
No. 6362

BELGIUM, , , , and FEDERAL OF Statute of (with Protocol of Signature). Signed at Luxembourg, on 12 1957 Annex to the Statute of the European School containing regulations for the European School leaving certificate (Baccalauréat européen). Signed at Luxembourg, on 15 1957 Protocol concerning the provisional application of the Statute of the European School signed at Luxembourg on 12 April 1957. Signed at Luxembourg, on 15 July 1957 Protocol amending the German text of the Statute of the European School and the Regulations for the European School leaving certificate (Baccalauréat européen) Signed at Luxembourg, on 17 1961

Official texts: French, German, Italian and Dutch. Registered by Luxembourg on 1 1962. 224 — Treaty Series 1962


The of : the Kingdom of , the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, the Italian Republic, the Grand of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, duly represented by :

Mr. Raoul Dooreman, Acting Charg d©Affaires of Belgium in Luxembourg, and Mr. Julien Kuypers, Extraordinary and ; , Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to Luxembourg; Mr. Pierre-Alfred Saffroy, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Luxembourg; Mr. Antonio Venturini, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Italy to Luxembourg ; Mr. , President of the , Minister of Foreign Affairs of the of Luxembourg, and Mr. , Minister of of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; Mr. Adriaan-Hendrik Philipse, Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni potentiary of the Netherlands to Luxembourg; CONSIDERING that the presence at the provisional headquarters of the European Coal and Steel Community of of employees recruited from Member States makes it necessary to provide schooling in the tongues of the persons concerned; CONSIDERING that a primary school has been established on the initiative of the Association for the Educational and Family Welfare of the employees of the European Coal and Steel Community, with the approval of the Luxembourg Government and the material and moral support of the agencies of the Com munity ;

1 Came into force on 22 February 1960, the date of deposit of the fourth instrument of ratifica tion, in accordance with the provisions of article 32 (2) of the Statute. The instruments of ratifica tion were deposited with the Luxembourg Government by the States listed below on the dates indicated : Belgium ..... 11 Italy ...... 22 February 1960 France ...... 14 May 1959 Netherlands .... 19 May 1960 Luxembourg ... 20 November 1959 1962 Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités 225

CONSIDERING that, since then, the facilities have been progressively extended to comprise teaching at the secondary , as a result of co-operation between the six States which created the Community and the Community itself; CONSIDERING the complete success of this experiment in providing a common education for children of diff nationalities, on the basis of a curriculum reflecting as broadly as possible the common features of the national educational traditions and the different cultures which jointly make European ; CONSIDERING, further, that it is in the cultural of the participating States to continue and consolidate an undertaking which is in keeping with the spirit of co-operation by which they are guided; CONSIDERING that it is therefore highly desirable to endow the aforesaid School with a permanent Statute, and to sanction its educational activities by ensuring recognition of the diplomas and certificates issued by it ; Have agreed and resolved as follows :


Article 1 A teaching and educational establishment, to be known as the " European School ", hereinafter referred to as the School, shall be established at the head quarters of the European Coal and Steel Community.

Article 2 The School shall be open to children of nationals of the Contracting Parties. Children of other nationalities may be admitted to the School in accordance with the regulations laid down by the Board provided for in article 8.

Article 3 The instruction provided at the School shall cover the entire range of studies until the completion of the secondary level. It shall consist of : (1) a primary level entailing five years of schooling; (2) a secondary level entailing seven years of schooling. Pupils who have not reached the age for admission at the primary level shall be accommodated in a , in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulations of the School. Pupils who have attended the School until the age required under the laws of their own regarding compulsory school attendance shall be deemed to have complied with that requirement. N° 6362 226 United Nations — Treaty Series 1962

Article 4 The teaching provided at the School shall conform to the following prin ciples : (1) The fundamental education, as determined by the Executive Board, shall be provided in the official languages of the Contracting Parties ; (2) Teaching in all the language sections shall be based on curri cula and time-tables; (3) In to promote the unity of the School, as as understanding and cultural between pupils in the various language sections, classes at the same level shall be taught in certain subjects ; (4) To this end, a special effort shall be made to give the pupils a thorough knowledge of modern languages ; (5) In the process of teaching and education, personal beliefs and convictions shall be respected.

