Seek Quick Relief in Bank Closing by BEN VAN VLIET George W
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Plane Crash Kills Young American Students SEE STORY BELOW Cloudy, Warm Cloudy and warm today. THEDAEY FINAL Cloudy and warm with chance of showers tonight and tomor- Red Bank, Freehold row. Long Brandt EDITION (Be. DeUHs, Pile n I 7 Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 31 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1970 20 PAGES TEN CENTS Seek Quick Relief in Bank Closing By BEN VAN VLIET George W. Hill, assistant the amount covered by insur- the results of the meeting was EATONTOWN — While fed- chief of the federal Division ance. set for 11 a.m. eral bank investigators try to of liquidation for the FDIC, The county, as a matter of "I'm very hopeful," the mayor said last night, "that unsnarl the financial mess at said accounts of individual policy, maintains accounts in 1 . the insolvent Eatontown Na- depositors are insured up to all banks located within Mon- we can workout some" ' i tional Bank, local officials $20,000 each. mouth County. aid the people who are with» will • try today to provide <i"t rnonp" because of the Mayor Werner said the Mr. Hill, who is heading a bank's closing." quick relief for persons and borough of Eatontown would 23 - member investigating businesses who are in a mon- team, said depositors would Federal investigators have ey bind because of the bank's not be seriously affected toy been at work in the bank the bank's closing. have to wait no longer than 10 1 1 closing. days to get their money. p "" ? Saturday trying to de- . The six-year-old bank was Most of the borough's mon- termine the exact losses. ordered closed indefinitely at ey is in the Central Jersey However, Mayor Herbert E. Eugene W. Landy, New , 11:30 p.m. Friday following a Bank and Trust Co., he said, Werner said he hopes a meth- Shrewsbury, a founder, direc- J2-hour meeting between fed- there is only a small amount od can be worked out today to tor, and large stockholder in *eral bank examiners and deposited in the Eatontown provide quicker relief to those the bank, said losses are esti- bank officials. bank. ' suffering hardship. mated at $4 million. On Saturday the U;S. Comp- However, Edward C. He was to meet at 9 a.m. Following the bank's clos- troller of the Currency de- B r o e g e, county treasurer, with Mr. Hill and Edward ing, Mr. Landy issued a short clared the bank insolvent, and said that the county has a Clark, an assistant vice presi- statement on behalf of the ' placed it in the receivership substantial amount of money dent and manager of the Cen- Board of Directors in which of the Federal Deposit Insur- in the bank and said he be- tral Jersey Bank & Trust Co. they said that there were fis- ance Corporation (FDIC)'. lieved it may be in excess of A press conference to reveal (See OFFICIALS, Page 2) Douglas J: • Eugene W. Landy Mayor Herbert E. Werner WHilillllli: iiiniiiiiin Where Did Cocchiaro Go? By TOM CANNON come from and specifically whether they have Only one has been released. He is Robert LONG BRANCH (AP) - Alleged Cosa Nostra come from underworld informers. "Bobby Basile". Occhipinti of Long Branch, a strongarm man Frank Cocchiaro, who fled the NO KNOWN PASSPORT '. cousin of DeCavalcante's, who spent several days state more than a year ago rather than answer % The U. S. State Department said last year that in Mercer County jail before testifying. It is not questions about organized crime, apparently isn't Cocchiaro did not have a passport issued either known whether his testimony was responsive or expected back in town. in his own name or that of his alias, Frank Condi. evasive although responsive testimony would have The house in which he lived at 227 Howard Along with other reputed mobsters, Cocchiaro been required under the law for him to have Ave. in the plush Shadow Lawn section^ Ocean . used to spend a lot of his time in North Bay been released. ' Township near here is up for sale, according to Village, Fla., near Miami Beach. TRIO STILL HELD law enforcement sources. In transcripts of FBI wiretapping, some of Three other reputed mobsters are still behind The house is actually owned by electrical Cocchiaro's associates once discussed the pos- bars for refusing to answer commission questions. contractor J. Ronald Herman of 1206 Lawrence sibility of his using a hunting lodge near Toms They are Gerardo "Jerrry" Catena of South Ave., Wanamassa, Ocean Township. River in Ocean County as a hideout. Orange, reputed boss of the mob family of the It reportedly has been empty since Cocchiaro Conchiaro has been indicted for criminal late. Vito Genovese; Joseph "Joe Bayonne" Zi- disappeared. 