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Top Ten Salesmen for the March 24, 1961 issue 1) Kaaren Walling, 2) Sharon Null, 3) Mary Sweeney, 4) Nancy Keller, 5) Nancy Singer, 6) Candy Clifford, 7) Anne Messerly, 8) Vol. XXXIII, No. 22 James Whitcomb Riley High School, South Bend, Indiana Friday, April 14, 1961 Judy Keiser, 9) Barb VanVlassel------__: __ .:;_____ ...;..______;______..:..;._..:___ _..:..__

nar,aer, 10) Sue Joan Monteith, Boosi, Carolyn JoAnn Cse- St. D·1cka'nd Steve • James. Win ribbonsin this· year'sCity Science Fair

Unnecessary Twosenior boys win Interruptions Please eliminate all unnecessary awardsin CityFair; traffic .in and out of the bookstore area. It is impossible to count Regionalistomorrow money and work on records with all the interruptions from people Bringing honor to themselves who are there with unnecessary and the Riley science department, business. Do not enter the book­ Dick Mahoney and Steve Palmer store unless you have business to won first place awards in the re­ transact, then enter only at the cent City Science Fair. invitation of the person in charge. Dick's project entitled "Rela­ The telephone in 'the bookstore tivity and Explanation" was judg­ is not to be used for making calls ed as a blue ribbon winner in the and the Offices will not give Physics section. Steve's project change for the public telephone. entitled "Radio Controlled Robot" also won blue ribbon honors in the Physics division. Good Luck!! For their efforts both boys re­ to the Band and Orchestra in ceived ribbons, certificates, and their State contests tomorrow! the right to go on to the Regional Please represent our school to the Science Fair to be held at Go­ best of your ability. shen College in Goshen, Indiana tomorrow. The two top entrants in each field at the Regional com­ Last Chance! petition will be entitled to go on We are now started in our final to Science Fair. nine weeks. Try to make these f\ Steve also entered the 1961 the best nine weeks you possibly DICK MAHONEY, on the left. and Steve Palmer -display-their certificates and ribbons won in the re- Notre Dame Science Fair held can. The seniors, especially should cent City Science Fair. · last March 25 and 26. He won a take notice of this because this • f $994S Sfd t ( · •1h ~d • f second place award in the Physics nine weeks is really the last un1orsne . on U en ounc1o~ S pr1maryO campaign; division, accompanied by a certi- chance! J ficate and a check for $10. theclass paper drive sel ectstw onominees ·for each ol lop o lficesw!h:n:::t~n ~i:t;:!~e ~~:~ Congratulations • 'What are your views on Riley's who must be a senior duri"ini~• ~lllll!!!'fll!ftllli!ll,lll!iil••lii!!lfli¥'--i-la.:,:.-:...a.~.-..._ ...;;;~s,...;;:s !c the t~valedicto ians, Uri Student Council and how would term, were Sharon Csernits and test and the Westinghouse Science Kathy Krider, Pat Miller, and you improve it if you were elected Richard Wadsworth. Curt Wooley, Talent Search, . also a nation-wide On Monday, April 3, the Class Georgia Polovina, and the saluta­ to one of its offices?" Rebecca Perkey, Betty Neuman, contest. Steve was awarded an of '62, following the tradition torian, Kathy Behrenbruch, of the This is the question that was Mike Sipotz, and Janet Burk- honorable mention in the Future started by the Class of '61, had a Senior Class. Congratulations also put to candidates for nomination holder were the candidates for Scientists of America competition, paper drive. At 9:00 a. m., 120 to the eighty-five honor students for next year's Student Council vice-president. Candidates for but has not yet heard from the juniors met in back of school to listed in the story last week in secretary-treasurer were Judy Westinghouse Science Talent start collecting papers. Having offices. Each candidate then had the South Bend Tribune. to present a speech on this ques­ Arch, Marty Radanovich, Nita Search. their routes, they set out soon 1 tion. Hawley, and Kathy Hojnacki. · Be sure to follow the coming after 9:00. Following the speeches a pri­ Winners of the primary were issues of the HI-TIMES for re­ Although a few people were mary was held within the Council Sharon Csernits and Richard