes, helmet, gloves, racing, again in California. But riders get to them. Shifting is fine- out all of the tires for race day, Meyers). The team is registered vest, jacket, socks, etc. The riders the East Coast race schedule had tuned, brakes are adjusted, tires and undoing all of the earlier work and in Ann Arbor, Michigan, which is each received four new bikes. I me leave home on June 5 and not wheels are inspected. Each bolt on adding several more hours to my where the owner lives. The other only got one, but who can complain return until July 4, just in time for the bike is checked for the proper time at the venue. Hacking together staffer, Chris Davidson, also lives about that? There are some oddities the NORBA race at Deer Valley. tension. Any worn or suspect parts one tubeless tire is no big deal, in SLC and makes it to events to being a part of an all women's On that swing, I drove more than are replaced. but when you have to change out while juggling racing and his day team. My new full-finger gloves 7,000 miles through 20 states and When the riders arrive, they four sets for the race bikes and two job, pursuing a PhD at the U. You have an outline of a cowgirl in a one Canadian province. For some- almost always warm up on their additional sets for spares, you can might know him through his diary suede skirt. They work, and are one who commuted to work by stationary trainers. For a mountain begin to see why dinner comes so on cyclingnews.com. conversation starters. bike each day for seven years, that bike team, this often means chang- late so many days. I worked a few events for the I also get all of the Powerbar team last year, but this is my first is a lot of car time. ing to a rear training wheel with a The riders end their day at the season as a fulltime part of Ford On a normal day at the races, I slick tire. This reduces wear on race venue by handing off a dirty bike Cycling. Full time is hard to define arrive at least a few hours before wheels and tires and limits the buzz and heading home to eat, email and Continued on page 7 in the bike racing world. In March the racers and several hours before created from knobby tires rolling be sloth-like. This is when I grab 6 cycling utah.com AUGUST 2006 road racing coach’S corner LOTOJA: Hints for Success The Next Stage of the Tour By Tommy Murphy day event so pack a variety of foods By Louis Borgenicht His visage is steely and serious. was American. French newspapers and drinks to have available at feed As I watched the Tour it became trumpeted the crisis with headlines In 1982, David Bern and Jeff zones as your body will crave and The most shocking, although clear that Floyd, of any of the like Landis’s Fault and Caught By Keller, two avid cyclists from need different things throughout the hardly unpredictable reaction to the American riders, would be a con- Doping. Logan, Utah pioneered an epic bicy- day. Many riders have a difficult time stomaching solid foods as time revelation on July 27th that Floyd tender. Unfamiliar as I was with his However the issue resolves itself cle race. They mapped out a course that started in Logan, UT finish- on the bike increases, so being able Landis had tested with an out of Mennonite background I discovered the mere allegation has tarnished ing in the Teton Village of Jackson to depend on liquids and gels to range testosterone to epitestosterone that they were one of the older both Landis and the Tour de France. Hole, WY covering over 200 miles. keep you going becomes a must. ratio on the day of his earthshaking peace churches; that the largest Only time will tell. If Landis has In 1983, the LOTOJA Classic was Upset stomachs are very common ride in the Tour de France was the population of Mennonites was in naturally abnormally high level of born as nine cyclists towed the line for many so antacids like Tums negative and castigating comments Africa; and that they are active in testosterone (or low levels of epit- early one fall morning in Logan, UT become very popular and sought before all the information was in. disaster relief efforts around the estosterone which could skew ratio) to race to Jackson Hole, WY. Bob after in feed areas along with ibu- As one whose glass is usually half world. Landis apparently left the he will likely have to be tested VanSlyke of Logan took the winning profen. full I was miffed only because of family fold as age fifteen when he several times in the future. Patience honors on that day finishing in just the possibility that I had watched discovered his natural aptitude for rather than a witch hunt mentality is over nine hours. Stay Vigilant: What’s going on all eight-five plus hours of the Tour riding mountain bikes. the logical approach. After twenty-three years, the ahead of you, behind you, around and might have been watching a Landis' performance in the Tour I have faith in the exculpatory LOTOJA Classic has become one you? Watch for surges, attacks and partially faux event. kept him up amongst the leaders process concerning Floyd Landis of the West’s biggest races. On wind changes. Keep your position I am writing his only one until he “bonked” in Stage 17. I although it may take some time. September 9th, 1000 riders will hit and be smart. day into the crisis not to argue had gone for a bike ride by myself The community of critics seems all the line to begin there 200 mile jour- ney through the mountains of Utah, Stay Towards the Front: Big races the technicalities of drug test- the same day on some rural roads too ready to condemn him perhaps Idaho and Wyoming on there way to get crazy, and you want to stay out near Oakley and Peoa and ended out of jealousy, incredulity, inter- ing and cycling but to examine Jackson Hole, WY. For 2006, partic- of the craziness so you don’t waste the emotional peaks and troughs up riding for one hour and forty national antipathy, or who knows ipants see the return of arguably the energy. Stay in the top 30 percent the International Cycling Union's minutes. Towards the end of my what. Cycling has been fraught toughest LOTOJA course as used in of the field. Use lighter gears, spin announcement hath wrought. As a ride I noticed I simply could not with accusations of doping over 2005 encompassing three mountain more (don't push the gear), and non-racer fixated on those who do I go faster. I was stuck in the second the years. The successful seem to passes, Strawberry Summit, Geneva make sure you are eating and drink- have no vested interest in the purity gear. There was nothing left in my be the ones most susceptible. It is a Summit and Salt River Pass, before ing enough. Do everything that you of the sport other than wanting to tank. When I got home and talked sad commentary on a sport which finishing in Jackson Hole’s Teton can do to conserve energy and draft. believe reality is reality. with Jody se said that I had hit the induces someone like me to watch Village. Take every opportunity to get out of As soon as the allegations hit wall. I should have eaten some eighty-five hours of television the saddle to relieve your butt and to the news and Internet accusations carbs. Despite the fact that I was with rapt attention. My efforts and The key to a successful and also stretch and loosen up. started flying. Phonak suspended riding a relatively flat course I felt Landis's are ineluctably linked. He enjoyable LOTOJA is preparation. Landis promising to fire him if his a kinship with Landis's inability to dragged me over every kilometer of The Unexpected: As seen in 2005, plan for the unexpected. Be prepared back up second specimen produced ride the Alps. this years Tour and I am not about Know the Race: Familiarize your- self with the Race Bible as it lays to ride in any weather condition as similar results to the first. Greg The next day was history…until to abandon him now. out course descriptions and maps. it’s unpredictable what race day will LeMond chimed in with his, by yesterday when the news broke and ice donates Money This information is critical. It’s best bring and be sure to have extras of now de rigueur, castigation of those the cascade of shock and criticism if you can pre-ride or pre-drive the everything just in case. alleged to have used drugs while enveloped Landis and the world of route to take notes of the climbs Idaho Cycling Enthusiasts racing. His running battle with and cycling. Perhaps because of cycling Highs and Lows: When compet- and Gold's Gym teamed up to and critical points of the course and accusations of Lance Armstrong history allegations of doping evoke ing in an ultra-endurance event like promote the 9th Annual Jay memorize feed zone locations. immediate castigation, scorn and LOTOJA expect highs and lows. It’s (for doping) continue to this day. Anderson Tour of Marsh Valley LeMond seems all to ready to jump embarrassment so that even an on Saturday, June 24. A record Develop a Plan: Make a game plan amazing how your body changes on into a fray he left behind after he accusation of impropriety feels like 148 riders from Utah, Nevada, for the day. Map out feed zones with the bike as time goes on. When a stopped competitive cycling. a conviction. Wyoming, and Idaho participated, what is exactly needed in terms of low hits, don’t worry. Your body is Of the charges against Landis Landis commented, “I would raising $2400 for the American food and drinks. It is important to always changing and adapting so ten he said, "I know Floyd, he's a good like to make it absolutely clear that Diabetes Association and $300 recognize that three of the seven minutes later you could feel inde- structible. guy, he comes from a good fam- I am not involved in any doping for the Portneuf Greenway feed zones are neutral so the four ily. If all this is proven, it will be a process. I ask not to be judged by Association, a Pocatello-based open feed areas will be critical in getting the supplies you’ll need until Keep a Cool Head and Have Fun: part of the tragedy that crosses this anyone, much less sentenced by group dedicated to building and maintaining a network of bicyle you see your support crew again. Hopefully your training and prepa- sport: Even good people are obliged anyone.” and pedestrian paths around the Feed zones are very high risk and ration has gone to plan and you’ve to deceive," He had been tested five previous city. The tour is held in memory stressful at times. The majority of done your homework so now it’s The cover of the July Outside times during the Tour with nega- of its founder, Jay Anderson, who the accidents take place in the feed time to have fun and enjoy the ride. magazine shows a picture of Landis tive results but this did not allay was an active member of Idaho areas so be aware of sketchy riding, with a short well trimmed beard the critics. There was even some Cycling Enthusiasts before his bad hand-offs, and miscellaneous and mustache as a lead in to an suggestion, amongst Francophobic death in 2002. food and bottles in the road as it’s Tommy Murphy is a professional article about him by Dan Coyle, Americans, that the French testing all craziness. Strategically place coach with Carmichael Training author of Lance Armstrong's War. agency had it in for Landis as he your support personnel in a desig- System and a member of the nated area in the feed zone so you LOTOJA Classic 1000 Mile Club. know where to specifically look for For more information about CTS them and it is also recommended services and coaching email that they wear something familiar Tommy at Tmurphy@trainright. that stands out so they are easier com or check out www.trainright. to locate coming in for exchanges. com Practice hand-offs in training so if you’re simply grabbing a feed bag in transitions that both you and your support staff will have that experi- ence and practice. LOTOJA is an all

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MTB Mechanic with all of the latest and greatest have a few hours to kill at the come back), airport pick ups and fered a mechanical breakdown is from page  gear. The stuff is pricey, and I condo. They are professional in drop offs (long car rides are bad even worse. know I won't get it free forever. their approach to racing and their for racers' legs) and endless hours But working for a rider who products I can eat, although I try After several months of lifting the reaction to tough days. All of the of solo driving are part of each ends the day on the podium is to not eat them if I'm not riding. A team's race bikes on and off the tantrums I've witnessed at races race weekend. I amuse myself by big fun. It is a hoot making new meal of Powerbars is a sign that I trailer, I am still amazed at how this year have come from amateurs watching for different state license friends and seeing other teams' rid- planned poorly and am spending light they are. Shameless spon- who are taking their racing a bit plates. Got all but Hawaii on the ers, staff and mechanics week after too much time working at the trail- sor plug coming up: Ford Cycling too seriously. Pros know that they East Coast swing. And I am grate- week as part of the travelling bike er. There is one notable exception. races on Scott Scale Limited hard- will have bad days and that there is ful for satellite radio. You can't circus. The "office" is a parking lot None of us can get too much of tails. No pro woman comes to the another race next week. get KRCL on the car radio in or field in beautiful locations all the Powerbar Pria mint chocolate line with a lighter bike than our Grocery store runs (ice for ice Kentucky, after all. across the country. And sometimes chip bars. The riders call them thin racers. These bikes are rockets. baths, A&D ointment for saddle The days away from home are I am finishing up work after a long mints, as in Girl Scout cookies. I The riders are great and appre- sores, dark chocolate for choco- a drag. My personal riding time day, outside as always, a beer in have never had a sports food that ciative of the work done for them. late's sake), doing team laundry is very limited, and often non- hand as the sun sets. I can't ask for tastes better. We go through cases They are an interesting, educated (everyone wears the exact same existent. Dealing with injured or much more than that. of them. group, and can talk about more thing, so if your initials aren't on bloody riders is a mess. Being near There is a danger to working than bikes and racing when you the tag, your clothes might not a rider who had good form but suf- XTERRA Cycling Utah Ad 7/25/06 3:20 PM Page 1

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XTERRA is a registered trademark of TEAM Unlimited. The Nissan Xterra logo is used solely by permission of Nissan North America, Inc. 8 cycling utah.com AUGUST 2006 trail of the Month Woodland's Bench Creek Trail: Priceless singletrack adventure. By Gregg Bromka Trailhead, this singletrack trek meadows and through stands first begins with 0.6 mile of rutted of fluttering aspens. A fleeting Considered a locals' secret doubletrack that leads to Bench glimpse of the Uinta Mountains stash for years, the word is out Creek Trail proper. Buffed, gentle on the horizon is square in your about Bench Creek and an increas- trail greets you right away, and sights. After a few creek crossings, ing number of mountain bikers are you'll think, "this is sweet." Then the trail veers up a side hollow to making the long trip to Woodland the trail rises sharply, and you'll a small saddle; then it drops back to check it out. You won't find doubt the ride's appeal. But a to the stream's edge. Tenacious Bench Creek splashed across the long, smooth, flat stretch softens brush will claw at your sides and covers of popular mountain bike your temperament, and the theme rocks will nip at your tires as the magazines because despite its ris- repeats several times. That's how path narrows and teeters precari- ing popularity, it remains off the Bench Creek Trail goes: tough and ously on the stream's bank. You'll radar of mountain bike paparazzi. buffed. breathe a sigh of relief upon exit- Woodland is prime "sportsman" You'll cut across a small sage ing Camp Hollow Trail next to territory, so you'll find cars topped meadow and splash through Little South Fork creek. But wait, with decal-smeared bike racks several rivulets emanating from there's more! alongside trucks toting horse trail- nearby springs. In Bench Creek on Connect with Little South Fork ers in the trailhead parking lot. your right, beavers show off their Trail, and race through the sage What's the attraction? The craftsmanship in a series of log and aspens for a mile on primo Bench Creek loop links together dams and huts that would impress trail to the crossing of Little South prime singletracks across the Bob Vila. After crossing the creek Fork creek, which can be deep pristine, forested, rolling flanks and back again, you'll face a rude and swift during early summer or of Duchesne Ridge/Heber little hill caked with soft sand and a hopscotch-on-rocks by midsum- Mountain. You'll climb continu- bedrock that forces all riders to mer. ally on buffed and rough trail up hoof it briefly. True to form, the Smooth trail continues for a Bench Creek Trail; careen down trail smooths again as it continues short distance but yields to the a tight cow path on Camp Hollow rising moderately up the hollow. first of several rock gardens. Some Trail; and then battle rock gar- In years past, the trail crossed are ridable, if you possess adept dens and endure "agony hill" on onto private property, and a bomb- skills; others are so nasty that even Little South Fork Trail. Sound proof sign made of etched steel walking is a chore. Nearly 2 miles ominous? Bench Creek is a tough blatantly warned you so. Today, from the ford, the trail veers away ride, no doubt, but it represents you'll praise the feds for building from the stream, smooths, and backcountry trail riding at its best. a new bypass trail that keeps your angles up "agony hill." Whether Sure, gasoline is pricy, but an epic tires on legal ground, but you'll you have life left in your legs singletrack adventure like this is curse them in the same breath for or have long since bonked, this priceless. the sharp turns and steep grades. burly little climb rings true to its Bank left onto Camp Hollow name. Don't let your guard down Details: Trail to begin a speedy descent when you crest the top because From the Bench Creek on smooth singletrack across sage the sharp descent off the back is The author, not the paparazzi, catches Brad on a buffed section of Bench Creek Trail. Photo: Gregg Bromka

downright rude. Alas, a flat stretch From Heber, travel 4 miles of buffed tread takes you to the north on US 40/189. Turn right singletrack's end at the Little onto US 189 for Kamas and wrap South Fork Trailhead. An effort- around Jordenelle Reservoir. Go less glide down the dirt road links through Francis (flashing stop to UT 35, where you turn left. light) onto UT 35 (Village Way), Summer Turn left again 2 miles farther to and proceed as mentioned above. take Bench Creek Road back to the trailhead. Excerpted from the newly released guidebook Mountain Just the Facts: Biking Park City & Beyond, by Gregg Bromka. Get a copy at Sale! Location: 22 miles northeast of your favorite bike shop. Heber; 24 miles southeast of Park Select '06 Bikes on Sale Now! City Length: 18.0 miles, loop Tread: 3.7 miles paved roads, 1.5 miles dirt roads and doubletracks, 12.8 miles singletrack Physically: Strenuous Technically: Moderate to high Gain: 2,400 feet

Trailhead Access: From Park City, take UT 248 to Bikes by Kona, Yeti, Kamas, turn right/south onto UT KHS, Torelli, Maverick, 35/32, and drive 2 miles to Francis Iron Horse, Litespeed, (flashing stop light). Turn left onto Raleigh, and Guerciotti. Village Way (UT 35), and drive 4 miles to Woodland. Turn right 1571 W. Redstone Center Park City • (435) 575-0355 onto Bench Creek Road, next to Financing summitcycling.com the church, and continue 3.3 miles. Available Turn right onto a paved road through between two homes. (Look for RC Willey a small valley making a notable break in the hills.) The trailhead is Bikes of: Salt Lake Sandy Provo 0.5 mile farther, where pavement turns to dirt. steel • CarBon 1500 S. Foothill Blvd. 1300 E. 10510 S. (106th S.) 187 West Center aluminum 583-1940 571-4480 374-9890 Guided Back- country torelli.Com Ogden Sunset Cycle Tours in Bryce and 3239 Washington Blvd. 2317 No. Main Zion Country availaBle at: 399-4981 825-8632 of Southwest summit CyCles Utah 1571 W. redstone Center (800) 776-2099 www.binghamcyclery.com Park City • (435) 575-0355 springdalecycles.com summitcycling.com AUGUST 2006 cycling utah.com  advocacy kona/iMba freeride grant awarded to copMoba A Push for a Parley's Canyon Bike Route Seven International Mountain Bike Association (IMBA) clubs were recently awarded $1,000 cash grants to help create new fre- By Gordon Stam the road ends. But directly across is a project that should happen”. eriding, downhilling and dirt jumping opportunities. Among those the Interstate, coming down from If you are interested in lend- is the Colorado Plateau Mountain Bike Trail Association of Grand The Park City area is a great the summit on the south side, is ing your support to this project, or Junction, Colorado. COPMOBA will be designing and building the place to ride a bicycle. The roads a lovely old road, the remnants would just like more information, first purpose-built downhill trail in the Grand Junction area. The are good, route options abound, of old Highway 40. If these two please contact Gordon Stam, (435) trail design provides for shuttle access and will include a number roads could be connected, and a 901-3965, [email protected]. and the temperatures are a good of freeride play areas. You can find out more at COPMOBA.org. 10-15 degrees cooler than down in bit of asphalt trail put in between The grant program was sponsored by Kona Bicycle Company. The the valley. In the fall, the colors on Mountain Dell and Lambs canyon, cycling utah's club the hillsides make the riding just an Interstate-free bike route from program's goal is to support the development of freeriding opportuni- that much better. Park City and the Salt Lake to Park City would spring guide part iv ties on public land. roads of Summit County are less into being. Making the connection Utah Rocky Mountain Bikers than 25 miles from Salt Lake City between the north side frontage Sponsors: R&R Environmental but most cyclists don’t ride there, road and old highway on the south Contact: Kerry Smith, 801-221-9365, utah riders named to World championship they put their bike on their car and is the key, and the terrain suggests a [email protected] Website: www.urmb.org team drive. Only the seriously committed, tunnel. This tunnel would be of the Type of Cycling: or innocently naïve, ride from Salt sort found under both I-80 and US Location: Orem/Provo Colorado Springs, Colo. (July 21, 2006)— Two Utah riders Lake to Park City because to do so 40 in Summit County, and along the Club Statement: were recently named to represent the United States at the 2006 UCI means pedaling up Parley’s Canyon Jordan River Parkway - a relatively We are riders, trail builders, trail Mountain Bike World Championships from August 22-27 in Rotorua, small pedestrian and cycling tunnel advocates and partners with other trail on the shoulder of Interstate 80. This users. We look beyond the next bend New Zealand. Logan Bignelli (St. George, Utah), Andrew Pierce unpleasant and dangerous trip keeps sufficient to allow two-way traffic, in the trail and the next ride to ensure (Park City, Utah) will join the junior men’s downhill team. cycling traffic through Parley’s to and big enough for the occasional trails for the future. URMB currently a trickle. But a plan in the works moose. The Interstate at this point is has adopted the Bridal Veil Falls may open things up and change this built upon a high embankment and to Squaw Peak Road section of the there appears to be plenty of room Bonneville Shoreline Trail located in leipheimer to Join discovery channel trickle into a flood. Provo Canyon. URMB is insured and People do ride between to run such a tunnel from one side an IMBA affiliated club. We follow Less than 48 hours after the completion of the 2006 Tour de the two cities, but not many. On to the other. Imagine making the IMBA Rules of the Trail. France, Discovery Channel Team management announced the sign- any day one might see a handful of climb up from Mountain Dell on ing of former Utah rider Levi Leipheimer for 2007. Leipheimer the lightly traveled frontage road, Central Utah Cyclers hardy souls grinding up the shoulder Sponsors: Jorgensen's Honda stated, “I’m very excited about returning to the Discovery Channel of I-80, weaving past shredded tires, crossing under I-80 through the Contact: Rex Murdock, 435-527- Team, its family of sponsors and working with Johan Bruyneel once tunnel a mile from the summit, and muffler clamps, road kill, and the 0912, [email protected] again. This team has a long history of success and I plan to work stains of oil and spilled antifreeze. finishing the climb through the oaks Website: www.centralutahcyclers. Cars whistle past, and semis crawl and aspens on the historic old road. com hard to continue their winning ways in 2007.” Riding between Salt Lake and Park Type of Cycling: Road, Touring and All three additions come to the team with impressive results. by just a few feet away. If riding up Mountain is bad, coming down can be worse; City would be a viable, safe, and Location: Richfield Leipheimer has had a successful 2006 campaign with Gerolsteiner a bicycle can approach 50 mph popular option. Club Statement: Central Utah claiming overall victory at the Dauphine Libere stage race, winning and at that speed hitting a muffler A coalition is developing with Cyclers welcomes all riders interested the king of the mountains jersey at the Tour of California, finishing the goal of establishing a bicycle in bicycling. Biking offers an enjoy- clamp can wreck a wheel and cause able and exciting way to stay fit, see 2nd on the difficult Tour de France mountain top finish to Pla-de- a crash. The only consolation is the route through upper Parley’s Canyon the country, and meet people while Beret and riding into Paris 13th overall. trip down is a lot shorter than the along the route described. This experiencing the outdoors. Central trip up. People grit their teeth and fledgling association of bicycle Utah Cyclers is a non-profit edu- ride this route only because there is advocacy groups, private citizens, cational and social organization for free bike ed courses and governmental agencies, does bicycling enthusiasts established to Do you want to learn bike-handling skills, gain the knowledge no alternative. promote interest in all aspects of bicy- It is, however, currently possible not yet have a name, but it does cling; health, recreation, transporta- to ride safely in traffic and avoid accidents, and obtain the skills to to ride from Salt Lake to within have a mission, and is united by a tion, sport, and touring; to encourage maintain and fix your bike? The Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective six miles of Parley’s Summit, and common belief that the timing is and facilitate bicycling for all skill offers regularly scheduled classes for kids and adults. The 9-hour levels; to promote the highest stan- avoid the Interstate, by going up right to push forward with the link- Road I classes are taught by a League of American Bicyclists ing of Salt Lake and Park City by dards of courtesy and safety on the Emigration Canyon and down to roads and trails; to promote bicycling Certified Instructor on 2 days a week: the classroom or bike por- the Mountain Dell Golf Course. bicycle. There is much work to be and its many benefits; and to estab- tion are every Wednesday evening starting at 5:30pm and the entire done, many issues to be studied and lish and maintain mutually beneficial The frontage road ends at a gate course is every other Saturday, with breakfast at 8:30. All course just beyond Washington Park, but resolved, and considerable funds to relationships with bicycle dealers, the be secured, but the enthusiasm is community and other organizations. graduates will receive a bag of freebies including good quality bike if one is not averse to trespassing one could continue up along a dirt there on all fronts. There is a com- lights. Visit www.slcbikecollective.org to see the schedule and pre- doubletrack, cut through the golf mon understanding that bicycle Editor’s Note: For the rest of register or call the Collective at 801-328-BIKE. League Certified course and get all the way to Lambs access benefits all the communities our club guide, see cyclingu- Instructors can travel to your location in Utah. The Collective is Canyon. From there a smooth front- involved, whether separated by a tah.com. searching for local schools to teach to kids during or age road ascends the canyon on few blocks or by twenty-five miles after school. the north side of the Interstate to and 2000 feet. This project is some- within a mile of the summit. This thing that can happen, and in the is as far as you can go, because words of a local trail planner, “This 21st ANNUAL

