By Jule Gardner Daly referred to JFK Assassi­ she said. Editor nation expert,!Jim Marrs, who The roles faculty presenters and addressed a packed audience last student-organized discussions The three-day stretch when year. She said Mercyhurst vio­ play in Academic Celebration f Mercyhurst concentrated on var­ la ted the firecod e with the amount could be lost through the change, ied fieldso f a cademia is no more. of extra seating addedno Zurn according to Daly. She said she Academic Celebration has been Recital Hall and people were not would bring the issue to Dr. canceled in favor of planning a comfortable. Garvey, as this is considered the "Distinguished Speaker Series" "It hinged on a public relations planning year for the series. which entails bringing big-name disaster. We have to start asking Faculty members Dr. Bud speakers throughout the year. ourselves "Who is this for?' If Brown and Dr. Alan Belovarac Students will be expected to even one-third of our students said they have "mixed feelings" attend classes on the day reserved, participated in some events and about the ca n eel 1 a tion. Wednesday, Jan. 26, but will be we closed it to i the public, we "On one hand, it's a shame," compensated by an extra day of still wouldn 't have enough spa ce,,: said Belovarac, director of the Christmas break. Classes will not said Daly. History .department, "it gave stu­ resume until Tuesday, Jan. 4. The new auditorium al dents a chance to create and orga­ Vice-president of External Af­ Mercyhurst Prep, which seats nize programs themselves. It gave fairs, Mary Daly, coordinated approximately 800, could be an them a forum to get involved. Aca demic Celebration for the last option now, but Daly said lack of "On the other hand, it's great to four years. She pushed the idea, seating is not the only reason for have interesting speakers through­ saying if it was up to her, it would nixing the Celebration. out the year. One thing with the have been discontinued a|few From a public relations perspec­ Academic Celebration, we often years ago for various reasons. tive, she said each outside or in- had worthwhile programs all here "When my office began with house speaker deserves recogni­ at once which made it difficult to this, I suggested we start thinking tion. "The problem is you want to choose when they occurred at the Last year's brochure: it could become a relic bigger (thanjus t faculty presenta­ do justice to all of them but how same time." tions). We did. Now my feeling is do you promote 50 speakers at Belovarac, who presented in the Brown stressed Academic Cel­ rethinking the Celebration for this should be rethought Some­ once?" £ f past, said Academic Celebration ebration should be observed ev­ some time to Dr. Garvey. When thing better could be done," Daly With the speakers bureau, "we'll to him was "a chance to explore eryday ."What's really important she consulted him about sending said. be doing it right," she said, by other types of work and research." is whatwe do when we step out of a memo to gear faculty toward "Last year is the year it truly giving them a reception or dinner Philosophy professor, Dr. being professors and students. I organizing this year, he decided caught on. We started bringing in and time for faculty and students Brown, said he liked having a have -a feeling it could happen to do it differently. » people our students were not ex­ to have more interaction with specific deadline to arrange pro­ anyway." Professor Robert Hoff, director posed to normally; the brochure them. grams. "Having a date makes me His main gripe with the deci­ of the Psychology department, had was very well done, everything "It's like saying to divisions commit," he said. "Even though sion is that it was aborted just already scheduled a speaker. clicked. and departments 'Bring me the it may not matter, there is no three months before it was to hap­ 3 Daly said all commitments "Unfortunately, we just don't top dog in your field/ and we'll reason we can't cancel our classes pen. made before the decision will be have the facilities," she said. take care of it That's exciting," and celebrate academics that day." Daly said she had suggested see "Celebration, "page 2. Briefly Analyzing ^Mercyhurst! recycling New Statue blessed, Townhouses dedicated By Michelle Ryan cycling, said in response to the According to Goldstein, any busi­ Arts and Entertainment Editor disappearing bins. ness is required by state law and On Sunday, Nov. 7, Mercyhurst celebrated the blessing of the 'It's just common sense," said city ordinances to recycle. They new statue of Our Lady of Lourdes for the Grotto and the Considering that each Ameri­ Goldstein, "to have recy cl ing bins are to contract a hauler, such as dedication of the Warde Townhouses. The event was attended by can disposes hundreds of pounds next to garbage bins." Waste Management which members of the Board of Trustees, Sisters of Mercy and college of garbage every year, recycling There should be a recycling handles Mercyhurst's garbage, faculty and staff. i J? programs are essential to reduc­ bin nexi to the trash bins, but that and the hauler is to provide a Sr. Kathleen Healy, RSM spoke about Mother Frances Xavier ing the amount of trash dumped isn't the law," Goldstein said. see "Recycling,"page2. Warde, RSM, for whom the townhouses are named. Sr. Kathleen into landfills. As a college, what has written a book about Mother Frances, who is known as the is Mercyhurst's responsibility to Recycle this: founder of the American branch of the Sisters of Mercy. Erie and the community? ** emits 9.5 million tons of waste every year. Ten Abbey strikes again Library hours during finals percent of that is recycled and 65 percent ends up in landfills. The By Joseph Legler remaining 25 percent is inciner­ The Hammermill Library announced extended hours for finals: Senior Writer ated, or burned,* Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday from 1 p.m. to midnight, What do these figures mean to Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to midnight and Frida y from "Environmental Abbey" has apparently struck again. This time 18 a.m. 6 p.m. Good Luck! us? As students, faculty and ad­ her complaint is in regards to the campus recycling policy. ministrators, we are required by Recently, a recycling container was left out on the grassy median Erie law to separate and recycle entering the college from the gates of 38th Street, according to Tom Weekend Forecast those items accepted by Erie's Billingsley, Dean of Administrative Services and Finance. Along Friday: Municipal program. with the container was a letter from "Abbey" expressing her con­ •Mercyhurst has only two recy­ cerns about recycling. Variably cloudy, highs in the cling bins on campus located on "Abbey" first burst onto the Mercyhurst scene a few weeks ago lower 50s. South Briggs and behind Mercy when she left a small tree and a letter on the football field. Tha t letter apartments. One was provided expressed her worries about the possible destruction of the apple Saturday: near the townhouses but removed orchard behind the college* in October. A garbage bin still Billingsley believes the latest letter was written by someone else Chance of late afternoon show­ remains. ers, partly cloudyh low in the because the writing did not match that of the first letter. He called it By having a few bins around a 'Very general letter urging the college to pay more attention to 30s, high 50 to 60. £ « A campus, "the college is comply­ recycling." t, J * r ing with the letter of the law by Billingsley asked MSGjPresident George Paydock if he knew Sunday: having the bins, but it evades the anything about the letter or if any students have contacted him about Chance of showers, low 35 to purpose by not having them con­ drawing more attention to campus recycling. Paydock had no Infor­ veniently placed," Sid Goldstein, mation about the letter or of any student complaint about recycling, /* • 45, high 50 to 60.* ft coordinator-planner for Erie re­ according to Billingsley. J PAGE 2 THE MERCIAD NOVEMBERai, 1953

