MOWRKR Rzent Istavan went down a second BY LEOPOLD BLOND. Huysmans. secretary of the Interna- BY KDWAKD ANSEL ALLIES best BENEFITS (nhlfjtrnm to The Sunday Stnr nnd large vessel sunk. The hjPpotf»#ta* Cablegram to The Sunday Star and ttona! Socialist Bureau, advising is tna» the Prlnz Kurou strove to Chicago Dally News. Copyright, 1818. against the visit, and by the former Chlcnxo Zlnily News. ("opyrtght.l^lS. reach Pola and sank midway. British labor minister, Henderson, 25..The sus¬ Of PARIS, Fraoce. June 27..Recently, expressing the opinion that it would VENICE, Italy, June the four Austrian dreadnaughts increases that the Austro- only the Vlrlbus Unltla remains. Of Arrival of American Trooos of 600 Cart¬ as result of the visit of the American be better for the interallied delega¬ picion the smaller the Canvas Strip tion to a invitation ships Austrians have Federation of Labor to the await regular Hungarian dreadnaught Prinz Eugcn, lost the have had to ttansform delegates from the American labor party. and Wien, In¬ French General Federation of I.abor On the other the torpedoed by Rizzo the Budapest Into a hospital ship, and Tending to Overcome and Plucky Michigan hand, committee that had the Franz Ferdinand ridges and the French socialist party, it was which directs the general labor con¬ Ensign Aonzo r.t the same time ErsherzoK federation has decided to postpone the Szent Istavan went to the bot¬ damaged when Commander Pellegrini of Numbers. decided that the French delegates ap¬ the visit the Ger- sank the dreadnaught Tesrethoff in equality Boy Hold Huns Back. becaus* of present tom, followed her sister ship. Pola harbor. pointed by the above two organiza¬ man offensive. Marcei Cachin, dele¬ # tions should visit the United States gate of the socialist party, assured Aviators report that the ship Is ab¬ The sinking of these ships by a me that his visit to the United States sent from all Austrian ports offer¬ handful of Italian heroes has vastly to obtain the adhesion of American diminished the of the PARIS STRONGE0 merely adjourned, stating: a Moreover, this importance DEFENSE OTHER DEEDS OF HEROISM laborers to the principles of the Tou understand that at the ing safe anchorage. liussian Black sea fl-^et. The Germans .. ,wl|l memorandum voted at the interallied time when the Germans are making! fact is significant that aviators fly¬ even though they snould manage *r> ist conference in London. their fiercest effort since 1914 to ! ing over the Adriatic three hours ¦appropriate the latter, will be inferior This visit has The the after tho saw, forty-two In stiength to the allied Mediter- It y JOHN P. 11%**. B. WOOD. been adjourned. capture capital of France it is im- torpedoing j BY JUNIUS socialist commission has decided to possible for us to board a steamer, miles north of the spot where the ranean forces. ('.blfKrani to The Hmndmy to The Sunday Star and reserve decision in view of the pres- But the idea of our visit to the United < hleago Dully Kewa. < Cablegram ent events and of two states Chicago Dally News. Copy rtght, 19IH. also because has in nowise been abandoned. * ,-Uers addressed to it by Camillei Far from It." PARIS. France. June 25.Again V( WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY rlod of calm overspreads France and the ON THE FRENCH FRONT. June 27.. general feeling i« that e*ch week brines Frank Lahaye of Ludington. a freah inspfratton to the allies Vor any Mich., with two men from an auto¬ inequality of numbers tenda to right it matic rifle team, advanced in the GERMANYBEGINSTOGET MORALITY jself through the preparations for Ihe underbrush ahead of their company on battlefield of the American troop*, mho the day when the Americans halted with thetr energy and vigor unimpaired f the Germans west of Chateau Thierry. OFU.S.MENINFRANCE hy the ahock of three year* of war bring They met a team from another com¬ Bitterest Class Hatred Exists. Far-Reaching Scheme to Demobi¬ enthusiasm and hope to the allies. It pany which had reached a bridge be¬ would be folly to believe that thB* calm Reds Are Held in Firm lize Allied Soldiers and to Pro¬ can laat Aside from tween Torcy and Bussiaries, which j Nevertheless