NewsletterNewsletter ofof thethe U.S.U.S. ProvinceProvince of of the the OMI USA Missionary OblatesOblates ofof Mary Mary Immaculate Immaculate NOVEMBER 20182018 Vol. 21, No. Vol. 6 21, No. 6

Scholastic year begins with 33 in formation he U.S. province began the 2018-19 scholasticscholastic yearyear withwith 3333 Tmen inin formation:formation: 1616 inin thethe penovitiatesT (12 in Buffalo, NY and 4 in penovitiates (12 in Buffalo, NY and 4 in Tijuana,Tijuana, Baja CA); 3 in the in Godfrey,Godfrey, IL; 12 in the scholasticate in SanSan Antonio, TXTX andand 22 inin internship..internship.. TheThe ScholasticScholastic CommunityCommunity ithith thethe startstart ofof thethe newnew academic WWyearyear ofof 2018-2019,2018-2019, thethe scholas-scholas- tictic community community experienced experienced both both transi- transi- tiontion and and change. change. The The transition: transition: moving moving toto the the new new houses houses across across Oblate School School Front:Front: Bros. Bros. Alejandro Alejandro Alvarado, Alvarado, EleazarEleazar ManuelManuel Lopez,Lopez, JustinusJustinus Moloi,Moloi, CosmasCosmas ofof Theology. Theology. The change: we renamed Kubai,Kubai, Lazaro Lazaro Leal, Leal, Robby Robby Banda, Banda, Steven Steven Montez; Montez; Back: Back: Fr. Fr. RonRon Laframboise,Laframboise, thethe George George Sexton Sexton House House ofof StudiesStudies toto Bro.Bro. DanielDaniel Bourg,Bourg, Fr.Fr. RaulRaul Salas,Salas, Fr.Fr. RaymondRaymond Mwangala,Mwangala, JeanJean EmmanuelEmmanuel BlessedBlessed MarioMario BorzagaBorzaga FormationFormation Meloncourt,Meloncourt, Herat Herat Mondol, Mondol, Zane Zane Nong, Nong, Vincent Vincent Adaikalasamy Adaikalasamy Community. Community. DavidDavid Ullrich, Ullrich, OMI, OMI, slated slated to to join join Fr.Fr. Raul Raul Salas, Salas, OMI, OMI, is the / Presently, the community is is the superior/ Presently, the community is usus at at the the beginning beginning of of October October and and Fr. Fr. director,director, Frs.Frs. RonRon Laframboise,Laframboise, composedcomposed ofof 33 formators,formators, withwith Fr.Fr. AntonioAntonio Ponce, Ponce, OMI, OMI, in in December. December. OMI,OMI, (USA)(USA) andand RaymondRaymond Mwangala,Mwangala, OMI, OMI, (Zambia) (Zambia) are are the the OfOf the the 12 12 scholastics scholastics living living inin the the houses, houses, the the six six US US scholastics scholastics comecome from from Mexico, Mexico, Haiti Haiti and and the the US; US; oneone eacheach fromfrom Kenya,Kenya, India,India, Bangladesh,Bangladesh, Lesotho, Lesotho, Botswana Botswana and and Zambia.Zambia. Of Of the the two two on on internship, internship, one,one, Bro. Bro. Lester Lester Antonio Antonio Zapata, Zapata, originallyoriginally from from Nicaragua, Nicaragua, is is for for the the USUS and and is is doing doing his his ministry ministry in in San San Fernando,Fernando, CA; CA; the the other, other, Bro. Bro. Eu- Eu- genegene Mule, Mule, from from Zambia, Zambia, is is in in ourour men men are are discerning discerning their their vocation vocation in in the the pre-novitiate pre-novitiate inin Tijuana,Tijuana, Baja Edmonton,Edmonton, Alberta, Alberta, Canada Canada working working FFCalifornia,California, MX, MX, under under the the guidance guidance of of Fr. Fr. Bill Bill Antone, Antone, OMI OMI and and Bro. Bro. inin a aparish that that is is primarily primarily a aFirst First Na- Na- PeterPeter Vasquez, Vasquez, OMI: OMI: L-r: L-r: Gabriel Gabriel Silvestre, Silvestre, Brandon Brandon Ontiveros, Ontiveros, Victor Victor tionstions parish. parish. Izquierdo, Fr. Antone, Floriberto Gonzalez, Bro. Vasquez. Izquierdo, Fr. Antone, Floriberto Gonzalez, Bro. Vasquez. ContinuedContinued on on page page 5 5

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November 2018 OMI USA Newsletter.indd 1 10/17/18 1:54 PM Julio Narváez, OMI I begin my report on a sad note, the sudden death of Fr. Julio Narváez, OMI, on Saturday, August 11th. My most poignant memory of Fr. Julio dates to this past January when I visited the in Tijuana, Mexico. I was particularly tired early Sunday afternoon, having visited several of the chapels and concelebrated Mass at each one. Father Julio met me in the dining room of the Oblate house at Top row, l-r: Oblates David Uribe, Victor Patricio, Emmanuel Mulenga, Juan lunch and asked what my plans were Gaspar, Ray Cook, Rusty Gardiner, Feliciano Ortiz, Humphrey Milimo; Bot- that afternoon. “I think a nap would be tom row , l-r: Jim Chambers, Jim Brobst, Louis Studer, Fr. Roy Shelly, pre- in order,” I quickly replied. “But only senter, and Art Flores at the Under 10 meeting. after you go with me to bring food and blankets to some of my friends,” he said. “Under 10” Meeting province happenings and renew So, off we were, in his jeep, with a dozen We simply call it “The Under friendships. or so large baskets in the back of the 10”. It is the annual meeting of the Ob- The meeting helps provide vehicle, stopping at about a dozen lates perpetually professed or ordained spiritual and emotional support for homes, visiting sick parishioners who, 10 years or less, meeting with the pro- Oblates recently making the transition when they saw him, yelled out with ex- vincial leadership. It is a five-day gath- from the life of seminary formation to citement and delight, “Padre Julio!” They ering of support, education, and full time ministry. knew him and they were grateful for his social interaction. This year, Fr. Roy Shelby, care for them. He truly loved the poor, 15 Oblates met this year at Monterrey, CA diocese, spoke on the especially those who were very sick and Christ the King Retreat Center in Buf- topic of “Mentorship and Continuing unable to come to church. He had a true falo, MN. It is an opportunity for prov- Formation.” Fr. Shelby trains Oblate spirit about him in his care for ince leadership and these “newly and Religious how to become men- others. minted” Oblates to learn more about tors. He suggested the book, Mentoring by Chungliang Al Huang and Jerry Lynch (San Francisco: Harper Collins, 1995) 156 pp. Fr. Shelby shared with us some of the reasons people gener- ously share their lives in unselfish, generous, altruistic ways: the gift of having a mentor is a significant factor in choosing and living a life of generous service to others. The primary role of the men- tor is, ideally, to propose various av-

