
Mathematical and Physical Ideas for Climate Science

Valerio Lucarini,∗ Richard Blender, Salvatore Pascale, Francesco Ragone,† and Jeroen Wouters‡ Klimacampus, Meteorologisches Institut, University of Hamburg, 20144 Grindelberg 5, Hamburg, Germany. Corentin Herbert National Center for Atmospheric Research, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO, 80307, USA.

The climate is a forced and dissipative nonlinear system featuring non-trivial dynamics of a vast range of spatial and temporal scales. The understanding of the climate’s structural and multiscale properties is crucial for the provision of a unifying picture of its dynamics and for the implementation of accurate and efficient numerical models. We present some recent developments at the intersection between climate science, mathematics, and physics, which may prove fruitful in the direction of constructing a more comprehensive account of climate dynamics. We describe the Nambu formulation of fluid dynamics, and the potential of such a theory for constructing sophisticated numerical models of geophysical fluids. Then, we focus on the statistical mechanics of quasi-equilibrium flows in a rotating environment, which seems crucial for constructing a robust theory of geophysical turbulence. We then discuss ideas and methods suited for approaching directly the non-equilibrium nature of the climate system. First, we describe some recent findings on the thermodynamics of climate and characterize its energy and entropy budgets, and discuss related methods for intercomparing climate models and for studying tipping points. These ideas can also create a common ground between geophysics and astrophysics by suggesting general tools for studying exoplanetary atmospheres. We conclude by focusing on non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, which allows for a unified framing of problems as different as the climate response to forcings, the effect of altering the boundary conditions or the coupling between geophysical flows, and the derivation of parametrizations for numerical models.

I. INTRODUCTION focusing on specific scales of motion (Holton, 2004; Val- lis, 2006), and simplified parametrizations are developed The Earth’s Climate provides an outstanding exam- for taking into account at least approximately what can- ple of a high-dimensional forced and dissipative complex not be directly represented (Palmer and Williams, 2009). system. The dynamics of such system is chaotic, so that As a result of our limited understanding of and ability there is only a limited time-horizon for skillful prediction, to represent the dynamics of the climate system, it is hard and is non-trivial on a vast range of spatial and temporal to predict accurately its response to perturbations, were scales, as a result of the different physical and chemi- they changes in the opacity of the atmosphere, in the so- cal properties of the various components of the climate lar irradiance, in the position of continents, in the orbital system and of their coupling mechanisms (Peixoto and parameters, which have been present for our planet dur- Oort, 1992). ing all epochs (Saltzman, 2001). The full understanding Thus, it is extremely challenging to construct satis- of slow- and fast-onset climatic extremes, such as drought factory theories of climate dynamics and it is virtually and flood events, respectively, and the assessment of the impossible to develop numerical models able to describe processes behind tipping points responsible for the multi arXiv:1311.1190v3 [physics.ao-ph] 28 Aug 2014 accurately climatic processes over all scales. Typically, stability of the climate system are also far from being different classes of models and different phenomenologi- accomplished. cal theories have been and are still being developed by Such limitations are extremely relevant for problems of paleoclimatological relevance such as the onset and decay of ice ages or of snowball-conditions, for contingent ∗ [email protected]; Also at: Department of Mathe- issues like anthropogenic global warming, as well as in the matics and Statistics, University of Reading, Reading, RG6 6AX, perspective of developing a comprehensive knowledge on UK. † Now at: Klimacampus, Institut f¨urMeereskunde, University of the dynamics and thermodynamics of general planetary Hamburg, 20146 Bundestrasse 53, Hamburg, Germany. atmospheres, which seems a major scientific challenge of ‡ Now at: Laboratoire de Physique, Ecole´ Normale Sup´erieurede the coming years, given the extraordinary development Lyon, 69364 46, all´eed’Italie, Lyon, France. of our abilities to observe exoplanets (Dvorak, 2008). 2

Climate science at large has always been extremely In section III, starting from the classical investigation by active in taking advantage of advances in basic mathe- Onsager (1949) of the dynamics of point vortices, we will matical and physical sciences, and, in turn, in provid- show how to develop an equilibrium statistical mechani- ing stimulations for addressing new fundamental prob- cal theory of turbulence for GFD flows and will discuss its lems. The most prominent cases of such interaction are relevance for interpreting observed climatic phenomena. related to the development of stochastic and chaotic dy- Equilibrium methods allow investigating many proper- namical systems, time series analysis, extreme value the- ties of GFD flows. Nonetheless, at this point we cannot ory, radiative transfer, and fluid dynamics, among oth- ignore anymore the elephant in the room, i.e., the fact ers. At this regard, one must note that the year 2013 that the dynamics of the climate system cannot be as- has seen a multitude of initiatives all around the world similated to an inviscid and unforced GFD flow, because dedicated to the theme Mathematics of Planet Earth forcing and dissipative processes are of extreme relevance. (see http://mpe2013.org), and, in this context, climate- Thus, we move towards the paradigm of non-equilibrium related activities have been of great relevance. systems. In section IV, taking inspiration from the points In this review we wish to present some interdisciplinary of view of Prigogine (1961) and of Lorenz (1967), we ex- research lines at the intersection between climate science, plore how through classical non-equilibrium thermody- physics and mathematics, which are extremely promising namics one can construct tools for assessing the energy for advancing, on one side, our ability to understand and budget and transport of the climate system, define and model climate dynamics, and represent correctly climate estimate the efficiency of the climate machine, and study variability and climate response to forcings. On the other the irreversible processes by evaluation the climatic ma- side, the topics presented here provide examples of how terial entropy production. This allows for characterizing problems of climatic relevance may pave the way for new, the large scale properties of climate, for developing tools wide-ranging investigations of more general nature. for auditing climate models, for gathering information on The literature related to the scientific interface men- tipping points, and for exploring the properties of gen- tioned above is enormous, and the selection of the mate- eral planetary atmospheres. In section V, we address rial we present here is partial and non-exhaustive. We the non-equilibrium statistical mechanics formulation of leave almost entirely out of this review very impor- climate dynamics, and explore how the formalism of re- tant topics such as extreme value theory (Ghil et al., sponse theory allows for addressing in a rigorous frame- 2011), multiscale techniques (Klein, 2010), adjoint meth- work the climatic response to perturbations, taking in- ods and data assimilation (Wunsch, 2012), partial differ- spiration from the work of Ruelle (1997). We will show ent equations (Cullen, 2006), linear and nonlinear sta- how it is possible to construct operators useful for the bility analysis (Vallis, 2006), general circulation of the prediction - in an ensemble sense - of climate change. A atmosphere (Schneider, 2006), macroturbulence (Love- last aspect of GFD we want to discuss in a statistical joy and Schertzer, 2013), networks theory (Donges et al., mechanical setting is the derivation of parametrizations 2009), and many relevant applications of dynamical sys- providing a surrogate description of the effect of fast, tems theory to geophysical fluid dynamical problems (Di- small scale variables, which are hard to represent explic- jkstra, 2013; Kalnay, 2003). itly in numerical models, on the larger scale, slow vari- Let us now mention what we are going to cover in ables of more direct climatic relevance. Thus, in section this review and give a motivation to the specific perspec- VI, we present averaging and homogenization techniques, tive we have chosen. We are motivated by the desire describe how projector operator methods due to Mori of bridging the gap between some extremely relevant re- (1965) and Zwanzig (1961) provide powerful tools for de- sults in mathematical physics, statistical mechanics, and riving parametrizations and firm ground to the inclusion theoretical physics, and open problems and issues of cli- of stochastic terms and memory effects, and discuss how mate science, hoping to stimulate further investigations response theory can be used to derive similar results. and interdisciplinary activities. Our selection of topics Finally, in section VII we draw our conclusions and will focus on the concepts of energy, entropy, symmetry, present some perspectives of future research. coupling, fluctuations, and response. We will first concentrate on the properties of invis- cid and unforced flows relevant for geophysical fluid dy- II. BEYOND THE HAMILTONIAN PARADIGM: NAMBU namics (GFD). In section II, we provide an overview of REPRESENTATION OF GEOPHYSICAL FLUID a very powerful formulation of hydrodynamics based on DYNAMICS the formalism introduced by Nambu (1973) and present its applications in a geophysical context, suggesting how Hamiltonian formalism constitutes the backbone of these ideas help clarifying somewhat hidden properties most physical theories. In the case of a discrete au- of fluid flows, and how the Nambu formulation of GFD tonomous system, the basic idea is to provide a full de- could lead to a new generation of numerical models, to scription of the degrees of freedom by defining a set of be used in a variety of weather and climate applications canonical variables q and of the related momenta p (q, 3 p ∈ RN , i.e., they are N-dimensional vectors), and by Nambu representation provides the natural description identifying the time evolution to a flow in phase space of geophysical fluid dynamics and is superior to the more such that the canonical Hamiltonian H acts as traditional approaches based essentially on Euler equa- a streamfunction,q ˙ = ∇pH, p˙ = −∇qH, where H(q, p) tions, just like the -angle representation of the dy- corresponds to the energy of the system, whose value is namics of a spring is superior to the simple description constant in time. The flow is inherently -free provided by the second Newton’s law of motion. (solenoidal), so that the phase space does not contract nor expands, as implied by the Liouville Theorem (Lan- dau and Lifshits, 1996). The time evolution of any func- A. Hydrodynamics in 2D and 3D tion X(q, p) can be expressed as: In incompressible hydrodynamics enstrophy (in 2D) d and helicity (3D) are known as conserved quan- X = X˙ = {X, H}P = ∇qX · ∇pH − ∇pX · ∇qH, (1) dt tities besides energy (Kuroda, 1991). N´evirand Blender (1993) adapted Nambu’s formalism to incompressible where {, }P are the so-called Poisson brackets and · indi- cates the usual scalar product. As suggested by Noether’s nonviscous hydrodynamics by using enstrophy and he- theorem, the presence of symmetries in the system im- licity in the dynamical equations. plies the existence of so-called physically conserved quan- tities Xi, such that X˙ i = 0 = {Xi, H}P . An autonomous system possesses time invariance and its energy is con- 1. Two-dimensional hydrodynamics stant, while in a system possessing translational invari- ance, the total momentum M is also constant. A system The evolution of two-dimensional incompressible invis- can possess many constants of motions, called Casimirs, cid and unforced flows described by the velocity field u apart from energy, but the Hamiltonian plays a special is governed by the equation role as it is the only function of phase space appearing ∂ω explicitly in the definition of the evolution of the system = ∂ ω = −u · ∇ω (2) ∂t t (Landau and Lifshits, 1996). Nambu (1973) presented a generalization of canonical where customary symbols are used for indicating partial Hamiltonian theory for discrete systems. The dynamical , the vorticity ω can be expressed, in Cartesian equations are constructed in order to satisfy Liouville’s coordinates (x, y), as ω = vx − uy, and incompressibility Theorem and are written in terms of two or more con- is described by ∇ · u = 0, where ∇ · U = ∂xUx + ∂yUy is served quantities. The Nambu approach has been ex- the divergence of the vector field U. As a result, we can tremely influential in various fields of mathematics and write u = S∇ψ = (−∂yψ, ∂xψ) , where S is the sym- physics and is viable to extension to the case of con- plectic matrix [0, −1; 1, 0], ψ is the streamfunction, and tinuum, so that it can be translated into a field the- ∇φ = (∂xφ, ∂yφ) is the gradient of the function φ. Note ory. The construction of a Nambu field theory for geo- that ω = ∇2ψ. In this section, we consider a compact physical fluid dynamics went through two decisive steps. domain (e.g., a square of side L) with periodic boundary The first was the discovery of a Nambu representation conditions. of 2D and 3D incompressible hydrodynamics (N´evirand The Hamiltonian H is the kinetic energy Blender, 1993). The second important step was the find- 1 Z 1 Z ing that the Nambu representation can be used to design H = u2 dA = − ωψ dA, (3) conservative numerical algorithms in geophysical models, 2 2 and that classical heuristic methods devised by Arakawa for constructing accurate numerical models actually re- and is a of velocity. In general, a functional flected deep symmetries coming from the Nambu struc- F[φ] maps a function φ of the phase space into a num- ture of the underlying dynamics of the flow (Salmon, ber. The functional δF/δφ the change of the 2005). functional F with respect to a change in the function φ. The physical basis for the relevance of the Nambu the- The functional derivative can be defined by considering ory for describing and simulating conservative geophysi- the first term in the expansion cal fluid dynamics comes from the existence of relevant Z δF conserved quantities apart energy when forcing and dis- F[φ + δφ] − F[φ] = δF[φ] = δφ(x)dx + ... (4) δφ(x) sipative terms are disregarded from the evolution equa- tions. Such a property is found in several models rel- The functional derivative δH/δω for (3) is explicitly evant for studying geophysical flows, and are valid for calculated by 2D and 3D hydrodynamics, Rayleigh-B´enardconvection, quasi-geostrophy, shallow water model, and extends to Z Z Z the fully baroclinic 3D atmosphere. In other terms, the δH = ∇ψ · δ∇ψ dA = ∇ · (ψδ∇ψ) dA − ψδω dA 4

Since the first integral vanishes due to the boundary con- such that {A, B}P = −{B, A}P . Deriving such a bracket ditions, and since ω = ∇2ψ, we obtain δH/δω = −ψ. amounts to defining the dynamics of the system. Equation (2) says that vorticity is transported across The Poisson bracket for 2D hydrodynamics (Salmon, the domain by a non-divergent flow. One can prove easily 1988; Shepherd, 1990) is easily obtained from the Nambu that any functional of the vorticity is conserved bracket if the dependency δE/δω = ω is evaluated Z Z C = s(ω) dA. (5) {F, H}P = {F, E, H} = ωJ (Fω, Hω) dA (12) where the integration is performed over the whole domain where we indicate Hω = δH/δω; here cyclicity is used, of the system. The most familiar of such functional is the see Eq. 10. total enstrophy of the flow: The Poisson bracket used in Eulerian hydrodynamics is degenerate because of the presence of an infinite number 1 Z E = ω2 dA (6) of so-called Casimirs, i.e., the functionals defined in Eq. 2 5, which are automatically conserved so that {C,H}P = The functional derivative of the enstrophy is simply 0. In this case, we talk about noncanonical Hamiltonian δE/δω = ω. mechanics. The relationship (12) demonstrates that noncanonical Since u = S∇ψ = (−∂yψ, ∂xψ), the 2D vorticity equa- tion can be expressed as Hamiltonian mechanics is embedded in Nambu mechan- ics. The main extension is that in Nambu mechanics two ∂ω  δE δH functionals acting as an Hamiltonian, the enstrophy and = −J (ψ, ω) = −J , , (7) ∂t δω δω the energy, are used (7), and that the Nambu bracket (9) is nondegenerate and void of Casimir functionals. with the antisymmetric Jacobi operator

J (a, b) = ∂xa ∂yb − ∂ya ∂xb = −J (b, a). (8) 2. Three-dimensional incompressible hydrodynamics

Relating ψ and ω to the functional derivatives of two The dynamics of incompressible unforced and inviscid conserved quantities amounts to expressing the evolution fluid flows in three dimension is determined by the vor- equation in a Nambu form using the enstrophy E. ticity ω = ∇ × u evolution equation: The time-evolution of an arbitrary functional of vor- ticity F = F[ω] is determined by ∂ω = ω · ∇u − u · ∇ω (13) ∂t dF Z δF  δE δH = − J , dA = {F, E, H} (9) dt ∂ω δω δω where u is the velocity field and ∇ · u = 0. Note that in cartesian coordinates we have that the curl of U (∇×U) which defines a Nambu bracket for the three functionals can be expressed as (∇×U)i = ijk∂jUk where ijk is the involved. The bracket is anti-symmetric in all arguments, standard totally antisymmetric Levi-Civita symbol and {E, H, F} = −{H, E, F}, etc. Using rearrangements of ∇ · U = ∂xUx + ∂yU + ∂zUz is the divergence in three these functionals and partial integration it can be shown dimensions. Similarly to the two-dimensional case, the that the Nambu bracket is cyclic total energy 1 Z 1 Z {F, E, H} = {E, H, F} = {H, F, E} (10) H = u2 dV = − ω · A dV (14) 2 2 The cyclicity of this bracket is a main ingredient in Salmon’s application of Nambu mechanics (Salmon, is conserved, where we have introduced A as the vector 2005) to construct conservative numerical codes (see Sec- potential such that u = −∇ × A. Note that in deriv- tion II.B.2). ing the second identity we use and In the following the relationship between Nambu me- consider periodic boundary conditions. It is important chanics and Hamiltonian theory of two-dimensional flows to note that the total helicity is briefly summarized. As mentioned above, a Hamilto- 1 Z nian description of the dynamics is obtained when we can h = ω · u dV (15) 2 write dF is also conserved, while e.g., the enstrophy is not. Fol- = {F, H} (11) lowing the procedure detailed in Eq. 4, we derive that dt P the functional derivative of the energy with respect to with an antisymmetric Poisson bracket, to be seen in gen- the vorticity is given by δH/δω = −A and for helicity eral as an antisymmetric map in the space of functionals, δh/δω = u (compare the 2D version (5)). 5