Article 5 (1) Grades successfully completed at the School and the corresponding diplomas and certificates shall be recognized in the of the Contracting Parties, in accordance with a of equivalents and under the conditions laid down by the Executive Board provided for in article 8, subject to the agreement of the competent national authorities. (2) On completing the secondary level, the students of the School may sit for examinations for the European school leaving certificate (Baccalauréat européen), the procedure governing which shall be specified in a special agreement to be annexed to this Statute. Persons who have obtained the European school leaving certificate at the School shall : («) in their own countries all the advantages conferred by possession of the diploma or certificate issued in that country upon completion of second ary studies; and (b) Be entitled to apply for admission to any university in the countries of the Contracting Parties, on the same footing as nationals holding equivalent certificates. For the purposes of this convention, the term " University " shall mean : (a) Universities, and (b) Institutions regarded as being similar in character to universities by the Contracting Party in whose they are situated.

Article 6 In so far as the legislation of each of the Contracting Parties is concerned, the School shall have the status of a public institution; it shall enjoy the legal No. 6362 1962 Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités 227

attributes necessary for the accomplishment of its task; it shall have financial and to be a party to judicial proceedings ; and it may acquire and dispose of the movable and immovable property necessary for the accom plishment of its task.

TITLE TWO THE ORGANS OF THE SCHOOL Article 7 The organs of the School shall be : (1) The Executive Board, (2) The Boards of Inspection, (3) The Administrative Board, (4) The Director.

Chapter 1 THE EXECUTIVE BOARD Article 8 The Executive Board shall be composed of the Minister or Ministers of each of the Contracting Parties responsible for education and/or cultural relations with other countries.1 It shall meet not less than a year. The Ministers may delegate other persons to represent them at the meetings. The Executive Board shall elect a Chairman from among its members for a term of one year.

Article 9 The Executive Board shall be responsible for the application of this conven tion. For this purpose it shall have the necessary powers in educational, finan cial and administrative matters. It shall adopt the General Regulations of the School by common agreement.

Article 10 In educational and budgetary matters, the decisions of the Executive Board shall be taken unanimously by the Parties represented. In administrative matters, they shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority. In all voting, each Contracting Party represented shall have one vote.

1 In the case of the Federal Republic of Germany the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the President of the Standing Conference of Ministers of Education shall be competent. N« 6362 228 United Nations — Treaty Series 1962

Article 11 In educational matters, the Executive Board shall determine the general orientation and organization of studies. In particular, it shall : (1) Draw up, at the proposal of the competent Board of Inspection, co ordinated curricula and time-tables for each school year and for each section established by it and issue general directives regarding the choice of methods; (2) Ensure that the teaching is supervised by the Boards of Inspection ; (3) Determine the age requirements for admission at the various levels, prescribe regulations for the promotion of pupils to the class or to the secondary level and, with a view to enabling them to transfer to schools in their home countries at any time, prescribe conditions for the validation of the grades completed at the School ; (4) Hold examinations for the purpose of approving the work accomplished at the School, prescribing the rules for such examinations, establishing examining boards and issuing diplomas. It shall ensure that the standards of such examina tions are sufficiently high to give effect to the provisions of article 5. It shall also draw up the table of equivalents referred to in that article.

Article 12 In administrative matters, the Executive Board shall : (1) Appoint a representative each year to the Administrative Board men tioned in article 20. This representative shall : (a) maintain liaison with the Contracting Parties between sessions of the Exe cutive Board; (b) supervise the execution of the latter©s decisions ; (c) act as the legal representative of the School ; (d) preside over the Administrative Board; (2) Appoint the Director of the School and define his status ; (3) Determine each year, at the proposal of the Boards of Inspection, the School©s staffing requirements and, in consultation with the Governments, decide matters concerning the assignment or secondment of the School©s teaching and supervisory personnel in such a way as to ensure that they retain their statutory to promotion and to retirement benefits in their country of origin and enjoy the advantages afforded to civil servants in their category serving abroad; (4) Determine, by unanimous decision, at the proposal of the Boards of Inspection and on the basis of co-ordinated rules, the status of the teaching . No. 6362 1962 Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités 229

Article 13 In budgetary matters, the Executive Board shall : (1) Approve the School budget of receipts and expenditures prepared by the Administrative Board; (2) Provide, by unanimous decision, for an equitable distribution of the expenses among all the Contracting Parties; (3) Approve statement of accounts submitted by the Adminis trative Board.

Article 14 The Executive Board shall adopt its own rules of procedure.

