ADAIR, T.W. 1999. Chain of custody in the university setting: considerations for entomologists. Antenna. 23: 140-143.

ADAIR, T.W. 1999. Three species of blowfly (Diptera: ) collected from a human stillborn infant in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Journal of Medical Entomology. 36: 236-237.

ADAMS, Z.J.O. and M.J.R. Hall. 2003. Methods used for the killing and preservation of blowfly larvae, and their effects on post-mortem larval length. Forensic Science International 138: 50-61.

AMES, C. and B. Turner. 2003. Low temperature episodes in development of blowflies: implications for postmortem interval estimation. Medical & Veterinary Entomology 17: 178-186.

AMORIM, J.A. and O.B. Ribeiro. 2001. Distinction among the puparia of three blowfly species (Diptera: Calliphoridae) frequently found on unburied corpses. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 96: 6, 781-784.

ANDERSON, G.S. 1999. The use of to determine time of death in illegally killed black bears. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 44(4) : 843-846.

ANDERSON, G.S. 1999. in Death Investigations. IN Forensic Anthropology Case Studies from Canada. Fairgreave, S. Editor, Charles C. Thomas. pp 303-326. (Invited).

ANDERSON, G.S. 2000. Succession on carrion and its relationship to determining time since death. IN Forensic Entomology: The utility of in legal investigations. Castner, E and Byrd, J. (Eds.) CRC Press. pp 143-176 (Invited).

ANDERSON, G.S. 2000. Minimum and maximumdevelopment rates of some forensically important Calliphoridae (Diptera). Journal of Forensic Sciences. 45: 824- 832.

ANDERSON, G.S. 2001. Forensic entomology in British Columbia: a brief history. Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia. 98: 127-135.

ANDERSON, G.S. and V.J. Cervenka. 2001. Insects associated with the body: Their use and analyses IN Advances in Forensic Taphonomy. Methods, Theory and Archeological Perspectives. Haglund, W. and Sorg, M. (Eds.) CRC Press. pp 174-200 (Invited).

ARCHER, M.A. and J.F. Wallman. 2002. A new distribution record from Victoria for the blowfly, Chrysomya incisuralis (Macquart) (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 114: 59-60.

ARCHER, M.S. and M.A. Elgar. 2003. Effects of decomposition on carcass attendance in a guild of carrion-breeding . Medical & Veterinary Entomology 17: 263-271.

ARNALDOS, I., E. Romera, M.D. Garcia, and A. Luna. 2001. An initial study on the succession of sarcosaprophagous Diptera (Insecta) on carrion in the southeastern Iberian peninsula. International Journal of Legal Medicine. 114: 156-162.

BENECKE, M. Leichenbesiedlung durch Gliedertiere>. (Insects on Corpses) In: Brinkmann B, Madea B (Hrsg.) Handbuch Rechtsmedizin. Chapter 2.2.: Die Leiche. (The corpse.) Leichenerscheinungen und Todeszeitbestimmung. Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo (in Druck) [this is the German scientific standard text book for forensic medicine

BENECKE, M. 1998. [book review] Fliegen und Mücken>: Sauer F, Fauna-Verlag, Karlsfeld, 1998; Haupt J & H, Naturbuch-Verlag, Augsburg, Rechtsmedizin 9:214.

BENECKE, M. 1999. [book review] Byrd and Castner (eds.): Entomological Evidence . Rechtsmedizin 10:28.

BENECKE, M. 2000. Insekten auf Leichen Mit goldenen Asservierungs-Regeln! Kriminalistik 54:680-682

BENECKE, M. 2000. (book review) Witness after the event. Lee Goff: "A For The Prosecution" . How insect evidence helps to solve crimes. Nature 405:276-277.

BENECKE, M. 2001. Rein einseitiges Auftreten von Schmeißfliegen>maden im Gesicht einer Faulleiche. [Unilateral occurence of blowfly maggots in the face of a decomposing body.] Archiv für Kriminologie 208:182-185 [Medline , PMID: 11824099].

BENECKE. M. 2001. [book review] Murder most putrid . Nature 410:752.

BENECKE, M. 2001. A Brief History of Forensic Entomology>. Forensic Science International 120:2-14 [Medline: 21349956, PMID: 11457602].

