BULLETIN OF THE -- British Columbia Entomological Society EDITED BY R. V. HARVEY, M. A. VICTORIA, B. C.


(Continued fr OIn last issu e.)

Hyppa indistincta, Sm. Dr. Dyar r ecords this from Ka510, but [ be li eve him to be wro n g in r efe rring brunneic rista Sm. t.o the synon y m y. [have a s pecime n from K aslo, a nd took one a t Laggan last July, which agr ee w it h the fi g ure a nd d escription of indistincta , a nd a r e in m y opinion dis tinc t from b run n e ic r ista.

Oncocnemis pudorata, Sm. Hope Pass. Mrs. N ic ho ll ; (Hamps . v. 154).

Oncocnemis albif2t3ciata, Hamps. Equals fasciat.us S m . (Hamps . vi., 152). Fro m nort h·west B. C.

Setagrotis dolens, Sm. (Can. Ent., xxxviii., 226.) Ono of tho ty pos t r a m A rrowhead L a k e.

Paragrotis esta, Sm. (ib. 227.) Described frum W e llington ; a llied to velleripennis.

Paragrotis cocklei, Sm. (Annals N . Y. Ac. Sc., xvii i. , 96.) Describeli from Kas lo, ami compa r ed to insulsa.

Paragrotis tristicula, Morr. Winde rme r e, July 12th .

Paragrotis nesilens, Sm. (Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., xi., I n .) Sa lll o p la ce a llli date; probably a variety of the above.

Mamestra mystica, Sm. \Vilme r, nea l' Winde rill or e, July 9th , 0 11 0 s peciltle n. Mamestra imbrifera, Guen. \Vilme r a l1l1 'Winderme r e , Ju ly 9th to 11th. Polia glaucopis, Hamps. (Cat. iv ., 106) . Described from two f e m a les f r om Vancuuve r Is la nd, a nd associated w it h cris tife r a. Most of our North Ame rican Mamestras are placed under Poli a by Hampson .

Mamestra acutermina, Sm. (Can. EM .. xxxvi., 1 ~3.) \Vellingtoll is o n e of the t y pe locali ties. Jt probably r e presen ts goorle l1ii in t he west.

Mamestra dodii, Sm. (Can. Ent., xxxvi .. 152.) Dl'. D yar te lls m o t hat on e o f t he specime n s recor ded from Kas lo as liquida is this species.

Anarta impingens, Walk. " Sout he rn B. C. " (Lord Dorby), t wo ma les, t y pe. (Ha lllps ., iv., 45.)

Anarta staudingeri, Auriv. F irst r ecorded a s Nor t h Amerioan b y Hampson fr o m Labra dor. Prof. Smit h s tates, (Ann. N. Y. Ac. Sc., xviii., 108), t hat he h as a s peci· m e n in his collection la be ll ed "B. C."

Heliophila anteoclara, Sm. Afte r compa ri son [ so na me d a }:::as lo s pecime n for Mr. Cockle. My mate ria l in farcta, however , is lIlu c h too sllort to g ive m e a n idea of t h e li mits of that species. 1 saw wha t I took to be anteoclara in Mr. L ivingston e's collection.

Heliophila rubripallens, Sm. 1\:aslo, o ne [e male (I-lalllps., v., 596.) T h e s pecies wa;; described [1'0111 California , Co lorado, a nd Uta h. anel t il e descriptio n de no tes a r eel·tinted fo rm of t h e oxyga le grou p. 0(1(lly e n o ug h , m y reddest s pecimen s in t his group come from t h e east.

Heliophila multilinea, Walk. 1 saw what [ be li e ve to be this s pecies in Mr. Living· ston e's coll ection. 2 B. C. ENTOMOLOGIC AL SOC IETY