The Nambu form of the vorticity equation is direction, y the meridional direction, and z the vertical direction as defined by gravity as in Holton (2004). The ∂ω  δh δH = K , = −K (u, A) (16) evolution equation reads as follows: ∂t δω δω ∂Q 1 with + J (Φ,Q) = 0 (19) ∂t f0 K(U , U ) = −∇ × [(∇ × U ) × (∇ × U )] (17) 1 2 1 2 where J is the Jacobian (8). Q is the QG approximation Considering that ω = ∇ × u and using some standard of Ertel’s potential vorticity vector calculus identities, we obtain that Eq. 16 agrees f ∂2Φ with Eq. 13. We can derive the evolution equations for Q = ω + 0 + f (20) g N 2 ∂z2 functional F = F[ω] as follows: 2 Z       with the geostrophic vorticity ωg = 1/f0∇hΦ, geopoten- dF δF δh δH 2 = − ∇ × × ∇ × · ∇ × dV tial Φ, ∇h is the Laplacian operator limited to the x dt δω δω δω and y directions, Brunt-V¨ais¨al¨afrequency N, and Cori- = {F, h, H} (18) olis parameter f = f0 + βy. The geostrophic veloc- ity u has nonzero components only along the x and where the last equation defines the Nambu bracket for g y directions, so that we can write u = (uh, 0), where 3D incompressible hydrodynamics based on the vorticity g g uh = 1/f S∇ Φ = 1/f (−∂ Φ, ∂ Φ), where ∇ is the equation. Helicity is no longer a hidden conserved quan- g 0 h 0 y x h tity but enters the dynamics on the same level as the gradient operator limited to the x and y directions. Hamiltonian. Therefore, the Nambu mechanics is able The first conserved integral is the total energy of the to account explicitly for conservation laws of the system, system " # and, correspondingly, to its symmetries. 1 Z ∇ Φ2  1 ∂Φ2 H = h + dV (21) 2 f0 N ∂z B. Geophysical fluid dynamics where the first term is the density of kinetic energy and A Nambu representation can be constructed also for the second term is the density of potential energy. At some of the most important mathematical models rele- each level z the geopotential acts as a stream function in vant for geophysical fluid dynamics on large scales: the defining the geostrophic velocity field, while the vertical quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity equation (N´evirand derivative of the geopotential is proportional to the tem- Sommer, 2009), the shallow water model (Salmon, 2005; perature fluctuations of the system (Holton, 2004). The Sommer and N´evir, 2009), and the baroclinic stratified second conserved integral is the potential enstrophy atmosphere (N´evirand Sommer, 2009). Other models 1 Z E = Q2dV (22) of geophysical relevance can also be treated in this way, 2 as, most notably, the Rayleigh-B´enardequations for two- dimensional , which have been studied in detail which is defined similarly to the enstrophy in Eq. 6. One in Bihlo (2008) and Salazar and Kurgansky (2010). We can prove that QG dynamics can be written in a Nambu will not treat this latter case in this review. form as follows: ∂Q  δE δH = −J , (23) ∂t δQ δQ 1. Quasi-geostrophic approximation Thus, the mathematical structure is analogous to the Quasi-geostrophic (QG) theory is one of the most im- two-dimensional vorticity equation (9). Moreover, we portant and most studied pieces of geophysical fluid dy- can construct the evolution of any functional F[Q] by namics and is of crucial relevance for studying the large- defining the Nambu bracket as follows: scale dynamics of the Earth’s atmosphere and ocean, and, dF Z δF  δE δH more recently, of planetary atmospheres (Holton, 2004; = − J , dV = {F, E, H} (24) Klein, 2010; Pedlosky, 1987). QG dynamics is relevant dt δQ δQ δQ when, within a good approximation, the fluid motions are with δE/δQ = Q and δH/δQ = −Φ/f0. 1) hydrostatic and 2) the Coriolis acceleration balances the horizontal pressure gradients. This is typically real- ized, e.g., in the atmospheric midlatitudes. In absence 2. Shallow water model of dissipative processes and of forcings, QG dynamics is described by the material conservation of the QG poten- Roughly speaking, shallow water equations are useful tial vorticity. We consider customary Cartesian coordi- two-dimensional approximations of Navier-Stokes equa- nates plus time (x, y, z, t), where x indicates the zonal tions often used for describing some fluid motions where 6 the horizontal scale of motion is much larger than its ver- 3. Baroclinic atmosphere tical extent, such as in the case of tidal waves or tsunami in the ocean, or Rossby and Kelvin waves in the atmo- N´evirand Sommer (2009) published the equations de- sphere. Here the single layer model is summarized (Som- termining the dynamics of a baroclinic dry atmosphere mer and N´evir, 2009). The dynamics is given by the in Nambu form (denoted as Energy-vorticity theory of evolution of the vorticity ω and the divergence µ = ∇ · u ideal fluid mechanics). The Nambu representation en- of the horizontal velocity u compasses the Eulerian equation of motion in a rotating frame, the continuity equation, and the first law of ther- ∂tω = −∇ · (ωu) (25) modynamics. The Nambu dynamics uses three brack- ets for energy, helicity, energy-mass, and energy-entropy. Due to its special role in all three brackets the integral of 2 2 ∂tµ = k · ∇ × (ωau) + ∇ (u /2 + ghT ) (26) Ertel’s potential enstrophy is coined as a super-Casimir. The Nambu form shows an elegant structure where fundamental processes are combined by additive terms. ∂thT = −∇ · (hu) (27) Incompressible, barotropic or baroclinic atmospheres are associated to additive contributions. Thus approxima- where hT is the total height of the fluid. The shallow tions are simply attained by the neglect of terms. water model possesses two conserved , the total In absence of forcings and of dissipative processes, the energy, given by the sum of kinetic and potential energy momentum equation, the continuity equation and the first law of thermodynamics equation are (Peixoto and 1 Z H = ρ h u2 + gh2  dA (28) Oort, 1992) 2 T T 1 ∂ u = −u · ∇u − 2Ω × u − ∇p − ∇Φ (32) and potential enstrophy t ρ 1 Z E = ρq2dA (29) 2 ∂tρ = −∇ · (ρu) (33) with the absolute potential vorticity q = ω /h , ω = a T a ∂ts = −u · ∇s (34) ω + f. The functional derivatives of the conserved inte- grals are δH/δω = −ρψ, δH/δµ = −ργ, δH/δhT = ρΨ, where u is velocity, Ω the angular velocity of the earth, Φ 2 δE/δω = ρq, δE/δµ = 0, δE/δhT = −(1/2)ρq , where ρ is is the sum of the gravitational and centrifugal potential the density of the fluid, ψ is the streamfunction, γ the ve- of the earth, ρ is density and s is the specific entropy 2 locity potential for hv = S∇ψ + ∇γ, Ψ = (1/2)u + ghT per unit mass, determined by the equation of state of the is the Bernoulli function, gas. The Nambu representation of the shallow water model These equations possess four conservation laws. The was derived by Salmon (2005) and is a bit more cumber- first is the total energy some than in, e.g., QG case. Sommer and N´evir (2009) Z 1 present a numerical simulation of these equations on a H = ρedV ; e = u2 + i + Φ (35) spherical grid, and N´evirand Sommer (2009) published 2 the multilayer shallow water equations. In the case of a where e is the specific total enery and i is its internal single layer shallow water equations, the dynamics of any energy component. The absolute helicity is functional F is determined by the sum of three Nambu Z brackets ha = ua · ωadV (36) d F = {F, H, E}ω,ω,ω + {F, H, E}µ,µ,ω + {F, H, E}ω,µ,hT where the absolute velocity is u = u + Ω × r and ω = dt a a (30) ∇ × v + 2Ω. with the angular velocity of the earth Ω, The first bracket is and r is the position vector. The total mass and entropy are given by Z {F,, H, E}ω,ω,ω = J(Fω,, Hω)EωdA (31) Z Z M = ρdV, S = ρsdV (37) where X = δX /δω. Such first bracket is analogous to ω and the total potential enstrophy is defined starting from the 2D Nambu bracket (9) (apart from the sign). For Ertel’s potential vorticity Π the other brackets we refer to (Salmon, 2005; Sommer and N´evir, 2009). Salmon (2007) calculated the Nambu Z ω · ∇θ E = ρΠ2dV, Π = a , (38) brackets based on the velocities instead of vorticity. ρ ρ 7 analogously to the definition in the QG context given in conservation of enstrophy inhibits spurious accumulation Eq. 22. The functional derivatives of the conservation of energy at small scales. laws are δH/δu = ρu, δH/δρ = (1/2)u2 + i + p/ρ − T s + For the numerical design of conservative codes based φ, δH/δσ = T , δM/δu = 0, δM/δρ = 1, δM/δσ = on a Nambu structure the following remarks are noted: 0, δS/δu = 0, δS/δρ = s, δS/δσ = 1, δha/δu = ωa, δha/δρ = 0, and δha/δσ = 0, where T is temperature, • A Nambu form of the continuous physical system and σ = ρs. is required. An arbitrary functional F of u, ρ and σ evolves ac- cording to the sum of three brackets which are defined • The quantities used in the Nambu bracket are con- below served. d • The discrete form of the Jacobian needs to preserve F = {F, h , H} + {F,M, H} + {F, S, H} (39) dt a h m s antisymmetry (11). The three brackets are defined below. The first one is • The approach is applicable to any kind of dis- the so-called helicity bracket: cretization, e.g. for finite differences, finite vol- Z    umes, or spectral models. 1 δF δha δH {F, ha, H}h = − · × dV ; (40) ρ δu δu δu • Arbitrary approximations of the conservation laws are possible; these approximations are conserved the second is the so-called mass bracket: exactly. Z δM δF δH {F,M, H} = − · ∇ • For the barotropic vorticity equation the classic m δρ δu δρ Arakawa Jacobian could be retrieved by equally δF δM δH + ∇ · dV + cyc(F, M, H); (41) weighting the cyclic permutations of the Nambu δρ δρ δu bracket. In other terms, Arakawa found heuristi- cally a discrete Nambu representation of barotropic where cyc indicates permutations in cyclic order of the ar- dynamics (Dubinkina and Frank, 2007). guments. The third one is the so-called entropy bracket: In recent years, various authors have provided promising Z δS δF δH {F,S, H}s = − · ∇ examples of actual implementations of GFD codes which δρ δu δσ take into explicit consideration the underlying Nambu δF δS δH dynamics of the unforced and inviscid case. Salmon + ∇ · dV + cyc(F, M, H) (42) δσ δρ δu (2007) presents the first numerical simulation of a shallow water model derived from the Nambu brackets formalism. For a barotropic flow the first law of thermodynamics is The simulation is on a square rectangular grid and the physically not relevant and the entropy bracket is dis- design on an unstructured triangular mesh is outlined. carded in (39) because the functional derivatives with Sommer and N´evir (2009) report the first simulation respect to σ vanish. The continuity equation remains un- of a shallow water atmosphere using Nambu brackets. approximated and the pressure gradient term is replaced The authors use an isosahedric grid (as in the ICON by the gradient of enthalpy. Note the different brackets model, ICOsahedric Non-hydrostatic model, of the Ger- for helicity (40) and vorticity (18) in 3D hydrodynamics. man Weather Service and the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg). The construction of the algo- rithm is as follows (Sommer and N´evir, 2009): C. Conservative algorithms and numerical models 1. First the continuous versions of the Nambu- Salmon (2005, 2007) recognized that the existence of brackets and conservation laws need to be obtained. a Nambu bracket with two conserved integrals allows the design of high-precision numerical algorithms for study- 2. On the grid, the following expressions need to be ing geophysical flows. The idea is in fact simple: just like calculated: functional derivatives, discrete opera- in the usual case we aim at writing numerical codes able tors (div and curl), discretization of the Jacobian to conserve energy when dissipation and forcing are ne- and the Nambu brackets. glected, Nambu mechanism provides encouragement and conceptual support for expanding this point of view by 3. Finally, the prognostic equations are obtained by encompassing other important physical quantities. The inserting the variables in the brackets. Various op- approach is useful in GFD turbulence simulations be- tions are available for the time stepping is arbi- cause these flows are characterized by the existence of trary; Sommer and N´evir (2009) use a leap-frog conservation laws besides total energy. In particular, the with Robert-Asselin filter. 8

cation by Salazar and Kurgansky (2010). The dynam- ics is determined by these ’constitutive’ Casimirs (a no- tion coined in (N´evirand Sommer, 2009)) which are not conserved in the complete system. Decomposition leads to subsystems where the constitutive Casimirs are con- served. An example is helicity which is constitutive in the baroclinic atmosphere and only conserved in the 3D incompressible flow. The decomposition is directly asso- ciated with approximations (N´evirand Sommer, 2009). Composition allows a process-oriented model design. Statistical Mechanics: The statistical mechanics of fluids is characterized by the existence of conservation laws besides total energy (Bouchet and Venaille, 2012), see also section III in this review. Thus these conserva- FIG. 1 Enstrophy tendencies in the enstrophy conserving tion laws have a two-fold impact: They determine the ICON shallow water model and the Nambu model of Sommer dynamics in a Nambu bracket and the canonical proba- and N´evir (2009) (courtesy of Matthias Sommer, Ludwig- bility distribution in equilibrium. Maximilians-Universit¨atM¨unchen). Note that the tendency in the Nambu model is of the order of the numerical accuracy. Dynamics of Casimirs: Casimir-functions of a con- servative system are ideal observables to characterize the dynamics in the presence of forcing and dissipation. This The authors find quasi-constant enstrophy and energy might prove especially interesting when studying the re- compared to a standard numerical design (Fig. 1). sponse of a system to perturbations in the context of Along these lines, Gassmann and Herzog (2008) sug- the Response theory proposed by (Ruelle, 1997, 1998a,b, gest a radically new concept for a global numerical 2009) and recently used in a geophysical context by var- simulation of the non-hydrostatic atmosphere using the ious authors with promising results (Abramov and Ma- Nambu representation for the energy-helicity bracket jda, 2008; Eyink et al., 2004; Lucarini, 2009; Lucarini {F, ha, H} (N´evir, 1998). Their suggestion incorporates and Sarno, 2011); see also section V in this review. a careful description of Reynolds averaged subscale pro- As illuminating example, we mention the recent work cesses and budgets. Gassmann (2013) describes a global of Pelino and Maimone (2007) and Gianfelice et al. non-hydrostatic dynamical core based on an icosahedral (2012), who have used recurrence maps of extremes of nonhydrostatic model on a hexagonal C-grid. The model energy and a Casimir in a Lorenz-like map to assess pre- conserves mass and energy in a noncanonical Hamil- dictability of the system and study the properties of the tonian framework,even if some still unsolved numerical invariant . problems occur when the non-hydrostatic compressible equations are in a Nambu bracket form. The use of dy- namical cores constructed according to the sophisticated III. EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL MECHANICS FOR version of fluid dynamics discussed here might provide GEOPHYSICAL FLOWS crucial for improving the ability of atmospheric models in representing correctly the global budgets of physically We have seen in the previous section that different relevant quantities also in the case when forcing and dis- models of geophysical flows have a specific mathemat- sipative processes are taken into account. As discussed ical structure: they are Hamiltonian systems, and have by Lucarini and Ragone (2011) for the case of energy, an infinite number of conserved quantities - the Casimirs. this is far from being a trivial task. The previous section has shown how one could take ad- vantage of these features and construct theoretically rich representation of the dynamics and provide proposals for D. Perspectives constructing new numerical codes of GFD flows. This section goes in the direction of constructing a probabilis- Like Hamiltonian mechanics, the Nambu approach is tic description of GFD flows, basically taking the point of a versatile tool for the analysis and simulation of dynam- view that due to the large amount of degrees of freedom ical systems. Here some possible research directions are involved, one can consider the state of the atmosphere outlined. and the ocean as random variables. Here we shall review Modular modeling and approximations: In sev- the progress that has been made by using the simplest eral applications a Nambu representation can be found by class of possible probability distributions: the equilib- adding brackets which conserve a particular Casimir, this rium distributions which depend only on the conserved is already mentioned by Nambu (1973); see the baroclinic quantities. However, most of the standard applications of atmosphere (N´evirand Sommer, 2009) and the classifi- equilibrium statistical mechanics deal with dynamics on 9 a finite dimensional phase space (e.g., a gas with a finite Hence, negative temperature equilibrium states exhibit- number of molecules), with a finite number of dynamical ing clusters of same-sign vortices are expected. This be- invariants (often just the energy). The equations describ- havior has been confirmed by numerical simulations with ing the dynamics of geophysical flows violate both these up to N = 6724 point vortices: see Fig. 2. constraints. Several solutions have thus been proposed: they are reviewed briefly in the next sections, going from the main fundamental ideas to selected geophysical ap- plications.

A. Finite-dimensional models: Point vortices

1. Negative temperature states and clustering of vortices

Onsager (1949) was the first to understand that the co- herent structures and persistent circulations that appear ubiquitously in planetary atmospheres and in the Earth’s FIG. 2 Time evolution for a numerical simulation of two- oceans could be explained on statistical grounds. His sign point vortices (shown in red and blue), for positive tem- work focused on 2D incompressible, inviscid fluids given peratures (upper panel) and negative temperatures (lower panel) (Yatsuyanagi et al., 2005). For negative tempera- in equation 2. To make the system tractable, he intro- tures, we observe the clustering of same-sign vortices, while duced an approximation of the vorticity field in terms of for positive temperatures, positive and negative vortices are N point vortices with circulation γi and position ri(t): distributed homogeneously in the domain. PN ω(r, t) = i=1 γiδ(ri(t) − r), where δ(x) is the usual Dirac’s delta distribution. Introducing the Hamiltonian P H = − i