It Costs $25 a Day to Raymond Fosdick Says Mo Army Ion* possible pear* was swept by the fire of the German Grip. vide Against Idleness. propositions favorable to herself. <»er- machine guns. The other crew was Live in Kiev or Odessa, Ever Before Enjoyed Such Pro¬ many will renew her offensive blows killed and Lahaye's trio started back. and Hoard. vision for This period of calm fives an opportu¬ A bullet struck the clip of cartridges Farmers Recreation. BV BASSETT DIGBY. Correspondence of the Associated Press. nity to the French to calculate and meet all on Pari*. The around Lahaye's waist, setting Are to Cablegram to The Sunday Star and LONDON. May 30..Although the attempts opportunity cUntms. 191S. end of the war js not being neglected, and any offensive the powder and burning his BY KDWARD PRICE BELL. Chicago Daily >e\vM. Copyright, may be far distant, Ir this direction by the German* He saved his life because he -ftUp- Cablegram to The Sunday Star and 24.. plans for demobilizing the British should meet with resis- Cablegram to The Evening Star and < hirogo Daily Nevrs. Copyright, 1918. STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN*. June undoubtedly pened to be rewinding his puttee, l hieago Daily \>ww. Copyright, 1D1H. Outwardly Finland is quiet, but in army, when the proper time arrives, tance superior to that agaiBist the ¦which had become unwrapped. His IjONDON, June Fos¬ are previotBS German offensives. LONDOX, June 28..Germany is be¬ 29..Raymond the is a slumbering well under way. The military au¬ companions disappeared and he was dick, Just back from declares: reality country a a road- France, as class hatred thorities, acting in conjunction with ptartled at seeing in ditch of ginning to receive considerable quan- "The volcano, the bitterest May Strike at British. Fide a few feet distant a German moral condition of our men Is the ministry of labor, are tities of food from the Ukraine. One prevails. Vanquished reds, mainly perfecting For this reason a ten¬ waist in water training a ma¬ so gratifying that any improvement the scheme which very there Is deep train of fifteen trucks, loaded with convicts, are occupied . on public by the soldiers will dency to consider that the coming chine gun in the direction of the j would seem superfluous. No army be returned was not ex¬ bacon, grain and sugar, has arrived works or they to civil life with the ut¬ German blow will be In the north Americans. The gunner 1 ever guarded by bayonet, against the to from at Breslau. before enjoyed such provision for most celerity, and at a camp not , with tho pecting anybody approach are refugees in the forests or in cities aim of getting a channel port or at the direction of his own lines, and are recreation. 1 was in France several far from London there has already the Energetic efforts being made remote from their homes. The reds least of securing possession of the re¬ was shot by Lahaye. who turned weeks for the purpose of observing been a rehearsal of the methods to be maining coal fields about Bethune. gun in the direction of the bridge. Ukraine authorities to increase | and their families are going food of all sorts to Ger¬ and co-ordinating the work of various BRITISH TOMMIES WHO HAVE ^about adopted for dispersing the men. However, the temptation for the Ger¬ A canvas strip of 600 cartridges shipments THIS INTERESTING PICTURE SHOWS with clenched teeth, thinking of their mans to drive further on Parts must There is now a Ukrainian food organizations in our THE FRONT as served to held the-Germans. Through many. represented BARRICADED A STREET SOMEWHERE ON WESTERN buried rifles, dynamite and machine "Big was the job to get men into be great in order to endeavor to obtain the day he hid in the woods and on hy representatives of commission and I found the activi¬ IN ORDER TO STEM THE ONRUSH OF THE ENEMY. the army," said an officer engaged In ?utnec^contr°lledhome assisted guns and time of revenge. the positions from which they might bom¬ the night of the second day he found government, by ties biding'the work, "It will be a bigger job to bard the city with naval guns. his own lines and shouted until the German civil and military authorities dovetailing perfectly. Nothing Authenticated accounts of the atroc?