BENECKE, M. 2001. (book review) Stresemanns Exkursionsfauna, 9. Aufl., Bd. 2/1 Wirbellose: Insekten . Rechtsmedizin 11:29

BENECKE, M. 2001. Entomologie, forensische>. Enzyklopädie der Naturwissenschaften und Technik. Ecomed eds., Landsberg/Lech. Delivered with 2. ed., Suppl. 6 (2/2001):F1-7

BENECKE, M. 2001. (book review) A Fly For The Prosecution> by Lee Goff. Quaterly Review of Biology 76:65-66

BENECKE, M. 2001. Forensic entomology: Lethal child neglect and credit card fraud>. Zoology 104 (Suppl IV):53 (Annual Meeting of the DZG (German Zoological Society).

BENECKE, M. 2001. Forensic entomology: The Next Step>. Forensic Science International 120:1.

BENECKE, M. 2002. A Police Quarrel> over "Maggots" in Soljanka Stew. Zoology 105 (Suppl. 5):96.

BENECKE, M. 2002. Les insectes judiciaires>. Pour La Science Nr. 296 (Juin):76-83 [French text].

BENECKE, M. 2002. Wie Maden Mörder> entlarven. (How Maggots help solving crimes.) Spektrum der Wissenschaft/Scientific American Germany 3/2002:42-48.

BENECKE, M. 2002. Insects and Corpses.> In: Baccino E (ed.) Proceedings of the 16th Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Sciences, Monpellier, France, Sept. 2-7, 2002. Monduzzi Editore Bologna, p. 135-140.

BENECKE, M. 2003. Neglect of the elderly: Cases and considerations>. Meeting of the EAFE (European Association for Forensic Entomology, Frankfurt, Germany, April 2-4, pp 29-30.

BENECKE, M. In press. Insekten als Zeichen

BENECKE, M. Neglect of the elderly: Forensic Entomology Cases and Considerations (submitted).

BENECKE, M., and L. Barksdale. Distinction of bloodstain patterns from fly artifacs Forensic Science International 137: 152-159.

BENECKE, M., L. Barksdale, J. Sundermeier, S. Reibe, and B.C.R. Ratcliffe. 2000. Forensic entomology in a murder case: Blood spatter artifacts caused by flies , and determination of post mortem inverval (PMI) by use of blowfly maggots. Zoology 103 (Suppl. III):106 (Note: Winner (2nd) of the Poster Prize at the Annual Meeting of the German Society for Zoologie (Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft, DZG) in Bonn, Germany, June 12-16.

BENECKE, M., and R. Lessig. 2001. Child neglect and forensic entomology>. Forensic Science International 120:155-159 [Medline: 21349978, PMID: 11457624] BENECKE M (2001) [book review] Murder most putrid . Nature 410:752.

BENECKE, M., R. Lessig. 2002. El Maltrato Infantil y la Entomología Forense . Revista Jalisciense de Ciencias Forenses 2(3): 32-37.

BENECKE, M., and M. Leclercq. 1999. Ursprünge der modern angewandten rechtsmedizinisch-kriminalistischen Gliedertierkunde> bis zur Wende zum 20. Jahrhundert. (Origins of forensic entomology.) Rechtsmedizin 9:41-45 [PDF

BENECKE, M., and B. Seifert. 1999. Forensische Entomologie> am Beispiel eines Tötungsdeliktes. Eine kombinierte Spuren- und Liegezeitanalyse. (Forensic Entomology exemplified by a high profile homicide. A combined stain and postmortem time analysis (postmortem interval, PMI).) Archiv für Kriminologie 204:52-60 [Medline: 99419438, PMID: 10489592.

BENECKE M., and J. Wells. 2000. Molecular techniques for forensically important insects . In: Byrd JH, Castner JL (eds.) Entomological Evidence>: Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations. CRC Press, Boca Raton, p. 341-352

BHARTI, M., and D. Singh. 2003. Insect faunal succession on decaying rabbit carcasses in Punjab, India. J. Forensic Sci. 48: 1133-1143.

BOUREL, B., B. Callet, V. Hedouin, and D. Gosset. 2003. Flies eggs: a new method for the estimation of short-term post0mortem interval. Forensic Science International 135: 27-34.