The theory can be generalized in a straightforward In particular, the average energy at absolute equilibrium manner to quasi-geostrophic (QG) flows (Miyazaki et al., is given by 2011). DiBattista and Majda (2001) have given solu- ∂ ln Z 1 X 1 tions of the mean-field equation for a two-layer model hEi = − = , (47) ˜ 2 ˜ 2 - i.e., a QG model where the stream function is de- ∂β k∈B β + 2αk fined only at two discrete value of the vertical coordi- which corresponds to an equipartition spectrum for the nate and the temperature is defined at the interface be- general invariant βE˜ + αΓ : E(k) = πk/(β˜ + 2αk2). In- tween such level (Holton, 2004) - where the point vor- 2 viscid numerical runs indeed relax to this spectrum (Bas- tices stand for hetons, introduced by Hogg and Stommel devant and Sadourny, 1975; Fox and Orszag, 1973). Note (1985) as a model of individual convective towers in the that the Lagrange parameters α and β˜ cannot take ar- ocean. They have shown that a background barotropic bitrary values; they are constrained by the realizability current (the barotropic governor) confines potential vor- condition — for the Gaussian integral defining Z to con- ticity and temperature anomalies, thereby suppressing verge. Here, this condition reads: β˜ + 2αk2 > 0 and the baroclinic instability, in agreement with numerical min β˜ + 2αk2 > 0. In particular, when α > 0, negative simulations (Legg and Marshall, 1993). max temperatures can be attained. In this regime, which cor- The point vortex model suffers from a number of lim- responds to hΓ2i/(2hEi) small enough (Kraichnan and itations inherent to the approach. First of all, when we Montgomery, 1980), the energy spectrum is a decreasing let the number of vortices tend to infinity (the thermo- function of k. When β˜ → −2αk2 , a singularity appears dynamic limit), we have to introduce an ad-hoc scaling min at k → kmin, which means that the energy is expected to of the Lagrange parameters to retain the organized, neg- concentrate in the largest scales. Hence, statistical me- ative temperature states. Besides, there is no unique chanics for the truncated system predicts that when the way to approximate a vortex patch by a finite number of enstrophy is small enough compared to the energy, we vortices. A consequence is also that the area of vorticity expect the energy to be transferred to the large scales. patches cannot be conserved in this singular formulation. Kraichnan (1967) gives other arguments to support and We shall see in section III.C that dealing directly with refine this view; in particular he shows the existence of the vorticity field will solve these issues, while predict- two inertial ranges, with a constant flux of energy and ing a relation between vorticity and stream function very enstrophy, respectively, with the energy spectrum scal- similar to the one obtained above. ing as E(k) ∼ Cε2/3k−5/3 and E(k) ∼ C0η2/3k−3 re- spectively, where ε and η are the energy and enstrophy fluxes. In particular, the equilibrium energy spectrum at large scales is shallower than the energy inertial range B. Finite-dimensional models: truncated Fourier modes spectrum. Assuming a tendency for the system to relax to equilibrium — although the equilibrium is never at- 1. 2D Turbulence tained in the presence of forcing and dissipation — we thus expect the flux of energy to be towards the large Rather than a discretization in physical space, one may scales; a process referred to as the inverse cascade of 2D consider a finite number of modes in Fourier space, as turbulence. Similarly, the transfer of enstrophy in the proposed by Lee (1952) and Kraichnan (1967) in the corresponding inertial range should be towards the small context of the Euler equations. For 2D flows — for sim- scales. The dual cascade scenario has been confirmed plicity, we consider here a rectangular geometry with pe- both by numerical simulations (Boffetta, 2007) and lab- riodic boundary conditions; the case of a spherical ge- oratory experiments (Paret and Tabeling, 1997). ometry can be found in Frederiksen and Sawford (1980) — writing the vorticity field as a truncated Fourier series 2. Quasi-Geostrophic Turbulence P ik·x ω(x) = k ωˆ(k)e , the evolution in time of the Fourier coefficients follows an equation of the form ∂tωˆ(k) = P The dynamical equations of QG flow are very similar p,q Akpqωˆ(p)ˆω(q), where the summation is restricted to the Euler equations, replacing vorticity by potential 3 to a finite set of wave vectors B = {k ∈ 2π/LZ , kmin ≤ vorticity (see section II.B.1). In particular, they con- k ≤ kmax} and Akpq takes care of the quadratic non- serve similar quadratic invariants, and the theory can be linearity terms. This dynamics preserves two quadratic extended in a straightforward manner (Holloway, 1986; P 2 2 quantities: the energy E = k|ωˆ(k)| /(2k ) and the en- Salmon, 1998). We will discuss in this section the effect P 2 strophy Γ2 = k|ωˆ(k)| . Kraichnan (1967) suggested to of stratification and β effect. consider the canonical probability distribution: Perhaps the simplest framework to consider the role of stratification is the two-layer QG case. As in section ˜ e−βE−αΓ2 III.B.1, a canonical probability distribution can be con- ρ({ωˆ(k)} ) = , (46) k∈B Z structed, taking into account the three invariants: the 11 total energy E and the potential enstrophies of each Wind or Solar Input Baroclinic Energy layer, Z1 and Z2. The corresponding partition function can be computed, and the spectrum studied in the var- Scattering Into ious regimes, with similar results. In particular, nega- 3D Turbulence tive temperature states are accessible, which correspond Loss to to condensation of the energy on the largest horizon- Boundary Barotropic Energy tal scales and the Fofonoff (1954) solutions mentioned Layer Friction k0 kD k3D below. Maybe more interestingly, although the vari- FIG. 3 Energy (solid arrows) and potential enstrophy (dashed ous forms of energy (kinetic energy K1,K2 in each layer and potential energy P ) are not individually conserved, arrows) flux diagram for two-layer quasi-geostrophic turbu- lence, taking inspiration from Salmon (1978). The energy we can compute their average value at equilibrium, as injected in the baroclinic mode at large scales is cascaded Salmon et al. (1976) did. Alternatively, the standard downscale until the deformation scale is reached, then it is decomposition in terms of the barotropic and baroclinic transferred to the barotropic mode and cascaded upscale like modes (constructed by taking the average and the differ- in 2D turbulence, in agreement with the predictions of equi- ence of the streamfunctions in the two layers), with their librium statistical mechanics. kinetic energies KT and KB, can be used. As Salmon et al. (1976) highlighted, the Rossby deformation scale affect directly the previous analysis of the nonlinear en- kD = 2π/RD plays an important role. RD = NH/f0, ergy transfers: the conserved quantities remain the same where H is the vertical extent of the domain and f0 is the reference Coriolis parameter, defines the typical hor- and the statistical theory is easily extended by replacing izontal scale of perturbations of vertical extent equal to relative vorticity with absolute vorticity. However, the variation of the Coriolis force with latitude is responsi- H, with N/f0  1 defining the typical geometric as- pect ratio. At scales smaller than the deformation scale ble for the appearance of Rossby waves, which modify the physical interpretation of the predicted cascade of energy. (k  kD), the two layers behave essentially as two in- dependent copies of 2D turbulence; the energy spectrum As anticipated by Rhines (1975) and verified numerically in each layer is the same as in the 2D case, the correla- (e.g., Vallis and Maltrud, 1993), the Rossby waves deflect tion at statistical equilibrium is low, and there is about the inverse energy cascade: they dominate over nonlinear as much energy in the barotropic mode and the baro- effects in a part of Fourier space and prevent access to low wavenumbers along one direction in Fourier space. clinic mode: hKT (k)i/hKB(k)i ∼ 1. Besides, the po- tential energy is small compared to the kinetic energy: This leads to the preferential formation of zonal flows. hP (k)i/hKT (k)i = O(kD/k). At scales larger than the deformation radius (k  kD), the system rather behaves as a unique barotropic layer: the amount of energy in 3. Beyond balanced motion the two layers is about the same, but the energy is es- sentially in the barotropic mode, with negligible energy Although the large-scale motions of the atmosphere in the baroclinic mode, and a statistical correlation be- and oceans of the Earth are very close to geostrophic tween the two layers of order 1. This theoretical anal- and hydrostatic balance, these relations break up when ysis goes in strong support of the standard picture of moving down to the mesoscale, and the transfers of en- two-layer QG turbulence, developed on phenomenolog- ergy due to turbulence, or the non-linear interaction of ical grounds (Rhines (1979); Salmon (1978), see also inertia-gravity waves, might not follow the inverse cas- Vallis (2006, chap. 9) and Fig. 3), and is in agree- cade scenario described in sections III.B.1-III.B.2. As a ment with numerical simulations (Rhines, 1976). These matter of fact, a downscale transfer of energy is needed results have been extended to an arbitrary number of in the ocean to feed enhanced vertical mixing (e.g., Led- layers and to continuously stratified flows by Merryfield well et al., 2000) or small-scale dissipation in the ocean (1998). Although the equilibrium mean, vertically inte- interior (Nikurashin et al., 2013). Such processes are nec- grated stream function remains similar to the two-layer essary to close the energy budget of the ocean (Wunsch case, the distribution of the statistics on the vertical dif- and Ferrari, 2004). It is therefore natural to ask how fers as higher-order moments are considered. The ratio equilibrium statistical mechanics can help understand- of potential to kinetic energy for instance, can become ing how energy is exchanged by nonlinear interactions significantly underestimated, especially in the limit of between the slow, balanced motions and the fast, wave strong stratification (kD → 0) where the two-layer model motions. does not capture well the possibility that an important Errico (1984) first observed a tendency for unforced in- fraction of the energy may be trapped near the bottom. viscid flows described by hydrostatic primitive equations The second dominant effect in geophysical flows, in to reach an energy equipartition state, in which the en- addition to stratification, is rotation. The Coriolis force ergy in the fast wave modes is comparable to that in the introduces a linear term in the equations, which does not slow balanced modes. The study by Warn (1986), in the 12 context of the shallow water equations, essentially con- the energy firms that QG flows are not equilibrium states, and that Z Z a substantial part of the energy may end up in the fast E [ρ] = drdr0 dσdσ0σσ0G(r, r0)ρ(σ, r)ρ(σ0, r0), 2 2 (surface) wave modes at statistical equilibrium, implying D R a direct cascade of energy to the small scales. Bartello (48) (1995) has obtained analytically the equilibrium energy spectrum for the Boussinesq equations (neglecting the with G the Green function of the Laplacian, and the nonlinear part of potential vorticity), in the presence of Casimir invariants rotation, confirming the direct cascade of energy. In par- Z Z n ticular, there is no negative temperature states in this Gn[ρ] = dr dσσ ρ(σ, r), (49) case, due to the presence of the inertia-gravity waves. In D R fact, numerical simulations (Pouquet and Marino, 2013) indicate that turbulence with rotation and stratification or equivalently, the vorticity levels might have at the same time an inverse and a direct cas- Z cade of energy. A natural interpretation would be that Dσ[ρ] = drρ(σ, r). (50) vortical modes are responsible for the inverse cascade D while waves cascade energy downscale simultaneously. The idea of the theory is to select the probability dis- Bartello (1995) had discussed the possibility of a wave- tribution ρ which maximizes a mixing entropy S [ρ] = vortical mode decoupling on the basis of resonant triadic − R R drdσρ(σ, r) ln ρ(σ, r), under the constraints of interactions. Without any assumptions on the dynamics, D R conservation of the invariants, and pointwise normaliza- another interpretation in the statistical mechanics frame- R tion N [ρ](r) = dσρ(σ, r) = 1. Hence, we are inter- work uses an analogy with metastable states: restricting R ested in the variational problem: the equilibrium probability distribution to the slow man- ifold yields an inverse cascade, while taking into account max {S [ρ] | E [ρ] = E, ∀n ∈ N, Gn[ρ] = Γn}, (51) the whole phase space including the waves results in a ρ,N [ρ](r)=1 direct cascade (Herbert et al., 2014). or equivalently,

max {S [ρ] | E [ρ] = E, ∀σ ∈ R, Dσ[ρ] = γ(σ)}. C. The mean-field theory for the continuous vorticity field ρ,N [ρ](r)=1 (52)

1. Mean-field theory The solutions of this variational problem correspond to the most probable states for a given set of conserved Above, we have considered finite-dimensional models quantities. conserving at most two quadratic quantities, the energy The critical points of the variational problem (52) R and the enstrophy. In fact, the majority of the flows con- are simply given by δS − drζ(r)δN (r) − ˜βδE − sidered above — and in particular 2D and QG flows — R ˜ dσα(σ)δDσ = 0, where β and α(σ) are the Lagrange conserve an infinite family of invariants, called Casimir multiplier associated with the conservation constraints. invariants: for any function s, R s(ω)dr is conserved (see n Easy computations yield the solution Eq. 5). The specific case sn(x) = x corresponds to the moments of the vorticity distribution. Instead, the con- 1 ˜ ρ(σ, r) = eβσψ(r)−α(σ), (53) servation of sσ(x) = δ(x − σ) implies that the area γ(σ) Z where the vorticity takes value σ is conserved. This is due to the absence of a vortex stretching term, in contrast so that the coarse-grained vorticity is given by with full 3D flows; here the vorticity (or potential vortic- 1 δ ln Z ity, in the QG case) patches are stirred in such a way that ω = F (ψ), with F (ψ) = , (54) their area remains conserved. The theory developed by β˜ δψ Miller (1990) and Robert and Sommeria (1991) (see also Bouchet and Venaille (2012) for a review) introduces a and Z(ψ) = R dσeβσ˜ ψ−α(σ). To compute the equilib- R coarse-grained vorticity field ω, which corresponds to the rium states of the system, one should solve the partial macroscopic state of the flow. This coarse-grained vor- differential equation (54), referred to as the mean-field ticity field can be predicted based on the invariants using equation, and check afterwards that the obtained critical statistical mechanics. To do so, we introduce ρ(σ, r), the points are indeed maxima of the constrained variational probability density for the vorticity field to take value σ problem by considering the second derivatives. This will at point r. The coarse-grained vorticity field is given by automatically ensure that the equilibrium states are non- R ∞ ω(r) = −∞ σρ(σ, r)dσ. The invariants of the system are linearly stable steady states (Chavanis, 2009). 13

domain of aspect ratio close to 1, with periodic boundary conditions, thereby obtaining two topologies for the equi- librium states: dipole and unidirectional flows. Adding a small stochastic forcing generates transitions from one to the other equilibrium.

3. Stratified flows

In addition to the 2D and quasi-2D cases mentioned above, the theory has also been applied to stratified flu- ids (essentially in the quasi-geostrophic regime). Herbert (2014) has obtained and classified the statistical equi- libria of the two-layer QG model in the framework of the Robert-Miller-Sommeria theory, and updated the dis- cussion of the vertical distribution of energy at statisti- FIG. 4 Maximum entropy states as a function of the aspect cal equilibrium (see section III.B.2): in particular, it is ratio for a rectangular domain, in the linear (strong mixing) shown that even at statistical equilibrium, there will re- ω-ψ limit (Chavanis and Sommeria, 1996). For τ < τc, the main some residual energy in the baroclinic mode, unless equilibrium is a monopole, while for τ > τc, it is a dipole. the initial vertical profile of fine-grained enstrophy is uni- form. In the context of continuously stratified flows, Ve- naille (2012) has taken up the thread initiated by Merry- 2. Equilibrium states for 2D and barotropic flows field (1998) (see section III.B.2) and shown that bottom- trapped currents are indeed statistical equilibria of the The mean-field equation (54) is in general difficult to Robert-Miller-Sommeria theory. Still in the continuous solve; one issue is that the ω - ψ relation is in general case, Venaille et al. (2012) have also studied the vertical nonlinear. Most of the analytical solutions have been ob- distribution of energy at statistical equilibrium, focusing tained in the linear case, by decomposing the fields on on the tendency to reach barotropic equilibrium states; a basis of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on the domain as also observed in the two-layer model, the constraint D. This technique was first introduced in a rectangular of conservation of fine-grained enstrophy prevents com- domain by Chavanis and Sommeria (1996), who showed plete elimination of energy in the baroclinic mode. As that the statistical equilibrium is either a monopole or a the β effect increases, barotropization is facilitated, until dipole, depending on the aspect ratio (Fig. 4). The we enter a regime dominated by waves. It is well known same method was extended to the case of barotropic that baroclinic dynamics is hindered by strong values β flows, replacing vorticity by potential vorticity. Tak- (Holton, 2004). ing into account the β effect, Fofonoff (1954) flows are obtained as statistical equilibria in a rectangular basin (Naso et al., 2011; Venaille and Bouchet, 2011). Such so- D. Subgrid scale parameterization lutions correspond to flows with two gyres (anticyclonic in the northern basin, cyclonic in the southern basin) in Results from equilibrium statistical mechanics have a rectangular basin, see Fig. 5. The relative vorticity is found practical applications in the development of pa- confined to a boundary layer, whose with decreases with rameterization methods. Holloway (1992) suggested to the total energy or when the β effect (i.e., the relative replace the usual sub-grid scale parameterizations in strength of the gradient of the planetary vorticity) in- ocean models, where, e.g., viscous forces are represented creases. The flow is westward in the interior of the basin, with terms of the form ν∗∆u), where ν∗ is the eddy with an eastward compensating flow near the boundaries. viscosity. He proposed to replace such formula with ∗ Different geometries can be studied: in a rotating ν∗∆(u−u ), so that viscosity relaxes the system towards sphere, the equilibria, in the linear limit, can be either the statistical equilibrium state u∗. Such a parameteri- solid-body rotations, dipole flows (Herbert et al., 2012) zation has been implemented, tested and commented in a or quadrupoles, taking into account conservation of an- number of studies (Cummins and Holloway, 1994, e.g.). gular momentum (Herbert, 2013). In the latter case, a For more perspective on this type of subgrid-scale param- perturbative treatment of the nonlinearity in the ω - ψ eterizations, the reader is referred to (Holloway, 2004) relationship leads to the same flow topology, but sharper and (Frederiksen and O’Kane, 2008). vortex cores (Qi and Marston, 2014). Bouchet and Si- Along similar lines, Kazantsev et al. (1998) have pro- monnet (2009) have also considered the role of a small posed more generally to treat the subgrid scales so as nonlinearity in the ω - ψ relationship for a rectangular to maximize the entropy production, inspired by the 100 Journal of Marine Research

a ----~:~:::~~~~~------izz:.-;- ______------b _.-- -______------.. ._ .- --._ _A ___---- _____------______..- /- --. --.. __.- -.._ --- ______------__---_--- --__---______--______------


1.0 d


9 0


-1.0 - 1.:2 -.6

Figure 8. Experiment usingthe smoothedaverage 5 field in ISRDl insteadof random field as FIG. 5 Convergence towardsinitial condition. the statistical Now theequilibrium field hasvery in little inviscid transient truncated component. barotropicThe fields flow are on averaged a β-plane (Wang and Vallis, 1994). Left: Stream function.from 10 T,, Right: andthen scatterplot smoothed. ofShown the qhere- ψ relation. are (a) relative vorticity 5, (b) absolutevorticity q, (c) streamfunctionIJJ and (d) scatter-plot of q - I). relaxation equations formulated in the Robert-Miller- ature contrast between the polar and equatorial regions Sommeria theoryconsistent as an algorithm with the totheory. construct Roughly equilib-measuring andfrom thethe associatedscatter-plots, large-scale, we obtain atmosphericApl and oceanic rium states (ChavanisCL- -0.37 and Sommeriawhere E is ,the 1997). average Note of p’s also in the circulation).two experiments, In thisA~J,is and the inincrease the next in sections we will take that it has been shownt,r,from 32 in directx 32 to numerical128 x 128 experiments. simulations Therefore,such a pointwe have: of view. of ideal 3D turbulence that the small scales thermalize The basis of the physical theory of climate was estab- --AE ---3Ak progressively, and act as a sort of effective viscosity in lished in a seminal paper by (Lorenz, 1955), who eluci- E- - 2 CL - 55-5%* the ideal system, leading to the appearance of transient dated how the mechanisms of energy forcing, conversion Kolmogorov scalingBoth laws energies (Cichowlas are the etcomponents al., 2005). contained This andin the dissipation time mean arefields. related Hence, to when the general circulation of seems to be consistentR, = 3.18 with x the10e3 abovein the suggestionsinitial random forflows,the then atmosphere. as resolution Oceanicis increased and from atmospheric large scale subgrid scale parameterizations. flows results from the conversion of available potential energy - coming from the differential heating due to the inhomogeneity of the absorption of solar radiation- into IV. CLIMATE AS A FORCED-DISSIPATIVE THERMODYNAMIC SYSTEM kinetic energy through different mechanisms of instabil- ity due to the presence of large temperature gradients In the previous sections the focus has been on identify- (Charney, 1947; Eady, 1949). Such instabilities create ing symmetry properties and conservation laws of GFD a negative feedback, as they tend to reduce the tem- flows and relate these to dynamical features and statis- perature gradients they feed upon by favoring the mix- tical mechanical properties. Neglecting forcing and dis- ing between masses of fluids at different temperatures. sipation has led us to study reversible equations whose Furthermore, in a forced and dissipative system like the statistical properties can be described using equilibrium Earth’s climate, entropy is continuously produced by irre- statistical mechanics. versible processes (deGroot and Mazur, 1984; Prigogine, Indeed, this provides the backbone of the properties of 1961). Contributions to the total material entropy pro- GFD flows and are of great relevance for studying more duction, which is related to the non-radiative irreversible realistic physical conditions. Nonetheless, at this stage, processes (Goody, 2000; Kleidon, 2009), come from: dis- a reality-check is necessary. The atmosphere and the sipation of kinetic energy due to viscous processes, tur- oceans are out-of-equilibrium systems, which exchange bulent diffusion of heat and chemical species, irreversible irreversibly matter and energy from their surrounding phase transitions associated to various processes relevant environment and re-export it in a more degraded form at for the hydrological cycle, and chemical reactions relevant higher entropy. For example, Earth absorbs short-wave for the biogeochemistry of the planet. radiation (low-entropy solar photons emitted at a tem- It is important to note that the study of the climate en- perature of ≈ 6000 K) which is then re-emitted to space tropics has been revitalized after Paltridge (1975, 1978) as infrared radiation (high entropy thermal photons emit- proposed a principle of maximum entropy production ted at at a temperature ≈ 255 K). In addition to that, (MEPP) as a constraint on the climate system. While spatial gradients in chemical concentrations and temper- the scientific community disagrees on the validity of such ature as well as their associated internal matter and en- a point of view - see, e.g., Goody (2007) - the discussion ergy fluxes can be established and maintained for long revolving around MEPP has led the scientific community time within non-equilibrium systems (e.g. the temper- to refocus on the importance of a thermodynamical ap- 15 proach – as complementary to the dynamical one – in the meridional transport by the atmosphere and oceans providing physical insights for student the climate sys- and the zonally integrated radiative budget at the top- tem. In this paper we will not discuss MEPP and other of-the-atmosphere. Integrating along ϕ ({X} = R Xdϕ), non-equilibrium variational principles (for an updated re- the expression for the time derivative of the net global view see Dewar et al., 2013). energy balance is straightforwardly derived:

