5TJT.COM Parker said about SERVING NASSAU COUNTY, Lemmer after we BROOKLYN, QUEENS, MANHATTAN, discussed the songs on BRONX, & STATEN ISLAND the record that Shulem Lemmer “Can really be something.”  PG. 4

VOL. 18 | NO. 40 | JULY 6, 2018 FIVE TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 23 TAMMUZ 5778 | «¡ª£® ´³²® | $1.00

See Page 3

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Nefesh B’Nefesh prepares to welcome 2,000 new olim this summer. The fi rst group fl ights of 98 arrived this week. Page 73

FROM THE EDITOR Power With The People Holocaust Imagery BY YOCHANAN GORDON f there is anything history has taught us, it’s that all great ac- BY LARRY GORDON complishments require a big dream. It’s the dream, or perhaps o one appreciates, advocates, or even minimally supports the Ithe willpower within mankind, that serves as the impetus to idea of separating children from parents at the U.S. southern pursue those goals despite anything that may stand in our way. Nborder—even when their parents commit a crime by illegally I mention this here because of a video I came across the other crossing the border from Mexico into the U.S. day. It’s a video of an Iranian man, who, although he is sitting in The liberal left seek, however, to distort the imagery here so as front of a video camera with part of his face obscured, identifies to use it to continue their campaign to denigrate President Trump himself as 36-year-old Ash from Iran. But before I get to the con- as they continue what is already an 18-month campaign to dam- tents of the video, a word about the style in which it was made is age the Trump presidency in the run-up to the midterm elections in order. in November. It is at that point that Democrats and the left are A few months ago, a 10-year-old girl by the name Cassidy, who ap- hoping to achieve a majority in the House of Continued on Page 12 parently had been the victim of bullying in her Continued on Page 6

See Page 91 See Page 73 See Page 59 See Page 57 See Pages 46 & 47

July 6 - 8:10 PM July 13 - 8:07 PM See Luach, Page 12 Features Index, See Page 8 See Page 22 See Page 16 See Page 11 See Page 9 See Page 5 2 July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, 3 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 4 HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE By Larry Gordon HE COULD BE SOMETHING Josh Cheuse very now and then a story comes to in Toms River, New Jersey, near Lake- your attention—or, in this case, to wood, is under contract to record an al- my attention—that is not relegated bum for a division of Universal Records July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, E to the schedule or “to do” list to be addressed and is on the cusp of, as he says, while someday in the weeks ahead. This is one of being true to his authentic self, going those stories. It is a tale that just cannot be mainstream. set aside or momentarily forgotten. Lemmer is a gifted chazzan with a You may have read about it online, as it smooth and natural delivery. Whatever has gotten lots of play, both literally and it is that he sings he masters. For now, Graham Parker, president Shulem Lemmer fi guratively, over the last two weeks. It’s the Decca Gold, the division of Universal of Decca Gold / Universal Music Classics story of a young chassidic man, born and that has signed Shulem, has released Lemmer, while known in the hei- matching them up with classics from raised in Boro Park, with a talent and pro- two songs from the forthcoming al- mish and cantorial community as a days gone by. clivity to sing artistically and powerfully bum. Making the rounds online at pres- young man with immense talent, was And that is precisely what Parker im- in a fashion that has drawn international ent is the Lemmer rendition of “Bring discovered by Graham Parker, the re- mediately set out to do with the discovery, attention. Him Home” from the Broadway hit Les cently appointed head of Universal’s in a sense, of Shulem Lemmer. Today, Shulem Lemmer, a Belzer Misérables and the classic Israeli virtual classical music labels whose purview Parker, the former general manager of chassid who is 28 years old and resides anthem, “Jerusalem of Gold.” includes discovering new talent and New York classical music station WQXR, says that he discovered Shulem when he came across his “Chad Gadya” piece that became an Internet sensation over the last few months. He says that he was additionally taken by Lemmer when he viewed Lemmer’s rendition of famed cantor Moshe Oysher’s “Hut a Gutten Chanukah.” Though you cannot discern Parker’s background by his name, in talking to him for a few minutes it becomes clear very quickly that he has a solid background in Jewish life and understands well the chal- lenge in attempting to market Shulem Lemmer on at least two levels simulta- neously. That might explain in part why the recordings are being released several months in advance of the full album. And that is also the strategic thought behind releasing one Broadway show hit and one Israeli classic that crosses all lines. From Shulem’s perspective, he says that he received a call from Graham Parker out of nowhere with no advance warning. Shulem says that at fi rst he thought someone was trying to pull some kind of prank and he did not take the call from the person who said he was Graham Parker very seriously. If you have not heard Shulem’s ver- sions of “Bring Him Home” and “Jeru- salem of Gold,” it might be a good idea to stop reading this for ten minutes and go listen on your phone or computer. Lem- mer’s singing voice is chilling and it takes you places. Just as Parker pointed out when we spoke last week, he found some- thing very unique and distinct about the young man’s voice. To get a slightly outside view on how these events unfolded over the last few months, I spoke with Shulem Lemmer’s manager and producer, Yochi Briskman. He pretty much says the same thing that Shulem says—that they were both skepti- cal at fi rst, but after meeting with Parker at a Boro Park restaurant and exploring the possibilities, they came away with an agreement and outline on how to proceed. The full album has already been com- pleted. The music was recorded by the Royal Philharmonic over in England and Shulem did the voice here in Universal’s

Continued on Page 6 5 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 6 BAGEL STORE Yochi Briskman points out that the Uni- through in the annals of wherever it is POWER WITH THE PEOPLE Continued from Page 4 versal eff ort will focus on the mainstream that a frum, musically talented artist like Continued from Front Cover market almost exclusively as Shulem is Shulem meets the mainstream. New York studios. Parker said about already fairly well-known in his home As a 28-year old Belzer chassid from a school, took to YouTube to bring at- Lemmer after we discussed the songs on base—that is, frum communities around chassidishe family, Shulem Lemmer and tention to her plight. During the video, the record that Shulem Lemmer “can re- the world that are music or chazzanus his handlers and friends are very con- which lasted only a minute and eight ally be something.” fans. scious of the need that he stay within seconds, she remained completely si- The question is how that idea of be- So where will the record and deal with acceptable parameters that allow him to lent, holding up papers on which the ing something will eventually manifest Universal take Shulem? At this point no display his talent, perhaps to an extent message she wanted to convey was writ- itself for Shulem, Yochi, and the others one really knows because the eff ort is revolutionize the industry, and be a kid- ten. The video went viral online and involved as well. According to Shulem, breaking new ground; how high or far this dush Hashem everyone can appreciate drew a video response from players and everything that he required in order to can go is a matter of pure speculation and and be proud of. the managerial staff of the New York move the project forward was agreed to conjecture. It is, however, not inconceiv- The developing career of Shulem Lem- Yankees who responded in the same si- by Universal and Mr. Parker. Some of able that in the months to come Shulem mer is about to burst forth. Over the short lent way. those things are fundamental in our in- Lemmer might be performing on a stage term, it may be one of the most closely Back to the fi rst video. Ash, who has July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, sular world, but they may take people out in Lincoln Center or Carnegie Hall. watched musical developments to come never been to Israel, declares his love there in the music business by surprise. An additionally interesting aspect of all along in many years. This is an exciting and support for the Israeli people. He These things include not working on this is the question for Universal on how time for both Shulem Lemmer and Gra- wrote, “My people are not at war with Shabbos, of course, and not performing to market Shulem Lemmer. At one point, ham Parker of Universal. There is much your people, but are victims of the dirty with women performers or singers. we were told, they wanted to bill him as that needs to be considered as this project and outrageous policies of our rul- As for the other songs on the album, the fi rst chassidic performer to sign a ma- moves ahead. But Mr. Parker simplifi es it ers for the past 40 years.” He logically both Briskman and Lemmer say that they jor recording contract. Yochi Briskman when he says, “What it really comes down asserts, “Having never been to Israel are not at liberty to disclose that informa- says that he told Universal that this would to is that Shulem can really sing.”„ myself how can I hate?” He signs off , tion yet, but they do say that the album not be accurate because Matisyahu—who “Hoping for the day when Israel and will be available online and in record was chassidic at the time—signed a con- Read more of Larry Gordon’s articles at 5TJT. the people of Iran could be freely con- stores then. tract with a major label. com. Follow 5 Towns Jewish Times on Facebook, nected as in the past. I love you, Israel.” Instagram, and Twitter for updates and live Graham Parker’s job at Universal is However they ultimately decide to videos. Comments, questions, and suggestions Both the abovementioned videos to discover new talent and he believes market Shulem will no doubt be taste- are welcome at 5TJT.com and on Facebook, were produced without sound pur- he hit a homerun with Shulem Lemmer. ful and at the same time will be a break- Instagram, and Twitter. posefully, but for two diff erent reasons. In the case of 10-year-old Cassidy, it was too hurtful for her to speak; there- fore, she wrote her message and dis- played it on the camera in front of her. In the case of Ash, he is not at liberty to speak given the nature of the regime where he lives. This comes just six months after a selfi e taken by Miss Iraq, Sarah Idan, with Miss Israel, Adar Gandelsman. The distribution of the selfi e resulted in Idan and her family having to relo- cate to Israel due to the inevitable vit- riolic and threatening messages of the leaders and fundamentalists within her repressive society. What I see connecting the videos and photo is a will amongst the people to change the status quo. This has been the thinking of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has released what is now a series of short video overtures to the people of Iran, off ering them promises of a brighter, better, freer, and more affl u- ent future in an alliance with Israel. Mr. Netanyahu himself understands that if enough people had the courage to change the status quo it could all end in an instant. We are currently in the month of Tammuz, a month that signals the time in history which led to the destruction of the two Temples and all the suff er- ing and tears that have fl owed from our collective faces over the better part of two millennia. The greatest sages in the history of our people, who lived their lives in exile, prayed and pleaded with G-d to bring back the Beis HaMikdash and an end to this long, bitter, and painful ga- lus. Sadly, for many, exile is perceived as a reality that only G-d has the power to change when the time is right. Perhaps the message here is not to get discouraged by the inability of great people before us to change this status quo, but to band together as an amal- gam of many people determined to make a diff erence, and we will certain- ly be successful. „

To read more articles by Yochanan Gordon or to comment, visit 5TJT.com. 7 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018


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Hewlett: 56 Raymond Pl (10-11:30)$699K Lawrence: 42 Barrett Rd (1:30-3)$P.O.R Lawrence: 320 Mulry Ln (11:30-1)$579K Look for the N.Woodmere: 39 Valley Ln W (By Appt 12-1:30)$929K next issue of the 5TJT on newsstands %HDXWLIXO6XLWHV 9DULRXV6L]HV Thursday, ZLWK3ULYDWH 2Q6LWH3DUNLQJ July 12 Pugatch Realty Corp 516-295-3000 9 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 10 July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, 11 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 12 FROM THE EDITOR snacks and housed in relatively comfort- Continued from Front Cover able sleeping quarters. And even more so, CALENDAR the families that were separated and mur- Representatives if not in the Senate, dered during the Holocaust did not vol- which is less likely. unteer to be there or appear as a matter of So let us not delude ourselves. This is their own choosing. They were pulled out not about immigration, borders, a bor- of their homes, rounded up, and stripped LUACH der wall, or the placement of the chil- of all their possessions. Those children July 6 – July 14 dren, which is the same today as it was and their parents would have given any- through the eight years of the Obama thing to be sent back to the homes they ZIP Code: 11516 presidency. This is almost exclusively came from in their towns and shtet- 23 Tammuz about trying to keep the Trump presi- lach. Most of the one and a half million Friday, July 6 dency on the ropes and to characterize children separated from their parents Daf yomi: Zevachim 84 current policy in the cruelest and most during World War II were gassed, shot, or Zmanim:* inhumane context as possible. starved to death. How dare anyone draw a Earliest tallis/tefi llin: 4:29 am July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, For us, however, there is another di- parallel to the current immigration crisis Sunrise: 5:31 am Latest Shema: mension to this issue of the day that we Michael Hayden at our southern border? need to deal with. And that is the absurd Not only is this an off ensive and insult- M. Av. 8:21 am idea that has some elected representa- That position and opinion is intolerable; ing comparison, it shows a blatant lack Gr’a 9:15 am tives and other commentators comparing actually, even worse than that. of sensitivity and understanding of what P’lag ha’minchah: 6:55 pm the situation at the border to the Mengele Using this reference casually to draw a it meant to live through the Holocaust Candle Lighting 8:10 pm selection process of Jewish children at comparison between what is going on at experience or to die a violent death at a 24 Tammuz – Shabbos the death camps during the Holocaust. the southern border with young children young age, as was more often the case Saturday, July 7 Mevorchim Chodesh Menachem Av Drawing this parallel is off ensive and and what took place with children during during the war. Parashas Pinchas an insult to all victims of the Holocaust. the Holocaust is dastardly and uncon- And more importantly, at this point, the Shabbos ends:** It is, however, an illustration of Demo- scionable. situation is far diff erent at our southern 9:23 pm cratic Party desperation that, simply stat- It should be unnecessary to note that border today than it was for Jewish chil- 72 min. 9:46 pm ed, wants to stack up Trump with Hitler the children in Auschwitz-Birkenau were 1 Av – Rosh Chodesh and Republicans in Congress with Nazis. not fed three meals a day plus plenty of Continued on Page 13 Friday, July 13 Daf yomi: Zevachim 91 Zmanim:* Earliest tallis/tefi llin: 4:35 am Sunrise: 5:36 am Latest Shema: M. Av. 8:25 am Gr’a 9:17 am P’lag ha’minchah: 6:52 pm Candle Lighting 8:07 pm 2 Av – Shabbos Saturday, July 14 Parashas Matos-Maasei Shabbos ends:** 9:19 pm 72 min. 9:43 pm

*Zmanim are based on Cedarhurst – 11516 ** Five minutes added for Tosefes Shabbos

Look for the next issue of the 5TJT on newsstands Thursday, July 12

Visit 5TJT.com for daily halachic commentary on current events by Rabbi Yair Hoffman FROM THE EDITOR So I ask Dr. Glatt whether there is 13 Continued from Page 12 something inherently troubling in the

frum community today that has allowed 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 dren—and adults as well—during the Ho- these problems that plague society in locaust. One offi cial on CNN went as far general to seep into our communities and last week as to say that if you are a Don- homes. And he says that while it is mostly ald Trump voter than you are complicit the overfl ow from that which is plaguing in the Mengele-like selection process at the world at large, there are troubling Auschwitz where the man dubbed the things that are taking place specifi cally in “Doctor of Death” swiftly and arbitrarily, frum homes that are negatively impact- with the fl ick of a fi nger, chose who was ing many of our families. going to live (if being consigned to crush- “The emphasis on what kinds of alco- ing slave labor can be considered “living”) holic beverages there are at a Kiddush in and who was going to be gassed to death. shul and how diff erent types of bottles are Of course the comparison is asinine, worshipped is not lost on young children Dr. Aaron Glatt but that did not stop former CIA and who observe these things,” Dr. Glatt says. NSA Chief Michael Hayden from tweet- and the matter of drinking excessive- Another key community leader in- The program organizers point out that ing out a photo of the crematoria at Aus- ly amongst the youth in the Five Towns volved in organizing this event is Rab- the objective here is to act and to prevent chwitz-Birkenau along with his comment community. They caution that the inci- bi Dr. Aaron Glatt, chief of medicine at tragedy from occurring. In anticipation on the matter of the current government dence of kids getting sick, and even worse, South Nassau Communities Hospital and of the July 16 event at Beth Sholom, over policy to temporarily separate children from drug overdoses and alcohol poison- an assistant rabbi at the Young Israel of the weekend of June 23, rabbis in shuls from their parents who just entered the ing is on the rise, and it is in our best in- Woodmere. He concurs that the breeding throughout the Five Towns sought to U.S. illegally. terest as a community to take steps to grounds for these bad habits are multifo- bring to the attention of the communi- The use of this type of imagery should put a stop to it before something terrible cal and can include poor home situations, ty that the fi rst step in preventing these be widely condemned. But instead there happens. unrecognized learning problems, social types of tragedies from occurring is is mainly silence because it seems that To that end, Rabbi Ya’akov Trump of problems, and many other factors. speaking openly about it, educating the being politically incorrect is OK so long the Young Israel of Lawrence-Cedarhurst “In the course of all my years in med- community, and making everyone aware as it is in a historical context and does not is joining a number of other area leaders icine I have treated many cases of drug of the dangers. „ lend itself to any kind of commentary on in organizing a community-wide event abuse,” Dr. Glatt told us on Monday. He a contemporary basis. That is, of course, on Monday evening, July 16 at Congre- adds that none of the cases of overdosing Read more of Larry Gordon’s articles at 5TJT. unless it is a matter dealing with some- gation Beth Sholom in Lawrence on the began with drugs like heroin; in most cas- com. Follow 5 Towns Jewish Times on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for updates and live thing as unfeeling as a statue of General eff ort to raise awareness in the commu- es, it always started with a gateway drug videos. Comments, questions, and suggestions Robert E. Lee or something along those nity about drug and alcohol abuse. The like marijuana or with drinking excessive are welcome at 5TJT.com and on Facebook, lines. program is billed as “a vital event that will amounts of alcohol. Instagram, and Twitter. Separating children from their parents be a worthwhile and relevant evening for at the border with Mexico is an awful every responsible and caring parent and thing that should be fi xed immediate- older teenager in the community. We will ly. But we should not even have to write hear from veteran rabbanim, physicians, the words to articulate that the situation fi rst-responders, leading law-enforce- cannot be compared to what happened ment and mental-health professionals, to six million Jews, including 1.5 million and even parents who have lived through children, in the Holocaust. There is a big the heartbreak and devastation that sub- diff erence between what happened there stance abuse can lead to. Attendees will and what is taking place now. And that have the opportunity to learn more about diff erence is that those children were all this scourge, and, most importantly, to murdered. hear the message of hope and the many critical resources available in our com- Our Kids Know munity to help address this important About Drugs problem.” Community leaders say that it is our This is a multi-sided social issue that is obligation to act and not just react when particularly diffi cult to challenge because tragedy strikes. the problem comes at us from an assort- They are referring to the use of drugs ment of directions. 14 YOUNG ISRAEL OF POLITICAL ROUNDUP WOODMERE AND NORPAC HOSTS PARTNERS IN TORAH CONGRESSWOMAN STEFANIK WELCOME 100+ HEROES he Young Israel of Woodmere will be welcoming the staff T and Woodmere participants of Partners in Torah this Shabbos July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, and paying tribute to its over 100 vol- unteer mentors from the Woodmere community. Started in 1993 as a grassroots project, Partners in Torah’s goal is to make Judaism accessible and rel- evant to Jews of all backgrounds. To date, over 72,000 Jewish men and women have developed lasting friendships and strengthened their commitment to Judaism through Partners in Torah. For many partic- ipants, especially for those who live far from the centers of Jewish life, NORPAC hosted Congresswoman Elise Stefanik on June 24 in Lawrence Partners in Torah serves as their vir- tual lifeline to Judaism. ongresswoman Elise Stefanik ber of the Armed Services Committee, Partners in Torah, the worldwide Steve Savitsky Chairman, Partners in Torah presented a strong case about the Committee on Education and the chavruta program which recently Cher dedication to preserving Workforce, and the House Permanent celebrated its 25th anniversary, re- Mr. Stephen Savitsky, has spoken at the relationship between the United Select Committee on Intelligence. Ad- lies on men and women who’ve been close to 100 shuls in recent years, States and Israel as she spoke to a full ditionally, she serves as chair of the blessed with a Jewish education to each time emphasizing the power of house of NORPAC supporters in Law- House Republican Policy Committee’s learn and shmooze with fellow Jews, learning with Jews from different rence on June 24. Congresswoman Ste- Millennial Task Force. Congresswom- many with little or no Jewish educa- backgrounds. As a long-time Part- fanik represents New York’s 21st Dis- an Stefanik is proudly the youngest tion. Partners study together in per- ner in Torah himself, Mr. Savitsky trict in the House of Representatives in woman ever elected to Congress in son, by phone, or via Skype. has shared his message even more her second term in offi ce. She is a mem- United States history. „ Partners in Torah’s chairman, passionately with his friends and ac- quaintances in Woodmere lion in benefi ts over the next 20 15 and successfully encouraged years as a result of new energy them to join the program. As PSEG LONG ISLAND PROPOSES off erings, investments in tech- 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 Mr. Savitsky says, “People nologies, and new business tell me all the time that the UTILITY 2.0 PLAN processes that will make daily program is doing more for operations more effi cient for them than they are doing for SEG Long Island “PSEG Long Island has im- deployment that will make it employees and customers. their study partners.” filed its proposed plemented programs and up- easier for more customers to “The Utility 2.0 plan is a big In recognition of the 100+ P Utility 2.0 Plan with graded infrastructure to secure monitor and manage their en- positive for customers,” said Woodmere residents who the New York State De- a reliable, cleaner, and more af- ergy use Rick Walden, vice president of have participated in Part- partment of Public Service fordable energy future for Long • A suite of new rate struc- customer services for PSEG ners in Torah for more than (DPS). If approved, the plan Island. We lead New York State tures designed to help custom- Long Island. “The combined 12 months and in an effort to will enable PSEG Long Is- in deploying programs for en- ers save money and support eff ect of the investments put encourage even more com- land to meet the changing ergy effi ciency and clean ener- New York energy goals forth in the plan will lead to munity members to join in needs of customers, advance gy technology,” said Dan Eich- • An innovative “Super Sav- savings for all customers, and the Klal Yisrael project, the technological progress, and horn, president and COO of ers” program designed to re- reduce carbon dioxide emis- staff of Partners in Torah will support the goals set out by PSEG Long Island. “The Utility duce peak demand for electric- sions by nearly 303,000 tons be speaking at the various New York State’s Reform- 2.0 Plan we are proposing will ity in two designated areas over 20 years. Shacharis minyanim at the ing the Energy Vision (REV) integrate more new technolo- • Support for electric-vehi- PSEG Long Island operates Young Israel this Shabbos. strategy. gy into the electric grid during cle charging infrastructure the Long Island Power Author- At 7:00 p.m., there will be a The benefi ts proposed in the the next four years, giving Long • A demonstration of utili- ity’s transmission and distri- panel discussion at the shul Utility 2.0 fi ling include: Island and the Rockaways im- ty-grade battery storage bution system under a 12-year featuring inspirational sto- • Reducing peak load, emis- portant tools to help reduce The $318 million request contract. PSEG Long Island is ries and insights from Part- sions, and energy usage peak demand, save energy, and for the Utility 2.0 program is a subsidiary of Public Service ners in Torah students and • Implementing cost-eff ec- keep rates stable.” more than off set by savings in Enterprise Group Incorpo- mentors. Seudah shlishit is tive measures and technolo- The four-year Utility 2.0 operating expenses and power rated (NYSE:PEG), a publicly being sponsored by Partners gies Plan features new and expand- supply charges resulting from traded diversifi ed energy com- in Torah. The community is • Lowering overall customer ed initiatives, including: more effi cient operations. It is pany with annual revenues of invited to join the panel dis- costs. • Expansion of smart meter expected to deliver $593 mil- $9.1 billion. „ cussion and seudah shlishit. For more information, call 800-STUDY42.„

Visit 5TJT.com for exclusive ARE YOU FINDING "Soon By You" DATING CHALLENGING? Let’s talk. interviews Zvi Klein LCSW and blogs and 917.626.6625 · [email protected] additional Cedarhurst · Brooklyn Dating Forum discussions. 16 can cause us to pull out more than a few about your wife’s spending habits and it hairs! touches a raw nerve because basically SHALOM BAYIS IN THE DAF Taking the passive way out, such you agree, you can say, “Mom, please do as Rabbi Yehoshua advises, can work not speak badly about my wife in front BY RABBI SIMCHA FEUERMAN, LCSW-R some of the time, and at least we do not of me. It is rechilus.” (Rechilus is a par- do anything overtly off ensive. The only ticular brand of lashon ha’ra that incites n daf 80a in Zevachim, we en- tracting from a precept, since it is pas- problem is that G-d tends to be a bit hatred between people.) counter a discussion regarding sive, i.e. through inaction, this is consid- more forgiving than some demanding You do not need to get into a debate Oa mixture of blood from two ered the proper decision. Notably, the people. A spouse will feel hurt if you do about whether your spouse is right or sacrifi ces (as the Gemara rules, a mix- halachah is in accordance with Rabbi not defend him or her to your parents, wrong; it is simply wrong for you to hear up of two separate cups), whereby one Yehoshua. and a parent will certainly feel under- such things being spoken and you should sacrifi ce requires placement of blood Oftentimes in life we fi nd ourselves in mined if you support a child over the protest. The same in regard to your child on the four corners of the altar (such “no-win” situations, especially in family parent. Passivity just won’t be enough, who is disrespecting your husband, and as burnt-off ering Olah), while the oth- matters. The Talmud has a quaint meta- because to borrow another Talmudic you (not-so-) secretly think your hus- er sacrifi ce only requires placement of phor for this kind of problem—it is called idiom, “silence is akin to admission.” band is being unreasonable. You can say, July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, blood on one corner. There is no way “keirei’ach mi’kan u’mikan”—bald either Thus, if a relative badmouths your “This is not the way to speak to your fa- to meet the requirements of both these ther, no matter how you feel. If you feel sacrifi ces precisely, as either one sacri- he is being unfair, take a few minutes to fi ce will lose out on the required amount cool down and fi nd a respectful way to or the other will have more than the re- G-d tends to be more discuss it.” quired amount. So be careful when it comes to family The particular dilemma is that one loyalty, and try not to get cornered! „ is prohibited from intentionally adding forgiving than some or subtracting from the precepts of the Simcha Feuerman, LCSW-R, is president commandments. In this case, one of two demanding people. of Nefesh International and is a clinical supervisor for high confl ict couples, families, eventualities will occur. There is a dis- and individuals. agreement between Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yehoshua. Rabbi Eliezer rules way. The saying comes from a parable of spouse, or a child criticizes his parent in that the blood is placed on all four cor- a middle-aged man who was married to front of you, and you are silent, you are ners, and regarding the blood from the two women, one older and one younger. tacitly betraying your spouse. But what Remember Olah that does not require those extra (This was in a time when polygamy was if your spouse is wrong? placements, it is considered as if one permitted.) The young wife pulled out The tough but correct answer is: al- that article? placed an inert liquid such as water, his grey hairs so that he would appear ways back your spouse publicly; never and bears no halachic signifi cance. Rab- young. The older wife pulled out his undermine your spouse. If you disagree, Visit our archive section bi Yehoshua considers any additional black hairs so that he would appear clos- discuss it privately. If you do this right and find any issue of the placement or reduction in placement er to her age. The end result, of course, consistently, and do not have a history of the blood to be a potential violation, was that he became bald! of throwing your spouse under the bus, 5 Towns Jewish Times but favors placing the blood on only the How many times do we fi nd our- your spouse will respect your candid online @ corner to conform with the minimum selves in loyalty binds between family responses. There are ways to do this requirement of both sacrifi ces. Even members, parents, in-laws, spouse, and without being a total liar. For example, www.5TJT.com though this is still a violation of sub- child? These can be excruciating, and it let’s say your mother makes a comment 17 REAL CLEAR DAF COMMUNITY NEWS FROM 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 By Rabbi Shmuel Wise AROUND THE WORLD