Chapter 2 THE BOARDS OF INSPECTION Article 15 The School shall have two Boards of Inspection : one for the kindergarten and the primary level, and one for the secondary level.

Article 16 Each Contracting Party shall be represented on each Board by one member, to be appointed by the Executive Board at the proposal of the Party concerned.

Article 17 At the periodic meetings of the Boards, the Inspectors shall : (1) Compare their impressions concerning the scholastic standard attained and the quality of the teaching methods employed ; (2) Issue special instructions to the Director and teaching staff based on the results of their inspections ; (3) Submit proposals to the Executive Board as provided in articles 11 and 12 and, where necessary, proposals concerning the revision of curricula and the organization of studies ; (4) Take decisions at the end of the school year, based on proposals by the Director, concerning the promotion of pupils to the next class.

Article 18 Each Inspector may, at the same time, be entrusted by the competent national authorities with the supervision of recruited from the same national administration, at the level for which he is responsible. N" 6362 230 United Nations — Treaty Series 1962

He shall render assistance to any person qualified, under his national legislation, to inspect and advise the personnel in his .

Article 19 The rules for the operation of the Boards of Inspection shall be established by the Executive Board.

Chapter 3


Article 20 The Administrative Board mentioned in article 7 shall be composed of six members, except as otherwise provided in article 27, as follows : (1) The representative of the Executive Board, who shall be the Chairman; (2) The Director of the School; (3) Two members selected by the Executive Board from two lists containing not less than two names each, to be drawn up respectively by the teaching staff for the secondary level, and by the teaching staff for the primary level jointly with the kindergarten staff; (4) Two members approved by the Executive Board, representing the Parents© Association. In exceptional cases the Chairman may suspend the execution of a decision of the Administrative Board and, as an measure, refer the matter to the Executive Board, which shall take the necessary decisions.

Article 21 The Administrative Board shall : (1) Prepare the budget of receipts and expenditures, submit it to the Executive Board, supervise its administration and draw up the annual statement of accounts; (2) Manage the property and assets of the School ; (3) Ensure that the School operates in the most favourable and propitious conditions ; (4) Discharge any other administrative functions entrusted to it by the Executive Board. No. 6362 1962 Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités 231


Article 22 The Director shall discharge his functions in accordance with the Regula tions referred to in article 9 and the provisions of article 23. In particular he shall be responsible for : (1) The co-ordination of the studies; to this end he shall, inter alia, convene and preside over Boards of Teachers in accordance with the procedure establish ed in the General Regulations; (2) The application of the educational and administrative directives of the Executive Board and the Boards of Inspection ; (3) The of the School©s personnel ; (4) The administration of the budget of receipts and expenditures, under the supervision of the Administrative Board.

Article 23

The Director shall have the necessary qualifications for the management of an educational institution which issues a school leaving certificate giving access to a university. He shall be responsible to the Executive Board.


Article 24 The Executive Board shall recognize an Association representing the parents of the pupils, in so far as its aims are : (1) To convey to the School authorities the wishes of the parents and their suggestions regarding the organization of the School; (2) To organize extra-curricular activities in consultation with the Ad ministrative Board. The Association which is recognized shall be periodically informed about the activities of the School, through the Director or the representatives of the parents on the Administrative Board. N° 6362 232 United Nations — Treaty Series 1962

TITLE FOUR THE BUDGET Article 25 The financial year of the School shall be from 1 July to 30 of the following year.

Article 26 The School budget of receipts and expenditures shall be financed out of : (1) The contributions paid by the Contracting Parties on the basis of a scale of assessments established by the Executive Board; (2) Subsidies from institutions with which the School has concluded agreements ; (3) Donations and legacies accepted by the Executive Board; (4) School fees charged to the parents at the decision of the Executive Board.

TITLE FIVE SPECIAL PROVISIONS Article 27 The Executive Board may negotiate any agreements pertaining to the School with the European Coal and Steel Community. The Community shall then be given a seat on the Executive and Administrative Boards. The number of voting members of the Executive Board, and the membership of the Administrative Board, shall then be increased to seven.

Article 28 The Executive Board may negotiate with the Government of the country in which the headquarters of the School are situated any further agreements for the purpose of ensuring that the School operates in the best possible material and moral conditions.

