PART I – By-laws

I-A) Name. The name of this organization is the Virginia American Youth Football Alliance/Conference (VAYFA). VAYFA is a non-profit organization within the meaning of the statutes and regulations of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the of America. VAYFA is a League officially chartered by the internationally recognized American Youth Football, Inc. (AYF) headquartered in Miami, FL.

I-B) Purpose. The sole purpose of VAYFA is to provide the youth of Northern Virginia with organized, adult-supervised, healthy football and programs consistent with AYF rules. In doing so, this organization will constantly promote the ideas of fellowship, community spirit, good sportsmanship and fair play while ensuring that proper training; instruction, safety and equipment are furnished to the participants.

I-C) Definitions.

1) The term “Applicable Rules” as used herein shall mean formally adopted AYF rules or other formally adopted rules by AYF Atlantic Region, VAYFA, or individual Association rules so long as such rules are allowed by AYF rules for the subject matter at hand. Refer to the American Youth Football Official Rules and Regulations Handbook for more details.

2) The term “League or Conference” shall mean VAYFA.

3) Associations: The term “Association” is utilized in the identification of 2 different types of Associations, as follows:

a) Association shall mean ,any organization with three or more football teams to include those that had two teams the previous year (as of April 2009), and have three or more teams the following year, who have by-laws, have been approved as a VAYFA Association, are in receipt of AYF correspondence indicating that the organization is a subordinate organization of AYF, have paid the requisite fees during the calendar year as prescribed by VAYFA, and have 1 vote by the Association spokesperson on VAYFA voting matters.

b) Probationary Association shall mean any group with three or more football teams in their first year of existence in VAYFA who have by-laws, have been approved as a VAYFA Probationary Association, are in receipt of AYF correspondence indicating that the organization is a subordinate organization of AYF, have paid the requisite fees during the calendar year as prescribed by VAYFA, yet does not have VAYFA voting rights during its probationary year. When a group or individual breaks away from an Association and forms a new Association with three or more football teams that newly formed Association will be considered a Probationary Association for the first calendar year.

4) The term “Association in Good Standing” shall mean an Association whose fee payments to VAYFA are current, and are not subject to any pending or future known disciplinary action.

5) The term "Individual Team" means any team that participates in the VAYFA but does not belong to an association.


I-D) Organizational Structure and Membership.

1) Executive Board. VAYFA is a youth football and cheerleading league that falls under the jurisdiction of the AYF and participates in the AYF Atlantic Region. The day-to-day operations of VAYFA are managed and maintained by an Executive Board. The Executive Board will consist of a President, Vice President, Football Commissioner, Cheerleading Commissioner, Regional Liaison, Treasurer, Secretary, Scholastic Commissioner. The Executive Board shall manage the affairs of VAYFA.

a) President. The President presides at all meetings of the General Board, conducts meetings in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order using it as a guide only, and votes only in the event of a tie vote. The President shall represent VAYFA on all business (not otherwise delegated to or appropriately handled by the VAYFA Football Commissioner or VAYFA Cheerleading Commissioner) between VAYFA and other entities including the community, the Atlantic Region and/or AYF. The President shall perform such other duties as assigned by the Executive Board.

b) Vice-President. The Vice-President shall fulfill duties of the President upon the President's absence or inability to perform his or her duties. The Vice-President shall perform such other duties as assigned by the Executive Board.

c) Secretary. The Secretary shall maintain a permanent and accurate file of all records and documents of the VAYFA, notify members of meetings of the General Board, record and publish the minutes of all such meetings (including the names of all attendees), maintain a master file of VAYFA membership (including Association Boards of Directors and team/squad rosters), publish a master list of Head Coaches within the league, and publish and update the VAYFA calendar approved by the Executive Board. The Secretary shall perform such other duties as assigned by the Executive Board.

d) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall establish and maintain a checking account in the name of VAYFA, maintain an accurate accounting of all VAYFA receipts and disbursements, prepare for the General Board and public disclosure (if requested in writing) monthly VAYFA financial statements and, for Executive Board approval, an annual VAYFA budget. The Treasurer shall maintain records of all sponsors for the VAYFA and ensure that any receipts or other information required by the Internal Revenue Service are provided to such sponsors. The Treasurer shall keep separate any donations given for Associations or individual teams and disburse the amount of such sponsorships to said Associations or individual teams. The Treasurer shall perform such other duties as assigned by the Executive Board.

e) Football Commissioner. The VAYFA Football Commissioner has authority to make day-to-day operational decisions regarding the VAYFA football program, including, but not limited to, rules enforcement, scheduling, field assignments, player assignment disputes between Associations, and rules disputes. The Football Commissioner shall communicate regularly with the Executive Board, Vice Football Commissioner, Cheerleading Commissioner, Scholastic Commissioner, Association Directors of Football Operations, (or similar title such as “Football Commissioners") and Head Coaches, when appropriate, to facilitate compliance with rules and conduct other business. To this end, the Football Commissioner may call league-wide mandatory attendance meetings of the Association Directors of Football Operations (and coaches, as appropriate). The Football Commissioner Voted On & Approved 9/15/10 Page 2 VIRGINIA AMERICAN YOUTH FOOTBALL ALLIANCE / CONFERENCE BY-LAWS

shall be the final arbiter of rules disputes related to games (that do not amount to a game protest) appealed to him/her. The Football Commissioner shall:

(i) Enforce all Applicable Rules;

(ii) Preside at all meetings of the Association Football Commissioners, and/or Coaches;

(iii) Promote and ensure safe and healthy competition at all games;

(iv) Arrange for game officials unless an alternative arrangement is made with an Association;

(v) Ensure Field Marshals are trained and certified;

(vi) Approve and publish the proposed pre-season, regular season, intra-league postseason, and bowl game schedules;

(vii) Publish League, Regional, and National Playoff schedules;

(viii) Interface with officials from other leagues and regions and gain appropriate Atlantic Region approval for inter-league and inter-region games;

(ix) Review, certify and approve all Association/Individual Team football rosters;

(x) Publish deadlines for the submission of paperwork for all AYF activities potentially affecting Association teams;

(xi) Approve and forward any paperwork required by the Region or Nationals;

(xii) Ensure all Associations/Individual Teams have complied with AYF registration and insurance requirements;

(xiii) Perform such other duties as assigned by the Executive Board.

f) Cheerleading Commissioner. The Cheerleading Commissioner is responsible for ensuring that all participants in the cheerleading program follow all Applicable Rules. The Cheerleading Commissioner shall communicate regularly with the Executive Board, Association Cheerleading Commissioners and Head Cheerleading Coaches to facilitate compliance with such rules and conduct other business. To this end, the Cheerleading Commissioner may call mandatory league-wide meetings of the Association Cheerleading Commissioners (and coaches, appropriate). The Cheerleading Commissioner shall:

(i) Enforce all Applicable Rules;

(ii) Preside at all meetings of the Association Cheerleading Commissioners, and/or Coaches;

(iii) Promote and ensure safe and healthy competition at all games;

