Tony Harris,Daniel Jolley,Ray Snyder | 192 pages | 01 Nov 2016 | | 9781302901677 | English | New York, United States Doctor Strange: The Flight of Bones

This will not affect the original upload Small Medium How do you want the image positioned around text? For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Working my way back to 's beginnings Want to Read saving…. Bottom line : The core tale is decent and Dr. Locations Sanctum Doctor Strange: The Flight of Bones. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Go to Link Unlink Change. This is a very eclectic collection of Doctor Strange stories from the late s. Use your keyboard! A collection of stories featuring great artists like Tony Harris Starman and Frazer Irving Batman and Robin, Zombiand more, that offer a glimpse in the Doctor Strange's different adventures during late 90's publishing Marvel Comics. Nov 10, Chad rated it liked it. Graphic Novels Comics. I so love the movie and I so love him comics and trade paperback. . Fate has always been DC's premiere mystic while John is a "dabbling" street-level mage more equivalent to Damian Hellstrum or Blade still I love the darker elements of Strange and he fits noir very well, and the anthology structure has always worked better Doctor Strange: The Flight of Bones the big overarching blow out still it has its problems and if your not as sold on the noir-anthology thing or if you want more of it which you might you might not like like it, it just happens to be right up my alley, imperfections and all This edit will also Doctor Strange: The Flight of Bones new pages on Comic Vine for: Beware, you are proposing to add brand new pages to the wiki along with your edits. View Product. Rows: Columns:. Members save with free shipping everyday! This is spread out throughout the book so a new reader shouldn't feel overwhelmed with the information. See details. And it feels like it is geared more as a collection to get new readers familiar with the character than a story meant for long time readers. The city of sin gets its biggest sinner yet! About Dan Jolley. Other than that it is a great Doctor Strange tale. Sep 03, Colton Geschwandtner rated it it was ok. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Beware, you are proposing to add brand new pages to the wiki along with your edits. Readers also Doctor Strange: The Flight of Bones. The art is good and the main story arc builds slowly during the first 2 parts but the second 2 are rushed in a way to add Dormammu as a villain. Welcome back. The Doctor Strange: The Flight of Bones kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time and the art added so much to it. However, the rest of the volume is uneven, with mostly very trippy black and white stories that I had trouble getting into. It has a little bit of something for anyone. Related Searches. In this we see Doctor Strange has fully Doctor Strange: The Flight of Bones his role in the world of magic and still looking for ways to heal himself physically. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Use your keyboard! Cancel Update. Kevin Doctor Strange: The Flight of Bones rated it it was ok Sep 06, For some reason most of the filler material is in black and white. Comment and Save Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. He is so strange but I so love him. Most of the other stories are also in black and white. Get A Copy. I so love the mystic Arts and Mysticism. Story Arcs. Cancel Create Link. The other stories are pretty dull. Frank Brunner Illustrator. Mar 26, Wondra Vanian rated it really liked it Shelves: comicsillustratedgraphic-novelmagicmarvel. Just curi I really wanted to give this that extra star but there were a few things that didn't quite work, mostly how in the main story Strange doesn't do the trope of aliterative rhyming for his spells. Plus, in stories from standout creators, the good Doctor makes a deal with the devil, and the former surgeon must be a very different healer when he hears of a man's deep grief. Other editions. Details if other :. Make sure this is what you intended. Strange filler, short stories from other books.