Marine • Trevithick Road • • Plymouth • PL5 2AF t: 01752 213939 •

21st December 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

As you are undoubtedly aware the Department For Education has announced that secondary schools will not fully reopen in the first week back after the Christmas holiday. Instead, we have been instructed to have a ‘staggered reopening’ over the period of the first week. In order for us to prepare for both online learning and mass testing we will reopen one day later than originally planned. On Tuesday January 5th we will be expecting Yr 11 and Yr 13 students only. All other year groups will return on the 11th January.

I apologise for the inconvenience but as usual these announcements have been made very late in the day and do not allow us to communicate to you as effectively as we would like.

We will be ensuring that online learning will be made available to all students and will be in touch with how your child can access our internationally recognised online teaching. Communication will be sent on the 4th of January to all students detailing how they will be able to access their online learning from Tuesday 5th January.

We will also remain open for key worker students and those with an EHCP. If you qualify for this and would like your child to attend school please do email [email protected] by Sunday 3rd January. We are aware of all EHCP students but we would ask that you outline your job role if you qualify as a key worker and would like your child to attend school. It is likely that this group will be taught in one or two fixed rooms rather than moving around the building but they will be in receipt of English, & Maths lessons each day and able to access the same online learning as their peers. The day will run 8.30-14.50 for these children and break and lunchtimes will operate as normal. They will be able to enter via the student gate by music and will need to go to the canteen to register and full school uniform, will be required.

You may also be aware of the national plan for mass testing of students prior to their return to school. As I currently understand it, schools will be expected to test students in the week beginning 4th January for Covid-19. These tests will not be mandatory but are designed to identify as many positive cases as possible prior to the full reopening of school. Once the details of this programme emerge we will be in touch to let you know how it will work.

Registered Address: Ted Wragg Multi-Academy Trust, Cranbrook Education Campus, Tillhouse Road, Cranbrook, Exeter, , EX5 7EE. Company Registered No: 08545109

Once again, apologies for the late communication but as I am sure you know, this is out of our hands.

I hope you all have a great Christmas break and a happy New Year.

Yours sincerely,

Leigh Withers Principal