Recycling from page' 1

recycling service. dow panes cannot be recycled by ployees, as well as the willing­ The hauler is then expected to Erie. . ' \ ness to take the time to recycle. report to the college on a yearly Some broken glass is made into To some students, the recycling basis the entire weight of recycled "glassphalt," a type of asphalt, program is important and they wish to see a more effective pro­ £> materials collected. The college said Goldstein. reports that figuret o the city, sa id The plastics Erie accepts are gram. 1 Goldstein. those with the number one or two "I live in Harborcreek, and we Goldstein noted it is cheaper to on the container inside the small, have to recycle. It really bums me recycle than to put trash in land­ imprinted triangle. The triangle is out that some members of this fills. It costs $45-$65 per ton to usually located at the bottom of institution feel exempt from recy­ put trash in landfills, as compared the container. cling. They should set an ex­ to $32 per ton to recycle. "Recy- After the city collects the ample,'" said Tracy Schmitz, se­ cling is good for the economy/' recyclables, they a re put on a con­ nior , English. Goldstein said. veyor belt at the plant Magnets "To be honest, I don't know By ignoring the ordinance and separate the metals, plastic is much about the recycling ^pro­ refusing to recycle, a person or "blown" off of the line and glass gram here, but I think we should business risks a fine of up to $300 is manually separated. Trash is have one. I 'd recycle if we had the a day, said Goldstein. sent to the landfill at the city's facilities," said Staci Loughran, A recycling can at Mercy hurst; is it used? The items accepted by Erie's expense. sophomore, Special Ed. municipal program are metal cans, Erie does not have the capabili­ Rebecca Whittemore, who newspaper, glass and plastic bev­ ties to recycle high-grade paper serves on Mercyhurst's recycling erage containers. or cardboard. Ironically, the blue committee, said the committee The metal cans Erie recycles bins in Mercyhurst's apartments, plansSto collect magazines and are made of aluminum, steel or library*and offices stress recy- newspapers the first Saturday of By Anne L. McNeils of the ideas which are currently bimetal.. Basically, these are food cling paper. We can recycle it each month, starting December Asst. News/Copy Editor being considered, such as mov­ and beverage containers. ourselves by^taking it to busi­ 4th. ing the Sportsmedicine depart- Newspaper can be recycled into nesses which recycle paper pri­ If residents need a blue bin for "No place in Erie will have us," ment to the currentfRec Center more newspaper, insulation or vately.^ their apartments, they can contact MSG secretary Jessica Cuffia said Paydock said Garvey is looking animal bedding. The ideal bin Would have sepa­ Rebecca at ext 2845. at Monday's meeting. Cuffia has for student feedback.iAny stu­ Clear, green or brown glass rate compartments for each item been trying to find a location for dent with an idea for the future of bottles are recycled. It is impor­ recycled. This is common in Eu­ (Editor's note: This is the first in the winter formal. Mercyhurstshould communicate tant that they are not broken.. Bro­ rope, said Goldstein, and the re­ a series of environmental articles ;; Beca use of students' previous it to his or her representative. ken glass is considered a con­ cycling rate there is 90%. Com­ by Michelle Ryan, Look for re­ behavior at such places*as the Paydock also said the Christ- taminant on the recycling con­ pare that to Pennsylvania's rate action ftom Mercyhurst experts Aval on Hotel and the former Ro­ mas on Campus planning com­ veyor belt and disposed of* into of 10%. ~ > - M in the next issue of the Merciad, tunda, Cuffia has been unable to mittee has asked for $500 for their the landfills. Glass? in products %S$Education.js needed for Oec. 9.) jiff \ find a. place thatr;will* allo\v budget -The committee also re­ such as light bulbs, dishes or win­ Mercyhurst's students and em­ ._- Mercy hurst students to use for a quested this money be included TT! - •'-: rffai dance. as part of the yearly MSG budget Since Cuffia cannot find a loca­ because they ask for the amount Celebration tion off campus, she went to Presi­ every year. from page 1 dent William Garvey to discuss Because the committee asked the possibility of holding the event for $500, the budget and finance honored. Still, Hoff said he will should still have faculty and stu­ might attend something so well- on campus. Dr. Garvey approved committee must review the re­ have to make modifications in dents involved because they rep- publ icized you may not have con­ the idea of having the formal in quest and it will be voted on next scheduling because of the deci­ r es en t interest in our own school." sidered before." the Rec Center although the bath­ week. sion. Senior Katie Wiedmann said Sophomore Rob Vescio said it rooms will have to be repaired if Director of development ser­ "When I first came to she will miss the drive to think of is "ridiculous" to cancel some­ wis is the case. vices, John Donnelly, presented a Mercyhurstj they* had what was [quality ideas. "Having a lot of thing so successful. "It was great Dr. Garvey also told Cuffia he request to reconsider support for called a Colloquy. It was 24 hours presentations on the same day last year. I don't think there is "does not have a problem with United Way. In a previous deci­ of free-wheeling activity.

Mercvhurst erwrms Students shake the stage for Roadhouse production at Little Theatre By Michelle Ryan Prince John: Aaron Connell The Lion in Winter opens day through Saturday's perfor­ Thursday and Sunday's perfor­ Arts and Entertainment Prince Goeff: Tom Weeter Thursday,Pecember2attheLittle mances start at 8 p.m. and mances only are free to the Director: Scott McClelland Theatre. It runs Thursday, Dec. 2 Sunday's performance starts at 3 Mercyhurst community with col­ Assistant Director: Nichole through Sunday, Dec. 5. Thurs­ p.m. lege ID. All performances are at Roadhouse Theatre presents Bruno the Little Theatre. i The Lion in Winter which boasts Stage Manager: Sophia Suri Mercy hurst students in the cast. Rybczynski is a sophomore "The play is a sharp-tongued management major at comedy about the lives of King Mercy hurst, Napoleone isja Henry II of England and Eleanor sophomore communications ma­ of Acquitine, the queen; as well jor, Kowalkowski is a senior ge­ as their sons Richard the Lion- ology major, and Connell is a hearted, Prince Geoff and Prince freshman art major, j John," said Scott McClelland "It's been a very ^interesting owner of the Roadhouse Theatre. experience so far working for the The cast is as follows: Roadhouse people. I've learned a King Henry II:f Scott tremendous imore about acting. McClelland f $ 1 We hadn't much time to pre­ Queen Eleanor of Acquitine: pare but the performance level is Kim Mc. progressing at a steady rate," said King Phillip of France: Brad Kowalkowski. M