Bro. Rusty Gardiner, Frs. Ray Cook, OMI and Roy Shelby Continued on page 3


November 2018 OMI USA Newsletter.indd 2 10/17/18 1:54 PM From the Provincial Continued from page 2 enues of action and help discern the consequences of the proposed actions with the mentee. Most Oblates seek out a spiri- tual director during this transition time, but the mentor is a guide and advisor in helping that transition go more smoothly. Oblates have found it to be an impor- tant help in beginning full-time ministry in a new community, in a new place, in a new ministry, no longer in close asso- ciation with the friends from seminary days. Fr. Shelby outlined for us some At their reception, the new with Fr. Studer (r) and Fr. Tom Hayes, important ways a mentor can be en- OMI, (l) who served as Master for some of the Oblates present. abled to help make that difficult transi- tion more smoothly. What questions to vocation and will take thedral, to look at and plan for ways ask, what concerns to express to a next Aug. 1. The year is spent learning that the Oblates can continue to minis- mentor were important steps that we about the Oblate Founder, the history ter in other ways to the Hispanics in the discussed. of the Oblate Congregation, living to- diocese. Our final day together was de- gether in community and in apostolic out- With the recent death of Fr. voted to discovering the Mall of reach to several local communities. Federico Higuera of the Belleville America and the sights and sounds of The Novices served dinner to the diocese who did a lot of Hispanic min- the Twin Cities! Oblates who had come for the occasion istry, this need becomes even greater. preceding the prayer service of recep- Very few of the priests in the Belleville Rite of Reception of Novices into tion. diocese speak Spanish. the Novitiate Our meeting was the first to se- Nieteen Oblates from the Meeting with Leadership of the riously look at how the Oblates can fur- communities of King’s House, Our Belleville Diocese ther help with this important ministry. Lady of the Snows Shrine, St. Henry’s The Oblates at the Shrine of Our We hope to have a plan in place to help Community in Belleville and the Wash- Lady of the Snows have been minister- facilitate this need by July, 2019. ington, DC Community traveled to the ing to the rapidly growing population of Novitiate in Godfrey, IL, on Aug. 17, Hispanics in the Diocese of Belleville for Superiors’ Meeting, San Antonio, to offer support, and meet the several years. Fr. Jim Allen, OMI, pre- With the new administrative new novices for the 2018-2019 year. sides and preaches at the Spanish Mass province structure, moving from area At a prayer service led by Nov- every week in Damiansville and Fr. Juan councilors to greater responsibility for ice Director, Bro. Pat McGee and As- Gaspar, OMI, and Fr. Harold Fisher, the role of our Oblate Superiors, their sociate Fr. Frank Kuczera, three nov- OMI, minister to the large population annual meeting takes on great impor- ices were formally received into the of Hispanics who visit the Shrine and tance. Novitiate program: Mark Hernandez, provide Eucharist each Sunday after- Nineteen Oblate Superiors 28, from Texas, David Chisha, 29, noon at the Shrine, in Spanish. gathered for this annual meeting at the and Democracy Mudenda, 25, both Fr. Jim Brobst, OMI. and I Oblate Renewal Center Oct. 1–4 in from Zambia. recently visited with Fr. Jack McEvilly, San Antonio. The Novices will spend the of the diocese of Belleville Continued on page 4 year continuing to discern their Oblate and Fr. John Myler, of the Ca- NOVEMBER-2018 -3

November 2018 OMI USA Newsletter.indd 3 10/17/18 1:54 PM From the Provincial our province continues to become more culturally diverse, we continue Continued from page 3 to embrace more fully an “inten- Sr. Jane Ann Slater, CDP, tional interculturality” called for by presented to the Superiors on the topic the 2016 General Chapter. of Community Animation. This has been Oblate Frs. Frank a recurring interest of our Superiors. Santucci and David Muñoz pre- Jane Ann gave some very practical sug- sented an update about the Vocation gestions on this topic. Assembly in January 2019, re- minding the superiors that it is he call of Christ that draws us Oblates together and also the members of the Mazenodian Fam- ily who wish to share in our charism. Our Oblate Constitutions and Rules provide the structure by Dr. Arturo Chavez which we live out that call. the implications of the new province Frank noted the Holy Spirit policy that will require each Oblate invented the Mazenodian Family, not over 75 years of age to be given a Frank Santucci! medical and cognitive assessment Dottie McDermott and better to determine what his needs Anthony Trace, medical personnel might be, and ensure that he at two of our healthcare facilities, receives the proper care to address spoke to the superiors about patient Fr. Bill Mason with Sr. Slater those needs. centered care as the model we use Dr. Arturo Chavez gave two Superiors were given the in our US Province. presentations on the topic of opportunity to look over the content of They also explained some of Interculturality and Community. As the assessment and inquire further about it and how it will be implemented in the province. More about this in the Fall Province meetings. The meeting concluded with Eucharist on the feast of St. Francis, praying to him that we be superiors of joy and hope as Francis was in his life of helping to reform the church in his day. May he help us in reforming the church with those same virtues in our day! -Fr. Louis Studer, OMI

During the “Under 10” meeting on Aug. 15, Fr. Jim Deegan, OMI, (center) congratulates Bro. Dan Bozek, OMI on his 60th anniversary of religious vows and Sr. Brenda Rose Szegedy, OSF, on her birthday.


