UNITED A8 NATIONS -- Qenoral Awombfy Security Council $&

A/46/164 J R/21107 13 Hatoh 1990 RNQLISH ORIaINALr ONQLISH AND RUSSIAN


We have the honour to tranrmit herowith the text of a joint aomuniqu~ botwoon and the Union of Sovirt Sooialirt Ropublicr, irruod in on 12 February 1990, on the ocorrion of the virit to Thailand of H.R. Mr, Nikolai Ivanovioh Ryrhkov, Chairman of the Counail of Ministera of tho Union of Soviet Sooialirt Ropublios, on 11 and 12 February 1990,

c A/IS/BO,

90-06395 14121 (B)

9. A/45/164 S/21187 English Page 2

We should be grateful if you could arrange to have this text circulated as an official document of the General Assembly, under items 29, 32, 35, 38, 62, 82, 142 and 144 of the preliminary list, and of the Security Council.

(-1 Nitya PIBULSONGGRAM (Sianed) Aleksandr BELONOGOV Ambassador Ambassador Permanent Representative of Thailand Permanent Representative of the to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the United Nations

/ . . . 1. At thr invitation of Qenoral Chatichai Chooahavaa, Prima Mini&or of ThailaMr Nikolai Ivanovioh Rymhkov, Chairman of the Council of Hiaiatorr of tbo U88R prid ua offioial virit to Thailand from 11 to 12 lrrbrurry 1090. a, During the virit Chairman of the Council of Wiairtorr OC th@ U8IIR was grurtod an audionce with Hir Majorty Ring Rhumibol Mulyrboj.

3, Nikolai Rymhkov called on Qonoral Chatiohai ChOoobaV~r PriabO Wiairtor Of Thailend, and hold mooting8 and nmgotirtion8 that mat OID Aa 8 CriOlrbly and conrtructivo atmorphoro.

4. Participating in thr trlkm were

I II. Ar SITARTAM, Deputy Chairman of the Counoil of Winirtorr OF t& UllRr r v* L, MwcRv1C& Chairman of the Proridium, Chunbor of Comeroo urd Ilrdvrtry of the USRRr

m 1. A. ROQAClIW, Deputy Mini&or of Foreign Affair8 of thm UllRt

A, I. VALROV, Ambarrador of tha USSR to Thailaadr

La A. CRIRHOV, Chief of the Directorate of the Pacifio and Soutbllrmt Aaim Couatrior, Minirtry of Foreign Affairs af the USSR

Pong Sarmin, Deputy Prima Minirtor, Air Chief Marrhal 8iddhi 8rv@trilrr Minirtor of Foreign Affairrt m lubin Pinkayrn, Mioirter of Con#nroor

I Ptaohuab Chriyarub Wialrtor of 8010n00, Toohaology, rab Iaorgy8 A/45/164 S/21187 English Page 4

General Mana Ratanakoses, Minister of Education:

M. R. Kasemsamosorn Kasemsri, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

General Panya Singsakda, Secretary General to the Prime Minister:

ManaspRs Xuto, Ambassador of Thailand to the USSR.

5. The two sides held wide-ranging discussions on international, regional and bilateral issues of mutual interest.

6. The two Heads of Government noted that the visit of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR reflected the growing cordial relations between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Thailand. The visit not only provided an impetus to strengthening existing ties but also helped to widen the scope and areas of co-operation between the two countries.

7. The two sides took note of the importance of the visits to the USSR of the Thai Prime Ministers in March 1979 and in May 1988. They also acknowledged an increase of exchange of visits at the ministerial level in recent years which serve to strengthen further co-operation in various fields of interest to the two countries. Among them the visit to Thailand of Eduard Shevardnadse, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR in March 1987 and the visit to the Soviet Union of Air Chief Marshal , Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, in May of the same year were of special significance.

8. Nikolai Ryshkov described the current phase of perestroika in the USSR and the political and economic reforms as well as the evolving process of democratisation and slasnost. General expressed his sincere wishes for the success of the Soviet restructuring programme.

9. The Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, in noting Thailand's impressive accomplishments in the area of social and economic development, expressed his wish for continued progress and prosperity of the Government and people of Thailand.

10. The two sides expressed satisfaction at the improvement in bilateral relations in recent years and reaffirmed their desire to further expand and intensify them on the principles of equality, respect for the interests of each other, non-interference and mutual benefit.