(iv) Publish the proposed pre-season, regular season, intra-league postseason, Voted On & Approved 9/15/10 Page 3 VIRGINIA AMERICAN YOUTH FOOTBALL ALLIANCE / CONFERENCE BY-LAWS

and bowl game football schedules;

(v) Plan, coordinate, and execute an intra-league cheer competition;

(vi) Interface with officials from other leagues and regions and obtain appropriate Atlantic Region approval for cheer competitions outside the league;

(vii) Publish information regarding cheer competitions outside the league;

(viii) Review and approve all Association/Individual Team cheer rosters;

(ix) Publish deadlines for the submission of paperwork for all AYF activities potentially affecting Association teams;

(x) Approve and forward any paperwork required by the Region or Nationals;

(xi) Sign VAYFA cheerleader identification cards, if applicable;

(xii) Shall perform such other duties as assigned by the Executive Board.

g) Scholastic Commissoner. The Scholastic Commissioner shall, in a timely manner, coordinate and review (with Association/Individual Team Scholastic Coordinators) scholastic records for all VAYFA youth participants to verify scholastic fitness as published in Applicable Rules. The Scholastic Commissioner shall submit such scholastic records in the proper form to the Atlantic Region Scholastic Director as required.

h) Regional Liaison Representative. The Regional Liaison Representative shall be the VAYFA representative in all Regional and National AYF forums and is needed to attend all VAYFA meetings The Regional Liaison Representative is expected to work in concert with the VAYFA Executive Boards expectations to further growth, awareness and efficiency of VAYFA on the Regional and National level In the case of the Regional Liaison Representative NOT being available, the VAYFA president will assume the role until such a time the Regional Liaison Representative is able to resume duties.

2) Appointment/Appointment Process/Term of Office/Removal of Officers.

a) Appointment. The Associations (Probationary Associations are excluded) on the General Board shall appoint, upon simple majority vote, the VAYFA Officers. Association Officers may be appointed as VAYFA Officers. If an Association President is appointed as a VAYFA Officer, then the affected Association shall fill the vacancy with a duly authorized representative to serve as that Association's voting member on the General Board.

b) Qualifications to be Considered for Officer Positions. Each year before the appointment process begins; the Executive Board may develop and publish the minimum qualifications necessary for a person to be considered for an officer position.

c) Appointment Process. From December through January each year, the Executive Board shall accept nominations from all Associations to fill VAYFA Voted On & Approved 9/15/10 Page 4 VIRGINIA AMERICAN YOUTH FOOTBALL ALLIANCE / CONFERENCE BY-LAWS

Officer positions for the upcoming year. At the January General Board Meeting each year, the previous year’s General Board shall vote by secret ballot to appoint one of the nominees to fill each position.

d) Nominating Committee. The Executive Board may elect to utilize the services of a Nominating Committee to facilitate the recruitment and screening of potential nominees for Officer positions. In such case, the Executive Board, by no later than the September meeting of the General Board, shall appoint a committee charged with developing a list of nominees.

e) Term of Office. Officers shall serve a one-year term beginning on January 31 and ending January 30. Unless an Officer resigns or was removed for cause, there is no limit on the number of times an incumbent may be re-appointed.

f) Removal. Upon proper motion by any General Board member, the Executive Board may, upon 2/3-majority vote, remove an officer for sufficient cause. Upon removal of an officer, the General Board shall accept nominations from adult volunteers and vote by secret ballot to appoint a replacement.

g) Resignation. If a VAYFA Officer is unable or unwilling to perform his or her duty, notification should be submitted in writing to the VAYFA Secretary or President. Responsibility of his/her office does not cease until his/her resignation is accepted, or, at least, until there has been a reasonable time for its acceptance. Upon acceptance of the resignation, nominations will be accepted at the next monthly General Board meeting to fill said vacancy. Upon all nominations being made and properly seconded the General Board shall vote by secret ballot to appoint one of the nominees to fill the vacant Executive Board position. Upon resignation the individual cannot be elected to the Executive Board for 1 full year.

3) General Board. The League is comprised of an Executive Board, Vice Commissioners, various committees or other positions of responsibility, Associations, and teams. Associations are comprised of a management unit (e.g., Board of Directors), various committees or other positions of authority, and individual teams, which are further, comprised of coaches, other positions of responsibility, and youth participants. Each President of Associations in good standing (not including probationary associations) will have 1 vote on matters before the Executive Board.

a) Vice-Football Commissioner. The Vice-Football Commissioner will be appointed by the Football Commissioner and shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Board. The Vice-Football Commissioner shall assist the Football Commissioner with his or her duties, serve in the place of the Football Commissioner when the Football Commissioner is unavailable, and perform such other duties as assigned by the Executive Board.

b) Vice-Cheerleading Commissioner. The Vice-Cheerleading Commissioner will be appointed by the Cheerleading Commissioner and shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Board. The Vice-Cheerleading Commissioner shall assist the Cheerleading Commissioner with his or her duties, serve in the place of the Cheerleading Commissioner when the Cheerleading Commissioner is unavailable, and perform such other duties as assigned by the Executive Board.


4) Appointment/Removal of Association Presidents. a) Appointment. The President of each Association (Probationary Associations excluded) eligible for membership on the General Board, elected or appointed to said position in accordance with the Association's by-laws, shall serve on the General Board. Each Association (Probationary Associations excluded) shall appoint an Association official (e.g. Vice President or Vice Commissioner) to represent the Association on the General Board if the Association President is unable to attend General Board meetings or otherwise conduct General Board business.

b) Removal. Upon proper motion of any General Board member, the General Board may, upon 2/3 majority vote, remove, for sufficient cause, an Association representative from future participation in General Board meetings or other VAYFA activities. In such case, the affected Association shall appoint another person to sit as a voting member of the General Board.

5) Committees.

a) Scheduling Committee. There shall be a Scheduling Committee consisting of a representative from each jurisdiction hosting football games for the upcoming season. Recommend that the Scheduling Committee appoint a person to serve as the Master Scheduler who will coordinate and develop the game schedule with input from those established jurisdictions. The Scheduling Committee will develop and present a proposed pre-season and regular-season schedule that must be approved by the Executive Board before publishing to the League.

b) Ad Hoc Committees. The Executive Board may create standing and/or ad hoc committees as appropriate.

c) Appointment and Duties of Committee Chairpersons. The Executive Board shall appoint Committee Chairpersons for the Scheduling Committee and/or any ad hoc committees created by the Executive Board. Committee Chairperson shall perform duties as assigned by the Executive Board and may be relieved of their respective positions for sufficient cause by the Executive Board.

6) Volunteers. All persons holding any position of responsibility within VAYFA shall serve as volunteers without remuneration except contracted sports officials (referees, umpires, scoreboard officials, announcers, photographers etc.)

a) Adult Volunteers (Coaches, Team Moms, Trainers, etc.) Adult volunteers having any contact with children shall meet all qualifications established by Applicable Rules for the position in question and shall be subject to a police background check prior to undertaking his or her responsibilities.