Graphiphora bastura, Sm. (Ann. N . Y. Ac. S c., xviii., 103.) Type from Kaslo Graphiphora saleppa, Sm. Kas lo, one fe male (Hamps ., v ., 596.) The spe cie s was described from Cal., Sm. (Trans . Am. Ent. Soc., xxxiii., 132.) Described from W e lling ton and James Bay , Victoria . Five s pecime n s . Prof. Smith te lls me he has praeses (with which h e a s s ociates it) from B. C. a s w ell. Xylina ancilla, Sm. (P sych e, June, 1904, p. 57.) One of the t y pes was from W e llington. The form is doubtfully dis tinc t from holocinerea Sm. Xylina verteria, Sm. (ibid. p. 58.) Described from Corvallis, Oregon, and " B. C." The d escription de notes a form closely a lli ed to the pre ceding. Homoglaea dives, Sm. (Tran s . Am. Ent. Soc., x xxiii. , 131.) Described from Cor­ vallis , Oregon, and W e lling ton, B. C. Associa ted w ith carbona ria Harv. It remains to be s een whe ther the la tte r n a m e will hold its own in the province. Rancora albicinerea, Sm. Va n couve r Is la nd. (Hamps ., vi., 18.) Copicucullia antipoda, Strk. P e ntic ton. Mrs . Nicholl ; (Ha mps., vi., 10). Amathes antapica, Sm. (Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., xxxiii., 134.) Prof. Smith writes, " it is a n ally of the crispa fo rm of purpurea ... I have no doubt whatever of the d is tinc tness o f t he two s pecies, and . . . [ doubt whe the r the true purpurea or crispa O CClll'S in t h e Va n couver fauna l r egion." H e h as t h e s pecies from Oregon, Washing­ ton, and Corfield, Vane. Island. Sir George Hamps on groups most of our Orthosias, including all those now in the B. C. li st , under Kuhner 's Amathes, and Prof. Smith agrees to the a rrangem e nt. Amathes acta, Sm. (ibid., 133 .) Describe d from t he salli e localitie s, with the addition of P ullman, WasIl. , antI Liv ingston. Vancouve r (?). Allied to de cipie n s Grt., whic h Prof. Smith s tates h e has seen from the east only. (Mr. Cockle has alread y r ecorded the s pecies, I not ice, in Bulle tin 7. ) Amathes dusca, Sm. (Ann N. Y. Aca rI. S c i. , xviii., 117.) Described from over forty s pecimen s from va rious Ma ni toba lo calities. a nd from K a slo. The name, judg ing from Prof. Smit h 's r em a rks . will prohably have to replace euroa. The s pecies is d escribed a s clu sca, but duscata is writte n r e peated ly in a subseque nt pa pe r . ·Ipimorpha nanaimo, Barnes. (Can. E nt. . xxxvii. , 196.) T y pe from Victoria. " Pale r a nti yello wer than pleonectusa. t h e m a rkings s howing da rk against a pale g rouncl, while in the o lcl species the r e ve rse is the case." I s aw it standing in seve r a l coas t collections a s pleon ectusa , whic h occurs the re also. Draster ia conspicua, Sm. I s aw wha t I too k to be t h is s pecies in Mr. Skinne r's co ll ection from S im ilkameen. Philometra gaosalis, Walk. Winde rmc r e , Ju ly 10th-13th . Fairly common.


The foJlowin )!; m e mora ndum r e a dmission o[ e ntomological books duty-free will be of inte rest to collectors .

(Copy ) CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT, C ANAD~ Ottawa, 13th F e bruary, 1899 . To Collector of Cus tom s :- The follow in )!; m e morand um wa s iss u ed on the 28th July, 1898, to Cus toms Ports con cerned in the importa tion of e nto m olog ica l books, v iz.: " I beg to a dv ise yon tha t the Minis t e r of Cus toms has d e t e rmined that books on e ntomology, s uc h for e xample as " s Injurious to Vegetation," by Dr. T . M. Harris; " Guide to the Stud y of Insect s ," by Dr. A. S . Pac ka rd; " Insect s Injurious to Fruits," b y Dr. vVm . Sa unfl e rs; " Ma nua l for t h e Study of In sects ," by Prof. J. H. Comstock ; "Economic Entom o logy," by Prof. J . B. Smith ; and " Entomology for B eginne rs," by Dr. A. S . P acka rd, are e ntitled to free a dmission ullfl e r the provis ions of ite m 464 of the Tariff A c t." You a r e ins truc ted tha t free importa tion of books of the above clas s is not confined to t h e s pecia l works h e r e in d escribed by n a m e, but that e ntomological works may be classed as Indus trial Books e ntitled to free e ntry uncle I' Tariff ite m No. 464. (Sign ed) JOHN McDOUGALD, Commissione r of Customs. B. C. ENTOMOLOC fCAL SOCIETY 3