BOUREL, B., L. Fleurisse, V. Hedouin, J.-C. Cailliez, C. Creusy, M.L. Goff, and D. Gosset. 2001. Immunohistochemical contribution to the study of morphine metabolism in Calliphoridae larvae and implications in forensic entomotoxicology. J. Forensic Sci. 46: 596-99.

BOUREL, B., N. Hubert, V. Hedouin, and D. Gosset. 2000. Forensic entomology applied to a mummified corpse. [French]. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France. 36: 287-290.

BOUREL, B., G. Tournel, V. Hedouin, V.,M. Deveaux, M.L. Goff, and D. Gosset. 2001. Morphine extraction in necrophagous insects remains for determining ante- mortem opiate intoxication. Forensic Sci. Inter. 120: 127-31.

BOUREL, B., G. Tournel, V. Hedouin, V.,M. Deveaux, M.L. Goff, and D. Gosset. 2001. Determination of drug levels in two species of necrophagous Coleoptera reared on substrates containing morphine. Journal of Forensic Sciences 46: 600-03.

BUCHAN, M. and G.S. Anderson. 2001. A review of the current status of methods used in the later postmortem interval to determine time since death. Canadian Society of Forensic Sciences Journal 34(1): 1-22.

BYRD, J.H., and J.C. Allen. 2001. The development of the black blow fly, Phormia regina (Meigen). Forensic Science International 120: 79-88.

CAMPOBASSO CP, Di Vella G and Introna F, jr. 2001. Factors affecting decomposition and Diptera colonization. Forensic Science International 120: 18-27.

CAMPOBASSO CP and Introna F, jr. 2001 The forensic entomologist in the context of the forensic pathologist’s role. Forensic Science International 120: 132-139.

CARVALHO, L.M.L. de and A.X. Linhares. 2001. Seasonality of insect succession and pig carcass decomposition in a natural forest area in Southeastern Brazil. Journal of Forensic Sciences 46: 3, 604-608.

CARVALHO, L. M., L. Linhares, A. X. Trigo, J. R. 2001. Determination of drug levels and the effect of diazepam on the growth of necrophagous flies of forensic importance in southeastern Brazil. Forensic Science International 120: 1/2, 140-144.

CARVALHO, L.M.L., P.J. Thyssen, A.X. Linhares, and F.A.B. Palhares. 2000. A checklist of arthropods associated with pig carrion and human corpses in southeastern Brazil. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 95: 1, 135-138.

CENTENO, N, M. Maldonado, and A. Oliva. 2002. Seasonal patterns of arthropods occurring on sheltered and unsheltered pig carcasses in Buenos Aires Province (Argentina). Forensic Science International 126: 63-70.

CHOW-SHAFFER, E., B. Sina, W.A. Hawley, J. de Benedictis, and T.W. Scott. 2000. Laboratory and field evaluation of polymerase chain reaction-based forensic DNA profiling for use in identification of human blood meal sources of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae). Journal of Medical Entomology 37: 4, 492-502.

CLERY, J. M. 2001. Stability of prostate specific antigen (PSA), and subsequent Y- STR typing, of Lucilia (Phaenicia) sericata (Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) maggots reared from a simulated postmortem sexual assault. Forensic Science International 120: 1/2, 72-76.

DADOUR, I.R., D.F. Cook, and N. Wirth, N. 2001. Rate of development of Hydrotaea rostrata under summer and winter (cyclic and constant) temperature regimes. Medical & Veterinary Entomology. 15: 2, 177-182.

DADOUR, I.R., D.F. Cook, J.N. Fissioli, W.J. Bailey. 2001. Forensic entomology: application, education and research in Western Australia. Forensic Science International. 120: 1/2, 48-52.

DAVIS, J.B. & M.L. Goff. 2000. Decomposition patterns in terrestrial and intertidal habitats on O’ahu Island and Coconut Island, Hawai’i. Journal of Forensic Sciences 45: 836-42.

DEVINDER, S., and B. Meenakshi. 2000. Forensically important blow flies (Diptera : Calliphoridae) of Punjab (India). Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology 20: 3, 249-251.

DEVINDER, S. and M. Bharti. 2001. Ants (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) associated with decaying rabbit carcasses. Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology 21: 1, 93-94.