Rybczynski "I think it's going to be a very -JrcX^Sff Alias: Nina Napoleone good show every one can enjoy, Richard the Lion hearted: Bob especially those at Mercy hurst," Bob Kowalkowski and Brad Rybczynski, students at Mercyhurst, appear in costume for their Kowalkowski said Brad Rybczynski. upcoming performance at the Little Theatre

By Suzanne Coneglio Merciad Staff Reporter fied by executive director and prima ballerina Roberta Taylor. The Mercyhurst Dance Depart­ Taylor said the theatre was in ment is happy to announce that need of dancers and so the girls •*•**« three of their dancers will be tak­ decided to audition. But on the ing part in the j Christmas play day of the audition, Taylor was The Nutcracker. sick so Mary Price Bod ay and Jay The dancers, under the direc­ Kirk notified Taylor of the nu­ tion of the Empire State Valley merous work and extensive expe­ Theatre, located in Buffalo, NY, rience of the dancers who received includes seniors Nicole thei<•'«r- position by word of mouth. Acquilano, Laura Blabac and "This is an excellent opportu­ Shannon Vance. The dancers will nity as seniors because it opens be touring from November 19th- doors to work and tour with other December 23rd in New York, companies," said Acquilano. Michigan and Pennsylvania. Although the dancers travel to They will also be stopping in Buffalo tevery weekend to re­ Mexico City to perform from hearse they are eager for the tour December 1-5. to begin. •-...-> • h Laura Blabac, who has previ­ # "I think it's going to be a great ously perfomed with the Empire experience, "said Vance, "and I'm State Valley Theatre, was noti­ really looking forward to it." §

\ si i

K"«'v-.. -"" **?$£ Recycling books is a good ideal You not only help save the environment, you help other students save money as well.

We buy all books with current market value SELL YOUR BOOKS AT] THE MERCYHURST JCOLLEGE • m BOOKSTORE TUESDAY*, NOVEMBER 16 | | THRU jj i

FRIDAY jj NOVEMBER j Nicole Acquilanaand Shannon Vance strike a pose in prepa­ RECYCLE ration for their trip to Mexico City this December. Not pictured 00 FOR CASH 30 AM is Laura Blabac, also attending. ' Hi s* PAGE 4 THE MERCIAD NOVEMBER 11,1993

Weeding Out Kennedy rips McAuley Dear Editor: Three good friends of mine are the right direction. Better han­ leaving after the first trimester, dling of McAuley Hall should be By Ju le Gardner Attention all Mercy hurst fresh­ and countless others are leaving another priority. With less of a Editor in Chief men! We've been lied to. at the end of the$£ear. It'sfno prison atmosphere and allowing As we all were put through the exaggeration when I say that the residents to actually talk and laugh So it's almost Thanksgiving: admissions process, we were led sophomore£population of this after midnight, someo f next year's a time when a pencil outline of to believe that this was a place of campus will be cut by 40% next freshmen might actually be per­ your hand resembles a turkey; a fun and excitement. After hear­ year, including myself. Maybe no suaded to stay. time when you master the art of ing this piece of news, I couldn't one sees it now, but next year, But, in the mean time, I can sneaking a few extra glasses of wait to get here. My final months Mercyhurst College Administra­ only hope that there are more than the dinner wine; and, oh yeah, a of high school were hell, and sum­ tion will see the huge decline in 10 men graduating in 1997 at this time to give thanks. mer was even worse, as I counted sophomore enrollment and do school. I've been thinking about this down the days until arrival. something about the problems. last one. Giving thanks, grati- j The first three weeks after the Getting some more events on Sincerely, rude, smacking your lips on something good in your life. trimester began, I was bored out campus similar to the Coffee- For me, it's Mom Mail. | \ of my mind, but I was tell ing all of house,|like the "promised" Fri­ Eric Kennedy On Wednesdays or Thursdays, almost regularly, the bill collector's my friends to give it time, even as day night bands, will be a step in Future Transfer Student haven I call my mailbox, is greeted by an envelope with my name three people I know left school. hand-written on the front,spelle d correctly. Now, ten weeks into the year, Happy! Joy! things haven't gotten any better, And if I get blurry-eyed about the front,I' m weeping with laughter in fact, {they've gotten worse. J at the prize inside. Between the longer-than-life Campus My mother is the funniest woman alive. Why, you may inquire? weekend, being woken up a 14:00 Because she doesn't mean to be. in the morning, and the lack of Maybe some of you can relate. Do you love when your mom tells events on campus, there's hardly you what she made for dinner and what TV movie she stayed up to enough time to sit on your butt watch the night before? and watch 25 hours a day of tele- • • Question: Mom writes this on her flowery stationery or in a fancy card with vision. her name on the front surrounded by shamrocks. This has been building in me for Also inside: which day she took a nap, what the other nurses in the weeks now. It came to a peak last How do you feel about the office said last week, when she plans to start Christmas shopping, week, Thursday, |when some how much fun she and Dad had raking leaves, which repairs were friends and I were sitting in a done at camp, and well wishes for my injured roommie, Tracy, and dorm room, watching ESPN, talk­ new Cove policies?! my brother's girlfriend, Elizabeth. c ing, and discussing all kinds of b*Let me share a sample: "Saturday I got my hair colored again - a things. It was only 12:30 a.m. Maureen Gallagher, Sophomore, Sportsmedicine: shade darker- then I went to Gay's bridal shower/luncheon! It was when the person who works the C "For environmental reasons, paying for the cups is a good idea, very nice. Saturday night Dad and I went to the Policeman's Ball at front desk came lip and started.. but on the reality side of things it's kind of chintzy. The newly Bishop Walsh." (And here's the part I like best) "Big Wheelie and chastising us like a parent designated non-smoking area makes dining more pleasurable." the Hubcaps played. They played all 50s and 60s, lots of Rock 'n We were all kicked out of the Roll. Maureen and Ed Negron sat across from us. We didn't do much room and the guy who lived in the Chris Hoshaw, Senior, Math Education: dancing because of Dad's back, but Big Wheelie was GREAT! -He room was told to turn off his T V. flj "From a manager's standpoint, I can understand why the changes changed his clothes about 10 times and he was a little bit raunchy at What was that all about? have been done. Food costs are always going up and Sue Seybolt times. It sure brought back a lot of memories listening to the 50s This dorm is like a boot camp. has to answer to people above her. As a senior and a student I music We got home about 2 a.m. and I got up for 7:45 Mass, so I We can't even sit in a room and can understand the feelings of dealing with the abrupt changes." had to take another nap Sunday afternoon." ta Ik abou t sports, women, or any­ Another highlight involved the previous holiday, Halloween. thing else we guys talk about So, £ Mickey Brennan, Junior, HRIM: Well, Dad had to work but Party-Beast Mom decided to dress as if we aren' t allowed to be up after "Nobody wants to pay for cups so I don't think that is a good an old man and head down to the Portville Legion with a friend. our bedtime at midnight, how policy, but requiring the slip to pick up your food is a good idea They tied for second prize. Great disguise? I'm sure it was rigid come we are seemingly woken up for better food control. The non-smoking/smoking areas are also .competition with only three, including herself, in costume. constantly at 4:00 in the morning good ideas, but I don't think people are really going to abide by "I went with $20 and came home with $19.1 could have made for stupid things? them if no one enforces it." more working the street corner, if you know what I mean!" Of all the times that we have Perhaps she could team up with raunchy Big Wheelie and really been woken up, there was only Tom Viola, Sophomore, Criminal Justice: put a dent in that tuition thing. Of course, with that kind of sinning, one legitimate reason; some mo­ "I think it is necessary to have the new policies because other­ she'd have to attend daily Mass and sleep in the confessional. ron was blowing up firecrackers wise people can too easily take advantage of taking certain items. I guess you'd have to know my mother to understand the bang it in the s ta irway. But the other times Paying for the cups is no big deal because many fast food gives to my day. have been a piece of banana restaurants have their customers pay for the cups as well." We're the same height but we rarely saw eye-to-eye when I was smeared on the wall of the bath- . in that "Let's see how much I can get away with" phase. room and a few pieces of Jodi Heffernan, Sophomore, Dietetics: Back then she was telling me what an ingrate I was; Now she tells unpopped popcorn on the floor. I "I disagree with charging for cups because I don't always want a me about making lemon pies. can understand that an RA could pop, sometimes I just want water. Water is supposed to be free^ It's a big jump, one I am thankful for. be a little bit upset, but the latter right? The price changes are a little abrupt, and I don't agree witr So, as Thanksgiving draws near, forcing you to hold onto that dirty two incidents were minor and that either. The price of juice and cookies is especially outra­ laundry for a few more days, remember: it's not all about watching were a matter of a ten-second (no geous." Woody Woodpecker balloons and cramming turkey into your body. exaggeration) clean-up job. You're here. You've got cool friends. You have somewhere to be There were people who had tests Peter Gusinya, Freshman, Marketing: on Friday nights. You're getting an education. during\8:15 classes and others "You can't tell me that they are losing that much money on cups. Your parents help make it possible. If they go beyond that and who merely had classes at time. A m If you eat here you should be able to get water for free otherwise brighten your week, tell 'em. lot of people couldn't fall asleep pay for the cup." f Hey, Mom, thanks for the mail. after the Thursday morning ba­ nana incident and just skipped Pat Case, Junior, Elementary Education: their 8:15's. I'm glad I pay!my 1 money to take classes that I'm too "The new policies sound good to me, except paying for cups damn tired to even go to. causes problems. I would think that they make enough profit to This is vour Mercvhurst! be able to give away a few cups." If you have something you want to say and Living in this dorm is almost like living at home, with unoffi­ Vikki Mitch, Sophomore, Fashion Merchandising: f can put it in written form, The Merciad cial bed times, dorm directors who "Stamping your ticket stub to receive your food is a good idea. use all kinds of colorful words to Although the increase in price of the food does not seem to gladly welcomes letters to the editor. Letters describe you at ungodly hours, include an increase in portions. That seems a bit backward to me. and the complete lack of events Not being able to pick out your own cookie is a little ridiculous, on campus. This has affected ev-1 must be signed, but can be withheld by re­ especially when the workers don't wear gloves." crybody3 in McAuleyiHall, as quest under certain conditions. many people are leaving in favor of another school. Quotes compiled by Nicole GeracL NOVEMBER 11,1993 THE MERCIAD PAGES

