Week 253 /254 | Page 1 Published: 6 April 2020 | 12 5780 Newsletter (פסח / 2-Week (Pesach

Guidelines and Timings for Pesach (Rabbi Kenigsberg) Tuesday 7 April • Bedikat should be performed after 8.25pm followed by the declaration in the . • In Shacharit, Mizmor leTodah and Lamenatzeach are omitted. • Siyum for Firstborns will take place at 8.30am via livestream on the United Synagogue Facebook Page (Please note you do not need to have a login to Facebook to access the livestream). • Latest time to eat chametz is 10.49am. • Latest time to own chametz is 11.56am. Any remaining chametz should be flushed down the toilet Wednesday 8 April or put in bins (rendered inedible with bleach if safe to do so) and placed off your property (see attached flyer on Page 3 and 4). • The second Kol Chamira declaration fund in the Haggadah should be recited before this time. • Matzah should not be eaten on Erev Pesach. • Eiruv Tavshilin should be prepared, in order to allow preparations for over Yom Tov. • Candle lighting should take place after 6.23pm and no later than 7.31pm. (Remember to light a 2-day candle) Wednesday Night • Seder should not commence before nightfall at 8.28pm. (Seder Night) • Remember to follow carefully in the Machzor/Siddur as the and some other parts of davening differ from the standard Shabbat davening. • Shacharit for Yom Tov is followed by full (Sof Zman Kriat Shema at 9.39am). • Tefillat Tal which is recited on Pesach was only instituted when davening with a tzibur and not when Thursday 9 April davening alone. Therefore, one can recite it if they wish, but there is no obligation to do so. (1st day Pesach) • Mashiv HaRuach uMorid HaGeshem is recited in the Amidah in for the final time. It is then omitted from Mincha onwards. • No preparations can be made before second day Yom Tov commences at 8.36pm. Candles should Thursday Night be lit from a pre-existing flame from this time onwards, and only then can preparations be made (Second Seder) for the second day and the Seder. • Sefirat HaOmer is counted at the end of Ma’ariv. • Shacharit for Yom Tov is followed by full Hallel (Sof Zman Kriat Shema at 9.38am). • Shabbat candles should be lit not earlier than 6.24pm but before 7.34pm. Friday 10 April • All necessary preparations for Shabbat such as cooking or heating up food on existing flames are (2nd day Pesach) permitted on Yom Tov but should be concluded before lighting Shabbat candles. • An abridged Kabbalat Shabbat is said, as shown in the Matzorim. • Ya’aleh V’Yavo is added in the Ma’ariv Amidah and is said throughout Chol HaMoed. • Sof Zman Kriat Shema at 9.37am. • Half Hallel is recited each day until the end of Pesach. • Shir HaShirim is read in the morning. • Regular Shabbat Mincha with Ya’aleh V’Yavo at the usual time at home. • Shabbat ends at 8.40pm. Shabbat Chol Hamoed • Veten Bracha is recited in the Amidah in place of Veten Tal uMatar liVracha, and this continues 11 April throughout the coming months. • Vihi Noam is not recited. Sefirat HaOmer is said at the end of Ma’ariv, and the usual of Motzei Shabbat is recited. After making your own Havdalah at home please join us for a Communal Havdalah over zoom led by Rabbi Kenigsberg at 9.10pm. Login details will be posted to the Community Whatsapp Group after Shabbat. • In Shacharit, Mizmor leTodah and Lamenatzeach are omitted. • Ya’aleh veYavo is said in the Amidah of all Tefillot (and Birkat HaMazon) • Half Hallel is said at the end of Shacharit, followed by Mussaf. • On Sunday and Monday we will be joining together over zoom for Shacharit at 8.00am followed by musical Hallel led by Alex Jacobs on Sunday and Daniel Greenberg on Monday. Chol HaMoed • Whilst not a full Yom Tov, Chol HaMoed has an added level of Kedusha. It is therefore proper to wear Yom Tov clothes, celebrate with festive meals and dedicate extra time to study, as one would do on Shabbat and Yom Tov. • On Monday night Rabbi Kenigsberg will be giving a special shiur of Tzurba m’Rabanan entitled: “Pandemics in Halacha”. The shiur will begin on zoom at 8.30pm. • Candle lighting should take place after 6.29pm and no later than 7.41pm. (Remember to light a 2- Tuesday 14 April day candle). (Erev Yom Tov) • Shehecheyanu is not recited at candlelighting or at on the 7th or 8th day of Pesach. • Yom Tov Shacharit is followed by Half Hallel (Sof Zman Kriat Shema at 9.32am). Wednesday 15 April • No preparations for the eighth day may be made before nightfall at 8.47pm. Candles should be (Shevi’I shel Pesach) lit from a pre-existing flame from this time onwards. • Yom Tov Shacharit is followed by Half Hallel (Sof Zman Kriat Shema at 9.31am). • Yizkor is recited. Thursday 16 April • Yom Tov ends at 8.49pm. The introductory pesukim of Havdalah are omitted and only two berachot (Shemini shel Pesach) are said. Borei Pri HaGafen and HaMavdil (no besamim or eish). • Please wait until 10.00pm before opening or using any chametz any chametz which was sold for the duration of Pesach. Please be in touch with Rabbi Kenigsberg via phone, email or WhatsApp for any queries you may have. Wishing you all a Chag Kasher veSameach!