(i) Head Coaches. Head Coaches have daily personal contact with the community’s children, and by definition and tradition, serve as important role models and mentors. Once teams are approved for membership, head coaches must be identified no later than 14 days later and the name should be provided to the Executive Board. Head Coaches must be at least 21 years old, meet all the qualifications set forth in Applicable Rules and must have at least one-year relevant coaching experience. Associations shall select their Head Coaches and ensure the Background Check application is fully Voted On & Approved 9/15/10 Page 6 VIRGINIA AMERICAN YOUTH FOOTBALL ALLIANCE / CONFERENCE BY-LAWS

completed and submitted to the Executive Board.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Selected Head Coaches must attend ALL mandatory VAYFA Commissioner meetings to ensure proper understanding of League policies and expectations.

(ii) Assistant Coaches, Coach Trainees, Team Mom/Dad, Trainers, Equipment Managers. These officials shall meet all qualifications in Applicable Rules. Unless an Association promulgates more stringent rules, Head Coaches may appoint as many Assistant Coaches, Coach Trainees, Team Mom/Dad, Trainers as AYF rules/rosters allow. Associations shall ensure background checks applications for these officials are fully completed and submitted to the Executive Board, as appropriate. Such selections may be reviewed and, if sufficient cause exists, disapproved by the Executive Board.

b) Coach Trainees. Coach trainees shall be at least sixteen (16) years of age and meet all qualifications as established by Applicable Rules.

c) Youth Participants. Youth participants shall be football and cheerleading participants between the ages of five (5) and fifteen (15), both ages inclusive and shall meet all qualifications established by Applicable Rules.

I-E) Meetings. The General Board shall meet at least eight times throughout the year or more frequently as requested by the VAYFA President or any two Executive Board members. All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order; using it as a guide only. The Executive Board may invite the Commissioners and Committee Chairpersons to provide information and/or participate in General Board discussions.

I-F) Voting. The Executive Board and Presidents of Associations (or assigns) in good standing, that have at least THREE football teams and are not in their probationary year may vote on matters before the General Board. The VAYFA President, or the VAYFA Vice- President when acting for the President pursuant to these by-laws, shall vote in the case of a tie vote. Each Association shall have only one vote. A Board vote shall only take place if a quorum (51%) of the General Board in good standing to vote is present either in a face- to-face meeting or a telephone conference. All votes shall be taken by the President upon a properly seconded motion and the opportunity for discussion. Unless specifically stated otherwise herein, all votes shall be by simple majority (51%) vote of those in attendance.

I-G) Finances. VAYFA functions on a fiscal year basis. The fiscal year begins on January 1 and runs through December 31 of each year. VAYFA functions primarily through fees collected from Associations/teams, sponsorship donations, and other Executive Board approved fundraising activities.

1) Annual Fees

a) The Executive Board will approve an annual fee schedule for teams associated with VAYFA and a minimum player registration fee will be established NLT February 1 of each year. Each team associated with VAYFA will pay an annual fee (amount to be determined by the Executive Board) no more than 30 days from the date the team is approved by the VAYFA board. If the team fee is not paid by the 30th day following a team’s approval by VAYFA, that team will be dropped and have to reapply for membership for the current year. The annual fee will be set so as to help defray Voted On & Approved 9/15/10 Page 7 VIRGINIA AMERICAN YOUTH FOOTBALL ALLIANCE / CONFERENCE BY-LAWS

league expenses. Team annual registration fees are non-refundable once approved membership into VAYFA. Approved associations have no voting rights until annual registration fees have been paid and checks are cleared by the VAYFA bank account.

b) Each Association/Team that participates in VAYFA shall collect its own individual participant registration fees, the amount of which shall be up to the sole discretion of each Association/Team while adhering to the minimum participant fee established by the VAYFA Executive Board for that year. Fees for individual youth participants that join after the first regular season game or thereafter, shall be due to the registering VAYFA Association/Team with a revised copy of the affected teams’ roster being forwarded to the Football Commissioner prior to the newly registered player participating in a sanctioned game. Failure to forward the revised roster to the Football Commissioner prior to the new player participating in a sanctioned game SHALL result in the offending Association/Team to be ineligible for competition until a corrected roster is provided.

c) Annual Fee Schedule for 2010 season is as follows:

(i) Annual Team fee is $100 per team.

(ii) Minimum Player Registration Fee is $125 per player.

2) Sponsorship Donations. VAYFA may solicit sponsorship donations from persons, business, and other organizations. Such sponsorships shall be used to defray league expenses, to provide financial assistance for players/cheerleaders registrations as needed, or as the Executive Board otherwise deems appropriate. Associations possessing their own Internal Revenue Service tax/employer identification number may seek and keep for their own use sponsorship donations.

PART II - General Rules

Violations of the AYF Coaches Code of Conduct, VAYFA approved By-laws and VAYFA recruiting practices and guidelines upon being proven and/or witnessed will result in a minimum penalty of a 2 game suspension and probation for a full year. Consideration will also be given to place Organization/Association on probation for a full year.

II-A) Code of Conduct.

1) AYF Code. Parents and Volunteers shall sign and adhere to the AYF Code of Conduct (Appendix A). Associations/Individual Teams shall deliver a copy of the VAYFA Code of Conduct to the participant's parents or legal guardians upon registration of the participant. Coaches will read and adhere to the Coaches Code of Conduct (Appendix B) from the AYF Rules and Regulation.

2) Cutting Players. Cutting of players is not allowed in VAYFA, however, a Head Coach is allowed to drop a player once it is determined that the player is a safety risk to him/herself or to others on the field. The Head Coach must inform and get the approval of the Associations Board of Directors before dropping the player.

3) Sideline Area. Only official staff and players are permitted in the sideline area. Any person violating this rule will first be asked to leave the sideline area. A second warning will result in the removal of the offending person from the event. Refusal to Voted On & Approved 9/15/10 Page 8 VIRGINIA AMERICAN YOUTH FOOTBALL ALLIANCE / CONFERENCE BY-LAWS

leave the event will result in the forfeit of the game for the team the offending person is supporting. Each Association shall use a rope or tape barrier to clearly designate a "sideline area" goal line to goal line. Official staff and players must stay between the 25-yard lines.

4) Rulings by Football Commissioner/Appeals. Alleged violations of the Code of Conduct shall be reported to the Field Marshal, who shall relay the information to the Football Commissioner. The Football Commissioner shall gather the information he or she deems relevant, rule on the matter, and provide his written ruling to the complainant and respondent in writing (confirmed receipt e-mails; certified return receipt requested mail). Parties may appeal the Football Commissioner's ruling to the Executive Board no later than two business days after receipt of it. The Executive Board shall meet in Special Session to hear the matter, hear witnesses, collect documents etc. The Executive Board shall then rule on the matter. All Executive Board decisions are final.

5) Formal Complaint Process.

6) Appeal Process.

