Planning Appeal by: Mr Newman

Site: Ramblers, Aldermaston Road, End, RG26 5QN

Proposal: Erection of dwelling

Appeal Reference: APP/H1705/W/15/3131687

Local Authority Reference: 15/01005/FUL

Appeal Statement

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council

October 2015


Planning Appeal by: Mr Newman

Ramblers, Aldermaston Road, , RG26 5QN

Erection of dwelling

Appeal Reference: APP/H1705/W/15/3131687

Local Authority Reference: 15/01005/FUL


1.0 Introduction

1.1 The Council advises that the Delegated Officer Report (as previously forwarded) forms the basis of the Council’s Statement, however in addition the Council wish to bring to the Inspector’s attention the matters contained herein.

1.2 An updated position in respect of the Borough’s Housing Land Supply is included at Appendix A.

2.0 Description of Site

2.1 The development site forms part of the southern garden to the existing dwelling Ramblers, which has recently been demolished and is in the process of being replaced with a two storey dwelling (13/00184FUL). The site is located to the west of the A340, towards the north end of Pamber End. To the south of the site lies Wakeford Farm comprising of a number of barns and a dwelling. To the north of Rambers is undeveloped agricultural land which lies between a further two detached dwellings which lie opposite Greenacres nursery. The appeal site itself is level although it is on a slightly lower ground than the road. The access point is located to the north directly leading to Rambers. There are established trees and hedges along the all boundaries of the site. There is a large mobile home located on the site used as temporary accommodation whilst the replacement dwelling is being built. The development site measures 0.19ha.

3.0 Background

3.1 The appeal matter was validated as a planning application on 13th April 2015 and was refused planning permission on 11th June 2015 under delegated powers for the reasons;

1. The proposal is for the erection of a new dwelling within the countryside, in an unsustainable and isolated location, for which there are no exceptional circumstances. As such the proposal would be contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework (March 2012) and Saved Policy D6 of the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 1996 -2011. 2. The proposed new dwelling would result in an increase in the built form of the site, resulting in two large detached dwellings in close proximity to one another and additional movements and activities on the site, which would be detrimental to the rural character and appearance of the locality and would represent inappropriate development of a residential garden. As such the proposal would be contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework (March 2012), and saved Policies E1 and E6 of the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 1996-2011.

4.0 Comments on the Appellant Appeal Statement

4.1 As set out at paragraph 1.1 the detailed delegated Officer report forms the basis of the Council’s Statement. However, the following comments are made in response to the appellant’s Appeal Statement.


4.2 Within paragraph 1.2 of the Appellant’s Statement reference is made to there being a dwelling previously occupying the site, Hatherley Cottage. This evidence comprised of a letter from the applicant’s solicitors confirming that the building was demolished in 1972. This evidence was not substantiated with any title deeds, plans, photographs or statutory declarations, therefore the Council cannot confirm either way whether there was previously another dwelling on the site. However it is not something that needs pursuing as the appellant has rightly not relied upon this to justify the proposal.

4.3 In paragraph 1.4 the appellant refers to ‘a wide range of supermarkets, doctors, dentists and swimming pool’ within located ‘less than 1.3km to the north of the appeal site.’ This description is considered to be misleading as the site is located 1.3km from the southern point of the Settlement Policy Boundary at Winston Avenue. Sainsburys supermarket is located 3.4km from the Appeal Site; Morlands Surgery (40 New Road) is 2.75km away; Dentists, takeaway, employment (Franklin Avenue) is 3.9km away; Tadley Pool (New Road) is 2.6km away. Therefore the actual distance to these services is much further away than the appellant describes.