Marking Two Years The event was held in the presence A review of some of this week’s daf Though the items do possess diff erent Since The Death Of The of leading dignitaries, including Ze’ev yomi key concepts (Parashas Pinchas particular qualities (e.g. one is piggul, one Late Elie Wiesel Elkin, minister of the Environmental – Zevachim) is nossar), the only truly salient feature A memorial plaque to the celebrated Protection and Jerusalem Aff airs; Shlo- Q . Can prohibited items nullify other is the general ruling that the Torah stat- Nobel Prize Laureate, renowned world- mo Gur, deputy president of the Claims prohibited items? ed about each item; did the Torah say it’s wide for his eff orts on behalf of Holo- Conference in Israel; Chaim Chesler, A. We discussed this question in the prohibited or permitted? So if in terms of caust remembrance, was unveiled at the founder of Limmud FSU; Rabbi Yo- daf this week on 78a–79a. On 78a, Reish the prohibited/permitted status all of the Chamber of Holocaust on Jerusalem’s chanan Fried; Dr. Joel Rappel, founder Lakish rules on a case where someone items are the same, nullifi cation is simply Mount Zion. and former director of the Elie Wiesel munches on three olive-sized pieces of not relevant.„ The unveiling of a memorial plaque Archives at Boston University; Mari- diff erent prohibited items: piggul, nossar, in the fi rst Holocaust museum in Israel na Koritny, head of Aliya Promotion and a piece of sacrifi cial meat that was Rabbi Wise is maggid shiur of Real Clear (established in 1948) was initiated by Department in the World Zionist Or- tamei. If while chewing on these pieces Daf (realcleardaf.com), a website and mobile Limmud FSU (former Soviet Union), ganization; Rabbi Yitzhak Goldstein, app that off ers free audio shiurim and other a small piece of, say, nossar, joins with a resources to assist your journey through Shas. the Conference for Material Claims Chairman of the Chamber of Holocaust; larger piece of piggul, the nossar would He is also the director of Tehillim Together against Germany, and the March of the Marina Kontsevaya, Jerusalem Council become nullifi ed (this has ramifi cations (tehillimtogether.com), a mobile app (for iOS Living organization. member and other personalities. for whether the transgressor can become and Android) that off ers a translated sefer The ceremony began in the morning Minister Elkin said at the ceremo- liable for lashes; see there). Tehillim and facilitates Tehillim groups. To be a hours of July 2 and was followed by the ny, “For me, the books by Elie Wiesel sponsor or to reach Rabbi Wise, please write to On 79a, the Gemara notes that in ex- [email protected] or call 855-ASK- unveiling of the memorial plaque right in Russian translation that were avail- pressing this opinion, Reish Lakish dis- RCD-1 (275-7231). Read more of Rabbi Wise’s next to a “Tree of Life,” a 70-year-old fruit agrees with R’ Elazar who says that, “Pro- articles at 5TJT.com. tree that was dedicated to Elie Wiesel. Continued on Page 20 hibited items, just like mitzvah items, cannot nullify each other.” That is, in the opinion of R’ Elazar, the principle of nul- lifi cation does not apply where both of the items in the mixture are prohibited or where both are mitzvah items. As an example of a “mixture of mitzvah items,” the Gemara cites Hillel’s famous Korban Pesach sandwich of matzah, marror, and Korban Pesach meat. The Gemara says that the fact that Hillel did not consid- er the matzah to be nullifi ed to the bitter taste of the marror proves that, in his opinion, one mitzvah item cannot nullify another mitzvah item. But why shouldn’t the principle of nullifi cation apply just because both of the items are prohibited or are mitzvah objects? The principle of nullifi cation simply says that when we have a mix- ture of diff erent items that have diff erent halachic statuses, the item that makes up the majority of the mixture defi nes the mixture, causing all of the items in the mixture to take on its status. So what diff erence should it make that all of the items in the mixture happen to have a prohibited status? Why not still use nul- lifi cation to defi ne that if, for instance, the specifi c type of prohibited item that makes up the majority of the mixture is piggul, then the entire mixture should be considered piggul? To build a possible theory let’s go back to the roots of the concept of nullifi cation. The Torah teaches us about nullifi cation in the context of court rulings. Namely, where dissent exists in a court ruling we are to follow the majority opinion. But more than that, the Torah says that the majority opinion is legally considered the one and only opinion of the court. The mi- nority opinion, in other words, is consid- ered nullifi ed in the face of the majority opinion. Now, what if all the judges ruled the same say but only a minority of them have, say, low-pitched voices, or are under 70? Why not apply nullifi cation to those things? Of course, the answer is that those factors are obviously not salient features of the judges to be considered for nullifi - cation. The one and only factor we look at is: How did each judge rule? So it is regarding a mixture that is made up of only prohibited or mitzvah items. 18 July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, 19 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 20 COMMUNITY NEWS proach, building a memorial in the syn- Continued from Page 17 agogue that honors the names of Jews and those who love Israel from all over able to us in the Soviet Union were an the world. Funding for the memorial essential element in the attempt to un- will build the synagogue. derstand the Jewish nature; his words The project aims to bring together touched the very soul of the Jewish peo- the hearts, fellowship, and friendship ple. There is, therefore, nothing more among Jews of the diaspora and others symbolic than a plaque here in the fi rst who are devoted to Israel and its heri- museum in Israel dedicated to the mem- tage throughout the world. ory of the Holocaust, in a place that was The process of preparing the land for for the Jews during many decades, the FSU of Limmud courtesy Photo construction has already begun. After nearest place to the Western Wall.” receiving required building permits, the Chaim Chesler said, “Elie Wiesel project timetable will be fi nalized. From loved Jerusalem to the depths of his that point, they expect the synagogue to July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, being. The decision to mark the sec- be built within six months. ond year of his passing by affi xing this The memorial is an impressive art- plaque here was for us an issue without work that takes the form of a tree, question.” Rabbi Goldstein, Shlomo Gur, Chaim Chesler, Minister Ze’ev Elkin proudly located next to the holy Ark in Shlomo Gur added, “Elie Wiesel was the synagogue. The tree is made of sol- the clear and articulate voice of those those who survived the inferno. He de- evil and today we are here to commem- id wood and copper, and rises to three who perished in the Holocaust and voted his life to the struggle of good over orate his life’s work and his mission. He meters, with a span six meters wide. On spoke out against the consequences of the memorial tree—an impressive art indiff erence and standing aside, and we exhibit in itself—there are 4,870 fruits, are obliged to follow his lead and make each engraved with the names of Jews every eff ort to educate the coming gen- from all over the world. erations in the spirit of his legacy.” „ The memorial tree gives real value to all participants—a partnership in Social Project Makes the mitzvah of founding a synagogue in Use Of Crowdfunding To Eretz Yisrael, establishing a community Establish A Synagogue center for the underprivileged, and pre- In Jerusalem serving the names of loved ones forever. Called Project 542, the eff ort’s sup- The project is accompanied by the porters began raising money to build a blessing of the Admor Naftali Reuven synagogue and community center for Kornreich, who heads the Kassov-Vizh- the underprivileged in the Jerusalem nitz community in Beit Shemesh, which hills. is known for its openness and love for Unlike other public fundraising ef- every Jew. He gives a personal blessing forts, this project does not seek dona- to each purchaser, in addition to signing tions in the traditional sense. Instead, it uses an innovative and unusual ap- Continued on Page 22 21 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 22 COMMUNITY NEWS kitchen, a dining room, guest Continued from Page 20 rooms, and even a banquet hall that will enable the observance a certifi cate of appreciation for of the simchat brit milah and each one. bar mitzvah for a nominal fee The architect Israel Mozes to those who cannot aff ord it. designed the synagogue. It has To let supporters follow the three fl oors, with sections for progress, the construction pro- the public on all levels. The cess will be viewable online, building’s wings include class- 24/7, fi lmed by cameras placed rooms, a huge institutional in critical locations. July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, Construction is under way on the synagogue and community center Dr. Shnayer (Sid) Leiman The cost of purchasing a per- Touro College New York-based Jewish Law sonal brick in the memorial Launches Ph.D. Institute. Dean Shmidman, tree is $1,199. The project also Program In who is both an ordained rabbi allows registration in the me- Jewish Studies and a scholar of Jewish Stud- morial book, which includes all Touro College’s Gradu- ies, holds a Ph.D. from Harvard purchasers and those who took ate School of Jewish Studies University in Near Eastern part in the construction, at the (GSJS) will launch a Ph.D. pro- Languages and Civilizations cost of $300. gram in Jewish Studies in Sep- and an MA from Hebrew Uni- Admor Kornreich reminds tember 2018. The program will versity in Jewish Philosophy. us, “‘The stone the builders re- be Touro’s fi rst doctoral level He specializes in medieval Illustration of what the synagogue and community center will look like jected has become the corner- course of study in the arts and Jewish history and Maimoni- stone’ (Psalm 118:22). Where sciences, and will build on Tou- dean studies. faith prevails, and love is free, ro’s highly-regarded master’s Dr. Shmidman described the great things happen. Every program in Jewish Studies. program as “the beginning of a stone that is built on the Land GSJS Dean Michael A. new phase in Touro’s contribu- of Israel, in the blessed Project Shmidman spent a decade de- tion to knowledge about the in- 542, becomes a rosh pina.” veloping the Ph.D. program. tellectual, social, and political He adds, “This is an oppor- It will provide students with history of the Jewish people in tunity for all lovers of Israel to opportunities to work with the past millennium.” speak out in support of Israel, Touro’s distinguished grad- “Touro’s mission is to trans- especially at this time, when uate faculty in New York, as mit and enrich the Jewish her- our enemies seek to destroy. well as with experts in Holo- itage and its tradition of intel- But we continue to build the caust Studies at Touro’s Berlin land and spread the Torah.” „ campus and faculty at Touro’s Continued on Page 72 23 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 24 July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, 25 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 26 July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, 27 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 28 “Fine, baruch Hashem. Trying to be Was it nice now to refuse this invi- strong and have faith in Hashem… You tation? When things were hard for her, know, Abba just came back from Russia, she knew how to ask for help. And when NIGHT FLOWER and he’s planning to go back in another things were doing more or less okay? By Esther Rapaport week.” So even if it wasn’t the most comfort- “Yes, I’m up to date,” she answered in able thing in the world for her, and she a weak voice. wasn’t excited about the idea, how could Chapter 11 her; they didn’t even try. She and Shlo- “Do you…ever get regards from Shlo- she refuse the woman who was waiting mo had actually hosted Yoel and Shifra mo?” silently and patiently on the other end Part III several times in the past, but there was “Indirectly. Two weeks after he was of the line? Chaiky sat down near the bags that an unwritten agreement between them imprisoned, we spoke briefl y by phone, “I…I think so,” she said, and then, with she had just put on the fl oor of the that while Shlomo and Chaiky would and about two weeks ago, I got a fax from the sense of “If I’m doing this already, I kitchen and wondered tiredly if she’d gladly invite the couple from Haifa, him. That’s it.” may as well do it graciously,” she con- really intended to cook all of this now. the reverse was not a viable option. So A moment of uneasy silence followed. tinued, with eff ort, “The truth is that Baruch Hashem she’d had enough ener- there was no one to invite her now for “And how are the children?” it would really be a big help for me, be- July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, gy to go shopping, and baruch Hashem Shabbos. If she wanted to go anywhere, “Baruch Hashem, sweet as always…” cause just now I realized that I really she had money for all these things; but she’d have to invite herself and her So why was she calling? To sniff around have no energy to start cooking.” the fresh chicken, the ground fi sh mix- children. as to how her daughter-in-law was man- “You work too hard,” Shlomo’s mother ture, the vegetables, and all the other After the wave of energy that had gal- aging, or not? Thanks. said admiringly. “And we’ll be very hap- ingredients that were supposed to be vanized her to go out this morning to “Yes, they really are sweet.” Another py if you come.”„ turned into Shabbos food in the coming shop extensively, Chaiky now felt totally awkward pause. “It’s been a long time hours—they all suddenly peeked out of depleted. She just sat and gazed at the since we saw them.” Another second of Esther Rapaport is a prolifi c author whose the bags at her threateningly, and made shopping bags, thinking about the fi sh silence. “And you…” novels include Diamond in the Rough, Divided Attention, Behind the Scenes, Without a Trace, her feel stressed out. Why hadn’t she that was slowly defrosting and shedding “Yes, true…” Chaiky murmured. Dance of the Puppet, Blood Brothers, and The started last night? Why did she leave tears of melted ice. Hashem, please, let “Would you…would you want to come Kenya Conspiracy. She resides in Israel. Stay the shopping, and then all the cooking, someone invite me for Shabbos! to us for the meals on Shabbos? We’d be tuned for the next installment in next week’s for Friday morning? What morning—it The phone rang. so happy to have you.” Five Towns Jewish Times or visit 5tjt.com for was already a quarter to twelve! In 25 And again. Chaiky looked at the bags still on the more. minutes, half hour at most, the chil- “Chaiky?” It was Shlomo’s mother. fl oor where she’d dumped them ten dren would be home. And she had so Shlomo’s mother! How long had it minutes earlier. The truth was that no, much to do besides the cooking! been since they’d last spoken, since she had no desire to be a guest at her Remember She wished someone would invite she’d sent that message with Goldie? in-laws’ table for Shabbos. She couldn’t her for Shabbos. Three months? Less? More? imagine how she would sit by the table that article? But there was nobody to invite her, “Oh, yes, hi…” with just the children, without Shlomo Visit our archive section certainly not on Friday at this hour. “How are you, Chaiky?” She didn’t there. Menachem and Goldie had stopped sound very natural, either. Well, there But his mother had done it—she had and find any issue of the trying. Her mother-in-law certainly really was no point in pretending that taken the step and called. 5 Towns Jewish Times wouldn’t do it. Her parents had called they’d spoken just the day before yester- And just a few seconds earlier, she, yesterday, as they did every week, and day for at least half an hour of convivial Chaiky, had pleaded with Hashem to online @ she had gently refused, as she did ev- chatting. The reality was what it was. send someone to invite her for Shabbos. www.5TJT.com ery week. Yoel and Shifra never invited “Baruch Hashem. Uh…how are you?” And He had done just that. 29 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 30 shoulder” was used to indicate that a attractive, remains out of view. Thank person was purposely ignoring another. goodness for that. THAT'S THE Not anymore! In fashion circles, these But none of this applies to me since cut-open tops are referred to as “cold there is no way I would ever wear shoulder.” Like the torn jeans, it is an- clothing—top or bottom—that is torn, WAY IT IS other gimmick that is a money-maker. worn-looking, or cut open. The only By Hannah Berman This is even more profi table than torn parts of me that I don’t have a problem or worn-out jeans because jeans are letting people see are my face, hands, only for sportswear, but blouses, shirts, and ankles. or dresses featuring the “cold shoulder” But nothing lasts forever, and as time can be worn for many occasions. passes and age takes its toll, even some THE COLD SHOULDER Television newscasters wear dress- of that is questionable. As we age, our t one time, the defi nition of the that the more the fabric is ripped and es, sweaters, or shirts with slits in the hands tend to acquire brown spots. In word gimmick escaped me. No the larger the holes in a pair of jeans, sleeves. Some of the openings are lower addition, blue veins, which were once longer! I learned that a gimmick the more stylish and desirable it is. My down on the sleeve, exposing the out- well-hidden, suddenly become visible. July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, A is something invented specifi cally for fi rst thought upon seeing this new fash- side of the upper arm, and others are And ankles, which at one time were slim the purpose of attracting attention and ion statement was that it would never open at shoulder level. Even formalwear and shapely, are often swollen. Thanks that it has no other purpose. So now that last. After all, how many people would now features gowns with those ridic- to cosmetics, the face is usually OK, I get it, I recognize a gimmick when I see want to walk around wearing jeans that ulous-looking slits. This is the newest but who knows how long makeup will one. A great many gimmicks exist in the look as if they are worn out? I was very defi nition of the term “cold shoulder,” be able to hide wrinkles and blemishes. fashion industry. But these gimmicks wrong. I get it now. What I get is that the and it has taken the fashion industry by Necks don’t remain in great shape for- are somewhat diff erent because they manufacturers are charging more but storm. It’s a weird look, but it has caught ever either. But the neck doesn’t have do have a purpose. They do more than are providing less fabric. on. One can only hope that it is not here to be much of a problem since it can attract attention; they bring in money. This bit of nonsense caught on like a to stay. Why would a female want any- be easily covered with a scarf. Some of This is because people will buy and wear fast-spreading fi re. It has worked out one to see the skin on or just below her us have become experts in this area of anything if it has become fashionable. so well that now we see the same thing shoulders? But the good news is that fashion. Candidly, I am the proud owner For the past few years, people have in tops. But these tops are not torn like the only part of the arm that is exposed of so many scarves that I could open an been wearing jeans that are torn. They the jeans. They have a section that is cut is the outside part. The underside of the accessories store. Although belts, head- are replete with holes, and it appears out. Once upon a time, the term “cold upper arm, which is often fl eshy and un- bands, gloves, and jewelry fall into the accessories category, my store would be limited to the sale of scarves. As regards the female torso, one can’t imagine what will be next. We will have to wait to see what new bit of nonsense the fashionistas will come up with. If history is any indicator, it won’t be long before the designers introduce some new outlandish style. And once again, chances are that women, to whom style is so important, will grab up the new clothing like hotcakes. Anything and ev- erything is possible in the world of fash- ion. That’s just the way it is!„

Hannah Berman lives in Woodmere and gives private small-group lessons in mah- jongg and canasta. She can be reached at [email protected] or 516-295-4435. Read more of Hannah Berman’s articles on 5TJT.com. Catch up on the latest breaking news at www.5TJT.com 31


hy would a prominent hip person with one heart. I feel very strong- and knee orthopedic sur- ly about helping people. This is my way of Wgeon who has been rated as saying ‘thank you’ and giving back to the one of Castle Connelly’s top regional doc- community. Last year, we had more than summer day. dards. Four mashgichim will be present tors since 2009 be so deeply and person- 4,500 attendees—from Rhode Island to Graciously hosted by the Men’s Club throughout the entire event. Following ally involved in the second annual charity Florida—representing every spectrum of Temple Beth Hillel-Beth El, the sec- Havdallah, they will light the fi rst grill; barbecue in the mid-Atlantic area? With of Jewry. What an amazing feeling to be ond annual charity festival will be held then, the barbecue team will be smoking more than two decades of performing part of such a diverse group of people, at 1001 Remington Road, Wynnewood, the barbecue.” primary and complex joint replacement united in solidarity for a worthy cause.” Pennsylvania. Scheduled to take place He adds, “We have six or seven teams surgery, Dr. Stuart L. Gordon says, “I still During the course of our interview, Dr. on Sunday, August 26, the highly antic- from the New York / New Jersey area love helping people walk more comfort- Gordon revealed yet another intriguing ipated event is the largest kosher charity that will be competing. This is a very se- ably. It’s all I want to do.” facet of his personality—his passion for festival in the country and is certifi ed by rious competition that spectators will be Facilitating his patients’ path of re- good food, particularly smoked delica- the Kansas City Barbeque Society. Twen- able to watch. We give the teams all the covery so they resume their normal cies. “I love smoked barbecue and I love ty teams will compete under the compe- glatt kosher meats and they compete on lifestyle is refl ective of Dr. Gordon’s smoked brisket,” he says. “I enjoy good tition guidelines of the Kansas City Bar- the same smoker to see who can smoke kind and compassionate nature and his food and was a food judge for ten years.” beque Society and the highest halachic the best brisket. I want people to come commitment to dedicating his eff orts to By all indications, this year’s event standards of Keystone K Kashrus, ad- and enjoy and celebrate a day of Jewish the greater good. This is precisely why promises to exceed all expectations, fea- ministered by Rabbi Naftali Eisemann. values. What could be better than bar- he is the impetus behind Hava Nagrilla, turing a stellar program and drawing a “I want to stress the impeccable level becue, bourbon, and beer on a beautiful which he describes as “one of the larg- crowd of over 6,000 attendees to savor of kashrus that attendees can expect at summer day? est outdoor events in the area, and a true the best of barbecue, bourbon, and beer, the Hava Nagrilla Charity Festival,” Dr. “We welcome all barbecue enthusiasts celebration of community. I believe in and experience great camaraderie and Gordon explains. “My intention is for and backyard chefs from the Philadelphia building strong communities among all fi ve-star entertainment while perform- everyone to feel comfortable that the Jews—k’ish echad, b’lev echad, like one ing the mitzvah of tzedakah on a beautiful kashrus meets the most stringent stan- Continued on Page 32 32 ROCHELLE’S REVIEWS The goal of Hava Nagrilla Charity Bar- Continued from Page 31 beque Festival is to bring communities together and support the work of the area and beyond to join the competition, Jewish Relief Agency, relieving hunger, which will begin on Saturday evening af- improving lives, and strengthening their ter sundown,” says Dr. Gordon. “We strive bonds of fellowship. Organized 19 years to promote Jewish values and kindle ago, the Jewish Relief Agency is a food community spirit while enjoying sump- charity organization that distributes tuous kosher foods such as brisket sand- food to thousands of people in need to wiches, lamb, chicken, sausages, ham- their homes, with the utmost level of dig- burgers, hot dogs, and vegetarian dishes.” nity, respect, and kindness. July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6,

With three times more vendors than Baal Shem Tov Band.” last year’s festival, Hava Nagrilla is big- Due to the highly enthusiastic re- ger and better than before, with shorter sponse, we advise you to purchase tick- lines and lower prices. “We will be raf- ets quickly to avoid disappointment. On- fl ing off a large Big Green Egg smoker, trend khaki and pink women’s baseball compliments of Kitchen Kapers,” says caps as well as t-shirts should be preor- Dr. Gordon. “We have a lot of communi- dered as well, as supplies are limited. The ty vendors. This year, we are featuring distance between Manhattan and the all-male performers exclusively, includ- festival is approximately 2 hours 15 min- ing the inimitable Rabbi Menachem utes. Shuttle parking is available at the Schmidt who will be performing with his JCC Kaiserman site. Truly, this is the event of the sum- mer—a fabulous fun-fi lled family-ori- ented charity festival chockablock with exciting and entertaining activities for everyone—from the tiniest tots to the treasured seniors and everyone in be- tween. With nonstop action, there’s nary a moment to spare! Attendees will enjoy the aforementioned 20 Kansas City Bar- beque Society smoke teams competing for the Mid-Atlantic barbeque grand tro- phy. Savor world-class kosher food, in- cluding sumptuous smoked brisket sand- wiches, vegetarian cuisine, a craft beer garden, Scotch and bourbon table, and did I mention Judd’s Memphis Kitchen barbeque, the smoke barbecue, and the pickle-eating contest? Hava Nagrilla will feature T-shirts, kosher-food vendors, face-painting, mechanical-bull riding, craft vendors, live music, and so much more. And speaking of live music, Hava Nagrilla 2018 is proud to feature Six13— America’s premiere Jewish a cappella singing sensation. Boasting an ever-ex- panding fan base, Six13 is a national phe- nomenon, both on the Internet—with over eight million views on YouTube— and in traditional media, featured on na- tional television and press including the Today Show, the View, CBS, CNN, Huff - ington Post, Time Magazine, and more. Six13 has performed at the White House, the Kennedy Performing Arts Center, and is three-time fi nalist for NBC prime- time hit “The Sing-Off .” For the Columbia Presbyteri- an-trained Dr. Gordon, who has per- formed 10,000 hip and knee surgeries, orchestrating Hava Nagrilla to fruition is a labor of love. “This has never been a task for me,” he explains. “My Jewish soul is involved in it completely. It is my dream. It is my life.” For more information on Hava Nagril- la, please visit PhillyKosherBbq.com. „

Rochelle Maruch Miller is a contributing editor for the Five Towns Jewish Times. She is a journalist, creative media consultant, lecturer, and educator, and writes for magazines, newspapers, websites, and private clients. She welcomes your comments at [email protected]. Read more of Rochelle Miller’s articles at 5TJT.com. Mustard 5 1 4 0.70 summer, because whenever anything 33 Mayonnaise 5 2 3 0.65 ever goes wrong in camp, everyone A CLEVER TITLE Pickle Relish 6 1 0 0.60 starts yelling, “Color War Breakout!” 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 BBQ Sauce 4 4 2 0.50 and it does not help the situation. So Corn 3 6 1 0.35 we wanted to get it out of the way. GOES HERE These are the stats going into the This war, like many historical wars By Mordechai Schmutter fi nals. We had a few exciting playoff before it, was fought mainly through games this week, culminating in one sports and swimming races. last championship game on Friday be- And, of course, everyone always tween the Ketchups and the Mustards wants to know how Color War broke to see, one last time, who’s better at out. Do people ask this with other WAR AND PEACE: Football / Baseball / Hockey / Soccer wars? / Basketball / Punch ball / Kickball / A CAMP NEWSLETTER Slap ball / Complaining about whatev- The Teams er sports we picked. The teams were red and blue, of ow! Yet another exciting We had to guess which staff member And the winner of that game was: course, with red representing Torah week at Camp Agudas each shadow was. It wasn’t easy. The ______! and blue representing tefi llah. WEizov! How surprising! But if you think it was hard for us Congratulations, ______! We The way to remember is to tell your- With the Nine Days fast approaching in the gym, think about how hard it knew you could do it! self: (ouch), we really tried to pack in the was for the counselors, standing in a (Please fi ll this in yourself, because • “I ‘red’ the Torah.” activities this week: lit hallway and trying to guess which we don’t actually know who did it. We • “The chazzan just ‘blue’ through campers were behind the curtain in the write this thing on Thursdays.) Shacharis.” Musically Inclined dark gym. There was no team of gemilus chasa- Early this week, we fi nally started “Is that my bunk?” Old War Stories dim (white), but everyone had --¡-š teaching everyone the camp song! “No, your bunk’s swimming.” This week we had Color War, in the ´-Ÿ, which, according to the sound log- It was raining. age-old camp tradition of people going ic that they expressed numerous times, Yes, Agudas Eizov has a song. There’s And Now for Sports! to war over what color outfi t everyone’s was more than enough. nothing like a song to bring the camp Teams W L T Pct wearing. It’s like a wedding. We decid- together in perfect harmony, at least Ketchup 8 2 0 0.80 ed to do it during the fi rst half of the Continued on Page 34 until the next major war. In fact, we believe that schools should have songs, too. Seriously, what are they teaching them over there? Swimming in Lost Items For the time being, we will continue to swim at the Y, mostly due to our host school’s reluctance to put in a pool. As explained in another note that we gave your kid that never made it home because we gave it out before swim- ming, after we hit the world record on the fi rst day of camp for most items lost in a single day, we decided that from now on we’re changing into our bath- ing suits in camp, before lunch. And then eating lunch in our bathing suits, which are waterproof anyway, so that’s great for spills. Here’s Your Prize. Deal with It. On Monday, we played Deal or No Deal, which is a psychological game of negotiation, decision-making, and yelling over loud music. And the bunks won some great prizes! Bunk Alef: Italian ices for the entire bunk! Bunk Beis: Warm soda for the bunk! Bunk Gimmel: One camper won the right to raid the canteen for six whole seconds! He came out with two ounces of cherry slush. Bunk Dalet: Hot dogs without buns! Bunk Hei: A prize called “Torture Your Counselor!” (Some rules may ap- ply.) Bunk Vav: A jar of herring! Don’t worry; everyone does not get his own jar. They have to share. Maybe next time they’ll win forks! Shadow Puppets Guess what! We played Guess Who! Guess how! We all went into the gym and turned out the lights. Rabbi Schrier hung his guest bedsheets over one of the doors to block the light from the hallway. Then, one at a time, various members of the staff stood in front of the doorway so that all we could see was their shadows. 34 CAMP NEWSLETTER dating back to the American Revolu- by the rebbeim. This was exactly what Brick by Brick! Continued from Page 33 tion between England (red, Torah) they did in the Korean War, which, This Tuesday, Bunks Alef and Beis and America (blue, Tefillah). historians agree, was about 50% To- will be going to Legoland! Legoland We Put the “Col” We also had something called an rah Bowl. is an indoor amusement park/play in Color War! “Achdus Play,” which is a major time- In the end, the Red Team won the area featuring rides, a factory tour, a The fi rst activity of Color War was a saver (you’re welcome, parents!) in Torah Bowl. But in retrospect, of climbing area, and more Lego piec- debate, expressed in repetitive chants, which staff from both teams act in one course they did. They’re the team of es than you’ve ever seen in your life! during which several good points were play that encompasses both themes. Torah. Who did we think would win a Wear shoes. raised. Team Red gave the age-old ar- An Achdus Play! Like in the Civil War. Torah Bowl? That would be like call- You should also wear your camp gument that Red was hot and ready to The play, in the tradition of all ing the teams Aish and Mayim and T-shirts, which we understand might roll. They kept expressing this point the camp plays, was of course about a guy then having a water fight. put a strain on your laundry schedule, entire week, sometimes just to fi ll the si- who becomes frum at the end. Also, and we apologize. Maybe wash it with lences. Meanwhile, Blue gave the coun- there’s a king who has a son, and the Color War Winner! your tie-dye ties.* terargument that B-L-U-E would go “all son needs a job, and all he has is half Color War ended on Thursday amid *(Note from Mrs. Winter: Don’t.) the way to victory,” evidently because a necklace. And someone has to learn cheers and excitement when Red beat July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, it rhymes, which is sound logic if we how to daven Shemoneh Esrei without Blue with a score of 2294–2189, just There’s Another ever heard it. On the other hand, R-E-D falling. like in the War of 1812–1813, when Session?! rhymes, too. No one heard us asking that, 1813 won. Session II of camp begins this though, because of the chanting. The two Songs of Torah At that point, red once again an- Monday. So act accordingly, we guess. teams kept making these points over and and Tefillah nounced, in song, that they were ready Take whatever steps you would take. over, loudly, even though, according to Over the course of Color War, each to roll. We just thought you should know. their earlier point, you wouldn’t think team had to sing three songs (just like Also, we’re going to be getting a few they’d bother, because supposedly ach- in the French and Indian War), most We’re Dyeing to Do new boys in the camp! (Well, new to dus is more than enough. But a little ex- of which we’ve printed in a separate This us.) So we’re very excited. tra never hurt anyone. song booklet, which you can feel free This coming week, all the campers If you signed your son up for only to read now or after the Nine Days, if will be doing a tie-dye project with the first half of the summer, and Relay Racism you are so machmir. our arts-and-crafts teacher, Mrs. you’re like, “Hey, you know what? Tuesday was all about the tradition- The third song was an alma mater Winter. We’ve been doing tie-dye He’s been having fun, and he hasn’t al Color War races—running, hopping, song, which had the following re- projects every year since camp start- sustained any major injuries yet, de- walking in a pool with an egg balanced quirements: ed, and who can’t use extra clothes in spite all the waivers!” why not sign on a spoon—just like they did in the Hun- 1. It had to be a slow song with a the Nine Days? We’ve done T-shirts, him up for a second half and press dred Years War! tune at least 75 years old. undershirts, pillowcases…What will your luck! 2. It had to be about how much we’re we tie-dye this year? We’ll try not to break out any more Poster Children going to miss camp when we leave it Hint: It’s gonna be ties. wars.„ On Wednesday, each team presented in four weeks. Tie-Dye Washing Instructions. a poster board and gave a little speech 3. It had to mention Mashiach. The first time you wash your tie-dye Mordechai Schmutter is a weekly humor about it, just like they did in World War I. project, wash it in cold water with columnist for Hamodia and is the author of fi ve books, published by Israel Book Shop. A Bowl of Torah nothing else. Because you have noth- He also does freelance writing for hire. You Colorful Skits On Thursday morning, both teams ing better to do the day after Tisha can send any questions, comments, or ideas Wednesday was also a day of skits. competed in a Torah Bowl—a To- B’Av other than wash neckties indi- to [email protected]. Read more of Color War skits are a grand tradition, rah-knowledge competition hosted vidually. Mordechai Schmutter’s articles at 5TJT.com. 35 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 36 Greetings From Gateshead INSIGHTS ON THE TORAH PINCHAS: WHAT’S YOUR BOTTOM LINE? From Where I Stand


his is the parashah of ly worked up? What would it Pinchas the Zealous. The take to galvanize us into action Tcourageous young priest in defense of that which we stood up against idolatry and consider sacred and inviolate? immorality and, in the end, saved Is there something that would Israel from a devastating plague. incense us? Anything? While Pinchas’s radical re- I am reminded of a famous sponse made him a hero wor- saying attributed to Rabbi Yo- thy of having a Torah section sef Yitzchak Schneerson. He named after him, we wouldn’t said, “A Jew is neither willing necessarily suggest to our chil- nor able to allow himself to dren that they emulate his be- become divorced from G-d.” havior. Those were extraordi- In other words, once a Jew be- nary times. Today, violence dare comes consciously aware that not become our norm. So, Pin- what he is contemplating do- chas—hero though he may be— ing will cause him to be alien- cannot become our role model. ated from G-d and that which At least not when it comes to is holy, he simply will not—and the details of what he did. cannot—do it. Even if he is not Nevertheless, Pinchas does remotely “religious,” it is some- give us something very import- thing that comes from his in- ant to consider. What is it that ner essence, his spiritual DNA. Yeshivas Nesivos HaTorah of Gateshead, UK, had the pleasure of hosting Michael Edery of Lawrence, would arouse our righteous in- It is in his very being. NY, who spoke to the boys about the importance of learning and davening. dignation? What, in Jewish life How many true stories we all Pictured: Rabbi Rosenbaum, Mr. Edery, and Nesivos students. today, would get us emotional- know that validate this princi- ple. One that springs to mind anything they may wish has 37 is of a Jewish actor during the become the defi ning princi- SHULEM SIGNS TO UNIVERSAL MUSIC Holocaust. In those days es- ple of our generation. The Ten 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 pecially, the stage was not the Commandments are obsolete. place where one would fi nd “Thou shalt not violate my IMPRINT MARKING BREAKTHROUGH “nice Jewish boys,” at least democratic right” is the fi rst not nice Jewish religious boys. and last commandment. OPPORTUNITY FOR ORTHODOX When the Nazis invaded the Of course, in any democrat- town, they desecrated the syn- ic country, people may choose agogues and—painful as it is to their own lifestyles as they HASIDIC JEWISH PERFORMER write these words—they un- wish. But when there is abso- arking the first raveled the Torah scrolls and lutely nothing that arouses our time that a singer rolled them out in the gutter. passion, nothing that raises our M from the ortho- To add insult to injury, they or- blood pressure, nothing that dox Hasidic community has dered this fellow, the actor, to sparks any kind of protest, then been signed to major label, urinate on the Torah. He was we have become an insipid, in- Shulem’s debut album, The not at all religious. He proba- nocuous, characterless society. Perfect Dream, will be re- bly hadn’t looked into a Torah The story of Pinchas and his leased on Decca Gold, an in many years. Yet he could not brave stand for G-d, Torah, and imprint of Universal Music bring himself to commit such morality gives us cause to consid- Group’s Verve Label Group. sacrilege. He refused. The sav- er and an important point to pon- Release date for the album is age beasts killed him on the der. You don’t have to be a zealot set for later in 2018, but two spot. He gave his life al kiddush to have a bottom line. What is my of the album’s tracks, “Bring Hashem, sanctifying the name bottom line? What would I get Him Home” (from Les Mis- of G-d, and he went down in passionate about? Is there any- erables) and the traditional history as a holy martyr. thing in Jewish life that inspires Jewish anthem “Jerusalem For the Jewish actor, that me, excites me, or incenses me of Gold,” are available now was his bottom line. What is enough to take a stand? to introduce Shulem’s sin- ours? Religiously, is it Shabbos, Please think about it. ™ gular voice to a wider audi- Yom Kippur, intermarriage? ence on all digital platforms. Marrying out on Yom Kippur Rabbi Yossy Goldman was born in Shulem’s signing to Dec- with a pork chop reception? Brooklyn and was sent in 1976 by the ca Gold sets the stage for an Lubavitcher as an emissary Morally, is it insider trading, to serve the Jewish community of arresting arrival of a fresh fraud, Ponzi schemes, or mur- Johannesburg, South Africa. He is voice—new to many—and yet each note and every phrase, p.m. ET when he will per- der? Nationally, is it the West Senior Rabbi of the Sydenham Shul already seasoned by years of which is what I strive to form and be interviewed at Bank, Jerusalem, or Tel Aviv? and president of the South African performing for his congre- share with others,” Shulem Facebook.com/92ndstreetY/. Where do we draw the line? Rabbinical Association. His sefer gation and the Hasidic com- explains. One of Shulem’s Shulem was “discovered” “From Where I Stand: Life Messages Our politically correct rules from the Weekly Torah Reading” was munity around the world. first social-media outings by Decca Gold President of etiquette promote such un- published by Ktav and is available at “When I sing and perform, will be a FBLIVE hosted by Graham Parker who found paralleled tolerance that peo- Jewish book shops or online at www. everything that I believe in the 92nd Street Y in New ple’s democratic right to do ktav.com. my heart and soul is part of York City on July 24 at 2:00 Continued on Page 38 38 SHULEM of cantorial music. I was hearing a Continued from Page 37 wide variety of styles and approach- es which broadened my awareness.” videos of Shulem performing Jewish Opera, particularly Luciano Pa- songs on the internet and was so im- varotti, also became an important in- pressed with Shulem’s voice that he fluence, along with Michael Jackson, reached out to him. After convinc- which led him to artists such as Bil- ing Shulem this was not a prank and ly Joel, Elton John, Stevie Wonder, learning that he had always dreamed Andrea Bocelli, and Josh Groban. “I of also recording secular music (a listened to a lot of different things,” rarity in the Hasidic community), Shulem says. “I will look up certain Parker’s outreach led to Shulem's people and study what they do—how signing to the Decca Gold imprint. they achieve certain things either Shulem masterfully embraces a with their voice or in their career. I broad range of material reflecting listen to their voices and think, ‘Oh, July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, his varied musical tastes from adult I can do that or fit that in and try to contemporary, Broadway standards make that happen somehow.’ Music, and traditional Jewish songs like any creative endeavor, is fluid As Parker conveys, “Shulem real- and is a river of influences that con- ly does see himself as someone who stantly evolves.” can impact people in a meaning- Shulem’s debut album, The Perfect ful, heart-to-heart way. People are Dream, will be produced by Jon Co- touched by his voice and his ability hen, the international award-win- to communicate a hopeful message. ning producer and arranger re- All the songs on the album come nowned for his contributions to the from a place of hope and inspira- Classical Crossover genre. Jon, who tion—of thinking of things bigger has begun recording with Shulem than yourself. That’s what makes and produced the two debut sin- him so special.” gles, comments, “Shulem’s palate of Growing up in Brooklyn’s Boro sounds is absolutely extraordinary Park neighborhood, Shulem was ex- and he is the first artist that I have posed primarily to the cantorial mu- worked with that can authentically sic preferred by his father as well as and seamlessly move from a classi- his older brother, who’s now a syna- cal vocal style to a soul singer. It’s gogue cantor in Manhattan. Shulem, a dream to get a talent like him in who was a featured child soloist in front of a microphone.” his community, explains, “There For more information on Shulem, are many different kinds and forms please visit IAmShulem.com. „

Pinchas the son of Elazar the son of Aharon (Bamidbar 25:10)

Why does G-d refer to Pinchas as the “son of Elazar the son of Aharon”? Because the tribes of Israel were mocking him, saying: “Have you seen this son of the fattener, whose mother’s father (Yisro) fattened calves for idolatrous sacrifices, and now he goes and kills a prince in Israel?” Therefore, G-d traces his lineage to Aharon.

