Language Modelling Makes Sense: Propagating Representations through WordNet for Full-Coverage Word Sense Disambiguation

Daniel Loureiro, Al´ıpio Mario´ Jorge LIAAD - INESC TEC Faculty of Sciences - University of Porto, Portugal [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract Several factors have contributed to this limited progress over the last decade, including lack of Contextual embeddings represent a new gener- standardized evaluation, and restricted amounts of ation of semantic representations learned from sense annotated corpora. Addressing the eval- Neural Language Modelling (NLM) that ad- uation issue, Raganato et al.(2017a) has intro- dresses the issue of meaning conflation ham- duced a unified evaluation framework that has al- pering traditional word embeddings. In this work, we show that contextual embeddings ready been adopted by the latest works in WSD. can be used to achieve unprecedented gains Also, even though SemCor (Miller et al., 1994) in Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) tasks. still remains the largest manually annotated cor- Our approach focuses on creating sense-level pus, supervised methods have successfully used embeddings with full-coverage of WordNet, label propagation (Yuan et al., 2016), semantic and without recourse to explicit knowledge of networks (Vial et al., 2018) and glosses (Luo sense distributions or task-specific modelling. et al., 2018b) in combination with annotations to As a result, a simple Nearest Neighbors (k- advance the state-of-the-art. Meanwhile, task- NN) method using our representations is able to consistently surpass the performance of pre- specific sequence modelling architectures based vious systems using powerful neural sequenc- on BiLSTMs or Seq2Seq (Raganato et al., 2017b) ing models. We also analyse the robustness haven’t yet proven as advantageous for WSD. of our approach when ignoring part-of-speech Until recently, the best semantic representations and lemma features, requiring disambiguation at our disposal, such as (Mikolov et al., against the full sense inventory, and revealing 2013) and fastText (Bojanowski et al., 2017), were shortcomings to be improved. Finally, we ex- bound to word types (i.e. distinct tokens), con- plore applications of our sense embeddings for concept-level analyses of contextual embed- verging information from different senses into the dings and their respective NLMs. same representations (e.g. ‘play song’ and ‘play tennis’ share the same representation of ‘play’). 1 Introduction These word embeddings were learned from un- supervised Neural Language Modelling (NLM) Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) is a core trained on fixed-length contexts. However, by task of Natural Language Processing (NLP) which recasting the same word types across different arXiv:1906.10007v1 [cs.CL] 24 Jun 2019 consists in assigning the correct sense to a word sense-inducing contexts, these representations be- in a given context, and has many potential ap- came insensitive to the different senses of poly- plications (Navigli, 2009). Despite breakthroughs semous words. Camacho-Collados and Pilehvar in distributed semantic representations (i.e. word (2018) refer to this issue as the meaning confla- embeddings), resolving lexical ambiguity has re- tion deficiency and explore it more thoroughly in mained a long-standing challenge in the field. Sys- their work. tems using non-distributional features, such as It Recent improvements to NLM have allowed for Makes Sense (IMS, Zhong and Ng, 2010), remain learning representations that are context-specific surprisingly competitive against neural sequence and detached from word types. While word em- models trained end-to-end. A baseline that simply bedding methods reduced NLMs to fixed repre- chooses the most frequent sense (MFS) has also sentations after pretraining, this new generation proven to be notoriously difficult to surpass. of contextual embeddings employs the pretrained NLM to infer different representations induced by 2 Language Modelling Representations arbitrarily long contexts. Contextual embeddings have already had a major impact on the field, driv- Distributional semantic representations learned ing progress on numerous downstream tasks. This from Unsupervised Neural Language Modelling success has also motivated a number of iterations (NLM) are currently used for most NLP tasks. In on embedding models in a short timespan, from this section we cover aspects of word and contex- context2vec (Melamud et al., 2016), to GPT (Rad- tual embeddings, learned from from NLMs, that ford et al., 2018), ELMo (Peters et al., 2018), and are particularly relevant for our work. BERT (Devlin et al., 2019). Being context-sensitive by design, contextual 2.1 Static Word Embeddings embeddings are particularly well-suited for WSD. Word embeddings are distributional semantic rep- In fact, Melamud et al.(2016) and Peters et al. resentations usually learned from NLM under one (2018) produced contextual embeddings from the of two possible objectives: predict context words SemCor dataset and showed competitive results on given a target word (Skip-Gram), or the inverse Raganato et al.