TOA ˙ {[FR ]} = {[E]}. (58) A. Climatic energy budget and energy flows SimilarSurv Geophys relationships can be written for the atmosphere,

1. Energy Budget

We first focus on developing equations describing the energy budget of the climate system. The total specific (per unit mass) energy of a geophysical fluid is given by the sum of internal, potential, kinetic and latent energy. This can be expressed as e = u2/2+i+φ+Lq for the at- mosphere, where u is the velocity vector, i = cvT is the nertanl energy, with cv is the specific heat at constant volume for the gaseous atmospheric mixture and T is its temperature, Φ is the gravitational (plus centrifugal) po- tential, L is the latent heat of evaporation, and q is the specific humidity. In this formula, we neglect the heat content of the liquid and solid water and the heat asso- Fig. 1 The global annual mean earth’s energy budget for 2000–2005 (W m-2). The broad arrows indicate ciated to the phase transition between solid and liquid FIG.the schematic 6 Global flow of energy annual in proportion mean to their earthsimportance. Adaptedenergy frombudget Trenberth et al. for (2009 2000-) with changes noted in the text water. The approximate expression for the specific en- 2005 (W m−2). From Trenberth and Fasullo (2012). 2 ergy of the ocean reads e = u /2 + i + Φ, where i = cW T below. Uncertainties are discussed in Trenberth et al. (2009) and are mostly not dealt with here, except to highlight some sources of discrepancy with other studies. is the specific heat at constant volume of water (we ne- oceanIn Fig. and1, use land has been provided made of conservation that energy of energy fluxes and the assumption of sensible, that, on la- a glect the effects of salinity and of pressure), while we can tenttime heat scale of as years, well the as change radiative in heat storage fluxes within are the taken atmosphere into is very account small. Accordingly, the net radiation at TOA RT is the sum of the ASR minus the OLR: consider e = cST +φ as the specific energy for solid earth atRT the= ASR surface- OLR. In ( turn,Peixoto the ASR isand the difference Oort, between 1992). the incomingA schematic solar radi- or ice. The conservation of energy and the conservation ation and the reflected solar radiation. At the surface, the ASR has to be offset by the viewsensible of heat the and latent surface heat fluxes and plus the TOA net longwave energy radiation. fluxes The latter for is made present up of of mass imply that (Peixoto and Oort, 1992): daytwo large Earth terms: ( theTrenberth emitted radiation and from Fasullo the surface, and 2012) the downwelling can be longwave see in radiation coming back from the atmosphere. Both at the surface and TOA the imbalance is ∂ρe Fig.the same 6. and, Under as noted above, steady is estimated state to be conditions, 0.9 W m-2. the long term = −∇ · (Jh + FR + FS + FL) − ∇(τ · u) (55) Updates in˙ Trenberth et al. (2009) included revised absorption in the atmosphere by ∂t averagewater vaporE and= aerosols, 0. Therefore since Kim and Ramanathan from equation (2008) found (58) that updated the spec- sta- tionaritytroscopic parameters condition and continuum implies absorption that for water vapor increased the absorption by where ρ is the density; p is the pressure; Jh = (ρe + p)u 4–6 W m-2. The sensible heat has values of 17, 27, and 12 W m-2 for the globe, land, and ocean (just over 70% of the Earth), and, even with uncertainties of 10%, the errors are only is the total enthalpy transport; F , F , and F are the -2 R S L order 2 W m . There is widespread{[FR agreement]toa} = that 0. the global mean surface upward(59) vectors of the radiative, turbulent sensible, and turbulent longwave (LW) radiation is about 396 W m-2, which is dependent on the skin temperature and surface emissivity (Zhang et al. 2006). latent heat fluxes, respectively; and τ is the stress tensor. EquationGlobal (59) describes should equal global the evaporation basic fact for a thatlong-term he average, climate and By expressing Eq. (55) in spherical coordinates (r, λ, ϕ), system,estimates are at likely steady more reliable state, of the does former. not However, on there the is averageconsiderable uncertainty receives in precipitation over both the oceans and land (Trenberth et al. 2007b; Schlosser and and assuming the usual thin shell approximation r = norHouser emits2007). Theenergy. latter is mainly due to wind effects, undercatch, and sampling, while the R + z, z/R  1, where R is the Earth’s radius and z is These constraints can be used for auditing climate the vertical coordinate of the fluid, we have (Peixoto and models. At observational level non-zero energy balances123 Oort, 1992): are found at TOA and at the surface (Trenberth and Fa- sullo, 2012; Wild et al., 2013), due to the fact the the 1 ∂T [E˙ ] = − T + [F TOA] (56) actual Earth is not at a stationary state, most notably R cos ϕ ∂ϕ R because of the ongoing greenhouse gas forcing. However, R TOA where [X](ϕ, t) ≡ X(λ, ϕ, t)dλ, FR is the net radi- a physically consistent climate model should feature a ation at the top of the atmosphere (with the convention vanishing net energy balance when its parameters are that the value is positive when there is an excess of incom- held fixed and statistical stationarity is eventually ob- ing over outgoing radiation) and the meridional enthalpy tained. Lucarini and Ragone (2011) analyzed the behav- transport has been defined as: ior of more than twenty atmosphere-ocean coupled cli- ZZ mate models (PCMDI/CMIP3 intercomparison project, TT (ϕ, t) ≡ Jhϕ(ϕ, λ, z, t)R cos ϕdzdλ. (57) http://www-pcmdi.llnl.gov/) under steady state condi- tions (preindustrial scenario) and found that models’ en- Equation (56) relates the rate of change of the vertically ergy balances are wildly different with global balances and zonally integrated total energy to the divergence of spanning between −0.2 and 2 W m−2, with a few ones 16

Previdi, 2012) and in the water surface fluxes (Hasson et al., 2013; Lucarini et al., 2008), with the fact that dissipated kinetic energy is not re-injected in the system as thermal energy (Becker, 2003; Lucarini and Fraedrich, 2009), as well as with nonconservative numerical schemes (Gassmann, 2013).

2. Meridional enthalpy transport

a) The next step in constructing the energetics of the cli- mate system is the study of the large scale transport of various forms of energy. The meridional distribution of the radiative fields at the top-of-the-atmosphere poses a strong constraint on the meridional general circulation (Stone, 1978). As clear from equation (56), the station- arity condition (59) leads to the following indirect rela- tionship for TT : Z π/2 2 0 0 b) TT (ϕ) = −2π R cos ϕ (FR)toa(ϕ ). (60) ϕ

In other terms, the flux TT transports enthalpy from the low-latitudes, which feature a positive imbalance between the net input of solar radiation – determined by planetary albedo, determined mostly by i.e., clouds (Donohoe and Battisti, 2012) and by surface properties – and the output of longwave radiation, to the high-latitudes, where a cor- responding negative imbalance is present. Atmospheric and oceanic circulations act as responses needed to equi- c) librate such an imbalance (Peixoto and Oort, 1992). The climatic meridional enthalpy transport TT (ϕ) re- duces the temperature difference between the low and high latitude regions with respect to what imposed by the radiative-convective equilibrium picture. Stone (1978) showed that TT depends essentially on the mean plan- etary albedo and on the equator-to-pole contrast of the incoming solar forcing, while being mostly independent from dynamical details of atmospheric and oceanic cir- culations. As emphasized by Enderton and Marshall (2009), if one assumes drastic changes in the meridional d) distributions of planetary albedo differences emerge with FIG. 7 Mean and standard deviation of globally averaged respect to Stone’s theory. A comprehensive thermody- top-of-the-atmosphere radiative budget (a), atmosphere en- namic theory of the climate system able to predict the ergy budget (b), ocean (c) and land energy budget (d) for peak location and strength of the meridional transport, inter-comparable CMIP3 (red) and CMIP5 (blue) climate the partition between atmosphere and ocean (Rose and models control simulations. Updated from Lucarini and Ferreira, 2013) and to accommodate the variety of pro- Ragone (2011). cesses contributing to it, is still missing. Besides theoretical difficulties, observational estima- tions of TT , TA and TO also poses non-trivial challenges. −2 featuring imbalances larger than 3 W m . The anal- For simplicity, we here refer to TT . There is still not ysis of similar budgets for the last generation of cli- an accurate estimate of such a fundamental quantity for mate models (CMIP5 intercomparison project, Taylor testing the output of climate models, despite the efforts et al. (2012)) does not show a significant improvement of several authors (Fasullo and Trenberth, 2008; Mayer (Fig. 7). Spurious energy biases may be associated with and Haimberger, 2012; Trenberth and Caron, 2001; Tren- non-conservation of water in the atmospheric branch of berth and Fasullo, 2010; Wunsch, 2005). The precision the hydrological cycle (Liepert and Lo, 2013; Liepert and of the estimates relies on the knowledge of the boundary 17

fluxes FR, FS, and FL and on the reanalysis datasets. climate models (CMIP5 intercomparison project, Taylor Wunsch (2005), by using measurements of the radiative et al. (2012)) show little improvement in terms of mu- fluxes at the top of the atmosphere and previous esti- tual agreement (Fig. 9). Donohoe and Battisti (2012) mates of the oceanic enthalpy transport, gave a range attributed such a large spread in TT to intermodel dif- of values of 3.0 − 5.2 PW (1 PW = 1015 W) for the ferences in the meridional contrast of absorbed solar ra- maximum of the total poleward transport in the North- diation, which, in turn, is mainly due to the inter-model ern Hemisphere (NH) and 4.0 − 6.7 PW for the max- difference in the shortwave optical properties of the atmo- imum of the total poleward transport in the Southern sphere; for an intercomparison of the cloud distribution is Hemisphere (SH). Trenberth and Fasullo (2010), by com- different climate models see Probst et al. (2012). Figure bining measurements of top-of-the-atmosphere radiative 9 also shows that, while the disagreement among models fields with different reanalyses and ocean datasets, found for the peak of the atmospheric transport is compara- the range to be 4.7 − 5.1 PW for the SH maximum and ble to that for the peak of the total transport, enormous 4.6 − 5.6 PW for NH. Mayer and Haimberger (2012), differences emerge when comparing oceanic transports. using two reanalysis datasets (ERA-40 and the more re- Interesting information emerge when looking at the po- cent ECMWF reanalysis ERA-Interim), constrained the sition of the peaks of the transport. Stone (1978) pre- two peaks in narrower confidence intervals: 5.1 − 5.6 PW dicted that the position of the maximum of TT is well in the SH (4.4 − 4.9 PW in the NH) for the ERA-40 constrained by the geometry of the system and weakly de- data and 5.1 − 5.6 PW in the SH (4.4 − 4.9 PW in the pendent of longitudinal homogeneities, and, accordingly NH) for the ERA-Interim data. Unfortunately reanaly- in Fig. 9 both CMIP3 and CMIP5 models feature small sis datasets are affected by mass and energy conserva- spread in the position of the peak of TT , with minute dif- tion (e.g. +1.2 W m−2 at the top-of-the-atmosphere and ferences between the two hemispheres, except one outlier. −2 +63442.8 W m over oceans in ERA- Interim,JOURNAL (Mayer and OF CLIMATESimilarly, the spread among models is smallVOLUME with14 respect to the position of the peak of TA in both hemispheres andand is not of aT majorO in the factor, Northern although Hemispheres, interannual variability while a larger is notuncertainty very reproducible exists in the between position ECMWF of the peak andof NCEPTO in the reanalyses.Southern TOA Hemisphere. radiation fluxes also contain some un- certainty, and adjustments for expected imbalances at the TOA may be a refinement worth considering in fu- ture.B. The maintenance of thermodynamical Itdisequilibrium is important to note that although the ocean heat transports and surface fluxes derived from the TOA ra- diationThe plus basic the understanding atmospheric of transports the maintenance (the indirect of the at- method)mospheric have general improved circulation substantially was and achieved mostly nearly agree sixty with the independent estimates the same cannot be said years ago by Lorenz (1955, 1967) through the concepts for the atmospheric NWP model surface fluxes com- of available potential energy and atmospheric energy cy- puted with bulk parameterizations, which contain sub- cle. The concept of available potential energy, first intro- FIG.7.TherequiredtotalheattransportfromtheTOAradiation stantial biases. The NWP models have not yet been FIG. 8 Annual meridional enthalpy transports of ocean duced by Margules (1905) to study storms, is defined as RT is compared with the derived estimate of the adjusted ocean heat improvedR to satisfy the global energy budgets in the (dashed),transport OT atmosphere (dashed) and (dash-dotted) implied atmospheric and total transport (solid) AT from esti- sameA = waycp that(T − theTr best)dV , coupled where T climater is the models temperature have, field matedNCEP from reanalyses satellite (PW). and reanalysis data (PW ). From Tren- highlightingof the reference the facts state, that obtained weather predictionby an isentropic is con- redis- berth and Caron (2001). strainedtribution by the of specification the atmospheric of the mass SSTs so and that the the models isentropic dosurfaces not have become to get the horizontal SST tendencies and the correct mass between to produce the two Haimbergercient. This, result 2012)) is problems especially that so at may 24￿Natwhichlat- potentially bias excellentisentropes weather remains forecasts. the same. By its own definition, this theitude transport no adjustments estimates. have Furthermore, been applied to these either estimates derived Shortcomingsstate minimizes in the the hydrological total potential cycle energy in the atNCEP constant areOT dependent estimate. Further, on the the analysis adjustments method applied and the south model of reanalysesentropy. in Such the a Tropics definition (Trenberth is somewhat and Guillemot arbitrary and used30￿SareminisculeforNCEPbutamountto0.7PWat – Trenberth and Caron (2001), using other reanaly- 1998)different suggest definitions that they lead have to limitations, different formulations although, be- of at- sis68 dataset￿SforECMWFOTor0.4PWforECMWFAT(the (NCEP), found a value of the maxima 0.6 PW causemospheric there is energetics huge compensation (Tailleux, between 2013). For the example,budgets the largerdifference in the being NH than integrated those effects found with from the the northECMWF vs the re- forchoice dry static of a energy reference and the state moist maximizing component, entropy the total at con- analysis.south), suggestingEstimates from alsoTrenberth that the latter and areCaron less(2001) reliable are energystant transport energy ( isDutton more, robustly 1973) leads computed in a(Trenberth natural way to shownin absolute in Fig. values. 8. In the Tropics, the problems with andthe Solomon concept 1994). of exergy. The discrepancies Exergy is the between part of theat- internal changes in the observing system, particularly satellite mospheric transports in the two reanalyses suggest that energy measuring the departure of the system from its data,The adversely use of numerical influence climate the ECMWF model results does (Trenberthnot help to further revisions will occur, especially regionally. Nev- thermodynamic and mechanical equilibrium, i.e.,a state reduceet al. 2001b), such uncertainties which are notLucarini within the and error Ragone bounds(2011) of ertheless, the results for the ocean heat transports de- analyzedthe other a estimates large dataset at several of latitudes. coupled climate mod- rivedof maximum from the NCEP entropy reanalyses at constant are in energy., good agreement and is a com- els (PCMDI/CMIP3,Aside from the North http://www-pcmdi.llnl.gov/) Atlantic, for which the coupled and withmonly those used from concept the other in heat approaches, engines theory suggesting (Rant that, 1956). foundmodel a results large spread are high in for the reasons meridional that are enthalpy beginning trans- to the coupledLorenz models,(1967) the proposed atmospheric the following transports, picture and the of the portsbe understood peaks with (section discrepancies 3c), the of the largest order discrepancy of 15-20 % independentlytransformation estimated of energy ocean in transports the atmosphere. are converg- We de- aroundamong a the typical results value is in of the about SH Tropics, 5.5 PW. where State-of-the-art the NCEP- ingfine to theE correct= P + values.K, where K = (1/2) R dV ρu2 repre- derived values imply a larger southward transport than do the direct ocean estimates or the coupled climate Acknowledgments. This research was sponsored by models. This is in a region where Ekman transports play NOAA Office of Global Programs Grant NA56GP0247 akeyroleandsurfacewindspecificationsareveryun- and the joint NOAA–NASA Grant NA87GP0105. Many certain. For instance, at 11￿Sachangeinmeanwind thanks to Dave Stepaniak for computing the atmospheric alters the direct estimate from 0.48 to 0.63 PW in the energy transports. Atlantic (Holfort and Seidler 2001), and in coupled- model simulations tropical convergence zones are often REFERENCES dislocated in some seasons when a spurious ITCZ forms in the SH, potentially corrupting values in the Tropics Aagaard, K., and P. Greisman, 1975: Toward new mass and heat (Boville and Gent 1998). budgets for the Arctic Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 80, 3821–3827. Bacon, S., 1997: Circulation and fluxes in the North Atlantic between We have inferred the surface fluxes and thus the zonal Greenland and Ireland. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 27, 1420–1435. mean ocean heat transports assuming no changes in Beal, L. M., and H. L. Bryden, 1997: Observations of an Agulhas ocean heat storage except for those associated with glob- Undercurrent. Deep-Sea Res. I, 44, 1715–1724. al warming. The local ocean heat storage change is not Behringer, D. W., M. Ji, and A. Leetmaa, 1998: An improved coupled neglible from year to year (Sun and Trenberth 1998), model for ENSO prediction and implications for ocean initial- ization. Part I: The ocean data assimilation system. Mon. Wea. although it is a reasonable assumption for zonal means Rev., 126, 1013–1021. for the four years or so we used here provided that the Boville, B. A., and P. R. Gent, 1998: The NCAR Climate System global warming trend is factored in, as we have done. Model, version one. J. Climate, 11, 1115–1130. Future computations should factor in the changes in ——, J. T. Kiehl, P. J. Rasch, and F. O. Bryan, 2001: Improvements to the NCAR CSM-1 for transient climate simulations. J. Cli- ocean heat storage to examine the ocean heat transports mate, 14, 164–179. locally using this method. Variability in AT from sam- Bryden, H. L., 1993: Ocean heat transport across 24￿Nlatitude.In- pling this particular interval is mostly less than 0.05 PW teractions between Global Climate Subsystems, The Legacy of 18

(1992), Chap. 13. We obtain:

P˙ = − W (P,K) + Ψ˙ + D, (61) K˙ = − D + W (P,K), (62)

where D = R dV ρ2 > 0 is the dissipation of kinetic energy due to turbulent cascades to small scales and to the wind shear associated to falling hydrometeors, W (P,K) = − R dV ρu · ∇p is the potential-to-kinetic a) R energy conversion rate, and Ψ˙ = dV ρq˙nf is the non- frictional diabatic heating due to the convergence of tur- bulent sensible heat fluxes, condensation/evaporation in- side the atmosphere, and convergence of radiative fluxes. The conversion term W can be interpreted as the in- stantaneous work performed by the system. In this re- spect, Eq. (61) represents the statement of the first law of thermodynamics for the atmosphere. Equations (61)- (62) imply that E˙ = P˙ + K˙ = Ψ˙ and therefore the fric- tional heating D does not increase the total energy since b) it is just an internal conversion between kinetic and po- tential energy. Stationarity implies that P˙ = K˙ = 0 and therefore D = W , which is referred to as the intensity of the Lorenz energy cycle. One has to note that the latter can be expressed as the average rate of generation R of available potential energy, G = dV ρq˙nf (1 − T/Tr), where Tr is the temperature field of the reference state (Lorenz, 1967). The strength of the Lorenz energy cycle is a fundamen- tal non-equilibrium property of the atmosphere, which, c) just as the meridional enthalpy transport (Sect. IV.A.2), is known with a certain degree of uncertainty for the present climate. Reanalysis datasets (with all associ- ated problems, see Sect. IV.A.2) constrain D in the range 1.5 − 2.9 W m−2 (Li et al., 2008). On the other hand, general circulation models feature values of D ranging from 2 to 3.5 W m−2 (Marques et al., 2011). Numerical simulations show that a CO2 doubling causes a decrease of G of nearly 10% (Lucarini et al., 2010a). Warm- ing patterns can alter G either by affecting the gross FIG. 9 Value and position of the peak of the poleward merid- static stability (stronger stability implies a weaker en- ional enthalpy transport in the pre-industrial scenario for the ergy cycle, as clear from the theory of baroclinic insta- whole climate (a), atmosphere (b) and ocean (c) for the some bility) or the meridional temperature/diabatic heating of the CMIP3 (red) and CMIP5 (blue) general circulation distribution. Hernandez-Deckers and von Storch (2012) models. Updated from Lucarini and Ragone (2011). show that the decrease in G is mostly associated with changes in the gross static stability changes rather than with meridional temperature gradient changes. Another aspect to be considered is that the intensity R sents the total kinetic energy and P = dV ρ(cV T + Φ) of the Lorenz energy cycle is formulated assuming hy- the dry static energy and V is the atmospheric do- drostatic conditions. Therefore, the Lorenz energy cy- main. Under hydrostatic approximation one can show cle in itself neglects any systematic transfer of potential R R R that dzρ(cvT + gz) = dzρ(cvT + RT ) = dzρcpT into kinetic energy occurring through non-hydrostatic, (see e.g. Lorenz, 1967).. In the Lorenz framework one small scale motions (Steinheimer et al., 2008). Along considers the hydrological cycle as a forcing to the at- these lines, Pauluis and Dias (2012) suggest that small mospheric circulation. This amounts to separating the scales processes such as precipitation may significantly budget of the moist static energy and of the part related contribute to D, which might therefore be considerably to the phase changes of water. See Peixoto and Oort underestimated when computed for models that do not 19 treat explicitly convection. cooling temperature T0 with an efficiency 1 − T0/Ts ≈ In the case of the ocean, available potential energy 1/3. A similar approach was extended also to moist con- is generated through thermohaline forcings due to the vection (Emanuel and Bister, 1996; Renn`oand Ingersoll, correlation of density inhomogeneities and density forc- 1996) for determining the the wind speed reached by the ings (e.g. through heat and freshwater fluxes) at sur- convective system for a certain rate of heat input Fin face. In addition to that, mechanical energy enters the from the sea, W = Fin(1 − T0/Ts). Such an approach ocean through direct transfer of kinetic energy by sur- has been used to study large scale, open systems like the face winds (and though tidal effects). Kinetic energy is Hadley cell (Adams and Renn`o, 2005) and the monsoonal dissipated through a variety of frictional processes, occur- circulation (Johnson, 1989). ring mostly at the bottom of the ocean, and, similarly, available potential energy is lost through diffusion mostly due to small scale eddies (?). The understanding of the 2. Entropy production in the Climate System details of the oceanic Lorenz energy cycle is still at a relatively early stage. Estimates of dissipation and gen- We wish now to emphasize a different aspect of the eration terms range within (1 − 2) × 10−2 W m−2 (Oort climate’s thermodynamics, namely the study of its ir- et al., 1994; Storch et al., 2012; Tailleux, 2013). reversibility by the investigation of its material entropy production, i.e.,the entropy produced by the geophysi- cal fluid, neglecting the change in the properties of the 1. Atmospheric heat engine and efficiency radiative fields (Goody, 2000; Ozawa et al., 2003). The entropy budget of the fluid can be rewritten as: Johnson (2000) proposed an interesting construction Z for further elucidating the idea the the climate can be ∇ · FR S˙ = − dV + S˙mat, (66) seen as a heat engine. We define the total diabatic heat- T ingq ˙ =q ˙ + ρ2 and splitting the atmospheric domain nf so that we separate the contribution coming from the ab- V into the subdomain V + in whichq ˙ =q ˙+ > 0, and V −, sorption of the radiation from other effects related to the whereq ˙ =q ˙− < 0, it can be seen from equation (61) other irreversible processes occurring in the fluid. Note that: that, in the previous formula, we refer to the entropy Z Z W = q˙+ρdV + q˙−ρdV ≡ Φ+ + Φ−, (63) budget of the whole climate, not of the atmosphere, as V + − done, instead, in the previous section. The material entropy production, S˙mat can be ex- with Φ+ > 0 and Φ− < 0 by definition. Therefore the pressed as S˙diff + S˙fric + S˙hyd, i.e., the sum of contri- atmosphere can be interpreted as a heat engine, in which butions associated with heat diffusion, frictional heating + − Φ and Φ are the net heat gain and loss, and W the and the hydrological cycle (due to diffusion of water and mechanical work. The efficiency of the atmospheric heat phase-changes) respectively. Detailed estimates of the engine,i.e.,the capability of generating mechanical work entropy budget of the climate system and of the mate- given a certain heat input, can therefore be defined as: −2 −1 rial entropy production (S˙mat ≈ 50 mW m K ) can (Φ˙ + + Φ˙ −) W be found in (Goody, 2000; Pascale et al., 2011). Oceanic η = = . (64) entropy production due to small-scale mixing in the in- ˙ + ˙ + (Φ ) Φ terior gives a small contribution (≈ 1 mW m−2 K−1) to

The analogy between the atmosphere and a (Carnot) S˙mat (Pascale et al., 2011). Therefore we will limit the heat engine can be pushed further if we introduce discussion to processes occurring in the interior and at the total rate of entropy change of the system, S˙ = the boundaries of the atmosphere. R ˙ + ˙ − dV ρq/T˙ = S + S . In a steady state the following Entropy production due to heat diffusion S˙diff = expression holds: R −2 −1 − dV ∇ · JS/T is generally small (≈ 2 mW m K , (Kleidon, 2009)) and associated mostly with dry atmo- Φ˙ + Φ˙ − ˙ spheric convection occurring nearby the surface and with S = + + − = 0, (65) T T vertical mixing in the mixed layer of the ocean. The ± ˙ ± R ± entropy production due to frictional heating - S˙ = where T ≡ Φ / V ± dV ρq˙ /T from which it follows fric that η = 1 − T −/T +. Johnson’s approach provides a R dV ρ2/T ≈ 10 mW m−2 K−1 (Fraedrich and Lunkeit, self-consistent treatment of the heat engine of a geophys- 2008; Pascale et al., 2011) - is associated with turbu- ical fluid and extends closely related thermodynamical lent energy cascades bringing kinetic energy from large theories of hurricane dynamics (Emanuel, 1991). scales down to scales (millimeters or less for geophys- In Emanuel’s theory a mature hurricane is depicted as ical flows) where viscosity can efficiently operate. Fi- an ideal Carnot engine driven by the thermal disequi- nally, S˙hyd is due to irreversible processes associated with librium between the sea-surface temperature Ts and the the hydrological cycle – evaporation of liquid water in 20 unsaturated air, condensation of water vapor in super- C. Applications and future perspectives saturated air and molecular diffusion of water vapour (Pauluis and Held, 2002a,b) and requires the knowledge 1. Auditing Climate Models of relative humidity H and the molecular fluxes of water ˙ vapor Jv = FL/L: At steady state, we have that S = 0. Hence, from Eq. 66 we derive: Z ˙ ∇ · FR ˙ R Smat = −dV . (68) Shyd = dV (C − E)R(ln H T + J · ∇p ) − R dAJ R ln H. (67) v w z=surf v,z Usually, this is referred to as indirect formula for com- puting the material entropy production (Goody, 2000), because it provides an alternative way for estimating the where C and E indicate condensation and evaporation, material entropy production of the geophysical fluid by respectively, and pw is the partial pressure of the water only looking at the correlation between radiative heating ˙ ˙ vapor. The importance of Sdiff and Shyd in the context rates and temperature fields). Therefore, this formula al- of thermodynamic theories of moist convection is exten- lows for computing the material entropy production due sively discussed in Pauluis and Held (2002b) and Pauluis to fluid motions bypassing all the complex fluid dynam- (2010). The impact of water vapor on the production of ical behavior of the system. See Lucarini and Pascale kinetic energy in deep convection can be described as (2014) for an in-depth discussion of different ways for a steam engine and it is to lower the maximum possi- computing the material entropy production and of the ble amount of work which can produced by an equiva- effect of coarse graining the thermodynamic fields. Start- lent Carnot cycle (Emanuel and Bister, 1996; Renn`oand ing from Eq. (68) it is possible to derive for Earth condi- Ingersoll, 1996) acting between the same temperature tions an approximate formula for the long term average reservoirs. An indirect estimate of (67) can be obtained of the material entropy production, and to disentangle from the entropy budget for water the contributions due to horizontal and vertical processes ˙ ˙ v ˙ h (Lucarini et al., 2011) as Smat ≈ Smat + Smat, where Z Z ˙ w q˙W ˙ Z ∇ · Υ Z F TOA SW = dV ρW s˙ = dV ρW + Shyd S˙ h = − dA h = − dA R (69) V V T mat W W A TE A TE R where Υ = dzρ(z)Jh is the vertically integrated atmo- ˙ TOA as discussed in Pauluis and Held (2002b), where SW is spheric enthalpy flux introduced in Eq. (55), FR = T OA,SW T OA,LW the rate of change of entropy of water andq ˙W the neat FR − FR , where SW and LW refer to heating amount of heat per time that the water sub- the short- and long-wave contributions, respectively, and 1/4 stance receives from its environment (i.e. through evap-  T OA,LW  TE = FR /σ is the emission temperature at a oration and condensation). At steady state S˙W = 0 and R −2 −1 given location. The contribution to the material entropy so S˙hyd = dV ρW q˙W /T ≈ 37 mW m K (Pas- VW production coming from vertical processes can instead be cale et al., 2011). Therefore, it is possible to compute written as: the material entropy production by considering the ex- Z     clusively heat exchanges and the temperature at which ˙ v surf 1 1 Smat = dA FR − (70) such exchanges take place, thus bypassing the need for A Ts TE looking into the complicated details of phase separation surf surf,SW surf,LW processes. where FR = FR + FR is the net radi- ation at surface (defined as positive when the there is Furthermore, in climate models aphysical entropy a net incoming radiation into the atmosphere) , SW sources due to diffusive/dispersive numerical and LW refer to the short- and long wave components, schemes and parameterizations are also present (Egger, and, Ts is the surface skin temperature defined as Ts = 1999; Johnson, 1997). In particular, Woollings and 1/4  surf,LW  Thuburn (2006) showed that dispersive dynamical cores FR /σ ∼ Tsurf (Lucarini et al., 2011). Equa- can lead to negative numerical entropy production. More tions (69)-(70) allow one to compute the material en- generally, it has been argued that parameterizations of tropy production due to internal irreversible processes sub-grid turbulent fluxes of heat, water vapor and mo- making use only of 2D radiative fields at the boundaries mentum should conform to the second law of thermo- of the relevant planetary fluid envelope (surface and top dynamics, and therefore should lead to locally positive of the atmosphere). This makes Eqs. (69)-(70) suitable definite entropy production, this being generally not the for the post-processing of data hosted in publicly avail- case (Gassmann, 2013). able archives of GCMs output, intercomparison studies, 21

and studies of observational datasets of the Earth and 62 other planets (where radiative data are the only avail- 15 able source of information). Instead, direct computa- 60 ˙ tions of Smat require the knowledge of the full 3-D time- 7 dependent heating and temperature fields, making their 58 applicability nontrivial for numerical models and unfea- 16 ) 1

− 56 13 sible for observations. 9 14 K 2 Figure 10 shows a scatter-plot of the globally averaged − 4 54 8 annual mean values of the vertical and horizontal compo- 18 mW m ( 15 nents of the material entropy production computed from v e r mat ˙

S 52 the outputs of several GCMs from the CMIP3 dataset 4 in pre-industrial and post-industrial conditions (updated 50 9 7 from (Lucarini et al., 2011), limiting to the models for 8 14 which the data availability made possible the compari- 48 18 16 son). The post-industrial case corresponds to the first 13 100 years after the stabilization of the CO2 in the A1B 46 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 climate change scenario. Issues related to the effective S˙ ho r mW m −2K −1 a) mat( ) non-stationarity of the system have been treated as in (Lucarini and Ragone, 2011). 10 7 16 Comparing with the direct computation (Pascale et al., 8 13 ˙ 15 2011) of Smat for the case of Had-CM3 (model 13) in the 14 6 8 pre-industrial case shows that the relative error on the 9 18 estimate is less than 5% (Lucarini et al., 2011). The typ- 4 ) 1 ical values of the annual material entropy production in − 4 K

2 2 pre-industrial conditions range for most models between − −2 −1 47 and 53 mW m K , matching well the approximate 0 mW m estimate by (Ambaum, 2010). The contribution due to ( v e r mat

˙ −2 S

vertical processes is dominant by about one order of mag- ∆ nitude with respect to the contribution due to horizon- −4 tal processes. This suggests that from the point of view −6 of the entropy production, the climate system approxi- mately behaves as a collection of weakly coupled vertical −8 columns where mixing takes place (Lucarini and Pascale, −10 2014). −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 ∆S˙ ho r mW m −2K −1 b) mat( ) In increased CO2 concentration conditions, the rate of material entropy production increases for all the models FIG. 10 a) Scatter plot of contributions to the rate of material between 10% and 20%. Such a change is dominated by entropy production due to horizontal (x-axis) and vertical (y- the increase in the vertical component, while the hori- axis) processes. Each point corresponds to a GCM from the zontal component sees in most cases a reduction of up CMIP3 dataset in pre-industrial (black) and post-industrial to 10%, despite the fact that large scale horizontal en- (red) scenarios (updated from (Lucarini et al., 2011)). b) thalpy transports increase for all models (Lucarini and Difference between the SRESA1B scenario run (average of Ragone, 2011). This implies - see Eq. (69) - a projected the last 30 years of the XXIII century and the pre-industrial climatology. strong reduction in the large scale gradients of emission temperature, thus suggesting that in warmer conditions the climate system becomes more homogeneous in terms of meridional and zonal temperature differences. This tropy production. Overall, the local material entropy fits well with what reported in (Lucarini et al., 2010a,b) production due to vertical processes seems to be a good in terms of climate response to global warming-like con- indicator of the geographical distribution of convective ditions, and hints to a dominant role of the latent heat activity: the highest values are observed in the warm release due to convective processes in the response to the pool of the western Pacific and Indian Ocean and in land climate change (Lucarini and Ragone, 2011). areas characterized by warm and moist climates, while Figure 11a shows the spatial distribution of the in- relatively low values are instead observed in the cold tegrand of Eq. (70) for the Had-CM3 model in pre- tongue of the eastern Pacific, near western boundary cur- industrial conditions (Lucarini et al., 2011), i.e.,the local rents, and in the temperate and cold oceans, as well as contribution to the vertical component of material en- on deserts and middle and high latitudes of terrestrial 22


o N The local entropy production due to vertical processes

40 o behaves as a robust indicator of the impact of the cli- N mate change on large-scale features connected to convec- tive activity. The pattern of increase is correlated to the

o o o o o o 0 60 E 120oE 180 W 120 W 60 W 0 pattern of variation of the surface temperature only to a minor extent. The reason is that this indicator contains in a synthetic way the information of the change in the

o S 40 surface temperature, in the vertical stability of the atmo- sphere, and in the intensity of the energy fluxes connected

o S 80 to the vertical processes. Therefore, it could be used in 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.055 0.06 0.065 0.07 0.075 0.08 0.085 0.09 0.095 0.1 0.105 0.11 0.115 0.12 a) order to define robust indexes for large-scale processes 80

o N for which strong convection is an important component. Moreover, the range of variation due to climate change

40 o N of the local vertical entropy production is rather high if compared to the range of variation of standard fields like surface temperature or pressure. Therefore, one could o o o o o o o 0 60 E 120 E 180 W 120 W 60 W 0 expect a better signal-to-noise ratio and a more distinc- tive signature of climate change from indicators based on this quantity compared with what obtained with in- o S 40 dicators based on simpler observables, similarly to what

o S discussed by Lucarini et al. (2010a,b) and by Boschi et al. 80 −0.03 −0.0275−0.025−0.0225 −0.02 −0.0175−0.015−0.0125 −0.01 −0.0075−0.005−0.0025 0 0.0025 0.005 0.0075 0.01 0.0125 0.015 0.0175 0.02 0.0225 0.025 0.0275 0.03 (2013) in the context of the identification of multi-stable b) regimes of the climate system. FIG. 11 (a) Spatial distribution of the contribution to the rate of material entropy production due to vertical processes in pre-industrial scenario for Had-CM3 (model 13 in figure 2. Bistabiliy and tipping points 10). (b) Anomalies in the post-industrial scenario with re- spect to the pre-industrial case for the same model (updated Based on the evidence supported by Hoffman and from (Lucarini et al., 2011)). Schrag (2002) and from numerical models (Budyko, 1969; Ghil, 1976; Sellers, 1969), it is expected that the Earth is potentially capable of supporting multiple steady states areas. Note that also in this case the role of latent heat for the same values of some parameters such as, for ex- releases is fundamental in determining the characteris- ample, the solar constant. Such states are the presently tics of the system, showing how the hydrological cycle is observed warm state (W), and the entirely ice covered a crucial component of a thermodynamically consistent Snowball Earth state (SB). This is due to the presence representation of the climate system. of two disjoint strange (chaotic) attractors. The W→SB Figure 11b shows the difference between the post- and SB→W transitions are due, mathematically, to the industrial and pre-industrial cases. The local vertical catastrophic disappearance of one of the two strange at- component of material entropy production increases al- tractors (Arnold, 1992) and, physically, to the positive most everywhere, with negative anomalies confined to ice-albedo feedback. The SB condition, which might be polar regions and to limited areas of the Southern Hemi- a common feature also of Earth-like planets, hardly al- sphere, with very small values. The positive anomalies lows for the presence of life, so this issue is of extreme are extremely high in the tropical regions, particularly relevance for defining habitability condition in extrater- in the eastern and western Pacific ocean. Note that the restrial planets. pattern of increase does not strictly follow the pattern PLASIM (Fraedrich et al., 2005), a general circulation of the absolute value in the pre-industrial case. In par- model of intermediate complexity, was used by Boschi ticular the maximum of the increase is located eastward et al. (2013) and by Lucarini et al. (2013) to reconstruct to the maximum of the entropy production in the pre- an extensive portion of the region of multistability in ∗ industrial case, a signature of a shifting of the warm pool the plane described by the parameters (S , [CO2]). The ∗ and a modification of the Walker circulation (Bayr et al., surface temperature Ts(S , [CO2]) is shown in Fig. 12. 2014; DiNezio et al., 2013; IPCC , 2013). High values are The boundary of the domain in the parametric space also found in the Indian ocean, suggesting an increase where two states are admissible correspond to the tipping of the convective activity connected with the Monsoon points of the system. (IPCC , 2013; Turner and Annamalai, 2012). Significant The thermodynamical and dynamical properties of the local maxima are also observed in the Gulf of Mexico and W and SB states are largely different. In the W states, along the Gulf Stream, and in the Mediterranean Sea. surface temperature are 40 − 60 K higher than in the 23

in stabilizing the system (Boschi et al., 2013).