3. Who is with you in the formation ministry: Alex Roque (director and superior of pre-novitiate), Paul November 2018 OMI USA Newsletter.indd 4 10/17/18 1:54 PM Scholastic year begins come from parishes, groups, and in- Oblates feel Haitian Earthquake dividuals. by Fr. John Henault, OMI Continued from page 1 The four who made perpetual es, had a big scare last evening Five scholastics are in 4th year vows last September (see p. 4) will be at 8:15 P.M. I would have Theology; three in 3rd Theology; one ordained on Nov. 17. On May never believed a house could in 2nd Theology and three in 1st All 17, Bishop Guillermo Steckling, Y shake so much and not fall apart. Over are taking a full load of courses plus OMI, from Paraguay (former Superior the years the walls had a few cracks ... doing ministry and volunteering to General) will ordain Bro. Eleazar but now many have opened up and are help with the occasional requests that Manuel Lopez to the priesthood. going to need serious repair. For the few seconds it lasted, it sure seemed like a long time. I had experienced the quake on Ile a Vache in 2010, but it wasn’t at this magnitude. Most people in Gonaives spent the night outdoors. Most of the injuries in Gonaives proper were caused by people trying get out of their houses because we had rain before and it was dark. The two hospitals in Gonaives were jammed with patients with bruises n August 17, Bro. Patrick McGee, OMI (right) novice director and Fr. and broken legs, OFrank Kuczero, OMI, (left) formator, welcomed local Oblates and guests arms etc. How- to La Vista, the Oblate Novitiate in Godfrey, IL, for the reception of the three ever, a parish 15 new novices: Mark Anthony Hernandez (USA), David Chisa (Zambia) and miles from here Democracy Mudenda (Zambia). had its’ roof re- moved. two hos- pitals, we heard, were damaged in Gros Morne 20 miles from me and in Port de Paix. ....The quake epicenter was 12 miles North West of Port de Paix at sea. It was only 7.3 miles below the surface. There was question of a possible tsu- nami but it was cancelled during the night. Later I hope to go see my ST. This quake was felt in ALL our Oblate parishes in Cap Haitien, Ferrier, fter the first gathering on August 8, candidates engaged in three days Ouanaminthe, Capotille, Mt. Organizer Aof personal biographical sharing at the prenovitiate in Buffalo, NY. Supe- and Carice. ... It was felt all the way to rior, Fr. Alex Roque, OMI, led the Commitment Ceremony on August 26, Port au Prince and the Dominican Re- during sung, solemn vespers in the presence of local Oblates and Associates public. The shock waves traveled from both the English and Spanish speaking groups. Back, l-r: Mateusz South and East at the same time. After Garstecki, Juan Ruiz, William Reed, José Elías Esquivel-Nimiz, Austin I send this I hope to get on my amateur Gutierrez, Stephen Wakeman Gorham, Fr. Lou Studer; Front, l-r Christo- radio station and see if they need help pher Edward Din, Henry Zayamoe, Fr. Jim Loiacano, José Carlos Ibarra, with communications. Keep us all in and Christopher Lee Streetman -Missing: Martin Troncoso II. your prayers. God bless. Fr. John NOVEMBER-2018 -5