(2017a)’s WSD evaluation frame- (CBOW) (word2vec, Mikolov et al., 2013). In work, with a surprisingly simple approach based both cases, context corresponds to a fixed-length on Nearest Neighbors (k-NN). These results were window sliding over tokenized text, with the tar- promising, but those works only produced sense get word at the center. These modelling objectives embeddings for the small fraction of WordNet are enough to produce dense vector-based repre- (Fellbaum, 1998) senses covered by SemCor, re- sentations of words that are widely used as pow- sorting to the MFS approach for a large number erful initializations on neural modelling architec- of instances. Lack of high coverage annotations tures for NLP. As we explained in the introduc- is one of the most pressing issues for supervised tion, word embeddings are limited by meaning WSD approaches (Le et al., 2018). conflation around word types, and reduce NLM Our experiments show that the simple k-NN to fixed representations that are insensitive to con- w/MFS approach using BERT embeddings suf- texts. However, with fastText (Bojanowski et al., fices to surpass the performance of all previous 2017) we’re not restricted to a finite set of repre- systems. Most importantly, in this work we intro- sentations and can compositionally derive repre- duce a method for generating sense embeddings sentations for word types unseen during training. with full-coverage of WordNet, which further im- proves results (additional 1.9% F1) while forgo- 2.2 Contextual Embeddings ing MFS fallbacks. To better evaluate the fitness of our sense embeddings, we also analyse their The key differentiation of contextual embeddings performance without access to lemma or part-of- is that they are context-sensitive, allowing the speech features typically used to restrict candi- same word types to be represented differently ac- date senses. Representing sense embeddings in the cording to the contexts in which they occurr. In same space as any contextual embeddings gener- order to be able to produce new representations ated from the same pretrained NLM eases intro- induced by different contexts, contextual embed- spections of those NLMs, and enables token-level dings employ the pretrained NLM for inferences. intrinsic evaluations based on k-NN WSD perfor- Also, the NLM objective for contextual embed- mance. We summarize our contributions1 below: dings is usually directional, predicting the previ- ous and/or next tokens in arbitrarily long contexts A method for creating sense embeddings for • (usually sentences). ELMo (Peters et al., 2018) all senses in WordNet, allowing for WSD was the first implementation of contextual embed- based on k-NN without MFS fallbacks. dings to gain wide adoption, but it was shortly af- Major improvement over the state-of-the-art ter followed by BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) which • on cross-domain WSD tasks, while exploring achieved new state-of-art results on 11 NLP tasks. the strengths and weaknesses of our method. Interestingly, BERT’s impressive results were ob- tained from task-specific fine-tuning of pretrained Applications of our sense embeddings for NLMs, instead of using them as features in more • concept-level analyses of NLMs. complex models, emphasizing the quality of these 1Code and data: representations. 3 Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) 3.2 WSD State-of-the-Art There are several lines of research exploring dif- While non-distributional methods, such as Zhong ferent approaches for WSD (Navigli, 2009). Su- and Ng(2010)’s IMS, still perform competitively, pervised methods have traditionally performed there are have been several noteworthy advance- best, though this distinction is becoming increas- ments in the last decade using distributional rep- ingly blurred as works in supervised WSD start resentations from NLMs. Iacobacci et al.(2016) exploiting resources used by knowledge-based ap- improved on IMS’s performance by introducing proaches (e.g. Luo et al., 2018a; Vial et al., 2018). word embeddings as additional features. We relate our work to the best-performing WSD Yuan et al.(2016) achieved significantly im- methods, regardless of approach, as well as meth- proved results by leveraging massive corpora to ods that may not perform as well but involve pro- train a NLM based on an LSTM architecture. This ducing sense embeddings. In this section we in- work is contemporaneous with Melamud et al. troduce the components and related works that are (2016), and also uses a very similar approach for most relevant for our approach. generating sense embeddings and relying on k-NN w/MFS for predictions. Although most perfor- 3.1 Sense Inventory, Attributes and Relations mance gains stemmed from their powerful NLM, The most popular sense inventory is WordNet, they also introduced a label propagation method a of general domain concepts that further improved results in some cases. Cu- linked by a few relations, such as synonymy and riously, the objective Yuan et al.