II-B) Geographic Boundaries. Conferences are required to establish “Draw Area’s” or “Boundaries” for its member Associations. Should an organization/team wish to accept the application of a participant (special participant) who is (1) outside of the Associations defined draw area, or (2) previously rostered with another Association, it must provide full disclosure of these conditions to the Conference members they participate with and receive permission from the Conference in a manner to be determined by the conference. Permission should only be granted on a limited basis when it is in the best interest of the participant and when it is determined that the participant has NOT been recruited. Conferences are required to create and enforce rules and regulations to prevent one Association from recruiting the players of another Association. Under no circumstances can a Conference allow any individual team to accept the application of more than 3 “Special Participants” without written permission from the National Office.

II-C) Recruiting Players. In the sprit of having competitive football and cheerleading teams, coaches will be allowed to “recruit” players. The recruitment process is specifically defined as a coach identifying a potential player/participant and inquiring with the child’s parent as to the child’s and parent’s interest in your program. The following specific guidelines must be adhered to while “recruiting potential players”.

1) A child’s parent must be active in the entire recruiting process; potential players / participants are minors and cannot make legal decisions.

2) A registered player of an AYF team may not be contacted by a coach of another AYF team for purposes of changing teams or other reasons deemed unethical by the VAYFA Executive Board once the season (fourth Monday of July) has started. A coach can communicate with a player / parent of another team in the off-season if the communication was prompted by the player’s parent for the reason of providing a superior experience for the child in the upcoming year. If a parent of a past VAYFA player wants to move his child from one team to another, the parent must be informed to contact the VAYFA Football Commissioner with his/her intent. No further communication regarding the player switching teams should be conducted by either


coach; until notification and action is taken by the Football Commissioner. 3) In accordance with AYF national rules and in the spirit of allowing all children to participate regardless of financial means, a child’s registration and related fees may be waived. However, under NO CIRCUMSTANCES may a coach entice a potential player to play for a specific team by providing a gift(s) The determination of “gift(s)” or “financial assistance to allow participation” would be determined by the VAYFA Executive Board if not reconciled at the local Association level.

II-D) Establishment of Associations. Any person(s) seeking to establish an Association must have at least 3 teams within its association and submit a one time written request to the Executive Board no later than May 1 of that football season. The written request shall set forth the following: 1) the proposed name of the Association; 2) by-laws of the Association; 3) proposed mascot and color scheme for teams; 4) proposed number of football teams and/or cheerleading squads in the first year; and 5) goal relative to the maximum number of teams anticipated in the future. The Executive Board shall consider the request and vote by simple majority vote whether to approve (in full or with modifications) or disapprove the request provided the Association has participated in VAYFA the year prior. For Association requests from person(s) not participating the year prior as an Association and upon General Board approval, will be under a probationary “Mentoring” period of no less than 1 year as a Probationary Association/ Team(s) within VAYFA or appointed Association in good standing. If not accepted, the rejected Probationary Association/Team(s) may appeal to the VAYFA executive board for inclusion in the VAYFA league. Upon the Probationary Association/ Team participating in VAYFA for 1 year without incident and being in good standing, the association may apply the following year to be a free standing Association with all VAYFA Association privileges. The mentoring process will not include nor allow any VAYFA Association having the right to solicit players at anytime from the Probationary Association/Team(s). The solicitation of players under these circumstances from these Probationary Associations/ Team(s) would be governed by typical VAYFA bylaws, in the subsection of “recruiting” and considered a violation subject to penalty.

1) Mentoring Responsibilities. VAYFA or appointed Associations will be responsible for assisting and overseeing to the best of their ability but not limited to the following criteria upon acceptance of applications of Probationary Associations. Instructing probationary associations and insuring compliance with VAYFA/AYF rules included in by-laws to include but not limited to, MPR, game field management in regards to VAYFA rules, AYF Membership conformation, Proof of Insurance, Submission of VAYFA/AYF rosters, Coaching certification – as deemed by mentoring body, Background checks are performed and viewed by the mentoring body and field coordination will be managed by the VAYFA or an appointed body for that county. *Outside county association groups in the mentoring program will coordinate fields and submissions thru VAYFA board.

II-E) Established Associations. Once an Association is approved within VAYFA they will not be dissolved until written notification is given to the Executive Board by the Associations Board of Directors notifying them of the dissolution. Associations are required to submit an Association/Team Registration Request Form yearly to VAYFA. This form will identify the teams the Association is requesting to participate in the upcoming season. Once the teams are approved by the Executive Board all required team fees are due within 30 days of approval.


II-F) Official Team Rosters. In accordance with Part I, Section D, 1(b) of these by-laws, each Association that participates in VAYFA shall collect its own registration fees in the amount of which shall be up to the sole discretion of that Association, provided not less than the VAYFA established minimum player fee. Once the individual teams are registered, each Association will be required to submit team rosters to the VAYFA Football Commissioner by the Monday prior to the 1st Saturday game of the season. Failure to comply submitting a team(s) rosters will suspend that team(s) play for the upcoming week, failure to comply by the following Monday will result in permanent suspension of that team for the remainder of the season and removal from the schedule. Team rosters must consist of at least 16 eligible players and not more than 36 players. The Association must approve any additions to the team roster after the start of the regular season and an updated roster must be forwarded to the VAYFA Football Commissioner prior to the new participant playing in a sanctioned game. VAYFA strongly discourages coaches adding players to team rosters without them being properly registered within the local Association level.

PART III - Football Division Rules

III-A) General.

1) High School Rules. Except where specifically prescribed by these By-laws and/or National AYF Rules, all football games will played under National Federation of State High School Athletic Association Rules.

2) Field Marshals. Each Association shall appoint at least three (3) adult volunteers to serve as Field Marshals. All Field Marshals must receive training from and be certified by VAYFA prior to serving in such capacity. Field Marshals are the highest authority at all games played on that Field Marshal's field for that day (except the Football Commissioner) unless an issue is protested to higher authority pursuant to these rules.

III-B) Football Class/Division/Conference Assignments.

1) Assignment. Depending upon the number of available teams, VAYFA may conduct organized football in any or all of the following Divisions.

NATIONAL DIVISION Max Stripped Weight + Uniform Team Age (as of July 31st) Allowance = Max Dressed Weight Tiny Mite 5, 6 and 7 85 + 5 = 90 lbs Mitey Mite 7, 8 and 9 100 + 5 = 105 lbs Cadet 8, 9 and 10 O/L 104 + 5 = 109 lbs O/L 84 + 5 = 89 lbs Jr PeeWee 10 and Under, 11 O/L 114 + 5 = 119 lbs O/L 94 + 5 = 99 lbs PeeWee 11 and Under, 12 O/L 129 + 5 = 134 lbs O/L 109 + 5 = 114 lbs Jr. Midget 12 and Under, 13 O/L 144 + 6 = 150 lbs O/L 124 + 6 = 130 lbs Midget 14 and Under, 15 O/L 169 + 6 = 175 lbs O/L 149 + 6 = 155 lbs Pre-Game Weigh-In Must Be Conducted Prior To Each Game


ALL-AMERICAN DIVISION Grade Based / Age Protected Grade Age Protected Max. Range Age Protected Age Explanation 4th 8 / 9 / 10 10 10 in 4th grade can not turn 11 on or before 12/31 5th 9 / 10 / 11 11 11 in 5th grade can not turn 12 on or before 12/31 6th 10 / 11 / 12 12 12 in 6th grade can not turn 13 on or before 12/31 7th 11 / 12 / 13 13 13 in 7th grade can not turn 14 on or before 12/31 8th 12 / 13 / 14 14 14 in 8th grade can not turn 15 on or before 12/31 9th 13 / 14 / 15 15 15 in 9th grade can not turn 16 on or before 12/31 Grades can be Combined.