3. Who is with you in the formation ministry: Alex Roque (director and superior of pre-novitiate), Paul November 2018 OMI USA Newsletter.indd 5 10/17/18 1:54 PM Are you tired of reading the headlines about abuse cases by Please remember in prayer and systemic cover-up by leaders? I suspect that many our recently departed of us would answer that question in the affirmative, and for various reasons. Michael Hanson, 72, former Oblate, died in Redding, First and foremost, it is reprehen- CA on May 14, 2018 sible that young persons placed in our Gregory Stroba, 88, father of Fr. Marek Stroba, OMI, pastoral care have suffered abuse. There can never be any died in Bytom, Poland, on July 18. valid excuse for it, and especially not for enabling a known Fr. George Kuryvial, OMI, 85, died in Belleville, IL abuser to have ministerial access to children or other vulner- on Aug. 7. able people. But there are many other reasons as well: John T. Davis, 82, of Fr. William Davis, OMI, Some of us have been victims of abuse of various died in Alamo Heights, TX on Aug. 9. kinds, and the constant publicity may reopen old wounds. Fr. Julio C. Narvâez, OMI, 43, died in Tijuana on Others are victims of false accusations and are often assumed Aug. 12. guilty without proof. The clear majority of recently publi- Fr. Edward Ward, OMI, 82, died in San Antonio,TX on Aug. 14. cized cases are very old, reporting deceased perpetrators Fr. James Wynne, OMI, 92, died on August 19, in and even victims. Many headline stories are old news that Belleville, IL. gets recycled. Other headlines are devastatingly new, such Edwin Rolheiser, 85, brother of Fr. Ron Rolheiser, as the heights to which known abusers have risen in the hier- OMI, died on September 2, in Rosetown, SASK. archy. Lionel Morency, 86, brother-in-law of Fr. Bob Fellow Oblates have expressed the emotional ero- Lacasse, OMI, died on Oct. 5, in Auburn, ME. sion that this constant publicity produces. The purpose of this article is to share some perspectives that help me past 16 years make us one of the safest organizations for from getting too worn down in this climate. Perhaps it protection of children and vulnerable adults. Our efforts may offer some support and encouragement for you, what- as Oblates and in the dioceses where we work are part of ever your role in our Mazenodian Family. I encourage us all this change. It is neither perfect nor complete, but the dem- to share with one another what keeps us focused forward in onstrated increase in safety is real and valuable. today’s climate. Our Congregation was born in similar times. Returning to our “first and foremost” comment St. Eugene saw and lived in a time of ecclesiastical de- above, whenever I feel worn down by the dynamics of the pravity that might make today’s headlines seem tame by situation, I try to remind myself that whatever negativity comparison. Recall just a few lines his preface to our first I’m feeling can’t begin to compare with what people Constitutions and Rules: must feel who are abused by their most trusted authori- The Church, that glorious inheritance pur- ties. The extra time I put in for child protection training and chased by Christ the Savior at the cost of his letters of suitability really pales in comparison. own blood, has in our days been cruelly rav- The trust on which our ministry is based needs aged. The beloved spouse of God’s only be- to be rebuilt by us, even if we are not the ones who gotten Son is torn with anguish as she mourns broke that trust. Unquestionably, clerical privilege is part the shameful defection of the children she her- of what created our current situation. While the official rec- self bore… Faced with such a deplorable situ- ognition of being ordained and/or vowed in the church can ation, the Church earnestly appeals to the min- open doors for the good of ministry, any trust worth hav- isters whom she herself enrolled in the cause ing is also worth earning. That trust is a fragile thing – it is of her divine Spouse, to do all in their power, easily broken and much slower to regain than it is to lose. by word and example, to rekindle the flame of We need slowly and diligently to earn that trust back. faith that has all but died in the hearts of so This is a long-haul project, it is working, and we many of her children…. Indeed, many (clergy) are not in this alone. We have each other for support. The changes in place in our American over the Continued on page 7 OMI-USA - 6

November 2018 OMI USA Newsletter.indd 6 10/17/18 1:54 PM Oblates profess vows in San Antonio orty Oblates, along with religious and laity, joined four scholastics Fas they professed their perpetual vows on September. 1 in the Oblate School of Theology’s Immaculate Con- ception Chapel. U.S. provincial, Lou Studer, OMI, receiving the vows of Brothers Robby Banda (Zambia); Eleazar Manuel-Lopez (USA); & Vincent Adaikalasamy (India), was joined by Ken Forster, OMI, provincial of the l-r: Fr. Ken Forster; Cosmas Kithinji Kubai; Robby Banda; Fr. Raul Salas; Canada Lacombe Province, who re- Eleazar Manuel-Lopez, Vincent Adaikalasamy; Fr. Lou Studer ceived the vows of Cosmas Kithinji Kubai (Kenya). The Mass readings, pro- claimed in Hindi and Bemba, re- flected the multi-cultural reality of the formation community. In his homily, Fr. Studer reminded the scholastics that their profession of vows is not a conclusion, but a con- tinuation, of our life time commit- ment to God and the Congregation.

Annual vows renewed n August 31, five U.S. Prov- ince scholastics renewed their Oblate Schol. Bros. l-r: Mondol, Meloncourt, Bourg, Montez and Alvarado Ovows in the chapel of the newly consecrated Borzaga Formation Com- Continued from page 6 munity Residence in San Antonio: aggravate things by their own disgraceful conduct and, instead of Alejandro Alvarado (USA); Daniel trying to lead people back to the ways of justice, they themselves Bourg (USA); Jean Emmanuel must often be reminded of their own duties…. And how should Meloncourt (Haiti); Herat Mondol (people) who want to follow in the footsteps of their divine Master (Bangladesh); and Steven Montez Jesus Christ conduct themselves if they, in their turn, are to win (USA). Fr. Lou Studer received their back the many souls who have thrown off his yoke? They must strive vows during Mass celebrated with to be saints. They must walk courageously along the same paths community members present, along trodden by so many before them: apostolic laborers for the Gospel with other religious and laity. who, while carrying out the same ministry to which they themselves now feel called, handed on such splendid examples of virtue. Our founder and the first, small group of Oblates faced even worse than this. Let’s follow their example. After all, we were made for times such as this! -by Fr. Jim Brobst, OMI NOVEMBER-2018 -7

November 2018 OMI USA Newsletter.indd 7 10/17/18 1:54 PM Power, Truth, and Trust: In Search Oblates Host Scholars from MCSCV of More Human Governance. Participants in this year’s program come from Belgium, China, India, Italy/Portugal, Poland, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, and Vietnam. For more information about the Center visit http:/ / Poem for the occasion contributed by: Professor Hu Yeping, Executive Director, McLean Center for the Study of Culture and Values. (Washington, DC, September 6, 2018) oday sees the moment of Fr. João Vila-Chã, SJ (middle) with participants at the 2018 Seminar T yesterday humbly walk into the goodbyes full of gratified blessings, unutterable peace continuing another dialogical conversation among unseeable yet named souls in a world of sole beings housed by trees and stones, stars and rainbows full of wordless silence, soundless smiles forever and ever in you, in me, in many from yesterday to today Fr.Finn, (right, in white shirt) leads the discussion on Governance and Trust. What a Day! o mark the 2nd anniversary of philosophy at CUA from 1956-1993, Fr. McLean’s death, on but devoted his entire life to promoting September 6 the Oblate dialogue and cooperation among T different peoples, cultures and religions Community in Washington, DC and participants from the McLean Center around the globe. for the Study of Culture & Values In 2017, to honor Fr. McLean, celebrated a Memorial Mass in the the university officially inaugurated the residence’s chapel, followed by lunch CUA McLean Center for the Study of and discussions on “Governance and Culture and Values (MCSCV). Trust” led by Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI. Fr. McLean initiated an annual Fr.. George F. McLean, seminar in 1984 to invite scholars and OMl (1929-2016), was the Founder philosophers from diverse cultures and of Catholic University of America’s civilizations to participate in five to ten (CUA) Center for the Study of week seminars in Washington, D.C. to Culture and Values, and the discuss current and urgent philosophical International Council for Research in issues. This year’s program was held Prof. Hu Yeping Values and Philosophy. He taught from Aug. 20-Sept. 21 under the theme


