The Fringed Gentian™ a Publication of Friends of the Wild Flower Garden, Inc

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The Fringed Gentian™ a Publication of Friends of the Wild Flower Garden, Inc FALL 2018 VOL. 66 NO. 3 THE FRINGED GENTIAN™ A PUBLICATION OF FRIENDS OF THE WILD FLOWER GARDEN, INC. Slime molds are “detriti- vores,” meaning they eat Brilliance of bacteria, organic debris and sometimes fungi, breaking the Forest down rotting vegetation and By Ron Spinosa recycling nutrients for other species to utilize. They are ey, did you hear the one about the slime eaten by organisms such as mold in a maze? No, this is not a joke — slugs, insects and even fungi. Hslime molds are smart enough to solve There is an entire family of a maze. If you are ‘amazed’ by that feat, you will slime mold beetles, Sphin- be even more surprised to learn that scientists didae, that feed exclusively on recently created a robot that uses a slime mold slime molds. as its brain — a slime-bot. F BRUITING ODIES NT O A PLANT, NOT AN ANIMAL When food becomes scarce or Until recently slime molds belonged to a environmental conditions are group of organisms called Myxomycetes, or unfavorable, slime molds shift “slime-fungus.” But slime molds are not into the reproductive stage. actually fungi. They are in the same kingdom They undergo an amazing metamorphosis and as amoebae and have more in common transform into “fruiting bodies,” as different with animals than fungi. Their new name, from plasmodia as a butterfly is to a caterpillar. Mycetozoa, means “fungus-animal,” and A magnifying glass is needed to appreciate the indeed, they move around and ingest food in a fruiting bodies of most species, of which there manner similar to amoebas, but reproduce like are hundreds. Fruiting bodies are only about a fungi, by shedding spores. Let’s take a look. millimeter tall and typically consist of a spore The slime molds you might see in the Garden capsule on a stem, like a golf ball on a tee. They are called “plasmodial” slime molds. This type can be exceedingly beautiful and are well worth of slime mold has a two-stage life cycle, and (top) YELLOW-FUZZ CONE SLIME MOLD, Hemitrichia the effort to seek out. A few species of slime appears quite different during each stage. In clavata (mature, left, and immature, right) molds have considerably larger fruiting bodies. (above) DOG VOMIT SLIME MOLD, Fuligo septica the feeding or vegetative stage it is known as (plasmodial phase) photos: Ron Spinosa Dog vomit slime mold, Fuligo septica, can be as a “plasmodium.” Think of it as a giant amoeba big as a dinner plate and resembles exactly what that contains myriads of nuclei enclosed in a its common name implies. Another species that slime mold. You might encounter the single cell membrane. It creeps and crawls like is easily spotted is the chocolate tube slime, Ste- plasmodial stage as a blob of yellow living an amoeba, using pseudopods for locomotion. monitis splendens, which looks like a tuft of horse slime networked with veins. The blob It is in fact a single cell of colossal proportion— hair on the surface of a log. moves too slowly to observe its motion– indeed, the largest cell found in nature. continued on page 4 a millimeter or so per hour. You can The color of a plasmodium can be red, yellow, find plasmodia in cool, shady, moist habi- orange or white, depending on the species of tats such as rotting logs, stumps or leaf litter. (From left to right) CHOCOLATE TUBE SLIME MOLD, Stemonitis sp.; WHITE CORAL SLIME MOLD, Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa; RASPBERRY SLIME MOLD, Tubifera ferruginosa (black are more mature); WOLF’S MILK SLIME MOLD, Lycogala epidendrum; YELLOW-FUZZ CONE SLIME MOLD, Hemitrichia clavata (immature) photos: Maia Campbell and Ron Spinosa “ A WILD GARDEN IS BEAUTIFUL AT ALL SEASONS ” – ELOISE BUTLER BOOK REVIEW For Gary D. Bebeau, author of Martha Crone and The book includes numerous letters and the Wild Flower Garden, assembling 176 pages of excerpts from Martha’s logs. She wrote about biographical materials to reveal a mid-century everything: weather, birds, plant sources, the NW E ONLINE BOOK ON history of the Garden proved satisfying as well. purpose and progress of the Garden, Garden FRIENDS WEBSITE “I am just trying to be sure we do