(2016) used for hypernymy. WordNet is organized at different ab- NLM (predicting held-out words) is very evoca- straction levels, which we describe below. Follow- tive of the cloze-style Masked ing the notation used in related works, we repre- introduced by Devlin et al.(2019). Le et al.(2018) sent the main structure of WordNet, called synset, replicated this work and offers additional insights. # with lemmaPOS, where lemma corresponds to Raganato et al.(2017b) trained neural sequenc- the canonical form of a word, POS corresponds to ing models for end-to-end WSD. This work re- the sense’s part-of-speech (noun, verb, adjective frames WSD as a translation task where sequences or adverb), and # further specifies this entry. of words are translated into sequences of senses. The best result was obtained with a BiLSTM Synsets: groups of synonymous words that trained with auxilliary losses specific to parts-of- • correspond to the same sense, e.g. dog1. n speech and lexnames. Despite the sophisticated Lemmas: canonical forms of words, may be- modelling architecture, it still performed on par • long to multiple synsets, e.g. dog is a lemma with Iacobacci et al.(2016). 1 1 for dogn and chasev, among others. The works of Melamud et al.(2016) and Pe- ters et al.(2018) using contextual embeddings for Senses: lemmas specifed by sense (i.e. • WSD showed the potential of these representa- sensekeys), e.g. dog%1:05:00::, and domes- tions, but still performed comparably to IMS. 1 tic dog%1:05:00:: are senses of dogn. Addressing the issue of scarce annotations, re- Each synset has a number of attributes, of which cent works have proposed methods for using re- the most relevant for this work are: sources from knowledge-based approaches. Luo et al.(2018a) and Luo et al.(2018b) combine in- 1 Glosses: dictionary definitions, e.g. dogn has formation from glosses present in WordNet, with • the definition ‘a member of the genus Ca...’. NLMs based on BiLSTMs, through memory net- works and co-attention mechanisms, respectively. Hypernyms: ‘type of’ relations between Vial et al.(2018) follows Raganato et al.(2017b)’s • 1 1 synsets, e.g. dogn is a hypernym of pugn. BiLSTM method, but leverages the semantic net- Lexnames: syntactical and logical groupings, work to strategically reduce the set of senses re- • 1 quired for disambiguating words. e.g. the lexname for dogn is noun.animal. All of these works rely on MFS fallback. Addi- In this work we’re using WordNet 3.0, which tionally, to our knowledge, all also perform disam- contains 117,659 synsets, 206,949 unique senses, biguation only against the set of admissible senses 147,306 lemmas, and 45 lexnames. given the word’s lemma and part-of-speech. 3.3 Other methods with Sense Embeddings embeddings from annotations, as done by other Some works may no longer be competitive with works, and then introduces several enhancements the state-of-the-art, but nevertheless remain rel- towards full-coverage, better performance and in- evant for the development of sense embeddings. creased robustness. In this section, we cover each We recommend the recent survey of Camacho- of these techniques. Collados and Pilehvar(2018) for a thorough 4.1 Embeddings from Annotations overview of this topic, and highlight a few of the most relevant methods. Chen et al.(2014) initial- Our set of full-coverage sense embeddings is boot- izes sense embeddings using glosses and adapts strapped from sense-annotated corpora. Sentences the Skip-Gram objective of word2vec to learn and containing sense-annotated tokens (or spans) are improve sense embeddings jointly with word em- processed by a NLM in order to obtain contextual beddings. Rothe and Schutze¨ (2015)’s AutoEx- embeddings for those tokens. After collecting all tend method uses pretrained word2vec embed- sense-labeled contextual embeddings, each sense dings to compose sense embeddings from sets embedding is determined by averaging its corre- of synonymous words. Camacho-Collados et al. sponding contextual embeddings. Formally, given (2016) creates the NASARI sense embeddings us- n contextual embeddings ~c for some sense s: ing structural knowledge from large multilingual n 1 X semantic networks. ~v = ~c , dim(~v ) = 1024 s n i s These methods represent sense embeddings in i=1 the same space as the pretrained word embed- In this work we use pretrained ELMo and BERT dings, however, being based on fixed embedding models to generate contextual embeddings. These spaces, they are much more limited in their abil- models can be identified and replicated with the ity to generate contextual representations to match following details: against. Furthermore, none of these methods (or those in 3.2) achieve full-coverage of the +200K ELMo: 1024 (2x512) embedding dimen- § senses in WordNet. • sions, 93.6M parameters. Embeddings from top (2). 4 Method BERT: 1024 embedding dimensions, 340M • parameters, cased. Embeddings from sum of top 4 layers ([-1,-4])2.

