Tazria/Chodesh 5776 April 8, 2016

A Taste of Stories For The Soul Protection Plan By Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher Two-Tongued Rabbi Shmuel HaNagid (993- Good things come in threes. The garment, while a mezuzah is placed 1056) was the Vizier of the Caliph rule of three that says that things upon the doorpost of one’s home. in Spain during the Golden Age of are better and more satisfying when The result is a manifestation of this Spanish Jewry. In his position, he tripled finds expression in numerous spiritual impurity – tzara’as. greatly assisted his brethren, and places in Judaism. Think three These three mitzvos are singled out his efforts and financial support patriarchs, the three festivals of because they have the capacity to allowed the Jewish communities Pesach, Shavuos and Sukkos, three bring Hashem’s Divine Presence and yeshivos to flourish. pillars upon which the world stands into our life at varying levels. Tefillin – Torah, avodah (service of G-d) and Rabbi Shmuel and the caliph bring Hashem’s Presence into our were once walking through the chessed (loving-kindness). There are personal bodies, while tzitzis are a threes, though, that are less-than- market when a man in the street step removed – they connect our began to hurl insults at Rabbi positive. Like tzara’as. There are clothes with Hashem. Mezuzah, three places tzara’as can erupt: On Shmuel. The enraged caliph which is placed upon the doorpost, demanded that Rabbi Shmuel one’s body, on one’s clothing, or on moves yet further away from our one’s home. Why did Hashem select have the man’s tongue cut out. person – it brings Hashem into our Instead of doing so, however, these three specific things for tzara’as abode. When a person loses his to display itself? Rabbi Shmuel began sending gifts connection with Hashem at any of to the offender on a regular basis. The Shem Mishmuel (Rabbi Shmuel these levels, the results can be spotty. Bornsztain of Sochatchov; 1855 Some time later, Rabbi Shmuel and Today, we are not on the spiritual –1926) illuminates this subject the caliph were again walking, and level to experience the bitter fruits with a passage from the they encountered the same man, of disconnecting with Hashem in (Menachos 43b) that states that it who began praising Rabbi Shmuel. real-time. But when we let our guard is evident that the Jewish People The caliph was quite upset. He down, spiritual negativity is waiting are very dear to Hashem, for He turned to Rabbi Shmuel and surrounded them with three special to swoop in and take over. In a world said, “I ordered you to have mitzvos: tefillin, tzitzis and mezuzah. that assails us with depravity and this man’s tongue cut out!” immorality at every turn, wherever These three mitzvos, explains the “I did exactly as Your Majesty Shem Mishmuel, allow a person to one walks, looks or lives, surrounding commanded,” replied Rabbi be surrounded by Hashem’s Divine ourselves with as much G-dliness as Shmuel. “By lavishing him with Prsence, shutting out the forces of possible is more important than ever. gifts, I removed his vile tongue spirtual impurity that would make The more sanctity we can bring into and replaced it with a noble one!” inroads and cause great damage in a our homes, the more we can connect The caliph was duly impressed person’s life. ourselves with other individuals by Rabbi Shmuel’s wisdom, When a person commits one of the who desire to grow and develop in and his admiration for his sins that brings the malady of tzara’as their relationship with Hashem, the Jewish adviser only grew. more we can be connected with an (see Tractate Arachin 16a), he has Lashon hara (slander) is the most institution and teachers focused on effectively severed the ties of these famous cause of tzar’as, a spiritual spiritual development, the more special mitzvos that bind him tightly skin malady discussed in this we can create a protective cocoon with Hashem, allowing the impurity week’s parsha. Proper attitude in. Each of the three aforementioned around ourselves, our families and toward others is vital to ensure mitzvos parallels one of the locations our communities, and prevent that our tongues remain noble of tzara’as. Tefillin are worn upon the tzara’as from making itself at home. and not descend to vileness. body, tzitzis are placed upon one’s Kollel Happenings Increase Your Jewish IQ LEARN 2 LEARN By Rabbi Yaakov Zions You have long dreamed Last week we asked: What