DEVINDER, S. and M.Bharti. 2001. Further observations on the nocturnal oviposition behaviour of blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Forensic Science International 120: 1/2, 124-126.

DIZINNO, J.A., W.D. Lord, M.B. Collins, M.R. Wilson & M.L. Goff. 2002. Mitochondrial DNA sequencing of beetle larvae (Nitidulidae: Omosita) recovered from human bone. J. Forensic Sci.47: 1337-39.

DONOVAN, S. 2002. Maggots & murder. Nerc News No.Spring, 3-4.

FAUCHERRE, J., D. Cherix, C. Wyss. 1999. Behavior of Calliphora vicina (Diptera, Calliphoridae) under extreme conditions. Journal of Insect Behavior 12: 5, 687-690.

GAGLIANO-CANDELA, R. and L. Aventaggiato. 2001. The detection of toxic substances in entomological specimens. International Journal of Legal Medicine. 2001. 114: 4/5, 197-203.

GAUDRY, E., Myskowiak, J.B., Chauvet, B., Pasquerault, T., Lefebvre, F., and Y. Malgorn. 2001. Activity of the forensic entomology department of the French Gendarmerie. Forensic Science International 120: 1/2, 68-71.

GRASSBERGER, M., and C. Reiter. 2002. Effect of temperature on development of the forensically importantholarctic blow fly Protophormia terraenovae (Robineau- Desvoidy) (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Forensic Science International. 128: 177-182.

GOFF, M.L. & W.D. Lord. 2000. Entomotoxicology. In: Entomological Evidence: Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations, J.H. Byrd & J. Castner, eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL pp. 331-40.

GOFF, M.L. 2001. Forensic Entomology. In: McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology. McGraw-Hill, New York. pp. 117-19.

GOFF, M.L. 2002. Forensic Entomology. In: Encyclopedia of Insects. Academic Press, San Diego. pp. 437-42.

GOFF, M.L. 2003. The maggot and the law. In: Being Human: science, culture and fear. The Royal Society of New Zealand, Misc. Ser. 63: 45-51.

GOFF, M.L. 2000. A Fly for the Prosecution. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. 224 p. -El testimonio de las moscas Como los insectos ayudana resolver crimenes (Spanish Translation) Alba Editorial, Barcelona. 267 pp. -A Fly for the Prosecution. How insect evidence helps solve crimes. (Japanese Translation). Tuttle-Mori Agency, Inc., Tokyo. 238 pp.

GOMES, L. C.J. von Zuben, and J.S. Govone. 2002. Behaviour of postfeeding radial larval dispersion in blowflies of Chrysomya (Diptera: Calliphoridae): search for new food resources. [Portuguese] Entomologia y Vectores. 9: 115-132.

GRASSBERGER, M. and C. Reiter. 2001. Effect of temperature on Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae) development with special reference to the isomegalen- and isomorphen-diagram. Forensic Science International 120: 1/2, 32-36.

GROTE, U., BENECKE M. 2001. Der "Fall" Wesel-Bislich.> Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit von forensischer Entomologie und Archäologie am Beispiel eines frühmittelalterlichen Gräberfeldes. (Forensic entomology applied to an early medieval grave site.) In: Archäologisches Zellwerk. Festschrift für Helmut Roth zum 60. Geb., Hrsg. E. Pohl, U. Recker, C. Theune. Internationale Archäologie/Studia Honoria (Hrsg.: C. Dobiat, K. Leidorf; Verlag Marie Leidorf, Rahden/Westf.) 16:47-59.

GULLAN, P.J., and P.S. Cranston. 1999. The insects: an outline of entomology. [Book] Blackwell Science Ltd,Oxford, UK: xvi + 470 pp.

HARVEY, M.L., I.R. Dadour, S. Gaudieri. 2003. Mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I gene: potential for distinction between immature stages of some forensically important fly species (Diptera) in western Australia. Forensic Science International. 131: 134-139.

HARVEY, M.L, Mansell, M.W., M.H. Villet, I.R. Dadour. 2003. Molecular identification of some forensically important blowflies of southern Africa and Australia. Medial & Veterinary Entomology 17: 363-369.