ports on the progress of Steve A European unhappy about being roused out folk dancing exhibition will be to limit the candidates to two for Wadsworth, president; Curt Woo- and Dick in the Regional Science of bed, the enthusiasm of the each office. The primary was pre­ ley and Janet Burkholder, vice- Contest and for news of Steve's put on next Thursday, morning by juniors soon made them forget Bob and Carlyn Galati. The Ga­ sided over by the present Council president; and Judy Arch and Nita rank in the Westinghouse Science their sleep and start ga~ering officers, Steve Coffman, president; Hawley, secretary-treasurer. Talent Search. lati's have traveled all over Eu­ papers to help the class. Sharon Csernits, vice-president; These six nominees will be rope and will display their danc­ The papers collected by the and Pat Miller, secretary-treas- voted on following an assembly, ing to invited groups during class filled a large truck thileted a of the English section. Participat­ South Bend's Mayor Bruggner is Other Riley students who quali­ ley chairman, announced the need very successful season, will give fied to enter the regional contest, ing in the contest were Kathy expected to drop in sometime dur­ for a master of ceremonies, pre­ an exhibition. but who did not win awards Behrenbruch, Bruce BonDurant, ing the evening. The entire coro- ferably a boy. All boys interested Also on display at this meeting were Tom Wrasse, Linda Capps, Sara Leopold, David Mossman, in being models shouid contact will be an art exhibit presented 1nation will be covered by WNDU­ Gary Marvel, Charlotte Deepe, Kathy Krider, Georgia Polovina, John Byers. by Miss Mary Jane Day's Art TV. Fred . Rosenfeld, Henry ~olmer, Assisting Kathy as co-chairmen Nancy Singer, and Linda Sweitzer. classes and a shop exhibit pre­ Each school has planned one and Bob Lerman. are Kim Powers and Laurj.e Yo­ sented by Mr. Joseph Shafer's In­ Mrs. Mary Lou Oehler reported phase of the dance. Riley is in All of these students are mem­ der, Other committee chairmen ,that three students were entered charge of invitations. This com­ bers of either the Speech Class or are: Sally Yoder, script; Kathy dustrial ATt classes. from the Spanish classes. They mittee is headed by Lois Baldwin . the Debate Club, both of which Horvath, hostesses; Gail Howes, The meeting will be concluded were Nancy Zieger, Joan Boosi, Chairman of Riley tickets is Phy­ are sponsored by Mr. Charles tickets; Sharon Berta, publicity; with the serving of refreshments anrl Sue Rosenauist. liss Perkins . Goodman. anrl .Jill Swanson. nroe-rams. in the back gym. Page 2 THE HI-TIMES Friday, April 14, 1961

Don'tlet it happento you! ODDS Well, it's that time of year again. Now that almost three­ and fourths of the school year is finished. the school is being in­ vaded by that dread disease - senioritis! Each year at this ENDS time students (more particularly seniors) are hit by this craze By SUE VICKERY - spring fever, if you'd like to call it that. And what exactly happens? Well, they decide to take things a little more easily Happy week after spring vaca­ ON THE AVENUE - homework, that is. Knowing that graduation is so near tion! Aside from finishing term makes it tempting to try to slacken in their studies. Many papers, preparing for Easter, and By PAT and GEORGIA generally living it up, the week Hi, Gang! were they? Bob Bernhardt and seniors take on a certain sophisticated "I don't care what hap­ Gosh, wasn't vacation just won­ Gerry Reinke! Say, Gerry, did was fairly leisurely and provided pens now" attitude. And the result of all of this? Many Riley­ derful-the only thing wrong was Tom know that you were working ites fail to produce according to their abilities, and this is a plenty, of opportunities to catch up that it should have been two or for us? loss to the school as well as to them. on the latest sounds in popular three weeks long! Not · really, O.T.A. Now, this isn't something whcih is characteristic of Riley, music. we're just kidding; it's good to be The South Bend Public Library back again. Just think of all the alone. This same situation is occurring in many high schools will now probably be empty of The swingin' sound