11. The two Heads of Government welcomed the result of the first meeting of the Thai-Soviet Joint Commission on Trade held in Moscow from 12 to 13 October 1989 aiming at expanding bilateral trade and paving the way for further co-operation in trade and related fields while urging all concerned enterprises and organisations to accelerate the pace of follow-up efforts in concrete terms, The two leaders

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BEST COPY AlI MlWl64 W21187 lnqlirh Page 5 rharrd the view that the Joint Comnirrion provided a uroful forum to l nhawo l aononia ao-oporrtion in tho iaterortr of the two oountrioa to take l dvaatrgo of the opportwitior offerad by m in thr aoviot l aonomy aad the rapid divorrifiaation and toohnioal advaaoomont in the Thai l aoaomyI Way8 and moan8 to furthor faoilitrtr aontaotr between buriaerrmoa of the two aowtrier mro rlro dirou88.d.

12. The Prime Miairtor of Thailand aad the Chairmaa of the Counail of Winirtrrr of the USIR l grood to promoto furthor ao-oporatioa and oxohango in oulturrl WtiViti@8, lwrtl, and touri8m, inoludiag l xohango of approprirto aotiviti.8 b8twooa thr UIST Youth Organirationr Committoo and the Yational Youth luroau of Thallaad, The two side8 rhared the virw that ruoh l xohango would oontributo to bottrr uadrrrtrnding botwooa the p00pla8 Of thr two OOUatri08a Ix thi8 OO~Ootion, they noted with 8&Ci8f&OtfOn thr, IRutu&l iatrre8t Of Ta88 aad the Thai #@W8 Money to l 8trbli8h oo-operation in the field of information rxohanpo,

13, The tw0 8@ad8 of OOVerwat l ppraild pO8itiVOly thr rrguhr OOn8UltatiOn8 botwoon 8aaiOr Offioial8 of the Miniatria of ?Oreign Affair8 Of the two aOuntrie8 88 a rarult of the ArralbQwwat botwomn the Kingdom of Thailand l xd the Union of 6OVi.t aOOhli8t RO#ubliOr On bihtOt81 COn8UltatiOllB 8im.d in tday lP88. Therm aonrultat~oar have hrlpod promoto oontinuing dialogurn botweoa the two oouatriar. 14, During the virit, thm following doounrontr mro rignedr

m Protoool on thm Implomontation of the Agrmoment on Eoiantiflo and Toohaioal Cooporation batwooa tha Oovorwnt of the Xiaqdom of Thxilxnd and the Oovoramont of the Union of Iloviot looialirt lapubliO8 on the =8tBbli8hMnt of the Joint Thai-8ovi.t C01Imi88iO~I On 8OiOatifiO and Toohnioal Cooporrtion,

Agroomwt on Provirion of Land for U80 a8 lmbrrry Proiniror batwon the Qovoramont of the ltingdom of Thailand and the ~ovorameat of the Union of 6OVi.t aOOiali8t ROpub1iO8,

I Progremme of Cultural and Soiontifio Exohangor botwm Tho Qovrramont of tbo Kingdom of Thailand and The Oovrrnmont of the Union of loviot 8OOiali8t mOpubliO8 for 19904991,

16, The Chairman of the Cow011 of Minirtorr of the US88 and the Prim0 bhi8tOr of Thailand woloomad the ourront rolurtion of tonrion in intOrnatiOna1 rrlationr whioh providrd favourable oonditionr for tha rorolution of global and ropional problomr . A tread of trrarition from oonfrontation to dirloguo and intaraotion of Stator with difforont rooial ryrtonr has boon aanifertod rOOently, Thir now olimato in the world offorrd a unique opportunity for tho intornationrl oommuoity to ontar iato en or8 of pea00 aab fruitful oo-oporatioa.

16. Tbo Prime Mini8tor of Thailaxd l xpro8reb apgrooiation of tbx rorult of tha lunmit betwern tha loadorr of the Union of loviot looialirt iopublior axd tbo Unit& Utrtor of Merio from 2 to 3 Deoombor lOWI Qaxaral Chatiahai Chooaha~~ boliovod that oontinuing U.1.4oviot dlaloguo would l orva to roduoo tonriorr aad A/45/164 S/21187 English Page 6 promote international understanding and co-operation. The Thai side noted with appreciation the Soviet and U.S. on-going effort to conclude a treaty on 50-per-cent reductions in strategic offensive arms as well as their efforts to limit other types of armaments and the use of political dialogue as means to achieve resolution of problems.

17. At the request of the Head of the Thai Government the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR explained the position of the Soviet Union with regard to the recent changes in Eastern Europe, stressing that this position was based on the recognition of the right of every nation to freedom of choice, respect for the sovereignty of States and the inadmissibility of interference into their internal affairs.