- get them out of it. But the country Gravenitz and could be better than Another alternative presents Itself firing stopped, when he crawled in. Aldow. Berlin officials,' the spirit with ties committed the whites, includ¬ may be sure that everything will be to Germany. That is the reinforce¬ to tlie Ukraine to organize which all entered into base ball TARDIEU'S NOMINATION LEADING IRISH EDITOR by done to enable the soldiers to reach tthej?2'e*food export. ing frightful rolls of prisoners mur¬ ment of Austria in an attack on Italy. "Wounded Himself, Carries Injured. superintended by Y. M. C. A. and Red their homes and get employment with The Italiana' successful resistance to GENERALLY APPROVED DESERTS SINN FEINERS dered, continue to percolate into the minimum friction." the Austrian drive la most satisfac¬ This was one of the many days and j SJ25 a Day to X*ive. Cross '>m>-ials at the American Sol¬ nights of flghting which stopped the? { diers and bailors' Club in Paris. There Sweden. Scheme Is tory from all points of view. It German Private Lan¬ food conditions in Kiev ""'eh base boll enthusiasm Far-Reaching. should re-establish Italy in the eyea advance. Ralph and«iJe?SWhileOdessa 'tf. Directs of of the world and caster of Council Bluffs, and a grad¬ officially are reported ex¬ among our troops in France as in French Circles Favor Him as Chief Herbert Moore Pirn. Resents Army Spies. The scheme is far-reaching. The au¬ undoubtedly will tremely bad. One cannot live in ^ a"d thorities have had consider not give renewed confidence to the whole uate of the Chapultepec National Mili¬ Phil;,de":ihla The Finnish government has estab¬ to Italian former of after to,wn ,ess than 50 rubles comM^eV Commissioner of Franco-Ameri- of De Valera and lished a secret with only the situation at home, but also people, depressed by tary College Mexico, being C5-o) a £or cost 30 Speeches Swings police, headquar¬ reverses. It indicates the innate wounded himself Carried a wounded day. Lggs kopeks (15 ters in Helsingfors, modeled after how the plan will fit in with the con¬ cents) a piece, and butter is 10 rubles Language of Game in Common Use. can War Co-Operation. Over to Unionism. of and strength of the Italian army if united sergeant to the rear dressing station. that of Russia in reactionary days. venience France, Italy the under He returned his in ($5) per pound. "The of the This .which is called overseas dominions, and with trans¬ proper leadership and gives the to position the presence of German and language frame is heard organization, Italian government an to line a Aus- on hand. Bene ball is is an of port facilities from Saloniki,- Meso- opportunity under Are and though wounded the every played / "okohrania," directing army a more internal war second time in complicates situation, light up at the front and at Coblpgram to The Sunday Star and who are the potamia. Palestine and from other adopt vigorous brought another Unrp-ince tr£®Psthe> live on the country and points Cablegram to The Sunday Star and spies subjecting country policy. wounded comrade. Gunnery Sergt. too to unfriendly shells the boys CHIcagro Daily New*. Copyright, 1018. Chicago Daily New*. Copyright* 1018. to a reign of terror. It specializes in parts of the world. How long it will quickly exhaust the local supplies. play catch at odd moments. I was up the relatives of the reds who take to demobilize the millions of The offensive of the Austrian army Charles J. Smith of Covington, Ky., a,ra,rlKt June 28..The re¬ grilling two was able to and Corp Perciva! Eckland of Rock Priv- to the trenches Just before one of PARIS, France. DUBLIN, June 28..One of the lead¬ escaped arrest. Large numbers of troops is a question to which even years ago gain ground irur"nn"Sff°inp up their stores of food, causing the so on the Asiago plateau, but the fact Island, members of a party of half a recent American attacks that cent nomination of Andre Tardieu as ing Sinn Fein editors, Herbert Moore these are hiding in the forests in a t"hose occupied in the task are not General social unrest .surprised the enemy, which to a