Relevant Site History

4.4 The appellant’s site history section excludes the full history of the appeal site. This is documented within the Officer’s report submitted under the appeal questionnaire; however the Planning Inspector is requested to ignore the reference to application BDB/22262 for the ‘Use of land for sale of fruit and vegetables’, as this relates to a different site. Application BDB/27796 for the ‘Erection of a dwelling on 0.01 ha’ is relevant to the appeal site and a copy of the Council’s Decision Notice and plan considered is attached at Appendix B. This application was refused on the basis that it would 'represent an undesirable additional dwelling for which there is no over-riding justification in an area of scattered development beyond the main built up area of any settlement.'

Response to reasons for refusal

Reason for Refusal 1

4.5 Reason for Refusal 1 states that the site lies in an unsustainable and isolated location. The Officer’s report acknowledges that the term isolated has two dimensions: 'Firstly whether the site is physically remote; and secondly whether it has easy access to services and facilities.’ The Grounds of Appeal reference a paragraph within the Council’s Emerging Local Plan regarding the definition of ‘remote.’ Notwithstanding that the Emerging Local Plan is currently at examination and can be given limited weight at this stage, the appellant’s case fails to acknowledge that the term isolated is defined in the same document:

‘In the context of new residential development in the countryside where there is a significant separation between the proposed dwelling and the nearest settlement. Additionally, a dwelling is considered to be isolated if it is not well served by public transport (e.g. within 500 m of a bus stop or train station) or well served by services and facilities (e.g. within 1km of an SPB, which generally contains facilities such as schools, post offices, doctors surgery, etc).’

4.6 In this instance the Council consider that the Emerging Local Plan submission cannot be given any weight, instead the Planning Inspector is requested to weigh up whether the site is physically remote in terms of accessibility and has easy access to services and facilities, in assessing the proposal against paragraph 55 of the NPPF.

4.7 The Council have reached a balanced opinion when concluding that the site is considered to be isolated and unsustainable. Whilst it is acknowledged that the site is located near a bus stop and outside a public footpath, it is considered that the relative distances from the site (outlined in paragraph 4.3) to day to day facilities such as Sainsbury’s; the doctors and dentist surgery’s, the swimming pool, the primary school, the church, employment and takeaway units, are located much further away than the 1.3km distance stated within the Appellant’s statement. On this basis the Council conclude that the distance to these services would not be easily reached by sustainable mean and ultimately would not discourage the use of a private motor car. The site is therefore considered to be isolated and unsustainable and therefore the proposal to erect a new dwelling within the countryside without any special justification is considered to be unacceptable.

4.8 Paragraph 6.5 of the Appellant’s Grounds of Appeal concludes that ‘the proposal is therefore considered to meet with Policy D6 of the Local Plan and the NPPF March 2012.’ The proposal does not comply with Saved Policy D6 of the Adopted Local Plan.

4.9 Saved Policy D6 restricts new homes in the countryside, only permitting new residential development in the countryside where it is a 'one for one replacement of an existing dwelling' (i) or 'results from the conversion of an existing building' (ii). The only other circumstances where it may be acceptable for new homes in the countryside, according to Saved Policy D6, is where it 'involves residential development on sites which comply with Saved Policies D8 or D9' (iii) where they are rural exception sites (e.g. for affordable housing, community facilities etc) or rural brownfield sites. This proposal is for a new-build dwelling rather than a replacement dwelling or conversion of an existing building, and therefore does not comply with criteria (i) and (ii) of Saved Policy D6. With respect to criteria (iii) of Saved Policy D6, the site does not involve the development of a site which would be considered to be a brownfield site under Saved Policy D9 of the Local Plan.

4.10 The Council acknowledges the social, economic and environmental benefits listed in paragraph 6.9 of the Grounds of Appeal, as well as the fact a five year housing land supply cannot currently be demonstrated. In this instance due weight can be given to proposals that contribute to the housing supply deficit. However, the contribution to the deficit of the proposed additional dwelling and the subsequent economic benefits of employment during construction would be modest at best and therefore attracts limited weight.