Article 29 On signing this Statute, the Luxembourg Government may enter such reservations as may seem appropriate by reason of its status as Government of the host country and of its own school legislation. No. 6362 1962 Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités 233

Article 30 (1) Any Contracting Party may denounce this Statute by giving written notice thereof to the Luxembourg Government, which shall advise all the Contracting Parties of the receipt of such notice. The denunciation shall take effect as from 1 after notice is given, provided that such notice was given not less than twelve months earlier. (2) A Contracting Party which denounces this Statute, shall relinquish its claim to any share in the assets of the School. The Executive Board shall determine, by a two-thirds majority, the organizational measures to be under taken as a result of denunciation by one of the Contracting Parties. (3) If the Contracting Parties decide unanimously that the School shall be closed down, the Executive Board shall take any steps it deems necessary, in particular as regards the disposal of the School©s assets.

Article 31 (1) Any Government which is not a signatory to this Statute may apply for permission to accede to it. The application shall be submitted in writing to the Government of Luxembourg, which shall notify each of the Contracting Parties thereof. (2) In order to be approved, the application must meet with the unanimous agreement of the Contracting Parties. (3) Upon such agreement, the accession shall take effect as from 1 Septem ber after the date on which the instruments of accession are deposited with the Luxembourg Government. (4) The membership of the Executive Board and the Boards of Inspection shall then be altered accordingly.

Article 32 (1) This Statute shall be ratified. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Luxembourg Government, which shall notify all the other signatory Governments thereof. (2) The Statute shall enter into force on the date on which the fourth instrument of ratification is deposited. This Statute, which has been prepared in one copy in the German, French, Italian and Dutch languages, shall be deposited in the archives of the Luxembourg Government, which shall provide each of the Contracting Parties with a certified copy. N« 6362 234 ______United Nations — Treaty Series______1962

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned have appended their signatures to the present Statute. DONE at Luxembourg on 12 April 1957.


PROTOCOL OF SIGNATURE. SIGNED AT LUXEMBOURG, ON 12 APRIL 1957 On signing the Statute of the European School,1 the plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, the Italian Republic and the Kingdom of the Netherlands have taken note of the following statements made by the plenipotentiaries of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg pursuant to article 29 of the Statute : (1) The primary level of the European School shall be open to children of Luxembourg nationals only on condition that the requirements of Luxembourg legislation concerning the organization of primary education are met, without prejudice to the right of the Luxembourg Government to make exceptions in the case of children of Luxembourg nationals who are not or have not been permanent residents of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. (2) The equivalence of the European school leaving certificate (Bacca lauréat européen) shall be recognized by the Luxembourg in so far as its nationals are concerned, within the limits to be defined under the Act of 13 De cember 1954 approving the Convention on the equivalence of diplomas leading to admission to universities, signed at on 11 1953,2 without prejudice to any other agreement that might be concluded by the Executive Board of the European School. DONE at Luxembourg, on 12 April 1957. BECH FRIEDEN R. DOOREMAN J. KUYPERS Karl Graf VON SPRETI Pierre SAFFROY A. VENTURINI A. H. PHILIPSE

1 See p. 224 of this volume. ' United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 218, p. 125; Vol. 253, p. 367; Vol. 358, p. 284; Vol. 363, p. 406, and Vol. 424, p. 351. No. 6362 1962 Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités 235


The Parties to the Statute of the European School, signed at Luxembourg on 12 April 1957,1 Desiring to determine the procedure governing the European school leaving certificate (Baccalauréat européen), Have agreed upon the following provisions to be annexed to the Statute, in accordance with article 5 (2) thereof :

Article 1 The European school leaving certificate (Baccalauréat européen) shall be issued on behalf of©the Executive Board, at the end of the seventh year of second ary education at the European School, to students who have passed the examina tions set in the manner specified below. It shall constitute approval of the studies completed at the secondary level at the European School in accordance with the conditions laid down by the Executive Board.

Article 2 The students enrolled in each of the language sections of the School shall be given the same examinations or equivalent examinations by an examining board, whose composition and functions are specified below.

Article 3 The examination session A regular examination session shall be held, as a rule, each year on the date specified by the Executive Board. A special session may be held at the decision of the Executive Board for the benefit of students who, for unavoidable reasons, are unable to attend the regular session.

1 See p. 224 of this volume. N° 6362 236 United Nations Treaty Series 1962

Article 4 Registration for the examinations Students who have regularly attended at least the last two years of secondary studies at the European School may register for the examinations for the pean school leaving certificate (Baccalauréat européen). The procedure and fees for registration shall be determined by the Exe cutive Board.

