Cumberl.AND. [KELLY's

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Cumberl.AND. [KELLY's 54 BRAMPTON • CUMBERl.AND. [KELLY'S • Wilson Jane (Mrs.), milliner, Main street Wrigley Bobt. mgr. of i:lhe London City & Midland Bank Winthrop Senhonse M. ~r dresser, Main street Y-ounger William Elliot, chemist & drnggist, Market pl EASlJY. COMMERCIAL. Fisher Henry, farmer, Crooked holme Richardson Robt. N. farmer, Cotehill Gillespie Arthur, farmer, Gt. Easby Routledge Thos. farmer, Great Easby Bell Thomas, farmer, New mills Graham Warwick, farmer,Old Church Watson Jamelil, Johnson's Arms P.H. Bowstead George S. farmer, Gt.Easby Head George, farmer, Bracken bill Cam beck bridge NAWOB'l'H. Jones Leifchild Stratten, Naworth Forster Joseph, station master PRIVATE RESIDENTS. castle; & I Kensington Palace Iveson Robert, head gardener to the Carlisle Earl of J.P. Naworth castle; green, London W Earl of Carlisle Castle Howard, Yorks ; & I Ken­ COMH11IRCI.AL. James William, chief estate clerk to sington Palace green, London W Birkett Thomas, farmer, Beck gate I the Earl of Carlisle, Estate offices Howard Hon. Geoffrey Wm. Algernon Brown Thomas, head gamekeeper to Marriner Thomas, estate architect M.P. Naworth castle; & I Kensing­ the Earl of Carlisle, Naworth keep Potts John, temperance hotel, Abbey ton Palace green, London W Davidson J ames, parish clerk & guide Bridge end to Lanercost Abbey, Boothby house :BRIDEXIRK is a township and parish 2 miles north in capite by the 2oth ·part of a knight's fee and 26s. from Cockermouth stati~:m -on the Cockermouth, Kes­ rent. In 1701 Henry Tolson esq. enfranchised the wick and Penrith railway, and tilie Maryport and Car­ te.~;~.ants. '!'he lands are now ell freehold. The s<•il is lisle railway, in the Oockermouth division of the county, limey ; subsoil, stone. The chief crops are oats and ward of Allerdale-below-Derwent, Cockermonth union, turnips, and pasture land. The a.rea is I,332 acres of 0-ockerm<mhll and Workington oounty court district, in land and 8 of water; re.teable value, £I,674; the pl•pu• the rurnl deanery of Maryport, and ardhdeaconry and lation in rgor was no in the township and 823 in the diocese of Carlisle. The ohuroh of St. Bride or Bridget, parish. originally erected about II30, was rebuilt in r868 at a Parish Clerk and Sexton, Jarnes Tunstall. cost of over £5 ,ooo, all the principal fea.tnres of the old Letters through Cockermouth, which is the nearest building being re-incorporated; the present church is a money order & telegraph office, arrive at 9 a.m. k crnciform edifice of brick and local .freestone, consisting 4·30 p.m of chr.ncel, nave, aisle, transepts, and a central tower Wall Letter •Box cleared at 5 p.m. week days only containing a peal of bells, and a. clock presented in October, 1875, .by Mr. and Mrs. Cowley Fisher, of Wood DOVENBY is a township and village 2i miles north­ Hall, as a memorial to members ·of their family buried west from Cockermonth, with a private stati()n for the here: the bells were given in IB68 by J. W. E. Dykes use of the Dykes family, I mile south -of the village, esq. of Dovenby Hall, w'ho also left by his will a. sum on the Derwent branch of the Maryport and Carlisle of £1,ooo, tile interest to be applied in paying the railway. Tihere is a Congregational chapel here, erect-ed ringers and maintaining the bells: two Early Norman in 1840, with 6o sittings. This township has a charity doorways, !belonging to the former church been of £35 a year erising from rent c'harges, and £1 ss. replaced and there is an ancient fon.t of freestone, be-­ derived from about £42 in Savings Bank securities; of lieved to be of Sa:xon date, carved with represent1J.tions the total income £32 ss. is distributed to six deserving of the Baptism of Our Lord, and the Expulsion af poor persons at Christmas, and £4 is paid to the master Adam and Eve, besides figures of monsters and birds, of the National school here. Dovenby Hall, the sea.t of also with an inscription of Runic character: the com­ Frescheville Hubert Ballantine-Dykes esq: J.P. is a munion plate includes a chalice dated I550-I: there are mansion of freestone, standing in a park -of 52 acres; memorial windows to Mrs. Donnelly and Beatrice Dykes, some of the ()lder portions appear t() be constructed of Joseph