Copyright © United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 2018

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Designed by Athenea International/Omnilang (Mauricio Mondragon & Maria Grineva). 2018 Table of contents


Acknowledgements 6 Executive Summary 7 1 Introduction 9 2 Overview of the Cement Sector 13 2.1. Nature of the Cement Industry 13 2.2. Brief History of Cement 14 2.3. History of Cement Patents 15 3 Methodology 17 3.1. Search Strategy 18 3.2. How to Understand this Analysis 20 3.3. Some Salient Features of Cement-Related Inventions 20 3.4. Details of Search Keywords 21 4 Scenarios 25 4.1. Indian Scenario 25 4.2. European Scenario 30 4.3. Chinese Scenario 32 4.4. Japanese Scenario 34 4.5. US Scenario 36 4.6. Global Scenario 38 5 Samples of Abstracts of Patent Applications Filed and Published in Some of the Jurisdictions 43 6 Epilogue and Way Forward 45 References 49 Annexures 50 Annexure 1. Abstracts Related to Different Technology Areas 50 Annexure 2. Data for the Figures Shown in the Report 94 Acknowledgements Executive Summary

The Technical Report – Patent Analysis was drafted in the context of project - Development UNIDO has implemented a project titled ‘Development and adoption of appropriate and adoption of appropriate technologies for enhancing productivity in the cement sector - technologies for enhancing productivity in the cement sector’ in collaboration with the funded by the Government of India, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP). Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. The report was produced by UNIDO’s department of Trade, Investment and Innovation (TII), under the directorship of Dr. Bernardo Calzadilla-Sarmiento, the project being managed by The project aimed to support the Indian cement sector by strengthening the capacity and Dr. Anders Isaksson. capability of the nodal technical institution for the sector – the National Council for Cement and Building Materials (NCCBM) - to provide management and technical support to the cement The technical content is the work of the following UNIDO technical experts: Mr. Raghav Saha industry. The project looked to facilitate structured, expert dialogue, transfer state-of-the-art from the Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC). technologies, and action a wide range of technical capacity building and knowledge sharing activities in order to strengthen the global competitiveness of the Indian cement sector. The results presented in this report, have been reviewed and edited by Dr. Ritin Koria, Mr. Vikas Kumar, and Ms. Shraddha Srikant. To fulfil this objective, one of the activities of the project was to conduct technical workshops for the scientists and engineers at the NCCBM in areas such as: energy usage and energy Proof reading was undertaken by Ms. Lauren Cooke, and final layout and Design was efficient solutions; waste derived fuels; CO2 emissions and green technologies; patents and undertaken by Mr. Mauricio Mondragon and Ms. Maria Grineva. Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs); global best practices, and up-to-date technologies.

Furthermore, we would like to extend thanks to the staff of the National Council for Cement One of the six workshops organised in this direction was on “Patents and Intellectual and Building Materials (NCCBM) and the , Patent Facilitating Centre (PFC) at TIFAC, in particular Property Rights (IPRs) for the cement sector”, conducted on 21-22 March 2017. As an outcome Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Chaturvedi for availing the necessary logistical support for the hosting of of the discussions during the workshop, this technical report provides detailed analysis technical workshops and seminars, for support in data collection and active participation in of cement-related patents across various jurisdictions as well as trends that have driven the project. Additionally, a special thanks to Mr. Yashawant Panwar (TIFAC) for his technical inventions in the cement sector in various countries. Patents are a high-interest area for inputs and support in the IPR workshop. the NCCBM, and as the nodal R&D institute for the cement sector, the organization must develop competencies in the management of its intellectual property and well-informed R&D activities. This technical report provides the necessary history, background information, patent search methodologies and analyses that would assist the NCCBM in using patent databases for its research activities, as well as develop material for patents of its own.

6 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 7 Introduction 1

UNIDO has implemented a project titled direction was on ‘Patents and Intellectual ‘Development and adoption of appropriate Property Rights (IPRs) for the cement sector’, technologies for enhancing productivity in conducted on 21-22 March 2017. the cement sector’ in collaboration with the the Department of Industrial Policy and Pro- The purpose of this report is to provide an motion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce and overview of cement-related patent applica- Industry, Government of India. The cement tions filed and published in five jurisdic- project aimed to support the Indian cement tions covering a period of ten years. The sector by strengthening the capacity and five jurisdictions are India, China, Japan, capability of the nodal technical institution the USA and those filed and published in for the sector – the National Council for the European Patent Office (EPO). In view Cement and Building Materials (NCCBM) – to of the growing tendency among companies provide management and technical support and organizations to protect their inven- to the cement industry. tions in different countries, other than their own, through the Patent Cooperation Treaty The project looked to facilitate struc- (PCT), a study has also been made of PCT tured, expert dialogue, transfer state-of- applications. As a result, the report also the-art technologies to the Indian cement looks at the inventive activities related to sector, and a wide range of technical the cement industry in more than the above capacity-building and knowledge sharing five jurisdictions. The data pertaining to the activities to bolster the capacity and capa- patent applications filed has been extracted bility of the NCCBM. This was done to ena- from the official patent database of each ble it to better support clusters and indi- country. The information on PCT applica- vidual SMEs in enhancing their productivity tions has been captured from PatentScope, performance and entering export markets. the official database of the World Intellec- tual Property Organization (WIPO). To fulfil this objective, one of the activities of the project was to conduct technical work- The report looks at the trends of filing in var- shops for the scientists and engineers at the ious jurisdictions at the aggregate level and NCCBM in areas such as: energy usage and the trend in filing in different sub-areas of energy efficient solutions; waste derived cement technology. An analysis has been fuels; CO2 emissions and green technol- carried out at macro level by identifying var- ogies; patents and IPRs; global best prac- ious sub-areas of cement technology to give tices, and up-to-date technologies. Thus, a better and more comprehensive picture. one of the six workshops organised in this A sample collection of abstracts of patent

Patent Analysis | 9 Introduction

applications filed is included in the report to provide the NCCBM, as the nodal techni- for readers to have a feel of the types of cal research institute for the Indian cement applications being filed. PCT applications sector, with a broad background of how to clearly indicate the propensity of companies utilize patents and speeden up the R&D interested in filing applications beyond their process to facilitate further inventions. own jurisdictions. Lists of major players in Intensive and extensive efforts are required each jurisdiction and collectively in all the in India to generate new knowledge through jurisdictions have been provided. inventions in order to remain competitive, not only in India but also globally. Educa- The report provides a detailed analysis tional institutions, research institutions of cement-related patents, and trends and industries must be encouraged to carry that have driven inventions in the cement out more research and development, mak- sector in various countries. The report aims ing this a pertinent topic for the NCCBM.

The project looked to facilitate “ structured, expert dialogue, transfer state-of-the-art technologies to the Indian cement sector, and a wide range of technical capacity-building and knowledge sharing activities to

bolster the capacity and capability

of the NCCBM. This was done to enable it to better support clusters “ and individual SMEs in enhancing their productivity performance and entering export markets.„

10 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 11 Overview of the Cement Sector 2

Cement is a material which, in different forms, 2.1. Nature of the Cement has stood the test of the time for centuries and has contributed immensely to human Industry civilization. It has provided safety, security, stability and sustainability to human society Cement production is highly capital inten- all the world over and is perhaps one of the sive and the investments made can only be best materials responsible for the sustaina- recovered over a long period of time. As a ble development of various nations. Cement result, cement industries, in general, tend in its present form, improvements to cement to adopt a conservative approach towards through innovations in its composition, its change and prefer to continue with the pro- manufacturing and production methods and duction of traditional cement to meet the the design of cement-based products would market demand, especially in developing further help in meeting many Sustainable countries. It may be perceived that the con- Development Goals (SDG) set up by the UN version of an invention into an innovation, to be achieved by 2030. regarding the cement industry, may be time consuming and entail heavy investment. Out of the 17 SDGs, cement would play a sig- This conversion at the industry level is asso- nificant role in achieving SDG 9, that deals ciated with many other factors which may with industry, innovation and infrastructure, be governed by: manufacturing; marketing; SDG 10 that deals with sustainable cities distribution; environmental laws and other and communities and SDG 13 that deals with regulatory factors; economics of develop- climate action. Cement will continue to be ment, and overall requirement of finances. an important and useful material for many Some of the other special features of this decades to come, but under new global chal- industry are: lenges there is a need to indulge in bring- ing about new innovations to reduce costs, 1. It consumes about 2% of the primary emissions of harmful gases and substances, global energy consumption and 5% of and improve distribution and marketing to total industrial energy consumption. various countries and societies.

Patent Analysis | 13 Overview of the Cement Sector

2. It emits approximately 3% of the total The Romans’ innovative improvement of the 2.3. History of Cement Patents kitchen and ground the mixture into a pow- global emissions of carbon dioxide. In properties of cement, by adding volcanic ash der creating a hydraulic cement – one that addition, there is considerable emission to lime, was a major step towards the devel- Innovations in cement are innumerable hardens with the addition of water. Aspdin of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, dust opment of present day cement. This cement because of its very close relationship with named the product and other poisonous substances [1]. was called ‘pozzolanic’ cement, named after human civilization over the centuries. How- because it resembled a stone quarried on the village Pozzuli near Mount Vesuvius. The ever, patents related to cement or cement-like the Isle of Portland off the British coast. 3. Nearly 60% of carbon dioxide is produced word ‘pozzolanic’ is derived from the word materials only came into existence after a from the chemical reaction required in Pozzolana, a volcanic ash from this moun- codified system of patents or patent laws »»David Saylor was issued the first American the process of making cement and 40% tain, and many impressive structures were were set up in various countries, especially patent for Portland cement [6]. is due to the burning of fuel, unlike many built using it. The Basilica of Constantine is the UK, the USA and some European coun- other industry sectors [2]. As a result, one popular example of Roman construction tries. It may be difficult to establish whether »»A few words about Louis Vicat would be there is considerable scope for improve- where such cement mortar was used. the early day patents, starting from 1796, interesting to add, as reportedly, he was ment through multiple approaches such really met the present day requirements of the first one to work on the hydraulic as discovering new reactants like addi- There is a lot of evidence available of the use novelty, inventiveness and utility. At the properties of ‘lime-volcanic ash’ mixture. tives, nanomaterials, and admixtures, of lime mixed with other materials and sub- same time, we cannot rule out the possibil- He determined the precise proportion as well as improved chemical reactions stances such as cementing material in many ity of several innovations having taken place of limestone and silica needed to obtain and processes. other civilizations for building large struc- in countries which did not have a codified a mixture. He published his work in 1817 tures like temples, forts etc. system for protection of inventions. Obvi- without filing a patent and therefore did 4. Alternative fuels can also reduce the ously, these innovations were not protected. not officially receive one [7]. pollution burden associated with the John Smeaton, a British engineer, was cement industry. assigned the task of re-constructing the »»James Parker from England got a patent »»The late nineteenth century saw many Eddystone Lighthouse in 1756. He con- in 1796 on natural hydraulic cement by patents on new types of kilns, especially 5. Consumption of cement, in its virgin form, ducted several experiments that led to the calcining nodules of impure limestone rotary kilns. can be reduced by new compositions that discovery that cement made from limestone containing clay. This cement was called use other materials such as waste from containing a considerable proportion of clay Parker’s cement or Roman cement. »»Erle P. Halliburton received a patent in 1921 the cement industry and other industries, would harden when mixed with water. He for an improved method for cementing oil leading to cost and pollution reduction. rebuilt this lighthouse in 1759 and this time »»Edgar Dobbs received a patent in 1810 for wells, which enabled greater petroleum it stood strong for 126 years. hydraulic mortars, stucco and plaster. production and environmental safety.

2.2. Brief History of Cement While discussing cement, it is almost »»Louis Vicat, a young French engineer got a »»Thomas Edison, known for inventing the essential to spend some time on , patent on hydraulic cement in 1812. light bulb, received 49 cement patents. The history of cement is a testimony to which has changed the face of many sec- An important part of concrete history, human ingenuity and the innovative char- tors such as housing, infrastructure and »»Maurice St. Leger was issued a patent for Edison’s patents included cement pro- acter of human civilization to meet its most commercial buildings. In the past, cement hydraulic cement in 1818. cessing equipment, waterproofing cement essential needs of housing- even the Egyp- was mixed with water and other materials paint, and even a mould for single-pour tians, Greeks and Romans used cementing (aggregates) for the purpose of jointing and »»John Tickell and Abraham Chambers were concrete construction. material in the form of calcined gypsum and adhesion; this combination of cement and issued multiple patents on hydraulic pat- lime mixed with sand. other materials came to be known as con- ents during 1820-21. »»Some of the well known patents practised crete, which provides the final adhesion of today are related to: Horomill Grinding The Pyramids, built approximately 4000 the structural elements such as stones and »»James Frost of England got a patent for arti- Technology; Accelerated Carbonation Tech- to 5000 years ago, are the best example bricks. Over the years, concrete has been ficial hydraulic lime, like Vicat’s in 1822, nology; CemStar Process; Energetically of using cement for the construction of developed and improved by higher quality and called it British cement. Modified Cement, and the Roller Press. robust buildings and structures. Primarily, cement and other substances like admix- gypsum and lime were used to build them, tures, polymers, additives and other rein- »»In 1824, Joseph Aspdin, a British mason, however, it is believed that the cement at forcing materials [3] [4] [5]. obtained a patent for his hydraulic cement that time was quite different from what we that closely resembled modern day know today. cement. The inventor heated a mixture of finely ground limestone and clay in his

14 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 15 Methodology 3

The purpose of this report is to provide an offices in the world and therefore attract a overview of cement-related patent applica- large number of inventions for protection. tions filed and published in five jurisdic- tions covering a period of ten years. The As to be expected, an analysis for multiple availability of data on patent applications countries and multiple databases is much published and patents granted in the field more complex and time consuming than of cement is a major necessity for carrying an analysis for a single country. Firstly, it is out this kind of study, followed by the ease the sheer amount of data that needs to be of access to the information. In addition, handled in a multi-country study. Secondly, the concerned databases must have fea- as each database has unique features, the tures to carry out multiple types of patent search commands vary from country to searches and multiple fields for searches. country. Thirdly, the speed of data retrieval For example, it should be possible to do is critical for rapid retrieval. Fourthly, the keyword-based searches, International robustness of databases, in terms of its full Patent Classification (IPC)-based searches availability at different times over a period or a combination of the two. The multiple of time, is also important. In fact, the lack of fields for searches could be: title; abstract; robustness has resulted in repeated visits date of filing; date of publication; date of to some databases. Full patent applica- grant; applicant name, and assignee name tions are not available in the databases of etc. Given the fact that each patent data- the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), base, published by different countries and in China, and the Japan Patent Office (JPO). agencies, has its own distinct and unique In these cases, machine translations are features, the ease with which the required available for description and claims, but data can be extracted is an important con- their accessibility is not uniform. Further- sideration for selecting a database, which more, one cannot be sure of the results of would be dependent on its design features. searches due to likely limitations of machine Secondly, each database should have com- translation. The common features available mon search fields to enable a multi-country in all databases of the five jurisdictions study over a period of many years. in English are: title; abstract; publication date; application date; grant patents and The reason for including China in the grant date; IPC code, and applicant name. analysis is that it is the largest producer of The option of searching claims in English cement in the world; Japan has also been is not available in Chinese and Japanese a leading player. The USA (USPTO) and databases and therefore the search strat- Europe (EPO) are among the busiest patent egy did not include claims.

Patent Analysis | 17 Methodology

Given the requirements of the study, the 3.1. Search Strategy cement through the use of polymers, addi- jurisdictions were compared. It was found patent applications filed and published in tives and admixtures for achieving spe- that the relative picture in terms of ranks the following jurisdictions were considered Whenever a patent analysis is made of any cialized applications, use of fibres; clinker of various patent offices in respect of the utilizing the patent databases of respec- sort, a choice has to be made whether the preparations; reinforcements, and manufac- number of patent applications filed did not tive jurisdictions: searches are going to be predominantly ture and production. change. Similarly, within each individual IPC-based, keyword-based or a combination jurisdiction the year wise filing trend did 1. India (Indian patent database) of the two. An IPC-based search is usually 1. Polymers, plastics and resins not vary. As a result, it was decided to use preferred if one were to carry out a detailed the simpler strategy of using ‘cement’ in the 2. USA (USPTO database) patentability analysis or identify white spaces 2. Nanotechnology abstract field as it provided much larger data. (novel areas) for research and development. 3. Europe (EPO database) It is also well known that a patent will usually 3. Additives It was observed that in various abstracts be covered by more than one IPC, because the word ‘cement’ was used in different 4. China (SIPO Database) any patent would involve many aspects fall- 4. Reinforcement contexts, for example, it was used for bone ing in different areas of science and technol- repair, dental applications and cutting tools 5. Japan (JPO database) ogy and for each area there may be different 5. Manufacture and production which do not fall under the category of IPC codes in terms of category, classes, sub- cement for building, construction and other 6. PatentScope (WIPO database on PCT classes, groups and sub-groups. In other 6. Clinker similar purposes. At the same time there are applications) words, each patent document, published or materials other than conventional cement granted, would generally have multiple IPC 7. Environment and pollution which can be used for cementing purposes. This study has considered the published codes. It is felt that the IPC at the application As the number of applications related to patent applications in the above jurisdic- stage may lack correct classification, as the 8. Fibre / Fiber bone cement, dental cement and cutting tions. The main reason for considering invention may not be fully understood at this tools was found to be considerable, patent applications filed is that a better continuum stage. On the contrary, keyword searches 9. Compositions applications related to these keywords were of data is available. Patent applications may lack specificity but provide a reasonably removed from the overall applications filed filed at the same time may be granted pat- broad picture of a technology if essential ele- 10. Testing and published. However, these words were ents at different times, hence the analysis ments of the technology are pre-determined not removed while looking at patents under becomes quite complex and time consum- through a priori knowledge or an initial study 11. Apparatus, equipment and device each sub-area, such as, polymers or addi- ing if only granted patents were to be con- of the components of the technology, or a tive, because the number in each sub-area sidered in the time scale. The complexity combination of the two. In addition, it may 12. Admixture was not found to be high enough to influ- is further increased due to linking national not suffer with the uncertainty associated ence the overall analysis, hence the data phase applications with granted patents in with IPC at the application stage. 13. Kiln has not been cleaned up at this level. different jurisdictions. In addition, it would have been essential to include the PCT After an initial assessment, it was found This list covers most of the areas associated It was also observed that a few databases applications in the study which would not that cement-related patents were covered with cement technology as the searches do not differentiate between ‘cement’ and have been possible within the time, if one by multiple IPC categories and classes such are based on the texts of abstracts. It is felt ‘cementing’ and therefore they count both had considered granted patents. Secondly, as C04, C09, etc. A comparative analysis that the choice of the above keywords may these words although the word cementing year wise searches of applications were of keyword-based searches revealed that it not cover all areas of cement technology as may have nothing to do with the cement we much faster and possible in all of the above was possible to cover practically all areas there may be other areas which are not cov- are dealing with. It is admittedly a shortfall databases. It was found that some of the of cement technology in a shorter time and ered in the above list. that the numbers shown in the study under databases did not provide an easy retrieval with a higher degree of ease if a keyword each heading (sub-area) may be a little of information in respect of granted pat- search was deployed. While finalizing the search strategy, two strat- higher than the actual number. Sometimes ents and it was felt that patent applications egies were examined. The first one looked the effective use of the English language provide a much larger spectrum of alleged An analysis has been made on the following for ‘cement’ in title and ‘cement’ in abstract while writing the abstract becomes visible. inventions. More importantly, it provides keywords, which represent the sub-areas of with the Boolean operator ‘and’. The second much larger data for analysis while fully cement technology, to identify patent appli- was to just put ‘cement’ in the abstract. The It may be that more than one keyword realizing that all patent applications do not cations dealing with multiple aspects of results from the two strategies in respect of appears in the same patent document. For result into patents. cement technology such as: composition of applications filed and published in various example, an ‘additive’ may be a ‘polymer’