'But the property has been main- contempt of the investigating commission for his carelli of Cliffside Park, a reputed capo in the failure to return to the July 29,1969 hearing from Paul Sciacca family; and Anthony "Little Pussy" tained and the lawn mowed regularly. a coffee break after having been ordered to do NOT SEEN SINCE Russo of Long Branch,; a reputed capo under so. He was under subpoena at the time. Catena. It was on July 29, 1969, that Cocchiaro fled Cocchiaro,.alias Frank Condi or "Big Frank," a hearing of the State Investigation Commission. is said by law enforcement officials to be a capo Catena and Zicarelli have a wing to them- He hasn't been seen since, at least by law en- lieutenant in the Cosa Nostra family of Simone selves in the new Yardville Reformatory near forcement authorities. "Sam the Plumber" DeCavalcante of Princeton Trenton. Russo is now in the state prison where Andrew Phelan, executive director of the SIC, Township. he was sent from Yardville after exhausting his said "every once in awhile we hear he's in the ' ••> TOLD TO RETURN appeals on a perjury conviction. Bahamas, in New York or in Florida. We've " He, along with'DeCavalcante and 13 others, 'BOSS OF BOSSES' • checked out all the tips and rumors and still were subpoenaed to appear July 8 at the first While Cocchiaro is said to be in the DeCaval- haven't found him." hearings'of the: then newly created State In- cante mob family, law enforcement sources say- 1 1 There is an "all points bulletin" out for vestigation Commission, which was investigating he used to be in the .Brooklyn family of the la"te Cocchiaro in each of the 50 states and territories. organized crime and official corruption in Long Joseph Profaci and also' in the family of Carlo And there is also a "fingerprint stop" on him Banch. The witnesses were told that day when to Gambino. GambLno is now said to be the "Boss so that if he is arrested anywhere in the country, return for specific questioning by the Commis- of Bosses" of the six families operating in the a routine check of his fingerprints with the FBI sion. Cocchiaro was told that day to return July, New York metropolitan area, a title once held would show that he is a fugitive from New 29. by Genovese. Jersey. - If Cocchiaro had stayed around, he might be Cocchiaro, according to transcripts of FBI Lt. William Baun, head of the State Police in the same fix as some other reputed mobsters, wiretapping, is a violent man who enjoys stealing Intelligence Bureau, said "We've had.him in 40 four of.whom were granted immunity from prose- and hitting people. different-states from tips- but-none. haw-pSoned^ ajiQjijBuiglijt u frr their, testtoony...AUrtpur *?& out." fused in the beginnini g to taltlk and were jailejild for mission, ^he told a photographer, "If you keep Baun declined to say where the tips have civil contempt by the commission. taking those pictures, I'll 'knock your brains out." •••IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIII A GOOD SIGN — Karen Kaiser, I 7-yea r-old Marlboro High School senior, dis- plays her prize-winning Marlboro Police emblem, designed in Hie shape of the township. Miss Kaiser received a $25 savings bond in weekend ceremonies at- tended by, from left, Patrolman Vincent DeSulis, president of the Marlboro Pa- Plane Crash Kills Teeners trolmen's Benevolent Association, Police Chief Joseph R. Walker and Mayor of the Cuzco airport and ex- Morton Saikind. there were about 10 entries in the contest. LIMA, Peru (AP) - to the Inca ruins at nearby youngsters, including Marisel . The student victims were, Forty-nine youifg American Machu Picchu. After the day ploded, scattering bodies over Bedoya Vivanco, 16, daughter from New York, New Jersey, (Register Staff Photo) exchange students returning of sightseeing, the plane had a wide area. of a former Lima mayor. Indiana, Ohio, Maine, Wiscon- from the Inca ruins at Machu just taken off from Cuzco for Lansa officials said the air- Officials said the tour was sin; Georgia, Maryland, .Picchu were reported killed Lima when one of its four tur- line was sending a plane to an optional part of the vaca- North Carolina, Illinois and yesterday in the crash of a boprop engines failed and the Cuzco today to bring the bod- tion program during which Pennsylvania, the company Peruvian ^airliner. The De- pilot, Capt. Alejandro Cale- ies to Lima. students participate in orga- said. Complicity of Witness partment of Civil Aviation gari, requested permission to nized activities while staying said 99 of the 100 persons return to Cuzco. International Fellowship Peru's worst previous air said the students, among 400 with their host families.