RACE September 10, 2006 >ŽiÊÊ/> œi]Ê 6ʇÊ{Ì Ê˜˜Õ>°Ê TO THE ANGEL / iÊ«iÀviVÌÊ̈“iʜvÊÞi>ÀÊ̜Êi˜œÞÊ >Ê}Ài>ÌÊÀˆ`iÊ>ÀœÕ˜`Ê>ŽiÊ/> œi½ÃÊ HILLCLIMB and HALF MARATHON ÇӇ“ˆiÊà œÀiˆ˜i° WELLS, NEVADA

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Mountain bike racing NORBA Nationals Hit Deer Valley By Dave Iltis

The fourth round of the NORBA National Mountain Bike Series was held in Deer Valley from July 6- 9th. Beautiful conditions, awesome courses, and a festival atmosphere were par for the course. Because of the vast number of events, we chose to bring you a select few race reports written by a few of Utah's riders.

Kathy Sherwin Ford Cycling Cross Country Pro Women

On Saturday the race was delayed by 45 minutes so at the start everyone was good and warmed up. The sun was shining and we were faced with a mix of dusty Left: Jeremy Horgan-Kobelski (Subaru-Gary Fisher) on his way and hard pack conditions which is to the men's pro xc win. He leads the National Series. exactly what you would expect from Above: Bart Gillespie (left, Raleigh) takes the fast outside line at Deer Valley. The field was pretty the start of the men's pro Short Track Cross Country. Right: Troy Nye (Bikeman.com) in the Marathon race. Photo by large for a NORBA NCS with 67 Cindy Nye. women on the start line and the tal- photos: Dave Iltis ent in the field was impressive with See complete event photos at cyclingutah.com. other countries aside from the US being represented. When the start short course. The tough loose climb Fortunately the front wave start gun went off I sat in 6th position followed by a fast descent down at Deer Valley launched our Single at the start of the climb. Because a ski run with a couple rutted out Speed group clear of the usual traf- I have been riding on the Deer sweeper turns would make it very fic jams. Descending without traf- Valley trails for 10 plus years now selective and difficult to stay on fic so early in a race made it easy I know every twist and turn which the leaders lap. My warm up on the to regain contact on the Pipeline helped me carry a good amount course went well and I scoped some descent and briefly pass the leaders finish. This finish puts me at 9th snakes, no cows, no mud, no timing alternate lines for negotiating the heading into Gap Trail. of speed through the various sec- overall in the NORBA NCS series errors, no injuries...NO WAY!!! But chaotic first laps. Reluctantly I clung to my pre- tions. Plus I knew every last little for Pro Women’s Cross Country! YES WAY!! Can you believe it? The critical rider call up is based race plan (no red zone time on the tiny spot that there was available to Yay! It was really great to race on But there were good things instead on series standings and my 17th first lap) as first and second opened pass in which helped me to gauge my home turf at Deer Valley. Pretty like the fact that I was able to throw place in the STXC #1 in Fontana, a gap. On the descent of Snow Top I my efforts throughout the race. I cool in fact. in attacks throughout the entire race CA gave me a mid pack starting was back in their dust. bounced around between 6th and I am almost shocked to say that which is not always something that position right behind Utah’s own Beginning lap 2, through the 10th and finally 2 hours later landed there were no incidents. No flats, you have in you. Some stuck and Thomas Spannring and Mitchell feed zone, I moved into second and in 9th overall for the race. I was the no dropped water bottles, no mis- some didn’t but the fact that I had Petersen. Here’s a little secret for crested Little Stick within ear shot 5th American to come through the marked course, no mechanicals, no the oomph to do it over and over fast starts, unless you are on the of first. again and recover was an incredible front row always line up to take the Recovery from that effort was feeling. I just flat out felt REALLY first corner wide, the inside bogs painfully slow resulting in the good the entire race too which is the down and 9 /10 times the wide line gap to first ballooning to nearly 2 way you want to feel at every race is fastest, give it a try. minutes at the Deer Crest guard- but it doesn't always happen like The gun went off and I got a house. I slammed a full bottle with that unfortunately. You can’t always good start up the climb and only had a Clifshot. Suddenly the “check explain why sometimes things feel to one fallen rider. The engine” light went dark and I felt effortless during a race and other next couple of laps I squirreled my like racing. way closer to the front and some- Through the feed zone on the times you just feel ok during it but how avoided the numerous handle- third and final lap I could again see I was willing to take the former on bar tangles, from what I could tell first place. Passing the Deer Crest this day. Trek riders were involved in most guardhouse before the last Snow of them -- nothing ever changes! I Top climb a friend yelled, “less than was up to around 10th place but had a minute Noak, you’re catching!” Bart Gillespie a little mid race melt down and lost Then I made “The Mistake”! Raleigh Factory Team a few spots. I was excited to catch Avoiding a rock kicked into the Men’s Pro Short Track XC Kona rider Ryan Trebon and was single track I caught my left grip on I have a love hate relationship hoping for a little draft (like rid- a scrub oak branch and instantly hit with NORBA short track racing. I ing behind Art) but he was blown the deck. love the chaos of 80 racers plowing from grabbing the first and second Single Speed climbing is all into the first turn on a course built lap cash primes. The remaining about momentum. Hitting the for 30, I love the rowdy crowd, and laps were a blur and by the finish I ground hurts but regaining pace on I love that my family doesn’t have was in 17th, not on the podium but a climb is always a time penalty. to hang out in the feed zone all day. from what I can tell 2nd among the With only one switchback and some Your ultimate bike experience On the other hand, I hate preparing fathers in the race (Travis Brown single track remaining I heard the is now in American Fork. all day for a 20 minute effort, I hate finished just in front of me). For a announcer congratulate the winner placing in the top 20 and getting hacker like me short track racing is (Jon Gallagher, Cole Sport). A min- pulled because the promoter is too not so much about the results but ute and a half later I did too. Then it lazy to set up a longer course, and about the experience, I plan to share was off to meet another Young Rider most of all I hate the dreaded anaer- this one with little Eva. warming up for his 12:00pm Junior obic leg lock 10 minutes before the Expert start. bell lap. By the start of the delayed Sport After Saturday’s XC race crum- Tom Noaker division races at 4:45 (yet another bled underneath me due to poor pre- Young Riders 45 min. warm-up and feed zone race preparation I was determined to 763-1222 • 356 N. MEADOW LANE • AMERICAN FORK Single Speed Race detail) it was time to shade up with line up ready for the STXC. Sunday an adult refreshment and debrief Saturday July 8th began at www.TrekAF.com started with a “Jones” breakfast fol- myself. 6:00am en-route to meet two of the lowed by a 1.5 hour ride to shake It takes a near flawless day for Young Rider’s Junior Experts for The best bikes. off Saturday’s effort. After lunch I me to win but the effort was reward- a 7:30am warm-up. The previous The best accessories. played with Eva and then made it up ing. Honestly, every day is reward- week of kid herding had taken a toll The best service. to Deer Valley about 1 hour before ing on a Single Speed. the 3 pm start. I warmed up in a and as I rolled to the line at 8:25am Deer Valley neighborhood until I it was evident that today would could check out the disappointingly require patience. AUGUST 2006 cycling utah.com 11

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Kevin Day Anticipation Biker’s Edge 10:00 AM sharp on a should- Pro Men Cross Country be-working Thursday morning, the My wife and I were fortunate Pro/Open group was called to the enough to spend the weekend in line in order of national ranking a plush condo near the venue. It while us amateurs filed in behind. helped me to focus on the race but 3-2-1 Go! The plan was to do two more importantly, the preparation. loops for the weekend warriors and It’s always nice to be well rested three for the Pro’s. The Team Big Bear website claimed each loop was before a big race; and in my case; I 2006 JAMIS DAKAR XLT 2.0 had had a few weeks of it. I wasn’t 25 miles and 8,834’. This is crazy! as prepared for Nationals as I’d I’d say it’s more like 18 miles (con- like to have been but I was feel- firmed by my computer) and around ing strong on Friday as I rode a lap 4,500’-5,000’, still very respectable! For over 25 years, we’ve been designing bicycles and bringing those designs to fruition. 36 miles and nearly 10,000’ total! around the course. Saturday morn- We’ve never stood for status quo, never settled for good enough. ing came and I decided that going Ouch! hard from the gun and fighting for We’re passionate cyclists and we think that’s an advantage. We build ‘em the way we like ‘em... a good spot before we hit the Little Up we go! Stick climb would not be necessary. The initial climb up what used No gimmicks. No gadgets. Zero compromise. As I expected, everyone was fight- to be the NORBA XC course, the ing for position from the start. As one Lance kicked butt on sev- Every Jamis is designed to be ridden, to maximize your fun whether you want to be a faster, we made our way up Little Stick I eral years ago, was pretty much a better cyclist, or simply able to explore places you’ve never been before. was able to fight for my position. granny/granny track-stand exercise The course was pretty hammered as we all squeezed onto the narrow steep single-track. Soon, however, compared to the conditions during Bike of the Year Awards PedalFest. The corners had huge it gave way to the wide, albeit still 5 braker bumps followed by tire very steep, Tour de Homes trail. sucking ruts. These caused a lot Things strung out in a hurry. I made 4 NORBA Titles of congestion and made for slow my way up through the group and settled into a climbing rhythm that descents. As the race progressed I Bicycling Magazine Editor’s Choice Awards felt like my decision off the line was would keep me just barely aerobic 3 a smart one. I was able to make up for the rest of the ascent. And what some time on the climbs and open a a great climb it was! Other than 3 UCI World Cup Titles few gaps between myself and other a few areas of “all in the name of riders so that I could continue mak- progress” construction, the course ing up ground on the descents. I felt was amazing, making it’s way up to strong and consistent throughout the Silver Lake, across Mid-Mountain, entire race and in the end I crossed up Team Big Bear to Tour de Suds the line with energy to sprint and and up the Flagstaff Loop. 45+ a smile on my face. Thanks to my minutes of constant climbing – right AUTHORIZED DEALERS wife Shannon for the support and to out of the gate! I was ready for the Biker’s Edge for making this season downhill and some much needed UTAH possible. relief. Biker’s Edge Canyon Sports Canyon Sports Deer Vally Rental Desert Cyclery Highlander Bike Shop 232 North Main St 1844 E Ft Union Blvd 705 W Riverdale Rd 2250 Deep Valley Dr 514 N Bluff 3333 Highland Dr Big Payoff Kaysville, UT Cottonwood, UT Riverdale, UT South Park City, UT St. George, UT Salt Lake City, UT 801-544-5300 800-736-8754 801-621-4662 435-645-6604 435-313-1200 801-487-3508 Troy Nye The climbing trails were sweet, but they had nothing on the down- Bikeman.com Out N Back Replay Sports Wild Rose Wimmer’s Ultimate Bicycles Zion Rock & Mountain Guides hill. Continuing downward, for a 1797 South State 875 Iron Horse Dr 702 3rd Ave 745 North Main 1458 Zion Park Blvd. Men's 40-49 Marathon minute I almost forgot I was racing. It’s always cool to nose up to Orem, UT Park City, UT Salt Lake City, UT Logan, UT Springdale, UT For an instant it was just another 801-224-0454 435-658-5100 801-533-8671 435-752-2326 435-772-3303 the start line of any race along side weekend ride, ripping up some the real “who’s-who’s” of the sport. smoking singletrack on some of the WYOMING WESTERN COLORADO For a fast, solid sport / mediocre best trails in the world. Deer Camp, expert racer like myself, this would Fitzgerald’s Revolution Bikes Singletracks Nail Driver, Deer Crest, dang! After 245 West Hansen 1410 Valley View Dr 150 South Park Square require a mass start, as was the case a few more sections of climbing and Jackson, WY Delta, CO Fruita, CO in Thursdays NORBA marathon. descending, I rolled through the start 307-734-6886 970-874-2959 970-858-3917 So there I was; me, Chris Eatough, finish area at 1:50. Quickly doing SOUTHERN IDAHO NEVADA Travis Brown, Nat Ross and local the math, I determined that anything fast-guy Eric Jones to name a few, sub 4:00 would be a good goal. Barrie’s Ski & Sport Pro Cyclery along with a slew of other wanna- 1800 Garrett Way 7034 W. Charleston bees, ten of whom were in my cat- Pocatello, ID Las Vegas, NV egory. I’d concentrate on them. Continued on page 1 208-232-8996 702-228-9460 12 cycling utah.com AUGUST 2006 road racing Swindlehurst and Albert Victorious in Gate City

By Rob van Kirk field advantage was evident in the few miles later and joined Collins results. Justin Rose (ICE/Rocky about 7 miles into the 17-mile, roll- Pocatello, Idaho – The 2006 edition Mountain Surgery Center), riding in ing circuit. At the end of lap 1, of the Phil Meador Gate City Grind his first pro/1/2 race, took the pro- Nate Thomas (Sienna Development/ Stage Race featured perfect weather, logue with a blistering time of 2:33. Goble Knee Clinic) escaped from a fantastic new prologue, and the Sam Krieg also benefited from the the pack, with ICE’s Chris Stuart Above: GC Winner Swindlehurst leads the Men's Pro/1/2 peloton in the crit. home course advantage, finishing covering the move. A lap later, Above: Albert (pink jersey) takes the sprint in the women's road race over Chellie most aggressive racing ever seen in Terry. the race’s 8-year history, thanks in 3rd in 2:36. In retrospect, however, Thomas and Stuart caught the two- Photos: Mary Mcaleese. See complete event photos at gatecitysports.com. part to the presence of professionals it was Boise’s Calvin Allan (BODE) some, and the four went on to build Burke Swindlehurst (Navigators) who made the biggest statement on up a lead of about two minutes over race bicycles as lap 4 got underway. Following in hot pursuit was the and Jeff Louder (Healthnet/Maxxis). Friday evening, with a solid second the field. A series of attacks before and on remnants of the field in a group of The action started on Friday place finish that was just a preview On the 3rd of 5 laps, a group the circuit’s largest climb started to 11. At this point, there were no evening with a one-mile prologue of the consistent, strong race he of six, consisting of the two stretch the field, and Swindlehurst more tactics at work; both groups on the Idaho State University would ride the rest of the weekend. pros, Krieg, Allan, Kirk Eck took advantage with a counter at were riding as hard as they could, campus that featured a 0.7-mile The men’s pro/1/2 road race (Sienna/Goble), and Aaron Jordin the top of the hill. Eck, Krieg and with everyone taking his turn at the climb followed by a technical loop on Saturday was one of the most (Porcupine/Specialized), escaped Jordin subsequently bridged up, but front. around the parking lot at ISU’s new exciting bicycle races I have ever from the field and quickly joined the four could never build up more The last time up the feed Performing Arts Center. Local resi- watched, and I got to see the action the four-man break. However, than a 30-second lead on the field hill—about 8 miles from the fin- dents and their families picnicked up close from the lead vehicle. the resulting group proved to be throughout the rest of the lap. ish—Swindlehurst attacked the on the lawn along the hill, cheering Intent on establishing itself as a too big for the peloton’s comfort, On the final trip up the climb, group and built up a tenuous, 10- the riders as they put everything into major force in this year’s Grind, and the move was reeled in by the Louder attacked, and only two second lead as the race headed out a 3-minute, gut-wrenching effort. ICE set the tone for the road race beginning of lap 4. Louder and riders could stay on his wheel. of McCammon to begin the last Members of the host Idaho when Chuck Collins attacked less Swindlehurst, who had agreed prior Meanwhile, the Swindlehurst group seven straight, flat miles to the fin- Cycling Enthusiasts (ICE) club had than a quarter mile after the start. to the race not to work together but started losing riders on the stair-step ish. Swindlehurst said after the race established times around 2:45 on Todd Hageman (Park City Cycling also not to work against each other, climb, and in my rear view mirror, that he knew his chances of staying the course in training, and the home Academy) bolted from the pack a began to show why they get paid to I could see the entire race strung away were slim, but he committed out into groups of three and four. everything he had to his solo move. Half-way through the last lap, the The Swindlehurst carrot kept the small groups finally coalesced into a remaining group of six chasing with lead group of seven, which included everything it had, but the second Swindlehurst, Louder, Krieg, Stuart, group of 11 proved to have just a and Allan, who was riding with- out the benefit of any teammates. Continued on page 16

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Mountain bike racing Deer Valley - Continued from page 11

One down, one to go! The second time around, I was surprised at how good I felt. Cool temps, clouds and even a little sprinkle now and then can really do wonders for your endurance. I charged up the trail feeling fit and spry. In fact, I felt so good that I fully expected my second lap to be faster than the first… I was wrong. 1:57, making my final time 3:47, good enough for 4th place in the 40- 49 group. Not bad.