18 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 19 Methodology

and if both these words appear in one docu- to the total number of applications filed; wells; wellbores; cement boards; covers for iron oxide; synite; diorite; quartz; nanopar- ment then the document would be counted in fact, they would add up to a much larger manholes; underground dumping contain- ticles and nano-tubes; different types of twice. For this purpose, the searches were number. It should be clear that one appli- ers; atomic plants; machine tool structures; aluminate: silicates; zirconium oxide and made in the abstract field by combining cation may have more than one keyword; a bridges; docks and ports; drains; pipes; hydroxide; bio-waste; wax; pitch-based car- ‘cement’ and the concerned keyword depict- similar situation would also be experienced roads; highways; tunnels; geological walls; bon fibre; lignite-based copolymer; tripotas- ing a sub-area. Every time such a situation if we were to use IPC codes, as one code will water tanks; architectural and decorative sium citrate, and many others. was found, cleaning up of data was done. never fully describe an invention. purposes, and engineering structures. The For example, the keyword ‘polymer’ may other uses are in garden seats, flower pots, appear multiple times in the document but, There are cases that synonyms of a keyword dust bins, fencing posts etc. 3.4. Details of Search it is only counted as one document. In order may appear in various documents inde- to appreciate this fact, the abstracts of var- pendently or along with the parent keyword. Different cement compositions are used for Keywords ious patent applications that form a part of For example, let us say, ‘apparatus’ is the various applications by tailoring the proper- this report may be seen. parent keyword to start with. While going ties of cement through multiple approaches. A few details of keywords are presented to through various abstracts, one observes Some properties are achieved through the gain a better understanding of the results of In order to keep the analysis clean, PCT that a document may use words like ‘device’ reinforcement of cement by different types the analysis. applications have been handled sepa- and ‘equipment’ along with ‘apparatus’. of fibres, iron rods etc. One is generally look- rately by using the PatentScope database While the results in the study include all ing at improving: compressive strength; ten- Polymers, plastics and resins-related of the WIPO. Some of the applications here the keywords to capture the area of meas- sile strength; Young’s Modulus; density; applications appeared in national databases as national urement, fabrication, production etc. There- flow characteristics; setting time slow or Polymers, plastics and resins have been phase applications; PCT applications that fore, in this case, during the search we will fast; self-healing properties; enhancing rust used to tailor and enhance the properties of appear in the WIPO database are inde- get three results. It can be seen that there resistance; improving heat resistance, and cement with various applications in mind. pendently counted. This analysis gives us an is multiplicity of keywords in one document many other properties. Environmental pollu- These words have been used as keywords idea about the countries actively filing PCT due to the fact that synonyms of a keyword tion due to the cement industry is a cause in this study. Many new compositions of applications in the cement area, thus ensur- are found in the same document. Thus, for concern, therefore, different composi- cement have emerged through the use of ing their presence in other countries. some of the sub-areas selected have a com- tions and production methods are used to different kinds of polymers. Some polymers bination of synonym words. reduce emissions. have been used as additives and admixtures and some have been used for the purpose of 3.2. How to Understand this One would therefore say that the number Generally, tailoring of desired properties improving the manufacturing of cement and against each keyword depicts the number is achieved through mixing (adding differ- reducing pollution. Analysis of applications where this keyword appears. ent types of materials / substances in the The right interpretation is that this pat- cement), sometimes this is done during man- Some of the polymers reported in the appli- As stated earlier, one patent document may ent application, in some way or the other, ufacturing, sometimes during preparation of cations are: methyl ester surfactants; ali- have one invention related to different areas, relates to different areas depicted by the the final material (concrete) and sometimes phatic alkyl sulfonate; elastomers; polynor- such as, composition, additive, production different keywords. The results are depicted during fabrication of the final products. The bornene; acrylate copolymers; latex; rubber; etc. For example, a document may contain graphically throughout the report. The corre- list of materials / substances is huge and it resins; cellular biopolymers; epoxy; hydroxy the keyword ‘polymer’ used as an additive, sponding data can be found in Annexure 2 in may not be possible to list all of them. Both ethyl methyl cellulose; gum (agar, guar, a method for producing the additive and the form of tables. inorganic and organic substances are used alginic acid); acrylic acid; itaconic acid, and improving the production of cement with in the improvement of properties. The mix of 2 acrylamide-2 methylpropane sulfonic acid an idea to reduce pollution. The abstract of cement may contain the following materials polymer (AMPS). this application may have all the keywords, 3.3. Some Salient Features or a combination of two or more materials. namely, ‘polymer’, ‘additive’, ‘production’ Some of the materials are: kiln dust; ; Nanotechnology-based applications and ‘pollution’. If these words are used as of Cement-Related slag; zeolite; ; amorphous silica; Nanoparticles, nano-tubes and nano-plate- keywords during the search, we will get five Inventions magnesium ammonium phosphate; silica lets have been used by applicants to change results from the same document. These five fume; rice husk ash; various particle sizes the properties of cement at various stages. results do not mean that we are dealing with Cement has many applications (uses) and of additives; polymers; alkaline metal chlo- Nanoparticles are usually selected from: five different patent applications. It may be it may be difficult to list them all. It finds ride; organo phosphate salts; rock forming nano silica; nano-aluminate; nano zinc oxide; noted that addition of numbers under vari- applications in: houses; buildings; rail- materials such as rhyolite; decite; lactite; nano boron; nano iron oxide; nano calcium ous keyword headings would never add up roads; dams; airport runways; oil and gas andecite; calcite; granite; basalt; dolomite; carbonate; nano clay, and nanofibre.

20 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 21 Methodology

Additives-related applications mercury, dust and other substances. The Admixtures-related applications concrete during environmental extremes, Additives are chemicals and materials patent applications were examined using Admixtures are chemicals and materials such as, high or low temperatures, windy blended into base cement slurries to alter multiple keywords, namely: ‘environment’, that are added in small quantities to conditions, etc. properties of cement in terms of performance. ‘pollution’, ‘green’, ‘mercury’, ‘emission’, concrete, mortar or grout during the mixing These include retarders, accelerators, disper- ‘carbon dioxide’ and similar words. The process to modify the concrete properties. Kiln-related applications sants and latex. It may be noted that addi- results from these searches are compiled Obviously, admixtures have to be compat- Kilns are central to the production of cement. tives can be inorganic compounds as well. in this heading. Two keywords may be pres- ible with cement. Admixtures are added to These are large, industrial ovens for produc- ent in one document leading to duplications the concrete mix to control its setting prop- ing clinkers. These relate to newly designed Reinforcement-related applications but they would be counted as two individual erties and are used primarily when placing kilns, modifications to the kilns, and so on. The reinforcement of cement composition cases. It is felt that the strategy covers most and cement products is commonly prac- of the applications in this area. tised. The reinforcing agents may be fibres or other types of substances leading to com- Fibre-related applications posite structure. Various types of fibres are used to strengthen cement-derived products. Pitch-based car- Manufacturing and production-related bon fibres, glass fibres, jute and metallic applications fibres etc. are used as reinforcing agents. These applications include the manufactur- Products include: hydrophobosized cement ing and production of cement, clinker, pol- sheets; fibre cement; cement plates and ymers, additives and admixtures. There are foamed products, overlaps in these applications which have not been removed. The reason is that those Composition interested in knowing more details can ‘Composition’ has been used as a keyword to search using any of the keywords such as, search patent applications that count docu- ‘manufacture’, ‘production’, ‘producing’, ments where this word has been used. Inor- ‘process’ etc. ganic substances are used at different stages of cement manufacturing such as, clinker pro- Clinker-related applications duction, slurry preparation and other applica- Clinker is decarbonized, sintered and rap- tion levels. Some of these substances are fly idly cooled lime stone (calcium carbonate). ash, slag, different types of aluminates, and The lime stone is heated up to 2000 degrees other rock materials. Organic materials would Celsius and then rapidly cooled to 100-200 include polymers, latex etc. degrees Celsius. The clinker is the key and most important constituent in the produc- Testing-related applications tion of cement. Industries have innovated a As mentioned earlier, there would be an great deal to improve the quality of clinker, overlap of applications between testing-re- aswell as, to reduce the energy costs of lated applications and apparatus and equip- clinker production, the environmental bur- ment-related applications. den and overall costs. Apparatus and equipment-related Environment and pollution-related applications applications Various types of apparatus and equipment are As stated earlier, the cement industry is a used for measurements of different parame- reasonably big contributor to environmental ters, such as, completing certain operations, pollution on various levels, in terms of carrying out fabrication of products, carrying emitting carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, out various processes for mixing and so on.

22 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 23 Scenarios 4

4.1. Indian Scenario The cement demand in India is expected to reach 550-600 million tonnes per year by 4.1.1. Background 2025. In the near future it may increase to 421 tonnes by the end of 2017 and the growth in India is the second largest producer of this sector has been around a CAGR of 6.5%. cement in the world. The industry in India The production of cement is dominated by provides direct and indirect employment to a few companies. The top 20 companies around one million people. With the growth account for almost 70% of the total cement of this sector due to government policies, production. The demand profile is ruled by such as building smart cities, houses for the housing sector (61%), infrastructure

weaker sections, building highways and (13%) and commercial construction (11%). The infrastructure, more employment would be government’s programme to set up around generated as time goes by. 100 smart cities would add to this demand.

A small cement factory was started in It is projected that by 2050, use of alternative Madras, in 1904, by a company called South fuels would account for 25% of total thermal India Industrial Ltd. However, large-scale energy consumption in the cement sector. cement manufacturing wasn’t started until Presently, coal remains the main source of 1914 in Porbandar, Gujarat. Today, there are energy in India and it is likely to account for about 240 cement plants operating in India 95% of energy. India faces a major challenge which belong to 87 companies. in this important area [8] [9] [2].

Patent Analysis | 25 Scenarios

4.1.2. Patent Analysis of Total 4. Everest Industries Figure 1: Total number of patent applications filed and published in India Filings in India 5. ONGC 140 Figure 1 shows the patents filed in India in the area of cement technology during the 6. Ultra Tech Cement 120 last ten years. 100 7. Reliance Industries The number of filings increased from 2007 to 80 2014, from 67 to 122, but started falling from 8. OCL India 60 2014 onwards. The reasons are not known for such a shortfall. 9. Shree Cement Ltd. 40

20 It can be observed that the largest number 10. UKON Industries of applications are seen when ‘manufac- 0 ture and production’ are used as the key- 11. Hyderabad Industries 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 words (345) followed by ‘composition’ (275), ‘polymers, plastic and resin’ (155), ‘appara- 12. ALCOLAB Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 1 in Annexure 2 tus, equipment and device’ (132), ‘additive’ (127) and ‘clinker’ (122). 13. Grasim Industries Figure 2: Patent applications filed and published in India (1)

The total number of cement-related patent 14. DRDO 80 applications that were filed and published in India during the ten-year period under 15. Indian Council of Agricultural Research 60 consideration is comparable to the number 40 of applications filed in the European Patent 16. Council of Scientific and Industrial Office (EPO) during the same period. How- Research 20 ever, it is much lower than the applications 0 filed in China, Japan and the USA. 17. Steel Authority of India 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Based on the applications filed by Indian enti- In spite of the fact that India is the second Manufacture and production Nanotechnolgy Additives ties, including individuals, it is seen that only largest producer of cement in the world, Polymers, plastic and resin Reinforcement Clinker a few applications filed in India emanated its patent generation capability is still low. from the India entities. The list of players Among the Indian entities, the NCCBM is Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 2 in Annexure 2 along with the numbers filed is given below: ahead of all other entities with 8 applica- tions filed in the last 10 years. Figure 3: Patent applications filed and published in India (2) 1. Individuals 50

2. Academics 40

3. National Council of Cement and Building 30 Materials (NCCBM) 20


0 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Environment, pollution and green Composition Admixture Kiln

Apparatus, equipent and device Fibre / Fiber Testing Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 3 in Annexure 2

26 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 27 Scenarios

4.1.3. List of NCCBM applications It is known that about 75-80% of the patent filed in India are by foreign entities. The for- The list of the applications by the NCCBM is eign applications have emanated mainly from given below: the USA, Japan, Germany, France, China, Neth- erlands, Canada, Australia and South Korea. 1. A process for producing ordinary Portland Cement (2007) The following entities have filed five or more applications. 2. A process for producing ordinary Portland cement (2008) Number S.No. Entity of Patent 3. Mineralizing effect of Barium sludge and Applications individual by products in the manufacture Halliburton Energy 1. 48 of ordinary Portland cement (2014) Services United States 29 4. Marble dust as mineral additive in the man- 2. Gypsum ufacture of ordinary Portland cement (2014) 3. DOW 22 5. Nano silica blended ordinary Portland 4. Mitsubishi 19 cement composition (2015) 5. Lafarge 16 6. KHD Humbolt 15 6. Process for the preparation of non-ali- 7. Holcim 11 aticsulphoaluminate-Belite cement uti- Taiheiyo Group 9 lizing high magnesium / dolomite lime- 8. stone (2015) 9. Baker Hughes 9 Prad Research and 9 7. Investigation on the use of limestone man- 10. Development ufacture reject on the properties of ordi- National Council nary Portland cement clinker and resultant 11. of Cement and 8 cement (2015) Building Material 12. Shell International 5 8. Method of rapid estimation of Na2 and K2O in different types of cement (2015). The other entities with less than 5 filings The NCCBM is predominantly engaged in (up to 2) are Nippon, Redco, Construction research for improving Portland cement Research and Development, Denki and through process improvement, the use of Wacker. Surprisingly, one does not find Chi- inorganic additives, and the use of lime- nese companies among the leading filers of stone rejects. patent applications in India.

28 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 29 Scenarios

4.2. European Scenario Number Figure 4: Total number of patent applications filed in EPO and published in EPO S.No. Entity of Patent This heading only covers those applica- Applications 120 tions filed in and published by the European Schlumberger Patent Office (EPO). (Services, 100 187 1. Technology. It can be seen that the total number of filings Holdings) 80 increases up to 100 in 2012 and then starts Halliburton Energy 28 60 falling to 54 in 2016, lower than those filed 2. Services in 2007. As stated earlier, the numbers only Prad Research and 40 reflect those applications which were filed 20 3. Development in and published by EPO. These numbers do 20 not reflect the pan European scenario. It may 4. Nippon Shokubai 19 be noted that other EU members may not be Taiheiyo Cement 0 18 filing applications with EPO. It can be seen 5. Corporation 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 that the level of those filing with EPO is lower Mitsubishi Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 4 in Annexure 2 than the numbers filed in India. 6. Materials 13 Corporation The largest number of applications are Figure 5: Patent applications filed in EPO and published in EPO key word wise (1) REDCO 12 related to various compositions of cement 7. (194), followed by ‘manufacture and pro- 8. Denki Kagaku 11 duction’ (158), ‘polymers, plastic and resin’ 9. Lafarge 10 40 (142), ‘apparatus, equipment and device’ 10. Good Year Tyre 9 30 (140). The next to follow are ‘additive’ (61), 11. DOW Global 8 20 ‘fibre / fiber’ (52), ‘clinker’ (44) and ‘kiln’ 10 (34). Interestingly, one would have expected 12. Baker Hughes 8 a larger number of filings in the areas of 13. W R Grace 7 0 nanotechnology and environmental pollu- Shin Etsu 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 7 tion. Nanotechnology-related patent appli- 14. Chemicals Manufacture and production Nanotechnolgy Additives cations stand at a meagre 8. 15. Weatherford Laub 6 Polymers, plastic and resin Reinforcement Clinker Shell International 16. 6 Research Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 5 in Annexure 2 4.2.1. List of applicants that filed 17. Omya Development 5 5 or more applications 18. Italcementi 5 Figure 6: Patent applications filed in EPO and published in EPO key word wise (2)

The applicants that filed 5 or more applica- Except Schlumberger and Prad Research and 30 tions are shown below. These numbers are Development, the other dominant appli- directly picked from the EPAB database. cants are from outside Europe. 20


0 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Environment, pollution and green Composition Admixture Kiln

Apparatus, equipent and device Fibre / Fiber Testing

Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 6 in Annexure 2

30 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 31 Scenarios

4.3. Chinese Scenario (public and private) and academies. These Figure 7: Total number of applications filed and published in China numbers appear to be higher than those When it comes to filing and publishing filed by the industry. A list is given below. 10000 cement-related patent applications in its 9000 Number own domicile, China is the leader; this 8000 S.No. Entity of Patent clearly indicates that China has been invest- 7000 ing in the research and development of Applications Universities and 6000 basic technology for sustainable develop- 1. 6352 ment. The large number of applications also colleges 5000 Research institutes 4000 highlights the expenditure on research. 2. 3357 and academies 3000 There is clearly an increasing trend in the 3. Anhui Conch 1096 2000 number of applications filed in China. It has Fujian Environmental 1000 gone up from 982, in 2007, to 9027, in 2016. 4. Protection Building 224 0 It is expected that the final number may Technology Co become higher once the full data for 2016 is Jiangsu Subote 146 published. The growth is almost exponential 5. Materials Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 7 in Annexure 2 and the rate of growth from 2011 is very rapid. Xinjiang Tianshan 118 It has been observed that a large number of 6. Cement Figure 8: Patent applications filed and published in China key word wise (1) applications have been filed under the utility China National patent system since 2014. If utility applica- 106 7. Petroleum tions are included, the picture may undergo 2500 a change. Why exactly the filings under the 8. Ningxia Saima 58 2000 utility patent system have been started would 9. Mitsubishi 52 1500 be a good subject to study. It can be seen that 1000 10. Nippon 44 no other country comes anywhere close to 500 the amount of applications filed in China. 11. DOW Global 35 0 China Petrochemical 32 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 12. Corporation The largest number of inventions are seen Manufacture and production Nanotechnolgy Additives when ‘manufacture and production’ are used 13. Denki Kagaku 26 Polymers, plastic and resin Reinforcement Clinker as keywords (10661), followed by ‘environ- 14. US Gypsum 25 ment, pollution and green’ (7721), ‘apparatus, equipment and device’ (6698), ‘polymers, 15. Teiheiyo Cement 25 Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 8 in Annexure 2 plastic and resin’ (6113), ‘fibre / fiber’ (5964), 16. Lafarge 24 ‘composition’ (5275), ‘additive’ (4861), ‘rein- Construction Figure 9: Patent applications filed and published in China key word wise (2) forcement’ (4016), ‘clinker’ (1959), ‘kiln’ 17. Research and 22 (1610), ‘testing’ (1474), ‘admixture’ (1460) Technology 2500 and ‘nanotechnology’ (902). It is noteworthy 18. Halliburton 14 2000 that 902 applications related to nanotechnol- China Resources 12 1500 ogy have been filed, which is much higher 19. Cement than the numbers filed in this category in 1000 every other jurisdiction collectively. Translation of patent applications from 500 universities and research institutes into 0 4.3.1. Major players products is likely to be unpredictable because there is little knowledge about the Environment, pollution and green Composition Admixture Kiln The Chinese scenario is quite different from industry-academia relationship in China. those of other countries in the sense that a However, these numbers certainly indicate Apparatus, equipent and device Fibre / Fiber Testing large number of filings have originated from China’s emphasis on research and devel- universities and colleges, research institutes opment in the area of cement. Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 9 in Annexure 2

32 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 33 Scenarios

4.4. Japanese Scenario 4.4.1. Major players Figure 10: Total number of patent applications filed and published in Japan

Japan’s patent activity for cement technol- The following companies are the major 1000 ogy can be seen to decline during this ten- players when it comes to filing patent appli- 900 year period. This trend is unlike that seen in cations in Japan. 800 the Indian and EPO filings, where there was 700 an increase from 2012 to 2014, but decrease Number 600 after that. Figure 10 below and Chart 10 S.No. Entity of Patent depict this trend. The reasons for the decline Applications 500 have not been studied. 1. Taiheiyo 435 400 300 2. Mitsubishi 299 In line with the reduction in the number of the 200 3. Sumitomo Osaka 222 total number of applications, the numbers in 100 Denki Kogaku 222 respect of applications depicting keywords 4. 0 ‘polymers, plastic and resin’, ‘manufacture 5. Ube Cement 202 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 and production’, ‘apparatus, ‘equipment, 6. Nippon 195 and device’, ‘composition’, ‘fibre / fiber’, Institutes of Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 10 in Annexure 2 25 ‘additive’ and ‘admixture’ have gone down 7. technology over the ten year period under considera- Figure 11: Patent applications filed and published in Japan key word wise (1) Tokyo Cement 11 tion. However, the number of filings related 8. Construction to keywords such as, ‘clinker’ and ‘environ- 250 ment, pollution and green’ have gone up 9. Research and 10 200 during the last 4-5 years. Technology 150 10. Lafarge 100 50 0 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007

Manufacture and production Nanotechnolgy Additives

Polymers, plastic and resin Reinforcement Clinker

Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 11 in Annexure 2

Figure 12: Applications filed and published in Japan key word wise (2)

500 400 300 200 100 0 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Environment, pollution and green Composition Admixture Kiln