4.11 The Council consider that the appeal proposal would be contrary to paragraph 14 of the NPPF, which sets out a presumption in favour of sustainable development. Firstly, the proposal would be contrary to Saved Policy D6, therefore would not accord with the development plan. Secondly, where the development plan is absent, silent or relevant policies are out-of-date, granting permission should not be granted as the appeal proposal would represent an isolated home in the countryside for which no special circumstances apply, which would be contrary to paragraph 55 of the NPPF. On this basis, the proposal represents an unsustainable form of development contrary to Saved Policy D6 of the Adopted Local Plan and paragraphs 14 and 55 of the NPPF.

Reason for Refusal 2

4.12 Reason for refusal 2, concerns the inappropriate development of residential garden and detrimental impact on the rural character and appearance of the area through the increase in built form and residential activities on the site.

4.13 The Appellant’s Grounds of Appeal considers that the new dwelling ‘would be in keeping with the existing development pattern, scale and general character exhibited by properties along Aldermaston Road.’ The Council do not agree that the proposal would be in keeping with the existing pattern of development and general character.

4.14 Pamber End and is best described on the Parish Council's website as 'a rural settlement extending southwards from Tadley into Pamber End Pamber Green is home to several businesses, including three farms and a riding school, but there is no longer a village shop, or a pub, church, school or public building, and therefore no recognised village centre.' Pamber End is described as the 'southernmost hamlet in Pamber . The settlement extends along the Aldermaston Road, Bramley Road and Road. Pamber End has no public buildings but it has a pub, and a garden centre with tea shop & gift shop. The Priory church and primary school are situated on the western outskirts of the village.' The surrounding area is distinctly rural in its character and appearance with a cluster of low density residential development located between Elm Park Garden Centre to the south and Wakeford Farm. The development north of Wakeford Farm is considered to be sporadic until the southern point of the Tadley Settlement Policy Boundary, with the exception of another cluster of residential immediately north of Greenacres Nursery.

4.15 The appeal site is located to the north of Wakeford Farm and the cluster of residential development in Pamber End. It is also surrounded to north, south and west by undeveloped green fields and is bounded by mature landscaping, which contributes to the rural character and appearance of the area and exacerbates the isolated and sporadic form of development characterising the area. A new dwelling on the appeal site would result in two large detached dwellings sited in close proximity to one another as well as additional traffic movements and residential activities, which would be at odds with the sporadic pattern of residential development and be detrimental to the rural character and appearance of the locality. The appeal proposal being at odds with the character and appearance of the would also represent an inappropriate development of a residential garden, contrary to paragraph 53 of the NPPF and Saved Policies E1 and E6 of the Adopted Local Plan.

5.0 Conclusions

5.1 For the reasons set out above, and as set out within the delegated Officer Report, which forms the main basis of the Council’s Statement, it is kindly requested that the Appeal is dismissed. Appendix A – The Council’s Housing Land Supply Position

Basingstoke and Deane Borough’s Land Supply Position, 1 April 2014 – Updated following decision by Full Council to use 850dpa as the annual housing requirement (27/3/15)

The NPPF requires that LPAs actively manage their housing land supply, demonstrating that they can identify a supply of specific, developable sites or broad locations for growth for 10 years and, where possible, for 15 years. This includes a five year supply of specific deliverable sites.

On 27 March 2015, Full Council agreed that 850dpa should be used as the annual housing requirement for the emerging Local Plan and for use in determining the borough’s 5 year land supply position. This is a revised position resulting from proposed updates to the submission Local Plan which have occurred as a result of the Inspector’s initial soundness concerns on the previously proposed housing figure of 748 dpa. This position will be tested further during the Local Plan examination process, due to take place later this year. The proposed updates are based on technical work completed both in house and by consultants to inform the borough’s emerging Local Plan. This housing requirement is reflected in a revised Submission Policy SS1 (Scale and Distribution of New Housing), which has been agreed by council and will be published for consultation for six weeks between May and June 2015. The policy states that within the period 2011- 2029, the Local Plan will make provision to meet 15,300 dwellings and associated infrastructure i.e. 850 dwellings per annum over an 18 year period.