Chris Sherwin Revolution Men’s 30-39 Super-D Downhill If things had turned out differ- ently, it would have been my fault. The guys at Revolution had my bike running perfectly, I knew the course as well as anyone, and I had a Yeti ASR to boot. I had every advantage you could possibly want. I had been on the course Tuesday, and as usual, it was a ton of fun. However, the Super-D track at one time. NORBA felt that downhill run. At full speed though, course had changed quite a bit since a mass start might be a little too I was pegged the whole time. And Tuesday. With 180 or so racers dangerous on this course, and opted maybe it was the asphyxiation that doing laps; large ruts and moon dust for a time trial Super-D. These caused me to ride like…well…a piles were beginning to show up in events are really cool, especially complete idiot. switchback corners and other places. when there’s a countdown starting In the next two minutes, I was To make things even more interest- tone and a TT ramp. Beep, beep, out of my pedals about five times ing, when I started the race, there beeeeeeeeeep - and away I went in and almost off the course three had already been about 120 people the big ring. times. At one point, I actually Above: Shonny Vanlandingham (Luna Chix) decimated the wom- on course at full speed. My first three corners felt great, laughed out loud because I was so en's pro field. Sometimes Super Ds are done in and I was lucky I didn’t crash on the moronic. I knew a win was out of Right: Kevin Day (Biker's Edge) shown here in the pro men's mass “Le Mans” starts with fifteen 180 degree turn onto the “uphill.” cross country. to thirty people running to their This year’s Super-D was deceiving. photos: Dave Iltis bikes and gunning it to the single Continued on page 17 See complete event photos at cyclingutah.com. During a pre-ride it felt like an easy

www.bebikes.com 14 cycling utah.com AUGUST 2006 road racing work with a breakaway for stage victories. Look for good teamwork despite Local Flavor to be Among Nation's Best at Tour of Utah the composite nature of the team By Greg Overton for stage victories and the inspira- top finisher in regional races for the Championships that year as well. In as Harward and Bingham are nor- tion to force the racing in front of past two years. 2006, Bingham won the Utah State mally teammates on the Porcupine/ This Month’s Larry H. Miller the locals. And they’ve got the wins Harward’s The End teammate, Criterium Championship title. Specialized team, and Hageman and Tour of Utah will showcase most among them to back up their inclu- Skylere Bingham is a veteran of To accompany these credentials Pardyjak ride together for the Park of the top professional riders in the sion in the field. more than ten years of road racing, on the team, Eric Pardyjak brings a City Cycling Academy team. Much United States as it courses in and Harward is a two-time Utah and a former professional, who has list of palmares that includes a third the same as their counterparts from around the Wasatch Front. Among Points Series Champion and Utah had a bit of a resurgence in the last place finish in the Masters National the other Utah entrant, local pride the professionals, the National Criterium Champion, and was the couple of years, riding to a fourth Road Championships, cemented will be fueling these riders as well, Champions and the impressive winner of Stage One in the 2005 place finish in the 2004 Master’s by a fourth place in the Individual and look for them to fight for stage palmares in the peloton will be Tour of Utah. David is a well- National Championships, fol- Time Trial at the same event, and a wins and to make the race at the two Utah-based teams, out to gain rounded rider with victories in stage lowed by a sixth place finish in the fourth place finish in the Utah Points front. respect for the strong local racing races, circuit races and criteriums, same event in 2005 and a seventh series. Eric’s another well-rounded scene and to show that the race com- and has been Utah’s most consistent place finish in the Elite National rider with the power to get away or munity which produced Jemison, Leipheimer and Zabriske is not finished. Utah’s top-ranked team, Sienna Development-Goble Knee Clinic- Logan Race Club is a repeat winner for team honors in the Utah Cycling Association series and always a favorite in regional races. Look for them to animate the action by launching attacks and going for stage wins while trying for a GC presence as well. Alongside them will be a composite team of first tier Utah riders wearing the jersey of Tour of Utah-only team sponsor, radio station 101.9 The End. There’s firepower in this team as well, and they will surely be looking for stage wins for the team and overall team honors. Each team will be working hard to be a factor on its home turf. As the Elite Team of the Logan Race Club, the Sienna Development/Goble Knee Clinic Cycling Team has competed for five years. Originally founded to be a stepping-stone for riders from the amateur to pro ranks, the team set its sights from 2001-2004 as a regional team with aspirations of attending many NRC events and the National Championships. The team has consistently dominated the Utah Team standings for the past 5 years, taking top team honors in each, and winning the overall Category 1-2 title 3 of the 5 years. The team’s roster boasts two former national champions, Sandy Perrins and Brad Buccambuso, who was a member of Team Jelly Belly. Former pro- fessional rider for the NetZero and Schroeder Iron teams, as well as U.S. National Team, Ryan Barrett is also the reigning Utah State Road Champion two years running. “For the Tour of Utah, our team plans to be very flexible. Because so much can change from day to day, we will most likely have one or two GC riders, as well as a few riders going for stage aspirations. We will try to avoid setting forth distinct leaders, as bike races are always so dynamic and evolving, “ team liaison and rider Sandy Perrins commented. The Sienna Development-Global Knee Clinic-Logan Race Team ros- ter for the 2006 Tour of Utah will include Perrins, Barrett, Kirk Eck, Dan Vinson, Jason Sager and Norm Bryner. Look for them to be a factor in the race, with great teamwork and enough horsepower to contend with the major domestic pro teams. Accompanying the Sienna Development team in the 2006 Tour of Utah will be a composite team consisting of top riders from several of Utah’s top Category 1-2 teams. The team is sponsored by local radio station, 101.9 The End, and will wear race jerseys with the station’s logos during the race. The rider roster for the 101.9 The End team will include current Utah points leader, Dave Harward, former professional rider Skylere Bingham, Eric Pardyjak, Todd Hageman, Alex Rock and Jesse Gordon. This team will have the strength to contend AUGUST 2006 cycling utah.com 1 doWnhill racing road racing Deer Valley - Deer Valley Bald Mountain Downhill Continued from page 1 Louder and Evans are Fastest in

the question, but I was going to Porcupine Big Cottonwood Hillclimb hammer anyway. Finally, I got out of the woods, and into the open, and things went really well from there. With a smoother section of course, and more visibility, I was able to stand up and accelerate through cor- ners, but still, this was a lost cause. I crossed the line a full ten sec- onds slower than my practice run on Tuesday, and then I had to wait and watch. The announcer said I had the lead, which was crazy. About ten more riders crossed the line, and inexplicably none of them beat my time. When my Super-D nem- esis Jon Posner was talking about his run, he said he was all over the place as well. The “Glorious Chad” Wassmer had a run-in with a contestant that wouldn’t let him pass, and others had issues as well. Apparently all of us fell victim to the top half of the course. Everyone put in a great effort on the course, and I was lucky enough to finish with the fastest time.

The Mayor’s Bicycle Advisory Committee, the leading bicycle advocacy group in Salt Lake Above: Andrew Pierce (Go-Ride) had the fastest time of the and Utah, wants to encour- day. age all cyclists to participate. There are monthly meetings Photo: Joaquim Hailer on the second Wednesday of For complete race photos, visit JoaquimHailer.com every month at 5 p.m. in the See results on page 20. City & County Building, Rm. 326 or 335, 451 South State 2006 bald Mountain challenge downhill and Street. For details, visit the Super d races Cycling Utah web site (www. cyclingutah.com) or call the Episode 4 of the Utah Downhill Series played out on the weekend of July Mayor’s office at 535-7939 or 15th and 16th at the ever-changing venue known as Deer Valley Resort. One Brian at 328-2453. never knows what to expect, except to expect changes, at the ever evolv- ing, ever improving Utah mountain playground. Deer Valley’s lift-served mountain bike park has been in operation every summer since the early 1990's, only this year the good ol’ Sterling chairlift is missing. Not to worry, it’s just being replaced with a new detachable using the same alignment. Consequently, racers were able to whiz up Bald Mountain on the high-speed Wasatch lift. Initially, this caused a bit of confusion for those who hadn’t been to Silver Lake Village yet this summer, but it all worked out for the best in the final analysis. Thanks to Steve Graff and the Deer Valley Summer staff, the Downhill course evolved a bit as well; adding a new twist, the top of the Thieves’ Forest trail was connected to the mid top-section of Fire Swamp to result in a never before raced on Downhill track. New bits of trail were added to the Pick up a copy of Above: Rising star Nicole Evans (FFKR/SBO) won the top of Thieves’ Forest to accommodate Sport and Beginner Category racers, cycling utah women's race. while leaving the nasty, gnarly lines for the Pro and Expert folks. The result- at your Below: Norm Bryner (Guthrie), men's winner Jeff Louder ing race course enabled the race to live up to its name as it was extremely favorite bike shop! (Healthnet/Maxxis), and Burke Swindlehurst start to sepa- challenging; times under 5 minutes were the exception and most riders were rate themselves from the field. completely worked by the time they crossed the finish line. Regardless of which trail is marked for the course, Deer Valley’s race proves to be the Photos: Joaquim Hailer. See complete event photos at toughest in the Utah Series every single year! JoaquimHailer.com. The Super D course was also a new racetrack. Since the NORBA N.C.S. race organizers the previous weekend suddenly decided to change their See results on page 20. course to the same one proposed earlier by the B.M.C. organizers (a strange coincidence?) which resulted in 12 inch deep ruts and 6 inch deep dust gen- erated by the 100+ N.C.S. Super D’ers, a slight course variation was added to detour past the carnage. The resulting route was arguably better than the original proposal (ain’t the trail network in Park City great!), and was not only enjoyed by the racers, but was actually really fun to course mark. U 45 YEarS oF ProFESSIoNaL SErVIcE & racING U International Super Star Freerider (I’m not making this up, he really is) MaSTEr MEchaNIcS–WE rEPaIr aLL BIkES Krispy Baughman posted the only sub 10-minute time of the day. Besides Custom Road & Mountain Bike Specialists being really fast, Kris has become an enthusiastic advocate of Super D rac- ing and has some great ideas about the future of the discipline. Just another reason to look for Super D racing to grow in popularity. To quote Scott Nielson, a.k.a. Buck Chub, who first quipped one of my Holladay Store Sale! favorite sayings, “Bicycle racing isn’t a sport, it’s a disease” -- I offer further proof to substantiate the assertion. Upon finishing up racing on Saturday in BikeS, clotHing, SHoeS Up to 75% off!! Sonoma, California at the NORBA National Championships, Junior Expert racers Logan Binggeli and Andrew Pierce drove back to Park City to race loweSt priceS of tHe year!! (Until 9-9-06) on Sunday at the B.M.C. “My first run wasn’t so good” stated Logan “I’m a little tired, we didn’t get here until 3:30 this morning”. Ya’ think? What’s really sick is the fact that Andrew posted the fastest time of the day, beating Nike • Gary Fisher •LeMond • klein • Pinarello • Merckx SuMMEr the best Pro time by over 2 seconds. The best news of all is that both Logan Back or FSa • Look • argon 18 • Bianchi • Sidi• Isaac • Giro TuNE-uP and Andrew qualified for the U.S. National Team that will represent all of us FEET hurT? at the World Championships later this fall, and they’re the only Utah moun- We have Bell • Easton • Shimano • campy $34.99 tain biker racers to earn that honor this year. Kimber Gabryszak (Summit Solutions. custom Bike and Shoe 801-446-8183 • 10445 S. redwood road WITh couPoN Cycles) posted the fastest time for the women with 6.06.21. Fittings. 801-278-6820 • 1957 E. Murray-holladay rd., SLc (rEG. $49.99) —Ron Lindley www.golsancycles.com 16 cycling utah.com AUGUST 2006 free riding Dirt Jumping is Not a Crime!

By James Kirk approach, gaps and landings has also increased. The space being used and “High Street”, it’s the best dirt the amount of jumpers are larger jumping in Salt Lake. An undevel- than ever. A quarter mile worth of oped strip of dirt and a gully tucked trail for a dirt jump is not unusual. behind a suburban neighborhood Jumping requires lots of space is all that it is. A series of tightly and hours of work to get them packed, perfectly shaped dirt jumps shaped oh so just right but mostly carved into the landscape is what they require space that no one cares makes it so special. I can’t tell you about or at the very least is invis- where it is; that would ruin it. Its ible to anyone who might care. This future depends on the ignorance of combination of space, sympathetic those who might care. The stability land owners and anyone willing to of the area is completely dependant build jumps correctly isn’t com- on its clandestine nature. It sounds mon. Liability is the issue. It looks sinister and complicated but mostly dangerous and it can be dangerous it’s a bunch of guys riding bikes but the reality is different. Most around in a fun area and having participants understand the danger a good time. Sound familiar? It’s associated with jumping and when what all of us as cyclists do, hav- practicing take it one step at a time, ing a good time on their bike at no only progressing when they feel expense to others. comfortable in their current level. Dirt jumping is exactly what it Road riding is vastly more danger- Service tore down all these jumps Matt Devall's no hander. Photo: James Kirk sounds like; it’s the combination of ous. Several people are killed every and “reclaimed” the land. Rick bicycles, mounds of dirt and lots of year on the road but we would never Vallejos, the Forest Service recre- Gate City Grind - top GC places and the critmeister air. Ever seen kids in your neighbor- think to make road riding illegal. ation planner for the district, claims hood propping up a board, pedaling We love it, we need it and we have Continued from page 12 Harward up the road, the rest of it was done to prevent erosion and the field knew it was sprinting for at it furiously and hitting it to “catch a right to it. In the 8 years or so that little bit more, as it caught the six vegetation loss. If you have ever rid- 7th place. some air”? Dirt jumping is the same free-riding has been big, no major with about three miles to go. With den there, you’d realize the tragedy In a show of great class and thing only lately it’s been taken to players have died. Nobody has ever a pack sprint for second place now of the situation. The complaints of sportsmanship, the two profes- a whole new level. The idea is the been killed at High Street. Many inevitable, Krieg dug in for one last a nearby homeowner shouldn’t dic- sionals yielded the sprint to the same but the air is typically much feel just as passionate about dirt effort to limit Swindlehurst’s time tate the future of an activity that is amateurs, and Harward shot out of larger. jumping as the rest of us do about gain, which ended up at a scant 9 enjoyed by many. the group to take a much-savored Jumping has been around as long our form of cycling. It’s a healthy, seconds. But, the 9 seconds plus a So what’s a guy to do who wants stage victory. Allan and Hageman as bikes. It’s a natural extension of safe activity for those who wish to 20-second bonus put Swindlehurst to dirt jump? Buy land and build the dueled for second place, with engage. We love it, we need it and in the GC lead. Mike Booth cycling. Motion plus inclined ramp jumps himself? This just isn’t real- Allan prevailing. The 3rd place we have a right to it. (Sienna/Goble) won the field sprint equals air. Something about the “air” istic for your average jumper. The time bonus and a solid time trial for 2nd, and the ever-present Allan is magical. It’s a moment of weight- In spring of 2005, above Ogden, other solution would be to get access allowed Hageman to overcome a snuck in for 3rd and a 5-second lessness - a sensation of flight, if this exact situation came to conflict. to private property. If they found it wrong turn on the prologue course bonus. only for a moment. It’s like jazz Mountain bikers built a series of and built it, the jumps won’t evolve that cost him 30 seconds GC Saturday evening’s 10 km time music. You either get it or you don’t jumps in a gully located above the or stay maintained because it’s not before the race even really started, trial turned out to be pivotal in the and if you have to ask you’ll never 22nd Street trailhead in Ogden. I’ve public accessible. The land reclaims and he ended up 6th GC, behind GC standings, as usual, and Louder understand. been into dirt jumping for a while itself if its not maintained and used. Harward. The top four spots and Swindlehurst used the race The history of urban dirt jump- now and I’ve experienced my fair Public, group work is necessary to remained unchanged after the cri- of truth to put their professional ing areas is mostly a never-ending share of jumps. Bored with High maintain jump parks. Jump parks terium, with Swindlehurst, Louder, signature on the weekend. Louder series of jumps being flattened by Street, some friends and I headed exist in every decent sized city and Allan, and Thomas taking the top smoked the course in 12:13, shat- landowners/managers only to have up to Ogden to check it the jumps. in most minor towns. Most of them four spots. tering the old course record of another or more pop up somewhere 22nd Street had some of the best are illegal. Our best option is to else. Jumping has been around a jumps I’ve ever been on or even 12:27 set by Matt Weyen in 2004. encourage a tolerant, common-sense Swindlehurst turned in a 12:25 for Women's Race while and it’s been in a steady state seen. The shining gem of the area The women’s elite race started attitude to fellow land users who are second place, and Allan turned in of evolution nearly the entire time, was a set of three consecutive jumps out to be a battle of the Heathers: also doing the same. Share and share another solid performance with but in the past few years, dirt jump- built into the hillside. These 3 jumps Holmes (Ivory Homes) and Albert alike. Dirt jumpers will continue to 12:44, good for third place in the ing has really come of age. The were like the sweetest chocolate (America’s Dairyland). Holmes build jumps illegally and they will stage. Going into the final stage, recent collision of full-suspension cake you’ve ever had. For me, these established the fastest women’s continue to be torn down. It’s a sim- Swindlehurst remained in the GC bikes, free-riding and lift-served jumps were an experience unlike prologue time in 2:58, a solid 20 ilar situation to skateboarding when lead, followed by Louder, and mountain biking has taken dirt any other. After that, I always seconds ahead of defending GC street style skating was invented. Allan. jumping to new heights. The size looked forward to anytime I could champion Albert. Intent on repeat- Skaters wanted to skate in an inter- Out of GC contention, but spend at 22nd Street. In June of ing her win, Albert attacked the and technical nature of jumps has esting, challenging environment; not out of pride, the ICE squad field in the road race, riding solo gotten dramatically larger, con- 2005, responding to the complaints this only existed in urban environ- started the one hour and 15 minute off the front for over half of the sequently the area needed for an of a nearby homeowner, the Forest ments. They skated there and they criterium by sending Justin Rose three-lap race. After being caught were continually kicked out until it out on a 10-minute solo effort. by the field, she attacked again, became apparent that they weren’t As Rose was being caught by the only to be caught 1 km from the going away. Cities built skate parks. field, Jordin attacked, and Collins finish. Holmes countered but Now it’s a respected discipline. and Kevin Van Loon (FFKR/SBO) was caught just before the line, as High Street has been around at responded, creating an unlikely Albert won the sprint and the 20- least 15 years. It could disappear three-man break that spent the next second bonus. Proving that her overnight just like 22nd Street. Let’s 45 minutes up the road, taking all road race was no fluke, Albert won respect High Street for what it is: of the cash primes and coming the time trial, bettering Holmes a recreational area that has been within 25 seconds of lapping the by over a minute, but allowing carefully crafted and maintained field on the technical, 1-km course. Kris Walker (Intermountain Sports for the benefit and exercise of those With the time bonus prime in Medicine/LRC) to settle into a hand, Jordin stood to vault himself who use it. Nobody else is using it. solid second place, after taking well up into the GC if the break Nothing is being done with the land. second in the prologue and second survived, but Louder had other It would otherwise be an empty lot. in the time trial. Walker started plans and drove the field for a few Those who want to participate in the criterium with a 15-minute harried laps until the break was dirt jumping are nearly always doing solo effort off the front, allowing caught. A flurry of counter attacks it illegally - that is, without the her to garner all of the cash and followed, but nothing stuck until landowner’s knowledge. That’s just time bonus primes. She was even- Hageman, Swindlehurst, Thomas a fact. Most dirt jumping is illegal. tually caught, setting up a field and—you guessed it—Allan estab- But like the famous skateboarding sprint, which was won by Holmes. lished a solid gap on the tiring field bumper sticker says “Dirt jumping is However, the few second win- with only a few minutes of racing not a crime” ning gap and time bonus were not left. This group contained three of enough to overcome her time trial the top four on GC, so anyone who James Kirk has been push- deficit, and Albert took the GC had aspirations of a top stage or ing his bike around the Wasatch win, followed by Walker and then GC finish needed to make it hap- mountains for over 20 years. Holmes. He has been in the bike industry pen now or never. Dave Harward for over 9 years and continues (Porcupine/Specialized) was the See results on page 20. to teach and guide on a regular first to jump across solo, followed basis. Contact him at mountain- a lap later by Louder. With the bikesaltlake.com AUGUST 2006 cycling utah.com 17