2) Age and Weight Classifications.

a) Age. National Division participants age is his/her age as of July 31 of the current year. All American Division participants age is her/her age as of December 31 of the current year.

b) Weight.

(i) Game Day Weight Masters. Field Marshals shall serve as Weight Masters for all games at his or her respective field.

(ii) Rulebook Weight. Players shall meet the weight prescribed above plus the equipment allowance. Note: Pee Wee and below shall be granted a 5 pound equipment allowance and Jr. Midget and above will be granted a 6 pounds equipment allowance. "Equipment" shall consist of cleats, game pants with 7-piece pad set, socks, and game jersey. Any player(s) exceeding this weight WILL NOT play in that game. There are no exceptions to this rule. Violations of this rule shall result in a one-game suspension of both head coaches and a second violation will result in the removal of the offending coach for the remainder of the season.

c) Practice/Games Within Age/Weight Class. No practices or games will be played between teams of different age/weight classes except at the Midget/Senior Midget level.

d) Identification Cards. Identification cards shall be in accordance with Applicable Rules and shall not be expired on or before the date of the game for which the card is being used. Only the Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) Walker’s ID, passport, or military ID will be accepted as proper identification.

3) School . There shall be no players allowed (grades 9 through 12) on AYF teams, during the regular season or during the playoffs. However, for football players in middle school, AYF will allow players to participate / play for both their middle school team and for VAYFA up until November 1 of each year. After November 1, no team may have a middle school player who is also actively playing for his middle school team. While VAYFA does not encourage this practice, VAYFA will allow middle school ball players on teams so long as the player's parent/guardian consents in writing.


4) Violation of the “NO HIGH SCHOOL BALL RULE”. This will be enforced w/ the strictest of measure and accountability – Association Presidents and League Football Commissioners must be really watchful for this practice and will conduct an immediate investigation if discovered. The following measures will occur if this type of practice is discovered:

a) If a team rosters players who are participating in a high school football program… this is in direct violation of the AFY rules and VAYFA by-laws.

b) The head coach of that team will be suspended for the remainder of the football season and will be prohibited from attending practice sessions and games.

c) The team in violation of this policy will continue to play their scheduled games without the ineligible players… ineligible players will be removed from the team roster immediately!

d) All games played with ineligible players on the roster will be forfeited immediately.

IMPORTANT: Head coaches who violated the “no high school ball rule” policy will have to petition the VAYFA Executive Board for future restatement and opportunities to coach in the league.

5) VAYFA Division I/II Selection and Declaration. The following methodology will be used as a region to determine DI and DII.

a) 6 team minimum to have DII.

b) All teams play in regular season schedule.

c) Top 6 make it to playoffs. Top half is DI, bottom half is DII for Cadet and up.

d) At 12 teams, association will have a split schedule

e) Teams will be split by

(i) Records past 2 – 3 years

(ii) Coaching experience

(iii) Player experience

(iv) Jamboree Performance

f) At mid season a review will take place to see if teams need to be moved to DI or to DII. No team will be allowed to move to DII, only up to DI.

g) Each Conference will have an end of the year review to determine next season DI and DII Associations.

h) For State and Regional Play, each team must submit (i) Record Voted On & Approved 9/15/10 Page 13 VIRGINIA AMERICAN YOUTH FOOTBALL ALLIANCE / CONFERENCE BY-LAWS

(ii) Points allowed

(iii) Points scored

i) If teams have dominated at the DII level, they may be forced to move into DI at the Conference, State or Regional level.

6) Playing Schedule/Determining Champions.

a) Schedule

(i) Schedule Made by League. VAYFA shall schedule all regular season games and may offer a pre-season schedule as well. Associations/Individual Teams may schedule their own pre-season and post-season games as long as they do not interfere with post-season regional/national playoff games.

(ii) Development of the Schedule. The Scheduling Committee shall develop a pre-season and regular season schedule (including field assignments) and present it to the Executive Board pursuant to 51% vote of the Scheduling Committee no later than August 15 of each year. If an Association does not have a field that it can use within its geographical boundaries, the Scheduling Committee shall designate (if practicable) a field elsewhere to serve as that Association's home field during the season. In such case, the Executive Board shall assess such usage in its fee schedule. If the Football Commissioner approves the schedule, he or she shall forward it to the VAYFA Executive Board for approval. Any recommended change by the Football Commissioner shall be considered by the Scheduling Committee and then pursuant to simple majority vote, the Scheduling Committee shall forward the proposed schedule to the Executive Board for approval. The Executive Board shall approve the schedule as soon as possible but no later than August 22 of each year. Each jurisdiction hosting football games will provide input to the Scheduling Committee.

(iii) Field Assignments. Every effort shall be made to assign each Association four dates to host games at the Association's home field during the regular season where at least four teams of the Association play on its home field.

(iv) Inter-League/Inter-Region Games. Inter-League/Inter-Region games are authorized so long as they do not interfere with the VAYFA regular season schedule.

7) Determining Division/League Champions. The best record within an Age/Weight Class Division shall determine final team standing for the regular season. However, should a tie for first place occur within the division, the following guidelines will be enforced:

a) Head-To-Head records will determine the champion, if there is still a tie then

b) Play-off game(s) among the tied teams will occur to determine the league champion, provided that time allows within the season (determined by Executive Board). If enough time to play a playoff game is not available, the League Voted On & Approved 9/15/10 Page 14 VIRGINIA AMERICAN YOUTH FOOTBALL ALLIANCE / CONFERENCE BY-LAWS

Champion will be determined by point differential in head to head games.

(i) Point Differential is the difference between the winning and losing score. The point differential is then awarded to the winning team. The team with the largest number of points in all head to head games is declared the League Champion. Example: Team A wins 20 to 14 ( 6 pts) over Team B, and in another game Team B wins 20 to 6 (14 pts) over Team A. Team B would be the winner with the larger point differential.

(ii) The location and time of the playoff game will be determined by the Football Commissioner with guidance from the Executive Board if deemed necessary.

(iii) Tie Games. All inter-Division games and League Championship games tied at the end of regulation play shall be settled by a tie-breaker using the ten- yard line overtime procedure, as set forth by the National Federation of State High School Association. Further explanation of the tie-breaker procedure is provided below:

 No Sudden Death will be allowed!

 There will ONLY be one time out granted to each team per overtime period – (remaining timeouts during the regulation game do not carry over!)