FIG. 12 Material entropy production (mW m−2 K−1) as a ∗ a) function of solar constant S and the CO2 concentration. The transition SB→W and W→SB are marked with dashed arrows starting from the tipping point regions (courtesy of Robert Boschi, Universit¨atHamburg).

corresponding SB state and the hydrological cycle dom- inates the dynamics. This leads to a material entropy production (Fig. IV.C.2) larger by a factor of 4 – order of (40 − 60) × 10−3 W m−2 K−1 vs. (10 − 15) × 10−3 W m−2 K−1 – with respect to the corresponding SB states (Boschi et al., 2013). The SB state is eminently a dry climate, with entropy production mostly due to sensible heat fluxes and dissipation of kinetic energy. b) The response to increasing temperatures of the two states is rather different: the W states feature a decrease FIG. 13 a): Rate of material entropy production (10−3 −2 −1 of the efficiency of the climate machine, as enhanced la- W m K ) vs. emission temperature TE (K) for Ω = Ωearth tent heat transports reduces energy availability by damp- (magenta) and Ω = 0.5Ωearth (black). b): as in a) figure but ening temperature gradients, while in the SB states the for efficiency (courtesy of Robert Boschi, Universit¨atHam- efficiency is increased, because warmer states are asso- burg). ciated to lower static stability, which favors large scale atmospheric motions (Fig. IV.C.2). The entropy produc- Another interesting aspect is the determination of em- tion increases for both states, but for different reasons: pirical functional relations between the main thermody- the system become more irreversible and less efficient in namical quantities and globally averaged emission tem- 1/4 the case of W states, while stronger atmospheric motions perature TE = (LWtoa/σ) , as shown in Fig. IV.C.2. lead to stronger dissipation and stronger energy trans- This would permit to express non-equilibrium thermody- ports in the case of SB states. A general property which namical properties of the system in terms of parameters has been found is that, in both regimes, the efficiency which are more directly accessible through measurements η increases for steady states getting closer to tipping (Lucarini et al., 2013). points and dramatically drops at the transition to the new state belonging to the other attractor (Fig. IV.C.2). In a rather general thermodynamical context, this can 3. Applications to planetary sciences be framed as follows: the efficiency gives a measure of how far from equilibrium the system is. The negative The discovery of hundreds of planets outside the solar feedbacks tend to counteract the differential heating due system (exoplanets) (Seager and Deming, 2010) is ex- to the stellar insolation pattern, thus leading the system tending the scope of planetary sciences towards the study closer to equilibrium. At the bifurcation point, the nega- of the so-called exoclimates (Heng, 2012a). A large num- tive feedbacks are overcome by the positive feedbacks, so ber of the exoplanets discovered so far are tidally locked that the system makes a global transition to a new state, to their parental star, experiencing extreme stellar forc- where, in turn, the negative feedbacks are more efficient ing on the dayside where temperature up to 2000 K can 24 be reached. Starlight energy, deposited within the at- in a non-equilibrium steady state (NESS). In this state, mosphere at the planet’s dayside, is then transported by typically, the phase space contracts, entropy is gener- atmospheric circulation to the night side. Such a system, ated, and the predictability horizon is finite. Deviations similarly to the Earth’s climate, works like a heat engine from this behavior are possible, but extremely unlikely. (Sect. IV.A.2, Sect. IV.B). Conceptually, non-equilibrium steady states are gener- The strength of the day-to-night enthalpy flux con- ated when a system is put in contact with reservoirs at trols the ratio of outgoing longwave energy fluxes from different temperatures or chemical potentials, and one the night and day side ξ = LWnight/LWday, called ef- disregards the transient behaviors responsible for the re- ficiency of heat redistribution in the astrophysical liter- laxation processes (Gallavotti, 2006). This fits well the ature. Observations through infrared light curves show description of the non-equilibrium properties of the cli- that the hotter the planet, the more inefficient is the mate system given in section IV. atmospheres at redistributing stellar energy leading to The science behind non-equilibrium statistical me- larger day-night temperature differences. Numerical sim- chanical systems is still in its infancy, so that, as op- ulations (Perna et al., 2012) show that ξ varies between posed to the equilibrium case, we are not able to predict 0.2 (low heat redistribution) and 1 (full heat redistribu- the properties of a system given the parameters describ- tion) and depends critically on the atmospheric optical ing its internal dynamics and the boundary conditions, properties and the intensity of the stellar irradiance. Re- except in special cases where the dynamics is trivial. lating this definition of efficiency with the many different It is then important to choose a suitable mathemat- definitions used to characterize global circulations (Am- ical setting for being able to state some useful general baum, 2010; Johnson, 2000; Perna et al., 2012; Schubert results and compare numerical experiments with theory. and Mitchell, 2013) and understanding their differences The mathematical paradigm we will consider is the one of would be useful to provide a link between energy conver- so-called Axiom A systems (Eckmann and Ruelle, 1985; sion and energy transport in planetary atmospheres. Ruelle, 1989), which, according to the Chaotic Hypothe- A thorough understanding of dissipative processes sis (Gallavotti, 1996), can be considered as good effective is fundamental for dealing with planetary atmospheres models of chaotic systems with many degrees of freedom. (Goodman, 2009; Pascale et al., 2013). Dissipative pro- In general, we can say that an (time-continuous) Ax- cesses are poorly known on Solar System planets and on iom A system (Eckmann and Ruelle, 1985; Ruelle, 1989) exoplanets. Let us make some examples. In hot Jupiters obeys an evolution equation of the formx ˙ = F (x), temperatures may be very high (≥ 1500 K), allowing for x ∈ Rn, and possesses an invariant measure ρ(dx) sup- thermal ionization (governed by the Saha equation) and ported on its attractor, which is, roughly speaking, the thus fast-moving (in hot Jupiters winds ∼ 1 km s−1) elec- set of points where the system is asymptotically attracted tric charges. This induces an electric current towards the to. interior of the planet, where energy is then converted into If forcing and dissipation are present, the attractor is heat by ohmic dissipation.. Another dissipative mecha- strange, i.e., it does not look locally at all like a smooth nism believed to be a common feature in planetary atmo- , so that we cannot write ρ(dx) = ρ(x)dx, where spheres is shock wave breaking (Batygin and Stevenson, ρ(x) is the density. Instead, in the very intuitive lan- 2010; Heng, 2012b). Note that the indirect method (Eq. guage of Lorenz, it looks like the Cartesian product of 68) could, in principle, be applied in order to infer in- a smooth manifold and a fractal set. The smooth man- formation about the dissipative processes in the interior ifold corresponds to the unstable directions of the flow, of exoplanets (Schubert and Mitchell, 2013), where ra- which make the system chaotic, while the Cantor set cor- diative fluxes are the only piece of information we can responds to the contracting directions, which result from access. dissipation. The invariant measure ρ(dx) gives the weight to be used in phase space to compute the expectation of any observable A, which agrees, thanks to ergodicity, to V. CLIMATE RESPONSE AND PREDICTION the long-time average, so that

In the previous section, we have investigated the cli- Z 1 Z T mate as a non-equilibrium physical system and have em- hAi = ρ(A) = ρ(dx)A(x) = lim dtA(x(t)) T →∞ T 0 phasized the intimate relation between forcing, dissipa- tion, energy conversion, and irreversibility. The same with probability 1 with respect to the choice of the initial approach can be brought to a more theoretical level by conditions.The invariant measure of an Axiom A system taking the point of view of non-equilibrium statistical is of Sinai-Ruelle-Bowen (SRB) type (Eckmann and Ru- mechanics. elle, 1985; Ruelle, 1989; Young, 2002). This has many Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics provides the consequences, including the fact that the measure is sta- natural setting for investigating the mathematical prop- ble against weak stochastic forcing, see also the discussion erties of forced and dissipative chaotic systems, which live in Lucarini (2012). 25

Ruelle (1997, 1998a,b, 2009) recently proved that in delta. Equations 73 and 74 are key ingredients for study- the case of an Axiom A system, its SRB measure, despite ing climate response. Before continuing in this direction, the geometrical complexity of the attractor supporting it, we want to use these equations to discuss the celebrated has also an extremely fascinating degree of regularity. In Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem (FDT) (Kubo, 1957). fact, there is a smooth dependence of the SRB measure In systems possessing a smooth invariant measure to small perturbations of the flow, and it is possible to (which, as discussed above, is not typically the case derive corresponding explicit formulas. This approach is for Axiom A systems), like when equilibrium conditions especially useful for studying the impact of changes in apply or stochastic forcing is imposed, we can write the internal parameters of a system or of small modu- ρ0(dx) = ρ0(x)dx, where ρ0(x) is the so-called density. lations to the external forcing, and various studies have In this case, we can rewrite Eq. (74) as follows: highlighted the practical relevance of Ruelle theory for Z +∞ (1) studying what we may call the sensitivity of the system ρ (A)t = dτ1Θ(τ1)× to small perturbations. We will here recapitulate some −∞ features of the Ruelle response theory and argue that it Z dxρ0(x)B(x)A(x(τ ))T (t − τ ), (75) is a potentially useful tool for studying various classes of 1 1

GFD problems, and, most notably for addressing rigor- 0  0 ously and in an unified perspective climate change pre- where B(x) = −∇ · ρ (x)Ψ(x) /ρ (x). In other terms, diction, climate response, and climate sensitivity. one can predict the response at any time horizon t from the knowledge of the lagged correlation between the cho- sen observable A and the observable B, which depends on 0 A. Response formulas and Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem the invariant measure ρ and on the perturbation vector field Ψ. See Colangeli and Lucarini (2014) for a detailed Let us consider an Axiom A dynamical system whose discussion on the physical meaning of B. Equation (75) evolution equation can be written asx ˙ = F (x) and provides a very general form of the FDT (Lacorata and let’s assume that it possesses an invariant SRB measure Vulpiani, 2007; Ruelle, 1998a), which extends the results ρ(0)(dx). Ruelle (1997, 1998a,b, 2009) has shown that by (Kubo, 1957). Recently, the FTD for system possess- if the system is weakly perturbed so that its evolution ing a smooth invariant measure result has been extended equation can be written as: to the nonlinear case (Lucarini and Colangeli, 2012). The more common forms of the FDT can be obtained x˙ = F (x) + Ψ(x)T (t) (71) by taking one or more of the following assumptions: : • the perturbation flow is the form Ψ(x) = xˆ ; where Ψ(x) is a weak time-independent forcing and T (t) i is its time modulation, it is possible to write the mod- • the observable is of the form A(x) = xj. ification to the expectation value of a general smooth where x is the kth component of the x vector andx ˆ observable A as a perturbative series: k k is the corresponding unit vector. In this case, Eq. (75) ∞ takes the form: X (n) ρ(A)t = ρ (A)t, (72) Z +∞ (1) n=0 ρ (xj)t = − dτ1Θ(τ1)× −∞ where ρ(0)(A) = ρ(0)(A) is the expectation value of A Z t dxρ0(x)∂ log[ρ0(x)]x (τ )T (t − τ ), (76) according to the unpertubed invariant measure ρ0 related i j 1 1 to the dynamicsx ˙ = F (x), while ρ(n)(A) with n ≥ 1 t If one takes the additional simplifying assumption that represents the contribution due to nth order processes unperturbed invariant measure has a Gaussian form, so (Lucarini, 2008). that ρ0(x) = 1/Z exp(−β˜ PN x2/2), where β˜ > 0 and Limiting our attention to the linear case we have: j=1 j Z is a normalizing factor, we obtain: Z +∞ (1) Z +∞ Z ρ(1)(A) = dτ G (τ )T (t − τ ), (73) (1) ˜ 0 t 1 A 1 1 ρ (xj)t = β dτ1Θ(τ1) dxρ (x)xixj(τ1)T (t − τ1) −∞ −∞ Z +∞ where the first order Green function can be expressed as = β dτ1Θ(τ1)Ci,j(τ1)T (t − τ1), (77) follows: −∞ Z where C is the lagged correlation between x and x in (1) 0 i,j i j GA (τ1) = ρ (dx)Θ(τ1)Ψ(x) · ∇A(x(τ1)), (74) the unperturbed state. Unfortunately, the link between linear response of the where Θ is the usual Heaviside distribution (Θ(x) = 1 if system to external perturbations and its internal fluctua- x > 0, Θ(x) = 0 if x < 0), whose derivative is the Dirac’s tions seems more elusive when the unperturbed state has 26 a singular invariant measure. Ruelle (2009) shows that Ψ(x), from equation Eq. (73) we derive: since the unperturbed invariant ρ(0)(dx) is singular, the Z +∞ response of the system contains two contributions, such (1) (1) ρ˜ (A)t = /2 dτ1GA (τ1) exp(−iω0(t − τ1)) that the first may be expressed in terms of a correlation −∞ Z +∞ function evaluated with respect to the unperturbed dy- (1) namics along the space tangent to the attractor (unstable + /2 dτ1GA (τ1) exp(iω0(t − τ1)) manifold) and is formally identical to what given in Eq. −∞ (1) (75). This part of the response decays rapidly due to = /2 exp(−iω0t)χA (ω0) + c.c. (78) decay of correlations due to chaos. On the other hand, (1) (1) the second term, which has no equilibrium counterpart, where χA (ω0) is the Fourier Transform of GA (t), usu- depends on the dynamics along the stable manifold, and, ally referred to as linear susceptibility, evaluated at fre- hence, it may not be determined from the unperturbed quency ω = ω0, and c.c. indicates complex conjugate. dynamics and is also quite difficult to compute numer- Therefore, under the hypothesis of linearity, by perform- ically. These properties suggest the basic fact, already ing an ensemble of experiments where the forcing is of the suggested heuristically by Lorenz (1979), that in the case form T (t) =  cos(ω0t), we can extract the linear suscep- of non-equilibrium systems internal and forced fluctua- tibility at frequency ω by selecting the ω0 component of (1) tions of the system are not equivalent, the former being the Fourier transform of the signalρ ˜ (A)t obtained by restricted to the unstable manifold only. taking the ensemble average of the difference between the time series of A in the perturbed and unperturbed case. Despite such a serious mathematical difficulty, the ap- By changing systematically the frequency ω of the forc- plication of FDT, even in extremely simplified, quasi- ing, one can reconstruct the susceptibility χ(1)(ω) on a Gaussian, approximation, has enjoyed a good success in A chosen interval of frequencies. It is useful to recapitulate climate (Gritsun and Branstator, 2007; Langen and Alex- some useful features of the susceptibility: eev, 2005) even if it is clear that the ability of FDT in predicting the response to perturbation depends critically • Resonances in the susceptibility function corre- on the choice of the observable of interest, on the length spond to spectral ranges where the system is ex- of the integrations needed for constructing the approxi- tremely sensitive to forcings. In Fig. 14 we show mation of the invariant measure, and, of course, on the the real and imaginary part of the susceptibility validity of the linear approximation (Cooper and Haynes, for z variable of the (Lorenz, 1963) model for the 2011; Cooper et al., 2013). classical values of the parameters (m = 1, σ = 10, There are, in fact, various ways to circumvent the prob- r = 28, β = 8/3) and a given choice of the forc- > lem of the rigorous non-equivalence between forced and ing (Ψ(x) = [0; x; 0] , T (t) = 2 cos(ωt)). We find free fluctuations. Apart from the obvious smoothing ef- that for ω ∼ 8.3, a very peaked spectral feature is fect due to unavoidable physical or numerical noise, when apparent. Such a resonance is due to the Unstable considering smooth, coarse-grained observables(like this Periodic Orbits (UPO) of the system with the cor- of climatic interest), one expects to see little influence of responding period (Eckhardt and Ott, 1994). UPOs the fine structure of the invariant measure of chaotic de- populate densely the attractors of chaotic systems terministic systems, as projections from high-dimensional and constitute the so-called skeleton of the dynam- spaces to lower dimensional ones are involved(Marconi ics. In the case geophysical flows, UPOs have been et al., 2008) and coarse-graining effects can be invoked associated to modes of low-frequency variability (Wouters and Lucarini, 2013). One expects that the (Gritsun, 2008). One can, more qualitatively, asso- FDT will perform better in predicting the response of the ciate resonance to positive feedbacks acting on time system if one considers as observable A quantities like the scales corresponding to the resonant frequency. globally averaged surface temperature rather than, e.g., (1) • While |χ (ω)| measures the amplitude of the re- the surface temperature in an individual grid point. Fur- A sponse of the system to perturbation at frequency ther comments can be found at the end of section VI (1) (1) ω, arctan(={χA (ω)}/<{χA (ω)}) gives the phase delay between the forcing and the response, be- (1) (1) cause <{χA (ω)} (={χA (ω)}) gives the compo- nent of the response that is in phase (out of phase) B. Computing the Response with the forcing. Depending on the forcing, on the system, and on the observable, this angle can vary significantly even in a relatively small range of fre- 1. Spectroscopic method quencies, as a result of resonances.