November 2018 OMI USA Newsletter.indd 8 10/17/18 1:54 PM New wine Poured into old wineskins! By Bro. Richard Coté, OMI

Left: Bro. Coté with new owners of the property Charles and Donna Jordan of the GNWCA. he Great North Woods Com- Bro. Richard Cote, OMI, The Colebrook NH Oblate As- mittee for the Arts (GNWCA) acted as tour guide during the festivi- sociates, especially Larry and Louise held an Open House for 300 lo- ties, which included a free concert by Dagesse (upper left with Bro. Coté) do- T nated many hours, helping to spruce up cal and out-of-state guests on Septem- The Irish/Scottish Group IMAR. New ber 24 at the site of the former Our Lady life is being poured into the old wine the former Shrine buildings. They along of Grace Shrine in Columbia, NH. skins of Our Lady of Grace Shrine. with many volunteers from throughout Northern New Hampshire, in just one blate Fathers and Brothers were joined by fellow Oblates, relatives and short month and a half have succeeded friends to celebrate milestones of religious life at a Mass held at the in creating a space where the “Carriage Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows on September 10, 2018. Fr. Allen House Players” and the “Connecticut O River Artisans Group” can meet and dis- Maes presided, with fellow Jubilarians Fr. Norman Volk, and Bro. Daniel Bozek, as lectors and Bro. Patrick McGee as homilist. play their work. The lower level chapel has now become an art gallery. The stained-glass windows on the south side of the room add much desired natural light to the items on display. (Upper left). The former Gift Shop is be- ing transformed into the Our Lady of Grace Museum. The focus of the mu- seum is to tell the story of the “Hamp- shire Inn” built in the late 19th century that was home to the former North- ern Province Oblate Juniorate, No- vitiate and Shrine of Our Lady of Grace from 1921 to 2014. The Jubilarians pose for a group shot after Mass (L-R): Fr. David Kalert, Fr. The barn-chapel area will even- Paul Wilhelm, Fr. Greg Cholewa, Fr. Clarence Zachman, Bro. Daniel Bozek, tually be renovated and will become a Fr. Norman Volk, Bro. William Johnson (seated) Fr. Joseph Menker, Fr. Allen venue for larger musical concerts and Maes, Fr. Eugene Prendiville (seated) Bro. Patrick McGee artistic productions.

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November 2018 OMI USA Newsletter.indd 9 10/17/18 1:54 PM with World Youth Days and possibly Regional youth committee meets holding a Regional youth rally. Among by Fr. David Muñoz, OMI the more immediate projects was a Video project commissioned by Superior General, Fr. Louis Lougen, OMI, to create short videos to be posted on social media to evangelize youth and young adults on the life of St. Eugene de Mazenod and the Oblate charism. From July 31-August 5, a team from Assumption Province made up of Fr. Marcin Serwin, OMI, Justyna Armatowicz, and Hannah Zambrowicz, traveled around Aix- en-Provence and Marseille gathering footage for these videos. Fr.Muñoz joined the team in France to assist with the recording of the videos in English, Back, l-r: Frs. Marcin Serwin, Paul Patrick, Ken Thorson, Fr. Andrzej Spanish, and French. The team braved Jastrzebski, David Muñoz, Ali Nnaemeka, Mark Blom. Front, l -r: Ms. Justyna the unusual hundred-degree weather Armatowicz, Mr Kacper Bronowicki, Frs. Jarek Pachocki, Jesse Esqueda. and shot footage of some major places n 2016, representatives from each committee on the International from St. Eugene’s life. Oblate Region participated in the Commission for Oblate Mission with These initiatives demonstrate Second Congress on Mission with Youth. Fr. Ken Thorson, OMI, vicar the importance that Oblates in the I Canada-US Region place on Youth at the Centre de Mazenod in Aix- Provincial of the Lacombe Province en-Provence. The goal of the Congress serves as the CROCUS liaison. evangelizing with youth and young was to solidify the importance of how The committee includes: Frs. adults. As this collaboration increases Oblates evangelize with young people Mark Blom and Jarek Pachocki the Committee hopes that Oblates around the world. Representatives (Lacombe); Fr. Paul Patrick (Assumption); across the Region will value the proposed a series of suggestions for the Frs. Jesse Esqueda and David importance that St. Eugene de 36th General Chapter later that year. Muñoz (USA); and Fr. Ali Nnaemeka Mazenod placed on the mission with The Chapter delegates took (N.D. du cap province). The Committee youth when he founded the Aix Youth seriously the number of suggestions secretary is Ms. Justyna Armatowicz Congregation and that more posed by the Congress. One of the most from Mississauga, Ontario. importance is placed on the work important calls was to cooperate at a The representatives held their Oblates do with youth and young regional level on programs for young first face-to-face meeting on May 21- adults. people and vocations. 23, 2018 at Queen of Apostles Retreat The Regional Conference of Center in Mississauga, Ontario, Oblates in Canada and U.S. took up Canada. On the agenda were the results the challenge and in 2017 created a of a logo contest that could be used to Regional Committee for Vocations and identify the Oblate Mission with Youth Mission with Youth, gathering Oblates in the Region.(bottom right) The from the four North American Provinces winner of the contest was Mike Muñoz, involved in youth vocation work. a young adult from the Baja CA The chair of the committee is Mission. Fr. Marcin Serwin, OMI, The Committee has also (Assumption) who also represents the discussed the possibility of cooperating