 The referee will conduct a coin toss to determine which team gets the football

 Teams will attempt to break the tie ball game with each team having two possessions (if required)

 First possession will consist of four downs starting from the 10 yard line… and if required… the second possession will consist of four downs starting from the 5 yard line

 Penalties will be properly enforced during overtime play

 Extra points will be attempted


 Championship games will continue until a winner is decided!

8) Equipment

a) Football Player Gear.

(i) Each Association is responsible for providing each player the necessary helmet, shoulder pads, 7 – piece pad set and pants. Players are responsible for end-of-season cleaning and return of any and all equipment rented from Voted On & Approved 9/15/10 Page 15 VIRGINIA AMERICAN YOUTH FOOTBALL ALLIANCE / CONFERENCE BY-LAWS

or otherwise issued by VAYFA. Equipment must be returned clean and considering normal wear and tear, in usable condition. Associations may assess a charge against parents for failure to return equipment.

(ii) Players must provide their own practice jerseys, shoes, athletic supporter and socks. Shoes must be either sneaker type or shoes with molded or screw in cleats; metal cleats are prohibited. A mouthpiece, attachable to the helmet and athletic supporter is mandatory and must be worn at all practices and games. If a player chooses to wear an eye shield/visor; it must be a clear one for safety purposes.

(iii) Teams traveling to compete at the regional and national tournaments must have two different color jerseys.

b) Game/Field Equipment. Each football team will provide their own game balls for the football game. Each Association hosting the football game shall provide field equipment (e.g., chains, line markers, goal post pads) for games played at the Association’s home field.

9) Playing Rules.

a) Roster Requirements and Minimum Playing Time.

(i) All assigned players present for a game must play at least six to eight plays from scrimmage dependant on roster size as applicable to AYF National rules. All teams must have a minimum of 16 eligible rostered players to be considered an official team and must have a minimum of 14 eligible rostered players eligible to play at the start of a game. At all times, a team must have a minimum of 12 eligible players to continue playing a regulation game. In the event a team has less than the required eligible rostered players, the game will be considered a forfeit. A forfeit score is documented as 6-0.

(ii) Head Coaches shall be held responsible for ensuring that all players play the minimum time in a game. At the end of the third quarter of play, the Field Marshal may stop the game to ensure all players have played the minimum number of plays. Mandatory play rosters must be provided to the Field Marshal immediately following each game.

b) Clock. There will be a 10 minute per quarter regulation clock for all tackle football games in the Mighty Mite to All American levels. There will be a 12-minute per quarter running clock for Tiny-Mite football games. The clock shall stop on all changes of possession and at the end of each half with two minutes remaining.

(i) A regulation clock is defined as the clock stopping on all out of bounds plays, incomplete passes, penalties, change of possession and the resetting of the chains for a 1st down.

(ii) The running clock shall stop on all possession changes and at the end of each half with two minutes remaining.

(iii) The running clock shall stop on all time outs. Voted On & Approved 9/15/10 Page 16 VIRGINIA AMERICAN YOUTH FOOTBALL ALLIANCE / CONFERENCE BY-LAWS

c) Scoring. A is worth 6 Points. A PAT is worth 2 points if kicked and a successful PAT by running or passing the ball is worth 1 point. A is worth 3 points.

d) Centering /Long Snapping. During a long for purposes of a punt or extra point the center will NOT have a defensive player head up. In the case of an offensive formation with a Shotgun snap, the defense WILL be allowed to have a defensive player head up on the center.

e) Mandatory Play Rule Procedures. VAYFA set the minimum at 6-8 plays per game for each player rostered IAW Mandatory Play Roster (MPR) and AYF Rulebook. (i.e.16-25 player roster 8 plays minimum, 26-30 players have 6 play minimum and 31-36 player rosters require a 4 play minimum).

(i) Each team will assign two people, 18 years or older to assist w/ tracking minimum plays… (1) MPR monitor and (1) MPR spotter.

(ii) The MPR monitor will be staged on the opponent’s sideline to track minimum plays.

(iii) The MPR spotter will assist the opponent’s MPR monitor in tracking minimum plays.

(iv) MPRs need to be completed and available at the weigh-in prior to the start each game.

(v) After weigh-ins are complete both teams will exchange MPRs.

(vi) Only plays from the can be counted as a play (kickoffs, extra points, penalties or free kicks do not count as plays).

(vii) If a player has not received their mandatory plays by the end of the third quarter, those players MUST go in the game and remain in the game until they get their required number of plays. NO EXCEPTIONS. If this is violated; the game will be forfeited.

Note: If any player on either team does not meet the minimum play requirements – the violating team will forfeit that game. There will be NO pre-marking of the MPR prior to the player completing the required play. Violations will result in forfeiture of the game by the offending team without question.

f) Slaughter / Mercy Rule Procedures - AYF lopsided score rule is 35 points or 5 , whichever comes first. VAYFA will also use the 35 points or 5 touchdowns, whichever comes first:

(i) Once a team scores 5 touchdowns more than the opposing team or is up by 35 points, the Slaughter / Mercy Rule shall be put in effect.

(ii) Once the mercy rule goes into effect a running game clock is started.

(iii) Losing teams have the option of receiving a normal kickoff or they may take Voted On & Approved 9/15/10 Page 17 VIRGINIA AMERICAN YOUTH FOOTBALL ALLIANCE / CONFERENCE BY-LAWS

the ball on their own 40 yard line.

(iv) Winning team is prohibited from running any misdirection, counter, reverses or trick plays. Skill position players must be replaced when possible.

(v) Mandatory plays must still be completed by all players.

(vi) Leagues cannot limit winning teams to only running between the tackles.

(vii) Once 5 touchdown or 35 point differential is met current score will be officially recorded regardless of end score.

IMPORTANT: Once the Slaughter / Mercy Rule is invoked; the team who was up by 5 touchdowns or 35 points is declared the winner of the football game no matter the outcome of the game.

g) Pre-game weigh – in procedures:

(i) Head Coaches will be held responsible for the actions and/or inactions of all team personnel at the scales.

(ii) At a maximum 2 individuals per Association are allowed at the scales during weigh-in. It is the responsibility of the Head Coach to ensure all other individuals (staff, family members, etc.) leave the area.

(iii) The goal is to conduct weigh-ins at half time of the previous game.

(iv) If a player does not make the required weight during the team weigh-in, the player will not be allowed to weigh-in again.

(v) If a doctor/physicians scale is utilized for weigh-ins. An acceptable weigh-in will be determined by the weight set at the maximum for that level with daylight existing between the scale point and top of the scale.

(vi) Field Marshal must conduct all weigh-ins and have players produce the proper ID.

(vii) At a minimum, the Head Coach will have in his possession at every game (Proper ID cards, team roster, mandatory play roster and copy of the player’s birth certificate)

(viii) If a player is not present during the team weigh-in, he or she has until half time of the scheduled game to be weighed-in and will play if they make weight and have the proper ID.

(ix) The late player will still be required to meet the “MPR” as if the entire game was played.

(x) If a player does not weigh-in prior to the end of half time… they WILL NOT PLAY IN THE GAME!