A question of curriculum Davis questions classes Dear Editor: (as well as many others) for inter­ Shoe tor last term) has mentioned he mediate algebra and English com­ agrees, and would be interested in I am a first year business stu­ position courses, I find that these teaching such a class. dent at Mercyhurst-Corry. I be­ courses are too advanced for a Once begun, it is very difficult By David McQuillen lieve a change in entrance proce­ student who has never even looked for an adult to admit defeat, and Merciad Staff Columnist dure is in order. Many students, at an algebra book, or heard of cancel a course such as interme­ such as myself, are very confused English composition. Although I diate algebra. Most would rather I have no tradition. I have no upon entering' into college life had no problem with English stick it out and struggle through it interest in what the world has to after an extended break from comp., algebra without the basics (at the expense of their other offer. J have no culture. I am school. When taking the entrance is virtually impossible. courses). I feel this is in need of a American. level exams, many of us find scor­ I believe a basic algebra course very close look, and consider­ ing very well is quite easy. While I watch TV all day and night, would be very beneficial to most ation. visua 11 y soaked with more cha n- these scores are rather impres­ adult students. I also found that sive, these exams usually cause nels than the rest of the world A, after discussing this with several Thank You, us to be unfairly placed. could imagine. 1 readily throw instructors, that they would con- [away the past in drooling antici­ While my scores qualified me cur. Mr. Henderson (my instruc- Charles R. Davis pation of a better tomorrow where things will be faster, bigger, louder, smarter....plainer. I say I have culture. I have pop culture. Crayola is my Picasso, Michael Jackson my Mozart, Demolition Man my La Boheme. Ford, Budweiser, hamburgers, baseball, Styrofoam. They are my comforts. ""*" Of you ask me my nationality, I'll tell you I'm Irish and German, a little Canadian, some Scottish and a bit of American Indian. I think there's some Scandinavian in there somewhere. What are you? Yes, I'm proud of my heritage. I'm proud of my forefathers who were brave enough to come over to the new world. I often look longingly in the direction of my homelands and think of my relatives who were left behind.

But no, don't ask me to sing an Irish ballad or tell you where in Deutschland my ancestors come from. I don't know anything about that stuff. Do you? I'm American, after all. Let's talk about McDonalds. They have McDonalds over in Germany, don't they? McBrautworst, maybe? Why should I care about that stuff anyway?tHelli I'm American. Everybody wants to come here. Evejrjbody wants to be American. Everybody loves us. Yo! Howdy! How's itgoin? What's op? Fact is, we're killing culture and it doesn't look like the world is fighting us too much! Isn't Bay watch one of the top shows in England ?