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November 2018 OMI USA Newsletter.indd 10 10/17/18 1:54 PM Ms. Furmanek’s colorful power- point presentation provides useful information about the Congregation, an explanation of how the charism of the Oblates has manifested itself in the ministries of the past and present, and how each employee is an important part of continuing the legacy of faith through their work. The theme this year includes our Mazenodian family relationships. In addition, they hear from an Oblate or brother about his years in ministry, (on this day, Fr. David Front, l-r: Darlene Sicka, Gwen Campbell, Jeannie Lowry, Nancy Kalert, OMI, was the presenter), Lichtenberg, Shauna Bayles, Barbara Prosser, Lori Kelly, Mary Adams. Back, view a video presentation on St. l-r: Diann Donjon, Sherry White, Geri Furmanek, Cindy Yocks, Fr. David Eugene de Mazenod, and experience Kalert, OMI, Tammy Ramsey, John Vanek, Martha Holloway, Derek a live visit from the “Founder” (Will Czosnyka, Roger Millmann, Michael Inyart, Sherry Greiman, Mike Viola, Shaw) himself. not pictured-Jennifer Murphy The day culminated with lunch (prepared by Esquiline Chef Todd OMI employees enjoy Mission Enrichment Day Schrage and staff) and a last chance n August 16, 2018, Mission Mazenodian Family. ”This year, The for new friends to visit and discuss this Enrichment “Season” Esquiline graciously provided space most, unordinary employee education Oresumed with a gathering of for these sessions. experience. employees from the Missionary Association of Mary Immaculate, King’s House Retreat and Renewal Center, and The Esquiline (formerly the Apartment Community) for a four- hour opportunity to meet other Oblate employees and to hear the story of the Oblates and to learn about their values and mission. According to Geri Furmanek, Province Director of Mission Enrichment and Oblate Associates, the purpose of these sessions is to, “Provide employees with the values and culture of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. n August 20, Sr. Maxine Pohlman, SSND, Director of La Vista Ecological Sometimes, if employees are OLearning Center, explored La Vista’s bio-region with new Oblate Novices, unfamiliar with the Catholic faith, they Bros.David Chisha, Democracy Mudenda, (middle) and Mark Hernandez. may feel like “outsiders.” The hope is Among the sites and sights they toured the pollinator garden where that Mission Enrichment can break monarch caterpillars were consuming the butterfly milkweed and a frog was down these barriers so everyone feels peeking out of the wren house. Along the front drive, at the base of a stump, the included, valued, and part of the hen of the woods mushroom showed itself grandly. NOVEMBER-2018 -11

NOVICES November 2018 OMI USA Newsletter.indd 11 10/17/18 1:54 PM Arthur A. Pingolt, Jr. President

Dan Griffith: Priest with An Oblate Heart

r. Dan Griffith has quietly be- come one of our most ardent FPartners since joining us a few years ago. Fr. Dan often likes to say that he has an “Oblate heart,” which Will Adams(2nd from left) holds a bust of St. Eugene de Mazenod which Fr. Bill Morell, always brought a smile to the face of OMI, gave to the group for safe-keeping during this sixth meeting in the Seattle area. another of our Partners, his former boss in the St. Paul Archdiocese, Arch- Oblate Partners meet in Seattle, WA bishop Harry Flynn, HOMI ue and Jeff Adams hosted the also spoke to the group about the Joining a few years after winter meeting of the Oblate Oblate mission work in Tijuana. The Flynn, Fr. Dan’s affection Partners and friends in Oblate community of San Eugenio will for the Oblates was kindled in San S be moving to the eastern part of the Snohomish, WA on April 14. Antonio, where he spent a few months shared parish, where many new and poor Fr. Bill Morell, OMI, in the Minister to Ministers Pro- the province’s conception of the families are settling. That part of the gram at Oblate School of Theology. Mazenodian Family as it participates parish which has now been well Currently pastor of Our Lady of with the mission of the Church in the established will be turned over to the Lourdes Parish in Minneapolis, he spirit of St. Eugene de Mazenod. diocesan clergy of the Tijuana also teaches law at the St. Thomas U Archdiocese. Fr. Jesse Esqueda, OMI, Law School, with focus on both “re- storative justice” and . Fr. Dan has been a prodigious recruiter of new Partners, including Mary & Kevin Henseler, MD; Lynmarie & Thom Winninger, and Julie & Doug Craven. He is also the first Partner to initiate a formal partnership, complete with signing ceremonies, between Our Lady of Lourdes and the Oblate mega- parish/mission of San Eugenio in Tijuana, Mexico. Besides providing donations over the past few years, the partnership has seen exchange-of-members’ weekends for Lourdes’ parishioners to see their new “partner” from San Eugenio, Clockwise from front left: Artie Pingolt, Fr. Dan Griffith; Dr. Kevin Henseler, Ob- late Fr. Jesse Esqueda, and for San MD, Mary Henseler, Fr. Kevin McDonough. Eugenio to visit with Fr. Dan in Tijuana. OMI-USA - 12