(xi) Head coach will ensure the late player meets the minimum play Voted On & Approved 9/15/10 Page 18 VIRGINIA AMERICAN YOUTH FOOTBALL ALLIANCE / CONFERENCE BY-LAWS

requirements. (xii) A minimum of two referees must be present to be a sanctioned football game (Cadet – Midget and All American Divisions)

2) VAYFA Special Tiny-Mite and Mitey Mite Game Rules.

a) Coaches on Field.

(i) Two coaches may be present on the field for instructional purposes during all Tiny-Mite games.

(ii) One coach may be present on the field for all pre-season Mitey Mite games and the first three regular season Mitey-Mite games. It is VAYFA’s philosophy that Mitey-Mite players can and should learn to function on the field without the presence of an instructional coach out on the field of play.

(iii) Coaches with a scheduled Bye during the first three regular season Mitey Mite games will be allowed to be present on the field for instructional purposes during their week four game to ensure ALL teams get their allowed three weeks of instruction.

(iv) Coaches must cease all instruction, physical contact and/or verbal communication with their players once the is under center.

(v) If a coach’s presence on the field unduly delays the play of the game, a referee may prohibit that coach from coming on to the field for instructional purposes.

b) Punts. Tiny-Mite and Mitey-Mite teams have the option of punting or moving the ball 25 yards from the line of scrimmage on fourth down. When punting, no rushing is allowed and the kicking team must remain stationary until the football is kicked. This is a practice that ONLY VAYFA recognizes. Regional/National levels DO NOT adhere to this rule.

c) Lining up over Center. This practice is prohibited during all Tiny-Mite and Mighty-Mite games.

d) Clock. There will be a 12-minute per quarter running clock for Tiny-Mite games. The clock will stop on all possession changes and at the two-minute warning of each half. In Mighty Mite Games a 10 minute regulation clock will be in effect. In Tiny Mite games the running clocks stops for all time outs.

e) Length of Football Field. Tiny-Mite field will be 80 yards and Mitey-Mite field will be 100 yards.

f) Turnovers. No will be allowed during a Tiny-Mite football game. A fumbled ball makes the play dead. will result in a turnover and can be advanced.

g) Tiny Mite and Mitey Mite Tie Games. Games will be allowed to end in a tie.


h) Tiny Mite teams will not kickoff; the ball will be placed on their own 35 yard line.

i) Tiny Mite games will not have more than 6 defensive players on the line of scrimmage from end to end and linebackers must be at minimum 3 yards from the line of scrimmage. “Blitzing is discouraged”

3) Protests.

a) Head Coach or designated Assistant Coach may protest a game if such coach reasonably believes that a game official (Commissioner, Field Marshal or Game Official) errored in a decision that affected the outcome of the game (i.e., the Coach’s team would have won the game but for the decision).

b) All protests must be submitted to the Football Commissioner, Vice Football Commissioner or the Executive Board, in writing, no later than midnight of the day following the game being protested. Note: Age/Weight protests MUST be made prior to the initial kick-off of the game or such protest shall be barred.

c) The Football Commissioner and appropriate Deputy Football Commissioner shall review the protest, interview relevant personnel, and decide to uphold or deny the protest. Any protest decision may be appealed to the Executive Board for a decision.

PART IV - Cheerleading Rules

IV-A) Cheerleading Division Alignment.

1) League. Wherever possible, cheerleading squads will be created for every team in the existing age/weight classes. Associations shall be responsible for recruiting cheerleaders for each team.

2) Age Classifications. Generally, cheerleaders must meet the same age requirement as the team for which they are cheering. A participant’s age as of July 31st will serve as the official age for assigning participants to the appropriate squad for the entire season.

c) Siblings. A cheerleader of any age may be assigned to a team on which her brother is a player. However, if the sibling falls outside of the age requirements for that team, the squad may not enter competition.

4) Assignment to Teams. Cheerleaders shall be assigned to teams pursuant to Association rules.

IV-B) Uniforms.

1) Uniforms shall be purchased per Association rules.

2) No boots are allowed.

IV-C) Field Rules. Coaches will ensure that Football cheerleaders are kept at least five (5) yards back from the football sideline. Cheerleaders may cheer between the 20 and 30- Voted On & Approved 9/15/10 Page 20 VIRGINIA AMERICAN YOUTH FOOTBALL ALLIANCE / CONFERENCE BY-LAWS

yard markers on either side of the field.

PART V - Amendments

V-A) These By-Laws may be amended by 2/3-majority vote of voting body present.

Approval and Adoption by the VAYFA Executive Board

We, the undersigned representatives for the nationally recognized AYF Associations in Northern Virginia, respectively, hereby approve and adopt these By-laws and Rules. We agree to actively discharge the duties herein in a manner that is fair and consistent with National AYF and Atlantic Region rules and policies, these By-laws and all VAYFA General Rules.

President, VAYFA

Date: ______

Vice President, VAYFA

Date: ______

Football Commissioner, VAYFA

Date: ______




Field Marshal Duties and Responsibilities

The checklist below outlines the major duties and responsibilities that will be performed by ALL field marshals assigned to work a VAYFA football game during the 2010 football season. VAYFA is responsible for having a scale that is accurate and in good working condition at all game locations.

 Maintain good order, discipline and a safe environment on game day for all the players, spectators, coaches and referees.  Greet referees and ensure they are familiar with the special rules for the Tiny Mite and Mighty Mite division of play (slide of special rules will be attached).  Divisions Cadet – Midget and All American Divisions will play an overtime format (start on 10- yard line) – NO OVERTIME for TM & MM Divisions.  Stress time management and keeping the games on time to the referees.  Ensure the game field is set up properly yard markers, down marker and 10 yard markers (Tiny Mites will play on a 80 yard football field.)  Conduct weigh-ins for ALL teams and players participating in football games. o A minimum of 14 players must be eligible and able to participate to start a regulation game! o Up front, give coaches and staff a quick brief on how weigh – ins will be conducted (KEEP ALL SPECTATORS, INCLUDING PARENTS AWAY FROM THE SCALE). o Conduct weigh-ins at half time of the current game for the teams preparing to play… ensure opposing team coaches are present at the scale to monitor weigh-in. (Age/Weight Criteria attached). o At the scale, coaches need to have in their possession (a Walker’s ID, military ID or passport, copy of birth certificates, mandatory play roster (MPR) – filled out properly and completely and team rosters). IDs can’t be older than 3-years on the date of the game! o Remind coaches and staff of the mandatory play rule (see mandatory play roster… mandatory plays are determined by the size of the team roster). o ALL football players will go across the scale wearing the following football equipment: game jersey, socks, game pants w/ 7 – piece pad set and game cleats (the field marshal will watch ALL players cross the scale.) o If a player is not present for the weigh-in, they will have until the start of the 3rd quarter to weigh-in… once the second half of the game starts, that player who has not weighed in is ineligible to play in the football game o If a player fails to make weight… THEY CAN NOT PLAY! (Only one time on the scale – no re-weighing a player). No Exceptions  Ensure coaches exchange mandatory play rosters (MPR) prior to the start of the football game and assign two spotters to track mandatory plays.  Check MPR sheets at the beginning of the fourth quarter to ensure ALL players have played their required / minimum plays for the game.  If players have not received their mandatory plays, ensure those players go in the game and remain in the game until they get their required number of plays… if this is violated; the game will be forfeited  Roster/Participant manipulation of any kind will be considered cheating.  At the conclusion of each game… check with the referees and record the scores on the MPR sheet  HEAD COACHES, HEAD OFFICAL AND FIELD MARSHALL WILL SIGN MPR TO VERIFY SCORE OF THE GAME!  COLLECT MPR SHEETS AND RETURN TO FOOTBALL COMMISIONER MONDAY VIA EMAIL OR FAX. 540-720-5028 OR [email protected].  Ensure spectators are reminded to stay clear of the game field and away from the scale during weigh-ins