Aren't fast food restaurants taking over cafes in France? p*Isn't the latest fad in Japan to dress up like 1950s America? Hey, Fonzi-san. . Doesn' t everybody in Europe want a pair of Levi's? Who cares what time it is in Beijing? The Simpsons are on at eight Let's Americanize the whole world so we don't have to deal with any of this diversity stuff anymore. Yeah, long live the American non-culture! ' What's the point in hanging on to a bunch of useless folk songs, building a bunch of expensive memorials, following a bunch of ancient European or The Merciad African or Latin American traditions at Christmas time? College's First Class newspaper as rated by the Associated Collegiate Give me Marian Carey; give me expensive shopping malls; give November 11,1993 me the presents, Santa, and let me rip them open. Let's drown the Vol. 67 No. 9 world in Coca-Cola. M And besides, what about New Orleans? There's a culture hot spot Jule Gardner Editor in Chief Keith Courson Sports Editor OK, the French are responsible for the culture, but it's in America. Anne L. McNeils Asst. News & Copy Editor Joseph Legler Senior Writer How about Boston? All right, about half the population is Irish and English, but it's still in America. How about ...urn... Michelle Ryan Arts & Entertainment Editor Mia U-Rycki Advertising Manager And hey, now that I think of it, we've got lots of tradition. Don't Grace Bruno Features Editor Larie Pintea Faculty Advisor we drop a ball over Times Square every New Year's Eve? Yeah, Craig Rybczynski Sports Editor there's tradition for you. Truly, America is home and it is one of the best countries in the Merciad Staff world. But we are slipping. We are holding onto the temporary, waiting for the next new thing to come along. We are a country of Melissa Svitek Megan Circle Elizabeth Johnson Tricia Webb Jim Doherty Jay Kennedy i fads. Nothing is permanent; and we are worse off for it. We Erin Hauber Lee Ann Kelly appreciate little other than what is in fronto f our face. Compared to Jennifer Trinidad Kira Preslerl Heather Ryan Suzanne Coneglio the rest of the globe, things are startling. David Kosobucki Mike Brown Janel McBride Nick Krayger Rich Shelton Beth Nichols Nicole Geraci Tonya Beebe - Can we communicate with the world? In Switzerland, Dan McQuillen most citizens speak at least two languages. Many speak David McQuillen three. Few Americans are fluent in anything but English The Merciad is the student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst College, Box 161, and poor masters at even that. l ne wea» ^ ^ 38th s£ Erie, Pa.. 16m Phone 824-2376 - Are we literate? Few Americans can name ten other countries on a map of the world. The Merciad welcomes letters to the editor. - Are we loved? There are places in the world where you can be killed just for being an American. Do we have an enduring culture? Yes, until the neon lights burn out The Merciao s ennui-. -Pinion is determined by the Editonal Board with the and we're left with fading shadows of a pop lifestyle.*£ Mtor holding finalresponsibility . The opinions expressed in The Merciad are y Editor holding nnai j~ / ^ Q,,, y or M hurst One of the few traditions dies. Academic Celebration is no more. NOV EMBER 11,1993 PAGE

Student Ri-ofile: Paul II By Grace Bruno Capizzano, described by fresh­ First, however, Capizzano has Merciad Features Editor man goalie Greg, Simmons as to get through his 14 chapter "friendly and outgoing " is a final for Howard Paul's adver­ marketing major and hopes to tising and promotion class and Paul Ca pizza no's passion can "play some sort of pro hockey this weekend's hockey tourna­ be expressed in three languages either in North America or Eu­ ment in Elmira, NY. and it still conies outuhe same rope." If I can't," he said, "I'll "I amreallyilooking forward word, hockey. eventually hook up with a mar­ to the upcoming home games," * ^ Capizzano, a resident of keting firm or start a family he said, "because the fans are Toronto, Ontario, Canada,pis a business." very supportive." junior right winger for the varsity J^J^^j^J^ifif if if if ifif if^^^^^ifif if if if Jf ^. hockey team. As a member of the ¥ hockey tear* Capizzano has had " USA™ PAGEANT" ¥ to travel to locations such as ¥ Plattsburgh, jNew York and Huntsville, Alabama, which is approximately a 13 hour trip. USkMujeant ¥ ¥ ¥ "I'm impressed with j& NO PERFORMING TALENT REQUIRED ¥ If you are an applicant who ¥ the success of the demanding hockey and class reputation of the hockey team," schedule I have had little time for he said, "Our program is very ¥ qualifies and are between the ages of ¥ 18 and 27 by February 1,1995, never varsity hockey young, so I'm impressed with ¥ anything else." ¥ married and at least a six month resi­ ¥ team." "Mercyhurst has a great family the success of the varsity hockey dent of Pennsylvania, thus college team." ¥ -Paul Capizzano atmosphere," he said, "and my mm dorm students are eligible, you could ¥ experience with the guys on the "It was hard at first, leaving ¥ be Pennsylvania's representative at the ¥ hockey team makes the experi­ was my first real time ¥ CBS-nationally televised Miss USA0» ¥ "If it (the traveling) has done ence even better." away from home," he said. Pageant* in February 1995 to compete ¥ for over $200,000 in cash and prizes. ¥ any good it has helped bring the Capizzano was recruited to Capizzano is tri-lingual. He ¥ The Miss Pennsylvania USA™ Pageant ¥ team together," he said, 'This term Mercyhurst from St. Michael's was required, through the Cana­ ¥ for 1995 will be presented at the Palace ¥ has been pretty tough academi­ College in Toronto, Canada, to dian school system, to learn Inn, Mon roevil le, Pennsylvania, March ¥ cally. I'm taking three upper play varsity hockey and has French and English, but be­ ¥ LINDA CHIARALUNA 4,5 & 6,1994. The new Miss Pennsyl- ¥ Miss Pennsylvania USA™ level marketing courses for my been doing so since helwas^a cause Ca pizza no's -parents are S# ivania USA™, along with her expense ¥ major: advertising and promotion, freshman. directly from Italy, his native \ paid trip to compete in the CBS-na­ ¥ ¥ tionally televised Miss USA Pageant, will receive over $2,000 in cash among¥ marketing research and con­ ™"I chose to come to Mercyhurst language is Italian. "It's all that ¥ sumer behavior while taking a is spoken at home," he said. her many prizes. All ladies interested in competing for the title must respond ¥ because of the beautiful^ campus by mail. Letters must include a recent snapshot,*a brief ¥ core history course. With such a and mostly because of the great Capizzano has two brothers biography, address and a phone number. WRITE TO: \ ¥ and one sister who< collectively ¥ run a summer hockey school. MISS PENNSYLVANIA USA PAGEANT ¥ ^[ do Tn-State Headquartw • Dept. CA 'A Carttm fndoelUm'y^T^^¥ "My sister does clerical and reg­ 34Uocusl Avenue. Washington, PA 15301 ¥ istration work for the school," he Tn Stats Headaarten Phone is (412) 225-5113 !l ¥ said, "Thejpast three years my ^^caall7W!tfcif^rpo•e' • V ¥ Meetthe Board MEMBER brothers and I have run the ^^^^^ AppUtnMon Deadline U December 18,1993 j ¥ 4, By Grace Bruno school for children ages five ¥ •M iss USA Pageant is pari of the family of Paramount Communications, Inc. ¥ Miss Pennsylvania VSAm Pageant b "A Carvem Production " Merciad Features Editor through 12." 'M i ¥ 4¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥ |* ¥¥¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