November 2018 OMI USA Newsletter.indd 12 10/17/18 1:54 PM Office Managers meet with Provincial Team ffice Managers, Emilie Picard (Lowell, MA), Sandee ORichards (Belleville, IL), and Irma Noyola (San Antonio, TX), met with Laura Glasgow, Provincial Execu- tive Assistant and Secretaries Janice Cooke and Tony Jennings along with the Province Leadership Team, Sep- tember 12-13 in Washington, DC. The purpose of the meeting was to bring everyone on board with prov- ince policies, to discuss and clarify roles of responsibility and to surface ideas Back, l-r: Fr. Art Flores, Mr. Tony Jennings, Frs. Lou Studer, Jim Chambers about how we can work together with and Jim Brobst; Front, l-r: Janice Cook, Irma Noyola, Sanee Richards, Laura greater efficiency. Glasgow and Emilie Picard. New members join US Finance Team Theresa Zorola is new to the Finance Team but not new to the Ob- lates. Theresa was an accountant at OMSI - Oblate Mission and brings more than 25 years of experience working with the Oblates, which will be invaluable in meeting the overall objec- tives for the OMI organization. Regina Evans is also new to the Finance Team. Regina was the Fi- nance Director at Oblate Media and Communication, once located in St. Back, l-r: William Reich, COO; Dalevonne Davis, HR; Joyce Prince, AR Spe- Louis, MO. Regina also brings more cialist; Saudeia Martin, AP/OMI Health; Frs. James Chambers, Treasurer; than 25 years of experience working Rocky Grimard- Asst Treasurer; Seated: Theresa Zorola- Asst. Controller with the Oblates and has a proven track TX, Denise Revell, USP Controller; Regina Evans -Asst. Controller -IL. record of success in business finance.

Missionary Oblate Partnership Calendar: Pictures taken at “Summerfest” at 2018 2019 Park View Care Center in Buffalo, MN. Fr. Minnesota Partners New Partners “Come & See”- Annual De Mazenod Conference: A Pathway of the Svobodny dunks Fr. Lon Konold. Nov. 7 Minneapolis Hosts: Julie & Doug Craven Heart: Renewing the Catholic Church: Feb. 15-17 - “Strategic Needs List” Distributed Oblate Renewal Center, San Antonio September/October MPS/OST- Grant-writing Conference: San Antonio Area Partners Year-end Gathering - April 22-26 -Claretianum, Rome, ITALY: The Aix Experience: Date & Location TBD In the Footsteps of De Mazenod: Partnership Mission Fund 2018 Grants Selection; June 24-29 Aix en Provence, Marseilles FRANCE December - Washington, DC & Teleconference NOVEMBER-2018 -13

November 2018 OMI USA Newsletter.indd 13 10/17/18 1:54 PM Shrine presents third annual award n Sept. 8, Fr. Terrence O’Connell, OMI, presented Al Daigle with the third annual St. Joseph the Worker OAward at a Mass at the Lowell, MA, Shrine. Al and his wife Thérèse celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary this year. A daily communicant who has made the Shrine his week- day church home, he extends himself in service of his fellow-wor- shipers here by serving as lector, server, and usher, as needs arise. Besides being a successful and conscientious business- man and Notary Public he is a respected Certified Public Ac- countant who combines an Insurance Agency and a Real Estate Brokerage and maintains a commercial garden center adjacent to his offices. A member of the Dracut Rotary Club, the Lafayette Club and the Friends of D’Youville, Al also served as Grand Knight of the Dracut Knights of Columbus and has been an ani- mating force for the Franco-American Day Committee, by which he was named the 1982 Franco American Man of the Year. Over the years, he served as treasurer of the Acre Model Neighbor- hood Organization; been involved with the St. Jean Baptiste Pres- Fr. Terrence O’Connell, OMI, with Mr. and Mrs. Al ervation Committee and served on the St. Joseph Elementary Daigle inside St. Joseph Worker Shrine. School board and its VIP 1,000 Club. Impact of Floyd family on Church in Virginia examined by Harry Winter, OMI r. James Glanville continues his leadership in helping Oblates in particular and Christians in Dgeneral discover the impact of Virginia’s Gov- ernor John Floyd Jr. (1783-18-37) and his wife, Letitia Preston Floyd (1779-1852). Letitia joined the Catho- lic Church four months before she died. It was princi- pally from their farm plantation, Thorn Spring, that John and Letitia raised their seven children who sur- vived to adulthood. Six of them became Roman Catho- lics when such a move was unheard of. Two of their young children died of scarlet fever at the plantation. The first daughter to convert, also named Letitia, married William Lewis and founded St. John’s Chapel, Sweet Springs, WV (see OMI/USA, Nov.2006, p. At the Wilderness Road Regional Museum, Newbern, VA, 10). A son, Benjamin Rush Floyd, was challenged for Aug. 14, 2018, l-r: Dr. James Glanville, Fr. Harry Winter, his when he ran for public office. His spir- OMI, holding the self-guided tour folder of the museum; April Mar- ited defense of his Catholicism and his patriotism can tin Danner, Historian, expert on the museum; and Patty Manthe, be found on the Oblate Mission-Unity-Dialogue Regent of the Alleghany Chapter of the Daughters of the American website ( Oblate Missiologists page), Revolution. The photos on the wall are of the founders of along with an item describing his mother as an Oblate Newbern, VA, Adam and Margaret Hance. (photo: Wayne Coake) missiologist. OMI-USA - 14