Apparatus, equipent and device Fibre / Fiber Testing

Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 12 in Annexure 2

34 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 35 Scenarios

4.5. US Scenario 4.5.1. Major players Figure 13: Total number of applications filed and published in the USA

The total number of filings in the USA have Number 400 S.No. Entity of Patent remained between 300 and 400 per year 350 Applications during the period under consideration. Fig- 300 ure 13 and Table 13 clearly depict this trend. Halliburton Energy 51 250 1. Services 200 To date, the highest number of filings has Schlumberger 31 150 been under the keyword ‘composition’ 2. Technology (899), followed by ‘apparatus, equipment 100 Dow Global and device’ (659), ‘polymers, plastic and 3. 19 50 resin’ (565), ‘manufacture and production’ Technologies 0 (307), ‘fibre / fiber’ (210), ‘additive’ (209), 4. Lafarge 18 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 ‘kiln’ (179) and ‘clinker’ (167). The number Conster Research 16 Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 13 in Annexure 2 of filings of patent applications related to 5. and Development ‘nanotechnology’ and ‘environment, pollu- Hardie James tion and green’ technology seem to be on 6. 11 Figure 14: Patent applications filed and published in the USA key word wise (1) the lower side. One would have expected Technology these numbers to be higher as the USA has Mitsubishi 10 80 been on the forefront of pushing agreements 7. Technology and protocols on climate change (although 60 8. Baker Hughes 9 the situation is a little different now). 40 9. Nippon 9 United States 20 10. 9 Gypsum 0 Le Roy Delage 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 11. 8 Sylvaine Manufacture and production Nanotechnolgy Additives 12. Shell Oil 8 Polymers, plastic and resin Reinforcement Clinker 13. Corning 7 14. Denki Kagaku 6 Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 14 in Annexure 2 Taiheiyo 6 15. Figure 15: Applications filed and published in the USA key word wise (2) 16. Italcementi 6 17. Luo Caindian 5 120 100 18. Univ King Saud 5 80 Saudi Arabian 5 60 19. Oil co. 40 Weyerhaefusor 5 20 20. NR Co. 0 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Environment, pollution and green Composition Admixture Kiln

Apparatus, equipent and device Fibre / Fiber Testing

Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 15 in Annexure 2

36 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 37 Scenarios

4.6. Global Scenario 4.6.2. Leading countries where Figure 16: Number of PCT applications filed PCT applications originated 450 The global scenario has been studied in two in the five-year period ways. The first approach, is to study the PCT 400 filings to understand the interest and drive Figure 17 depicts the number of patent appli- 350 of companies and organizations to protect cations originating in various countries under their inventive work in foreign jurisdictions. the PCT system. We do not know how many of 300 The second approach, is to combine the data these will go into the national phase. These 250 of each jurisdiction described above and numbers do suggest the importance given 200 study the trends in filings under different by patent applicants in different countries to keywords and total number of filings. seek patent protection in other PCT countries. 150 100 4.6.1. PCT Applications The largest number of patent applications 50 seeking protection in other jurisdictions origi- A study of patent applications filed through nate in the USA, followed by applications orig- 0 the PCT route gives an idea about interna- inating in EPO, Japan, China, Korea, England, 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 tional companies that are interested in pro- France, Canada and Germany. The number of Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 16 in Annexure 2 tecting their cement-related patents in other applications originating in the USA has been jurisdictions. Whether these companies increasing over the last five years, whereas Figure 17: Leading countries where PCT applications originated from in the five-year period have actually gone for national phase filing the trend in other countries is mixed. An inter- in other jurisdictions is the subject matter of esting observation is that although China is 800 another study. The PatentScope database of the leader in terms of filing and publishing 700 WIPO has been used for retrieving informa- cement-related patent applications in its own 600 500 tion on PCT filings. domicile, it does not occupy the lead position 400 for filing patents in other jurisdictions. 300 The search strategy was the same, except 200 that one only has to look within the PCT 4.6.3. Total patent applications 100 applications that were filed. The numbers filed and published in 5 0 of applications filed in the last ten years is USA EPO Japan China South England France Canada Germany jurisdictions Korea given in Figure 16 below. We now look at the integrated picture of global 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Total It can be seen that the number of applica- filings in the cement technology area. The Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 17 in Annexure 2 tions has gone up in the last ten years, indi- data of these five jurisdictions is expected to cating the interest of many companies to pro- be quite close to the global data. Figure 18: Patent applications filed and published in 5 jurisdictions tect their inventions in overseas destinations. In Figure 18 and Table 18, it can be seen that 10000 A study has also been made to know where the total number of patent applications filed 8000 the highest number of patent applications and published has gone up from 2249, in has emanated from (in other words, the 2007, to 9945, in 2016; a rapid growth, which 6000 leading countries where PCT applications is largely driven by applications filed in SIPO originate from). The list of the first ten coun- (China). The contribution of applications filed 4000 tries is given below. in China is 78.5% of the total filings followed 2000 by Japan (13.2%), the USA (13.6%), India (1.7%) and EPO (1.5%). However, if we remove 0 China from the list, this trend will not be seen. 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007

In the case of PCT filings, the number has been India Europe China Japan USA Total growing over the years but at a slower rate. Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 18 in Annexure 2

38 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 39 Scenarios

Based on the available data, it is fair to say Figure 21 gives the cumulative picture of Figure 19: Patent applications filed and published in five jurisdictions key word and year wise (1) that the global filing trends will largely be applications identified through various key- defined by China in the future. It is yet to words in each jurisdiction. These numbers 2500 be seen if the technologies developed in actually show the number of occurrences of 2000 China will control the cement market glob- keywords in the applications filed in various ally or not. It is interesting to note that jurisdictions. Some salient inferences can 1500 the filings in India are higher than that in be drawn from this figure. 1000 EPO. However, it must be understood that 500 the number of filings in EPO does not rep- Firstly, polymer research related to the modi- 0 resent the pan European picture, as many fying properties of cement is highest in China, countries in Europe are not members of followed by Japan, the USA, Europe and then 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 the EU; some member countries of the EU India. Secondly, the number of applications Manufacture and production Nanotechnolgy Additives still maintain their independent filings and containing ‘additive’ and ‘admixture’ as key- Polymers, plastic and resin Reinforcement Clinker many applicants from other countries may words are the highest in China. file their applications in EPO. If all these Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 19 in Annexure 2 factors are accounted for, the filings in Secondly, the cement industry is known for Europe (including UK) are likely to be much causing severe environmental pollution. In Figure 20: Patent applications filed and published in five jurisdictions key word and year wise (2) higher than India. Interestingly, Japan has view of the global emphasis on reducing consistently filed more patent applications pollution, especially greenhouse gases, it 2500 than the USA. seems that efforts in proportion to the need 2000 are not afoot, particularly in India, as com- 1500 The maximum number of filings fall under pared to the efforts in China, Japan and the 1000 the keyword ‘manufacture and produc- USA. It can be seen that there has been a 500 tion’ (12784) followed by ‘composition’ considerable growth in environment-related (9340), ‘apparatus, equipment and device’ patent applications but the number itself is 0 (8851), ‘polymer, plastic and resin’ (8195), almost nil. Considering that the majority of 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 ‘environment, pollution and green’ (8027), applications in India are filed by foreign enti- Environment, pollution and green Composition Admixture Kiln ‘fibre / fiber’ (6804), ‘additive’(6554), ‘rein- ties, the absence of applications related to Apparatus, equipent and device Fibre / Fiber Testing forcement’ (4746), ‘clinker’ (2744), ‘kiln’ environment is surprising. (2295), ‘admixture’ (2182), ‘testing’ (1651) Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 20 in Annexure 2 and ‘nanotechnology’(962). Thirdly, nanotechnology appears to provide new avenues for composition. Again, China Figure 21: Cumulative number of applications keyword and country wise The cumulative numbers represent the takes the lead and other countries do not cumulative picture over the last ten years seem to be making enough effort to utilize 14000 which represents the relative strengths of nanotechnology. 12000 10000 each country in attracting invention dis- 8000 closures related to cement. Apparently, The highest number of patent applications 6000 the inventive efforts in terms of sub-areas that have ‘composition’ as a keyword are 4000 reflected by keywords can be arranged in a found in the Japanese patent database, 2000 descending order starting from ‘apparatus, followed by China and the USA. 0 equipment and device’, ‘manufacture and y r n g Kiln production’, ‘polymers, plastic and resin’, Patent applications related to clinkers appear Clinke Testin Additives Admixture ‘additives’, ‘environment and pollution’, in a reasonably large number as these are Fibre / FiberCompositio Apparatus, ... Reinforcement ’clinker’, ‘fibre / fiber’, ‘kiln’, ‘reinforce- the basic constituents of the cement. It is at Nanotechnolog Environment, ... Polymers, plastic ... Manufacture and ... ment’, ‘admixtures’, ‘testing’ and ‘nano- this level that steps may be taken to reduce India EPO China Japan USA Total technology’. The same picture is shown in pollution, emission of different type of gases Figure 20 shown herein. and other injurious materials. Note: For data corresponding to this figure, please refer Table 21 in Annexure 2

40 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 41 Samples of Abstracts of Patent Applications Filed and Published in Some of the Jurisdictions 5

It is important to recognize that problem identification and the solution being sug- gested in a patent document is key to a good patent. This point is often missed among inventors, especially while drafting the application. Some abstracts related to various keywords identified and used in the report are included to highlight the point. In addition, these samples also give a flavour of different types of inven- tions. In order to get a specific yet detailed idea of various patent applications, it would be essential to go through complete documents and their associated claims. As stated earlier, this report does not attempt to present technology trends in this broad area of cement.

The abstracts selected relate to: polymers; nanotechnology; additives; manufacture; clinkers; fibre; composition; kilns, and alternate fuel. The abstracts have been picked from the applications filed in the US Patent and Trademark Office and the Japan Patent Office as it was easier to pro- duce them. The abstracts are presented in Annexure 1 of the report.

Patent Analysis | 43 Epilogue and Way Forward 6

It can be seen that a large number of inven- the filing of cement-related patent applica- tions have been disclosed in the last ten tions. Among the nations, patent applica- years in various areas influencing cement tions filed in China occupy the highest rank. It technology. These inventions (patents) in is noteworthy that most of these applications five jurisdictions relate to cement compo- are filed by Chinese entities. The same is true sition of different types: production and for Japan, the USA and Europe. It is only in manufacture; clinkers; kilns; apparatus and India that the number of patent applications devices; pollution reduction; application filed by foreign entities are much higher than of nanotechnology, and reinforcement of those filed by Indian entities. cement. It is expected that these inventions will help improve the environmental profile, India is the second largest producer of efficiency and productivity of the cement cement in the world but its contribution to industry. It may however be noted that the global cement-related patents is very small. overall performance will also depend on: This raises doubts about the competitive quarrying methods; distribution at the strength of the Indian cement industry in domestic and global levels; tax structure; the global arena, long term. It may be noted regulatory rules, and so on. that the journey from invention to innova- tion is generally long but much longer in It has been observed that the number of fil- the case of cement technology because of ings of patent applications has gone up over high investment and the risks involved in the years. However, the major contribution implementing any new idea / development to this growth has been made by Chinese / technology. In the case of inventions entities. As mentioned earlier, the global emanating from academics or research growth would be much lower if the Chinese institutes, the translation to industry will data was removed from the analysis. remain an uncertain area if the inventions have not come about from consultation The present study puts forward a compara- with industry. Furthermore, converting an tive analysis of patent applications that were invention into an innovation requires put- filed and published in various jurisdictions ting in place proper designs, various stand- and under the PCT route in the area of cement ards, environmental considerations, plant technology. One can see a global growth in modifications and many other parameters.

Patent Analysis | 45 Epilogue and Way Forward

The NCCBM is the only Indian entity which has Educational institutions, research institu- filed the largest number of applications as a tions and industries must be encouraged to single Indian entity. Like China, more applica- carry out more research and development. tions are filed by the academics in India and In view of environmental pressure, Indian it can be seen that the applications tend to companies may lose competitive advantage be towards improvements. One does not see in the medium to long term. While promoting inventions related to manufacturing, environ- research, simultaneous efforts are required mental pollution and apparatus and devices, towards scale up and industry trials in con- which have been found in other jurisdictions. sultation with the industry. Industry and the government will have to find the necessary More intensive and extensive efforts are funds and competent human resources, required in India to generate new knowledge keeping in mind the heavy investment and through inventions in order to remain com- risks involved in implementing inventions petitive, not only in India but also globally. in the industry.

46 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 47 References

[1] CEMBUREAU. (1999). Best Available Techniques for the Cement Industry. [Online]. [Accessed April 15th 2017]. Available from:

[2] IEA. (2014) Cement Sector View on Industrial Innovation; Industry Experts Dialogue Workshop. [Online]. [Accessed April 15th 2017]. Available from:

[3] Concrete Network. (2016) Concrete History Timeline. [Online]. [Accessed April 15th 2017]. Available from:

[4] Gromicko, Nick and Shepard, Kenton. (2016) The History of Concrete. [Online]. [Accessed April 15th 2017]. Available from:

[5] Brewer, Judy. (1992). MAST: The History of Concrete. [Online]. [Accessed April 15th 2017]. Available from:

[6] CEMEX. (2016) History of Cement. [Online]. [Accessed April 15th 2017]. Available from:

[7] Lafarge. (2016) History of Cement. [Online]. [Accessed April 15th 2017]. Available from:

[8] DIPP. (2016) Cement Information System, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry; Company-wise List of Cement Plants. [Online]. [Accessed April 15th 2017]. Available from:

[9] IBEF. (2016) Cement industry in India. [Online]. [Accessed April 15th 2017]. Available from:

48 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 49 Annexure 1 − Polymers


A.3. CEMENTING COMPOSITION COMPRISING ANIONICALLY- AND HYDROPHOBICALLY-MODIFIED Annexure 1. Abstracts Related to Different Technology Areas CELLULOSE ETHERS AND ITS USE A) Polymers Abstract Witham; Cole A.; et al. Disclosed is a composition and a an anionic degree of substitution November 27, 2014 A.1. LOW–TO- MID-RANGE WATER REDUCTION USING POLYCARBOXYLATE COMB POLYMERS method for cementing a casing in of from 0.001 to 1, and a weight-av- United States Patent Abstract Kuo; Lawrence L.; et al. a borehole of a well using an aque- erage molecular weight of from Application Methods for plasticizing cementi- represented by (R.sup.5)(R.sup.7) March 31, 2016 ous cementing composition com- 100,000 to 4,000,000 Daltons 20140345867 tious mixtures that have a relatively C.dbd.C(R.sup.6)(C(O)OM) United States Patent prising (a) water, (b) a cement- and the dispersant is sulfonated Kind Code high water/cement ratio (at least wherein M represents an alkali Application ing composition comprising (i) a polymer, melamine formalde- A1 0.40 or higher) are surprisingly metal, the ratio of component 20160090323 hydraulic cement, (ii) an anioni- hyde condensate, a naphtha- improved in terms of dosage effi- A to component B being 20:80 Kind Code cally- and hydrophobically-modi- lene formaldehyde condensate, a ciency, compared to conventional to 50:50; and, optionally, (C) a A1 fied polymer, (iii) a dispersant, and branched or non-branched poly- «superplasticizer» polycarboxylate hydrophilic monomer represented optionally (iv) one or more other carboxylate polymer. Preferably, polymers, when the polycarboxy- by (R.sup.8)(R.sup.9)C.dbd.C(R. additives conventionally added the aqueous cementing composi- late polymer is formed from par- sup.10)(CX) wherein R.sup.8, to aqueous cementing composi- tion is pumped downwardly into ticularly small-sized, specifically R.sup.9, and R.sup.10 each rep- tions useful in cementing casings said casing, pumping upwardly selected monomer constituents: resent hydrogen or methyl group, in the borehole of wells. Prefer- into the annulus surrounding (A) polyoxyalkylene monomer rep- and X represents C(O)NH.sub.2, ably the anionically- and hydro- said casing until said aqueous resented by the structural formula C(O)NHR.sup.11, C(O)NR.sup.12R. phobically-modified hydroxyethyl composition fills that portion of (R.sup.1)(R.sup.3)C.dbd.C(R.sup.2) sup.13, SO.sub.3H, .sub.6H.sub cellulose has an ethylene oxide the annular space desired to be ((CH.sub.2).sub.m(CO).sub.nO(CH. .4SO.sub.3H, or C(O)NHC(CH. molar substitution of from 0.5 to sealed, and then maintaining said sub.2).-sub.o(AO).sub.pR.sup.4) sub.3).sub.2CH.sub.2SO.sub.3H, 3.5, a hydrophobe degree of sub- aqueous cementing composition wherein (AO).sub.p represents lin- or mixture thereof, wherein stitution of from 0.001 to 0.025, in place until the cement sets. ear ethylene oxide groups and p R.sup.11, R.sup.12, and R.sup.13 is 5-23 and more preferably 5-15; each represent a C.sub.1 to (B) unsaturated carboxylic acid C.sub.5 alkyl group. A.4. CALCIUM ALUMINATE CEMENT COMPOSITION CONTAINING A SET RETARDER OF AN ORGANIC ACID AND A POLYMERIC MIXTURE Abstract Joseph; Trissa; et al. A.2. POLYMER CEMENT COMPOSITION AND CEMENTING METHOD November 14, 2013 A cement composition for use in (i) comprises a lignosulfonate; Abstract Iruya; Ken; et al. an oil or gas well, the cement com- and (ii) has a molecular weight United States Patent December 3, 201 To provide a polymer cement com- (Method for measuring degree of position comprises: a calcium alu- of less than 100,000, wherein Application position which, when hardened, is swelling): A 1 mm-thick sheet made United States Patent minate cement; water; an organic a test composition consisting 20130299170 less susceptible to cracking by oil of the polymer is immersed in ker- Application acid; and a polymeric mixture essentially of: the cement; the Kind Code such as petroleum, and a cement- osene at a temperature within a 20150344366 comprising: (A) water; (B) citric water; the organic acid; and A1 ing method using it. A polymer range of C. for 24 Kind Code acid; (C) a first polymer, wherein the polymeric mixture, and in cement composition comprising hours, whereby the volume change A1 the first polymer: (i) comprises a the same proportions as in the cement, a polymer and water, (%) as between before and after cellulose backbone and carbox- cement composition has a thick- wherein the polymer is a fluori- the immersion is measured, and ymethyl functional groups; and (ii) ening time of at least 5 hours at nated polymer, and the degree of the measured value is taken as the has a molecular weight of less than a temperature of F. swelling obtained by the following degree of swelling 100,000; and (D) a second poly- ( C.) and a pressure measuring method is from 0 to 30%. mer, wherein the second polymer: of 10,000 psi (68.9 MPa).

50 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 51 Annexure 1 − Polymers

A.5. HEAT-INSULATING, FIRE-PROOF, WATER-RESISTANT, PERMEABLE-TO-AIR, FLEXIBLE A.8. THERMOSET NANOCOMPOSITE PARTICLES, PROCESSING FOR THEIR PRODUCTION, AND LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE THEIR USE IN OIL AND NATURAL GAS DRILLING APPLICATIONS Abstract Thichy; Thomas Abstract BICERANO; Jozef; et al. October 25, 2012 May 5, 2011 A heat-insulating, fire-proof, or recycled polystyrene of Thermoset polymer particles are used In general, its main benefits are water-resistant, permeable-to-air, 1-10 mm diameter, water, cement United States Patent in many applications requiring light- increased stiffness and strength. United States Patent flexible lightweight concrete and organic (polymer) binding Application weight particles possessing high stiff- Nanofiller incorporation and post-po- Application with a volume-density below material mixed with cement: such 20120267562 ness, strength, temperature resist- lymerization heat treatment can also 20110105367 500 kg/m3, made with polystyrene homo-, co-, and terpolymers, Kind Code ance, and/or resistance to aggressive be combined to obtain the benefits Kind Code pearl is equally suitable for heat-, which are water-soluble and/or A1 environments. The present invention of both methods simultaneously. The A1 and sound-insulation of walls can be dispersed in water. Result- relates to the use of two different present invention relates to the devel- and slabs, as well as decreas- ing from the use of organic (poly- methods, either each by itself or in opment of thermoset nanocomposite ing their water permeability or mer) binding material, the poly- combination, to enhance the stiff- particles. It also relates to the optional water-absorbing capacity, as well styrene pearls can easily mix with ness, strength, maximum possible further improvement of the heat resist- as increasing their resistance to the inorganic binding material and use temperature, and environmen- ance and environmental resistance of fire at the same time keeping their water. The heat-insulating mate- tal resistance of such particles. One said particles via post-polymerization ability to be permeable-to-air and rial produced this way can even be method is the application of post-po- heat treatment. Furthermore, it also humidity, for renovation old build- 100 kg/m, depending on the quan- lymerization process steps (and relates to processes for the manufac- ings or building new buildings. Its tity of the binding materials. especially heat treatment) to advance turing of said particles. Finally, it also composition is: polystyrene pearl, the curing reaction and to thus obtain relates to the use of said particles in a more densely crosslinked polymer the construction, drilling, completion network. In general, its main bene- and/or fracture stimulation of oil and natural gas wells; for example, as a A.6. COMPOSITIONS FOR MODIFYING RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF CEMENT SYSTEMS fits are the enhancement of the max- imum possible use temperature and proppant partial monolayer, a prop- Abstract Iverson; Benjamin J.; et al. the environmental resistance. The pant pack, an integral component of November 10, 2011 A method of servicing a wellbore water, and a rheology modifying other method is the incorporation of a gravel pack completion, a ball bear- comprising contacting a wellbore additive wherein the rheology United States Patent nanofillers, resulting in a heterogene- ing, a solid lubricant, a drilling mud servicing composition with a rhe- modifying additive comprises Application ous “nanocomposite” morphology. constituent, and/or a cement additive. ology modifying additive wherein a gum and an anionic polymer, 20110275736 the rheology modifying additive placing the composition in the Kind Code A.9. MOLDED CEMENTITIOUS ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS HAVING A POLISHED STONE-LIKE comprises a gum and a polymeric subterranean formation, and A1 SURFACE FINISH material. A method of cement- allowing the cement composition Abstract Nicolson; Dave; et al. ing in a subterranean formation to set therein. November 20, 2008 comprising providing a sealant A molded cementitious architectural the cement particles at the surface composition comprising cement, product for use in building construc- and seals the surface. The inclusion United States Patent tion has a cementitious body made of an organic polymer binder within Application of a molded cementitious material, the cementitious material, such as an 20080286519 the surface of which is polished (i.e., acrylic or latex polymer, assists in cre- Kind Code A.7. HYPER-FINE CEMENT burnished) to better resemble nat- ating a polished surface resembling A1 Abstract Genolet; Luis; et al. ural stone. The polished surface is natural polished stone. The extent of August 5, 2010 The invention relates to a process for sealing or strengthening formed by exposing a portion of the cement hydration may be determined for producing a hyper-fine cement, porous moulded articles, rock or United States Patent molded cementitious material while by monitoring the temperature of in which cement is wet milled in a porous formations, in particular Application in a green condition, more particu- the cementitious material within the nonaqueous solvent, if appropri- for the gastight sealing of natural 20100193982 larly after initial set but before final mold. Hydration may be slowed by ate in the presence of a grinding gas reservoirs and also for making Kind Code hardening of the hydraulic cement quenching the molded green cemen- aid, as a result of which a hyper- polymer materials or components A1 binder, and burnishing the surface titious material with water to extend fine cement with a particle size composed of pressed textiles or before final hardening. Burnishing the window of time within which bur- D.sub.50 of <1 .mu.m is obtained. natural fibres fire resistant. the surface of the green cementitious nishing may be carried out before The hyper-fine cement is suitable material before final hardening aligns reaching final hardening.