All parents/guardians who have children participating within the Conference/League/Team must abide by a Code of Conduct, which includes the provisions that follow. Any violation of these rules or any Conference rules will result in immediate expulsion from your association and the Conference/League/Team. In addition, you will forfeit your membership for the current season and be subject for review for any other subsequent year.


1. I/We agree to furnish proof of Birth - i.e.: Birth Certificate, Passport or Military ID of applicant to the Association/League/Conference upon request. 2. I/We agree to furnish a copy of the most recent school years Report Card to the Association/ League/Conference upon request. 3. I/We agree that my child will participate in the “Scholars program” set up by the Association/ League/Conference. (Kindergartners and Flag programs are exempt.) 4. I/We agree to be financially responsible for Association equipment/uniform issued to applicant other than the normal wear and tear during games and practice, further I/We will reimburse the Association / League/Conference for the loss and/or damage to said equipment. 5. I/We agree to not smoke on the practice or playing field, or in the presence of a gathering of the team/squad. (i.e.: after a game/practice or team/squad meetings.) 6. I/We agree to abstain from the possession and drinking of alcoholic beverages and the possession or use of any illegal substance at any Association// League/Conference function. (i.e.: at games/practice, after a game/practice, team/squad meetings or gatherings.) 7. I/We agree not to deliberately incite and/or participate in “unsportsmanlike” conduct at ANY Association// League/Conference function. (i.e.: declaring at another city “AS OUR HOUSE” 8. I/We agree to never protest a game official, judge or Commissioners decision in an aggressive demonstrative manner, which might incite violent or aggressive fan involvement. 9. I/We agree not to use abusive or profane language or actions at any time at any Association/ League/Conference function. 10. I/We agree not to criticize, belittle, antagonize, berate or otherwise incite the opposing team, its players, coaches, cheerleaders, fans, officials/judges or Commissioners by word of mouth or by gesture. 11. I/We agree to accept all decisions of the game officials, judges or Conference Officials as being fair and called to the best of their ability. 12. I/We agree to treat all children and adults while at any Association// League/Conference function with respect. 13. I/We agree to follow the proper Chain of Command when filing a complaint or voicing my opinion regarding any possible rule infraction or concern within my association or the / League/Conference organization.


The Chain Of Command is as follows:

You may only advance to the next level in the chain of command providing your situation has not been handled within 72 hours from your initial filing and you need further assistants.

A) The Head Football/Cheer Coach of your Association. (If your complaint is regarding the Head Coach you may go directly to the League President/Cheer Director (as applicable).

B) The President or Cheer Director of your Association (as applicable).

C) A letter written to the Association / League/Conference.

If you go directly to American Youth Football without permission, you will be removed from this Conference WITHOUT the right to appeal.

14. I/We agree not to interfere with or come near the “Scale /ID Check-in Area ” at the football field, where the weigh-in/ID Check-in and pre-game check-in is taking place with the City/Conference Commissioner. 15. I/We agree to take responsibility for any actions that violates this Code of Conduct by a guest or relative of attending parent/guardian. 16. I/We agree not to bring in food, drinks, coolers, air horns, cowbells or drums into any stadium within the Conference/League/Team.

Any act of disrespect from a parent/fan directed towards game officials/judges, or Conference officials, creating a disturbance either in the stands or on the playing field, or has to be ejected from the game, practice or event, by the Conference official or game official, the penalty will be handed down to that individual immediately by the Conference official, and the assessed penalty will not require a hearing to be assessed.

17. I/We agree if I/We have been ejected or removed from any Association// League/Conference function I/We will refrain from attending any practices/games/competitions for the period of my punishment.

However, any penalty assessed to any individual may be appealed in writing to the Conference Board of Presidents, within 72 hours from the time the penalty was assessed. The appeal will be handled in accordance with the American Youth Football Administration Manual.


This Code of Conduct signature page MUST be placed behind the respective player/cheerleaders Association/ League/Conference Physical Form in the Team/Squads book of contracts.


______Player / Cheerleader’s Name (PRINT) Association / League Name


( ) Tiny Mite ( ) Mitey Mite ( ) Cadet ( ) Jr. Pee Wee ( ) Pee Wee ( ) Jr. Midget ( ) Midget ( ) 7th Grade All American ( ) 8th Grade All American

Team Name: ______


I do hereby certify by my signature below as a parent/guardian of a child participating within the Conference/League/Team that I/We have read & received a copy of the Code of Conduct and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the “CODE OF CONDUCT” set forth by this Conference. I am also aware that the Conference/League/Team has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY in effect at all times.

______SIGNATURE of Parent / Guardian

______PRINT Name

______SIGNATURE of Parent / Guardian

______PRINT Name



I do hereby certify by my signature below that the above named parent/guardian did read & receive a copy of the “Code of Conduct” and agrees to abide by the Code of Conduct as required by the Conference/League/Team.

______Signature of Association Personnel

______Board Position (title)


Team Book Certification Requirements

The following documents are required for each player:

1. 2010 AYF Consent to Play Form 2. 2010 AYF Emergency Information Consent to Treat Form 3. Medical Clearance Form - dated after January 1, 2010 4. End of Year 2009-2010 Report Card 5. Valid Military ID, Passport or DMV ID issued within the last three years or receipt from DMV to prove ID has been purchased. 6. Copy of Birth Certificate 7. Parent Code of Conduct

You must also have the following Team/Organization information in EACH Team Book:

1. Certificate of Insurance 2. AYF Official Football Team Roster 3. Background Check for each Coach, Staff member and Volunteer associated with that team. 4. 2010 AYF Membership Certificate


Special Rules (TM / MM) Tiny-Mite Division Mighty-Mite Division  80 yard playing field  100 yard playing field  No kickoffs [ball is placed on YOUR 35 yard line]  Have the option to punt or  No fumbles () advance the football 25  Have the option to punt or yards advance the football 25 yards  One coach on the field [first  Two coaches on the field three games of the season – [entire season – STAY OUT off the field the rest of the OF THE WAY!!!] season]  No lining up over center  No lining up over center  Only 6 players in the “box” on defense [blitzing is  Regulation clock discouraged] (10-minutes)  Running clock (12-minutes) QTRs  Games can end in a tie  Games can end in a tie

Goal: Developmental and introductory program

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