of Marty things we have to look forward to: Riley students; or at least they throughout the country. However, just the fact that it is wide­ Robbins' Don't Worry not only tests, themes, term reports and all won't be as crowded as they were spread does not at all condone it. provided good listening but also sorts of fun like this! There really prior to this Friday. Why? Well, If all students, and especially seniors, would stop to think plenty of heated discussion con­ are some thilngs to look forward today was D-day: for Riley seniors; for a moment. They have the whole summer before them in cerning the instrument that is fea­ to : the Junior and Senior Proms, all term reports were handed in tured in the song. The explana­ which they ·can relax, and these last seven or eight weeks Baccalaureate, and then finally today. And aren't we all glad that tions of the mystery instrument commencement . (We're really not that's over with! should not be wasted. It isn't easy to overcome "senioritis," I've heard have ranged all the way sure, however, whether we're This is just to remind all stu­ but if students really try, they can do it. from a baritone sax to an ampli­ looking forward to commence­ dents that if they have any news fied Jew's harp. Finally good old ment.) Well, anyhow, on with the a b o u t former Rileyites which Mort Crowley, the dirty old man gab! might be of interest to the student LETTERS TO THE EDITOR of WLS land, revealed on his D. J . O.T.A. bdoy, they should bring them into show that the instrument is an We were pleased to notice that the staff room (room 302). II II amplified guitar whose amplifier one of our former Rileyites, Bev O.T.A. Dear Editor: was on the blink. The sound was Rupel, was chosen queen at a re­ We are two senior girls who would like to issue a complaint. Our swingin'; they kept it, and now cent rainbow dance . Bev was a Say, Ron Foster, how did you complaint is concerned with the escapades in Ford Lauderdale two Marty Robbins is the proud owner member of last year's graduating manage to get yourself into the weeks ago. Both around school and in our own city we have heard and of his biggest hit since White Sport class. senior trip picture in two places. read comments from adults who think the whole situation is very Coat. O.T.A. Ron was both on the left side and scandalous; they say that the only people down there are those with Another member of last year's right side of the picture . That's Etta James, who was the female pretty clever, Ron, how did yau low morals. graduating class, Bob Vuckovich, vocalist in the team of Etta and manage to do that? However, we don't think this is true. This week vacation is just a one of Riley's tennis aces, was chanc e for these students to let off steam, so to speak. They have been Harvey who made If I Can't Have O.T.A. You, seems to be doing quite well home last week on leave from the working hard all year in their particular universiti~s and this is the For any seniors who might be on her own . Just a few months Great Lakes Naval Training Sta­ first break from routine that they could enjoy; it's no wonder then that interested: There are only about ago, Etta had a big hit in At Last tion; he just finished his basic they acted up a bit. Sure it's true that some things go on that shouldn't; thirty more school days left until and now Trust in Me is gaining training, and he will now report however, not all of the students are involved in these things, and it's not graduation. If you are interested rapidly in popularity. The Room to Rhode Island . fair to stereotype the whole group as "bad." in how many more days until the Mates, the group that accompanied O.T.A. We wish that these adults who have been so critical would stop to senior prom, just ask senior Nela. Kathy Jean in A Thousand Stars, The seniors who went on the examine the situation a little more closely before they are so quick to Peterson; she's got it all figured have also gone out on their own senior trip reported that they had condemn. Some of the students down there are among the finest in our out! and are doing well with their cur­ many hilarious escapades; how­ universities. Let's be a little more fair to the U.S. college student . O.T.A. rent hit, The Glory of Love. ever, there were so many that we Disguested decided to devote a whole feature Just for the interest of the sen­ Another neat song that is catch­ story to it. We have to confess at iors who went on the trip: It seems ing on in the eastern part of the this time that we had two spies that Phyllis Copeland, who was on People of the ~~tillles'' country ' and is grow ing in popu­ w ork in g for us on the trip , and Mr . Webb's bus, is ill with the )..,;;,.....;,__ __,...,,...