BERT uses WordPiece tokenization that doesn’t always map to token-level annotations (e.g. ‘mul- tiplication’ becomes ‘multi’, ‘##plication’). We use the average of subtoken embeddings as the token-level embedding. Unless specified other- wise, our LMMS method uses BERT.

4.2 Extending Annotation Coverage As many have emphasized before (Navigli, 2009; Figure 1: Illustration of our k-NN approach for WSD, which relies on full-coverage sense embeddings repre- Camacho-Collados and Pilehvar, 2018; Le et al., sented in the same space as contextualized embeddings. 2018), the lack of sense annotations is a major lim- For simplification, we label senses as synsets. Grey itation of supervised approaches for WSD. We ad- nodes belong to different lemmas (see 5.3). dress this issue by taking advantage of the seman- § tic relations in WordNet to extend the annotated Our WSD approach is strictly based on k-NN signal to other senses. Semantic networks are of- (see Figure1), unlike any of the works referred ten explored by knowledge-based approaches, and previously. We avoid relying on MFS for lemmas some recent works in supervised approaches as that do not occur in annotated corpora by gen- well (Luo et al., 2018a; Vial et al., 2018). The erating sense embeddings with full-coverage of 2This was the configuration that performed best out of the WordNet. Our method starts by generating sense ones on Table 7 of Devlin et al.(2018). guiding principle behind these approaches is that 4.3 Improving Senses using the Dictionary sense-level representations can be imputed (or im- There’s a long tradition of using glosses for WSD, proved) from other representations that are known perhaps starting with the popular work of Lesk to correspond to generalizations due to the net- (1986), which has since been adapted to use distri- work’s taxonomical structure. Vial et al.(2018) butional representations (Basile et al., 2014). As leverages relations in WordNet to reduce the sense a sequence of words, the information contained inventory to a minimal set of entries, making the in glosses can be easily represented in seman- task easier to model while maintaining the ability tic spaces through approaches used for generating to distinguish senses. We take the inverse path of sentence embeddings. There are many methods leveraging relations to produce representations for for generating sentence embeddings, but it’s been additional senses. shown that a simple weighted average of word em- On 3.1 we covered synsets, hypernyms and § beddings performs well (Arora et al., 2017). lexnames, which correspond to increasingly ab- Our contextual embeddings are produced from stract generalizations. Missing sense embeddings NLMs using attention mechanisms, assigning are imputed from the aggregation of sense embed- more importance to some tokens over others, so dings at each of these abstraction levels. In or- they already come ‘pre-weighted’ and we embed der to get embeddings that are representative of glosses simply as the average of all of their contex- higher-level abstractions, we simply average the tual embeddings (without preprocessing). We’ve embeddings of all lower-level constituents. Thus, also found that introducing synset lemmas along- a synset embedding corresponds to the average side the words in the gloss helps induce better con- of all of its sense embeddings, a hypernym em- textualized embeddings (specially when glosses bedding corresponds to the average of all of its are short). Finally, we make our dictionary em- synset embeddings, and a lexname embedding beddings (~vd) sense-specific, rather than synset- corresponds to the average of a larger set of synset specific, by repeating the lemma that’s specific to embeddings. All lower abstraction representations the sense, alongside the synset’s lemmas and gloss are created before next-level abstractions to ensure words. The result is a sense-level embedding, de- that higher abstractions make use of lower gener- termined without annotations, that is represented alizations. More formally, given all missing senses in the same space as the sense embeddings we de- in WordNet sˆ W , their synset-specific sense ∈ scribed in the previous section, and can be triv- embeddings Ssˆ, hypernym-specific synset embed- ially combined through concatenation or average dings Hsˆ, and lexname-specific synset embed- for improved performance (see Table2). dings Lsˆ, the procedure has the following stages: Our empirical results show improved perfor- 1 P mance by concatenation, which we attribute (1) if Ssˆ > 0, ~vsˆ = |S | ~vs, ~vs Ssˆ | | sˆ ∀ ∈ to preserving complementary information from 1 P glosses. Both averaging and concatenating repre- (2) if Hsˆ > 0, ~vsˆ = ~vsyn, ~vsyn Hsˆ |Hsˆ| | | ∀ ∈ sentations (previously L2 normalized) also serves 1 P to smooth possible biases that may have been (3) if Lsˆ > 0, ~vsˆ = ~vsyn, ~vsyn Lsˆ | | |Lsˆ| ∀ ∈ learned from the SemCor annotations. Note that In Table1 we show how much coverage extends while concatenation effectively doubles the size of while improving both recall and precision. our embeddings, this doesn’t equal doubling the expressiveness of the distributional space, since F1 / P / R (without MFS) they’re two representations from the same NLM. Source Coverage BERT ELMo This property also allows us to make predic- SemCor 16.11% 68.9 / 72.4 / 65.7 63.0 / 66.2 / 60.1 tions for contextual embeddings (from the same + synset 26.97% 70.0 / 72.6 / 70.0 63.9 / 66.3 / 61.7 NLM) by simply repeating those embeddings + hypernym 74.70% 73.0 / 73.6 / 72.4 67.2 / 67.7 / 66.6 twice, aligning contextual features against sense + lexname 100% 73.8 / 73.8 / 73.8 68.1 / 68.1 / 68.1 and dictionary features when computing cosine similarity. Thus, our sense embeddings become: Table 1: Coverage of WordNet when extending to in-   creasingly abstract representations along with perfor- ~vs 2 mance on the ALL test set of Raganato et al.(2017a). ~vs = || || , dim(~vs) = 2048 ~vd 2 || || Configurations LMMS1024 LMMS2048 LMMS2348 Embeddings Contextual (d=1024)      Dictionary (d=1024)      Static (d=300)    Operation Average  Concatenation     Perf. (F1 on ALL) Lemma & POS 73.8 58.7 75.0 75.4 73.9 58.7 75.4 Token (Uninformed) 42.7 6.1 36.5 35.1 64.4 45.0 66.0