52 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 53 Annexure 1 − Nanotechnology

A.10. CEMENT ADMIXTURE B. Nanotechnology Yamazaki; B.1. CEMENT COMPOSITION COMPRISING NANO-PLATELETS Abstract Hiroshi; et al. Muthusamy; Ramesh; Abstract February 26, 2009 et al. The present invention aims at provid- atom or a hydrocarbon group with June 4, 2015 ing a cement admixture possessing carbon atoms of 1 to 30; and m rep- United A method of cementing a subterra- has at least one of enhanced com- superior water-reducing performance, resents an average mole number of States Patent nean formation includes providing pressive and tensile strength; United States Patent Application along with no decrease in slump and oxyalkylene groups added and is in a cement composition comprising reduced permeability; restricted Application 20090054557 slump flow caused by a decrease in the range of 1 to 300; and at least one cementitious material, aqueous penetration of carbon dioxide; 20150152314 fluidity of a cement composition over polycarboxylic acid-based polymer (B) Kind Code base fluid, graphene nano-plate- and combinations thereof relative Kind Code time. A cement admixture is to be pro- that has a constitutional unit repre- A1 lets, and a dispersant; introduc- to an equivalent cement without A1 vided, which comprises two or more sented by the following formula (2): ing the cement composition into graphene nano-platelets. Cement members of polycarboxylic acid-based ##STR00002## wherein R5 and R6 a subterranean formation; and compositions include cementi- polymers, wherein said cement admix- independently represent a hydrogen allowing the cement composition tious material, an aqueous base ture comprises at least one polycarbox- atom, a methyl group; x is an integer to set in the subterranean forma- fluid, graphene nano-platelets, ylic acid-based polymer (A) that has a in the range of 0 to 2 and y is 0 or 1, tion. Upon setting, the cement and a dispersant. constitutional unit represented by the provided that x and y are not 0 at the following formula (1): ##STR00001## same time; OR7 represents an oxya- wherein R1 and R2 independently rep- lkylene group with carbon atoms of 2 B.2. CEMENT COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING NANO SIZED BOEHMITE CRYSTALITES resent a hydrogen atom, an alkyl group to 18, wherein each OR7 may be the Abstract Baxter; Steven; et al. with carbon atoms of 1 to 30, an alk- same or different to each other, pro- August 14, 2014 enyl group with carbon atoms of 1 to vided that when OR7 is in a mixed form A composition comprising cement magnesium oxide. The boehmite 30, an aryl group with carbon atoms of two or more members, each OR7 and nano-sized crystalline par- alumina has an average crystallite United States Patent of 6 to 12; A represents an alkylene may be added in a block or random ticles of boehmite alumina or size from about 2 nm to about 80 Application group with carbon atoms of 1 to 30 or form; R8 represents a hydrogen atom nano-sized crystalline particles nm and a content of non-crystalline 20140224156 an arylene group with carbon atoms or a hydrocarbon group with carbon of boehmite alumina which have alumina of less than about 25 mol Kind Code of 6 to 12; a is 0 or 1; OR3 represents atoms of 1 to 30; and n represents an been modified by the inclusion percent based on total aluminum. A1 an oxyalkylene group with carbon average mole number of oxyalkylene of silicon oxide, calcium oxide, or atoms of 2 to 18, wherein each OR3 groups added and is in the range of may be the same or different each 1 to 300; and the weight ratio of said other, provided that when OR3 is in polycarboxylic acid-based polymer (A) B.3. CEMENT COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS UTILIZING NANO-CLAY a mixed form of two or more mem- and said polycarboxylic acid-based Abstract Roddy; Craig W.; et al. bers, each OR3 may be added in a polymer (B) [weight ratio of (A)/(B)] is July 26, 2012 block or random form; R4 represents in the range of 1/99 to 99/1. The present invention includes comprise introducing a cement well treatment fluids and meth- composition comprising a hydrau- United States Patent Application ods utilizing nano-particles. An lic cement, nano-clay, and water A.11. CEMENT ADMIXTURE AND CEMENT ADMIXTURE COMPOSITE 20120186494 embodiment of a method of the into a subterranean formation. Nishikawa; Abstract present invention may comprise The method further may com- Kind Code Tomotaka; et al. introducing a treatment fluid com- prise allowing the cement compo- A1 July 26, 2007 The cement admixture and the the same. The above-mentioned prising nano-clay into a subter- sition to set in the subterranean cement admixture composite of the cement admixture is a cement admix- United States ranean formation. The treatment formation. Yet another embodi- present invention can improve the ture comprising a polycarboxylic acid Patent Application fluid may be selected from the ment of the present invention may water-reducing ability of cement com- polymer containing a specific site, 20070173568 group consisting of a cement com- comprise a treatment fluid, the positions and the like, enhance the and the above-mentioned cement Kind Code position, a drilling fluid, a spacer treatment fluid comprising nano- strength and durability of harden- admixture composite comprises two A1 fluid, and a lost circulation control clay. The treatment fluid may be ing products produced therefrom, or more species of cement admix- composition. Another embodi- selected from the group consisting and further, can adjust the viscosity tures, wherein at least one of them is ment of the present invention may of a cement composition, a drilling of such compositions so as to facili- said cement admixture. comprise a method of cementing. fluid, a spacer fluid, and a lost cir- tate the works at the sites of handling The method of cementing may culation control composition.

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B.4. WELL TREATMENT FLUIDS AND METHODS UTILIZING NANO-PARTICLES B.7. CEMENT INTEGRITY SENSORS AND METHODS OF MANUFACTURE AND USE THEREOF Abstract Roddy; Craig Wayne; et al. Abstract Von Herzen; Brian; et al. August 7, 2014 September 15, 2016 Disclosed embodiments relate to of nano-particles. An exemplary The invention encompasses sys- Micro-Electro-Mechanical System well treatment fluids and meth- method of cementing comprises United States Patent tems and methods for detect- (MEMS)-based data sensors. The United States Patent ods that utilize nano-particles. introducing a cement composi- Application ing and/or monitoring the integ- disclosure further encompasses Application Exemplary nano-particles are tion into a subterranean forma- 20140221257 rity and/or condition of cement, systems and methods of monitor- 20160266086 selected from the group consist- tion, wherein the cement compo- Kind Code structures incorporating cement ing the integrity and performance Kind Code ing of particulate nano-silica, sition comprises cement, water A1 including, for example, highways, of a structure and the surrounding A1 nano-alumina, nano-zinc oxide, and a particulate nano-silica. bridges, buildings, and wellbores formation of structure through the nano-boron, nano-iron oxide, and Embodiments also relate to use using Nano-Electro-Mechanical life of the structure using NEMS/ combinations thereof. Embodi- of nano-particles in drilling fluids, System (NEMS)-based and/or MEMS-based data sensors. ments also relate to methods of completion fluids, simulation cementing that include the use fluids, and well clean-up fluids. B.8. REDUCTION OF CARBON DIOXIDE IN THE MANUFACTURING OF COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS B.5. MODIFIED CEMENT COMPOSITION, PREPARATION AND APPLICATION THEREOF Abdullah; Mohd Abstract Abstract Soltanian; Hamid; et al. Mustafa Albakri; et al. September 15, 2016 December 6, 2012 Light to ultra-light cement compo- and a sufficient amount of water Disclosed are a system, a method silicate, clay and a pozzolanic sitions with modified rheological to make a cement slurry with high United States Patent and/or composition of reduction material. The dried powder with United States Patent properties. The cement composi- compressive strength, low porosity, Application of carbon dioxide in the manu- water may be reacted to form a Application tion includes cement, hydrophobic low free water, and low fluid loss 20160264462 facturing of cement and concrete. cement paste. In addition, the 20120304894 nano-silica, at least one additive with a quick thickening time. Kind Code In one embodiment, a method of cement paste may be mixed with Kind Code A1 producing a concrete, includes at one of sand, an aggregate, a A1 preparing a dried powder mixture plasticizer and a nano additive to of an alkali hydroxide, a sodium form the concrete. B.6. METHOD AND MATERIAL FOR MANUFACTURING FIBER CEMENT BOARD Abstract Khorrami; Morteza; et al. B.9. CEMENT COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING LATEX AND A NANO-PARTICLE AND ASSOCIATED METHODS September 16, 2010 Abstract Roddy; Craig W.; et al. The various embodiments herein (3%-12% by weight) and some September 24, 2009 provide a method and materials polymeric additives are used to United States Patent Methods and compositions are composition comprises cement, to produce non-asbestos Fiber make FCB in the Hatcheck pro- Application provided that may comprise a nano-particle, latex, and water. United States Patent Cement Board (FCB). According to cess. In another embodiment, a 20100234491 cement, a nano-particle, latex, The method may further include Application one embodiment herein, a new method to make FCB using this Kind Code and water. An embodiment of allowing the cement composition 20090236097 material including Cement (60%- method in the Hatcheck process, A1 the present invention includes to set in the subterranean forma- Kind Code 75% by weight), Acrylic fiber (1%- only some small changes are a method of cementing in a sub- tion. Another embodiment of the A1 4% by weight), Nano silicate (1%- needed. According to another terranean formation. The method present invention include a cement 4% by weight), slake lime stone embodiment, the FCB produced in may include introducing a cement composition. The cement com- powder (5%-20% by weight), this method can be used for clad- composition into the subterranean position may comprise cement, a waste cardboard pulp paper ding, internal and external walls. formation, wherein the cement nano-particle, latex, and water.

56 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 57 Annexure 1 − Additives

B.10. STRUCTURAL MATERIALS WITH NEARLY ZERO CARBON EMISSIONS C. Additives Abstract Seal; Sudipta; et al. May 12, 2011 C.1. METHOD FOR PRODUCING CEMENT COMPOSITION Processes and methods of mak- aggregate, such as sand and ing and preparing compositions water to make a slurry that can be United States Patent Abstract Application Application and structural products therefrom poured or cast into any desired : To pro- 2-250 pts.mass of granulated No. Date 20110112272 Problem to be solved are provided, whereby the surface shape and rapidly cured to a vide a method for producing a blast furnace slag with a par- 2012-096378 20.04.2012 area of alumino-silicate-based hardened shape suitable for use Kind Code cement composition posess- ticle diameter of ≥1 mm based Publication powders is greatly increased as a structural material with the A1 ing high strength develop- on 100 pts.mass of the clinker No. Date and rendered chemically active mechanical strength equivalent to ment compared with blast fur- into a 710-1400°C region of so that when the functionalized Portland-cement-based concrete nace cement, etc., containing a cooler, mixing it with the 2013-224227 31.10.2013 powders are mixed with water, products. In additional embodi- blast furnace slag, at a low clinker, cooling the clinker and Int. Cl. poly-condensation reactions ments, the alumino-silicate-based production cost. at the same time heating and occur between the surfaces bind- powders are nano-functionalized C04B 7/19 (2006.01) cooling the granulated blast C04B 7/52 (2006.01) ing the powders together to form a and foam functionalized to pro- Solution: A method for pro- furnace slag to obtain a mix- C04B 7/47 (2006.01) structural material with negligible vide light weight and structurally ducing a cement composition ture of clinker and processed Applicant emission of carbon compounds. strong materials that can also be includes: (A) a clinker burning granulated blast furnace slag; In another embodiment, the sur- used in combination with or as step to burn a cement clinker and (C) a crushing step to TAIHEIYO CEMENT CORP face functionalized powders can replacement for Portland cement. with a cement mineral com- crush the mixture or crush a Inventor be mixed with an additive; a dry position of 20-80 mass% as mixture obtained by adding KUBOTA OSAMU; KUROKAWA C3S, 5-60 mass% as C2S, gypsum to the mixture. DAISUKE; HIRAO CHU B.11. CORE-SHELL STRUCTURE OIL-ABSORPTIVE RESIN MICROSPHERE SUITABLE FOR OIL WELL 1-16 mass% as C3A and 6-16 CEMENT AS WELL AS PREPARATION METHOD AND APPLICATION OF CORE-SHELL STRUCTURE mass% as C4AF calculated by OIL-ABSORPTIVE RESIN MICROSPHERE using a Bogue equation; (B) a Abstract Application slag processing step to charge The invention discloses a core- process; the stability and no coa- No. Date shell structure oil-absorptive resin lescence of oil-phase droplets can CN:201410729741:A 2014.12.04 C.2. ALUMINA-MAGNESIA CAST MATERIAL AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING THE SAME microsphere suitable for oil well be kept in the suspension polym- Publication Abstract Application cement as well as a preparation erization process; the synthe- No. Date method and an application of the sized oil-absorptive resin micro- No. Date CN104558375A 2015.04.29 Problem to be solved: To pro- is crushed to form large grains core-shell structure oil-absorptive sphere is uniform in particle size 2011-118174 26.05.2011 IPC Classification No. vide an alumina-magnesia cast of alumina-magnesia with a resin microsphere. The prepara- and good in sphericity, and has C08J9/28;B01J13/14; C08K3/36; material with excellent spalling grain size of 8-50 mm. The Publication tion method comprises the follow- good dispersity in an alkaline C08F2/18; C08F2/44; C08J3/12; resistance and a method for large grains of alumina-mag- No. Date ing steps: with modified nanopar- high-temperature environment C08F222/14; C08F220/14; manufacturing the same. nesia are added to a second- ticles as a dispersing agent and a of the oil well cement; the struc- C08F220/18; C08F212/36; 2012-246164 13.12.2012 C09K3/32; C08K9/06; ary raw material comprising shell material, a hard component ture and the oil absorptiveness C08K3/22 Solution: A primary raw mate- 2-15 wt.% of an MgO compo- Int. Cl. monomer and a soft component of the oil-absorptive resin micro- Applicant/Assignee rial containing alumina, mag- nent, 75-97.3 wt.% of an Al2O3 monomer in an acrylic compound sphere can be kept stable; the oil C04B 35/66 (2006.01) UNIV CHINA PETROLEUM nesia, silica, alumina cement component, 0.2-3.0 wt.% of as binary monomers, adding a absorption is not affected; and and a dispersant is com- an SiO2 component and 0.5- Applicant Inventor crosslinking agent, an initiator when a downhole cement ring of pounded. The compounded pri- 4.0 wt.% of a CaO component, SHINAGAWA REFRACTORIES and a pore-foaming agent, and an oil well is damaged to gener- BU YUHUAN; WANG CHUNYU; CO LTD LIU HUAJIE; GUO SHENGLAI mary raw material is kneaded, in an amount of 5-40 wt.% in preparing the oil-absorptive resin ate a microcrack, the oil-absorp- and the kneaded primary raw terms of outer percentage, Priority Inventor microsphere with the core-shell tive resin microsphere can absorb material is molded and fired. to make the objective alumi- structure by a suspension polym- oil to swell when running into oil No. Date ASAKI HISAHARU; NISHIMURA The fired primary raw material na-magnesia cast material. MASAFUMI; KOYAMA TAKAAKI; erization method. The core-shell flow through the micro-crack, and CN201410729741 2014.12.04 KAMIYAMA KEITA structure oil-absorptive resin a physical packer is formed in the microsphere is stable in synthesis damaged part of the cement ring.

58 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 59 Annexure 1 − Manufacture

C.3. CEMENT ADDITIVE AND CEMENT COMPOSITION D. Manufacture Abstract Application D.1. POWDERY CEMENT COMPOSITION, CONCRETE AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING CONTAINER FOR WASTE STORAGE : To pro- powders A and B are 4-30 m2/g No. Date Problem to be solved Abstract vide a cement additive which and the difference between 2012-221878 04.10.2012 enhances flowability and the BET specific surface areas Publication Problem to be solved: To provide a powdery material. The concrete containing the powdery shortens setting time, even if of the inorganic powders A No. Date cement composition allowing for produc- cement composition, a fine aggregate, a coarse a cement composition has a and B is 2 m2/g or larger. The 2012-254936 27.12.2012 tion of a concrete that hardly degrades even aggregate, a water reducing agent and water, small water-to-powder ratio. BET specific surface area of when in contact with waste containing a large is also provided. The method of manufacturing JPO 2016-199455 Int. Cl. the inorganic powder A is pref- amount of soluble chlorine, or the like, over a a container for waste storage is provided that C04B 22/06 (2006.01) Solution: In the cement addi- erably 4-15 m2/g. The inor- long time; a concrete containing the powdery includes a mixing step of mixing the powdery C04B 28/02 (2006.01) tive, containing two kinds of ganic powders A and B are, cement composition and a method of manu- cement composition, the fine aggregate, the C04B 18/14 (2006.01) inorganic powders A and B for example, fine calcium car- facturing a container made of the concrete for coarse aggregate, the water reducing agent with different BET specific sur- bonate powder and Applicant waste storage. and water to obtain a mixture, an atmospheric face areas, the BET specific or a combination of these. TAIHEIYO CEMENT CORP curing step of curing the mixture in air for 1 surface areas of the inorganic Inventor Solution: The powdery cement composition hour or more after accommodating the mixture TSUKADA KAZUHISA; YAMADA is provided that contains 100 pts.mass of in a form, and an accelerated curing step of KAZUO; HYODO HIKOJI; HIRAO CHU Portland cement, 20 to 55 pts.mass of fly ash acceleratedly curing the mixture after curing in Priority and 2 to 8 pts.mass of lime-based expansion air at 40°C or more for 2 hours or more. No. Date 2007085255 28.03.2007 D.2. LOW-CARBON NEUTRALIZATION SUPPRESSION MORTAR AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING THE SAME Priority country Abstract JP

Problem to be solved: To provide: a low-car- chemical admixture. The binder is composed JPO 2015-221735 bon neutralization suppression mortar that of 10-30 mass% of Portland cement and 70-90 suppresses neutralization and has excellent mass% of blast furnace slag fine powder. The compression strength; and a method for man- low-carbon neutralization suppression mortar ufacturing the same. contains 30-60 pts.mass of the mixing water, 0.5-15 pts.mass of the hydroxyapatite, 150- Solution: A low-carbon neutralization sup- 400 pts.mass of the fine aggregate, and 0.1- pression mortar contains a binder, mixing 2.0 pts.mass of the chemical admixture with water, hydroxyapatite, fine aggregate, and a respect to 100 pts.mass of the binder.


Problem to be solved: To provide a high- A method for producing hardened high- strength cement mortar composition with strength cement mortar includes: a pre-cur- high compressive strength without requiring a ing step of curing the high-strength cement JPO 2015-024948 large-scale and special manufacturing facility. mortar composition in air at 15-25°C for 1-5 days; a first curing step of curing the high- Solution: A high-strength cement mortar com- strength cement mortar composition in water position comprises cement, silica fume, water, at 20-60°C for 1-7 days; a second curing step a fine aggregate, a water reducing agent, an of curing the high-strength cement mortar antifoaming agent, and a metal fine powder. composition in water at 80-100°C for 5-21 The cement contains 10.0-40.0 mass% of days; and a third curing step of curing the C3S and 40.0-70.0 mass% of C2S, and the high-strength cement mortar composition in fine aggregate comprises ferronickel slag. air at 80-200°C for 5-21 days.

