
Teachers' Resource Material for both Dance For the Fun of It & The Show Must Go On

Before or after the performance get them dancing, and the Madison (or Nutbush City Limits as it is also called) is a great way to get students started. Go to http://www.bushfirepress.com/freebies/nutbush.html where you can download not just the dance steps, set out in a very easy to follow chart, but also the music. Once at the website look around. There are a number of social dances for kids to do all explained very well.

Some Basic Dance Steps to get students started

1. The Box Step Stand with your feet slightly apart Step forward onto your right foot Bring your left foot forward, over yo ur right and place your weight onto your left foot as you place it to the right of your right foot Place your right foot just behind your left Place your left foot beside your right (Feet slightly apart)

Hopefully you are now standing the way you were when you started and you are ready to start again.

2. One Two Three Kick (done to a four count)

In Dance For The Fun of IT this is the Audience Participation segment dance in a progressing line - The Conga Have a number of students form a line. Have them facing out (shoulder to shoulder) about 40cm apart. Keeping the line straight have them step forward Left Right Left and kick out with the right Bring the right back commencing the walk back, followed by the left, right and left brings the feet back together. You are ready to start the routine again.

Put basically the count is Forward Two Three Kick - Back Two Three Together. This can then be followed by taking the next One Two Three Kick diagonally to the Left and back to where you started. Follow this by going on the diagonally to the Right.

Have some fun by telling stories in Dance

www.schoolperformancetours.com.au Divide the class into groups of three, four or five (you know how your class best works). Give each group a storyline to interpret in dance. If a group is reluctant to participate, offer alternate storylines i.e. a cricket match, shopping for new clothes, a bank robbery or motorbike race mimed in slow motion. Send each group to opposite corners of the classroom to talk through and rehearse for only a few minutes, then have each group perform their dance for the rest of the class, who have to guess what the storyline of each dance is.

Name that dance

Make a list of all the dances that students know. (Waltz, Disco, Line Dancing, Barn dance, Ballet, Ballroom dancing, Rap dancing, Can can,) . If the class is slow or reluctant get animated and do the dances yourself add comments like the lights are flashing, I'm on the dance floor or I've got my cowgirl/boy hat on, I'm in a line with 9 other dancers and we are all doing the same movements and get the class to guess the dance.

Remember dancing is liberating so have fun.

Dance List from our Show Dance For the Fun of It.

Ballroom - with Mum - Waltz, Tang Sailor's Hornpipe Melbourne Shuffle Conga Hip Hop Statue or Popping Ballet Royal Court Dancing

In the Mash ups The Maddison - danced to Nutbush City Limits Macarena the Chicken Dance Finger Dancing - Too Low For Zero The Locomotion Disco Group Dancing - YMCA Wiggley Party The Hustle The Hokey Pokey Pump up the Jam www.schoolperformancetours.com.au Johnny B. Good Thriller.

To see the Basic Melbourne Shuffle again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vb5NeJO1BqU

This 13 year old Beat boxer is amazing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO6n_mR6zrY&feature=watch _response_rev and for his how to Crab Scratch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sdcI8GxKic&feature=related