Table 2: Overview of the different performance of various setups regarding choice of embeddings and combination strategy. All results are for the 1-NN approach on the ALL test set of Raganato et al.(2017a). We also show results that ignore the lemma and part-of-speech features of the test sets to show that the inclusion of static embeddings makes the method significantly more robust to real-world scenarios where such gold features may not be available.

4.4 Morphological Robustness 5 Experiments

WSD is expected to be performed only against the Our experiments centered on evaluating our so- set of candidate senses that are specific to a target lution on Raganato et al.(2017a)’s set of cross- word’s lemma. However, as we’ll explain in 5.3, domain WSD tasks. In this section we compare § there are cases where it’s undesirable to restrict the our results to the current state-of-the-art, and pro- WSD process. vide results for our solution when disambiguating We leverage word embeddings specialized for against the full set of possible senses in WordNet, morphological representations to make our sense revealing shortcomings to be improved. embeddings more resilient to the absence of lemma features, achieving increased robustness. 5.1 All-Words Disambiguation This addresses a problem arising from the suscep- In Table3 we show our results for all tasks of Ra- tibility of contextual embeddings to become en- ganato et al.(2017a)’s evaluation framework. We tirely detached from the morphology of their cor- used the framework’s scoring scripts to avoid any responding tokens, due to interactions with other discrepancies in the scoring methodology. Note tokens in the sentence. that the k-NN referred in Table3 always refers to We choose fastText (Bojanowski et al., 2017) the closest neighbor, and relies on MFS fallbacks. embeddings (pretrained on CommonCrawl), The first noteworthy result we obtained was that which are biased towards morphology, and avoid simply replicating Peters et al.(2018)’s method Out-of-Vocabulary issues as explained in 2.1. We § for WSD using BERT instead of ELMo, we were use fastText to generate static word embeddings able to significantly, and consistently, surpass the for the lemmas (~vl) corresponding to all senses, performance of all previous works. When using and concatenate these word embeddings to our our method (LMMS), performance still improves previous embeddings. When making predictions, significantly over the previous impressive results we also compute fastText embeddings for tokens, (+1.9 F1 on ALL, +3.4 F1 on SemEval 2013). In- allowing for the same alignment explained in terestingly, we found that our method using ELMo the previous section. This technique effectively embeddings didn’t outperform ELMo k-NN with makes sense embeddings of morphologically MFS fallback, suggesting that it’s necessary to related lemmas more similar. Empirical results achieve a minimum competence level of embed- (see Table2) show that introducing these static dings from sense annotations (and glosses) before embeddings is crucial for achieving satisfactory the inferred sense embeddings become more use- performance when not filtering candidate senses. ful than MFS. Our final, most robust, sense embeddings are thus: In Figure2 we show results when considering additional neighbors as valid predictions, together   ~vs 2 with a random baseline considering that some tar- || || ~vs =  ~vd 2 , dim(~vs) = 2348 get words may have less senses than the number || || ~vl 2 of accepted neighbors (always correct). || || Senseval2 Senseval3 SemEval2007 SemEval2013 SemEval2015 ALL Model (n=2,282) (n=1,850) (n=455) (n=1,644) (n=1,022) (n=7,253)