60 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 61 Annexure 1 − Manufacture


Problem to be solved: To provide adjust- Solution: Coal ash with a Al2O3/SiO2 (mass JPO 2014-189439 Problem to be solved: To provide a method of material 1 and pressurizing the cement-based ment of a clinker raw material with a good fir- ratio) of 0.1 to 0.5 in a method for manufactur- manufacturing a cement-based molded body material 1; a pressure retaining step S3 of ing property in a method for manufacturing a ing a Portland cement clinker using the coal by which a rugged pattern is preferably formed, stopping the movement of the press mold 2 Portland cement clinker using coal ash as a ash as a part of a raw material. and the occurrence of defective appearance of and retaining a pressurized state; a pressuri- part of a raw material, while considering that the molded body can be reduced by suppress- zation releasing step S4 of releasing pressur- JP2011201126A some waste raw material has effects on the ing rear surface shrinkage. ization performed by the press mold 2; and a firing property of the clinker due to its compo- mold removal/separation step S5 of removing sition variation and property itself in firing of Solution: There is provided a method of man- the press mold 2 from the molded cement- the Portland cement clinker. ufacturing a cement-based molded body A by based material 1 and separating the press applying press molding to a cement-based mold 2. The press mold 2 is vibrated, at the D.5. METHOD OF MANUFACTURING CEMENT-BASED MOLDED BODY material 1. The method includes: a press mold same time, the surface of the cement-based approaching step S1 of bringing a press mold material 1 is sucked, thereafter, the suction Abstract 2 close to the cement-based material 1; a pres- is stopped and the press mold 2 is vibrated Problem to be solved: To provide a method of material 1 and pressurizing the cement-based surizing step S2 of moving the press mold 2 while the surface of the cement-based mate- manufacturing a cement-based molded body material 1; a pressure retaining step S3 of having been in contact with the cement-based rial 1 is not sucked. by which a rugged pattern is preferably formed, stopping the movement of the press mold 2 and the occurrence of defective appearance of and retaining a pressurized state; a pressuri- D.8. CEMENT COMPOSITION AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING THE SAME the molded body can be reduced by suppress- zation releasing step S4 of releasing pressur- JPO2013-223981 Abstract ing rear surface shrinkage. ization performed by the press mold 2; and a mold removal/separation step S5 of removing Problem to be solved: To provide a cement Solution: The cement composition comprises Solution: There is provided a method of man- the press mold 2 from the molded cement- composition which contains more of mixing cement clinker, gypsum and mixing materials. JP2010235381A ufacturing a cement-based molded body A by based material 1 and separating the press materials than ordinary Portland cement, and The content of the mixing materials is > 5 mass% applying press molding to a cement-based mold 2. The press mold 2 is vibrated, at the even if the cement clinker amount is reduced, and ≤ 15 mass%. The mixing materials contain material 1. The method includes: a press mold same time, the surface of the cement-based uses a large amount of a waste as substitute at least one inorganic powder selected from the approaching step S1 of bringing a press mold material 1 is sucked, thereafter, the suction for clay, and is excellent in strength develop- group consisting of blast furnace slag, siliceous 2 close to the cement-based material 1; a pres- is stopped and the press mold 2 is vibrated ability and fluidity; and to provide a method admixtures, fly ash and limestone micropow- surizing step S2 of moving the press mold 2 while the surface of the cement-based mate- for manufacturing the same. der. The cement clinker contains < 9.0 mass% of having been in contact with the cement-based rial 1 is not sucked. C4AF amount, ≥ 20.0 mass% and < 23.0 mass% of the total of C3A amount and C4AF amount, and 50.0 to 70.0 mass% of C3S amount. D.6. MANUFACTURING METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION/CIVIL ENGINEERING PANEL Abstract D.9. METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING CEMENT Abstract Problem to be solved: To provide a manu- Solution: According to a manufacturing method facturing method of a panel which is com- of a construction/civil engineering panel, a Problem to be solved: To efficiently remove then the purified exhaust gas is released into prised of inorganic materials, that prevents kneaded product obtained by kneading foam mercury-containing materials in an exhaust the air and the collected dust is returned to

strength reduction, deformation and weight resulting from prefoaming cement, water, rein- JPO2012-207525 gas discharged from a cement firing facility the cement firing facility, where at least a JP2007331967A increase caused by water absorption or air forced fibers and foaming agent fills inside a while an increase of the cost of facility is suffi- part of the exhaust gas discharged from the temperature fluctuation, improves workabil- sealed cement molding die and is cured and ciently suppressed. cement firing facility is brought into contact ity in nailing or the like. Furthermore, it is solidified. A porous molding is obtained which with a chlorine-containing salt solution to oxi- lightweight and has excellent handleability, contains the reinforced fibers and foam in a Solution: The method for manufacturing dize metal mercury contained in the exhaust has a high strength and excellent durability, distributed state, in which the reinforced fibers cement contains an exhaust gas treatment gas into mercury chloride. The mercury chlo- can be repeatedly used as a concrete frame are blended in 0.5 to 3 wt.% with respect to process in which the exhaust gas discharged ride is condensed/deposited on the surface panel, can be used as building material such cement in 100 wt.% and of which the specific from a cement firing facility is transferred to a of dust particles contained in the exhaust gas as floor material, wall material, ceiling mate- gravity is settled within a range of 0.6 to 0.9, dust collector via a dryer of cement raw mate- in a humidity control tower and a part or all of rial, partition and the like of a building, and is and thereafter, the porous molding is sliced, rials, separated into a purified exhaust gas the dust recovered from the humidity control replaceable with a plywood. and a panel body is produced. and collected dust by the dust collector, and tower is extracted from the exhaust gas.

62 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 63 Annexure 1 − Clinker

D.10. FILLER MANUFACTURING METHOD, FILLER, AND GROUND HOLE BACKFILLING METHOD E. Clinker Abstract E.1. METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING CEMENT CLINKER JP2009249954A Abstract Problem to be solved: To provide a filler man- Solution: The filler manufacturing method is ufacturing method, a filler, and a ground hole carried out by mixing blast furnace cement, Problem to be solved: To provide a method cement clinker raw material composition con- JPO 2016-193799 backfilling method using the filler excelling in bentonite and water simultaneously or mixing for manufacturing a cement clinker capable taining fluorine and sulfur trioxide, including filling property into a hole with less adverse water in a mixture of blast furnace cement and of stably manufacturing mortar with com- preparing the cement clinker raw composition effect on the peripheral ground in filling the bentonite. pressive strength of a predetermined value or by blending the fluorine and the sulfur triox- hole formed in the ground. more when using mortar as a raw material. ide so that the content percentage of the flu- orine and the sulfur trioxide is less than 0.4 : There is provided a manufactur- and burning the prepared cement clinker raw D.11. MANUFACTURING METHOD OF FUNCTIONAL BUILDING Solution MATERIAL HAVING PHOTOCATALYTIC FUNCTION ing method of a cement clinker by burning a material composition. Abstract E.2. CEMENT CLINKER COMPOSITION, PRODUCTION METHOD THEREOF, Problem to be solved: To provide a means Solution: The substrate is limited to one which AND MODERATE HEAT PORTLAND CEMENT COMPOSITION which enables an arbitrary selection of a high- is manufactured by a manufacturing method Abstract ly-functional photocatalyst, has a good adhe- of mixing water and a raw material typified JP2008307877A sion of the photocatalyst with a substrate, by cement to cure by a hydration reaction. An Problem to be solved: To provide a cement composition is 40-250 mg in terms of the tin and low costs, and in which the manufactur- aqueous solution in which photocatalyst par- clinker composition used for making a mod- element. The cell volume of β-2CaO. SiO2 in ing method is simple and the typical func- ticles are dispersed is attached to the surface erate heat Portland cement composition that the cement clinker composition is 347.05×10-3 JPO 2016-175833 tions such as humidity conditioning, which of the substrate before the curing, and the has good fluidity and exhibits high strength, nm3 or more. A cement clinker composition are generally desired for a building material, photocatalyst particles are firmly fixed on the a production method of the cement clinker production method of the present invention and which the substrate has essentially, are surface by a curing reaction of an inorganic composition, and a moderate heat Portland is a production method for producing the not damaged in the manufacturing method of component in the substrate and an inorganic cement composition containing the cement cement clinker composition of the present the functional building material with the pho- component in the aqueous solution. clinker composition. invention. A moderate heat Portland cement tocatalytic function. composition of the present invention contains Solution: In a cement clinker composition of the cement clinker composition of the present the present invention, the tin or tin compound invention and gypsum. content relative to 1 kg of the cement clinker


Problem to be solved: To sufficiently inhibit SO3 of 0.7 mass% or more and 2.2 mass% or JPO 2015-187048 decrease in flowability of a cement composition less, and TiO2 of 0.1 mass% or more and 0.8 comprising cement clinker even when Al2O3 mass% or less, wherein the Al2O3 content content in the cement clinker is relatively high. (mass%), the SO3 content (mass%), and the TiO2 content (mass%) satisfy the following Solution: The cement clinker, according to formula 1: Al2O3 content aSO3 content+b− the present invention, comprises Al2O3 of TiO2 content+g (where, α=1.4, β=-2.8, γ=6.0). 6.0 mass% or more and 8.0 mass% or less,

64 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 65 Annexure 1 − Clinker


Problem to be solved: To provide a cement and a C3S amount of 60 mass% or more JPO 2012-224504 Problem to be solved: To provide a CaO- 29.9 to 65% of CaO, 34.9 to 70% of Al2O3, and clinker which can be calcined at 1,300- calculated by Bogue’s formula, and has an

Al2O3-based clinker which allows securing 0.1 to 5% of carbonic acid component as CO2. JPO 2014-218413 1,400°C which is lower than conventional iron modulus (I.M.) of 1.3 or less, preferably sufficient super quick hardening property and The cement admixture comprises the clinker, temperatures, and which exhibits strength 1.0-1.3. The cement clinker can be calcined at pot life even when stored for a long time, and with 25 to 200 parts of gypsum blended into properties such as excellent mortar compres- low temperatures because the total amount of to provide a cement admixture and a cement 100 parts of the clinker. The cement com- sive strength, etc. C3A and C4AF is 22 mass% or more, and by composition using the same, and a method position comprises cement and the cement having a low iron modulus, strength reduction for producing the same. admixture. The method of producing the CaO- Solution: The cement clinker has a total can be prevented. Al2O3-based clinker containing the carbonic amount of C3A and C4AF of 22 mass% or more Solution: The CaO-Al2O3-based clinker is acid component comprises contacting a CaO- formed by carbonation in a high temperature Al2O3-based clinker with carbon dioxide in a E.8. METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING CEMENT CLINKER BY USING WASTE AS RAW FUEL atmosphere of 200 to 800°C and comprises high temperature atmosphere of 200 to 800°C. Abstract

E.5. METHOD OF CONTROLLING FREE LIME AMOUNT IN CLINKER Problem to be solved: To provide a method flow furnace (6) arranged on the near side capable of using a large amount of waste as a of a drying kiln. The detention period in the Abstract raw fuel in a cement manufacturing apparatus calcining furnace is secured by airflow from Problem to be solved: To provide a method expressions (1) to (3). (1) f.CaO=0.29×e0.65×A without depending on a specific waste. a kiln exhaust gas duct (2) or clinker cooker JPO 2010-269993

of suppressing variation in quality of cement (A=a×SO3+b), (2) a=0.0001×F+9.2×t- JPO 2013-203645 extraction gas duct (3), and a necessary and due to variation in free lime amount by keep- 0.18×HM-9.2, and (3) b=-0.0005×F-32.8×t- Solution: The granular material is prepared sufficient amount of burning in the calcining ing the free lime amount in clinker within a 2.9×HM+28.4 [wherein SO3 is the amount of by mixing two or more kinds of wastes such furnace is obtained. In addition, the granular certain range. sulfur trioxide in the clinker; (a) is a coefficient as waste white clay, a tank sludge, and material which is introduced by action of the satisfying expression (2); (b) is a coefficient water-containing sludge, in which the water airflow is sufficiently dispersed, as a result, Solution: There is provided a method of con- satisfying expression (3); F is the amount of content is 10-70 mass%, the heat value is incomplete combustion can be prevented trolling a free lime amount (f. CaO) in clinker fluorine in the clinker; (t) satisfies t=x/1,450 4-20 kJ/g, and the sieve mesh pass residue without falling solidified granular material to by adjusting amount of sulfur trioxide orig- at a baking temperature X°C; and HM is a of mesh-opening 10 mm is ≤30 mass%. The a kiln tail part (1) in the case of introducing a inating from fuel and amount of use of a hydraulic modulus]. granular material is introduced into a calcining large amount of granular material to the kiln fluorine-based mineralizing agent according to furnace such as a swirl chamber (4) or an air tail part directly.


Problem to be solved: To provide a method is kept in a high temperature atmosphere by Problem to be solved: To provide a production provide a cement hardened body capable of sup- JPO 2009-234821

for producing cement clinker where the uti- the combustion exhaust gas of a fuel after JPO 2011-225427 method of cement, by which the amount of a pressing fluctuation in physical properties among lization of waste gypsums is accelerated by being preheated in a preheater 3 and fired, grinding aid included in cement hardly fluctu- production lots by using the above cement. using waste plastics and the waste gypsums the consolidated or granulated object of the ates among production lots, the proportion as auxiliary fuels and where adhesion or clog- waste plastics and gypsums is used as the of gypsum hemihydrate included in cement Solution: The method for manufacturing ging around the tip outlet of the charging pipe auxiliary fuels of the fuel by being charged hardly fluctuates among production lots, and cement comprises carrying out a grinding of the waste plastics is prevented. to at least one or more positions in cement fluctuation in physical properties of a cement step of grinding cement clinker and gypsum clinker producing steps. composition among production lots can be in the presence of a grinding aid having a boil- Solution: In the method for producing the suppressed, to provide a cement composition ing point of no higher than 250°C to obtain a cement clinker where cement raw materials capable of suppressing fluctuation in physi- ground material, and a heat treatment step of are supplied into a rotary kiln 1 whose interior cal properties among production lots, and to heat treating the ground material.

66 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 67 Annexure 1 − Fiber

E.10. METHOD FOR DECREASING CHLORINE AND ALKALI COMPONENT IN CLINKER AND METHOD F. Fiber FOR DECREASING CHLORINE AND ALKALI COMPONENT IN CEMENT COMPOSITION F.1. A HATSCHEK PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF FIBER CEMENT PLATES Abstract Abstract Van Acoleyen; Bertrand February 25, 2016 Problem to be solved: To provide a method comprises a step of washing the clinker with A Hatschek process for the pro- least one monolayer of a first type for decreasing chlorine and an alkali com- water to simultaneously decrease the chlo- duction of profiled fiber cement of monolayer: (ii) accumulating at United States Patent ponent in cement, in which chlorine, which rine and alkali component in the clinker. The Application

JPO 2008-247660 plates is provided. The process least one layer of the endless fiber is contained in a clinker and corrodes a rein- method for deceasing chlorine and the alkali comprises the steps of: (i) provid- cement multilayered slab on a 20160052163 forcing bar, and the alkali component, which component in cement comprises the steps ing an endless fiber cement multi- profiled accumulator roll that has Kind Code is also contained in the clinker and causes of: washing the clinker with water to simul- layered slab stacking at least one a recess along at least part of its A1 an alkali-silica reaction, are decreased by a taneously decrease the chlorine and alkali monolayer of a first type with a circumference whereby at least simple method and the chlorine-/alkali com- component in the clinker; adding gypsum first width and at least one mono- the first monolayer is provided ponent-decreased clinker is used to simulta- to the water-washed clinker; crushing the layer of a second type of mono- within the recess; (iii) removing neously decrease the chlorine and alkali com- gypsum-added clinker uniformly to obtain a layers with a second width, the at the accumulated slab from the ponent in cement. crushed mixture; and mixing the crushed mix- least one monolayer of a second accumulator roll; and (iv) curing ture. In particular, a fired clinker can be used type of monolayers extending in the uncured fiber cement plate. Solution: The method for decreasing chlo- suitably as the clinker. transverse direction beyond at rine and the alkali component in the clinker

F.2. HIGH FLOW NOZZLE FOR FIBER- E.11. MANUFACTURING PROCESS OF CEMENT CLINKER Abstract Nicolson; David L. Abstract October 1, 2015 Glass-fiber-reinforced concrete portion with a second particle size Problem to be solved: To provide a technique raw material in a way that the raw material compositions that may be sprayed, that is smaller than the first par- United States Patent which enables effective use of soil contami- unit requirement is ≤8 pts.mass to 100 pts. and methods of preparing and ticle size so that the aggregate is Application nated with organic materials for a raw mate- mass of the clinker and the product of the applying such compositions. capable of particle packing. The 20150273409 rial for cement in an economical and environ- average particle size of the specific size 1 by JPO 2007-326752 Such compositions may include uncured compositions can be Kind Code mental load-free way. the raw material unit requirement is ≤2.0 (pts. cement, reinforcing glass fibers delivered through a spray nozzle A1 mass mm), and a step to pour the determined randomly oriented and homoge- with the glass fibers already Solution: The manufacturing process of amount of the organic material-contaminated nously distributed throughout the mixed into the composition. The cement clinker comprises a step to sift soil with the average particle size of the spe- concrete composition, and a par- compositions can provide uni- organic material-contaminated soil to obtain cific size 1 through no less than one inlet ticle packing aggregate. At least form, non-directional strength soil not less than a specific size 1, a step to selected from the group consisting of the back a portion of the particle packing characteristics, e.g., modulus of determine the unit requirement of the organic end of the kiln, the preheater, the bottom aggregate may be rounded rather rupture of at least 16 MPa and a material-contaminated soil with an average cyclone and the bottom chute of the cyclone than crushed and include a first limit of proportionality of at least 7 particle size (mm) of the specific size 1 as the involved in cement manufacturing facilities. aggregate portion with a first par- MPa with a glass-fiber content of ticle size and a second aggregate no more than 4% by weight.

68 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 69 Annexure 1 − Fiber

F.3. FIBER-REINFORCED CEMENT-BASED MIXED MATERIAL F.6. FIBER-REINFORCED CEMENT-BASED MIXED MATERIAL Abstract Tanaka; Yoshihiro; et al. Abstract Tanaka; Yoshihiro; et al. November 6, 2014 December 5, 2013 Provided is a fiber-reinforced excluding the silica fume, 5-25 wt. Provided is a fiber-reinforced ratio to the total weight of the cement-based mixed material parts of limestone powder, at least United States Patent cement-based mixed material cement and the mineral admix- United States Patent with high tensile strength and one chemical admixture, water, Application capable of securing high tensile ture, wherein a mean particle Application high toughness, the mixed mate- 70-150 wt. parts of aggregate with 20140326168 strength and high toughness even diameter of the aggregate parti- 20130324643 rial comprising a cementitious a largest aggregate diameter of Kind Code after development of a crack. A cles is 0.2 to 0.8 mm, and at least Kind Code composition with fast develop- 1.2-3.5 mm, and fibers, wherein at A1 fiber-reinforced cement-based some of the fibers is formed to A1 ment of early strength; a small least some of the fibers comprise a mixed material contains cement, be a bumpy fiber with asperities hydration heat temperature; and fiber with asperities formed in the a mineral admixture, water, a formed in the surface thereof, a small shrinkage during curing. surface, the fiber with asperities chemical admixture, aggregate and a ratio (h/H) of a depth h of The fiber-reinforced cement-based being formed such that a ratio (h/H) particles, and fibers, the aggre- each of recessed portions among mixed material contains 100 wt. of a depth h of each of recessed gate particles contained in the the asperities of the bumpy fiber parts of cement, 5-30 wt. parts portions among the asperities to a fiber-reinforced cement -based to a smallest cross-sectional of silica fume, 30-80 wt. parts of smallest cross-sectional diameter mixed material in a proportion diameter H thereof is 0.05 to 0.8. at least one pozzolanic material H thereof is 0.05-0.8. of 50 to 95% in terms of a weight

F.4. ENGINEERED COMPOSITE BUILDING MATERIALS AND METHODS OF MAKING THE SAME F.7. FIBER CEMENT BUILDING MATERIALS WITH LOW DENSITY ADDITIVES Abstract Peng; Weiling; et al. Abstract Gleeson; James A.; et al. July 18, 2013 October 18, 2012 An engineered composite build- impregnating agents to the sub- This invention relates to a formu- density as compared to current ing material, such as fiber cement, surface regions of the substrate United States Patent lation with the addition of low fiber cement products without the United States Patent with one or more engineered to form chemical and/or mechan- Application density additives of volcanic ash, increased moisture expansion Application sub-surface regions designed to ical bonds with the matrix of the 20130183505 hollow ceramic microspheres or and freeze-thaw degradation usu- 20120260827 provide the building material with building material, the reinforce- Kind Code a combination of microspheres ally associated with the addition Kind Code improved moisture ingress resis- ment fibers, and/or the surface A1 and volcanic ash or other low den- of lightweight inorganic materi- A1 tance, paint adhesion, and other coatings applied to the material. sity additives into cementitious als to fiber cement mixes. The low mechanical properties is provided. The thickness of the sub-surface cellulose fiber-reinforced build- density additives also give the The sub-surface region has a regions may be controlled by vary- ing materials. This formulation is material improved thermal dimen- cement-polymer matrix formed by ing the viscosity and porosity of the advantageously lightweight or low sional stability. introducing an impregnating agent building material substrate. The into the pores of the substrate. cement-polymer building material F.8. NOVEL NANOCOMPOSITE FOR SUSTAINABILITY OF INFRASTRUCTURE The composite building mate- has enhanced durability, weather Abstract Wang; Jialai; et al. rial may be formed by applying resistance, strength, and stiffness September 15, 2011 A nanocomposite has significant fiber-reinforced inorganic compos- United States Patent F.5. METAL FIBER CONCRETE social, economic and environmen- ites. The composite is fire resis- tal benefits. By having high tensile tant and has no volatile organic Application Abstract Destree; Xavier strength and high toughness, a compounds. Due to its multifunc- 20110223343 December 20, 2007 A mixture of metal fiber concrete of metal fibers is at least 80 kg/m3. large number of opportunities of tional character, the nanocompos- Kind Code based on cement, granular elements This concrete mixture is particu- United States Patent applying fly ashes are opened up. ite is able to be used as a sensing A1 and water, comprising metal fibers larly adapted to the creation of Application Besides replacing ordinary Port- element in intelligent structures, thats diameter ranges from 1.15 mm structural elements such as floor 20070289502 land cement, the nanocomposite corrosion protection coating for and 1.8 mm, wherein the form coef- slabs without traditional rein- Kind Code is able to be used as an concrete and steel structures and ficient thereof is 35-45. The dosing forcements. A1 inorganic adhesive/resin to make even electronic devices.