PURPOSE OF THE EXAMINATIONS Article 5 (1) The examinations for the European school leaving certificate (Baccalauréat européen) shall be given in the subjects taught during the seventh year of studies, and be based on the curriculum for that year. (2) The examinations shall be partly written and partly oral. (3) The examinations shall be marked on a scale of one to ten, ten being the highest . A coefficient shall be applied in respect of each examination. (4) In order to pass, a student must obtain : an average of 60 per cent for the examinations as a whole and a minimum number of points to be determined by the Executive Board for a literary composition in his mother tongue.

Article 6 The written examinations shall consist of : (1) for all sections, with a coefficient of 2.5 : a literary composition in the student©s mother tongue, on a subject to be selected by the student out of a choice of three subjects ; (2) plus : (a) in the case of the Classics section ( and Greek) with a coefficient of 2.5 : a translation into Latin, with a coefficient of 2 : a translation into Greek, with a coefficient of 2 : a philosophical essay on a subject to be selected by the student out of a choice of three subjects, with a coefficient of 1.5 : an examination in , with a coefficient of 1.5 : a composition or translation in the ; (b) In the case of the section (Latin, mathematics and science) with a coefficient of 2.5 : an examination in mathematics, No. 6362 1962 Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités 237

with a coefficient of 2 : a translation into Latin, with a coefficient of 1.5 : a philosophical essay on a subject to be selected by the student out of a choice of three subjects, with a coefficient of 2 : an examination in physics, with a coefficient of 1.5 : a composition or translation in the second language; (c) In the case of the Modern section (mathematics, science and modern languages) with a coefficient of 2.5 : an examination in mathematics, with a coefficient of 2 : a composition or translation in the second language, with a coefficient of 1.5 : a philosophical essay on a subject to be selected by the student out of a choice of three subjects, with a coefficient of 1.5 : a composition in a third language, with a coefficient of 2 : an examination in physics.

Article 7

(à) The oral examinations shall consist of : (1) an analysis in the mother tongae of a literary text; (2) an examination in the second language ; (3) two examinations on subjects not included in the written examinations, one in a scientific subject and the other in a literary s abject. These two examinations shall be based, as far as possible, on materials and documents. The subjects to be dealt with in the examinations mentioned in para graph 3 above shall be drawn by at the beginning of the examination. (b) The following coefficients shall be applied in respect of the oral examina tions : (1) For all sections : 2 for the mother tongue, 2 for the second language; (2) In the case of the Classics section : 2.5 for the literary subject, 1.5 for the scientific subject; (3) In the case of the Science and Modern sections : 2.5 for the scientific subject, 1.5 for the literary subject. N 6362 Vol. 443-17 238 United Nations — Treaty Series 1962

Article 8 (a) A list of the marks awarded to each student in each subject in the examina tions held during the first and second trimester of the last year of schooling shall be submitted to the examining board. The copies of these examinations shall also be made available to it. The total results obtained by the students in these examinations, in all the subjects, including art and physical training, shall count as one-third in the final average. (6) In the coarse of its deliberations the examining board may take into considera tion the marks received by the students in of the entire school year. COMPOSITION OF THE EXAMINING BOARD Article 9 (1) The members of the examining board shall be appointed each year by the Executive Board. (2) They shall together constitute a single examining board for the various language sections and the various sections at the secondary level. (3) Each of the Contracting Parties shall, as a general rule, have two or, at most, three members on the examining board. (4) The members of the examining board shall be selected for their special competence in one or subjects included in the written and oral examina tions. They must meet the requirements laid down in their countries of origin regarding admission to membership in similar examining boards. They must have a knowledge of at least two of the languages used as mediums of instruction. (5) The board, composed as aforesaid, shall be presided over by a university professor, assisted by a member of the Board of Inspection, both of whom shall be appointed by the Executive Board.

Article 10 Each of the written and oral examinations shall be judged by two members of the examining board, assisted by a third examiner, with status, who shall be the of the School who has taught the subject to the student. These three examiners shall constitute an examining sub-committee.