easier.Now, I was going to have fun, had so much meaning? Was it the Six Canyons from page 4 I visualized all of my friends and Zen and nature thing? Did my Nona child dies in bicycle/truck accident exchange, nice bulletproof Mavic family with me, next to, and behind and Popa help me out? Was a higher Open Pro's! He commented how my grandparents flanked way out power present? I couldn't answer A bicycle/truck accident claimed the life of 6 year old Jedediah good I looked, and asked me for like airplane wings, this was MY any of those things, I hoped its was Murray of Huntington. He is the son of Barbara and Terry Murray for- stats, my computer said 79.6 miles posse. They didn't say anything or all of the above, but I knew one merly of Centerville. At the intersection of 300 East and 100 South, the and 9650 Vertical feet. I couldn't cheer, they were just there. I felt thing, I have climbed canyons a lot, boy was traveling north crossing the street headed home after visiting believe how good I felt. I got going strong and went faster. At the top of and I have never ever climbed like friends when he was struck by an older model 4x4 pickup driven by Roy quickly and looked down at my the climb were it steepens, I encoun- that before, I truly believe I did not Day, 28, of Elmo. tered a guy named Bill (I think). He do it onmy own.I dreaded getting computer; I was doing 26 MPH on The driver was tested for drugs and alcohol and results are pending at was a bit heavy, but athletic. He kept back on the bike for the 20 mile ride Wasatch Blvd. this time. A breath test at the scene however, tested positive for alcohol. I climbed Mill Creek next; it on standing up spinning, then sitting home. When I did something really down, over and over again. Upon magical happened, I got on my bike, The driver was driving on a revoked license in an unregistered vehicle at was awesome to get out of the heat the time of the accident. and in the shade. The first steep part passing him I told him way to go and my legs felt great. I stopped at The boy was breathing, but unconscious at the scene of the accident felt good, Sean's wheel was great, and how inspirational he was to me. Allen's house to tell him the news, I and was transported to Castleview Hospital where he was life flighted and everything was quite again. I At the top we chatted for a minute, a showed him the computer stats and passed a lot of mountain bikers, saw real decent guy. he told me I looked good, I got the to Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake. Dr. Larsen at Primary my buddy Mike Sohm descending, Now I was really getting same response from my neighbor Children’s said the boy suffered from a skull fracture, broken right arm, it was good to see a friend albeit pumped, one more climb, it was Brent and Sean my wheel man. injuries to the left side and a toe had been severed at the accident scene. for about 10 seconds. Near the top going to happen. The descent wasn't Someone asked me what do I do The main injury was the severe brain trauma. I encountereda really cool thing. bad, but going across town to City now? I have thought a lot about it The accident occurred at approximately 7:15 p.m. on July 22. The vic- A women on a mountain bike was Creek was HOT. It was nice to final- and I think I will just realize that it tim died the next morning at 11:44 a.m. on July 23. ly get there, where the first 5 miles was a really special ride that I will tacking back and forth up a 12% The driver was listed as having a prior DUI accident which had sent went well. Then for the first time never forget, and at a time that I pitch, just taking her time and hav- people to the hospital. Day is being held in the Emery County jail pend- all day I suffered, I powered up the needed to find a love for the bike ing fun, I commented “way to go,” ing arraignment on the charge of vehicular manslaughter. then up the road at the last steep last two miles hard like I was racing. again. Maybe all of the suffering pitch was her husband with a child Those two miles seemed like they in the previous months helped me carrier wheeling behind him as he dragged on forever. A bee flew in appreciate the ride more. Please tacked. He was in awesome shape my shirt; a fly was circling my head understand one thing. I don't think and sweating like a dog. I shouted as I kept on trying to swat it, finally I am something special for doing one thing, “you ARE the man” he giving up on the pest. The road this, but I definitely feel special that laughed. Once again on the decent I looked like it was a war zone with I was part of it, as Gardie told me “I went through another group of but- potholes and dirt. I had a bad feel- think they were with you!” Gardie, I terflies, this time only a few, then I ing, like I was left all alone, where do agree buddy, yes I do. recognized that they never appeared were my grandparents? I finally on the climb portion. Why? I looked reached the top, the computer read at my computer on the decent over 144 miles, 16,500 vertical feet and 9 12,000 vertical feet and over 100 hours and 12 minutes. I looked up, miles, I still felt good, and I just no white lights, no great feelings, knew I was going to complete this I was drained; I told my Nona and ride. Popa we did it, day six. I had the pleasure of waiting on The descent was slow; navigating the hot blacktop near the bottom the potholes on the way into town. I of Emigration Canyon at 1:15pm; stopped at the Subway near the Pie, my computer read 95 degrees, nice. had a tuna sub and three big cups I thought I was going to melt. I of icy Diet Coke. I reflected on the was worried about the climb being day. Never in my wildest dreams so exposed, would it drain me could it have played out this way, for good? As I started climbing I it was so easy for so long. Over could not believe it my legs were 9 hours in the saddle, I had never still fresh and it didn't seem as hot, come close to that. Was it because I 159 W. 500 S. • Provo, UT maybe since the pitch is less, it felt was having fun? Was it that the ride (801) 375-5873 • racerscycle.net

G68>C<6IHJC96C8: Sundance/Parks Sportsman Super D Race Series at Sundance May 29 • July 4 • August 19 • September 16 R.A.N.A.T.A.D (Ride Around Nebo And Timp in A Day) July 10 Sundance Children’s Race Series May 25 • June 22 • July20 • August 17 • September 14 Wednesday Night Race Series June 14 & 28 • July 12 & 26 • August 9 & 23 • September 6 BDJCI6>C7>@>C< 7 Days a Week 25 + miles of “Best of State” single track • Lift serviced trail access. 10 am – 6:30 pm (Fall Hrs. Start Aug. 28) Mountain Bike Rentals K2 & Ironhorse Full • Suspension Bikes. Road Bikes Also Available. • Try the Diggler Mountain Scooters. Mountain Biking School Classes available for all ability levels. • Ladies Day programs. Bring a friend. • Church & Scout rates available. www.sundanceresort.com • 801-223-4849 Programs, artists and venues subject to change without notice.

3.9" (2 col.) x 9" 18 cyclingutah.com AUGUST 2006

Sundance Resort, (801) 223-4849 utah August 19 — Sundance Super-D Downhill Race, 9 am, Sundance Racing Resort, (801) 223-4849 August 26 — Widowmaker Hill Climb 10 AM, Ride to the top of the Tram, Snowbird Resort, (801) CALENDAR OF EVENTS 583-6281 General Info August 26 — The Endurance 100/ Mind Over Mountains, 100 mile, Utah Road Racing - USCF, Utah 100 km, and 50 mile individual Cycling Association - James races, Park City, thee100.com, Ferguson, 801-476-9476 (435) 649-2129 Calendar of Events more, www.utahtrailsconfer- USA Cycling, Mountain Region Calendar Guidelines: ence.com, (801) 629-8558 September 2-4 — Sundance Road Racing (UT,AZ,NM,CO, Listings are free on a sponsored by September 22 — Mayor's Bike to Showdown, DH and Super-D, WY,SD), George Heagerty, (719) Work Day presented by Salt Lake Utah DH Series, Sundance, UT, 535-8113. space available basis and (801) 375-3231 at our discretion. City Mayor's Office and MBAC, a mellow ride with Mayor Rocky September 9-10 — 24 Hours of Submit your event to: Anderson under police escort Soldier Hollow, Heber, UT, (801) Utah Weekly Series 243-0704, 24hoursofsoldierhollow. [email protected] from Liberty Park to the City/ com Races County Bldg, then free break- with date, name of event, September 14 — Sundance Kids Rocky Mountain Raceways fast and raffle for all participants, Criterium — Saturdays at 12 website, phone number Cost: free, 7:30 am, Liberty Park, MTB Race, kids under 12, 5 pm, Sundance Resort, (801) 223-4849 noon in March, Tuesdays in April - and contact person and Lisa Romney, 535-7939, lisa.rom- September, A/B’s - 6 pm, C/D’s 7 [email protected], Meet at the September 16 — Sundance Super- pm, 6555 W. 2100 S., West Valley other appropiate informa- D Downhill Race, 9 am, Sundance northeast corner of Liberty Park City, UT, (801) 944-5042 tion 1844 E. Fort Union Resort, (801) 223-4849 Salt Air Time Trial — Every other Let us know about any Salt Lake City September 16-17 — Silver Spur Fall Classic XC race, also Trail Run Thursday April 13- September 28, corrections to existing (801) 942-3100 Mountain and climbing contest, Snowbird I-80 Frontage Road West of the and Alta, UT, 801-933-2110 International Center, (801) 944- listings! 705 W. Riverdale Rd. Bike 5042 September 16 — Tour des Suds, Riverdale 26th Annual, Park City, (435) 649- Bicycle (801) 621-4662 Tours and Festivals 6839 DMV Criterium — Wednesdays, canyonsports.com October 7 — Utah State Driver's Training Center, Where: Motocross Singlespeed Championship, 4700 S. 2780 W., West Valley City Home of the Bike August 11-13 — CANCELLED - 10 am start, Sundance Resort, Times: A Flite - 6pm. B Flite - 7 Dinotrax Fat Tire Festival, Rides, Sundanceresort.com or 801-223- pm., C/D Flite 7:45 pm (April 5 - Battle Bay BMX — (801) 796-8889 and Wife Swap! Pasta Feed, Bluegrass Music, 4121 September 27), 801-651-8333 Flaming Gorge, (435) 781-2595 or Rad Canyon BMX — (801) 824- October 16-17 — Huntsman World Wednesdays — Thanksgiving (435) 889-3759 Senior Games. Must be 50 years 0095 Salt Lake County Government Point Criterium Series, April 5th August 19-20 — Mountain Bike or older. three events: hill climb, Center, 2001 S. State, SLC, (801) -September 27, 6:00 pm, A Deseret Peak BMX — deseretpeak- Challenge for MS, Tamarack downhill, and cross country. 800- 485-2906 562-1268 or [email protected] flight-cat 1, 2, 3, 6:00-6:55 pm, B .netfirms.com, Tooele Resort, Idaho, jefflarsenboise@ flight- cat 3-4, 6:00-6:45 pm, C May - October — Rad Canyon Weber County Pathways — Weber yahoo.com, (208) 938-9917 October 14-15 — 24 Hours of Moab, flight- beginner-cat 5, 7:00-7:30 County’s Advocacy Group, (801) 11th Annual, (304) 259-5533 pm, *Women's flight , 7:00-7:30 BMX, Practice Tuesdays 6:30- September 30 — Take Your Kid 393-2304 or www.weberpath- pm, *Women may race any flight 8:30 pm. 9700 S. 5250 W., South on a Mountain Bike Ride, Boise, Jordan, (801) 824-0095. ways.org Idaho and Regional they choose, 3003 Thanksgiving ID, byrdscycling.com, (208) 434- Way, (next to I-15), Lehi, UT visit May - October — Rad Canyon Provo Bike Committee — Meetings 2607 MTB Races www.tourofutah.com/wed.html are the first Wednesday of BMX, Single Point Races Thursdays, October 26-29 — Moab Halloween for more information, or call (800) each month, 5:00 p.m. in the Registration 6-7 pm, racing ASAP Bike Fest. Group rides, bicycle August 5-6 — 22st White Knob 708-9804 City Council office, 351 West Challenge, Knobby Tire Series, (7:30pm). 9700 S. 5250 W., South DemoExpo, fun competitions, Center Street, Provo, Call the and Idaho Short Track XC State Royal Street Hillclimb TT — May Jordan, (801) 824-0095. evening entertainment. Moab, 18 - September 7, Every other City Council offices at 801-852- Championships, Mackay and UT, (435) 260-1182 Thursday, 5:30 p.m., 900 ft. eleva- August 4 - 6 — Rad Canyon BMX, 6120 or email gilbert.bradshaw@ Hailey, ID, Kurt Holzer at (208) ABA GREAT SALT LAKE NATIONALS. 890-3118 tion gain, Royal Street and Deer gmail.com or duncanish@gmail. Valley Drive, Park City, (435) 901- For registration and race times com Mountain August 12-13 — NORBA National go to www.ababmx.com. 9700 Mountain Bike Series #6, XC/ST/ 8872. S. 5250 W., South Jordan, (801) Park City Alternative Bike DH/MTNX/Super-D, Snowmass Logan Race Club Time Trial Series 824-0095 Transportation Committee — Racing Resort, Aspen, CO, (719) 866- — Thursdays, 6:30 pm, Logan, UT, normally meets on the second 4581 (435) 787-2534 For more BMX track info, visit Tuesday of the month at Miner's cyclingutah.com August 12-13 — Pomerelle Pounder, For dates, see calendar below. Hospital at 9:00am, call to con- XC, DH, freestyle, Utah DH Series, firm, (435) 649-6839, (435) 731- General Info Wild Rockies Series #8, Burley, ID, Cycling 0975, [email protected], Intermountain Cup information (208) 587-9530 Utah Road Races www.mountaintrails.org (Utah) (801) 942-3498. Auguest 19 — Rendezvous Hill Climb, Teton Village, WY, 6.1 Events Volunteer to help build the Wild Rockies Unplugged Series August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 — RMR Crit Bonneville Shoreline Trail (801) miles, 4139 vertical feet, (307) information (Idaho), (208) 587- 733-5335 Series, Salt Lake, (801) 944-5042 485-6975 or visit www.bonneville- 9530. August 2,9,16,23,30 — DMV Crit trail.org. August 19-20 — Tamarack Twister USA Cycling, Mountain Region,(UT Idaho State NORBA XC and DH Series, Every Wednesday, Salt Advocacy Groups Lake, 801-651-8333 Events ,AZ,NM,CO,WY,SD), USA Cycling Championship Finals, Knobby Tire Mayor’s Bicycle Advisory Comm- (719) 866-4581 Series Final, Tamarack Ski Resort, August 3,17,31 — Salt Air TT Series, ittee (MBAC) meeting. Second Critical Mass — Last Friday of every Cascade, ID (208) 338-1016 or Every other Thurs, (801) 944-5042 (208) 325-1000 Wednesday every month 5 p.m. month, 5:30 pm, meet at the August 10,24 — Royal Street at the Salt Lake City/County Bldg, Gallivan Center, 200 S. and State Weekly MTB Races August 26 — Durango MTB 100, Hillclimb TT, 5:30 p.m., Park City, Street, SLC. For more info, if you Durango, CO, (970) 259-7771 UT, (435) 901-8872 451 S. State, Room 326. (801) 535- Wednesdays — Soldier Hollow have a bike to lend, etc.: emaill 7939 or (801) 328-2453. Training Series , May 3, 10, 17, September 16-17 — Salmon Grand August 5 — Cache Classic [email protected] Prix, XC, DH, freestyle, Utah DH Downtown Criterium, Logan, UT, Salt Lake County Bicycle Advisory June 7, 21, July 5, 19, August 2, Series?, Wild Rockies Series #9, (435) 757-5091 Committee — Meetings are the September 7-9 — Utah Trails and 16, 30, Alternates with Sundance, Salmon, ID, (208) 587-9530 second Monday of each month Pathways Conference, planning, August 7-12 — Tour of Utah, six 7 p.m., (801) 404-0946 October 8 — 12 Hours of Bootleg stages, Provo, UT, (800) 708-9804, from 5-7 p.m. in suite N-4010 of the design, consruction, funding and Wednesdays — May 24, 31, June Canyon Race, 2500' climbing per tourofutah.com 14, 28, July 12, 26, August 9, 23, lap, Boulder City, NV, tmr-unlim- August 12 — Snowbird Hill Climb, 8 ited.com, (702) 277-6536 September 6, Sundance Weekly AM, registration from 6-7:30 am, MTB series, 6:30 pm, alternates October 8 — Boise to Bogus Banzai, 10.2 Miles from Shopko on 9400 Wild Rockies Series #10, 16.5 mile, S. 2000 E. to Snowbird, (801) 933- with Soldier Hollow Training Series, 4,100 vertical foot descent, Boise, 2110 Sundance Resort, (801) 223-4849 ID, (208) 587-9530 August 13 — Wolf Creek Pass Road Race, Starts in Francis. Route Utah MTB Races goes over Wolf Creek Pass to August 4-6 — NORBA National Mountain Bike Series #5, XC/ST/ DH/Slalom/SuperD, Brian Head Resort, Brian Head, UT, (909) 866- 4565 August 12 — All West Communications Wolverine High Quality Bicycle Packs Ridge XC Race, 13th Annual, Designed, Tested, and Built in Utah Intermountain Cup #14, Series World Class Coaching for seat packs, panniers, rack packs, Finals, Evanston, WY - contact Competitive and Recreational handlebar pack, frame packs, hydra- Paul Knopf or Amanda Wanner at [email protected]. Cyclists. Don’t Just tion packs, hip packs, courier bags, org or (307) 783-6470 or (866) Train... Trainright! silkscreened and custom packs. 783-6300, ext. 459 or www.evan- 800-777-7679 or 801-272-5217 stoncycling.org Tommy Murphy [email protected] 435.787.8556 August 17 — Sundance Kids MTB www.lonePeakPacks.com Race, kids under 12, 5 pm, [email protected] AUGUST 2006 cyclingutah.com 1