70 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 71 Annexure 1 − Composition

F.9. METHOD AND MATERIAL FOR MANUFACTURING FIBER CEMENT BOARD G. Composition Abstract Khorrami; Morteza; et al. G.1. MULTI-COMPONENT COMPOSITION September 16, 2010 Abstract WURMLI; Fabio The various embodiments herein (3%-12% by weight) and some December 22, 2016 provide a method and materials polymeric additives are used to United States Patent A multi-component composition is Addition of the at least one pol- to produce non-asbestos Fiber make FCB in the Hatcheck pro- Application described that includes an epoxy ymeric binder can significantly United States Patent Cement Board (FCB). According to cess. In another embodiment, a 20100234491 component having at least one improve relevant properties of the Application one embodiment herein, a new method to make FCB using this Kind Code reactive epoxy resin, one hardener multi-component composition, 20160368822 material including cement (60%- method in the Hatcheck process, A1 component that includes at least examples being more particularly Kind Code 75% by weight), acrylic fiber (1%- only some small changes are one hardener for the epoxy resin, adhesion thereof, compressive A1 4% by weight), nano silicate (1%- needed. According to another one cement component including strength thereof and shrinkage 4% by weight), slake lime stone embodiment, the FCB produced in cement and at least one filler, and thereof. Also described, is a pro- powder (5%-20% by weight), this method can be used for clad- also from 0.1% to 1% by weight, cess for producing a coated sub- waste cardboard pulp paper ding, internal and external walls. based on the total weight of the strate with the aid of the compo- multi-component composition, sition described above, and also F.10. REINFORCED FIBER CEMENT ARTICLE AND METHODS OF MAKING AND INSTALLING THE SAME of at least one polymeric binder coated substrates that can be pro- that is solid at C. duced by a corresponding process. Abstract Black; Andrew J.; et al. November 19, 2009 In one embodiment, a reinforced stacked with other siding planks G.2. CELLULOSE NANOCRYSTAL ADDITIVES AND IMPROVED CEMENTIOUS SYSTEMS fiber cement article comprising in a manner such that a uniform United States Patent Youngblood; Jeffrey a fiber cement piece and a rein- and deep shadow line is created. Application Abstract Paul; et al. forcing fixture bonded to a por- The interlocking feature sets the 20090283201 December 1, 2016 tion of the fiber cement piece gauge of the exposed plank face Kind Code The invention provides a cement The invention further provides United States Patent for improving the performance, and allows for leveling of the plank A1 paste composition comprising a water reducing additive that strength and durability of the fiber during installation. The reinforcing cement, cellulose nanocrystals, reduces the amount of water Application cement piece. The reinforcing fixture could also serve as a thick and optionally water. The cellu- required for desired workabil- 20160347661 fiber cement article could be used butt piece or a plastic spline that lose nanocrystals can be pres- ity of a cement composition. Use Kind Code as or in conjunction with a siding produces a deep shadow line. A ent in an amount sufficient and of the presence of the cellulose A1 plank assembly, which further cementitious adhesive is used to effective to increase the flexural nanocrystals also results in an comprises an interlocking feature bond the reinforcing fixture to the strength of cured cement pre- increased degree of hydration that allows the siding plank to be fiber cement piece. pared from the cement paste and cumulative heat evolution composition. The cellulose nano- in comparison to a correspond- crystals can also be present in ing composition without the cel- F.11. FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE MEMBER an amount sufficient and effec- lulose nanoparticles, thereby tive to increase the workability resulting in a higher total cure Abstract Tanaka; Yoshihiro; et al. of a cement paste prepared from of the cement paste composition July 10, 2008 Fiber reinforced concrete is gen- a mean particle diameter within a the cement paste composition. upon curing. erated by including fiber in a dis- range of 0.4 mm to 0.8 mm and a United States Patent Application persed manner in a cement matrix fineness modulus within a range G.3. LIGHT-WEIGHT COMPOSITION AND MIX FOR MASONRY, MORTAR AND STUCCO including: cement; first pozzolanic of 1.5 to 3.5; second aggregate 20080163794 Abstract Chiappo; Jorge G. reactant particles with a high activ- particles with a maximum particle Kind Code November 20, 2014 ity; second pozzolanic reactant diameter smaller than or equal to A1 A pre-mixed mortar, stucco or composition comprises either slag particles with an activity lower 0.425 mm, a mean particle diam- masonry composition includes cement, gypsum or a combination United States Patent than the first pozzolanic reactant eter within a range of 0.1 mm to from 70 to 80 percent sand and of slag cement and gypsum; Port- Application particles; first aggregate particles 0.3 mm and a fineness modulus from 20 to 30 percent of a light- land cement; silicon dioxide; cal- 20140338567 with a maximum particle diameter within a range of 0.4 to 0.8; at least weight cement mix composi- cium stearate; and metakaolin. Kind Code smaller than or equal to 2.5 mm, one type of plasticizer; and water. tion. The light-weight cement mix A1

72 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 73 Annexure 1 − Composition

G.4. CEMENT BLEND COMPOSITIONS G.7. CEMENT SLURRY COMPOSITION Abstract Porcherie; Olivier Abstract Koyanagi; Koji; et al. November 12, 2015 January 5, 2012 A computer simulator predicts the Portland cement, the absolute The present invention provides compound (B) selected from ani- the performance of neat Port- density of the Portland cement, the United States Patent a cement slurry composition, onic aromatic compounds; or United States Patent land cement systems, or Portland SCM densities, the SCM chemical Application containing a hydraulic cement (II) the compound (A) selected Application cement systems containing sup- activity indices, the curing-temper- 20150321953 material, (A) a first water-soluble from cationic surfactants and 20120000397 plementary cementing materials ature profile and the curing-pres- Kind Code low molecular weight compound the compound (B) selected from Kind Code (SCM). Parameters to be entered sure profile. The predictions may A1 and (B) a second water-soluble brominated compounds, and A1 into the simulator include the be verified by laboratory testing low molecular weight compound in the compound (A), a ratio of cement blend composition, the before using the cement system differing from the compound compounds with a hydrocarbon Bogue composition of the Portland during a cementing treatment. (A), wherein a combination of group of 18 or more carbon atoms cement, the Blaine surface area of the compounds (A) and (B) is is not less than 45% by weight. (I) the compound (A) selected from cationic surfactants and the G.5. CALCIUM ALUMINATE CEMENT COMPOSITION CONTAINING A SET RETARDER OF AN ORGANIC ACID AND A POLYMERIC MIXTURE Abstract JOSEPH; Trissa; et al. G.8. COMPOSITIONS FOR MODIFYING RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF CEMENT SYSTEMS November 14, 2013 Abstract Iverson; Benjamin J.; et al. A cement composition for use in (i) comprises a lignosulfonate; and November 10, 2011 an oil or gas well, the cement com- (ii) has a molecular weight of less United States Patent A method of servicing a wellbore composition comprising cement, position comprises: a calcium alu- than 100,000, wherein a test com- Application comprising contacting a wellbore water, and a rheology modifying United States Patent minate cement; water; an organic position consisting essentially of: 20130299170 servicing composition with a rhe- additive wherein the rheology Application acid; and a polymeric mixture the cement; the water; the organic Kind Code ology modifying additive wherein modifying additive comprises a 20110275736 comprising: (A) water; (B) citric acid; and the polymeric mixture, A1 the rheology modifying additive gum and an anionic polymer, plac- Kind Code acid; (C) a first polymer, wherein and in the same proportions as comprises a gum and a polymeric ing the composition in the subter- A1 the first polymer: (i) comprises a in the cement composition has a material. A method of cement- ranean formation, and allowing the cellulose backbone and carbox- thickening time of at least 5 hours ing in a subterranean formation cement composition to set therein. ymethyl functional groups; and (ii) at a temperature of F. comprising providing a sealant has a molecular weight of less than ( C.) and a pressure 100,000; and (D) a second poly- of 10,000 psi (68.9 MPa). G.9. GEOPOLYMER COMPOSITIONS mer, wherein the second polymer: Abstract Alter; Stephen ; et al. November 10, 2011 The present invention relates building block, floor , G.6. SETTABLE COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING UNEXPANDED PERLITE AND METHODS OF United States Patent CEMENTING IN SUBTERRANEAN FORMATIONS to geopolymer compositions, bench, building block brick, sup- methods of producing the com- port column or pre-molded col- Application Abstract Brenneis; Chad ; et al. positions, and uses thereof. The umn, beam, paving stone, tiles, 20110271876 December 27, 2012 An embodiment of the present placing a settable composition into geopolymer compositions are stone accouterment for a gar- Kind Code invention comprises a method of a wellbore, the settable composition United States Patent broadly comprised of a geopol- den, countertop, bathtub, sink, A1 cementing comprising: placing a comprising ground unexpanded Application ymer binder and an aggregate a geopolymer slab, a structural settable composition into a well- perlite, Portland cement inter- 20120325477 and, once cured, can exhibit com- geopolymer composition, a rein- bore, the settable composition ground with pumicite, and water; Kind Code pressive strengths in excess of forced geopolymer composition, comprising unexpanded perlite, and allowing the settable compo- A1 that of Portland cement-based a steel-reinforced geopolymer cement kiln dust, and water; and sition to set. Yet another embod- concrete formulations. The geo- composition, or as a substitute allowing the settable composition iment of the present invention polymer composition of the pres- for structural concrete in founda- to set. Another embodiment of comprises a settable composition ent invention adheres to most tions, beams, columns, or slabs the present invention comprises a comprising: ground unexpanded surfaces and can be used in with the addition, as necessary, of method of cementing comprising: perlite; cement kiln dust; and water. the formation of a mortarless steel reinforcement.

74 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 75 Annexure 1 − Composition

G.10. HIGH EARLY STRENGTH CEMENT BLENDS G.13. CEMENT RETARDER SYSTEMS, AND RETARDED CEMENT COMPOSITIONS Abstract Guynn; John M.; et al. Abstract Michaux; Michel; et al. December 16, 2010 October 11, 2007 A high early strength pozzolan particles (e.g., about 1.25 to A cement retarder system for use a retarder system for said cement cement includes larger sized about 50 times greater). Reduc- United States Patent in underground wells included a composition comprising a borate United States Patent pozzolan particles blended with ing or eliminating coarse hydrau- Application borate compound, an organophos- compound, an organophos- Application smaller sized hydraulic cement lic cement particles that cannot 20100313795 phonate salt, and a copolymer phonate salt, and a copolymer 20070235192 particles containing tricalcium fully hydrate but include unre- Kind Code formed from AMPS and a mono- formed from AMPS and a mono- Kind Code silicate and/or dicalcium silicate acted cores reduces or eliminates A1 mer selected from the group con- mer selected from the group con- A1 (e.g., Portland cement). Excess wasted cement normally found in sisting of acrylic acid, acrylamide sisting of acrylic acid, acrylamide, calcium release from the hydrau- concrete. Replacing some or all and mixtures thereof. A method and mixtures thereof, mixing a lic cement when mixed with water of the coarse cement particles of using the retarder system in an sufficient amount of said retarder forms calcium hydroxide available with pozzolan particles provides underground well that has a bore- system to create a desired induc- for reaction with the pozzolan. The a pozzolan cement composition hole drilled therein with a borehole tion period with said cement com- fineness of the hydraulic cement with significantly lower water wall, and further including a casing position and said liquid carrier particles is substantially greater demand compared to the hydrau- disposed in said borehole, such to form a cement slurry, pumping than the fineness of the pozzolan lic cement by itself. that an annulus exists between the cement slurry from the surface said casing and said borehole down the casing, and causing said G.11. SETTABLE COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING CEMENT KILN DUST AND SWELLABLE PARTICLES wall, comprising the steps of pro- slurry to return to the surface in the viding a cement composition annulus between the casing and Abstract Roddy; Craig W.; et al. and a liquid carrier, providing the borehole wall. December 31, 2009 A variety of methods and com- kiln dust; a swellable particle; and positions are disclosed herein, water; and allowing the settable United States Patent including, in one embodiment, a composition to set in the subterra- Application method comprising: introducing nean formation. Another embodi- 20090320720 a settable composition into a sub- ment comprises a settable compo- Kind Code terranean formation, wherein the sition comprising: a cementitious A1 settable composition comprises: a component comprising a hydrau- cementitious component compris- lic cement and cement kiln dust, a ing a hydraulic cement and cement swellable particle, and water.

G.12. LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE COMPOSITIONS Abstract Guevara; Tricia; et al. December 25, 2008 A lightweight concrete composition of components used does not containing from 10 to 90 volume exceed 100 volume percent, and United States Patent percent of a cement composition, where after the lightweight concrete Application from 10 to 90 volume percent of par- composition is set it has a compres- 20080314295 ticles that have an average particle sive strength of at least 1700 psi as Kind Code diameter of from 0.2 mm to 8 mm, tested according to ASTM C39 after A1 a bulk density of from 0.03 g/cc to seven days. The concrete composi- 0.64 g/cc, an aspect ratio of from 1 tion can be used to make concrete to 3, and from 0 to 50 volume per- masonry units, construction pan- cent of aggregate; where the sum els, road beds and other articles.

76 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 77 Annexure 1 − Kilns

H) Kilns H.4. APPARATUS FOR FIRING CEMENT AND METHOD FOR DRYING WET ORGANIC WASTE H.1. METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TREATING EXHAUST GAS EXTRACTED FROM CEMENT KILN Abstract Abstract Problem to be solved: To provide an appa- as organic sludge that has a high water con- Problem to be solved: To provide a method having a treatment process for separating, ratus for firing cement in which wet organic tent; and a circulation duct 9 for circulating

for treating the exhaust gas extracted from a from the exhaust gas, a solidified material JPO 2007-063079 waste can be dried safely and efficiently while a part of the exhaust gas from the drying

cement kiln, capable of preventing corrosion generated by extracting and cooling a part avoiding the heat loss caused by increasing unit to the drying unit. The temperature and JPO 2008-030007 of an apparatus caused by such exhaust gas of the exhaust gas from the cement kiln 12; the amount of exhaust gas from a cement kiln flow rate of the drying heat-source gas of treatment in a chlorine bypass system and preparing a gas mixture thats temperature without increasing the concentration of oxy- the drying unit can be adjusted by adjusting capable of suitably producing cement clinker is elevated above the dew point of a met- gen in a drying heat-source gas. the opening degree of a dumper 9a being a while suppressing thermal loss in a cement al-corrosive gaseous substance contained in flow rate regulating means arranged on the material firing system. the exhaust gas by mixing the above treated Solution: The apparatus 1 for firing cement is circulation duct to adjust the amount of the exhaust gas with hot air; and then cooling provided with: a drying unit 6 to which a com- exhaust gas to be returned to the drying unit Solution: This method for treating the the clinker fired in the cement kiln with the bustion gas bled from an exhaust gas flow from the circulation duct. The exhaust gas extracted exhaust gas is characterized by: gas mixture. passage of the cement kiln 2 from an outlet from the drying unit can be returned to the duct of a calcination furnace 4 to an outlet exhaust gas flow passage of the cement kiln H.2. METHOD OF UTILIZING HEAT ENERGY IN CEMENT MANUFACTURING duct of a preheater 3 is supplied and which is from the outlet duct of the calcination furnace APPARATUS, AND CEMENT MANUFACTURING EQUIPEMENT used for drying the wet organic waste W, such to the outlet duct of the preheater. Abstract H.5. CEMENT KILN EXTRACTION DUST TREATMENT METHOD : To provide a method : The method of utilizing heat energy Problem to be solved Solution Abstract of utilizing heat energy in a cement manu- is one in the cement manufacturing appara- facturing apparatus by which the clinker fir- tus provided with the cement firing appara- Problem to be solved: To reduce the content metals, adding a ferric salt compound before ing efficiency in a cement firing process and tus provided with a cement kiln 1 and a high JPO 2007-126328 of selenium and heavy metals contained in controlling the pH of the liquid phase to 5-10 the availability of heat energy in a waste heat efficiency type clinker cooler 31 and the waste a dechlorination water-washing solution for again and adding a polymer flocculating power generating apparatus are improved and gas powder generation system 32. A clinker cement kiln extraction dust to a level of not agent to execute solid/liquid separation; (3) the quantity of a waste gas discharged from is cooled by the high efficiency type clinker higher than 0.1 mg/l which is a fluent stand- the third process of adding a first ferrous salt JPO 2009-101359 the cement firing process to the atmosphere cooler 31, heated water obtained from a feed ard according to Water Pollution Control Act. compound to the liquid phase obtained after is decreased, and to provide the cement man- water heater 34 is supplied to the waste heat solid/liquid separation in the second process ufacturing equipment. power generation system 32 and a part of the Solution: A cement kiln extraction dust treat- and controlling the pH to 8-12 before adding a waste gas discharged from the feed water ment method includes the following pro- polymer flocculating agent to execute solid/ heater 34 is recycled as cooling air of the high cesses: (1) the first process of adding water liquid separation, and; (4) the fourth process efficiency type clinker cooler 31. to cement kiln extraction dust to form a slurry of adding a ferric salt compound to the liquid before executing solid/liquid separation; (2) phase obtained after solid/liquid separation the second process of controlling the pH of a in the third process and controlling the pH H.3. APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING CEMENT liquid phase (raw water) obtained after solid/ to 8-12 before adding a polymer flocculating liquid separation in the first process to 5-10, agent for executing solid/liquid separation. Abstract adding a chelating agent for removing heavy Problem to be solved: To provide an appara- Solution: The apparatus 1 for manufacturing JPO 2008-030007 tus and a method for manufacturing cement cement comprises a calciner 26 to calcine H.6. METHOD FOR REMOVING ZINC FROM CEMENT FIRING KILN where the generation of an organic chlorine cement raw materials, a rotary kiln 3 to make Abstract compound in a cement manufacturing pro- clinker by firing calcined cement raw materi- JPO 2010-235371 cess can be basically suppressed and where als in the calciner 26 and an oxygen enriched Problem to be solved: To provide a method for bustible substance in a region in the cement the exhaust of the organic chlorine compound air feeding means to feed oxygen enriched air efficiently reducing the content of zinc in cement kiln where the raw material temperature is from the cement manufacturing process can whose oxygen concentration is adjusted to be without influencing the quality of the cement. 1,100 to 1,300°C, and extracting a part or the be certainly suppressed. 50 vol% or more to the calciner 26 and/or the whole of a combustion gas in the cement kiln end portion of the rotary kiln 3. Solution: The method for removing zinc from and collecting dusts contained in the com- a cement firing kiln comprises charging a com bustion gas to recover zinc.