that it is now unable to hold its posi¬ dozen who had advanced beyond their apparent¬ chief commissioner of Franco-Amer¬ has a state of semi-starvation, existing on prepared give definite reply. flows from the towns to ly was, not aware until then that our Pim, created mild sensation in are to be tions even when reinforced by troopo objective, retired into a wood, collected the,h^'Vhe i'0'" where it ican war is fish and birds and creeping to farm- Eighteen dispersal depots taken from the country, stays Large troops were prepared to go over the co-operation approved Irish political circles by abandoning at established in England, Scotland and Russian front indi¬ and bandaged seven wounded men in quantities of haveS been in such The houses nightfall to beg for food. the weakness of Aus¬ a whisky dil- top strength. night be¬ throughout all French political circles. the Sinn Fein party and Farm are Wales. step has been worked cates growing sheltered corner and started crawl¬ covered by the Germans fore the attack I watched our men swinging workers tempted by large Every tria. back across a Both in the Paris press and over to rewards to out in detail. Before the men in ing bullet-swept field. playing ball as long: as daylight per¬ parlia¬ right extreme unionism. betray these forest refu¬ They remembered the re¬ gees. Even the wives at home are France are ordered home, they will Slavs. wounded, Fifty Times Peace Price. mitted, and I am sure each player ment Andre Tardieu is highly appre¬ His change of mind appears to have in order of the districts Policy Winning turned and brought in the helpless was shot on the flimsiest circumstantial assemble the a betttr soldier on the following ciated for his extreme intelligence, been brought about De Valera's from which so that all Undoubtedly Italy's change of members of the party later in the day. so as a result of by evidence. they came, ,cons'Knments day the diversion. be sent in a direct to the policy in favor of autonomy of the The censor does not permit me to give faAr°Setnt°fr^? thef[ood kraine have been 4 "I witnessed a game on the historic thorough knowledge of political and speeches. He resents De Valera's may body the names Ik* ^ I the dispersal depot closest to the locality jSlav nationalities of Austria has con¬ of the wounded. commissariat of the Tuilleries garden between sailors and economic questions, liberal mind and talk of employing ten-foot pikes Seizes Paper Money. tributed to the weakness of that Private John Kuroski of Milwau¬ KussianRussian army. The farmer* «»».*» against British as much as from which they joined the army. greatly Y. M. C. A. workers. The onlookers remarkable qualities as an organizer. artillery him his en¬ I country. Pressure on h* kee. Wis., a company cook, had no charging fifty times the pri a that leader's program, which, says The diet has seized all the paper Each man will take with Germany may p.ce included good sprinkling of temper¬ M. Tardieu will be represented in his arsis and to assist Austria in order to business at the front, but he took a for they sell. ThI mlM- amental French to Mr. Pim, consists in the "delectable money issued by the red government. tire kit, including per¬ [great everything trying sympathize America by M. de Billy, he himself of the The had time sonal steel helmet and box counteract the Internal moral deprss- rifle and accompanied the advance on fix the prices, buT li¬ with the players and cheering the in where he will prospect giving Ulstermen six bourgeois, forewarned, equipment, from Hill 142. His were killed f^orities on a" remaining Paris, have months in which to leave Ireland." to exchange their which respirator. Previously he will have i'sion resulting her present Ital- companions hands. Yanks without understanding what his chief office as commissioner gen¬ holdings, ian It is for Ger- or wounded while trying to take a lt 13 impossibleprir,Vai,Rto get chane-** fnr was Most of the Irish nationalists whom was unloaded on the working people been deprived of his ammunition. repulse. possible , A(* going on except that the ball eral of Franco-American war co¬ at moment to machine gun. but Kurosk.. after he had 100 ruble