www.magenavot.com @MagenAvot [email protected] 48 Finchley Lane, London NW4 1DJ

[email protected] facebook.com/MagenAvot Rabbi: 07891 988 201

Week 253 /254 | Page 2 Published: 6 April 2020 | 12 Nisan 5780 Newsletter (פסח / 2-Week (Pesach

Torah Readings and Haftarot for Pesach Maftir 1st day Yom Tov Shemot 12:21-51 Bamidbar 28:16-25 Yehoshua 3:5-7, 5:2-6:1, 6:27 2nd day Yom Tov Vayikra 22:26-23:44 Bamidbar 28:16-25 Melachim II 23:1-9, 21-25 Shabbat Chol HaMoed Shemot 33:12-34:26 Bamidbar 28:19-25 Yechezkel 37:1-14 Chol Hamoed 2 (Sunday) Shemot 13:1-16 Bamidbar 28:19-25 Chol Hamoed 3 (Monday) Shemot 34:1-26 Bamidbar 28:19-25 Chol HaMoed 4 (Tuesday) Bamidbar 9:1-14 Bamidbar 28:19-25 7th day Pesach (Yom Tov) Shemot 13:17-15:26 Bamidbar 28:19-25 Shmuel II 22:1-51 8th day Pesach (Yom Tov) Devarim 15:19-16:17 Bamidbar 28:19-25 Yeshayahu 10:32-12:6

Yellow Candle Project Yom Hashoah

Magen Avot is proud to support this year’s yellow candle project. Collections can be made from outside the front door at number 4 Downage every evening (apart from Friday and Saturday evenings) from 8.00pm to 10.00pm. No need to make an appointment just come and collect, leave your donation (to Magen Avot) and write how many you took in on the provided sheet. If you are in isolation, we will deliver to you. Please see the poster below.

Other Announcements As we cannot go to Shul, a new initiative has been created. The idea is for us to sponsor Kiddushim for doctors, nurses and staff at our local hospital. We are still supporting our local shops/bakeries through this initiative. Debbie Kagan has a team that are in contact with each hospital who will co-ordinate everything for us, as well as collecting from the shop and delivering directly on our behalf. If you would like to sponsor a Kiddush email [email protected] and check out sponsorship weeks on our website. Remember to check our Facebook page regularly for video messages from the community, Drashot from the Rabbi and more! Additionally our new MA: Community Whatsapp Group is now live here: https://bit.ly/3dwf1EO. If you are unable to get out and need food, medicine or other supplies, or if you need anything else at all, big or small, PLEASE contact Rebbetzen Sarah Kenigsberg on 07521 500 298 or [email protected]. Sarah will co-ordinate to make sure help is available. Yom Ha’Atzmaut

www.magenavot.com @MagenAvot [email protected] 48 Finchley Lane, London NW4 1DJ

[email protected] facebook.com/MagenAvot Rabbi: 07891 988 201