78 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 79 Annexure 1 − Kilns


Problem to be solved: To provide a fuel usa- substance of the waste plastics removed with Problem to be solved: To reduce the amount from a kiln inlet of a cement kiln 2 to a low-

ble at a large amount from a flammable sub- the chlorine, and the flammable article con- JPO 2008-106127 of emergence of a chlorine bypass dust in est step cyclone, separating a coarse powder

stance (in the following, waste plastics) taining a large amount of the removed foreign order to raise chlorine removal efficiency in D1 from an extraction gas G1, and collecting JPO 2012-041223 making the waste plastic a main body for cal- matter is fed to an oven tail of a cement kiln chlorine bypass equipment, and to stabilize a fine powder from an extraction gas G2 con- cination of a cement clinker, and to manufac- to manufacture the cement clinker. The solid the contents of chlorine and calcium of a chlo- taining a fine powder D2, the concentration of ture a cement clinker. fuel suitable in a kiln main burner, its auxil- rine bypass dust in order to prevent destabi- dust (D1+D2) accompanied to the extraction iary burner or a temporary burning furnace lization, etc., of a cement quality when the gas G1 or the classification point of a cyclone Solution: The waste plastics is melted at 300- is manufactured from the remaining melted chlorine bypass dust is added to cement. (classifier) 4 for isolating the coarse powder 400°C, and chlorine is removed in the pro- article, and it is utilized for calcination of the D1 from the extraction gas G1 is adjusted, in cess. Next, a large foreign matter with difficult cement clinker. Solution: In a treating method for a cement order to restrict the chlorine concentration air transportation is removed from the melted kiln extraction gas, when cooling and simul- of the fine powder D2 to 10 mass% or higher taneously extracting a part G of a combustion and the CaO concentration of the fine powder gas from a kiln exhaust gas channel continued D2 to 35 mass% or lower. H.8. METHOD FOR PRODUCING CEMENT AND PRODUCTION APPARATUS Abstract H.11. APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR TREATING CEMENT KILN DUST Abstract Problem to be solved: To efficiently separate the kiln 5 to the lowest stage cyclone 7, dust heavy metals from a cement production pro- contained in the combustion gas is collected, Problem to be solved: To efficiently recover combustion gas exhausted from the cement

cess without affecting the quality of cement, and then heavy metals are separated from the JPO 2010-120799 minor components such as lead from dust kiln 2, and only the fine powder is made the securing the safety of a cement production collected dust. When the amount of a fixed included in cement kiln combustion gas at object to be treated by the flotator 16, so that

apparatus and without increasing an envi- carbon in the substance C which is thrown in low cost. the amount of the object itself to be treated PO 2013-151414 ronmental load. from the section per unit time is set to be α in decreases. Thus the amount of calcium con- throwing the substance C in and the amount Solution: An apparatus 1 for treating cement tent in the object to be removed decreases; Solution: A substance C containing fixed car- of heavy metals carried into the kiln 5 per unit kiln dust is equipped with: a classifier 8 and the additive amount of chemicals such as bon is supplied from a section from a kiln time is set to be β, α/β is preferably made to classifying dust included in combustion gas sulfuric acid for removing the calcium content middle of a cement kiln 5 to the lowest stage be between 10 and 40. It is more preferable exhausted from a cement kiln 2; a flotator 16 can be greatly reduced, whereby the treat- cyclone of a preheater attached to the kiln 5, that the chlorine concentration of the collected recovering an object to be recovered by flota- ment cost can be suppressed low. The dust a part of a combustion gas is extracted from a dust is controlled to 5-40 mass% and the CaO tion method from fine powder classified by may be one from chlorine bypass equipment kiln exhaust gas channel from the inlet 5a of concentration is controlled to 5-50 mass%. the classifier 8. Lead or the like exists dom- or alkali bypass equipment. As the classifier inantly in the fine powder side classified by 8, a centrifugal type ultra-fine powder air clas- the classifier 8 among the dust included in sifier can be used. H.9. METHOD FOR PRODUCING CEMENT Abstract H.12. FUEL FOR CEMENT KILN BURNER, AND METHOD FOR PREPARING THE SAME Abstract Problem to be solved: To provide a method for while feeding the cement raw material to a producing cement, with which the quantity of kiln outlet 4 side, the quantity of SO3 15 con- Problem to be solved: To provide a method high-viscosity waste oil with the combustion

SO3 in cement clinker is kept in a prescribed tained in the cement clinker is controlled to JPO 2011-063451 for preparing fuel for cement kiln burners, in ash can be adjusted to 10 mm or smaller. The range even when a sulfur content in fuel used within a range of 1-3 wt.% by charging gyp- which high-viscosity waste oil can be utilized combustion ash with the gross calorific value JPO 2014-062205 for the main burner of a cement kiln is varied. sum in the quantity of compensating at least in the kiln burner without adjusting the vis- smaller than 3,000 kcal/kg can be used and the variation of the sulfur content 14 at least cosity thereof or without using a new burner 0-65 pts.wt. of the combustion ash with the Solution: In the method for producing the in the fuel of the main burner or the varia- and combustion ash that has a low calorific same gross calorific value can be mixed in 100 cement where cement clinker is produced tion of the quantity of SO3 15 contained in value can also be utilized. pts.wt. of the fuel for cement kiln burners. The by firing a cement raw material charged from the produced cement clinker into the high high-viscosity waste oil of 25-80 pts.wt. can the kiln inlet 2 into the inside of the cement temperature atmosphere of ≥ 1,400°C in the Solution: The fuel for cement kiln burn- be mixed in 100 pts.wt. of the fuel for cement kiln 1 the inside of which is held under a cement kiln 1 from the kiln outlet 4 side of ers is prepared by mixing the high-viscosity kiln burners. The fuel for cement kiln burners high temperature atmosphere by flame from the cement kiln. waste oil with the combustion ash. The can be obtained, with a gross calorific value a main burner 5 provided to the kiln outlet 4, maximum particle size of a mixture of the equal to or larger than 3,000 kcal/kg.

80 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 81 Annexure 1 − Alternate fuels

H.13. METHOD FOR TREATING CEMENT KILN EXHAUST GAS I) Alternate fuels Abstract I.1. SOLID FUEL PRODUCT Abstract Fair; Jeff; et al.

Problem to be solved: To provide a method cement kiln exhaust gas of 750-850°C, so that JPO 2015-067498 November 24, 2016 for treating cement kiln exhaust gas, in which the dioxins contained in the cement raw mate- A solid fuel product can include a cement, cementkiln dust, lime kiln dioxins contained in the cement kiln exhaust rial can be decomposed. The dust contained carbon-based solid fuel, a cemen- dust, and/or fly ash. The plastic United States Patent gas are removed while keeping down heatloss. in the exhaust gas of the preheater is col- titious material, and a plastic mate- material can include a thermo- Application lected and the collected dust is utilized as the rial. The carbon-based solid fuel plastic material and/or a thermo- 20160340600 Solution: A cement raw material is preheated cement raw material without being returned can include coal, petroleum coke, set material. The solid fuel prod- Kind Code to 340-430°C in a preheater arranged inciden- to a high-temperature part of a kiln tail or the wood and/or other carbon prod- uct can include about 45% by A1 tally to a cement kiln. The preheated cement like of the cement kiln, so that an increase of ucts. The cementitious material weight to about 98% by weight of raw material is brought into contact with the heat loss can be avoided. can include Portland cement, lime, the carbon-based solid fuel and calcium aluminate cement, natu- about 1% by weight to about 50% ral cement, slag cement, blended by weight of the plastic material. H.14. PRODUCTION METHOD OF CEMENT CLINKER AND TREATMENT METHOD OF CARBON FIBER-CONTAINING MEMBER I.2. INTEGRATED DIRECT COAL LIQUEFACTION PROCESS AND SYSTEM Abstract Abstract Bauman; Richard F. November 24, 2016 Problem to be solved: To provide a produc- step of pulverizing the carbon fiber-containing An integrated direct coal liquefac- with preheated hydrogen to the tion method of a cement clinker using a carbon member in such a manner that the pulverized tion and upgrading process and input of the upgrading reactors. United States Patent Application

fiber-containing member as fuel, the method member with an average particle diameter of 2 JPO 2016-216278 system in which feed coal is mixed The output of the upgrading reac- enabling emission of dust to the atmosphere to mm or less and a particle diameter of 1 mm or with a coal liquefaction nominal tors is cooled in hot and cold sep- 20160340591 be suppressed and quality of mortar generated less is 50 mass% or less, the pulverized mem- F.+ ( C.+) arators to recover hydrogen con- Kind Code from produced cement clinker to be improved. ber with a particle diameter of over 1 mm and 2 fraction from atmospheric frac- taining gaseous components and A1 mm or less is 30 mass% to 70 mass%, and the tionator, vacuum fractionator bot- the liquid fraction is separated in Solution: The production method of a cement pulverized member with a particle diameter of toms, and recycled catalyst con- the upgrader atmospheric frac- clinker is provided in which a carbon fib- over 2 mm and 3 mm or less is 50 mass% or taining vacuum gas oil (VGO) from tionator into product and a cata- er-containing member is combusted as fuel less to obtain a carbon fiber-containing pow- and upgrader and pumped to the lyst containing unconverted VGO of a burner of a rotary kiln and a powder raw der; and a combustion step of combusting input of the liquefaction reactor stream, a portion of which forms material is fired. The production method of the carbon fiber-containing powder inside the where it is mixed with preheated the recycled VGO to the liquefac- a cement clinker comprises: a pulverization rotary kiln and at 1,200°C or more. hydrogen. Part of the VGO fraction tion slurry mix tank. A portion of from the liquefaction vacuum frac- the catalyst containing vacuum tionator is mixed with make-up fractionator bottoms are sent as catalyst and catalyst containing fuel to a cement plant in which the VGO fraction from the upgrader catalyst is gasified and recovered. atmospheric fractionator and fed

I.3. METHOD FOR PRODUCING A POZZOLANIC OR LATENT-HYDRAULIC CEMENT CLINKER SUBSTITUTE Abstract Rohloff; Kathrin; et al. October 20, 2016 Methods for producing pozzolanic mixture of mineral substance from or latent-hydraulic cement clinker the fuel and the calcined clay United States Patent substitutes may involve calcining forms a pozzolanic or latent-hy- Application clay with a fuel comprising a min- draulic cement clinker substitute, 20160304395 eral substance at temperatures in in which a fraction of the mineral Kind Code the range from 500 to substance incorporated into the A1 C., preferably from 550 to 1150. pozzolanic or latent-hydraulic degree. C., most preferably from cement clinker substitute by the 700 to C. A resulting fuel is 1-60% by weight.

82 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 83 Annexure 1 − Alternate fuels

I.4. POWER PRODUCING GAS SEPARATION SYSTEM AND METHOD I.7. METHOD FOR OPERATING CEMENT PLANT Abstract Ghezel-Ayagh; Hossein Abstract Komatsu; Takuya; et al. August 25, 2016 July 28, 2016 A power producing system section and a cathode section, There is provided a method for a first oxygen concentration at adapted to be integrated with a wherein inlet oxidant gas to the United States Patent operating a cement plant capa- an exhaust gas outlet of the cal- United States Patent flue gas generating assembly, cathode section of the fuel cell Application ble of simultaneously optimizing ciner and a heat consumption Application the flue gas generating assembly contains the flue gas output from 20160248110 both combustion in a calciner rate determined by the first fuel 20160214893 including one or more of a fossil the flue gas generating assembly; Kind Code and a heat consumption rate. The and the second fuel, and relation Kind Code fueled installation, a fossil fueled and a gas separation assembly A1 method for operating a cement between a second oxygen con- A1 facility, a fossil fueled device, a receiving anode exhaust output plant includes: feeding first fuel to centration at an exhaust gas out- fossil fueled power plant, a boiler, from the anode section of the fuel a calciner; feeding second fuel for let of the preheater and the heat a combustor, a furnace and a kiln cell and including a chiller assem- maintaining the inside at a burning consumption rate are beforehand in a cement factory, and the power bly for cooling the anode exhaust temperature to a cement kiln along obtained, and amounts of the producing system utilizing flue to a predetermined temperature with combustion primary air, and secondary air and the tertiary air gas containing carbon dioxide and so as to liquefy carbon dioxide in introducing air for cooling cement are adjusted such that both the oxygen output by the flue gas gen- the anode exhaust, wherein waste clinker to a cooler; and feeding a first oxygen concentration and the erating assembly and comprising: heat produced by the fuel cell is uti- part of the air as secondary air to second oxygen concentration fall a fuel cell comprising an anode lized to drive the chiller assembly. the cement kiln, feeding as tertiary within a range including values air to the calciner, and discharg- of the oxygen concentrations at I.5. CEMENT KILN FUEL TREATMENT ing the rest of the air from the which the heat consumption rate cooler, wherein relation between becomes at its minimum. Abstract D’Amico; Peter; et al. August 4, 2016 A method of treating cement kiln The sulfur generated by the com- I.8. ALTERNATIVE FUELS ANALYZER fuel includes introducing an addi- bustion of the combustible fuel United States Patent Abstract Charette; Colin; et al. tive to a fuel component to form forms calcium-containing sulfur Application March 24, 2016 a fuel mixture. The fuel compo- compounds with lime provided by 20160221872 A process for preparing alterna- This new analyzer, combined nent includes a sulfur-generating the micronized lime component. Kind Code tive fuels so that it is acceptable with an associated method of United States Patent Application combustible fuel and the addi- The calcium-containing sulfur A1 for use in cement plants and processing the alternative fuels tive includes a micronized lime compounds fall to a bed of clinker other manufacturing processes allows users to blend the fuel to 20160084776 component. The method further forming beneath the flame and is detailed. This includes a mate- ensure that it is acceptable for Kind Code includes combusting the fuel some portion thereof may become rial analyzer that can detect trace plant operations. A1 component within a cement kiln. resident in the clinker. contaminants in alternative fuels.

I.6. PLANT FOR PRODUCING CEMEMT CLINKER WITH GASIFICATION REACTOR FOR DIFFICULT FUELS I.9. BIOMASS-DERIVED GRINDING AIDS Abstract Schuermann; Heiko; et al. Abstract Jardine; Leslie A.; et al. February 18, 2016 March 10, 2016 A plant for producing cement and is positioned upstream of the Compositions and methods for optionally with a conventional clinker, comprising as viewed in calciner on the flow path of the United States Patent increasing grinding efficiency grinding aid, cement quality United States Patent the direction of materials flow, exhaust gases from the rotary kiln Application of cement, cement clinker, raw improver, and/or hexavalent chro- Application a heat exchanger to preheat raw to the calciner, and has a gas outlet 20160046525 materials for cement, and other mium reducer, are believed to 20160068437 meal, a downstream calciner to that opens out above a tertiary-air Kind Code inorganic particles. Use of bio- provide less risk of sludging when Kind Code calcine the raw meal, a rotary kiln line of the clinker cooler into the A1 mass-derived polyols such as compared to glycerides obtained A1 to sinter the calcined raw meal, calciner. As a result, it becomes diols, triols, or mixtures thereof, from fossil fuel sources. and a clinker cooler to cool the sin- possible to burn fuel which is tered cement clinker. A combustion lumpy and/or has poor ignitabil- device which carbonizes, pyrolysis ity, and the gases from incom- or burns difficult fuels, is embod- plete combustion in the reactor ied as a pot reactor or gooseneck are available in the calciner in gas- reactor in an inverted U-shape, eous form for further combustion.

84 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 85 Annexure 1 − Alternate fuels

I.10. FLUIDIZED CALCINER I.13. USE OF ORGANIC FIBRE CEMENT AS A RAW MATERIAL IN THE PRODUCTION OF CEMENT CLINKER Takayama; Yoshinori; Abstract Schoon; Joris; et al. Abstract et al. December 18, 2014 Fibre cement material, which con- cyclone tower wherein the raw October 29, 2015 A fluidized calciner is provided furnace body (2), a raw material tains organic fibres, is used as clinker meal is calcined. In order United States Patent which allows a reduction in the chute (4) through which a cement United States Patent an additional raw material for the to be able to add larger amounts Application rate of unburned fuel at an outlet of raw material is loaded into the Application production of cement clinker. The of the fibre cement material, 20140366779 a fluidized calciner to enable suffi- furnace body (2), at least one 20150307396 cement clinker is produced in a without causing a too high total Kind Code cient calcination while preventing air introduction pipe (5) through Kind Code system which comprises a cyclone organic carbon content of the A1 possible occlusion in a preheater, which introduced air is sucked, A1 tower (11) and a rotating drum kiln exhaust gasses and/or without even when pulverized coal of the pulverized coal blowing line (15). The cyclone tower (11) com- causing depositions of organic coal or coke, which has low com- (3), the raw material chute (4), and prises cyclones (1-5) and a pre-cal- matter onto the inner walls of the bustion quality, is used as fuel, the air introduction pipe (5) being ciner unit (10) wherein fuel is com- cyclone tower (11), the organic based on calculations in accord- connected to a side portion of the busted to feed the cyclone tower fibre cement material is added in ance with computational fluid furnace body (2), and a fluidizing with heat. The raw clinker meal is a dry powdered form in said hot dynamics based on the shape of air blowing port (6) disposed at a passed through the cyclone tower zone, in particular in the pre-cal- an actual furnace and operational bottom portion of the furnace body to preheat it. By the combustion ciner unit (10) to be heated in less conditions. The present inven- (2) and through which fluidizing air of the fuel in the pre-calciner unit than 5 seconds to a temperature tion provides a fluidized calciner is blown into the furnace body (2), (10) a hot zone is produced in the of at least C. including a tubular furnace body in which a blowing port of the pul- (2) in which an axial direction is verized coal blowing line (3) is dis- I.14. ALKALINE EARTH OXIDES FOR GREEN PROCESSES FOR METALS AND OTHER MATERIAL an up-down direction, a pulver- posed below a suction port of the Neelameggham; ized coal blowing line (3) through air introduction pipe (5) and above Abstract Ramaswami; et al. which fuel is blown into the the fluidizing air blowing port (6). October 16, 2014 The present invention teaches carbon dioxide emission, for the the method to use the sulfate or production of magnesium, other United States Patent I.11. CEMENTITIOUS BINDERS, ACTIVATORS AND METHODS FOR MAKING CONCRETE sulfites-based raw materials, such alkaline earth metals and other Application Ball; David Martin Abstract as magnesium, calcium and other material which requires alkaline 20140305346 James; et al. alkative earth sulfates or sulfites earth oxide, such as in the produc- Kind Code April 23, 2015 A cementitious binder com- any Portland cement and is, to produce the respective oxides tion of carbon-free Portland cement A1 prises at least 90% by weight of a therefore, more environmentally United States Patent in a carbon five basis, by using requiring lime. The invention also hydraulically-active material com- friendly. The binder further com- Application sulfur as the fuel and the reduct- provides a useful outlet for waste prising ground granulated blast prises a superplasticiser such as 20150107491 ant. The invention also utilizes streams leading to sustainable pro- furnace slag (GGBS) and/or pul- a polycarboxylate ether (PCE). A Kind Code renewable energy such as solar cesses. The cost of the production verised fuel ash (PFA), and at least concrete, mortar, grout, screed or A1 thermal or green electricity wher- of these precursors are kept low 0.1% by weight of CaO in an acti- render may be formed from a mix- ever possible. This approach pro- by concurrently producing a sale- vator composition for the hydrau- ture of the cementitious binder, vides a green process, of ultra-low able by-product, sulphuric acid. lically-active material. The cemen- aggregate particles, water and titious binder does not comprise superplasticiser.