Tabiona and then back over the Climb, Las Vegas, NV, 702-228- Lake Tahoe, NV, (800) 565-2704 the Costco in Murray and a bike Multi- pass to the finish in Francis, part 9460, [email protected] September ? — Galena Tour, safety and rodeo will be held at of the proceeds go to The Bill September 23 - October 8 — Galena Lodge, ID, (208) 788- 11:00 for all kids. Contact Teresa Sport Corliss Bike Advocay Fund, (435) Nevada Senior Olympics, Must 9184 at (801) 453-2296 or tmay@fins- 513-0432, parkcitycycling.com vcs.com. be 50 years or older, Cycling Four September 10-16 — Southern Races August 18 — Biker's Edge Crit Events — 5K and 10K Time Trials, Utah National Parks Tour, Cedar September 30 - Tour de Vins 4, Spectacular for Cat 1/2/3 men, 20K and 40K Road Races. Plus all City, Zion, Bryce Canyon, Cedar Bike Tour and Wine-Tasting Event, 0.7 mile loop with six turns, $4999 other sports. Call 702-242-1590 or Breaks, (801) 596-8430 16.5, 32 and 60 mile options, August 5 — Cache Valley Classic prize list, 6 pm, Downtown Ogden nevadaseniorgames@earthlink. Idaho State University, Pocatello, , Hyrum Reservoir, Hyrum, @ 25th Street Park, Anne at 877- net September 16 — Sawtooth Century ID, more info: FSAlliance.org, Tina UT (near Logan, UT),Sprint and 751-8880 or xterraplanet.com/ Tour, Ketchum, ID, info@saw- 208-282-2854 or mladtina@isu. Olympic distance open water races/race.cfm?race_id=487 Weekly toothvelo.org or 208-726-0946, edu swim , Sprint road: 750 ext.1 August 19-20 — Tour de Gap Stage Rides October 1-6 — Monument Valley Meter Swim/20K Bike/5K Run, Race, in conjunction with the Iron September 17-23 — LAGBRAU & 4 Corners Tour, Monticello, UT, Olympic road: 1.5K Swim/40K County Fair, Parawon, UT, (435) (Legacy Annual Great Bike (801) 556-3290 Bike/10K Run, www.triutah.com, 990-1393 Ride Across Utah), Blanding to [email protected], 801-631-2614 Cedar City, 400 miles on scenic Oct 6-8 — Moab Century Tour, or 801-631-2624 August 26 — Jeff Rogers Memorial Weekend Group Rides — Saturday Moab to La Sals and back, 45, and Sunday, 10 am, meet at 9th highways and through National August 19 — Nissan Xterra Mountain Sanpete Classic RR, Spring City, Parks, fundraiser for young Native 65, 100 mile options, Tour benefits UT contact Eric Thompson, 801- and 9th in Salt Lake City. the Lance Armstrong Foundation, Championship, offroad triathlon, American education, (801) 654- XTERRA: 1.5k swim / 30k mountain 541-3840 Sunday Group Ride — 9 a.m., 1144 435-259-2698 Canyon Bicycles in Draper, 762E., bike / 10k trail run, XTERRA Sport: September 5,12,19,26 — RMR Crit September 23 — Heber Valley October 7 — Yellowstone Fall Old 750m swim / 15k mountain bike / Series, Salt Lake, (801) 944-5042 12600 S., (801) 576-8844 Olympic Century. 50 & 62 mile Faithful Cycling Tour 2006, West 5k trail run, Pineview Reservoir to September 6,13,20,27 — DMV Crit options. Enjoy scenic Heber Yellowstone, MT, (406) 646-7701 Snowbasin, 1-877-751-8880, xter- Series, Every Wednesday, Salt Road Valley during its autumn finest October 7 — Third Annual Josie raplanet.com Lake, 801-651-8333 during this fun and challeng- Johnson Memorial Ride, this August 26 — Jordanelle Triathlon, September 14,28 — Salt Air TT Series, Tours ing ride that visits the Olympic memorial ride is being dedicated Jordanelle Reservoir, Park Every other Thurs, (801) 944-5042 venues, fundraiser for Huntsman in Josie's honor to bring the com- City/Heber City, UT, Sprint and Cancer Institute, Contact Bob @ munity together to raise aware- Olympic distance open water September 7 — Royal Street Utah and Regional Road 801.677.0134, bike2bike.org ness for bicycle safety, meet at swim triathlons, Sprint road: 750 Hillclimb TT, 5:30 p.m., Park City, Sugarhouse Park, ride will start at Meter Swim/20K Bike/5K Run, UT, (435) 901-8872 September 24-30 — OATBRAN, One Tours Awesome Tour Bike Ride Across 10:30, will travel to mouth of Big Olympic road: 1.5K Swim/40K September 9 — LOTOJA, 206 miles Nevada, 15th Annual, follow- Cottonwood Canyon and back. Bike/10K Run, www.triutah.com, from Logan, UT to Jackson, WY, www.slcbac.org or call Jason at [email protected], 801-631-2614 August 6-12 — Ride Idaho, 7 day ing the Legendary Pony Express (801) 546-0090 Trail on U.S. Hwy. 50 - America's (801) 485-2906 or John Weis at or 801-631-2624 supported bicycle tour, Melba, (801) 278-3847 September 23 — UTA Harvest Moon Glenns Ferry, Buhl, Shoshone, Loneliest Road, 5 days of riding, September 16 — Ogden Valley Downtown Ogden Criterium, Sun Valley, Stanley, & Lowman, 420 miles from Lake Tahoe to October 21 — Las Vegas Century, Triathlon, Pineview Reservoir, downtown in the Municpal Park 208.344.5502 ext 315, rideidaho. Great Basin National Park, (800) 22,37,55,80 and 110 miles, ben- Huntsville, UT, Sprint and Olympic between 25th & 26th Streets, org 565-2704 efits Ronald McDonald House. distance open water swim tri- Ogden, UT, (801) 589-3675 (702) 340-1500 athlons, Sprint road: 750 Meter August 11 — Freedom Peloton September 30 — Bikes for Kids with September 30 — Allan Butler Dave Zabriskie, metric century (62 December 31 - January 1 — New Swim/16mi Bike/5K Run, Olympic Charity Ride, A Charity Ride to road: 1.5K Swim/32mi Bike/10K Memorial Criterium, Thanksgiving raise money for the Larry H. Miller miles) plus 4 and 25 mile options Year's Revolution, century each Point, Lehi, UT, (801) 400-6130 in Salt Lake City and Murray. We day, 50, 70 mile options,Benefiting Run, www.triutah.com, info@ Charities, Downtown Salt Lake triutah.com, 801-631-2614 or 801- City, Karilyn Preston, 801-209- will be giving away 1,000 bikes, Utah Hemophilia Foundation, 8 October 10-13 — Huntsman World helmets and jerseys to disadvan- am, Phoenix, AZ, Contact Bob @ 631-2624 Senior Games. Must be 50 years 3337, [email protected], tourofutah.com taged children in the Salt Lake 801.677.0134, bike2bike.org or older. Four events: hill climb, Valley. The start time is 7:00 am at time trial, criterium and road August 13 — Blue Cruise Wheels race. 800-562-1268 or hwsg@ for Wellness, Meridian, ID, (208) infowest.com 387-6817 October 14 — City Creek Bike August 13-19 — Oregon Bicycle Sprint, 10 am, 5 1/2 mile climb up Ride XX, Klamath Falls to Lakeview City Creek Canyon in Salt Lake to Klamath Falls, (541) 385-5257 or City, road or mountain bikes, 800-413-8432 UCA Points Series Event, (801) 583-6281 August 19 — ULCER, Century Tour around Utah Lake, 100, 74, 56, October 28 — Halloween Criterium, and 24 mile options, (801) 943- Thanksgiving Point, Lehi, UT, (801) 2117 or [email protected] 400-6130 August 20 — Promontory Point November 26 — Thanksgiving 120, BBTC Super Series Ride, self- Criterium, Thanksgiving Point, supported century, 120 miles, Lehi, UT, (801) 400-6130 Brigham City to Promentory, (801) 943-2117 or [email protected] Idaho and Regional Bicycle August 26 — Desperado Dual , 200 Road Races mile double century in Southern Utah, 100 mile option, Panguitch, (435) 586-7567 August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 — Tuesday Night Half-Bogus Ride, Bogus August 26 — Cache Valley Century Hillclimb, (208) 343-3782 Tour - 100 mi/100 km/40mile options. Hosted by Cache Valley August 1, 8 — Idaho Cycling Veloists Bicycle Touring Club. Enthusiasts Criterium Series, 7AM registration/check in, 12 mi Pocatello, ID, 208-282-5426 north of Logan on Hwy 91, 435- August 9 — Idaho Cycling 752-2253. Enthusiasts Time Trial Series, August 27 — Cycle For Life, benefit Pocatello, ID, (208) 282-2503 or ride for cyclists injured in auto/ (208) 233-0951 bike accidents, 8, 30, 66, and August 11-12? — Magic Valley 100 mile options, Huntsville Park, Senior Games Huntsville, UT, (801) 556-3290 August 12 — Mt. Harrison Hill Climb, August 27 — The Big Ride, BBTC Triple Crown #1, Boise, ID, (208) Super Series Ride, self-supported, 323-2376 164 miles, Mt. Green over Monte Cristo, to Evanston and back, August 13 — The Cycling Classic (801) 943-2117 or president@ Road Race, Boise, ID, 208-343- bbtc.net 4037 or jonathan@coresportsllc. com August 27 - September 2 — BBTC Southern Utah Parks Tour, (801) August 16, 23 — Hailey Criterium 463-6016 and Bobrenwick@com- Series, Hailey, ID, info@sawtooth- cast.net velo.org or 208-726-0946, ext.1 September 4 — Hooper Horizontal August 20 — Table Rock HC RR, 100, BBTC Super Series Ride, Triple Crown #2, Boise, ID, (208) self-supported century, State 867-2488 Agriculture Building to Hooper August 26-27 — Intermountain and Back, (801) 943-2117 or presi- Orthopaedics Idaho State RR [email protected] and Criterium Championships, September 9-19 — Utah Parks Tour, Boise, ID, Kurt Holzer at (208) 890- 493 miles, Southern Utah, Adv. 3118 Cycling Association, (800) 755- September 2-3 — Gateway 2453 Canyons Grand Valley Bicycle September 10 — Tour de Tahoe, Classic, Road Race and Criterium, Bike Big Blue, 4th Annual, ride Grand Junction, CO, (970) 275- around Lake Tahoe, 72 miles, 1711 September 5 — Tuesday Night Half- Bogus Ride, Bogus Hillclimb, (208) 343-3782 Our Advertisers September 9 — Race to the Angel, 21st Annual, 3000' climb, Wells, support NV, (775) 752-3540 cycling utah. September 9 — Bogus Basin Hill Climb, Triple Crown #3, 34th Please support them. Annual, Boise, ID, (208) 343-3782 September 16 — Mt. Charleston Hill 20 cycling utah.com AUGUST 2006