Pa rt II. In NO.3 of th is Bulletin we gave a brief description of this trip, with some accounts of the butterflies met with . As regards the , it must be admitted that a camping trip of this nature is not likely to produce a large variety of noctur nal . By the tim e t hat the catch of the day is sorted and pinned and papered, and the notes written ant by the light of a candle, there is not much energy left for lantern-work. Geometers, of cou rse, were taken ill some numbers, and included a few ver y interesting species. I append a list of species taken, with numbe rs according to Dyar's L ist. 764. Pseudo hazis eglanter ina Bdv. Seven specimens; very local ; only on the Sam· a llow Summit, J uly 16th. 862. Di a c r is ia virginica Fabr. One, in the Nicolum Valley, July 14th. 872. Hypho raia pa rthenos Harr. De tached wings only, in Nicolum Valley and on Whipsaw Creek. This species has not been recorded from the coast. 900. Parasemia p lanta ginis L inn. One, on Skaist Summitt (1,800 feet), July 19th. A purely a lpine species in this Province; recorded from Mt. Cheam (7,000 ft.) 922. Halisidota m acula ta Ha rr. Two, Nicolum Vall ey, July 11th and 13th. 943. Androloma mac-cullochii Kby. Two on Skaist Creek, July 18th-19th. 952. Alypia langtonii Coup. Common in t h e N icolum Valley. 958. Panthea portlandia Grote. One, July 10th, N icolu m . 1278. Hyppa xylino ides Guen. Quite common at light, from Nicolulll up Skaist Creek. 1415. Adelphagrotis prasina Fabr. One, July 11th, N icolum. Graph ipho ra comm uni s. Several, Samallow and Skaist, July 16th-17th. Orthosia sp. A beau tifully marked s pecies, pinkish with a blue stigma. Fairl y cOlllmon at light up the Skaist Creek. 2492b. Autographa californ ica Spey. Skagit River, July 17th. 2492a. Autographa pse udogamma Grote. One, Similkameen, July 22. 2502. Autographa octoscripta Grote. One, Skagit River, J ul y 17th. 2505 . Autographa rectangula Kby. One, July 16th, Samallow Valley. 2781. Syneda graphica Hubn. One on the Skaist, July 17th. (A n e w record for B. C.) 2799. Syneda hudsonica G. & R. Several along the Skaist Creek, July 17th. 3049. Bleptina caradr inalis Guen. Nicolum, July 11th. 3081. Hypena cal iforn ica Behr. Skais t Summit, July 17th. 3173. Habrosyne scripta Gosse. Two; N icolum and Samallow, July 11th and 22nd. 3216. Mala cosoma pluvialis Dyar. Two; Nicolum and Skagit, July 15th and 25th. 3230. Drepana siculifer Pack. One, Nicolum, July 13th. Of the forty-one species of Geometridae taken on this expedition, very few w e r e of a n y particular rarity or interest from the point of view of distribution, and these have been a lready noted from time to time in our li s ts of Additions.


This m eeting was h eld at Duncan's all Thursday, A prj] 16th, at the r esid ence of MI'. G. O. Day, Quamichan Lake. P r eside nt : Rev. C. W. Taylor and Messrs . G. O. Day, A . W. Hanham, E . M. Skinner and R. V. Harvey. The minut es of the last m eeting and the treasurer's accounts having been passe d , the fo llowing were e lecte d as new m embers: Miss 1. Abercrombie and M iss van Steen­ weyk, of Van COllver ; Messrs. P . Luscombe, Cowichan Bay, and B. R. Elliott, South Cabriola Island. Proposed b y MI'. Day, seconded by MI'. Han ham, and calTied unanimous ly, that the re tiring office rs be r e-elected for the year 1908, as follows: President, Rev. G. W. Taylor, Departure Bay. Vice-President, A. H. Bush, Esq., Vancouver. Secretary-Treasur er , R. V . Harvey, V ictoria. The Chairman said that on the present occasion we greatly missed the presence of a gentleman who had always taken a keen inter est in the Society- he refeJ'l' e el to the late Mr. Clermon t Livingston-anel he felt that he was only voicing the general feeling 4 B . C. ENTOMOLOG ICAL SOCIETY of t he me mber s by expre ssing t he ir great r egre t a t t heir los s , amI by proposing a vote of condolen ce with Mrs. Livings ton a nd the fa mily. T his mot ion was carried unani­ mous ly, and Mr. G. O. Day was requeste d to convey the sam e to Mrs. Livingston. The Ch a irma n gave a most inte resting a ccount of the r ecently established Domin­ ion Biological Station at De parture Ba y. Mr. Day gave a n a ccount fo the s pecies of moths taken by h im at the sallows this s pring , whic h included s ix pie ce s o f X ylomiges, a nd fi ve of X ylina, among which was a fin e series of t h e rare a nd h a ndsome X. bailey i. Among the geometer s w er e Jubarella danbyi, Eupithecia nevadata (rare ), and the r eeently described Hydriomena manzanita. Mr. Day als o informed the m e mbe rs that the red form of Graphiphora praeses had be en found to bree d quite true to t y pe,


