Urgent update on Covid-19 from the Strategic Coordination Group, Mayor of and

Earlier today the convened a meeting of the London Leaders Covid-19 Committee to review new data and analyses from Public Health England on the prevalence of Covid-19 in London in context of the Government’s announcements on the three-tier system of coronavirus restrictions.

The Committee membership includes the Chair, Deputy Chair and Vice Chairs of London Councils, the Chairs of the Strategic Coordination Group, the Director of PHE for London, and senior representatives from the Department for Health, the Metropolitan Police Service and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.

The Strategic Coordination Group:

Cases of COVID-19 in London continue to increase and we are at a tipping point, where further measures will be needed to help curb transmission, protect the most vulnerable, and reduce pressures on our health, as well as care and social services.

There is big variation across boroughs but 7 have surpassed the weekly diagnoses rates of 100 cases per 100,000 population and given the current trajectory it is anticipated that London as a whole will reach this threshold within days.

Community transmission of the virus, associated with mixing in social and commercial venues remains a major risk factor for transmission, especially among young people. Transmission in the household environment is one of the most significant ways the virus is spreading. Limiting its ability to spread via mixing between households should therefore be a key area of focus for London.

As any intervention process takes time to set up in a carefully considered and structured way, decisions need to be made sooner rather than later. This need is compounded by the upcoming half term holidays as well as festivals such as Halloween and Bonfire Night.

No change to the 10pm closing of restaurants, pubs and bars is being envisaged, but there is a real risk that transmission is continuing to be driven up in indoor settings, particularly amongst young adults, who may be inclined to mix between households after closing time. This is further rationale for calling for specific rules to prevent household mixing indoors.

Whilst the economic implications of the proposed restrictions are clear, London’s unique scale and population density means the measures to prevent mixing indoors between households are likely to play a major role in containing the spread of the virus.

There is no desire for the restrictions to continue indefinitely, and they should be reviewed on an ongoing basis, in line with the epidemiological situation.

A spokesperson for the Mayor of London:

“The Mayor met with London Leaders today to examine the latest data on the spread of the virus in the city and to discuss the Government’s new national alert system.

“The virus is now spreading very quickly in every corner of London. The number of cases is rapidly increasing and all the indicators we look at are moving in the wrong direction.

“As of today, London is at ‘medium’ in the government’s new alert levels. However, Londoners should understand that this could change very quickly - potentially even this week.

“Discussions with London leaders, scientific advisers and the Government will continue over the coming days and the Mayor will be as clear as possible with Londoners about what they can expect as soon as possible.

“Nobody wants to see new measures that will impact on businesses in London such as the hospitality sector - least of all the Mayor - but we have a responsibility act on the evidence if it will save lives.

“Sadiq is calling on the Government to urgently put in place proper financial support for businesses, workers and local authorities - not just those in ‘very high’ levels as has been announced today.

“And Ministers must come forward with a plan to finally fix the failing test, trace and isolate system - which is absolutely critical to allowing us to control the virus and London’s economy to recover.”

A spokesperson from London Councils:

“London’s Councils stand together in the fight against Covid19. We have consistently sought to balance the public health, economic and social impacts of this virus and any restrictions placed upon our residents. It has been really important that the voice of councils has been such a significant part of this debate with the Mayor and government.

London’s government will continue to work together in the best interests of all Londoners at this unprecedented and challenging time and I am grateful to all colleagues for agreeing to act as One London.

If further restrictions are placed on our city I know that London’s councils will work even harder and faster to get our city working again as quickly as possible.”

How you can help:

Communicate clear messages from official sources: With the tightening of restrictions at a national and regional level, Londoners are likely to be receiving a range of messaging on the new measures. In order to keep Londoners safe, it is crucial that they receive clear and united messages from their elected representatives. Agencies across London are coordinating to ensure that national and regional messaging lines are clear and consistent. This is the approach that will be used by official communications channels across London.

That’s why we are asking people to share guidance from official sources. On Twitter, we encourage you to share guidance from @MayorofLondon, @LondonCouncils and @PHE_London.

How you can get in touch

If you have any questions or would like any further information you can contact Ffion Meagher at [email protected].