The Inventory

of the

Mary Benson



Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center

Benson, Mary

September 1982


Box 1 A. 'IN THE PARK.' Transmitted (on radio show, "Thirty Minute

Theatre") September 12, 1973. Typescript mimeo, 22 p, on

12 leaves. (#1)

II. JOURNAL ARTICLES, Magazine tearsheets unless noted otherwise,

A. By MB

1. "The Badge of Slavery (The Pass Laws of ),"

Christian Action, 1960. (Pamphlet)

2. "The ExtraDimension," Episcopal Churchmen for South Africa,

Trinity, 1966. (periodical)

3, "The High Commission Territories." Venture, vol. 13, no. 2,

February 1961, 2 p,

4. "Lutuli, Albert," Proof of biographical article· for Encyclopaedia

Britannica, 1970 •

5, "Men Against ," Condensed version of statement made

before U.N. 1 s Special Committee on the Policies of Apartheid

of the Republic of South Africa, The Catholic Worker, vol. XXXI,

no. 3, Oct. 1964,

6, "Quarantine in ." The New Leader, August 1, 1966, 5 p.

7. "South Africa and World Opinion." Current History, vol. 46, no. 271,

March 1964, 5 p.

Benson, Mary page 2

Box 1 8. "South African Courage." Socialist Commentary, September 1964,

1 p.

9. "Terrible Time Living." The Spectator, April 17, 1964.

10. "Within My Own Experience, Testimony to the United Nations," (!iay

10, 1963], Africa Bureau News, no. 5.

11. "Tshekedi Klama As I Knew Him." Speech published in Botswana Notes

and Recor~,, vol. 8, 1976.

B. About MB

"South Africa: Daily Life in a Police State." The New Republic,

June 11, 1966. (112)


A. By MB, 1956-1977. Photocopy and tearsheets.

Articles on apartheid in South Africa, 12 pieces in The Observer,

New Statesman, The Guardian, etc., incl. photocopy of letter

in The Washington Post, January 28, 1977.

B. About MB, 3 pieces (2 photocopies and 1 tearsheet), ca. 1964-1976. (#3)


A. United Nations. (#4)

1. "A New Course in South Africa." Report of the Group of Experts

established in pursuance of the Security Council resolution

of 4 December 1963, The United Nations, 1964. (MB worked

with the Special Committee involved in this report.) (#4)

2. "Apartheid in South Africa: II." The United Nations, 1965.

Extracts from the Report of the Special Committee on the Policies

of Apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa.

3, Commission of Human Rights: Record of Testimony taken at the

181st Meeting (Hearing of MB on matter of Human Rights in

Benson, Mary page 3

Box 1 South Africa.) United Nations Economic and Social Council,

January 8, 1970. Mimeo, 23 p.

4. "Statement Made by Miss at the 11th Meeting on 10 May

1963." Special Committee on the Policies of Apartheid of the

Government of South Africa. United Nations, May 10, 1963.

Mimeo, 14 P. on 7 leaves -and title p.

5. "Statement by Miss Mary Benson Before the Special Committee on the

Policies of Apartheid of ... South Africa at its 28th Meeting

on March 11, 1964. United Nations, March 11, 1964. Mimeo,

13 p. on 7 leaves.

6. Statement by Miss Mary Benson at the seventy-sixth meeting on

6 July, 1966 Special Committee on ... Apartheid." Photocopy,

16 p., July 6, 1966.

B. U.S. 89th Congress: Hearings Before the Sub-Committee on Africa of

the Committee on Foreign Affairs. U.S. House of Representatives,

April - May 1966. (MB appeared as a witness before the Committee.)

Washington, GPO, 1966.


Relating to MB's house arrest. All photocopies.

A. Notice of ban, Feb. 4, 1966, in terms of sub-section (1) of Section

10 of the Suppression of Communism Act (1950) placing MB under

house arrest. 6 p.

B. Further legal restrictions on MB under Suppression of Communism Act,. 1 p.

C. Notice in terms of sub-section (1) of Section 9 of the Suppression of

Communism Act, 1950, 2 p.

D, Letter from MB to the Chief Magistrate of Johannesburg, Feb. 23, 1966.

Benson, Mary page 4

Box 1 E. Reply to MB from Chief Magistrate, March 16, 1966.