(Talmud, Sanhedrin 82b)

Few professions are as cruel and inhumane as the fattening of calves for slaughter. So when Pinchas slew Zimri, many said: “Look at this holy zealot! He acts as if motivated by the desire to avenge the honor of G-d and save the people, but, in truth, he has merely found a holy outlet for his cruel and violent nature. After all, it’s in his blood—just look at his maternal grandfather . . .” So G-d described him as “Pinchas the son of Elazar the son of Aharon” in order to attest that in character and temperament he actually took after his paternal grandfather—the compassionate and peace-loving Aharon.

The true greatness of Pinchas lay in that he acted in complete opposition to his nature, transcending his inborn instincts to bring peace between G-d and Israel.

(The Lubavitcher Rebbe)

I give to him My covenant of peace (Bamidbar 25:12)

Pinchas is Eliyahu.

Said G-d to Pinchas: You made peace between Israel and Me in this world, so, too, in the World to Come, it is you who shall make peace between Me and My children. As it is written (Malachi 3:23–24): “Behold, I will send you Eliyahu the Prophet, before the coming of the great and awesome day of G-d. And he will return the hearts of fathers to children, and the hearts of children to their fathers.”

(Yalkut Shimoni) 39 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 40 The JFR continues its work of pro- viding monthly fi nancial assistance to JEWISH FOUNDATION FOR THE some 350 aged and needy Righteous Gentiles, living in 20 countries. Since RIGHTEOUS “FOOTSTEPS OF MY FATHER” its founding, the JFR has provided more than $39 million to aged and needy rescuers—helping to repay a debt of DOCUMENTARY RECOGNIZED AT BEST gratitude on behalf of the Jewish peo- ple to these noble men and women. Its SHORTS FILM COMPETITION Holocaust teacher education program has become a standard for teaching the he Jewish Foundation for the strate exceptional achievement in craft Edmonds survived 100 days of cap- history of the Holocaust and educating Righteous (JFR) recently had and creativity, and those who produce tivity, and returned home after the war, teachers and students about the signifi - Tthe commercial opening of its standout entertainment or contribute but he never spoke of his actions. Ed- cance of the Righteous as moral and eth- new short documentary “Footsteps of to profound social change. Entries are monds passed away in 1985, and only ical exemplars. For more information, July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, My Father,” which explores the heroism judged by highly qualifi ed professionals long after did his son, Pastor Chris Ed- visit https://jfr.org/. „ of Master Sgt. Roddie Edmonds in sav- in the fi lm and television industry. Oth- monds, begin to put together the story ing the lives of 200 Jewish American er high-profi le winners of this interna- of his father’s heroism during the war. soldiers during the Second World War. tionally respected award include “Dis- Posthumously, Edmonds’s actions have The documentary was just recognized ney Interactive for Vinylmation: A Love been recognized by Yad Vashem and with a prestigious Award of Excellence Story” and Oscar-winning production The Jewish Foundation for the Righ- Special Mention by The Best Shorts “Mr. Hublot” from Laurent Witz from teous. The narrative of the fi lm follows Catch up Film Competition. Luxembourg. the younger Edmonds’s exploration of The narrative, told through the lens of Master Sgt. Edmonds was captured the episode during the war. Edmond’s son, Pastor Chris Edmonds, during the Battle of the Bulge by the “We are thrilled with the recognition and several American Jewish Prison- German army on December 19, 1944. As that Master Sgt. Edmonds’s story has on the ers of War, was directed by Paul Allman the highest-ranking offi cer in the Stalag received from The Best Shorts Film and produced by JFR Executive Vice IXA, a prisoner-of-war camp, Edmonds Competition. His story, one not only of President Stanlee Stahl and Dean Beals was responsible for the camp’s 1,292 heroism but also one of humility, pro- who have coproduced JFR documenta- American POWs, which included some vides an incredible role model to today’s latest ries for many years. Ted Koppel, of ABC 200 American Jewish GIs. The camp’s leaders and to so many others. His hu- News Nightline, provided the historical commandant ordered Edmonds to iden- mility during his lifetime, by choosing narration for the fi lm. tify the Jewish soldiers in order to sepa- not to publicize his actions, provides an The fi lm debuted on Friday, June 8, rate them from the other prisoners. In- incredible and unique perspective into breaking at the IFC Theatre in Manhattan. The stead, Edmonds refused, and when the the Greatest Generation,” said Stahl. fi lm has been submitted for an Academy German commandant placed his pistol “We are thrilled with the award and Award in the Best Documentary Short against Edmonds’s head, demanding look forward to sharing his story with an Subject category. that he identify the Jewish soldiers, even wider audience in the future.” news at The Best Shorts Competition recog- Edmonds responded, “We are all Jews This documentary was shown at the nizes fi lm, television, videography, and here,” refusing to identify the Jewish Portland Jewish Film Festival on Tues- www.5TJT.com new media professionals who demon- soldiers, thereby saving their lives. day, June 19, 2018. of the electrical wiring in the house house changed and a sign on the door 41 to make sure there were no more sur- stating that the house had been win-

prises waiting in the walls. Arrange- terized and no one should enter. 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 ments were made to correct whatever Of course their first call was to me, REAL ESTATE electrical shortcomings were found hysterical and angry as to what was By Anessa V. Cohen and then have the wall fixed, but what going on. I myself was livid and called about the couple due to move into the the landlord to ask her what kind of house the next day? The mover had to game she was playing over there. be postponed until the damage could As it turned out, the landlord had be fixed. We thought that this would decided to default on her mortgage take a day or two and then all would for three months in a row in order to WHAT A DISASTER! proceed as planned. But it was not qualify for the modification of mort- here are all kinds of real-es- going, and the wife was practically in meant to be since the insurance com- gage that the government had laid out tate stories I have shared over tears. She told me that when they had pany was brought in, and until the for the banks. (You can only quali- T time. Until now, I have never plugged a vacuum cleaner into an out- landlord finished with them the work fy for this modification if you are in related any similar stories about rent- let to clean the house prior to moving could not be completed. default of your mortgage.) The bank, al experiences since rentals are usu- in, the wall had erupted in flames. I Two weeks later, the electrical in making an inspection of the prop- ally cut-and-dry—you show would-be sat there looking at the wall, in dis- work was finally completed and the erty, saw that the property was emp- renters a house rental which, under belief at the damage, but so grateful it wall fixed, and the couple was clear ty (although she claimed to have told most circumstances, is a temporary them she had a tenant) and decided situation, they rent it, and that is the that the property was abandoned. end of the story until they’re either The bank then changed the locks and ready for the next rental or the hurdle They went to open had a company winterize the house of purchasing a house. by emptying the pipes and adding an- Well, as we know, new experiences the house for the mover, ti-freeze. happen all the time—even nightmare We got the landlord down there, experiences—and this one is so bi- only to fi nd the locks who climbed through a window, zarre that I have decided to share it opened the door, and had someone with you. You would never believe it come down and turn the water on if you heard it secondhand. on the door changed. again. They got the water working, I once rented a house to a lovely but something broke, causing a flood couple who needed a house rent- on the second floor which promptly al in between moves. It was a spa- had happened when they were awake to try their move again. They decid- started cascading down through the cious house, and the rental seemed and not while someone was sleeping ed to take a needed vacation before kitchen ceiling. This was really a case straightforward like most. But soon and unaware. completing their move, returning two of worse comes to worst, since they after, I got a call from the couple—in Of course, now that the emergen- weeks later and ready to move into also could not get the heat working hysterics—that I should drop ev- cy was over, the practicalities had to their rental home immediately. They and it was all of 20 degrees outside. erything and get over to the house be addressed and decisions had to be called the mover to set up the date. On The tenant looked at me and said, right away. When I got there, the fire made as to the safety of the house. moving day, they went ahead to open “The movers are almost packed and trucks were just leaving, the house The landlord was brought over to- the house for the mover, only to find was crowded with people coming and gether with an electrician to check all the locks on the door to their rental Continued on Page 42 42 REAL ESTATE alization that there was no way they Continued from Page 41 would be moving in that day, though their furniture and boxes had already on their way; what are we going to been delivered by the movers while THE RIGHT VIEW do?” I really did not know what to we were waiting. answer since I had never experi- The landlord finally came back to- By Alex Sternberg enced anything like this and hoped I wards evening and once again said, never would again! Frankly, I did not “Don’t worry—everything will be tak- know any other broker who had gone en care of!” through this either, and I felt like What is the end of this story? Five finding a hole to crawl into—prefera- days later, the plumber changed the boil- THE LIFE OF OLGA ELEK, bly a warm one. er; our lovely couple stayed with friends The landlord in the meantime said, until then. And I am contemplating sug- “Don’t worry—everything will be re- gesting to all new tenants that they bring PART 8 solved by the end of the day, but I have in a home inspector when considering n last week’s installment, Olga takes idea sounded appealing, and anyway July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, to leave for an appointment and will the rental of a house. That’s something a temporary leave of absence from she needed the money and had the time. check with you later.” We all looked unheard of, but I’m starting to think it’s Iher studies because her mother, Ka- Many of her former teachers remem- at each other, not knowing what to a new necessity in this crazy world we rola, is ill, and the anti-Jewish incite- bered her fondly as an exemplary stu- do, and sat down to wait for the lock- live in.„ ment at the University is becoming in- dent and a good person and also began to smith and plumber who the landlord creasingly problematic as well. refer students to her for tutoring. claimed were on their way. Anessa Cohen lives in Cedarhurst and is a During her stay at home in Dombovar, Pretty soon, her reputation as a teach- licensed real-estate broker (Anessa V Cohen Four hours and dozens of phone Realty) and a licensed N.Y.S. loan offi cer (FM on one of her visits to her high school, er who could teach all subjects became calls later, we lost faith in the land- Home Loans) with over 20 years of experience Olga was greeted warmly by Szanyi well-known. More and more students lord’s arrangements and finally called off ering full-service residential, commercial, Istvan, her old history professor. After were fl ocking to her house on Bezeredj our own plumber to check everything and management real-estate services as well as hearing Olga’s plans to take a leave of Street. out. The plumber fixed the leak on mortgage services. She can be reached at 516- absence from the university, Szanyi sug- Dombovar is located in the middle 569-5007 or via her website, www.AVCrealty. the second floor but found the boil- com. Readers are encouraged to send questions gested that until things blow over per- of an agricultural and rural communi- er to be shot and therefore shut off or comments to [email protected]. Read haps Olga should tutor some students ty. Many of the farms were cultivated the water again. We came to the re- more of Anessa Cohen’s articles at 5TJT.com. who were weak in various subjects. The by farmers or peasants who had a very limited education. The children were allowed to attend schools only until about 12 years of age. After that, they were needed on the farm, so school was out. But many of the peasant boys had an interest to educate themselves further and even to earn a high-school diploma. So they sought out Olga and asked her to tutor them and prepare them for the end-of-year examinations. This way, they could work the farm alongside their fathers and study at night. After passing the exams, they would be given credit for the year. They were highly motivated and intended to obtain a gimnazium di- ploma. Before long, Olga was running a large program with almost 30 students, preparing them all for the end-of-year equivalency examinations. As Hungary was a Catholic country, the school curriculum naturally includ- ed Catholicism. The students needed to prepare for their examination not only in math, geography, history, and litera- ture, but also in Catholicism. But this presented a unique problem. How could a Jewish girl, raised in the Jewish religion, be entrusted to teach Catholicism accurately and faithfully? It was therefore decided that Olga would make an appointment with the local Catholic bishop, who, after a rigor- ous examination, would hopefully certi- fy her knowledge and ability to teach the material contained in the Catholic text- book. Olga prepared for her examination by reading the textbook, and proved to the bishop that she was familiar with the tenets of Catholicism and could teach them accurately. Friends testifi ed to the bishop that Olga Elek could be trusted. Her integrity was known. While Olga’s students were progress- ing and improving, her mother’s condi- tion was unfortunately deteriorating. Trips to the Budapest clinics revealed that her condition was turning worse. In the clinics in Budapest she was treat- ed with costly gold injections, but tests revealed that she had also developed kidney disease and pneumonia. Back in Dombovar, Dr. Riesz held little hope for a good prognosis. A few years later, in the mid-1930s, Olga’s father’s bank went bankrupt and he was suddenly out of a job. He man- Olga, too, was putting away such a col- Germany, was now on the threshold of the town. Dr. Riesz, widely called the 43 aged to secure another position, this lection of handmade treasures. But such conquering and recapturing the south- “poor’s doctor,” treated both gentiles time as chief bookkeeper in a private dreams took a backseat to the realities of ern region of Vojvodina (present-day and Jews alike, especially the poor, 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 factory owned by a Mr. Rothermel. Un- everyday life. Serbia). The rewards to Hungary for without regard to getting paid. He also fortunately, Mr. Rothermel, the owner The political climate was worsening joining the German orbit were immense. struggled for years for greater medical of the fi rm, committed suicide, and the by the day. Hitler’s ascendency to the Joining in the anti-Semitic persecution care for the children of the local miners company was taken over by his daugh- chancellery of Germany ushered in a of Jews was simply the icing on the cake. and was recognized for his unselfi sh ef- ters. His daughters, one married to a stronger, more strident anti-Semitism With the turn of the decade into the forts. After a devastating fl ood that left doctor and the other to a lawyer, had lit- in Hungary. The Hungarian right wing, 1940s, Hungary had established her four many homeless, it was the Jewish cit- tle interest in the business and were ab- as if needing encouragement, became infamous “Jewish Laws” that legally izens who donated the most money for sentee owners. As a result, the business more outspoken in their persecution of sought to eradicate Jews from any and rehabilitation. The town newspapers suff ered and the salary they were able to their Jewish citizens. Frequent articles all positions, seizing their property, in- listed the names of the Jewish citizens pay was less than suffi cient. Money was reporting on demonstrations demand- cluding any land, personal jewelry, and along with others for public recognition. tight, with bills mounting. ing the persecution of the Jews fi lled money in the banks. In short, Jews were Dombovar Jews were proud of their Ever the resourceful daughter, Olga the newspapers. Dombovar, not to be prevented from making a livelihood and town and their accomplishments in im- opened a cosmetics clinic to increase left behind, had its share of Jew haters. their situation was becoming more dire proving the town’s social, economic, and their household income. While in gim- (In fact, one of the most virulent pro- day by day. intellectual reputation. They had no in- nazium, she had studied health science, ponents of the anti-Jewish laws was a In 1943, after a 10-year battle, Karola tention of deserting their town to escape taught by Dr. Riesz, and was knowledge- citizen of Dombovar.) They demanded passed away, leaving behind Olga and abroad. In fact, due to their civic pride able about skin care and other health-re- the confi scation of Jewish property, the Adolf. She was buried in the small Jew- and their assimilationist beliefs, they lated issues. Dr. Riesz, coming to the expulsion of Jews from any offi cial posi- ish cemetery, not far from the synagogue. had nowhere to go anyway. In an adver- rescue, gave Olga additional material, tions, and the fi ring of Jews from all jobs. The town rabbi, Dr. Hillel Friedman, and tisement in the local newspaper Az Est aiding her to become profi cient in us- On September 1, 1939, Germany over- Rebbetzin Erzsebet offi ciated. A small (the Night), the town’s leading citizens ing various creams and treatments. Her ran Poland and the Second World War collection of their closest friends, in- wrote: cosmetics clinic began to prosper as she broke out. Although Hungary had no cluding Kato, attended the funeral. “We are not guests here but Jews treated the women of the town in skin part in the invasion, the German-lean- Shortly after the funeral, Adolf was whose ancestors’ blood constantly and beauty care. ing government was expecting that fi red from the Rottermel company on fl owed for this nation. This land is our Between caring for her mother, teach- German ascendancy would rectify the account of his religion. Jews were no homeland.” ing her students, and running a cosmet- “wrong” perpetrated by the infamous longer allowed to work in such positions. Olga and her father never thought of ics clinic, Olga was busy. Her duties left Trianon Agreement of the 1920s. Sure Olga’s students, however, continued to living anywhere else. Dombovar was her little time for personal concerns enough, by August 1940, as part of the come to her house for lessons as before, their destiny.„ such as dating and thinking about mar- Second Vienna Award, parts of northern and her cosmetics clinic continued. riage. Nevertheless, she had started Transylvania and Szekelyfold (another As the anti-Jewish laws curtailed Dr. Alex Sternberg authored the forthcoming years earlier to prepare a dowry for the part that was formerly Hungary) were Jewish economic, social, and education- book “Recipes from Auschwitz–My Parents’ Story of the Murder of Hungarian Jewry.” He eventual time she would marry. ceded back to Hungary. Naturally, the al opportunities, what was the reaction is a lifelong student of Jewish history, focusing The girls in rural communities learned people of Hungary, grateful to Germany, of the Dombovar Jewish community? on development of Zionism and the Holocaust. to needlepoint and crochet, sewing bed- were even more deeply entrenched in By and large, the Jews of Dombovar He is presently teaching graduate studies and sheets, table linens, and other household the German orbit. As a consequence, on were mainly assimilated and closely wo- is active in several pro-Israel organizations. items, each monogrammed with their November 20, 1940, Hungary offi cially ven into the town’s social fabric. Many He is a retired research doctor in children’s pulmonary health and a master karate initials. In due course, the husband’s ini- joined the Axis entente of Germany, It- earned honors for their decades-long instructor. Read more of Dr. Sternberg’s articles tials would be added to the monogram. aly, and Japan. Hungary, with the help of contribution to the poor and needy of at 5TJT.com. 44 frightened or at least intimidated, but, man, matter how awful the loss, the Temple was TO THE ANTI-SEMITIC VANDAL if I were you I would lay low for a while. You ultimately only wood and rocks, inanimate and I have had the occasional confl ict, but things. “Sticks and stones” in the vernacu- you do not want to mess with Jewish wom- lar. Yes, I know full well that you are capable WHO DEFACED MY CAR: THANK YOU en. of breaking bones as well. My ancestors’ My eldest daughter decided to share pho- bones, which lie in an unmarked mass BY HENRY ABRAMSON infi nitely preferable, developments. tos of your art on her social media account grave in Lithuania, testify to your genocidal Dear Old Friend: My 14-year-old son was the fi rst to see (like I said—those Jewish women). And capacity. That’s why I’m happy you restrict- First of all, thanks for not using an adjec- the damage, and you gave me the precious you know what? She got a ton of support- ed yourself to the car. tive. opportunity to teach him some ancient ive messages from her online friends and But back to the broken chip in your brain. I know you understand the word “Jew” truths about our longstanding relationship. colleagues. From Jews for sure, but from What you probably don’t realize is that I ac- to be a slur in itself, but it’s a bit softer with- His childhood was more sheltered than plenty of Christians and Muslims, maybe tually care for you. I worry about whatever out the modifi er. I never liked it when you mine—he’s grown up in various American some Hindus as well—kind and sympa- it was you experienced that made you hate spat “dirty Jew” at me on the playground. shtetls, and as far as I can tell, he’s never thetic messages from men and women rep- me—even though you never met me—and I always saw red whenever you jeered encountered you in any meaningful way. resenting the kaleidoscope of human races, wish I could do something about it. July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, “cursed Jew,” using the Québécois term I’m hoping that your venomous message, colors, and religions. I’m sorry, old friend, Love, wrote King Solomon, is as strong maudit juif. Exchanges like that usually diluted in the form of a cowardly one-word but even your dramatic torch-lit marches as death (Song of Songs, 8:6). As much as resulted in scuffl es and fi sticuff s, and ulti- act of vandalism, will inoculate him against can’t hide a basic truth: there are more peo- you wish to negate my people and me, you mately we ended up glaring at each other the live, active version of the disease you ple like us, ordinary people who love their will never succeed, because we love life, on the bench outside the principal’s offi ce, represent. You gave me the unscripted op- families and just want to mind their own and, believe it or not, we even love you, you bloody-nosed and sweaty. As a teenager, portunity to teach him how to react with business and get along with each other, pathetic little person—I mean, come on, you shouted “F-ing Jew” as you zoomed by dignity and equanimity, just as my father, of than there are people like you. Yell all you you write on people’s cars when they are in your car as I walked home from shul on blessed memory, taught me so many years want; we’re not aff ected. not looking! We are an exuberant, entre- Saturday mornings. In recent years, your ago. (A prayer: May it be Your will, my G-d See, the chip in your brain that is sup- preneurial, generous, creative people, and anonymous invective on social media has and G-d of my ancestors, that this be the posed to recognize our common human- whenever you try to put us down with your been especially creative. full extent of his contact with you.) ity is busted. You don’t see me as a regular threats of violence, we will be in your face So it’s a kindness on your part to sim- The other amazing surprise revealed middle-aged guy just trying to take care of with our irrepressible joie de vivre, courage, ply label me “Jew,” an appellation I would itself when I broke the news to my wife. his family. Instead you dream up all kinds spiritual exaltation, and humor. It takes a proudly affi rm. Your hateful, anonymous Given that the Sabbath is a time of rejoic- of crazy pathological fantasies about me, lot more than this to knock us down. scribblings on the hood of my car just re- ing and relaxation, I was concerned that like I drink Christian blood on Passover, Sincerely, inforces solidarity with my ancestors who the news of your reappearance would up- or I faked 9/11, truly messed-up stuff . Your old friend, endured far worse, as well as with my Af- set her, so I told our son not to mention it You should take better care of yourself, Henry rican-American neighbors who moved to at the table and I didn’t share your com- see someone about that, because it’s not P.S. I was also pleasantly surprised that our safe Jewish neighborhood because you munication until after the Havdallah cere- healthy, you know? the Nassau County Police took this whole scrawled a swastika on their front door. mony on Saturday night. You should have Which reminds me: thanks also for lim- thing really seriously. I reported your Second, thanks for timing it such that I seen her reaction! Her normally luminous iting your self-expression to my car. The crime, fi guring it would just be for the sta- didn’t discover your message until right be- green eyes turned a hard, gunmetal grey as ancient Sages, when they contemplated tistics, but they sent out a squad car and two fore Shabbat. I don’t know if you intended she pursed her lips in that dark expression the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem detectives! They will be reviewing a pile to sour my mood moments before walking that says, “Congratulations, soldier—you almost 2,000 years ago (the anniversary of security-camera footage, my friend, so into synagogue, but your nasty surprise were looking for trouble, and you certainly is coming up, as I’m sure you know), pro- maybe we will get a chance to catch up on was overwhelmed by two unexpected, and found it.” I was worried that she might be claimed, “wood and rocks.” Meaning, no things in court. „ A Beautiful Neshama 45 Inspires An Enduring NEWS FROM Legacy 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 Earlier this year, the world lost a pre- cious neshamah, Adeena Paknoush, a THE HILLS young lady who gave so much to so many By Chanita Teitz in her brief sixteen years in this world. As a student at Yeshiva of Central Queens, and at North Shore Hebrew Academy s we go into the third quarter of always advise our sellers to price fairly High School, in her hometown of Great 2018, what is the housing mar- without overpricing. They can still max- Neck, she pursued her academic journey Aket going to look like? Accord- imize their profi t while pricing their with enthusiasm, strength of character, ing to the latest Case-Shiller report, house to sell quickly. and a gift for brightening any room she home prices have surged for the 72nd Astor Brokerage has consistently entered. For her eighth grade yearbook straight month. Since April, prices have maintained our high market share in the she used a quote that read, “For beautiful risen 6.4% as it has year after year, with neighborhood according to the Multiple eyes, look for the good in others; for beau- the West Coast having the hottest mar- Listing Service of Long Island. In the tiful lips, speak only words of kindness; kets. fi rst quarter of 2018 we ranked number and for poise, walk with the knowledge The strong economy, continued mod- 1 in listings closed and in current list- that you are never alone.” This quote erate mortgage rates, and the low supply ings under contract. epitomized the kind of young woman that of homes keeps prices high. But mort- gage interest rates are not as low as they were and if they rise, they will aff ect the aff ordability of homes in our area. Al- Adeena Paknoush ready the prices of 18- and 20-foot at- as a whole. The decision to write a sefer tached homes have risen to high $800s Torah that would be used for years to and $900s. Some fully renovated homes come was the perfect answer. are asking even more. These homes Pirkei Avot 1:15, Ethics of Our Fa- used to be well-priced starter homes thers, tells us, “Make your Torah reg- for young families. Are we driving our ular; say little and do much; and greet young families out of the neighborhood every person with a smile.” These words with these high prices? exemplify the importance of limud ha- Throughout our 45 years serving the Torah, the establishment of schools to Kew Gardens Hills community and sur- teach Torah, and the practice of kind- rounding neighborhoods, we have seen ness of one person to another. Adeena every market – sellers’ markets, buyers’ personifi ed that kindness towards her markets, rising interest rates, falling Currently we have houses for every Adeena chose to exemplify. Her gentle family, her friends, her community, her interest rates, rising prices, and market type of family. If you are downsizing, we nature and willingness to be open-mind- teachers, and her fellow classmates. adjustments. have a two bedroom house; if you know ed and always look for the good in every- When she made a decision to do some- Since the 1970s, as more young, frum a family that needs a bedroom and full one is what drew others to her. thing, she would do it despite any obsta- families bought homes in the neighbor- bathroom on the main fl oor, we have After her passing, an urgent need was cles that might have entered her path. hood, we have seen new shuls; yeshivas that. We have other 18- and 20-footers felt among her wide circle of friends to And for these very qualities, her love of Ohr Hachaim, Chofetz Chaim, Yeshiva and a legal 2 family house, too. do something that would go beyond the others, and her love of a Torah life, she Ketana, and Shevach High School; ko- We also like to give back to the com- moment: something that would have was a role model for us all. sher supermarkets, restaurants, and munity and are proud sponsors of both a profound impact on the yeshiva, her other amenities for our families that the Chazaq event and the Hatzolah family, her friends, and the community Continued on Page 48 have made Kew Gardens Hills a very de- men’s event. We will also be sponsoring sirable area. And when demand is high, a summer gardening club at the library. œÁªš you pay for it. We want to keep Kew Gardens Hills Lately, I have seen many of the homes growing and humming with activity and listed for sale in our area get price ad- continuing to be the desirable neighbor- justments. Just a small reduction can hood it has always been for many years. mean the diff erence in aff ordability. We Litigation? Monetary Dispute? Divorce? Resolve the matter according to Halacha. For over 50 years, this quiet jewel of the Torah community has settled our differences. ™°¢±§™¾œ¦¢©š±œž›¢™¨¢œ³¢šÅRabbinical Alliance of America Locations in Brooklyn, the Five Towns, Monsey, Passaic, NJ and Norwalk CT. For information, please contact us at: 1-800-265-9820 Fax 1-888-371-7480 Rabbi Chaim Komendant [email protected] Rabbi Herschel Kurzrock Menahel/Chaver Bais Din www.bdigud.org Av Bais Din FAIR * HONEST * COST EFFECTIVE 46 July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, 47 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 48 NEWS FROM THE HILLS lead and to the indelible impression she Continued from Page 45 made on all she left behind. SUMMER CAMP: A BEACON To participate in the Adeena Pak- This sefer Torah project off ers the op- noush–YCQ sefer Torah project, please portunity for each of us to build upon visit adeenaemunah.com or call 718- OF HOPE FOR THE UKRAINE’S Adeena’s legacy and to help to keep her 793-8500, ext. 304. memory alive in a tangible way. Partic- JEWISH CHILDREN ipating in the sefer Torah project off ers Upcoming Events not only intrinsic value but serves as Free weekly summer shiur for BY MAAYAN GUTBEZAHL well as a means of providing solace to women for eight consecutive Tuesdays, Adeena’s family and to all who were July 3–August 21 at 8:15 p.m. at Congre- hroughout the school year, But for hundreds of Jewish chil- touched by her presence. gation Etz Chaim of Kew Gardens Hills, children around the world dren in the Ukraine, summer camp The Torah is our direct connection to 147-19 73rd Avenue. Rabbi Zvi Lew, pop- T look forward to summer va- takes on a whole new meaning. It is Hashem. It is our most precious trea- ular limudei kodesh educator, will deliver cation and joining their friends at often the difference between hope sure and our guide to life. Indeed, it is a weekly summer shiur for women on summer camp. Summer months just and desperation. July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, the lifeline of Klal Yisrael. Adeena too, interesting personalities in Tanach. This was a precious treasure to her family free lecture series is open to all women. and to all those who knew her. Ensur- For more information call 718-575-0594. ing the eternal presence of her memory Big Chazaq Event VI with Charlie through this sefer Torah will create a Harary, Rabbi YY Jacobson, Rab- living testament to the life she sought to bi Eli Mansour, Rav David Yosef, Sunday July 15, at Elite Palace 89-02 Garfi eld Ave, Woodside. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., program begins at 7:30 p.m. Visit 5TJT.com Sushi, snacks, and drinks. $18, $36, and VIP tickets. Valet parking. For more in- for exclusive formation call 718-285-9132 or e-mail [email protected]. "Soon By You" Queens Hatzolah Premier Men’s Event, July 23 at 6:30 p.m. at the interviews Queens Museum featuring Ohad, Yedi- dim Choir, and the Aaron Teitelbaum and blogs and Orchestra. Grand BBQ, raffl es, wine tasting, and more. RSVP 917-717-2131 additional or QueensHatzolah.org/BBQ. wouldn’t be the same without the For the last three years, LifeChang- Chanita Teitz is a real-estate broker at Astor fun, structured activities that afford er FSU has been organizing summer Dating Forum Brokerage in Kew Gardens Hills, serving the children the opportunities to connect camps for the project’s children, entire Queens vicinity. For all your real-estate needs, call her at 718-263-4500 or e-mail with nature and each other, while de- providing them with opportunities discussions. [email protected]. Read more of veloping self-confidence and build- Chanita Teitz’s articles at 5TJT.com. ing lifelong memories. Continued on Page 53 49 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 50      PUZZLES    By Yoni Glatt     Crossword: Splitters   