HEDOUIN, V., B. Bourel,L. Martin-Bouyer., A. Bécart, G. Tournel, M. Deveraux, M.L. Goff & D. Gosset. 2001. Determination of drug ,levels in larvae of Protophormia terraenovae and Calliphora vicina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) reared on rabbit carcasses containing morphine. J. Forensic Sci. 46: 12-14.

HEDOUIN, V., B. Bourel, L. Martin-Bouyer, A. Becart, G. Tournel, M. Deveaux, and D. Gosset. 1999. D Morphine perfused rabbits: a tool for experiments in forensic entomotoxicology. Journal of Forensic Sciences 44: 2, 347-350.

HAEFNER, J.N, J.R. Wallace, and R.W. Merritt. 2004. Pig decomposition in lotic aquatic systems: The potential use of algal growth in establishing a postmortem submersion interval (PMSI)*. Journal of Forensic Science 49: 330-336.

HOBISCHAK, N.R. and Anderson, G.S. 1999. Freshwater-related death investigations in British Columbia in 1995-1996. A review of coroners cases. Canadian Society of Forensic Sciences Journal 32 :97-106.

HOBISCHAK, N.R. and G.S. Anderson. 2002. Time of submergence using aquatic invertebrate succession and decompositional changes. Journal of Forensic Science 47(1): 142-151.

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INTRONA F, jr., Campobasso CP and Goff ML. 2001. Entomotoxicology. Forensic Sci. Int. 120: 42-47.

JAMES, R.A., D.A. Eitzen, R. Hall, J.F. Wallman, C.J. McKenna, and R.W. Byard. 2000. Autopsy and quarantine considerations in a case of illegal entry of a corpse into Australia. Journal of Law and Medicine 8: 89-91.

JONES, G.D. and S.D. Jones. 2001. The uses of pollen and its implication for entomology. Neotropical Entomology 30: 3, 341-350.

JOY, J.E., M.L. Herrell and P.C. Rogers. 2002. Larval fly activity on sunlit versus shaded raccoon carrion in southwestern West Virginia with special reference to the black blowfly (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Journal of Medical Entomology 39:392-397.

KEIPER, J.B., and D.A. Casamatta. 2001. Benthic organisms as forensic indicators. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 20: 2, 311-324.

KIRKPATRICK, R.S., and J.K. Olson. 2002. Summer succession of necrophagous and other fauna associated with fresh and frozen pig carcasses at a rural site in central Texas. Tex. A&M University. Undergrad. J. Sci. 2: 17-21.

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LAMOTTE, L.R. & J.D. Wells. 2000. P-values for postmortem intervals from arthropod succession data. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 5:58-68.

LECLERQ, M. 1999. Entomology and forensic medicine: importance of phorid flies on human corpses. [French] [Conference paper] Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France. 35: Supp, 566-568.

LECLERQ, M. 2000. Megaselia (Megaselia) scalaris (Loew, 1866): Phorid Diptera new for the Belgian fauna. [French] Bulletin de la Societe Royale Belge D'Entomologie 136: 1/6, 34.

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LEVOT, G.W. 2003. Insect fauna used to estimate the post-mortem interval of deceased persons. General & Applied Entomology 32: 31-39.

LORD, W.D. & M.L. Goff. 2003. Forensic entomology: application of entomological methods to the investigation of death. In: Froede, R.C., Ed. Handbook of Forensic Pathology, 2nd edition. College of American Pathologists, Northfield, Illinois. pp. 423- 36.

LINVILLE, J.G and J.D. Wells. 2002. Surface sterilization of a maggot using bleach does not interfere with mitochondrial DNA analysis of crop contents. Journal of Forensic Sciences 47:1055-59.

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MA, Y., C. Hu, J. Hong, and J. Min 2001. TEM studies of the larval cuticle layer of Aldrichina grahami (Aldrich). [Chinese] Acta Parasitologica et Medica Entomologica Sinica 8: 1, 41-45.

MALGORN, Y., and R. Coquoz. 1999. DNA typing for identification of some species of Calliphoridae. An interest in forensic entomology. Forensic Science International 102: 2/3, 111-119.

MARCHENKO, M. I. 2001. Medicolegal relevance of cadaver entomofauna for the determination of the time of death. Forensic Science International 120: 1/2, 89-109.