19th Annual Snowbird Mountain Bout, 4. Tyler M. Beyeler; BikersEdge/DJ Ortho 1:30:42 Sport Women Spt Men 19-29 1. Lisa J Watson; Teton Cycle Works 1:35:00 cycling utah July 15, 2006, Snowbird, Utah 1. Tyler Nelson; Oakley 1:16:55 2. Renee Rasmus; Team Sugar/White Pine Touring 1:39:50 12 & Under 2. Justin Healy; CycleSmith 1:17:54 3. Lisa R. White; Porcupine/Canyon Sports 1:40:13 1. Justin Griffin; UtahMountainBiking.com 12:32:06 3. Craig Chilton 1:22:10 4. Hannah Steele; Teton Cycle Works 1:41:12 2. Hunter Tolbert; Big Trace Racing and Mules 12:35:47 4. Brandon Wilde; The Mighty Pink Belt 1:28:13 5. Jenelle Kremer; Revolution 1:44:40 3. Griffin S. Park 12:36:46 5. Stephen Brown; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:28:50 Spt Men 16-18 4. Dan Lund; UtahMountainBiking.com 12:36:47 6. Jesse Sorenson; Mad Dog Cycles 1:38:02 1. Dave Larsen; Utah Mt Biking.com 1:29:52 5. Rhet C. Povey; The Bike Shoppe 12:40:03 7. Ben Hutchings; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:45:15 2. Kellie Williams; UtahMountainBiking.com 2:11:28 6. Sam Watson; Revolution 12:42:21 8. Josiah Halverson 2:04:36 Spt Men 19-29 7. Riley Greene; Young Riders 12:42:50 Spt Men 30-39 1. Tyler Margetts; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:26:09 RACE RESULTS 8. Sean B. Lyne; Logan Race Club 12:51:02 1. Ryan Ashbridge; Revolution Mountain Sports 1:15:46 2. Mark Longfield 1:28:12 9. Destrey Enders; Autoliv 12:53:39 2. Karl Vizmeg; Mad Dog Cycles 1:16:22 3. Eric Greenwood 1:28:20 10. Erich Kolan; Revolution 12:54:19 3. Todd Newmarker; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:17:01 4. Stephen Brown; Cutthroat Racing/Spin Cycle 1:31:21 4.Zach Hardin;Bike Zion4.57.81 2. Chance Wright; Bike Zion 5.00.43 4.Zach Hardin;Bike Zion4.57.81 2. Chance Wright; Bike Zion 5.00.43 9 & Under 4. Tim White; bikeman.com 1:17:02 5. Jesse Sorenson; Mad Dog Cycles 1:31:57 5.Micah Hintze5.02.55 3. Cole McMillan; McMillan Chiropractic 5.03.18 Mountain 1. Jonah Fambro 12:14:05 5. Matt Engle 1:20:43 Spt Men 30-39 6.Daniel Lee;661/Hayes/Marzocchi/Intense5.06.62 4. Kevin Tisue; Next Dimension 5.33.11 2. Alex Binker 12:14:09 6. Dave Fassnacht 1:21:47 1. Michael C. Engberson; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:21:31 Bike 7.Bryce Twitchell;Bike Zion5.07.81 5. Anthony Sams 5.38.33 3. Brayden Nielsen 12:18:24 7. Michael C. Engberson; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:22:18 2. Dave Fassnacht 1:24:31 8.Casey Swenson5.45.99 6. Ian Kyees; Z-Team 5.43.74 Racing 4. Mackenzie Nielson; Sambucca/Contender 12:20:02 8. Justin Wilson; Revolution Mountain Sports 1:22:50 3. Alex Lizarazo; Ogden One Cycling Club 1:25:08 9.Patrick Waldron;Team Waldron5.50.08 Expert Men 40+ 5. Jackson Byck 12:20:33 9. Craig A. Pierson 1:24:56 4. Keith K. Payne; Mad Dog Cycles 1:26:09 10.Nic Hadley;Go-Ride6.36.96 1. Brad Koyle 5.46.63 6. Scott Abbott; Revolution Peak Fastener 12:24:24 10. Frank Linhorst; Revolution Mountain Sports 1:28:24 5. Matthew Flygare; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:28:11 Sport Men 40+ 2. Kirk Meyer; Park's/Sundance/RockCanyonPharmacy/ 7. Shawn Nielsen 12:25:49 Spt Men 40+ Spt Men 40+ Flyin’ Brian Downhill and Super D, Utah 1.Cory Swenson5.26.27 BlueFinDesign 6.09.20 Beg Men 13-15 1. Scott Russell 1:24:27 1. Marc E. Anderson 1:25:20 2.Rolf Hebenstreit;Old Guys5.30.37 3. Michael Ciulla 6.29.12 Downhill Series, July 1-2, 2006, Brian 1. Zane Enders; Autoliv 1:03:17 2. Thomas L. Henning; Canyon Bicycles 1:24:34 2. Jim Harper; Revolution Peak Fastener 1:36:42 3.Clint Bullock5.41.87 Pro Women 2. Logan Phippin; Autoliv 1:08:49 3. David Bruns 1:26:21 3. James C. Kisielewski; Little Wing Racing 1:39:39 Head, Utah Beginner Men 19-39 1. Erin Thain; Santa Cruz/Spy 6.07.29 3. Joshua Elston; AutoLiv Jr. Mtn. Bike Team 1:20:35 Pro Men 4. Rick Maddox; Racer's Cycle Service 1:29:23 Women 35+ 1.Eon Jarvis5.06.87 Expert Women 4. Conor M. Lyne; Logan Race Club 1:28:36 1.David Beeson;Scott, Xbalm, Ogio 3.53.11 5. Bart Anderson; Little Valley Cyclery 1:38:21 1. Jolene Nosack; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:01:20 2.Brandon Twitchell5.21.02 1. Kimber Gabryszak; Summit Cycles 6.06.21 Beg Men 16-18 2.Mark Christensen;Blue Dart Racing 3.58.08 6. James C. Kisielewski; Little Wing Racing 1:47:26 2. Juli Hunter; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:57:55 3.Trevor Jolley;Park's Sportsman5.32.02 Sport Men 19-29 1. Eric Taylor; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:14:40 3.Dustin Malley;Oakley 4.00.11 7. Patrick McKnight 2:03:35 3. Suzi Bria; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:58:12 4.Jason Morgan;Ram Rod6.03.11 1. Matt Harding; Park's Sportsman 5.14.92 2. Colin Hunsaker; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:19:07 4.Ian Odom;ISO Racing 4.02.68 Spt/Exp Men 13-15 5.Robert Maynard;Park's Sportsman6.32.08 2. David Clark 5.21.81 3. Dan Bishop 1:30:51 5.Pete Maniaci 4.03.90 1. Jonathon Bruns 1:26:30 Beginner Men 13-18 3. Mat Derrick 5.29.39 Beg Men 19-29 6.Quinton Spaulding;KHS 4.04.74 2. Tyler Wall; Team Evanston 1:33:18 Road 1.Casey Fassett5.08.14 4. Dace Mowery 5.39.14 1. Tyler Margetts; UtahMountainBiking.com 12:57:03 7.Von Williams;Go-Ride.com4.05.21 3. Mason West; Young Riders 1:38:04 2.Joe Costanzo5.09.21 5. Justin Reimers 5.41.83 2. Chris Daniels; BikersEdge/Destination Homes 1:03:16 8.Chris O'Connor;Baby Bailee Racing4.13.49 4. Justin Griffin; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:46:17 Racing 3.Justin Nelson5.24.11 6. Alex Mazurkewycz 5.47.56 3. Joshua Choate; Highlander 1:04:18 9.Peter Shaffer;Blue Dart Racing4.17.27 5. Stuart C. Povey; The Bike Shoppe 1:53:41 4.Austin Comstock5.37.55 7. Jeffery Potts; Disfunctional/Delaware Enduro 5.50.83 4. Carson Wick; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:04:28 10.Scott Crabill;Go-Ride.com4.21.55 Women 35+ 5.Ian Black5.50.27 8. Scott Cranney 5.56.05 5. Jaron Dansie; Canyon Bicycle/Sweet Tomatoess 1:06:15 Expert 19-29 Men 1. Jolene Nosack; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:14:45 6.Cody Franzen;Shuntavi Bikes5.55.90 9. Adam McMurray; Park's Sportsman 6.20.49 6. Dan Hutchings; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:13:14 1.Aaron Butler4.13.65 2. Dot Verbrugge; Mad Dog Cycles 1:15:51 Phil Meador Gate City Grind Stage 7.Cameron Snyder6.00.02 10. Brendan Brinkley; Bike Zion 6.22.83 7. Sam Hansen; Sam Hansen 1:16:52 2.Sean Richins;Morewood/661/Utopia/Hayes/ODI/ 3. Gigi Austria 1:18:01 8.Cody Searle8.34.90 Sport Men 30-39 Beg Men 30-39 Race, June 30-July 2, 2006, Pocatello Bombshell 4.14.02 4. Sally Hutchings; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:34:13 Beginner Men 40+ 1. Mark George 5.13.04 1. Jared Evans; Kobrakahn 12:56:25 3.Chad Bryce;Spy/Freestyle/Hayes/Ogio/SunRingle 4.19.18 Idaho 1.Robert Fullerton7.08.27 2. Heath Franklin; Sinister/Zion Cycles 5.15.65 2. Stephan Bergen; UtahMountainBiking.com 12:59:09 4.Johnny Muldoon;JNC Productions4.20.58 Pro/1/2 Male Prologue Results Sport Women 19+ 3. Clint DeMill; Utopia/661 5.25.55 3. Joe Christensen; Revolution 1:01:01 5.Damon Kirchmeier;Yeti, Maxxis4.24.55 1. Justin Rose; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery Center 00:02:33 1.Aponi Hancock5.36.24 4. David Eller 5.28.65 4. Dave Dean; Mad Dog Cycles 1:02:09 Taming the Tetons, Intermountain Cup 6.Riley Tucker;Parks/Ledge/Vacant4.30.90 2. Calvin Allan; Bode Cycling 00:02:35 2.Ana Rodriguez6.14.21 5. Shane Sidwell 5.42.49 5. Travis Buzzard; Revolution Mountain Sports 1:12:06 7.Clint Larsen4.41.40 Race #12, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, July 3. Sam Krieg; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery Center 00:02:36 3.Liz Kilz6.51.71 6. Scott Mendoza; Shuntavi Bikes 6.11.27 Beg Men 40+ 8.Jody Jones4.58.46 4. Kyle Brown; Odgen One 00:02:36 4.Christine Krulj-Wolken7.59.02 7. Edwin Zabonik 6.27.58 1. Jonathan Atzet 1:00:32 22, 2006 5. Chris Stuart; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery Center Expert Men 13-18 12 & Under 10 & Under 8. Thomas Fehrenbacker 7.28.62 2. John VanWagner; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:05:16 00:02:37 1.Andrew Pierce;Go-Ride.com3.56.14 1. Hunter Tolbert; Big Trace Racing and Mules 0:33:45 1.Galen Carter7.17.65 Sport Men 13-18 3. Rich Phippin 1:07:02 Cat 3 Male Prologue Results 2.Logan Binggeli4.00.52 2. Max Raymer; Cole Sport 0:47:45 2.Damon Kirchmeier Jr15.04.11 1. Casey Swenson; Biker's Edge 5.18.30 4. Greg Robbins 1:09:28 1. Dustin Eskelson; Binghams 00:02:31 3.Naish Ulmer4.05.84 3. Carlee Hunsaker; UtahMountainBiking.com 0:47:54 2. Casey Fassett 5.22.43 5. Scott Hunsaker; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:24:18 2. Phillip Wood; FFKR Architects/SBO 00:02:31 4.Chris Hadley;Go-Ride.com4.27.55 Beg Men 16-18 SUPER-D Results 3. Aaron Mendoza; Shuntavi Bicycles 5.26.05 Beginner Women 3. Jason Montgomery; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery, 00:02:39 5.Jordan Culp4.31.43 1. Eric Taylor; UtahMountainBiking.com 0:53:42 Expert Men 13-18 4. Tyer Condie; Bike Zion 5.33.19 1. Meghan Buzzard; Revolution Mountain Sports 1:11:07 4. Brian Schilling 00:02:39 6.Riley Barlow;DOD Racing4.39.99 Beg Men 19-29 1.Naish Ulmer12:47.93 5. Daniel Lee 5.33.23 2. Anne Bridgeman; SandCastle Holdings 1:19:07 5. William Jessen; RMCC 00:02:40 Expert Men 30-39 1. George Patton 0:48:11 Expert Men 30-39 6. Zachary Hardin; Bike Zion 5.36.37 3. Katie O'Hearn 1:32:12 Cat 4 Male Prologue Results 1.Chance Wright;Bike Zion4.18.52 Beg Men 30-39 1.Bill Bergeron13:49.14 7. Nic Hadley; Go-Ride 5.39.97 Clydesdale 1. Eric Anderson; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery, 00:02:35 2.Justin Alvey;Go-Ride.com4.24.68 1. Eric Bruesewitz 1:08:09 2.Chance Wright14:16.71 8. Jacob LaRocque; DOD Racing 5.48.65 1. Mike Oblad; Hyland Cyclery 1:29:05 2. Ian Tuttle; Fitzgerald's 00:02:45 3.Cole McMillan;McMillan Chiropractic4.29.99 2. Travis Buzzard; Revolution Mountain Sports 1:21:09 Sport Men 30-39 9. Micah Hintze; Park's Sportsman 5.50.99 2. Trent Wignall; DNA Cycling 1:29:04 3. Anthony Fisher; Team Dobbiaco 00:02:46 4.Jeff Kuhn;Brodie USA4.40.30 3. Roy Smeal; Cutthroat Racing/Spin Cycle 1:27:31 1.Hank Cobb14:22.11 10. Patrick Waldron; Team Waldron 5.59.40 3. Greg Johnson; Mad Dog Cycles 1:36:24 4. Dave Bergart; Fitzgeralds Bicycles 00:02:47 5.Kevin Tisue;Next Demension4.44.84 4. Justin Pallari 1:29:33 2.Marshall Evans14:55.87 11. Tyler Carruth; DOD Racing 6.04.68 4. Aaron Mullins; Taylors Bike Shop 1:53:45 5. Matt Thompson; Logan Race Club 00:02:47 6.Scott Neison4.49.43 Beg Men 40+ 3.Andrew Moeller15:39.21 12. Jeremy Morgan; Hayes/ODI/PumpX/Intense/ Exp Men 19-29 Cat 5 Male Prologue Results 7.Anthony Sams4.52.11 1. Robert Stephens; CNT Cycling 0:45:16 Sport Men 40+ Morewood/661 6.19.81 1. David Welsh; Cedar Cycle /Color Country 1:30:19 1. Jody White 00:02:58 8.Ian Kyees5.02.55 2. Kris Nosack; UtahMountainBiking.com 0:48:54 1.Clint Bullock16:12.55 13. Justin Nelson; Park's Sportsman/Finseven 6.31.29 2. Matthew Sutton; Wasatch Touring 1:30:32 2. Lance Lehnhof; Porcupine Cycling 00:02:58 9.Bill Bergeron;Bike Zion/Zteam5.04.52 3. Dominic Bria; UtahMountainBiking.com 0:51:38 2.Rolf Hebenstreit21:58.40 12 & Under 3. Adam Gurtler; Mad Dog Cycles 1:59:34 3. Alex Phipps; K Man 00:03:03 Expert Men 40+ 4. Scott Hunsaker; UtahMountainBiking.com 0:59:11 Beginner Women 19+ 1. Colton Kissell 12.18.87 4. Tim B. Lewin; Carls Jr 2:02:56 4. Kirk Minor; Vanguard Media Group 00:03:03 1.Gavin Spaulding;KHS4.38.78 Beginner Women 1.Rita Gerard17:28.05 Beginner Men 40+ Exp Men 30-39 5. Adam Boyce; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery, 00:03:04 2.Craig Skinner5.03.34 1. Meghan Buzzard; Revolution Mountain Sports 0:52:10 2.Kristen Self21:13.14 1. Brett Scarborough 8.04.46 1. Samuel Moore Porcupine/Canyon Spts 1:36:53 Master 35+ Male Prologue Results 3.Stephen Waldron;Team Waldron5.07.52 2. Annie Band 0:52:48 3.Nan Powell23:22.65 Sport Men 40+ 2. Richard D. Abbott; Revolution/Peak Fasteners 1:37:32 1. Scott Robinson; Sv Road & Dirt 00:02:37 4.Bobby Bondurandt;Depraved Allstars5.22.62 3. Christine Waters 0:56:53 Sport Women 19+ 1. Stephen Waldron; Team Waldron 5.45.34 3. Bob Saffell; Revolution 1:40:48 2. Scott Allen; Canyon Bicycles 00:02:37 5.Micheal Ciulla5.23.37 4. Emily Ritter; Team Sugar/White Pine Touring 0:57:39 1.Aponi Hancock14:49.93 2. Clint Bullock 6.22.44 4. Brad Newby; Red Rock Bicycles 1:43:43 3. Ted Burgess; Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRCC 00:02:43 6.Roger Gutierrez;Downfast5.56.62 5. Gracey Lewis 0:58:48 Beginner Men 13-18 3. Rolf Hebenstreit 6.25.93 5. Mark W. Esplin; Bountiful Cycle 1:44:39 4. Jim Crouch; Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRCC 00:02:44 Pro Women Clydesdale 1.Brock Twitchell28:30.43 4. Corey Swenson 6.45.34 6. Leif Johansson; Mad Dog Cycles 1:44:40 5. Eric Carlson; Sun Valley Road and Dirt 00:02:49 1.Addie Lepper;Go-Ride.com5.00.05 1. Mike Oblad; Ellsworth Bikes/Hyland Cyclery 1:30:24 Beginner Men 19-39 7. Drew Neilson; LoganRaceClub/Wimmers 1:47:21 Master 45+ Male Prologue Results 2.ErinThain;Santa Cruz/Spy5.19.24 2. Trent Wignal; lDNA Cycling 1:30:44 1. Kade Salisbury 5.33.21 8. Derrick K. Batley; Team Red Rock 1:51:38 1. Russell Thorstrom; Digestive Health Clinic/Aero Cyclos Expert Women 3. Charles Mills; Bills Bicycle 1:42:15 2. Trevor Jolley; Park's/Jolley's Pharmacy 6.03.14 Exp Men 40+ 00:02:43 1.Nancy Harris;No Brakes Racing6.58.99 Deer Valley Bald Mountain Challenge 4. David Barrus 1:46:08 3. Steve Miller; Ghetto Slider Clothing 6.08.11 1. Daren Cottle; Porcupine/Specialized Racing 1:49:49 2. Jeff Clawson; Canyon Bicycles 00:02:53 Sport Men 19-29 5. Aaron Mullins; Taylors Bike Shop 1:46:15 Downhill and Super D, Utah Downhill 4. Shawn Edwards 6.23.87 2. Bruce Lyman; Mad Dog Cycles 1:52:34 3. John Esposito; Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRCC 1.Matt Harding;Park's Sportsman 4.34.81 Exp Men 19-29 5. Nathan King; Revolution 7.14.46 Men 50+ 00:02:53 2.Joe Harker;Biker's Edge4.51.74 Series, July 15-16, 2006, Deer Valley, 1. Chris Mackay; Cole Sport 1:57:42 Beginner Men 13-18 1. Brad A. Mullen; Canyon Bicycles 1:22:35 4. Bob Marcinko; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery 00:02:55 3.David Clark4.51.74 Utah 2. Reed Abbott; Revolution 2:02:44 1. Alex Thomas; Young Riders 5.12.82 2. Mark Enders; Autoliv 1:25:43 5. Bob Walker; Autoliv 00:03:04 4.Brody Greer4.57.30 Pro Men 3. Justin Healy; CycleSmith 2:03:44 2. Chance Wilson 5.40.29 3. Dwight Hibdon; Mad Dog Cycles 1:29:59 Master 55+ Prologue Results 5.Justin Reimers;Bingham's Cyclery5.04.78 1. Ben Craner; BTC Illustration 4.40.34 Exp Men 30-39 3. Chris Geaslin 5.43.34 4. Bill Dark; Mad Dog 1:30:25 1. Ken Louder; FFKR Sportsbaseonline 0:02:57 6.Scott Cranney;Bingham's Cyclery5.23.30 2. Mark Christensen; Blue Dart Racing 4.43.67 1. Cary Smith; Teton Cycle Works 1:47:32 4. Joey Costanzo 5.46.04 5. Scott Miles; Canyon Cycles 1:32:24 Pro/1/2 Female Prologue Results 7.Brendan Brinkley;Bike Zion5.32.37 3. Carl Marcum; FlyRacing/YMC/HippieTec 4.48.34 2. Jay Petervary; Fitzgeralds Bicycles 1:51:16 5. Beau Hennings 5.48.51 6. Craig D. Williams; CutThroat Racing 1:37:28 1. Heather Holmes; Ivory Homes 00:02:58 8.Ryan Barlow6.03.99 4. Scott Crabill; Go-Ride 4.56.29 3. Brad W. Pilling; Revolution 1:51:39 6. Jack Larson 6.28.03 7. Bruce R. Argyle; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:45:18 2. Kris Walker; Intermountain Sportsmedicine/LRC 00:03:00 9.Jeremy Draper;Z-Team6.11.37 5. Emmanuel Pons; Go-Ride 5.07.05 4. Bob Saffell; Revolution 1:52:53 7. Travis Bowdie 6.31.43 Men 57+ 3. Heather Albert; America's Dairyland 00:03:18 Sport Men 30-39 Expert 19-29 Men 5. Chad Harris; Racers Cycle Service 1:54:19 8. Scott Stybe 7.12.78 1. Lewis Rollins; Sambucca/Contender 1:07:03 Cat 3 Female Prologue Results 1.Heath Franklin4.35.34 1. Sean Richins; Morewood/661/Utopia/Hayes/ODI/ Exp Men 40+ 9. Miles Dunford 7.16.10 Pro Men 2. Chellie Terry; Fitzgerald's Bicycles 00:03:07 2.Mark George4.40.96 Bombshell 4.52.51 1. Greg Buchko 2:02:48 Sport Women 19+ 1. Kevin Day; Biker's Edge/DestinationHomes 1:48:13 3. Karen Appleby-Krieg; LRC/Intermountain Medical 00:03:09 3.Scott Reynolds4.48.46 2. Aaron Butler; Park's Sportsman 4.53.11 2. Curt Bates; Canyon Bicycles 2:06:08 1. Aponi Hancock; Bike Zion 5.57.84 2. Alex Grant; Rocky Mt /Oakley 1:48:18 4. Jen Ward; Wasatch Women 00:03:12 4.Shane Sidwell;Bike Zion4.53.34 3. Mitch Andrus; Go-Ride/Replay 4.57.38 3. Bruce Lyman; Mad Dog Cycles 2:11:04 2. Ana Rodriguez; Park's Sportsman 7.26.96 3. Bart Gillespie; Raleigh Factory Team 1:50:22 5. Cherell Jordin; Porcupine/Specialized Racing 00:03:17 5.James Wolken4.56.11 4. Johnny Muldoon 5.00.25 4. Fabian Esposito; Logan Race Club 2:40:25 4. Ty Hansen; Revolution/BNakedCannondale 1:57:13 Cat 4 Female Prologue Results 6.Clint DeMill;Utopia/6614.58.81 5. Chad Bryce; Spy/Ogio/Hayes/661/Freestyle/SunRingle Expert Women Super-D Final 5. Brandon Firth; Biker's Edge/DestinationHomes 1:57:35 1. Jamie Bennion; Intermountain Sports Med/ LRC 00:03:13 7.Sabastian Santiesteban5.05.52 5.03.20 1. Amanda Riley; Teton Cycle Works 1:53:08 Expert Men 30-39 6. Goeffrey Montague; Yeti/Desert Cycle 2:09:11 2. Elizabeth Williams; Intermountain Orthopedics/LRC 8.Scott Mendoza;Shuntavi Bicylces 5.10.40 6. Riley Tucker; Parks/Ledge/Vacant 5.14.21 2. Tracey Petervary; Fitzgeralds Bicycles 2:02:16 1. Kris Baughman 9:58.74 Pro Women 00:03:21 9.Hank Cobb5.26.30 7. Clint Larson; Team Zion 5.17.62 3. Bethany Neilson; LoganRaceClub/Wimmers 2:02:50 Expert Men 40+ 1. Roxanne Toly; Jans 1:54:13 3. Juel Iverson; Ivory Homes 00:03:27 10.Edwin Zabonik;Bike Zion5.44.24 8. Jason Whitehead 5.58.23 4. Stacy L. Newton; Team Sugar/White Pine Touring 2:03:44 1. Craig Skinner 10:25.43 2. Kara C. Holley; Mad Dog Cycles 1:55:23 4. Christy Turnbull; Sambucca/Contender 00:03:30 11.John Wilcken5.50.24 Expert Men 13-18 Men 50+ 2. Tim Morris 10:52.55 3. Denise Vandekamp; Ivory Homes 2:07:22 5. Dee Johnson; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery Center 12.Steve Fiduccia;Brian Head Sports5.59.30 1. Andrew Pierce; Go-Ride 4.38.32 1. Walt Berling; UCJH 1:29:10 3. Brad Koyle 11:11.43 Single-Speed 00:03:36 13.Jeffery Foehr6.07.62 2. Logan Binggeli 4.51.03 2. Bill Dark; Mad Dog 1:31:58 Sport Men 30-39 1. Brad Keyes Racers; Cycle Service 1:17:22 Master 35+ Female Prologue Results 14.Andrew Moeller 6.37.37 3. Jordan Culp 4.54.46 3. Craig D. Williams; CutThroat Racing 1:37:11 1. Gary Moore 10:43.58 2. Brian A. Tolbert; Big Trace Racing and Mules 1:18:16 1. Jo Garuccio; Canyon Bicycles 00:03:36 Sport Men 13-18 4. Chris Hadley; Go-Ride 4.55.31 4. Bruce R. Argyle; UtahMountainBiking.com 1:41:55 2. Andrew Brezoff 11:09.46 3. Eric T. Johnson; Mad Dog Cycles 1:37:37 2. Jodi Cuccia; Lost River/Intermountain Orthopaedics 1.Aaron Mendoza 4.34.55 5. Riley Barlow; DOD Racing 5.02.77 Pro Men Sport Men 40+ 4. Dave Benson; EPO 1:45:17 00:03:49 2.Caylan Wojciechowski 4.36.68 Expert Men 30-39 1. Eric Jones; Raleigh Factory Team 2:04:45 1. Rolf Hebenstreit 12:32.02 5. Stephen Wasmund; Cutthroat Racing 1:52:22 3. Vickie Memmer; Teton Gravity Girls 00:04:07 3.Tyler Condie;Bike Zion 4.44.96 1. Justin Alvey; GoRide 4.57.85 2. Blake Zumbrunnen; Revolution Mountain Sports 2:05:40 Sport Men 13-18 Sport Women Junior 15-18 Male Prologue Results 3. Michael McCalla; Fuentes Design 2:06:01 1. Riley Hewes 11:03.84 1. Erika Powers 1:34:25 1. Bruce Hoffman; Ogden One 00:02:37 4. Chad B. Wassmer; Cole Sport 2:17:49 Beg Men 19-39 2. Lisa R. White; Porcupine/Canyon Sports 1:35:49 2. Tyler Wall; Team Evanston 00:02:58 5. Reed Wycoff; Contender 2:20:27 1. Ryan Simmons 10:38.58 3. Jenelle Kremer; Revolution 1:39:37 3. Jimmy Hague; Sun Summit Jr Cycling 00:02:59 Pro Women 2. Damon Sant 15:92.27 4. Hannah Steele; Teton Cycle Works 1:44:58 4. Colton Osterhout 00:03:00 1. Kathy Sherwin; Ford Cycling 2:01:03 Sport Women 5. Lyna Saffell; Revolution Mtn. Sports 1:55:42 5. Taylor Benz; Sun Summit Cycling Club 00:03:05 Keep in Shape 2. Kara C. Holley; Mad Dog Cycles 2:14:54 6. Jennifer Roberts 1:57:59 Junior 10-14 Male Prologue Results 1. Elizabeth Koyle 13:50.93 Single Speed Spt Men 16-18 1. Davis Hague; Sun Summit Jr Cycling 00:02:57 1. Brian A. Tolbert; Big Trace Racing and Mules 1:44:03 1. Taylor Burton 1:17:23 2. Colby Benz; Sun Summit Cycling Club 00:03:32 2. Stephen Wasmund; Cutthroat Racing 1:45:47 No Matter the Season 2. Brent R. Randall 1:24:26 3. Erich Pew; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery Center 00:03:46 3. Chad D. Hunter; UtahMountainBiking.com 2:47:56 3. Dave Larsen; Utah Mt Biking.com 1:29:39 4. Jackson Long; Sun Summit Junior Cycling Team 00:04:07 Junior 15-18 Female Prologue Results s3CHWINN)#%LITE3PIN"IKES 1. Marth Memmer; Teton Gravity Girls 00:04:05 s'ROUP&ITNESS 2. Katie Harris; Teton Gravity Girls 00:04:11 C A L L T O D AY Pro/1/2 Male Road Race Results s0ILATES FOR MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION 1. Burke Swindlehurst; Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 03:22:56 s+ICKBOXING 801-261-3426 ;dgY^hi^cXi^kZ 2. Mike Booth; Sienna Dev't - Goble Knee Clinic 03:23:05 s0ERSONAL4RAINING 3. Calvin Allan; Bode Cycling 03:23:05 4. Cameron Hoffman; Ogden One 03:23:05 s#YBEX .AUTILUS 'ROUND:ERO#IRCUIT eg^ci^c\! 5. Jeff Louder; Healthnet Presented by Maxxis 03:23:05 Cat 3 Male Road Race Results s4READMILLS %LLIPTICALS "IKES 3TAIR#LIMBERS ejWa^h]^c\ 1. Jason Montgomery; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery Center s!DULTS/NLY&REE7EIGHTS 02:46:46 2. Colin England 02:46:46 s4EEN&REE7EIGHTS 3. Phillip Wood; FFKR Architects/SBO 02:46:46 VcYYZh^\c! 4. William Jessen; RMCC 02:46:46 s)NDOORAND/UTDOOR4RACK 5. Mark Zimbelman; Utah Valley Racing 02:46:46 s4ENNIS ^iÉhVaa^c Cat 4 Male Road Race Results s2ACQUETBALL i]Zhe^c# s3QUASH Buy Your Race Photos s3WIMMING!LL9EAR Online! s"ASKETBALL visit cyclingutah.com's s7HIRLPOOL 3AUNA 3TEAM Proud printer of Cycling Utah Since 1993 photo gallery. s-ASSAGE 58 North Main • P.O. Box 390 • Tooele, Utah 84074-0390 s.URSERY&ACILITIES !&ULL3ERVICE0RIVATE East Canyon, Hell of the &AMILY!THLETIC#LUB 435-882-0050 • Salt Lake 801-355-6525 • Toll Free 866-721-9992 North, RMR, Draper Days, 5445 South 900 East Salt Lake City, UT 84117 lll#hedgihbVaa\gdje#Xdb Fax 435-882-6123 • www.tbpublishing.com Solitude ICS AUGUST 2006 cycling utah.com 21