I.12. LIGNOCELLULOSIC BIOMASS FERMENTATION PROCESS CO-PRODUCT FUEL FOR CEMENT KILN Abstract Deruyter; John C.; et al. April 16, 2015 A fuel made from co-products co-products are mixed and dried, derived from a lignocellulosic then burned in a cement kiln to United States Patent biomass fermentation process is create the temperatures needed Application used to fuel a cement production for cement production. 20150101511 process. Filter cake and syrup Kind Code A1

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I.15. TRANSFORMING ENERGY AND TRANSPORTATION INTO PRIMARY ENGINES FOR REVERSING I.16. METHOD FOR PRODUCING CEMENT CLINKER IN A PLANT, AND PLANT FOR PRODUCING CEMENT GLOBAL WARMING AND ELIMINATING OCEAN ACIDIFICATION CLINKER AS SUCH Abstract Fry; Robert C.; et al. Abstract Devroe; Sebastien August 7, 2014 May 31, 2012 The invention encompasses penetration for multiple blooms A method for producing cement furnace being directed to the multi-stage naturally amplified per year, and proximal post-bloom United States Patent clinker in a plant that includes: a first cyclone preheater; and a United States Patent global-scale carbon dioxide cap- anoxia. A total invention CO.sub.2 Application first cyclone preheater and a sec- clinker cooler that blows cooling Application ture systems combining basic capture and safe storage capacity 20140217017 ond cyclone preheater for pre- air across the clinker at the out- 20120132112 capture from (CC--carbon capture) of 17 GtC/yr (land and sea) is pro- Kind Code heating first and second portions let of the rotary furnace. Accord- Kind Code clean-coal-fired and CC gas-fired jected during fair-weather, and A1 of a raw material, respectively; ing to the method, the precalci- A1 power plants, natural-gas refor- a 40% foul weather down-time a precalcinator using a combus- nator combustion gas contains mation systems, cement plants, allowance ensures that an aver- tion gas for burning a fuel, the between 90 and 100 vol % of oxy- outdoor air, home and building age 10 GtC/yr of impact capture fumes released by the precalcina- gen. The precalcinator may con- flues, incinerators, crematoriums, would result. If emissions are tor being directed to the second sist of a fluidized bed, the fluidi- blast-furnaces, kilns, refineries, concurrently capped at 12 GtC/yr cyclone preheater; a rotary fur- zation gas being the combustion factories, oil gasification systems by 2023, with invention-assisted nace provided with a fuel burner, gas. The invention also relates to and coal gasification systems reduction to 6 GtC/yr by 2050, the fumes released by the rotary a plant as such. which yield concentrated carbon 3 GtC/yr by 2062, and 1 GtC/yr by dioxide, with a collective, globally 2078, atmospheric CO.sub.2 will I.17. ENERGY PRODUCTION FROM ALGAE IN PHOTO BIOREACTORS ENRICHED WITH CARBON DIOXIDE distributed capture capacity of up be reduced to 280 ppm by 2075. HalachmiKatchanov; to 3 GtC/yr, feeding the captured A spin-off technology includes Abstract Eliezer carbon dioxide into land-based hydrogen (H.sub.2) production by September 16, 2010 invention stage-1 bioreactors for natural-gas reformation--enough A cyclic system composed of by the system and other waste rapid, selective, high capacity con- H.sub.2 to fuel a significant frac- several integrated cyclic pro- products are sequestrated and United States Patent version to a high-density, fast-sink- tion of transportation by 2050. cesses and a method for pro- recycled for additional cycles of Application ing marine algae by means of Spin-off side benefits of the duction of cement and or quick- system operation. No CO.sub.2 is 20100233787 accelerated photosynthesis and/ invention system include restor- lime, ammonia, desalinated released to the atmosphere. The Kind Code or coccolithogenesis (calcification) ing ideal ocean pH and re-prolif- water and an excess of algae system produces a huge excess A1 consuming carbon dioxide as the erating decimated marine popu- cells. The system comprises of: of algae cells that accumulates algae bloom, and transporting the lations, restoring them to levels at least cement/quicklime pro- in arithmetic or geometrical pro- stage-1 bioreactor-produced algae last seen in the to mid- duction plant, at least ammonia gression. The excess of algae to seaports for seeding the oceans centuries. Additional production plant, at least one cells can fuel additional energy at regular intervals in stage-2 oper- spin-off applications of inven- water desalination unit, at least consuming plants attached to the ations-at-sea to produce naturally tion bioreactor algal production one photo bioreactor. The energy system or can be used for other amplified 14 GtC/yr algal blooms include silage, animal feed, feed source of the system is sunlight various purposes such as food at sea, the stage-2 operations cir- supplements, fertilizer, biofuels, energy. The CO.sub.2 produced and food additives. cumventing classic prior-art (and food for fish and mollusk farming, natural) ocean fertilization limits cleansing lakes and rivers of bac- I.18. PRODUCTION OF CEMENTITIOUS ASH PRODUCTS WITH REDUCED CARBON EMISSIONS of low bloom rate, grazers eating teria and agricultural run-off, and Abstract Comrie; Douglas C. algae seed before it blooms, inter- elimination of coastal water HAB’s August 9, 2007 fering buoyant strains which don’t (harmful algae blooms), such as The use of the cementitious ash cement and the burning of fos- clear the photic zone to allow light the notorious “red tide” in Florida. in building products as total or sil fuels to provide the energy United States Patent partial replacement for Portland needed to make Portland cement, Application cement results in reduced car- use of the sorbent components 20070184394 bon dioxide emissions that would tends to increase the efficiency of Kind Code otherwise result from the man- energy production from burning of A1 ufacture of Portland cement. In coal, further reducing greenhouse addition to avoided carbon diox- emissions from the burning of fos- ide emissions from calcining sil fuel to produce energy. of limestone to make Portland

88 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 89 Annexure 1 − Alternate fuels

I.19. METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING A CEMENT CLINKER, & CEMENT CLINKER MANUFACTURING FACILITY I.21. METHOD AND PLANT FOR THE SIMULTANEOUS PRODUCTION OF ELECTRICITY AND CEMENT CLINKER Devroe; Sebastien; Abstract Hansen; Jens Peter Abstract et al. July 22, 2010 Described is a method as well as a combustion air supplied to the cal- March 17, 2011 A method for manufacturing a is directed to the rotary furnace to plant for the simultaneous produc- ciner (4) does not contain alkali or United States cement clinker includes a rotary fur- be used as combustion air. A sec- United States tion of electricity and cement clinker chloride, and in that the temper- Patent Application nace, a cyclone preheater receiving ond portion of the hot air generated, Patent Application by which method cement raw meal ature of the exhaust gases used 20100180803 the fumes from said rotary furnace, or so-called tertiary air, is directed 20110061569 is calcined in a calciner (4) subject to generate electricity is at least Kind Code an air blowing clinker cooler, and at and carried separately from the Kind Code to simultaneous supply of fuel and C. Coating formations A1 least one heat exchanger, referred first portion to a place in the facility A1 combustion air and subsequently formed on the boiler tubes due to to as a first heat exchanger. The where fuel is burned. A third portion burned into cement clinker in a kiln the condensation of alkali and chlo- raw materials are preheated and of hot air generated in said clinker (5), and where some of the heat ride vapours can be avoided, while, decarbonated in said cyclone pre- cooler, or so-called excess air, is contained in the exhaust gases at the same time, the efficiency heater. The clinker is cooled in said carried into at least said first heat from the calciner (4) is utilized to with which thermal energy can be clinker cooler. A first portion of the exchanger for the purpose of recov- generate electricity by means of converted into electrical energy can hot air generated by said clinker ering power to produce electricity. a boiler section (18). The method be increased. cooler, or so-called secondary air, and plant are peculiar in that the

I.22. METHOD FOR REMOVING LEAD FROM CEMENT BURNING FURNACE I.20. DEVICE AND METHOD FOR OXIDIZING, REDUCING, CALCINING, SINTERING, OR MELTING DUSTS Terasaki; Junichi; Abstract Abstract Edlinger; Alfred et al. November 6, 2008 December 10, 2009 In a device for oxidizing, reducing, gas are injected into the combus- A method to efficiently reduce lead atmosphere to sharply increase vola- calcining, sintering or melting dusts tion chamber coaxially with the dis- United States content of cement without exerting tilization rate of lead, and collection of United States such as, e.g., furnace or steel dusts, charge opening of the cyclone, a Patent Application influence upon quality of the cement. lead from the dust allows lead content Patent Application marl and lime dust mixtures, shred- lance is arranged in the interior of 20080271599 The method comprises the steps of: of cement to efficiently be reduced 20090304565 der light fractions, mineral dusts the dosing cyclone, coaxially with Kind Code controlling O2 concentration of com- without exerting influence upon qual- Kind Code such as, e.g., glass dusts, cement kiln the discharge opening of the dos- A1 bustion gas in an inlet end of a cement ity of the cement. Together with the A1 bypass dusts, dry sewage sludge, ing cyclone, for the introduction of kiln to 5% or lower and/or CO concen- control described above, where the paper slurries or oil-containing grind- liquid substances, substances dis- tration thereof 1000 ppm or more; inner diameter of the cement kiln ing dust suspensions, using a dos- solved in liquids or suspended in extracting a part of combustion gas is D and the distance from the inlet ing cyclone into which the dusts are gases, or gaseous oxidizable sub- from the cement kiln and collecting end of the cement kiln longitudinally charged and to which a tangential stances and, in particular, fuels. dust contained in the combustion gas; into the kiln is L, supplying fuel and/ connector for feeding carrier gases is According to the proposed method, and collecting lead from the dust col- or raw material including inflamma- connected, and a combustion cham- the dosing cyclone is operated at lected. With this, the area where raw ble material to the area where L/D of ber following the dosing cyclone a pressure reduced relative to the material temperature in the cement the cement kiln is 0 or more and 12 or in the axial direction, wherein fuel pressure prevailing in the fuel lance. kiln is between and 1100. lower securely maintains the reducing and optionally additional carrier degree. can be turned into reducing atmosphere of the area.

90 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 91 Annexure 1 − Alternate fuels

I.23. SYSTEM AND METHOD OF OPTIMIZING RAW MATERIAL AND FUEL RATES FOR CEMENT KILN Abstract Hammerling; Dorit March 22, 2007 A system and method of determining expected clinker composition are clinker composition and optimizing calculated based on the raw mate- United States raw material and fuel feed rates for rial data, the fuel data, the clinker Patent Application a cement kiln plant is provided. Raw kiln dust data, and the emission 20070064762 material data, fuel data, clinker kiln data. At least one of the raw mate- Kind Code dust data, and emissions data are rial feed rate, the fuel feed rate, and A1 received. At least one of a raw mate- the expected clinker composition rial feed rate, a fuel feed rate, and an are outputted.

I.24. PROCESS TO PRODUCE PORTALND CEMENT CLINKER AND OBTAINED CLINKER Ramirez Tobias; Abstract Homero; et al. April 24, 2008 A process for producing Portland fuel. The invention also describes a cement clinker at low tempera- Portland cement clinker that includes United States tures fixing the sulfur produced by new additional phases. Patent Application burning high sulfur content coke 20080092781 Kind Code A1

I.25. SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MAKING CEMENT AND CEMENT DERIVED THEREFROM Kunik; Burton J.; Abstract et al. April 25, 2013 Integrated cement production sys- of used and/or unused healthcare tems and methods implementing materials. The burnable fuel supply United States the systems are disclosed, where subsystem can feed the materials Patent Application the integrated cement production directly into the kiln subsystem, can 20130097920 systems include a burnable fuel convert the materials into different Kind Code supply subsystem, a cement raw form and feed the different form to A1 material supply subsystem, a kiln the kiln subsystem or feed a com- subsystem and a cement clinker bination of the materials, different composition storage subsystem. The forms and optionally conventional burnable fuel supply subsystem is fuels to the kiln subsystem. adapted to receive one or a plurality

92 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 93 Annexure 2

Annexure 2. Data for the Figures Shown in the Report Table 4: Total number Table 1: Total number of of patent applications patent applications filed Table 2: Patent applications filed and published in India keywords and filed in EPO and pub- Table 5: Patent applications filed in EPO and published by EPO keywords and published in India year wise (1) lished by EPO and year wise (1)

Polymers, Manufac- Polymers, Manufac- Number of Nanotech- Reinforce- Number of Nanotech- Reinforce- Year Year plastic & Additives ture & pro- Clinker Year Year plastic & Additives ture & pro- Clinker applications nology ment applications nology ment resin duction resin duction 2016 60 2016 13 2 10 3 22 9 2016 54 2016 11 0 5 0 33 3 2015 72 2015 11 0 6 4 29 9 2015 71 2015 4 3 8 0 23 4 2014 122 2014 12 2 21 11 62 13 2014 72 2014 8 1 4 2 15 3 2013 111 2013 12 1 18 14 45 9 2013 71 2013 12 0 6 0 21 7 2012 101 2012 20 0 7 9 50 13 2012 99 2012 24 3 10 5 26 5 2011 80 2011 18 1 10 7 29 16 2011 62 2011 19 0 4 6 27 8 2010 96 2010 14 3 15 11 32 23 2010 87 2010 18 1 8 3 21 3 2009 68 2009 13 0 5 5 29 12 2009 71 2009 17 0 7 4 13 5 2008 91 2008 22 0 24 13 31 11 2008 73 2008 15 0 4 4 13 4 2007 67 2007 20 0 11 7 16 7 2007 63 2007 18 0 5 6 8 2 Total 868 Total 155 9 127 84 345 122 Total 723 Total 146 8 61 30 200 44

Table 3: Patent applications filed and published in India keywords and year wise (2) Table 6: Patent applications filed in EPO and published by EPO keywords and year wise (2)

Environ- Apparatus, Environ- Apparatus, Year ment, pollu- Fibre/Fiber Composition Testing equipment Admixture Kiln Year ment, pollu- Fibre/Fiber Composition Testing equipment Admixture Kiln tion & green & device tion & green & device 2016 2 4 25 1 11 1 8 2016 2 9 14 0 15 1 6 2015 7 3 22 2 9 3 7 2015 6 7 18 1 11 1 3 2014 9 5 41 11 15 4 9 2014 2 6 20 3 11 2 5 2013 10 10 37 6 14 6 7 2013 2 5 18 0 8 3 4 2012 15 9 22 3 23 1 5 2012 2 10 24 0 17 7 3 2011 6 4 24 1 10 3 6 2011 2 0 20 1 8 4 3 2010 3 11 33 2 8 1 12 2010 2 6 23 0 16 4 0 2009 2 6 22 1 9 1 7 2009 3 3 22 0 14 3 4 2008 4 6 28 2 19 4 18 2008 2 3 19 0 16 1 2 2007 2 8 21 6 14 0 3 2007 1 3 16 0 14 5 4 Total 60 66 275 35 132 24 82 Total 24 52 194 5 130 31 34

94 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 95 Annexure 2

Table 7: Total number of Table 10: Total number applications filed and Table 8: Patent applications filed and published in China keywords and of applications filed Table 11: Patent applications filed and published in Japan keywords and published in China year wise (1) and published in Japan year wise (1)

Polymers, Manufac- Polymers, Manufac- Number of Nanotech- Reinforce- Number of Nanotech- Reinforce- Year Year plastic & Additives ture & pro- Clinker Year Year plastic & Additives ture & pro- Clinker applications nology ment applications nology ment resin duction resin duction 2016* 9027 2016* 1350 299 1045 828 2060 324 2016 530 2016 88 1 113 46 92 57 2015 7029 2015 1090 211 903 639 1864 372 2015 522 2015 64 1 101 41 88 37 2014 5594 2014 980 140 738 476 1567 264 2014 553 2014 93 2 96 26 86 37 2013 4377 2013 667 85 529 424 1221 243 2013 598 2013 101 0 114 55 119 60 2012 3654 2012 539 64 543 388 1159 210 2012 605 2012 111 0 116 60 108 47 2011 2289 2011 375 26 302 234 735 137 2011 653 2011 120 0 124 48 109 47 2010 2146 2010 344 26 251 268 732 138 2010 665 2010 138 1 137 51 102 37 2009 1847 2009 310 27 254 266 542 118 2009 694 2009 166 0 155 71 144 42 2008 1821 2008 294 18 193 379 539 89 2008 827 2008 167 1 172 49 168 43 2007 982 2007 164 6 103 114 242 64 2007 904 2007 208 5 168 81 165 45 Total 38766 Total 6113 902 4861 4016 10661 1959 Total 6551 Total 1256 11 1296 528 1181 452 *data up to November 2016 *data up to November 2016

Table 9: Patent applications filed and published in China keywords and year wise (2) Table 12: Patents applications filed and published in Japan keywords and year wise (2)

Environ- Apparatus, Environ- Apparatus, Year ment, pollu- Fibre/Fiber Composition Testing equipment Admixture Kiln Year ment, pollu- Fibre/Fiber Composition Testing equipment Admixture Kiln tion & green & device tion & green & device 2016* 1599 1533 1091 352 2010 266 301 2016 21 38 206 9 84 48 26 2015 1465 1246 913 299 1119 247 307 2015 18 34 183 10 91 53 30 2014 1250 897 720 224 783 215 229 2014 21 47 204 9 107 64 30 2013 938 664 630 163 689 180 167 2013 20 40 229 16 118 40 38 2012 750 524 513 136 626 150 188 2012 9 52 256 8 80 65 25 2011 448 285 347 74 377 95 98 2011 7 51 251 7 153 44 47 2010 441 271 293 92 368 99 109 2010 4 36 260 14 131 59 47 2009 360 232 314 70 299 98 108 2009 11 63 306 8 132 65 51 2008 350 170 284 48 291 76 65 2008 12 70 370 9 169 70 61 2007 120 142 170 16 136 34 38 2007 18 81 432 17 167 78 35 Total 7721 5964 5275 1474 6698 1460 1610 Total 141 512 2697 107 1232 586 390 *data up to November 2016

96 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 97 Annexure 2

Table 13: Total number of applications filed and Table 14: Patent applications filed and published in the USA keywords Table 16: Number of Table 17: Leading countries where PCT applications originated in the five- published in the USA and year wise (1) PCT applications filed year period

Polymers, Manufac- Number of Nanotech- Reinforce- Number of Year Year plastic & Additives ture & pro- Clinker Year Country 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Total applications nology ment applications resin duction 2016 334 2016 50 3 27 4 28 13 2016 408 USA 183 169 149 142 95 738 2015 341 2015 52 1 19 2 35 12 2015 389 EPO 73 80 64 76 88 381 2014 351 2014 33 6 26 9 51 18 2014 364 Japan 39 43 55 71 43 251 2013 325 2013 45 2 15 5 30 18 2013 392 China 44 32 24 45 26 171 2012 355 2012 57 8 22 14 47 20 2012 330 South Korea 23 27 18 19 13 100 2011 325 2011 55 2 18 12 43 19 2011 320 England 6 12 7 10 27 62 2010 367 2010 54 6 16 15 53 25 2010 268 France 6 7 9 11 13 46 2009 304 2009 63 3 21 4 32 11 2009 299 Canada 6 10 6 6 6 34 2008 327 2008 50 1 16 10 54 16 2008 277 Germany 2 2 1 3 0 8 2007 300 2007 66 0 29 13 24 15 2007 251 Total 3329 Total 525 32 209 88 397 167 Total 3298

Table 15: Patent applications filed and published in the USA keywords and year wise (2) Table 18: Patent applications filed and published in 5 jurisdictions

Environ- Apparatus, Year ment, pollu- Fibre/Fiber Composition Testing equipment Admixture Kiln Year India Europe China Japan USA Total tion & green & device 2016 4 28 89 4 58 5 15 2016 60 54 9027 530 334 9945 2015 4 25 88 4 57 6 10 2015 72 71 7029 522 341 7963 2014 9 18 102 8 75 5 17 2014 122 72 5594 553 351 6570 2013 7 15 78 2 38 9 20 2013 111 71 4377 598 325 5371 2012 14 15 101 3 66 12 25 2012 101 99 3654 605 355 4713 2011 7 14 72 1 73 9 20 2011 80 62 2289 653 325 3329 2010 9 24 84 2 81 9 28 2010 96 87 2146 665 367 3265 2009 8 16 96 1 81 5 15 2009 68 71 1847 694 304 2916 2008 7 28 83 3 72 4 12 2008 91 73 1821 827 327 3048 2007 12 27 106 2 58 17 17 2007 67 63 982 904 300 2249 Total 81 210 899 30 659 81 179 Total 868 723 38766 6551 3329 49369

98 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 99 Annexure 2

Table 19: Patent applications filed and published in five jurisdictions keyword and year wise (1) Table 21: Cumulative number of applications keyword and country wise

Polymers, Manufacture Year Nanotechnology Additives Reinforcement Clinker Keywords India EPO China Japan USA Total plastic & resin & production

2016 1512 305 1200 881 2235 406 Polymers, plastic 155 146 6113 1256 525 and resin 8195 2015 1221 216 1037 686 2039 434 Nanotechnology 9 8 902 11 32 2014 1126 151 885 524 1781 335 962 Additives 127 61 4861 1296 209 2013 837 88 682 498 1436 337 6554 Reinforcement 84 30 4016 528 88 2012 751 75 698 476 1390 295 4746 Manufacture and 2011 587 29 458 307 943 227 345 200 10661 1181 397 production 12784 2010 568 37 427 348 940 226 Clinker 122 44 1959 452 167 2744 2009 569 30 442 350 760 188 Environment, 60 24 7721 141 81 2008 548 20 409 455 805 163 pollution & green 8027 2007 476 11 316 221 455 133 Fibre/Fiber 66 52 5964 512 210 6804 Total 8195 962 6554 4746 12784 2744 Composition 275 194 5275 2697 899 9340 Testing 35 5 1474 107 30 1651 Apparatus, equip- 132 130 6698 1232 659 ment and device 8851 Table 20: Patent applications filed and published in five jurisdictions keyword and year wise (2) Admixture 24 31 1460 586 81 2182

Apparatus, Kiln 82 34 1610 390 179 2295 Environment, Year Fibre/Fiber Composition Testing equipment Admixture Kiln pollution & green Total 1516 959 58714 10389 3557 75135 & device 2016 1628 1612 1425 366 2178 321 356 2015 1500 1315 1224 316 1287 310 357 2014 1291 973 1087 255 991 290 290 2013 977 734 992 187 867 238 236 2012 790 610 916 150 812 235 246 2011 470 354 714 84 621 155 174 2010 459 348 693 110 604 172 196 2009 384 320 760 80 535 172 185 2008 375 277 784 62 567 155 158 2007 153 261 745 41 389 134 97 Total 8027 6804 9340 1651 8851 2182 2295

100 | Patent Analysis Patent Analysis | 101 Notes

Images and illustration copytights © iSTOCK: Shuoshu. Shutterstock: B Brown; beerpoj012; GSK919; Banana Republic images; Rehan Qureshi; muratart. AETHEREAL SOLUTIONS: otherwise. TECHNICAL REPORT PATENT ANALYSIS ENHANCING PRODUCTIVITY IN THE INDIAN CEMENT SECTOR

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