Across 71. Divider of 38-Across       1. Option for getting a drink in Jerusa- 72. Role for Desi lem July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6,      6. Locale of 38-Across Down 11. Place for some “me time” 1. Rule opposed by Gandhi 14. Whack-___ (it’s often next to 2. Showing excitement, e.g.    60-Down) 3. What a teen might “die” of 15. ______treat 4. The West Wing actor 16. ______in “Ulysses” 5. Provides new weapons     17. 42-Across used 49-Down to cross it 6. Canal zone? 19. See 17-Across 7. 1912 painter of Picasso 20. Big lobby in D.C. 8. Where Torah survived and thrived         21. They often accompany a hot mess after 70 AD 22. Longtime NBC show 9. Green shampoo 23. Radical group of the 60s, for short 10. Guam, e.g.: Abbr.    24. ___ Hanasheh 11. Float alternatives 25. Nuts 12. There’s a new one almost every 27. Divider of 17-Across week      30. Pledges 13. King of Israel until 870 BCE 32. The Chazon ___ 18. US security org. 34. Daniel interpreted one 23. Israel has given many of them emer-      35. Lovato who claims to have Jewish gency medical care ancestry 24. Tribal land to the east of 17-Across     36. Item in a bucket 26. Early Pierre Cardin employer 37. Divider of 17-Across 28. Doing nothing 38. 71-Across led the Israelites through 29. Thurman of The Avengers    it 31. On the rocks 41. See 38-Across 33. All tuckered out 42. Divider of 17-Across 36. “Give ______minute”    45. Shabbat (in)activity 37. Sixth sense, for short 46. Challenger org. 39. “Not another word!” 50. “______Hashem” 40. Hoover and Boulder, e.g. 51. 20’s dispenser 42. Write hastily, with “down” 52. “Not allowed” 43. Burdensome 53. 71-Across to 42-Across and 44. Where Starbucks was founded 27-Across to 37-Across 47. Afro-___ languages Solution To Previous Crossword: 55. Wear wool and linen together, e.g. 48. Backyard basking spot 57. Octopus’s defense 49. See 17-Across Before We Eat 58. 1 or 66, abbr. 51. Leafy shelters 59. Weight abbr. 52. Jeopardy! “question”              61. Current civil war president 54. “The river,” in Mexico . , ' / ( & + ( 0 3 2 6 ( 63. “Just kidding!” (sarcastically) 56. Baseball All-Star Kinsler    64. Sign of labor…or a hint to this puzzle’s 60. Kind of ball ( 6$ ( ;+$/( $ 0$1 theme 62. Indian dress    67. He played Pharaoh 63. Pricey Big Apple sch. : ,6 6 +(9$7 5 $7( 68. Ran, on TV 64. A Rubble, when squared    69. Scholarly Dr. Brown 65. Harris and Koch 6 +$/20$/( , &+(0 70. Bring into play 66. Beam of light   6 ,5, 5 ($'<       Jewish Spelling Bee ( , 6 +(7&+$ < ,/      How many common words of 5 % 21< $ 1'6 . , 0 or more letters can you spell using      the letters in the hive? Every an- $ 7$ . , ' ',6+ ( '2 swer must use the center letter at    least once. Letters may be reused 1 $* 0 2$1 : (,1 in a word. At least one word will use     all 7 letters and have a direct Jew- : $6+285 + $1'6 ish connection. Proper names and     hyphenated words are not allowed. 2 1 $ ,5 0 $27 Score 1 point for each answer, and       3 points for a Jewish-related word 0 $.(7+( + $027 = , that uses all 7 letters.     Rating: 5=Good; 8=Excellent; ( *,6 2 5$725 $ 6$ 12=Genius    Common solutions to last week’s * ,9( 3 $5$1$ 1 +/ Spelling Bee: Tichels. Cheese,    cheeses, cheesiest, chests, chillest, chisel, chisels, cliché, clichés, ethics, hectic, $ '$/ $ 675$< < (6 heists, hilliest, hisses, hitches, hitless, itches, itchiest, leeches, seethe, seethes, sheets, shells, shiite, shtetel, shtetels, stitch, stitches, techie, techies, teethe, teethes, theist, theists, thesis, tichel, tithes. Puzzle appeared on Page 48 of the June 29 issue. 51 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 52 July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, 53 SUMMER CAMP 7:10 am @ Agudah of Bayswater Continued from Page 48 @ Mesivta Ateres Yaakov, 131 Washington Avenue

7:15 am @ Aish Kodesh – Sunday ONLY 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 to improve their social skills, broad- @ Kehillas Bais Yehudah Tzvi (the Red Shul) 4:30 am @ Yeshiva Sh’or Yoshuv – Mishnah Berurah: Rabbi Shmuel Grossman @ – Maple Avenue, Cedarhurst en their horizons, strengthen their 5:00 am @ Yeshiva Sh’or Yoshuv – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Shmuel Grossman 7:30 am @ Agudah of L.I. (Rabbi Reisman) In Library – Magidei Shiur: Rabbis S. Kohn, N. Schweid, R. Flegman connections to Jewish culture, and 5:15 am @ Y.I. of Woodmere – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Rafael Fink @ Congregation Heichal Dovid – Sunday ONLY 7:35 am immerse themselves in a positive 5:30 am @ Chofetz Chaim Torah Center – Cedarhurst @ Y.I. of Woodmere – Sunday ONLY – Magid Shiur: Rabbi R. Fink @ Rabbi Neiman’s Shul – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Yossi Schonkopf 7:45 am @ Kehillas Bais Yehudah Tzvi (the Red Shul) – Sunday ONLY growth environment. By remov- 5:45 am @ Agudah of L.I. (Rabbi Reisman) – Magid Shiur: Rav Shmuel Witkin @ Beth Sholom – Sunday ONLY – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Yale Fishman ing them from their usual stressful @ Kehillas Bais Yehudah Tzvi (the Red Shul) @ Rabbi Blumenkrantz’s shul - Shabbos ONLY 7:50 am and even dangerous surroundings, 6:00 am @ Agudah of L.I – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Dr. Mermelstein @ Far Rockaway LIRR front section of the last car – Direct to Penn Station 7:55 am @ Lawrence LIRR – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Pesach Lerner LifeChanger FSU gives Jewish chil- @Aish Kodesh – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Sholom Fried, Rabbi Daniel Fink @ Rabbi Blumenkrantz’s shul 8:00 am @ Shaaray Tefila – Sunday ONLY – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Kalish dren in the Ukraine, who are grap- @ Yeshiva Sh’or Yoshuv – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Dovid Greenblatt @ Agudas Yisroel of Long Island – Sunday ONLY – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Tzvi Flaum pling with extreme poverty, neglect, 6:10 am @ Beis Medrash of Cedarhurst – Rabbi Spiegel @ Mesivta Ateres Yaakov, 131 Washington Avenue (Shabbos Only) 8:10 am @ LIRR Far Rockaway Branch, in the last car of the train, which makes stops at Inwood, Lawrence, Cedarhurst abuse, and overlooked physical and @ CBEY- Island Ave., Woodmere – Magid Shiur: Menachem Kagan/Michael Fruchter 6:15 am @ Cong. Beis Avraham – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Henoch Grumet and Woodmere at 8:22 am emotional disabilities, the freedom @ Beis Haknesses of North Woodmere Magid Shiur: Rabbi Menachem Adler to explore their world and develop to 6:30 am @ Agudah of West Lawrence – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Moshe Brown 8:15 am @ Beth Sholom – Shabbos ONLY – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Yale Fishman 8:45 am their fullest potentials. @ Young Israel of Law./Cedar. Maggid Shiur: Yale Fishman/Yaakov Shalev @ Agudah of L.I. – Sunday ONLY in library @ Y.I. of Oceanside @ Sunday mornings at Beis Tefilah – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Shaya Richmond “Summer camp is often seen as @ Rabbi Katz’s Shul in Far Rockaway – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Pinchas Birnhack 10:15 am @ The White Shul – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Matt Cohen nothing more than a way to keep 6:40 am @ Y.I. of Woodmere – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Aron Glatt 12:50 pm @ Cedarhurst Center – Ground Floor Conf. Room – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Lichtenstein 8:00 pm children occupied during the long @ Congregation Beth Shalom – Maggid Shiur: Rabbi Yechiel Weberman @ Agudah of L.I. – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Nochum Katz 6:45 am @ Aish Kodesh – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Simcha Weingott summer months. But for the children @ Shaaray Tefila – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Kalish @ The White Shul – Magidei Shiur: Rabbi Kanner @ Y.I. of Far Rockaway – Magid Shiur: R’ Daniel Martin and R’ Avraham Bachrach in our program, it is an elusive safe @ Agudah of the Five Towns – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Ephraim Edelstein 8:15 pm @ Cong. Beis Medrash of Cedarhurst – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Dovid Spiegel space and a crucial growth experi- @ Agudas Yisroel of Long Island – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Tzvi Flaum 8:30 pm @ Y.I. of Oceanside 6:50 am @ Congregation Heichal Dovid ence,” said Irina Chernobryvetz, di- @ Kehillas Bnei HaYeshivas (KBH), 575 Hungry Harbor Road 7:00 am @ Agudah of L.I. – Sunday ONLY – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Dr. Mermelstein 8:45 pm @ Yeshiva Sh’or Yoshuv – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Dovid Metz rector of LifeChanger FSU. @ Congregation Beth Avraham – Sunday ONLY @ Rabbi Blumenkrantz – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Yosef Friedler “Recreational activities, team com- @ Yeshiva Gedolah of 5 Towns – Magid Shiur: Rav Yitzchok Knobel 9:00 pm @ Agudah of L.I. – Magid Shiurim: Rabbi Lichtenstein/Rotating Chaburah petitions, and field trips are expertly @ Young Israel of Law./Ced. – Sunday ONLY – Magid Shiur: Rabbi Yale Fishman @ Agudah of West Lawrence – Rabbi Brown’s Shul 7:09 am @ Far Rockaway LIRR 3rd car from the end – Direct to Penn Station @ Agudah of Bayswater planned with experienced educators Magid Shiur: Rabbi Kodesh @ Beis Tefilah – (Tues.– Thurs.) Maggid Shiur: Rabbi Ephraim Edelstein and mental-health professionals to bring out the very best in every child, while at the same time preparing the groups for the social and educational challenges they will face during the next school year.” The summer-camp programming 24 HOUR EMERGENCY NUMBER is integrated with the individual- 718.854.4548 ized rehabilitation plans developed Visit Misaskim.org for more information by LifeChanger FSU for each child enrolled in the program, effective- ly breaking the cycle of solitude and Understanding Tragedy with Compassion, Coordinating Crisis with Expertise isolation and guiding them towards sustained recovery, long-term devel- Name of Niftar/Nifteres Family Members Address of Shiva Area Minyanim Getting Up opment, and independence. Mrs. Ruth R’ Tzvi Czeisler Husband 219 Beach 138th St Far Monday Prior to camp, counselors meet Czeisler z”l R’ Efraim Berkowitz Brother Newport Ave & Rockaway (7/09/18) R’ David Berkowitz Brother Rockaway Beach Blvd Morning with the consulting mental-health Mrs. Penina Lugashi Sister professionals to review the campers’ R’ Rafi Czeisler Son psychological profiles and receive R’ Ilan Czeisler Son guidance on how to guide the groups. Mrs. Fulika R’ Eliyahu Attias Brother 49 Bayberry Rd Lawrence Friday By design, the camp staff compris- Dahan z”l off Barette Rd (7/06/18) Afternoon es mostly program graduates, so the counselors already have firsthand R’ Mitchell R’ Gene Stevens Brother 353 Warrens Dr Woodmere Friday Stevens z”l R’ Jeffery Stevens Brother Off Dickens St (7/06/18) knowledge of what must be done to Mrs. Sheri Solomon Sister Afternoon ensure a successful camp season. R’ Mordechai Schnitzler Son 68-11 147th St Queens Friday Over the years, LifeChanger FSU’s R’ David Schnitzler z”l 68th Ave & 68th Rd (7/06/18) summer camp has radically changed Afternoon the lives of children who could not Ms. Perel Rbbtzn Chaya Brucha Gross Mother 74 Ross St #1C Williamsburg Sunday be reached in other settings. For ex- Henna R’ Tovia Lerner Brother Bedford Ave & Wythe Ave (7/08/18) ample, Bogdana had difficulties com- R’ Aharon Aryeh Lerner Brother Morning Hanstater z”l Mrs. Rivka Rubin Sister municating with her peers and was Mrs. Sura Rosenblum Sister bullied at school. But at camp, she R’ Yisroel Aharon Kletzkin Brother 329 Miller Rd Lakewood Sunday began to blossom and develop real R’ Eliyahu Kletzkin z”l Wadworth Ave & Oak St (7/08/18) leadership qualities. By the time she Morning returned to school, Bogdana exuded R’ Moshe Mrs. Lulu Halabi Wife 16 Angela Dr Flatbush Sunday confidence and was socially active. Halabi z”l R’ Eli Halabi Brother Ocean Pkwy & E 4th St (7/08/18) Angela had a similar experience Mrs. Yvette Saadeh Sister Morning Mrs. Farha Alfaks Sister and explains that LifeChanger FSU’s R’ Victor Halabi Son summer camp helped her develop her R’ Meir Halabi Son strengths and set personal goals. “I R’ Henry Halabi Son became more confident, and I sud- R’ Moshe Mrs. Nadine Tabboushe Wife 66 Georgetown Rd Eatontown, Friday denly wanted to learn more about Tabboushe z”l R’ Yedidya Tabboushe Son Whalepond Rd & NJ (7/06/18) R’ Yossi Tabboushe Son Old Deal Rd Afternoon everything. I was determined to im- R’ Ilan Tabboushe Son prove my school performance, and I R’ Mikey Tabboushe Son knew from my experiences at summer Mrs. Sharon Arking Daughter camp that I could expect more from Mrs. Rivka R’ Isaac Kogan Brother 479 Empire Blvd Crown Sunday myself, and that I should be proud of Kogan z”l Brooklyn Ave & Heights (7/08/18) what I already accomplished.” New York Ave Morning Feedback from other participants Mrs. Genia R’ George Kohn Son 38 Roanoke St Staten Island Friday make it clear that the camp expe- Kohn z”l Mrs. Chana Fine Daughter Brielle Ave & (7/06/18) Washington Ave Afternoon rience is informative in every way, allowing campers to navigate social situations, become more responsi- Misaskim - Community Preparedness At All Times ble, develop a strong Jewish identity, 4IJWBMJTUJOHTt4IJWBGVSOJUVSFt.FJTFJ.JU[WBIt"VUPQTZBOE$SFNBUJPO*OUFSWFOUJPOt%JTUBTUFS"TTJTUBODF :FTPNJNQSPHSBNTt$IJMESFOTUFIJMJNGPSUIFTJDLtPrepared for any eventuality Continued on Page 55 54 July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, SUMMER CAMP with his situation. He was able to focus on 55 Continued from Page 53 the positive side of not being the most hand-

some Torah scholar. 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 learn how to communicate with peers DAF YOMI There is a Tosfos in Yevamos (81b) that and adults, and even learn to control By Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow is seemingly at odds with a Tosfos in Zeva- their anger. chim (72b). The topic was regarding a piece “These children come from the of the lechem ha’panim that became mixed most economically repressed areas with other ordinary pieces of bread. Tosfos of the Ukraine and are often in the IN THE EYES OF THE BEHOLDER in both locations attempts to explain why direct line of fire, dealing with armed he daughter of the emperor once She went and placed her father’s wine in the ordinary rules of nullifi cation don’t ap- conflict in the streets and familial said to Rabbi Yehoshua ben Chan- vessels of silver and gold. The wine spoiled. ply. However, the reason Tosfos off ers in strife within their homes. There is , “You are the epitome of mag- Rabbi Yehoshua said to her, “The same is Yevamos is incomprehensible at fi rst blush. no breathing room, and their needs nifi cent Torah, but it is stored in an ugly also true of the Torah. It spoils if it is con- Rav Shmuel Shtrashun (1819–1885), better are rarely seen as a priority,” explains vessel!” tained in a handsome person.” She asked known as the Rashash, was struggling to un- Chernobryvetz. “In addition to giving Apparently, Rabbi Yehoshua ben Chan- him, “But are there not people who are both derstand the Tosfos. At the time, the Netziv them space and putting their needs anya was an unattractive man. The em- good-looking and learned in Torah?” He came to visit him. The Netziv off ered a bril- first, the camp experience acts as a peror’s daughter was puzzled as to why said to her, “If they were ugly they would be liant but simple solution to which the Ra- pause button, allowing them to grow Hashem would deposit his Torah in an ugly even more learned!” (Nedarim 50b). shash readily agreed. Yet, the Rashash was and develop in a vacuum. When they individual. Rabbi Yehoshua told her, “You Rabbi Yehoshua ben Chananya’s dream bothered as to why this rosh yeshiva, who return to the ‘real world,’ they are may learn the answer to your dilemma from was to be the best Torah scholar that he was 23 years younger than him, was able to much better equipped to face the your father’s house. In what type of contain- could be. It is possible that perhaps his ap- fi gure out the solution and he was not. challenges that weighed so heavily on er do you store wine?” She said to him, “In pearance did, on some level, bother him. The Netziv off ered his explanation: “You them before.” earthenware vessels.” He said to her, “Is it However, he saw the greater picture. He are a wealthy banker and are able to learn In many cases, single-parent fam- conceivable that everyone stores their wine knew that his humble appearance would in Torah in relative comfort. I am a poor man ilies in dire situations are treated to in earthenware vessels, and you also store turn enable him to be more humble in spir- and am forced to exert more eff ort to learn the camp experience together. With it in earthenware vessels? Is there no dis- it. This in turn would enable him to reach Torah in my circumstances. We know that their children in good hands, moth- tinction between the emperor and ordinary even loftier levels of Torah scholarship. For the more toil one exerts in Torah study, the ers enjoy programming for adults and people? You should place your wine in ves- Rabbi Yehoshua it was certainly a worthy the opportunity to relax and connect sels of silver and gold.” tradeoff . In the fi nal analysis, he was happy Continued on Page 57 with their peers. They also receive counseling and work with LifeChang- er FSU coordinators to plan the next steps of their rehabilitation. “For so many Jewish families in the Ukraine, summer camp is an op- portunity to establish new social connections, develop relationships, and heal,” says Chernobryvetz. “It is a window into a better life, and an ex- ample to strive towards. It’s so much more than fresh air and time at the pool. It’s an experience that can actu- ally save lives and set families on the path to success.” To learn more about LifeChanger FSU, please visit LifeChangerFSU.org. „

Visit 5TJT.com for Daily Editor's Blog, "Live with Larry Gordon" videos, as well as exclusive News Analysis by Jake Novak 56 July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, Best Healthcare DAF YOMI INSIGHTS aff ected. The Health Department said the 57 Continued from Page 55 mandate would be eff ective immediately.

“Vaccines save lives and are an eff ective Best Healthcare 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 greater he will become.” HALACHIC MUSINGS public health tool to prevent the spread of Just like Rebbe Yehoshua in the fi rst sto- By Rabbi Yair Hoffman disease,” Dr. Bassett remarked in a state- ry, the Netziv was faced with a diffi cult life ment she released. “The severity of this past situation. His parnassah was lacking and infl uenza season reminds us of how deadly it was hard to support his family. Surely, it infl uenza can be.” would have been a welcome relief for the Netziv to have his fi nancial situation allevi- THE FLU, THE LAW, The Halachah ated. Yet, the Netziv valued the Torah schol- Gedolei ha’poskim have encouraged vac- arship he achieved. Whenever he thought of AND HALACHAH cinations and have even labeled them oblig- his parnassah predicament, he was able to atory (see p’sak of Rav Zalman Nechemia focus on the positive. He would not let his ast year, fi ve children in New York In December of 2013, New York City’s Goldberg, shlita, the son-in-law of Rav Shlo- fi nancial situation depress him when he re- City died from the fl u. Board of Health adopted a rule that all chil- mo Zalman Auerbach, zt’l). Rav Elyashiv, alized the tradeoff . L Yesterday, New York State’s high- dren from six months to the age of fi ve must zt’l, had labeled the anti-vaccination move- Years ago, there was an individual study- est court did something about it. get a fl u shot before December 31 each year ment, along with the alternative-medicine ing in yeshiva. He tried his hand at investing The Court of Appeals ruled that the city and that the parents (or guardians) must movement, dangerous to Klal Yisrael. Gedo- and was blessed with success. He started Board of Health and the Health Depart- show proof of administration. lim have written that where there is concern with trading stocks and then moved to op- ment can make annual fl u vaccines manda- Associate Judge Leslie Stein wrote the for an epidemic, vaccination is obligatory tions. He had good weeks and bad weeks tory for children in city-regulated daycares 25-page opinion for the court. (see Minchas Tzvi, siman 9; Rabbi Eliezer but ultimately managed to turn $3,000 into and preschools. The Court of Appeals con- Court of Appeals Chief Judge Janet Di- Yehudah Waldenberg, zt’l, in Tzitz Eliezer; close to a million dollars. He was single, sists of seven judges: the chief judge and six Fiore also joined in the ruling, as did asso- and Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein, shlita). living with his parents, and didn’t have any associate judges. They are appointed by the ciate judges Jenny Rivera, Eugene Fahey, In Teves of 5745 (winter 1984–1985), the fi nancial obligations. He began to give char- governor and confi rmed by the New York Michael Garcia, Rowan Wilson, and Paul Steipler Gaon was asked about a case where ity in amounts that he never dreamed pos- Senate to 14-year terms. Feinman. the measles vaccine was apparently prob- sible. In the end, some bad trades doomed This unanimous decision reverses previ- City Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bas- lematic. He advised people to make sure him and he lost everything. He went to Rav ous lower court rulings which were sought sett hailed the decision for improving the Pinchas Scheinberg, zt’l, with one question. by fi ve anti-vaccine activists. safety of the 150,000 children who would be Continued on Page 58 “Doesn’t giving tzedakah protect a person from losing his wealth?” Rav Scheinberg explained to him that one of two things is possible. Either he will get his money back at some later date, or, perhaps he had been destined to die young and his money was taken instead of his life. This individual, who had been dating for a while, was soon after introduced to his fu- ture wife. The young man’s rebbe told him, “Perhaps you needed some type of kappar- ah to merit fi nding your wife, and the loss of your wealth was it.” In this story, we have another individual facing adversity. He could have let the loss of his wealth depress him and leave him unable to cope. Yet, he was able to follow the guidance of Rav Scheinberg and his rebbe and focus on the positive. He certain- ly would have given all of his money to save his own life or to fi nd his bashert. Of course, being wealthy would have been nice, but the tradeoff was even nicer. In all of the tests Hashem gives us there is always a silver lining. Every instance of adversity is an opportunity to enable us to grow. One useful technique in coping with these situations is to focus on the positive. Rabbi Zelig Pliskin, shlita, was once giv- ing a talk on this very subject. A listener in the crowd raised his hand and said, “Rabbi, do you mean to tell me that when my car gets a fl at on a rainy night, I’m supposed to be happy and exclaim, ‘Yay! Hashem gave me the ability to change a fl at tire!’ Only one in a million can achieve that happiness.” Rabbi Pliskin had observable Divine providence that day. The person sitting right next to the fi rst audience member who had spoken up asked permission to speak. “That exact situation happened to me. I was returning from my doctor’s offi ce, fol- lowing up after my hernia surgery. After an extended time, my doctor had fi nally cleared me to lift heavy objects. When my car got a fl at on the way home, I exclaimed, ‘Baruch Hashem, I am able to change the tire and lift heavy items by myself!’” Whereupon the fi rst audience member shouted, “That’s the one in a million!”„

Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow leads a daf yomi chaburah at Eitz Chayim of Dogwood Park in West Hempstead. He can be contacted at [email protected]. Read more of Rabbi Sebrow’s articles at 5TJT.com. 58 HALACHIC MUSINGS saving someone’s life. It is highly probable Sakanah (pp. 42–43), understands the enroll children whose parents refuse to Continued from Page 57 that it is this general mitzvah that the Shul- verse of “And love thy neighbor as yourself” vaccinate their children. The e-mail that chan Aruch refers to in Shulchan Aruch Or- as a directive to save our peers from medical went out stated that the coalition “will that the next batch was problem-free and ach Chaim 325. This is certainly the case danger as well. also be available to help non-vaccinating instructed them to take the vaccine after with vaccinations, because vaccinations We thus have a total of six Torah mitzvos parents in Lakewood in any area we feel confi rming that (Orchos Rabbeinu, p. 350). save lives. involved in vaccinating our children. we can, as well as to provide support of Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, zt’l, Dam Rei’acha. There is a negative mitz- ‘strength in numbers…’” (Shulchan Shlomo 329:1, 2) writes that if, vah of not standing idly by your brother’s Opposing Views The very existence of this e-mail from a sociological perspective, people are blood—“Lo sa’amod al dam rei’acha” (Vay- What about the rabbinic views that there points to the inroads of cultural infl uenc- not rushing to get a vaccination as soon as ikra 19:16). This is mentioned in Shulchan may be substance to the anti-vaxxer view? es that the worldwide anti-vaccination possible, it is not considered enough of a Aruch (C.M. 426:1) and in the Rambam. Carefully researching the data behind a movement has made even in some of our danger to warrant Shabbos violation to get When people get sick and chance death halachic question can be daunting at times. Torah communities. the vaccine. This is the case even if there because of our inaction, we are violating Occasionally, though rarely, the background How did all of this madness begin? is an actual danger. We see clearly that his the commandment of “Lo sa’amod al dam information behind a question may not be In 1998, a now de-licensed British view is that one should defi nitely be vacci- rei’acha.” suffi ciently researched because the posek physician named Andrew Wakefi eld re- July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, nated. This was also the view of Rav Shmuel Lo Suchal L’hisalem. There is yet an- relied upon someone else who did not prop- leased a paper claiming to have linked Auerbach, zt’l. other negative commandment associated erly weigh the issue or evidence. This is the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) with the positive commandment of hasha- clearly the case regarding vaccinations. vaccine to the onset of autism. Lat- The Mitzvos Involved In vas aveidah, and that is the verse in Devarim Our leading gedolim in Eretz Yisrael have er it was revealed that he had secretly Vaccinating (22:3), “You cannot shut your eyes to it.” supported vaccinations, and even if some received over $700,000 in fees for his The overwhelming percentage of rab- This verse comes directly after the mitz- rabbis negate this idea, we must still fol- views from a lawyer wishing to fi le law- banim and poskim would tell you (but check vah of hashavas aveidah. The Netziv, Rabbi low the opinions of gedolei Torah (speak to suits. yourself) that vaccinations involve the Naftali Tzvi Yehuda Berlin, in his HeEmek Rav Dovid Morgenstern, shlita, about Rav Since then, no other scientist was ever Best Healthcare fulfi llment of a number of Torah mitzvos, She’eilah, refers to this mitzvah as well. Elyashiv’s unequivocal view), particularly able to match Wakefi eld’s fi ndings. In aside from the basic mitzvah of v’nishmar- V’chai Achicha Imach. The She’iltos when their view concurs with that of the 2010, an ethics review board found that tem me’od b’nafshoseichem. We should also (She’ilta #37), based upon the Gemara in medical world. Wakefi eld had falsifi ed the data in his re- make our best eff orts not to allow misinfor- Bava Metzia 62a, understands the words Leading gedolim with whom this au- port. The paper was retracted and Wake- mation and fraud to aff ect crucial decisions in Vayikra (25:36), “V’chai achicha imach,” thor has consulted in recent months—Rav fi eld’s medical license was revoked. in our lives. and your brother shall live with you, to in- Chaim Kanievsky, shlita, and a prominent Hashavas Aveidah. The verse in Para- dicate an obligation to save others with gadol in the United States—have said that Conclusion shas Ki Seitzei (Devarim 22:2) discusses you. The Netziv understands it as a full- when someone has done the research and The Torah community and its orga- the mitzvah of hashavas aveidah, returning fl edged obligation according to all opinions. is sure that the background information nizations should welcome this ruling as a lost object, with the words, “V’hasheivoso He writes that one must exert every eff ort behind a p’sak is faulty, there is an obligation one that saves lives. Chief Judge Janet lo,” and you shall return it to him. The Ge- to save his friend’s life, until it becomes a to respectfully publicize the correct infor- DiFiore has saved the lives of our chil- mara in Sanhedrin (73a), however, includes matter of pikuach nefesh for himself. The mation, which is what is being attempted in dren from those who unwittingly have within its understanding of these words the Netziv’s position would certainly advocate this article. tried to harm them. We should thank the obligation of returning “his own life to him that vaccinations are obligatory, even if it court of appeals for its wisdom in enforc- as well.” For example, if thieves are threat- involves a slight danger—which in modern How Did This Begin? ing this lifesaving measure. „ ening to pounce upon him, there is an obli- times has been virtually eliminated. A few months ago, a group of parents The author can be reached at gation of “V’hasheivoso lo.” In other words, V’ahavta L’rei’acha Kamocha. The began to form a coalition that would Yairhoff [email protected]. Read more of Rabbi this verse is the source for the mitzvah of Ramban, in Toras HaAdam Sha’ar Ha- attempt to force Lakewood schools to Hoff man’s articles at 5TJT.com. they got into a relationship, all of a want to make you feel bad about your- 59 sudden they were on everyone’s wish self. But just so that you can learn

list. One of the reasons might be that how to deal with your current dilem- Best Healthcare 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 DATING FORUM when they are off the market, they ma with regard to getting engaged to are more at ease with themselves and this man or ending the relationship, By Baila Sebrow therefore make a much better impres- you must first come to terms with all sion on others. Another cause might aspects leading up to this point. be that since another person wants I can imagine that one of your con- Question and treaded where very few would to marry this person, that makes him cerns is whether you can trust him. I’m really a good person, but when dare. You made a major play for a spo- appear more sought-after. Based on your personal experience you hear my story I know you will ken-for man. That was unfair and un- This is reminiscent of stories about with this man, I am sure you will think that I’m horrible. A few years scrupulous. houses for sale that sit on the market agree that he is impressionable when ago I dated a man for a short time, and One can say that if he had been for a long time. As soon as it becomes it comes to women. Would he do to I really liked him. He broke it off not happy with the woman he was seri- known that someone made an offer you exactly what he had done to her? I too long after we started going out. I ously involved with, he never would to buy that house, people who have don’t know the man, so I can’t say for didn’t care that much at the time be- have jumped ship so quickly. But that viewed the house previously and had sure either way, but, typically, those cause that’s his M.O., and everyone would be speculation. I don’t know no interest in it will often jump into who betray once are susceptible to knows it. what you said or did to convince him, action to make an even higher offer to doing it again. And even if by some My dating life has been one di- nor do I know if it was a weak or de- outbid any others. It is human nature chance you manage to hold on to him, saster after another. Then I heard fenseless moment for him when he to want what someone else has. And you will probably always worry that through the grapevine that he was initially responded to your advances. it takes integrity to stay away from you may lose him to someone else. dating someone seriously, and I ac- You were having a difficult time what does not belong to you and what Once someone cheats, history tends tually saw them together once. Be- with shidduchim, and the fact that he someone else has already laid claim to repeat itself. In most cases that cause I was in a bad place, I got very was already involved with someone to. When dealing with issues in shid- has been proven to be true. However, angry and jealous, and I decided that likely made him appear more attrac- duchim, breaking up couples is seri- since each person is an individual, I wanted him back. So I started tex- tive to you. There are many people ous business, not something anyone and each case is different, at the end ting him, and one thing led to anoth- who will tell you that when they were should ever dare play with. of the day everyone deserves a fair er, and he came up with some excuse unattached, other singles never gave I am not trying to verbally beat you to tell the lady he was dating that he them a second glance, but as soon as up about what you have done, nor do I Continued on Page 60 was breaking up with her. We started dating right away, and we have been dating ever since. Now he wants us to get engaged. I am so torn because I’m not sure about my feelings for him. Also, what if he does to me what he did to the wom- an he dated before me? I would feel terrible if he went back to the one he dated and left for me. What do singles usually do in such a case? I want to add that he is a gentleman and treats me very generously. Response Wow. I typically keep personal feel- ings out of my responses. But in this case, I must express my sentiments for the one person you barely give mention to. The sole victim in this tale of woe is the woman your heart- throb carelessly tossed aside for you. And it sounds like he might be forced to ingest a hefty dose of his own med- icine! I would love to admonish you for your hand in this saga. But I believe that deep down you are a good per- son, as you have said, yet misguided. So let’s go with that so you can under- stand what you have done and why, and to help you to recognize what Mr. Lady’s Man is really all about. From what I understand, you dated this man no more than a handful of times. Although no one enjoys being rejected, you dealt well with it, spe- cifically because you were aware that you were one amongst many others this man has treated in such a way. And life went on. Unfortunately, you did not experience success in finding someone else to share your life with, so when you heard (and saw) that an- other woman might be having some luck with the very person no one else has been able to get to commit, it sent a jealous, angry bolt through your system. Your reactive feelings were completely normal. You must’ve been wondering what she has that you don’t. But in an ethical world, that should have meant for you to stay as far away from him as possible. Yet you took matters into your own hands 60 DATING FORUM subconscious recognizing even go after the woman he Continued from Page 59 defects in his character. left for you! And sadly, that So let’s bring it all togeth- could happen even after chance. However, his past er. How does a person go many years of marriage. It is YID PARENTING indicates that he is not likely from a serious relationship interesting, though, that you to remain in a situation he is with someone to just end- now consider what he did to By Rabbi Yitzie Ross unhappy about. That in itself ing it for another? A serious that woman for your benefit does not make him bad, but relationship, even if it’s not as a stain on his appeal. he demonstrates a tendency marriage, is still a commit- The excitement of being to leave a relationship rather ment of sorts between two involved with someone you than work on it. people. For this man to be cannot have has finally worn SPOILER ALERT Let’s put trust aside for a able to do that so easily tells off. He is all yours now. You bit and go on to another con- of a person so driven by his can get engaged to him, mar- Q. My children are spoiled. come down on their children cern. You are worried that own needs that he does not ry him, and never look back I have no problem admitting at times. A spoiled child can your feelings for him may stop to think that he might at how it all came to be. But it, although my husband dis- be very well-mannered and July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, not be genuine. And that is not be acting honorably. you can’t. Because to you, he agrees. They think that if we easygoing at a friend’s house. a strong possibility. There In discussing what caus- is no longer just a guy you don’t give them something So a little bit of spoiling are times when people date, es people to be so driven once dated and in whom you they want, we’re being unfair won’t necessarily be harm- break up, and reconcile. But that they neglect to stop and had no real interest so you to them. My husband feels ful. the reconciliation is usual- think about the consequenc- didn’t care when it ended. that we should give in since Entitlement is a lot worse. ly based on a healthy foun- es of their actions and the You are now looking at him they’ll mature as they get Children who feel entitled dation. People who decide hurt inflicted, it goes back as a cheater. You have no re- older. We decided to follow won’t help out around the they want to try again do so to the issue of trust. Those spect for him. And without your advice on this. house even when asked. They Best Healthcare because they either came to who break trust are typical- respect, a relationship disin- Karen never accept blame and re- the realization that the grass ly driven by their own needs. tegrates very quickly. Flatbush quire a bribe for almost any is not greener on the other Their overwhelming need to The thrill of the chase is A. I have news for you: act. They feel that they are side or that they shouldn’t satisfy their desires often- over for you, and it appears Many adults also feel that above rules, and don’t deal have broken up in the first times clouds their ethical vi- that you might be looking for if they don’t get what they well with disappointment. place. You were so eager to sion, and they have difficulty a way out of this relationship. want, life is unfair. We live in Entitled children usually ar- take him away from the other discerning between doing You are conveying that by the a society where many people en’t good playdates and tend woman that in all probability right by others or wronging questions in your letter. It feel a sense of entitlement, to require a lot of attention. you didn’t even stop to figure them. is also transparent that you and it’s absolutely nause- Children like this very often out how you really feel about Your concerns are valid. do not trust this man. Trust ating. However, there is a have issues as they get older. him. And when you started It is normal for you to feel is the major groundwork in difference between spoiling They refuse to get a job and dating again, he may not have that if he deceived one wom- a relationship. I believe that children and creating a sense insist on receiving support. made such a great impres- an, it would not be too diffi- the set of circumstances in of entitlement. Parents of entitled children sion that your feelings would cult for him to do that to you which you were brought to- Spoiling children is giv- rarely tell their children grow enough to want to get should another woman come gether as a couple is exact- ing them things that they “no.” engaged. That might be your along—or maybe he would ly what is now pulling you don’t need but enjoy. Usual- You need to ask yourselves apart. „ ly grandparents do this, and if you’re spoiling or entitling I’ve received many e-mails your children. If you’re just Baila Sebrow is president of Neshoma from frustrated parents who spoiling them, it’s not hard Advocates, communications seem to have forgotten how to stop. All you need to do is and recruitment liaison for Sovri-Beth Israel, executive much fun grandparents can begin treating your children director of Teach Our Children, be. Many children who are like children. Tell them what and a shadchanis and shidduch “spoiled” end up living nor- to do; don’t ask their opinion. consultant. She can be reached mal and healthy lives. Obvi- Show them love but be firm. at [email protected]. Questions ously, there are those parents Don’t buy them everything and comments for the Dating Forum can be submitted to who give in to their children that they desire. Remember, [email protected]. Read more easily than others. Par- there’s nothing wrong with more of Baila Sebrow’s articles at ents who spoil their children spoiling children a little bit; 5TJT.com. don’t like to say “no” but will becoming too strict can have pretty serious consequences as well, you. Do I stay away from anything 61 especially if you were easygoing and that has anything to do with money? decided to become tougher. The key Can I talk about anything new that Best Healthcare 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 to striking a balance is to always show I’ve purchased? Am I allowed to dis- your children how much you care. MINDBIZ cuss my upcoming trip to Israel this Children who are entitled are usu- By Esther Mann summer? I like to think of myself as ally a bit older. There’s no definitive a sensitive person and I don’t want age, but becoming tougher with them to be insensitive to Chaya, but I also won’t necessarily work. They might don’t want to be so overly cautious overreact, and this can quickly spiral Dear Esther, though I know some people who are that I feel like I have nothing to talk out of control. If you really believe I recently learned that my good like that. I realize that the reason to her about at this point. your children feel entitled, it would friend Chaya and her husband are I’ve been avoiding her is because I I’m afraid of saying or doing the be wise to seek the advice of a men- having some major financial diffi- don’t know what to say—what I’m wrong things. So what are the rules? tal-health professional. It usually culties. Their home is in foreclo- allowed to talk about and what I Frightened does not resolve itself if left alone; on sure, and, generally speaking, they shouldn’t talk about. Dear Frightened, the contrary, it gets worse as they get are in very bad shape financially. I know I can’t keep avoiding her. Rarely are there absolute rules that older. Even though I consider us to be Besides the fact that I’m sure she apply to friendships. And that’s for I would like to address the point pretty good friends, I don’t know the needs her friends around her now obvious reasons. There are so many your husband made about them ma- details regarding how the floor has more than ever, I miss her and want variables to consider; what might be turing as they get older. Approxi- fallen from underneath them and to continue our friendship as before. appropriate within one friendship mately 10 years ago, I was in a shul when things got so very bad. Maybe But I’m thinking that it can’t be the wouldn’t work in another. It’s very in Florida. I ended up sitting behind it’s been going on for a while and I way it was before because so much sensitive of you to recognize the fact two men who looked to be in their just didn’t know. But now I’ve known has changed. We used to go shopping that things have changed dramati- late eighties. They were having a loud for the past month or so. together, and even went on vaca- cally within Chaya’s life and that the discussion about who showers more I’ve been avoiding Chaya since I tions together. At this point, I don’t ripple effects can be huge. But exact- often, but I figured they were joking found out these details about her even know if she can afford to go to ly how and where it will impact your around. A few minutes later, a third life. Not that I’m the type, G-d for- lunch with me anymore. relationship will require a great deal man walked in. The first two looked bid, who can only hang out with suc- I don’t know what the new rules at him and began accusing him of cessful people. That was never me, are. That’s why I’m writing in to Continued on Page 62 (I’m embarrassed to write this) pass- ing gas. They were using an immature term, one used frequently by children in the fourth grade. They didn’t let up. What took the cake was when the third man told them, “I’m telling the rabbi on you!” People do not necessarily mature with age.

At that time, I had an epiphany: People do not necessarily mature with age. These men were just as im- mature as fourth-graders and were not embarrassed. Maturing is a pro- cess that comes from healthy social interaction and observing others, amongst other factors. Happy mo- ments, sad occasions, and even frus- trating circumstances all are oppor- tunities for growth and maturation. The key factor here is how the par- ents deal with a situation. There are always opportunities for parents to help children mature by raising their awareness and sensitivity to what is going on around them. For example, let’s say your daughter witnessed her friend being embarrassed. If you tell her, “Poor kid” and walk away, you’re missing out on a maturing opportuni- ty. Rather, you can say, “I wonder how she felt? Is there anything that could have been done to prevent this from happening?” In this way you’re help- ing your child mature by giving her the opportunity to think about what happened and grow from the experi- ence. „

Rabbi Yitzie Ross is a well-known rebbe and parenting adviser. To sign up for the weekly e-mails and read the comments, visit YidParenting.com. Read more of Rabbi Ross’s articles at 5TJT.com. 62 MINDBIZ tivities that could bond two should be reaching out to money together, you have a So although your instincts Continued from Page 61 individuals. But a friend- Chaya now more than ever. problem. Can you still enjoy thus far have alienated you ship of “being” is about She probably needs a shoul- her company under different from Chaya, I encourage you of introspection on your having real heart-to-heart der to lean on and a friend circumstances? Can you en- to get back into the game. part as you get in touch with conversations, being able to encourage her that she’ll joy a walk on the boardwalk You’re right—she needs her the type of friendship you to connect in a meaningful get through these challeng- as opposed to a lunch out? friends now more than ever. and Chaya have enjoyed. way about who you are, what ing times. If what the two I certainly hope so, though Friends who can be loving, First and foremost, how drives you, what pains you, of you have is authentic, I’m not here to judge the na- supportive, and distract- much of your friendship was what inspires you, etc. you should be reaching out ture of your relationship. ing. And if she wants to talk about “doing,” and how much Do you and Chaya have to her now, consistently Meanwhile, you are defi- about her struggles, listen. of your friendship was about that sort of relationship, and lovingly. Allow her to nitely on to something as If she wants to shield her- “being?” A “doing” friend- wherein you’ve opened up take the lead. If she wants you concern yourself with self from conversations that ship consists of enjoying your hearts to one another in to discuss what’s going on, safe topics to discuss. Ob- might feel shameful for her, activities together, like the a supportive, non-judgmen- things you discussed—shop- tal, beautiful way? If that July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, ping, traveling, eating out. is the basis of your friend- Those are all fun, nice ac- ship, then, by all means, you If she is struggling to pay her electric bill, she doesn’t need to hear about the fur coat

Best Healthcare you ordered.

listen sympathetically. But viously, if she is struggling allow her that opportuni- maybe she just wants to be to pay her electric bill, she ty as well. Just letting her around friends as a means would hardly need to hear know that you’re thinking of of distraction, so that she about the new fur coat you her and you’re there for her doesn’t have to focus all of just ordered. On the other may be one of the most valu- her attention on her fears hand, you don’t want to be able gifts you can give her. for the future. But show up, so overbearingly sensitive Esther be there for her, and provide that you shy away from any the triage that any wounded mundane conversation that Esther Mann, LCSW, is a person would require at this might involve money. For psychotherapist in Hewlett. Esther works with individuals and couples. time, without questions, instance, don’t be afraid to Together with Jennifer Mann, she judgment, or false Pollyan- mention the fact that you also runs the “Navidaters.” She can naish proclamations. ran out of milk and need be reached at [email protected] or If your relationship was to stop off for a carton. I’m 516-314-2295. Read more of Esther mostly based on spending sure you get my drift. Mann’s articles at 5TJT.com. CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES 63 ARE TOLD: “PACK YOUR BAGS!” Best Healthcare 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 ike clockwork, the buses turn ment as small groups of joy form. Coun- down the narrow street, their selors, parents, siblings, campers. Rav Lsteel frames glinting in the sun- Binyamin Eisenberger, shlita, and many light. At the corner, a man in a short other notable community members beard, radio clipped to his hip, waves mingle with the crowd, warmly shak- them onward. The time: 9:00 a.m. The ing campers’ hands and wishing them place: an ordinary school parking lot in a wonderful summer. In the corner of the heart of Boro Park. the yard, a young girl twirls in place, her

The destination? Camp HASC, for mother’s hand gripped in hers. “Shabbos seven weeks of endless care and fun. On Shabbos!” she sings, blissfully ignorant the sidewalk, a mother pushes her son of the day, Wednesday. Her soft blond up to the crowded, noisy lot. Plush mini curls are pulled back neatly in a bun, bunny rabbits are clipped cheerfully to a smattering of freckles dance across the wheelchair frame around him, but the bridge of her nose. At her side stand his smile, ear to ear, is what captures at- tention. The crowd buzzes with excite- Continued on Page 64 64 PACK YOUR BAGS! Continued from Page 63

two counselors in powder-blue camp shirts, faces mirroring her open, endless glee. “The counselors are ,” says her mother. “This is her third year and she looks forward to camp all year. All year, she’s singing camp songs.” Fayge Shapiro* weaves through the crowd, looking more like a coordinator than a parent as she helps direct foot traffi c. July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, Her son has been going to camp er on the bottom.” Beside her, will be there when he arrives. for fi ve years now. “He’s really her friend holds the camper’s Over and over he repeats him- adorable—he must be the most backpack. It’s her fi rst year as self as the child stares brave- photographed child at Camp a counselor at Camp HASC. Is ly forward, locked in his own HASC,” she says as she proudly she nervous? She shrugs off the world. Each and every morning points him out, a lively boy right question with, “We had training since Chanukah, this boy insist- in the center of the crowd who the week before camp and ori- ed his mother pack his suitcase commands the warm attention entation, so I feel comfortable. for Camp HASC. Now, the day Best Healthcare of three counselors around him. They explained that there’s al- was fi nally here! At last, his suit- “It’s his place. Aside from the ways someone around if you case was on its way—with him in break Camp HASC gives to the need extra help. And I’m just tow—to Camp HASC, the happi- parents and families—which is really excited.” est place in the mountains. so, so important—it’s the hap- A coach bus pulls up and Camp HASC is a summer piness, the happiness you can crouches down with a hiss. As program for children and adults Camp HASC welcomes arrivals almost touch that makes Camp one, an orderly pocket of par- with intellectual and physi- HASC such a magical place.” credible counselors at work. It’s the whole time. It’s intense, but ents, counselors, and campers cal disabilities. Camp HASC Sarah Bennet’s* sister is one heaven on earth, really! When it’s just so . . . amazing. There’s no head towards it. is unique in its ability to meet of Camp HASC’s oldest camp- we go up to visit her there’s al- other way to describe it!” To the side of the door, a young the complex personal, social, ers. She has been going to camp ways such joy, everywhere.” “It’s four counselors for every autistic boy sways, his small therapeutic, and medical needs for 35 years. And Sarah also de- And what do the incredible three campers,” the counselor pudgy hands fi rmly gripping the of its special-needs campers, scribes Camp HASC as a place counselors have to say? “This is next to her explains, her hand handle of his roll-on luggage. Be- who enjoy a seven-week sleep- of pure happiness. “Everyone my second year. My fi rst year, I gripping a young boy’s. “This side him, his counselor stands away-camp experience. should experience it, at least thought I’d be more nervous,” one way, there’s always one coun- patiently. Gently he murmurs Camp HASC could use a once, to appreciate the level of counselor admits with a small selor per camper if one of us that the suitcase goes in the pile break, too. Please support its happiness there. To experience smile. “But there’s no time to be needs a break. We sleep in bunk closet up the spaces on either work by calling 845-292-6821, the atmosphere. To see the in- nervous—you’re so busy doing beds—counselor on top, camp- side of the periods. the suitcase or visit camphasc.org. „ 65

MAN REUNITES Best Healthcare 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 WITH THE RESCUERS WHO SAVED HIM Hatzalah United FROM DEATH tai Shukrun, a healthy able to have taken part in sav- 35-year-old from Kiryat ing the life of this young man IAtta with no previous car- due to the quick response of our diac issues, suddenly collapsed volunteers and the expert level at home. Worried family mem- of care that they provided. We bers called United Hatzalah were overwhelmed with joy to emergency services and the meet Itai and his family once organization’s Dispatch and again after he was released Command Center sent an alert from the hospital with a clean to the closest responders in bill of health. We wish him and Itai’s vicinity. his family a full recovery and The United Hatzalah volunteers who responded to save Itai’s life United Hatzalah ambucycle only the best of health.” „ meet Itai and his family following Itai’s recovery volunteer Yisrael Menachem raced to the location and was the fi rst responder to arrive at the scene in just a few mo- ments. Menachem immediate- ly recognized that Itai had no pulse and was not breathing. Without losing a moment, he attached a defi brillator and began chest compressions. Itai received numerous shocks from the defi brillator while Menachem continued with a full-scale CPR as other volun- teers arrived to join the eff ort. A mobile intensive care am- bulance team came sometime later and joined the fi ght to save Itai’s life. Itai was transported in critical condition to Ram- bam medical center in Haifa where he underwent continu- ing treatment. Towards the end of the week, Itai awoke and was doing so well that he was released from the hospital. Recently, the United Hatzalah volunteers who fought to save his life were in- vited by Itai and his family for a moving and emotional reunion, during which the volunteers told Itai how the drama unfold- ed from their perspective. Itai and his family expressed their gratitude to the volunteers for their help in saving Itai’s life. Carmel region chapter head of United Hatzalah, Nafta- li Rotenberg, said: “Our vol- unteers, like their brethren throughout the country, provide emergency medical fi rst-re- sponse care that saves lives. This takes place all year long, each and every day. Thankfully, in this instance as well, we are Remember that article? Visit our archive section and find any issue of the 5 Towns Jewish Times online @ www.5TJT.com 66 KIDS OF COURAGE TAKES MIAMI t’s kickoff time! For Kids of Beach, Florida. tion that creates bright smiles Courage, supporting sick It’s their 8th year running, and incredible experiences for Ichildren and their fami- walking, and rolling through seriously ill children—and will lies is their core mission. With the marathon, and you can al- turn their dreams into reality, amazing trips, community ready feel the excitement! On mile by mile. events, electrifying weekends, Sunday, January 27, 2019, Kids Runners and walkers from and the greatest team through of Courage will join thousands across the country will come it all, K.O.C. does what it takes of individuals and teams at the together with K.O.C. and Team to bring kids joy and adven- Fitbit Miami Marathon and Courage for a 4-day/3-night ture, no matter the diagnosis. Half Marathon, as part of a stay at a 5-star luxury hotel on As K.O.C. celebrates their 10th fun, inspiring, and courageous the beautiful beaches of Mi- year, the organization laces weekend. The funds raised to ami, stepping off their fl ight July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, up for another action-packed compete with Race for Cour- and into custom K.O.C. gear. marathon weekend in Miami age will go toward an organiza- The fully catered weekend in- Best Healthcare

cludes all meals, an uplifting the Race for Courage team, we Shabbos experience, K.O.C.’s are thrilled to see the sense famous pre-race pasta party, of community that will take victory party, admission to the place!” marathon or half-marathon, Along with the Miami air, and the opportunity to meet your participation in this won- their courageous campers and derful event will warm the dedicated volunteers. hearts of Couragers even be- “It’s bound to be our biggest fore the start line. Get a head year yet,” says Howie Kafk a, start and register today at co-founder of Kids of Courage, RaceForCourage.org for the ex- Kids Of Courage previous marathon participants “with over 100 people joining perience of a lifetime. „ 67

PRESIDENT OF ISRAEL HONORS PUAH WITH 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 PRESTIGIOUS PRESIDENT’S AWARD, RECOGNIZES PUAH VOLUNTEERS’ CONTRIBUTION TO SOCIETY eople whose lives are dedi- us so much encouragement. Thank cated to helping the public you, honored President and members P understand that chesed is of the committee, for recognizing its own reward. Still, every now and PUAH as an organization that rep- then, it’s nice to be acknowledged for resents the highest level of volun- your hard work and devotion. teerism, selfless giving, and contri- It’s especially nice when that ac- bution to society.” knowledgment comes from no less Mrs. Miriam David, chairperson of than the President of Israel. Women for PUAH and one of PUAH’s This past week, PUAH was one most veteran volunteers, accepted of 12 recipients of the prestigious the award on behalf of PUAH’s volun- President’s Award for Community teers. Miriam is a prime example of Service at a special ceremony hosted what a volunteer can accomplish: for by President Reuven Rivlin and his years, she has not only been dedicat- wife. This annual ceremony honors ing her talents and energies to help- volunteers who have made signif- ing PUAH, both in Israel and abroad, icant contributions to society in a but also helping to deliver babies at variety of areas of social service, in- Shaarei Tzedek! cluding health, security, immigrant In an inspiring touch, Miriam assistance, environmental aware- walked up on stage together with ness, physical education, and more. the newest and youngest member of PUAH, the global fertility orga- PUAH’s volunteer staff, Rabbi Meir nization with internationally rec- Silman, who has chosen to do his Prof. Suzie Navot, Chairwoman of the Rabbi Meir Silman and Ms. Miriam ognized experts on fertility and Advisory Committee, Ms. Miriam Ben-David, Ben-David, Puah Institute, received the sheirut leumi, government-mandated halachah, has been helping couples and Israeli President Reuven Rivlin Medal of the second generation of volunteers community service years, at PUAH. achieve their dream of a family for After Miriam received the award from over 30 years. With offices in both Rav Menachem Burstein, director of shows our dedicated staff, as well President Rivlin, the veteran volun- Israel and the U.S., PUAH provides PUAH, reacted with emotion to the as the greater public, how much our teer handed it over to the youngest comprehensive guidance and assis- award presentation. services are necessary and valued. volunteer, in a beautiful example of tance to both couples and individuals “For thirty years, we’ve had the To know that our hard work and ef- passing the torch to the new genera- and also educates the general public, zechut to provide assistance and forts are being recognized on a gov- tion of givers, and a real tribute to the promoting awareness about fertili- guidance to every person who turns ernmental level—and especially by selfless giving that’s at the heart of ty issues affecting our community. to us for help, at no cost. This award the president himself—gives all of everyone involved in PUAH. „ 68 ROCHELLE'S Would you like to have a chevrusah REVIEWS By Rochelle Miller where you can be learning cutting edge issues in Torah and Shas?

Would you like to learn CARE, COMFORT, through Shas COMMUNITY: in depth - but quickly?