MFS† (Most Frequent Sense) 65.6 66.0 54.5 63.8 67.1 64.8 IMS† (2010) 70.9 69.3 61.3 65.3 69.5 68.4 IMS + embeddings† (2016) 72.2 70.4 62.6 65.9 71.5 69.6 context2vec k-NN† (2016) 71.8 69.1 61.3 65.6 71.9 69.0 word2vec k-NN (2016) 67.8 62.1 58.5 66.1 66.7 - LSTM-LP (Label Prop.) (2016) 73.8 71.8 63.5 69.5 72.6 - Seq2Seq (Task Modelling) (2017b) 70.1 68.5 63.1* 66.5 69.2 68.6* BiLSTM (Task Modelling) (2017b) 72.0 69.1 64.8* 66.9 71.5 69.9* ELMo k-NN (2018) 71.5 67.5 57.1 65.3 69.9 67.9 HCAN (Hier. Co-Attention) (2018a) 72.8 70.3 -* 68.5 72.8 -* BiLSTM w/Vocab. Reduction (2018) 72.6 70.4 61.5 70.8 71.3 70.8 BERT k-NN 76.3 73.2 66.2 71.7 74.1 73.5 LMMS2348 (ELMo) 68.1 64.7 53.8 66.9 69.0 66.2 LMMS2348 (BERT) 76.3 75.6 68.1 75.1 77.0 75.4

Table 3: Comparison with other works on the test sets of Raganato et al.(2017a). All works used sense annotations from SemCor as supervision, although often different pretrained embeddings. † - reproduced from Raganato et al. (2017a); * - used as a development set; bold - new state-of-the-art (SOTA); underlined - previous SOTA.

100 5.3 Uninformed Sense Matching 90 80 WSD tasks are usually accompanied by auxilliary 70 60 parts-of-speech (POSs) and lemma features for re- 50 stricting the number of possible senses to those

F1 (ALL) 40 that are specific to a given lemma and POS. Even if 30 LMMS (WSD)

20 LMMS (USM) those features aren’t provided (e.g. real-world ap- 10 RAND (WSD) plications), it’s sensible to use lemmatizers or POS 1 2 3 4 5 taggers to extract them for use in WSD. However, Neighbors as is the case with using MFS fallbacks, this filter-

Figure 2: Performance gains with LMMS2348 when ac- ing step obscures the true impact of NLM repre- cepting additional neighbors as valid predictions. sentations on k-NN solutions. Consequently, we introduce a variation on WSD, called Uninformed Sense Matching (USM), 5.2 Part-of-Speech Mismatches where disambiguation is always performed against The solution we introduced in 4.4 addressed § the full set of sense embeddings (i.e. +200K vs. missing lemmas, but we didn’t propose a solution a maximum of 59). This change makes the task that addressed missing POS information. Indeed, much harder (results on Table2), but offers some the confusion matrix in Table4 shows that a large insights into NLMs, which we cover briefly in number of target words corresponding to verbs are 5.4. wrongly assigned senses that correspond to adjec- § tives or nouns. We believe this result can help mo- 5.4 Use of World Knowledge tivate the design of new NLM tasks that are more It’s well known that WSD relies on various types capable of distinguishing between verbs and non- of knowledge, including commonsense and se- verbs. lectional preferences (Lenat et al., 1986; Resnik,

WN-POS NOUN VERB ADJ ADV 1997), for example. Using our sense embed- dings for Uninformed Sense Matching allows us NOUN 96.95% 1.86% 0.86% 0.33% to glimpse into how NLMs may be interpreting VERB 9.08% 70.82% 19.98% 0.12% contextual information with regards to the knowl- ADJ 4.50% 0% 92.27% 2.93% edge represented in WordNet. In Table5 we show ADV 2.02% 0.29% 2.60% 95.09% a few examples of senses matched at the token- level, suggesting that entities were topically un- Table 4: POS Confusion Matrix for Uninformed Sense derstood and this information was useful to dis- Matching on the ALL testset using LMMS2348. ambiguate verbs. These results would be less con- clusive without full-coverage of WordNet. Marlon? Brando? played Corleone? in Godfather? 1 1 3 1 1 1 personn personn actv syndicaten movien locationn 1 1 42 1 1 1 womanizern groupn makev mafian telefilmn heren 1 1 1 1 1 1 bustlen locationn emotev personn final cutn theren 3 42 1 actv: play a role or part; makev : represent fictiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like; emotev: give expression or emotion to, in a stage or movie role.