This week's featured member of Mercyhurst's Board of Trust­ ees is Sr. Patricia Whalen, RSM. SPRING BREAK Sr. Patricia began her career at Mercyhurst as a student. She $289.73 includes transportation entered the community as a Sister Seven days in sunny RAISE UP TO $ 1,000 IN JUST of Mercy on September 8,1962. ONE WEEK! For your fraternity, Beside being a Board of Trustee Panama City, FL sorority & club. Plus $1,000 for member she serves as Vice Presi­ "The Board members hold a Feb 27 to March 6 yourself! And a FREE T-SHIRT dent of the Sisters of Mercy and sacred trust to act intelligently, just for calling* You'll be staying right] 1-800-0528. ext 75 as an adjunct faculty member in responsibly and prudently so that ^ r - ' - • —" the education division direct ca­ all segments of the Mercyhurst on the beach in the BREAKERS! Ramada Inn. de t tea ch er programs College community aresupported [ " BOOK in the endeavor of education," Sr. YOUR SPRING BREAK 2 swimming pooIsl . Patricia said. "I'm especially in­ 2 bars SPRING BREAK 7 Nights From "The|Board members terested in promoting the prin­ EARLY & SAVE BIG $299. Includes Air.Hotel PAMAN'A CITY FROM iW DJ\ everyday Transfers, Parties+ More! ciples and traditions which the JAMAICA $439. CANCUN $43V hold a sacred trust to act Nassau-Paradise Island-Cancun-^ Sisters of Mercy desired for PAPRF i2Si), DAVTONA J79v. Jaccuzi •--• * J . Jamaica—San Juan SELL TRIPS. EARN CASH intelligently, responsibly Mercyhurst when they established Sauna Organize a small group-Earn & PARTY FREE! v and prudently." the college. The revised college Weight room FREE trip + commission! CAI££STt : l-SOO-GETSLN-l ') mission statement spells out this 1 •8OO-2.'M-7O07 For more information or' • -Sr, Patricia Whalenij vision and Inspires its continua­ . tion. >J payment arrangements call Sr. Patricia's duty as an adjunct Guided by this mission state­ Tony's TVavel Service faculty member is to supervise ment the members of the Board j- I CRUISE SHIP JOBS! ' « 866-1795 or 459-4052 FRFJE TRIPS AND MONEY!! junior elementary education ma­ commit their*efforts not only to­ Students needed! Earn $2000+monthry. ^umnicr/liolidays/fulltime. World travel. Individuals and Student jors in preteaching internships. ward ensuring the financial sta­ aribhean, Hawaii, Europe, Mexico; Toui Organizations wanted to promote Sr. Patricia has taught in the edu­ bility of the college but also to Guides, Gift-Shop Sales, .Deck Hands, BEACH Springbreak the Hottest Spring Break ? cation division since 1970 and encouraging the intelligence and rasino Workers, etc. No experience promoter, Small or larger Destinations, call the nation's was elected to the Sisters of Mercy moral development of our| necessary. *. groups. Your's FREE, j leader. Inter-Campus Programs r CALL 602-680-4647, Ext CI4* 1-800-327-6013 leadership division in,1987. dents," Sr. Patricia said, "as well discounted or CASH .Gall Sr. Patricia became a Board as their social, emotional and aiU-800-423-5264 member in October of 1991.> physical well-being," hi NOVEMBER 11,1993 THE MERCIAD PAGE 7

! 3910 Boysf lead Club hockey to two wins By Craig Rybczynski Viselli and Marc Fisher each Merciad Sports Editor added single tallies.! In the game, Mercyhurst jumped They are three club hockey play­ out to an early 3-1 lead and then ers bound by one common thread, broke open the contest in the sec­ they live at3910 Briggs Ave. The ond frame with six goals. Lewis "3910 Boys" consist of leading tallied twice in the period and goal-scorer Brian Pazdan, Jason Pazdan finished his hat trick bid Lewis and Ron Yarosz. with the Hurst's seventh goal of The group has sparked the re­ the game. surgence of the club program as I'Lewis would complete his three- they try to turn around its season. goal performance in period three Last weekend, Yarosz, Lewis as he maneuvered past the Stars' and Pazdan led the Lakers to two goalie and backhanded the puck straight victories against Niagara into the net His goal made the University Iand the Steele City score 14-3. Stars of . With such a successful week­ The "Boys" combined for 15 Jason Lewis fires the puck on the Steele City Stars' goalie as Ron Yarosz waits for the end the "3910 Boys" will have a points in the series and Pazdan tough time repeating the feat continued his impressive goal rebound. By Michael Lorenz However, Yarosz is confident the scoring pace as he added 5 more Mercyhurst won its first Eastern from Frank Mastandrea, who got Lewis commented on his suc­ three can keep up their productiv­ goals to his total. Collegiate Hockey League ga me, his second straight start in net. cess with Yarosz. "We*played ity. "We are playing constently Pazdan commented on his goal 7-2. \ After Friday nights win, the together since we* ve been in ban­ and working hard," he said. scoring touch this season, "It be- The game was close after the Hurst returned home Saturday, to tams," he said. "It is an uncon­ 'There is no reason we should let cause of hard work in the off first period as the teams headed play the Stars at the Ice Center. scious thing when are on the ice, up." • } # V y season, like lifting weights," he (into the locker room tied at two. The "3910 Boys" showcased I know where he is going to be." With a 2-3 record the Lakers try said. He also stated playing with That's when Pazdan and Yarosz their talents that morning as line Not only did the "Boys" add to to reach the .500 mark on Satur­ Yarosz and Lewis has helped be­ took over. Both added single goals mates and Monaca, PA. natives, their point totals, but six other day, Nov. 13 against LeMoyne cause "it is easy for us to commu­ and Jon Becker also got in on the Yarosz and Lewis combined for players contributed offensively. College at the Ice Center at 3:45 nicate." act as he tallied twice. seven points. Three ofLewis • four Brett Atwood and Becker p.m. The following day they travel On Saturday, Pazdan} and In goal, the Hurst offense was goals came off assists from chipped in two apiece; whil e Fran to play Fredonia State at 9:00 Yarosz each scored itwice as back stopped again by solid play Yarosz. Rodowicz, Brad Rybczynski, Lou p.m. Scanlan and