is the longest Elul through Erev Sukkos (14 Tishrei). of acquiring the tools time span during the year that we don’t This week’s question: What is the to achieve proficiency in recite Hallel at all? longest time span during the year when learning Gemara on your A: Since Hallel is not recited on Rosh Hallel Shalem (the complete Hallel) is own. But how? The Denver Hashana or Yom Kippur, Hallel is not not recited? Community Kollel offers a recited for 42 consecutive days, from 2 comprehensive, step-by- To submit an answer to Rabbi Zions, email [email protected]. step, level-by-level program crafted for people just like you. All you need is the ability to read Hebrew; we Lives of Our Torah Leaders will teach you the rest. For The Rashba Part III more information, contact [email protected]. One of the results of the Spanish Jewish Spain, Italy and Sicily. community’s involvement with secular The Rashba saw great danger in Rabbi RABBANIT MIZRACHI THIS philosophy was that their faith and Abulafia’s effort, and he proclaimed that WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13TH faithfulness was not as strong as that of The Women’s Division of the no one should follow his movement. their Ashkenazic brethren. While there He attacked Rabbi Abulafia and his Denver Community Kollel were relatively few forced conversions and Aish Denver present efforts, hoping to keep fellow from a video for women, Leil among the Ashkenazic communities pinning their hopes on him. (It should Haseder. Wednesday, April during the Crusades and other sporadic be noted that Rabbi Abulafia was a 13th at 8 pm at Aish Denver. pogroms during the Middle Ages, as the noted kabbalist, and later Kabbalistic Lecture sponsored by Dana Jews there generally chose death over authorities used his writings. However, Goldfarb in memory of conversion, the same cannot be said his approach was regarded as dangerous her father-in-law, Aharon of the Spanish Jews. True, many Jews by the Rashba.) Ben Yaakov (Wurm), who withstood the pressures of the Christian recently passed away. No society to convert, but many others did The Rashba’s opposition succeeded in charge, suggested donation not. limiting Rabbi Abulafia’s influence, of $5 to help cover costs of although there was still much Another unfortunate phenomenon future video presentations. disillusionment in many Spanish during our long and bitter exile has communities when nothing came of THE M.B. GLASSMAN been messianic movements. Especially FOUNDATION GOLD LUNCH Rabbi Abulafia’s promises. & LEARN PROGRAM during or following times of suffering, Jewish communities have been more (As an interesting sidebar, Rabbi The M.B. Glassman inclined to believe in the rise of a figure Abulafia traveled to Rome in 1280 in Foundation GOLD Program an attempt to convert Pope Nicholas is a division of the Denver claiming to herald the imminent arrival Community Kollel dedicated of Moshiach (the Messiah) or to be III. Nicholas heard of the man who to bringing Torah study to Moshiach himself. When the messianic wanted to convert him, and gave orders seniors in the community. movement falters, depression and to have him burned at the stake. A pyre Don’t miss a great Lunch- despair inevitably come in its wake. In was set up in the town where Nicholas and-Learn class on the addition, messianic movements would was staying. Rabbi Abulafia arrived in weekly parsha at the East raise the ire of the non-Jewish populace, the town and walked right past the pyre Side Kosher Deli, 499 S. Elm prepared for him to seek an audience St. at 12:00 am. There is who were all-too-easily riled up. no charge for the lunch or Late in the 13th century, a man by the with Nicholas - only to discover that the learning! Transporation name of Rabbi Avraham Abulafia Nicholas had died the night before. can be arranged. For more began preaching the imminent Although Rabbi Abulafia was thrown information, contact rmf@ arrival of Moshiach. Charismatic and into prison for a time, he managed to denverkollel.org or call 303- knowledgeable in , he attracted escape with his life.) 820-2855. many disciples as he traveled through The Torah Weekly is made possible through a generous grant from the Harry H. Beren Foundation of Lakewood, NJ, in memory of Harry H. Beren, z”l. Denver Community Kollel 1516 Xavier Street, Denver, CO 80204 303-820-2855 [email protected] Web: www.denverkollel.org To receive Torah Weekly by email, send an email to [email protected]