18. Nikolai Ryzhkov informed General Chatichai Choonhavan about the implementation of the Soviet initiatives on the Asia and Pacific region as put forward in Mikhail Gorbachev's speeches in Vladivostok and Krasnoyarsk. The two sides shared the view that it was necessary to search for ways to reduce military tensions and to promote a negotiating process on a bilateral and multilateral basis to address the urgent probaems of the region.

19. The Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR reiterated the Soviet support for the ASEAN's concepts of creating a Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality (ZOPFAN) in Southeast Asia as well as a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone as its component.

20. The Head of the Soviet Government welcomed the Thai Prime Minister's call to turn the battlefield of Indochina into a peace zone and a thriving market place as having contributed to a more favourable regional climate conducive to a peaceful political settlement of the Kampuchean problem.

The two sides stressed the urgent need for an early solution to the Kampuchean problem, which has impeded peace and stability in Southeast Asia and obstruct& the normal development of beneficial interactions and co-operation between the regional States. The Soviet side praised the initiative made by the Thai Prime Minister in calling for the resumption of talks among the Kampuchean parties and States concerned. In this context General Chatichai Choonhavan and Nikolai Ryzhkov expressed their readiness to facilitate informed meeting on the Kampuchean problem in Jakarta under the Paris Conference auspices. Prime Minister Chatichai Cboonhavan noted the Soviet Union's constructive efforts, including those as a member of the Permanent Five of the United Nations Security Council, aimed at a political solution to the conflict in Southeast Asia.

The two sides believed that the Australian initiative in enhancing the United Nations role in the resolution of the Kampuchean problem as well as the outcome of the recent meeting of the Five Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council held in Paris have given added impetus to the on-going negotiation process on Kampuchea settlement. A/lb/lb4 W11197 Onql i8h Prga 7

31, The Wad of the Ilovlot Oovornmoat rrrorrod poaitivoly the polioAm of the Thai lordorrhip in dowloping good-noighbourlinorr 8nd mutually bonrfioirl oo-operation with Laoa, Viot #am, and Cambodia, thur aoatributing to a favourable l tmorphoro aonduaivo to bringing about 8 rtatm of porooful ao-•xirtoaao and atability among all the aountrior An Southorrt Aria.

?I. The Chairman of the Counoll of Winiatorr of the UIER and the Thai Pri#w Minirtor, In roviowing the lrtort dovolopmont in ths rituation itl Afqhrnbtan 8nd thr Middlr Paat, oxprorrod tholr hope that the aoafliatr in the region br rottlod by politiaal moaar with rompmat to the will of all gartior oonaornod.

12. The two rider l grood to oontinuo thair ao-oporrtion in the United Watioar l nd other intrrnatlonal forr, They l rprorrod thrir full rupport for the l ffortr of the United blrtionr Ioorotrry-Oonorrl toward8 rorolving intornrtional oonfliot~. 24. The two Hordr of Qovormoat diraurrod the ourront world l aonomlo riturtion. They rharod the view that 81 loag 81 the oontomporary world ir aa intordapondent on@ all nation@ rhould ao-oporrto with l aoh other for mutual brnrfit. The two ridor wore in favour of romoviag protootionirt praotiaor md other artifloial brrriarl to trrdo whioh have dOmtrbili8ing offrotr oa global l oonomia rolrtionae

25, The Thai Prim. Minirtor informed hi8 loviot aountorprrt of the rorultr of the Minirtorial Maotinq on A8ir-Paolfia 6oonomio Cooperation in Cmborrr in #ovmnbor 1989, Thailand aid the UIW wore in favour of developing brordor trrdo and l oonomio co-oporrtion in thr roqioa on the brrir of a from and open intornationrl trading ryrtom,

20, The two ridor l xprorrrd the oonviation that the virit of the Word of the lovirt Qovornarnt to Thailand - the firrt over in Thai-Soviet hirtory - will bo an important milortono in the rOlatiOn8hip brtwron Thailand l d thr Soviet Union.

17. The Hoad of tho Soviet Oovornmont invited the Prim. Minirtor of Thailand to pay an offiaial virit to the loviot Union rt a mutually agrroablo time. The invitation Wa8 aacmptod with ploa8ura.

28, The Chairman of the Counail of Minirtorr of the USSR l rprorrod him rinorro l pprooiation to the Prim0 Minirtor, the Qovrramont and the poop10 of Thailand for the warm and oordial horpitrlity l xtondod to him and mwnbrrr of hlr dologatlon throughout their rtay in Thailand,