«•*.,' '>•<• By David J. Kosobucki hopes soccer will help her after According to Scanlan, the 5-1 us. »» Champions and nothing less,"she Merciad Sports Writer college too. opening-round loss to Barry State Ever since then Scanlan and the said. "I hope to play professionally in the Mercyhurst National Invi­ Lakers have been reeling. They The Lakers will rely heavily in either Japan or Sweden after I tational Tournament was a low have put together a nine-game onf their leading*scorer Erin This Weekend, the Mercyhurst graduate," she said. After soccer, point in the Lady Lakers' season unbeaten streak since the loss to Stewart (18 goals, 10 assists) and women's soccer team will com­ Scanlan wants to use her sports but she also feels the biggest turn­ Barry. The Lady Lakers will be Becky Miller (6 goals, 12assists), pete in the NCAA Division II organization management degree ing point was definitely the 2-1 able to avenge that loss in their along with {he solid play of National Championships in Mi­ a lid come back to the states and consolation game win against pre- first game of the playoffs when Scanlan (7 goals, 9 assists). The ami, Florida. Many dreams will open a sports store. viously top-ranked Franklin they face off against the * same Hurst enters the tournament with come true if the Lady Lakers win L But now is the time Scanlan and Pierce. I Barry team that beat them over a a very formidable {offense that it all.fPlayers fromiall over the the Lady Lakers have waited for "We played intimidated against month ago. could bring home the title. world have come together to make all season long. The season, has Barry," she said, "but I think it Scanlan believes this is a very That brings us back to the origi­ this dream possible. Center-for­ been filled with ups and downs. made us more focused since we winnablegame for the Lakers and nal question. How f did Claire) ward Claire .Scanlan knows this Of course the injury to Cross was lost that game. We played well she also thinks a championship is Scanlan find Mercyhurst anyway?* dream can become a reality. "At a big disappointment to the team, against Franklin Pierce, I*think very a ttainable. "I want to come Don't astc,* just be happy that we-, the beginning of the season," but it has been able to rebound. that game turned it around for back from Florida as National have her and they don't. Scanlansaid,"Ithoughtwecould % win Nationals. > But then when Tracy (Cross) got Mercyhurstt swept in Plattsburqh hurt I wasn't sure if we could win M sometimes the bounces go our it anymore By Craig Rybczj young team so far: mental errors. things like guys not picking up way,sometimes they don't," said Merciad Sports Editor "We a re just having enough men-1 the right guy. That game was for Scanlan, who, like Cross, is from tal lapses against some pretty good us to win." i Simmons. "That'day id went Ireland, realized the Lady Lakers When the season began the teams and that is the* reason why In goal, Scott Barber tried to Concordia's way." still had a chance to be champi­ Mercyhurst hockey team knew it we are losing,'' said the Laker hold his team in the game. He Laker forward Scott ons. "After the season went on, 1 had a demanding schedule and coach. stopped 41 River Falls shots in MacDonald tied the score early in think everyone realized that we last weekend at the Cardinal Tour­ In the first'contest on Friday, the loss.* the third with the assist going to were still a good team,1' she said. nament in Pittsburgh, NY, the Gotkin's statement proved true. On Saturday, Gotkin changed his brother Craig. "Wefiiled thegapsand nowwe're Lakers found out just how it was. Mercyhurst battled Wisconsin his lineup in order to see some of The blue and green also had where we want to be." The Lakers were swept in the until late in the second period the rookies such as Tod Lavender goal production from McKinnon round-robin tournament. when River Falls struck for two and Greg Bakker play. Freshman and Craig MacDonald whoscored Greg Simmons started in goal, *When you hear where Scanlan Mercyhurst dropped the opener goals in a span of eight seconds to consecutive goals in the second stopping 33 shots. came from, one might ask how to the University of Wisconsin— out distance themselves from the period to even the game at two. $ But this would not be the Lak­ Scanlan found her way to the Lak­ River Falls, 5-2, and ended the Lakers. The changes seemed to work as Mercyhurst had a powerplay with ers day as they lost the game and ers. Scanlan grew up in Rush event with a third period loss to * John Tsakanikas and Kevin the game tied at three.That's when goal scorer*Art Thomas of the Dublin, Ireland. She had a strong Concordia College of Montreal, McKinnon scored for the blue disaster struck. "Red Line." ? interest in sports when she was 4-3, to prolong its losing streak to and green. McKinnon's goal at Bryce Bohun took the puck be­ According to Gotkin, Thomas young, Sheplaycdsoccef, cricket three games. 14:01 from Ian Crockford and Even though the Lakers failed Jon Johnson, in the second frame hind the net to leave it* for is questionable for the Elmira and camogie(similar to baseball). McKinnon. McKinnon, however, Tournament, Her hero was Northern Ireland fO win a game in the tournament, evened the game at two. The game was closely contested tripped over Bohun's stick and Heading into Elmira, NY,' soccer star George Best. the effortfs still there.The team until the Wisconsin rally; Gotkin (he puck came in fronto f the net. Mercyhurst tries to recapture its As she got older she knew soc­ is down a little bit, confidence is was upset with the mistakes that A Concordia player picked up the winning ways. They are in action cer would play an important role down, but they are working pretty hard as a team," head coach Rick contributed to. three unan­ puck and fired it past Simmons on Friday, Nov. 12 against St in her life. "If it wasn 't for soccer, Gotkin said. • swered tallies. "We gave up bad for the game winner. Scholastica of;!Minnesota. The then I wouldn't have gotten a £&"It was a little disappointing the However he did address one goals, to see what dumb mistakes' game will be broadcast live on scholarship andl wouldn 'tbehere they were," he said. "Just little way they scored the goal, but WMCE 88.5 FM at 4:20 p.m. m right now,? she said. Scanlan problem that has plagued the > PAT PAGE 8 THE MERCIAD NOVEMBER 11,1993