(1) (1) If we select T (t) =  cos(ω0t) = /2(exp(−iω0t + • The two components ={χA (ω)} and <{χA (ω)} exp(iω0t)) as modulating factor of the perturbation field are connected by integral equations, the so-called 27

Kramers-Kronig relations (Lucarini, 2008, 2009; 20 Lucarini et al., 2005; Ruelle, 2009; ?). Such re- lations have their foundation in the causality of the 15

Green function (due to the presence of the Heavi- 10 ]

side distribution in Eq. 74) and establish a funda- χ 5

mental connection between the response at differ- ], Im[ χ 0

ent time scales: Re [

Z 0 (1) 0 −5 (1) 2 0 ω ={χA (ω )} <{χA (ω)} = P dω ; (79) π ω02 − ω2 −10

−15 0 1 2 10 10 ω 10 2ω Z ω0<{χ(1)(ω0)} ={χ(1)(ω)} = − P dω0 A . (80) A π ω02 − ω2 FIG. 14 Measured real (blue line) and imaginary (red line) where P indicates that the integral is taken in prin- part of the susceptibility z variable of the Lorenz 63 model. cipal part (?). In particular one finds that: Data from Lucarini (2009) . Z (1) 0 (1) 2 0 ={χA (ω )} <{χA (0)} = dω , (81) π ω0 2

which provides a link between the static response 1.5 - the sensitivity - and the out-of-phase response ]

at all frequencies. A large literature exists in op- χ 1

tics, acoustics, condensed matter physics, particle ], Im[ χ

0.5 physics, signal processing on the theory and on the Re[ many applications of Kramers-Kronig relations and on the related sum rules, which provide integral 0 constraints related to the asymptotic behavior of −0.5 −2 −1 ω 0 1 ω 2 3 the susceptibility (Lucarini et al., 2005). 10 10 l 10 ω 10 h 10 10 In Fig. 15 we present the real and imaginary part of FIG. 15 Measured real (blue line) and imaginary (red line) the susceptibility of the mean energy e of the celebrated part of the susceptibility for the average energy of the Lorenz Lorenz (1996) model: 96 model. The rigorous extrapolation of the susceptibility obtained via Kramers-Kronig analysis is reported (real part: dxi = xi−1(xi+1 − xi−2) − xi + F (82) black line; imaginary part: magenta line). Data from Lucarini dt and Sarno (2011) where i = 1, 2, ....., N, and the index i is cyclic so that . PN 2 xi+N = xi−N = xi, and e = 1/N j=1 xj /2. The quadratic term in the equations simulates advection, the responds to the relaxation of an ensemble of trajecto- linear one represents thermal or mechanical damping ries of the system after a finite displacement along Ψ(x). and the constant one is an external forcing. See details Obviously, we have thatρ ˜(1)(A) = χ(1)(ω), where the on the experiments in Lucarini and Sarno (2011), per- ω A ˜ symbol, indicates, as customary, that a Fourier Trans- formed using N = 40 and F = 8. The system is per- form has been applied, so that the Fourier Transform of turbed by the vector field Ψ(x) = [1; ... ; 1]> modulated the signal is the linear susceptibility. Therefore, using by T (t) = 2 cos(ωt). The resulting real and imaginary (1) just one ensemble of experiments where the perturbation part of χe (ω) are reported in Fig. 15, together with is described by an impulsive forcing, we can gather the the output of the data inversion performed via Kramers- same information on the response of the system which, Kronig relations. Once we obtain the susceptibility, as in the previous case required an accurate sampling of dif- discussed in (Lucarini and Sarno, 2011), it is possible to ferent frequencies. derive the corresponding Green function by applying the Let us look at the problem from a slightly more general inverse Fourier Transform. This is the first application point of view. We apply the Fourier Transform to both of the Kramers-Kronig theory in a geophysical context. sides of Eq. (73) and obtain:

ρ˜(1)(A) = χ(1)(ω)T˜(ω) (83) 2. Broadband forcing ω A

Choosing a sine or cosine function with argument ω0t for If, instead, we select T (t) = δ(t), we derive from Eq. the function T (t) amounts to selecting as T˜(ω) the sum (1) (1) (74) that ρ (A)t = GA (t), i.e.,the Green function cor- of two δ’s centered in ω = ±ω0. Therefore, the input 28

(forcing) allows only a small portion of the information 3 to derived on the system from the output (response). Let us assume that we choose the modulation T (t) such that 2.5 ˜ T (ω) is not vanishing for any ω, so that we have a broad- 2

˜ )

band modulation, where e.g. |T (ω)| for large values of ω t ( 1.5 decreases like a power law. If we perform an ensemble of (1) e

(1) G simulations of the forced system, measureρ ˜ (A)ω, we 1 can invert Eq. 73 and readily derive: 0.5 (1) (1) ρ˜ (A)ω 0 χA (ω) = (84) −2.5 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 T˜(ω) t

Therefore, one single set of experiments is, in fact all we (1) FIG. 16 Linear Green function Ge (t) for the average energy need to do to learn about the linear response properties e of the Lorenz (1996) model obtained by considering a step- of the system for the observable A. If we want to predict like perturbation and using Eq. (87). Compare with Fig. 4 the response at finite and infinite time of the system to in Lucarini and Sarno (2011) forcing with the same spatial pattern Ψ(x) but with dif- . (1) ferent time modulation R(t), we can derive GA (t) from (1) χA (ω) obtained via Eq. (84), and then plug it into Eq. 0.8

(73). Alternatively, one can write: 0.6 ) τ (

T 0.4 ˜ ) (1) R (1) T R(ω) τ

ρ˜ (A) =ρ ˜ (A) (85) − ω ω 0.2 ˜ t T (ω) ( (1) e

G 0 τ where the upper indices R and T have been inserted for d R −0.2 , t

clarity, and then compute the inverse Fourier transform ) e to derive the response at all times, or, if we apply the ( −0.4 (1) ρ inverse Fourier transform to Eq. 84, we can compute the −0.6 response to the R perturbation as: −0.8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t Z +∞ (1) R (1) ρ (A)t = dτ1GA (τ1)R(t − τ1). (86) −∞ FIG. 17 Prediction of finite-time response of the average en- ergy e of the Lorenz (1996) model to a forcing with modula- (1) tion T (t) =  sin(2πt)( = 0.25). Observed response ρ (e)t C. Prediction via Response theory (blue line) vs. prediction obtained using the linear Green (1) function Ge (t) shown in Fig. 16. The real test of the quality of an experimentally de- (1) rived linear Green function GA is the assessment of its ability to support predictions about the system’s re- of the Green function of comparable quality; see Fig. 16. sponse to any temporal pattern of forcing R(t). The real Additionally, we decided to check the predictive power benefit of the broadband approach described here relies of the reconstructed Green function given in Fig. 16 by (1) on exploiting linearity, and so deriving GA from just one testing its performance in predicting, through Eq. (73), ensemble of simulations, each performed with the same the response of the system to a perturbation having tem- (1) modulation T (t). Computing the GA per se might be, poral pattern given by T (t) =  sin(2πt)( = 0.25). The in fact of little relevance. results are presented in Fig. 17. The agreement between (1) At this regard, we have performed additional experi- the measured value of ρ (e)t and the value predicted R (1) ments on the Lorenz (1996) model mirroring what pre- using dτGe (τ)T (t − τ) is remarkable. One must em- sented in section V.B.1. In this case, we have chosen as phasize that the agreement is comparable if one selects time modulation T (t) = Θ(t), whose spectrum is indeed  = 1, thus moving away from the linear regime. broadband (T˜(ω)/ = πδ(ω)+iP[1/ω], where P indicates the principal part)(?). In this case, we have:

d D. Climate Response, Climate Change prediction G(1)(t) = ρ(1)(e) . (87) e dt t Let us take inspiration from the previous example in Using about 1/100 of the computing time needed in Lu- order to get some results of stricter geophysical rele- carini and Sarno (2011), we have produced an estimate vance: we want to perform predictions on the impact 29

of the atmosphere.

• Let us choose for the observable A the globally av- eraged surface temperature of the planet TS. • We study the perturbed systemx ˙ = F (x) + f(t)Ψ(x). Let us choose as perturbation field Ψ(x) the convergence of radiative fluxes due to change in the logarithm of the atmospheric CO2 concen- tration. We want to be able to predict at finite and infinite time the response of the the system to one of the standard CO2 forcing scenario given by the IPCC by performing an independent set of perturbed model integrations.

• The test perturbation is modulated by the function a) f(t) = Θ(t), where  is such that we double the amount of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. Our goal is to predict the climate response to the customary 1% increase of CO2 concentration from the baseline value to its double. We select as base- line concentration [CO2] = 360 ppm. • We perform 200 simulations, each lasting 200 years for both scenarios of CO2 forcing. Our exper- iments are performed using PLASIM (Fraedrich et al., 2005) with a T21 spatial resolution, 10 ver- tical layers in the atmosphere, and swamp ocean having depth of 50 m.

From the time series of the ensemble mean of the change (1) of TS - ρ (TS)t - resulting from the sudden increase in b) the CO , we derive the Green function G(1)(t) using Eq. 2 TS FIG. 18 Studying climate change using response theory. a) (87). See Fig 18 a). Climate sensitivity is, in fact, defined Change in TS after an instantaneous doubling of the CO2 by Eq. (81). Given the chosen pattern of forcing, we can concentration. The lightly colored band indicates the two- rewrite is as follows: standard deviation range around the ensemble mean. Insert: Green function of the T . b) Comparison between GCM simu- S Z lations (blue) and response theory prediction (red) for 1% per (1) 2 0 (1) ∆T = <{χT (0)} = dω <{ρ˜ (TS)ω0 }, (88) year increase of the CO2 concentration up doubling. Lightly S π colored band as in a). which relates climate response at all frequencies to its sensitivity. of increases in the CO2 concentration on the globally In order to test the predictive power of the response averaged surface temperature as simulated by a climate theory, we then convolute the Green function with the model, the simplified yet Earth-like PLASIM (Fraedrich temporal pattern of forcing of the second set of experi- et al., 2005). In what follows we present some new results ments. (see also discussion in Ragone et al. (2014)), with the goal We choose as test experiment the classical IPCC sce- of proving the feasibility of the proposed methodology. nario of 1% per year exponential increase of CO2 concen- tration up to doubling of the initial concentration (real- • x˙ = F (x) is the system of equations describing the ized in τ ∼ 70 years, and constant concentration after- discretized version of a given model of the contin- wards. Since our relevant control parameter is the log- uum PDEs describing the evolution of the climate arithm of the CO2 concentration, the second pattern of in a baseline scenario with set boundary conditions forcing g(t) is, in fact, a ramp increasing linearly with and values for, e.g., the CO2 concentration and the time from 0 to  in τ ∼ 70 years, with constant value value of the solar constant. We assume, for sim- equal to  for larger times. The results are presented plicity, that system model does not feature daily or in Fig. 18 b), where we compare the predicted pattern seasonal variations in the radiative input at the top of increase (blue line), obtained using Eq. 86, with the 30 measured one (black line). The agreement is remarkable, because one expects that these are associated to a diver- both on the short and on the long time scales, while a gence of the linear response. some discrepancy exists between 20 and 50 years lead Finally, in order to talk about predictability, we need time, where strong nonlinear effects due to ice-albedo to specify what are the time scales over which we expect feedback are dominant (not shown). to have satisfactory predictive skills. In fact, linear re- Apparently, despite all the nonlinear feedbacks of the sponse theory allows for deriving some scaling laws for climate model, the response to changes in the logarithm addressing this matter. The main obstacle for achieving of CO2 concentration can be accurately described by lin- a good degree of predictability is the uncertainty on the ear response theory at all time scales. Nonlinearity in the estimate of response signal given in Eq. (83) from the underlying equations and presence of strong positive and outcomes of the numerical experiments because of the negative feedbacks do not rule out the possibility of con- finiteness of the ensemble and of the duration of each nu- structing accurate methods for predicting the response. merical simulation. See a detailed discussion of this issue In fact, the methods described here could be extended to in Ragone et al. (2014). the nonlinear case by looking at the response in the fre- quency domain (Lucarini, 2008, 2009), even if the data quality requirement is obviously stricter. VI. MULTISCALE SYSTEMS AND The result presented here suggests that many of the PARAMETRIZATIONS scenarios of greenhouse gases concentration included in the IPCC reports (IPCC , 2001, 2007, 2013) may in fact The climate system features non-trivial behavior on a be partly redundant, as for certain variables might be large range of temporal and spatial scales (Fraedrich and accurately described by linear response theory starting Bttger, 1978; Lucarini, 2013; Peixoto and Oort, 1992; from just one scenario. Equations 84 - 85 constitute the Vallis, 2006) When representing such a complex system basis for predicting climate response at all scales. in a numerical simulation, the ratio of smallest to largest Obviously, with a given set of forced experiments, it time scale determines the number of required time steps, is possible to derive the sensitivity to the the given forc- and the number of interactions between scales that have ing for as many climatic observables as desired. It is to be calculated at each step can increase exponentially important to note that, for a given finite intensity  of with the range of spatial variables. It is therefore clear the forcing, the accuracy of the linear theory in describ- that, no matter which are the available computing re- ing the full response depends also on the observable of sources, we are able to simulate explicitly only the vari- interest. Moreover, the signal to noise ratio and, con- ables relevant for given ranges of spatial and temporal sequently, the time scales over which predictive skill is scales. Different choices of such ranges correspond to dif- good may change a lot from variable to variable. The ferent approximate theories of geophysical fluid dynamics results presented in this section extend to a more general aimed at describing specific phenomenologies, a promi- setting and with stronger foundation the excellent intu- nent case being that of quasi-geostrophic theory (Klein, ition by Hasselmann et al. (1993) on the use of the linear 2010). response for addressing the problem of the so-called cold A manifestation of the inability to treat ultraslow vari- start of coupled atmosphere-ocean models. ability can be found in the usual practice in climate mod- Here we have shown results from just one observable eling of choosing fixed or externally driven boundary con- primary climatic interest. The analysis of other observ- ditions, such as done when assuming a fixed extent for the ables will shed light on the mechanisms determining the land-based glaciers, and, consequently, for the sea-level, climate response to the forcing due to changes n the at- or imposing a specific path of CO2 concentration for the mospheric composition. As an example, the analysis of atmosphere. Instead, the impossibility of treating accu- the response of large-scale meridional gradients of tem- rately fast processes requires the construction of so-called perature at surface and in the middle troposphere will parametrizations able to account, at least approximately, provide information on changes in the midlatitude circu- for the effect of the small scales on the large scales, as lation. The existence of approximate functional relation- a function of the properties of the large scale variables, ship between the susceptibilities of different observables such in the case of several important physical processes, (Lucarini, 2009) would provide the key for defining rigor- such as, e.g., deep and shallow , ously the so-called emergent constraints (Bracegirdle and gravity wave drag, clouds, mixing in the ocean. Stephenson, 2012). Parametrizing small scale processes is important be- In practical terms, the applicability of response the- cause such unresolved processes impact the dynamics of ory corresponds to having smooth dependence of climate larger scales in terms of error growth, predictability, and properties with respect to some given parameters. In- climatic biases. Presently, most of the parametrizations deed, this is not the case in the vicinity of tipping points used in climate models are deterministic, i.e., for given (see Fig. 12). Response theory, may, nonetheless, suggest state of the resolved variables, the effect of the unresolved rigorous ways for defining and detecting tipping points, scale on the resolved scales is uniquely determined. We 31 often refer to these as bulk parametrizations. More re- cently, it has been emphasized that such a point of view should be modified for taking into account the fact that that many different states of the unresolved variables are compatible with a given state of the resolved variables. This leads to considering the possibility of using stochas- tic parametrizations (Palmer and Williams, 2009), which show promising abilities in reducing biases and reproduc- ing more effectively the uncertainties associated to per- forming mode reduction. When large time-scale separation exists between the resolved and non-resolved variables, the problem of parametrization can be cast as follows. We consider a system of the form Z˙ = F (Z), Z ∈ RN and we divide the state vector Z = (X,Y ), where X are the slow com- ponents we are interested into and Y are the fast compo- nents we want to parametrize. We rewrite the evolution equation as follows: dX FIG. 19 Diagram describing how to parametrize the effect of = G (X,Y ) = F (X) + Φ (X,Y ) the fast variables on the tendency of the slow variables X. dt X X X The solid line U - see y− axis - corresponds to MX in Eq. 90, dY while the variability associated to the cloud of points needs = GY (X,Y ) = FY (Y ) + ΦY (X,Y ) (89) dt to be represented via a stochastic term like η in Eq. 90. From Wilks (2005). where we have split the dynamics of each set of variables into the autonomous part and into the coupling terms. The basic goal is to be able to write as an equation of the form the parametrizations have to be re-tuned, because the set of resolved variables has changed. dX = FX (X) + MX (X) + η(X) (90) Here we will focus on analytical methods that allow dt one to derive reduced models from the dynamical equa- where MX and η corresponds to the deterministic and tions of a full model. Projector operator techniques have stochastic components of the parametrization, respec- been introduced in statistical mechanics with the goal of tively. A now classic example of empirical construction effectively removing the Y variables. In particular, con- and of testing of stochastic parametrizations is given by siderable interest has been raised by the Mori-Zwanzig Wilks (2005), see Fig. 19. approach, through which a formal - albeit practically in- It must be emphasized that many of the approaches accessible - solution for the evolution of the X variables is used so far have been based on the existence of a time derived (Mori, 1965; Zwanzig, 1961, 2001). These equa- scale separation between microscopic and macroscopic tions in general contain both a correlated noise term and processes, following, conceptually, the pioneering point a memory term. Some attempts have been made to make of view proposed by Hasselmann (1976). If one does as- approximation to the Mori-Zwanzig projected equations sume such a vast time-scale separation between the slow to obtain practically useful equations. In applications of variables X and the fast variables Y , averaging and ho- stochastic mode reduction in climate science, the mem- mogenization methods (Arnold, 2001; Kifer, 2004; Pavli- ory term is usually not taken into account. This term otis and Stuart, 2008) allow for deriving an effective au- could however be very relevant in systems without a time- tonomous dynamics for the X variables, able to encom- scale separation, as for example in the parametrization pass the impact of the dynamics of the Y variables. The of cloud formation in an atmospheric circulation model. motivation most often stated for the applicability of this The presence of memory in such systems has been dis- theory to climate science is the setting considered by Has- cussed by Bengtsson et al. (2013); Davies et al. (2009); selmann, where fast weather systems influence slow cli- Piriou et al. (2007). Note that, when we consider cou- mate dynamics. pled systems where asynchronous is used, memory effects Unfortunately, in many practical cases of interest in are implicitly present in the dynamics. geophysical fluid dynamics, such a scale separation does Besides considering the limit of infinite time scale sep- not exist - see, e.g., the classical study by Mitchell (1976) aration, another point of view can be taken, namely con- - so that there is no spectral gap able to support univo- sidering the limit of weak coupling between the dynam- cally the identification of the X and Y variable. In fact, ical processes occurring at different scales. In this limit, when the resolution of a numerical model is changed, all the dynamics retains the correlated noise and memory 32 dependence that appeared in the Mori-Zwanzig reduced with zero mean and unit variance. Taking the average of 2 equations. The advantage of looking at this limit is how- GX (X,Y ) = (1 − Y )x under the invariant measure of ever that the noise autocorrelation function and memory Y , we see that the averaged equation in this case is the kernel can now be written as simple correlation and re- uninteresting equation X˙ = 0. sponse functions of the unresolved dynamics. This simple example immediately motivates the use of homogenization methods. Here one scales the equation to a longer time scale θ = t, the so called diffusive time A. Averaging and homogenization scale and then performs the asymptotic expansion. Sim- ilarly to how correctly rescaling the sums of the law of When applying averaging and homogenization tech- large number leads to the more interesting central limit niques, one considers dynamical systems where a small theorem, which describes the fluctuations around the av- parameter  controls the time scale separation between a erage value, also in the setting of time scale separated slow and fast evolution in the system. The prototypical systems, we get stochastic behavior on the diffusive time set of equations for such a problem is scale. For the example considered above, we get a weak dX convergence to a reduced stochastic differential equation =G (X,Y ) dt X for the X variable instead of the trivial dynamical system dY 1 obtained before (Pavliotis and Stuart, 2008). =G (X,Y ) = G˜ (X,Y ) dt Y  Y The theory for averaging and homogenization in time- scale separated stochastic differential equations is well The parameter  controls the time scale separation be- understood, with results for both one way and two way tween the variables X and Y , which becomes infinite as couplings between the levels (Bakhtin and Kifer, 2004).  → 0. As usual, the theory is more complicated for determin- As the time scale separation becomes large, on the typ- istic systems. Examples of dynamical systems can be ical time scale for the variable Y , X will remain almost constructed where for a large set of initial conditions of constant. The fast variable Y will obey an evolution de- Y , the solution for X does not converge to the averaged fined by (X,Y ) for the current fixed value of X. On the solution (Kifer, 2008). Furthermore, if the Y system has much longer time scale connected to the slow system, the long time correlations, such as in a system with regime evolution of X integrates out the rapid fluctuation of Y . behavior, the homogenized system may converge badly As in the law of large numbers, the overall effect of all and an extension based on a truncation of the transfer these integrated fluctuations can be substituted by one operator has been proposed (Sch¨utteet al., 2004). single value. It can be shown that for finite time T , the Abramov (2012) has recently presented a study of un- following applies: certainty and predictability of the slow dynamics for a • the trajectory X(t) converges to a solution of: system of geophysical relevance. A study of averaging and homogenization for idealized climate models, with a dX¯ range of examples, can be found in Monahan and Culina = G¯ ¯ (X¯) dt X (2011). Another rather successful attempt in this direc- tion is given in Majda et al. (2001). In Strounine et al. ¯ ¯ ¯ where GX (X) = ρX¯ (GX (X,Y )) is the averaged (2010) stochastic mode reduction is applied to a three- value of the tendency; level quasi-geostrophic model whereas in Arnold et al. (2003) the authors perform mode reduction on a simple • the average is taken over the invariant measure ρX coupled atmosphere-ocean model. Another application of the Y variable of the dynamical system of homogenization to a toy model for the large-scale dy- namics of the atmosphere can be found in (Frank and dY ¯ =GY (X,Y ) Gottwald, 2013). Averaging for the case where one deals dt with partial differential equations, as is relevant for cli- resulting when X¯ is considered as a fixed forcing mate modeling, is discussed by Dymnikov (2012). parameter. A study of homogenization for geophysical flows was performed in Bouchet et al. (2013). The slow system is Let us consider a simple example system. considered to be the evolution of zonal jets of a barotropic dX flow, which is forced by noise. The fast degrees of freedom =(1 − Y 2)x dt are those representing the fast non-zonal turbulence. Ho- dY 1 r2 dW mogenization has also been applied in (Dolaptchiev et al., = − Y + 2012) to the Burgers equation, where the slow variables dt   dt are taken to be averages over large grid boxes and the The Y system is here independent of X. The invariant fast variables are the subgrid variables. measure of the fast y system is a Gaussian distribution When one wants to consider very large time scales (for 33 examples times of the order of exp(1/)), one needs to We write the Liouville equation for an observable A as look beyond the central limit type theorems of homog- dA(t) enization and consider so called large deviation results. = LA(t) = etLLA = etLPLA + etLQLA These describe for example the transitions between dis- dt connected attractors of the averaged equations (Kifer, The factor exp(tL) in the second term can be further 2009) and are of great relevance for studying tipping expanded by making use of Eq. (91). This gives the points (Lenton et al., 2008), going beyond simple one- following equation dimensional approximate theories (see, e.g., discussion dA(t) Z t in Lucarini et al. (2012)). = etLPLA + (etQL + ds e(t−s)LPLesQL)QLA dt 0 Zwanzig (2001) proposes the following interpretation of B. Projection operator techniques this equation. The first term on the right hand side cor- responds to the regular, deterministic dynamics of the Projection operator techniques do not constitute a system. The second term can be seen as describing a mode reduction per se, but are a way to rewrite the dy- contribution from correlated noise, dependent on the ini- namical equation of a multi-level equations to depend tial conditions of the irrelevant degrees of freedom. The only on a subset of variables. A projection is carried out third term (under integral) represents the memory of the on the level of the observables to remove unwanted, irrel- system due to the presence of irrelevant variables that evant and usually fast degrees of freedom. The price one have interacted with the relevant ones in the past. In has to pay for this apparent reduction is the appearance other term, the price we pay by separating somewhat of additional terms that are as difficult to compute as the arbitrarily relevant from irrelevant degrees of freedom s original system. It can however be a useful starting point that the irrelevant degrees of freedom act as a stochastic for further approximations. These of techniques are also component and, somewhat counter-intuitively, as proxies known as the Mori-Zwanzig approach (Mori et al., 1974; for the past state of the relevant degrees of freedom. Note Zwanzig, 1960, 1961). that we have done nothing more than manipulating the original evolution equation A˙ = LA. Correspondingly, If a dynamical system is defined on a manifold M, one the Mori-Zwanzig equation in itself does not simplify the defines a projection P from the space of observable func- problem. In order to derive a set of equations that are tions on the full phase space M to a space of observables useful for numerical simulations, assumptions need to be which are considered to contain only the interesting dy- made about the dynamical system. namics. Many different choices are possible; if the mani- Several approximations to the Mori-Zwanzig equations fold M consists for example of a product of submanifolds have been proposed in the literature. There are the short K of relevant and L of irrelevant variables, one can take and long memory approximations made in the method of a conditional expectation with respect to a measure on optimal prediction (Bernstein, 2007; Chorin and Stinis, M, given the value of the relevant variables X ∈ K: 2006; Chorin and Hald, 2013; Chorin et al., 1998, 2000, R 2002, 2006; Defrasne, 2004; Hald and Kupferman, 2001; N A(X,Y )ρ(X,Y )dY (PA)(X) = R . Park et al., 2007). N ρ(X,Y )dY In the limit of an infinite time-scale separation be- tween the relevant and irrelevant variables, the stochas- Another possible choice is a projection onto a set of func- tic component of the parametrization can be represented tions on M, such as linear functions of the coordinates as a white noise term, while the memory (also known in a Euclidean phase space. In general, one can think at as non-Markovian) term vanishes, as the irrelevant vari- various ways of performing coarse graining. ables decorrelate quickly. Therefore, in such a limit the Let us go back to our general formulation of a dy- Mori-Zwanzig decomposition is equivalent to the homog- namical system of the form Z˙ = F (Z), Z ∈ RN . enization method of section VI.A. For a comparison of the The evolution of an observable A(Z) can be written as short memory approximation of Mori-Zwanzig to homog- A˙(Z) = F (Z)·∇Z A(Z), which can be written as A˙ = LA, enization for climate-relevant models, see (Stinis, 2006). often referred to as Liouville equation. The evolution op- We also refer the reader to recent results of Chekroun erator L is split into its projection PL onto the relevant et al. (2013a,b), where general mathematical results for space of observables and the complement QL := (1−P)L. the procedure of mode reduction, with thorough geomet- As described by Zwanzig (2001), a generalized Langevin rical and dynamical interpretations, are given. equation can then be derived based on Dyson’s formula Applications of the Mori-Zwanzig approach to fluid dy- for operator exponentials namics can be found in (Chandy and Frankel, 2009; Hald and Stinis, 2007; Hou, 2007; Stinis, 2007). A simple Z t approximation to Mori-Zwanzig has been applied to jet etL = etQL + e(t−s)LPLesQLds (91) 0 formation on a β plane in (Tobias and Marston, 2013). 34