F. Permission from Chief Magistrate for MB to leave the country,

April 15, 1966.

Addenda November 1982


A. "An open letter to Ivan Klima." (6)

1. Carbon typescript, with bolo, corr. 10 p.

2. Printed version in INDEX TO CENSORSHIP 4/82, tearsheets,

2 p.


British reviews of TSHEKEDI KHAMA, by MB. 4 reviews on one sheet,

photocopy, 1960,

Benson, Mary

Addenda: January-February 1984


A. Short Pieces


Carbon typescript, 3 p. (#8)

2. BISHOP AMBROSE REEVES. Notes on the occasion of his eightieth

birthday, 1979, photocopy of typescript, 10 p. on 7 leaves.

( #9)

3. THE HOUR IS GETTING LATE. (Radio Play on BBC) 1972,

typescript with some holo. corr., signed. 10 p. (#10)


WINSTON NTSHONA, IN THE . 1976, Carbon typescript

with holo. corr., 2½ p. (#11)

5. ROBBEN 'ISLAND. (unpublished historical article) Photo­

copy of typescript with holo. corr., 11 p.(#12)

6. ROGER BLIN. Three drafts: typescript and carbon typescript,

5 p. each (/113)


typescript with holo. corr., 9 p. (#14)

8. THE THORN TREE. [Story] Published in Punjabi Literary

Journal. Typescript, 14 p. (#15)

9. THE VOLUNTEERS. Published in , 1959. Photocopy of

typescript 5 p. ( #16)

Benson, Mary Addenda: January-February 1984 Page 2


B. Speeches (Each with note by M.B.;in chronological order)

1951: To London Teachers at Imperial Institute, London.

Photocopy of typescript with halo. corr., 11 p. (#17)

1951: On Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland)to South

African Institute of Race Relations, typescript with halo.

corr., 14 p.

1958: South Africa Christian Action Talk. Carbon typescript

with halo. corr. and additions, 10 p.

1959: Tshekedi Khama (Broadcast on BBC). Carbon typescript

with halo. corr.. , 4 p.

1960: (a) South Africa. (Given in London.) Typescript with

halo. corr., 7 p.

(b) Pattern of White Domination, typescript with halo. corr.,

4 p.

1961: (a) Multiraciality of the Commonwealth, holograph, 15 p.

(b/King Kong~ draft press statement, typescript with halo.

corr., 2 p.

1961 or 1962: (a) The High Commission Territories in Southern

Africa, speech at Royal Institute of International Affairs.

Typescript with halo. corr., 12 p.

(b) The Pattern of Partnership, typescript with halo. corr., 5 p.

1964: Radio talk on Civil Rights in America. Typescript with

halo. corr., 3 p. (#18)

Benson, Mary Addenda: January-February 1984 Page 3


B. Speeches

1966: (a) Statement for Congressional Committee, South

African Apartheid, holograph, 2 p.

(b) Before the Subcommittee on Africa House Foreign Affairs

Committee, Carbon typescript with halo. corr., 28 p.

(c) At the 76th Meeting of the Special Committee on the

Policies of Apartheid, mimeo, 14 p •

.lli7: (a) 11 The Corruption of Culture Under Apartheid" at

Oslo. Typescript with halo. corr., 9 p.

(b) Submission to U.N. Human Rights Committee, mimeo, 5 p.

1978_; "On ' s, Sixieth Birthday, . . '! meeting

in House of Commons, London, photocopy of typescript, 4 p.

C. Notes and Fragments

1. Notes on interview with Roger Blin, 1978. Typescript

with profuse halo. corr. and halo, 25 p. (See I.A.6.)


2. Notes for At the Still Pain~, typescript with halo.

additions, 2 p.

3. Halo. notes on verso of Unesco photocopy re. Nelson


4. Final page of article. Carbon typescript re. Afrikaner,

1 p.