1. Eric Anderson; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery 02:10:55 3. Jamie Bennion; Intermountain Sports Med/ LRC 00:16:57 1. Eric Anderson; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery 03:17:06 Nicole Evans; FFKR Architects/SBO 1:11:29 21. Ken Yonemura; Team SCARR 1:28:14 10. Robert Sorenson; Vanguard Media Group Cycling 2. Matt Thompson; Logan Race Club 02:10:55 4. Juel Iverson; Ivory Homes 00:17:12 2. Aaron Olsen; FFKR 03:17:37 2. Jen Ward; WWCC 1:13:44 22. Tim Bowman; RMCC 1:35:08 3:04:59 3. Jon Bell; Contender/sambucca 02:10:55 5. Chantel Thackeray; FFKR/sports Base Online 00:17:14 3. Mike Franklin; Contender/sambucca 03:17:59 3. Laura Howat; Vanguard Media Group Cycling 1:17:03 Master Men 55-99 11. Wayne Cottrell; Ogden One 3:26:34 4. Cameron Lasky 02:10:55 Master 35+ Female Time Trial Results 4. Ian Tuttle; Fitzgerald's 03:18:07 4. Nisie Van de Kamp; Ivory Homes 1:18:02 1. Ken Louder; FFKR Architects/SBO 1:13:50 Master Men 5. Terry Totemeier; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery 02:10:55 1. Jo Garuccio; Canyon Bicycles 00:16:06 5. Dave Bergart; Fitzgeralds Bicycles 03:18:15 5. Kristi Mcilmoil; Utah Valley Racing 1:18:22 2. Hardin Davis; Vanguard Media Group Cycling 1:14:58 1. Barry Makarewicz; Vanguard Media Group Cycling Cat 5 Male Road Race Results 2. Jodi Cuccia; Lost River/Intermountain Orthopaedics 6. Terry Huntley; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery 03:18:36 6. Kris Walker; Intermountain Sports Medicine 1:18:59 3. Ron Roy; Porcupine/Canyon Sports 1:16:23 2:05:48 1. John Thomas; G.a.s. - Hh 01:31:01 00:17:01 7. Anthony Fisher; Team Dobbiaco 03:18:37 7. Ruth Shapiro; Vanguard Media Group Cycling 1:22:31 4. Rick Marston; Vanguard Media Group Cycling 1:26:33 2. Mark Seltenrich 2:05:52 2. Lance Lehnhof; Porcupine Cycling 01:31:01 3. Vickie Memmer; Teton Gravity Girls 00:18:21 8. Terry Totemeier; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery 03:18:41 8. Darae Strong; WWCC 1:23:31 5. Shannon Storrud 1:28:23 3. Jamie Longe; Canyon Bibycles 2:05:53 3. Kirk Minor; Vanguard Media Group 01:31:01 Junior 15-18 Male Time Trial Results 9. Kevin Rowe; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery 03:18:50 9. Kathy Robinson; Intermountain Sports Medicine 1:24:01 6. Lee Bourne; Sambucca 1:36:44 4. Louis Riel; Porcupine/Canyon Sports 2:07:17 4. Jeff Hale; George's Cycling 01:31:01 1. Bruce Hoffman; Ogden One 00:13:47 10. Eric Kafka; Sun Valley Road and Dirt 03:18:55 10. Laurie Humbert; Vanguard Media Group Cycling 1:28:03 5. Curt Bates; Canyon Bibycles 2:07:19 5. Alex Whitney 01:31:01 2. Taylor Benz; Sun Summit Cycling Club 00:15:51 Cat 5 Male General Classification Cat 3 Men Chalk Creek Road Race, July 15, 2006, 6. John Dauma 2:09:47 Master 35+ Male Road Race Results 3. Colton Osterhout; Sun Summitt 00:15:52 1. Jody White; 02:18:16 1. Eric Jeppsen; MiDuole 1:03:08 7. Don Bowen; Utah Valley Racing 2:09:53 1. Jim Crouch; Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRCC 02:59:28 4. Jimmy Hague; Sun Summit Jr Cycling 00:15:59 2. Lance Jensen; Utah Valley Racing 02:18:19 2. Alvin Stewart; Blue Rain 1:05:17 Coalville, Utah 8. Jeff Clawson; Canyon Bibycles 2:09:54 2. Justin Kline; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery Center 02:59:28 5. Tyler Wall; Team Evanston 00:16:15 3. Alex Phipps; K Man 02:18:31 3. Ira Tibbitts; Utah State University Cycling Club 1:06:06 Cat 1/2 Men 9. Stephen Pudlock; Ogden One 2:11:23 3. Scott Robinson; Sv Road & Dirt 02:59:28 Junior 10-14 Male Time Trial Results 4. Alex Whitney; 02:18:49 3. Aaron Torres; Golsan Cycle 1:06:52 1. Jeff Louder; Health Net pb Maxxis 3:08:42 10. Clark Johnson; X-Men 2:15:08 4. Todd Jankiewicz; Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRCC 1. Davis Hague; Sun Summit Jr Cycling 00:16:15 5. Kirk Minor; Vanguard Media Group 02:18:57 4. Sean Hoover; Vanguard Media Group Cycling 1:07:54 2. David Harward; Porcupine/Specialized Racing 3:09:00 11. Ken Chord; Cole Sports 2:15:20 02:59:28 2. Colby Benz; Sun Summit Cycling Club 00:18:51 6. John Thomas; G.a.s. - Hh 02:19:05 5. Jason Hendrickson; Cyclesmith 1:08:17 3. Jeff Sargent; FFKR Architects/SBO 3:11:59 12. Steven Ferguson; Morgan Stanley 2:30:54 5. Ted Burgess; Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRCC 02:59:28 3. Erich Pew; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery Center 00:18:54 7. David Hachey; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery 02:19:23 6. Jared Inouye; MiDuole 1:08:31 4. Chris Humbert; Vanguard Media Group Cycling 3:11:59 Master Men Master 45+ Male Road Race Results 4. Jackson Long; Sun Summit Junior Cycling Team 00:19:30 8. Jeff Hale; George's Cycling 02:19:54 7. Aaron Packard; Racer's Cycle Service 1:09:26 5. Kirk Eck; Sienna Development - Goble Knee Clinic 1. Shannon Storrud 2:34:39 1. Kurt Holzer; Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRC 02:07:47 Junior 15-18 Female Time Trial Results 9. Josh Gunter; 02:20:05 8. Darren Marshall; 1:09:35 3:12:01 2. Sam Wolfe; Canyon Bicycles 02:10:45 1. Marth Memmer; Teton Gravity Girls 00:19:29 10. Hal Miller; 02:20:18 9. Phil Wood; FFKR Architects/SBO 1:12:54 6. Eric Flynn; Park City Cycling Academy 3:12:05 3. John Esposito; Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRCC 02:11:39 2. Katie Harris; Teton Gravity Girls 00:21:07 Master 35+ Male General Classification 10. Curt Doman; 1:13:04 7. Aaron Jordin; Porcupine/Specialized Racing 3:12:17 8. Ryan Barrett; Sienna Development - Goble Knee Clinic Sundance Hillclimb, July 15, 2006 4. Kevin Shepherd; Mi Duole 02:11:39 Pro/1/2 Male Criterium Results 1. Scott Allen; Canyon Bicycles 03:59:36 11. Al Michini; Vanguard Media Group Cycling 1:20:58 Pro 1/2 Male 5. Jeff Clawson; Canyon Bicycles 02:11:43 1. Dave Harward; Porcupine/Specialized Racing 01:14:10 2. Scott Robinson; Sv Road & Dirt 03:59:50 Cat 4 Men 3:14:03 9. Nate Thomas; Sienna Development - Goble Knee 1. Nate Page; Biker's Edge 42:27:00 Master 55+ Male Road Race Results 2. Calvin Allan; Bode Cycling 01:14:11 3. Jim Crouch; Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRCC 04:00:19 1. Dave Gontrum; 1:06:19 2. Nate Thomas; Sienna Dev't - Goble Knee Clinic 43:19:00 1. Ken Louder; FFKR Architects/SBO 02:11:42 3. Todd Hageman; Park City Cycling Academy 01:14:11 4. Eric Carlson; Sun Valley Road and Dirt 04:01:09 2. Aaron Olsen; FFKR Architects/SBO 1:07:52 Clinic 3:14:03 10. John McDaniel; FFKR Architects/SBO 3:14:23 3. Sandy Perrins; Sienna Dev't - Goble Knee Clinic 44:36:00 Pro/1/2 Female Road Race Results 4. Burke Swindlehurst; Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 5. Justin Kline; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery 04:01:10 3. Jon Hendrickson; University of New Orleans 1:09:11 4. Ryan Barrett; Sienna Dev't - Goble Knee Clinic 44:43:00 1. Heather Albert; America's Dairyland 02:20:21 01:14:11 6. James Chilson; 04:01:18 4. Jon Schofield; MiDuole 1:09:57 11. Gardie Jackson; Sienna Development - Goble Knee Clinic 3:17:32 5. David Harward; Porcupine/specialized Racing 44:49:00 2. Heather Holmes; Ivory Homes 02:20:22 5. Nate Thomas; Sienna Dev't - Goble Knee Clinic 01:14:11 7. Tony Chesrow; Jan's 04:02:08 5. Nathan Goates; Cumberland Transit 1:10:08 Cat 3 Male 3. Kris Walker; Intermountain Cat 3 Male Time Trial Results 8. Ted Burgess; Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRCC 04:02:27 6. Bonn Turkington; Canyon Bicycles 1:10:10 Cat 1/2/3 Women 1. Nisie Vandekamp; Ivory Homes 2:28:36 1. Eric Jeppsen 41:35:00 Cat 3 Female Road Race Results 1. Dustin Eskelson; Binghams 00:13:13 9. Todd Jankiewicz; Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRCC 7. David Hansen; Porcupine/Canyon Sports 1:10:10 2. Alvin Stewart; Blue Rain 42:50:00 1. Chellie Terry; Fitzgerald's Bicycles 02:20:21 2. Phillip Wood; FFKR Architects/SBO 00:13:35 04:02:32 8. Shane Powell; Powell Ophthalmology 1:10:40 2. Kris WALKER; Intermountain Sports Medicine 2:28:42 3. Jen Ward; WWCC 2:28:43 3. Connor O'leary; Sbo 43:38:00 2. Jen Ward; Wasatch Women 02:20:22 3. Cameron Candelaria; Canyon Bicycles 00:13:36 10. Henry Harper; Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRCC 04:07:44 9. Stephen Tueller; Odgen One 1:10:45 4. Jason Hendrickson; Cyclesmith 44:22:00 3. Cherell Jordin; Porcupine/Specialized Racing 02:20:22 4. Ben D'hulst; Park City Cycling Academy 00:13:38 Master 45+ Male General Classification 10. Gene Smith; MiDuole 1:11:19 4. Kathy Robinson; Intermountain Sports Medicine 2:30:22 5. Laura Patten; Vanguard Media Group Cycling 2:32:14 5. Jared Inouye; Mi Duole / Barbacoa 45:36:00 4. Karen Appleby-Krieg; LRC/Intermountain Medical 5. William Jessen; RMCC 00:13:38 1. John Esposito; Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRCC Cat 4 Women Cat 4 Male Clinic 02:20:22 Cat 4 Male Criterium Results 03:04:35 1. Karin Carestia 1:18:59 Cat 3 Men 1. Scott Patten; Vanguard Media Group Cycling 3:29:41 1. Bill Demong; Trek VW 43:48:00 Cat 4 Female Road Race Results 1. Eric Anderson; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery 00:50:14 2. Jeff Clawson; Canyon Bicycles 03:04:47 2. Lisa Palmer-Leger 1:20:41 2. Jason Asay 44:53:00 1. Jamie Bennion; Intermountain Sports Med/ LRC 01:38:10 2. Keith Anderson; Logan Race Club 00:50:15 3. Russell Thorstrom; Digestive Health Clinic/Aero Cyclos 3. Allison Frye 1:20:53 2. Clark Mower; Contender 3:29:52 3. John Iltis; Cole Sport 3:29:55 3. Bonn Turkington; Canyon Bicycles 46:04:00 2. Juel Iverson; Ivory Homes 01:38:12 3. Anthony Fisher; Team Dobbiaco 00:50:16 03:04:48 4. Leslie Schofield 1:22:19 4. Kyle Cramer; Y Cycling 46:17:00 3. Elizabeth Williams; Intermountain Orthopedics/LRC 01:38:14 4. Dave Bergart; Fitzgeralds Bicycles 00:50:18 4. Kurt Holzer; Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRC 03:05:35 5. Marlene Murnin 1:26:31 4. Eric Rasmussen; Porcupine/Specialized Racing 3:29:55 5. Nathan Arnim 3:29:59 5. Shane Powell; Powell Ophthalmology 46:21:00 4. Christy Turnbull; Sambucca/contender 01:38:14 5. Ian Tuttle; Fitzgerald's 00:50:20 5. Kevin Shepherd; Mi Duole 03:05:38 6. Heather Edwards 1:29:00 Cat 5 Male 5. Sandy Kern; Alaska Waste 01:42:58 Cat 5 Male Criterium Results 6. Bob Marcinko; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery 03:10:43 7. Susie Rose 1:32:43 6. Ted Tatos; RMCC 3:30:02 7. Andrew Peterson; Sienna Development - Goble Knee 1. Chuck Gibson Master 35+ Female Road Race Results 1. Alex Phipps; K Man 00:28:53 7. Stephen Pudlock; Ogden One Cycling Club 03:11:10 8. Laurel Hunter; Santa Cruz Spokesman 1:36:05 2. Tim Hodnett; Mad Dog Cycles 45:36:00 1. Jo Garuccio; Canyon Bicycles 01:38:27 2. Kirk Minor; Vanguard Media Group 00:28:56 8. Sam Wolfe; Canyon Bicycles 03:12:20 9. Sonia Maxfield; Vanguard Media Group Cycling 1:38:41 Clinic 3:30:34 8. Jess Dear; RMCC 3:36:47 3. Eric Wynn 46:52:00 2. Jodi Cuccia; Lost River/Intermountain Orthopaedics 01:39:41 3. John Thomas; G.a.s. - Hh 00:28:56 9. Bob Walker; Autoliv 03:13:20 10. Melanie Helm; WWCC 1:50:24 4. Ken Webster 47:01:00 3. Vickie Memmer; Teton Gravity Girls 01:48:44 4. Alex Whitney; 00:28:57 10. Rudy Estrada; Cyclesports 03:18:31 Cat 5 Men 9. Dantley Young; Sienna Development - Goble Knee Clinic 3:43:31 5. Kenny Jones; Racer 48:09:00 Junior 15-18 Male Road Race Results 5. Jeff Hale; George's Cycling 00:28:57 Master 55+ Male General Classification 1. Torin Koos 1:07:20 Masters 35+ Male 1. Bruce Hoffman; Ogden One 01:31:29 Master 35+ Male Criterium Results 1. Ken Louder; FFKR Architects/sbo.com 03:03:55 2. Eric Gibbons 1:07:51 10. Eric Thompson; Vanguard Media Group Cycling 3:45:42 11. Brian Boudreau; Contender 3:45:44 1. Zan Treasure; Autoliv 43:52:00 2. Colton Osterhout; 01:31:32 1. Scott Robinson; Sv Road & Dirt 00:44:05 Junior 10-14 Male General Classification 3. Bradley Gehrig 1:09:19 2. Donald Armstrong 45:04:00 3. Jimmy Hague; Sun Summit Jr Cycling 01:31:33 2. Jim Crouch; Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRC 00:44:05 1. Davis Hague; Sun Summit Jr Cycling 1:39:59 4. Ken Webster 1:10:23 Cat 4 Men 1. Grady James; Nature;s Oasis/Durango Cyclery 2:03:05 3. Scott Allen; Canyon Bicycles 45:35:00 4. Thomas Anderson; Sticks & Stones 01:31:35 3. Scott Allen; Canyon Bicycles 00:44:07 2. Colby Benz; Sun Summit Cycling Club 1:45:44 5. Eric Wynn 1:11:19 4. Stephen Tueller; Ogden One Cycling Club 47:15:00 5. Taylor Benz; Sun Summit Cycling Club 01:31:42 4. Justin Kline; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery 00:44:27 3. Jackson Long; Sun Summit Junior Cycling Team 1:47:36 6. Dwaine Allgier 1:13:04 2. Vernon Fitch; Odgen One 2:03:12 3. Jan Nielsen; Porcupine/Canyon Sports 2:03:12 5. Bruce Bilodeau; Porcupine Cycling 48:00:00 6. Tyler Wall; Team Evanston 01:31:52 5. Eric Carlson; Sun Valley Road and Dirt 00:44:39 4. Erich Pew; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery Center 1:50:51 7. Ron Christiansen; Biker's Edge 1:13:49 Masters 45+ Male 7. Dana Hoffman; Ogden One 01:43:18 Master 45+ Male Criterium Results Junior 15-18 Male General Classification 8. Tony Parkinson 1:13:59 4. Jon Hendrickson; University of New Orleans Cycling Club 2:03:12 1. Sam Wolfe; Canyon Bicycles 47:55:00 8. Bradley Schaff; Byrds 01:48:37 1. Kevin Shepherd; Mi Duole 00:36:22 1. Bruce Hoffman; Ogden One 2:24:44 9. Russ Barnett 1:13:59 2. Louis Riel; Porcupine/canyon Sports 50:39:00 Junior 10-14 Male Road Race Results 2. Bob Walker; Autoliv 00:36:28 2. Colton Osterhout; Sun Summitt 2:28:20 10. Brian Avery; Canyon Bicycles 1:14:18 5. Richard Urena; Vanguard Media Group Cycling 2:03:12 6. Colby Tanner; MiDuole 2:03:12 3. James Hunter 54:07:00 1. Jackson Long; Sun Summit Junior Cycling Team 00:00:00 3. John Esposito; Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRCC 00:36:30 3. Taylor Benz; Sun Summit Cycling Club 2:28:23 Junior Men 10-18 4. Farrell Spackman 56:09:00 2. Colby Benz; Sun Summit Cycling Club 00:00:00 4. Jeff Clawson; Canyon Bicycles 00:36:31 4. Jimmy Hague; Sun Summit Jr Cycling 2:28:24 1. Ren Gibbons 1:14:15 7. David Hansen; Porcupine/Canyon Sports 2:03:37 8. Robby Tilne; Canyon Bibycles 2:09:48 5. Andrew Blank; Durance Cycleworks 59:41:00 3. Davis Hague; Sun Summit Jr Cycling 00:00:00 5. Russell Thorstrom; Digestive Health Clinic/Aero Cyclos 5. Tyler Wall; Team Evanston 2:29:17 2. Bobby Cannon 1:34:31 Junior Male 4. Erich Pew; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery Center 00:00:00 00:36:31 6. Dana Hoffman; Ogden One 2:43:44 3. Keith Powell; Powell Ophthalmology 1:57:14 Cat 4 Women 1. Erika Lloyd 1:34:33 1. Dustin Wilson 51:10:00 Junior 15-18 Female Road Race Results Master 55+ Male Criterium Results 7. Bradley Schaff; Byrds 2:46:03 Master Men 35-44 2. Justin Robbins 52:51:00 1. Marth Memmer; Teton Gravity Girls 00:58:48 1. Ken Louder; FFKR Architects/sbo.com 00:36:20 Pro/1/2 Female General Classification 1. Mark Todd; Canyon Bicycles 1:05:38 2. Marlene Murnin 1:34:52 3. Kate Okenatez 1:36:18 3. Jeff Wilson 64:18:00 2. Katie Harris; Teton Gravity Girls 00:58:53 Pro/1/2 Female Criterium Results 1. Heather Albert; America's Dairyland 03:24:13 2. Zan Treasure; Autoliv 1:06:25 4. Paden Hoover; Sbo Junior Racers 70:56:00 Pro/1/2 Male Time Trial Results 1. Heather Holmes; Ivory Homes 00:46:17 2. Kris Walker; Intermountain Sportsmedicine/LRC 03:24:48 3. Scott Allen 1:07:13 4. Laurel Hunter; Santa Cruz Spokesman 1:36:40 5. Leslie Cooper; Vanguard Media Group Cycling 1:48:07 Pro/1/2/3 Female 1. Jeff Louder; Healthnet Presented by Maxxis 00:12:13 2. Heather Albert; America's Dairyland 00:46:21 3. Heather Holmes; Ivory Homes 03:25:12 4. Jarom Zenger; MiDuole 1:07:39 1. Inge Travis 47:53:00 2. Burke Swindlehurst; Navigators Insurance 00:12:25 3. Kris Walker; Intermountain Sportsmedicine/LRC 00:46:24 Cat 3 Female General Classification 5. Dan Minert; Autoliv 1:07:50 Cat 5 Men 1. Paul Clark 2:03:05 2. Laura Howat; Vanguard Media Group 51:08:00 3. Calvin Allan; Bode Cycling 00:12:44 Cat 3 Female Criterium Results 1. Karen Appleby-Krieg; LRC/Intermountain Medical 03:23:53 6. Dave Sharp; MiDuole 1:07:51 3. Kris Walker; Intermountain Sportsmedicine/lrc 51:24:00 4. Nate Thomas; Sienna Dev't - Goble Knee Clinic 00:12:57 1. Karen Appleby-Krieg; LRC/Intermountain Medical 2. Jen Ward; Wasatch Women 03:24:01 7. Bruce Bilodeau; Porcupine/Canyon Sports 1:07:56 2. Brian Avery; Canyon Bibycles 2:03:25 3. Nathan Raffery 2:04:06 4. Kelly Crawford; Intermountain Sportsmedicine/lrc 5. Sam Krieg; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery Center 00:13:06 Clinic 00:46:20 3. Chellie Terry; Fitzgerald's Bicycles 03:25:00 8. Mike Fogarty; Porcupine/Specialized Racing 1:08:25 51:47:00 Cat 3 Male Time Trial Results 2. Chellie Terry; Fitzgerald's Bicycles 00:46:21 Cat 4 Female General Classification 9. Donald Armstrong; Autoliv 1:08:33 4. Aaron Pauls 2:08:13 5. Gary Swain; Porcupine/Canyon Sports 2:08:14 Cat 4 Female 1. Dustin Eskelson; Binghams 00:13:13 3. Jen Ward; Wasatch Women 00:46:22 1. Jamie Bennion; Intermountain Sports Med/ LRC 02:37:51 10. Andrew Lock; Salt Lake Cycling 1:10:40 1. Susy Abbene; Raleigh 50:11:00 2. Phillip Wood; FFKR Architects/SBO 00:13:35 Master 35+ Female Criterium Results 2. Elizabeth Williams; Intermountain Orthopedics/LRC 02:38:17 Master Men 45-54 6. Sandy White; Sambucca 2:08:16 7. George Klonics 2:08:37 2. Audra Jeske 65:36:00 3. Cameron Candelaria; Canyon Bicycles 00:13:36 1. Jodi Cuccia; Lost River/Intermountain Orthopaedics 00:40:12 3. Juel Iverson; Ivory Homes 02:38:31 1. Ed Chauner; MiDuole 1:03:15 3. Kristin Vincent 73:29:00 4. Ben D'hulst; Park City Cycling Academy 00:13:38 2. Jo Garuccio; Canyon Bicycles 00:40:15 4. Christy Turnbull; Sambucca/contender 02:39:31 2. Barry Makarewicz; Vanguard Media Group Cycling 8. Chris Puller 2:09:27 9. Rodney Kopish 2:12:17 Citizen 18-34 Male 5. William Jessen; RMCC 00:13:38 3. Vickie Memmer; Teton Gravity Girls 00:41:48 5. Sandy Kern; Alaska Waste 02:43:57 1:09:54 1. Michael Ambre 47:40:00 Cat 4 Male Time Trial Results Junior 15-18 Male Criterium Results 6. Chantel Thackeray; FFKR/sports Base Online 02:50:09 3. Jamie Longe; Canyon Bicycles 1:10:08 10. Tyler Wall; TEAM Evanston 2:18:15 11. Bradley Rich 2:18:53 2. Jeff Caldwell 50:41:00 1. Aaron Olsen; FFKR 00:13:23 1. Bruce Hoffman; Ogden One 00:37:41 7. Brandi Gorden; Sambucca/contender 02:53:35 4. Mark Seltenrich; Cutthroat Racing 1:10:46 3. Travis Ringerr 51:27:00 2. Mike Franklin; Contender/sambucca 00:13:48 2. Taylor Benz; Sun Summit Cycling Club 00:37:55 Master 35+ Female General Classification 5. James Ferguson; Autoliv 1:11:06 12. Herman Vandecasteele 2:24:07 13. Howard Silverman 2:25:42 4. Matt Watkins 52:32:00 3. Ian Tuttle; Fitzgerald's 00:13:57 3. Bradley Schaff; Byrds 00:37:55 1. Jo Garuccio; Canyon Bicycles 02:37:54 6. Tek Kilgore; Vanguard Media Group Cycling 1:12:59 5. Jim Mcgregor 57:14:00 4. Eric Anderson; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery Center 4. Colton Osterhout; Sun Summitt 00:37:56 2. Jodi Cuccia; Lost River/Intermountain Orthopaedics 7. Korlin Gillette; FFKR Architects/SBO 1:13:26 14. Web Webster 2:30:14 15. Chip Williams 2:34:56 Citizen 35+ Male 00:14:02 5. Jimmy Hague; Sun Summit Jr Cycling 00:37:58 02:40:13 8. Steven Wilcox; Porcupine/Specialized Racing 1:13:27 1. Shawn Smart 54:57:00 5. Dave Bergart; Fitzgeralds Bicycles 00:14:25 6. Dana Hoffman; Ogden One 00:38:00 3. Vickie Memmer; Teton Gravity Girls 02:52:50 9. Louis Riel; Porcupine/Canyon Sports 1:13:32 16. Steve Young 2:50:12 17. Jerrel Storrud 3:11:52 2. Mark Twight; Mmg 60:25:00 Cat 5 Male Time Trial Results 7. Tyler Wall; Team Evanston 00:38:02 Junior 15-18 Female General Classification 10. Chris Peterson; MiDuole 1:13:40 3. Frank Adams; Team Moco 61:40:00 1. Lance Jensen; Utah Valley Racing 00:15:09 Junior 10-14 Male Criterium Results 1. Marth Memmer; Teton Gravity Girls 01:53:23 11. Sam Wolfe; Canyon Bicycles 1:13:46 Master Men 1. John McKone; CCB/Volkswagen 2:47:33 4. David Leigh 64:19:00 2. Jody White; 00:15:29 1. Davis Hague; Sun Summit Jr Cycling 00:29:01 2. Katie Harris; Teton Gravity Girls 01:55:42 12. Kent Barton; MiDuole 1:14:07 5. Greg Schauerhamer 65:57:00 3. Alex Whitney; 00:15:35 2. Colby Benz; Sun Summit Cycling Club 00:31:30 13. Kevin Shepherd; MiDuole 1:17:20 2. Thomas Cooke; X-Men 2:47:54 3. Zan Treasure; Autoliv 2:47:58 Citizen 45+ Male 4. John Thomas; G.a.s. - Hh 00:15:42 3. Jackson Long; Sun Summit Junior Cycling Team 00:32:08 14. Paul Skiba 1:17:40 1. Dean Mcewen 49:06:00 5. Alex Phipps; K Man 00:15:56 4. Erich Pew; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery Center 00:32:09 15. Charles Palmer; Vanguard Media Group Cycling 1:20:07 4. Bruce Bilodeau; Porcupine/Canyon Sports 2:47:58 Porcupine Big Cottonwood Hillclimb, 5. Andrew Lock; Canyon Bibycles 2:48:08 2. Earl Xaiz 58:32:00 Master 35+ Male Time Trial Results Junior 15-18 Female Criterium Results 16. James Hunter 1:24:01 3. Ross Doxey 61:34:00 1. Scott Allen; Canyon Bicycles 00:13:29 1. Marth Memmer; Teton Gravity Girls 00:31:41 July 14, 2006, Salt Lake City, Utah 17. Patrick Hogle 1:24:15 6. Mike Hanseen; Canyon Bibycles 2:48:20 7. Donald Armstrong; Autoliv 2:48:29 Citizen 18-34 Female 2. Ted Burgess; Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRCC 00:13:44 2. Katie Harris; Teton Gravity Girls 00:31:41 18. Farrell Spackman 1:24:42 1. Alisa Doman; Fender 62:41:00 Cat 1/2 Men 8. John Gallagher; Cole Sports 2:55:38 3. Gary Porter; Autoliv 00:13:57 Pro/1/2 Male General Classification 19. Ted Messer; Vanguard Media Group Cycling 1:25:49 2. Alison Vrem 72:40:00 4. Scott Robinson; Sv Road & Dirt 00:14:05 1. Burke Swindlehurst; Navigators Insurance Cycling Team 1. Jeff Louder; Health Net pb Maxxis 1:01:22 20. John Dewell 1:25:50 9. Paul Terry 2:56:03 5. Chip Keyes; Intermountain Orthopedic/lost River 04:51:50 2. Burk Swindlehurst; 00:14:11 2. Jeff Louder; Healthnet Presented by Maxxis 04:52:18 Navigators 1:02:36 Master 45+ Male Time Trial Results 3. Calvin Allan; Bode Cycling 04:52:20 3. Norm Bryner; Guthrie 1. Jeff Clawson; Canyon Bicycles 00:13:40 4. Nate Thomas; Sienna Dev't - Goble Knee Clinic 04:52:57 Race Club 1:02:58 2. John Esposito; Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRCC 00:13:48 5. Dave Harward; Porcupine/Specialized Racing 04:53:06 4. Nate Page; Bike Rack 3. Russell Thorstrom; Digestive Health/Aero Cyclos 00:13:49 6. Todd Hageman; Park City Cycling Academy 04:53:35 Racing Team 1:03:48 4. Kevin Shepherd; Mi Duole 00:14:23 7. Chris Humbert; Vanguard Media Group Cycling 04:53:58 5. Eric Pardyjak; Park City 5. Kurt Holzer; Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRCC 00:14:49 8. Ryan Parnes; Sawtooth Velo 04:54:04 Cycling Academy 1:04:52 Master 55+ Male Time Trial Results 9. Uhl Albert; Intermountain Orthopaedics/LRCC 04:54:06 6. Robert Lofgran; Ogden 1. Ken Louder; FFKR Architects/sbo.com 00:13:46 10. Aaron Jordin; Porcupine/Specialized Racing 04:54:13 One 1:04:53 Pro/1/2 Female Time Trial Results Cat 3 Male General Classification 7. Sandy Perrins; Sienna 1. Heather Albert; America's Dairyland 00:14:53 1. Phillip Wood; FFKR Architects/SBO 3:51:38 Development - Goble 2. Kris Walker; Intermountain Sportsmedicine/LRC 00:15:12 2. Dustin Eskelson; Binghams 3:51:57 Knee Clinic 1:05:32 3. Heather Holmes; Ivory Homes 00:16:05 3. William Jessen; RMCC 3:52:22 8. Jeff Sargent; FFKR Cat 3 Female Time Trial Results 4. Jason Montgomery; ICE/Rocky Mountain Surgery 3:52:30 Architects/SBO 1:05:36 1. Jen Ward; Wasatch Women 00:14:20 5. Ben D'hulst; Park City Cycling Academy 3:52:44 9. David Harward; 2. Karen Appleby-Krieg; LRC/Intermountain Medical 00:14:32 6. Eric Rasmussen; Porcupine/Specialized Racing 3:53:00 Porcupine/Specialized 3. Chellie Terry; Fitzgerald's Bicycles 00:15:41 7. Clark Mower; Contender 3:53:09 Racing 1:09:08 4. Cherell Jordin; Porcupine/Specialized Racing 00:15:52 8. Nathan Arnim; 3:53:12 10. Derek Timmermann; Cat 4 Female Time Trial Results 9. Christopher Davidson; Ford Cycling 3:53:32 Park City Cycling Academy 1. Elizabeth Williams; Intermountain Orthopedics/LRC 00:16:31 10. Greg Roper; Healthy Choice 3:53:32 1:12:44 2. Sandy Kern; Alaska Waste 00:16:50 Cat 4 Male General Classification Cat 1/2/3 Women 1.