-,- -- --i,;..\.,_ ,: ..... larity westward is DeL Shannon's they promised to bring a full ac­ MUMP.S!! So jf you. ha\cen't .b Dave Gapski communication . He plans to at­ Runaway. count of the occurrences. Who them get prepared. tend Western Michigan University By JOHNETTE FRICK or Indiana University to prepare "My most memorable moments w ere: my home run in the Adams base ball game ; being awarded the Seniorsspend fun loadedweek in the East "most valuable player" award in By Gerry Reinke and Judy Skiles thy Hadrick. She went on it by floor show, four senior clowns, b as eball in my junior year ; and All aboard ! At 5 o'clock on herself! Tom Lytle, Chuck Keiser, Bob th e American Legion state base­ Easter Sunda y afte rnoo n, fifty-two While in Washington we visited Bernhardt , and Virginia Freund, ball final s," sa id Dave Gapski. senior s and four adul ts boarded helped out the performers by par­ Dave' s acti vitie s are: baseball, th e Capitol , the Smithsonian Insti­ two chartered buse s to begin the tute , The Lincoln Memorial, the ticipating in some games along bask etb all, bowling, Monogram 1961 version of the Senior Class with kids from Ohio, Wisconsin , Clu b, Booster Club, a part-time ch anging of the guards at Arling­ trip. No one had any idea as to ton National Cemetery, and the and Indiana . The show was com­ job at a florist shop , and his church what was going to happen during pleted with dancing to the band youth group. His hobbies are ten­ Iwo Jima Memorial. We also the week-long excur sion to Wash­ climbed to the top of the Wash­ of Lew Harold. nis , dancing , and dating. ington and New York City- but ington Monument. Manning Fish Tour Chinatown He is taking Geometry III, soci­ think of anything because it hap­ was the first one up. He climbed Friday morning we toured the ology, economics , and business pened . the 898 steps in fourteen minutes. U.N. and went to Chinatown and Sleep in racks Close behind in fourteen minutes to the top of the Empire State During the course of the night and twenty seconds were Tom Building for a view as far as your on the bus Mike Terhune and Tom Boyden, Linda Wach , and Phyllis eyes could see. The afternoon was Lytle decided it was too crowded Copeland. open . Most of us went shopping sleeping in the seats, so they spent Don't pick flowers while others went swimming and for a profession in business or the early morning hours in the relaxed for the long trip home. teachnig. lugg hge racks. Linda Wach also found out 'that you don't pick flowers at Mount We were supposed to meet at Dave, whose nickname is "Gab­ After spending a "wonderful" Vernon. She did and spent thirty 8:00 .in the lobby to begin our trip by," thinks the All Night Senior night on the buses, we arrived at minutes trying to ditch the gard­ home. After boarding the buses Prom is "an excellent pl an . I think Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. We ner. and counting noses it was discov­ Quill and Scroll International that the Senior Class has left many imagine Mike Terhune couldn't Honor Award ered that eight noses were missing. George H. Gallop Award ne w ideas which could be devel­ find enough monuments on the On Wednesday we left Washing­ After much searching the missing oped into traditions , such as the battlefield because he was seen ton for Annapolis. We toured the eight were found at the Copacaba­ J. W. Rll,EY mGH* SCHOOL Junior Class Pape r Drive, Senior posing on one of the rocks at Little Academy (the only tour the girls South Bend 14, Indiana na Night Club. Among the missing Day on Februa ry 14, the Senior Round Top for Dave Fitz and Tom re a 11 y seemed to enjoy) and