A. By Mary Bensot1

1. "Chief Albert J. Lutuli~' Folded sheet with his picture on

Benson, Mary Addenda: January-February 1984 Page 4


A. By Mary Benson (cont.)

front, Text by MB. Issued by the Lutuli Memorial

Foundation on situation in South Africa. (#20)

2. Letters to the Press, 1956-1980. ca, 40 pieces newsprint

with some photocopies. Mostly to English papers. (#20)

3. Book Reviews, 1956-1978, 65 pieces. (#21)

4. Newspaper Articles, 1939-1975. 29 pieces, mostly in

S. African and British newspapers. (#22)

5. Journal articles and Reports, 1960-1983, (1/23)

a. 11African Territories'' for radio transmission, 1960,

6 p.

b. 11Angel11 in Encounter, July 1983, 3 p. photocopy.

If l I I/ c. and One Little Corner of the World, for

Yale Theatre 1973, 8 p. photocopies

1 d. 11 Britain' s Shop Window in Southern Africa! in Christian

Action Newsletter, Winter 1961, 3 p. photocopies.

ll ti e. Hang They Must Not, in The Nation, May 1964.

11 f. llKing Kong for the African Music and Drama Trust, 2 p.

11 11 g, 0 pportunity ' in ' S out h ern Af r1ca' in' F ront1er, ' S ummer

1961, 4 p. photocopy.

11 II h. Our Trust in Central Africa, by M. Benson and P.

RasmussenJbooklet, 1954.

11 11 1.• Return· to Sout h Af rica,' in• Af r i can Bureau News, 1962 ,


Benson, Mary Addenda: January-February 1984 Page 5


A. By Mary Benson

j. 11 The Right to Learn~• in Midwives' Chronicle &

Nursing Notes, 4 p.

11 1 k. The Rivonia Trial in South Africa ~ in Motive,

November 1964, 5 p. photocopy.

11 1. Roger Blin and Becketi1 in London Magazine,

October 1978, 3 p. photocopy.

11 1 m. South Africa - The Black Sheep ~ in Socialist

Commentary, May 1964, 2 p. photocopy.

n. 11 South Africa's Island Prisori1 for UNESCO, 197 8 8 p.

o. 11 south Af rica· ' s Finest · C1t1zens · · 11 f or t h e u •.N ,

November 1969 (No. 19)/69.

p. 11 steven Berkoff'~ in L6nd6n'Magazine, December 1976,

4 p. photocopy.

q. II Transvaal Journey,II in London Magazine, October 1967,

2 p. photocopy.

II 11 r. Twelve Years! It's Nothing! from Penquin Collection

of South Africa Writing, 1965, 4 p. photocopy.

B. About Mary Benson or Collected by Her 1. Book Reviews of MB' s works ·,

THE AFRICAN PATRIOTS (1963), 34 pieces (//24)

Box 2 AT THE STILL POINT (1970), 20 pieces (//1)

CHIEF ALBERT LUTULI (1963), 4 pieces (112)

I WILL STILL BE MOVED (1963), 3 pieces (#3)

Benson, Mary Addenda: January-February 1984 page 6

Box 2 II. B. 1. (continued)

NELSON MANDELA (1980), 2 pieces

STRUGGLE FOR BIRTHRIGHT (1966), 23 pieces (#4)

TSHEKEDI KHAMA (1960), 43 pieces (#5)

2. Newsprint, 1939-1983

Ca. 85 articles, mostly British newspapers with

some S. African and European papers. Mostly

about MB. (#6)

3, Journal articles and reports, 14 pieces. (117)

4. Brochure "Music in Africa" with MB's halo. notes.


A. From Mary Benson, 1963-1977

Professional Correspondence, CTL and photocopies

19 pieces. (//8)

B. To Mary Benson, 1960-1970

31 Pieces, with agents, publishers, includes

O'Hara, Barralt (U.S. Congressman, Chairman of the Subcommittee

on Africa) May 4, 1966, photocopy of TLS May 4, 1966

Plamer, William, photocopy of ALS, Sept. 13, 1971. (#9) benson.m


Addenda: April 1984-August 1988

Box 3


A. Radio Scripts Most broadcast by BBC, Ca. 1971 to 1984_.

1. "At the Still Point", April 1971. Mimeo type­ script with holo. corr., 75 p., signed by MB. ( # 1)

2. "Mr. Wolfe and Mr. Perkins", 1984. (Produced as "Mr. Wolfe, Mr. Perkins, Dear Max, Dear Tom".) Photocopy typescript and mimeo typescript; 2 copies; 13 p. and 1 prelim­ inary page; 13 and 2 preliminary p. (#2)

3. "Petals of Blood", 1980. By Ngugi Wa Thiong'o, adapted by MB. Mimeo type­ script, 115 p. and 1 preliminary p.