D. B. Dykes and Mary, :his wife, one erected Roman materials. F. Jl. Ballantine-Dykes esq. is lord in I874 by George Stockdale esq. of Kensington, London, of the manor and chief landowner. The area is 1,764 to ohis father and mother and Catherine his wife, one acres ; rateable value, £2,15 I ; the population in 1901 to Major Green-Thompson, erected in 1690 by his was 198. widow and lher ·sons and dau,ghter, one to Eliza Let.ters through Cockermouth, which is the nearest Bs1lantine Dykes and -one to Bertha Sntton: in r86g, money order & telegraph office, arrive at 7·45 a.m an oak pulpit was presented by Mrs. Sarah Smith, Wall Letter Box cleared at 7·40 a.m. & 5 p.m in memory of her hns band : the church affords 300 sittings. The .register dates from the year I545· The Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1845, for living is a. vicarage, net yearly value £2oo, with resi­ 120 children; average attendance, 8r; the school is dence, in the gift O'f Frescheville Hu'bert Ba.llantine­ -endowed with abaut 5 acres of land and £509 in Dykes esq. J.P. of Dovenby, and 1held since r88I by the securities, producing £47 I5S. per annum; Tom L. Rev. Alfred Sutton M.A. of Oains College, Cambridge, Hayston, master hon. canon of Carlisle and rural dean of Maryport. Mrs. Railway Station (private), Mrs. Robinson, station mist Smith's charity consists of £330 in Consols, the interest PAPCASTLE is a township and village in the parish ol. whlch is applied to the relief of widows and widowers of Bridekirk, I mile west-north-west fr()m Cockermout.h, in the townships of Bridekirk and Tallantire. A charity and connected wit'h that town by a stone !bridge which of about £52 in Consols, given by a don()r now unknown. crosses t!he river Derwent. Papcastle was the site of a produces £r ns. yearly for distribution in money w Roman oomp, and is said to lhave been the seat of the poor. Here was born, in I686, Thomas Tickell, Waltheof, first Lord of .Allerdale, before he built fellow of Queen's College, Oxford, poet. and sometime, Cockermoutoh Castle. F. H. Ballantine-Dykes esq. is by the interest of Addison, 1his friend and colleague, lord af the manor and principal landowner. The area Under-Secretary of State. He died at Bath, 25th April, is 1,208 acres of land and 23 of water; rateable value, I740· Sir JQsep:P, Williamson, son of the Rev. Joseph £4,1II; the population in 190I WaS> 596. Williamson, who was inducted to t'he vicarage in 1625, Post Margaret Elizabeth Hewetson, sub­ rose from a -clerks·hip to t'he -office of Secreta.ry of State. postmistress. Letters throug'h Oockermouth, arrive He gave to Bridekirk church bibles, prayer-'OOoks, at 8 a.m. ; dispatched at 5 ·45 p.m. ; no delivery on oommnnion plate &c. W oodhall, the residence and eundays. Oockermauth is the neerest money order & property of Edward Thomas Tysqn esq. J.P. is a t-elegraph office modern mansion in the Tudor style, standing in a well­ Wall Letter Box, Belle Vue, cleared at 9 a.m. & 5·35 timbered park. The house is delightfully situated on p.m. week days only a.n eminence commanding ma.,rrnificient views of the picturesque valley of the Derwent; included in the col­ Railway Station, Mrs. John Carty, station mistress lection of pictures are e. sea-piece by Ludolf Ba.ckhuy­ The children of -this village attend tohe schools at Cocker­ l!en, and a landscape, the joint production of T. Danby month & Dovenby and P. F. Poole R.A. Bridekirk is the :residence of Goat is a part of Papcastle town~hip, J:J.alf a mile Lient.-C()l. Andrew Green-Thompson J.P. Frescheville north-west of Cockerm()uth. Hames Hall is the seat of Hnbert Ballantine-Dykes esq. J.P. Edward Thomas John Noi"IDan Dickinson esq. J.P. · Tyson esq. J.P. and Lieut.-Col. Andrew Green-Thomp­ Wall Letter Box clesred at g.Io a.m. & 5.5o p.m. week son J.P. are the principal landowneN. The church and days only manor were given by Waltlheof, first Lord of Allerdale, to the monastery of Guisborough, in Yorkshire, but TAJ,J,ANTIRE is a small village and township in tlle after the diss()lution Henry VID. in the 35th year of parish ()f Bridekirk, I mile north-west from that place, his reign, granted the manor to one Tolson to be held 4 miles west from Cockermouth, 5 east from Maryport, .
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