The local housing requirement of 850dpa equates to a five year housing requirement of 4,250 units. To date, within the Submission Local Plan period (2011-2029) a total of 1,527 units have been completed (693 in 2011/12, 303 in 2012/13 and 531 in 2013/14). This figure falls short of the housing required over this three year period, leaving a requirement of 13,773 units over the remaining 15 year Local Plan period. Over a 5 year period this amounts to a shortfall of 1,023 units, which, when added to the 5 year requirement leads to an increased figure of 5,273 dwellings. An additional 5% buffer is required by the NPPF which leads to a further 264 dwellings over the five year period, resulting in an overall requirement of 5,537 dwellings or 1,107 dpa. The current land supply position, which has a base date of 1 April 2014, but which has been partially updated to take account of significant new permissions (see below), shows that over the next five year period (2014/15 to 2018/19) completions are predicted to reach 3,715 units. As such, the council can only demonstrate 3.4 years of supply (using the nationally recognised Sedgefield Method) based upon the 850pa requirement. This position is summarised below.

Land Supply Summary Table Using the Sedgefield Method for calculating the Five Year Housing Land Supply Requirements The following table includes three large sites which have received planning permission since 1 April 2014. The tables are therefore based on the 1 April 2014 position, as published in the 2014 Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) with the following additions:

- Razors Farm - gives an additional 190 units within the 5 year supply, the remainder coming forward in the 5-10 year period - Overton Hill – 120 units within the 0-5 year period - Farm – 70 units within the 0-5 year period Total Requirement (2011 to 2029) 15,300

Completions 2011 - 2014 1,527

Requirement 2014 - 2019 4,250 [850x5]

Plus shortfall (2011 – 2014) 5,273 [4,250+1,023]

Residual 5 year Requirement Plus 5% 5,537 [5,273 + 264]

Revised Annual Requirement (2014 – 2019) 1,107 [5,537 ÷ 5]

Supply 3,715

Years Supply 3.4 Years [3,715 ÷ 1,107]

The council therefore fails to meet its five year housing land supply requirement. This position reflects a number of local issues including the current lack of an adopted Local Plan which is the means by which future housing development areas are identified and allocated, uncertainty in the housing market over recent years, together with a lack of residential consents being granted.

An updated land supply position, with a base date of 1 April 2015 will be published later this year to support the Local plan examination. Appendix B – Decision Notice and Plans - BDB/27796

Suggested Conditions

Without prejudice suggested Conditions should the Inspector be minded to approve the appeal -

1 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority: Location Plan – PL01 received 24/04/15

Site Plan – RC/15/11 – received 24/04/15

Floor Plan, Roof Plan, Street Scene, Cycle Shed & Bin Store – RC/15/12A – received 24/04/15

Proposed Elevations – RC/15/13 – received 24/04/15

REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

2 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 3 years from the date of this planning permission.

REASON: To comply with Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and to prevent an accumulation of unimplemented planning permissions.

3 No development shall commence on site until details of the types and colours of external materials to be used, including colour of mortar, together with samples, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out and thereafter maintained in accordance with the details so approved unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

REASON: Details are required prior to development as insufficient information has been provided at this stage, and the details will need to be assessed in the interests of improving the visual amenities of the area and in accordance with Saved Policy E1 of the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 1996-2011.

4 No development shall take place, including any works of demolition, until a Construction Method Statement has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The approved Statement shall be adhered to throughout the construction period. The Statement shall provide for:

i. the parking and turning of vehicles of site operatives and visitors (all to be established within one week of the commencement of development);

ii. loading and unloading of plant and materials;

iii. storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development;

iv. wheel washing facilities or an explanation why they are not necessary;

v. the erection and maintenance of security hoarding including decorative displays and facilities for public viewing, where appropriate, and the preservation of sight line splays in their vicinity; and

vi. the management and coordination of deliveries of plant and materials and the disposing of waste resulting from construction activities so as to avoid undue interference with the operation of the highway, particularly during the Monday to Friday AM peak (08.00 to 09.00) and PM peak (16.30 to 18.00) periods.