4. "The Price of Freedom: Nelson Mandela & the Rivonia Trial", 1972. Mimeo typescript, 21 p. and 1 preliminary p.

5. "Rainer Maria Rilke: Four Documentaries", 1979-80, includes:

a. "Looking is a Marvelous Thing; A Selection from Rainer Maria Rilke's Letters on Cezanne." 1979. Mimeo typescript with holo. corr., 12 p.

b. "Rainer Maria Rilke and the Lady of Duino," 1980. Mimeo typescript, 31 p. and 2 preliminary p. (#3)

c. "We are Solitary: A Selection from Rainer Maria Rilke's 'Letters To A Young Poet'," 1978. Mimeo typescript, 13 p.

d. "Where I Create I am True: A Selection From Rainer Maria Rilke's Letters to Lou Andreas Salome," 1978. Mimeo typescript, 13 p.

6. "Sol Plaatje: A Remarkable South African, 11 1979. Mimeo typescript with corrections,

1 Benson, Mary

Box 3

27 p. and 1 preliminary p.

B. MB's Work "with and others", Ca. --1950's, includes:

1. "Recollections." Typescript, 2 p.

2. Notes "Private", taken from MB's diaries and letters. Carbon typescript, with holo­ graph note, Ca. 33 p. (#4)

C. Talk; given to Imperial Institute, 1951: "Growing Up in South Africa." Typescript with holo. corr., with, TLS to MB and mimeo program, Ca. 11 p. total.

D. Commit tee Report: "Uganda - Return of the Kabaka," dated Oct. 1955; African Bureau, London, MB Secretary. Mimeo typescript, 3 p.

E. Book and Theatre Reviews:

1. Stranger on the Square, by Arthur and Cynthia Koestler, in The Guardian, 1983. Corrected carb011typescript, 1 p.

2. Poppie Nongena, Riverside Theatre, 1984. Corrected carbon typescript, 2 p.

F. Notes:

1. "Background notes on the High Commission Territories." 5 p., April 1961 and marked "confidential."

2. Autograph notes, dated 5/5/51, 6 p. on 3 leaves.


A • ~ MB : ( # 5 )

1. "Recollecting ," in South African Review .2..f Books, Summer '88.

2. "South Africa: The Mechanics of Repression," Interview with Cosmas Desmond. Unesco, 1978.

3. "The Struggle in South Africa Had United All Races," in UN Centre Against Apartheid: Notes & Documents, August, 1984.

2 Benson, Mary

Box 3 4. "Who Was Ruth First?," [Ruth Slovo], reprint of The Times obituary, 8/19/82 in Ruth Fir~Memorial Trust Publicity Sheet.

5. "Ninety Day Justice" Re Ruth Slovo. Clip, 1963.

B. About,£.£ Collectd l,y_ MB: Ca. 12 items, news­ clips, photocopied articles, newsletter, some with MB's notes.

III. CORRESPONDENCE OF MB. Ca. 75 pieces, 1950-1982.

Many letters from her to her family. Other personal and professional correspondence. Incl:

Brown, Peter (Liberal Party of S.A.) ALS March 18, 1958.

Burch, Stanley (News Chronicle) 2 TLS Jan. 28, Nov. 10, 1952.

1 Clutton-Brock, Guy. ALS Nov. 14, 1951; TLS May 2, 1957; ALS June 6, 1957; TLS April 1959; TLS Oct. 17, 1959.

Fischer, Louis (1896-1970) ALS Jan. 27, 1951; TLS Feb. 2, 1951; TLS March 14, 1951; TLS Dec. 21, 1954; TLS 1958.

Gaitskell, Arthur. ALS Jan. 25, 1963; ALS Sept. 18, 1963.

Gandar, Lawrence, (Rand Daily Mail) TLS Nov. 14, 1958.

Hellmann, Ellen. (Johannesburg) TLS Dec. 26, 1960.

Huddleston, Trevor, Bp., 1913- TL signed by sec. March 3, 1955; ALS Aug. 1, 1956; TLS June 17, 1958; ALS Oct. 21, 1963.

