1 International Aruba Island Rattlesnake Studbook CROTALUS UNICOLOR Compiled by: Stan Mays Curator of Herpetology Houston Zoo, Inc. 1513 N MacGregor Houston, TX77030, USA Telephone: (713)533-6510 Fax: (713)533-6755 Email
[email protected] (713) 533-6527 Data current as of 22 December 2007 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface 3 Studbook Disclaimer 3 Current Status of the Captive Population 3 Introduction and Natural History 4 Conservation Status 4 Captive Management 5 Husbandry and Reproduction 5 Incoming/Outgoing Specimens 5 Housing 5 Temperature 6 Photoperiod and Lighting 6 Feeding/Nutritional Requirements 6 Reproduction 6 Description of Data Fields 7 Bibliography 8 Living and Historical Specimens Listed by Studbook Number 10 Living and Historical Specimens Listed by Institution 57 Institution Glossary 199 3 PREFACE This is the second edition of the Aruba Island Rattlesnake International Studbook and replaces the one published in 1999. Over the past several years many people too numerous to mention have offered constructive advice during the preparation of this studbook. Thank you to all of them, and to the support the Houston Zoo has given. Thanks also to the many registrars, curators, animal keepers, and others who took the time and effort to answer my requests for information and did so in a timely manner. Hopefully, the material in this studbook will be useful to them. Finally, thanks to Andy Odum for all the conservation work he has accomplished on Aruba and who has made the Aruba Island Rattlesnake SSP a model program. STUDBOOK DISCLAIMER Copyright 2008 by the Houston Zoo, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in hard copy, machine-readable or other forms without advance written permission from the Houston Zoo, Inc.