Article 11 The Executive Board shall specify, in addition to the travel and living ex penses to be reimbursed to the members of the examining board, the amount of the fee to be paid to them for each day of their stay at the School©s headquarters during the examination session. No. 6362 1962 Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités 239

CONDUCT OF THE EXAMINATIONS Article 12 The subjects for the written examinations shall be selected by the chairman of the examining board from a list of subjects submitted by the members of the Board of Inspection at the secondary level. The subjects selected for the examinations shall be placed in separate sealed envelopes. These envelopes may be opened only in the room in which the examination is held, just before each examination. The chairman of the examining board shall take all necessary measures to ensure the secrecy of the examinations.

Article 13 By a special decision of the examining board, a student may, in exceptional cases and for duly verified physical reasons, be allowed to take a written instead of an oral examination and vice-versa.

Article 14 The duration of the written and oral examinations for which provision is made in articles 6 and 7 shall be determined by the Executive Board.

Article 15 The written examinations shall be held under the constant supervision of the chairman of the examining board, assisted by the Director of the School.

Article 16 The chairman of the examining board may be present at all the examinations. He may at any time, during the examination session, convene the examining board to consider any questions relating to the conduct of the examinations. He shall have the authority to settle any difficulties that may arise.

THE DELIBERATIONS OF THE EXAMINING BOARD Article 17 Each member of the sub-committees responsible for correcting the written examinations and holding oral examinations, shall mark each examination separately. After consultation, the final mark for each examination shall be obtained by computing the arithmetical average of the various marks awarded. The marks thus assigned shall be communicated to the chairman of the examining board.

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Article 18

(1) Once the written and oral examinations have been completed, the chairman shall convene the examining board to consider the results as a whole. The Director of the School shall take part in the deliberations, with the same rights as the members of the examining board. (2) The marks received by each pupil in the different parts of the examination shall be added together, taking into account the coefficients allotted to each subject. (3) The various parts of the examination shall constitute the following pro portions of the final result : (a) A maximum of 100 points for all the marks received in the examinations specified in article 8 (a); (b) A maximum of 120 points for the written examinations as a whole, as specified in article 6; (c) A maximum of 80 points for the oral examinations as a whole, as spe cified in article 7. (4) Students who have obtained the averages specified in article 5 (4) shall be deemed to have passed. A student who has not obtained the minimum required for the examinations in the mother tongue shall not be failed until after the case has been considered by the examining board. After consulting the teacher who has taught the sub ject in question, the examining board may decide whether or not to give the student another examination immediately. The examination shall be held by a special sub-committee, presided over by the chairman of the examining board or his representative.

Article 19

A record shall be kept of the conduct of the examinations and of the delibera tions. It shall specify the marks allotted for each subject and the percentage awarded for the examinations as a whole. It shall be signed by the members present. The chairman of the examining board shall transmit a certified copy of the record to the national authorities designated for the purpose.

Article 20

The members of the examining board shall be required to maintain secrecy regarding the conduct of the examinations and the deliberations. No. 6362 1962 Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités 241

EUROPEAN SCHOOL LEAVING CERTIFICATE (" BACCALAURÉAT EUROPÉEN ") Article 21 (1) Students who have passed the European school leaving examinations shall receive a certificate recording the percentage obtained in the examinations. A list of the percentages obtained in each subject shall be issued to the student concerned upon request. (2) The certificate shall be signed by the chairman of the examining board and by at least one member of each nationality, and by the Director of the School. It shall bear the of the School. (3) The attached list shall be signed by the chairman of the examining board. (4) The Director of the School may subsequently issue certified copies of the certificate.

EQUIVALENCE TO NATIONAL CERTIFICATES OF SECONDARY EDUCATION Article 22 (a) With a view to applying article 5, paragraphs 2 (a) and 2 (b), of the Statute of the School, and having regard to article 29 of the said Statute, the European school leaving certificate (Baccalauréat européen) shall correspond, depending on the section, to the following national diplomas and certificates : For the Classics section: In the case of Germany : Reifeprufung des altsprachlichen Gymnasiums ; In the case of Belgium : le certificat homologué et le diplôme de sortie d'humani tés anciennes de la section latin-grec ; In the case of France : le d'État de bachelier de l'enseignement secondaire dont les diplômes portent les mentions : A—Philosophie, A— expérimentales ; In the case of Italy : diploma di maturità classica; In the case of Luxembourg : certificat de fin d'études secondaires : section gréco-latine et latine A; In the case of the Netherlands : het in de afdeling A een gym nasium. For thé Science section: In the case of Germany : Reifeprufung des mathematisch-naturwissenschaft- lichen Gymnasiums; In the case of Belgium : le certificat homologué et le diplôme de sortie d'huma nités anciennes de la section latin-mathématiques et latin-sciences; JS° 6362 242 United Nations — Treaty Series 1962