Publi shed we ekly from Sept ember to were Mike Terhune, Sue Harmon , Jun e exc ept during holiday vacations, Class Picnic, and the All Night Wrasse. watched the Midshipmen march to b:r t he student s of the James Whitcomb lunch . Tom Boyden, Sue Kimmel, Dave Ril ey High School, 405 East Ewing Ave­ Senior Prom." But that wasn't all the silly nue South Bend 14, Indiana. Publica­ We arrived at the Hudson Hotel Fitz , Kay Matthews, Dav e Moss­ tion' St aff Room, 302. Pric e 10 cents Having organized and led at Gettysburg. Our group m an , and Charlotte • Downey. Af­ per iss ue. in New York about two hours late , senior boys' cheerin g secti on at the climbed to the top of a 75-foot ter an hour 's delay w ~ left the big EDITORIAL STAFF fo otball game s la st fall, Dave was tower overlooking the home of ex­ which w as nothing new because Ed it or-in-Chie f ___*______Bob Bernh ardt we hadn 't been on time since the city for South Bend. Fir st P age Editor s -· _____Kathy Krid er te ased as being "our other varsity President Ei senhower. However, Lind a Sweitzer che erleader ." He urges everyone due to his acrophobia Bob Bern­ trip began . That night we w ere Bus breaks down Second Pag e Edit ors ______Pat Miller supposed to meet in the hotel lob­ Geo rgia Polovina to show more enthu sia sm for all hardt didn't get to the top . Play­ At two Saturday morning , after Th ird P age Editors ____Anne Messerly by at 7:00 to go to the Radio City stopping at a Howard Johnson's on Jill Swanson Riley activities and says: "In ing the role of a "dirty old man," Sport s Editor ______Bob Lerman sports , th e boys get out and play Tom Lytle decided his corns hurt Mu sic Hall . But Judy Skiles and the Pe nnsylvania Turnpike , the the game , and it is the girls' duty too much. So he threw his shoes Gerry Reinke didn't make it. The y bus driven by Linda Wach's fa­ BUSINESS* STAFF go to the lobby late and stood Adverti sing Manager ______Sue Autore to boost their morale by cheering to the bottom of the tower to vorite dri ver, Don Gro ve, devel­ Advertising Assistant s ___Allen Lincoln them on." "Bubbles" who pr omptly stuffed a r o u n d waiting for everyone, oped transmsision trouble . The Sherry Palmer . Kaaren Walling , thinking they were early. They Bill Nemeth His pet peeve is "the fact that them into one of the Civil War trouble took nine hours to fix . So, Bu-,iness Records Manager __Joan Boo si finally got the Hall and along with Circulation Manager _____Allen Lincoln on m any schools proje cts , very few cannons . after being towed down the Turn­ Exchange Manager_ . _Christine Balough people work on them and then Cruise down Potomac thousands of other people enjoyed pike to the town of Carlisle and Exchange Assi stants ______Jean Gord.on the movie and stage show put on Kaaren Walling, Sherry Palmer, many others take the credit for We proceeded to Washington, getting the trouble fixed, the bus Carolyn Balough by the Rockettes. got rolling again. The bus chaper­ Head Typists ______Janice Black their success , having done little or finally arriving at the "correct" Linda Howard nothing themselves ." motel about 5:30. Our first night Had free time oned by Mr. and Mrs. Olson ar­ Assistant Typi sts ______Sherry Palmer rievd in South Bend at 5:00 while Sharon Schrader, Mlarilee Shafer, Dave advises underclassmen : in Washington was really swingin' . Thursday afternoon, after a Kaaren Walling "Don't wait until your senior year While cruising down the Potomac morning of free time, we took a Mr . Webb's unfortunate bus came Publicity ______Mike Olden Sales Checker ______Carolyn Balough to study." we danced to the music of "The yacht trip around Manhattan Is­ chugging in at 9:00, just a measly Photography ______...Mr. George Kfflpo-4e4 Kids, need more--'-""' tha.'1 "readin', ritin' and 'ri thmetlc" in this day and age if they are to be successful in their adult years. TAKE HER It calls for a real education . Many a boy - and girl - has gone to college becau se a sav­ ings ac count eased the finan­ to cial strain TOWER NDlllAl IAVINOI AND LOAN 1920 S. MICHIGAN AIIOCIATION Of IOUTH NNO AT 7-1400 216 WEST WASHINGTON AT 8-2506 6500 S. Michigan (Just West of Courthouse)