Comme n cing with this issue , we propos e to publi s h e ve r y qua rter s uch information a s we can ga ther a s to the food pla nts of our le pidopte ra . The work is, perhaps, rathe r a mbitious, cons id ering the present s tate of our knowle dge, but we think tha t by making a beginning, howev e r s mall , we s hall e n coura ge those who ha v e the knowledge to give us t he be n e fit of it. It' ea ch m e mbe r who h as e ver done any breeding or observation of larvae would put clown the na m es of the food pla nts oppos ite these of b utterflies or moths in our prin te d li s t, t his cou1rl be s en t in to the Editor from time to time. Extra copies of t he L e pi(lopte r a lis t will be se n t post-fre e on appli ca tion for this purpose. Th e name of t he food pla nt will , in eaeh case, be fo llowed by t h e initials of th e m e mber contributing the re cord.


P a rnass iu s s mintheus Bb-Hew ...S ton ecrop (.T. C.) Papilio eurymedon Bdv ...... C' ea nothus ( J. C.), Hawthorn (E. A.) rutulus-arizonensis Edw...... W illow. poplar, a pple (J. C.) Neophasia menapia Feld ...... Yino ( .T . C. ), fir. Pontia napi-venosa Scud...... Cahhage ( E . A.) rapae Linn ...... Cabbage . turnip. etc. ( E. A. ) Synchloe sara-reakirtii Edw ...... Ara lli s m. V. H .) Eurymus eurytheme-eriphyle Edw. . ... Clove r (J. C.) occidentalis Scud ...... Clover (E. A.) interior Scud ...... In fir woods only (J. C. ) Brenthis myrina Cram...... Viole ts (E. A .) Lemonias taylori Edw...... Va leria n e lla (G. W . '1' .) Camas sia ( E. A.) Phyc iodes pratensis Behr...... W il d As ter ( .T. C.) Polygonia satyrus Edw...... N ettIe ( .T. C.), lIop (R. V. H. ) , poplar (E. A.) faunus Edw...... ·Willow (.T. C.) zephyrus Edw...... Rhododendron, currant (J . C.) Eilenus Edw ...... Ald er (E . A .) E ugo nia californica Bdv ...... Ceanothus ( .T . C.) E uvanessa a ntiopa Linn ...... Will ow ( J. C.) , e lm, (V. H.), poplar (E. A.) Aglais milberti GodL ...... N e ttIe ( .J. C. ) Vanessa atlanta Linn ...... NettIe (.T . C.) huntera Fab ...... Ne ttle ? (E . A.) cardui Linn ...... This tle (J. C.) carye Hub .... Holl yhock (J. C.) Basi larch ia lorqui n i i Bdv ...... ('otton wood, apple (J. C. l, wi llow (E. A.) archippus Bdv ...... _...... _...... _Popl a r, wi ll ow (E. A.) Oeneis gigas ButL ...... _...... __. ... __ ... __ ._. .Li ch e n ( E . A.) Anosia plexippus L...... Mi lkweed. Thecla californica Edw...... Will ow (E . A. ) nelsonii Bdv ...... S tr a wberry ? ( .T. C.) Thanaos icelus Lint ...... Will ow ? ( .T . C.)