In the case of France : le grade d'État de bachelier de l'enseignement secondaire dont les diplômes portent les mentions : C—Sciences expérimentales, C—Mathématiques ; In the case of Italy : diploma di maturità scientifica ; In the case of Luxembourg : certificat de fin d'études secondaires : section latine B, section latine C; In the case of the Netherlands : het eindexamen in de afdeling B van een gym nasium. For thé Modem section: In the case of Germany : Reifepriïfung des neusprachlichen Gymnasiums ; In the case of Belgium : le certificat homologué et le diplôme de sortie d'huma nités modernes de la section scientifique; In the case of France : le grade d'État de bachelier de l'enseignement secondaire dont les diplômes portent les mentions : Moderne—Mathématiques, Moderne—Sciences expérimentales ; In the case of Italy : diplomi che danno accesso allé facoltà di Economia e Com- mercio nonché ai corsi di laurea in Lingua e Letteratura straniera presse l'Istituto Superiore di Economia e Commercio e di Lingue e Letterature Straniere di Venezia, presso l'Instituto Orientale di Napoli e presso le Facoltà di Economia e Commercio; In the case of Luxembourg : certificat de fin d'études secondaires : Enseignement moderne, section industrielle; In the case of the Netherlands : het eindexamen van een hogere burgerschool B. (V) The percentages obtained for the examinations as a whole shall cor respond to the following national notations :

60/100 : in the case of Germany : none in the case of Belgium : "avec fruit" in the case of France : "passable" in the case of Italy in the case of Luxembourg none in the case of the Netherlands 70/100 : in the case of Germany : none in the case of Belgium : " grand fruit " in the case of France : " assets Men " No. 6362 1962 Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités 243

in the case of Italy in the case of Luxembourg none in the case of the Netherlands 80/100 : in the case of Germany none in the case of Belgium " le plus grand fruit " in the case of France " bien " in the case of Italy in the case of Luxembourg none in the case of the Netherlands 90/100 : in the case of Germany none in the case of Belgium " le plus grand fruit " in the case of France " très bien " in the case of Italy in the case of Luxembourg none in the case of the Netherlands

(c) In the event of any change in the designation of the diplomas, certificates, or notations issued in each country, the Contracting Parties concerned shall undertake, individually, to ensure that the European school leaving certificates are given equivalent status with the diplomas, certificates and notations issued in accordance with the new national regulations.

GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 23 The Executive Board shall make the necessary arrangements for the purpose of applying and, where necessary, supplementing this instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned plenipotentiaries, being duly author ized thereto, have signed the present Agreement. DONE at Luxembourg, on 15 July 1957.


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The Parties to the Statute of the European School signed at Luxembourg on 12 April 1957,1 Desiring to ensure, in so far as possible, the immediate application of the provisions of the Statute, pending its entry into force in accordance with article 32, paragraph 2, Have agreed as follows :

Sole Article The Statute of the European School, signed at Luxembourg on 12 April 1957, shall be applied on a provisional basis as from 1 September 1957, to the extent permitted by the and legislation of the Contracting Parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned plenipotentiaries, having been duly authorized thereto, have signed the present Protocol. DONE at Luxembourg, on 15 July 1957.


1 See p. 224 of this volume. No. 6362 1962 Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités 245


The plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Considering that certain amendments need to be made to the German text of the Statute of the European School1 and the Regulations for the European school2 leaving certificate (Baccalauréat européen), Have agreed as follows : The German text of the Statute of the European School, signed at Luxembourg on 12 April 1957, and the Annex to the Statute of the European School containing regulations for the European school leaving certificate (Bacca lauréat européen), signed at Luxembourg on 15 July 1957, shall be amended in accordance with the text3 annexed to this Protocol. The amendments contained in the text annexed to this Protocol shall be deemed to have been introduced at the time of signature of the Statute and the Regulations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the plenipotentiaries, having been duly authorized thereto, have signed the present Protocol. DONE at Luxembourg, on 17 March 1961.


1 See p. 224 of this volume. 1 See p. 235 of this volume. "See p. 174 of this volume.

N° 6362