November 2018 OMI USA Newsletter.indd 14 10/17/18 1:54 PM a Sine Qua Non for Global Agendas, panelists from regions throughout the world referenced the teachings of the faith traditions on the ways that corruption is reflected in the lives of individuals and in the institutions and organizations that they rely on each day. Recent decades have shown a marked breakdown in the trust and confidence that many citizens have in their governments, institutions and or- ganizations. Much of this rupture has Fr. Finn joins panelists at G20 Interfaith Forum been traced to the arrogance, misbehav- ior and lack of responsiveness of repre- r. Seámus Finn, OMI, repre- lishment and expansion of microfinance sentatives, leaders and managers. sented the OIP Trust, the Ob- and microcredit as well as their work This erosion of trust will con- lates and the ICCR on two pan- on revolving loan funds and community tinue to result in serious consequences elsF at the G20 Interfaith Forum in development funds. Much of this work for the social bonds that hold a society Buenos Aires, AR, Sept. 26-28, in its has recently been enhanced by giving together and on the many relationships preparation for the G20-2018 meeting priority to “Impact Investing” whereby that individuals rely on as they seek to on the theme: Building Consensus for Fair practitioners are no longer focused on live fulfilling and meaningful lives. The and Sustainable Development: Religious Con- what they want to exclude from their importance of adopting education cur- tributions for a Dignified Future. portfolios but on the projects, sectors ricula in all countries that are compre- In Human Rights, Faith and Sustain- and funds that they want to support. hensive and not hostile to the teachings able Development: Institutional Contributions The Sustainable Development and experience of faith traditions was to Global Priorities, panelists reviewed how Goals adopted by 193 countries at the emphasized in the formation of individu- their faith traditions integrate their be- UN in 2015 provide a working frame- als and communities that are able to liefs and values as they manage their work for those who are committed to resist the vices that enable and promote assets, both fixed and liquid. “Impact Investing”. corruption. Panelists recalled the contribu- In another panel, The Imperatives -Adapted from Fr. Finn’s article on our tions of the faith traditions to the estab- of Better Governance: Fighting Corruption is website,

r. Al Svobodny, OMI, has been a resident at Parkview Care Center, Buffalo, MN, (about a block from FKings House of Retreats) since Febru- ary 2017. Every year, corresponding to the Minnesota State Fair, the Care Center provides carnival games on site, including a popular Dump Tank with a “Dunk the Clergy” event for the en- tertainment of residents. Right: Fr. Al prepares to hit the target with a soft ball to dump Fr. Lon Konold, OMI, into the tank. He ap- peared to enjoy doing this more than once!

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November 2018 OMI USA Newsletter.indd 15 10/17/18 1:54 PM  In June, Fr. Hank Lemoncelli, OMI, returned to Buffalo, NY, to attend a Canisius High School Reunion. The Canisius Today Maga- zine carried an article in which he was featured: https://  On October 7, a magnitude 5.9 Earthquake struck Northwest Haiti killing at least 12 people. The epicenter was centered about 12 miles west-northwest of the coastal town of Port-de-Paix. Bishop Pierre-Antoine Paulo, OMI, is bishop of Port-de-Paix The tremor was one of the strongest since the 7.0 magnitude quake that hit the End Runs capital of Port-au-Prince in 2010. The quake was felt in the Capital, but initial reports said it had no cause major damage. Fr. John Henault, OMI, sent a letter describing the event: see page 5, this issue.  The Class of 1969 from St. Henry’s Preparatory Seminary in Belleville, IL, will hold its 50th class reunion September 28-29, 2019. There will be an Evening Mass and dinner at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows on Sept. 28 and a picnic at the grounds of St. Henry’s Residence on Sept. 29. Almighty, merciful God,  Plans for the Province Convocation to be held in April 2020 at the Shrine you break the power of evil of Our Lady of the Snows in Belleville, IL are progressing. Bro. John Mark and make all things new Falkenhain, OSB, will be a featured speaker. It is expected that Frs. Louie Lougen, Warren Brown and Frank Santucci will also make presentations. The working in your Son Jesus Christ, committee for the convocation is composed of Oblate Frs. Juan Ayala, the King of the universe. chair, Emmanuel Mulenga, Richard Sudlik, Juan Gaspar and David May all in heaven and Uribe. Under consideration is the possibility of holding a national gathering earth of Oblate Associates at the same time. acclaim your glory and  On Sept. 13, under the leadership of never cease to praise you. founder Billy Beauchesne and his assistants, a group We ask this through our of young adults, Jesus aCross the Border, from Lord Jesus Christ, your Son. area parishes, resumed its monthly gatherings (3rd Friday) at the Shrine of Joseph the Worker, Lowell, Amen. MA. About 100 young people attended the evening of prayer and adoration, concluding with social fes- OMI - USA

tivities that lasted into the late evening. Newsletter of the U.S. Province of the The meetings, Missionary Oblates of Mary Immacu- late.-391 Michigan Ave., NE Washing- whose hosting alternates ton, DC 20017-1516 L-r: Joseph Stewart, Brian among the various area President and Publisher: Very Rev. Louis Studer, OMI Helmstetter, Lauren Brouillette parishes serves to en- Editor: Fr. Charles Hurkes, OMI courage participants in their quest to deepen their Direct all submissions, inquiries and comments to Charles Hurkes, OMI at comradery as young adult Catholics and thereby the above address or Fax (202) 529- deepen their spiritual lives. 4572; Tel: (202) 529-4505 e-mail: Oblates on the Shrine staff and other area clergy [email protected] were available for Reconciliation. Published six times a year for Oblate per- Fr. Steve Conserva, sonnel and their friends and supporters; OMI, (right) celebrated the evening’s Mass. distributed from the U.S. Provincial Of- fices in Washington, DC. (Text from Fr. Gene Tremblay, OMI; photos by Danny Battis) MOVING? WANT TO CONTINUE RE- CEIVING OMIUSA? PLEASE SEND US Remember to check out the province’s website YOUR NEW ADDRESS! Or, if you do not for more information and links to other Oblate want to continue receiving it (whether you move or not), please let us know so we are news items.: not sending unwanted copies. Thank you.

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November 2018 OMI USA Newsletter.indd 16 10/17/18 1:54 PM