Chapter 22 in Europe 1800s a strong feeling of pride in and devotion to ones country and people Nationalism Minister of who united Germany through “blood and iron” and . Otto Von Bismarck politics based on the needs of the state, power was more important than principals Realpolitik Word for Emperor of Germany Kaiser Word for German Empire Reich government programs to help groups of people and raise the standard of living Social Welfare Prophet of – had vision of united – formed nationalist group . Mazzini Architect of Italian unification – man with the plan - and was the Prime Minister of who helped unite northern Italy. Camillo Cavour Sword of Italian unification – fought with army of Red Shirts to unite 1861 crowned 1st King of a united Italy. Victor Emmanuel II (-Hungary)- One ruler rules over two countries. Dual Monarchy 1800’s – known as the ‘Sick Man of Europe’ because they were in such decline The Southeastern Europe – nationalists tension led to the ‘Powder Keg of Europe’ The Balkans ruler with complete authority – automatic rule Autocratic – Czarist/Tsarist Rule in Russia War-war fought on the Crimean peninsula between the Russians and the British, French, and Turks from 1853- 1856. Russia lost and it demonstrated backwardness. 1800s - violent attacks on Jewish communities in Russia Pogroms a person who flees from home or country to seek refuge somewhere else, often because of political upheaval, violence/war, or famine Refugee Began with Bloody Sunday, an innocent march led by an Orthodox Priest to the Czars palace in St. Petersburg - soldiers opened fire and killed thousands.

This change included the introduction of the DUMA – a legislative body in Russia

This foreshadowed the political turmoil Russia faced going into World War I Revolution of 1905