REASON: Details are required prior to development in the interests of highway safety and in accordance with Saved Policy E1 of the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 1996-2011.

5 No works pursuant to this permission shall commence until there has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority:-

(a) a desk top study carried out by a competent person documenting all the previous and existing land uses of the site and adjacent land in accordance with national guidance as set out in Contaminated Land Research Report Nos. 2 and 3 and BS10175:2001;

and, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority,

(b) a site investigation report documenting the ground conditions of the site and incorporating chemical and gas analysis identified as being appropriate by the desk study in accordance with BS10175:2001- Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Sites - Code of Practice;

and, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority,

(c) a detailed scheme for remedial works and measures to be undertaken to avoid risk from contaminants/or gases when the site is developed and proposals for future maintenance and monitoring. Such scheme shall include nomination of a competent person to oversee the implementation of the works.

If during any works contamination is encountered which has not been previously identified then the additional contamination shall be fully assessed and an appropriate remediation scheme, agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

REASON: Details are required prior to development to ensure any soil, gas or water contamination on the site is remediated to protect the proposed occupants of the application site and/or adjacent land and in accordance with Saved Policy E1 of the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 1996-2011.

6 The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied/brought into use until there has been submitted to the Local Planning Authority verification by the competent person approved under the provisions of condition 5(c) that any remediation scheme required and approved under the provisions of condition 5(c) has been implemented fully in accordance with the approved details (unless varied with the written agreement of the Local Planning Authority in advance of implementation). Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority such verification shall comprise;

- as built drawings of the implemented scheme; - photographs of the remediation works in progress; - certificates demonstrating that imported and/or material left in situ is free of contamination.

Thereafter the scheme shall be monitored and maintained in accordance with the scheme approved under condition 8(c), unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. REASON: Details are required prior to development as insufficient information has been provided at this stage, and the details will need to be assessed and to ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors in accordance Saved Policy E1 of the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 1996-2011.

6 No development shall take place until there has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority the hard surface detailing together with a scheme of landscaping which shall specify species, planting sizes, spacing and numbers of trees/shrubs to be planted (including replacement trees where appropriate). The works approved shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the first occupation of the building(s) or when the use hereby permitted is commenced. In addition, a maintenance programme detailing all operations to be carried out in order to allow successful establishment of planting, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before development commences. Any trees or plants which, within a period of 5 years from the date of planting, die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, to be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

REASON: Details are required prior to development as insufficient information has been provided at this stage, and the details will need to be assessed in the interests of improving the appearance of the site and the visual amenity of the area in accordance with Saved Policies E1 (ii) and E6 of the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 1996-2011.

7 No work relating to the construction of the development hereby approved, including works of demolition or preparation prior to operations, or internal painting or fitting out, shall take place before the hours of 0730 nor after 1800 Monday to Friday, before the hours of 0800 nor after 1300 Saturdays nor on Sundays or recognised public holidays, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

REASON: To protect the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties during the construction period and in accordance Saved Policy E1 of the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 1996-2011.

8 No deliveries of construction materials or plant and machinery and no removal of any spoil from the site shall take place before the hours of 07:30 nor after 18:00 Monday to Friday, before the hours of 08:00 nor after 13:00 Saturdays nor on Sundays or recognised public holidays, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

REASON: To protect the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties during the construction period and in accordance Saved Policy E1 of the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 1996-2011.

9 The first floor windows located in the northern elevation on the proposed dwelling shall be glazed with obscured glass. Once installed the windows shall be permanently maintained in that condition, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

REASON: To protect the privacy of the neighbouring property and to prevent overlooking, in accordance with Saved Policy E1 of the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 1996-2011.