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,!7&)2-/& 3OUTH%AST 3UITE3ALT,AKE#ITY 54 7, ÊEÊ  DWARD CYCLINGUTAHCOM !44/2.%93#/5.3%,/23!4,!7 22 cycling utah.com AUGUST 2006 coMMuter of the Month works for mountain bikers and all use? L.W.: The ride is beautiful with what doesn’t. I am all for trails all of the flowers, trees, and ani- that are user friendly for hikers, L.W.: Nothing special. We wear Mass Transit from North mals all in the context of peace runners and bikers. North Salt clothing in the winter to stay and quiet. We have seen all kinds Lake and Salt Lake City need to warm, not overly cycling specific. Salt Lake to Salt Lake City of animals, including deer, moose, coordinate their efforts in tying the No brand name lights. Stock fox, coyote, skunk, porcupine, Bonneville Shoreline Trail togeth- mountain bikes with backpacks. rabbit, gopher and rattlesnakes as er where the 2 trails meet. I under- The bikes are somewhat light- well as a multitude of birds. The stand this is now taking place. weight with front shocks. The dirt road and single track trail is most important item of clothing mostly smooth. The hills and tight C. U.: How do you coordinate for me are my neoprene shoe cov- switchbacks are a bit demanding the commute? Is someone always ers. My feet stay dry and warm and technical in both directions. late? How do you communicate if while Pete and Orion and have The toughest part for me is mak- one is sick or running late? had cold wet feet. ing all the switchbacks coming up out of City Creek Canyon. The L.W.: Most of our coordination C.U.: Thank you Lenard for being longer route has several up and is done via e-mail during the day. a spokesperson for the group and a down grades and several tight We all pretty well know each the spokesperson for your commute to switchbacks, so it is not a beginner schedules of each other, so meet- Salt Lake. trail. The ride is 6.5 to 8.5 miles ing up at about the same time is depending on which trail with up not usually a problem. We also to 45 minutes of riding for the lon- carry cell phones or Blackberrys ger route. When we take the road so we call if a problem arises, like If you have a suggestion for a it is 25 minutes for the 7.5 miles. a flat tire, or whatever. We also commuter profile, please send have a standing rule that we only an email to lou@cyclingutah. C.U.: When you do take the paved wait around a few minutes if oth- com. road to Salt Lake, what is your ers do not show. route? What is driver behavior like in Davis County compared to Salt C.U.: Given the collective wisdom Lake City? Do you see many other and experience, what is the con- people commuting from Davis sensus on equipment and clothing? Left to Right: Lenard Wright, Andrew Fry, Peter Whiting, County? Anything that works well that you and Orion Goff. L.W.: We meet at the intersection MS150 raises $1.25 Million for research By Lou Melini Do you miss the run? of Center St. and Orchard Drive in North Salt Lake. We take high- SALT LAKE CITY (July 28, 2006) —Over 2,300 cyclists gathered Lenard Wright: In 1998, I fell way 89 to Beck St. and then to The commuter profile for this at the Cache Valley Fairgrounds on June 24th and 25th to partici- issue is of a group of bike com- about 40 feet in Zion while trying 2nd West in Salt Lake City. Beck pate in the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s 20th Anniversary muters from North Salt Lake and to help out one of my sons on a Street is the worst section of the Bountiful. The questions for this rappelling route. Because of the ride with downtown Salt Lake MS 150 Bike Tour, by far the National MS Society’s largest and column were answered by one of fall, I developed osteoarthritis in next. We see perhaps 1-2 people most exhilarating event. Participants in the MS 150, presented by the riders, Lenard Wright from my right hip. That prevented me on the road during our commute Harmons, Your Neighborhood Grocer®, toured 40, 75, or 100 mile North Salt Lake. The 2 other from doing long runs. I found that but up to 6 people on the trail. routes each day on the scenic roads of Cache Valley. Riders aged main commuters of the group are riding a bike didn’t cause me any 7 to 87 had access to rest stops supplied with food and water, first- Orion Goff of Bountiful and Peter pain. I do miss the running but I C.U.: There was an article in the aid support, and supply, assist, and gear (SAG) vehicles along the Whiting of North Salt Lake. This have put it behind me. Tribune regarding the commute route. The yearly fundraiser raised over $1,200,000 (up from $1 threesome is sometimes joined that you, Orion and Peter do. It million in 2005) to support MS research, and programs for those by Kirk Lindstrom and Steve C.U.: I understand you guys com- mentioned that you are part of living with MS. Utah’s MS 150 is the largest, organized, two-day Wasmund. All work in Salt Lake mute via the Bonneville Shoreline the trails committee in North Salt cycling event in Utah. City for various entities. trail (as long as there are less than Lake. How does commuting tie in a few inches of snow). What is with your committee? Over the weekend participants camped at the Fairgrounds or filled Cycling Utah: Before you rode the commute like? Is it technical? up the Logan hotels; all of which were sold out for the weekend. your bike to work, I understand Steep? What wildlife have you L.W.: Given the riding we do on At the Fairgrounds -- home base for the MS 150 -- a festival atmo- you ran to work for nearly 20 observed? What is the length of the trails coming into Salt Lake, sphere came to life with live bands, team tents, great food, and fun years! Why the switch to the bike? the commute? I can have direct input on what for the entire family. Saturday night, riders enjoyed a pool party and an awards dinner presentation with Bill Allred of X96 as the MC.

To learn more about the MS 150, visit www.fightmsutah.org or call 1-800-FIGHT-MS.



4065)&"45]4"-5-",&$*5: #*$:$-&3&1"*341&$*"-*454 ]888$:$-&4.*5)4-$$0. AUGUST 2006 cyclingutah.com 2 BICYCLE SHOP DIRECTORY Salt Lake City UTAH COUNTy (CONT.) SOUTHERN NORTHERN WASATCH Guthrie Bicycle Payson 156 E. 200 S. Downhill Cyclery Salt Lake City, UT 84111 UTAH UTAH FRONT 36 W. Utah Ave (801) 363-3727 Brian Head Logan Payson, UT 84651 DAVIS COUNTy guthriebicycle.com (801) 465-8881 Brian Head Resort Joyride Bikes Guthrie Bicycle mountain Bike Park 65 S. Main St. Bountiful 731 East 2100 South downhillcyclery.com 329 S. Hwy 143 Logan, UT 84321 Bountiful Bicycle Center Salt Lake City, UT 84106 Provo/Orem 2482 S. Hwy 89 (in the Giant Steps Lodge) (435) 753-7175 (801) 484-0404 Bingham Cyclery P.O. Box 190008 Bountiful, UT 84087 joyridebikes.com guthriebicycle.com 187 West Center Brian Head, UT 84719 (801) 295-6711 Sunrise Cyclery Hyland Cyclery Provo, UT 84601 (435) 677-3101 Kaysville 3040 S. Highland Drive brianhead.com 138 North 100 East (801) 374-9890 Logan, UT 84321 The Biker’s Edge Salt Lake City, UT 84106 binghamcyclery.com Cedar City (801) 467-0914 (435) 753-3294 232 N. Main Street Down Shift Cycles Cedar Cycle Kaysville, UT 84037 hylandcyclery.com 38 E. 200 S. sunrisecyclery.net REI 1063 N. State Street Wimmer's Ultimate Bicycles (801) 544-5300 Orem, UT 84057 Cedar City, UT 84720 bebikes.com (Recreational Equipment Inc.) (435) 586-5210 745 N. Main St. 3285 E. 3300 S. (801) 221-7499 cedarcycle.com Logan, UT 84321 Sunset Salt Lake City, UT 84109 downshiftcycles.com (435) 752-2326 Bingham Cyclery (801) 486-2100 mad Dog Cycles 2317 North Main Moab rei.com 736 South State Sunset, UT 84015 Park City SLC Bicycle Collective Orem, UT 84058 Chile Pepper (801) 825-8632 550 1/2 North Main Christy Sports 2312 S. West Temple (801) 222-9577 binghamcyclery.com South Salt Lake, UT 84115 Moab, UT 84532 7580 Royal St. E-107 maddogcycles.com (435) 259-4688 (801) 328-BIKE Silver Lake Village SALT LAkE COUNTy mad Dog Cycles (888) 677-4688 Deer Valley, UT 84060 slcbikecollective.org chilepepperbikeshop.com Central Valley 936 E. 450 N. (435) 649-2909 Wasatch Touring moab Cyclery Canyon Bicycles Provo, UT 84606 christysports.com 702 East 100 South 391 South Main 3969 Wasatch Blvd. Salt Lake City, UT 84102 (801) 356-7025 Moab, UT 84532 Cole Sport (Olympus Hills Mall) (801) 359-9361 maddogcycles.com (435) 259-7423 1615 Park Avenue Salt Lake City, UT 84124 wasatchtouring.com Park’s Sportsman (801) 278-1500 (800) 559-1978 Park City, UT 84060 Wild Rose mountain Sports 644 North State St. moabcyclery.com (435) 649-4806 canyonbicycles.com 702 3rd Avenue Orem, UT 84057 Poison Spider Bicycles colesport.com Canyon Sports Ltd. Salt Lake City, UT 84103 (801) 225-0227 497 North Main Jans mountain Outfitters 1844 E. Ft. Union Blvd. (801) 533-8671 Moab, UT 84532 (800) 750-7377 parksportsman.com 1600 Park Avenue (7000 S.) (435) 259-BIKE wildrosesports.com Racer’s Cycle Service P.O. Box 280 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 (800) 635-1792 (801) 942-3100 South Valley 159 W. 500 S. Park City, UT 84060 poisonspiderbicycles.com canyonsports.com Bingham Cyclery Provo, UT 84601 (435) 649-4949 Slickrock Cycles Golsan Cycles 1300 E. 10510 S. (106th S.) (801) 375-5873 jans.com 427 N. Main Street 1957 E. Murray-Holladay Rd. Sandy, UT 84094 racerscycle.net Moab, UT 84532 (801) 571-4480 Stein Eriksen Sport (4780 South) (435) 259-1134 binghamcyclery.com Springville @ The Chateaux Salt Lake City, UT 84117 (800) 825-9791 Blayn’s Cycling 7815 Royal Street (801) 278-6820 Canyon Bicycles slickrockcycles.com 762 E. 12300 South 290 S. Main Street (mid-mountain/Silver Lake) golsancycles.com Draper, UT 84020 Springville, UT 84663 Price Deer Valley, UT 84060 Spin Cycle (801) 576-8844 (801) 489-5106 4644 South Holladay Blvd. Decker’s Bicycle (435) 647-9174 canyonbicyclesdraper.com [email protected] Holladay, UT 84117 77 E. Main Street steineriksen.com Golsan Cycles Weber county Price, UT 84501 Stein Eriksen Sport (801) 277-2626 10445 S. Redwood Road (435) 637-0086 @ The Stein Eriksen Lodge (888) 277-SPIN South Jordan, UT 84095 Eden/Huntsville [email protected] spincycleut.com (801) 446-8183 Diamond Peak 7700 Stein Way golsancycles.com Salt Lake City mountain Sports (mid-mountain/Silver Lake) REI St. George Bicycle Center 2429 N. Highway 158 Deer Valley, UT 84060 (Recreational Equipment Inc.) Bicycles Unlimited (435) 658-0680 2200 S. 700 E. Eden, UT 84310 90 S. 100 E. Salt Lake City, UT 84106 230 W. 10600 S. steineriksen.com Sandy, UT 84070 (801) 745-0101 St. George, UT 84770 (801) 484-5275 (801) 501-0850 peakstuff.com (435) 673-4492 Summit Cycle and Snow bicyclecenter.com (888) 673-4492 1571 West Redstone Center rei.com Ogden Cyclesmith Revolution Bicycles bicyclesunlimited.com Dr., Suite 120 250 S. 1300 E. The Bike Shoppe 8714 S. 700 E. 4390 Washington Blvd. Desert Cyclery Park City, UT 84098 Salt Lake City, UT 84102 Sandy, UT 84070 514 N. Bluff (435) 575-0355 (801) 582-9870 (801) 233-1400 Ogden, UT 84403 (801) 476-1600 St. George, UT 84770 summitcycling.com cyclesmithslc.com revolutionutah.com (435) 674-2929 thebikeshoppe.com (866)-674-2929 White Pine Touring Bingham Cyclery desertcyclery.com 1790 Bonanza Drive 1500 S. Foothill Drive UTAH COUNTy Bingham Cyclery Red Rock Bicycle Co. P.O. Box 280 Salt Lake City, UT 84108 American Fork/Lehi 3259 Washington Blvd. Park City, UT 84060 (801) 583-1940 Bike Barn Odgen, UT 84403 446 W. 100 S. (100 S. and Bluff) (801) 399-4981 St. George, UT 84770 (435) 649-8710 binghamcyclery.com 201 E. State St. (435) 674-3185 whitepinetouring.com Fishers Cyclery Lehi, UT 84043 binghamcyclery.com redrockbicycle.com 2175 South 900 East (801) 768-0660 Canyon Sports Outlet [email protected] Vernal Salt Lake City, UT 84106 705 W. Riverdale Road Springdale (801) 466-3971 Riverdale, UT 84405 Altitude Cycle fisherscyclery.com Trek Bicycles of (801) 621-4662 Zion Cycles 580 E. Main Street 868 Zion Park Blvd. Go-Ride mountain Bikes American Fork canyonsports.com P.O. Box 624 Vernal, UT 84078 3232 S. 400 E., #300 356 N. Meadow Lane Skyline Cycle (435) 781-2595 Salt Lake City, UT 84115 American Fork, UT 84003 Springdale, UT 84767 (801) 763-1222 834 Washington Blvd. (435) 772-0400 (877) 781-2460 (801) 474-0081 Ogden, UT 84401 zioncycles.com altitudecycle.com go-ride.com trekAF.com (801) 394-7700 /&8