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MERRITT, R. W., M J. Higgins, and J. R. Wallace. 2000. Entomology, pp. 699- 705. In: Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences (eds. J. A. Siegel, P. J. Saukko, and G. C. Knupfer). Academic Press, Ltd., London, United Kingdom.

MERRITT, R. W. and J. R. Wallace. 2001. The role of aquatic insects in forensic investigations, pp. 177-221. In: Forensic entomology: The utility of arthropods in legal investigations. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

MUSVASVA, E., K.A. Williams, W.J. Muller, M.H. Villet. 2001. Preliminary observations on the effects of hydrocortisone and sodium methohexital on development of Sarcophaga (Curranea) tibialis Macquart (Diptera: Sarcophagidae), and implications for estimating post mortem interval. Forensic Science International 120: 1/2, 37-41.

MYSKOWIAK, J.B., B. Chauvet, T. Pasquerault, C. Rocheteau, J.M.A. Vian. 1999. A summary of six years of forensic entomology field work. The role of necrophagous insects in forensic science. [French] [Conference paper] Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France. 35: Supp, 569-572.

MYSKOWIAK, J.B., and C. Doums. 2002. Effects of refrigeration on the biometry and development of Protophormia terraenovae (Robineau-Desvoidy) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and its consequences in estimating post-mortem interval in forensic investigations. Forensic Science International. 125: 254-261.

NOR AFANDY, et al. 2003. A review of forensic specimens sent to forensic entomology laboratory Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia for the year 2001. Tropical Biomedicine 20: 27-31.

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OLIVEIRA-COSTA, J., S.M. Lopes. 2000. The relevance of forensic entomology for the criminal investigation of a case of suicide. [Portuguese] Entomologia y Vectores 7: 2, 203-209.

OLIVEIRA-COSTA, J., C.A. de Mello-Patiu, and S.M. Lopes. 2001. Muscoid Diptera associated with human corpses at the death scene in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. [Portuguese] [Bulletin] Boletim do Museu Nacional. Nova Serie, Zoologia. Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: No.464, 1-6. OLIVEIRA-COSTA, J., C.A. de Mello-Patiu, and S.M. Lopes. 2001. The influence of abiotic factors on muscoid Diptera succession patterns in human cadavers at the death scene in Rio de Janeiro. [Portuguese] [Bulletin] Boletim do Museu Nacional. Nova Serie, Zoologia. Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: No.470, 1-10.

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OZDEMIR, M.H.A., U. Aksoy, C. Akisu, E. Sonmez, and M.A. Cakmak. Investigating demodex in forensic autopsy cases. Forensic Science International 135: 226-231.

PANKAJ, K. and D.K. Satpathy. 2001. Use of beetles in forensic entomology. Forensic Science International 120: 1/2, 15-17.

PLATEK, S.F., J.B.N. Crowe, N. Ranieri, and K. Wolnik. 2001. A Scanning electron microscopy determination of string mozzarella cheese in gastric contents. Journal of Forensic Sciences 46: 1, 131-134.

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RICHARDSON, M.S. & M.L. Goff. 2001. Effects of temperature and intraspecific interaction on the development of Dermestes maculatus DeGeer (Coleoptera: Dermestidae). J. Med. Entomol.38: 347-51.

SCHROEDER, H., H. Klotzbach, S. Elias, C. Augustin, and K. Pueschel. 2003. Use of PCR-RFLP for differentiation of calliphorid larfvae (Diptera, Calliphoridae) on human corpses. Forensic Science International 132: 76-81.

SCHROEDER, H., H. Klotzbach, L. Oesterhelweg, K. Puschel. 2002. Larder beetles (Coleoptera, Dermestidae) as an accelerating factor for decomposition of a human corpse. Forensic Science International. 127: 231-236.

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SHALABY, O.A., L.M.L. de Carvalho & M.L. Goff 2000. Comparison of patterns of decomposition in a hanging carcass and a carcass in contact with soil in a xerophytic habitat on the island of O’ahu, Hawai’i. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 45: 1267-73.

STAERKEBY, M. 2001. Dead larvae of mortuorum (L.) (Diptera, Calliphoridae) as indicators of the post-mortem interval - a case history from Norway. Forensic Science International 120: 1/2, 77-78.

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