Would you like someone THE HALLMARK to help you write OF THE PREMIER your own sefer on any topic? estled in the heart of Woodmere like a pre- July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, Ncious gem, the Five Towns Premier Rehabilita- If any of these interest you, tion and Nursing Center re- please email learntorahandshas@gmail. sembles an upscale fi ve-star com. Limited slots available. hotel rather than a rehabilita- tion facility. Exquisitely land- scaped grounds off er visitors a fragrant and lovely welcome, bidding them to enter the el- egant environs. The Premier features a custom curated color palette that matches the gorgeous design for a brand identity that is truly unique among nursing homes. Stately and sophisticated, the Premier is an aesthetic delight that is enhancing the landscape of our community by off ering residents quality, individualized, and special- ized services and programs in long-term care, short-term rehabilitation, and sub-acute care. At the Premier, residents re- ceive a custom recovery plan based on the initial evaluation through fi nal discharge, de- signed to enable them to re- gain their independence when engaging in daily living activ- ities. Off ering physical, occu- pational, and speech therapy on a daily basis, seven days a week, the Premier’s dedicat- ed team works in tandem to ensure that every resident can achieve his respective goals. Lauded for their per- son-centric approach to care, the Premier care team mem- bers apply progressive therapy approaches in their signature warm and nurturing manner. “My responsibility for every patient who arrives at the Pre- mier is not only to ensure the fi nest in patient care, but also to provide the best possible patient experience in rehab,” says Elie Pollack, administra- tor of the Premier. Cognizant that the envi- ronment is as key to the pa- tient’s recovery as the reha- bilitation itself, the facility boasts a 4,800-square-foot health-club-style rehab gym, equipped with cutting-edge technology and equipment to service a wide range of patient needs. Comprised of physi- cal, occupational, and speech therapists, the interdisciplin- ary team works together to create a program customized

Continued on Page 70 69 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 70 ROCHELLE’S REVIEWS provides an incredibly warm and nur- All-Female EMS Team Wins Award Continued from Page 68 turing environment within which to live a full life and be accorded respect to each resident’s needs with the goal and kindness. Peerless in their dedi- of returning home as soon as possible. cation, the nursing staff members care “The most fulfi lling part of my job is for each resident with “the Premier watching a patient who was admitted Touch,” imbuing them with dignity of in a wheelchair walk out the front door the spirit and a sense of self-worth. to go home,” says Sharon Zisholtz, di- Among the services available to long- rector of rehab. term residents are 24-hour nursing July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6,

Although care, comfort, and commu- Ezras Nashim, an all-female Hatzolah team, received an EMS agency nity are the hallmarks of this exempla- of the year award from the Regional EMS Council of New York City for ry facility, compassion is an integral aspect of their philosophy. Few life-al- participation in and commitment to the improvement of the emergency tering decisions are as heartbreaking as medical service system of NYC. Judge Ruchie Freier spoke at the ceremo- the realization that a loved one can no ny held at REMSCO Regional EMS Council of NYC, 475 Riverside Drive, longer be cared for properly at home. New York, NY. Should that be the case, the Premier

Shulamith student delivers vase of roses to Premier resident

Enjoying time on the Premier patio

care, palliative care, respite care, OT, PT and speech therapies, as well as pain management. The Premier provides a full spec- trum of specialized medical services, including a ventilator unit, in-house di- alysis, dementia, and wound care. The on-site dialysis center off ers the latest in hemodialysis technology in a beauti- ful, immaculate, state-of-the-art facili- ty. Staff ed by board-certifi ed nephrolo- gists and caring nursing personnel, the 14-chair dialysis center at the Premier is open fi ve shifts per day, six days a week. Premier is one of a select few facilities in New York off ering dialysis for ventilator-dependent residents. For residents with respiratory or pulmonary challenges, the Premier’s world-class ventilator unit is equipped with piped-in oxygen, with round-the- clock care provided by a highly trained interdisciplinary respiratory team. HEARING AIDS ARE GETTING SMARTER 71 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018

BY DR. ESTHER FOGEL Comprehensive Audiology ast month, Comprehensive Audiology held an open house Lto introduce Widex EVOKE, the world’s first intelligent hearing aid. This breakthrough innovation in hearing technology uses advanced machine learning to understand your preferences each time you personal- ize your listening experience. Like a GPS, EVOKE is constantly reacting to your environment by adjusting the device in real time to suit your hear- ing needs. Using the fastest and stron- Dr. Esther Fogel gest processing technology available today, EVOKE facilitates natural and rechargeable batteries for added con- effortless hearing in the most diffi- venience. cult listening environments and grows In our era of smart technology, don’t smarter as you use it. Imagine a hear- leave your hearing aids behind. Call to- ing aid that can optimize your hearing day to hear the diff erence yourself! „ Featuring the plethora of pal- is a journalist, creative media consultant, better and faster than you can! Not one ate-pleasing healthy menu options, lecturer, and educator, and writes for to compromise comfort or aesthetics, Comprehensive Audiology is located at 261 magazines, newspapers, websites, and private Broadway in Lynbrook. Appointments can be dining at the Premier is an experience clients. She welcomes your comments at the EVOKE hearing aid also comes in made by calling 516-387-4000 or e-mailing the community is cordially invited to [email protected]. Read more of a variety of colors and sizes, can be fit- [email protected]. Follow on savor. Masterfully prepared to accom- Rochelle Miller’s articles at 5TJT.com. ted inside or behind the ear, and uses Facebook, Linkedin, or Google. modate a wide range of tastes and di- etary restrictions, meals are planned and served under the direction of a registered dietitian and served in restaurant-style dining areas. All meals are cooked exclusively in the facility’s kosher kitchen, under the strict supervision of the Vaad of the Five Towns. “Every detail of the Premier was planned, designed, and constructed to be open to the Five Towns commu- nity,” explains Daniel Schaffer, exec- utive director of the Premier. “As the only rehab and nursing facility in the Five Towns, and the only facility un- der the Five Towns Vaad, we are com- mitted to integrating with and serving the neighborhood. Our community room is open for events. Our beauti- ful in-house shul is open for davening. We are privileged to have Rabbi Heshy Blumstein as our rav. Soon, our gour- met lobby coffee shop will welcome patrons as well. We are also planning to present lectures to the public. In October, the Premier’s owners will dedicate a sefer Torah at a gala chanu- kas ha’bayis to which the community is cordially invited.” “Our goal is for the Premier to be integrated into the community with programming and involvement from local schools, shuls, and organiza- tions,” says Riki Gewirtz, patient rep- resentative and community liaison. “Every resident is cared for and knows that someone cares. This past Shabbos afternoon, we started a Shabbos party at 3 o’clock for the community. Many children, accompanied by their par- ents, came for snack and conversation with the residents. The children and residents loved it! We will be doing it every week!” The Premier welcomes all inquiries. Please feel free to reach out to the ad- missions staff during offi ce hours, from 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 516-588-3200, ext. 1041, to schedule a consultation or a personal tour of the beautiful facility. „

Rochelle Maruch Miller is a contributing editor for the Five Towns Jewish Times. She 72 COMMUNITY NEWS Graduate School of Yeshiva the Mirrer Yeshiva in New the quality of education in the Friends Of The Continued from Page 22 University. York. Jewish community at large.” IDF Long Island Dr. Leiman earned his doc- “It is a privilege to have this Touro’s program will off er a Supporter Joins lectual inquiry,” said Dr. Alan torate from the Department esteemed scholar and teacher specialization in modern Jew- ‘Fun Day’ For Kadish, president of Touro of Oriental Studies at the Uni- join our faculty and work side ish studies—sixteenth century 5,000 Israeli Lone College and University System. versity of Pennsylvania and by side with our students as to the present day. In future Soldiers “This program is an important has served as Skirball Fellow they embark on their doctoral years, this specialization will Friends of the Israel De- step towards fulfi lling that vi- in Judaic Studies at the Oxford studies and research,” said Dr. be supplemented with a spe- fense Forces (FIDF) New York sion.” Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Kadish. cialization in medieval Jewish Young Leadership supporter President Kadish also an- Studies, Lady Davis Fellow and “It is Touro’s commitment studies. Ashley Emrani of Great Neck nounced the full time appoint- Visiting Professor of Bible at to academic excellence in Jew- Since the school’s inception was among those who joined ment of Dr. Shnayer (Sid) the Hebrew University, and as ish Studies that attracted me in 1981, more than 1,500 stu- some 5,000 Israel Defense Leiman, a leading scholar in Visiting Professor of Jewish and I am honored to become dents have graduated from the Forces (IDF) lone soldiers— Jewish Studies, to the facul- History at Harvard University. a member of its faculty,” said various branches of the Grad- those with no immediate fam- ty of GSJS as Distinguished Prior to his arrival at Brooklyn Dr. Leiman. “I look forward uate School of Jewish Studies. ily in Israel—for a “Fun Day” July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, Professor of Jewish History College and Yeshiva Univer- to working together with the Many have assumed positions last week at Israel’s largest wa- and Literature. Dr. Leiman is sity, he served as Professor of graduate faculty, and to men- of leadership in academia, terpark just outside Tel Aviv professor emeritus of Jewish Jewish History and Literature toring doctoral students while Jewish education, and Jewish for a day of rest and recupera- History and Literature in the at Yale University, where he learning much from them in communal service in the Unit- tion. Department of Judaic Studies administered graduate and un- the process. I am confi dent that ed States, Israel, Europe, and The Fun Day was hosted at Brooklyn College of the City dergraduate programs in Juda- Touro’s doctoral students will Canada. For further informa- by FIDF in partnership with University of New York, and ic Studies. Dr. Leiman earned contribute signifi cantly to Jew- tion on Touro College, please the IDF and Yachad Le’maan teaches at the Bernard Revel his rabbinic ordination from ish scholarship, teaching, and go to Touro.edu/news. „ Ha’chayal (the Association for the Wellbeing of Israel’s Sol- diers and the LIBI Fund). For the fi rst time ever, the organi- zations also hosted an addi- tional Fun Day for 5,000 front- line IDF combat soldiers at the waterpark last Thursday. “To know that we were able to make this happen means the world, and we only hope to do more,” Emrani said. There are some 7,000 lone soldiers from 80 coun- tries serving in the IDF to- day. About 925 come from the United States, 639 from Ukraine, 559 from Russia, and Thank you 545 from France. Sixty-sev- en percent of lone soldiers are men, while 33 percent to all our are women. Some 59 per- cent of lone soldiers serve in combat or combat-support loyal clients roles. FIDF cares for all lone soldiers serving in the IDF through the Lone Soldiers Program, which supports for continuing them financially, socially, and emotionally during and af- ter their challenging military to put your service. FIDF also sponsors flights for lone soldiers to vis- it their families and friends in trust in us. their countries of origin. The FIDF Fun Day at the Shefayim Water Park benefi t- ed lone soldiers from all IDF units. In addition to the park’s many attractions, the Fun Day featured a pool party with lead- ing Israeli DJ Eran Barnea, game and fi tness areas, an all- day smorgasbord of barbeque and desserts, and a special performance by popular Israe- li band Hatikva 6. Likewise, the front-line IDF combat sol- diers enjoyed performances by Israeli rapper Tuna and the musical duo Static and Ben El Tavori the following day. The lone soldiers also received es- sential information about life after their military service, including about the FIDF IM- PACT! Scholarship Program, which grants college scholar- ships to Israeli combat veter- ans of modest means. In addition to the lone sol- diers, IDF unit command- 74 olim, with the youngest oleh only 73 eight months old.

“The next eight weeks are our bus- 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 iest and most exciting time of year as we work round the clock helping nearly 2,000 olim realize their dream of aliyah,” said co-founder and execu- tive director of Nefesh B’Nefesh Rab- bi Yehoshua Fass. “We wish each and every one of today’s 100 olim, who are kickstarting our summer aliyah Nir Buxenbaum Photography Nir season, a smooth acclimation as they Two IDF lone soldiers arrive for Fun Day build their new lives in the Jewish homeland.” The new olim come from a variety of cities from all over North America including Miami, Boulder, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta, Chi- Ben Kelmer cago, Baltimore, Toronto, and New York. These group flights precede the two Nefesh B’Nefesh charter aliyah flights, the first landing July 25 and New Nefesh B’Nefesh olim arriving in Israel Nir Buxenbaum Photography Buxenbaum Photography Nir the second landing August 15, as well we’re finally here!” said Shira Lankin be here and to Nefesh B’Nefesh for FIDF National Director and CEO Maj. Gen. as several more group flights sched- Sheps, who made aliyah with her making it so easy.” (Res.) Meir Klifi -Amir with former lone uled during the summer months. family from Fair Lawn, New Jersey. Over 50% of new olim move to Isra- soldiers who now serve in the IDF’s reserves “My husband and I have been des- “The reality of the situation keeps el during the summer months, which and also benefi t from the FIDF IMPACT! Scholarship Program perate to make aliyah for the longest hitting me in the little moments. I is a natural transition period for them time. Suddenly, the end of the prepa- can’t believe how lucky I am, and I’m to settle into their homes and prepare ers, non-commissioned officers, rations just crept up on us, and now so appreciative of the opportunity to for the upcoming year. „ high-ranking military officials, and FIDF supporters also attended the Fun Day festivities to meet and personally thank these brave men and women in uniform for serving despite numerous challenges. The two Fun Days kicked off the sec- ond annual IDF Appreciation Week, June 27–July 8, which benefi ts more than 50,000 soldiers. During the week- long series of events, FIDF is also send- ing four ice-cream trucks to visit more than 24,000 soldiers on IDF combat bases across the country. „ Nefesh B’Nefesh Brings 100 New Olim In First Summer Group Flight Ben Kelmer Ben Kelmer

Sheps family

Nefesh B’Nefesh, in cooperation with the Ministry of Aliyah and Inte- gration, The Jewish Agency, KKL-JNF, and JNF-USA, welcomed 98 new olim on Tuesday. Five diff erent El Al fl ights carrying olim from Toronto, Miami, Los Angeles, JFK, and Newark arrived throughout the day at Ben Gurion Air- port. The Newark group fl ight contained 74 special events. Campers can stay informed about current happenings while keeping hy- AROUND THE 5 TOWNS drated. “It’s always a priority to get campers and staff to drink enough water while they are Avnet Campers sonalized water bottles. In- busy with activities,” said Di- Are Happy troduced at Avnet in the sum- rector Daniel Stroock. “We’re To Hydrate mer of 2017, the fi rst-edition fortunate that HALB’s wa- How do you entice almost water bottles featured photos ter fountains are equipped 1,000 campers and over 300 of the Woodmere campus to with water-bottle fi lling sta- staff members to drink wa- get campers excited for their tions. Aside from encouraging ter? The creative solution at new home. This year, the up- healthy habits, we were also HALB’s Avnet Country Day dated 2018 design displays the inspired by our campers when July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, School was to distribute per- schedule of weekly trips and producing this year’s design. Children always want to know their schedule, and now we’ve given it to them in an easily ac- cessible and useful form.” The response from parents and campers has been en- thusiastic. The Avnet team is pleased to see their campers toting their bottles and enjoy- ing their schedule. „ Camp Shira Gets Its Game On Camp Shira, the hottest new girls’ camp in town, delivered on all of the pre-summer hype during the last two weeks as the camp launched out of Shu- Avnet campers staying hydrated lamith.

Camp Shira campers begin a summer to sing about! The fi rst week of camp got visions. The juniors (entering off to a fast start with a trip to nursery–1st grade) bookended Hot Skates, a comedy magic the July 4th break with a trip show, and a rocking, glow-in- to Spring Gymnastics on Tues- the-dark Shloime Kaufman day and a show from the Torah concert on Friday. All of that Tots on Thursday. was somehow squeezed into The senior division (en- an action-packed week that tering 2nd–5th) enjoyed a also included Shira’s amazing bowling trip, Picture Day, and specialties and activities like Olympics throughout the week wacky science, jewelry-mak- where they earned gold, silver, ing, art, Jewmba, and more! and bronze medals for their The summer theme is “Get teams—USA and Israel! Your Game On at Camp Shi- Meanwhile, the extreme di- ra,” and week one was all about vision (entering 6th and 7th board games! Junior campers grades) had their fi rst late- enjoyed a life-size board game night activity and barbecue with giant dice where they as well as an awesome es- were the game pieces, and the cape-room outing! This week- older campers earned Shira end they plan to rest up for “Monopoly” dollars that they their fi rst overnight next week cashed in at a Chinese auction to Clementon Water Park! for bunk prizes! Camp Shira comprises girls All of Camp Shira’s wonder- from across the Five Towns, ful campers also enjoyed the Far Rockaway, West Hemp- infl atable water slides on cam- stead, and Brooklyn. Girls pus and the top-notch instruc- from Shulamith, TAG, Ateres tional swim. Miriam, and numerous oth- The grand concert by Shlo- er schools are unified within ime Kaufman on the fi rst erev the bunks. The camp closed Shabbos of camp really got out almost all bunks and even things off and running at Camp staff positions two months Shira, proving that Shira tru- before the summer, which al- ly provides a summer to sing lowed the head staff to focus about! on delivering a superb sum- During week two, the excite- ment continued for all three di- Continued on Page 83 75 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018



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July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, SBG Moving LLC Local & Long Distance. Insured, Full service moving company. We pack and Boro Park Ladies & Children Coat Gemach accepting move full houses. Call Shalom at 347-276-7422 for gently used coats in excellent condition. Woodmere drop-off . free in house quote. We are a Far Rockaway based company. 718-972-3699 Simchas Naava Share your simcha fl owers! Be Small beginners Siddurim, and Shabbos m’sameach other simchas! Donate your fresh fl ower guidebooks, both in Russian, are available for you to arrangements! We will match your simcha date with simchas distribute. following yours or deliver them to nursing home residents. Please call Tashbar Publications at To donate or obtain fl ower arrangements call 718-438-9025 (leave message with address, IY”H we 516-239-6066 will mail them to you for free). In memory of a special friend, Naava Wassner Katlowitz New Table and Chair Gemach for shortterm simchas. 740 Mador Ct, Far Rockaway. Call 718-471-0368 Retired public school teacher available to tutor men HELP WANTED and boys in Heberw, English and/or Yiddish in the 5 Towns. Recession buster. Call 718-552-5525 G’mach Chasdei Yisroel—Lending money to Part time Secretary and Receptionists people in Klei Kodesh and for Klei Kodesh purposes. In the positions available in Far Rockaway, Cedarhurst and Far Rockaway-Five Towns area. Woodmere. Basic computer skills and strong communicative Please call 917-822-9910 for more info. skills required. 855- Job, Or email [email protected]. Call Ohel at send your resume to In Memory of R’Yisroel Ben Binyamin, a”h [email protected]/careers Counselors needed to work with men or women with Personal Chavrusa available for learning and developmental disabilities or psychiatric disabilities living growing understanding the eauty of our Torah. Experience in group residences in Hewlett, Cedarhurst and Lawrence. of many years in delivering shiurim to Baalei Batim and all Ability to speak and write English required. Valid driver’s those interested in learning. Reasonable hourly rate. This is license required for some positions. Great Salary plus a project of Kollel Tiferes Avos. Call 718-316-3874 or benefi ts!! call Rabbi Dov Bressler 718-327-8903. (Payments are Contact Ohel at 855-Ohel Job, online at tax deductible.) www.ohelfamily.org/careers Study with Steve. One-on-one tutoring. SAT Math P/T Cook prep, regents, high school and elementary math, high Plan and prepare kosher meals for men with developmental school physics. Call 516-371-5522 disabilities in a residential setting Cedarhurst. Knowledge of kashrus a must. Menadvim — Furniture and Appliances. Like new to Contact Ohel at 855-Ohel Job, online at Donate and Receive. www.ohelfamily.org/careers Call 718-MEN-ADVIm (718-636-2384) We deliver Ganeinu Preschool, Reggio inspired program in Queens, looking for a motivated Teacher and Boro Park Ladies Hat Gemach accepting your gently Assistant, for UPK/ nursery classroom. Minimum 2 used weekday and Shabbos hats. Woodmere and Kew years’ experience. Gardens Hills drop-off s. 718-972-3211 Please contact [email protected] Kol Tefi los Gemach — Beautiful Tefi los School For Children With Autism In Brooklyn is looking for: Pamphlet To Rent For The Chupah Certifi ed Lead Teacher — Requires Masters In Donations To Yad Batya L’kallah Call Rochel Special Education. Classroom 718-258-0415 Or Chaya 718-986-0594 Experience A Must!! Teachers’ Assistant — Requires BA In Related Field. Unreal Flowers LLC — Faux fl ower centerpiece Full-Time Receptionist: Must Be Effi cient In rentals for any occasion. Call or text Elisheva Microsoft Offi ce Great Phone And Writing Skills, Tech Savvy. 516-578-6317 for more details. Monday-Thursday: 8:30 - 5:00, Friday- 8:30 - 1:30. Physical Therapist: Masters Or Doctorate Degree In Gemach for Bilirubin Lights Available-if needed for your Physical Therapy. newborn. Call or text 516-234-8865 Gym/Phys Ed Instructor — Monday- Thursday 12:00-2:00 Experienced Rebbe available to learn any limudei Educational Supervisor — Requires Masters In kodesh subject with you or your son. References available. Related Field For Supervision And Curriculum Development. 917-842-2587, [email protected] Monday-Thursday 8:30-4:00, Friday 8:30-1 Lmhc/Lcsw/School Psychologist Gemach special for simcha. We provide for you If you are interested, please email your resume to excellent speaker plus MP3 full of Jewish music, plus excellent [email protected]. mike system. Call 718-600-4559 By Subject — Indicate the position you are interested in. 77 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018

In House Salesman — Wholesale supply house in Assistant Teachers Secretary — Yeshiva in Queens Computer ,bkkpg, Lawrence — Lg Home, Lg property. 5BR, 4Bths, Fin Farmingdale NY is looking to hire an energetic behind the CAHAL is seeking Assistant Teachers for classes multi task Call 718 644-4048 Bsmt, Attic. Needs updating. Convenient location counter salesman. Good pay + commissions. will for all elementary school grades in 5-Towns/Far Rock ...... $875K train, Transpiration from Queens provided. yeshivas. F/T or P/T, AM or PM. Boys’ Yeshiva high school in Brooklyn with a E-mail your resume to [email protected] or call Renah Bell Century 21 Am Homes 516- Email resume [email protected] legacy of excellence, looking for Teachers in all subjects 516-295-3666 for information 295-5844, [email protected] Hebrew Academy of Long Beach, Woodmere, NY seeks the for upcoming 2017-2018 school year. Please email following Middle School positions for 2018-2019: Hamaspik is seeking community Habilitation resume to [email protected] Lawrence — Exclusive! — The Regency FT/PT Limudei Kodesh Morah, Technical staff to work day hours, evenings and weekends in the — Please Call Irene For Your Private Viewing. Magnifi c ent, Five Towns, Queens, Far Rockaway & long Island, with Support Specialist, and STEM Teacher. Large, Nassau County Orthodox Shul seeks part time Newly Built Condominium Building With Full Concierge Resumes to: [email protected] high-functioning developmentally disabled adults, children bookkeeper Shul experience, familiarity with Shul and teens. Shabbos staff also needed for Cedarhurst, Far Service, Doorman, Personal Parking Valet, Indoor/Outdoor Cloud and knowledge of Sage/Peachtree a plus. Please reply Bais Yaakov Ateres Miriam is seeking teachers and Rockaway & Lawrence. Drivers’ license a plus. Mileage will Heated Pool & Jacuzzi, Full Gym, Card Room, Banquet assistant teachers interested in working in a growth be reimbursed. to: [email protected] Room, Wine Cellar That Doubles As A Second Banquet oriented and warm atmosphere for the coming school year. Please call Yehudis: 718-408-5417 Room, Parking, and Separate Storage Rooms Included. Pugatch Realty Corp., in Woodmere, is looking to Please email resume to for more details Regal, Elevator Building With Heated Circular Drive. Just hire and train a select group of motivated Realtors. If [email protected] A Few Large Luxury 2BR Apartments Still Available, With Mazel Day School in Brooklyn is seeking certifi ed General you are looking to build a career in real estate, or looking to Wood & Granite Kitchens W/Island & Stainless Steel Yeshiva Ketana of Queens is looking for a Second Studies Teachers, Grades Kindergarten take your existing career to the next level, there is no better grade teacher. Monday-Thursday 1:30-4:30. — 4th, for the 2018-19 school year. Salary is competitive. Appliances, Living Room, Dining Room, & Private Terraces place to start than the #1 Real Estate Brokerage in the Five Warm enthusiastic environment. Good pay. Please email resume to [email protected] Irene Steiner Direct—516-652-7099 Pugatch Please call 917-742-8909 and email resume to Towns. Call Today 516-295-3000 x 128. All calls kept Hebrew speaking business Realty Corp Email—[email protected] [email protected] confi dential. intelligence associate. Must speak Hebrew Continued on Page 78 Total Family Care is growing! Immediate FT and English, on the job training. Please send resumes to Medical Front Desk Receptionist. [email protected] Responsibilities include greeting patients, answering Special Ed school in Flatbush seeks: phones, collecting paperwork and authorizations School Psychologist, team player, set for billing, verifying insurances, collecting copays, up behavioral management programs, work scheduling and confi rming appointments, and scanning with individual and groups of students. Email: to insurance records. Qualifi c ations: Warm, friendly [email protected] personality to engage with our mothers, babies, teens and professional staff . Must be profi c ient with computer Special Ed Director data base in health care. Excellent compensation, Responsibility: Curriculum Designer both health, vacation and other benefi ts. Submit resume to Judaic and secular studies, [email protected] Individual curriculum as needs, Staff training, Innovative, visionary. Orthodox synagogue seeking part time offi ce Requirement: Masters Special Ed and Education help, 20 hours weekly. Excel, Word, Data Entry. Detail Administration or SLP Backgroup oriented, multi-tasking and communicate in a fast paced Email Resume: environment. [email protected] Apply [email protected] Offi ce located in Cedarhurst looking for temp for Retail Sales Associate in Cedarhurst. Assist Bookkeeping position starting in November (30 customers, hard worker, maintain the sales fl oor. Please hours/week for 8 weeks). Computer skills a must. Familiarity email [email protected], Or text only with Quickbooks a plus. 954-558-6658 E-mail resume to [email protected] 78 CLASSIFIED ADS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Continued from Page 77 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE

REAL ESTATE Lawrence — Spacious 6BR Colonial Close To Far Lawrence — New Listing, Very Large & Spacious Hewlett — New Listing — Lovely 5BR, 3Bth Rockaway With Large Eat In Kitchen With Island, Lg 8BR Split Level Home On Lot Size 103 x 118, New Flooring, Exp-Ranch In SD#20, Formal DR, EIK, Den/Family Rm, Full FOR SALE Library, Formal Dining Room, Large Living Room, Finished Windows & Bathrooms, 2 Car Garage, CAC, EIK, Formal LR & Fin Bsmt, Porch & Deck ...... $849K Basement. Heated In Ground Pool ...... $2.395M DR, Lower Level Den W/Fplc ...... $1.450M www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 www/pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Irene Steiner Direct—516-652-7099 Pugatch Lawrence — Exclusive — The Regency Lawrence — New Exclusive — First Show Realty Corp Email—[email protected] — Beautiful Second Floor, 1BR, 1.5Bth, Apt With Terrace Far Rockaway — New Listing — Colonial, by owner, — Open House by Appt — Beautiful Co-op. 4BR, 2.5Bths, Full Fin. Basement, LR/ Den, Deck-off DR, In Luxurious Condominium. Wood & Granite Kitchen With Lawrence — Exquisitely Crafted 3+ Bedroom Center Freshly painted, Spacious, 2BR, Kosher Kitchen, Sunk-in LR/ Huge EIK w/ Granite Counters, Garage, Inc. Producing Apt, DR in beautiful elevator bldg. Parking, prime location, Granite Island & Stainless Steel Appliances. Parking, and Hall Colonial With High End Fixtures. Clive Christine Wood 3 zone Central AC/ Heat, All Systems, Low Taxes, Near All, walk all ...... $225K Storage Are Included. Gym, Party Room, Wine Cellar, Card and Granite Eat In Kitchen With Granite Island, Den, Large Won’t Last. Call for Details 646-285-5352 Call Joan 516-319-4482 Room, Year Round Heated Pool, Concierge, Parking Valet Formal Dining Room, Large Formal Living Room With and Doorman. Won’t Last! ...... $525K Five Town Homes Realty 516-569-5710 Beautiful Fireplace, Large Study/Bedroom with Private Cedarhurst — Price Reduced — Open Irene Steiner Direct—516-652-7099 Pugatch Powder Room. Huge Master Bedroom Suite With 3 Walk In House, Sunday July 8, 12-2 pm Lawrence — Open House By Appt —

July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, Realty Corp Email—[email protected] Closets. 2 Car Garage Plus Large Finished Basement. Also Spacious Splanch on quiet street, 4/5BR’s, 2.5Bths, Formal Beautiful Brick, C/H Colonial, Lg LR With Fireplace, Formal DR, Den with fi replace, EIK, oversized LR, Central A/C, in- DR, Kosher gourmet EIK, 2 Dens, 5+BR (on 1 level), 3.5Bths, Lawrence — Large First Floor, 3BR, 2Bth Apartment Available Are Architectural Plans To Build 2 More Bedrooms ground sprinklers, low taxes, Close to Shuls . . . . $799K Full fi nished bsmt, in-ground pool, brick patio on beautiful With Dining Room, Living Room and Enclosed Terrace. Great Above Garage. Close To All ...... $2.195M Exit Realty Gateway Call Rob 516-317-2260, property, great location Closet Space! Washer & Dryer Included. Close To Everything!! Irene Steiner Direct—516-652-7099 Pugatch email [email protected] ...... $399K Realty Corp Email—[email protected] Priced to Sell ...... $1.725M Irene Steiner Direct—516-652-7099 Pugatch North Woodmere — Colonial, 4BR’s, 2.5 Updated, Call Joan for details and appointment 516-319-4482 Realty Corp Email—[email protected] Lawrence — Magnifi c ently Redone, Classic Manor Bths. New wood/granite kit, hardwood fl rs, alarm, I/G pool Five Town Homes 516-569-5710 Home In Back Lawrence. 10BR’s, 10.5Bths, State Of The w/cabana & full bth, I/G sprinkler. SD#14. Fin bsmt $939K Island Park — Large 3BR, 2.5Bth Updated & Spacious Art Wood and Granite Kitchen With Custom Appliances, One Stop Realty Group 516-924-2971, Lawrence — Open House by Appt — Spacious 3 Story Condo With Cathedral Ceiling, And Private Porch & Large Banquet Sized Formal Dining Room, and Equally 516-395-9847 ML # 3036766 totally renovated 6+BR, 4Bths. Gourmet granite Kosher EIK, formal Dr, Large Lr, Den, on oversized beautiful property , in Terrace, In Gated & Exclusive Resort Like Community With Sized Formal Living Room, Fabulous Over Sized Den With 24 Hr Security. Salt Water Pool, Pier & Boat Slip, Tennis Cedarhurst — New Listing — Large Studio Prime location (Lawrence Bay Park) ...... $1.7M Incredible Water Views, Large Backyard and Beautiful In Apartment On First Floor W/Terrace, Storage & For Details and appointment Courts & Basket Ball Court. Close To LIRR, Shopping and Ground Heated Pool. Finished Basement With Gym, X-Large Beaches. Beautiful Corner Unit. Garage and Driveway Parking Available ...... $109,500 Call Joan 516-319-4482 Playroom and Home Movie Theater. Circular Driveway On www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Five Town Homes 516-569-5710 ...... $625K Acre Plus Property. Call Irene For Appointment Irene Steiner Direct—516-652-7099 Pugatch Irene Steiner Direct—516-652-7099 Pugatch Jerusalem, Israel Hewlett — New Construction in SD #14. 4BR’s, 2.5Bths, Realty Corp Email—[email protected] Realty Corp Email—[email protected] Fully loaded suite in the Ramada Rennaissance CAC, Lakeview Home ...... $899,000 Hotel 4th fl oor (Shabbos Elevator) Lawrence — New Exclusive — Large, Updated Broker 516-887-0677 ext 325, or 330 North Woodmere — Fabulous 4BR 3Bth Colonial Porch with stunning view, kitchenette incl. 2 separate sinks 1BR,1Bth, First Floor Apt, W/LR, Separate Dining Area, & microwaves, water fi l ter, fridge, freezer, 2 Queen beds Lawrence — New Listing — Magnifi c ent Studio W/ Kitchen. Underground Parking. Heat & Water Included. In SD #15. Wood & Granite Eat In Kitchen, Formal Room, Formal Dining Room, Large Den, Finished Basement. & couch that open to bed, full access to hotel’s state of the Sept BR Area In Elevator Bldg, Near All ...... $109K Close To Everything ...... $140K art gym / pool / hot tubs / sauna, etc, separate hours for www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Also For Rent ...... $1,725/mo Reduced To ...... $1.199M Irene Steiner Direct—516-652-7099 Pugatch men & women, hotel off ers kosher high end cuisine in their Irene Steiner Direct—516-652-7099 Pugatch luxurious lobbies & restuaraunts. Located near all public Valley Stream — All Redone Condo/Townhouse, 3BR, Realty Corp Email—[email protected] Realty Corp Email—[email protected] transportation. New Kitchen Appliances, Fully Finished Basement, Backyard ...... $479K North Woodmere — New Exclusive — For more info call / text 845-671-2390 Far Rockaway/Lawrence — 833 Central www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Ave. Doorman & Elevator Building!! Large, First Floor, Spacious & Immaculate 4BR, 2.5Bth Splanch On Quiet Street Hewlett — New Listing — SD #14, Lg Split with Updated 2BR, 2Bth Apartment With Spacious Entry Foyer, in SD#14. Beautiful New Wood & Granite Eat In Kitchen skylights, Lr, Formal DR, Granite EIK, 3+BR’s, Den and Lawrence — Magnifi c ent 1br Apt In Luxurious Bldg Large Living Room, Separate Formal Dining Room, and With Stainless Steel Appliances. Great Yard & Nicely Finished Basement on quiet Cul-de-Sac, Walk all. W/24hr Doorman, Elevator, Ig-Pool, Indoor Parking, Balcony, Terrace, Parking Available ...... $325K Basement ...... $949K Priced to Sell ...... $575K EIK, Renovated Bathroom, Central A/C, Close To All Irene Steiner Direct—516-652-7099 Pugatch Irene Steiner Direct—516-652-7099 Pugatch Call Joan for details and apt 516-319-4482 ...... $429K Realty Corp Email—[email protected] Realty Corp Email—[email protected] Five Towns Homes 516-569-5710 www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 79