Laker runners close at regional qualifier

LADY LAKERS KICKING FOR NATIONAL HONORS "We're going in with a lot of confidence. We feel we have what it takes to come home with the trophy," stated women's soccer coach Trevor Warren who will lead the Lakers into the Division II women's final four this weekend in Miami. Mercyhurst will square off against Barry University (FL) in one of the national semi-finals on Saturday. Barry defeated Mercyhurst 5-1 in the Mercyhurst National Invitational Tournament in October but things may be different this time. "WeVe learned and grown from both of our losses this year," said senior Mia U-Rycki. "We are definitely better players because of them." The other semi-final pits Franklin Pierce against Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, which upset Sonoma St Mercyhurst runners ready for a start among mass confusion. VOLLEYBALL 29-7AND WAITING | The Mercyhurst men's and in 2050. She was 73rd out of 167 Dan Chase and Mike Brown "It's pretty slim but we're still waiting and hoping," said Coach women's cross country squads runners. paced the men's side. Chase ran Craig Davie after his women's squad was defeated by Gannon ended their seasons at the NCAA Meanwhile, Nichole Putt and the five-mile distance in 35:32 Tuesday night in four games, 15-17,5-15,15-13,7-15. Division II eastern regional cham­ captain Betsey Van Nest came in (114th) while Brown finishedwit h (^Mercyhurst, which also suffered a key loss to Slippery Rock last pionship qualifier last Saturday close behind with times of 21:12' 35:43, good enough for 120th out week, is hoping for a national playoff appearance but the odds in Springfield, Mass. (94th) and 21:15 (98th) respec­ of the 187 runners. appear to be against thei Lakers after those two key defeats. The women finished 19th over­ tively. The Lakers were also rep­ "A lot of people took us too lightly this year," added Davie. "We all out of the 25 teams on hand, resented by: Barb O'Connor Other Laker runners included: set high goals. Ideally, we were shooting for a top five ranking in posting 495 points. (119th), Katie Petri (125th) and Seth Carl (147th), iJBrad Allen the region and weVe done that We knew we had the ability. At Sophomore Theresa Schroeck Staci Loughran (156th). (148th), Mark Paul (164th), Scott times, we just beat ourselves with mistakes:" w ^^^m *^W achieved her best time of the sea­ tile men placed 26th out of 31 Choura .(165th) and Chris jjMercyhurst has been the only team in the region to give the Lady son and finished firstfo r the Hurst teams in Springfield withj682 Kullman (174th). u l Knights a good match. "WeVe had a tremendous year," added the by completing the 3.1 mile course points. La ker boss. * Senior Pam Mueller has been one of the forces to lead this team. "She's played great ball and when things were down she worked even harder," stated Davie. Crew successfu I at Princeton Chase "Well be regional contenders again next year," he said, "and more teams will be gunning for us." By Melissa Svitek was a stepping stone to increas­ and gave us a better outlook on Merciad Sports Writer ing the competitiveness of what we have to do in the upcom­ LAKER FOOTBALL ROUTS PACE 48-0 The Mercyhurst crew team ing season," said McFeely. Mercyhurst's team. ||In a contest that the Pace Setters had hoped would turn into their squared off against some of the "The light eight felt really "It was a great way to end the first victory of the season, Mercyhurst provided the rude awaken­ stiffest competition in the coun­ smooth, which is encouraging for fall season," said men's captain ing and moved its record to 4-4. try and held its own Jin the the spring," added Cody. B.J. Fox. "Hopefully, our aver­ Mercyhurst racked up 496 yards of offense on the day, 412 Princeton Chase last weekend. The team will be pulling the age performance will motivate the coming on the ground. On the other side of the ball, the Laker Mercyhurst competed against docks in at the end of the week in team to work harder so that the defense proved too powerful for the Setters, limiting it to just 140 such heavyweights as Princeton, preparation for winter training. next time we race some of these yards and nine first downs. Harvard, and Yale. Most schools crews we'll beat them." As ice glazes over the bay, crew the size of Mercyhurst wouldn't Freshman recruits Jean takes rowing indoors and trains in compete against Ivy League McFeely and Pat Cody also see the crew tanks, on ergom eters a nd I HOOP SCRIMMAGE SET schools but the Laker crews fared the race as an accurate guage for in the weight room. At the end of The men's basketball team has scheduled a scrimmage against well. the spring season. "It gave us a lot the winter term, Laker crew will the Sundance club team Monday, Nov. 15. It is free to the public. The men's lightweight eight of opportunity to see what com­ travel south for the start of the took ninth out of 18 boats while petition from other areas is like spring season. the lightweight four placed tenth out of 21. Themen's heavyweight Shelton. Klingenberger finish careers four took 16th out of 24 boats.?; Meanwhile, the women's crews that participated were an open Men's soccer suffers season-ending loss to Oakland eight, which placed 14th out of 19, and an open four, which placed By Mia U-RyckL ond half. In fact, we didn't let ing of two of his senior players, made it to the playoffs by one ninth out of 22 crews. Advertising Manager Oakland out of their half for 20 Richard Shelton and Pablo goal. "We always came close," In addition to the larger boats minutes/' he said. Klingenberger. he said. that raced, freshman Mike Coco "Shelton was simply the best He is optimistic about the post­ rowed in the men's open single The men's soccer team closed Joel Pentz put the only goal in player on .the field from both season and about next year's sea­ and finished eighth and head out its 1993 season this weekend the Oakland net for the Lakers in teams," said Warren. "It was a son. "Recruiting is going well," coach Dave Baugh and women's with a 2-1 loss to Oakland mak­ the second half The Oakland goal­ great way to finish his four-year he said. "With the new faces and coach Adrian Spracklcn teamed ing its final record 8*7-1, Oak­ keeper took down Keith Sel vitcll i career. Hopeful ly he '11 come away the returning players, I feel very up to row the men's open double land was chosen as the second in the box allowing for a Laker with some post-season honors." confident. We're always knock­ to a seventh place finish. team to go to the playoffs from free kick. Oakland then finished Shelton has been named to the list ing on the door to the playoffs." "I think Mercyhurst has really this region. Gannon was the first the scoring off with just 13 min­ of All-Region players for the last It's business as usual, said War­ proven itself in the past two yean,9' pick. utes to play. two years. ren a bout the post-season. "We'll said women's captain Andie Mark Williams, the Laker Klingenberger had a great game be pra c t ic ing a nd playing in spring Peterson. "We were one of the According to coach, Trevor keeper, had an excellent game, on Saturday as well, said Warren. tournaments and hopefully we'll smallest programs invited to an Warren, Mercyhurst played a very said Warren.^"He pulled off a "Pablo was a solid starter for three keep the winning streak going." Ivy League regatta and we were solid game Saturday and 'was great save in the second half. It years." Neither the men nor the women obviously competitive." never outplayed. "We completely was a sure goal." Warren said that his team only have ever lost a spring tourna­ 'Other members feel that the race dominated the game in the sec- Warren commented on the pass­ lost to three of the teams that ment.