Perham, Margery Freda, Dame, 1895- (Nuffield College, Oxford) TLS Nov. 13, 1951; ALS Sept. 29, 1957; TLS Nov. 3, 1959; ALS March 3, 1960.


existing box: Fuller 128

Benson, Mary Preliminary Listing 3/10/97

I. Manuscripts A. ATHOL FUGARD AND : BARE STAGE, A FEW PROPS, GREAT THEATRE--computer script, p/c B. Copy of valedictory address given by MB to High School for Girls, 10/10/96, computer script C. Copy of interview given by MB to the Africa Book Centre, Ltd.-- computer script with holograph corrections D. Book review by MB E. Radio playscript, "Red Clay: Journey to the Interior of the Eastern Cape," by MB, 1995

previous box: FULLER 128

Benson, Mary Preliminary Listing 6/17/97

I. Manuscripts by MB A. Radio plays/programs 1. "A Trip to Dublin" t.s. with halo. corrections, 12p. 2. "In the Park," t.s., p/c, 22p. 3. "Helen Waddell," t.s. with halo. corrections, p/c, 34p. 4. "Robben Island," t.s., p/c, 26p. 5. "Pride of Place--32 Tavistock Square," c.t.s with halo. corrections, p/c, 20p. 6. "Pride of Place--Bloomsbury," t.s., photocopy, 20p. B. Introduction to THE STRUGGLE IS MY LIFE by Nelson Mandela, t.s. with halo. corrections, 11 p. C. Articles 1. "Sizwe Bansi is Back in London" c.t.s., 3p. with press statement and notes by MB concerning arrest of John Kani and Winston Ntshona in Transkei in 1976; also material for TV program on BBC 2. Book review of THE LADY: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF WINNIE MANDELA by Emma Gilbey, c.s. with halo. corrections 3. Profile of Swami Krishnanand Saraswati for The Independent, c.s. with halo. corrections 4. Obituary for Barney Simon, c.s., 3p. 5. Book reviews of IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS: HELEN SUZMAN MEMOIRS by Sinclair-Stevenson and REPORTING SOUTH AFRICA--RICH MKHONDO by James Currey 6. "Arthur and Cynthia," draft, c.s., 2p. 7. Extract from Martin Luther King's speech, London, 12/7/64, t.s.

11. Printed Matter A. "Violence, Counter-Violence: a Plea to the U.N.," by MB, tearsheet, The New African, Aug. 17, 1963 B. Program, Second National American Negro Leadership Conference on "The American Negro Citizen's Role in the Pursuit of A More Effective United States Policy in Africa" C. "Arthur and Gyn~hia" by MB, photocopy, London Magazine, June/July 1997 . Benson, Mary 4/8/02 Preliminary Listing

Box 13

I. Manuscripts. A. ADiscovering Irish Ancestors,@ CS, 8 p. B. 14 poems by H. Meyer, CS, 2/8/00.

II. Printed Material. A. 40 newspaper clippings, October 1973-July 1991. B. Map of South Vancouver Island (tourist guide). C. Cowichan magazine, 50 p., 1993 D. 16 p. torn from an unidentified book. E. B&W magazine photo of a picnic with stars, Aug. 3, 1949. F. B&W Republic of Botswana fold-out with lightning storm picture. G. 7 brochures (hotels, bars, locations).

III. Correspondence. A. General (personal and professional). 1. 10 cards. 2. Approx. 48 p. total, Dec. 1967-1992. 3. 53 holograph notes. 4. 19 items, March 1990-Feb. 1999. 5. 9 items, n.d.

IV. Photographs. A. Prints. 1 Approx. 230 black and white prints. 2 8 color prints. 3 2 4"x6" black and white prints. 4 1 black and white print mounted on cardboard.

V. Artwork A. AA Catastrophe,@ drawings.

VI. Scrapbooks A. 137 p., includes photos, news clippings, holograph notes. B. 30 p., includes photos, magazine clippings, TS notes.

Benson, Mary (04/08/02) VII. Miscellaneous A. 12 items re: various subjects; includes printed material. B. 2 small print-outs of home interior. C. Holograph notes, 7 p. D. 24 p. re: a book/essay, CS and holograph.

Benson, Mary (04/08/02)