LPM the only name you need to know in property North Woodmere — Price Reduced — Lawrence — Price Reduced — Beautifully Woodsburgh — Beautifully Renovated 5BR, 5.5Bths, management services off ering premier amenities Lovely, Spacious & Immaculate 4BR Splanch Located On Updated CH Colonial, 6BR, 5 Full Baths, Formal LR & Formal DR, CH Colonial In Esteemed Village Of Woodsburgh W/Beautiful Quiet Street In SD#14, Beautiful New Wood/Granite Eat-In- X-LG EIK W/Island & Open Den, Finished Bsmt W/ Playroom, Formal DR & Butler’s Pantry, EIK W/Granite Counters, Lg like online billing, collection, fi nancial maintenance and Kitchen W/SS Appliances, Formal DR W/Bay Windows, Great Kitchen & Full Bathroom, Close To All ...... $1.795M Mahogany Library W/Pvt Sept Entrance, Finished Bsmt, more, with particular focus in the Tri-state and surrounding Yard, Finished Basement, Near All ...... $929K $2.350M areas of NJ, PA, DE, DC, MD and OH. We are the only Frum www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 SD#14 ...... property management company covering the entire Call Avigaiel Bernstein For More Details Lawrence — New Listing — Large & Spacious Woodmere — Price Reduced — Move Right 631-578-7527 USA. We look forward to providing you with the modern, First Floor 3BR, 2Bth Apt W/Dining Area, Lg LR, Enclosed In, Lovely 3BR Split In SD#15, EIK, HW Floors, CAC, Vaulted convenient and professional standard of care you and your Terrace Facing Central Ave, Washer & Dryer, Storage & Ceilings, Close To All, SD#15 ...... $759K Woodmere — Unique 1st Floor Co-op In Pet Friendly tenants require. Feel free to call us at: 856-964-4809 Parking Available ...... $399K www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Bldg, 2BR, Lr, Formal DR, Near LIRR ...... $199K or email us: [email protected] www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Broker 516-792-6698 North Woodmere — Colonial, by Owner 4BR’s, 2.5 Woodsburgh — New Listing — “One Of A Woodmere — New Price — Updated Ranch Updated, Bths. New wood/granite kit, hardwood fl rs, alarm, Hewlett Bay Park — New Price — Spectacular Kind” Historic Stone Manor Home, 5BR’s, Updated EIK & Full Home In SD#15, 4BR, 2 Full Baths, EIK, LR, Formal DR, I/G pool w/cabana & full bth, I/G sprinkler. SD#14. Fin bsmt. Waterfront Colonial On 2+Acres, Bulkhead & Dock, 6BR, Summer Kitchen, Lush Property W/IG-Pool, Patio & Enclosed Terrace, Washer/Dryer, Gas Heat, Move Right In Must have preapproved mortgage to schedule showing . 6.5Bth, Grand LR, Den W/Fplc, EIK W/Gas BBQ, Formal DR, ...... $775K IG-Heat Pool, Wood & Marble Floors Throughout, Separate Waterfall + Cabana ...... $POR www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Won’t last ...... $975K www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 786-530-6440 Carriage House, 4 Car Garage & Much More . $1.995M Woodmere — 1BR, 1Bth Co-op, Bright & Sunny, LG www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Hewlett — New Listing — 3BR Colonial In Sd#14, Living Rm/Dining Rm, Close To All ...... $109K North Woodmere — New Listing — Fabulous Spacious Rooms, Full Finished Basement, Hw Floors, www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 4BR, 3Bth Colonial, Large Formal DR & Formal LR, Lg Den W/ Quality new construction between Peninsula Blvd and West Bway, Classic 5+ BR Colonial with full basement, Huge Close To All ...... $699K Custom Marble Fireplace, Top Of The Line Eat-In-Kitchen, Full Far Rockaway — Price Reduced — Lovely Kosher Kitchen. South Shore Estates, www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Fin Basement, Lot Size 65 x 131, Must See . . . $1.199M Junior 4 Apartment W/24HR Doorman, Shabbos Elevator www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Call Susan: 516-569-4980 North Woodmere — New Exclusive Bldg, Laundry In Bldg, Large LR/DR, Close To All . .$219K www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Multi –family 2 Family house on large lot, 3BR + 3BR, Listing — 4BR Split Level Home In SD#15 On A 64x109 Far Rockaway — Price Reduced — Spacious & Updated 2BR, 2Bth Apt On 1st Floor W/Terrace In Elevator apartments. Lot Size, Approx 2500SF Of Living Space, New Heating & Island Park — Condo — New Listing — South Shore Estates Call Susan: CAC, 2 Car Garage ...... $699K Spacious 3BR, 2.5Bths W/Porch & Terrace In Gated & Bldg, Parking, Doorman & Laundry Room On Premise $325K 516-569-4980 www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Exclusive Resort Like Community, 24HR Security, Salt Water ...... Pool, Pier & Boat Slips, 2 Tennis Court & Basket Ball Court, www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Woodmere Waterfront — Absolutely mint 5 Lawrence — New Listing — 2BR, 2Bth, Hardwood Close TO LIRR & Beaches, Corner Unit W/EIK, Lr W/Fplc, Lawrence — New Listing — Updated 5+BR level split. 5BR, 3Bth, FLR, oversized FDR, top-of-the- Floors, Screened-In Terrace ...... $279K Private Yard ...... $625K line Euro EIK, 2 family rooms, fi nished basement, lots www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Colonial, 5Bths, EIK W/4 Sinks, Lr W/Fplc, Formal DR, Den, www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Offi ce & Attic, Full Fin Basement, Master BR Suite W/Jacuzzi of storage space. Magnifi c ent waterfront views w/ two decks. Price Reduced, Call for details.Must see! Too much Lawrence — Price Reduced — Luxuriously Built Tub & Shower, Detached Garage, Deck Off Kitchen, Front Woodmere — New Listing — Renovated 6BR, 4 to mention. Call for private viewing, Open House by 3+BR Elegant CH Colonial W/3.5 Beautiful Bathrooms, X-Lg Porch, Circular Driveway, Over 1/2 Acre . . . . . $2.450M Full Bath Colonial On Cul-De-Sac, EIK W/Custom Cabinetry, Wood & Granite Kitchen, LG Formal DR, X-LG Formal LR, Full Appointment. South Shore Estates, www.pugatch.com Formal DR, Woods Flrs, CAC, SD#14. Many Upgrades Fin Basement, Prime Lawrence Cul-De-Sac . . . . . $POR Call Susan 516-569-4980 ...... $1.399M www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Cedarhurst — 3 Family Home, 5BR, 3.5Bth, 2 Woodsburgh — Magnifi c ent Totally Renovated 7+ BR www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Car Garage, Great Investment, Close To All ...... $699K Lawrence — Price Reduced — Magnifi c ent 6BR, Classic Colonial On 1+ Acre. Lush Grounds With Guest House www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Hewlett — New Listing — Lovely Sunlit Split W/3 5.5Bth Home On Approx 1 Acre In The Back Of Lawrence, And Pool. Every Amenity. Must See. Walk To IP Minyan. Call For Over 6700 Sq Ft Of Living Space, Basement & Attic, Vaulted Appointment & Price Bedrooms, 2.5Bths On Large Property, Gracious LR, Formal Ceilings, Gourmet Kitchen, Master BR Suite W/Steam Lawrence — New Listing - 2BR, 2 Full Baths, Apt W/ DR, Over Sized Den W/Fplc & Sliding Doors To Deck, EIK, Shower & Custom Closets, Breathtaking Property Plus So Terrace, 6 Closets, Bright & Sunny, Close To RR, Shopping & South Shore Estates, call Susan: Close To All ...... $595K Much More ...... $1.875M Library ...... $279K 516-569-4980 www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 www.pugatch.com. 516-295-3000 www.Pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Continued on Page 80

Winzone Realty 81-15 Queens Blvd. Elmhurst NY 11373

Peter Murdakhayev Broker Asscociate 917-405-0568

Simcha Murdakhaev Lic Salesperson 347-724-9097

444 Woodfield Rd West Hempstead, NY 11552 $829,000

Magnificent 6 Bedrooms 4 Full Baths Updated Sun- Drenched Home For Sale In West Hempstead. Situated On A 10,585 Sq Lot, With 2952 Sq Ft Of Living Space.

Home Features Include 2 Master Bedrooms, Over-Sized Closets, Natural Red Oak Floors, Fireplace, Double Sinks, Granite Counter Tops, Wall Oven, Finished Basement, And Much Much More!!! Can Be Used As A Mother & Daughter Home. Centrally Located Close To Shopping, Schools, Houses Of Worship And Trans.

Short Distance To Hempstead Gardens LIRR & N15 80 CLASSIFIED ADS Continued from Page 79 FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT

REAL ESTATE Lawrence — House Rental – Charming 4BR Hewlett — No Fee — Totally Renovated 2BR Apt, Cedarhurst — House Rental — Open House, Formal DR, Close To All ...... $2,995/mo Quartz Countertops, SS Appliances, Washer/Dryer In Apt, House by Appt — Spacious, Colonial, with granite FOR SALE www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 HW Floors, Heat & Water Included, Near All EIK, Lr with fi replace, Formal Dr, 2 Dens, 4+ BR’s, basement, ...... $2,500/mo in prime location, walking distance to all .$4,200/mo Valley Stream — Apt In House – 2 Apt, 1st Fl www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Call Joan for details and appointment Cedarhurst — Located b/w Penisula & W. Broadway. & 2nd Flr With 2BR’s, Each Have Granite Countertops & SS Atlantic Beach — House Rental – Charming 516-319-4482 Still time to customize! Call for details. Call for price. Appliances, Washer/Dryer, CAC, Parking, Close To All Five Towns Homes 516-569-5710 South Shore Estates, call Susan: 2BR, Near Beach, EIK, LR/DR, On Lovely Quiet Street, 1st Flr ...... $2,300/Mo 516-569-4980 Close To All ...... $2,595/mo. Far Rockaway — Apartment in Bldg, — 2nd Flr ...... $2,100/Mo www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 www.pugatch.com. 516-295-3000 New to market — Totally renovated, Spacious 1BR, Cedarhurst — New Listing — Large 1BR In LR, DR, Granite Kosher EIK, W/D, Prime location, walk all Lawrence — New Listing, Renovated 1st Flr, 1BR, Elevator Bldg, Totally Renovated Lg Lr/Dr, EIK, ...... $1,750/mo FOR RENT 1Bth Apt In 2 Family Home, Use Of Backyard, Close To All ...... $1,895/Mo Includes heat and water. July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, Washer/Dryer ...... $1,850/mo www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Call Joan for details and appointment www.pugatch.com. 516-295-3000 516-319-4482 Far Rockaway — near TAG, Newly renovated 4BR, Lawrence Exclusive — The Regency — For Five Towns Homes 516-569-5710 Far Rockaway — New Listing, Lovely 2BR Apt, 2Bth, new kitchen, walk in master closet, Rent By Private Owner — Please Call Irene! Magnifi c ent, washer dryer in apt ...... $2750 Far Rockaway — Newly Renovated 3BR, 2Bth, Large and Sunny 2BR, 2.5Bth Luxury Apartment, With Wood 24HR Doorman, Shabbos Elevator Bldg, Laundry In Bldg, Lg LR/DR, Close To LIRR & NY Subway, Close To All Helene 516-410-5525 Associate broker Milky Apartment in a beautifully enclosed complex on Neilson & Granite Kitchen W/Granite Island And Stainless Steel Forst Realty Appliances And Beautiful Terrace, In Luxurious, Doorman ...... $1,995/mo Street. —Move in condition, First Floor—one off Street parking spot—Close to all Shuls—option to add additional Condominium With 5 Star Hotel Amenities. Parking, www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Woodmere — House Rental — Magnifi c ent rooms with a separate Pesach Kitchen and additional Storage, Heated, All Year Round In Ground Pool, Party 6BR Home W/Formal DR, Eik, Large LR & Den, IG-Pool, 3 Car bathroom. Room, Gym & Wine Cellar All Included . . . .$4,300/mo North Woodmere — Large 5BR, 4 Full Bath Attached Garage, Lot Size 189 x 291, 5 Bedrooms On One Irene Steiner Direct—516-652-7099 Pugatch Colonial, Formal LR/DR, EIK, Den, patio, washer/dryer, Level, Hardwood Floors, SD#14 ...... $7,500/mo Call Yaakov 516-903-0646, Dovid Realty Corp Email—[email protected] SD#15. Beautiful block. Serious inquiries only. www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 516-924-1970, Aaron 347-866-6363 Asking ...... $4,650 Lawrence- For Rent — New Listing — Far Rockaway — Newly Renovated offi ce/storage email: [email protected] Woodmere — No Fee & One Month Free Updated 1BR, 1Bth First Floor Apartment In Private Home. — Totally Renovated 1BR Apt, Quartz Countertops, SS space available in a beautifully enclosed complex EIK, R/DR, Washer & Dryer Included. 2 Car Driveway and Use East Rockaway —House Rental — Great Appliances, New Cabinetry, HW Floors, New Windows, on Neilson Street. Call Yaakov 516-903-0646, Of Backyard Included...... $1,850/mo House, 3BR, Large Front Porch, Huge Backyard, Close To Railroad, Heat & Water Included. Dovid 516-924-1970, Aaron 347-866-6363 Irene Steiner Direct—516-652-7099 Pugatch Near All ...... $2,995/mo. From ...... $1,895/mo. Realty Corp Email—[email protected] www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Far Rockaway — 2 Partially Finished basement www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 storage spaces available, Individually or together. Bathroom Cedarhurst — Furnished Studio apt. separate in each; each approximately 850 square feet. Atlantic Beach — Summer Rental – Charming Bayswater — New to Market — Upper two entrance, near LIRR. New appliances, A/C, cable included, family house, modern 3BR, 1.5Bths, LR, FDR, EIK, terrace, in Call Yaakov 516-903-0646, Dovid 2BR, Near Beach, EIK, LR/DR, On Lovely Quiet Street, Close perfect for one adult. Access to W/D, No smoking, no pets prime location. Heat and water included . . $2,250/mo 516-924-1970, Aaron 347-866-6363 ...... $1,100/mo. To All, August–Labor Day ...... $6,500/mo. Call Joan 516-319-4482Five Towns Call 516-792-5652 www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 Homes 516-569-5710 Far Rockaway — Brand new fully equipped Shul on Neilson Street, Available Immediately. Seats 75-100 People, Woodmere — House rental — New to Heating/Air conditioning—Sidduirm, Sforim, Gemorrahs. market — First Show — Ours Alone — Bima, Aron Kodesh, Tables, chairs, and Shabbos Oven, Spacious Colonial in Prime prime location, 5BR, 3Bths, LR, Refrigerator, and Coff ee Station. Separate Men and Womens’ formal dr, huge den, Granite Kosher EIK. Main level has 1BR, entrances—Mechitza in place—Main Entrance, Weather suite with bath, full fi nished basement, freshly painted, protected, 2 Bathrooms, Storage Cubbies. great for large family, walking distance to all shuls Call Yaakov 516-903-0646, Dovid Call Joan For details 516-319-4482 516-924-1970, Aaron 347-866-6363 Five Towns Homes 516-569-5710 Far Rockaway — New 2BR, Apartment for Rent, Cedarhurst — New to market — 1 and 2 central location ...... $2,200 Bedroom apartments for Rent, Prime location,Walk all. Call Joan for details 516-319-4482 includes utilities & parking space. Five towns Homes 516-569-5710 Call 718-337-2345 and please leave message Far Rockaway — New to market. Renovated Kew Gardens Hills — 2 Family House 5BR 2.5Bth, Studio, 1, 2, 3 and 4BR rentals, great location. For Rent. For Info, Call Joan for details, 516-319-4482 Call Eduard @ 917-403-5720 FiveTowns Homes Realty 516-569-5710 Cedarhurst — Totally renovated split level. 3 Far Rockaway — New to Market — Open Bedroom, 3.5 New Bath. Euro EIK w/ granite countertops. House By Appt — Totally renovated, spacious, Walk to all. Absolutely mint, Must See! For rent beautiful 4BR’s, 2.5Bths, Duplex in Prime location...... $3,500/Mo Call Joan for details, 516-319-4482 Call for details. Available Immediately. South Five Towns Homes 516-569-5710 Shore Estates, call Susan: 516-569-4980

Chana Gordon www.pugatch.com Avigaiel Bernstein Licensed Salesperson 950 Broadway Licensed Salesperson 845.709.5266 Woodmere NY 11598 631-578-7527 [email protected] [email protected]


Price Reduced!

Beautiful Co-op Spacious Studio In The Heart of Cedarhurst With Terrace. Close To All. $109,500 FOR RENT N. WOODMERE 75 S Woodmere Blvd Charming 4 Bedroom House, Beautifully Renovated 5BR, Formal Dining Room, Garage. 5.5 Bathroom Center-Hall Price Close To All, School District #15. Reduced! Colonial, Formal Dining Room, $2,995/month Finished Basement, SD #14, Fabulous 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath Lot Size 150x150... Col, Updated EIK, FDR, Large $P.O.R. Den, Fin Bsmt, SD #15 $1.199M



Cedarhurst — Investment Property or Owner/User Rockville Centre — Beautiful Professional Spaces Rockville Centre — Newly Renovated Two Story Vacation Rental in Israel — Ramat Eshkol Legal 3 Family House, Upside Potential, For Sale, Call Randy in Historic Building Available, Great Location, Municipal Lot Retail/Professional Bldg with Elevator, Granite Lobby, & available from Yom Kippur-Succos. Completely renovated, for More Details in Rear & Steps from the LIRR Station, For Lease. Call Ian for Handicap Ramp, 5000+/- SF Retail W/Full Usable Basement 4BR’s, 3Bths, including one en suite, central a/c ,can sleep www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 More Details. Over 5000+/- SF Offi ce Space. For Sale/Lease…Call for up to 13 people, + Huge Sukkah [email protected], 516-295-3000 0527-686-957, 718-554-7918 dsl East Rockaway — Multiple Use Retail More Details. Broker 516-792-6698 Building; Two 1800SF Retail Stores & 1200SF Apartment Valley Stream — 750+/-SF Offi ce Space in Elevator Woodmere — 4,600+/- SF Brand New Offi ce Building Attached, High Traffi c Corner Location, On-Site Parking, Building with 2 Bathrooms, On-Site Parking & Handicap Convenient to All , For Sale, Call Ian for More Details Accessible, For Lease, Call Randy for More Details With 24 Car Parking For Lease or For Sale. Call for More [email protected], 516-295-3000 [email protected], 516-295-3000 details. MISCELLANEOUS Broker 516-792-6698 Valley Stream — Investor’s Delight!! Valley Stream — Various Sized Offi ce Space in 6500+/-SF Two-Story Building with Elevator & 18 Car Professional Building, Elevator, Beautiful Lobby, Ample On- Woodmere — Price Reduced!! — 750+/-SF On-Site Private Parking, Beautiful Building with Storage & Site Parking Lot, For Lease. Call Arthur for More Details. Retail Store W/4 Parking Spots in Rear, 10’ Ceilings, Great Yeshiva of South Shore has some membership Loads of Windows, Great Location Near LIRR Station, Major [email protected], 516-295-3000 High-Traffi c Location, For Lease Call Randy for More Details, openings in its burial society. By purchasing Highways & the City Line. For Sale, Call Ian for More Details [email protected], 516-295-3000 an individual, couple or family membership, you will [email protected], 516-295-3000 Hewlett — 450+/-SF Offi ce Space in Professional be ensured of select plots in one of several New York Building, On-Site & Municipal Parking, Heat Included, Cedarhurst — 4,000+/-Sf Retail Store with 2,000SF area cemeteries. For more information on burial society Woodmere — 1,300+/-SF Over 1,300SF + Basement, Electric & A/C Metered Separately, Close to All, For Lease... Mezzanine, Street & Municipal Parking, Great Location, membership, please call 516-374-7363 or e-mail: Free Standing Building, Medical/Offi ce Space, Near LIRR Call for More Details. Near LIRR Station, For Lease Call for More Details, [email protected] Station, For Sale, Call Ian for More Details. www.pugatch.com, 516-295-3000 [email protected], 516-295-3000 [email protected], 516-295-3000 Cedarhurst — 4,600+/-SF Plus Basement, Most High Hewlett — 1,500+/-SF Retail Store with Parking, Woodmere — Follow the Leader to Woodmere, Now Profi l e Corner in the Market, Triple Mint Condition, Many Renovated Space with 2 Bathrooms – 1 Handicap, For is the Time to Act!!! No Meters - Free Parking, Various Spaces LEGAL NOTICES Built-in’s, Very Reasonable Rent, For Lease Lease Call for More Details, [email protected], Available, For Sale/Lease…Call For More Details. Call Ian for More Details 516-295-3000 [email protected], 516-295-3000 [email protected], 516-295-3000 NOTICE OF SALE Freeport — Investment Opportunity!! 12,000+/-SF Woodmere — 1,000+/-SF Retail Store in Great East Rockaway — 1,500+/- SF Professional Suite Supreme Court County Of Kings Multi Tenanted Professional Building with 21 Car On-Site Location, Close to LIRR Station, For Lease in Free Standing Bldg W/Full Basement & Parking, Three Elizon Master Participation Trust I, U.S. Bank Trust National Parking, Good Upside Potential, Lot Size 24,570SF, For Sale. Private Offi ces, Conference Room, Bullpen, Reception Area, Call Arthur for More Details, Call Alan for More Details [email protected], 516-295-3000 Association, as Owner Trustee., Plaintiff Close to LIRR, For Lease Call For More Details AGAINST [email protected], 516-295-3000 Broker 516-792-6698 Hewlett — 2,000+/-SF Retail Space in Great Location, Clarence E. Pryor, Pamela Pryor, et al, Defendant Lynbrook — Perfect for Commercial Use, but Can be East Rockaway — Various Sized Retail Stores on Municipal Parking Lot in Rear, Close to All, For Lease... Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated Converted Back to a Residential Home. 1,800SF Two Story Corner by Stop Light, High Traffi c Location, On-Site Parking, Call for More Details. [email protected], 3/28/2018 and entered on 6/1/2018, I, the undersigned Building with Basement & 2,000SF Offi ce Building in Rear, For Lease, Call for More Details. 516-295-3000 Referee, will sell at public auction at the Kings County Bldg has Kitchenette on 2nd Floor, Full Bath & 2 Half Baths [email protected], 516-295-3000 Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, on 1st Floor, 12 Car Parking, Gas Heat, HVAC. For Sale Call Lynbrook — 500+/- SF Retail Store with Rear Door, Brooklyn, NY on July 26, 2018 at 02:30 PM premises known Arthur for More Details. Far Rockaway — 8,600+/-SF School in Great Street Parking, Close to All, For Lease Call Alan for More as 231 A Madison Street, Brooklyn, NY 11216. All that [email protected], 516-295-3000 Condition. Various Classrooms, Offi ces, Multi-Purpose Details. [email protected], 516-295-3000 certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Room, Kitchenette, Storage, & Bathrooms, Close to Public improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the Inwood — New to market, Ours Alone, Transportation For Lease, Call Ian for More Details. Woodmere — 3600+/-SF Retail Space in Woodmere County of Kings, City and State of New York, BLOCK: 1818, 21,000+SF Property with offi ces, warehouse/garage and [email protected], 516-295-3000 Shopping Center, Join Gourmet Glatt & Chase Bank, Great LOT: 81. Approximate amount of judgment is $788,400.23 loads of parking, in prime location On-Site Parking, Rear Loading, Opposite NY Sports Club & plus interests and costs. Premises will be sold subject to Hewlett — 850+/-SF Offi ce Space on 2nd Floor, Great Call Joan for details 516-319-4482 Woodmere LIRR, Available Fall 2016. For Lease provisions of fi l ed Judgment Index # 500909/2014. Five Towns Homes 516-569-5710 Location, Close to Public Transportation, For Lease, Doron A. Leiby, Referee Call for More Details Call Ian for More Details. [email protected], 516-295-3000 FRENKEL LAMBERT WEISS WEISMAN & GORDON LLP [email protected], 516-295-3000 53 Gibson Street COMMERCIAL REAL Hewlett — 600+/- SF Retail Store on Broadway, Great Hewlett — 1,100+/-SF Space Available, Modern Bay Shore, NY 11706 Professional Bldg, Great parking, Ideal for Medical High Traffi c Location, Municipal Lot in Rear, Close to Public Notice of formation of Gutman Law PLLC. Articles of ESTATE FOR RENT Professional/General Offi ce Use, Close to All, Transportation & Major Highways, For Lease, Organization fi l ed with the Secretary of State of New York Call Ian for More Details For Lease Call for More Details SSNY on February 16, 2018. Offi ce location: Nassau County. Cedarhurst — Newly Renovated!: [email protected], 516-295-3000 [email protected], 516-295-3000 SSNY is designated for service of process. SSNY shall mail 3050 sq ft newly renovated, beautiful space with Inwood — Various Sized Spaces Available, Industrial Long Beach — Various Offi ce Spaces Available on copy of any process served against the LLC at 860 Cranford Kitchenette and Conference room and private bathrooms. Buildings W/Ample Parking, Near LIRR Station, Overhead Ave, Valley Stream, NY 11581. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Call or Text Sam 516-567-0100 2nd Floor, 525-900+/- SF, Separate Bathrooms, Newly Door, 14-20’ Ceilings, Offi ce Space, Bathroom, For Lease, Renovated, For Lease Call for More Details. NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT KINGS COUNTY Cedarhurst — Gorgeous Executive Offi ce Suites, Call Randy for More Details [email protected], 516-295-3000 NEW PENN FINANCIAL, LLC D/B/A SHELLPOINT furnished and non-furnished [email protected], 516-295-3000 MORTGAGE SERVICING, Plaintiff starting at ...... $895 a month and up. Long Beach — 1428+/- SF Professional Space With 5 against Island Park — 1400+/-SF Storefront with Offi ce Space Offi ces, 2 W/Water, Waiting Room, Bathrooms, Reception Area. Large and medium stizes available. and Kitchen in Rear, 3 Parking Spots + Municipal Lot, Great TERRENCE ROACHFORD, et al Defendants Hvac. 5 Parking Spots. For Lease…Call for More Details Includes all utilities, internet, kitchenette, conference room, Location, For Lease, Call for More Details. Attorney for Plaintiff ( s) Fein, Such & Crane, LLP 28 East Mincha Minyan and amenities in [email protected], 516-295-3000 [email protected], 516-295-3000 Main Street Suite 1800, Rochester, NY 14614 Attorney(s) for beautiful buiding. Plaintiff ( s). Call or Text Sam 516-567-0100 Lawrence — 985+/-SF Professional Offi ce Suite Woodmere — Several offi ce spaces from 500sf to 1000sf. Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale Entered in Co-Op Building, Good Parking, HVAC, Close to Public Elevator Building. Central Avenue — Prime Location! Ample April 9, 2018 I will sell at Public Auction to the highest Inwood — Reasonable prices, Multiple Transportation & Major Highways, For Lease, Parking. Ideal for Medical/Professional Offi ces. Call Kate for bidder at the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 Adams options available : Call for More Details. Details 516-334-2146 Street, Room 261, Brooklyn, NY 11201 on August 2, 2018 250 sq ft offi ce space [email protected], 516-295-3000 at 2:30 PM. Premises known as 1063 New Jersey Avenue 800 sq ft offi ce space Lynbrook — 1251+/- SF Offi ce Space In Free Standing Unit 2-A A, Brooklyn, NY 11207. Block 4414 Lot 1013. The 3650 sq ft beautiful fi nished offi ce space, parking Lynbrook — 750SF or 1500SF Retail/Offi ce Spaces, Bldg, Ground Floor, Heat Included, Garage Or Outdoor Parking Condominium Units (hereinafter referred to as the “Units”) included in all spaces and Mincha Minyan. Street Parking in Great Location, For Lease, Spaces (Subject To Availability), Ideal For Professional Or known as Unit No:2AA, situate, lying and being in the Call or Text Sam 516-567-0100 Call Alan for More Details Medical, Great Location, For Lease Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of New [email protected], 516-295-3000 Turn Key, School/Daycare Property Call Lenny for More Details. [email protected] York. Approximate Amount of Judgment is $411,613.71 plus 516-295-3000 Rental — Share This Building With B’Above. New Oceanside — Various Sized Warehouses with Ample interest and costs. Exclusive, Far Rockaway, Renovated 8,600 sq ft Lower Level Premises will be sold subject to provisions of fi l ed Judgment Parking, Overhead Door, 14’ Ceilings, At Intersection with Lynbrook — 700 +/-Sf Professional Suite, 1 Bth, 1 Parking For Rent. School/Daycare With Classrooms, Offi ces, Handicap Index No 505306/2013. Traffi c Light, For Lease, Call Randy for More Details Spot In The Garage. For Lease... Call for More Details Access, Elevator, Roof Top Playground. Call Irene For Details! [email protected], 516-295-3000 Ruth M. Baez, Esq., Referee QRRNC037 Irene Steiner Direct—516-652-7099 Pugatch [email protected] 516-295-3000 Oceanside —8,000+/-SF Warehouse with Loading NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT NASSAU COUNTY Realty Corp Email—[email protected] Oceanside — 2800 +/- SF Space on Long Beach Rd with Dock & Overhead Door, 15’ Ceilings, Abundant On-Site US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE FOR CMSI Cedarhurst — Executive Medical Space — Parking, For Lease, Call Randy for More Details On-site Parking, Hi Visibility, Good for Professional Use or Retail, REMIC SERIES 2005-07-REMIC PASS-THROUGH Don’t Miss This Opportunity! Various Sizes Available, [email protected], 516-295-3000 For Lease or For Sale…Call for More Details. CERTIFICATES SERIES 2005-07, Plaintiff against All Utilities Included Plus Many Amenities, For Lease. [email protected], 516-295-3000 MONTGOMERY DOUGLAS A/K/A MONTGOMERY DOUGLAS Call Ian for More Details Oceanside — Up to 4,600SF Retail Space Available M.D., et al Defendants [email protected]. 516-295-3000 with Rear Door & Parking, Former Restaurant. For Lease, Call Rockville Centre — 3,500 sq. ft., fully wired for Web, Attorney for Plaintiff ( s) Knuckles, Komosinski & Manfro, LLP Alan for More Details partitioned, will divide. Call 516-322-3555 565 Taxter Road, Suite 590, Elmsford, NY 10523 Attorney (s) Cedarhurst — New to market — [email protected], 516-295-3000 for Plaintiff ( s). Commercial Co-op for rent in prime location, Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale Entered good for part time professional, close to all. Call for details. Rosedale — 750+/-SF Retail Store W/4 Parking Spots BUSINESS May 9, 2018 I will sell at Public Auction to the highest Call Joan 516-319-4482 in Rear, 10’ Ceilings, Great High-Traffi c Location, For Lease, bidder at the Calendar Control Part (CCP) 100 Supreme Five Towns Homes 516-569-5710 Call Randy for More Details OPPORTUNITY Court Drive, Mineola, New York, 11501 on July 24, 2018 at [email protected], 516-295-3000 11:30 AM. Premises known as 1351 Auerbach Ave., Hewlett Hewlett — Various Sized Offi ce Space In Beautiful Suites Harbor, NY 11557. Sec 42 Block 196 Lot 63. ALL that certain With Plenty Of On-Site Parking In The Rear Of Building. Valley Stream — 900+/-SF Retail Space, Busy Looking to purchase or sell a business? plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Available Immediately. Tenant Pays Own Utilities Directly. Shopping Strip with Plenty of Parking. Can be Divided. Great Incorporated Village of Hewlett Harbor, Town of Hempstead, Can Be Combined For Up To A for Any Retail or Professional Offi ce Use. For Lease, Call David Yisroel Leventhal– Vested Business Brokerage County of Nassau and State of New York. Total Of 6050Sf, For Lease , Call Ian for More Details. Call Ian for More Details. [email protected], 845-354-7854. Call Sunday-Thursday until 11 PM [email protected], 516-295-3000 516-295-3000 Approximate Amount of Judgment is $989,154.18 Lynbrook — For Sale, Convenience Store in plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to Hewlett — Various Sized Suites in the Finest Bldg in the Baldwin — 6,311+-SF Medical Offi ce Bldg. Ground great location available. Currently active business, with 8 provisions of fi l ed Judgment Index No 9331/2014. Cash will 5 Towns, Medical or Non-Medical Use, 16 Parking Spots, Lease for Sale. Good Condition. 100% occupied. Excellent years lease remaining. Five parking spaces included. not be accepted at the sale. For Lease ,Call Ian for More Details Parking. Call 516-334-2146 ext. 305 or Call Joan for details 516-319-4482 George Esernio, Esq., Referee 2154-000789 [email protected], 516-295-3000 [email protected] Five Towns Homes 516-569-5710 Continued on Page 82 82 CLASSIFIED ADS And it shall be to him, Continued from Page 81 LEGAL NOTICES and his seed after him, Your Real Estate, the covenant of an everlasting priesthood LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF KINGS Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC, Plaintiff AGAINST Althea Clement; et Service, or (Bamidbar 25:13) al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated March 23, 2018 I, the undersigned Referee Although the priesthood had already will sell at public auction at the Kings County Supreme Notice of formation of Samzil Holdings LLC. Arts. of Org. Help Wanted been given to the descendants of Court, 360 Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, NY 11201 fi l ed with NY Secy. of State (SSNY) 12/27/2017. Location: on July 19, 2018 at 2:30PM, premises known as 316 East Aharon, it was given only to Aharon, Nassau County. SSNY desig.agent of LLC upon whom 56th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11203. All that certain plot piece and his [four] sons who were process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements Ad Here Every anointed together with him, and to PO Box 92, Cedarhurst, NY 11516. Purpose: any lawful act erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of NY, Block 4727 Lot 127 or activity. the children they would father after FKA 27. Approximate amount of their anointing. Pinchas, however, judgment $1,041,225.49 plus interest and costs. Thursday NOTICE OF SALE Premises will be sold subject to provisions of fi l ed Judgment who was born before that time and July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, SUPREME COURT - COUNTY OF KINGS Index# 500288/2016. Jack Segal, Esq., Referee Shapiro, 100,000 readers look was not himself anointed, did not DiCaro & Barak, LLC Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, NA, enter the priesthood until now. Thus SUCCESSOR TO THE BANK OF NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY, Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) 759- forward to what’s 1835 Dated: April 26, 2018 53932 we have learned in the Talmudic NA, AS TRUSTEE, FOR THE CHASE MORTGAGE FINANCE TRUST happening in the 5 Towns tractate of Zevachim (101b): “Pinchas MULTI-CLASS MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH Notice of formation of Lighthouse International by reading The Five Towns CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-S4, Development LLC. Arts. of Org. fi led with NY Secy. of did not attain the priesthood until he State (SSNY) 5/24/2018. Location: Nassau County. SSNY slew Zimri.” Plaintiff , Against designated for service of process and shall mail copy of Jewish Times. Index No.: 508707/2015 process served against the LLC to Registered Agent: c/o (Rashi) FITZROY FRASER; ET AL., Lighthouse International Devlopment LLC., 145 Finucane Pl. When Pinchas entered Zimri’s tent, Defendant(s). Woodmere, NY 11598. Purpose: any lawful act or activity. 1 Week ...... $35 Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale, duly thousands of members of the tribe entered on 4/24/2018, I, the undersigned Referee, will sell of Shimon converged upon him to at public auction, in Room 224 of the Kings County Supreme Deadline for 2 Weeks ...... $60 slay him, and his soul flew from his Court, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, on 7/19/2018 Classified body in fright. At that moment, G-d at 2:30 pm, premises known as 74-16 Ave U, Brooklyn, NY 4 Weeks ...... $100 sent the souls of Nadav and Avihu 11234, and described as follows: Advertising (Aharon’s two eldest sons, who died ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the Weekly Ads of up on the day that the Sanctuary was buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying in the next issue to 25 words dedicated—see Leviticus 10) and and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City they entered into his body; at that and State of New York; Block 8434 and Lot 42. is Monday moment, Pinchas became worthy to The approximate amount of the current Judgment lien is Call: 516-569-0502 become the High Priest. . . . Thus the $945,269.19 plus interest and costs. The Premises will be July 9, verse says of him: “Pinchas the son of sold subject to provisions of the aforesaid Fax: 516-977-0608 Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale; Index # 508707/2015. at 5 p.m. Elazar the son of Aharon”—he was Jacob Gelfand, Esq., Referee. Or E-mail ads to: now both the son of Elazar as well as SHELDON MAY & ASSOCIATES Attorneys at Law, 255 Merrick Call the son of Aharon . . . Road, Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Classifi[email protected] (Zohar; Me’am Loez) Dated: 6/8/2018 File Number: 32650 PB 516-569-0502 83 AROUND THE 5 TOWNS 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018