not forget what visitors, and even current events such as regis- Martha did,” said Gary, long-time treasurer and tering for sugar rations and the inauguration of website coordinator for Friends of the Wild President Franklin Roosevelt. In Pursuit of Flower Garden. “Martha Crone had And just look at no pretension of Martha Crone what Martha did! being well known Review by Denise Sterling Part 1 of the online in America, but she bio chronicles the wanted the Garden artha Crone, second curator of Eloise first 15 years Martha that Eloise had nur- Butler Wildflower Garden and Bird worked as a volunteer tured to be preserved, Sanctuary and founder of Friends of M with founder Eloise continued, and, the Wild Flower Garden, summed up her many Butler to collect seeds above all, known by years of work in the Garden when she wrote, and plants for the future generations,” “How fortunate that this native area was added Garden. Part 2 sum- said Gary. “This led while still in its unspoiled state... I have devoted marizes the Garden to radio interviews, my life to what I consider this satisfying pursuit.” years 1933 – 1959, newspaper articles, including the Upland illustrated slide lec- Garden addition. tures, introductory “Martha probably did training sessions, not want the six-day and finally, the a week job of being founding of Friends Eloise’s replacement, of the Wild Flower but when Eloise died DRESSED IN HER USUAL slacks AND TAM hat, Martha Garden in 1952 to without finding a Crone inserts a marker for blazing star in the Upland Garden, protect and advocate May 21, 1950. photo: Minneapolis Tribune successor for herself, for the Garden.” Martha stepped in,” Martha’s writings and photographs might have said Gary. “She became the temporary and even- been lost after her death in 1989 if it weren’t tually permanent curator for 26 years, exactly for the work of another biographer, Martha Hel- matching Eloise’s tenure as curator. The Garden lander. It was she who found Martha Crone’s during her tenure became the place we know diaries and notes for the Friends newsletter, and see today.” her correspondence with Eloise Butler, and Part 3 focuses on Martha’s activities outside the Eloise’s diaries and long-lost Garden logs. Gary Garden, such as assembling 4,000 color slides has brought together the best of these materials of native plants and her long affiliation with the to give us Martha Crone’s story. It’s a satisfy- Minnesota Mycological Society. Part 4 covers ing read. The book is available for download at the last years of her life and includes tributes from friends as well as photos of the Garden printable/marthacronehistorylo.pdf. ❀ THE original GARDEN OFFICE, seen here in 1955 from her extensive Kodachrome collection. without electricity, water, or telephone, was used by Denise Sterling is copyeditor of The Fringed Gentian. curators Eloise Butler, Martha Crone and Ken Avery before being replaced in 1970. photo: Martha Crone then reverses direction, repeating as it advances. In another case, slime mold was grown on Brilliant Forest This process of movement, as well as a skill at top of a circuit connected remotely to a small continued from front cover finding food and a tendency to shy away from six-legged robot. A bright light was projected, light, inspired two fascinating experiments. and as the slime mold tried to move away from SI L ME SOLVER, SLIME BOT the light, its movement was sensed by the cir- In one experiment, P. polycephalum was able find cuit. With the slime mold acting as its brain, The slime mold of “slime-bot” fame, studied its way through a maze using an oatmeal flake the robot scrabbled away and hid itself in a in labs all over the world, is of the plasmodial placed at the entrance and another at the exit. dark place. type, Physarum polycephalum. It creeps forward The slime mold explored the entire maze and in search of food by projecting fan-shaped then retreated from dead ends or lengthy paths Welcome to the world of intelligent slime! ❀ pseudopods. The protoplasm in the veins and connected the two food sources with a flows forward for a few seconds and single vein. It had discovered the shortest path. Ron Spinosa is an amateur mycologist, a retired 4 naturalist and a Garden volunteer. .
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