C. Weakly coupled systems

We now consider dynamical systems consisting of two systems with a weak coupling. In this case an expansion of the dynamics can be made in orders of the coupling, giving insight into what properties of the coupled systems determines the memory kernel and correlated noise that appeared in the Mori-Zwanzig approach (Wouters and Lucarini, 2012, 2013), because no assumptions are taken regarding time-scale separation. FIG. 21 Diagram describing the impact of fluctuations of the A possible application of this theory in climate science Y variables on the X variables. Term σ in Eq. (94). can be found in the interaction between cloud forma- tion and large scale atmospheric flow, where there is no distinct time scale separation, but instead the coupling could be considered as weak. The weak coupling limit of a tropical ocean-atmosphere model has also been consid- ered in the literature (Neelin and Jin, 1993). Let us go back to Eq. 89. In this setting, the back- ground vector field F consists of a Cartesian product > (FX ,FY ) of the vector fields FX and FY defining the autonomous X and Y dynamics. The perturbing vec- > tor field δF is a coupling (ΨX , ΨY ) between the two FIG. 22 Diagram describing the non-Markovian effect of the systems. We rewrite the full dynamical system as: on the X variables on themselves, mediated by the Y vari- ables. Term h in Eq. (94). dX = F (X) + Ψ (X,Y ) dt X X dY As shown by Wouters and Lucarini (2012), if one col- = F (Y ) + Ψ (X,Y ) (92) dt Y Y lects these first and second order responses to the cou- pling Ψ, an identical change in expectation values from where  is added in order to clarify what kind of pertur- the unperturbed ρ up to third order in Ψ can be ob- bative expansion we consider. For simplicity of presen- 0 tained by adding a Y -independent forcing to the ten- tation, for now we consider the case where Ψ (X,Y ) = X dency of the X variables as follows: ΨX (Y ) and ΨY (X,Y ) = ΨY (X). We will come back to the general case later. dX(t) =F (X(t)) + M + σ(t) Given that the coupling term Ψ can be seen as a small dt X perturbation to the uncoupled system, one can make use Z ∞ of response theory to study the change of long time means + dτh(τ, X(t − τ)) (94) under a change in the coupling parameter . We can 0 therefore use the response formalism described in Section where M = ρ0,Y (ΨX ) is an averaged version of the V. After lengthy calculations, one obtains the explicit Y to X coupling, σ is a stochastic term, mimicking the expression for two time correlation properties of the unresolved vari- ables and h is a memory kernel that introduces the non- 0 (1) (2) 3 ρ(A)t = ρ (A)t + ρ (A)t + ρ (A)t + O(Ψ ) (93) Markovianity. A diagrammatic representation of pro- cesses responsible that these three additional terms are parametrizing is given in Figs. 20-22. Figure 20 refers to the mean field effect, which is captured by the first order correction, and corresponds to the deterministic parametrization. Figure 21 describes the effect of the fluctuations of the unresolved variables, which results into an effective stochastic term in the parametrization. Finally, figure 22 clarifies how memory effects enter into the picture of the parametrization: the resolved variables at a given time impact the resolved variables at a later time through a transfer of information mediated by the FIG. 20 Diagram describing the mean field effect of the Y unresolved variables. The memory effect is present due to variables on the X variables. Term M in Eq. (94). the finite time scale difference between resolved and un- resolved variables, which also ensures that the stochastic 35 contribution shown in Fig. 21 cannot be represented by a the equilibrium statistical mechanical properties of the white noise process. In Wouters and Lucarini (2013) this geophysical flows (section III), where the vorticity - in reduced equation was shown to be related to an expan- the two dimensional case - plays the role of the most sion in the coupling strength of a Mori-Zwanzig equation. important physical quantity. Starting from the classi- If the coupling functions ΨX and ΨY are allowed to cal construction due to Onsager of the gas of interact- be dependent on both X and Y , the above analysis ing vortices, the theory leads us to construct a theory of can still be carried out. In practical terms, this ac- barotropic and baroclinic QG turbulence. counts for the possibility that the coupling terms are Taking the point of view of non-equilibrium systems, function of both the variables we want to parametrize we have that thanks to the presence of gradients of phys- and of those we want to keep explicitly represented in our ical quantities like temperature and chemical concentra- model. For the case of separable couplings ΨX (X,Y ) = tions - in first instance due to the inhomogeneity of the ΨX,1(X)ΨX,2(Y ) and ΨY (X,Y ) = ΨY,1(X)ΨY,2(Y ) the incoming solar radiation, of the optical properties of the average term becomes X dependent and the noise term geophysical fluids, and of the boundary conditions - the becomes multiplicative instead of additive. An expres- climate system can transform available potential energy sion for more general couplings can be derived be de- into kinetic energy via internal instabilities, resulting in composing the coupling functions into a basis of sepa- organized fluid motions. In section IV the analysis of rable functions, see (Wouters and Lucarini, 2012), and the energy and entropy budgets of the climate system is then the same procedure can be applied. shown to provide a comprehensive picture of climate dy- namics, new tools for testing and auditing climate mod- els and measuring climate change, for investigating of the VII. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS climate tipping points, and for studying the properties of general planetary atmospheres. The goal of this review paper is the provision of an Section V introduces some basic concepts of non- overview of some ideas emerging at the interface between equilibrium statistical mechanics, connecting the macro- climate science, physics, and mathematics, with the ob- scopic properties described in the previous section to the jective of contributing to bridging the gap between dif- features of the family of chaotic dynamical systems which ferent scientific communities. The topics have been se- constitute the backbone of the mathematical description lected by the authors with the goal of covering (at least of non-equilibrium systems. For such systems, the re- partially) relevant aspects of the deep symmetries of geo- lationship between internal fluctuations and response to physical flows, of the processes by which they convert forcings is studied with the goal of developing methods and transport energy, and generate entropy, and of con- for predicting climate change. After clarifying the condi- structing relevant statistical mechanical models able to tions under which the FDT is valid, we present some new address fundamental issues like the response of the cli- results such as a successful climate prediction for decadal mate system to forcings, the representation of the in- and longer time scales. In this sense, we show that the teraction across scales, the definition of relevant physical problem of climate change is mathematically well-posed. quantities able to describe succinctly the dynamics of the Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics is also the sub- system. This review also informs the development and ject of section VI, where we show how the Mori-Zwanzig testing of climate models of various degrees of complex- formalism supports the provision of rigorous methods for ity, by analyzing their physical and mathematical well- constructing parametrizations of unresolved processes. It posedness and for constructing parametrizations of unre- is possible to derive a surrogate dynamics for the coarse solved processes, and by putting the basis for construct- grained variable of interest for climatic purposes, incor- ing diagnostic tools able to capture the most relevant porating, as result of the coupling with the small scale, climate processes. fast variables, a deterministic, a stochastic, and a non- The Nambu formulation of geophysical fluid dynam- Markovian contribution, corresponding to memory ef- ics explored in section II emphasizes the existence, in fects, which add to the unperturbed dynamics. The same the inviscid and unforced case, of non-trivial conserved results can be obtained using the response theory de- quantities that are embedded in the equations of motion. scribed in section V, thus showing that the construction Such quantities play a fundamental role, analogous to en- of parametrizations for weather and for climate models ergy’s, in the description of the state and of the dynamics should have common ground. of the system and can be regarded as observables of great Among the many topics and aspects left out of this relevance also in the case where dissipation and forcing review, we need to mention recent developments aimed are present. Moreover, the Nambu formalism suggests us at connecting the complementary, rather than oppos- ways for devising very accurate numerical schemes, which ing (Lorenz, 1963) and (Hasselmann, 1976) perspectives do not have spurious diffusive behavior. on complex dynamics dynamics, which focus on deter- The symmetry properties of the flow in the inviscid ministic chaos and stochastic perturbations to dynami- limit allow the construction of the ensembles describing cal systems, respectively. We refer in particular to the 36 idea of constructing time-dependent measures for non ACKNOWLEDGMENTS autonomous dynamical systems (Chekroun et al., 2011) through the introduction of the so-called pullback attrac- The authors acknowledge interactions with U. Achatz, tor, which is the geometrical object the trajectories ini- M. Ambaum, F. Cooper, M. Ghil, J. Gregory, K. Heng, tialized in a distant past tend to at time t with proba- T. Kuna, P. N´evir,O. Pauluis. D. Ruelle, A. Seifert, and bility 1 as a result of the contracting dynamics. Such an R. Tailleux. The authors wish to thank F. Lunkeit and F. object is not invariant with time, as a result of the time- Sielmann for helping in data analysis, and R. Boschi, A. dependent forcing, but, under suitable conditions on the M¨ullerand M. Sommer for providing useful figures. VL, properties of the dynamical system, the supported mea- RB, SP, and JW wish to acknowledge the financial sup- sure has at each instant properties similar to those of the port provided by the ERC-Starting Investigator Grant (invariant) SRB measure one can construct for, e.g. au- NAMASTE (Grant no. 257106). The authors wish to ac- tonomous Axiom A dynamical (Ruelle, 1989). Such an knowledge support by the Cluster of Excellence CliSAP. approach allows for treating in a coherent way the pres- The National Center for Atmospheric Research is spon- ence of modulations in the dynamics of the system, with- sored by the National Science Foundation. out the need of applying response formulas or of assuming time-scale separations, and in particular allows for ana- lyzing the case where the forcing is stochastic, leading to Appendix A: Glossary the concept of random attractor (Arnold, 1988). On a different line of research, it is instead possible to use Ru- For the benefit of the reader, we report here the most elle response theory for computing the impact of adding relevant symbols used in this paper, indicating if the same stochastic noise on chaotic dynamical systems (Lucarini, symbol is used with different meaning. 2012). One finds the rate of convergence of the stochas- tically perturbed measure to the unperturbed one, and H Hamiltonian functional discovers the general result that adding noise enhances {•, •}P Standard Poisson Brackets the power spectrum of any given observables at all fre- u Velocity vector (two- or three-dimensional) quencies. The difference between the power spectrum of ua Absolute velocity vector (including planetary rota- the perturbed and unperturbed system can be used, mir- tion) roring an FDT, for computing the response of the system ∇· Divergence operator (two- or three-dimensional) to deterministic perturbations. ∇h· Horizontal divergence operator for three- dimensional vectors ∇ Gradient operator (two- or three-dimensional) ∇h Horizontal gradient operator for three-dimensional fields ψ streamfunction The methods, the ideas, the perspectives presented in ω Vorticity function (two-dimensional dynamics) this paper are partially overlapping, partially comple- ω Vorticity vector (three-dimensional dynamics) mentary, partly in contrast. In particular, it is not obvi- ωa Absolute vorticity vector (including planetary vor- ous, as of today, whether it is more efficient to approach ticity) the problem of constructing a theory of climate dynam- S Symplectic matrix [0, -1; 1, 0]; ics starting from the framework of hamiltonian mechan- J Jacobian operator ics and quasi-equilibrium statistical mechanics or taking X Generic functional the point of view of dissipative chaotic dynamical sys- δX /δa Functional derivative of X with respect to the tems, and of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, and function a. even the authors of this review disagree. The former ap- {•, •, •} Nambu brackets proach can rely on much more powerful mathematical µ Horizontal divergence of the velocity field tools, while the latter is more realistic and epistemolog- hT Total thickness of the fluid (shallow water equa- ically more correct, because, obviously, the climate is, tions) indeed, a non-equilibrium system. Nonetheless, the ex- h Helicity perience accumulated in many other scientific branches ha Absolute helicity (including planetary rotation) (chemistry, acoustics, material science, optics, etc.) has f = f0 + βy Planetary vorticity in β−plane approxi- shown that by suitably applying perturbation theory to mation (y indicates the South-North coordinate) equilibrium systems one can provide an extremely ac- Φ Geopotential curate description of non-equilibrium properties. Such a Q Quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity lack of unified perspective, of well-established paradigms, q Potential vorticity for shallow water equations (Sec- should be seen as sign of the vitality of many research tion II); specific humidity (Section IV) perspectives in climate dynamics. N Brunt-V¨ais¨al¨afrequency 37

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