Continued from Page 74 ing to help support the library. The eve- Miri Regev for her bold stand in sup- For the past 106 years, the National ning will feature great entertainment, porting the fi fty-one-year status quo at Council of Young Israel has ably served mer for the campers who registered in a NYC Food Truck Crawl, and amazing the Kotel, ensuring that the holy site re- the broader Jewish community. With time! prizes such as a Kosherica Cruise, a trip mains unadulterated and united for all. more than 25,000 member families and Camp Shira is operated by an experi- to Iceland, an $1,800 American Express “We agree with Minister Regev’s state- approximately 135 branch synagogues enced team that includes Shulamith’s gift card, and many more. If you can’t ment that when the Reform movement throughout the United States, Cana- own beloved middle-division teacher, join, you can also participate in the auc- is visiting in Israel ‘they should behave’ da, and Israel, the National Council of Mrs. Yaff a Schreier, as the camp direc- tion by visiting libraryauction.org and and adhere to the local customs and so- Young Israel is a multifaceted organi- tor. Each division’s director is dynamic checking out the fantastic prizes, or by cial structures that have been the status zation that embraces Jewish communal and creative and a veteran of numerous calling 347-446-0770 or 201-283-7019. quo for over fi ve decades. We also wish needs and often takes a leading role in camps. Directors Mrs. Shira Biegeleisen, May every aspect of this endeavor be a to commend Justice Minister Ayelet tackling the important issues that face Mrs. Adina Hoch, and Mrs. Rochel Lapi- z’chus for the aliyah of the neshamah of Shaked for standing tall with the Reli- the Jewish community in North America dus all bring energy and passion to the Levi Yitzchak Wolowik, a’h. „ gious Zionist community, and as a result and Israel. „ camp and the campers clearly appreci- stepping down as the principal of the ate what a warm, fun environment the Young Israel Supports Western Wall Appropriation Committee. Barbecue And Wine- camp provides. Kotel Status Quo “During this trying period, known as Tasting Held In Honor Camp Shira has the best “game” in The National Council of Young Israel the Three Weeks of Mourning, we call of One Israel Fund town, and the happy, smiling campers (NCYI) issued the following statement on Prime Minister Netanyahu to stand On Wednesday evening, June 27, un- and staff prove it! „ regarding the status of the Kotel (West- strong and to continue his good work der a gloomy and sometimes misty sky, ern Wall): on behalf of the State of Israel, while over 125 guests converged on the home Levi Yitzchak Family “The National Council of Young Isra- safeguarding the Kotel as the one place Center and Library el applauds Culture and Sports Minister where all Jews can be united.” Continued on Page 84 Under the Stars IV Chinese Auction Event Since 2010, the Levi Yitzchak Family Center and Library has become a staple in our community as a place for fam- ilies to spend time together; as a host for a myriad of organizations, clubs, and learning groups; and, of course, as a crucial source of much-needed Jewish books and multimedia. Not only is the li- brary a living memorial to Levi Yitzchak Wolowik, a’h, but it has also become an incredible resource for our community and a valuable asset to our neighbor- hood. The library is a home away from home to so many children and adults who visit often and rely on it as their place to study, connect, and develop a love for Jewish literature, and, with its constantly expanding educational and inspirational programs for adults and children, the library fi lls a critical com- munity need. The library was created so that anyone, regardless of age or reli- gious affi liation, can have a place to feel welcome and connected. If you are not already taking advan- tage of all that Levi Yitzchak Library has to off er, you are invited to visit and join the diverse group of people who have already found a purpose and meaning in the library. On any given day, you’ll fi nd Mommy and Me classes, men tak- ing a break from their workdays to learn, schoolchildren on class trips, grandmothers and grandfathers spend- ing quality time with their grandchil- dren, homework helpers, programs for seniors, learning programs for young women, and so much more taking place at the Levi Yitzchak Family Center and Library. The library is truly a neigh- borhood haven that inspires visitors to interact and grow together in a warm environment of discovery and learning. As an independent organization, the Levi Yitzchak Family Center and Li- brary needs your help to continue per- forming its vital role as a community center. On Tuesday, July 10, please join us at the home of Dr. Evan and Lisa Pockriss, 290 Ocean Avenue in Law- rence, at 7:00 p.m., for our Under the Stars IV Chinese Auction event. Admis- sion is $54, with all of the proceeds go- 84 AROUND THE 5 TOWNS

Continued from Page 83

of Alan and Sharon Shulman for a spectacular barbecue and fi ne Israeli wine-tasting at their home in West Hemp- stead. This was the Shulmans’ third time volunteering to host July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, the event and, as always, Alan’s Main Event-Mauzone Cater- ing did an outstanding job. Ev- eryone enjoyed the fabulous BBQ fare! OIF thanks Main Event-Mauzone for match- ing all gifts of $1,000 or more, which made the event that much more successful. The event was enhanced by the appearance of Vered Ben Sa’adon, winemaker and own- er of the Tura Estate Winery in the Shomron. Together with Yehoshua Werth and Tzvi Lau- ren from Heart of Israel Wines who presented a dazzling dis- play of amazing wines from all over Judea and Samaria, Vered poured some of her award-win- ning boutique wines and even spoke about her unique jour- ney to Israel. The Shulmans are longtime friends and supporters of One Israel Fund and have always One Israel Fund West Hempstead Barbecue 85 AROUND THE 5 TOWNS 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 gone out of their way to help in any way The camp’s instructional swim Midreshet Shalhevet possible. They were honored with the launched with the camp’s two adult in- Celebrates Class of 2018 Hakarat HaTov Award at the 19th anni- structors assessing the tiny swimmers Midreshet Shalhevet, sister school to versary gala dinner in 2013, have attend- and beginning with the basics like blow- Blue Ribbon winning Rambam Mesivta, ed numerous day trips in Israel, and have ing bubbles, kicking, and more! was honored to celebrate the graduation encouraged their friends to do so as well. Funshine is located in Ohr Torah of of the class of 2018 at Temple Hillel. OIF also thanks New York Fun Facto- North Woodmere and is a local favor- Hundreds of families, friends, teachers, ry for donating all of the rentals for the ite for parents with young children. But and loved ones fi lled the room to cele- evening, as well as Mosquito Seekers the camp now also serves campers from brate the graduates at the seventh annu- for making it a comfortable night for all. across the Five Towns and Far Rocka- al commencement ceremony. Thanks also to all the vendors who made way who are happy to drive out for a su- Menahelet Mrs. Esther Eisenman the barbecue possible, including Jake perb camp that prioritizes preschoolers praised the graduates and all the hard Sojcher Photography, BiG Productions and even features extended early care work they have put in throughout their Video, Lighting by ANCO Group, A/V by and after care for parents who need it! tenure at Midreshet Shalhevet, as well Real to Reel, Kaufmann Bros. Printing, Each camper also receives profession- as the monumental personal growth music by Young Leadership committee ally catered hot lunch every day. they have accomplished. In addition member Avi Bohorodzaner, and a spe- Under the experienced guidance to developing grit, a skill many educa- cial dessert by Rita’s Ices of Lawrence. „ of North Woodmere’s own Mrs. Suri tional psychologists are now touting and creative movement. They all got off Feuchtwanger as camp director and as the skill that determines success in Camp Funshine Heads to a wonderful start in weeks one and with Mrs. Avigail Rosenbaum as assis- life, they have developed exceptional in- To Sesame Street two with adorable activities and proj- tant director, Funshine truly is the camp ects. where every child shines!„ Continued on Page 86

Funshine campers begin their summer of fun in the sun! Funshine of North Woodmere launched on June 26, and their adorable Sesame Street theme was a big hit! With nursery, kindergarten, and pre-1a bunks for boys and girls, Funshine caters ex- clusively to preschoolers, and the cute theme and lovable characters adorning the campus were just the beginning! On the second day of camp, the camp- ers enjoyed a comedy magic show by Syltag, the premier local magician. His comedic routine and mind-blowing illu- sions were a hit with campers and staff alike! Week two featured the fi rst trip as the campers went to Warren Levi. The camp also features daily profes- sional specialties like art, story time, 86 AROUND THE 5 TOWNS

Continued from Page 85 of Midreshet Shalhevet’s extracurricu- lar culture as well. Some of Nechama’s ner strength and strength of character. many accomplishments include her “Part of what makes Midreshet Shalhe- four years on the College Bowl team— vet special,” she said “is that the girls are she became JV captain in 11th grade, not sacrifi cing anything by coming to a and captain in 12th grade. She was a ma- small school. They receive a top notch jor player on the Torah Bowl team for education in both limudei kodesh and four years again, culminating with being July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, general studies, clubs, and extracurric- named captain in 12th grade, and Mock ulars in a close and warm environment Trial team captain, leading the Mid- focused on each individual girl.” reshet Shalhevet team to the Nassau Valedictorian Nechama Schneider of County Sweet Sixteen round three years Far Rockaway has been an integral part in a row. Nechama has also participated of her grade, as well as the larger Mid- on the softball team, annual production, reshet Shalhevet school community, student newsletter, student govern- over the last four years. In addition to all ment, mathletes, NCSY JUMP, Com- of Nechama’s many academic achieve- mittee for Israel Activism (CIA), Model ments—four years as a Shalhevet Congress, and Friendship Circle in her Scholar, numerous times named to the “spare” time. She completed a computer Dean’s list at Midreshet Shalhevet, and programming course at Yeshiva Univer- graduating as an AP National Scholar sity Stern College for Women, and spent Assistant Principal Shaindy Lisker, Valedictorian Nechama Schneider, Menahelet Esther with honors—she has been a large part a summer at The Cooper Union. Eisenman, and Rosh HaYeshiva Rabbi Zev Meir Friedman At graduation, Nechama addressed the packed house, congratulating her fellow graduates on all the hard work they have put in over the past four years succeeding academically, socially, and personally. “I thought the perfect thing to discuss tonight would be to remind you of what we gained in the environ- ment we have spent the last four years in, enveloped in safety and security. We don’t know how an experience aff ects us until afterwards, and today is after- ¤œ¤’Ž¡Š‹‹Šš“˜ထ¤ŽŠŒ’Ž¡£Šš£ŽŠ–Ž¡£ wards. Today we can fi nally see how all ª’œŽš¡“Œ’Žœ¦¡œ£¤ဖ£Ž˜“šŠ¡®ªœ˜Žšဠ£ the little things we experienced every —ŽŠ¡›“š‘¡œ‘¢Š˜¤’“£­ŽŠ¡‹­£’Š¡“š‘ day can all together make a huge impact Thank on us. ªœ¡£œœ¡Š’Šš“š£“¡Š¤“œš “There is nothing else like the Mid- reshet Shalhevet experience. There is no you other place where you know the names ¡£န ŠŒ–“Ž“Ŵœš ¡£န˜“¤Š‘’œ¦‹“ of every girl in your grade and most of ¡£နœŒ’Ž—’ŠŽ¤¯ ¡£န“¨–Š¦“š the people in the school. If asked, I could ¡£နŒ’Š—“’¡Ž“š Š¨œ¡ŽŒ’Š“¦¡‘ tell you what community each girl lives in, what her class schedule was like, £န’Ž¨“ Š¡Ŋš–Ž— Š¨¯¨“¡œ–Ž¡ what clubs she was in, and what teams ¡£န’Š“š­ —“Œ–˜Šš Š¨¡®Ž’œ’Žš she joined. We all know each other, and ¡£န—ŠšŠ ŠŒœ‹£ Š¨œŠ˜ “¬ that’s incredible. We are not just anoth- er face to each other; we are a friend, a ¡£န’œ£’ŠššŠ ŠŽ‘Ž¡ Š¨ Š¨ ¡“Ž˜Šš chavruta, a project partner, a teammate, ¡£နŠš“Ž——Š—Ž“š Š¨Ž“š“£’ “š£‹¦¡‘ and a classmate. We are bound together, ¡£န£¤’Ž¡ှ¡—œ£–­ဿŽ“‹Ž¡™Šš ¡န’Š¡—“Ž Š¡Š¡® no longer a group of strangers but rather a group of friends.” ¡£န“šŠŠ¤’Šš Š¨Šš“Ž—Š—“£’ Nechama will continue her studies in ¡£န¡“¤£¤’Ž¡“¤Ž¡ Š¨Žš¯“œš—Š¤¯–œ Israel next year at Amudim, and then at ¡£န“šŠŒ’œœš˜Š–Ž¡ Š¨ ¦Š’“£Œ’Ž— City College Honors to study environ- mental engineering. ¡£န’ŠšŠ“—¨Ž¡ Š¨ŽšŠŒ’Ž˜“££Ž— Salutatorian Gabriella Koegel of ¡£န’Šš“œ£’¤Š“š Š¨œ£’ŽŽ“š‹Ž¡‘Ž¡ Brooklyn is an extremely talented and Ž‹‹Ž¤¯“š­¢›ŠŽ“š‹Ž¡‘Ž¡ Š¨Žš‘—“š motivated student who works hard to achieve all her goals, and has accom- ¡£န¦¡“Ž“š‘œ¤ Š¨¦££“Ž Š–¦¤“š£–­ plished many in her term at Midresh- et Shalhevet, including four years on the Dean’s list. Her diligence, excellent Thank you ¤œ¤’Ž‘ŽšŽ¡œ¦£œšœ¡£Šš£œš£œ¡£œ¡˜Š–“š‘’ဠŽŽŠœ££“‹—Žန œ£œš£œ¡Šš¦Œœ˜“š‘Ž¨Žš¤ထ—ŽŠ£ŽŒœš¤ŠŒ¤“šœၟ£’ŽŽŠနœ¡‘ work ethic, humor, and true empathy for those around her will take her well beyond her academic achievements in Wishing everyone a healthy and relaxing summer! high school, and far in life. Gabriella has been a member of the Midreshet Shal- hevet choir for four years, lending her beautiful gift to many performances. She has shared her talents on the stage with roles in the school productions and performed a song from Hamilton in one Located in Aish Kodesh: 894 Woodmere Place, Woodmere school talent show. Ćāćċćċƫ!40ċĂƫđƫ333ċ/$!!"ċ+.# Outside of the academic realm, Ga- briella’s true character shines bright as 87 AROUND THE 5 TOWNS 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018

academic studies in higher Sha’alavim for Women, Tiferet, Aviva Marmer, Leah Miller, education. Midreshet Shalhe- Tomer Devora, Adelphi Uni- Nechama Schneider, and Sar- vet strives to not only give its versity, City College Honors, ah Malka Weinberger. students a well-rounded edu- Cornell University, Brooklyn Congratulations to Sarah cation but also looks to build College, Hofstra University, Austin and Nechama Schnei- the confi dence of each student Hunter College, John Hop- der, who graduated with AP to not only ask questions but kins University, Kingsborough Scholars with Honors. to express themselves, each Community College, Lander Congratulations to New in her own way. Before I came College for Women, Nassau York State Board of Regents to Midreshet Shalhevet, I was Community College, Queens Scholarship for Academic Ex- always hesitant and felt that I College, Queensborough Com- cellence award winners Sarah couldn’t be myself. Midresh- munity College, Stern College Austin and Aviva Marmer. et Shalhevet changed all that. for Women, SUNY Old West- The JCRC Community Over the years I learned life bury, and Touro College. Service award is given to stu- skills and I felt my best, true Congratulations to ARISTA dents in Long Island schools self emerging.” National Honor Society schol- in recognition of their efforts Following a year of study in ars, awarded based on schol- in building bridges across Israel at Sha’alvim for Wom- arship, leadership, service, communities and creating a en, Gabriella plans to attend and character: Sarah Austin, more civil society. Through- Brooklyn College. Suzanne Behar, Leah Feder, Rosh HaYeshiva Rabbi Zev Meir Friedman speaks Midreshet Shalhevet is Rochel Katz, Gabriella Koegel, Continued on Page 88 at Midreshet Shalhevet’s seventh annual commencement ceremony proud of the rest of its grad- she volunteers with children us, Midreshet Shalhevet has uates who have been accept- with disabilities on Shabbat, played a crucial role in encour- ed to the following seminar- and frequently goes to nursing aging our learning and love of ies and colleges: Amudim, homes to visit the elderly and Torah and we, too, have been Baer Miriam, Darchei Bina, use her beautiful voice to sing transformed.” she said. Emunah V’Omanut, Machon songs to them. “As young Jewish women, Maayan, Michlelet Mevaseret Gabriella refl ected on her we need to be ready to inter- Yerushalayim (MMY), Mid- four years at Midreshet Shal- act with a world that will often reshet Harova, Midreshet Mo- hevet at graduation, noting the challenge our beliefs, and Mid- riah, Midreshet Lindenbaum, education in Torah and sec- reshet Shalhevet has prepared Midreshet Tehilah, Midreshet ular studies that “have made us for this. We have also been Torah V’Avodah (TVA), Mid- a profound impact on us. For well prepared to continue our reshet Torah V’Chesed (MTC), 88 AROUND THE 5 TOWNS

Continued from Page 87 who is outstanding in her character, Her outgoing and outsized personality tion to her dedication to her school- courage, and commitment. Leah Feder made her a natural leader and advo- work, she managed to find the time out her years in high school, Allie Ei- is a young woman who demonstrates cate, and she put those traits to good to be involved in almost everything: dlisz has wholeheartedly committed her character and commitment in all use. She not only sought to be involved mock trial, the school production, To- herself to working with special needs that she does; she is an exuberant leader but to always think about what more rah bowl, Committee for Israel Action, children, spending countless hours who has surely left her mark. Well-spo- could be done, and in doing so opened and AIPAC, just to name a few. In fact, volunteering on Sundays and summers ken and mature, this student is always up the school to new experiences and when a Mock Trial competition was for OHEL. She brings a tremendous looking for ways to improve the school opportunities—homeless shelters, scheduled for a day during the APIAC July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, empathy and enthusiasm to her work, community, and she has done it with WriteOn for Israel, and more. This conference, this dedicated team mem- and, as we have seen in school, lifts ev- dedication and a sense of responsibil- young lady is one of the lucky ones who ber flew in from DC to make it to the eryone with her infectious smile and ity, always refl ecting and upholding can say, “I achieved the goal I set for courthouse. It is with great pleasure joy of life. the mission of the school with a smile. myself in ninth grade.” Sarah Austin, that Aviva Marmer was awarded with The Philip Bach Memorial Keter She has consistently worked hard at Cornell will be lucky to have you. this prestigious accolade. Shem Tov Award is given to honor the the clubs she was involved with, win- The Suri Boiangiu Principals’ The Midreshet Shalhevet/Rambam memory of Philip Bach, a’h, brother of ning awards and pushing her teams to Award, Midreshet Shalhevet’s top family is incredibly proud of all these Bayla Bach Becker, MSH Class of 2012. victory in both JUMP and Torah Bowl, award, is given each year to the stu- well-deserving young ladies who ex- Philip, who lived his 27 years with Fa- among others, often bringing lasting dent who, in the judgment of the entire cel in and out of the classroom, and we milial Dysautonomia, loved kindness changes to the school itself. Volunteer- administration, has made the greatest congratulate, once again, the class of in people; his family honors one stu- ing to save the adults of the school from overall contribution to MSH, its pro- 2018 on their growth in Torah knowl- dent who stands out in this regard. our misunderstandings of social media, grams, and the entire community. The edge and love of Torah, midot, and ex- Shana Schapira stands out for her she has kindly helped us cross the digi- recipient of this year’s award has an cellence in all the life skills and knowl- kindness and sensitivity to others, and tal highway to a more teenage-friendly incredibly mature attitude, and gets edge they have gained over the last always has a strong sense of doing the Instagram profi le. things done with a sense of commit- four years. right thing. A student who has grown The NYS Senate Leadership Award ment to everything she does. A strong Mazal tov! „ in all ways, she has been a quiet con- is given to a student who stands out and determined student, she had an tributor throughout her years in high both for community service and aca- intense drive to challenge herself ac- Sweet Dreams school, working to get the job done, but demic excellence. Sarah Austin appre- ademically and continually grow in At Camp Avnet staying out of the limelight. Whether it ciates knowledge and recognizes the Torah. To her, that is the bottom line. The preschool campers at HALB’s be in davening, in JUMP, or in helping value of what education can offer her, She often seeks advice on how best to Avnet Country Day School will be hav- out with the yearbook, Shana has con- both as a foundation for her profes- reach her goals. Her natural leader- ing sweet dreams this summer. Chil- tributed to the school community in sional future and as a vehicle for per- ship and midot tovot made her a strong dren in the Tipot division put their countless, quiet ways. sonal growth. The same could be said force of goodness within the grade, as artistic skills to good use when they The Triple C Award from the NYS for her devotion to community service, well as a grounded and accomplished decorated special Avnet pillowcases as Attorney General is given to a student be it in a formal or informal setting. student government leader. In addi- part of their pre-season orientation. All products. From applying 89 special coatings to keep aw-

GIVE ME SHADE nings from fading to intro- 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 AROUND THE 5 TOWNS ducing the Instant Sukkah BECOMES HEATED (a revolutionary awning that n honor of their 20th much more than just a cover transforms your porch into anniversary, Tri-State for your sukkah,” explains a a sukkah in less than 30 sec- the campers left with a cuddly will have every day at camp. I Awnings launched an Tri-State Awnings repre- onds!), they have outfitted keepsake to place on their beds Now they just need a good book exciting national contest. sentative. “We’re excited to over 18,000 porches in New as a reminder of the fun they and a bedtime hug! „ People are invited to submit let people explore the many York, New Jersey, Chicago, a letter explaining why they benefits of an awning.” From and Montreal. believe they should receive a young girls waxing poet- As the temperature of the free awning. Since the con- ically to earnest parents season hits a soaring 100 de- test launched only a week pleading their case, Give grees, Give Me Shade is like ago, hundreds have already Me Shade has families all a national outcry for pro- responded. Will the boy who over vying to win. Contes- tection from the sun. With needs an awning for medi- tants who purchase their only 10 days left to join the cal reasons win, or will the awning before July 20 win contest, it’s time to put pen public vote for the woman even more. They actually get to paper and convince Tri- who has an important event a 120% refund on their pur- State Awnings to Give You to host? Perhaps you have a chase! Shade! better reason that will win Tri-State Awnings, found- Send in your letters! over all… ed by Martin Lichtman in E-mail: givemeshade@tri- With letters ranging from 1998, has been a pioneer in stateawnings.com; mailing creative to conniving, this the industry. With a team address: Tristate Awning/ contest is picking up steam of experts, they constantly Give Me Shade; P.O. Box 155; every day. “Awnings are so reinvent and improve their Sloatsburg, NY 10974. „

And it came to pass after the plague, that G-d spoke to Moshe . . . “Take the sum of all the congregation of the Children of Israel . . .” (Bamidbar 26:1) To what is this comparable? To a shepherd into whose flock there entered a wolf and killed many of them, so he counts them to know how many remain. Another explanation: It is like the case of a shepherd to whom an owner entrusted his flock by number; when the shepherd came to the end of his time, on returning them, he had to number them again. When Israel went out of Egypt G-d entrusted them to Moshe by number (as per Sh’mos 12:37 and Bamidbar 1:1); now that Moshe was about to depart from the world in the plain of Moab, he returned them by number. Avnet preschool campers decorate their pillowcases at orientation (Midrash Rabbah; Rashi)

Minyanim in the 5 Towns/Far Rockaway Area Mincha Maariv 1:30 Agudas Achim, Monday- Thursday 7:30 The Shteebel (Main Bais Medrash) 333 Pearsall Avenue, Cedarhurst 7:45 Chabad of the 5 Towns Second floor conference room 8:00 Shaaray Tefila Also 10 minutes before shkiah 1:35 Yeshiva Shor Yashov The White Shul Kollel Avreichem Congregation Tifereth Zvi Rabbi Katz’s Shul (Congregation Shomer Shabbos) Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid (S-Th) Maariv is 15 min. after shkiah 8:05 Young Israel of North Woodmere 1:45 Agudath Israel of Long Island 8:15 Young Israel of Lawrence Cedarhurst (Sundays & legal holidays) The Shteebel (Downstairs in Simcha Hall) Yeshiva Gedolah of the 5 Towns 8:30 Bais Medrash of Harborview 1:50 Yismach Moshe @ The Premier Yismach Moshe @ The Premier 2:00 5 Towns Judaica 8:45 Yeshiva of Far Rockaway 2:15 Yeshiva of Far Rockaway Agudas Israel of Long Island 2:45 Agudath Israel of Long Island 9:00 Young Israel of Woodmere Also 15 minutes before shkiah Yeshiva Shor Yoshov Yeshiva Gedolah of the 5 Towns 9:15 Beis Medrash of Woodmere Young Israel Woodmere Shaaray Tefila (Halacha shiur 15 min. before) Agudas Israel of Long Island 3:00 Judaica Plus Yeshiva Shor Yoshov 4:15 Adas Yisroel of NY United Hebrew Young Israel of Lawrence Cedarhurst Community of NY The Shteebel (Downstairs in Simcha Hall) Bais Ephraim Yitzchok (M-Th) Bais Medrash Ateres Yisroel (Rabbi Blumenkrantz) 9:30 Young Israel of Woodmere Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid (S-Th) 9:45 Yeshiva Shor Yashov Yeshiva Gedolah of the 5 Towns Kehillas Bais Yehuda Tzvi (S-Th) The White Shul 10:00 Young Israel of Woodmere Agudas Israel of Long Island Yeshiva of Far Rockaway The Shteebel (Main Bais Medrash) 10:15 Kollel Avreichem 10:30 Young Israel of Woodmere Agudas Israel of Long Island Yeshiva Gedolah of the 5 Towns 10:40 Boston Beis Midrash of Lawrence 11:00 Young Israel of Woodmere Boston Beis Midrash of Lawrence 11:15 Kehillas Bais Yehuda (Thursdays) During the winter months Young Israel of Woodmere has a marriv minyan every half hour after 6:30, ending with the 11:00 maariv. 10:40, 11: 00, 11:20 11:40 12:00 Boston Beis Midrash of Lawrence has maariv every 20 minutes from 10:40-12 Boston Beis Midrash of Lawrence To add or modify a listing, please email: [email protected] 90 July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6, 91 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES • July 6, 2018 92 July 6, 2018 • 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES JEWISH TOWNS 2018 • 5 July 6,