Orokonui EcoSanctuary Restoration Plan February 2006 1 Otago Natural History Trust PO Box 6425 Phone 477 5160 or 471 0532 Website: www.orokonui.org.nz Email:
[email protected] Contents 1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 4 1.1 The ecosanctuary concept 4 1.2 The Restoration Advisory Group 5 2. The Restoration Vision ............................................................................................................ 6 2.1 Conservation outcomes 6 2.2 A timeline of past, present and future 8 3. Management of Exotic Plants and Animals ........................................................................... 10 3.1 The role of exotic trees in the reserve 10 3.2 Weed management 10 3.3 Animal pest management 13 4. Restoring Orokonui’s vegetation ........................................................................................... 15 4.1 The Orokonui Conservation Area 15 4.2 Management and Restoration of the Trust’s Land 17 5. Restoring Orokonui’s Birdlife ............................................................................................... 18 5.1 Current birdlife 18 5.2 Past Birdlife 19 5.3 Feasibility of bird translocation 20 5.4 Seabirds 21 5.5 Habitat suitability for reintroducing missing birds 22 5.6 A managed step by step approach to the restoration of avifauna 23 6. Restoring Orokonui’s Other Fauna ........................................................................................ 25 6.1 Reptiles 25