Serena? Williams played Kerber? in Wimbledon? 1 1 1 1 1 1 personn professional tennisn playv personn winv tournamentn 1 1 6 1 3 1 thereforer tennisn line upv groupn rompv world cupn 1 1 5 2 38 1 reefn singlesn curlv take ordersv carryv elimination tournamentn 1 6 5 playv: participate in games or sport; line upv: take one’s position before a kick-off; curlv: play the Scottish game of curling.

David Bowie? played Warszawa? in Tokyo 1 1 14 1 1 1 personn personn playv polandn originate inn tokyon 2 1 6 1 1 1 amatin folk songn playv locationn inr japann 3 1 2 1 2 1 guarneriusn fadon riffv heren take the fieldv japanesea 14 6 2 playv : perform on a certain location; playv: replay (as a melody); riffv : play riffs.

Table 5: Examples controlled for syntactical changes to show how the correct sense for ‘played’ can be induced accordingly with the mentioned entities, suggesting that disambiguation is supported by world knowledge learned during LM pretraining. Words with ? never occurred in SemCor. Senses shown correspond to the top 3 matches in LMMS1024 for each token’s contextual embedding (uninformed). For clarification, below each set of matches are the WordNet definitions for the top disambiguated senses of ‘played’.

6 Other Applications 4 doctorn LMMS1024 1 LMMS Analyses of conventional word embeddings have programmern 2048 2 revealed gender or stereotype biases (Bolukbasi counselorn 1 et al., 2016; Caliskan et al., 2017) that may have doctorn 1 unintended consequences in downstream applica- teachern 1 floristn tions. With contextual embeddings we don’t have 1 counselorn sets of concept-level representations for perform- 1 receptionistn ing similar analyses. Word representations can 1 nursen naturally be derived from averaging their contex- 0.050 0.025 0.000 0.025 0.050 tual embeddings occurring in corpora, but then − − we’re back to the meaning conflation issue de- Figure 3: Examples of gender bias found in the sense scribed earlier. We believe that our sense em- 1 vectors. Positive values quantify bias towards mann, 1 beddings can be used as representations for more while negative values quantify bias towards womann. easily making such analyses of NLMs. In Figure 3 we provide an example that showcases mean- ingful differences in gender bias, including for 7 Future Work lemmas shared by different senses (doctor: PhD In future work we plan to use multilingual re- vs. medic, and counselor: therapist vs. sum- sources (i.e. embeddings and glosses) for im- mer camp supervisor). The bias score for a given proving our sense embeddings and evaluating on synset s was calculated as following: multilingual WSD. We’re also considering ex- ploring a semi-supervised approach where our bias(s) = sim(~vman1 ,~vs) sim(~vwoman1 ,~vs) n − n best embeddings would be employed to automat- Besides concept-level analyses, these sense em- ically annotate corpora, and repeat the process beddings can also be useful in applications that described on this paper until convergence, itera- don’t rely on a particular inventory of senses. In tively fine-tuning sense embeddings. We expect Loureiro and Jorge(2019), we show how similari- our sense embeddings to be particularly useful ties between matched sense embeddings and con- in downstream tasks that may benefit from rela- textual embeddings are used for training a classi- tional knowledge made accessible through linking fier that determines whether a word that occurs in words (or spans) to commonsense-level concepts two different sentences shares the same meaning. in WordNet, such as Natural Language Inference. 8 Conclusion Jose Camacho-Collados and Mohammad Taher Pile- hvar. 2018. From word to sense embeddings: A sur- This paper introduces a method for generating vey on vector representations of meaning. J. Artif. sense embeddings that allows a clear improvement Int. Res., 63(1):743–788. of the current state-of-the-art on cross-domain Jose Camacho-Collados, Mohammad Taher Pilehvar, WSD tasks. We leverage contextual embeddings, and Roberto Navigli. 2016. 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